Spatial and Economic Plan for Ennis 2040
INTRODUCTION The function of the Plan is to inform and The need for a Spatial and Economic changes in the role of Shannon Group and Current Context Shannon Airport with the consequent chang- drive the economic, social and physical de- Recent development in Ennis has primarily Plan for Ennis up to 2040 has arisen es in regional perspectives, linkages and velopment of Ennis as an investment loca- been residential in nature and located as the Town and its Environs faces spheres of influence tion and place to live. around the fringe and in the environs of the specific economic, infrastructural, en- the key assets and potential of the County Town. There will be three distinct but integrated vironmental and physical challenges, including Tourism, Shannon Estuary, access elements in the form of an economic action to third level institutions and renewable en- The Town Centre continues to face challeng- plan, a spatial implementation plan and a including transportation, demo- ergy es in terms of commercial vacancy, including marketing plan. on principal shopping streets, the public graphic and population change, retail the Vision for Ennis as set out in the Clare realm, pedestrian amenity and connectivity The economic action plan will identify spe- vitality and viability, availability of County Development Plan 2017-2023 with surrounding areas. cific actions to drive the enhancement of the modern office and employment ac- Engaging with stakeholders, undertaking urban economy of Ennis to 2040 and beyond. commodation, environmental con- design, economic and transportation analysis and The Town Centre does, however, contain a developing initial strategic recommendations to number of locations that have the potential The spatial implementation plan will provide siderations and Town Centre accessi- facilitate collaborative input from the community for development/redevelopment.
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