On -the Inside ., Weather Pari., eloudy today and Yankee. Beat Detroit. 14-5 Sunda,. S.... bUy warmer •• PaQe 4 104a,. Hll'b &Oda,. 82; Review Local Zonlnq Lawa low, It. Hll'b FrIday. 81; , .. Paqe 6 low, n. 'Christianity Xey 10 Peace'-Xaqawa . .., Paqe 6 at Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto. UP Leased Wire - Five Cents The ~ly Iowan: 5crturday: July 22. 1950 - Vol. 84. No. 245 ----~----------~------------------------------------~--------------~-------- Love Troubles, Man Leaps Into q.s. I.ro.~~R$. .' ln '·'BaptiSm (l" Fire' li'ver Here A man tentatively identified as Robert E. Smith. 26, Lyndon, Kan., jumped into the Iowa river e~. Q~"r~ ;Two ', Ea'st Kirean ~i ,ties from the Iowa avenue bridge at , about 12 :30 a.m. today. .. * * . * He managed to swim to shore * * * and was helped up the bank by .Korean 'War al a' Glance But Yanks some bystanders who took him ~Iivia QJfers I .• ' Itorun Front-American Negro troops capture }'echon after tei University hospitals. _ 18,.hour. battle in first aggressive ifound victory. GI's withdraw­ At I a.m. he was conscious and ing from Red-captured Taejon hold grimly to positions in near­ R~t~eat South talking, although hospital officials Troops ~ " lid ! by hills. Exaet heavy toll in enemy tanks with new bazooka. dedlned to comment on his con­ J\nU·infiltration tactics working against Reds. Maj. Gen. William dition. Dean .till missing. Of Taejon Smith was reported to be a UN in Korea t, , ._ ' Waahlqjon - Senate votes President power to hold all en­ TOKYO (SATURDAY) (JP)­ member of the merchant marine LAKE SUCCESS (IP)-!.Bolivia listed men in armed services for extra year. Senate and house who had Jo come to Iowa City to Fresh U.S. troops have seized two has oflered 30 officers and ele" . committ1es approve bin to WJpe out 2,OOS,882-man limit on size Communist communication cen­ marry his fiancee. Her name was ment.s of its regular army to join of aImed forces. Senate 81 ~ 0 votes President control over opera­ ters in separate assaults. but Am­ reported to be Gardie Smith, Gen. Douglas MacArthur's forces tion Of -foreisn ships In U.S. waters. Army begins calling national ericllns have been forced to re­ about 19, a University hospitals' ~ in Korea, the United NaUons dis- ' treat again south of fallen Taejon. employe. guard and "re~erves to active duty. closed Friday night. Si:le of the . Lalie 'Sueee-Nlne nations answer UN appeal tor some ef­ 'Ilhe Americans took over the Eyewitnesses told this story: attaek on the east coast and the elements was not disclosed.. · te$tlv~ ahi'ln Korea but only Bollvia offers ground combat lorces. Smith rode to the bridge on a This was the first d-ellnlte of­ , central part of the front Friday girls' bicycle registered In the fer ot soldiers from any of the 52 while their comrades on the webt were being forced back by a. two­ name of Margaret J. Smith, 2219 UN members who were asked last week to do all they could to pronged drive south of Taejon. H street. U.S. troops under cover of a Before making the jump, Smith help the UN wax effort. ~'oc/;gefState Department Special Otten ' heavy naval bombardment cap­ took off his shoes, sa t on the LST Lands First Cavalry Equipment tured the ruined east coast city bridge rail, read a diary for about Thc Bolivian offer was madb o( Yongdok, probably upsetting a public by the UN several hours $'e~'i,ity S'ystem -Sound Red offensive, a naval communi­ lO minut~ and then left his bill­ PULLING A SMALL TRAILER. a First Cavalry division weapons carrier bas just driven oft Ulis LST alter Lie had told reporters that que said. fold and the diary on the rail be­ (Landlnr Ship Tank) at Pohang, South Korea. Steel-helmeted t.roops superv"e the unloadiD&' In tbe tltst Official offers of planes, sliips and • WASHINGTON (UP) - Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. (R· fore leaping. amphibious operation since ~.,r;d War II. Yonldok is 25 miles north ot hospital supplies had been receiv- Mass.) told the senate Friday he is conviJlced the state depart· where the U.S. First Cavalry di­ Neil Simpkins, G, Iowa City, ed 100 response to his appeal. t h t " d" 'ty t d th t h f d notified pOlice who sl!nt a squad Lie told his weekly news con~ men as so up a soun secun sys em an a e oun no vision landed earlier this week in car and 'a fire truck pulmotor. the first amphibious opera tion of i ference he docs not think mes- COl}lmunlsts : ~n its payroll. the war. It had been razed by A man who works on the new Insurance Firms Invoke Limitations on Policies sages from only nine UN members , / But be repeated that a sellate foreign relations subcommittee naval gvnlire Wednesda.y. Veterans hospital project here is a poor resporllle. He said 'it is failed to '1l1ake ' a "thorough" investigation of charges by Sen. JO· . ~5Ul SelUIL Yeebon alld refused to give his name, said Limitations on insurance poli­ included in policies sold to appli­ companies reported that no spe­ too early for deflniJe answers . More than 50 miles to the west, ht ~alked to Smith on the corner cies for men gOing into the armed cants concerned in the ban. cial instructions had been re­ from governments and that mllY- Sepp ,R. McCarthy . (R-Wis.) U.S . .Negro troops of the 25th In­ of CI1pitol and Linn streets about forces were invoked Friday by at (1'erm insurance is any insur­ ceived. be two weeks from now he migbt tIlat!' the I department is' Red-io- fantry division seized the rail 1:30 p.m. He said Smith told him least two insurance companies do­ ance which covers a specified pet­ However, G. W. Buxton, local expect- final responses. , f\ltc'ated:' fle ·.tiTged: a new inquiry First Student Feills and highway city of Yechon, a he was going to jump into the ri­ ing business in Iowa City. iod of yellrs. Premium waiver representative tor Aetna Casualty Nine Nations a ..poad ,by·or.-independent bipartisan eom- field dispatch said. Yechon is 60 ver because hl~ fiancee had These restrictions do not con­ clauses provide that no premium and SUrety compan.y, said nearly The nine nations r~ponding ni~sSion. r . , Victim to Polio air miles northeast 01 Taejon. changed her ",ind about gettil18 stitute war clauses, but MaTc M. be paid on a policy when the all property floater policies and with offers eittler of sympa~hy" or .u>dge"wIIS lone . of ·the two Re- A graduate student in the mu ~ The communique said the Am­ married today. Stewart, local agent tor the New policy-holder Is totally disabled.) automobile policies already con­ aetual assistance in tra!lBport or publi~an .memUers ot ,the subcom- . ericans had made further with· York Life Insurance company, Fire jnsurance and casualty tain War clauses. supply, are Peru, Sweden, Den- mU,tl!e, w~ic~ 'spent , five months SlC department was the fl:st S~I drawals southeast ot Taejon, pointed out that the limitations , mark, ~orway, Argen(fna"Franc~. l~kl,ng ~ int9 ; McCar~hy's alJegll- . stud\!nt admitted to Umverslty where the hills begin to rise from are probably a preliminary step Brazil, Greece and !he Phllip- h#ns. 10. 1\ report 'accepted by the hospitals as a polio patient this the plains. South Koreans on the toward invoking war clauses. fo pines. , sena~e Thursday, the Democratic summer, officials said Friday. American cast flank also have Nation Moves Companies included are the SUI Publish . Canada has Indicated it Will lI\ejority., ~rlln'ded the charges "a He is Robert Tyndall 24 179 pulled back. BlondesI' It New York Life and the Prudential send an air transport squadroh Ira~d ' and .a hOR)C" and a~cused Riverside park. His pa~enU; are The communique called "a Life Insurance companies. for assistance in the Pacltic air McOar1W deliber;ltely lymg to Prof. and Mrs. E. P. T. Tyndall. planned withdrawal to better lines New Magazine Playboy Spends. $4,200 ."f of nl;ltural defense." (One company reportedly in­ lift. , the l:senate' lInd the nation. His father is a professor in the To Mobilize SUI's employes will begin re­ North Korean troops were re­ voked a war clause, but The Daily Both UN and U.S. sources have '; Ex1>1~1nlpt . why he ref~sed to phySics depllrtment. ceiving pocket - size magazines On Chicago Toot ported by the Korean Communist WASHINGTON (JP) - In swift Iowan was unable to contact re­ said that in any event ofters o't s.~ ;~ tf~ · reuort, Lodge said th ~t Tyndall, who Is married and has sometime this 1all, Artyn C. Marks, (Il') - radio to be attacking American strides, the nation drove toward CHICAGO A disillusioned soldiers must De top secret and no eVI- cb'ld was r po ted in "1 I OJ presentatives of the firm.) , director ot the personnel serv­ wfule M~Carth", pr~duced line; SOIll.h..-of Taejon. The com· large-scale . moblliza tion . Friday Jess P. Moftitt, agent lor the 19-ye~-0Id playbQx. lIa,' in 'ail ...~ be handled in that fasllicm del'lce 10 ~aclC , up. IllS charges, the one di~: era r ice. announced Friaay: - . Friday and complained that "hun­ m~nlque made no mention ot any amid increasing signs of stiff tax Prudential Insurance comllany, The new magazine, an SUI pub­ until all arran8ements Mv!! been s4b~orilmlhee ' should oot have con gry and thirsty blondes" helped made.
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