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(Ps Fisfffvobiems? Volcano Erupts in Philippines, Kills hltgriiH i fii SJSjWp'l / jManrlfg0tgr If^ralb MONDAY, DECEMBER -8, IM l Manchester Stores W ill Be Open Until 5:30 P. M, Wednesday Anyone intaraatad ia invited to Bunaat Rebekah Lodga will haa bfcn donated for thia purpo**, amuaament. For tham eapeclally. meet in Odd Fellow* Hall thi* tha Aral project of the ManaAeld aa wall aa for all. television will attend tha aacoad TW C A Homa- Lions Donate ATtrag* Daily Net Press Run 'jUidatTown maker'a Holiday program at the evening. Nomination o f officera Parents Aiuoclation, Dr. Neil A. bring Joy in uktold measura. There Tha Waathar . Community T tomororw morning will taka place and mambara are Dayton, superintendent, stated ia also educational value in TV Fer the Week Ending rsfecaat e( IT. %, WeaOwr Banaa • t U » r g » T t t Itenr'a Mother* from 8:80 to 11 o'clock. From 8:30 reminded to return their cqin To TV Project while expressing hla piaasure and for the echool. For Timeless Beauty December 1 <anl« «Hll hold it* ftnnual Chrlet* to 10 a aoclal hour will be enjoyed cerde. Mre. Rthel Aapinwall. gratitude to the parents and Sixteen television set* are the Meetly eloaiy, not *e eeel to- M * party Wadnewtajr •venin|' at and then for the next hour Mra. noble grand of the lodge, will pro­ friend* of the Institution for their goal of the aaeoclatlon for Chriat­ 10,412 algfet. fola feegtuleg bMofe S o'clock ot th« home of Mr*. John Rmily Hou*e Maldment, a former vide entertainment numbera and Cliib (aive» New Mann* enthuaiaam, work and donations. maa and anyone Interested in help­ naeralaf. Wednaiiiyr mla ia Danlala, '300 Woodland itrMt. nuraery achool director, will de- refreahment*. Runaet Circle of Entertainment In various forma ing should make checks payable For Prettiest Tables Btember nf Oie Audit menring. Windy.. Oeody, aet m Motnhar* ar« reminded to biinp acribe aimpla handicraft* which Paat Noble Oranda waa hoateaa field PareiitB Group planned for the patient* can only to th* ManaAeld Parent* Associa­ Bareao e( ClrenlatloaB wans In nWeaneid: gtfU for their eecret pata. mother* can help their children to Trinity Paat Oranda Aaaocla- h* enjoyed by two-third* of their tion and mall them to Dr. Nell A. Manchester^A City of Village Charm make for Chriatmaa. There will be tion thia afternoon in Odd Fellow* $.^00; 16 Seta k Goal number, one-third of them being Dayton, superintendent, ManaAeld TlM South Mancheeter Auxiliary a nuraery ataffed by 'YWCA moth­ Hall. unable to participate In any Depot, Conn. FirMnen urtll meet tonight at 7 er* to care for pre-achool children The Manchester Lions Club, of VOL. LXXI, NO. 55 (Claeelfled AdvOTOifaig on Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMRER 4, 1951 (SIXTEEN PAGES) o'clock at the flrehouae of Com­ over 3 year*- of age. Th> exenitlve board of the Hnl- which William McBride ia presi­ CENTURY PRICE FIVE CENTS pany N a 3 on Spruce atreeU later PTA will meet Wedneaday dent, has donated 8300 to the Mancheeter Lodge No. 7.1. A. F. evening at 8 o’clock at the achool. Mansfield TV project, it waa an- John Mather Chapter. Order of and A. M.. will conclude It* degree Plane will be completed for the nouncad yesterday afternoon at DeMolay. will meet tonight at work for the year at a apccial military whlet and cake.aale Hat- th* second meeting of the newly 7:80 at the Maaonic Temple. Fol-^ communication to he held at the urady avening, Dec. 8, in the formed Mansfield Parents Associa­ CRYSTAL lowing the regular bualnea* meet­ Maaonic Temple tomorrow eve­ echool hall. tion held at the Lnngley School, ing the initiatory and DeMolay de- ning at 7:.10. The Rntered Appren­ with John A. Doyle acting a* pres­ greee will be given. tice degree will be conferred, with Lady Roberta Lodge, Daughtera ident. A drive la now being conducted Volcano Erupts in Philippines, Kills 141 Herbert J. I..eggelt. aenlor aiew- of St. George, will meet tomorrow Regina D'ltali* •Society will ard. acting a* maater. Worahipful evening at 8 o'clock with Mre. Fred at th* ManaAeld State Training By Fostoria meet at 7 o'clock aharp thia eve­ Maater Albert D. Krauae haa an­ Parker of .70 Academy street for a School for television- seta for the ning. A aupper and Chriatmaa nounced the annual nievtlng and pot luck aupper and Chriatmaa dormttoriaa, hospital and school party will follow and each mem­ election of officer* will be held on party. A brief hiialnea* meeting biiildlnga. To date almost $3,000 ber "la requeated to provide a 2S- Dec. n . and the inatallalion of the will be followed by a aoclal time When* Reds Say U. S. Plann Downed cent gift for iHe grab-hag. newly elected officer* on Dec. 1*. and exchange of gift*. Fear Death At the ronclii.eion of the work Reds^ UN Wrangle on Truce Check there will be a aoclal hour and re- Mother Cahrinl Mother* Circle Member* of the Chaminade (liih freahmenl*. B A N T L Y are reminded to bring an inexpen- will meet Wednesday evening at the home of Mra. .lame* Halloran. Total Will aive gift to the Chriatmaa party of The Mancheeter Board of Real­ the club which ia being held to­ 110 Delmont street. St. Berna­ tor* will hold their annual Chriat­ dette'* Mother* Circle will also OIL CO. night at 8 o'clock in the Federation maa party Wedneaday evening at Insurance Amenta PieJtet Local Office Crisis 111 Syria Room of the Center Church. meet Wednesday evening at 8 Allies Rap Go Higher the Mancheeter Country Club. A o'eloek with Mra. Kdward R. Yuletide reception at 8 o'clock Faher of 8 Dover road. T E L 5293 A gift Blameil on LI. S. will be follow ^ at 7 o'clock by a By FR AN K L. W H ITE s p r r iA i. chicken..dinner and exchange of Four P oin t slfta>Wnging and dancing will Range and Fuel hel realy uie and enjoy Mnarow, Dee. 4—iJT—Tlie Manila. Dae. 4— {/P) — ALL 5c CANDY round out the program. Set F^agterii Star Soviet Pres* rharged today Hibok Hibok v(fi(»iio in the Oil Distributors Restriction that the Ayrton rrista. In whlrh central PhUippines erupted A N D G U M Kmanuel Lutheran I.*die* Aid Bazaar TliurMlay A man will ke«p, use, and enjoy a |»air o f really Col. ’ AdlH Ahlahekly took over and the Dorcaa Society were 333 MAIN ST. the government In o bloodleoa today, killinf at leaat 141 vil- favored with a good attendance nice-looking, (omftrtahit slippers— for ytan. And Munsan, Korea, Dec. 4— eoup, MS* Inspired by the Iager8. 3 for 10c and good weather for their annual Temple Chapter. No. .73, Order United Atsleo and Rrlloin. Re8cue workers, clawing that’s the kind o f slippers you'll be giving him, </P)— Communist negotiators t i l XMAS. RF.SERtT, RKiHT Gift Gallery at the church Satur­ of the Eastern Star, will open It* A lengthy editorial eom- frantically in amoking ashes TO LIMIT Ql'ANTITIES day afternoon. The baked good*, *nniial Chriatma* baxaar Thurs­ insisted today on four limi­ when you give Daniel Greens. For they’re made menlary said the people of which covered half a dozen aa iiaiial. aold rapidly: and huai- day afternoon, Dec. 8 at 3 o'clock. tations to supervision of a Ryrio nere turning aiigninat the Mr*. Viol* Trotter *nd her com­ Fostoria’s new CENTURY pattern is the answer to your settlements, expressed fear nca* wa* briak at tbc table* where with all the enduring craftsmanship o f 63 years ex­ truce in Korea. The Alliea ob­ weotem proposal* tor formo- FERNDALE apron* and a wide variety of mittee will serve tea until 4 o'clock dream.s of lovely table settings. It’.s a smart combina­ jected to all four. Hon of a Middle East rom- the casualty toll would reach Arroaa From High School gift* in hat\_d work were diaplayed. in the banquet hall of the Masonic perience. Give a really ustful gift— come ip today tion of expert design and finest crystal. The clear dia­ The Reda may have other re- mand, bnt that this did not several hundred. 1085 Main St.. Manrheater Temple. mond dewdrops capture candlelight when twilight falls atrictiona th* Alliea don't like. suit rile .Anglo-.Amerirons, The Red Cross reported Iht toll Colorful booth* will be In charge 7 A. M.-ll P. M. F.very Ray and select a pair o f Daniel Green slippers for men. for evening fun. Our selection of C E N TU R Y is complete But these four came out in re­ The Literary Garelte de- and said th* figure was growing of the following: Aprons, Mr*. sponse to, lengthy questioning by hourly. Maude Daurhy, Mr*. Elisabeth in smart accessory pieces that are sure to please. rrlbed Col. Shlshekly aa a United Nations delegalri In a "dictator" and aa "American Scores of Filipinos burned b.v Gelssler: post office, Mre. Irene newly created aubcommittee: red hot sah or streaks of lava FOR SALE Foater: fancy work. Mr*. Ellen rolonel." Housewaiee— Basement 1. The Reda would be free to were treated at makeshift hospi­ Carlson. Mra .Cntherlne Perealuha; tals set up on Camiguin Island. baked good*, Mr*. Florence Thorn­ build air field* during an armla- 194t Mtreury 2>door STORE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY llce. .So would the UN command.
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