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17/05/02 The University of Surrey Students’ Newspaper Issue no: 1033 FREE Last Barefacts of the year - All the best for the future! News In Brief BY MIKE CHAMBERS Rail Crash: Sabotage? Surrey Students A pair of nuts at the centre of the Potters Bar rail crash inquiry were discovered loose nine days before the accident, it has been revealed. Rail maintenance contractor Jarvis has said it made the discovery during a routine Shed Apathy check on 1 May. A spokesman said BY TRISTAN O’DWYER don’t want to use their reserves for the nuts were screwed back in place Editor this work then they should come - but were found detached again after forward with them, rather than hid- the accident on 10 May which killed Around 200 students from the ing behind this non-existent HEFCE seven and injured more than 40. The University of Surrey Students’ guideline smoke screen.” news comes on the day the Health and Union turned out to protest against One protesting student said, Safety Executive released its interim the University’s plans to raise “although I won’t be at Uni in four report into the crash, which confirmed accommodation costs by nearly 24% years time I don’t think it’s fair to that a fault in a set of points south of over the next four years, in its first dump the costs onto the shoulders the station caused the derailment. The protest in 30 years. The University of students. Besides, I’ll probably be HSE report showed there was no signal argues that the rises are needed to living in Guildford and I don’t want failure, no driver error and no evidence fund refurbishments due to under private rents to go up as a result.” to support vandalism theories. investment in the 80’s and 90’s. The The price rises will not only affect John Armitt, Railtrack’s chief execu- rises will see some rooms reaching campus accommodation however, tive, said the company was taking steps just under £90 per week. as an increase in rent on campus is to improve feedback from maintenance The protest, held at 1pm outside the likely to lead to private landlords in checks. He said the company had not University’s Senate on Wednesday, Guildford raising their rents. This ruled out sabotage. saw students from all years, includ- effect of the rise has led to support ing undergraduates and postgradu- from workers’ union, Unison, who Israel Pulls Back From Gaza Attack ates, voicing their concern. also attended the protest. Concerned A speech by VP Communications member of Guildford Borough The Israeli army stood down some of and Marketing, Tristan O’Dwyer, Council Vivianne Johnson and the reservists called up for a planned called for the University to cap all county councillor Tom Sharp, were invasion of the Gaza Strip, averting rent rises to a maximum of 4%, and also present to support the protest. a new conflict in the Middle East. to prove to the students that they Mandy Telford, NUS President- Defence Minister Binyamin Ben- had looked at all other alternatives elect, said “We are seeing more Eliezer said the decision should not for the funding, rather than taking and more students opting to remain be interpreted as a surrender to “ter- rate of over 5% per year. Above: Some of the 200 the easy option and charging the at home and not even consider The University has responded by protesting students rorism” and that Israel reserved the students. This comes as it emerged universities in the south because right to respond when it wanted. On producing a flyer, “UniSfacts”, try- Below; VP Tristan O’Dwyer that the University were misleading of the cost. NUS fully backs the ing to justify the rises. The flyer adresses the crowd another front, Israeli Prime Minister the students about Higher Education demonstration by Surrey students. Ariel Sharon has lost a key vote in points out that HEFCE funding for Funding Council for England These increases will push the cost of Universities is being reduced and the central committee of his ‘Likud’ (HEFCE) guidelines. UniS has studying at Surrey beyond the means party over whether to allow a future seems to back track on the HEFCE argued for some time that HEFCE of thousands of prospective students rules issue, but does not mention Palestinian state. The vote, a show of regulations forbid Universities from and limit the institution’s ability to hands in which only a few delegates the Universities large cash reserves, subsidising such work. However, attract the most talented students. estimated to be around £40,000,000. supported the prime minister, is seen the HEFCE financial advisor for The university must accept students as a major defeat for Mr Sharon and The protest passed off peacefully, Surrey has told USSU that there is on academic merit, not their ability but will have shown the University calls into question how strong his sup- no reason why the University could to pay.” This was part of a speech port in his party is. that student feeling on this issue not put forward a case for using its in which she highlighted the fact is strong, and the Union will now own reserves, which are large, to that this was becoming a national be looking to enter talks with the fund the work. Tristan O’Dwyer problem, with student rents across University to try to resolve the said “if UniS do have reasons they the country rising at an astonishing problem. Regulars News 1-3 Letters 4 Barearts 5-12 Services 14 Sport 16 2 News 17/05/02 Editorial Team Editor Tristan O’Dwyer It’s Goodbye From Me... Deputy Editor Richard Watts News and Political Editor Well, this is it. The last sort out the not inconsiderable number of technical to print and what not to print. The following week’s Reuben Thompson Barefacts of the year problems we’ve had.) editorial put things straight, reasserting the paper’s Music Editor (although if you’re It’s been a fairly eventful year, with most events independence. The issue on the Vice Chancellor’s Kevin Marston around for graduation happening just in the nick of time. On a few occa- pay (issue 1025) came in for a lot of criticism from Film Editor there’ll be a special sions we’ve been sat in editorial meetings worry- Senate House too. Navroop Sehmi out then!). Seems like ing about the fact that there’s nothing for the front The editorial independence of Barefacts is some- Sports Editor only 2 days ago that I page, and then, as if by magic we get a phone call… thing I have been very serious about this year, Vacant was putting my first “there’s a fire in town. Grab a camera!” (Issue and is something I hope will remain for good. It Production Editor Barefacts together, but 1012), or “I’ve just heard USIT are going bust!” is important in a University and a Union that the Vacant then again you know (Issue 1023). September 11th was a tricky story to institutions be held to account, and that should they Features Editor what they say about cover. It was only my second BF, and most of the mess up then that should be reported. Vacant Tristan O’Dwyer time when you’re paper was finished when the events happened, but Well that’s it I guess. All that remains to be said is, Arts Editor having fun. we decided to cover it and four of us stayed up till to those who still have exams – good luck, to those Jana Kristensen Editorial It’s been a great 5 in the morning writing. who have finished – have fun, and to everyone – all year, and I’ve really The year hasn’t been without its controver- the best for the future! Contributors enjoyed working on sies either. The first was due to an overzealous Mike Chambers this paper. It’s not the easiest job I must say, and the Ethics committee who seemed to think renaming Emma Van-Huysse more than just occasional 3am finish does take it’s “Barefacts” to “Brafacts” for a charity Breast toll, but I wouldn’t have been able to do it without Cancer awareness issue (1015) was “offensive”, [email protected] all the help I got from the BF team. All contributors although exactly who would be offended was deserve a big thank you, but a specially big thanks never really established. The next slightly more go to Rich W (good luck next year mate!), Kev serious issue was when the University didn’t like Tristan O’Dwyer, barefacts is an editorially independent newspaper, (have you done the mail out yet?), Reuben, Jana, us printing a story about a suspect package (issue Editor 2001 - 2002 published by the University of Surrey Students’ Union Nav, Mike, Honey, Chops, and Alan (for helping to 1018). They seemed to think they could tell us what Communications Office. The views expressed within the paper are those of individual authors, and do not necessarily repre- NATO And Russia Form sent the views of the Editor, the Editorial Board, Fun in the Norwegian Sun the University of Surrey Students’ Union or the University of Surrey. New Alliance Reuben Thompson This publication may not be reproduced in whole or in By Mike Chambers he said would transform relations News and Political Editor part, stored in any form, copied or distributed, without News Correspondent between Russia and the West.