Church at Home The Liturgy of the Hours

Feasts & Solemnities

Notre Dame Catholic Parish Denver, Colorado Canticle of Zechariah free to worship him without fear, Luke 1:68-79 holy and righteous in his sight all the days of our life. Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; You, my child, shall be called the he has come to his people and set prophet of the Most High, them free. for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way, He has raised up for us a mighty to give his people knowledge of savior, salvation born of the house of his servant by the forgiveness of their sins. David. In the tender compassion of our Through his holy prophets he God, promised of old, the dawn from on high shall that he would save us from our break upon us, enemies, to shine on those who dwell from the hands of all who hate in darkness and the shadow of us. death, and to guide our feet into the He promised to show mercy to way of peace. our fathers and to remember his holy cove- Glory be to the Father, and to the nant. Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is This was the oath he swore to our now, and ever shall be. Amen. father Abraham, to set us free from the hands of (Repeat antiphon) our enemies, Click here to jump back to the Table of Contents, which will allow you to jump to the particular feast or solemnity.

The English translation of Psalm Responses, Alleluia Verses, Gospel Verses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL); the English translation of Antiphons, Invitatories, Responsories, Intercessions, Psalm 95, the Canticle of the Lamb, Psalm Prayers, Non-Biblical Readings from The Liturgy of the Hours © 1973, 1974, 1975, ICEL; excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

English translation of Gloria Patri, Benedictus, Magnificat, and Nunc Dimittis by the International Consultation on English Texts.

Psalm texts except Psalm 95 Copyright © 1963, The Grail (England). Used with permission of A.P. Watt Ltd. All rights reserved.

Readings and Old and New Testament Canticles (excerpt the Gospel Canticles) are taken from the New American Bible © 1970, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. Used with permission. All rights reserved. Table of Contents Canticle of Zechariah Psalms to be used with the special Antiphons, Readings, Intercessions, and Prayers for Feasts & Solemnities Sunday Morning Sunday Evening Thursday Morning Thursday Evening Friday Morning Friday Evening Saturday Morning Saturday Evening

Feasts & Solemnities with fixed dates (same date every year)

January 1: Mary, Mother of God January 25: Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle February 2: Presentation February 22: Chair of Peter March 19: St. Joseph March 25: Annunciation April 25: St. Mark May 3: Sts. Philip & James May 14: St. Matthias May 31: Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary June 24: Nativity of John the Baptist June 29: Sts. Peter & Paul July 3: St. Thomas July 22: St. Mary Magdalene July 25: St. James August 6: Transfiguration August 10: St. Lawrence August 15: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 24: St. Bartholomew September 8: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 14: Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 21: St. Matthew September 29: Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels October 4: St. Francis of Assisi October 18: St. Luke October 28: Sts. Simon & Jude November 1: All Saints November 2: All Souls November 9: Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 13: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini November 30: St. Andrew December 8: Immaculate Conception December 12: Our Lady of Guadalupe December 25: Christmas December 26: St. Stephen December 27: St. John December 28: Holy Innocents

Feasts & Solemnities with changing dates (different date every year) Epiphany Baptism of the Lord Ash Wednesday Palm Sunday Holy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday Easter Sunday Ascension Pentecost Trinity Sunday Corpus Christi Sacred Heart Immaculate Heart Christ the King Holy Family Canticle of Mary Psalms to be used with the special Antiphons, Readings, Intercessions, and Prayers for Feasts & Solemnities Sunday Morning Prayer Antiphon 2 (use antiphons, etc. from the particular feast or solemnity) Canticle - Daniel 3:57-88, 56

Antiphon 1 1. Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord. Psalm 63:2-9 Praise and exalt him above all forever. Angels of the Lord, bless the Lord. 1. O God, you are my God, for you I You heavens, bless the Lord. long; All you waters above the heavens, for you my soul is thirsting. bless the Lord. My body pines for you All you hosts of the Lord, bless the like a dry, weary land without water. Lord. So I gaze on you in the Sun and moon, bless the Lord. sanctuary Stars of heaven, bless the Lord. to see your strength and your glory. 2. Every shower and dew, bless the 2. For your love is better than life, Lord. my lips will speak your praise. All you winds, bless the Lord. So I will bless you all my life, Fire and heat, bless the Lord. in your name I will lift up my hands. Cold and chill, bless the Lord. My soul shall be filled as with a Dew and rain, bless the Lord. banquet; Frost and chill, bless the Lord. my mouth shall praise you with joy. Ice and snow, bless the Lord. Nights and days, bless the Lord. 1. On my bed I remember you. Light and darkness, bless the Lord. On you I muse through the night Lightnings and clouds, bless the for you have been my help; Lord. in the shadow of your wings I rejoice. 1. Let the earth bless the Lord. My soul clings to you; Praise and exalt him above all forever. your right hand holds me fast. Mountains and hills, bless the Lord. Everything growing from the earth, 2. Glory be to the Father, and to the bless the Lord. Son, and to the Holy Spirit. You springs, bless the Lord.

1. As it was in the beginning, is now, 2. Seas and rivers, bless the Lord. and ever shall be. Amen. You dolphins and all water creatures, bless the Lord. Psalm Prayer (Leader): Father, All you birds of the air, bless the creator of unfailing light, give that Lord. same light to those who call to you. All you beasts, wild and tame, bless May our lips praise you; our lives the Lord. proclaim your goodness; our work You sons of men, bless the Lord. give you honor; and our voices celebrate you forever. Click here when necessary to jump to Table of Contents and jump back to Antiphon 1 the particular feast or solemnity. 1. O Israel, bless the Lord. Let the faithful rejoice in their glory, Praise and exalt him above all shout for joy and take their rest. forever. Let the praise of God be on their lips Priests of the Lord, bless the Lord. and a two-edged sword in their hand, Servants of the Lord, bless the Lord. Spirits and souls of the just, bless the 1. to deal out vengeance to the nations Lord. and punishment on all the peoples; Holy men of humble heart, bless the to bind their kings in chains Lord. and their nobles in fetters of iron; Hananiah, Azariah, Mishael, bless to carry out the sentence pre-or- the Lord. dained; Praise and exalt him above all this honor is for all his faithful. forever. 2. Glory be to the Father, and to the 2. Let us bless the Father, and the Son, Son, and to the Holy Spirit. and the Holy Spirit. Let us praise and exalt him above all 1. As it was in the beginning, is now, forever. and ever shall be. Amen. Blessed are you, Lord, in the firmament of heaven. Psalm Prayer (Leader): Let Israel Praiseworthy and glorious and rejoice in you, Lord, and exalted above all forever. acknowledge you as creator and redeemer. We put our trust in your (The Glory Be is not said at the end faithfulness and proclaim the of this canticle) wonderful truths of salvation. May your loving kindness embrace us now Antiphon 2 and forever. Antiphon 3 Antiphon 3 Psalm 149 Click here when necessary to jump to 1. Sing a new song to the Lord, Table of Contents and jump back to his praise in the assembly of the the particular feast or solemnity. faithful. Let Israel rejoice in its maker, let Zion’s sons exult in their king. Let them praise his name with dancing and make music with timbrel and harp.

2. For the Lord takes delight in his people. He crowns the poor with salvation. Sunday Evening Prayer In Jesus Christ, our Lord and King, (use antiphons, etc. from the we are already seated at your right particular feast or solemnity) hand. We look forward to praising you in the fellowship of all your Antiphon 1 saints in our heavenly homeland.

Psalm 110:1-5, 7 Antiphon 1

1. The Lord's revelation to my Master: Antiphon 2 "Sit on my right: your foes I will put beneath your Psalm 114 feet." The Lord will wield from Zion 1. When Israel came forth from Egypt, your scepter of power: Jacob's sons from an alien people rule in the midst of all your foes. Judah became the Lord's temple, Israel became his kingdom. 2. A prince from the day of your birth on the holy mountains; 2. The sea fled at the sight: from the womb before the dawn I the Jordan turned back on its course, begot you. the mountains leapt like rams and the hills like yearling sheep. 1. The Lord has sworn an oath he will not change. 1. Why was it, sea, that you fled, "You are a priest forever, that you turned back, Jordan, on your a priest like Melchizedek of old." course? Mountains, that you leapt like rams; 2. The Master standing at your right hills, like yearling sheep? hand will shatter kings in the day of his 1. Tremble, O earth, before the Lord, wrath. in the presence of the God of Jacob, who turns the rock into a pool 1. He shall drink from the stream by the and flint into a spring of water. wayside and therefore, he shall lift up his 2. Glory be to the Father, and to the head. Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

1. Glory be to the Father, and to the 1. As it was in the beginning, is now, Son, and to the Holy Spirit. and ever shall be. Amen.

2. As it was in the beginning, is now, Psalm Prayer (Leader): Almighty and ever shall be. Amen. God, ever-living mystery of unity and trinity, you gave life to the new Israel Psalm Prayer (Leader): Father, we ask by birth from water and the Spirit, you to give us victory and peace. and made it a chosen race, a royal Click here when necessary to jump to Table of Contents and jump back to the particular feast or solemnity. priesthood, a people set apart as your 1. As it was in the beginning, is now, eternal possession. May all those you and ever shall be. Amen. have called to walk in the splendor of the new light render you fitting Antiphon 3 service and adoration. ---- Antiphon 2 During Lent, use the following canticle in place of the one from Use this canticle in Revelation. Advent/Christmas, Ordinary Time, and Easter. For Lent, use the canticle Antiphon 3 from 1 Peter to the right. Canticle – 1 Peter 2:21b-24 Antiphon 3 1. Christ suffered for you, Canticle - See Revelation 19:1-7 and left you an example to have you follow in his footsteps. 1. Alleluia. Salvation, glory, and power to our 2. He did no wrong; God: no deceit was found in his mouth. his judgments are honest and true. When he was insulted, Alleluia. he returned no insult.

2. Alleluia. 1. When he was made to suffer, Sing praise to our God, all you his he did not counter with threats. servants, Instead he delivered himself up all who worship him reverently, great to the One who judges justly. and small. Alleluia. 2. In his own body he brought your sins to the cross, 1. Alleluia. so that all of us, dead to sin, The Lord our all-powerful God is could live in accord with God’s will. King; Let us rejoice, sing praise, and give 1. By his wounds you were healed. him glory. Alleluia. 2. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. 2. Alleluia. The wedding feast of the Lamb has 1. As it was in the beginning, is now, begun, and ever shall be. Amen. and his bride is prepared to welcome him. Antiphon 3 Alleluia. Click here when necessary to jump to 1. Glory be to the Father, and to the Table of Contents and jump back to Son, and to the Holy Spirit. the particular feast or solemnity. Thursday Morning Prayer among the nations I will praise you (use antiphons, etc. from the for your love reaches to the heavens particular feast or solemnity) and your truth to the skies.

Antiphon 1 2. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Psalm 57 1. As it was in the beginning, is now, 1. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy and ever shall be. Amen. for in you my soul has taken refuge. In the shadow of your wings I take Psalm Prayer (Leader): Lord, send refuge your mercy and your truth to rescue till the storms of destruction pass by. us from the snares of the devil, and we will praise you among the peoples 2. I call to you, God the Most High, and proclaim you to the nations, to you who have always been my happy to be known as companions of help. your Son. May you send from heaven and save me Antiphon 1 and shame those who assail me. Antiphon 2 1. O God, send forth your truth and your love. Canticle - Isaiah 12:1-6

2. My soul lies down among lions, 1. I give you thanks, O Lord; who would devour the sons of men. though you have been angry with me, Their teeth are spears and arrows, your anger has abated, and you have their tongue a sharpened sword. consoled me.

1. O God, arise above the heavens; 2. God indeed is my savior; may your glory shine on earth! I am confident and unafraid. My strength and my courage is the 1. They laid a snare for my steps; Lord, my soul was bowed down. and he has been my savior. They dug a pit in my path but fell in it themselves. 1. With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation, and say 2. My heart is ready, O God, on that day: my heart is ready. Give thanks to the Lord, acclaim his I will sing, I will sing your praise. name; Awake, my soul; among the nations make known his awake, lyre and harp. deeds, I will awake the dawn. proclaim how exalted is his name. 1. I will thank you, Lord, among the Click here when necessary to jump to peoples; Table of Contents and jump back to the particular feast or solemnity. 2. Sing praise to the Lord for his 1. His delight is not in horses glorious achievement; nor his pleasure in warriors’ strength. let this be known throughout all the The Lord delights in those who earth. revere him, in those who wait for his love. 1. Shout with exultation, O city of Zion, for great in your midst 2. Glory be to the Father, and to the is the Holy One of Israel! Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

2. Glory be to the Father, and to the 1. As it was in the beginning, is now, Son, and to the Holy Spirit. and ever shall be. Amen.

1. As it was in the beginning, is now, Psalm Prayer (Leader): God our and ever shall be. Amen. Father, great builder of the heavenly Jerusalem, you know the number Antiphon 2 of the stars and call each of them by name. Heal hearts that are broken, Antiphon 3 gather together those who have been scattered, and enrich us all from the Psalm 147:1-11 plenitude of your eternal wisdom.

1. Praise the Lord for he is good; Antiphon 3 sing to our God for he is loving: to him our praise is due. Click here when necessary to jump to Table of Contents and jump back to 2. The Lord builds up Jerusalem the particular feast or solemnity. and brings back Israel's exiles, he heals the broken-hearted, he binds up all their wounds. He fixes the number of the stars; he calls each one by its name.

1. Our Lord is great and almighty; his wisdom can never be measured. The Lord raises the lowly; he humbles the wicked to the dust. O sing to the Lord giving thanks; sing psalms to our God with the harp.

2. He covers the heavens with clouds; he prepares the rain for the earth, making mountains sprout with grass and with plants to serve man's needs. He provides the beasts with their food and young ravens that call upon him. Thursday Evening Prayer and call us to salvation at your table. (use antiphons, etc. from the Dispel the terrors of death and the particular feast or solemnity) darkness of error. Lead your people along safe paths, that they may rest Antiphon 1 securely in you and live forever in your Father's house. Psalm 23 Antiphon 1 1. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Antiphon 2 Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose. Psalm 103 Near restful waters he leads me, to revive my drooping spirit. 1. My soul, give thanks to the Lord; all my being, bless his holy name. 2. He guides me along the right path; My soul, give thanks to the Lord he is true to his name. and never forget all his blessings. If I should walk in the valley of darkness 2. It is he who forgives all your guilt, no evil would I fear. who heals every one of your ills, You are there with your crook and who redeems your life from the your staff; grave, with these you give me comfort. who crowns you with love and compassion, 1. You have prepared a banquet for me who fills your life with good things, in the sight of my foes. renewing your youth like an eagle’s. My head you have anointed with oil; my cup is overflowing. 1. The Lord does deeds of justice, gives judgment for all who are 2. Surely goodness and kindness shall oppressed. follow me He made known his ways to Moses all the days of my life. and his deeds to Israel’s sons. In the Lord's own house shall I dwell for ever and ever. 2. The Lord is compassion and love, slow to anger and rich in mercy. 1. Glory be to the Father, and to the His wrath will come to an end; Son, and to the Holy Spirit. he will not be angry forever. He does not treat us according to our 2. As it was in the beginning, is now, sins and ever shall be. Amen. nor repay us according to our faults.

Psalm Prayer (Leader): Lord Jesus Click here when necessary to jump to Christ, Shepherd of your Church, Table of Contents and jump back to you give us new birth in the waters of the particular feast or solemnity. Baptism; you anoint us with oil, 1. For as the heavens are high above the 2. The nations have raged in anger, earth but then came your day of wrath so strong is his love for those who and the moment to judge the dead: fear him. the time to reward your servants the As far as the east is from the west prophets so far does he remove our sins. and the holy ones who revere you, the great and the small alike. 2. As a father has compassion on his sons, 1. Now have salvation and power come, the Lord has pity on those who fear the reign of our God and the him; authority for he knows of what we are made, of his Anointed One, he remembers that we are dust. for the accuser of our brothers is cast out, 1. As for man, his days are like grass; who night and day accused them he flowers like the flower of the field; before God. the wind blows and he is gone and his place never sees him again. 2. They defeated him by the blood of the Lamb 2. Glory be to the Father, and to the and by the word of their testimony; Son, and to the Holy Spirit. love for life did not deter them from death. 1. As it was in the beginning, is now, So rejoice, you heavens, and ever shall be. Amen. and you that dwell therein!

Psalm Prayer (Leader): You have 1. Glory be to the Father, and to the compassion for the sinner, Lord, Son, and to the Holy Spirit. as a Father has compassion for his children. Heal the weakness of your 2. As it was in the beginning, is now, people and save us from lasting death and ever shall be. Amen. that we may praise and glorify you forever. Antiphon 3

Antiphon 2 Click here when necessary to jump to Table of Contents and jump back to Antiphon 3 the particular feast or solemnity. Canticle - Rev 11:17-18; 12:10b-12a

1. We praise you, the Lord God Almighty, who is and who was. You have assumed your great power, you have begun your reign. Friday Morning Prayer 1. Give me again the joy of your help; (use antiphons, etc. from the with a spirit of fervor sustain me, particular feast or solemnity) that I may teach transgressors your ways Antiphon 1 and sinners may return to you.

Psalm 51 2. O rescue me, God, my helper, and my tongue shall ring out your 1. Have mercy on me, God, in your goodness. kindness. O Lord, open my lips In your compassion blot out my and my mouth shall declare your offense. praise. O wash me more and more from my guilt 1. For in sacrifice you take no delight, and cleanse me from my sin. burnt offering from me you would refuse, 2. My offenses truly I know them; my sacrifice, a contrite spirit, my sin is always before me. a humbled, contrite heart you will Against you, you alone, have I not spurn. sinned; what is evil in your sight I have done. 2. In your goodness, show favor to Zion: 1. That you may be justified when you rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. give sentence Then you will be pleased with lawful and be without reproach when you sacrifice, judge. holocausts offered on your altar. O see, in guilt I was born, a sinner was I conceived. 1. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. 2. Indeed you love truth in the heart; then in the secret of my heart teach 2. As it was in the beginning, is now, me wisdom. and ever shall be. Amen. O purify me, then I shall be clean; O wash me, I shall be whiter than Psalm Prayer (Leader): Father, he snow. who knew no sin was made sin for us, to save us and restore us to your 1. Make me hear rejoicing and gladness, friendship. Look upon our contrite that the bones you have crushed may heart and afflicted spirit and heal our revive. troubled conscience, so that in the From my sins turn away your face joy and strength of the Holy Spirit we and blot out all my guilt. may proclaim your praise and glory before all the nations. 2. A pure heart create for me, O God; put a steadfast spirit within me. Antiphon 1 Do not cast me away from your Click here when necessary to jump to presence, Table of Contents and jump back to nor deprive me of your holy spirit. the particular feast or solemnity. Antiphon 2 2. Happy are all men who shall grieve over you, Canticle - Tobit 13:8-11, 13-15 over all your chastisements,

1. Let all men speak of his majesty, 1. For they shall rejoice in you and sing his praises in Jerusalem. as they behold all your joy forever.

2. O Jerusalem, holy city, 2. My spirit blesses the Lord, the great he scourged you for the works of King. your hands, but will again pity the children of the 1. Glory be to the Father, and to the righteous. Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

1. Praise the Lord for his goodness, 2. As it was in the beginning, is now, and bless the King of the ages, and ever shall be. Amen. so that his tent may be rebuilt in you with joy. Antiphon 2 Antiphon 3 2. May he gladden within you all who were captives; Psalm 100 all who were ravaged may he cherish within you 1. Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the for all generations to come. earth. Serve the Lord with gladness. 1. A bright light will shine to all parts of Come before him, singing for joy. the earth; many nations shall come to you from 2. Know that he, the Lord, is God. afar, He made us; we belong to him. and the inhabitants of all the limits of We are his people, the sheep of his the earth, flock. drawn to you by the name of the Lord God, 1. Go within his gates, giving thanks. bearing in their hands their gifts for Enter his courts with songs of praise. the King of heaven. Give thanks to him and bless his name. 2. Every generation shall give joyful praise in you, 2. Indeed, how good is the Lord, and shall call you the chosen one, eternal his merciful love. through all ages forever. He is faithful from age to age.

1. Go, then, rejoice over the children of 1. Glory be to the Father, and to the the righteous, Son, and to the Holy Spirit. who shall all be gathered together and shall bless the Lord of the ages. 2. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. Amen. 2. Happy are those who love you, and happy those who rejoice in your Click here when necessary to jump to prosperity. Table of Contents and jump back to the particular feast or solemnity. Psalm Prayer (Leader): With joy and Friday Evening Prayer gladness we cry out to you, Lord, and (use antiphons, etc. from the ask you: open our hearts to sing your particular feast or solemnity) praises and announce your goodness and truth. Antiphon 1

Antiphon 3 Psalm 121

Click here when necessary to jump to 1. I lift up my eyes to the mountains; Table of Contents and jump back to from where shall come my help? the particular feast or solemnity. My help shall come from the Lord who made heaven and earth.

2. May he never allow you to stumble! Let him sleep not, your guard. No, he sleeps not nor slumbers, Israel's guard.

1. The Lord is your guard and your shade; at your right side he stands. By day the sun shall not smite you nor the moon in the night.

2. The Lord will guard you from evil; he will guard your soul. The Lord will guard your going and coming both now and forever.

1. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

2. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. Amen. Psalm Prayer (Leader): Lord Jesus Christ, you have prepared a quiet place for us in your Father's eternal home. Watch over our welfare on this perilous journey, shade us from the burning heat of day, and keep our lives free of evil until the end.

Antiphon 1 Antiphon 2 1. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold. Psalm 46 2. Glory be to the Father, and to the 1. God is for us a refuge and strength, Son, and to the Holy Spirit. a helper close at hand, in time of distress, 1. As it was in the beginning, is now, so we shall not fear though the earth and ever shall be. Amen. should rock, though the mountains fall into the Psalm Prayer (Leader): All-powerful depths of the sea; Father, the refuge and strength of even though its waters rage and your people, you protect in adversity foam, and defend in prosperity those who even though the mountains be put their trust in you. May they shaken by its waves. persevere in seeking your will and find their way to you through 2. The Lord of hosts is with us; obedience. the God of Jacob is our stronghold. Antiphon 2 1. The waters of a river give joy to God's Antiphon 3 city, the holy place where the Most High Canticle - Revelation 15:3-4 dwells. God is within; it cannot be shaken. 1. Mighty and wonderful are your God will help it at the dawning of the works, day. Lord God Almighty! Nations are in tumult, kingdoms are Righteous and true are your ways, shaken: O King of the nations! he lifts his voice; the earth shrinks away. 2. Who would dare refuse you honor, or the glory due your name, O Lord? 2. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold. 1. Since you alone are holy, all nations shall come 1. Come, consider the works of the and worship in your presence. Lord, Your mighty deeds are clearly seen. the redoubtable deeds he has done on the earth. 2. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. 2. He puts an end to wars over all the earth; 1. As it was in the beginning, is now, the bow he breaks, the spear he and ever shall be. Amen. snaps. He burns the shields with fire. Antiphon 3 “Be still and know that I am God, supreme among the nations, supreme Click here when necessary to jump to on the earth!” Table of Contents and jump back to the particular feast or solemnity. Saturday Morning Prayer 2. As it was in the beginning, is now, (use antiphons, etc. from the and ever shall be. Amen. particular feast or solemnity) Psalm Prayer (Leader): Almighty Antiphon 1 Lord, how wonderful is your name. You have made every creature subject Psalm 8 to you; make us worthy to give you service. 1. How great is your name, O Lord our God, Antiphon 1 through all the earth! Antiphon 2

2. Your majesty is praised above the Canticle - Ezekiel 36:24-28 heavens; on the lips of children and of babes 1. I will take you away from among the you have found praise to foil your nations, enemy, gather you from all the foreign lands, to silence the foe and the rebel. and bring you back to your own land.

1. When I see the heavens, the work of 2. I will sprinkle clean water upon you your hands, to cleanse you from all your the moon and the stars which you impurities, arranged, and from all your idols I will cleanse what is man that you should keep you. him in mind, mortal man that you care for him? 1. I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you, 2. Yet you have made him little less than taking from your bodies your stony a god; hearts with glory and honor you crowned and giving you natural hearts. him, gave him power over the works of 2. I will put my spirit within you your hands, and make you live by my statutes, put all things under his feet. careful to observe my decrees.

1. All of them, sheep, and cattle, 1. You shall live in the land I gave your yes, even the savage beasts, fathers; birds of the air, and fish you shall be my people, that make their way through the and I will be your God. waters. Click here when necessary to jump to 2. How great is your name, O Lord our Table of Contents and jump back to God, the particular feast or solemnity. through all the earth!

1. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. 2. Glory be to the Father, and to the Saturday Evening Prayer Son, and to the Holy Spirit. (use antiphons, etc. from the particular feast or solemnity) 1. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. Amen. Antiphon 1

Antiphon 2 Psalm 113 Antiphon 3 1. Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord! Psalm 117 May the name of the Lord be blessed both now and for evermore! 1. O praise the Lord, all you nations, From the rising of the sun to its acclaim him all you peoples! setting praised be the name of the Lord! 2. Strong is his love for us; he is faithful forever. 2. High above all nations is the Lord, above the heavens his glory. 1. Glory be to the Father, and to the Who is like the Lord, our God, Son, and to the Holy Spirit. who has risen on high to his throne yet stoops from the heights to look 2. As it was in the beginning, is now, down, and ever shall be. Amen. to look down upon heaven and earth? Psalm Prayer (Leader): God, our Father, may all nations and peoples 1. From the dust he lifts up the lowly, praise you. May Jesus, who is called from the dung heap he raises the faithful and true and who lives with poor you eternally, possess our hearts to set them in the company of forever. princes, yes, with the princes of his people. Antiphon 3 To the childless wife he gives a home and gladdens her heart with children. Click here when necessary to jump to Table of Contents and jump back to 2. Glory be to the Father, and to the the particular feast or solemnity. Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

1. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. Amen.

Psalm Prayer (Leader): Lord Jesus, Word of God, surrendering the brightness of your glory you became man so that we may be raised from For you will not leave my soul among the dust to share your very being. the dead, May there be innumerable children nor let your beloved know decay. of the Church to offer homage to your name from the rising of the sun 2. You will show me the path of life, to its setting. the fullness of joy in your presence, at your right hand happiness forever. Antiphon 1 1. Glory be to the Father, and to the Antiphon 2 Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Psalm 16 2. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. Amen. 1. Preserve me, God, I take refuge in you. Psalm Prayer (Leader): Lord Jesus, I say to you, Lord: "You are my God. uphold those who hope in you and My happiness lies in you alone." give us your counsel, so that we may know the joy of your resurrection 2. You have put into my heart a and deserve to be among the saints at marvelous love your right hand. for the faithful ones who dwell in your land. Antiphon 2 Those who choose other gods increase their sorrows. Antiphon 3 Never will I offer their offerings of blood. Canticle - Philippians 2:6-11 Never will I take their name upon my lips. 1. Though he was in the form of God, Jesus did not deem equality with God 1. O Lord, it is you who are my portion something to be grasped at. and cup; it is you yourself who are my prize. 2. Rather, he emptied himself The lot marked out for me is my and took the form of a slave, delight, being born in the likeness of men. welcome indeed the heritage that falls to me! 1. He was known to be of human estate and it was thus that he humbled 2. I will bless the Lord who gives me himself, counsel, obediently accepting even death, who even at night directs my heart. death on a cross! I keep the Lord ever in my sight: Click here when necessary to jump to since he is at my right hand, I shall Table of Contents and jump back to stand firm. the particular feast or solemnity. 1. And so my heart rejoices, my soul is glad; even my body shall rest in safety. 2. Because of this, God highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name above every other name,

1. So that at Jesus' name every knee must bend in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth, and every tongue proclaim to the glory of God the Father: JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!

2. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

1. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. Amen.

Antiphon 3

Click here when necessary to jump to Table of Contents and jump back to the particular feast or solemnity. Feasts & Solemnities with fixed dates

(Same Date each Year) January 1 - Mary, Mother of God Morning Prayer Canticle of Zechariah All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Antiphon: Marvelous is the mystery Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place proclaimed today: man’s nature is made of the ones in the booklet. new as God becomes man; he remains Antiphon 1: The Virgin has given birth to what he was and becomes what he was the Savior: a flower has sprung from not. Yet each nature stays distinct and Jesse’s stock and a star has risen from undivided. Jacob. O God, we praise you. Intercessions Antiphon 2: Mary has given birth to our Leader: Let us give glory to Christ who Savior. John the Baptist saw him and cried was born of the Virgin Mary by out: This is the Lamb of God, who takes the power of the Holy Spirit, and away the sins of the world, alleluia. let us pray to him in these words: Antiphon 3: Mary has given birth to a All: Son of the Virgin Mary, have King whose name is everlasting; hers the mercy on us. joy of motherhood, hers the virgin’s glory. Leader: Christ, born of the Virgin Mary, Never was the like seen before, never shall you are Wonder-Counselor and it be seen again, alleluia. Prince of Peace, Reading Micah 5:1, 3, 4a, 6 All: give your peace to the world. But you, Bethlehem-Ephrathah, / too small Leader: Our King and our God, you have to be among the clans of Judah, / from raised us up by your coming, you shall come forth for me / one who is All: help us to honor you all the days to be ruler in Israel; / whose origin is from of our lives by our faith and our of old, / from ancient times. / He shall deeds. stand firm and shepherd his flock / by the Leader: You made yourself like us, strength of the Lord, / in the majestic name All: in your mercy grant that we may of the Lord, his God; / he shall be peace. become more like you. / The remnant of Jacob shall be / in the Leader: You made yourself a citizen of midst of many peoples, / like dew com- our earthly city, ing from the Lord, / like raindrops on the All: grant that we may become grass, / which wait for no man, / nor tarry citizens of our true homeland, for the sons of men. your kingdom in heaven. Responsory (Other intentions may be added.) All: Our Father... Leader: The Lord has made known, alleluia, alleluia. Prayer All: The Lord has made known, Leader: God our Father, / may we always alleluia, alleluia. profit by the prayers / of the Virgin Mother Leader: His saving power, Mary, / for you bring us life and salvation All: alleluia, alleluia. / through Jesus Christ her Son, / who lives Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / Son, and to the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. All: The Lord has made known, All: Amen. alleluia, alleluia. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer bore you, O Christ, and the breast that All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening nursed you, Lord and Savior of the world, Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place alleluia. of the ones in the booklet. Antiphon 1: O marvelous exchange! Intercessions Man’s Creator has become man, born of a Leader: To Christ, Emmanuel, whom the virgin. We have been made sharers in the Virgin conceived and brought divinity of Christ who humbled himself to forth, let us give praise and pray share in our humanity. to Him: Antiphon 2: By your miraculous birth All: Son of the Virgin Mary, hear us. from the Virgin you have fulfilled the Leader: You gave Mary the joy of Scriptures: like a gentle rain falling upon motherhood, the earth you have come down to save All: give all parents true joy in their your people. O God, we praise you. children. Antiphon 3: Your blessed and fruitful Leader: King of peace, your kingdom is virginity is like the bush, flaming yet one of justice and peace, unburned, which Moses saw on Sinai. Pray All: help us to seek the paths of for us, Mother of God. peace. Leader: You came to make the human Reading Galatians 4:3-7 race the holy people of God, While we were not yet of age we were All: bring all nations to acknowledge like slaves subordinated to the elements of the unifying bond of your love. the world; but when the designated time Leader: By your birth you strengthened had come, God sent forth his Son born of family ties, a woman, born under the law, to deliver All: help families to come to a greater from the law those who were subjected to love for one another. it, so that we might receive our status as Leader: You desired to be born into the adopted sons. The proof that you are sons days of time, is the fact that God has sent forth into our All: grant that our departed brothers hearts the spirit of his Son which cries out and sisters may be born into the “Abba!” (“Father!”) You are no longer a day of eternity. slave but a son! And the fact that you are a (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not son makes you an heir, by God’s design. be used, but other intentions may be added.) Responsory All: Our Father... Leader: The Word was made man, Prayer alleluia, alleluia. Leader: God our Father, / may we always All: The Word was made man, profit by the prayers / of the Virgin Mother alleluia, alleluia. Mary, / for you bring us life and salvation Leader: He lived among us, / through Jesus Christ her Son, / who lives All: alleluia, alleluia. and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the one God, for ever and ever. Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: Amen. The Word was made man, All: alleluia, alleluia. (Ending same as in booklet.) Canticle of Mary Night Prayer in its entirety is taken Antiphon: Blessed is the womb which from Sunday. See the booklet. January 25 - Conversion of St. Paul Morning Prayer transformed from being a persecutor of Christ into a vessel of his grace. All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Intercessions of the ones in the booklet. Leader: Beloved friends, we have Antiphon 1: I know the one whom I have inherited heaven along with the trusted and I am certain that he, the just apostles. Let us give thanks to judge, has power to keep safe what he has the Father for all his gifts: entrusted to me until that day. All: The company of the apostles Antiphon 2: Paul, my grace is sufficient praises you, O Lord. for you; my power is made perfect in Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the weakness. banquet of Christ’s body and blood given us through the Antiphon 3: God’s grace in me has not apostles, been without fruit; it is always at work in All: which refreshes us and gives us me. life. Reading Acts 26:16b-18 Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the feast of your word prepared for I have appeared to you to designate you as us by the apostles, my servant and as a witness to what you All: giving us light and joy. have seen of me and what you will see of Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for your me. I have delivered you from this people holy Church, founded on the and from the nations, to open the eyes of apostles, those to whom I am sending you, to turn All: where we are gathered together them from darkness to light and from the into your community. dominion of Satan to God; that through Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the their faith in me they may obtain the cleansing power of baptism and forgiveness of their sins and a portion penance that you have entrusted among God’s people. to your apostles, Responsory All: through which we are cleansed Leader: You are a chosen instrument, of our sins. holy Apostle Paul. (Other intentions may be added.) All: Our Father... All: You are a chosen instrument, holy Apostle Paul. Prayer Leader: Preacher of truth to the whole Leader: God our Father, / you taught world, the gospel to all the world / through the All: holy Apostle Paul. preaching of Paul your apostle. / May we Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the who celebrate his conversion to the faith Son, and to the Holy Spirit, / follow him in bearing witness to your All: You are a chosen instrument, truth. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus holy Apostle Paul. Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, Canticle of Zechariah for ever and ever. Antiphon: Let us celebrate the conversion All: Amen. of Saint Paul the apostle. He was (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All: Be mindful of your Church, O All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Lord. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: Father, you wanted your Son to of the ones in the booklet. be seen first by the apostles after Antiphon 1: Willingly I glory in my the resurrection from the dead; infirmities, that the healing power of Christ All: we ask you to make us his may dwell in me. witnesses to the farthest corners of the world. Antiphon 2: I planted the seed; Apollos Leader: You sent your Son to preach the watered it, but it was God who gave the good news to the poor; increase. All: help us to preach this Gospel to Antiphon 3: For me life is Christ, and every creature. death is gain. God forbid that I should Leader: You sent your Son to sow the boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus seed of unending life; Christ. All: grant that we who work at Reading 1 corinthians 15:9-10 sowing the seed may share the joy of the harvest. I am the least of the apostles; in fact, Leader: You sent your Son to reconcile because I persecuted the church of God, all men to you through his blood; I do not even deserve the name. But by All: help us to work toward achieving God’s favor I am what I am. This favor of this reconciliation. his to me has not proved fruitless. Indeed, I Leader: Your Son sits at your right hand have worked harder than all the others, not in heaven, on my own but through the favor of God. All: let the dead enter your kingdom Responsory of joy. Leader: I will sing your praise, O Lord, (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not with all my heart. be used, but other intentions may be added.) All: I will sing your praise, O Lord, All: Our Father... with all my heart. Leader: I will glorify your name among Prayer all nations, Leader: God our Father, / you taught All: with all my heart. the gospel to all the world / through the Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the preaching of Paul your apostle. / May we Son, and to the Holy Spirit, who celebrate his conversion to the faith All: I will sing your praise, O Lord, / follow him in bearing witness to your with all my heart. truth. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns Canticle of Mary with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, Antiphon: Holy apostle Paul, preacher of for ever and ever. truth and teacher of the Gentiles, intercede All: Amen. for us with God, who chose you. (Ending same as in booklet.) Intercessions Leader: My brothers, we build on the foundation of the apostles. Let us Night Prayer in its entirety is taken pray to our almighty Father for his from Sunday. See the booklet. holy people and say: February 2 - Presentation of the Lord Morning Prayer All: Lord, may our eyes see your All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning saving power. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: Christ Jesus, in obedience to the of the ones in the booklet. law, you desired to be presented Antiphon 1: Simeon was a holy and to your Father in the temple, devout man who looked for the redemption All: teach us to offer ourselves to the of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was with him. Father with you in your Church’s sacrifice. Antiphon 2: Simeon took the child in his Leader: Jesus, comforter of Israel, arms and gave thanks to God. Simeon, the just man, took you Antiphon 3: He is a light to reveal you to into his arms when you came to the nations, and the glory of your people the temple, Israel. All: help us to welcome you in our brothers and sisters. Reading Malachi 3:1 Leader: Jesus, desire of nations, Anna Lo, I am sending my messenger / to pre- the prophetess spoke of you to pare the way before me; / And suddenly all who were awaiting Israel’s there will come to the temple / the Lord redemption, whom you seek, / and the messenger of the All: help us to proclaim you in our covenant whom you desire. words and actions to all who yet yearn for your salvation. Responsory Leader: Lord Jesus, cornerstone of God’s Leader: Worship the Lord in his holy kingdom, you were destined to court. be a sign that is rejected, All: Worship the Lord in his holy All: be for those who acknowledge court. you the source of rising to new Leader: Bring him your homage and life. praise, (Other intentions may be added.) All: in his holy court. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the All: Our Father... Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Prayer All: Worship the Lord in his holy court. Leader: All-powerful Father, / Christ your Son became man for us / and was present- Canticle of Zechariah ed in the temple. / May he free our hearts Antiphon: When the parents of Jesus from sin / and bring us into your presence. brought him into the temple, Simeon took We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, him in his arms and gave thanks to God. your Son, / who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever Intercessions and ever. Leader: Today our Savior was presented All: Amen. in the temple. Let us adore him as (Ending same as in booklet.) we say: Evening Prayer All: Lord, may our eyes see your saving power. All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: Christ Jesus, you are the light of the ones in the booklet. that enlightens all nations, Antiphon 1: The Holy Spirit had revealed All: shine upon those who do not to Simeon that he would not see death until know you, that they may come to he had seen the Lord. believe in you, the one, true God. Leader: You are the redeemer and the Antiphon 2: As the law prescribed, they glory of your people Israel, offered to the Lord a pair of turtle doves or All: may your Church proclaim your two young pigeons. salvation to the ends of the earth. Antiphon 3: My own eyes have seen the Leader: Jesus, desire of the nations, salvation which you have prepared in the Simeon, the just man, rejoiced at sight of every people. your coming, All: lead all men to recognize that Reading Hebrews 4:15-16 you still come to them. We do not have a high priest who is unable Leader: Lord, when you were presented to sympathize with our weakness, but one in the temple, Simeon foretold who was tempted in every way that we that a sword of sorrow would are, yet never sinned. So let us confidently pierce your mother’s heart, approach the throne of grace to receive All: strengthen us to accept the mercy and favor and to find help in time sufferings we endure for the sake of need. of your name. Responsory Leader: Christ Jesus, joy of all the saints, Simeon longed to see you before Leader: The Lord has made known his he died, and his prayer was saving power. answered, All: The Lord has made known his All: hear our plea for all the dead saving power. who still yearn to see you face Leader: Which he has prepared in the to face. sight of every people. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not All: his saving power. be used, but other intentions may be added.) Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the All: Our Father... Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: The Lord has made known his Prayer saving power. Leader: All-powerful Father, / Christ your Son became man for us / and was Canticle of Mary presented in the temple. / May he free our Antiphon: Today the Blessed Virgin Mary hearts from sin / and bring us into your presented the Child Jesus in the temple; presence. / We ask this through our Lord and Simeon, inspired by the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and took him in his arms, and gave thanks to reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God. God, for ever and ever. Intercessions All: Amen. Leader: Today our Savior was presented (Ending same as in booklet.) in the temple. Let us adore him as we say: Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet. February 22 - Chair of St. Peter Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: Beloved friends, we have Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place inherited heaven along with the of the ones in the booklet. apostles. Let us give thanks to Antiphon 1: The Lord said to Simon: the Father for all his gifts: There is no need to be afraid; from now on All: The company of apostles praises you will be a fisher of men. you, O Lord. Antiphon 2: You are the Christ, the Son Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the of the living God. How blessed are you, banquet of Christ’s body and Simon Peter, for that witness. blood given us through the Antiphon 3: The Lord said to Peter: I apostles, will give you the keys of the kingdom of All: which refereshes us and gives heaven. us life. Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the Reading Acts 15:7b-9 feast of your word prepared for God selected me to be the one from whose us by the apostles, lips the Gentiles would hear the message All: giving us light and joy. of the gospel and believe. God, who reads Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for your the hearts of men, showed his approval by holy Church, founded on the granting the Holy Spirit to them just as he apostles, did too us. He made no distinction between All: where we are gathered together them and us, but purified their hearts by into your community. means of faith also. Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the Responsory cleansing power of baptism and penance that you have entrusted Leader: You have made them rulers over to your apostles, all the earth. All: through which we are cleansed All: You have made them rulers over of our sins. all the earth. (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: They will always remember your name, O Lord, All: Our Father... All: over all the earth. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Prayer Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Leader: All-powerful Father, / you have All: You have made them rulers over built your Church / on the rock of Saint all the earth. Peter’s confession of faith. / May nothing divide or weaken / our unity in faith and Canticle of Zechariah love. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus Antiphon: The Lord said to Simon Peter: I Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns have prayed for you, Peter, that your faith with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, may not fail; and when you have turned to for ever and ever. me, you must strengthen the faith of your All: Amen. brothers. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer almighty Father for his holy All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening people and say: Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place All: Be mindful of your Church, O of the ones in the booklet. Lord. Antiphon 1: Do you love me, Peter? Lord, Leader: Father, you wanted your Son to you know that I love you. Feed my sheep. be seen first by the apostles after the resurrection from the dead; Antiphon 2: Peter was kept in prison, and All: we ask you to make us his the Church prayed unceasingly to God for witnesses to the farthest corners him. of the world. Antiphon 3: You are Peter, and upon this Leader: You sent your Son to preach the rock I will build my Church. good news to the poor; Reading 1 Peter 1:3-5 All: help us to preach this Gospel to Praised be the God and Father / of our every creature. Lord Jesus Christ, / he who in his great Leader: You sent your Son to sow the mercy / gave us new birth; / a birth unto seed of unending life; hope which draws its life / from the All: grant that we who work at resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead; sowing the seed may share the / a birth to an imperishable inheritance, / joy of the harvest. incapable of fading or defilement, / which Leader: You sent your Son to reconcile is kept in heaven for you / who are all men to you through his blood; All: guarded with God’s power through faith; / help us to work toward achieving a birth to a salvation which stands ready / this reconciliation. to be revealed in the last days. Leader: Your Son sits at your right hand in heaven, Responsory All: let the dead enter your kingdom Leader: Tell all the nations how glorious of joy. God is. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not All: Tell all the nations how glorious be used, but other intentions may be added.) God is. All: Our Father... Leader: Make known his wonders to every people. Prayer All: how glorious God is. Leader: All-powerful Father, / you have Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the built your Church / on the rock of Saint Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Peter’s confession of faith. / May nothing All: Tell all the nations how glorious divide or weaken / our unity in faith and God is. love. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus Canticle of Mary Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, Antiphon: You are the shepherd of for ever and ever. Christ’s flock and the prince of the All: Amen. apostles; to you Christ has entrusted the keys of the kingdom of heaven. (Ending same as in booklet.) Intercessions Leader: My brothers and sisters, we Night Prayer in its entirety is taken build on the foundation of the from Sunday. See the booklet. apostles. Let us pray to our March 19 - St. Joseph Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: The Lord is the giver of holiness. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Let us turn to him and pray: of the ones in the booklet. All: Holy God, raise us up too new Antiphon 1: The shepherds went in haste life in holiness. and found Joseph and Mary, and the infant Leader: Lord our God, you called our liying in the manger. fathers in faith to walk before Antiphon 2: Joseph and Mary, the mother you in holiness of heart, of Jesus, marveled at what was said of All: may we follow in their footsteps, their child, and Simeon blessed them. and obey your command to be perfect. Antiphon 3: Joseph rose in the night and Leader: You chose Joseph the righteous took the child and his mother into Egypt. to care for your Son in childhood There they stayed until the death of Herod. and youth, Reading 2 Samuel 7:28-29 All: teach us to care for Christ’s body Lord God, you are God and your words are by caring for our brothers and truth; you have made this generous sisters. promise to your servant. Do, then, bless Leader: You entrusted the earth to man- the house oof your servant that it may be kind, to people it and make it before you forever; for you, Lord God, prosper, have promised, and by your blessing the All: inspire us to work wholehearted- house of your servant shall be blessed ly in this world, seeking always forever. to give you glory. Leader: Father of all mankind, do not for- Responsory get what your hands have made, Leader: God made him the master of his All: grant that all who work may household. have secure employment and a All: God made him the master of his fitting standard of living. household. (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: He gave him charge over all his All: Our Father... possessions, All: and made him the master of his Prayer household. Leader: Father, / you entrusted our Savior Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the to the care of St. Joseph. / By the help of Son, and to the Holy Spirit, his prayers / may your Church continue to All: God made him the master of his serve its Lord, Jesus Christ, / who lives and household. reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one Canticle of Zechariah God, for ever and ever. Antiphon: Joseph lived in the town of All: Amen. Nazareth to fulfill what the prophets had (Ending same as in booklet.) foretold of Christ: He will be called a Nazarean. Evening Prayer All: Our Father in heaven, hear our All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening prayer. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: All-holy Father, you revealed to of the ones in the booklet. Saint Joseph your eternal plan of Antiphon 1: His parents found Jesus salvation in Christ, in the temple sitting in the midst of the All: deepen our understanding of doctors, listening to them and asking them your Son, true God and true man. questions. Leader: Father in heaven, you feed the birds of the air, and clothe the Antiphon 2: The mother of Jesus said to fields with the fruit of the earth, him: Son, why have you done this to us? All: give all your children their daily See how your father and I have been bread, to sustain soul and body. anxiously searching for you. Leader: Maker of the universe, you have Antiphon 3: Jesus returned with Mary and entrusted your creation to our Joseph to Nazareth; there he lived and was safekeeping, obedient to them. All: may all who work receive a just reward for all their labors. Reading Colossians 3:23-24 Leader: God of all righteousness, you Whatever you do, work at it with your want us all to be like you, whole being. Do it for the Lord rather than All: may Saint Joseph inspire us to for men, since you know full well you will walk walways in your way of receive an inheritance from him as your holiness. reward. Be slaves of Christ the Lord. Leader: Look kindly on the dying and the dead, and grant them your mercy, Responsory All: through the intercession of Jesus, Leader: The just man shall blossom like Mary, and Joseph. the lily. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not All: The just man shall blossom like be used, but other intentions may be added.) the lily. All: Our Father... Leader: He shall flourish for ever in the courts of our God, All: like the lily. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Prayer Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Leader: Father, / you entrusted our Savior All: The just man shall blossom like to the care of St. Joseph. / By the help of the lily. his prayers / may your Church continue to serve its Lord, Jesus Christ, / who lives and Canticle of Mary reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one Antiphon: When Jesus began his God, for ever and ever. ministry, he was about thirty years old, and All: Amen. was thought to be the son of Joseph.

Intercessions (Ending same as in booklet.) Leader: All fatherhood in heaven and on earth has its origin in God. Let Night Prayer in its entirety is taken us turn to him and pray: from Sunday. See the booklet. March 25 - Annunciation of the Lord Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: Today we celebrate the Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place beginning of our salvation when of the ones in the booklet. the coming of the Lord was Antiphon 1: The angel Gabriel was sent announced by the angel. Let to the Virgin Mary, who was engaged to be us pray with joy in our hearts, married to Joseph. saying: Antiphon 2: Blessed are you among All: May God’s holy Mother women, and blessed is the fruit of your intercede for us. womb. Leader: Mary received God’s word with Antiphon 3: Trusting in the Lord’s joy, promise, the Virgin Mary conceived a All: may joy fill our hearts as we child, and remaining a virgin, she gave welcome our Savior. birth to the Savior. Leader: You looked with love on your lowly servant, Reading Philippians 2:6-7 All: in your mercy, Father, remember Though he was in the form of God, / Jesus us and all your children. did not deem equality with God / some- Leader: Mary, the new Eve, was obedient thing to be grasped at. / Rather, he emptied to your word, himself and took the form of a slave, / All: may we echo her loving being born in the likeness of men. / He was obedience. known to be of human estate. Leader: May God’s holy Mother help all in distress, encourage the Responsory fainthearted, console the Leader: Hail Mary, full of grace, the sorrowful, Lord is with you. All: may she pray for your holy All: Hail Mary, full of grace, the people, for the clergy, and for Lord is with you. all women dedicated to your Leader: Blessed are you among women, service. and blessed is the fruit of your (Other intentions may be added.) womb. All: the Lord is with you. All: Our Father... Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Prayer Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Leader: God our Father, your Word became All: Hail Mary, full of grace, the man and was born of the Virgin Mary. / Lord is with you. May we become more like Jesus Christ, / whom we acknowledge as our redeemer, Canticle of Zechariah God and man. / We ask this through our Antiphon: In his great love for us, God Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives sent his Son in the likeness of our sinful and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / nature. one God, for ever and ever. All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer us turn to God and pray with All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening confidence: Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place All: Lord, fill our hearts with your of the ones in the booklet. love. Antiphon 1: The angel of the Lord Leader: You chose the Virgin Mary as the brought God’s messgae to Mary. And she mother of your Son, All: conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. have mercy on all who look for your gift of salvation. Antiphon 2: Do not be afraid, Mary; you Leader: You sent Gabriel to give Mary have found favor with God. Behold you your message of peace and joy, shall conceive and bear a son, and he will All: give to the whole world the joy be called the Son of the Most High. of salvation and your gift of true Antiphon 3: I am the handmaid of the peace. Lord. Let it be done to me as you have Leader: Mary gave her consent, the Holy said. Spirit overshadowed her, and Reading 1 John 1:1-2 your Word came to dwell among This is what we proclaim to you: / what us, was from the beginning, / what we have All: touch our hearts that we may heard, / what we have seen with our eyes, / welcome Christ as Mary did. what we have looked upon / and our hands Leader: You look with love on the hum- have touched - / we speak the word of life. ble, and fill the hungry with your / This life became visible; / we have seen gifts, and bear witness to it, / and we proclaim to All: raise up the downcast, help all in you the eternal life / that was present to the need, comfort and strengthen the Father / and became visible to us. dying. Leader: Lord our God, you alone work Responsory wonders and with you all things Leader: The Word was made man and he are possible, lived among us. All: give us the fullness of salvation All: The Word was made man and he when you raise up the dead on lived among us. the last day. Leader: He was in the beginning with (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not God, be used, but other intentions may be added.) All: and he lived among us. All: Our Father... Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Prayer Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Leader: God our Father, / your Word All: The Word was made man and he became man and was born of the Virgin lived among us. Mary. / May we become more like Jesus Canticle of Mary Christ, / whom we acknowledge as our Antiphon: The angel Gabriel said to Mary redeemer, God and man. / We ask this in greeting: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, with you; blessed are you among women. / who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. Intercessions All: Amen. Leader: On this day the eternal Father (Ending same as in booklet.) sent his angel to bring to Mary the good news of salvation. Let Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet. April 25 - St. Mark Morning Prayer Christ, preachers and teachers were sent out to be ministers of the faith for all who All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place believe, alleluia. of the ones in the booklet. Intercessions Antiphon 1: The holy evangelists Leader: Let us sing a song of praise to searched the wisdom of past ages. Through our Savior, who destroyed the their gospels they confirmed the words of power of death and made clear the prophets, alleluia. the path to life and immortality Antiphon 2: Through the Gospel God through the Gospel; and let us called us to believe in the truth and to petition him in humble suppli- share the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, All: cation: alleluia. Strengthen your Church in faith Antiphon 3: Many will praise their Leader: and love. wisdom; it shall be remembered for ever, You gave your wonderful alleluia. All: guidance to your Church through her holy and distinguished Reading 1 Corinthians 15:1-2a, 3-4 Leader: teachers, Brothers, I want to remind you of the may Christians rejoice always in gospel I preached to you, which you All: the splendid legacy given to your received and in which you stand firm. You Church. are being saved by it at this very moment. I Leader: When their holy pastors prayed handed on to you first of all what I myself to you, as Moses had done, you received, that Christ died for our sins in All: forgave the sins of the people, accordance iwth the Scriptures; that he was through the intercession of these buried and, in accordance with the Leader: holy pastors continue to sanctify Scriptures, rose on the third day. and purify your Church. You anointed your holy ones in Responsory the midst of their brothers and Leader: They proclaimed the Lord’s All: called the Holy Spirit down upon praises, told of his power to them, save, alleluia, alleluia. fill all the leaders of your people All: They proclaimed the Lord’s with the Holy Spirit. praises, told of his power to You yourself are the sole save, alleluia, alleluia. possession of your holy pastors, Leader: And of the wonders he had grant that those you have worked, redeemed with your blood may All: alleluia, alleluia. remain always in you. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, (Other intentions may be added.) All: They proclaimed the Lord’s All: Our Father... praises, told of his power to Prayer save, alleluia, alleluia. Leader: Father, / you gave Saint Mark / Canticle of Zechariah the privilege of proclaiming your Gospel. / Antiphon: Through the grace of Jesus (Turn Over for Final Prayer continued.) May we profit by his wisdom / and follow Canticle of Mary Christ more faithfully. / Grant this through Antiphon: The word of the Lord shall our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who endure for ever: this is the message which lives and reigns with you and the Holy has been proclaimed, alleluia. Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. All: Amen. Intercessions (Ending same as in booklet.) Leader: Our God is the Father of light. Through the good news of his Son he has called us to believe in the truth. Let us pray now for Evening Prayer his holy people as we say: All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening All: Lord, remember your Church. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: Father, you raised your Son, our of the ones in the booklet. Good Shepherd, from the dead, Antiphon 1: My life is at the service of All: make us his witnesses to the ends the Gospel; God has given me this gift of of the earth. his grace, alleluia. Leader: You sent your Son into the world Antiphon 2: I do all things for the sake of to bring good news to the poor, the Gospel, in order to share in its rewards, All: give us courage to bring that alleluia. good news to all peoples. Leader: You sent your Son to sow the word of life, Antiphon 3: This grace has been given to All: help us to sow his word and to me: to proclaim to the nations the infinite reap its harvest with joy. riches of Christ, alleluia. Leader: You sent your Son to make the Reading Colossians 1:3-6 world one through his blood, We always give thanks to God, the Father All: may all of us work together for of our Lord Jesus Christ, in our prayers for this unity. you because we have heard of your faith in Leader: You set your Son at your right Christ Jesus and the love you bear toward hand in the heavens, all the saints - moved as you are by the All: open the gates of your kingdom hope held in store for you in heaven. You to those who have died. heard of this hope through the message of truth, the gospel, which has continued to (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not be used, but other intentions may be added.) grow in your midst, as it has everywhere in All: Our Father... the world. Prayer Responsory Leader: Father, / you gave Saint Mark / Leader: Tell all the nations how glorious the privilege of proclaiming your Gospel. / God is, alleluia, alleluia. May we profit by his wisdom / and follow All: Tell all the nations how glorious Christ more faithfully. / Grant this through God is, alleluia, alleluia. our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who Leader: Make known his wonders to lives and reigns with you and the Holy every people, Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. All: alleluia, alleluia. All: Amen. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the (Ending same as in booklet.) Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: Tell all the nations how glorious Night Prayer in its entirety is taken God is, alleluia, alleluia. from Sunday. See the booklet. May 3 - Sts. Philip & James wrote of in the law, the one of whom the Morning Prayer prophets spoke. He is Jesus, son of Joseph, All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning from Nazareth, alleluia. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place of the ones in the booklet. Intercessions Antiphon 1: Lord, show us the Father, and Leader: Beloved friends, we have we shall be satisfied, alleluia. inherited heaven along with the Antiphon 2: Have I been with you all this apostles. Let us give thanks to time and still you do not know me? Philip, the Father for all his gifts: whoever sees me, sees my Father also, All: The company of apostles praises alleluia. you, O Lord. Antiphon 3: Do not let your hearts be Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the troubled or afraid; trust in God and trust banquet of Christ’s body and also in me; there are many rooms in my blood given us through the Father’s house, alleluia. apostles, All: which refereshes us and gives Reading Ephesians 2:19-22 us life. You are strangers and aliens no longer. Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the No, you are fellow citizens and saints feast of your word prepared for and members of the household of God. us by the apostles, You form a building which rises on the All: giving us light and joy. foundation of the apostles and prophets, Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for your with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone. holy Church, founded on the Through him the whole structure is fitted apostles, together and takes shape as a holy temple All: where we are gathered together in the Lord; in him you are being built into into your community. this temple, to become a dwelling place for Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the God in the Spirit. cleansing power of baptism and Responsory penance that you have entrusted Leader: You have made them rulers over to your apostles, all the earth, alleluia, alleluia. All: through which we are cleansed All: You have made them rulers over of our sins. all the earth, alleluia, alleluia. (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: They will always remember your name, O Lord, All: Our Father... All: alleluia, alleluia. Prayer Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Leader: God our Father, / every year you Son, and to the Holy Spirit, give us joy / on the festival of the apostles All: You have made them rulers over Philip and James. / By the help of their all the earth, alleluia, alleluia. prayers / may we share in the suffering, Canticle of Zechariah death, and resurrection / of your only Son Antiphon: Philip found Nathanael and / and come to the eternal vision of your said to him: We have found the man Moses glory. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus (Turn Over for Final Prayer continued.) Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns apostles. Let us pray to our with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, almighty Father for his holy for ever and ever. people and say: All: Amen. All: Be mindful of your Church, O (Ending same as in booklet.) Lord. Leader: Father, you wanted your Son to be seen first by the apostles after Evening Prayer the resurrection from the dead; All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening All: we ask you to make us his Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place witnesses to the farthest corners of the ones in the booklet. of the world. Antiphon 1: Philip, whoever sees me sees Leader: You sent your Son to preach the my Father also, alleluia. good news to the poor; Antiphon 2: If you had known me you All: help us to preach this Gospel to would have known my Father also. Now every creature. you both know him and see him, alleluia. Leader: You sent your Son to sow the Antiphon 3: If you love me, says the seed of unending life; Lord, keep my commandments, alleluia. All: grant that we who work at sowing the seed may share the Reading Ephesians 4:11-13 joy of the harvest. Christ gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, Leader: You sent your Son to reconcile pastors, and teachers in roles of service for all men to you through his blood; the faithful to build up the body of Christ, All: help us to work toward achieving until we become one in faith and in the this reconciliation. knowledge of God’s Son, and form that Leader: Your Son sits at your right hand perfect man who is Christ come to full in heaven, stature. All: let the dead enter your kingdom of joy. Responsory Leader: Tell all the nations how glorious (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not God is, alleluia, alleluia. be used, but other intentions may be added.) All: Tell all the nations how glorious All: Our Father... God is, alleluia, alleluia. Prayer Leader: Make known his wonders to Leader: God our Father, / every year you every people, give us joy / on the festival of the apostles All: alleluia, alleluia. Philip and James. / By the help of their Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the prayers / may we share in the suffering, Son, and to the Holy Spirit, death, and resurrection / of your only Son All: Tell all the nations how glorious / and come to the eternal vision of your God is, alleluia, alleluia. glory. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus Canticle of Mary Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns Antiphon: If you live in me and my words with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, live in you, all you ask for will be yours, for ever and ever. alleluia. All: Amen. Intercessions (Ending same as in booklet.) Leader: My brothers and sisters, we Night Prayer in its entirety is taken build on the foundation of the from Sunday. See the booklet. May 14 - St. Matthias Morning Prayer lived among us; he will take his place with All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning us in giving witness to the Lord’s Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place resurrection. of the ones in the booklet. Intercessions Antiphon 1: My commandment is this: Leader: Beloved friends, we have love one another as I have loved you, inherited heaven along with the alleluia. apostles. Let us give thanks to Antiphon 2: There is no greater love than the Father for all his gifts: to lay down your life for your friends, All: The company of apostles praises alleluia. you, O Lord. Antiphon 3: You are my friends, says Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the the Lord, if you do what I command you, banquet of Christ’s body and alleluia. blood given us through the apostles, Reading Ephesians 2:19-22 All: which refereshes us and gives You are strangers and aliens no longer. us life. No, you are fellow citizens and saints Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the and members of the household of God. feast of your word prepared for You form a building which rises on the us by the apostles, foundation of the apostles and prophets, All: giving us light and joy. with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone. Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for your Through him the whole structure is fitted holy Church, founded on the together and takes shape as a holy temple apostles, in the Lord; in him you are being built into All: where we are gathered together this temple, to become a dwelling place for into your community. God in the Spirit. Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the Responsory cleansing power of baptism and penance that you have entrusted Leader: You have made them rulers over to your apostles, all the earth, alleluia, alleluia. All: through which we are cleansed All: You have made them rulers over of our sins. all the earth, alleluia, alleluia. (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: They will always remember your name, O Lord, All: Our Father... All: alleluia, alleluia. Prayer Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Leader: Father, / you called Saint Matthias Son, and to the Holy Spirit, to share in the mission of the apostles. / By All: You have made them rulers over the help of his prayers / may we receive all the earth, alleluia, alleluia. with joy the love you share with us / and Canticle of Zechariah be counted among those you have chosen. / Antiphon: We must choose someone who We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, was with us all the time that the Lord Jesus your Son, / who lives and reigns with you (Turn Over for Final Prayer continued.) Intercessions and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. Leader: My brothers and sisters, we build All: Amen. on the foundation of the apostles. (Ending same as in booklet.) Let us pray to our almighty Fa- ther for his holy people and say: All: Be mindful of your Church, O Evening Prayer Lord. All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Leader: Father, you wanted your Son to Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place be seen first by the apostles after of the ones in the booklet. the resurrection from the dead; Antiphon 1: You are the men who have All: we ask you to make us his stood by me in my time of trial, alleluia. witnesses to the farthest corners Antiphon 2: I have lived among you as of the world. one who ministers to others, alleluia. Leader: You sent your Son to preach the good news to the poor; Antiphon 3: I no longer call you servants, All: help us to preach this Gospel to but my friends, for I have shared with you every creature. everything I have heard from my Father, Leader: You sent your Son to sow the alleluia. seed of unending life; Reading Ephesians 4:11-13 All: grant that we who work at Christ gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, sowing the seed may share the pastors, and teachers in roles of service for joy of the harvest. the faithful to build up the body of Christ, Leader: You sent your Son to reconcile until we become one in faith and in the all men to you through his blood; knowledge of God’s Son, and form that All: help us to work toward achieving perfect man who is Christ come to full this reconciliation. stature. Leader: Your Son sits at your right hand Responsory in heaven, All: let the dead enter your kingdom Leader: Tell all the nations how glorious of joy. God is, alleluia, alleluia. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not All: Tell all the nations how glorious be used, but other intentions may be added.) God is, alleluia, alleluia. All: Our Father... Leader: Make known his wonders to every people, Prayer All: alleluia, alleluia. Leader: Father, / you called Saint Matthias Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the to share in the mission of the apostles. / By Son, and to the Holy Spirit, the help of his prayers / may we receive All: Tell all the nations how glorious with joy the love you share with us / and God is, alleluia, alleluia. be counted among those you have chosen. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Canticle of Mary your Son, / who lives and reigns with you Antiphon: You have not chosen me but I and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever have chosen you and have appointed you and ever. to go forth and bear fruit, and your fruit All: Amen. will remain. (Ending same as in booklet.)

Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet. May 31 - Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Morning Prayer me? Alleluia. All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Intercessions Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: Let us glorify our Savior, who of the ones in the booklet. chose the Virgin Mary for his Antiphon 1: Mary arose and went with mother. Let us ask him: haste into the hill country, to a town of All: May your mother intercede for Judah, alleluia. us, Lord. Antiphon 2: When Elizabeth heard Mary’s Leader: Sun of Justice, the immaculate greeting, the infant in her womb leaped for Virgin was the white dawn joy, and she was filled with the Holy Spirit, announcing your rising, alleluia. All: grant that we may always live in Antiphon 3: Blessed are you, Mary, the light of your coming. because you believed that the Lord’s words Leader: Lord, help us to imitate Mary, to you would be fulfilled, alleluia. your mother, who chose the best part, Reading Joel 2:27-3:1a All: may we seek the food that will You shall know that I am in the midst of sustain us for ever. Israel; / I am the Lord, your God, and there Leader: Savior of the world, by your is no other; / my people shall nevermore be redeeming might you preeserved put to shame. / Then afterward I will pour your mother beforehand from all out / my spirit upon all mankind. / Your stain of sin, sons and daughters will prophesy. All: keep watch over us, lest we sin. Responsory Leader: You are our redeemer, who made the immaculate Virgin Mary your Leader: The Lord has chosen her, his purest home and the sanctuary of loved one from the beginning, the Holy Spirit, alleluia, alleluia. All: make us temples of your Spirit All: The Lord has chosen her, his for ever. loved one from the beginning, alleluia, alleluia. (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: He has taken her to live with All: Our Father... him, Prayer All: his loved one from the Leader: Eternal Father, / you inspired the beginning. Virgin Mary, mother of your Son, / to visit Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Elizabeth and assist her in her need. / Keep Son, and to the Holy Spirit, us open to the working of your Spirit, / and All: The Lord has chosen her, his with Mary may we praise you forever. / loved one from the beginning, We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, alleluia, alleluia. your Son, / who lives and reigns with you Canticle of Zechariah and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever Antiphon: When Elizabeth heard Mary’s and ever. greeting, she cried out and said: Who am I All: Amen. that the mother of my Lord should come to (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer by each generation. Now in need we ask: All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening All: Mary, full of grace, intercede for Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place of the ones in the booklet. us. Leader: Antiphon 1: Mary entered the house of O God, worker of miracles, you Zechariah, and greeted Elizabeth, alleluia. made the Immaculate Virgin Mary share body and soul in Antiphon 2: When your greeting sounded your Son’s glory in heaven, in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped All: direct the hearts of your children for joy, alleluia. to that same glory. Antiphon 3: Blessed are you among Leader: Lord, make your Church one in women, and blessed is the fruit of your mind and heart, united in your womb, alleluia. love, All: and keep Christians united in Reading 1 Peter 5:5b-7 prayer with Mary, the mother of In your relations with one another, clothe Jesus. yourselves with humility, because God “is Leader: You made Mary the mother of stern with the arrogant but to the humble mercy, he shows kindness.” Bow humbly under All: may all who are faced with trials God’s mighty hand, so that in due time he feel her motherly love. may lift you high. Cast all your cares on Leader: You wished Mary to be the him because he cares for you. mother of the family in the home Responsory of Jesus and Joseph, All: may all mothers of families fos- Leader: Hail Mary, full of grace, the ter love and holiness through her Lord is with you, alleluia, intercession. alleluia. Leader: You crowned Mary queen of All: Hail Mary, full of grace, the heaven, Lord is with you, alleluia, All: may all the dead rejoice in your alleluia. kingdom with the saints for ever. Leader: Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not be used, but other intentions may be added.) womb. All: Our Father... All: the Lord is with you. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Prayer Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Leader: Eternal Father, / you inspired the All: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Virgin Mary, mother of your Son, / to visit Lord is with you, alleluia, Elizabeth and assist her in her need. / Keep alleluia. us open to the working of your Spirit, / and Canticle of Mary with Mary may we praise you forever. / Antiphon: All generations will call me We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, blessed; the Lord has looked with favor on your Son, / who lives and reigns with you his lowly servant, alleluia. and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. Intercessions All: Amen. Leader: Let us praise God our almighty (Ending same as in booklet.) Father, who wished that Mary, his Son’s mothere, be celebrated Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet. June 24 - Nativity of John the Baptist Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: In faith, let us call upon Christ Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place who sent John to prepare for his of the ones in the booklet. coming: Antiphon 1: You shall name the child All: Dawn from on high, break upon John, and many will rejoice at his birth. us. Antiphon 2: In the spirit and power of Leader: Your coming caused John the Elijah, he will go before the Lord to Baptist to leap for joy in his prepare a people worthy of him. mother’s womb, Antiphon 3: You, my child, shall be called All: help us to rejoice at your coming the prophet of the Most High, for you will among us. go before the Lord to prepare his way. Leader: Through the life and preaching of the Baptist, you showed us the Reading Malachi 3:23-24 way to repentance, Lo, I will send you Elijah the prophet, / All: turn our hearts to follow the Before the day of the Lord comes, / the commandments of your great and terrible day, / to turn the hearts kingdom. of the fathers to their children, / and the Leader: You willed that your coming hearts of the children to their fathers, / Lest among men should be announced I come and strike the land with doom. by John the Baptist, Responsory All: send new heralds to proclaim Leader: He will be great in the eyes of you throughout the world. the Lord and he will be filled Leader: You wished to be baptized by with the Holy Spirit. John in the Jordan to fulfill all All: He will be great in the eyes of that the Father required, the Lord and he will be filled All: help us to do the Father’s will. with the Holy Spirit. (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: He will go before the Lord to All: Our Father... prepare a people worthy of him, All: and he will be filled with the Prayer Holy Spirit. Leader: God our Father, / you raised up Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the John the Baptist / to prepare a perfect Son, and to the Holy Spirit, people for Christ the Lord. / Give your All: He will be great in the eyes of Church joy in spirit / and guide those who the Lord and he will be filled believe in you / into the way of salvation with the Holy Spirit. and peace. / We ask this through our Lord Canticle of Zechariah Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and Antiphon: The mouth of Zechariah was reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one opened, and he spoke this prophecy: God, for ever and ever. Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel. All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All: O Lord, guide our feet into the way of peace. All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: You called John the Baptist from of the ones in the booklet. his mother’s womb to prepare Antiphon 1: There was a man sent by God the way of your Son, whose name was John. All: help us follow in that path which the Baptist opened before the Antiphon 2: He came to bear witness to Lord Jesus. the truth. Leader: May your Church, in imitation of Antiphon 3: John was like a brilliantly the Baptist, fearlessly point out shining light. the Lamb of God, All: so that people in every age may Reading Acts 13:23-25 acknowledge that the Lord According to his promise, God has brought comes to them. forth from David’s descendants Jesus, a Leader: John the Baptist did not exalt savior for Israel. John heralded the coming himself but acknowledged his of Jesus by proclaiming a baptism of role as forerunner of the Christ, repentance to all the people of Israel. As All: teach us to acknowledge that you John’s career was coming to an end, he are the giver of all our good gifts would say, “What you suppose me to be and that we must use them in I am not. Rather, look for the one who your service. comes after me. I am not worthy to Leader: You called John the Baptist to unfasten the sandals on his feet.” give testimony to you by his life Responsory and even by his death, All: help us to imitate his unceasing Leader: Prepare the way of the Lord; witness to your truth. make straight his paths. Leader: Remember those who have died, Prepare the way of the Lord; All: All: give them a place of light, make straight his paths. happiness, and peace. Leader: He was in the beginning with God, (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not All: make straight his paths. be used, but other intentions may be added.) Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the All: Our Father... Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Prayer All: Prepare the way of the Lord; Leader: God our Father, / you raised up make straight his paths. John the Baptist / to prepare a perfect Canticle of Mary people for Christ the Lord. / Give your Antiphon: The child, born to us, is greater Church joy in spirit / and guide those who than any prophet; the Savior said of him: believe in you / into the way of salvation There is no man born of woman greater and peace. / We ask this through our Lord than John the Baptist. Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one Intercessions God, for ever and ever. Leader: Let us pray to God our Father All: Amen. who called John the Baptist (Ending same as in booklet.) to proclaim the coming of the kingdom of Christ: Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet. June 29 - Sts. Peter & Paul Morning Prayer of eternal life; and we believe and we are All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning convinced that you are the Christ, the Son Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place of God, alleluia. of the ones in the booklet. Intercessions Antiphon 1: I know the one whom I have Leader: The Lord Jesus built his holy trusted and I am certain that he, the just people on the foundation of the judge, has power to keep safe what he has apostles and prophets. In faith let entrusted to me until that Day. us pray: Antiphon 2: God’s grace in me has not All: Bless your Church, O Lord. been without fruit; it is always at work in Leader: You prayed that the faith of Peter me. would not fail, Antiphon 3: I have fought the good fight; All: strengthen the faith of your I have run the race to the finish; I have church. kept the faith. Leader: You appeared to Peter after your Reading 1 Peter 4:13-14 resurrection and you appeared to Saul on the road to Damascus, Beloved, rejoice in the measure that you All: strengthen our faith, so that we share Christ’s sufferings. When his glory may steadfastly proclaim that is revealed, you will rejoice exultantly. you have risen from the dead. Happy are you when you are insulted for Leader: You chose Paul as an apostle the sake of Christ, for then God’s Spirit in to preach your message to the its glory has come to rest on you. Gentiles, Responsory All: make us faithful preachers of your Gospel. Leader: They gave up their lives for the Leader: You mercifully forgave Peter’s name of our Lord Jesus Christ. denials, All: They gave up their lives for the forgive us all of our sins. name of our Lord Jesus Christ. All: Leader: They went forth rejoicing (Other intentions may be added.) because they had been found All: Our Father... worthy to suffer insult, All: for the name of our Lord Jesus Prayer Christ. Leader: God our Father, / today you give Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the us the joy / of celebrating the feast of the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, apostles Peter and Paul. / Through them All: They gave up their lives for the your Church first received the faith. / name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Keep us true to their teaching. / Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Canticle of Zechariah / who lives and reigns with you and the Antiphon: Simon Peter said: Lord, to Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. whom shall we go? You have the words All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer apostles and prophets. In faith let us pray: All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place All: Lord, come to the aid of your of the ones in the booklet. people. Antiphon 1: I have prayed for you, Peter, Leader: You once called Simon, the that your faith may not fail; and when you fisherman, to catch men, have turned to me, you must strengthen the All: now summon new workers who faith of your brothers. will bring the message of Antiphon 2: Willingly I boast of my salvation to all peoples. weaknesses, that the power of Christ may Leader: You calmed the waves so that live in me. your followers would not be Antiphon 3: You are the shepherd of the drowned, flock, the prince of the apostles; to you All: guard your Church, protect it were entrusted the keys to the kingdom of from all dangers. Leader: heaven. You gathered your scattered flock around Peter after the Reading 1 Corinthians 15:3-5, 8a resurrection, I handed on to you first of all what I All: good Shephard, bring all your myself received, that Christ died for our people together as one flock. sins in accordance with the Scriptures; that Leader: You sent Paul as apostle to he was buried and, in accordance with the preach the good news to the Scriptures, rose on the third day; that he Gentiles, was seen by Cephas, then by the Twelve. All: let the word of salvation be Last of all, he was seen by me. proclaimed to all mankind. Responsory Leader: You gave the keys of your kingdom into the hands of your Leader: The apostles proclaimed the holy people, word of God and preached it All: open the gates of that kingdom faithfully. to all who trusted in your mercy All: The apostles proclaimed the while on earth. word of God and preached it faithfully. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not be used, but other intentions may be added.) Leader: They testified to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, All: Our Father... All: and preached it faithfully. Prayer Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Leader: God our Father, / today you give Son, and to the Holy Spirit, us the joy / of celebrating the feast of the All: The apostles proclaimed the apostles Peter and Paul. / Through them word of God and preached it your Church first received the faith. / faithfully. Keep us true to their teaching. / Grant this Canticle of Mary through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Antiphon: Peter the apostle and Paul the / who lives and reigns with you and the teacher of the Gentiles taught us your Law, Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. O Lord. All: Amen. Intercessions (Ending same as in booklet.) Leader: The Lord Jesus built his holy Night Prayer in its entirety is taken people on the foundation of the from Sunday. See the booklet. July 3 - St. Thomas Morning Prayer Thomas, you have believed; blessed are All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning they who have not seen me and yet believe. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Intercessions of the ones in the booklet. Leader: Beloved friends, we have Antiphon 1: Lord, we do not know where inherited heaven along with the you are going; how can we know the way? apostles. Let us give thanks to Jesus replied: I am the way, the truth, and the Father for all his gifts: the life. All: The company of apostles praises Antiphon 2: Thomas, who was called you, O Lord. the Twin, was not present when Jesus Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the appeared to the apostles; so they told him: banquet of Christ’s body and We have seen the Lord, alleluia. blood given us through the Antiphon 3: With your hand, touch the apostles, mark of the nails; doubt no longer, but All: which refereshes us and gives believe, alleluia. us life. Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the Reading Ephesians 2:19-22 feast of your word prepared for You are strangers and aliens no longer. us by the apostles, No, you are fellow citizens and saints All: giving us light and joy. and members of the household of God. Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for your You form a building which rises on the holy Church, founded on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, apostles, with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone. All: where we are gathered together Through him the whole structure is fitted into your community. together and takes shape as a holy temple Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the in the Lord; in him you are being built into cleansing power of baptism and this temple, to become a dwelling place for penance that you have entrusted God in the Spirit. to your apostles, Responsory All: through which we are cleansed of our sins. Leader: You have made them rulers over all the earth, alleluia, alleluia. (Other intentions may be added.) All: You have made them rulers over All: Our Father... all the earth, alleluia, alleluia. Prayer Leader: They will always remember Leader: Almighty Father, / as we honor your name, O Lord, Thomas the apostle, / let us always All: alleluia, alleluia. experience the help of his prayers. / May Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the we have eternal life by believing in Jesus, Son, and to the Holy Spirit, / whom Thomas acknowledged as Lord, All: You have made them rulers over / for he lives and reigns with you and the all the earth, alleluia, alleluia. Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. Canticle of Zechariah All: Amen. Antiphon: Because you have seen me, (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Let us pray to our almighty Fa- Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place ther for his holy people and say: of the ones in the booklet. All: Be mindful of your Church, O Antiphon 1: Lord, we do not know where Lord. you are going; how can we know the way? Leader: Father, you wanted your Son to Jesus replied: I am the way, the truth, and be seen first by the apostles after the life. the resurrection from the dead; Antiphon 2: Thomas, who was called All: we ask you to make us his the Twin, was not present when Jesus witnesses to the farthest corners appeared to the apostles; so they told him: of the world. Leader: We have seen the Lord, alleluia. You sent your Son to preach the good news to the poor; Antiphon 3: With your hand, touch the All: help us to preach this Gospel to mark of the nails; doubt no longer, but every creature. believe, alleluia. Leader: You sent your Son to sow the Reading Ephesians 4:11-13 seed of unending life; Christ gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, All: grant that we who work at pastors, and teachers in roles of service for sowing the seed may share the the faithful to build up the body of Christ, joy of the harvest. until we become one in faith and in the Leader: You sent your Son to reconcile knowledge of God’s Son, and form that all men to you through his blood; perfect man who is Christ come to full All: help us to work toward achieving stature. this reconciliation. Leader: Your Son sits at your right hand Responsory in heaven, Leader: Tell all the nations how glorious All: let the dead enter your kingdom God is, alleluia, alleluia. of joy. Tell all the nations how glorious All: (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not God is, alleluia, alleluia. be used, but other intentions may be added.) Leader: Make known his wonders to All: Our Father... every people, All: alleluia, alleluia. Prayer Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Leader: God our Father, / today you give Son, and to the Holy Spirit, us the joy / of celebrating the feast of the All: Tell all the nations how glorious apostles Peter and Paul. / Through them God is, alleluia, alleluia. your Church first received the faith. / Keep us true to their teaching. / Grant this Canticle of Mary through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Antiphon: I touched the mark of the / who lives and reigns with you and the nails with my fingers; I put my hand into Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. his side and said: My Lord and my God, All: Amen. alleluia. (Ending same as in booklet.) Intercessions Night Prayer in its entirety is taken Leader: My brothers and sisters, we build from Sunday. See the booklet. on the foundation of the apostles. July 22 - St. Mary Magdalene Morning Prayer dead on the morning after the sabbath, he All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place whom he had cast out seven devils. of the ones in the booklet. Intercessions Antiphon 1: Very early in the morning Leader: My brothers and sisters, with all after the sabbath, Mary Magdalene came the holy women, let us profess to the tomb, just as the sun was rising. our faith in our Savior and call Antiphon 2: My heart burns within me; upon him: I long to see my Lord; I look for him, but All: Come, Lord Jesus. I cannot find where they have put him, Leader: Lord Jesus, you forgave the alleluia. sinful woman because she loved Antiphon 3: While Mary was weeping, much, she bent down to look into the tomb; she All: forgive us who have sinned saw two angels seated there, clothed in much. white, alleluia. Leader: Lord Jesus, the holy women ministered to your needs during Reading Romans 12:1-2 your journeys, Brothers, I beg you through the mercy All: help us to follow your footsteps. of God to offer your bodies as a living Leader: Lord Jesus, master, Mary sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, your listened to your words while spiritual worship. Do not conform Martha served your needs, yourselves to this age but be transformed All: help us to serve you with love by the renewal of your mind, so that you and devotion. may judge what is God’s will, what is Leader: Lord Jesus, you call everyone good, pleasing, and perfect. who does your will your brother, Responsory sister, and mother, All: help us to do what is pleasing to Leader: Mary, do not weep; the Lord is you in word and action. risen from the dead. All: Mary, do not weep; the Lord is (Other intentions may be added.) risen from the dead. All: Our Father... Leader: Go to my brothers and say to Prayer them: Leader: Father, / your Son first entrusted to All: the Lord is risen from the dead. Mary Magdalene / the joyful news of his Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the resurrection. / By her prayers and example Son, and to the Holy Spirit, / may we proclaim Christ as our living All: Mary, do not weep; the Lord is Lord / and one day see him in glory, / for risen from the dead. he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Canticle of Zechariah Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. Antiphon: When Jesus had risen from the All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Leader: My brothers and sisters, with all Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place the holy women, let us profess of the ones in the booklet. our faith in our Savior and call Antiphon 1: Jesus said to Mary: upon him: Woman, why are you weeping? Whom do All: Come, Lord Jesus. you seek? Leader: Lord Jesus, you forgave the Antiphon 2: They have taken my Lord sinful woman because she loved away, and I do not know where they have much, put him. All: forgive us who have sinned much. Antiphon 3: Jesus said: Mary. She turned Leader: Lord Jesus, the holy women to him and said: Rabboni, which means ministered to your needs during teacher. your journeys, Reading Romans 8:28-30 All: help us to follow your footsteps. We know that God makes all things work Leader: Lord Jesus, master, Mary together for the good of those who have listened to your words while been called according to his decree. Those Martha served your needs, whom he foreknew he predestined to share All: help us to serve you with love the image of his Son, that the Son might and devotion. be the first-born of many brothers. Those Leader: Lord Jesus, you call everyone he predestined he likewise called; those who does your will your brother, he called he also justified; and those he sister, and mother, justified he in turn glorified. All: help us to do what is pleasing to you in word and action. Responsory (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: Mary, do not weep; the Lord is All: Our Father... risen from the dead. All: Mary, do not weep; the Lord is Prayer risen from the dead. Leader: Father, / your Son first entrusted to Leader: Go to my brothers and say to Mary Magdalene / the joyful news of his them: resurrection. / By her prayers and example All: the Lord is risen from the dead. / may we proclaim Christ as our living Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Lord / and one day see him in glory, / for Son, and to the Holy Spirit, he lives and reigns with you and the Holy All: Mary, do not weep; the Lord is Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. risen from the dead. All: Amen. Canticle of Mary (Ending same as in booklet.) Antiphon: Mary ran and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, alleluia. Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet. July 25 - St. James Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: Beloved friends, we have Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place inherited heaven along with the of the ones in the booklet. apostles. Let us give thanks to Antiphon 1: As he was walking along, the Father for all his gifts: Jesus saw James, the son of Zebedee, and All: The company of apostles praises his brother John, and he called them. you, O Lord. Antiphon 2: Immediately they left their Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the nets and their father and followed him. banquet of Christ’s body and Antiphon 3: You shall drink from the cup blood given us through the that I shall drink from and you shall be apostles, All: baptized as I am baptized. which refereshes us and gives us life. Reading Ephesians 2:19-22 Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the You are strangers and aliens no longer. feast of your word prepared for No, you are fellow citizens and saints us by the apostles, and members of the household of God. All: giving us light and joy. You form a building which rises on the Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for your foundation of the apostles and prophets, holy Church, founded on the with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone. apostles, Through him the whole structure is fitted All: where we are gathered together together and takes shape as a holy temple into your community. in the Lord; in him you are being built into Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the this temple, to become a dwelling place for cleansing power of baptism and God in the Spirit. penance that you have entrusted Responsory to your apostles, All: through which we are cleansed Leader: You have made them rulers over of our sins. all the earth. (Other intentions may be added.) All: You have made them rulers over All: Our Father... all the earth, alleluia, alleluia. Leader: They will always remember Prayer your name, O Lord, Leader: Almighty Father, / by the All: over all the earth. martyrdom of Saint James / you blessed Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the the early Church. / May his profession Son, and to the Holy Spirit, of faith give us courage / and his prayers All: You have made them rulers over bring us strength. / We ask this through our all the earth. Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives Canticle of Zechariah and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / Antiphon: Jesus took Peter, James, and one God, for ever and ever. his brother John and led them up a high All: Amen. mountain where they could be alone, and (Ending same as in booklet.) he was transfigured among them. Evening Prayer All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Let us pray to our almighty Fa- Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place ther for his holy people and say: of the ones in the booklet. All: Be mindful of your Church, O Antiphon 1: Jesus took Peter, James and Lord. John with him, and he became fearful and Leader: Father, you wanted your Son to began to tremble. be seen first by the apostles after Antiphon 2: Then he said to them: Stay the resurrection from the dead; awake and pray that you may not be All: we ask you to make us his tempted. witnesses to the farthest corners of the world. Antiphon 3: King Herod began Leader: You sent your Son to preach the persecuting certain members of the good news to the poor; Church. He beheaded James, the brother All: help us to preach this Gospel to of John. every creature. Leader: You sent your Son to sow the Reading Ephesians 4:11-13 seed of unending life; Christ gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, All: grant that we who work at pastors, and teachers in roles of service for sowing the seed may share the the faithful to build up the body of Christ, joy of the harvest. until we become one in faith and in the Leader: You sent your Son to reconcile knowledge of God’s Son, and form that all men to you through his blood; perfect man who is Christ come to full All: help us to work toward achieving stature. this reconciliation. Leader: Your Son sits at your right hand Responsory in heaven, Leader: Tell all the nations how glorious All: let the dead enter your kingdom God is. of joy. Tell all the nations how glorious All: (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not God is. be used, but other intentions may be added.) Leader: Make known his wonders to All: Our Father... every people, All: how glorious God is. Prayer Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Leader: Almighty Father, / by the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, martyrdom of Saint James / you blessed All: Tell all the nations how glorious the early Church. / May his profession God is. of faith give us courage / and his prayers bring us strength. / We ask this through our Canticle of Mary Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives Antiphon: Whoever wishes to become and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / greaat among you must be your servant; one God, for ever and ever. whoever wishes to be first among you All: Amen. must be the slave of all. (Ending same as in booklet.) Intercessions Night Prayer in its entirety is taken Leader: My brothers and sisters, we build from Sunday. See the booklet. on the foundation of the apostles. August 6 - Transfiguration Morning Prayer transfigured on Mount Tabor. Let All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning us pray to him with confidence: Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place All: Lord, in your light may we see of the ones in the booklet. light. Antiphon 1: Today the Lord Jesus Christ Leader: Father of mercies, you glorified shone with splendor on the mountain, his your heavenly Son and revealed face like the sun and his clothes white as yourself in the bright cloud, snow. All: grant that we may listen in faith Antiphon 2: Today the Lord was to the word of Christ. transfigured and the voice of the Father Leader: O God, you have filled your bore witness too him; Moses and Elijah chosen people with the bounty of appeared with him in glory and spoke with your house, him about the death he was to undergo. All: grant that we may wlays find the Antiphon 3: The law was given through source of our life in Christ. Moses and prophecy through Elijah. Leader: O God, you have scattered the Radiant in the divine majesty, they were darkness with your light and seen speaking with the Lord. have poured your light into our Reading Revelation 21:10, 23 hearts so that we might look The angel carried me away in spirit to the upon the radiant face of Jesus top of a very high mountain and showed Christ, All: me the holy city Jerusalem coming down nourish in us theee desire to con- out of heaven from God.The city had no template your beloved Son. Leader: need of sun or moon, for the glory of God O God, according to your plan, gave it light, and its lamp was the Lamb. you have called us to holiness by your grace which you have Responsory revealed in Jesus Christ, Leader: With glory and honor, Lord, you All: through your Gospel show to all have crowned him. mankind the glorious splendor of All: With glory and honor, Lord, you unending life. have crowned him. Leader: Loving Father, you have so loved Leader: You set him over the works of us that we have been called to be your hands. sons of God, All: Lord, you have crowned him. All: when Christ comes grant that we Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the may be like him. Son, and to the Holy Spirit, (Other intentions may be added.) All: With glory and honor, Lord, you All: Our Father... have crowned him. Prayer Canticle of Zechariah Leader: God our Father, / in the Antiphon: A voice spoke from the cloud: transfigured glory of Christ your Son, / you This is my beloved Son in whom I am well strengthen our faith / by confirming the pleased; listen to him. witness of your prophets, / and show us the Intercessions splendor of your beloved sons and Leader: In the presence of his disciples daughters. / As we listen to the voice of our Savior was wonderfully your Son, / help us to become heirs to (Turn Over for Final Prayer continued.) eternal life with him / who lives and reigns Intercessions with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, Leader: In the presence of his disciples for ever and ever. our Savior was wonderfully All: Amen. transfigured on Mount Tabor. Let (Ending same as in booklet.) us pray to him with confidence: All: Lord, in your light may we see Evening Prayer light. All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Leader: O Christ, before your passion Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place and death you revealed the of the ones in the booklet. resurrection to your disciples on Antiphon 1: Jesus took Peter, James and Mount Tabor; we pray for your his brother John and led them up a high Church which labors amid the mountain where they could be alone, and cares and anxieties of this world, he was transfigured before them. All: that in its trials it may always be Antiphon 2: A bright cloud overshadowed transfigured by the joy of your them aand suddenly a voice spoke from the victory. cloud: This is my beloved Son in whom I Leader: O Christ, you took Peter, James, am well pleased; listen to him. and John and led them up a high mountain by themselves; we Antiphon 3: As they came down from the pray for our pope and bishops, mountain Jesus commanded them: Tell no All: that they may inspire in your one of the vision until the Son of Man has people the hope of being risen from the dead. transfigured on the last day. Reading Romans 8:16-17 Leader: O Christ, upon the mountaintop The Spirit himself gives witness with our you let the light of your face spirit that we are children of God. But if shine over Moses and Elijah, we are children, we are heirs as well: heirs All: we ask your blessing upon the of God, heirs in Christ, if only we suffer Jewish people; of old you called with him so as to be glorified with him. them to be your chosen nation. Responsory Leader: O Christ, you gave light to the Leader: Beauty and wealth surround world when the glory of the him, alleluia, alleluia. Creator arose over you, All: we pray for men of good will All: Beauty and wealth surround him, alleluia, alleluia. that they may walk in your light. Leader: O Christ, you will reform our Leader: Richness and splendor adorn his holy place. lowly body and make it like your All: alleluia, alleluia. glorious one, Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the All: we pray for our brothers and Son, and to the Holy Spirit, sisters who have died that they All: Beauty and wealth surround may share in your glory for ever. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not him, alleluia, alleluia. be used, but other intentions may be added.) Canticle of Mary All: Our Father... Antiphon: When they heard the voice Prayer as in Morning Prayer from the cloud, the disciples fell on their (Ending same as in booklet.) faces, overcome with fear; Jesus came up to them, touched them, and said: Stand up. Night Prayer in its entirety is taken Do not be afraid. from Sunday. See the booklet. August 10 - St. Lawrence Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: Our Savior’s faithfulness is Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place mirrored in the fidelity of his of the ones in the booklet. witnesses who shed their blood Antiphon 1: My soul clings to you, my for the word of God. Let us God, because I endured death by fire for praise him in remembrance of your sake. them: Antiphon 2: The Lord sent his angel to All: You redeemed us by your blood. free me from the fire, and I escaped the Leader: Your martyrs freely embraced flames unharmed. death in bearing witness to the faith, Antiphon 3: Blessed Lawrence prayed: I All: give us the true freedom of the thank you, Lord, for permitting me to enter Spirit, O Lord. the gates of your kingdom. Leader: Your martyrs professed their Reading 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 faith by shedding their blood, Praised be God, the Father of our Lord All: give us a faith, O Lord, that is Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the constant and pure. God of all consolation! He comforts us in Leader: Your martyrs followed in your all our afflictions and thus enables us to footsteps by carrying the cross, comfort those who are in trouble, with the All: help us to endure courageously same consolation we have received from the misfortunes of life. him. As we have shared much in the s Leader: Your martyrs washed their uffering of Christ, so through Christ do we garments in the blood of the share abundantly in his consolation. lamb, All: help us to avoid the weaknesses Responsory of the flesh and worldly Leader: The Lord is my strength, I shall allurements. always praise him. (Other intentions may be added.) All: The Lord is my strength, I shall All: Our Father... always praise him. Leader: They will always remember Prayer your name, O Lord, Leader: Father, / you called Saint All: I shall always praise him. Lawrence to serve you by love / and Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the crowned his life with glorious martyrdom. Son, and to the Holy Spirit, / Help us to be like him / in loving you and All: The Lord is my strength, I shall doing your work. / Grant this through our always praise him. Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives Canticle of Zechariah and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / Antiphon: Do not be afraid, my son, for I one God, for ever and ever. am with you; if you should walk through All: Amen. the fire, the flames will not harm you, nor (Ending same as in booklet.) will the odor of burning cling to you. Evening Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Leader: This is the hour when the King Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place of martyrs offered his life in the of the ones in the booklet. upper room and laid it down on Antiphon 1: By his martyrdom Lawrence the cross. Let us thank him and gave witness to our Lord Jesus Christ and say: gained the reward of heaven. All: We praise you, O Lord. Antiphon 2: Blessed Lawrence cried Leader: We praise you, O Lord, our out: I rejoice greatly because I have been Savior, inspiration and example considered worth to be a sacrificial victim for every martyr for loving us to for Christ. the end: Antiphon 3: I thank you, Lord Jesus All: We praise you, O Lord. Christ, for permitting me to enter the gates Leader: For calling all repentant sinners of our kingdom. to the rewards of your life: All: We praise you, O Lord. Reading 1 Peter 4:13-14 Leader: For entrusting to your Church Rejoice, beloved, in the measure that you the blood of the new and ever- share Christ’s sufferings. When his glory lasting covenant poured out for is revealed, you will rejoice exultantly. the remission of sin: Happy are you when you are insulted for All: We praise you, O Lord. the sake of Christ, for then God’s Spirit in Leader: For our perseverance in your its glory has come to rest on you. grace today: All: We praise you, O Lord. Responsory Leader: For incorporating our dead Leader: You have tried us by fire, O brothers and sisters into your God, then led us to a place of own death today: refreshment. All: We praise you, O Lord. All: You have tried us by fire, O (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not God, then led us to a place of be used, but other intentions may be added.) refreshment. All: Our Father... Leader: You refined us as silver in the furnace, Prayer All: then led us to a place of Leader: Father, / you called Saint refreshment. Lawrence to serve you by love / and Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the crowned his life with glorious martyrdom. Son, and to the Holy Spirit, / Help us to be like him / in loving you and All: You have tried us by fire, O doing your work. / Grant this through our God, then led us to a place of Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives refreshment. and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / Canticle of Mary one God, for ever and ever. Antiphon: Blessed Lawrence said: The All: Amen. night is not dark for me; all things shine as (Ending same as in booklet.) in the noonday light. Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet. August 15 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: Let us glorify our Savior, who Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place chose the Virgin Mary for his of the ones in the booklet. mother. Let us ask him: Antiphon 1: Blessed are you, O Mary, for All: May your mother intercede for the world’s salvation came forth through us, Lord. you; now in glory, you rejoice for ever Leader: Eternal Word, you chose Mary with the Lord. as the uncorrupted ark of your Antiphon 2: The Virgin Mary is exalted dwelling place, above the choirs of angels; let all believers All: free us from the corruption of rejoice and bless the Lord. sin. Antiphon 3: The Lord has made you so Leader: You are our redeemer, who made glorious that your praise will never cease the immaculate Virgin Mary your to resound among men. purest home and the sanctuary of the Holy Spirit, Reading Isaiah 61:10 All: make us temples of your Spirit I rejoice heartily in the Lord, / in my God for ever. is the joy of my soul; / For he has clothed Leader: King of kings, you lifted up me with a robe of salvation, / and wrapped your mother, body and soul, into me in a mantle of justice, / like a bride heaven, bedecked with her jewels. All: help us to fix our thoughts on Responsory things above. Leader: Lord of heaven and earth, you Leader: Today the Virgin Mary was crowned Mary and set her at taken up to heaven. your right hand as queen, All: Today the Virgin Mary was All: make us worthy to share this taken up to heaven. glory. Leader: For all eternity she shares the (Other intentions may be added.) victory of Christ. All: The Virgin Mary was taken up All: Our Father... to heaven. Prayer Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Leader: All-powerful and ever-living Son, and to the Holy Spirit, God, / you raised the sinless Virgin Mary, All: Today the Virgin Mary was / mother of your Son, / body and soul to taken up to heaven. the glory of heaven. / May we see heaven Canticle of Zechariah as our final goal / and come to share her Antiphon: This daughter of Jerusalem glory. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus is lovely and beautiful as she ascends to Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns heaven like the rising sun at daybreak. with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All: Mary, full of grace, intercede for All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening us. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: O God, worker of miracles, you of the ones in the booklet. made the immaculate Virgin Antiphon 1: Mary has been taken up to Mary share, body and soul, in heaven: the angels rejoice. They bless the your Son’s glory in heaven, Lord and sing his praises. All: direct the hearts of your children Antiphon 2: The Virgin Mary was taken to that same glory. up to the heavenly bridal chamber where Leader: You made Mary our mother. the King of kings is seated on a starry Through her intercession grant throne. strength to the weak, comfort to Antiphon 3: We share the fruit of life the sorrowing, pardon to sinners, through you, O daughter blessed by the All: salvation and peace to all. Lord. Leader: You made Mary full of grace, All: grant all men the joyful Reading 1 Corinthians 15:22-23 abundance of your grace. Just as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will Leader: Make your Church of one mind come to life again, but each one in proper and one heart in love, order: Christ the first fruits and then, at his All: and help all those who believe to coming, all those who belong to him. be one in prayer with Mary, the mother of Jesus. Responsory Leader: You crowned Mary queen of Leader: The Virgin Mary is exalted heaven, above the choirs of angels. All: may all the dead rejoice in your All: The Virgin Mary is exalted kingdom with the saints for ever. above the choirs of angels. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Leader: Blessed is the Lord who has be used, but other intentions may be added.) raised her up, All: Our Father... All: above the choirs of angels. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Prayer Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Leader: All-powerful and ever-living All: The Virgin Mary is exalted God, / you raised the sinless Virgin Mary, above the choirs of angels. / mother of your Son, / body and soul to the glory of heaven. / May we see heaven Canticle of Mary as our final goal / and come to share her Antiphon: Today the Virgin Mary was glory. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus taken up to heaven; rejoice, for she reigns Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns with Christ for ever. with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, Intercessions for ever and ever. All: Amen. Leader: Let us praise our almighty Father, who wished that Mary, his Son’s (Ending same as in booklet.) mother, be celebrated by each generation. Now in need we ask: Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet. August 24 - St. Bartholomew Morning Prayer the Lamb of God is the light of that holy All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning city, alleluia. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Intercessions of the ones in the booklet. Leader: Beloved friends, we have Antiphon 1: My commandment is this: inherited heaven along with the love one another as I have loved you, All: apostles. Let us give thanks to alleluia. the Father for all his gifts: Antiphon 2: There is no greater love than The company of apostles praises to lay down your life for your friends, you, O Lord. alleluia. Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the Antiphon 3: You are my friends, says banquet of Christ’s body and the Lord, if you do what I command you, All: blood given us through the alleluia. apostles, which refereshes us and gives Reading Ephesians 2:19-22 us life. You are strangers and aliens no longer. Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the No, you are fellow citizens and saints All: feast of your word prepared for and members of the household of God. us by the apostles, You form a building which rises on the giving us light and joy. foundation of the apostles and prophets, Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for your with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone. All: holy Church, founded on the Through him the whole structure is fitted apostles, together and takes shape as a holy temple where we are gathered together in the Lord; in him you are being built into into your community. this temple, to become a dwelling place for Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the God in the Spirit. cleansing power of baptism and Responsory All: penance that you have entrusted Leader: You have made them rulers over to your apostles, all the earth. through which we are cleansed All: You have made them rulers over of our sins. (Other intentions may be added.) all the earth, alleluia, alleluia. Leader: They will always remember All: Our Father... your name, O Lord, Prayer All: over all the earth. Leader: Lord, / sustain within us the faith / Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the which made Saint Bartholomew ever loyal Son, and to the Holy Spirit, to Christ. / Let your Church be the sign of All: You have made them rulers over salvation / for all the nations of the world. / all the earth. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Canticle of Zechariah your Son, / who lives and reigns with you Antiphon: On the foundation stones of and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever the heavenly Jerusalem, the names of the and ever. twelve apostles of the Lamb are written; All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Let us pray to our almighty Evening Prayer Father for his holy people and say: All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening All: Be mindful of your Church, O Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Lord. of the ones in the booklet. Leader: Father, you wanted your Son to Antiphon 1: You are the men who have be seen first by the apostles after stood by me in my time of trial, alleluia. the resurrection from the dead; Antiphon 2: I have lived among you as All: we ask you to make us his one who ministers to others, alleluia. witnesses to the farthest corners of the world. Antiphon 3: I no longer call you servants, Leader: You sent your Son to preach the but my friends, for I have shared with you good news to the poor; everything I have heard from my Father, All: help us to preach this Gospel to alleluia. every creature. Reading Ephesians 4:11-13 Leader: You sent your Son to sow the Christ gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, seed of unending life; pastors, and teachers in roles of service for All: grant that we who work at the faithful to build up the body of Christ, sowing the seed may share the until we become one in faith and in the joy of the harvest. knowledge of God’s Son, and form that Leader: You sent your Son to reconcile perfect man who is Christ come to full all men to you through his blood; stature. All: help us to work toward achieving this reconciliation. Responsory Leader: Your Son sits at your right hand Leader: Tell all the nations how glorious in heaven, God is. All: let the dead enter your kingdom All: Tell all the nations how glorious of joy. God is. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Leader: Make known his wonders to be used, but other intentions may be added.) every people, All: Our Father... All: how glorious God is. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Prayer Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Leader: Lord, / sustain within us the faith / All: Tell all the nations how glorious which made Saint Bartholomew ever loyal God is. to Christ. / Let your Church be the sign of salvation / for all the nations of the world. / Canticle of Mary We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Antiphon: When all things are made new, your Son, / who lives and reigns with you and the Son of Man is enthroned in and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever majesty, you will sit in judgment over the and ever. twelve tribes of Israel, alleluia. All: Amen. Intercessions (Ending same as in booklet.) Leader: My brothers and sisters, we build Night Prayer in its entirety is taken on the foundation of the apostles. from Sunday. See the booklet. September 8 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Morning Prayer from you arose the glorious Sun of Justice, All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Christ our God; he freed us from the Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place age-old curse and filled us with holiness; of the ones in the booklet. he destroyed death and gave us eternal life. Antiphon 1: We commemorate the birth Intercessions of the blessed Virgin Mary, a descendant of Leader: Let us glorify our Savior, who Abraham, born of the tribe of Judah and of chose the Virgin Mary for his David’s seed. mother. Let us ask him: Antiphon 2: When the most holy Virgin All: May your mother intercede for was born, the whole world was made us, Lord. radiant; blessed is the branch and blesseed Leader: Sun of justice, the immaculate is the stem which bore such holy fruit. Virgin was the white dawn an- Antiphon 3: Let us joyfully celebrate the nouncing your rising, birth of blessed Mary so that she may All: grant that we may always live in intercede for us before Jesus Christ the the light of your coming. Lord. Leader: Eternal Word, you chose Mary Reading Isaiah 11:1-3a as the uncorrupted ark of your A shoot shall sprout from the stump of dwelling place, Jesse, / and from his roots a bud shall All: free us from the corruption of blossom. / The spirit of the Lord shall sin. rest upon him: / a spirit of wisdom and of Leader: Savior of mankind, your mother understanding, / A spirit of counsel and of stood at the foot of your cross, strength, / a spirit of knowledge and of fear All: grant, through her intercession, of the Lord, / and his delight shall be the that we may rejoice to share in fear of the Lord. your passion. Responsory Leader: With ultimate generosity and love, you gave Mary as a mother Leader: The Lord has chosen her, his to your beloved disciple, loved one from the beginning. All: help us to live as worthy sons All: The Lord has chosen her, his and daughters of so noble a loved one from the beginning. mother. He has taken her to live with (Other intentions may be added.) him, Leader: All: Our Father... The Lord has chosen her, his All: loved one from the beginning. Prayer Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Leader: Father of mercy, / give your people Son, and to the Holy Spirit, help and strength from heaven. / The birth All: The Lord has chosen her, his of the Virgin Mary’s Son / was the dawn of loved one from the beginning. our salvation. / May this celebration of her birthday / bring us closer to lasting peace. / Canticle of Zechariah Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Antiphon: Your birth, O Virgin Mother of God, proclaims joy to the whole world, for (Turn Over for Final Prayer continued.) your Son, / who lives and reigns with you Canticle of Mary and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and Antiphon: Let us commemorate the ever. illustrious birth of the glorious Virgin All: Amen. Mary, for the Lord has looked with favor on his lowly servant. He sent his angel to (Ending same as in booklet.) announce to her that she would conceive Leader: the Savior of the world. Evening Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening All: Let us praise our almighty Father, Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place who wished that Mary, his Son’s of the ones in the booklet. mother, be celebrated by each Leader: Antiphon 1: The Virgin Mary came forth generation. Now in need we ask: from the root of Jesse, and the Spirit of the Mary, full of grace, intercede for Most High came to dwell in her heart. us. Antiphon 2: Today we commemorate All: O God, worker of miracles, you the birth of the Virgin Mary. God saw her made the immaculate Virgin beauty and visited her in her lowliness. Mary share, body and soul, in Leader: Antiphon 3: Blessed and worthy of our your Son’s glory in heaven, praise is the holy Virgin Mary, the Mother direct the hearts of your children of God. We celebrate her birth, that she to that same glory. might intercede for us before the Lord. All: You made Mary our mother. Through her intercession grant Reading Romans 9:4-5 Leader: All: strength to the weak, comfort to To the Israelites belonged the adoption, the the sorrowing, pardon to sinners, glory, the covenants, the law-giving, the salvation and peace to all. worship, and the promises; theirs were the Leader: You made Mary full of grace, patriarchs, and from them came the All: grant all men the joyful Messiah (I speak of his human origins). abundance of your grace. Blessed forever be God who is over all! Make your Church of one mind Amen. and one heart in love, Leader: Responsory and help all those who believe to All: Leader: Hail Mary, full of grace, the be one in prayer with Mary, the Lord is with you. mother of Jesus. All: Hail Mary, full of grace, the You crowned Mary queen of Lord is with you. heaven, Leader: Blessed are you among women may all the dead rejoice in your and blessed is the fruit of your kingdom with the saints for ever. womb. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not All: The Lord is with you. be used, but other intentions may be added.) Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the All: Our Father... Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Prayer as in Morning Prayer All: Hail Mary, full of grace, the (Ending same as in booklet.) Lord is with you. Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet. September 14 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: Let us pray woth confidence to Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Christ who endured the Cross to of the ones in the booklet. redeem us: Antiphon 1: To destroy the power of All: Save us through your cross, O hell Christ died upon the cross; clothed Lord. in strength and glory, he triumphed over Leader: Son of God, you healed the death. people of Israel when they Antiphon 2: The Lord hung upon the looked upon the bronze serpent, cross to wash away our sins in his own All: protect us this day from the blood. How splendid is that blessed cross. deadly wound of sin. Antiphon 3: How radiant is that precious Leader: Son of Man, just as Moses raised cross which brought us our salvation. In up the bronze serpent in the the cross we are victorious, through the desert, so you were lifted up on cross we shall reign, by the cross all evil is the cross in the sight of all the destroyed, alleluia. nations, Reading Hebrews 2:9-10 All: raise us up to share in the We see Jesus crowned with glory and triumph of your cross. Leader: honor because he suffered death, that Only-begotten Son of the Father, through God’s gracious will he might taste you were sent into the world so death for the sake of all men. Indeed, it that those who believe in you was fitting that when bringing many sons might not perish, All: to glory, God, for whom and through grant unending life to all who whom all things exist, should make their long to see you face to face. Leader: leader in the work of salvation perfect Beloved Son of the Father, you through suffering. were not sent to judge the world Responsory but to save it, All: grant faith to our brothers and Leader: We adore you, O Christ, and we sisters and bring them on the last bless you. day to the joy of heaven. All: We adore you, O Christ, and we Leader: Eternal Son of the Father, you bless you. came to cast fire on the earth Leader: By your holy cross you have and you longed to see its flame redeemed the world. kindled in the hearts of all men, All: and we bless you. All: grant that through holiness of Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the life we may come to share in the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, undying light of your glory. All: We adore you, O Christ, and we (Other intentions may be added.) bless you. All: Our Father... Canticle of Zechariah Prayer Antiphon: We worship your cross, O Leader: God our Father, / in obedience to Lord, and we praise and glorify your holy you / your only Son accepted death on the resurrection, for the wood of the cross has cross / for the salvation of all mankind. / brought joy to the world. (Turn Over for Final Prayer continued.) We acknowledge the mystery of the cross on earth. / May we receive the gift of Intercessions redemption in heaven. / We ask this Leader: Let us pray with confidence to through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / Christ who endured the cross to who lives and reigns with you and the Holy save us: Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. All: Lord, through your cross bring All: Amen. us to the glory of your kingdom. (Ending same as in booklet.) Leader: O Christ, you emptied yourself, taking the form of a servant and Evening Prayer being made like us, All: grant that your people may All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening follow the example of your Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place of the ones in the booklet. humility. Leader: O Christ, you humbled yourself Antiphon 1: What a great work of charity! and became obedient unto death, Death itself died when life was slain on the even death on a cross, tree. All: grant that your servants may Antiphon 2: We worship your cross, O imitate your obedience and Lord, and we commemorate your glorious willing acceptance of trials. passion. You suffered for us; have mercy Leader: O Christ, you were raised up by on us. Antiphon 3: We adore you, O Christ, and the Father and given the name we bless you, for by your holy cross you that is above all other names, have redeemed the world. All: may your people, strengthened in the hope of a heavenly Reading 1 Corinthians 1:23-24 resurrection, persevere to the We preach Christ crucified - a stumbling end. block to Jews, and an absurdity to Gen- Leader: O Christ, at your name every tiles; but to those who are called, Jews and knee in heaven, on earth, and Greeks alike, Christ the power of God and under the earth will bend in the wisdom of God. adoration, Responsory All: pour out your love upon all men Leader: O glorious cross, on you the that they may join together in King of angels was victorious. proclaiming your glory. All: O glorious cross, on you the Leader: O Christ, every tongue shall King of angels was victorious. confess that you are Lord to the Leader: And he has washed away our glory of God the Father, sins in his own blood. All: welcome our brothers and sisters All: on you the King of angels was who have died into the unfailing victorious. joy of your kingdom. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Son, and to the Holy Spirit, be used, but other intentions may be added.) All: O glorious cross, on you the All: Our Father... King of angels was victorious. Prayer as in Morning Prayer Canticle of Mary (Ending same as in booklet.) Antiphon: O cross, you are the glorious sign of our victory. Through your power Night Prayer in its entirety is taken may we share in the triumph of Christ from Sunday. See the booklet. Jesus. September 21 - St. Matthew Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: Beloved friends, we have Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place inherited heaven along with the of the ones in the booklet. apostles. Let us give thanks to Antiphon 1: My commandment is this: the Father for all his gifts: love one another as I have loved you, All: The company of apostles praises alleluia. you, O Lord. Antiphon 2: There is no greater love than Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the to lay down your life for your friends, banquet of Christ’s body and alleluia. blood given us through the Antiphon 3: You are my friends, says apostles, the Lord, if you do what I command you, All: which refereshes us and gives alleluia. us life. Reading Ephesians 2:19-22 Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the You are strangers and aliens no longer. feast of your word prepared for No, you are fellow citizens and saints us by the apostles, and members of the household of God. All: giving us light and joy. You form a building which rises on the Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for your foundation of the apostles and prophets, holy Church, founded on the with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone. apostles, Through him the whole structure is fitted All: where we are gathered together together and takes shape as a holy temple into your community. in the Lord; in him you are being built into Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the this temple, to become a dwelling place for cleansing power of baptism and God in the Spirit. penance that you have entrusted Responsory to your apostles, All: through which we are cleansed Leader: You have made them rulers over of our sins. all the earth. (Other intentions may be added.) All: You have made them rulers over All: Our Father... all the earth, alleluia, alleluia. Leader: They will always remember Prayer your name, O Lord, Leader: God of mercy, / you chose a tax All: over all the earth. collector, Saint Matthew, / to share the Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the dignity of the apostles. / By his example Son, and to the Holy Spirit, and prayers / help us to follow Christ / and All: You have made them rulers over remain faithful in your service. / We ask all the earth. this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Canticle of Zechariah Son, / who lives and reigns with you and Antiphon: The Lord saw a man named the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s office ever. and said to him: Follow me. Matthew got All: Amen. up and followed him. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All: Be mindful of your Church, O Lord. All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Leader: Father, you wanted your Son to Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place be seen first by the apostles after of the ones in the booklet. the resurrection from the dead; Antiphon 1: You are the men who have All: we ask you to make us his stood by me in my time of trial, alleluia. witnesses to the farthest corners Antiphon 2: I have lived among you as of the world. one who ministers to others, alleluia. Leader: You sent your Son to preach the good news to the poor; Antiphon 3: I no longer call you servants, All: help us to preach this Gospel to but my friends, for I have shared with you every creature. everything I have heard from my Father, Leader: You sent your Son to sow the alleluia. seed of unending life; Reading Ephesians 4:11-13 All: grant that we who work at Christ gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, sowing the seed may share the pastors, and teachers in roles of service for joy of the harvest. the faithful to build up the body of Christ, Leader: You sent your Son to reconcile until we become one in faith and in the all men to you through his blood; knowledge of God’s Son, and form that All: help us to work toward achieving perfect man who is Christ come to full this reconciliation. stature. Leader: Your Son sits at your right hand in heaven, Responsory All: let the dead enter your kingdom Leader: Tell all the nations how glorious of joy. God is. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not All: Tell all the nations how glorious be used, but other intentions may be added.) God is. All: Our Father... Leader: Make known his wonders to every people, Prayer All: how glorious God is. Leader: God of mercy, / you chose a tax Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the collector, Saint Matthew, / to share the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, dignity of the apostles. / By his example All: Tell all the nations how glorious and prayers / help us to follow Christ / and God is. remain faithful in your service. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Canticle of Mary Son, / who lives and reigns with you and Antiphon: I desire mercy not sacrifice. the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and I did not come to call the virtuous but ever. sinners. All: Amen. Intercessions (Ending same as in booklet.) Leader: My brothers and sisters, we build on the foundation of the apostles. Night Prayer in its entirety is taken Let us pray to our almighty from Sunday. See the booklet. Father for his holy people and say: September 29 - Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: With one voice the choirs of Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place angels sing their unceasing of the ones in the booklet. praise of the Lord. Let us join in Antiphon 1: Let us join the angels in their worship as we proclaim: praising the Lord, as the cherubim and All: Angels of the Lord, bless the seraphim sing: Holy, holy, holy. Lord. Antiphon 2: Angels of the Lord, sing Leader: You commanded your angels to praise to the Lord for ever. guard us in all our ways, All: Antiphon 3: All the angels in heaven keep us from sin as you lead us praise you, O Lord, and with one voice in your path this day. Leader: they say: To you we owe our hymn of Father, the angels stand for ever praise, O God. before your face, All: nourish in us a never-failing Reading Genesis 28:12-13a hope of your coming at last into Jacob had a dream: a stairway rested on your presence. the ground, with its top reaching to the Leader: Your children will be like the heavens; and God’s messengers were angels in heaven, going up and down on it. And there was All: grant us chastity in both mind the Lord standing beside him and saying: and body. “I, the Lord, am the God of your forefather Leader: Send Michael, prince of the Abraham and the God of Isaac.” heavenly hosts, to the aid of your Responsory people, Leader: An angel stood by the altar. All: may he defend them against All: An angel stood by the altar. Satan and his angels on the day Leader: And held a golden censer of battle. All: by the altar. (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the All: Our Father... Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: An angel stood by the altar. Prayer Leader: God our Father, / in a wonderful Canticle of Zechariah way you guide the work of angels and Antiphon: Truly I say to you: You will men. / May those who serve you constantly see the heavens open up, and the angels of in heaven / keep our lives safe from all God ascending and descending upon the harm on earth. / Grant this through our Son of Man. Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening carefully for his voice and hear Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place his call, as we say: of the ones in the booklet. All: We beg you, hear us. Antiphon 1: Your majesty is praised Leader: That our prayers may rise like a above the heavens, O King of the angels. pleasant fragrance before you, Antiphon 2: In the company of the angels All: through the hands of your angels. I will sing psalms to you, my God. Leader: That our prayers may be brought Antiphon 3: I saw the Lamb, which to your altar on high, appeared to have been slain, standing in All: through the hands of your angels. the center of the throne, and I heard the Leader: That we may proclaim glory to sound of angelic choirs around the throne. God in the highest and peace to Reading Revelation 1:4b-5 his people on earth, Grace and peace - from him who is and All: with the multitude of the who was and who is to come, and from the heavenly armies. seven spirits before his throne, and from Leader: That the angels may receive us at Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the the end of our days, first-born from the dead and ruler of the All: and lead us home to paradise. kings of the earth, who loves us and freed Leader: That the holy standard-bearer, us from our sins by his own blood. Michael, may bring into the light of your presence, Responsory All: the souls of those who have died.

Leader: Clouds of incense rose in the (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not All: presence of the Lord. be used, but other intentions may be added.) Clouds of incense rose in the All: Our Father... presence of the Lord. Leader: From the hand of the angel Prayer Leader: God our Father, / in a wonderful All: incense rose in the presence of the Lord. way you guide the work of angels and Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the men. / May those who serve you constantly in heaven / keep our lives safe from all All: Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Clouds of incense rose in the harm on earth. / Grant this through our presence of the Lord. Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / Canticle of Mary one God, for ever and ever. Antiphon: The angel Gabriel spoke to All: Amen. Mary and said: You will conceive and bear (Ending same as in booklet.) a son, and you shall name him Jesus. Intercessions Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet. Leader: The angels carry out God’s will. Let us pray that we too may listen October 4 - St. Francis of Assisi Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: My brothers and sisters, let us Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place praise Christ, asking to serve him of the ones in the booklet. and to be holy and righteous in Antiphon 1: The Lord has given them his sight all the days of our life. unending glory; their name shall be in All: Let us acclaim him: everlasting remembrance, alleluia. Lord, you alone are the holy one. Antiphon 2: Servants of the Lord, bless Leader: You desired to experience the Lord forever, alleluia. everything we experience but Antiphon 3: The saints will exult in glory; sin, they will sing for joy as they bow down have mercy on us, Lord Jesus. before the Lord, alleluia. All: You called us to love perfectly, make us holy, Lord Jesus. Reading Romans 12:1-2 Leader: You commissioned us to be the Brothers and sisters, I beg you through the salt of the earth and the light of mercy of God to offer your bodies as a liv- the world, ing sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, All: let your light shine on us, Lord your spiritual worship. Do not conform Leader: Jesus. yourselves to this age but be transformed You desired to serve, not to be by the renewal of your mind, so that you served; may judge what is God’s will, what is All: help us, Lord Jesus, to give good, pleasing, and perfect. humble service to you and to our Responsory Leader: neighbors. You are in the form of God Leader: In the depths of his heart, the sharing in the splendor of the law of God is his guide. Father, All: In the depths of his heart, the All: Lord Jesus, let us see the glory of law of God is his guide. your face. Leader: He will never lose his way; the law of God is his guide. (Other intentions may be added.) All: Glory to the Father, and to the All: Our Father... Leader: Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Prayer In the depths of his heart, the Leader: Father, / you helped Saint Francis All: law of God is his guide. to reflect the image of Christ / through a life of poverty and humility. / May we Canticle of Zechariah follow your Son / by walking in the Antiphon: Francis left this earth a poor footsteps of Francis of Assisi, / and by and lowly man; he enters heaven rich in imitating his joyful love. / Grant this God’s favor, greeted with songs of through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, rejoicing. / who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer

All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening through the example and Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place intercession of his saints: of the ones in the booklet. All: May we be holy as you are holy. Antiphon 1: God found him pure and Holy Father, you want us to be strong; he will have everlasting glory, Leader: called your sons and truly to be alleluia. such, Antiphon 2: God’s saints will be filled grant that your holy Church may with his love and mercy; he watches over All: proclaim you throughout the his chosen ones, alleluia. world. Antiphon 3: The whole earth echoes with Holy Father, you want us to walk the melody of heaven where the saints are Leader: worthily and please you in all singing before the throne of God and the we do, Lamb, alleluia. All: let us abound in doing good Reading Romans 8:28-30 works. We know that God makes all things work Leader: Holy Father, you have reconciled together for the good of those who have us to yourself through Christ, been called according to his decree. Those All: preserve us in your name so that whom he foreknew he predestined to share all may be one. the image of his Son, that his Son might Holy Father, you have called us be the first-born of many brothers. Those Leader: to a heavenly banquet, he predestined he likewise called; those through the bread that came he called he also justified; and those he All: down from heaven make us justified he in turn glorified. worthy to grow in perfect love. Leader: Holy Father, forgive the offenses Responsory of every sinner, Leader: Just is the Lord, in justice he All: let the dead perceive the light of delights. your countenance. All: Just is the Lord, in justice he (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not delights. be used, but other intentions may be added.) Leader: He looks with favor on the All: Our Father... upright man, All: in justice he delights. Prayer Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Leader: Father, / you helped Saint Francis Son, and to the Holy Spirit, to reflect the image of Christ / through a All: Just is the Lord, in justice he life of poverty and humility. / May we delights. follow your Son / by walking in the Canticle of Mary footsteps of Francis of Assisi, / and by imitating his joyful love. / Grant this Antiphon: God forbid that I should boast through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus / who lives and reigns with you and the Christ; for I bear the marks of Jesus on my Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. body. All: Amen. Intercessions (Ending same as in booklet.) Leader: Let us pray to the Father, the source of all holiness, and ask Night Prayer in its entirety is taken him to lead us to holiness of life from Sunday. See the booklet. October 18 - St. Luke Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: Let us sing a song of praise to Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place our Savior, who destroyed the of the ones in the booklet. power of death and made clear Antiphon 1: The holy evangelists the path to life and immortality searched the wisdom of past ages. Through All: through the Gospel; and let us their gospels they confirmed the words of petition him in humble the prophets. Leader: supplication: Antiphon 2: Through the Gospel God Strengthen your Church in faith called us to believe in the truth and to and love. share the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. You gave wonderful guidance Antiphon 3: Many will praise their All: to your Church through her holy wisdom; it shall be remembered for ever. and distinguished teachers, Reading 1 Corinthians 15:1-2a, 3-4 Leader: may Christians rejoice always in Brothers, I want to remind you of the the splendid legacy given to your gospel I preached to you, which you Church. received and in which you stand firm. You All: When their holy pastors prayed are being saved by it at this very moment. Leader: to you, as Moses had done, you I handed on to you first of all what I forgave the sins of the people, myself received, that Christ died for our through the intercession of these sins in accordance with the Scriptures; that All: holy pastors continue to sanctify he was buried and, in accordance with the and purify your Church. Scriptures, rose on the third day. Leader: You anointed your holy ones in Responsory the midst of their brothers and Leader: They proclaimed the Lord’s called the Holy Spirit down upon praises, told of his power to them, All: save. fill all the leaders of your people All: They proclaimed the Lord’s with the Holy Spirit. praises, told of his power to You yourself are the sole save. possession of your holy pastors, Leader: And of the wonders he had grant that those you have worked. redeemed with your blood may remain always in you. All: They told of his power to save. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the (Other intentions may be added.) Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: Our Father... All: They proclaimed the Lord’s Prayer praises, told of his power to Leader: Father, / you chose Luke the save. evangelist to reveal / by preaching and Canticle of Zechariah writing / the mystery of your love for the Antiphon: Saint Luke gave us the gospel poor. / Unite in heart and spirit / all who message and proclaimed Christ as the glory in your name, / and let all nations dawn from on high. come to see your salvation. / (Turn Over for Final Prayer continued.) Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, has proclaimed the tender compassion of your Son, / who lives and reigns with you Christ. and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and Intercessions ever. Leader: Our God is the Father of light. All: Amen. Through the good news of his (Ending same as in booklet.) Son he has called us to believe in the truth. Let us pray now for his Evening Prayer holy people as we say: All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening All: Lord, remember your Church. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: Father, you raised your Son, our of the ones in the booklet. Good Shepherd, from the dead, Antiphon 1: My life is at the service of All: make us his witnesses to the ends the Gospel; God has given me this gift of of the earth. his grace. Leader: You sent your Son into the world Antiphon 2: I do all this for the sake of to bring good news to the poor, the Gospel, in order to share in its rewards. All: give us courage to bring that good news to all peoples. Antiphon 3: This grace has been given to Leader: You sent your Son to sow the me: to proclaim to the nations the infinite word of life, riches of Christ. All: help us to sow his word and to Reading Colossians 1:3-6a reap its harvest with joy. We always give thanks to God, the Father Leader: You sent your Son to make the of our Lord Jesus Christ, in our prayers for world one through his blood, you because we have heard of your faith in All: may all of us work together for Christ Jesus and the love you bear toward this unity. all the saints - moved as you are by the Leader: You set your Son at your right hope held in store for you in heaven. You hand in the heavens, heard of this hope through the message of All: open the gates of your kingdom truth, the gospel, which has come to you, to those who have died. has borne fruit, and has continued to grow (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not in your midst, as it has everywhere in the be used, but other intentions may be added.) world. All: Our Father... Responsory Prayer Leader: Tell all the nations how glorious Leader: Father, / you chose Luke the God is. evangelist to reveal / by preaching and All: Tell all the nations how glorious writing / the mystery of your love for the God is. poor. / Unite in heart and spirit / all who Leader: Make known his wonders to glory in your name, / and let all nations All: every people, come to see your salvation. / Grant this how glorious God is. through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the / who lives and reigns with you and the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. All: Tell all the nations how glorious All: Amen. God is. (Ending same as in booklet.) Canticle of Mary Night Prayer in its entirety is taken Antiphon: The holy evangelist Luke is from Sunday. See the booklet. worthy of praise in the Church, for he October 28 - Sts. Simon & Jude Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: Beloved friends, we have Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place inherited heaven along with the of the ones in the booklet. apostles. Let us give thanks to Antiphon 1: My commandment is this: the Father for all his gifts: love one another as I have loved you, All: The company of apostles praises alleluia. you, O Lord. Antiphon 2: There is no greater love than Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the to lay down your life for your friends, banquet of Christ’s body and alleluia. blood given us through the Antiphon 3: You are my friends, says apostles, the Lord, if you do what I command you, All: which refereshes us and gives alleluia. us life. Reading Ephesians 2:19-22 Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the You are strangers and aliens no longer. feast of your word prepared for No, you are fellow citizens and saints us by the apostles, and members of the household of God. All: giving us light and joy. You form a building which rises on the Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for your foundation of the apostles and prophets, holy Church, founded on the with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone. apostles, Through him the whole structure is fitted All: where we are gathered together together and takes shape as a holy temple into your community. in the Lord; in him you are being built into Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the this temple, to become a dwelling place for cleansing power of baptism and God in the Spirit. penance that you have entrusted Responsory to your apostles, All: through which we are cleansed Leader: You have made them rulers over of our sins. all the earth. All: You have made them rulers over (Other intentions may be added.) all the earth, alleluia, alleluia. All: Our Father... Leader: They will always remember Prayer your name, O Lord, Leader: Father, / you revealed yourself to All: over all the earth. us / through the preaching of your apostles Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Simon and Jude. / By their prayers, / give Son, and to the Holy Spirit, your Church continued growth / and All: You have made them rulers over increase the number of those who believe all the earth. in you. / We ask this through our Lord Canticle of Zechariah Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and Antiphon: On the foundation stones of reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one the heavenly Jerusalem, the names of the God, for ever and ever. twelve apostles of the Lamb are written; All: Amen. the Lamb of God is the light of that holy (Ending same as in booklet.) city, alleluia. Evening Prayer All: Be mindful of your Church, O Lord. All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Leader: Father, you wanted your Son to Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place be seen first by the apostles after of the ones in the booklet. the resurrection from the dead; Antiphon 1: You are the men who have All: we ask you to make us his stood by me in my time of trial, alleluia. witnesses to the farthest corners Antiphon 2: I have lived among you as of the world. one who ministers to others, alleluia. Leader: You sent your Son to preach the good news to the poor; Antiphon 3: I no longer call you servants, All: help us to preach this Gospel to but my friends, for I have shared with you every creature. everything I have heard from my Father, Leader: You sent your Son to sow the alleluia. seed of unending life; Reading Ephesians 4:11-13 All: grant that we who work at Christ gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, sowing the seed may share the pastors, and teachers in roles of service for joy of the harvest. the faithful to build up the body of Christ, Leader: You sent your Son to reconcile until we become one in faith and in the all men to you through his blood; knowledge of God’s Son, and form that All: help us to work toward achieving perfect man who is Christ come to full this reconciliation. stature. Leader: Your Son sits at your right hand in heaven, Responsory All: let the dead enter your kingdom Leader: Tell all the nations how glorious of joy. God is. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not All: Tell all the nations how glorious be used, but other intentions may be added.) God is. All: Our Father... Leader: Make known his wonders to every people, Prayer All: how glorious God is. Leader: Father, / you revealed yourself to Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the us / through the preaching of your apostles Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Simon and Jude. / By their prayers, / give All: Tell all the nations how glorious your Church continued growth / and God is. increase the number of those who believe Canticle of Mary in you. / We ask this through our Lord Antiphon: When all things are made new, Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and and the Son of Man is enthroned in majes- reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one ty, you will sit in judgment over the twelve God, for ever and ever. tribes of Israel, alleluia. All: Amen. Intercessions (Ending same as in booklet.) Leader: My brothers and sisters, we build Night Prayer in its entirety is taken on the foundation of the apostles. from Sunday. See the booklet. Let us pray to our almighty Father for his holy people and say: November 1 - All Saints

Morning Prayer All: Lord, save your people. All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: O God, source of all that is holy, Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place you have let your holiness shine of the ones in the booklet. in many marvelous ways through Antiphon 1: The saints find their home in the lives of your saints, the kingdom of heaven; their life is eternal All: help us to celebrate your peace, alleluia. greatness in them. Antiphon 2: Saints of the Lord, sing Leader: The lives of your saints have praise to the Lord for ever. given testimony to your Son, Antiphon 3: Sing a hymn of praise in Jesus Christ, honor of the saints, the children of Israel All: through their example may we whom God has chosen as his own; draw closer to him. celebrate the glory of all his holy ones. Leader: King of heaven, through your saints you have given us the Reading Ephesians 1:17-18 courage to follow after your Son, May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the All: help us to imitate the example of Father of glory, grant you a spirit of the saints who show us the way wisdom and insight to know him clearly. to Christ. May he enlighten your innermost vision Leader: Father, in the eucharistic that you may know the great hope to which sacrifice you unite us more fully he has called you, the wealth of his with those who now live in your glorious heritage to be distributed among kingdom, the members of the church. All: by our frequent sharing in the Responsory body and blood of your Son Leader: Let the just rejoice and sing for bring us to the company of the joy in the Lord. eternal banquet. All: Let the just rejoice and sing for (Other intentions may be added.) joy in the Lord. All: Our Father... Leader: Delight in his love, you pure of heart, Prayer All: and sing for joy in the Lord. Leader: Father, all-powerful and Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the ever-living God, / today we rejoice in the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, holy men and women / of every time and All: Let the just rejoice and sing for place. / May their prayers bring us your joy in the Lord. forgiveness and love. / We ask this through Canticle of Zechariah our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who Antiphon: The saints will shine like the lives and reigns with you and the Holy sun in the kingdom of their Father, Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. alleluia. All: Amen. Intercessions (Ending same as in booklet.) Leader: God is the reward of all the saints. Let us joyfully call upon him: Evening Prayer Christ you built your Church on All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening the foundation of the apostles, Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place All: keep their teaching secure among of the ones in the booklet. your faithful people. Antiphon 1: I saw a vast crowd of count- Leader: You made the martyrs powerful less numbers from every nation, standing witnesses even to the point of before the throne. giving up their lives, Antiphon 2: God tried them and found All: help all Christians to give them worthy of himself; they shall receive faithful witness to your Son. a crown of glory from the Lord. Leader: You gave the holy virgins the Antiphon 3: By your own blood, Lord, gift of imitating the virginity of you brought us back to God; from every Christ, tribe and tongue, and people and nation, All: may those consecrated to you made us a kingdom for our God. virginity be steadfast witnesses Reading 2 Corinthians 6:16b-7:1 to the coming of your kingdom. You are the temple of the living God, just Leader: Your saints now see you face to as God has said: “I will dwell with them face, and walk among them. / I will be their God All: keep alive in our hearts the / and they shall be my people.” Since we hope of coming at last into your have these promises, beloved, let us purify presence. ourselves from every defilement of flesh Leader: Bring all who have died into the and spirit, and in the fear of God strive to companyy of heaven with Mary, fulfill our consecration perfectly. Joseph, and all your saints, Responsory All: and give us also a place in the unending fellowship of your Leader: Let all the saints rejoice in the kingdom. Lord. All: Let all the saints rejoice in the (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Lord. be used, but other intentions may be added.) Leader: God has chosen you as his own; All: Our Father... rejoice in the Lord. All: Glory to the Father, and to the Prayer Leader: Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Leader: Father, all-powerful and Let all the saints rejoice in the ever-living God, / today we rejoice in the All: Lord. holy men and women / of every time and place. / May their prayers bring us your Canticle of Mary forgiveness and love. / We ask this through Antiphon: How glorious is that kingdom our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who where all the saints rejoice with Christ; lives and reigns with you and the Holy clothed in white robes, they follow the Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. Lamb wherever he goes. All: Amen. Intercessions Leader: God is the reward of all the (Ending same as in booklet.) saints. Let us joyfully call upon him: Night Prayer in its entirety is taken All: Lord, save your people. from Sunday. See the booklet. Leader: O God, through your Son Jesus November 2 - All Souls

Morning Prayer and have risen with him in his All psalms are taken from Friday Morning resurrection, Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place All: grant that we may walk in of the ones in the booklet. newness of life so that when we Antiphon 1: The bones that were crushed die, we may live with Christ for shall leap for joy before the Lord. ever. Antiphon 2: At the very threshold of Leader: Provident Father, you have given death, rescue me, Lord. us the living bread that has come Antiphon 3: I will praise my God all the down from heaven and which days of my life. should always be eaten worthily, Reading 1 Thessalonians 4:14 All: grant that we may eat this bread If we believe that Jesus died and rose, God worthily and be raised up to will bring forth with him from the dead eternal life on the last day. those also who have fallen asleep believing Leader: Lord, you sent an angel to in him. comfort your Son in his agony, All: give us hope of your consolation Responsory when death draws near. Leader: I will praise you, Lord, for you Leader: You delivered the three youths have rescued me. from the fiery furnace, All: I will praise you, Lord, for you All: free your faithful ones from the have rescued me. punishment they suffer from Leader: You turned my sorrow into joy, their sins. All: for you have rescued me. Leader: God of the living and the dead, Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the you raised Jesus from the dead, Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: raise up those who have died and All: I will praise you, Lord, for you grant that we may share eternal have rescued me. glory with them. Canticle of Zechariah (Other intentions may be added.) Antiphon: I am the Resurrection, I am the All: Our Father... Life; to believe in me means life, in spite Prayer of death, and all who believe and live in Leader: Merciful Father, / hear our prayers me shall never die. and console us. / As we renew our faith Intercessions in your Son, / whom you raised from the Leader: Let us pray to the all-powerful dead, / strengthen our hope that all our Father who raised Jesus from the departed brothers and sisters / will share dead and gives new life to our in his resurrection, / who lives and reigns mortal bodies, and say to him: with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, All: Lord, give us new life in Christ. for ever and ever. Leader: Father, through baptism we have All: Amen. been buried with your Son (Ending same as in booklet.) whom you have redeemed by Evening Prayer your precious blood. All psalms are taken from Friday Evening Leader: Christ, consoler of those who Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place mourn, you dried the tears of of the ones in the booklet. the family of Lazarus, of the Antiphon 1: The Lord will keep you from widow’s son, and the daughter of all evil. He will guard your soul. Jairus, All: comfort those who mourn for the Antiphon 2: If you kept a record of our dead. sins, Lord, who could escape Leader: Christ, Savior, destroy the reign condemnation? of sin in our earthly bodies, so Antiphon 3: As the Father raises the dead that just as through sin we and gives them life, so the Son gives life to deserved punishment, whom he wills. All: so through you we may gain Reading 1 Corinthians 15:55, 57 eternal life. O death, where is your victory? O death, Leader: Christ, Redeemer, look on those where is your sting? But thanks be to God who have no hope because they who has given us the victory through our do not know you, Lord Jesus Christ. All: may they receive faith in the Responsory resurrection and in the life of the Leader: In you, Lord, is our hope. We world to come. shall never hope in vain. Leader: You revealed yourself to the All: In you, Lord, is our hope. We blind man who begged for the shall never hope in vain. light of his eyes, Leader: We shall dance and rejoice in All: show your face to the dead who your mercy. are still deprived of your light. All: We shall never hope in vain. Leader: When at last our earthly home is Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the dissolved, Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: give us a home, not of earthly All: In you, Lord, is our hope. We making, but built of eternity in shall never hope in vain. heaven. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Canticle of Mary be used, but other intentions may be added.) Antiphon: All that the Father gives me All: Our Father... will come to me, and whoever comes to Prayer me I shall not turn away. Leader: Merciful Father, / hear our prayers Intercessions and console us. / As we renew our faith Leader: We acknowledge Christ the Lord in your Son, / whom you raised from the through whom we hope that our dead, / strengthen our hope that all our lowly bodies will be made like departed brothers and sisters / will share his in glory, and we say: in his resurrection, / who lives and reigns All: Lord, you are our life and with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, resurrection. for ever and ever. Leader: Christ, Son of the living God, All: Amen. who raised up Lazarus, your (Ending same as in booklet.) friend, from the dead, All: raise up to life and glory the dead Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet. November 9 - Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

Morning Prayer for his Son’s beloved Church, All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning professing our faith in her as we Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place say: of the ones in the booklet. All: This is the house of God and the Antiphon 1: My house will be called a gate of heaven. house of prayer, alleluia. Leader: Father, like the farmer, prune Antiphon 2: Blessed are you, O Lord, in your vineyard, protect it, and your holy temple, alleluia. increase its yield, Antiphon 3: Praise the Lord in the All: until it extends before you assembly of his holy people, alleluia. throughout the world. Reading Isaiah 56:7 Leader: Eternal shepherd, protect and Them I will bring to my holy mountain / increase your flock, and make joyful in my house of prayer; / All: that all the sheep may be Their holocausts and sacrifices / will be gathered into one flock under acceptable on my altar, / For my house your Son, the one shepherd. shall be called / a house of prayer for all Leader: All-powerful sower, plant the peoples. word in your field, All: that it may yield a hundredfold Responsory for your eternal harvest. Leader: The Lord is great beyond all Leader: Wise builder, sanctify your home telling; he exceeds all praise. and your family, All: The Lord is great beyond all All: that the heavenly city, the new telling; he exceeds all praise. Jerusalem, your spouse, may Leader: In the city of our God and on his appear before all as your glorious holy mountain. bride. All: He exceeds all praise. (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the All: Our Father... Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: The Lord is great beyond all Prayer telling; he exceeds all praise. Leader: God our Father, / from living stones, your chosen people, / you built an Canticle of Zechariah eternal temple to your glory. / Increase Antiphon: Zacchaeus, hurry down, I mean the spiritual gifts you have given to your to stay with you today. He hurried down Church / that your faithful people may and welcomed Christ with joy, for this day continue to grow / into the new and eternal salvation had come to his house, alleluia. Jerusalem. / We ask this through our Lord Intercessions Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and Leader: We are the living stones, laid upon reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one the cornerstone that is Christ. Let God, for ever and ever. us pray to our all-powerful Father All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Leader: Our Savior laid down his life so Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place that all God’s scattered children of the ones in the booklet. might be gathered together. In Antiphon 1: This is God’s dwelling place our need we cry out: and he has made it holy; it will stand for All: Remember your Church, Lord. ever firm, alleluia. Leader: Lord Jesus, you built your house Antiphon 2: Let us go up with rejoicing to upon a rock, the house of the Lord, alleluia. All: strengthen your Church with Antiphon 3: All you his saints, sing out solid and lasting faith. the praises of our God, alleluia. Leader: Lord Jesus, blood and water Reading Revelation 21:2-3, 22, 27 flowed from your side, All: give new life to your Church I saw a new Jerusalem, the holy city, through the sacraments of your coming down out of heaven from God, new and unending covenant. beautiful as a bride prepared to meet her Leader: Lord Jesus, you are in the midst husband. I heard a loud voice from the of those who gather in your throne cry out: “This is God’s dwelling name, among men. He shall dwell with them and All: hear the prayers of your they shall be his people and he shall be universal Church. their God who is always with them.” I saw Leader: Lord Jesus, you prepare a no temple in the city. The Lord, God the dwelling place in your Father’s Almighty, is its temple - he and the Lamb. house for all who love you, But nothing profane shall enter it, nor All: help your Church to grow in anyone who is a liar or has done a divine love. detestable act. Only those shall enter Leader: Lord Jesus, you never cast out whose names are inscribed in the book of anyone who comes to you, the living kept by the Lamb. All: open your Father’s house to all Responsory those who have died. Leader: Blessed are they who dwell in (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not your house, O Lord. be used, but other intentions may be added.) All: Blessed are they who dwell in All: Our Father... your house, O Lord. Prayer Leader: They will praise you for ever, Leader: God our Father, / from living All: in your house, O Lord. stones, your chosen people, / you built an Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the eternal temple to your glory. / Increase Son, and to the Holy Spirit, the spiritual gifts you have given to your All: Blessed are they who dwell in Church / that your faithful people may your house, O Lord. continue to grow / into the new and eternal Canticle of Mary Jerusalem. / We ask this through our Lord Antiphon: This is God’s dwelling place Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and and he has made it holy; here we call on reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one his name, for Scripture says: There you God, for ever and ever. will find me, alleluia. All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.)

Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet. November 13 - St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Morning Prayer All: our faith in our Savior and call All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning upon him: Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: Come, Lord Jesus. of the ones in the booklet. Lord Jesus, you forgave the Antiphon 1: My soul clings to you; with sinful woman because she loved your right hand you have raised me up, much, alleluia. All: forgive us who have sinned Antiphon 2: The hand of the Lord has much. given you strength; you will be praised for Leader: Lord Jesus, the holy women ever, alleluia. ministered to your needs during Antiphon 3: Lord, I shall rejoice and be your journeys, glad, for you have been merciful to me, All: help us to follow your footsteps. alleluia. Leader: Lord Jesus, master, Mary listened to your words while Reading Romans 12:1-2 Martha served your needs, Brothers and sisters, I beg you through the All: help us to serve you with love mercy of God to offer your bodies as a and devotion. living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, Leader: Lord Jesus, you call everyone your spiritual worship. Do not conform who does your will your brother, yourselves to this age but be transformed sister, and mother, by the renewal of your mind, so that you All: help us to do what is pleasing to may judge what is God’s will, what is you in word and action. good, pleasing, and perfect. (Other intentions may be added.) Responsory All: Our Father... Leader: The Lord will help her; his Prayer loving presence will be with her. Leader: God our Father, / you called All: The Lord will help her; his Frances Xavier Cabrini from Italy / to loving presence will be with her. serve the immigrants of America. / By her Leader: He dwells in her; she shall not example teach us concern for the falter. stranger, / the sick, and the frustrated. / All: His loving presence will be with By her prayers help us to see Christ / in her. all men and women we meet. / Grant this Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Son, and to the Holy Spirit, / who lives and reigns with you and the All: The Lord will help her; his Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. loving presence will be with her. All: Amen. Canticle of Zechariah (Ending same as in booklet.) Antiphon: All the world will recognize you as my disciples when the see the love Evening Prayer you have one for another, alleluia. All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Intercessions Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: My brothers and sisters, with all of the ones in the booklet. the holy women, let us profess (Turn Over for Evening Prayer continued.) Antiphon 1: You are the men who have their courage, stood by me in my time of trial, alleluia. All: strengthen your Church in the Antiphon 2: I have lived among you as hour of trial. one who ministers to others, alleluia. Leader: Through married women who Antiphon 3: I no longer call you servants, have advanced in grace by holy but my friends, for I have shared with you matrimony, everything I have heard from my Father, All: make the apostolic mission of alleluia. your Church fruitful. Reading Romans 8:28-30 Leader: Through widows who eased their loneliness and sanctified it by We know that God makes all things work prayer and hospitality, together for the good of those who have help your Church reveal the been called according to his decree. Those All: mystery of your love to the whom he foreknew he predestined to share world. the image of his Son, that the Son might Through mothers who have be the first-born of many brothers. Those Leader: borne children for the kingdom he predestined he likewise called; those of God and the human he called he also justified; and those he community, justified he in turn glorified. Responsory All: help your Church bring all men and women to a rebirth in life Leader: The Lord has chosen her, his and salvation. loved one from the beginning. Leader: Through all your holy All: The Lord has chosen her, his women who have been worthy loved one from the beginning. to contemplate the light of your Leader: He has taken her to live with countenance, him, All: let the deceased members of your All: his loved one from the Church exult in that same vision beginning. for ever. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Son, and to the Holy Spirit, be used, but other intentions may be added.) All: The Lord has chosen her, his All: Our Father... loved one from the beginning. Prayer Canticle of Mary Leader: God our Father, / you called Antiphon: I tell you most solemnly, what Frances Xavier Cabrini from Italy / to you did for the least of men you did for serve the immigrants of America. / By her me. Come, my Father delights in you; example teach us concern for the receive the kingdom prepared for you from stranger, / the sick, and the frustrated. / the foundation of the world, alleluia. By her prayers help us to see Christ / in Intercessions all men and women we meet. / Grant this Leader: Through the intercession of holy through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, women let us pray for the Church / who lives and reigns with you and the in these words: Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. All: Be mindful of your Church, Lord. All: Amen. Leader: Through all the women martyrs (Ending same as in booklet.) who conquered bodily death by Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet. November 30 - St. Andrew Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: Beloved friends, we have Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place inherited heaven along with the of the ones in the booklet. apostles. Let us give thanks to Antiphon 1: Two men followed the Lord the Father for all his gifts: from the beginning; one of these was All: The company of apostles praises Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter. you, O Lord. Antiphon 2: The Lord loved Andrew and Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the cherished his friendship. banquet of Christ’s body and Antiphon 3: Andrew said to his brother blood given us through the Simon: We have found the Messiah, and apostles, he brought him to Jesus. All: which refereshes us and gives us life. Reading Ephesians 2:19-22 Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the You are strangers and aliens no longer. feast of your word prepared for No, you are fellow citizens and saints us by the apostles, and members of the household of God. All: giving us light and joy. You form a building which rises on the Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for your foundation of the apostles and prophets, holy Church, founded on the with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone. apostles, Through him the whole structure is fitted All: where we are gathered together together and takes shape as a holy temple into your community. in the Lord; in him you are being built into Leader: Praise be to you, Lord, for the this temple, to become a dwelling place for cleansing power of baptism and God in the Spirit. penance that you have entrusted Responsory to your apostles, Leader: You have made them rulers over All: through which we are cleansed all the earth. of our sins. All: You have made them rulers over (Other intentions may be added.) all the earth, alleluia, alleluia. All: Our Father... Leader: They will always remember your name, O Lord, Prayer All: over all the earth. Leader: Lord, / in your kindness hear our Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the petitions. / You called Andrew the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, apostle / to preach the Gospel and guide All: You have made them rulers over your Church in faith. / May he always be all the earth. our friend in your presence / to help us with his prayers. / We ask this through our Canticle of Zechariah Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives Antiphon: I bow before the cross made and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / precious by Christ, my Master. I embrace one God, for ever and ever. it as his disciple. All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All: Be mindful of your Church, O Lord. All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Leader: Father, you wanted your Son to Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place be seen first by the apostles after of the ones in the booklet. the resurrection from the dead; Antiphon 1: The Lord saw Peter and All: we ask you to make us his Andrew; he called them to follow him. witnesses to the farthest corners Antiphon 2: Come, follow me, said the of the world. Lord. I will make you fishers of men. Leader: You sent your Son to preach the good news to the poor; Antiphon 3: They left their nets to follow All: help us to preach this Gospel to Christ, their Lord and Redeemer. every creature. Reading Ephesians 4:11-13 Leader: You sent your Son to sow the seed of unending life; Christ gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, All: grant that we who work at pastors, and teachers in roles of service for sowing the seed may share the the faithful to build up the body of Christ, joy of the harvest. until we become one in faith and in the You sent your Son to reconcile knowledge of God’s Son, and form that Leader: all men to you through his blood; perfect man who is Christ come to full All: help us to work toward achieving stature. this reconciliation. Responsory Leader: Your Son sits at your right hand Leader: Tell all the nations how glorious in heaven, God is. All: let the dead enter your kingdom All: Tell all the nations how glorious of joy. God is. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Leader: Make known his wonders to be used, but other intentions may be added.) every people, All: Our Father... All: how glorious God is. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Prayer Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Leader: Lord, / in your kindness hear our All: Tell all the nations how glorious petitions. / You called Andrew the God is. apostle / to preach the Gospel and guide your Church in faith. / May he always be Canticle of Mary our friend in your presence / to help us Antiphon: Andrew served Christ and with his prayers. / We ask this through our loyally preached the Gospel; with his Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives brother Peter, he laid down his life for and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / God. one God, for ever and ever. Intercessions All: Amen. Leader: My brothers and sisters, we build (Ending same as in booklet.) on the foundation of the apostles. Let us pray to our almighty Night Prayer in its entirety is taken Father for his holy people and from Sunday. See the booklet. say: December 8 - Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Morning Prayer All: May your mother intercede for All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning us, Lord. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: Sun of Justice, the Immaculate of the ones in the booklet. Virgin was the white dawn Antiphon 1: O Mother, how pure you are, announcing your rising, you are untouched by sin; yours was the All: grant that we may always live in privilege to carry God within you. the light of your coming. Antiphon 2: The Lord God Most High has Leader: Savior of the world, by your blessed you, Virgin Mary, above all the redeeming might you preserved women of the earth. your mother beforehand from all Antiphon 3: Sinless Virgin, let us follow stain of sin, joyfully in your footsteps; draw us after All: keep watch over us, lest we sin. you in the fragrance of your holiness. Leader: You are our redeemer, who made the Immaculate Virgin Mary Reading Isaiah 43:1 your purest home and the But now, thus says the Lord, / who created sanctuary of the Holy Spirit, you, O Jacob, / and formed you, O Israel: / All: make us temples of your Spirit Fear not, for I have redeemed you; / I have for ever. called you by name: / you are mine. Leader: King of kings, you lifted up Responsory your mother, body and soul, into Leader: The God of power has given me heaven, his strength. All: help us to fix our thoughts on All: The God of power has given me things above. his strength. (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: He has kept me in the way of All: Our Father... holiness. All: and has given me his strength. Prayer Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Leader: Father, / you prepared the Virgin Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Mary / to be the worthy mother of your All: The God of power has given me Son. / You let her share beforehand / in the his strength. salvation Christ would bring by his death, / Canticle of Zechariah and kept her sinless from the first moment Antiphon: The Lord God said to the ser- of her conception. / Help us by her prayers pent: I will make you enemies, you and the / to live in your presence without sin. / We woman, your offspring and her offspring; ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, she will crush your head, alleluia. your Son, / who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever Intercessions and ever. Leader: Let us glorify the Savior, who All: Amen. chose the Virgin Mary for his (Ending same as in booklet.) mother. Let us ask him: Evening Prayer All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Mary share, body and soul, in Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place your Son’s glory in heaven, of the ones in the booklet. All: direct the hearts of your children Antiphon 1: You are all beautiful, O to that same glory. Mary; in you there is no trace of original Leader: You made Mary our mother. sin. Through her intercession grant Antiphon 2: You are the glory of Jerusa- strength to the weak, comfort to lem, the joy of Israel; you are the fairest the sorrowing, pardon to sinners, honor of our race. All: salvation and peace to all. Antiphon 3: The robe you wear is white Leader: You made Mary the mother of as spotless snow; your face is radiant like mercy, the sun. All: may all who are faced with trials Reading Romans 5:20-21 feel her motherly love. Despite the increase of sin, grace has far Leader: You wished Mary to be the surpassed it, so that, as sin reigned through mother of the family in the home death, grace may reign by way of justice of Jesus and Joseph, leading to eternal life, through Jesus Christ All: may all mothers of families our Lord. foster love and holiness through Responsory her intercession. Leader: By this I know you have chosen Leader: You crowned Mary queen of me. heaven, All: By this I know you have chosen All: may all the dead rejoice in your me. kingdom with the saints for ever. Leader: You have not let my enemy (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not triumph over me. be used, but other intentions may be added.) All: You have chosen me. All: Our Father... Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Prayer All: By this I know you have chosen Leader: Father, / you prepared the Virgin me. Mary / to be the worthy mother of your Son. / You let her share beforehand / in the Canticle of Mary salvation Christ would bring by his death, / Antiphon: Hail Mary, full of grace; the and kept her sinless from the first moment Lord is with you; blessed are you among of her conception. / Help us by her prayers women, and blessed is the fruit of your / to live in your presence without sin. / We womb, alleluia. ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Intercessions your Son, / who lives and reigns with you Leader: Let us praise God our almighty and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever Father, who wished that Mary, and ever. his Son’s mother, be celebrated All: Amen. by each generation. Now in need we ask: (Ending same as in booklet.) All: Mary, full of grace, intercede for Night Prayer in its entirety is taken us. from Sunday. See the booklet. Leader: O God, worker of miracles, you made the immaculate Virgin December 12 - Our Lady of Guadalupe Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: Let us glorify our Savior, who Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place chose the Virgin Mary for his of the ones in the booklet. mother. Let us ask him: Antiphon 1: Blessed are you, O Mary, for All: May your mother intercede for the world’s salvation came forth from you; us, Lord. now in glory, you rejoice for ever with Leader: Sun of justice, the immaculate the Lord. Intercede for us with your Son, Virgin was the white dawn an- alleluia. nouncing your rising, Antiphon 2: You are the glory of All: grant that we may always live in Jerusalem, the joy of Israel; you are the the light of your coming. fairest honor of our race, alleluia. Leader: Eternal Word, you chose Mary Antiphon 3: O Virgin Mary, how great as the uncorrupted ark of your your cause for joy; God found you worthy dwelling place, to bear Christ our Savior, alleluia. All: free us from the corruption of Reading Isaiah 61:10 sin. I rejoice heartily in the Lord, / in my God Leader: Savior of mankind, your mother is the joy of my soul; / For he has clothed stood at the foot of your cross, me with a robe of salvation, / and wrapped All: grant, through her intercession, me in a mantle of justice, / like a bride that we may rejoice to share in bedecked with her jewels. your passion. Responsory Leader: With ultimate generosity and love, you gave Mary as a mother Leader: The Lord has chosen her, his to your beloved disciple, loved one from the beginning. All: help us to live as worthy sons All: The Lord has chosen her, his and daughters of so noble a loved one from the beginning. mother. He has taken her to live with (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: him, The Lord has chosen her, his All: Our Father... All: loved one from the beginning. Prayer Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Leader: God of power and mercy, / you Son, and to the Holy Spirit, blessed the Americas at Tepeyac / with the All: The Lord has chosen her, his presence of the Virgin Mary at loved one from the beginning. Guadalupe. / May her prayers help all men Canticle of Zechariah and women / to accept each other as Antiphon: Eve shut all her children out of brothers and sisters. / Through your justice Paradise; the Virgin Mary opened wide its present in our hearts / may your peace gates, alleluia. reign in the world. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer Leader: O God, worker of miracles, you All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening made the immaculate Virgin Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Mary share, body and soul, in of the ones in the booklet. your Son’s glory in heaven, Antiphon 1: Hail, Mary, full of grace, the All: direct the hearts of your children Lord is with you, alleluia. to that same glory. Leader: You made Mary our mother. Antiphon 2: I am the handmaid of the Through her intercession grant Lord. Let it be done to me as you have strength to the weak, comfort to said, alleluia. Antiphon 3: Blessed are you among the sorrowing, pardon to sinners, women, and blessed is the fruit of you All: salvation and peace to all. womb, alleluia. Leader: You made Mary full of grace, All: grant all men the joyful Reading Galatians 4:4-5 abundance of your grace. When the designated time had come, God Leader: Make your Church of one mind sent forth his Son born of a woman, born and one heart in love, under the law, to deliver from the law All: and help all those who believe to those who were subjected to it, so that we be one in prayer with Mary, the might receive our status as adopted sons. mother of Jesus. Responsory Leader: You crowned Mary queen of Leader: Hail, Mary, full of grace, the heaven, Lord is with you. All: may all the dead rejoice in your All: Hail, Mary, full of grace, the kingdom with the saints for ever. Lord is with you. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Leader: Blessed are you among women, be used, but other intentions may be added.) and blessed is the fruit of your All: Our Father... All: womb. Leader: The Lord is with you. Prayer Glory to the Father, and to the Leader: God of power and mercy, / you All: Son, and to the Holy Spirit, blessed the Americas at Tepeyac / with the Hail, Mary, full of grace, the presence of the Virgin Mary at Lord is with you. Guadalupe. / May her prayers help all men and women / to accept each other as broth- Canticle of Mary ers and sisters. / Through your justice pres- Antiphon: Blessed are you, O Virgin ent in our hearts / may your peace reign in Mary, for your great faith; all that the Lord the world. / We ask this through our Lord promised you will come to pass through Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and you, alleluia. reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one Intercessions God, for ever and ever. Leader: Let us praise our almighty Father, All: Amen. who wished that Mary, his Son’s (Ending same as in booklet.) mother, be celebrated by each generation. Now in need we ask: Night Prayer in its entirety is taken All: Mary, full of grace, intercede for from Sunday. See the booklet. us. December 25 - Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Christmas) Morning Prayer and peace to his people on earth, alleluia. All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Intercessions Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place of the ones in the booklet. Leader: The Word of God existed before the creation of the universe yet Antiphon 1: Tell us, shepherds, what have was born among us in time. We you seen? Who has appeared on earth? We praise and worship him as we cry have seen a newborn infant and a choir of out in joy: angels praising the Lord, alleluia. Antiphon 2: The angel said to the All: Let the earth ring out with joy shepherds: I proclaim to you a great joy; for you have come. today the Savior of the world is born for Leader: You are the eternal Word of God you, alleluia. who flooded the world with joy Antiphon 3: A little child is born for us at your birth, today; little and yet called the mighty God, All: fill us with joy by the continuous alleluia. gift of your life. Leader: You saved us and by your birth Reading Hebrews 1:1-4 revealed to us the covenant In times past, God spoke in fragmentary faithfulness of the Lord, and varied ways to our fathers through the All: help us to be faithful to the prophets; in this, the final age, he has promises of our baptism. spoken to us through his Son, whom he Leader: You are the King of heaven and has made heir of all things and through earth who sent messengers to whom he first created the universe. This announce peace to all, Son is the reflection of the Father’s glory, All: let our lives be filled with your the exact representation of the Father’s peace. being, and he sustains all things by his Leader: You are the true vine that brings powerful word. When he had cleansed forth the fruit of life, us from our sins, he took his seat at the All: make us branches of the vine, right hand of the Majesty in heaven, as far bearing much fruit. superior to the angels as the name has has inherited is superior to theirs. (Other intentions may be added.) Responsory All: Our Father... Leader: The Lord has made known, Prayer alleluia, alleluia. Leader: Father, / we are filled with the new All: The Lord has made known, light / by the coming of your Word among alleluia, alleluia. us. / May the light of faith / shine in our Leader: His saving power. words and actions. / Grant this through our All: Alleluia, alleluia. Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / Son, and to the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. All: The Lord has made known, All: Amen. alleluia, alleluia. (Ending same as in booklet.) Canticle of Zechariah Antiphon: Glory to God in the highest, Evening Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: At the birth of Jesus, angels of the ones in the booklet. proclaimed peace to the world. Antiphon 1: You have been endowed from We worship him now with joy, your birth with princely gifts; in eternal and we pray with hearts full of splendor, before the dawn of light on earth, faith: I have begotten you. All: May your birth bring peace to Antiphon 2: With the Lord is unfailing all. love; great is his power to save. Leader: Lord, fill your holy people with Antiphon 3: In the beginning, before time whatever good they need, began, the Word was God; today he is All: let the mystery of your birth be born, the Savior of the world. the source of our peace. Leader: You came as chief shepherd and Reading 1 John 1:1-3 guardian of our lives, This is what we proclaim to you: / what All: let the pope and bishops be was from the beginning, / what we have faithful channels of your many heard, / what we have seen with our eyes, / gifts of grace. what we have looked upon / and our hands Leader: King from all eternity, you have touched - / we speak of the word desired to be born within time of life. / (This life became visible; / we and to experience the day-to-day have seen and bear witness to it, / and we life of men and women, proclaim to you the eternal life / that was All: share your gift of unending life present to the Father / and became visible with us, weak people, doomed to to us.) / What we have seen and heard / we death. proclaim in turn to you / so that you may Leader: Awaited from the beginning of share life with us. / This fellowship of ours the world, you came only in the is with the Father / and with his Son, Jesus fullness of time, Christ. All: now reveal your presence to Responsory those who are still expecting Leader: The Word was made man, you. alleluia, alleluia. Leader: You became man and gave new All: The Word was made man, life to our human condition in alleluia, alleluia. the grip of death, Leader: He lived among us, All: now give the fullness of life to All: alleluia, alleluia. all who have died. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Son, and to the Holy Spirit, be used, but other intentions may be added.) All: The Word was made man, All: Our Father... alleluia, alleluia. Prayer as in Morning Prayer Canticle of Mary (Ending same as in booklet.) Antiphon: Christ the Lord is born today; today, the Savior has appeared. Earth Night Prayer in its entirety is taken echoes songs of angel choirs, archangels’ from Sunday. See the booklet. joyful praise. Today on earth his friends exult: Glory to God in the highest, alleluia. December 26 - St. Stephen Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: Our Savior’s faithfulness is Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place mirrored in the fidelity of his of the ones in the booklet. witnesses who shed their blood Antiphon 1: My soul has held fast to you, for the word of God. Let us my God; for your sake I suffered death by praise him in remembrance of stoning. them: Antiphon 2: Stephen saw the heavens All: You redeemed us by your blood. open; he saw and entered in. Happy the Leader: Your martyrs freely embraced man to whom the heavens opened. death in bearing witness to the Antiphon 3: Behold I see the heavens faith, open, and Jesus standing at the right hand All: give us the true freedom of the of the almighty God. Spirit, O Lord. Leader: Your martyrs professed their Reading Acts 6:2b-5a faith by shedding their blood, “It is not right for us to neglect the word All: give us a faith, O Lord, that is of God in order to wait on tables. Look constant and pure. around your own number, brothers, for Leader: Your martyrs followed in your seven men acknowledged to be deeply footsteps by carrying the cross, spiritual and prudent, and we shall appoint All: help us to endure courageously them to this task. This will permit us to the misfortunes of life. concentrate on prayer and the ministry of Leader: Your martyrs washed their the word.” The proposal was unanimously garments in the blood of the accepted by the community. Lamb, Responsory All: help us to avoid the weaknesses Leader: The Lord is my strength, and I of the flesh and wordly shall sing his praise. allurements. All: The Lord is my strength, and I (Other intentions may be added.) shall sing his praise. All: Our Father... Leader: The Lord is my savior, All: and I shall sing his praise. Prayer Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Leader: Lord, / today we celebrate the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, entrance of Saint Stephen / into eternal All: The Lord is my strength, and I glory. / He died praying for those who shall sing his praise. killed him. / Help us to imitate his goodness / and to love our enemies. / We Canticle of Zechariah ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Antiphon: The gates of heaven opened out your Son, / who lives and reigns with you to blessed Stephen, and he was crowned and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever first of martyrs. and ever. All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening All: Lord, deliver us from evil. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: Through the mystery of your of the ones in the booklet. incarnation, through your birth Antiphon 1: You have been endowed from and infancy, your birth with princely gifts; in eternal All: through your whole life, splendor, before the dawn of light on earth, dedicated to the Father: Lord, I have begotten you. deliver us from evil. Antiphon 2: With the Lord is unfailing Leader: Through your labor, your love; great is his power to save. preaching and your journeys, Antiphon 3: In the beginning, before time All: through your continual began, the Word was God; today he is encounters with sinners: Lord, born, the Savior of the world. deliver us from evil. Reading 1 John 1:5b, 7 Leader: Through your agony and passion, God is light; / in him there is no darkness. your cross and desolation, / If we walk in light, / as he is in light, / we All: through your sufferings, your have fellowship with one another, / and the death and burial: Lord, deliver us blood of his Son Jesus cleanses us from all from evil. sin. Leader: Through your resurrection and ascension, through your gift of Responsory the Holy Spirit, through your Leader: The Word was made man, joys and everlasting glory, alleluia, alleluia. All: free our departed brothers and All: The Word was made man, sisters, O Lord. alleluia, alleluia. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Leader: He lived among us, be used, but other intentions may be added.) All: alleluia, alleluia. All: Our Father... Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Prayer All: The Word was made man, Leader: All-powerful God, / may the alleluia, alleluia. human birth of your Son / free us from our former slavery to sin / and bring us new Canticle of Mary life. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus Antiphon: While earth was rapt in silence Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns and night only half through its course, with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, your almighty Word, O Lord, came down for ever and ever. from his royal throne. All: Amen. Intercessions (Ending same as in booklet.) Leader: The Word of God, by coming to dwell with us, has opened the Night Prayer in its entirety is taken path to eternal salvation. Let us from Sunday. See the booklet. pray to him with sincere humility: December 27 - St. John Morning Prayer All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning people and say: Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place All: Be mindful of your Church, O of the ones in the booklet. Lord. Antiphon 1: John, the apostle and Leader: Father, you wanted your Son to evangelist, a virgin chosen by the Lord, be seen first by the apostles after was loved by the Lord above the others. the resurrection from the dead; Antiphon 2: To the virgin John, Christ, All: we ask you to make us his dying on the cross, entrusted his virgin witnesses to the farthest corners mother. of the world. Antiphon 3: The disciple whom Jesus Leader: You sent your Son to preach the loved cried out: It is the Lord, alleluia. good news to the poor; Reading Acts 4:19-20 All: help us to preach this Gospel to Peter and John answered, “Judge for every creature. yourselves whether it is right in God’s Leader: You sent your Son to sow the sight for us to obey you rather than God. seed of unending life; Surely we cannot help speaking of what All: grant that we who work at we have heard and seen.” sowing the seed may share the Responsory joy of the harvest. Leader: You sent your Son to reconcile Leader: You have made them rulers over all men to you through his blood; all the earth. All: help us to work toward achieving All: You have made them rulers over this reconciliation. all the earth, alleluia, alleluia. Leader: Your Son sits at your right hand Leader: They will always remember in heaven, your name, O Lord, All: let the dead enter your kingdom All: over all the earth. of joy. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the (Other intentions may be added.) Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: You have made them rulers over All: Our Father... all the earth. Prayer Canticle of Zechariah Leader: God our Father, / you have Antiphon: The Word was made flesh and revealed the mysteries of your Word / lived among us, and we have seen his through John the apostle. / By prayer and glory. reflection / may we come to understand the wisdom he taught. / Grant this through our Intercessions Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives Leader: My brothers and sisters, we and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / build on the foundation of the one God, for ever and ever. apostles. Let us pray to our All: Amen. almighty Father for his holy (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All: May the favor of your Son be with us, Lord. All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Leader: God of love, Father of our Lord Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place of the ones in the booklet. Jesus Christ, you had mercy on those walking in darkness, Antiphon 1: You have been endowed from All: receive the prayers we offer for your birth with princely gifts; in eternal the salvation of all people. splendor, before the dawn of light on earth, Leader: Lord, remember your Church I have begotten you. spread over all the world, Antiphon 2: With the Lord is unfailing All: bless your Christian people and love; great is his power to save. give them peace. Antiphon 3: In the beginning, before time Leader: You are Father of all people; began, the Word was God; today he is graciously grant peace to all, born, the Savior of the world. direct the eyes of all to your Son, Reading Romans 8:3b-4 All: and pour forth the spirit of peace God sent his Son in the likeness of sinful on those who rule them. flesh as a sin offering, thereby condemning Leader: You announced peace on earth at sin in the flesh, so that the just demands of the coming of your Son, the law might be fulfilled in us who live, All: give eternal peace to those who not according to the flesh, but according to have died. the spirit. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Responsory be used, but other intentions may be added.) All: Our Father... Leader: The Word was made man, alleluia, alleluia. Prayer All: The Word was made man, Leader: Father, / we are filled with the new alleluia, alleluia. light / by the coming of your Word among Leader: He lived among us, us. / May the light of faith / shine in our All: alleluia, alleluia. words and actions. / We ask this through Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who Son, and to the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns with you and the Holy All: The Word was made man, Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. alleluia, alleluia. All: Amen.

Canticle of Mary (Ending same as in booklet.) Antiphon: Virgin Mary, all that the prophets foretold of Christ has been Night Prayer in its entirety is taken fulfilled through you: as a virgin, you from Sunday. See the booklet. conceived, and after you gave birth, a virgin you remained. Intercessions Leader: Dear friends, let us humbly pray to God the Father who so loved us that he sent us his Son: December 28 - Holy Innocents Morning Prayer enemy not by force of arms but All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning with a white-robed army of Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place children, and we cry out: of the ones in the booklet. All: The white-robed army of martyrs Antiphon 1: Clothed in white robes, they praises you. will walk with me, says the Lord, for they Leader: The Holy Innocents gave witness are worthy. not by words but by their life’s Antiphon 2: These children cry out their blood, All: praises to the Lord; by their death they give us strength to be your have proclaimed what they could not witnesses before men, both by preach with their infant voices. words and actions. Antiphon 3: From the mouths of children Leader: They were not ready for battle and babies at the breast you have found but you made them fit to win the praise to foil your enemies. palm of victory, All: now that we are prepared for Reading Jeremiah 31:15 victory, do not let us despair. In Ramah is heard the sound of moaning, Leader: You washed the robes of the / of bitter weeping! / Rachel mourns for Innocents in your blood; her children, / she refuses to be consoled / All: cleanse us from all sin. because her children are no more. Leader: You rewarded the child Responsory martyrs with the first share in Leader: The just are the friends of God. your kingdom, They live with him for ever. All: do not let us be cast out from the All: The just are the friends of God. unending heavenly banquet. They live with him for ever. Leader: You knew persecution and exile Leader: God himself is their reward. as a child, All: They live with him for ever. All: protect all children whose lives Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the are in danger from famine, war, Son, and to the Holy Spirit, and disasters. All: The just are the friends of God. (Other intentions may be added.) They live with him for ever. All: Our Father... Canticle of Zechariah Prayer Antiphon: At the king’s command these Leader: Father, / the Holy Innocents innocent babies and little children were put offered you praise / by the death they to death; they died for Christ, and now in suffered for Christ. / May our lives bear the glory of heaven as they follow him, the witness / to the faith we profess with our sinless Lamb, they sing for ever: Glory to lips. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus you, O Lord. Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns Intercessions with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, Leader: We rejoice in the glory of Jesus for ever and ever. Christ, who conquered the All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening All: May the favor of your Son be Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place with us, O Lord. of the ones in the booklet. Leader: God of love and peace, renew Antiphon 1: You have been endowed from the faith of all Christians in the your birth with princely gifts; in eternal incarnation of your Son, splendor, before the dawn of light on earth, All: that they may give thanks at all I have begotten you. times. Antiphon 2: With the Lord is unfailing Leader: Increase the hope of the weak, love; great is his power to save. the poor, and the aged, Antiphon 3: In the beginning, before time All: give relief to the oppressed, began, the Word was God; today he is confidence to those who despair, born, the Savior of the world. consolation to those who mourn. Reading Ephesians 2:3b-5 Leader: Be mindful of all those in prison, All: and of those driven from their By nature we deserved God’s wrath like homeland. the rest. But God is rich in mercy; because Leader: You let the angels be heard of his great love for us he brought us to life praising you at the birth of your with Christ when we were dead in sin. By Son, this favor you were saved. All: let the departed praise you for Responsory ever with this heavenly host. Leader: The Word was made man, (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not alleluia, alleluia. be used, but other intentions may be added.) All: The Word was made man, All: Our Father... alleluia, alleluia. Leader: He lived among us, Prayer All: alleluia, alleluia. Leader: Lord God, / we praise you for Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the creating man, / and still more for restoring Son, and to the Holy Spirit, him in Christ. / Your Son shared our All: The Word was made man, weakness: may we share his glory, / for alleluia, alleluia. he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. Canticle of Mary All: Amen. Antiphon: The holy Virgin gave birth to (Ending same as in booklet.) God who became for us the frail, tender baby she nursed at her breast. Let us Night Prayer in its entirety is taken worship the Lord who comes to save us. from Sunday. See the booklet. Intercessions Leader: God sent his Son, fashioned from a woman, made subject to the law, to redeem those under the law. Trusting in this hope, let us pray with confidence: Feasts & Solemnities with changing dates

(Dates vary each Year) Epiphany Morning Prayer Canticle of Zechariah All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Antiphon: Today the Bridegroom claims Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place his bride, the Church, since Christ has of the ones in the booklet. washed her sins away in Jordan’s waters; Antiphon 1: The wise men opened their the Magi hasten with their gifts to the treasures and offered to the Lord gifts of royal wedding; and the wedding guests gold, frankincense, and myrrh, alleluia. rejoice, for Christ has changed water into Antiphon 2: Mighty seas and rivers, bless wine, alleluia. the Lord; springs of water, sing his praises, Intercessions alleluia. Leader: Today our Savior was adored by Antiphon 3: Jerusalem, your light has the Magi. Let us also worship come; the glory of the Lord dawns upon him with joy as we pray: you. Men of every race shall walk in the All: Light from Light, shine on us splendor of your sunrise, alleluia. this day. Reading Isaiah 52:7-10 Leader: Christ, you revealed yourself in How beautiful upon the mountains / are the flesh, the feet of him who brings glad tidings, / All: sanctify us through prayer and Announcing peace, bearing good news, / the word of God. announcing salvation, and saying to Zion, / Leader: Christ, your witness was the “Your God is King!” / Hark! Your Spirit, watchmen raise a cry, / together they shout All: free our lives from the spirit of for joy, / For they see directly, before their doubt. eyes, / the Lord restoring Zion. / Break out Leader: Christ, you revealed yourself to together in song, / O ruins of Jerusalem! / the angels, For the Lord comforts his people, / he All: help us to feel the joy of heaven redeems Jerusalem. / The Lord has bared on earth. his holy arm / in the sight of all the Leader: Christ, you were proclaimed to nations; / All the ends of the earth will the nations, behold / the salvation of our God. All: by the power of the Holy Spirit open the hearts of all. Responsory Leader: Christ, you generated faith in the Leader: All the kings of the earth will world, bow down in worship. All: renew the faith of all believers. All: All the kings of the earth will Leader: Christ, you were taken up in bow down in worship. glory, Leader: Men and women of every nation All: enkindle in us a longing for your will serve him. kingdom. All: They will bow down in worship. (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the All: Our Father... Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: All the kings of the earth will Prayer bow down in worship. Leader: Father, / you revealed your Son to the nations / by the guidance of a star. (Turn Over for Closing Prayer continued.) / Lead us to your glory in heaven / by the infant Christ; today water is changed into light of faith. / We ask this through our wine for the wedding feast; today Christ Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives wills to be baptized by John in the river and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / Jordan to bring us salvation. one God, for ever and ever. Intercessions All: Amen. Leader: On this day our Savior was (Ending same as in booklet.) adored by the Magi. Let us also worship him with joy as we pray to him: Evening Prayer All: Save the poor, O Lord. All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Leader: King of the nations, you called Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place the Magi to adore you as the first of the ones in the booklet. representatives of the nations, Antiphon 1: He comes in splendor, the All: give us a willing spirit of King who is our peace; he is supreme over adoration and service. all the kings of the earth. Leader: King of glory, you judge your Antiphon 2: A light has shone through the people with justice, darkness for the upright of heart; the Lord All: grant mankind an abundant is gracious, merciful, and just. measure of peace. Antiphon 3: All the people, whom you Leader: King of ages, you endure from have made, will come and worship before age to age, you, Lord. All: send your word as fresh spring Reading Titus 3:4-7 rain falling on our hearts. When the kindness and love of God our Leader: King of justice, you desire to free Savior appeared, he saved us; not because the poor who have no advocate, of any righteous deeds we had done, but All: be compassionate to the because of his mercy. He saved us through suffering and the afflicted. the baptism of new birth and renewal by Leader: Lord, your name is blessed for the Holy Spirit. all ages, Responsory All: show the wonders of your saving Leader: All peoples will be blessed in power to our deceased brothers him, men and women of every and sisters. race. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not All: All peoples will be blessed in be used, but other intentions may be added.) him, men and women of every All: Our Father... race. Prayer Leader: All nations will acclaim his Leader: Father, / you revealed your Son glory, to the nations / by the guidance of a star. All: men and women of every race. / Lead us to your glory in heaven / by the Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the light of faith. / We ask this through our Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives All: All peoples will be blessed in and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / him, men and women of every one God, for ever and ever. race. All: Amen. Canticle of Mary (Ending same as in booklet.) Antiphon: Three mysteries mark this holy Night Prayer in its entirety is taken day: today the star leads the Magi to the from Sunday. See the booklet. Baptism of the Lord Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: Our Redeemer desired to be Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place baptized in the Jordan by John; of the ones in the booklet. let us make this prayer to him: Antiphon 1: The soldier baptizes his king, All: Lord, have mercy. the servant his Lord, John his Savior; the Christ, you made your light shine waters of the Jordan tremble, a dove Leader: on us by revealing yourself, hovers as a sign of witness, and the voice grant us the spirit of humble of the Father is heard: This is my Son. All: service to all people. Antiphon 2: Springs of water were made Christ, you humbled yourself holy as Christ revealed his glory to the Leader: and received baptism from your world. Draw water from the fountain of the servant to show us the way of Savior, for Christ our God has hallowed all All: humility, creation. grant us the spirit of humble Antiphon 3: You burned away man’s guilt Leader: service to our fellow men. by fire and the Holy Spirit. We give praise Christ, through your baptism you to you, our God and Redeemer. All: cleansed us of every blemish and Reading Isaiah 61:1-2a made us children of your Father, The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, / Leader: bestow your spirit of adoption on because the Lord has anointed me; / He all who seek you. has sent me to bring glad tidings to the All: Christ, through baptism you lowly, / to heal the broken hearted, / To have consecrated creation and proclaim liberty to captives / and release Leader: opened the door of repentance to to the prisoners, / To announce a year of all who prepare for baptism, favor from the Lord. All: make us servants of your Gospel Responsory Leader: in the world. Leader: Christ, Son of the living God, Christ, through your baptism you have mercy on us. All: revealed to us the Holy Trinity All: Christ, Son of the living God, when the Father called you his have mercy on us. beloved Son and the Holy Spirit Leader: Today you revealed yourself to came down upon you, us. renew the spirit of adoption All: have mercy on us. among the royal priesthood of Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the the baptized. Son, and to the Holy Spirit, (Other intentions may be added.) All: Christ, Son of the living God, All: Our Father... have mercy on us. Prayer Canticle of Zechariah Leader: Almighty, eternal God, / when Antiphon: Christ is baptized, the world the Spirit descended upon Jesus / at his is made holy; he has taken away our sins. baptism in the Jordan, / you revealed him We shall be purified by water and the Holy as your own beloved Son. / Keep us, your Spirit. children born of water and the Spirit, / (Turn Over for Closing Prayer continued.) faithful to our calling. / We ask this made us a kingdom and priests for God our through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Father. To him be glory and honor for ever. / who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. Intercessions All: Amen. Leader: Our Redeemer desired to be (Ending same as in booklet.) baptized in the Jordan by John; let us make this prayer to him: Evening Prayer All: Lord, have mercy. All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Leader: Christ, Servant of God, the Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Father acknowledged you as of the ones in the booklet. his own Son with whom he was Antiphon 1: The Father’s voice resounded pleased, from the heavens: This is my Son in whom All: send forth your Spirit upon us. I delight, listen to what he says to you. Leader: Christ, Chosen One of God, you Antiphon 2: In the Jordan river our Savior did not break the crushed reed or crushed the serpent’s head and wrested us extinguish the wavering flame, free from his grasp. All: have mercy on all who are Antiphon 3: A wondrous mystery is seeking you in good faith. declared to us today: the Creator of the Leader: Christ, Son of God, the Father universe has washed away our sins in the called you to be a light to the waters of the Jordan. nations in the new covenant, Reading Acts 10: 37-38 All: open the eyes of the blind by the I take it you know what has been reported waters of baptism. all over Judea about Jesus of Nazareth, Leader: Christ, Savior of mankind, the beginning in Galilee with the baptism John Father anointed you with the preached; of the way God anointed him Holy Spirit for the ministry of with the Holy Spirit and power. He went salvation, about doing good works and healing all All: lead all to see you and to believe who were in the grip of the devil, and God in you, that they may have was with him. eternal life. Responsory Leader: Christ, our hope, you lead those Leader: Christ comes to us. He comes in in darkness to the light of water and in blood. salvation, All: Christ comes to us. He comes in All: receive our departed brothers and water and in blood. sisters into your kingdom. Leader: Jesus Christ our Lord. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not All: Comes in water and in blood. be used, but other intentions may be added.) Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the All: Our Father... Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Prayer as in Morning Prayer All: Christ comes to us. He comes in (Ending same as in booklet.) water and in blood.

Canticle of Mary Night Prayer in its entirety is taken Antiphon: Christ Jesus loved us, poured from Sunday. See the booklet. out his blood to wash away our sins, and Ash Wednesday

Morning Prayer Intercessions

All psalms and antiphons are taken from Friday Leader: Today God our Father brings us Morning Prayer. to the beginning of Lent. We pray that in this time of Reading Deuteronomy 7:6, 8-9 salvation he will fill us with the Holy Spirit, purify our hearts, You are a people sacred to the Lord, your and strengthen us in love. Let us God; he has chosen you from all the humbly ask him: nations on the face of the earth to be a All: Lord, give us your Holy Spirit. people peculiarly his own. It was because Leader: May we be filled and satisfied, the Lord loved you and because of his All: by the word which you give us. fidelity to the oath he had sworn to your Leader: Teach us to be loving not only in father, that he brought you out with his great and exceptional moments, strong hand from the place of slavery, and All: but above all in the ordinary ransomed you from the hand of Pharoah, events of daily life. king of Egypt. Understand, then, that the Leader: May we abstain from what we do Lord, your God, is God indeed, the faithful not really need, God who keeps his merciful covenant and help our brothers and sisters down to the thousandth generation toward All: in distress. those who love him and keep his Leader: May we bear the wounds of your commandments. Son in our bodies, All: for through his body he gave us Responsory life.

Leader: God himself will set me free, (Other intentions may be added.) from the hunter’s snare. All: Our Father... All: God himself will set me free, from the hunter’s snare. Leader: From those who would trap me Prayer with lying words Leader: Lord, / protect us in our struggle All: and from the hunter’s snare. against evil. / As we begin the discipline of Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Lent, / make this day holy by our Son, and to the Holy Spirit, self-denial. / Grant this through our Lord All: God himself will set me free, Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and from the hunter’s snare. reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. All: Amen. Canticle of Zechariah Antiphon: When you fast, do not put on a gloomy face, like the hypocrites. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All: Bless your people, Lord. Leader: Lord, guide the minds and hearts All psalms and antiphons are taken from Friday Evening Prayer. of peoples and all in public office, All: may they seek the common Reading Philippians 2:12b-15a good. Work with anxious concern to achieve Leader: Renew the spirit of dedication in your salvation. It is God who, in his those who have left all to follow good will toward you, begets in you any Christ, measure of desire or achievement. In All: may they give clear witness to everything you do, act without grumbling the holiness of the Church. or arguing; prove yourselves innocent and Leader: You have made all men and straightforward, children of God beyond women in your image, reproach. All: may they always uphold human dignity. Responsory Leader: Lead back to your friendship and truth all who have gone astray, Leader: To You, O Lord, I make my All: teach us how to help them. prayer for mercy. Leader: Grant that the dead may enter All: To You, O Lord, I make my into your glory, prayer for mercy. All: to praise you for ever. Leader: Heal my soul, for I have sinned against you. All: I make my prayer for mercy. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not be used, but other intentions may be added.) Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: Our Father... All: To You, O Lord, I make my prayer for mercy. Prayer Leader: Lord, / protect us in our struggle Canticle of Mary against evil. / As we begin the discipline of Antiphon: When you give alms, do not let Lent, / make this day holy by our your left hand know what your right hand self-denial. / Grant this through our Lord is doing. Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one Intercessions God, for ever and ever. Leader: All glory and honor to God, for All: Amen. in the blood of Christ he has ratified a new and everlasting (Ending same as in booklet.) covenant with his people, and renews it in the sacrament of the altar. Let us lift our voices Night Prayer in its entirety is taken in prayer: from Friday. See the booklet. Palm Sunday Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: As Christ entered Jerusalem Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place he was greeted as King and of the ones in the booklet. Messiah. Let us adore him, and Antiphon 1: The great crowd that had joyfully praise him: gathered for the feast cried out to the Lord: All: Blessed is he who comes in the Blessed is he who comes in the name of name of the Lord. the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Leader: Hosanna to you, Son of David, Antiphon 2: God grant that with the King of the ages, angels and the children we may be faithful, All: hosanna to you, victor over death and sing with them to the conqueror of and the powers of darkness. death: Hosanna in the highest. Leader: You went up to Jerusalem to Antiphon 3: Blessed is he who comes in suffer and so enter into your the name of the Lord; peace in heaven and glory, glory in the highest. All: lead your Church into the Reading Zechariah 9:9 paschal feast of heaven. Rejoice heartily, O daughter Zion, / shout Leader: You made your cross the tree of for joy, O daughter Jerusalem! / See, your life, king shall come to you; / a just savior is All: grant its fruit to those reborn in he, / Meek, and riding on an ass, / on a baptism. colt, the foal of an ass. Leader: Savior of mankind, you came to Responsory save sinners, All: bring into your kingdom all who Leader: By your own blood, Lord, you have faith, hope, and love. brought us back to God. (Other intentions may be added.) All: By your own blood, Lord, you All: Our Father... brought us back to God. Leader: From every tribe, and toungue, Prayer and people and nation, Leader: Almighty, ever-living God, / you All: you brought us back to God. have given the human race Jesus Christ Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the our Savior / as a model of humility. / He Son, and to the Holy Spirit, fulfilled your will / by becoming man All: By your own blood, Lord, you and giving his life on the cross. / Help us brought us back to God. to bear witness to you / by following his Canticle of Zechariah example of suffering / and make us worthy to share his resurrection. / We ask this Antiphon: With palms let us welcome the through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Lord as he comes, with songs and hymns / who lives and reigns with you and the let us run to meet him, as we offer him our Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. joyful worship and sing: Blessed be the All: Amen. Lord! (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Intercessions Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place of the ones in the booklet. Leader: The Savior of mankind by dying Antiphon 1: Christ was scourged and destroyed death and by rising treated with contempt, but God’s right again restored life. Let us hand has raised him up. humbly ask him: Antiphon 2: The blood of Christ washes All: Sanctify your people, redeemed away our sins and makes us worthy to by your blood. serve the living God. Leader: Redeemer of the world, give us Antiphon 3: Christ bore our sins in his a greater share of your passion own body on the cross so that we might through a deeper spirit of die to sin and to be alive to all that is good. repentance, Reading Acts 13:26-30 All: so that we may share the glory of My brothers, it was to us that this message your resurrection. of salvation was sent forth. The inhabitants Leader: May your Mother, comfort of the of Jerusalem and their rulers failed to afflicted, protect us, recognize him, and in condemning him All: may we console others as you they fulfilled the words of the prophets console us. which we read sabbath after sabbath. Even Leader: Look with love on those who though they found no charge against him suffer because of our which deserved death, they begged Pilate indifference, to have him executed. Once they had thus All: come to their aid, and turn our brought about all that had been written of uncaring hearts to works of him, they took him down from the tree and justice and charity. laid him in a tomb. Yet God raised him Leader: You humbled yourself by being from the dead. obedient even to accepting death, Responsory death on a cross, All: give all who serve you the gifts Leader: We worship you, O Christ, and of obedience and patient we praise you. endurance. All: We worship you, O Christ, and Leader: Transform the bodies of the dead we praise you. to be like your own in glory, Leader: Because by your cross you have All: and bring us at last into their redeemed the world. fellowship. All: We praise you. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not be used, but other intentions may be added.) Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: Our Father... All: We worship you, O Christ, and we praise you. Prayer as in Morning Prayer

Canticle of Mary (Ending same as in booklet.) Antiphon: It is written: I will strike the shepherd and his flock shall be scattered. But when I have risen, I will go before you Night Prayer in its entirety is taken into Galilee. There you shall see me, says from Sunday. See the booklet. the Lord. Holy Thursday Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Thursday Morning Leader: The Father anointed Christ with Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place the Holy Spirit to proclaim of the ones in the booklet. forgiveness to those in bondage. Antiphon 1: Look, O Lord, and see my Let us humbly call upon the suffering. Come quickly to my aid. eternal priest: Antiphon 2: God is my savior; I trust in All: Lord, have mercy on us. him and shall not fear. Leader: You went up to Jerusalem to Antiphon 3: The Lord has fed us with the suffer and so enter into your finest wheat; he has filled us with honey glory, from the rock. All: bring your Church to the Reading Hebrews 2:9-10 Passover feast of heaven. We see Jesus crowned with glory and Leader: You were lifted high on the cross honor because he suffered death, that and pierced by the soldier’s through God’s gracious will he might taste lance, death for the sake of all men. Indeed, it All: heal our wounds. was fitting that when bringing many sons Leader: You made the cross the tree of to glory God, for whom and through whom life, all things exist, should make their leader All: give its fruit to those reborn in in the work of salvation perfect through baptism. suffering. Leader: On the cross you forgave the Responsory repentant thief, All: forgive us our sins. Leader: By your own blood, Lord, you (Other intentions may be added.) brought us back to God. All: Our Father... All: By your own blood, Lord, you brought us back to God. Prayer Leader: From every tribe, and toungue, Leader: God of infinite compassion, / and people and nation, to love you is to be made holy; / fill our All: you brought us back to God. hearts with your love. / By the death of Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the your Son / you have given us hope, born Son, and to the Holy Spirit, of faith; / by his rising again / fulfill this All: By your own blood, Lord, you hope / in the perfect love of heaven / where brought us back to God. he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. Canticle of Zechariah All: Amen. Antiphon: I have longed to eat this meal (Ending same as in booklet.) with you before I suffer. Evening Prayer Leader: Redeemer of the world, give us All psalms are taken from Thursday Evening a greater share of your passion Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place through a deeper spirit of of the ones in the booklet. repentance, Antiphon 1: Jesus Christ, the firstborn All: so that we may share the glory of from the dead and ruler of the kings of the your resurrection. earth, has made us a royal people to serve Leader: May your Mother, comfort of the his God and Father. afflicted, protect us, Antiphon 2: The Lord will be the All: may we console others as you champion of the helpless; he will free the console us. poor from the grip of the powerful. Leader: In their trials enable your faithful Antiphon 3: The saints won their victory people to share in your passion, over death through the blood of the Lamb All: and so reveal in their lives your and the truth to which they bore witness. saving power. Leader: You humbled yourself by being Reading Hebrews 13:12-15 obedient even to accepting death, Jesus died outside the gate, to sanctify the death on a cross, people by his own blood. Let us go out to All: give all who serve you the gifts him outside the camp, bearing the insult of obedience and patient which he bore. For here we have no lasting endurance. city; we are seeking one which is to come. Leader: Transform the bodies of the dead Through him let us continually offer God to be like your own in glory, a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips All: and bring us at last into their which acknowledge his name. fellowship. Responsory (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Leader: For our sake Christ was be used, but other intentions may be added.) obedient, accepting even death. All: Our Father... All: For our sake Christ was obedient, accepting even death. Prayer Leader: Father, / for your glory and our Canticle of Mary salvation / you appointed Jesus Christ Antiphon: While they were at supper, eternal High Priest. / May the people he Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke gained for you by his blood / come to share the bread and gave it to his disciples. in the power of his cross and resurrec- Intercessions tion / by celebrating his memorial in this eucharist, / for he lives and reigns with you Leader: At the Last Supper, on the night and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever he was betrayed, our Savior and ever. entrusted to his Church the All: Amen. memorial of his death and resurrection, to be celebrated for (Ending same as in booklet.) ever. Let us adore him, and say: All: Sanctify your people, redeemed Night Prayer in its entirety is taken by your blood. from Sunday. See the booklet. Good Friday Morning Prayer and rose again. With heartfelt All psalms are taken from Friday Morning love let us adore him, and pray: Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place All: Lord, have mercy on us. of the ones in the booklet. Leader: Christ our teacher, for our sake Antiphon 1: God did not spare his own you were obedient even to Son, but gave him up to suffer for our accepting death, sake. All: teach us to obey the Father’s will Antiphon 2: Jesus Christ loved us, and in all things. poured out his own blood for us to wash Leader: Christ our life, by your death away our sins. on the cross you destroyed the Antiphon 3: We worship you, O Lord, and power of evil and death, we praise and glorify your holy All: may we die with you, to rise with resurrection, for the wood of the cross has you in glory. brought joy to the world. Leader: Christ our King, you became an outcast among us, a worm and Reading Isaiah 52:13-15 no man, See, my servant shall prosper, / he shall All: teach us the humility by which be raised high and greatly exalted. / Even you saved the world. as many were amazed at him - / so marred Leader: Christ our salvation, you gave was his look beyond that of man, / and his yourself up to death out of love appearance beyond that of mortals - / So for us, shall he startle many nations, / because All: help us to show your love to one of him kings shall stand speechless; / For anohter. those who have not been told shall see, / Leader: Christ our Savior, on the cross those who have not heard shall ponder it. you embraced all time with your Responsory outstretched arms, Leader: For our sake Christ was All: unite God’s scattered children in obedient, accepting even death, your kingdom of salvation. death on a cross. (Other intentions may be added.) All: For our sake Christ was All: Our Father... obedient, accepting even death, death on a cross. Prayer Leader: Father, / look with love upon your Canticle of Zechariah people, / the love which our Lord Jesus Antiphon: Over his head they hung their Christ showed us / when he delivered accusation: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the himself to evil men / and suffered the Jews. agony of the cross, for he lives and reigns Intercessions with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, Leader: For our sake our Redeemer for ever and ever. suffered death and was buried, All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All: R: Leader: All psalms are taken from Friday Evening Protect N., our Pope. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place All: R: of the ones in the booklet. Leader: Sanctify your people, both clergy Antiphon 1: Look well, all you peoples, and faithful, by your Spirit. and see my suffering. All: R: Antiphon 2: My soul is in anguish, my Leader: Increase faith and understanding heart is in torment. in those under instruction. Antiphon 3: When Jesus had taken the All: R: vinegar, he said: “It is accomplished.” Leader: Gather all Christians in unity. Then he bowed his head and died. All: R: Reading 1 Peter 2:21-24 Leader: Lead the Jewish people to the Christ suffered for you and left you an fullness of redemption. example, to have you follow in his All: R: footsteps. He did no wrong; no deceit was Leader: Enlighten with your glory those found in his mouth. When he was insulted, who do not yet believe in Christ. he returned no insult. When he was made All: R: to suffer, he did not counter with threats. Leader: Show the marks of your love in Instead, he delivered himself up to the creation to those who deny them. One who judges justly. In his own body All: R: he brought your sins to the cross, so that Leader: Guide the minds and hearts of all of us, dead to sin, could live in accord those who govern us. with God’s will. By his wounds you were All: R: healed. Leader: Console all those who are troubled. Responsory All: R: Leader: For our sake Christ was Leader: Have pity on those who have obedient, accepting even death, died. death on a cross. All: R: All: For our sake Christ was (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not obedient, accepting even death, be used, but other intentions may be added.) death on a cross. All: Our Father... Canticle of Mary Prayer Antiphon: When we were his enemies, Leader: Father, / look with love upon your God reconciled us to himself by the death people, / the love which our Lord Jesus of his Son. Christ showed us / when he delivered Intercessions himself to evil men / and suffered the Leader: Today we lovingly remember the agony of the cross, for he lives and reigns death of our Lord Jesus Christ, with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, from which was born new life for ever and ever. for the whole world. Let us turn All: Amen. to God the Father, and say: (Ending same as in booklet.) All: R: By the merits of your Son’s death, hear us, Lord. Night Prayer in its entirety is taken Leader: Give unity to your Church. from Sunday. See the booklet. Holy Saturday Morning Prayer needs we cry out: All psalms are taken from Saturday Morning All: Lord, have mercy on us. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: Christ our Savior, your of the ones in the booklet. sorrowing Mother stood by you Antiphon 1: Though sinless, the Lord has at your death and burial, been put to death. The world is in All: in our sorrows may we share mourning as for an only son. your suffering. Antiphon 2: From the jaws of hell, Lord, Leader: Christ our Lord, like the seed rescue my soul. buried in the ground, you Antiphon 3: I was dead, but now I live for brought forth for us the harvest ever, and I hold the keys of death and of of grace, hell. All: may we die to sin and live for God. Reading Hosea 5:15b-16:2 Leader: Christ, the Good Shepherd, in Thus says the Lord: / In their affliction, death you lay hidden from the they shall look for me: / “Come let us world, return to the Lord, / For it is he who has All: teach us to love a life hidden rent, but he will heal us; / he has struck us, with you in the Father. but he will bind our wounds. / He will Leader: Christ, the New Adam, you revive us after two days; / on the third day entered the kingdom of death he will raise us up, / to live in his to release all the just since the presence.” beginning of the world, Responsory All: may all who lie dead in sin hear Leader: For our sake Christ was your voice and rise to life. obedient, accepting even death, Leader: Christ, Son of the living God, death on a cross. Therefore God through baptism we were buried raised him on high and gave him with you, the name above all other names. All: risen also with you in baptism, All: For our sake Christ was may we walk in newness of life. obedient, accepting even death, (Other intentions may be added.) death on a cross. Therefore God All: Our Father... raised him on high and gave him Prayer the name above all other names. Leader: All-powerful and ever-living God, Canticle of Zechariah / your only Son went down among the Antiphon: Save us, O Savior of the world. dead / and rose again in glory. / In your On the cross you redeemed us by the goodness / raise up your faithful people, shedding of your blood; we cry out for / buried with him in baptism, / to be one your help, O God. with him / in the eternal life of heaven, / Intercessions where he lives and reigns with you and the Leader: Our Redeemer suffered and Holy Spirit, / one God for ever and ever. was buried for us in order to All: Amen. rise again. With sincere love we (Ending same as in booklet.) adore him, and aware of our Evening Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Leader: For our sake our Redeemer Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place suffered death and was buried, of the ones in the booklet. and rose again. With heartfelt Antiphon 1: Death, you shall die in me; love let us adore him, and pray: hell, you shall be destroyed by me. All: Lord, have mercy on us. Antiphon 2: As Jonah was three days Lord Jesus, when your side was and three nights in the belly of the whale, Leader: pierced, there flowed out blood so will the Son of Man be three days and and water, the marvelous symbol three nights in the heart of the earth. of the whole Church, Antiphon 3: Destroy this temple, says the through your death, burial and Lord, and in three days I will rebuild it. He All: resurrection, bring life to your was speaking of the temple of his body. bride, the Church. Reading 1 Peter 1:18-21 Leader: Lord Jesus, you remembered Realize that you were delivered from the those who did not remember futile way of life your fathers handed on to All: your promise of resurrection, you, not by any diminishable sum of silver remember those without hope, or gold, but by Christ’s blood beyond all Leader: who do not know that you have price: the blood of a spotless, unblemished risen. lamb chosen before the world’s foundation Lamb of God, you were offered and revealed for your sake in these last All: for all as our paschal sacrifice, days. It is through him that you are draw all mankind to yourself. believers in God, the God who raised him God of all the world, you from the dead and gave him glory. Your Leader: encompass the universe but were faith and hope, then, are centered in God. pleased to be laid in a tomb, Responsory free the human race from the All: powers of darkness, and grant it Leader: For our sake Christ was obedient the gift of immortal glory. even when this meant death, Christ, Son of the living God, death on a cross. Therefore God Leader: you opened the gates of paradise raised him on high and gave him to the repentant thief, the name above all other names. All: gather all who have shared your All: For our sake Christ was obedient death and burial into the glory of even when this meant death, your resurrection. death on a cross. Therefore God raised him on high and gave him (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not be used, but other intentions may be added.) the name above all other names. All: Our Father... Canticle of Mary Antiphon: Now the Son of Man has been Prayer as in Morning Prayer glorified and God has been glorified in (Ending same as in booklet.) him. Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet. Easter Sunday Morning Prayer will raise us up by his power. Let All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning us pray to him, saying: Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place All: Christ our life, save us. of the ones in the booklet. Leader: Lord Jesus, light shining in the Antiphon 1: The splendor of Christ risen darkness, you lead your people from the dead has shone on the people into life, and give our mortal redeemed by his blood, alleluia. nature the gift of holiness, Antiphon 2: Our Redeemer has risen from All: may we spend this day in praise the tomb; let us sing a hymn of praise to of your glory. the Lord our God, alleluia. Leader: Lord, you walked the way of Antiphon 3: Alleluia, the Lord is risen as suffering and crucifixion, he promised, alleluia. All: may we suffer and die with you, Reading Acts 10:40-43 and rise again to share your God raised up Jesus on the third day and glory. granted that he be seen, not by all, but only Leader: Son of the Father, our master and by such witnesses as had been chosen our brother, you have made us a beforehand by God - by us who ate and kingdom of priests for our God, drank with him after he rose from the All: may we offer you our joyful dead. He commissioned us to preach to the sacrifice of praise. people and to bear witness that he is the Leader: King of glory, we look forward one set apart by God as judge of the living to the great day of your coming and the dead. To him all the prophets in splendor, testify, saying that everyone who believes All: that we may see you face to in him has forgiveness of sins through his face, and be transformed in your name. likeness. Responsory (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: This is the day the Lord has All: Our Father... made; let us rejoice and be glad, Prayer alleluia. Leader: God our Father, / by raising Christ All: This is the day the Lord has your Son / you conquered the power of made; let us rejoice and be glad, death / and opened for us the way to alleluia. eternal life. / Let our celebration today / Canticle of Zechariah raise us up and renew our lives / by the Antiphon: Very early on the morning after Spirit that is within us. / Grant this through the Sabbath, when the sun had just risen, our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who they came to the tomb, alleluia. lives and reigns with you and the Holy Intercessions Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. Leader: Christ is the Lord of life, raised All: Amen. up by the Father; in his turn he (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All: send into our hearts the fire of your Spirit, as we proclaim your All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place resurrection. of the ones in the booklet. Leader: Let Israel recognize in you her Antiphon 1: Mary Magdalene and the longed-for Messiah, other Mary came to see the Lord’s tomb, All: and the whole earth be filled with alleluia. the knowledge of your glory. Antiphon 2: Come and see the place Leader: Keep us in the communion of where the Lord was buried, alleluia. your saints, Antiphon 3: Jesus said: Do not be afraid. All: and grant us rest from our labors Go and tell my brothers to set out for in their company. Galilee; there they will see me, alleluia. Leader: You have triumphed over death, Reading Hebrews 10:12-14 your enemy; destroy in us the Jesus offered one sacrifice for sins and power of death, All: took his seat forever at the right hand of that we may live only for you, God; now he waits until his enemies are victorious and immortal Lord. Leader: placed beneath his feet. By one offering he Savior Christ, you were has forever perfected those who are being obedient even to accepting death, sanctified. and were raised up to the right hand of the Father, Responsory All: in your goodness welcome your Leader: This is the day the Lord has brothers and sisters into the made; let us rejoice and be glad, kingdom of your glory. alleluia. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not All: This is the day the Lord has be used, but other intentions may be added.) made; let us rejoice and be glad, All: Our Father... alleluia. Canticle of Mary Prayer Antiphon: On the evening of the first day Leader: God our Father, / by raising Christ of the week, the disciples were gathered your Son / you conquered the power of together behind locked doors; suddenly, death / and opened for us the way to Jesus stood among them and said: Peace eternal life. / Let our celebration today / be with you, alleluia. raise us up and renew our lives / by the Intercessions Spirit that is within us. / Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who Leader: With joy in our hearts, let us call lives and reigns with you and the Holy upon Christ the Lord, who died Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. and rose again, and lives always All: Amen. to intercede for us: (Ending same as in booklet.) All: Victorious King, hear our prayer. Leader: Light and salvation of all Night Prayer in its entirety is taken peoples, from Sunday. See the booklet. Ascension Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: The Lord has been lifted high Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place above the earth and draws all of the ones in the booklet. things to himself. Let us cry out Antiphon 1: Men of Galilee, why are you to him in our joy: looking up into the sky? This Jesus who All: Lord Jesus, you are the King of has been taken up into heaven will return glory. in the same way, alleluia. Leader: Lord Jesus, King of glory, you Antiphon 2: Give glory to the King of were offered once as the victim Kings, sing praise to God, alleluia. for sins, and ascended to the Antiphon 3: As they watched, he was right hand of the Father, lifted up, and a cloud took him from their All: make perfect for all time those sight, alleluia. whom you sanctify. Reading Hebrews 10:12-14 Leader: Eternal Priest and minister of the Jesus offered one sacrifice for sins and new Covenant, you live for ever took his seat forever at the right hand of to make intercession for us, God; now he waits until his enemies are All: save the people that prays to you. placed beneath his feet. By one offering he Leader: You showed yourself alive after has forever perfected those who are being your passion and appeared to the sanctified. disciples for forty days, Responsory All: confirm our faith today. Leader: Today you promised the Spirit Leader: Christ ascended into heaven, to your apostles, to make them alleluia, alleluia. your witnesses to the ends of the All: Christ ascended into heaven, earth, alleluia, alleluia. All: by the power of the Spirit Leader: He led captivity captive, strengthen our own witness. All: alleluia, alleluia. (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the All: Our Father... Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: Christ ascended into heaven, Prayer alleluia, alleluia. Leader: God our Father, / make us joyful Canticle of Zechariah in the ascension of your Son Jesus Christ. / Antiphon: I am ascending to my Father May we follow him into the new creation, and your Father, to my God and your God, / for his ascension is our glory and our alleluia. hope. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All: Lord Jesus, you are the King of All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening glory. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: King of glory, you took with you of the ones in the booklet. our frail humanity to be glorified Antiphon 1: He ascended into heaven and in heaven; remove the sins of the is seated at the right hand of the Father, world, alleluia. All: and restore us to the innocence Antiphon 2: God ascends to shouts of joy, which was ours before the Fall. the Lord to the blast of trumpets, alleluia. Leader: You came down from heaven on Antiphon 3: Now the Son of Man has a pilgrimage of love, been glorified and God has been glorified All: grant that we may take the same in him, alleluia. path to your presence. Reading 1 Peter 3:18, 22 Leader: You promised to draw all things The reason why Christ died for sins once to yourself, for all, the just man for the sake of the All: do not allow any one of us to be unjust, was that he might lead us to God. separated from your body. He was put to death insofar as fleshly exis- Leader: Where you have gone before us tence goes, but was given life in the realm in glory, of the spirit. He went to heaven and is at All: may we follow you in mind and God’s right hand, with angelic rulers and heart. powers subjected to him. Leader: True God, we await your coming as our judge, Responsory All: may we see the vision of your Leader: I am ascending to my Father and glory and your mercy in your Father, alleluia, alleluia. company with all the dead. All: I am ascending to my Father and (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not your Father, alleluia, alleluia. be used, but other intentions may be added.) Leader: To my God and your God, All: Our Father... All: alleluia, alleluia. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Prayer Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Leader: God our Father, / make us joyful All: I am ascending to my Father and in the ascension of your Son Jesus Christ. / your Father, alleluia, alleluia. May we follow him into the new creation, / for his ascension is our glory and our Canticle of Mary hope. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus Antiphon: O Victor King, Lord of power Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns and might, today you have ascended in with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, glory above the heavens. Do not leave us for ever and ever. orphans, but send us the Father’s promised All: Amen. gift, the Spirit of truth, alleluia. (Ending same as in booklet.) Intercessions Leader: In joy of spirit let us acclaim Night Prayer in its entirety is taken Christ, who sits at the right hand from Sunday. See the booklet. of the Father: Pentecost Morning Prayer him: All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning All: Lord, make the whole world Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place new. of the ones in the booklet. Leader: Lord Jesus, when you were Antiphon 1: O Lord, how good and gentle raised high upon the cross, is your Spirit in us, alleluia. streams of living water flowed Antiphon 2: Let streams and rivers and all from your pierced side, creatures that live in the waters sing praise All: pour out on us your life-giving to God, alleluia. spirit. Antiphon 3: The apostles preached in Leader: In glory at the right hand of God, different tongues and proclaimed the great you gave the Gift of the Father to works of God, alleluia. your disciples, All: send forth your Spirit to renew Reading Acts 5:30-32 the world. The God of our fathers has raised up Jesus Leader: You gave your Spirit to the whom you put to death, hanging him on a apostles, with the power to tree. He whom God has exalted at his right forgive sins, hand as ruler and savior is to bring All: destroy all sin in the world. repentance to Israel and forgiveness of Leader: You promised us the Holy Spirit, sins. We testify to this. So too does the to teach us all things and remind Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those us of all you had said, that obey him. All: send us your Spirit to enlighten Responsory our minds in faith. Leader: All were filled with the Holy Leader: You promised to send the Spirit Spirit, alleluia, alleluia. of truth, to bear witness to All: All were filled with the Holy yourself, Spirit, alleluia, alleluia. All: send forth your Spirit to make us Leader: They began to speak, your faithful witnesses. All: alleluia, alleluia. (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the All: Our Father... Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: All were filled with the Holy Prayer Spirit, alleluia, alleluia. Leader: God our Father, / let the Spirit you sent on your Church / to begin the Canticle of Zechariah teaching of the gospel / continue to work Antiphon: Receive the Holy Spirit; the in the world / through the hearts of all who sins of those you forgive shall be forgiven, believe. / We ask this through our Lord alleluia. Jesus Christ, your Son, / who lives and Intercessions reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one Leader: Christ the Lord has gathered his God, for ever and ever. Church in unity through the All: Amen. Spirit. With sure hope let us ask (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Intercessions Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place of the ones in the booklet. Leader: God the Father has gathered his Antiphon 1: The Spirit of the Lord has Church in unity through Christ. filled the whole world, alleluia. With joy in our hearts let us ask Antiphon 2: Send us your strength, O him: God, from your holy temple in Jerusalem, All: Send your Holy Spirit into the and perfect your work in us, alleluia. Church. Antiphon 3: All were filled with the Holy Leader: You desire the unity of all Spirit, and they began to speak, alleluia. Christians through one baptism Reading Ephesians 4:3-6 in the Spirit, All: make all who believe one in Make every effort to preserve the unity heart and soul. which has the Spirit as its origin and peace Leader: You desire the whole world to be as its binding force. There is but one body filled with the Spirit, and one Spirit, just as there is but one hope All: help all mankind to build a world given all of you by your call. There is one of justice and peace. Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Leader: Lord God, Father of all mankind, Father of all, who is over all, and works you desire to gather together through all, and is in all. your scattered children in unity Responsory of faith, Leader: The spirit of the Lord has filled All: enlighten the world by the grace the whole world, alleluia, of the Holy Spirit. alleluia. Leader: Through the Spirit you make all All: The spirit of the Lord has filled things new, the whole world, alleluia, All: heal the sick, comfort the alleluia. distressed, give salvation to all. Leader: He sustains all creation and Leader: Through the Spirit you raised knows every word that is your Son from the dead, spoken, All: raise up the bodies of the dead All: alleluia, alleluia. into everlasting life. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Son, and to the Holy Spirit, be used, but other intentions may be added.) All: The spirit of the Lord has filled All: Our Father... the whole world, alleluia, alleluia. Prayer as in Morning Prayer Canticle of Mary (Ending same as in booklet.) Antiphon: Today we celebrate the feast of Pentecost, alleluia; on this day the Holy Night Prayer in its entirety is taken Spirit appeared before the apostles in from Sunday. See the booklet. tongues of fire and gave them his spiritual gifts. He sent them out to preach to the whole world, and to proclaim that all who believe and are baptized shall be saved, alleluia. Trinity Sunday Morning Prayer All: Glory to the Father, and to the All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: Holy Father send your Spirit to of the ones in the booklet. us who know not how to pray as Antiphon 1: To you, O blessed trinity, we ought, be worship and honor, glory and power, All: that he may help us in our frailty, praise and joyful adoration through eternal and ask for us those gifts which ages. will make us pleasing to you. Antiphon 2: May all your creatures give Leader: Christ, Son of the living God, you fitting praise, adoration and glory, O you asked the Father to send the blessed Trinity. Holy Spirit upon your Church, Antiphon 3: All things are from him, All: make us worthy to have this through him, and in him; to him be glory Spirit of Truth with us always. for ever. Leader: Come, Holy Spirit, that we may show your fruit in our lives, Reading 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 charity, joy, peace, equanimity, There are different gifts but the same kindness, generosity, Spirit; there are different ministries but All: long-suffering, patience, the same Lord; there are different works faithfulness, modesty, but the same God who accomplishes all of self-control, chastity. them in everyone. Leader: Father all powerful, you have Responsory sent the Spirit of your Son into Leader: All praise, all glory to you, O our hearts, so that we cry: Abba, Holy Trinity. Father, All: All praise, all glory to you, O All: make us submissive to your Holy Trinity. Spirit that we may be your heirs, Leader: May we give thanks to you for and coheirs with Christ. ever, Leader: Christ Jesus, you sent the All: O Holy Trinity. Paraclete who proceeds from the Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Father to bear witness to you, Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: enable us also to be your All: All praise, all glory to you, O witnesses before men. Holy Trinity. (Other intentions may be added.) Canticle of Zechariah All: Our Father... Antiphon: O holy, undivided Trinity, Prayer Creator and Ruler of all that exists, may all Leader: Father, / you sent your Word to praise be yours now, for ever, and for ages bring us truth / and your Spirit to make us unending. holy. / Through them we come to know the Intercessions mystery of your life. / Help us to worship Leader: Let us give all honor and glory to you, one God in three Persons, / by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, proclaiming and living our faith in you. / as we cry out with joy: (Turn Over for Closing Prayer continued.) Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, only-begotten Son, Holy Spirit, constant your Son, / who lives and reigns with you friend and guide; most holy and undivided and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever Trinity, to you be glory for ever. and ever. Intercessions All: Amen. Leader: The Father through the Holy (Ending same as in booklet.) Spirit has given life to the humanity of Christ his Son, and has made him a source of life Evening Prayer for us; let us raise our voices in All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening praise to the triune God: Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place All: Glory to the Father, and to the of the ones in the booklet. Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Antiphon 1: O Trinity most high, eternal Leader: Father, almighty and eternal and true: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God, send the Holy Spirit upon Antiphon 2: Save us, set us free, and give your Church in your Son’s name, us life, O blessed Trinity. All: preserve it in the unity of charity Antiphon 3: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God and in the fullness of truth. of power and might, the God who is, who Leader: Send laborers into your harvest, was, and who is to come. Lord, to teach the truth to all Reading Ephesians 4:3-6 nations, and to baptize them in Make every effort to preserve the unity the name of the Father, and of which has the Spirit as its origin and peace the Son, and of the Holy Spirit as its binding force. There is but one body All: and to confirm their faith. and one Spirit, just as there is but one hope Leader: Father, send help to all who given all of you by your call. There is one suffer persecution in the name of Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and your Son, All: Father of all, who is over all, and works All: for he promised to send the Spirit through all, and is in all. of Truth to answer for them. Responsory Leader: Father omnipotent, may all Leader: Let us worship the Father, the men come to acknowledge you, Son, and the Holy Spirit; let us together with the Word and the praise God for ever. Holy Spirit, as the one true God, All: Let us worship the Father, the All: may they believe in you, hope in Son, and the Holy Spirit; let us you, love you. praise God for ever. Leader: Father of all the living, bring the Leader: To God alone be honor and dead to share in your glory, glory; All: the glory of your eternal reign All: let us praise God for ever. with your Son and the Holy Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Spirit. Son, and to the Holy Spirit, (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not be used, but other intentions may be added.) All: Let us worship the Father, the All: Our Father... Son, and the Holy Spirit; let us praise God for ever. Prayer as in Morning Prayer Canticle of Mary (Ending same as in booklet.) Antiphon: With our whole heart and voice we acclaim you, O God; we offer you our Night Prayer in its entirety is taken praise and worship, unbegotten Father, from Sunday. See the booklet. Corpus Christi Morning Prayer All: Happy are those who are called to your heavenly banquet. All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Leader: Priest of the new and eternal of the ones in the booklet. covenant, you offered perfect Antiphon 1: You fed your people with the sacrifice to the Father on the altar food of angels; you gave them bread from of the cross, heaven, alleluia. All: teach us to offer ourselves with Antiphon 2: Holy priests will offer you. incense and bread to God, alleluia. Leader: King of justice and peace, you Antiphon 3: I will give to the one who consecrated bread and wine as is victorious the hidden bread and a new the sign of your offering, name, alleluia. All: unite us as victims with you. Leader: Reading Malachi 1:11 True worshiper of the Father, your perfect offering is From the rising of the sun, even to its celebrated by the Church from setting, / my name is great among the the rising of the sun, nations; / And everywhere they bring All: unite in your body those who sacrifice to my name, / and a pure offering; partake of the one bread. / For great is my name among the nations, Leader: Manna from heaven, you nourish / says the Lord of hosts. the Church with your body and Responsory blood, Leader: You bring forth bread from the All: grant that we may walk earth, alleluia, alleluia. strengthened by this food. All: You bring forth bread from the Leader: Unseen host of our banquet, you earth, alleluia, alleluia. stand at the door and knock, Leader: And wine which gives warmth All: come to us, stay and share the to men’s hearts, evening meal with us. All: alleluia, alleluia. (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, All: Our Father... All: You bring forth bread from the Prayer earth, alleluia, alleluia. Leader: Lord Jesus Christ, / you gave us Canticle of Zechariah the eucharist / as the memorial of your Antiphon: I am the living bread come suffering and death. / May our worship down from heaven; anyone who eats this of this sacrament of your body and blood bread will live for ever, alleluia. / help us to experience the salvation you Intercessions won for us / and the peace of the kingdom / where you live with the Father and the Leader: Brethren, let us pray to Jesus Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. Christ, the bread of life, as we All: Amen. joyfully say: (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening All: Christ, the bread of heaven, grant Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place us everlasting life. of the ones in the booklet. Leader: Christ, Son of the living God, Antiphon 1: Christ the Lord is a priest for you commanded that this ever in the line of Melchizedek; he offered thanksgiving meal be done in up bread and wine. memory of you, Antiphon 2: I will take up the cup of All: enrich your Church through salvation, and I will offer a sacrifice of the faithful celebration of these praise. Antiphon 3: You are the way, the truth and mysteries. the life of the world, O Lord. Leader: Christ, eternal priest of the Most Reading 1 Corinthians 11:23-25 High, you have commanded your priests to offer your sacraments, I received from the Lord what I handed All: may they help them to on to you, namely, that the Lord Jesus on exemplify in their lives the the night in which he was betrayed took meaning of the sacred mysteries bread, and after he had given thanks, broke which they celebrate. it, and said: “This is my body, which is for Leader: Christ, bread from heaven, you you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In form one body our of all who the same way, after the supper, he took the partake of the one bread, cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant All: refresh all who believe in you in my blood. Do this, whenever you drink with harmony and peace. it, in remembrance of me.” Leader: Christ, through your bread you Responsory offer the remedy for immortality Leader: He gave them bread from and the pledge of future heaven, alleluia, alleluia. resurrection, All: He gave them bread from All: restore health to the sick and heaven, alleluia, alleluia. living hope to sinners. Leader: Man has eaten the bread of Leader: Christ, our king who is to come, angels, you commanded that the All: alleluia, alleluia. mysteries which proclaim your Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the death be celebrated until you Son, and to the Holy Spirit, return, All: He gave them bread from All: grant that all who die in you may heaven, alleluia, alleluia. share in your resurrection. Canticle of Mary (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Antiphon: How holy this feast in which be used, but other intentions may be added.) Christ is our food; his passion is recalled; All: Our Father... grace fills our hearts; and we receive a pledge of the glory to come, alleluia. Prayer as in Morning Prayer Intercessions (Ending same as in booklet.) Leader: Christ invites all to the supper in which he gives his body and Night Prayer in its entirety is taken blood for the life of the world. from Sunday. See the booklet. Let us ask him: Sacred Heart of Jesus Morning Prayer All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning All: Most loving Lord, have mercy Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place on us. of the ones in the booklet. Leader: Jesus, the fullness of divinity Antiphon 1: Jesus stood and cried out: dwells in you, If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and All: give us a share in your divine drink. life. Antiphon 2: Come to me, all you who Leader: Jesus, in you are all the treasures labor and are burdened, and I will give you of wisdom and knowledge, rest. All: make known to us through your Antiphon 3: My son, give me your heart; Church the manifold wisdom of note carefully the way I point out to you. God. Reading Jeremiah 31:33 Leader: Jesus, the Father was well This is the covenant which I will make pleased in you, with the house of Israel after those days, All: help us to hear your word and says the Lord. I will place my law within keep it. them, and write it upon their hearts; I will Leader: Jesus, of your fullness we have be their God, and tehy shall be my people. all received, Responsory All: pour out upon us in abundance Leader: Take my yoke upon you and the Father’s favor and truth. learn from me. Leader: Jesus, you are the source of life All: Take my yoke upon you and and holiness, learn from me. All: make us holy and blameless in Leader: For I am gentle and humble of love. heart. (Other intentions may be added.) All: Learn from me. All: Our Father... Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Prayer All: Take my yoke upon you and Leader: Father, / we rejoice in the gifts of learn from me. love / we have received from the heart of Jesus your Son. / Open our hearts to share Canticle of Zechariah his life / and continue to bless us with his Antiphon: With tender compassion, our love. / We ask this through our Lord Jesus God has come to his people and set them Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns free. with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, Intercessions for ever and ever. Leader: Brethren, let us pray to the Lord All: Amen. Jesus, who is meek and humble (Ending same as in booklet.) of heart. Let us ask him: Evening Prayer All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening All: Most loving Lord, have mercy Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place on us. of the ones in the booklet. Leader: Jesus, whose heart when pierced Antiphon 1: Lord, rule in the midst of by a lance poured forth blood your enemies with your gentle yoke. and water and gave birth to your Antiphon 2: The Lord is loving and spouse the Church, merciful; he gives food to those who fear All: cleanse and sanctify us. him. Leader: Jesus, holy temple of God, slain Antiphon 3: This is the Lamb of God who by men and raised up again by takes away the sins of the world. the Father, Reading Ephesians 2:4-7 All: make your Church the dwelling God is rich in mercy; because of his great place of the Most High. love for us he brought us to life with Christ Leader: Jesus, King and center of all when we were dead in sin. By this favor hearts, you love us and lead us to you were saved. Both with and in Christ yourself with unending love and Jesus he raised us up and gave us a place mercy, in the heavens, that in the ages to come he All: renew your covenant with all might display the great wealth of his favor, men. manifested by his kindness to us in Christ Leader: Jesus, our peace and Jesus. reconciliation, you unite all in Responsory the peace of the new creation and Leader: Christ has loved us, and in his put enmity to death through the blood he has washed away our cross, sins. All: show us the path to the Father. All: Christ has loved us, and in his Leader: Jesus, our life and resurrection, blood he has washed away our you refresh the burdened and sins. give rest to the weary, Leader: He has made us a kingdom and All: draw all sinners to yourself. priests to serve our God and Leader: Jesus, because you loved us with Father. too great a love, you were All: And in his blood he has washed obedient even to death on the away our sins. cross, Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the All: raise up again all who sleep in Son, and to the Holy Spirit, your peace. All: Christ has loved us, and in his (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not blood he has washed away our be used, but other intentions may be added.) sins. All: Our Father... Canticle of Mary Antiphon: The Lord has lifted us up and Prayer as in Morning Prayer drawn us to his heart, for he has (Ending same as in booklet.) remembered his promise of mercy, alleluia. Intercessions Night Prayer in its entirety is taken Leader: Brethren, let us pray to the Lord from Sunday. See the booklet. Jesus, the refuge of our souls; let us ask him: Immaculate Heart of Mary Morning Prayer All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning All: May your mother intercede for Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place us, Lord. of the ones in the booklet. Leader: Sun of Justice, the immaculate Antiphon 1: Blessed are you, O Mary, for Virgin was the white dawn the world’s salvation came forth from you; announcing your rising, now in glory, you rejoice for ever with the All: grant that we may always live in Lord. Intercede for us with your Son. the light of your coming. Antiphon 2: You are the glory of Leader: Eternal Word, you choose Mary Jerusalem, the joy of Israel; you are the as the uncorrupted ark of your fairest honor of our race. dwelling place, Antiphon 3: O Virgin Mary, how great All: free us from the corruption of your cause for joy; God found you worthy sin. to bear Christ our Savior. Leader: Savior of mankind, your mother Reading Isaiah 61:10 stood at the foot of your cross, I rejoice heartily in the Lord, / in my God All: grant, through her intercession, is the joy of my soul; / For he has clothed that we may rejoice to share in me with a robe of salvation, / and wrapped your passion. me in a mantle of justice, / like a bride Leader: With ultimate generosity and bedecked with her jewels. love, you gave Mary as a mother Responsory to your beloved disciple, Leader: The Lord has chosen her, his All: help us to live as worthy sons loved one from the beginning. and daughters of so noble a All: The Lord has chosen her, his mother. loved one from the beginning. (Other intentions may be added.) Leader: He has taken her to live with All: Our Father... him, All: his loved one from the Prayer beginning. Leader: Father, / you prepared the heart of Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the the Virgin Mary / to be a fitting home for Son, and to the Holy Spirit. your Holy Spirit. / By her prayers / may All: The Lord has chosen her, his we become a more worthy temple of your loved one from the beginning. glory. / Grant this through our Lord Jesus Canticle of Zechariah Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, Antiphon: My heart and my flesh rejoice for ever and ever. in the living God. All: Amen. Intercessions (Ending same as in booklet.) Leader: Let us glorify our Savior, who chose the Virgin Mary for his mother. Let us ask him: Evening Prayer All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening All: Mary, full of grace, intercede for Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place us. of the ones in the booklet. Leader: O God, worker of miracles, you Antiphon 1: Hail, Mary, full of grace, the made the Immaculate Virgin Lord is with you. Mary share body and soul in Antiphon 2: I am the handmaid of the your Son’s glory in heaven, Lord. Let it be done to me as you have All: direct the hearts of your children said. to that same glory. Antiphon 3: Blessed are you among Leader: You made Mary our mother. women, and blessed is the fruit of your Through her intercession grant womb. strength to the weak, comfort to Reading Galatians 4:4-5 the sorrowing, pardon to sinners, When the designated time had come, God All: salvation and peace to all. sent forth his Son born of a woman, born Leader: You made Mary full of grace, under the law, to deliver from the law All: grant all men the joyful those who were subjected to it, so that we abundance of your grace. might receive our status as adopted sons. Leader: Make your Church of one mind Responsory and one heart in love, Leader: Hail, Mary, full of grace the All: and help all those who believe to Lord is with you. be one in prayer with Mary, the All: Hail, Mary, full of grace the mother of Jesus. Lord is with you. Leader: You crowned Mary queen of Leader: Blessed are you among women, heaven, and blessed is the fruit of your All: may all the dead rejoice in your womb. kingdom with the saints for ever. All: The Lord is with you. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the be used, but other intentions may be added.) Son, and to the Holy Spirit. All: Our Father... All: Hail, Mary, full of grace the Lord is with you. Prayer Leader: Father, / you prepared the heart of Canticle of Mary the Virgin Mary / to be a fitting home for Antiphon: My heart rejoices in the Lord, your Holy Spirit. / By her prayers / may for the almighty has done great things for we become a more worthy temple of your me. glory. / Grant this through our Lord Jesus Intercessions Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns Leader: Let us praise God our almighty with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, Father, who wished that Mary, for ever and ever. his Son’s mother, be celebrated All: Amen. by each generation. Now in need (Ending same as in booklet.) we ask: Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet. Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Morning Prayer all things exist in him. All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning All: May your kingdom come, O Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place Lord. of the ones in the booklet. Leader: Christ, you are our savior and Antiphon 1: A man will come whose our God, our shepherd and our name is the Dayspring; from his throne he king, will rule over all; he will speak of peace to All: lead your people to life-giving the nations. pastures. Antiphon 2: They will sing his praises to Leader: Good Shepherd, you laid down the ends of the earth, and he will be their your life for your sheep, peace. All: rule over us, and in your care we Antiphon 3: The Lord will give him shall want for nothing. power and honor and kingship; all peoples, Leader: Christ, our redeemer, you have tribes, and nations will serve him. been made king over all the Reading Ephesians 4:15-16 earth, Let us profess the truth in love and grow All: restore all creation in yourself. to the full maturity of Christ the head. Leader: King of all creation, you came Through him the whole body grows, and into the world to bear witness to with the proper functioning of the the truth, members joined firmly together by each All: may all men come to supporting ligament, builds itself up in acknowledge your primacy in all love. things. Responsory Leader: Christ, our model and master, Leader: Your saints, O Lord, will tell of you have brought us into your the glory of your kingdom. kingdom, All: Your saints, O Lord, will tell of All: grant that we may be holy and the glory of your kingdom. blameless before you this day. Leader: They will proclaim your power. (Other intentions may be added.) All: They will tell of the glory of All: Our Father... your kingdom. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the Prayer Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Leader: Almighty and merciful God, / All: Your saints, O Lord, will tell of you break the power of evil / and make all the glory of your kingdom. things new / in your Son Jesus Christ, the King of the universe. / May all in heaven Canticle of Zechariah and earth proclaim your glory / and never Antiphon: He fashioned us into a cease to praise you. / We ask this through kingdom for the glory of his God and our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, / who Father; he is the firstborn of the dead and lives and reigns with you and the Holy the leader of all the kings of the earth, Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. alleluia. All: Amen. Intercessions (Ending same as in booklet.) Leader: Let us pray to Christ the King. He is the firstborn of all creation; All: May your kingdom come, O Evening Prayer Lord. All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Leader: Christ, our king and shepherd, Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place gather your sheep from every of the ones in the booklet. land, Antiphon 1: He shall sit upon the throne All: give them pasture in green and of David and rule over his kingdom for fertile meadows. ever, alleluia. Leader: Christ, our leader and savior, Antiphon 2: Your kingdom shall be an form all men into your own everlasting kingdom, and you shall rule people, heal the sick, seek out from generation to generation. Antiphon 3: On his cloak and on his thigh the lost, guard the strong, a name was written: King of kings, and All: call back those who have Lord of lords. To him be glory and power wandered far away, strengthen for ever. those who waver, gather all your Reading 1 Corinthians 15:25-28 sheep into one flock. Leader: Judge of all ages, when you hand Christ must reign until God has put all over the kingdom to your Father, enemies under his feet, and the last enemy place us at your right hand, to be destroyed is death. Scripture reads All: so that we may inherit the that God “has placed all things under his kingdom prepared for us from feet.” But when it says that everything has the beginning of the world. been made subject, it is clear that he who Leader: Prince of peace, break the has made everything subject to Christ is weapons of war, excluded. When, finally, all has been All: and inspire the nations with your subjected to the Son, he will then subject peace. himself to the One who made all things Leader: Christ, heir of all nations, gather subject to him, so that God may be all in humanity and all the good things all. of your creation into the Responsory kingdom of your Church which Leader: Your throne, O God, shall stand your Father bestowed upon you, for ever. All: so that the whole body of your All: Your throne, O God, shall stand people, united in the Holy Spirit, for ever. may acknowledge you as their Leader: The scepter of your kingdom is head. a scepter of justice. Leader: Christ, firstborn of the dead and All: It shall stand for ever. first fruits of those who have Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the fallen asleep in death, Son, and to the Holy Spirit. All: bring all who have died to the All: Your throne, O God, shall stand glory of the resurrection. for ever. (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not Canticle of Mary be used, but other intentions may be added.) Antiphon: All authority in heaven and on All: Our Father... earth has been given to me, says the Lord. Prayer as in Morning Prayer Intercessions (Ending same as in booklet.) Leader: Let us pray to Christ the King. He is the firstborn of all creation; Night Prayer in its entirety is taken all things exist in him. from Sunday. See the booklet. Holy Family Morning Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Morning Leader: Let us adore the Son of the living Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place God who humbled himself to of the ones in the booklet. become a son of a human family, Antiphon 1: The parents of Jesus went and let us beseech him: each year to Jerusalem for the solemn feast All: Jesus, you became obedient; of Passover. sanctify us. Antiphon 2: The child grew in wisdom Leader: Jesus, eternal Word of the Father, and strength, and the favor of God was you made yourself subject to upon him. Mary and Joseph, Antiphon 3: His father and mother were All: teach us humility. full of wonder at what was said about their Leader: You are our teacher, and your child. own mother pondered in her Reading Deuteronomy 5:16 heart every one of your words Honor your father and your mother, as the and deeds, Lord, your God, has commanded you, that All: make us attentive to your word, you may have a long life and prosperity and let us ponder it in hearts that in the land which the Lord, your God, is are pure and good. giving you. Leader: Christ, by your work the world Responsory was made, but you were willing Leader: Christ, Son of the living God, to be called a worker’s son, have mercy on us. All: teach us to work diligently. All: Christ, Son of the living God, Leader: Jesus, in the family of Nazareth have mercy on us. you grew in wisdom, age, and Leader: You were obedient to Mary and grace before God and men, Joseph, All: help us to grow in all things All: have mercy on us. toward you, our Head. Leader: Glory to the Father, and to the (Other intentions may be added.) Son, and to the Holy Spirit. All: Our Father... All: Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us. Prayer Leader: Father, / help us to live as the holy Canticle of Zechariah family, / united in respect and love. / Bring Antiphon: Lord, give us light through the us to the joy and peace of your eternal example of your family and guide our feet home. / Grant this through our Lord Jesus into the way of peace. Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, for ever and ever. All: Amen. (Ending same as in booklet.) Evening Prayer Intercessions All psalms are taken from Sunday Evening Leader: Let us adore the Son of the living Prayer. Use the antiphons below in place God who humbled himself to of the ones in the booklet. become a son of a human family, Antiphon 1: After three days, Jesus was and let us proclaim: found in the temple, seated in the midst of All: Lord, you are the model and the doctors, listening to them and asking Savior of all. them questions. Leader: Christ, by the mystery of your Antiphon 2: Jesus returned with Mary and subjection to Mary and Joseph, Joseph to Nazareth; there he lived and was All: teach all people reverence and obedient to them. obedience to lawful authority. Antiphon 3: Jesus grew in wisdom with Leader: You loved your parents and were the years and was pleased to God and men. loved by them, Reading Philippians 2:6-7 All: establish our families in mutual Though he was in the form of God, Christ love and peace. Jesus did not deem equality with God Leader: You were eager to be about your something to be grasped at. Rather, he Father’s business, emptied himself and took the form of a All: may he be honored in every slave, being born in the likeness of men. home. He was known to be of human estate. Leader: Christ, after three days your Responsory anxious parents found you in Leader: He had to become like his your Father’s house, brothers in every way to show All: teach all to seek first the the fullness of his mercy. kingdom of God. All: He had to become like his Leader: Christ, you have made Mary and brothers in every way to show Joseph sharers in heavenly glory, the fullness of his mercy. All: admit the dead into the family of Leader: He was seen on earth and lived the blessed. among men and women, (Alternate Intercessions from the booklet should not be used, but other intentions may be added.) All: to show the fullness of his All: Our Father... mercy. Leader: Glory to the Father, to the Son, Prayer and to the Holy Spirit. Leader: Father, / help us to live as the holy All: He had to become like his family, / united in respect and love. / Bring brothers in every way to show us to the joy and peace of your eternal the fullness of his mercy. home. / Grant this through our Lord Jesus Canticle of Mary Christ, your Son, / who lives and reigns Antiphon: Son, why have you done this to with you and the Holy Spirit, / one God, us? Think what anguish your father and I for ever and ever. have endured looking for you. But why did All: Amen. you look for me? Did you not know that I (Ending same as in booklet.) had to be in my Father’s house. Night Prayer in its entirety is taken from Sunday. See the booklet.

Canticle of Mary He has filled the hungry with Luke 1:46-55 good things, and the rich he has sent away My soul proclaims the great- empty. ness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my He has come to the help of his Savior servant Israel, for he has looked with favor for he has remembered his on his lowly servant. promise of mercy,

From this day all generations The promise he made to our will call me blessed: fathers, the Almighty has done great to Abraham and his children things for me, for ever. and holy is his Name. Glory be to the Father, and to He has mercy on those who the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. fear him As it was in the beginning, is in every generation. now, and ever shall be. Amen.

He has shown the strength of (Repeat antiphon) his arm, he has scattered the proud in their conceit.

He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly. Click here to jump back to the Table of Contents, which will allow you to jump to the particular feast or solemnity.

The English translation of Psalm Responses, Alleluia Verses, Gospel Verses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL); the English translation of Antiphons, Invitatories, Responsories, Intercessions, Psalm 95, the Canticle of the Lamb, Psalm Prayers, Non-Biblical Readings from The Liturgy of the Hours © 1973, 1974, 1975, ICEL; excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

English translation of Gloria Patri, Benedictus, Magnificat, and Nunc Dimittis by the International Consultation on English Texts.

Psalm texts except Psalm 95 Copyright © 1963, The Grail (England). Used with permission of A.P. Watt Ltd. All rights reserved.

Readings and Old and New Testament Canticles (excerpt the Gospel Canticles) are taken from the New American Bible © 1970, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. Used with permission. All rights reserved. Notre Dame Catholic Parish Ministry Center & Offices 5100 W Evans Ave Denver, CO 80219 (303) 935-3900