On -the Inside ., Weather Pari., eloudy today and Yankee. Beat Detroit. 14-5 Sunda,. S.... bUy warmer •• PaQe 4 104a,. Hll'b &Oda,. 82; Review Local Zonlnq Lawa low, It. Hll'b FrIday. 81; , .. Paqe 6 low, n. 'Christianity Xey 10 Peace'-Xaqawa . .., Paqe 6 at Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto. UP Leased Wire - Five Cents The ~ly Iowan: 5crturday: July 22. 1950 - Vol. 84. No. 245 ----~------~------~------~------Love Troubles, Man Leaps Into q.s. I.ro.~~R$. .' ln '·'BaptiSm (l" Fire' li'ver Here A man tentatively identified as Robert E. Smith. 26, Lyndon, Kan., jumped into the Iowa river e~. Q~"r~ ;Two ', Ea'st Kirean ~i ,ties from the Iowa avenue bridge at , about 12 :30 a.m. today. .. * * . * He managed to swim to shore * * * and was helped up the bank by .Korean 'War al a' Glance But Yanks some bystanders who took him ~Iivia QJfers I .• ' Itorun Front-American Negro troops capture }'echon after tei University hospitals. _ 18,.hour. battle in first aggressive ifound victory. GI's withdraw­ At I a.m. he was conscious and ing from Red-captured Taejon hold grimly to positions in near­ R~t~eat South talking, although hospital officials Troops ~ " lid ! by hills. Exaet heavy toll in enemy tanks with new bazooka. dedlned to comment on his con­ J\nU·infiltration tactics working against Reds. Maj. Gen. William dition. Dean .till missing. Of Taejon Smith was reported to be a UN in Korea t, , ._ ' Waahlqjon - Senate votes President power to hold all en­ TOKYO (SATURDAY) (JP)­ member of the merchant marine LAKE SUCCESS (IP)-!.Bolivia listed men in armed services for extra year. Senate and house who had Jo come to Iowa City to Fresh U.S. troops have seized two has oflered 30 officers and ele" . committ1es approve bin to WJpe out 2,OOS,882-man limit on size Communist communication cen­ marry his fiancee. Her name was ment.s of its regular army to join of aImed forces. Senate 81 ~ 0 votes President control over opera­ ters in separate assaults. but Am­ reported to be Gardie Smith, Gen. Douglas MacArthur's forces tion Of -foreisn ships In U.S. waters. Army begins calling national ericllns have been forced to re­ about 19, a University hospitals' ~ in Korea, the United NaUons dis- ' treat again south of fallen Taejon. employe. guard and "re~erves to active duty. closed Friday night. Si:le of the . Lalie 'Sueee-Nlne nations answer UN appeal tor some ef­ 'Ilhe Americans took over the Eyewitnesses told this story: attaek on the east coast and the elements was not disclosed.. · te$tlv~ ahi'ln Korea but only Bollvia offers ground combat lorces. Smith rode to the bridge on a This was the first d-ellnlte of­ , central part of the front Friday girls' bicycle registered In the fer ot soldiers from any of the 52 while their comrades on the webt were being forced back by a. two­ name of Margaret J. Smith, 2219 UN members who were asked last week to do all they could to pronged drive south of Taejon. H street. U.S. troops under cover of a Before making the jump, Smith help the UN wax effort. ~'oc/;gefState Department Special Otten ' heavy naval bombardment cap­ took off his shoes, sa t on the LST Lands First Cavalry Equipment tured the ruined east coast city bridge rail, read a diary for about Thc Bolivian offer was madb o( Yongdok, probably upsetting a public by the UN several hours $'e~'i,ity S'ystem -Sound Red offensive, a naval communi­ lO minut~ and then left his bill­ PULLING A SMALL TRAILER. a First Cavalry division weapons carrier bas just driven oft Ulis LST alter Lie had told reporters that que said. fold and the diary on the rail be­ (Landlnr Ship Tank) at Pohang, South Korea. Steel-helmeted t.roops superv"e the unloadiD&' In tbe tltst Official offers of planes, sliips and • WASHINGTON (UP) - Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. (R· fore leaping. amphibious operation since ~.,r;d War II. Yonldok is 25 miles north ot hospital supplies had been receiv- Mass.) told the senate Friday he is conviJlced the state depart· where the U.S. First Cavalry di­ Neil Simpkins, G, Iowa City, ed 100 response to his appeal. . t h t " d" 'ty t d th t h f d notified pOlice who sl!nt a squad Lie told his weekly news con~ men as so up a soun secun sys em an a e oun no vision landed earlier this week in car and 'a fire truck pulmotor. the first amphibious opera tion of i ference he docs not think mes- COl}lmunlsts : ~n its payroll. . the war. It had been razed by A man who works on the new Insurance Firms Invoke Limitations on Policies sages from only nine UN members , / But be repeated that a sellate foreign relations subcommittee naval gvnlire Wednesda.y. Veterans hospital project here is a poor resporllle. He said 'it is failed to '1l1ake ' a "thorough" investigation of charges by Sen. JO· . ~5Ul SelUIL Yeebon alld refused to give his name, said Limitations on insurance poli­ included in policies sold to appli­ companies reported that no spe­ too early for deflniJe answers . More than 50 miles to the west, ht ~alked to Smith on the corner cies for men gOing into the armed cants concerned in the ban. cial instructions had been re­ from governments and that mllY- Sepp ,R. . McCarthy . (R-Wis.) U.S . .Negro troops of the 25th In­ of CI1pitol and Linn streets about forces were invoked Friday by at (1'erm insurance is any insur­ ceived. be two weeks from now he migbt tIlat!' the I department is' Red-io- fantry division seized the rail 1:30 p.m. He said Smith told him least two insurance companies do­ ance which covers a specified pet­ However, G. W. Buxton, local expect- final responses. , f\ltc'ated:' fle ·.tiTged: a new inquiry First Student Feills and highway city of Yechon, a he was going to jump into the ri­ ing business in Iowa City. iod of yellrs. Premium waiver representative tor Aetna Casualty Nine Nations a ..poad ,by·or.-independent bipartisan eom- field dispatch said. Yechon is 60 ver because hl~ fiancee had These restrictions do not con­ clauses provide that no premium and SUrety compan.y, said nearly The nine nations r~ponding ni~sSion. r . , Victim to Polio air miles northeast 01 Taejon. changed her ",ind about gettil18 stitute war clauses, but MaTc M. be paid on a policy when the all property floater policies and with offers eittler of sympa~hy" or .u>dge"wIIS lone . of ·the two Re- A graduate student in the mu ~ The communique said the Am­ married today. Stewart, local agent tor the New policy-holder Is totally disabled.) automobile policies already con­ aetual assistance in tra!lBport or publi~an .memUers ot ,the subcom- . ericans had made further with· York Life Insurance company, Fire jnsurance and casualty tain War clauses. supply, are Peru, Sweden, Den- mU,tl!e, w~ic~ 'spent , five months SlC department was the fl:st S~I drawals southeast ot Taejon, pointed out that the limitations , mark, ~orway, Argen(fna"Franc~. l~kl,ng ~ int9 ; McCar~hy's alJegll- . stud\!nt admitted to Umverslty where the hills begin to rise from are probably a preliminary step Brazil, Greece and !he Phllip- h#ns. 10. 1\ report 'accepted by the hospitals as a polio patient this the plains. South Koreans on the toward invoking war clauses. fo pines. , sena~e Thursday, the Democratic summer, officials said Friday. American cast flank also have Nation Moves Companies included are the SUI Publish . Canada has Indicated it Will lI\ejority., ~rlln'ded the charges "a He is Robert Tyndall 24 179 pulled back. BlondesI' It New York Life and the Prudential send an air transport squadroh Ira~d ' and .a hOR)C" and a~cused Riverside park. His pa~enU; are The communique called "a Life Insurance companies. for assistance in the Pacltic air McOar1W deliber;ltely lymg to Prof. and Mrs. E. P. T. Tyndall. planned withdrawal to better lines New Magazine Playboy Spends. $4,200 ."f of nl;ltural defense." (One company reportedly in­ lift. , the l:senate' lInd the nation. . His father is a professor in the To Mobilize SUI's employes will begin re­ North Korean troops were re­ voked a war clause, but The Daily Both UN and U.S. sources have '; Ex1>1~1nlpt . why he ref~sed to phySics depllrtment. ceiving pocket - size magazines On Toot ported by the Korean Communist WASHINGTON (JP) - In swift Iowan was unable to contact re­ said that in any event ofters o't s.~ ;~ tf~ · reuort, Lodge said th ~t Tyndall, who Is married and has sometime this 1all, Artyn C. Marks, (Il') - radio to be attacking American strides, the nation drove toward CHICAGO A disillusioned soldiers must De top secret and no eVI- cb'ld was r po ted in "1 I OJ presentatives of the firm.) , director ot the personnel serv­ wfule M~Carth", pr~duced line; SOIll.h..-of Taejon. The com· large-scale . moblliza tion . Friday Jess P. Moftitt, agent lor the 19-ye~-0Id playbQx. lIa,' in 'ail ...~ be handled in that fasllicm del'lce 10 ~aclC , up. IllS charges, the one di~: era r ice. announced Friaay: - . Friday and complained that "hun­ m~nlque made no mention ot any amid increasing signs of stiff tax Prudential Insurance comllany, The new magazine, an SUI pub­ until all arran8ements Mv!! been s4b~orilmlhee ' should oot have con gry and thirsty blondes" helped made. stopped there. It .should have He is the ~econd pOlio victim such action neor that city of 150,- increases to help defray war costs, reported that his company had lication, will be called "Statl" and 000 population. The army called up some na­ him run through ,.,200 in 10 struek,out Qn' its own, he said, to from. Iowa .Clty admitted to the ordered limitations on policies. will expand the "Employee Re­ It reported, however, lhat lwo tional guard troops and reserves "The notification came by tele­ days. s!udy. "the whole question of for- hospitals thiS summer. cord" which was formerly sent to Red regiments still were ~ni!ing 00 30-day notice. phone and it was very vague as all non-academic employes. "Everywhere I went I ran Into eign penetrlltion" of the state de- Officials Friday reported two Plan Square Dance partment., . other admissions. They were southwest of Tacjon in a wide The airIorce said it may seek to to terms of the limitations. I hope "Stall" will be designed to a blonde," said Robert Dernbach outflanking movement. Jr., North Bergen, N.J. He , said the studies that were James Bagg, 3, Cedar Falls, and draft veterans of World War II, to receive confirmation by mail on serve both non - academic em­ One Communist force reached but still hopes to ,et along with Monday," Moffitt said. ployes and faculty members with "The blondes were nice. But all For Ned Sai~rday made indicated ",reat laxliy ol Mrs. Eva Hampton, 24, Cedar Ra­ Chongup, which is about 65 air volunteers. The restrictions placed on the articles about new technical de­ ot them seemed to be hungry and judiment in' 194~ and 1946" when pids. miles southwest 01 Taejon. An­ Maj . Gen. Lewis Hershey, U.S. New York Life policies will not velopments, teaching techniques, thirsty. There sure must be a lot The second informal dance of thousalld,li ·of employes of tempor­ other teok Ismil, in the hills about draft chief, spoke ot a 7-milfion go into effect until Thursday. general news and features. of starving blondes In this world." the summer session .wUI be a ary.• warti~e ueneles were trans­ Temperatures 50 miles wuth of Taejon. This man war machine. It was not They will apply only to new po­ University problems and poli- Tellll of SDree square dance party Mxt Saturday f~iTed t9 ,.the , stat~ departmcnt latter :force has moved f~rthest clear, however, whethcr the figure licies written after that date. cies will be backgrounded and Dernbach was seized Thursday on the lawn in front of 'the 10WII without ,security . clearances. Frld.,', iJ',Io ••d t..... east. It appears to be the most represented the total draft goal or Under the ban, aients for the discussed. Union bandshelL . But since that time, he said, 8, Tbo A.... I.t'd Pro .. menaCing. on a charge of detrau d ing an inn- A caller and a three. _ piec~ manpower needs lor combined company will no longer be per­ Present plans call for a 32- "the deparpnent has made a sin­ It Redt Attack Supply Hub keeper when he was unable to orchestra will perform ' lor the Jow.. 011,...... 81 military-industrial replacement. mitted to seli term insurance po­ page, illustrated monthly maga­ cere ef!o\,t", .to weed out poten­ CIII ••, ...... , ...... 21 M ; Headquarters has expressed CI.oIa.oU .. , ...... ,~ On Capitol Hill, the senate and licies to men in the armed forces, zine about the s iz~ of "Coronet." pay a $73 bill. party caUed the "Grais Hop." lio tial. security risks. : , belief, nowever, that . this deep It was then he told of his 10- admission will be eb,arged. • Detr.n ...... , ...... , .,. house armed services committees organized reserves or national Editor of the new periodical will l l .. dl .....'t...... , ...... ,.1' III plunge Into South Korea can be voted overwhelmingly to wipe out guard. be Bill McBride, former Daily day spree with "blondes, cham- AU university students, faculty JII ...."IIl...... :: contained by air attacks. CIO . Dft.dor Demands JllII ....lle ., "'" ...... 1' the present 2,005,882-mall limit on Men about to be inductlffl into Iowan columnist and inIorma­ pagne and stcak" among tho night and Iowa Oitians are invited, 1I1._roll . , ...... ' ...... 1. II However, about 20 mHes west the size of the armed forces and the armed services are. not eli­ tion service intern. spots of Chicago's near north side. Dean Fritchen, CS, DecOrah, pub'- McCarthy'. Relignation De. JII.t...... , ...... , . ,. It ot where the 25th won its baptis· X.n ... C,~, ...... to "freeze" for one year all en­ gibie for term insurance under Dernbach said he ran away licity chairman ot tbe Union board MILWAtfKEE !IPI - .Tack KrolJ, JIII'I •. - 81. Pul ...... 13 : mal battle at Yechon, t.he tank­ listments. the ordet·. WlDSKEY ALLOCATION from home in North •Bergen, tak- and central party committec, saia. national,' djredor ot the CIO po­ Om.b...... r •• • '4 e, led First North Korean division 81 .... Ctl, ...... , .. , ...... , .11 In new moves to speed the war LiLe insurance pOlicies can be NEW YORK (JP) - Brown-For~ ing $3.000 of his own money out 'lhese two groups are sponsoring Utlcal tjcti~n committee, Friday ~l at.t.acked Ochon, a communications Be.l.. . .. t" ...... ,1' effort. President Truman ordered sold provided the total amount of man Distillers Oorp. said Friday of a bank account and his father's the dance. demanded 'that Sen. Joseph Mc­ /II, ... t ... .. , .... , ..... : ...... :: hub on the supply road between 14 major federal agencies to new and old insurance held by that "due to apparent hysterical car. He sold the car belore Ieav- in case of rain the p~rty will NI. York .. , .. .. , ...... tr.! ~ the front and, the port of Pusan. Carthy ' (R - Wis) resl,n. f.,t. W.rlh .. .. , .. , ...... N curb construction, ti~hten credit the applicant does not total more buying" of whiskey, the firm was ing New Jersey, for $1,200. be held in the Rlver room of th.e Kroll based his demand on Mc­ He" Orl... n, . . .. , ...... tJ 13 American and South Korean and hold down theil' buying of than $10.000. reserving the right to aUocatc or­ Discovers Blondes Union. The River room wlll be Carthy's promise that he would Dener ...... , •. . , . .. •. .... 111 13 trQops advanced to Yongdok be­ l'heeal. .. , ...... , , ...... It' .. hind U.S.-British naval barrage. items made of critical matcrials­ indemnity and pre­ ders of its top brands of bonded Thcn he got on a bus and head- used for regular dancing it the quit' the setlate ' it tie ever tried L •• AIII.I...... , ...... " a such as cars and typewriters. mium waiver clauses will nol be bourbon and straIght whiskies. ed Cor Chicago. square dance Is not rained out: to .take advlntage of his congres­ S.. fr ••• I...... , ...... ,.87 :: For a week the naval guns had When he arrived there, he dis- • Fritchen said square dll,llcing In­ 8 ..111. • ...... , ...... , . ' .1/1 li2 been pollnding away at the area. sional im~unitY. W .... I.. ' ...... , ...... 1' 51 covered the blondes. He said the !9tructlons will be ttv!!n for be;- Flooding River Washes Out Kansas Bridge city seemed over - populated with !&inning dancers. , them. Tables and lights will be ' set "Everywhere I looked, thcre I\}P outside the U.n1on as they were was a blonde," he said. "Bleached Itor the street dance, the · sum;­ blondes, natural blondes, light flier session's first party JUly .3. blondes, dark blondes - ' aU of , them hungry and thirsty." Restored Belgian King Bill Would Grant Truman ~akei OH for ' Home ' h' GENEVA (SATURDAY) {IP) - Contro I 0 f Foreign S Ipl King Leopold III took ott from WASHINGTON (IP) - The sen­ Geneva airport earl)' tHis morn­ ate passed and sent to the house ing to return to his ·.nrQne in Friday a bill giving the President Belgium. control over operation of toreign The exiled monarch travelled ships in American waters. In a Belgian army pllllne with his Sen. Warren Magnuson (0- son, Prince Albert, Belg~n Prime WaSh.) said the purpose of the Minister Jean nuvieusa~ and his bill is to perm I t the Presiden t to secretary, Jacques Plrtnne. order security regulations as a safeguard against possible "sneak MEAT PIlI()" Sam attacks" by atomic bomb bearing CHICAGO (iP) - The American ships. Meat institute said Trlday tQat "panicky buyin,", eauied some meat prices to skyrocket but "this WASHER PLAST CLOSED pressure has ICSlened and the NEWTON (It') - The Mayta, present prlee trend Is down­ company's new automatic wasber ward." It said the futUre meat plant was closed down Friday un­ supply Iituatl~ seems "brlJht in­ til Monday tollowlng a work stop­ deed and sufflcl-n' &0 meet nor­ page. mal requlrementa'"

Aboul Love a~d, War" I OKLAHOMA CITY (R)-A 20~year-old youth shutf1ed Into The Associated PrCSl offiee bere Friday and said be 'Ruted In­ fonnation-about love ,and the Korean war. "What's the latest," be asked, "em Okl&hom~'1 marine reserve unit being called to duty?" The AP editor said the !tate's 20th infantry reserve battalion I'" Wt.. ,'.1e) had been placed on a 24-'hour aim foil an expeCted eaU \0 active lAP Wire,•• ,.) duty. ADlUCAJf NEGRO T~OOPS, In a.t.. n .n iIIo oe."'" ...... , .....& (A) .•piured Yeehen (under- "You in the marine reserves?" be asked. u... ) "".. , .. &.be lint .....ble U.s. rro ...... " ., .... Koftaa ..,r, ... .,..ure I. that ..eter bu TWO SPANS OF THIS HIGHWAY BRIDGE aoroll the f160ded Kaw river near st. Mar,., KID., 001- ...... ~r llaroa' (brolle. arr.w) ..alDA~"'" ~ ...... Nne rail cenie... OUier brek "Well, no," the youth answered, "but my Ilrl friend'. bo1 ...... Thunda)', U bour. "'* ... I",DI bucilled under the preaaure of nood wa&en from bea., rain,. - am.,. III4IIoaIe CeaunuaJl& fIaDIllnr tlmate .. ~. lief...... ~~eu' 0' TaelO. (B),

I' • b" PAGE TWO - THE DAlLY lOW JULY 22, use -- edito',ials Shortages-Scare-Buyers' Frankenstein- Newspnpers and radio Cor three days have envied condition we enjoy. • Ie carrled the joke about a woman who bought Every Citizen who walks into a (Tocery store huge supplies ot grccelT and clothing items and nnd bUYl! several times the need amount oC an told clerks h did SO to b t the hoarders. item is guilty. ot endangering the nation's wel­ The joke wa~ the woman's stupid hoggi h­ tare ot hi& or her "I've got mine - to hen with neSl. YOU" philosophy. Iowa CU,. like the whole natloo. laces no These atupld people alao are the ont' who IhIJIledlate MOtU( In most Items e eept will &«e.m flrsl wben they have to lall tho caused b, th e elfish cheats. Presl­ In at tbe end of a. lonr line which Ihey, cleo' Truman, h1mnlf, said no pro ~t :II lbeDlleives, br-3urht about. an)' lood ahortal'e exists In !.he United States. Theirs, too, will be among the voices crying Dealers, too, reported few shortages. There for "out poor boys" fighting the war. is no worry about meat - prospects are for i They should hope the news of their selfish creased supplies this fall because 01 a bigger pig and foolish attitude doesn't reach those "poor crop and more cattle. boys." The boys might be just a little contemp­ No shortage exist and none are expected tuoUs of the sympathy, in supplies or ~o.p, BUlar and coffee. The snme We heUeve a campaip of oo ntempt and picture holds tq.le lor clothing. derilion .1I0uld be leveled at these thick­ And, yet, .tupld pe:lple over tbe country headed betrayers of their teHow men. are on the verre 01 upaettlnl' this world- Apparently, simple reasoning isn't enough. UN Assembly Grows Slronger l NewspaP~f .Runs Ad By SIGRID ARNE nations. A UN commission named To Explam Reasons WASHINGTON - The United the three Greek neighbors as the F NIP blo hO Not'ons is changing character. An source ot the trouble. But action or 0 U IS Ing old hand on the international stalled in the security councLl. 5(,(' e described It this way: where the Soviet Unlon objected. 'LIe UN started ou\ as a semi- Greek Success NEW YORK l1l'i - The World- :'Ill flcratic association. Eleven ns- The assembly took up Greece's Telegram and Sun, which tic. I could ask the others to h lp worries in October, 1947, and sent been closed since June 13 by a kC'1 ) the peace. But more nnd a "watch - dog" commiUee to the strike of the- New York News­ mo the whole membership is area. That committee reported to paper guild (CIO), Thursday car­ voU'Ig on decisions. the assembly - not to the se- ried advertisements In nil four 'J Ie UN vote on June 27 to sup- curity council-and took its or­ New York morning newspapers ).lo . • the South Koreans - al- ders (rom the assembly. Little by explaining to its readers why tho gh token in the small secur- little, the guerlllas were defeated they "can't buy" the newspaper. Ity ounci! - has spotlighted the and scattered. Greece has had "One of the two main issues ~hi(. But the change has been comparative Quiet for a year now, tnk! 1i place for tbcee years. There have been several such standing in the way of settlemen t of the strike is the guild's insis­ 'I' Ie UN's main objective when actions. tence on a form of union shop, • It I • .lrled was to keep the peace. The assembly meets only once or guild shop, which would com- _____-.:.... ___--'- ______-.... _____-:- ______But only 11 notions on the se- n year, for about nine weeks. The pel at least ninety percent of thl' ('w' ; y council could vote on QC- security council Is In aLmost con- employes within the jurisdiction tic), Blalnst an Oiil'CSsor. Th tinuous session, of the guJld to join and remain > wh"te membership In th g neral That meant that Issues stalled th ~ .J·t Senl Tydings to Play members of the guild as a con­ :I~!I nbly could vote on such Is- In the council had to walt months dition of their employment," the Letters .", only when the sc<:urity coun- fOf the next assembly meeting. to e ~ ul or Broadcast Recording ofli~ial daily advertisement sold. (Ileadus In.ltta t. expfU" opln. ('il . leTmI tted. So the assembly dc<:lded to keep .r. " •.. We beUeve that mem­ Ion In J.~"f''' 10 thp IEdltor. All 'eaters I I AJ embly Takes Over working committee ioing all mU ll I.eludo band wrillen II,nll.'. and Nortb Korea without a great den) Of MC( ar thy' (I alms A ter flve years, that machin- year. This was the little assem- bership in the I'UlJd should not .u.... - IY"",rlllo" 1I, •• lur... 0 1 ••- more American help thl.n is now be a conditIon of employment ee pt ab l ~. IAUer btc~)Jne pr.,ere, ., The B U 'L"L E TIN ry has bc<:n found wan ti nt. Too bly. The Russians have refused Dolly Iowan ; wo '0 -r" Ih. rllbl to available. North Korea would be oCtc 1 the Soviet Union has stopped to sit in the assembly. where de­ for editorial people and adver­ O«lt o... lIbhold I.ller •. We lacu.1 lei· S h K' 'th WASHINGTON (11'1 - Sen. MiJ- SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1950 tlslnr salesmen whose work ler b. limited io Sto ,,"ord. Or I. Onl •• able to overrun out 01 ea WI - or ! tailed action In the security clsions are taken on majority lonl "~ .....d 40 nit D ...... II, rep- out Russian help, unless stopped lard E. Tydings (D-Md) is go­ makes them Interpreters of the ------~------council that tbe majority 01 na- votes and no veto can be cast. r .... t th ..o or Tho O.Uy I ...... ) by American combat troops. Amer- ing to stage II private perform­ paper's poUcles." UNIVERSITY , CALENDAR tiJn I wanted. So, little by little, Planned Velo Dodl'e ica, which has in Chioa com­ ance starring the "golden voice" UNiVERSITY CALEi!lDAR Items are scbeduled "The management oC the World­ Mark Twain on War. the zen era I assembly has taken On June 24, 1950, the North plained of the bad luck of hav- of Sen. Joseph R. McCelthy. In tbe President:, otfice, Old Capitol ov(. · major JOPs when the se- Korean Reds Invaded the south­ Telegram and Sun has been un­ TO THE EDITOR: Ing inherited the Kuomintang der pressure to accept. a clause And though advance billing pro- aturday, July 22 Tuesday. July 25 ('UI y council (ailed to act. Here rn half of the nation. The se· 1 can think of no more mting through no fault of i's own, has stripping It of the rlgh t to keep 8 p.m. - University pIny, "Life 2 p.m. - Lecture by Mrs. Dor­ lIT wo elCnmples: cW'ity council look action - the comment on the recent. upsurge in Korea manufnctured Its own mises a show to remember, you Ie ruled that it won't. men will invent cheap lies, p pie (peasants) will take up arms Philippine experiences. Make ric­ out of the picture. ting the blame on the nation t to rescue or liberate the Com- Itself telling- it. (Laughter lUI ­ servations by calling X2508 by SUI YOUNG PROGRESSIVE KIJ 'ea, all the democracies are We therefore include as part ot Is attached, and every man munist North. cd the packe(l chamber.) Tuesday noon. are invited to hear Mr" Edn. nO' 1/ occupied with active fronl'! It is almoat foolhArdy to our story of Korea a resume of In the cast. make comparisons or predJe­ "It is just like going to the Griffin speak on "Civil Righ\l in some ot the treaties that concern­ be glad of those conscience-soo - No matter what the stale of the Metropolitan opera in New York Coincidence or planning, these lions. Eventa move so I&IIt that THE IOWA MOUNTAINEERS Iowa" at 7:45 p.m, Mond ... ", ,rilly ed the' country In modern times. ing falsities, and will dilige" y C:lmmunistic Asiatic areas. it be­ and hearing Lauritz Melchior, the ~ll .1e three democratic powers what appears to be a lorlcal study them, and re1use to e.xa - comes increasingly evident that will hold their annual summer 24, senate chamber, Old CapitoL ' conclusion one minute I com- In 1885, China and J apan signed great Danish tenor, reading the li­ expedition in the Caoadian Rock­ ol· .Y. e~tren.ched in Berlin nnd west- ine any refutation of them: the American policy is one of bretto instead ot, with the full­ what has become known as tbe thus he will by and by convi support fo r tbe reactionary. antJ- ies. The group will leave Iowa TICKETS FOR THE OPIU. Tientsin Convention. By it, both throated orchestra in full cry, City Aug. l:l and return Se~t. " The Bartered Bride," will b,e on hImself that the war is just, a Communist. elements, no mattet' singing, with his soaring golden countries agreed to withdraw will thank God for the bett r how unpopular and corrupt they 3. The main basecamp will be al sale in the Iowa Union lobb~ from voice, re~hing but and rever­ their troops and allow Korea to sleep he enjoys after this pro- be. (e.g., Bao DOli, Chiang Kai­ Lake O'Hara. Banff, Yoho a 'd 9, ~.m. to 4 p.m. beginning Mon­ reorianize its army under foreign berating througb tne hail of the Jasper .parks will be toured for; djlY, July 17. All , eats reser~. cess of grotesque sell-deception ." shek, Rhee). The imposition of un- Metropolitan opera." dlrc<:tlon which would be neither Norman Friedman popular governments on long-op- tfJ But th~ crowded senate and Chinese nor Japanese. It failed to 915 Second avenue pressed peoples is both ineffectual accomplish its objectives because jammed galleries could not have and hopeless (and \lccording to the Koreans requested Russia to been more attentive as Tydings democratic theory, now apparent­ WSUI PROGRAM CALENDAR supply ofllcers to train the army More on Korea . • . took the center 01 the stage. 8:00 o.m. Morning Chopel aM p.m. Or,.n Moods ly discarded, undesirable). Amer­ n_",. l\l,.",S and granted Russin port privileges Now shouting, now speaking in p.,,, 2:!ro p.m. Jumpin' Jacks TO THE EDITOR: ican foreign pollcy has lost all 8:30 •. m. J'l.w, Mornln," 2:45 p.m. This Is South Africa in payment. Russia then became n a low intense voice, Tydings pro­ O)\,c ...... Mr. Moore's leiter on Korea im­ balance in its anti - Russian my­ 8:45 a.m. ~lirl1mcJ ' de 3:30 p.m. FooUights RE.SOURCE~ threat to Japan. duced a chart which he said be 9:00 a.m. Interlude :~ p.m. Tea Time plied that the previous letter caus­ opia and as a result we find OUT­ 9:02 a.m. Iowa State Education Assoc. .[ too p.m. Children's Hour ~. bad labelled "Behind the Eight- By the treaty of Shimonosekl, 9:30 R.m. Harmony Lane 5; 15 p_m. Sweet wood Serenade I( ed confusion because the facts selves defending with plood, the Ball!' 'It which ended the Chinese-Japan­ presented were removed from 9:50 a.m. News . 5:f.\ p.m. Sports Time (OOON MIUII Rhee government in Korea and It ·listed eight groups he . said 10:00 a.m. Tex Beneke 6;M' p.m. DJnner Hour -, ese War of 1895, China recognized context. His submission of the 10:15 a.m. Bonjour Mesdames 6:53 p.m. News . un-progressive governments all a the independence 01 Korea. It fail­ conte.xt did not alter the original had found nothing in the 81 cases 10 :30 a.m. Sa(ety Speaks 7:00' p.m. Old New Orl ••no -COAL '.Ill, tOUCCO over the world. The UN stand;; - four committees of the Re­ 10:45 a.m. World Of Song 7;1> p.m. Festival oC Wall... ed bc<:au5e the Japanese assumed fac ts, yet he drew amazingly di­ • • now as our only bulwark against publican - contrQUed 80th con­ 11 : 15 a,m , Music ot MallhaUan 7:30 p.m. Nnvlil llcscrve Show G ~ I- control and clashed with Russian vergent conclusions. total global destruction .and must 11:45 a.m. Health Cnat. 7:45 p.m. Saturday Shadows SOY IUM M( In interests in Siberia and Manchu- gress, former Rep. 6artel Jonk­ L2 :00 noon Rhythm Ramble. 8:20 p.m. Here's To Veterans In his book, "The Situation in be supported in good faith by all man (R _. Micl1) , Sens. Bourke 12:30 p.m. News 6:45 p.m. Spirit· oC the Vikings (j t} ria. Asia" (1 949), Owen Lattimore 12 :43 p.m. Musical Ra inbow 9:00 p.m. Campuo Sho:> a nations still intent on peace. B. Hickenlooper (R - Iowa), and ..... -.. Ire. states that "in south Korea the 1:00 p.m. Musical Chats 9:45 p.m. News . • • • Sheila Soloman, G, 2:00 p.m. New. 10~~ p.m. SIGN OFF In 1905, 'by the treaty of Porta­ Americans organized not a na­ Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., (Mass) , 305 S. Summit street moulh, the RWIlIlans recoplzed tional army (like the Russians and "the entire 80th congress." ) . the supremacy or Japan In Ko­ in the north) but a constabulary, rea. It waa alao reportecl that the backbone of which consists of President Theodore ROOIevelt as­ men who served in the police un­ Cily Dwellers' Ears Deadened by Noises The Dai~ Iowan lurecJ Japan !.hat we woulcl have der the Japanese , •. Syngman no objection to Japanese rule In Rhee, a returnect exile is at the NEW YORK M - Country can cause partial deafness. The Korea. head oC this political struclure. people hear better than city interior mechanism of the ear ESTABLISHED 1868 Next came the Yalta agreement He bas completely tainted him­ people and some people who work thickens and the hearln.- nerve SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1950 Yellows.. where it was agreed to selup an self by his wholehearted associa­ in large cities even tually go stone Itselr can become exhausted, the il , of independent Korea under joint tion with tbe relatively prosper­ deat, a magazine survey indicated survey indicated. One concert Publllhed dally .lIcept Monday II" ~ER OF THE ASSOCIAnb I11III Russian - American sponsorship. ous, crooked and pliable K'Orean~ Friday. ,) pianist who lived In Manhattan Sludent Publlcallons. Inc., 126 Iowa AVe., The A ..oelated Press IS enUlied ,.... lowl ell)', Iowa. Entered as second cia.. rvel ' La Lbe us. for repUblication ,ar III Russia baa failed to live up to the who coJiaboraled with the Japan­ The Woman's Home Com);>anion, was forced to move to the coun­ mall matler "' the po. lotrice It 101"" the local newl prlnlOCI h, tbll. _ agreement and has failed to co­ ese . . . The army cannot l>e in a survey of noise in American try becaUlie she was no lonrer City, 10wI, under the act of can,. plp.r as well as III AI' neWI d..,. operate with the United Nations trusted to fight; tbe people do of Mlrch 2. 1879. cities, sllid that too much sound able &8' hear the .vertones In OAlL • - I I 5 I If 10D ...~I , in attempting to set up a free and not trust the government; the gov­ also can cause indigestion, head­ her musiCl .ceordl.... to the mar- ) .... D.II, ••"'aD b, ' :ot . .... SubScription ..lH - 11" carrier In 10... ".04 I. aU .. independent Korea. ernment cannot be depended on aches and eyen insanity. azlne. • City, 20 cents weekly or .., per year In service ,'.e.. •• .r.... r.po.lod b, O,h ••M, n. While we are aware of tne pre­ and does not depend on ilself: It Trainmen, taxi - drivers and Most people do not realize. the .dvance: Ihe month. $:I.elI. three month. .0'11, ...... e.... I.u.. DQUlft5 11.90. By mill In Jowa 17.50 per yo .. ; I.a.I!be ..... Old 1 •• vious failures, and can make com­ appeals for continued American policemen freqllently sutler oc­ eftect of sound, since they accus­ . Il< montho 13.110; three monlh. tJ.OO. Arid r r.II.... . parisons with them. we can make If· Y,{r, Dabuqu. aad I...... "..... occupation and protc<:tion. there cupational deafness, the article tom themselves to it, but their other ....n lubocrlpUonl $I per yeu: Ilx ••e. f ••m I:h ..." . I. II montha ".23; lb,,,,, month. 12 .25. H.,. rio predictions lor the future of is to be a civil war, South Korea said. l1e1'ves 'react ~ lo Jt whether they f ..... J:" . .... I. I :" , ...... , IKorea or 01 the world. would not be able 10 subdue Merely JjvlJJr IJJ a larre cUy ..,1 ••••• ,.••••• , ••• nI " ..... realize it or not, it was explained. .. 1...... '. FIRST BAPTI8T OU IICII will be &hown. 2:30 lI.m. !..ulnenn stu­ Halt-hour hymn-slnl. SermoOl Thl S. CUal.. ••• ...rllart.... t ree.. dents will meet .t tile Student hou"" for HaHn...... T it•••• • Elmer e: . 01 ...... pa,lo. .n afternoon out In,. 8:30 p.m. Luther Wednesday. 7 :43 p.m. Mid-week 1" Sunda •. 8:30 a.m. Chureh ""hOOI. c ....- le.p,. meeUni at the chu."h. .nd BJble atudy. es (or all .,es. 10 :00 a.m. Chuteh oUv­ Ice and ... rmon by Ihe ,,",slOr. "Th. CONGREGATIONAL CB .CH Promise of Spiritual Power:' J'IIQle: par· "qlT PU8I1 YTE.IAN CH RCH :st N . CUnteD stred enls des1r1nl 10 all.nd servk.. ·m., ~. II. Mark et. .treet ,.be Rev. John G. Cral,. partor I.av. small children In Ihe nu....,"'. The h r. P. He.5,•• ". II .~k . , . ter Sunday. 10:43 a .m. Chureh &chool Sunday 10:.~ I.m. Momlnl worship. Iowa Citia n Wed In London choir under the dlrecllon 01 Mrs. W. R. partmental cJ.~ lor nursery, ki Clendenin 'Will Iina '"The HeaVen); Are sermon: "EnltrtaJned An,ela Unaware." Isrten and primary chlldren. 10 :45 Tellln," by Beethoven. Mrs. S. A. N.u­ B p.ft'l. WeslmlnttV' fello..,.hlp supper Moming worship. Sermon : "A Tr mann wUl be orl8nln. 5 p.m. JUdson (.1- and IOClal hour. 1: " p.m . Summer "es­ in Heo.ven!' The R.v. Edmund H. lowlhlp vesper at JUdlon hou... Flir­ "".. on the wut Ipprolch to Old Clpl­ Andover N.wton Theoioilcil sem child and N. Clinton otr.o1.. Cla.rle. tal. Speaker will De Jud,e J, W. HcJser­ lue" preDcher. Hickman. Iowa Clly vi Itlng nurse, will man. Anamosa. The-rt will be no choir rehearsa speak, {allOWed by a pot-luck .upp.r ~ek . but the chofr will meet on al 6 p.m. Any Inleresled youne coupl•• naST Cllvacll O F CHaIST. SCIENTIST day mon,lne. July 30 al 10: 15 a.m. are Invited. A hUrsery II provided with 1l!t E. ColI. , o I IrIO. Thursday. 7:30 p.m. A meeting supervision. 6 p.m. Club _t the home of SundRI'. ':45 a.m. Sunday school. 11 church I

YOU'LL FIND • • • THE CIGARETTE New Summer PUTS THE Of I PRO~F :DRESSES Reduced ~ ·MIl.ON£SS ·Beautiful New $2 88 SQUARELY UP TO· (OTTON SKIRTS ... _'to . yoU •• •

'J.III SIMPLE FLORAL PATTERN In these plasti c place mlts harmonlles with &he paUern of 'he oIIIiIa. Ind provides an attract t.. 1I l etting tor the matched cryatal. Practical becallle they ca. be wiped . ,a damp cloth and used HundredS 01 times, thue mall are available in mall)" deslm" Mill' wolftell weter th.m fJ table IInenll, brrflllsll thry Rrf' eallY tn .. 1f'Rn nnll prnvldr Idell! Inr nttrnctlve eentf'rplre" . ' , i Crandell For~ed At Thi rd

BY (; " mini tl ,:... tltO Use ~ hOUse! -•..d_tMY P""" 's art W~era file Jittl~ [Church Registen !t Vevera s Win for Phillies' ;OOI11'.'Dod , ,/evet3, a ST. LOUIS (IP)-Shortstop Eddie PITTSBURGH (,11') - The Alil· JIllSOn, buill Miller's 11th inning error gave the adelphia Phillies kept in 1M ~In 193( New York Giants a 5-4 decision thick of the 1lttI· Since thel over the St. Louis Cardinals Fri­ nant race Friday night by defeat· tl his sparE day ni,ht dumping the Red Bird$ ing the , 4-1, (JI/I pOndS, I into a tint-place National league behind rookie Pitcher EmOl1 It houses, tie with PhiladelphIa. It was 0 (Bubba) Church who chalked up III his lef tight 1Iitchers' duel between Sal his third win without a defeal A jill a ro Maglie and Cloyd Boyer. Stan surprising crowd of 34,016 sa ~gdOWI Musial kept the Red Birds in thl! Ralph Kiner account for the Bucs' Jlsh ball game with a seventh inning old f;ng only run with his 28th homer in How homer with none on. St. Louis' Boyer struck out nine the eighth. All are m men, allowed i even hits and walk­ Starter Mel Queen was charged 111t s.rn aII ed eigtt t in the overtime con test. .r.v i1.h his eighth deteat. fUIIIisbed New York's Maglie fanned six, Eddie Waitkus sparked the whiz tiltre'S a gave up seven hits and walked kids' attaCk, scoring three runs prage four. and participating in each of their 1M scoring innings. The score was tied 4-4 in the Jte . tAr WI ..' .... I I I th o With one out, In the first, the Philly first 1\JlS \VI doubled against the right field baseman walked, went to third OD vera )STON'S DEL CRANDELL (rirht) wa forced out at third base Romer Prolonrs Game Ve wall and went. to Wrd on Mag­ Richie Ashburn's single and scored IS years lbe ei(bth Innlnr In the Braves - Cubs «arne Friday. The play on Dick Sisler's fly. me when Pitcher Jobnny ain bunted to Cub' lint Bateman lie's grounder. Eddie Stanky then Itdint grounded to Miller, who fumbled Yachts Set Sail Today) Then In the third Ashburn Ink auer who relayed the ball to third Baseman Bill Serena, left. h~ fa mily the balJ and permitted the win­ singled and came all the way Ie Cubs won In the 13th Innln(, 4.-3. In Race to Mackinac !DO- ning run to cross the plate. home as outfielder Ted Beard "In the St. Louis grabbed a 1-0 lead in CHICAGO tlPl - A fleet of 63 dropped Sisler's fly. IIIIrried li1e the first on Musial's single that yachts set sail today in lhe long­ ' In the fifth, Church singied, ll1Ut, lVe scored Rocky Nelson, who had est fresh water race in the world went 10 second on a Waitkus sac­ bUt what walked and then stole second. - the Chicago to Mackinac ev~nt rifice and scored on Ashburn's }Irs. The Giants came back with sponsored by the Chicago yacht single. The :hicago Drops three runs in the third. A single club. Waitkus walked to open the in \IIeir ch and & stolen base by Eddie Stanky, The elapsed time record for lb.e second, \yent to second on Ash. ,afOo. another single by Don Mueller, n 335-mile race established in 1911 burn's sacrifice and romped home Vevera, double by Hank Thompson, two still stands, as does the top cor­ on Sisler's one base blow. "just a kid, walks and a long fiy accounted tor rected time. The schooner Amqr­ phhodelPbla ...... 101 010 100-1 1'1 bome rocks the markers. PIU8burrh ...... 000 1IIH1 ~I II ali, owned by Dr. W. L. Baum, sell Churl:b (3 .. 0) and Lopata.; QuteOn, Ber. onts." ~raves ' In their half of the th ird, the ewy (8). Dlck.on HJ) and MeCuUe'Ik. He In 13th tne straight time of 31: 14:30 i~a first Cards knolted it up at 3-3. Tommy LP. Queen (:too'). lIome run - Klan JII CAGO (AP) - nely Pafko's clouble and Bill Serena's :lOwling gale in tnat year. E. . (~8I b ) . • !3ltle in 1 Glaviano drove in the two Red Mill's sloop Mavourneen made he tilt U.S. Bi rd runs. Ilg1e gave the Cllbs n 13-inning, 4-3 victory over the corrected time of 28:31 :51. !kttched .. Jlaoper "'·'H. Dark broke the deadlock in the THREE-I LEAGUE O,tr." .t New Yer" - N."hell tr lUlU Y

. . I TIlE DAlLY IOWAN, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1950 - PAGE FHlE - \" , :Miniature 'House, e,. . f!)oll. Hobby, 01 Bt9ne Ma~on WANT ADS B1 OZZIE SEN SEN . . A miniature medieval castle. a lilbthouse five feet high. doll., .. I • - SEL[ EVERYTHING siJed houses. a hearl-shaped sli pend-they are just part of Al I ~tvera's artistic rock work. 'rs The little stone replicas dec • WANT AD RATES • ,'t Vevera's ter;-aced back yard ,\it I I till .N. 'Dodge street. • • FOR SALl!!: Compll!te .et of WII... n top ClassWed Display notch loosenec1c ,olllni Iron.. Very Vevera. a bricklayer and stone ,Ulhlly used, UO.OO. P\lo~e Bill Miller. JIllSOn, built a heart-shaped fish One Day ... _...... 75c per coL Inch 8-IU1. ~ in 1930. ' Six :::onsecutive days, TW- O- Ia-d-Ie-"--'-'.-U-IU-'I"'.-.l -ne"'-",-.-s"'-IZ-e-::C36C"."' cC".7:'U Since then. he has spent most per day , ...... 60c per col. Inch ~ll&· rI. his spare time building more One month ...... 50c per col. Inch CAMPING equlpm~nt: Ileeplnr bags. air m.ttr •• ses. etc. DCaI, .5391. !\III ponds. the lighthouse. minla­ (Avg. 26 insertlons) houses. rock retaining walls GENERAL Electric L. P. Record playet. lar his lerraces. winding step~ For consecutive InsertJons '14.00. Phone 8·~6 . th a rock-sludded handrail One da, ...... _...... 6e per word Real Eatate g down the terraces and the Three Dan ...... 1Oc per word l~ ~gllsh castle. COZY horne with I.ra.e on nice lot. Six Day. , ...... UCl per word Four rooms llrst 1100r. AI... livID, Houses Furnished quoTters In basement. Jmmedlnt.e pos­ All are minute in every detail. One Month ...... 3l1e per word "" ..Ion. CaLI 3313. Owner.

11Ie small houses arc completely Check your ac. )r. the- tint JJSue it .p. l1J!!1isbed with toy furniture. apd The Dally 10w ~:'I can be re.pon. Help Wanted Whit pe.... there's a dimestore Cadillac in the si ble 'or only one lneorrecl In .•ertlan. W"'NTED: Teacher lor veteran. pl.y runl ,rage of one. lehool. Nursery S' . livery. WOODBURN SOUND SER­ I"" '" · iM'tne so worn and broken that that he planned beforehand, Ve- Mrs. Veve::a said she wished her Russia. SUlndard ROYAL Portable !I!I!!i!l!I.l!l!~~!J!J!!J!J!~!J!J!!J!J!I. VCYera had to make a new roof. vera said.. husband would stop making model John Scott Davenport. instructor VICE, 8 E. Collell~. Dial eoUI. iiliiili'"Hlil'iiTiTiiiiTiiJiJiiTiTiiTiTiililiiTiTil • II He wrote that clear Ihinkin!! of in Ihe SUI school or journalism. (Plus lox ) 'I' I $69.50 the subjects involved will help has been named a judge for the Case Included Insurance YOUNG solve many of the problems be­ "Communlly Service" contest. For AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE and tween the United States and Rus­ sponsored by the Georgia Press WIKEl oth



-..,w,-! _~ .J ~OUNDS '~~ t1-YPIC"LLY ~ PUFFLE - PAGE SIX - THE DAILY roWAN, SATURDAY, JULY n, 115. Hickenlooper Celebrates Birthday Yanks Gain -,Time City -- Groups to Review Kalona Girl Builds Own Telescope In Valiant Stand --- Made at Taejon oning Laws Thursday Des Iowa City' zoning laws will be reviewed and discussed Car· SO~iEWHERE IN KOREA I\J'I­ hursda , when Iowa City chamber of commerce hold a special A game bunch of Yanks wrote eeting in conjunction with various civic organization. "Taejon, Korea" Into American SUI hjslory this week. Robert Gage, secretary of the chamber of commerce, who On the approaches to Taejan, aIled the meeting for 7:30 p.m. in the Iowa Union, said th e cham­ and in the muddy streets of this of commerce board of directors has invited the follOWing city of clapboard shacks and jer­ 'vic groups to participate: I rybuilt houses, the U.S. Z41h In­ The Iowa City board of adJust­ fantry division fought its heart ent and review, the city zoning Exp out against overwhelming odds a d planning commission, the city Gratitude and claimcd a deadly price in uncll, Mayor Preston Koser. the blood lor each yard it yielded. ty engineer and attorney, th~ Res When they linally lost burning nln' commiUee or the realtors Immigrant Gives $100 Taejon to the Red invaders ot loclatlon and the zoning com­ To Aid Korea South Korea, the thinned ranka ·tlee of the chamber ol com­ Ear of the 24th had won the chief rce. SANTA MONICA, CALIF. !lPI­ ingredient of eventual Allied vic­ Gage said the need tor a new White - haired, smiling Dave (The W-,.SIi tory-time. o revised zoning ordinance would Bellboy) Epstein, 78, explained force is Three weeks ago these young considered I{ the participating Friday he sent $100 to President lis orgal1 Truman as a contribution toward Americans lelt a carefree occu­ o ganizations think it necessary. Uve dut; pation life in Japan. Gage said It Is known there is the Korean war cost to show his Inen [or two weeks they took thing wrong. either with the gratitude for being an American. a bloody pounding. They gained J wa City zoning Illws or their "It isn't much," said Epstein at. time for two fresh American divi­ a ministration, and the purpose at the hotel where he works, "but it sions and strong American air e meeting will be 10 lind out. may help some." and naval forces to get into BC­ at the trouble is. Epstein, a Lithuanian - born lion. City Engineer Fred E. G artzke naturallzeq. citizen who came to They lell back to the Kum river 5 id there are known violations the United States when he was Line before Taejon and there, tor o the zoning laws. He used the 19 years old, said his $100 con­ she days, they fought ott well­ 1I ustratlon of residences In" A" tribution was in addition to a like at'med Communist rorces at leILSl rC51dentiai areas beIng converted sum he has been sending annual­ five times stronger numerically. from the legal two - family dwell­ ly to the U.S. Treasury. By all the books of military jngs to four. six and eight family "I'm an old man and I don't REACHJNG FOR THE MOON Illay be futile, but an 18-year-old Kalona girl has managed to briar ~ science they'd have been justified apartments. have mllny expenses," Epstein much closer by means of tbe telescope she herself built. Virginia Ann Brenneman, (right) May , ra du a~ of the Iowa Mennllnlte schocl, helped adjust the In-trument at. its first publio showing Thursday nlPl in pulling out witho\lt 0 light for said. "My three children have all at the I\l ennonlte community, 8 mites northwest of KalOna. SchOOl industrial arts lnstructor Salllll!l Taejon. They were In desperate had good American educations. B. Natzi&'er (left) said that Miss Brenneman ,roun d and polished the 6-ineh mir ror to within a ler need ot rest, regrouping, and rein­ They went to college lind they taught me to speak good English. millionths ·3f an inch of perfection. It has 2,000 tim es the light-gathering power of the eye, accordlllr t. lorcements. Hoarding, Prices Fall; Nafziger, who supervised the work. Virginia was assisted by her father in o!mstructlon of the mOlUJllIc The Red radio boasted that the It I had stayed in the old coun· try. now under Russia, I wouldn't frr the telescope. Work on the Illlitrument was co m p)fled In abllut six Illonths, Nafzlg'cr sa.id. He h el. invaders would march into Tae­ rolled In summer school a.t SUI. jon-for a time lhe temporary Shortages Unlikely have made enough to be able to South Korean capital-with bands give a nickel away. CHICAGO «PI - Reports of "The country was good to me playing and with "loyal Koreans" ho~ding and price boosting fell 'Promis ing Young Artist' - welcoming them In. Crom the start." he said. "After Sentence Girl for ott Friday as Americans appar­ the hardships of the old country They were welcomed, all right began bellevlng the state­ -by a hall of bullets and mor­ it was like a dream to be here. ts of government and Iiltsi- I made money in business and I lars. leaders that no shortages Writing ';8ad' Checks Prize-Winner 1o Teach Here lost the money but I was alway~ If couralte \ ere tbe. .DAly In commodities are likely. happy and I was able to see that Shirley F . Duffy, 421 E. Mar­ Prize-winning Artist Howard tion of formal structures in thrct. tors, l'aejon would still be ours. The United States Cuban Suo ket slreet, was sentenced to 30 my children had the things I Warshaw will be an assistant pro- dimensional splice. But there were other lactors­ gar council at New York told con­ didn't have as a child., days in the Johnson county jail ammunition, communications, lind sumers there is more sugar a all­ "That's why I decided to send Friday by Police Judge Emil G. fessor in the SUI art department "He is not cnhrely u nl'omanti~ thousands upon thousands of able now than they have ver $100 a year to the treasury. It's Trott on a charge of writing false this fa Ii, Prof. Lcster D. Long- either in the sense of being pure· North Korean infantrymen who useq In a sIngle year. my way of saying 'thank you' to cheCks. man, head of the depart.ment, said Iy rational or in the sense or be-I kept filling the holes the red­ Other Industry officials said the government for le tting me eyed Yanks knocked in their Trott suspended 20 days of the Friday. ing ca)cu)aling or acaoemir,'1 Christianity Only Key there' was an excess of nearly 10 come here." sentence on condition the bad ranks. poun(ls available tor every man, checks, totalling $75, be paid with­ Warshaw, 30, was one of the added. woman and child in the U.S. on in 10 days. artists mentioned this spring in a "Inspiration plays an importanl the basis or estimates that each Miss Duffy was charged with Life magazine article on pl'omis- part in his work, else he shou ld To Peace, Kagawd Says 'Miracle' Ends .Girl's consumes about 100 pounds a 'Let's Get it Over!' ing young Americlln painters. not be such an outstanding artisl' year. passing nine false checks since The world must becom conscious of God to They acknowledged that a tem­ May 31. He has been teaching at 'the Longman said that it is W't. urvive the Jepson Art institute in Los Ange- shaw's conviction that the fines! atomic age, Toyohiko Kagawa, Japanese Christian leader, said 17 Years as: Mute porary shortage exjsts at the mo­ Say War-Bound Men In other action. William L. Par­ ment. But they said it was caused kin, 201 1-2 Iowa avenue, was les. Warshaw won £irst prize in painting comes from life ex pen. Frid, y night. CHESWICK, PA. «PI - A cur­ entirely by hoarding housewives CHICAGO nPI - The reservists fined $25 on four charges. drawing and second prize in oil ences and that its forms comt painting at the Los Angeles An- from naturc. Kag \Va spoke to nearly 500 persons at the fifth SUl \Immer tain of silence which shrouded lind will end as soon as grocer~ and guardsmen called to the col­ Tbey were: failure to display ors Friday sounded a unanimous an automobile registration, lail­ nual exhIbition in 1942. ('S ion lecture at the band h II south of the Towa Union. the speech ot II coal miner's 27- shelves are restocked. "In his more surrealistic work year-old daughter since birth Packers of canned meat report battlecry: ure to transfer the registration to Last summer he won first prize of earlier days," Longman said. urn passing through the atomic age. it is no lise to have a lilted slowly Friday. they have been carefully examin­ "Let's get this job done fast!" his name. parking in an alley, and in water color at the California "Warshaw lacked the structun! p ·tty army, na\'y alld aircorp ·. Towntolk spoke of the "Miracle Ing offers for considerable quanti­ they said. a meter violation. Centennial exhibition. He is now strength he now has. In hi.! re-! J t is b ·tter to b arm >d with the Bible con do for the world, at Mushroom Farm" and whisper­ ties from people nqt normally in One ot the first to be called Stewart A. Mather, West having a onc-man exhibition at cent paintings, however, the fac. Jesu - Chri -t," he ass rt d. Kagawa pointed to Japan in the ed the name ol lie len Kovel the business, the Institute said. was John S. Leady Jr .• a SI. Lou­ BranCh, was Cined $25 for failing the Perls gallery in Los Angeles. tors of imagination and fantasy atomic age. with reverence. "Because or excessive demand, to observe two rural hij:hway "Cosmic con, ciousness - con­ is lawyer who holds a lieutenant Warshaw was born in New are still present. acting to height. [ "Although Japanese Christians They were ccrt,.in an act of and to protect the public from commander'S commission In the stop signs uly 18. York City and attended school at en their vitality." sciousness of God, IS the only way are tew in relation to the total God had released the deeply-re­ being gouged by operators not Aldean W. Davis, Wellman, for_ Pratt institute, the National Acad- - _ to regenerate mankind. and unless naval air reserve. He volunteered, popula tion, Christian characters­ ligious girl Crom her vocal pri­ usually In the buSiness, some meat feited $10 bond on a charge of in­ emy of Design, Columbia univer-· we remake mankind. It Is Impos­ giving up a promising race tor istics are respected in Japan," he son. Doctors were more skeptical canners quIt selling tor 24 hours toxica tion. sity and lhe Art Students league, sible to have a iOod state," he the Republican nomination as sald. but none could explain her sud­ about a week ago, in order to all in New York City. ~id . congressman from Missouri's 11 th "Before the Bible was intro­ den return from muteness. permit the taking of inventories district. He has worked in the Walt To demon~ trate what. Christ and duced, public prcstitution was Helen, a bright - eyed, cheerful and assure the routing of supplies GOP Nominates Boone "Il's tough to go back in again Disney stUdios, and designed sets common, wilh 55,000 living as person, broke her lifelong ailence to regular legitimate channels of after only five years," he said. Man for State Treasurer for the Jean Paul Sartre play "No white slaves." When Christian wilh a laltering. barely - audible trade." Exit." • women organized purity groups, "mamma" last Sunday. SInce then "But the faster we get at it, DES MOINES '(JP) - M.L. (Abe) the sooner it'lI be over with." WarShaw has had one-man ·1I·,ff1t19 prostitution was llbolished and she has mastered "more," "mom" * * * Abrahamson, 47, of Boone. won ... ftjJ.Ol COUI.N since the war has disappeared, he and "mother." Naval reservist Harold Foden shows in the Julian Levy gallery, HOLDEN, GRAY the Republican nomination for z.. NOW ENDS TUES'DA Y sold. Her tongue Is gradually be­ Sugar, Sugar ... ot East Liverpool, Ohio, was pre­ state treasurer by an overwhelm. the 44th gallery, New York City; five galleries in Los Angeles, and Air Conditioned by "Re.pectrul labor wllsn't pre­ coming accustomed to the work­ paring to leave his wlte and five Ing vote on the first ballot at Fri­ 'FIltJer _. "" ..... valent, but when Christ became ings ot speech. But her progress Is PHILADELPHrA (JP)-You say children, aged 2 to 13, within the Santa Barbara Museum. ~ REfRIGERATION you can't find any sugar? day's GOP state convention. known, labor unions and parties slow and too much effort brings two days. His family will live on Abrahamson, on leave as cash­ Since 1945 his work has been .- --Added - --. were organized by Christians," ac­ headaches. Then you should have been the bank account and his pay. ier of the Iowa t.ax commissioil, exhibited at the Whitney museum, cording to Kagawa. 'PONY EXPRESS DAYS' Helen's pllrents were overjoyed down at the Philadelphia water­ "r don't care where they send defeated Edward J. K all emyn. New York City, the Carnegie In­ Today there are 48 lubf runions, - Technicolor - that their daughter had broken front Friday. me." said Foder, a boiler techni­ Pella. secretary of the Iowa World ternational institute at Pittsburg, he aid, which until last June fol­ through tho wall of silence_ They The Angelina, a Puerto Rico cian 1st class. "But I hope il's to War II bonus board; Lawrence I. Pa .• the Los Angeles County mu­ COLORTOON - NEWS lowed communism, but which un­ had resigned themselves to her freighter, docked at the Pennsyl­ Korea." Truax, Des Moines, veteran em­ sellm and the Iowa Summer der the direction ot Christian IItfliction years Blo when they vania Sugar company pier with a Edward W. Sewell of Madison, show. Coming Soon lcadcrs have dCl>clted commun­ ploye of tbe state auditor's office. sent Helen to the f'olk school for cargo of 10,400 tons of sugar. Wis., 32-year-old father ol three, ism. and George W. Hcsalroad, Green. "Warshaw's work is strongly deal mutes in Slippery Rock, Pa., That made the total receipts of said "I kind of expected to be MARX BROS. Newest Hit A main reason communism was former secretary of the state exe­ architectonic." Longman com­ for three yeafs. sugar here this week almost 38,- called." 'LOVE HAPPY' un s ~cess !ul in J apan and more cutive council. mented, "involving the organizB - successful in Italy and China, ac­ 000,000 (that's riiht - millions) "There's only one way to get cording to Kagawa, Is that there Two Cars Damaged pounds. the damn thing ovel' and that's COOLED BY REFRIGERATION is a land program in Japan and A great many stores here have lor everybody to pitch in. But I nrne in the othcr countries. In Thursday Collision signs posted tor their customers: don't feel so good about being one STARTS EXCLUSIVE · Cars driven by Robert E. "NO SUGAR." "In China. the Ccmmunlst pro­ of the first to go." IOWA CITY mise of land tor peasants made Rhodes, 24, 21 1-2 E. College Chinese turn communistic. In Ja­ street, and Carl D. Martin, 35, TODAY SHOWING pan the land was divided among North Liberty, collldect at Clin. Proudly Presents the people since the war, and they ton and Washington streets at realized communism could' do 10:30 p.m. ThundllY. A NEW AND UNUSUAL MOVIE BY NOEL COWARD nothing for them," he said. Damage to Martin's car was very sHght and $100 damage was cstlmated tor Rhodes' cllr. About* the* Movie* ADARING EXP.ERIMENT "The Astonished Heart" is ENGLERT-LAST DAY one of the most daringly frank "Doors Open 1:15·':45 Where You Can - Smoke When Yau Like films in years. A stirring stqry CLAUDETTE COLBERT INLOYE r Tallt When You Like Come Just As You Are of a famou,s psychiatrist wbo " THREE CAME HOME" fall s in love wi th his wile's Boxol6ce Opens 7:30 - Showl at Dusk and 10:00 girlhood chum and becomes "Doors Open 1:15-10:10" ~ Adults SOC - Children Under 12 In Cars FREE blinded to everything but this beautiful woman. "The Aston­ Starts TO-OI Y~ )''' ished Hearl" is gripping screen • e.pterlainment . t FIR!T '"'UN HtT~ ~ The Universal-International , 7)~ release marks Noel Coward's De CARLO tirst screen appearance' in eight nO~;1f yeal'S, and presents the famouS actor-playwright-composer, as O'CONNO stlrrio, HOWARD DUff I the psychiatrist Christian Fa­ PATRICIA MEDINA ",,. WILLARD PA~Kn Celia JOHNSOH ber, in a role that fi nds him at Noel COWARD his best. Co-starring with hi m ZASU PITTS Marlaret LEIGHTON are Celia Johnson, who was SO IIDIIT£ SHOW TONITE! wonderful in "B;ief Encounter" • RAY (OlUNS... A GAIN SBOROUGII PICTURE Com. in to the lcut ahowinQ of our reQU­ A UNIVERSAI·lrITERNATIOHAl as the patient, loving wife who OHN MciNTIRE lar feature and stay lor the Mldnlt. Show REtEASE gambles her husband's heart at no extra charqe.. _or. U you prefer, to win him back to srnit" ."~ drop in around 12:00 and see just the lat. save his soul, and Marilret . MOW at our r.qular admlaaioD price. Leighton. a blonde charmer who took England by slorJ11 and undoubtedly will do the CAST AND' CREDIT same in th is country. J. Arthur Rank Presentalion As Leonora Vail, Miss Lelah­ Screen Play ... _.. Noel Coward ton sets out to fall in love with Facer, and to make him fall in . ., 'lAW lI4 usic ...... ~ ...... Noel Coward Direction ...... Terence Fisher love with her. She succeeds in doing both . The usually calm. CAST reserved psych13t.rist findS Christian Faber .... Noel Coward himself being ' swept away bY , . C-::" .."." Barbara Faber .... Celia Johnson his single passiOn, and bi5 : Wallace FORD _ ~ ~ ~.."" Lonora Vail. Margaret Leighton dormant passion erupts In to ~ _ 'l; "...John MIUAN Marcaret HAYES Susan Birch ...... Joyce Carey fierce po.