(Ps Fisfffvobiems? Volcano Erupts in Philippines, Kills
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hltgriiH i fii SJSjWp'l / jManrlfg0tgr If^ralb MONDAY, DECEMBER -8, IM l Manchester Stores W ill Be Open Until 5:30 P. M, Wednesday Anyone intaraatad ia invited to Bunaat Rebekah Lodga will haa bfcn donated for thia purpo**, amuaament. For tham eapeclally. meet in Odd Fellow* Hall thi* tha Aral project of the ManaAeld aa wall aa for all. television will attend tha aacoad TW C A Homa- Lions Donate ATtrag* Daily Net Press Run 'jUidatTown maker'a Holiday program at the evening. Nomination o f officera Parents Aiuoclation, Dr. Neil A. bring Joy in uktold measura. There Tha Waathar . Community T tomororw morning will taka place and mambara are Dayton, superintendent, stated ia also educational value in TV Fer the Week Ending rsfecaat e( IT. %, WeaOwr Banaa • t U » r g » T t t Itenr'a Mother* from 8:80 to 11 o'clock. From 8:30 reminded to return their cqin To TV Project while expressing hla piaasure and for the echool. For Timeless Beauty December 1 <anl« «Hll hold it* ftnnual Chrlet* to 10 a aoclal hour will be enjoyed cerde. Mre. Rthel Aapinwall. gratitude to the parents and Sixteen television set* are the Meetly eloaiy, not *e eeel to- M * party Wadnewtajr •venin|' at and then for the next hour Mra. noble grand of the lodge, will pro friend* of the Institution for their goal of the aaeoclatlon for Chriat 10,412 algfet. fola feegtuleg bMofe S o'clock ot th« home of Mr*. John Rmily Hou*e Maldment, a former vide entertainment numbera and Cliib (aive» New Mann* enthuaiaam, work and donations. maa and anyone Interested in help naeralaf. Wednaiiiyr mla ia Danlala, '300 Woodland itrMt. nuraery achool director, will de- refreahment*. Runaet Circle of Entertainment In various forma ing should make checks payable For Prettiest Tables Btember nf Oie Audit menring. Windy.. Oeody, aet m Motnhar* ar« reminded to biinp acribe aimpla handicraft* which Paat Noble Oranda waa hoateaa field PareiitB Group planned for the patient* can only to th* ManaAeld Parent* Associa Bareao e( ClrenlatloaB wans In nWeaneid: gtfU for their eecret pata. mother* can help their children to Trinity Paat Oranda Aaaocla- h* enjoyed by two-third* of their tion and mall them to Dr. Nell A. Manchester^A City of Village Charm make for Chriatmaa. There will be tion thia afternoon in Odd Fellow* $.^00; 16 Seta k Goal number, one-third of them being Dayton, superintendent, ManaAeld TlM South Mancheeter Auxiliary a nuraery ataffed by 'YWCA moth Hall. unable to participate In any Depot, Conn. FirMnen urtll meet tonight at 7 er* to care for pre-achool children The Manchester Lions Club, of VOL. LXXI, NO. 55 (Claeelfled AdvOTOifaig on Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMRER 4, 1951 (SIXTEEN PAGES) o'clock at the flrehouae of Com over 3 year*- of age. Th> exenitlve board of the Hnl- which William McBride ia presi CENTURY PRICE FIVE CENTS pany N a 3 on Spruce atreeU later PTA will meet Wedneaday dent, has donated 8300 to the Mancheeter Lodge No. 7.1. A. F. evening at 8 o’clock at the achool. Mansfield TV project, it waa an- John Mather Chapter. Order of and A. M.. will conclude It* degree Plane will be completed for the nouncad yesterday afternoon at DeMolay. will meet tonight at work for the year at a apccial military whlet and cake.aale Hat- th* second meeting of the newly 7:80 at the Maaonic Temple. Fol-^ communication to he held at the urady avening, Dec. 8, in the formed Mansfield Parents Associa CRYSTAL lowing the regular bualnea* meet Maaonic Temple tomorrow eve echool hall. tion held at the Lnngley School, ing the initiatory and DeMolay de- ning at 7:.10. The Rntered Appren with John A. Doyle acting a* pres greee will be given. tice degree will be conferred, with Lady Roberta Lodge, Daughtera ident. A drive la now being conducted Volcano Erupts in Philippines, Kills 141 Herbert J. I..eggelt. aenlor aiew- of St. George, will meet tomorrow Regina D'ltali* •Society will ard. acting a* maater. Worahipful evening at 8 o'clock with Mre. Fred at th* ManaAeld State Training By Fostoria meet at 7 o'clock aharp thia eve Maater Albert D. Krauae haa an Parker of .70 Academy street for a School for television- seta for the ning. A aupper and Chriatmaa nounced the annual nievtlng and pot luck aupper and Chriatmaa dormttoriaa, hospital and school party will follow and each mem election of officer* will be held on party. A brief hiialnea* meeting biiildlnga. To date almost $3,000 ber "la requeated to provide a 2S- Dec. n . and the inatallalion of the will be followed by a aoclal time When* Reds Say U. S. Plann Downed cent gift for iHe grab-hag. newly elected officer* on Dec. 1*. and exchange of gift*. Fear Death At the ronclii.eion of the work Reds^ UN Wrangle on Truce Check there will be a aoclal hour and re- Mother Cahrinl Mother* Circle Member* of the Chaminade (liih freahmenl*. B A N T L Y are reminded to bring an inexpen- will meet Wednesday evening at the home of Mra. .lame* Halloran. Total Will aive gift to the Chriatmaa party of The Mancheeter Board of Real the club which ia being held to 110 Delmont street. St. Berna tor* will hold their annual Chriat dette'* Mother* Circle will also OIL CO. night at 8 o'clock in the Federation maa party Wedneaday evening at Insurance Amenta PieJtet Local Office Crisis 111 Syria Room of the Center Church. meet Wednesday evening at 8 Allies Rap Go Higher the Mancheeter Country Club. A o'eloek with Mra. Kdward R. Yuletide reception at 8 o'clock Faher of 8 Dover road. T E L 5293 A gift Blameil on LI. S. will be follow ^ at 7 o'clock by a By FR AN K L. W H ITE s p r r iA i. chicken..dinner and exchange of Four P oin t slfta>Wnging and dancing will Range and Fuel hel realy uie and enjoy Mnarow, Dee. 4—iJT—Tlie Manila. Dae. 4— {/P) — ALL 5c CANDY round out the program. Set F^agterii Star Soviet Pres* rharged today Hibok Hibok v(fi(»iio in the Oil Distributors Restriction that the Ayrton rrista. In whlrh central PhUippines erupted A N D G U M Kmanuel Lutheran I.*die* Aid Bazaar TliurMlay A man will ke«p, use, and enjoy a |»air o f really Col. ’ AdlH Ahlahekly took over and the Dorcaa Society were 333 MAIN ST. the government In o bloodleoa today, killinf at leaat 141 vil- favored with a good attendance nice-looking, (omftrtahit slippers— for ytan. And Munsan, Korea, Dec. 4— eoup, MS* Inspired by the Iager8. 3 for 10c and good weather for their annual Temple Chapter. No. .73, Order United Atsleo and Rrlloin. Re8cue workers, clawing that’s the kind o f slippers you'll be giving him, </P)— Communist negotiators t i l XMAS. RF.SERtT, RKiHT Gift Gallery at the church Satur of the Eastern Star, will open It* A lengthy editorial eom- frantically in amoking ashes TO LIMIT Ql'ANTITIES day afternoon. The baked good*, *nniial Chriatma* baxaar Thurs insisted today on four limi when you give Daniel Greens. For they’re made menlary said the people of which covered half a dozen aa iiaiial. aold rapidly: and huai- day afternoon, Dec. 8 at 3 o'clock. tations to supervision of a Ryrio nere turning aiigninat the Mr*. Viol* Trotter *nd her com Fostoria’s new CENTURY pattern is the answer to your settlements, expressed fear nca* wa* briak at tbc table* where with all the enduring craftsmanship o f 63 years ex truce in Korea. The Alliea ob weotem proposal* tor formo- FERNDALE apron* and a wide variety of mittee will serve tea until 4 o'clock dream.s of lovely table settings. It’.s a smart combina jected to all four. Hon of a Middle East rom- the casualty toll would reach Arroaa From High School gift* in hat\_d work were diaplayed. in the banquet hall of the Masonic perience. Give a really ustful gift— come ip today tion of expert design and finest crystal. The clear dia The Reda may have other re- mand, bnt that this did not several hundred. 1085 Main St.. Manrheater Temple. mond dewdrops capture candlelight when twilight falls atrictiona th* Alliea don't like. suit rile .Anglo-.Amerirons, The Red Cross reported Iht toll Colorful booth* will be In charge 7 A. M.-ll P. M. F.very Ray and select a pair o f Daniel Green slippers for men. for evening fun. Our selection of C E N TU R Y is complete But these four came out in re The Literary Garelte de- and said th* figure was growing of the following: Aprons, Mr*. sponse to, lengthy questioning by hourly. Maude Daurhy, Mr*. Elisabeth in smart accessory pieces that are sure to please. rrlbed Col. Shlshekly aa a United Nations delegalri In a "dictator" and aa "American Scores of Filipinos burned b.v Gelssler: post office, Mre. Irene newly created aubcommittee: red hot sah or streaks of lava FOR SALE Foater: fancy work. Mr*. Ellen rolonel." Housewaiee— Basement 1. The Reda would be free to were treated at makeshift hospi Carlson. Mra .Cntherlne Perealuha; tals set up on Camiguin Island. baked good*, Mr*. Florence Thorn build air field* during an armla- 194t Mtreury 2>door STORE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY llce. .So would the UN command.