A Parish of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

Follow our Diocese online: Diocesan Website: Camp Nazareth: Facebook: Twitter: You Tube: Very Rev. Father Michael C. Kabel Pastor & Dean OFFICE PHONE (740) 695-9533 Church Hall Phone (740) 695-9456

E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: PARISH FACEBOOK: ACRY FACEBOOK: MYSTERY OF HOLY CONFESSION: Before & after Saturday evening Vespers. Other Sacraments by appointment.

GOING TO THE HOSPITAL? Please notify Father when you are admitted if you want him to visit. Kindly notify Father also when you are discharged.

**************************************************************************************************************************** SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2018 DIVINE LITURGY 10:00 AM


THE TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST & THE FEAST OF THE PROTECTION OF THE BIRTHGIVER OF GOD (POKROV): Regular Sunday Antiphons and the Beatitudes. Tropar for Tone 3 on p. 87. Tropar for the Protection on p. 113. GLORY… Kondak for Tone 3 on pp. 87-88. NOW & EVER… Kondak for the Protection on p. 113. Remaining Propers are from the Feast on p. 114. There will be Mirovanije (festive anointing) at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy.

EPISTLE: Hebrews 9:1-7. GOSPEL: Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28.

**************************************************************************************************************************** SCHEDULE OF DIVINE SERVICES For the week of October 14:

Sun., October 14: (After Liturgy) Panachida in memory of +George Tarasovich, Jr. Requested by Pan’i Kelley & Father Michael Kabel.

Tues., October 16: (6:30 PM) Moleben to the Most Holy Theotokos at the Prayer Garden.

Sat., October 20: (6:00 PM) Great Vespers for the 21’st Sunday after Pentecost. Propers for Tone 4 and the Venerable Pelagia the Penitent.

Sunday, October 21 The 21’st Sunday after Pentecost

9:30 AM: Preparation Prayers for Holy Communion.

10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy for the 21’st Sunday after Pentecost. Regular Sunday Antiphons and the Beatitudes. Propers for Tone 4 on pp. 90-92. “Zastupnice” from the hand-out sheets. **************************************************************************************************************************** THE ETERNAL LAMP burns with prayers and best wishes for a Happy Birthday to Stephen Neuhart. With love from Mom, Dad & Daniel. **************************************************************************************************************************** THE LEFT SIDE ALTAR LAMPS (Prothesis) burn in memory of +Jeanette Bella. Requested by Tony, Janice, Stephen & Daniel. **************************************************************************************************************************** THE TETRAPOD LAMPS burn with prayers for Special Intentions. Requested by Theresa Reese. **************************************************************************************************************************** OUR MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING will be held TODAY, after the Pot-Luck Coffee Hour. All Council members should be present for this meeting. **************************************************************************************************************************** COLLEGE STUDENT SUNDAY. Last Sunday’s special collection to assist the campus ministry of “Orthodox Christian Fellowship” brought-in a total of $500.00. Thank you for your generous support of this vital Orthodox college student ministry! **************************************************************************************************************************** OUR BIBLE STUDY GROUP will meet this coming Thursday, October 18 at 6:30 PM in the church basement. **************************************************************************************************************************** OUR ANNUAL CHINESE AUCTION will be held NEXT Sunday, October 21, 2018. Please donate a prize/gift valued at $10.00 and plan to attend. Please bring all gifts/prizes to the church THIS WEEK, as soon as possible. We will also have a pot-luck dinner featuring Dr. Lazo’s delicious pulled pork next Sunday. Please plan to bring your favorite covered dish or dessert item. Thank you! **************************************************************************************************************************** A WORKSHOP on “Raising Believing Children” will be held on Saturday, October 27 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Camp Nazareth in Mercer, PA. Child care will be provided by Camp Nazareth. Lunch and snacks will also be provided. A freewill offering will be taken at the door. Presentations and discussions will be led by His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa and Very Rev. Stephen Loposky. To register for this event, please go to **************************************************************************************************************************** DISASTER RELIEF COLLECTION. There have been so many natural disasters lately, and it is hard to keep-up. To assist those who have been afflicted, we will take-up a special collection on Sunday, October 28, 2018. Proceeds will be sent to IOCC. **************************************************************************************************************************** CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT SALE. Our Church School students are selling laser-cut wooden ornaments now through October 28th. Proceeds from this sale will benefit The Zoe House Project as the childrens’ annual advent outreach service project. Please see one of our church school children to place your order over the next couple of weeks. Ornaments are $6 each with payment due upon ordering. Orders will be filled around December 1. **************************************************************************************************************************** BAKING DAYS for the upcoming Craft Fair will be Tuesday, October 30 thru Thursday, November 1.

**************************************************************************************************************************** ENCOUNTER 2018. The Junior ACRY invites youth aged 8-18 to attend Encounter 2018 at Camp Nazareth! Join us November 9-11 for a weekend of prayer, fun and fellowship. Activities will include Divine Liturgy, a religious talk with clergy, sports and a special event. His Grace, Bishop Gregory will be with us as well! *************************************************************************************************************************** OUR A.C.R.Y. CRAFT FAIR will be held on Saturday, November 3 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM in the basement of the church. Proceeds will benefit our parish A.C.R.Y. Our famous Nutrolls will be available for purchase, while they last, on the day of the Craft Fair. No pre-orders! Lots of hand-made crafts. Various Crafters and Vendors will be present: Tupperware, Scentsy, “31,” Essential Oils and more. Lunch items will be available. Hope to see you there! Anyone who would like to donate items for concessions should please see Kim Hurley or Billie Fox.

**************************************************************************************************************************** 2019 A.C.R.Y. ANNUAL. If you would like to include a patron, memorial or booster listing in this Year Book of the activities of our God-saved Diocese, a sign-up sheet has been posted on the bulletin board in the back of church. This year’s edition will be in COLOR!!! Patron & Memorial listings are $6.00; and Booster listings are $3.00. Deadline to sign-up is December 1, 2018. **************************************************************************************************************************** THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE. It’s hard to believe, but it is time to begin collecting for our annual food drive. Please bring your non-perishable food item donations to the vestibule of the church anytime up to Thanksgiving Day. A monetary collection will be taken-up at the Thanksgiving Service and at the Divine Liturgy on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Proceeds will benefit a local food bank. Let’s assist the least of our brethren who need our help! **************************************************************************************************************************** SPECIAL THANKS to Bob Reese for his ongoing landscaping efforts; to Dave Bartyzel for keeping our church doors in good shape; and to the person who donated the large mums for the pots at the front of the church. **************************************************************************************************************************** CEMETERY CLEAN-UP. As you prepare to remove all old flowers and arrangements from the graves of your loved ones, we ask that you please do not dispose of these items by throwing them over the hillside. There is a special disposal container at the cemetery for your convenience. Please use this container for the disposal of all trash. **************************************************************************************************************************** CHURCH ATTENDANCE

Saturday Vespers (10/6) — 4 Sunday Divine Liturgy (10/7) — 67 Moleben to the Most Holy Theotokos (10/9) — 9

**************************************************************************************************************************** UPCOMING EVENTS IN 2018

Sunday, October 21 — Chinese Auction. Saturday, October 27 — Workshop on “Raising Believing Children.” 10 AM — 3 PM at Camp Nazareth. Tuesday, October 30 thru Thursday, November 1 — Bake Sale work days. Saturday, November 3 — Craft Fair from 9 AM — 2 PM. Friday, November 9 to Sunday, November 11 — Jr. A.C.R.Y. Fall Youth Encounter. Sunday, November 11 — Yearly Congregational Meeting. Sunday, December 16 — Saint Nicholas Dinner.

**************************************************************************************************************************** THE TIME HAS INDEED COME….

Father Anthony said, “A time is coming when people will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him saying, “You are mad, because you are not like us.”


GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA 8-10 East 79th St. New York, NY 10075-0106 * Tel: (212) 570-3530 Fax: (212) 774-0237 Email: [email protected]

Contact: PRESS OFFICE Stavros Papagermanos [email protected]


NEW YORK – The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America releases below an important announcement by our Ecumenical Patriarchate related to the serious issue of the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Announcement (11/10/2018)

Presided by His All-Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch, the Holy and Sacred Synod convened for its regular session from October 9 to 11, 2018, in order to examine and discuss items on its agenda.

The Holy Synod discussed in particular and at length the ecclesiastical matter of Ukraine, in the presence of His Excellency Archbishop Daniel of Pamphilon and His Grace Bishop Hilarion of Edmonton, Patriarchal Exarchs to Ukraine, and following extensive deliberations decreed:

1) To renew the decision already made that the Ecumenical Patriarchate proceed to the granting of Autocephaly to the Church of Ukraine. 2) To reestablish, at this moment, the Stavropegion of the Ecumenical Patriarch in , one of its many Stavropegia in Ukraine that existed there always. 3) To accept and review the petitions of appeal of Filaret Denisenko, Makariy Maletych and their followers, who found themselves in schism not for dogmatic reasons, in accordance with the canonical prerogatives of the Patriarch of Constantinople to receive such petitions by hierarchs and other clergy from all of the Autocephalous Churches. Thus, the above-mentioned have been canonically reinstated to their hierarchical or priestly rank, and their faithful have been restored to communion with the Church. 4) To revoke the legal binding of the Synodal Letter of the year 1686, issued for the circumstances of that time, which granted the right through oikonomia to the Patriarch of Moscow to ordain the Metropolitan of Kyiv, elected by the Clergy-Laity Assembly of his eparchy, who would commemorate the Ecumenical Patriarch as the First hierarch at any celebration, proclaiming and affirming his canonical dependence to the Mother Church of Constantinople. 5) To appeal to all sides involved that they avoid appropriation of Churches, Monasteries and other properties, as well as every other act of violence and retaliation, so that the peace and love of Christ may prevail.

At the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the 11th of October, 2018

From the Chief Secretariat of the Holy and Sacred Synod