Munis Entomology & Zoology Mun. Ent. Zool. 16 (2) (June, 2021) 1093 ISSN 1306-3022 © MRG ___________________________________________________________ NEW RECORD OF PHLOEOTRIBUS SCARABAEOIDES (BERNARD, 1788) ON INTRODUCED OLIVE TREES IN BISKRA REGION–ALGERIA Nacima Deghiche-Diab*, Lahcen Deghiche** and Youcef Islem Belhamra*** * CRSTRA. Scientific and Technical Research Centre on Arid Areas. PoBox 1682. Biskra, ALGERIA. E-mail:
[email protected]; ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4544-2083 ** Department of Agronomic Sciences, Laboratory of Ecosystem Diversity and Dynamics of Agricultural Production Systems in Arid Region, Mohamed Khider. Biskra University. PB 145 Biskra, ALGERIA. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4104-1146 *** Department of Agronomic Sciences, Saad Dahlab University. PoBox 270 Blida, ALGERIA. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0079-0116 [Deghiche-Diab, N., Deghiche, L. & Belhamra, Y. I. 2021. New record of Phloeotribus scarabaeoides (Bernard, 1788) on introduced olive trees in Biskra region– Algeria. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 16 (2): 1093-1102] ABSTRACT: During an examination of the insects’ species living in association with olive trees after reconquest in Ziban at Biskra region, it was recorded 69 species grouped in 10 orders and 41 families. Under olive grove ecosystem and from the total recorded species, different type of niches were identified where 25% a phytophagous species, 21% omnivorous, predator and 13% were pests of olive trees. In addition to the known pest of olive trees that were sampled from our traps, an xylophagous