CEU eTD Collection

In fulfilment partial of therequirements for degree the of ofMaster International H OW DOESGOVERNMENTAL OW I SLAMIC GOVERNMENTALI SLAMIC Department International of Relations and European Studies H EZBOLLAH EZBOLLAH RELATIONSHI Supervisor: Professor EmelAkcali Relations and European Studies Central European University Word count:Word 88116, Budapest, Hungary IDEOLOGY Payman Shamsian Submitted to 2015 By


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RAN - CEU eTD Collection Keywords: and anda useful provides channel between relationship the explaining in well functions is theory governmentality it that asserted Finally, rationality. this by produced are that practices and techniques the explains and governmentality? neoliberal gover Iran‘s a constitute that concepts the and investigates study this Furthermore, governmentality of model Iran‘s and between differences similarities the are What Lebanon? in population Shia and the Hezbollah does governmentalize How I does questions: How Hezbollah? three and Iran answer between relationship to the explain envisioned theory governmentality is it so, doing By tool. analytical the non a to theorygovernmentality Foucault‘s the applying on relations international of field the in debates ongoing the to contributes study This Abstract

eainhp ewe Ia ad ebla b epoig oenetlt ter a an as theory governmentality employing by Hezbollah and Iran between relationship

Governmentality, Foucault, Iran, Hezbollah, Shiaideology, Foucault,Middle Iran,Hezbollah, East Governmentality, for a deeper a rapport.this for understanding of - neoliberal context. This research tries to examine to researchtries This context. neoliberal i

nmental rationality nmental

ran ran CEU eTD Collection ii

CEU eTD Collection Bibliography Conclusion Chapter Three: Iran, Hezbollah and governmentality indifferent a context Chapter Two: and its governmental rationality Chapter One: Foucault’s governmentality theory Introduction Table Contentsof scop 3.3. 3.2. 3.1. 2.3. 2.2. 2.1. 1.2. 1.1. Methodology 3.2.2. 3.2.1. 2.3.4. 2.3.3. 2.3.2. 2.3.1.


Iran and Hezbollah rapport: Iran’s attempt to governmentalize Hezbollah Iran and Hezbollah rapport: Anon Iran’s political rationality revolutionIslamic of Iran Political Shia in the Middle East Governmentality without a neoliberal dress code What is (neoliberal) governmentality? 50 Neoliberal governmentality Iran’s vs. governmentality: Similaritiesand differences inawider


...... How does How Iran try to subjectify theShia population by using does How Iran Iran’s political rationality: A sum Anti cultureThe of resistance and martyrdom Exporting the revolution

...... - American, anti

try to subjectify Hezbollaha as political entity? ...... -

Israel, and anti ......


...... - neoliberal context mary


...... - imperialistsentiments ...... iii








...... Hezbollaha as means? ......



54 52 46 42 41 37 37 34 33 29 24 23 20 16 16 13

5 5 3 1

CEU eTD Collection power. on theories other theories or abovementioned the solely by be explained cannot this relationship 3 2015, http://newpol.org/content/revisiting 28, 2 803 2010): (July 1, 1 gover power. of mechanism a as discipline on theory best fits and lines strategic debates byIran arguing that Iran the of analysis in theory governmentality Foucault‘s applying in is study this of contribution main The allude to label term, the of controversy the Acknowledging a politics; to approach regime‘s comes vision republic‘s Islamic Hezbollah 80s, early relations international of field the in case exceptional and fascinating West. the and strategic economic,and between relationship The Introduction

Due to lack of space here, I cannot go into details in support of my argument. It needs another study to show how how show to study another needs It argument. of my support details in into go cannot I of space here, lack Due to Revolution, Iranian the and Foucault “Revisiting See, ling Rola El Husseini, “Hezbollah and the Axis of Refusal: , Iran and Syria,” Syria,” and Iran Hamas, Axis Refusal: the of and “Hezbollah Husseini, El Rola nmentality theory for a neo a for theory nmentality both

specific the Iranian revolution Iranian the –

from Hezbollah rapport. The aim of this approach is to enrich the existent political and political existent the enrich to is approach this of aim The rapport. Hezbollah 1

– The m The 15

religious character and values peculiar to I characterand to religious values peculiar

within its paradigm, comparing to soft to comparing paradigm, its within ; Hala Jaber, Jaber, ; Hala the unique and exceptional nature of Hezbollah Hezbollah of nature exceptional and unique the

ulti has

tie - of

layered and multifaceted characteristic multifaceted and layered rn n Hezbollah and Iran en cig n codne with accordance in acting been between two Shia entities by public discourse both in the Middle East Middle the in both discourseby public entities Shia betweentwo

r egional and global affairs. The alluring feature of this relationship relationship this of feature alluring The affairs. global and egional Hezbollah: Bor Hezbollah:

as such, as apoc ta i cle b Fual a: siiul politics‖. ―spiritual as: Foucault by called is that approach n li beral context, in this study I try to show show to try I study this in context, beral –

Hezbollah relationship -

foucault aside

by Kevin Anderson and Janet Afary, New Politics,” accessed May May accessed Politics,” New Afary, Janet and Kevin Anderson by n with a Vengeance a with n in

- lae h ts o sc of task the leave I and a been has 3 1

this study.this

Although - iranian

- perceived revolution. and hard power theories, or Foucault‘s or theories, power hard and

(Columbia University Press, 1997). University (Columbia However, I choose to choose I However, it is alleged that Foucault introduced Foucault that alleged is it ranian revolution. ranian revolution.

Iranian political discourse and the the and discourse political Iranian goes

of this relationship makes it a it makes relationship this of

along with governmentality‘s with governmentality‘s along as a strong strong a as ThirdQuarterly World uiiig h acrc of accuracy the rutinizing . n Iranian and Since its inception in the the in inception its Since how

governmentality social, political, political, social,

use this term to term this use


31, no. 5 no. 31,


CEU eTD Collection governmentalit non non and neoliberal Finally, Iran of case the explain could theory governmentality question and rationality political Iran‘s on based governance of techniques f the highlight and Hezbol chapter third The Hezbollah. ra political the explain the used be will that tenets ideological basic its and revolution Iranian of picture general socio Shias‘ and tradition, case Iran caseof the to theory governmentality chapter first To Islamic, transnationalauthoritarian,and at qualities the same in function cantheory

develop my claim, my develop - analytical part analytical Te is part first The . neoliberal context where the distinct political rationality produces new forms of of forms new produces rationality political distinct the where context neoliberal lah relationship lah

I of discuss the similarities similarities the discuss

. h fntoaiy f hs tcnqe in techniques these of functionality the Later y anda subjectifies non techniques

– -

in order in is actors neoliberal context neoliberal in the same chapter, I conclude I chapter, same the in

Hezbollah relationship. Hezbollah s eoe t te itr o pltcl ha te oiia ielg of ideology political the Shia, political of history the to devoted is

eoe t apiain f oenetlt ter t te ae f Iran of case the to theory governmentality of application to devoted non

in a threefold manner. First manner. threefold a in I explain the governmentality theory and different elements of it of elements different and theory governmentality the explain I in inlt o Iranian of tionality

- sfl o the for useful -

non political situation throughout the history. In the second part, I depict a depict I part, second the In history. throughoutthe situation political neo to apply the gover the apply to - liberal neo liberal contexts, I presume that it is feasible to feasible is it that presume I contexts, liberal n differences and . settings,

I conclude that governmentality theory can be applied in a a in applied be can theorygovernmentality that I conclude

ups o ti suy Second study. this of purpose The second chapter deals chaptersecond The nmentality theory. In the last part of this this of part last the In theory. nmentality

such as the as such eie ht s sd n oenetlzto of governmentalization in used is that regime 2

- neoliberal population. , I briefly go through the Hezbollah of history the through go briefly I ,

how, between using governmentality theory in a a in theory governmentality using between


Hezbollah based on other on based case time. time.



Iran and Hezbollah carrying Hezbollah Iranand

as well as well as to .

with the with

Third provide an provide I ek o on ot the out point to seek I ,

works I ,

its background

that have applied have that r t show to try special use answer


further chapter

s theory s context.

to the to in the in of

Shia Shia why why



, I , in –

CEU eTD Collection 5 2001),5. 4 countr the in Iran and Hezbollah both of roles the on standpoint people‘s as well as societyLebanese of picture generala with me provided they but discussions, academic under categorized be cannot discussions these Although opin their as well as country the in Hezbollah of role the towards groups two these of view the compare to sought I topics, similar or same people the regarding ordinary mostly and students with discussions personal and informal having by addition, In interviewees‘ knowledge and approach tothe top the on based interview of direction the change to me allows it because interviews structured semi of method the chose I research, my In mind. interviewees in topic a of layers different the way b must but advanced in planned be cannot interviewer the ― are interviews structured Semi Lebanon.insight inner workinggovernance into of context of insocial dynamics power t micro in constitute would on governmentality that vision impacts the precise regarding more a get to was people ordinary and students conducting of choice particular interviews structured Research Methodology

Nicholas Clifford, Shaun French, and Gill Valentine, Gill Valentine, and French, Shaun Clifford, Nicholas Tom Wengraf, .‖ 4

This type of interviewing is useful for investigating complex opinions complex investigating for useful is interviewing of type This

for this thesis this for Qualitative Research In Research Qualitative

and personal discussions with discussions personal and relies on relies

semi designed to be sufficiently open that the subsequent questions of of questions subsequent the that open sufficiently be to designed

qualitative method. My field work in was based was Beirut in work field My method. qualitative terviewing: Biographic Narrative and Semi and Narrative Biographic terviewing: y. Through these unstructured interviews I had the chance to chance the had I interviews unstructured these Through y. - structured interviews and having personal discussions personal having and interviews structured Key Methods in Geography in Methods Key 3 ic.

university e improvised in a careful and theorized theorized and careful a in improvised e

students and ordinary pe ordinary and students ion on Iran‘s model of Shiism. of model Iran‘s on ion he society, and attain a wider wider a attain and society, he

(SA - Structured Methods Structured GE, 2010), 112. 2010), GE,


and goingthrough and

(SAGE, ople. The ople.

on semi on

with - CEU eTD Collection 2001). Sage, Oaks: (Thousand Holstein and 7 resources/interview/unstructured. 6 Governmentality this helps theoryphenomenon metoexplain and dynamics. its understand use I non study, Islamic, an with this In me. for case too a as interesting theory governmentality an it makes that theory governmentality I dis deep of kind some achieve to order in interview intimate and personal a conduct to was goal My experiences.‖ or facts of reporter a merely not and subject, active ―an as discussants my treat

J.M Johnson, “In Depth Interviewing,” in in Interviewing,” Depth “In J.MJohnson, http://ukdataservice.ac.uk/teaching 2015, 28, May accessed Interviews,” “Unstructured ae chosen have closure ofmy onthecontext case study.

Iran –

- etr cnet y aig ifrn age t lo a te betd case. objected the at look to angles different taking by context western ebla relationship Hezbollah aspx.

l to analyse a relationship between a state and an organization an and state a between relationship a analyse to l

Handbook of Interview Research: Context and Methods and Context of Interview Research: Handbook


s h cs suy bcue f t cmaiiiy to compatibility its of because study, case the as 4

- , ed. J ed. Gubrium ,


CEU eTD Collection 12 349 2011): (December Societies,” Civil Democratic of Construction the and Rights Human 11 10 York: Picado (New 1 edition Burchell, Graham Senellart, trans. 9 1991). Press, Chicago OfUniversity (Chicago: 8 youyou,for if myself, wish,and tofollo maybe hypotheses and inaccuracies of t way the all in involves with progress, in work is it done; been that‘s work even not is it work, finished not is This truth. gospel as taken be not should … governmentality, on reflections these of ―[a]ll degre significant a carries series lecture this during construction under was governmentality on work His this on material published other no is there and governmentality of y two these of course the In governmentality. of topic the for biopolitics.‖ of birth ―the 197 college. the in year academic each for research original an present to obliged were professors example, was lectures these of framework thought‖. of systems of history ―The on work his of the part as ―governmentality‖ introduced of concept Foucault Michael France, de Collège the at 1979 and 1978 in lectures his In ChapterO

Michel Foucault et al., etal., Michel Foucault Gordon Colin Burchell, Graham

Foucault et al., etal., Foucault and forDemocracy Instrument The European Promotion: EU and “Governmentality Kurki, Milja Miller, and Gordon, Burchell, 1.1. and population‖ territory, ―security, respectively, were, series these of titles The 1979. and 8 9

What is (neo What is

Following this rule, Foucault gave a lecture on two new topics in his lecture series in series lecture his in topics new two on lecture a gave Foucault rule, this Following ne: Foucault’s governmentality theory Security, Territory, Pop Territory, Security, – 66. Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the Collège de France 1977 France de Collège the Lectures at Population: Territory, Security,

liberal) governmentality? liberal) 10 e of ambiguity as an unfinished project. unfinished an as ambiguity of e The Foucault Effect Foucault The , and Peter Miller, eds., and ,

These lectures are the only first only the are lectures These

ulation set in a way to make the lecturer follow certain rules. For For rules. certain follow lecturer the make to way a in set

, 186. , , 1. ,

The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality in Studies Effect: Foucault The w.‖ 5

12 r, 2009), 10. 2009), r, —

in short, it amounts to possible tracks for tracks possible to amounts it short, in

International Political Sociology Political International - ears, Foucault developed the notion notion the developed Foucault ears, hand and genuine available source available genuine and hand


topic As Foucault himself admits, admits, himself Foucault As

from Foucault himself. Foucault from -- ,

1978 thus the concept the thus

5, no.4 5, , ed. Michel ed. , , 1 edition edition 1 , hat this this hat 8

The The CEU eTD Collection 2014),212. 19 18 341. 2001), New Press, The (New York: edition 1 Hurley, 17 16 15 14 Relations International 13 top the on discussion his in ―subject‖ term the on elaboratebriefly to tries Foucault explanation, this givingafter Right Ithave inhim. makes torecognize of which subjects.‖ a power individuals is form trut of law a imposes identity, own his to him attaches individuality, own his by him marks individual, the categorizes which life everyday life everyday power,in sovereignty.‖ political of exercise the with concerned relations finally, and, communities and institutions social within relations guidance, s between ―relation the to refer could that something as government of act defines Gordon further, discusses he As families‗children, and thesick‘. communities, souls, tr be can persons‘ or person ‗some Here,persons.‖ or person some of conduct the affect or guide shape, to individuals. the govern narrow one. a and form broad a governing both takes makes government term that the of government reading Foucault‘s of possible.‖ rationality necessary the and governing of practice Joseph Jonathan as governmentality, of concept The

Hubert L. Dreyfus and Paul Rabinow, Rabinow, Paul DreyfusL. and Hubert Effect Foucault The Michel Foucault, Ibid. Ibi Miller, and Gordon, Burchell, International,” the and Theory Social of Governmentality: Limits “The Joseph, Jonathan d., 2. d., 14

In a broad sense, governmentality can governmentality sense, broad a In

nltd o niiul ad rus f epe o a Fual ctgrzs i contains it categorizes, Foucault as or people, of groups and individuals to anslated

Power (The Essential Works of Foucault, Foucault, Worksof Essential Power (The , 3. ,

elf and self, private interpersonal relations involving some form of control or control of form some involving relations interpersonal private self, and elf 16, no. 2 (June 1, 2010): 223 no.(June 2010): 16, 21,

ic of ‗subject and power‘. He considers two meanings for this term; the first the term; this for meanings two considers He power‘. and ‗subjectof ic 15

of individuals of

Collin Gordon Collin The Foucault Effect Foucault The

Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics and Beyond Structuralism Foucault: Michel , as follow: ―This form of power applies itself to immediate immediate to itself applies powerof form ―This follow: as , 16

explains this term as follow, ―a form of activity aimingactivity of form ―a follow, as termthis explains . h on him which he must recognize and which others which and recognize must he which him on h

– 18 46.

be defined as the ―conduct of conduct‖, in order to order in conduct‖, of ―conduct the as defined be Foucault


1954 17 13

- 19 1984, Vol. 3) Vol. 1984, explains

explains this relations this explains

it, generally ―brings together the together ―brings generally it, , ed. James D. Faubion, trans. Robert Robert trans. Faubion, James D. ed. , European Journal European hip, as a form of of form a as hip,

(Routledge, (Routledge,

of CEU eTD Collection 24 61. 23 22 Keenan, Thomas Blasius and 21 20 governmentalities, in transitions and rationality‖ ―governmental of concept the upon touches governance. and Greece neo ancient the and time modern from to order chronological in starts discussion his continues Foucault governmentalities, studying of purpose the For self. self of forms to technologies, its and government political or constructed is himself.‖ self by the modified which through processes and coercion assure which techniques the what do to people equil force versatile a always is it wants; governor to way a not is people governing word, the of meaning broad domination. for government of techniques inter self, the of techniques when happens governing of act the Thus, and reproduceand reinforce each other‘s emergence other‘s each determine to cooperate individuals modern and state modern the how all, in All self. the of technologies and domination of the subjectifying governance: of dimensions self and population distinct two the clarify ‗subject‘ term the of own identityathe subjectorself conscience ―tied by is tohis one, second in and dependence‖; and ―control by else someone subjectifying to refers meaning

Foucaul Governmentalit “Foucault, Thomas Lemke, 203 Ibid., Mark ed. Dartmouth,” at Two Lectures Self: the of Hermeneutics ofthe Beginning the “About Michel Foucault, Power,” and Subject “The Michel Foucault,


Ingovernmentality spectru fact, this thefunctioningin elements isdependantto ofthe t et al., etal., t – 4. 24

Security, Territory, Population Territory, Security, on truh hs ieie n ebaig ifrn histor different embracing and timeline this through Going - control of the individuals; and also make a distinction between technologies technologies between distinction a make also and individuals; the of control

22 Political Theory Political

Thus government refers to a continuous spectrum that starts from from starts that spectrum continuous a to refers government Thus

21, no. 2 (May 1, 1993): 1, 198 2 (May no. 21, y, and Critique,” Critique,” and y, Critical Inquiry , 67. , modus operandi 21

ibrium, with complementarity and conflicts between between conflicts and complementarity with ibrium,

As Foucault defines it, ― it, defines Foucault As 7

8, no. 4 (July 1, 1982): 1, 4 (July 781. no. 8, Rethinking Marxism Rethinking what Foucault attempts to do is to show to is do to attempts Foucault what .

- - – regulation and technologies of the the of technologies and regulation knowledge.‖ 22 7.

act with and integrate to the to integrate and with act 14, no. 3 (September 1, 2002): 2002): 1, 3 (September no. 14, Governing people, in the the in people, Governing


These t - liberal ideology of of ideology liberal ical episodes, he he episodes, ical wo meanings wo meanings m.

CEU eTD Collection 27 Bey and European the to 26 25 and subject the of constitution the domination, of technologies and self the of technologies called he what between connections the analyse to exactly [governmentality] uses ―Foucault it, s the of rationality political between link the is fact, in Governmentality, power. the analysing of cornerstone the is it, calls Lemke Thomas as rationality, political sense wider a in or governmentalrationality, words, other r the to attention special a pay power to suggests the he so, doing examining In system. through population and government the of relation the understand to means the provides governmentality that claims Foucault population. and power between link a connect a requires governing of process the and government the of structure the Analysing the state by productivity―enhancingand ofpopulation.‖ docility the empowering to territories the expanding and protecting by ruler the of power the strengthening from and governance; of target the as population towards attitude oriented politically a to ruler divine the or prince the of interests on focus the from aspects: two in changed it when Europe gov of rationale underlying The neo modern hemisphere. western the the in government of to rationality political the lastly rethinking and government and state; police the and d'etat raison of idea the to territory; the protects power‖; ―pastoral as who Christianity early in ruler government a as prince of role the with begins which

Lemke, “Foucault, Governmentality, and Critique.” and Governmentality, Lemke,“Foucault, Theory Governmentality Challenges Extending of and Politics: Promises World and “Foucault Merlingen, Michael Miller, and Gordon, Burchell, ond,” ond,”

Millennium Millennium The Foucault Effect Foucault The tate, and the population as the subject of governing. of subject the as population the and tate,

ernance appeared to be different from sixteenth and eighteenth eighteenth and sixteenth from different be to appeared ernance -

Journal of International Studies International of Journal .


to early modern Europe and doctrines of of doctrines and Europe modern early to

35, no. 1 (December 1, 2006): 183. 2006): 1, 1 (December no. 35, 26 ationality of government. In government. of ationality

- iea itrrtto of interpretation liberal 27

As Lemke put put Lemke As ion or ion

the the 25

CEU eTD Collection Gordon Colin 32 31 30 29 28 viol maskingof the or dominationof legitimisation the of mechanisms the on concentrates only not government of analytics ―[t]he it, put Lemke practices. different for use in is rationality of kind what discover to attempts rationality fac In to. aligned they that rationality the of mandate main the from practices the in deviations the detect to want not does also it and rationality; main the with conformity their practic between link the make to seek not does rationality governmental words, other In rationality. certain with line in are operations and practices the if investigate to rationality governmental use not does Foucault ― between link semantic a is there that fact the on based power of technologies of study the in pillar main the as it takes and power of subject the and power between connection the analysing Lemke Hence, is. governance of subject the who existing the and for so, does it means means which through and governing power its exercises government what the how government, is, governer the who like, questions answers and diff with deals basically, rationality, political Thus individuals. and population the over power its exercising and practicing for government the of nature the indicate an as government‖ of ―rationality equiva or rationality‖ ―governmental term the takes Foucault forms tothe ofpower process ofsubjectifying individuals. state.‖ the of formation governing a ("gouverner")

Michel Foucault, “Governmentality,” in in “Governmentality,” Michel Foucault, 51. Critique,” and Governmentality, Lemke,“Foucault, Miller, and Gordon, Burchell, Critique.” and Governmentality, Lemke,“Foucault, 50. Ibid., lence of ―arts of government‖ in his discussion on government. on discussion his in government‖ of ―arts of lence

, and Peter Miller, 1st Edition (Chicago: University Of Chicago Press, 1991a). Press, Of Chicago University (Chicago: 1stEdition Peter Miller, and ,

28 es and rationalities; does not try to examine the application of ideas and and ideas of application the examine to try not does rationalities; and es

In fact, Foucault adopts the notion of government in order to connect to order in government of notion the adopts Foucault fact, In The The nd modesof ("mentalité").‖ thought

Foucault Effect Foucault The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality in Effect: Studies Foucault The .


ence, beyond that it focuses on the knowledgethe focuseson it that ence,beyond 31

tend s to emphasize political rationality in in rationality political emphasize to s 29

rn om o government of forms erent 30

The arts of government of arts The

, ed. Graham Burchell, Burchell, Graham ed. , t, governmental t, 32

As As CEU eTD Collection 38 375 (2013): Neol Exporting Movements: Social Arab Conflict Mi Benchmarking,” Country 89 2007): Future,” the (un)Knowing Precautions, Taking Risk: Through Terrorism “Governing Munster, Van Rens and Aradau Claudia 2004); Routledge, NY: York, New (London; 37 Studies Market Common of Journal JCMS: 36 Press, 1997). Michigan of Kearns (University in Rights,” of Subject the and Governmentality, Press University 35 79. Press, 1991b), Of Chicago University (Chicago: Peter Miller and Gordon, Colin Burchell, 34 33 ―soci wider a in theory this use to attempt level. global the at relations power explain to theory this use and IR wor to theory governmentality of application to started have IR, in circle oriented critically a from come mainly global.‖ ―gone has and (IR) relations int was it since disciplines different many in used been has governmentality of theory the Although differentrationalities cause rationality.‖ of regime certain a without exist ‗prac that true it‘s because them, within play they role what and practices, of systems or practices in themselves inscribe rationality of forms how examining rather but rationality, wh against absolute of pragmatics a of ‗rationalisation‘ and systematisation guidance.‖ the practices, the of part is that

Joseph, “The Limits of Joseph, Limits “The 55. Critique,” and Governmentality, Lemke,“Foucault, Michael Merlingen, “From Governance to Governmentality in CSDP: Towards a Foucauldian Research Agenda,” Agenda,” Research Foucauldian a Towards CSDP: in Governmentality to Governance “From Merlingen, Michael For example see, example For ed Lre ad ila Walt William and Larner Wendy chael Merlingen, “Governmentality Towards a Foucauldian Framework for the Study of IGOs,” of Study the for Framework Foucauldian a Towards “Governmentality Merlingen, chael Michel Foucault, “Questions of Method,” in in Method,” of “Questions Foucault, Michel roduced by Foucault, by roduced

38, no. 4 (December 1, 2003): 361 2003): 1, (December 4 no. 38, – 115; Tore Fougner, “Neoliberal Governance of States: The Role of Competitiveness Indexing and and Indexing Competitiveness of Role The States: of Governance “Neoliberal Fougner, Tore 115; – 92. 33

37 Foucault clarifies this concept as follows: ―One isn‘t assessing things in terms of an an of terms in things assessing isn‘t ―One follows: as concept this clarifies Foucault

nd; rsi MCue “aig iete i Fual’ T Foucault’s in Liberties “Taking McClure, Kristie n.d.; , In fact, the application of governmentality theory to IR can be understood as an an as understood be can IR to theory governmentality of application the fact, In “Governmentality and the Mastery of Territory in Nineteenth in Territory of Mastery the and “Governmentality

c te cud e vlae a cntttn mr o ls pret om of forms perfect less or more constituting as evaluated be could they ich Governmentality,” 229. Governmentality,”

Millennium Millennium 35

only in recent years, this theory has entered the field of international of field the entered has theory this years, recent in only different

ers, eds., eds., ers, -

ora o Itrainl Studies International of Journal

iberal Governmentality,” Governmentality,” iberal 49, no. 1 (January 1, 2011):1 (January1, 151. no. 49,

– practices.

84; Halit Mustafa Tagma, Elif Kalaycioglu, and Emel Akcali, “‘Taming’ “‘Taming’ Akcali, Emel and Kalaycioglu, Elif Tagma, Mustafa Halit 84; lbl oenetlt: oenn Itrainl Spaces International Governing Governmentality: Global 36

A growing number of researchers and analysts, who who analysts, and researchers of number growing A dniis Pltc, n Rights and Politics, Identities, h Fual Efc: tde in Studies Effect: Foucault The European Journal of I of Journal European

10 l ontology‖. al


ec, t s eesr t ba i mn that mind in bear to necessary is it Hence, euiy Dialogue Security 38

nternational Relations nternational 7 n. (eebr , 08: 303 2008): 1, (December 2 no. 37,

ned b uig governmental using by Indeed, , ed. Austin Sarat and Thomas R R Thomas and Sarat Austin ed. , riangle: Sovereignty, Discipline, Discipline, Sovereignty, riangle:

- Governmentality Century America,” America,” Century

4 n. October no. 44,

o ad td the study and on k

13, no. 1 (March 1, (March 1 no. 13, Cooperation and Cooperation , ed. Graham Graham ed. , tices‘ don‘t don‘t tices‘ - Cambridge Cambridge , 1 edition edition 1 , December December – 26; 26; CEU eTD Collection 43 IGOs.” of Study forthe 42 forthcoming). Palgrave, (NewYork: o Future the and Governmentality Neoliberal 41 40 2010),16. Press, Michigan of University 39 interests at theglobal regional, aswell as level. the subjectify to aim which technologies governmental of form a are they rather but ideas, and norms of set EU‘s on based democracy and peace them bring and countries these of population target the benefit to efforts global proj a these from that argue Africa and North standpoint governmentality and East Middle the in initiative promotion democracy EU‘s benchmarking.‖ ―country and such technologies governmental of series a through governments their and states host the of behaviour the regulate and control to aim they policies their implementing imp governmental international non international of and goal (IGOs) main organizations the that argue scholars governmentality global governance global IRgovernmentalityCritical in theorists globaltocriticizeand thepractices instruments ofthe use themselves, as calls the―conduct Merlingen it conductcountries.‖ ofthe of betw relations the ―reconfigure also and perspective new a ―global with self, governance global the approach to of IR technologies allows governmentality‖ as well as government, of technologies and rationalities

“‘Taming’ Arab Social Movements.” Social Arab “‘Taming’ 367. IGOs,” of Study the for Framework Foucauldian Towards a Merlingen, “Governmentality Iver B. Neumann and Ole Jacob Sending, Sending, Jacob Ole and Neumann B. Iver Fougner, “Neoliberal Governance of States”; Merlingen, “Governmentality Towards a Towards “Governmentality Merlingen, States”; of Governance “Neoliberal Fougner, Ali Diskaya, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”: The Israeli Nuclear Taboo and the Limits of Global Governmentality,” in in Governmentality,” Global of Limits the and Taboo Nuclear Israeli The Tell”: Don’t Ask, “Don’t Diskaya, Ali oe h well the rove - being of the target population of their programs and project, but rather by by rather but project, and programs their of population target the of being

that are mostly based on the mainstream theories of the field. the of theories mainstream the on based mostly are that

societies in this region to comply with the EU‘s own benefits and benefits own EU‘s the with comply to region this in societies 42

As another example, Tagma, Kalacioglu and Akcali and Kalacioglu Tagma, example, another As

e sae ad te actors,‖ other and states een Governing the Global Polity: Practice, Mentality, Rationality Mentality, Practice, Polity: Global the Governing te tt i te ide at n Nrh Africa North and East Middle the in State the f -

oenetl raiain (NO) s o to not is (INGOs) organizations governmental 11

ects and programs are not just virtuous virtuous just not are programs and ects 39

as well as between states states between as well as

as ―competitive indexing‖ ―competitive as 40

Foucauldian Framework Framework Foucauldian

41 , ed. Emel Akcali Akcali Emel ed. ,

For instance, instance, For 43

look at the the at look

(Ann Arbor: Arbor: (Ann CEU eTD Collection Sociology Political International 47 46 45 44 would Foucauldians what to closer is else or basic, more ―something non in provi that society liberal a in conditions‘ ‗facilitating these is it because states, failed or south global called so the in countries developing as such world, the of parts other in inevitable is failure and projects these differ, conditions facilitating where work empirical original Foucault‘s of bounds the outside applied are governmentality, on based power of diagnoses scholarly the or governmentality, of projects and practices the ―when Thomas IR, in theory governmentality using to critics of example another As society, totalk ofglobalgovernm isimpossible it self practice individuals where society liberal predominantly a in governmentality on take Foucault‘s in as socio same the possess not consequencedoes a as and uniformlyliberal‖ not contexts.‖ social different of combination the because international, IR to governmentality applying when arise immediately ―problems that argues catch ―a creating of risk the raise would governmenta the warns Joseph example, For IR. in governmentality of application the criticize who scholars of number a are there However,

“Foucaultian Dispositifs as Methodology: The Case of Anonymous Exclusions by Unique Identification in India,” India,” in Identification Unique by Exclusions Anonymous Theof Case Dispositifs asMethodology: “Foucaultian 230. Ibid., 243. Ibid., 226. Governmentality,” of Joseph, Limits “The de the situation for the individual to create free and self and free create to individual the for situation the de - iea sceis te age te plcto o gvrmnaiy hoy eeeae to degenerates theory governmentality of application the argue, they societies, liberal


oto a fe sbet, ht r peeusts o apyn gvrmnaiy n a in governmentality applying for prerequisites are that subjects, free as control f e olw h agmn o uee ad obnd eeomn, s complex a is development, combined and uneven of argument the follow we if

8, no. 2 (June 1, 2014): 164 2014): 2 (June 1, no. 8,


all category that can be applied too generally.‖ too applied be can that category all 45

lity theorists that using governmentality theory in IR in governmentalitytheory using that theorists lity He contends that since the ―international system is is system ―international the since that contends He 12 analyses will fail.‖ The critics believe that this this that believe critics The fail.‖ will analyses entalityglobal atlevel. a

– 81.

- regulated subjects. Consequently, subjects. regulated

call ‗disciplinary power‘ power‘ ‗disciplinary call 46

- politica 47

l conditions, l asserts that, that, asserts 44

Joseph Joseph CEU eTD Collection 54 andSociety Economy 53 411 2013): 1, (December 52 Of Minneso 51 Belarus and 50 Movements.” Social Arab “‘Taming’ World,” Counter Governmentality, ItsLimits,” and Periphery 49 48 and government of arts as Foucault‘ take we If governmentality. of framework socio a and framework analytical an as both governmentality, that contend I works, aforementioned with line in and governmentalities method, qualitative on impacts governmentality‘s the Belarus, and Afghanistan on work Piotukh‘s Volha as such world, the around all places various in studies empirical their in theory liberal/neo c a in theory governmentality Foucault‘s the apply to is study this of aim The channel studying in p different non to theory governmentalityFoucault‘s apply to tries IRthat in governmentality.‖liberal fledged fully ratherthan

Diskaya, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”: The Israeli Nuclear Taboo and the Limits of Global Governmentality.” Limits the Global of and Taboo Tell”: Nuclear TheAsk, Israeli Don’t “Don’t Diskaya, Economy,” Market Socialist the and Governance Government, Governmentalities: Sigley,“Chinese Gary FocusGrou Opinion: the “Technologising Koch, Natalie Ismail, Salwa Piotukh, Volha EU’s the in Governmentality Budapest: Neoliberal and Istanbul in Transformations “Urban Emel Akcali, 225. Governmentality,” of Joseph, Limits “The 1.2. International Political Sociology Political International

Governmentality without a neoliberal dress code dress neoliberal a without Governmentality ta Press, 2006). Press, ta , 1 edition (Hoboken: Routledge, 2015). Routledge, (Hoboken: edition 1 , iea prdg. ned a adu o shlr i I hv ue gov used have IR in scholars of handful a Indeed, paradigm. liberal Political Life in Cairo’s New Quarters: Encountering the Everyday State Everyday the Encountering Quarters: New Cairo’s in Life Political Biopolitics, Governmentality and Humanitarianism: “Caring” for the Population in Afghanistan Afghanistan in Population for the “Caring” Humanitarianism: and Governmentality Biopolitics,

, 35, no. 4 (November 1, 2006): 487 2006): 1, no. 4 (November 35, 53

Political Geography Political and Ali Diskaya‘s research on governmentality in . in governmentality on research Diskaya‘s Ali and 18. - Conduct, and Simulation in European Democracy and Reform Promotion in the Arab Arab the in Promotion Reform and Democracy European in Simulation and Conduct,

- political political

techniques that regu that techniques

henomena by using this theory.henomena this by using practice to ―conduct the conduct‖, is not confined to a neoliberal neoliberal a to confined not is conduct‖, the ―conduct to practice

8, 50 no. 3 (September 1, 2014):1, 293 3 (September no. Salwa Ismail‘s research on Cairo, on research Ismail‘s Salwa

46 (2015): 76 46 (2015):

– late the conduct of individuals, of conduct the late 13 ps, Performance and Free Speech,” Speech,” Free and Performance ps, 508. –

48 88; Helle Malmvig, “Free Us from Power: Power: Us from “Free Malmvig, 88; Helle

Nevertheless, there is a trend of scholarship of trend a thereis Nevertheless, s definition of governmentality into account account into governmentality of definition s 52

n Gr Sge‘ suy n Chinese on study Sigley‘s Gary and

– 310; Tagma, Kalaycioglu, and Akcali, Akcali, and Kalaycioglu, Tagma, 310; - liberal context and open a new new a open and context liberal

51 , 1 edition (Minneapolis: Univ edition 1 (Minneapolis: ,

Natalie Koch‘s work on work Koch‘s Natalie Area ontext other than a than other ontext

54 we do not need need not do we

On this account this On

45, no. 4 no. 45, ernmentality ernmentality

Semi - to to 49

CEU eTD Collection Go 58 Studies International 57 56 in ways 55 the (4) and technologies; and rationalities these in involved the subjectivation of (3) modes technologies); (governmental conduct direct to employed manners and ways the (2) (governmen practices governmental in embedded calculation and justification, points: four concerns theory governmentality speaking, taking simultaneously while Fouc conditions various and situations different to adapt to user the helps which ―toolbox‖ a as governmentality using suggest scholars way, useful a in it apply To different populations. producin self and self, of the ways of different technologies different and with exercise regulation who rationalities, individuals governmental varied different with technologies, with governmental contexts different in used be total or pure that suggest alike theorists and than scholars these general, In coercion.‖ rather incentives, economic and religion, propaganda, through subjects Death as vein, same the in and power‖, of systems discrete of ―depiction a as than rather program‖ ―research a as considered be sup To governmentality theory. other find and world the of regions other to around go asidecode leave possibleto neoliberaldress wellis the it that Iargue alreadyclaimed, governmentality. neoliberal to ourselves limit necessarily

Death, “Governmentality at the Limits of the International”; Malmvig, “Free Us from Power”; Merlingen, “From “From Merlingen, Power”; from Us “Free Malmvig, International”; the Limitsthe of at “Governmentality Death, of Limits the at “Governmentality Encounters Critical Governmentality: 167. Methodology,” as Dispositifs Thomas,“Foucaultian vernance to Governmentality in CSDP.” in Governmentality to vernance uts oenetlt ter a te ete f h agmn. n hs ae analytically case, this In argument. the of centre the as theory governmentality ault‘s port this work of scholarships of work this port

39, no. 03 773. no. 39, 2013): (July

the International: African Politics and Foucauldian Theory,” Theory,” Foucauldian Politics and African International: the 57

(Routledge, 2012), 40 2012), (Routledge, exemplifies, ―even authoritarian regimes seek to conduct their their conduct to seek regimes authoritarian ―even exemplifies,

, Walters ,

, 56 14

for instance for


g different ways of subjectification of of subjectification of ways different g 55 contexts in which to apply Foucault‘s Foucault‘s apply to which in contexts 58

As abovementioned researchers have researchers abovementioned As , (1) the thinking, problematization, problematization, thinking, the (1)

argues that governmentality should should governmentality that argues

governmentality theory can can theory governmentality tal rationalities); tal Review of of Review in orderto in -

CEU eTD Collection theory. of governmentality as part in it this chapter about talk not did 59 bracefor governmentality techniques its of regarding Hezbollah. polit the discussing by chapter the close Idoctrines. and ideologies supporting main its and revolution Iranian the through goI step, second the In East. Middle the in Shia political of background historical on review brief very t In Lebanon. in population Shia the and Hezbollah governmentalizing can we if claim, can we justificationswhatbased and on extent what to understandI to try Furthermore, governmentality. I study, this of purpose the For governmental of kind what and Iranrationalities and justify uses torationalize hismovesand techniques. and are technologies governmentality the Iran‘s what of Hezbollah, governmentalizes subject the as Hezbollah between In Lebanon. in Middle neo a than other contexts field IR in trend current the to contribution a as study, this In conducts). co are rationalities and technologies governing which

This study does not concern with the concept of counter concept the with concern doesnot This study East and apply and East 59


td, wl ue oenetlt a a oli t aaye h relationship the analyse to toolkit a as governmentality use will I study, it

to the relationship between Iran and Hezbollah, as a Shia organisation Shia a as Hezbollah, and Iran between relationship the to - iea cnet I at o rvl ih oenetlt ter t the to theory governmentality with travel to want I context, liberal

t all at

, that Iran has, partly or completely, been successful in in successful been completely, or partly has, Iran that , ical rationalities of Iran‘s government which have been the the been have which government Iran‘s of rationalities ical focus

oty n oiia rtoaiy n tcnqe o techniques and rationality political on mostly 15 -

conduct in governmentality theory. For this reason, I I this reason, For theory. governmentality in conduct nee, eesd ad eitd (counter resisted and reversed, untered,

of using of

governmentality theory in in theory governmentality he next chapter, I give a a give I chapter, next he


h w Iran ow

f - CEU eTD Collection Project 60 87 c in minority absolute an Being . of branch subordinated history the Throughout background revolution Islamic the of understanding deeper a gain to order own study, this their of purpose in the For status country. minority a carrying and marginalized being of century a half than more Shia US in20 political Shia of history contemporary the in points turning important most the as considered are events Two the as arc Khomeini, role what and tradition, as well as ideology, Shia‘s on based formed been revol history political Shia‘s on I elaborate first so, do Into ambitions. order goalsand political ‘s the historyand study, this of purpose the for requires, This East. Middle bac historical the of picture general a give I chapter, this In Chapter Two:Iranian revolutionand itsgovernmental rationality

PEW Research Center, “Mapping the Global Muslim Population,” Population,” Muslim Global the “Mapping Center, Research PEW - hitect of Iranian played revolution, hitect of revolution‘s paradigm. ideological inshaping the - 90% of the Muslim population in the world, the in population Muslim the of 90% 2.1. led invasion of Iraq in 2003. In the former, the revolution led to the creation of an absolute absolute an of creation the to led revolution the former, the In 2003. in Iraq of invasion led - ution and political rationality of it. I show I it. of rationality political and ution oiae Ilmc eulc n rn ad n h latter, the in and Iran, in republic Islamic dominated , accessed May 7, 2015, 2015, 7, accessed May ,

Political Shia in the Middle East in the Shia Political of Shia communityof Shia and intheMi political Shia th



ic te et o Poht oamd Sis ae las en the been always have Shias Mohammad, Prophet of death the since http://www.pewforum.org/2009/10/07/mapping

n h Mdl East Middle the in


revolution in 1979and revolution in my focus will be only on Islamic revolution of Iran of revolution Islamic on only be will focus my

16 60


how Iranian regime‘s politica regime‘s Iranian how

has made Shias the marginalized religious sect religious marginalized the Shias made has hc floe by followed which Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life Life Public & Religion Center’s Pew Research ddle East.

the 2006 Iraqielection 2006 the going rq Shias Iraqi , I will briefly review briefly will I kground of political Shia in the the in Shia political of kground omparison to Sunnis, who shape who Sunnis, to omparison

ak o rns contemporary Iran‘s to back - the

- w scin o Iranian on sections two global

ol tk power take could - muslim l rationality l

following - the historical the population/.

have have after after

. the the In

CEU eTD Collection 65 64 63 5. 2008), Press, University 62 61 even that believe Khom Ghadir upon. decide to right the have would council tribal the that the of leadership the that believed Shias Nevertheless, an form Mohammad Prophet after succession of overwhelming world since majorityinMuslim thedeath oftheProphet. line this of followers The committee. community. Muslim the Khattab al choose to council tribal Muslims. of first the daughter his of husband the was who the in community Muslim century. the seventh of leader the as succession his over Mohammad Prophet of between conflict a of out movement legitimist a as initially born was Shia home for around 16million Shia. India Iraq,each are Pakistan and while Shia, IndiaIraq.aboutIranand 66Million Pakistan, hosts (betw Shias Most world. the in population 10 form Shias Islam. of world the in position better a seeks always who

Ibid. 59. Ibid., Dabashi, Hamid Louër, Laurence Ibid. - Allah

as (representative of the of (representative

Abu bakr Abu

that Prophet Mohammad officially pronounced Ali as his rightful successor. Shias Shias successor. rightful his as Ali pronounced officially Mohammad Prophet that Shi’ism: A Religion of Protest of Religion A Shi’ism: Transnational Shia Politics: Religious and Political Networks in the Gulf the in Networks Political and Religious Politics: Shia Transnational 62 Abu bakr Abu

Shia believes that Prophet Mohammad explicitly introduced his cousin Ali, cousin his introduced explicitly Mohammad Prophet that believes Shia

‘s successor, and after him him after and successor, ‘s

Abu Bakr as Bakr Abu l in b taleb Abi ibn Ali , 63 U

On the contrary to Shias, Sunnis accept the solution suggested by suggested solution the accept Sunnis Shias, to contrary the On


messenger of God). of messenger 61


- Siddiq Fateme Uthman

(Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 2011). Press, Belknap Mass.: (Cambridge,

as the successor of Mohammad and Mohammad of successor the as a te at n wo a slce b te same the by selected was who one last the was e 6% an 68% een

as well, as the as well, as

17 congratulated Ali for his position as the leader of leader the as position his for Ali congratulated Uthman ibn Affan ibn Uthman


The same tribal council chose council tribal same The

Muslim community was not something something not was community Muslim 8% lv i fu countries; four in live 80%) d 65

legitimate successor of himself and and himself of successor legitimate They referred to an incident called incident an to referred They

was selected as the leader of of leader the as selected was

some family members members family some

(New York, NY: Columbia Columbia (New NY: York, - 13% of the Muslim Muslim the of 13% Khalifat Rasul Khalifat Umar ibn al ibn Umar

Iran, a - - CEU eTD Collection 1977). Press, Chicago OfUniversity 69 68 NY ;Londo 67 66 and Lebanon, to order In Shias. for centre Safavids superiority disadvantaged and minority in still were Shias Safavids a in Empire Ottoman for domination rival over main the competition became they so doing by and land Shia a to Iran world. Muslim the in dominancy political Sunni‘s of story prolonged Iran.and world Muslim the powerof Shia aestablished Iranand when century, sixteenth Until Mohammad. Prophet of death the following thro wider and wider became Sunnis and Shias between division The believe inthe doctrine of followers.most with branch Shia important of most arethe imamat of narratives different in believe Shia of offshoots Different Ali. subsequently and Mohammad, ib religious that of event the after Mohammad, after Muslims

Marshall G. S. Hodgson, G.S. Hodgson, Marshall Ibid. Vali Nasr, 60. Ibid., Ali n

and (imamhood, Shia‘s doctrine for leadership of Muslim society) as as society) Muslim of leadership for doctrine Shia‘s (imamhood,

n: W. W. Norton & Company, 2007). & Company, Norton W. W. n: not only tried to make Iran a Shia country, but also endeavoured to build a new learning learning new a build to endeavoured also but country, Shia Irana make to onlytried not

dynasty in Iran balanced the Shia/Sunni political power to some extent. Nevertheless, extent. some to power political Shia/Sunni the balanced Iran in dynasty The Shia Revival: How Conflicts within Islam Will Shape the Future Shape Will Islam within Conflicts How Revival: Shia The and socio uan b Ali ibn Husayn - political succession of Prophet Mohammad ends with Ali, in Shia tradition Shia in Ali, with ends Mohammad Prophet of succession political

ari ad osrce mn Si smnre ad eiiu shos n the in schools religious and seminaries Shia many constructed and Bahrain -

cultural pre cultural The Venture of Islam, Volume 3: The 3:The Volume Islam, of Venture The imamat - oriented monarchy in the country, Sunnis were the absolute dominant absolute werethe Sunnis country, the in monarchy oriented , Ali‘s sons, succeeded Ali as the rightful successors of Prophet Prophet of successors rightful the as Ali succeeded sons, Ali‘s ,

do f h hatad f sai world. Islamic of heartland the of

- as one of the basic tenets of . tenetsas one ofShia ofthe basic eminency in the Muslim world.eminency Muslim inthe o te bogt ha lrc from clerics Shia brought they so, 68

The commThe Ghadir Khom Ghadir 18

encement of encement ,

while Sunnis enjoyed their demographical demographical their enjoyed Sunnis while Gunpowder Empires and Modern Times Modern and Empires Gunpowder 67 .

66 However, all these branches of Shiaof branchesthese all However,

Safavid In contrast to Sunnis who believe who Sunnis to contrast In , Reprint edition (New York, (New York, edition Reprint ,


aa Amel Jabal dynasty in Iranthealtered in dynasty ec, salsmn of establishment Hence, g h itr f Islam of history the ugh Safavids

the ―Twelve ‖ ―Twelve the Safavids

tried to change to tried

onan in Mountains

(Chicago: (Chicago: took over over took Hassan CEU eTD Collection 75 74 1981) SUNY Press, (Albany: Sachedina A. Abdulaziz inform further For judgment. of day the for return will imam twelfth the that believe Shia the Judaism, or Christianity as vein same the In community. Muslim al Mohammad imam, twelfth the I or occultation. Shias of imam last the that believe 73 72 71 70 establis traditions, as well as culture their The of powe a acquired of Because th and lawyers religious the the For Shias, influential tribune toconveyand thoughts ideas their tothefollowers. strengthens position achieved. and possessed never have counterparts Sunni their that societies Muslim Shia imam twelfth the of successors the imams‖. of authority the for replacements ―functional vibrancy. scholarship Shia of centre the to Iran turned and Islam Shia on liter of number tremendous produced region, the in and Iran in Shiism entrench and spread country.

Ayatollah is the Shia religious leader in Iran. in leader religious isShia the Nasr, 66 Ibid., Nasr, Abisaab, Jurdi Rula Twelfth imam refers to the last imam of Twelve imams offshoot of Shia. The followers of this branch of Shia Shia of branch this of followers The Shia. of offshoot imams Twelve of imam last the to refers imam Twelfth Qom Safavids The Shia Revival Shia The Revival Shia The . 70 –

71 67.


i blee ta drn hs o his during that believed is t


s result, a As who lived in Iran and taught Islamic lesson in Islamic schools ( schools Islamic in lesson Islamic taught and Iran in lived who , in fact, created a safe haven for Shias to prosper and flourish their religion, spread religion, their flourish and prosper to Shias for haven safe a created fact, in , ulama

faith rful position in the Shia world Shia the in position rful , scholars, philosophers and theologians, who were patronized by patronized were who theologians, and philosophers scholars, , Converting Persia: Religion and Power in the Safavid Empire Safavid the Powerin and Persia: Religion Converting , 68. , 66. ,

ulama fulfil the political as well as social need of the society. They play the role of of role Theythe society. play the social of need as well thepolitical as fulfil in

ulama ulama ‘s authoritativ ‘s e main source of information regarding the religious issues for Shias. Shias. for issues religious the regarding information of source main e

amongst Shias, Shias, amongst

and 73

ation see: ation has given them a special and favourable position among theamong position favourable and special a them given has ccultation, ccultation,

e power in the Muslim community and offers them an an them offers and community Muslim the in power e h Shia law in a country, and have their seminaries and and seminaries their have and country, a in law Shia h

Islamic Messianism: the idea of the Mahdi in Shi’ism Twelver in Mahdi the of idea the Messianism: Islamic

mujtahids 19 or – Safavids

to a high degree because of all these all of because degree high a to

mujtahids 72

This spiritual s spiritual This and and , and consequently the the consequently and , ulama

lgl xet o Ilm became Islam) of experts (legal - Mahdi, lives in a miraculous state of of state miraculous a in lives Mahdi,

shouldering the task of leading the the leading of task the shouldering

giving (London: I. B. Tauris,2004). I. (London:

tatus for tatus

t nw intellectual new a it Hawzah ulama country ) in the city the in ) Safavids

ulama of Shia as Shia of

f Iran, of 74

ature This


to , CEU eTD Collection 79 265 1982): 78 77 76 anti serious a as emerged Khomeini regime. Islamic oriented Shia a to revolution the of direction the orchestrated and moves revolutionaries‘ the leading rol vital a played revolution, the before movement Islamic the of leader the as Khomeini, country. the of system ruling the as place regimes‘ current the take to supposed that republic‖ ―Islamic and protestors the of many the bother not but did groups opposition rallies, in name Khomeini‘s to next placards and slogans to way its made and revolution to prior period demonstration‘s the during around spreading was anyone. for clear not was nature its which regime Islamic The Iran. of absolutist king an exchange last to the supposed revolution as monarchy Shah‘s Reza Mohammad and regime Pahlavi the the up swept revolution a month a than less In Iran. in monarchy of years ( gone is Shah The page: front 16 In and theMiddleEast. status Shia in power. the regimeto Iran in monarchies them. protected shahs the as long as Iran knowledge. Islamic produce to schools Islamic

Ervand Abrahamian, Abrahamian, Ervand Revolution,” Iranian the Islam in Shi’a and State “Rentier Skocpol, Theda AmirArjomand, Said Abisaab, 2.2. th

January 1979, January

79 Iran of revolution Islamic – Converting Persia Converting


A History of Modern Iran Modern A Historyof The Turban The 77

atd ni te 99 eouin ht ruh a Shia a brought that revolution 1979 the until lasted Etelaat In the next section, I will discuss this revolution and its impacts onShiismimpacts its revolutionand I discussthis section, Inwill next the .

for the Crown: The Islamic Revolution in Iran in Revolution Crown: Islamic for The the

newspaper in Iran was published with a historical headline on the on headline historical a with published was Iran in newspaper Shah raft Shah

mselves to discuss the structure and nature of the so called so the of nature and structure the discuss to mselves

). This day was the beginning of the end of about 2500 about of end the of beginning the was day This ). (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008). Press, University Cambridge (Cambridge: 76

This unwritten contract between Shia Shia between contract unwritten This 20 Ulama - oacia semi monarchical

supported 78

Although, the term Islamic republic Islamic term the Although, - Theory and Society Theory and regime cleric for the first time in time first the for cleric regime Safavids

- (Oxford University Press, 1988). Press, University (Oxford secular dictatorship with an an with dictatorship secular

country and overthrew and country and Shia monarchy in monarchy Shia and - oiae political dominated

11, no. 3 (May 1, 1, 3 (May no. 11,


e in e and

- CEU eTD Collection 84 83 3. 2014), works, of Imam Khomeini’s Publication and compilation of idea main Khomeini’s grasp 82 to hard see: really information is it But thoughts. 81 80 joi should they and quality this possess ( scholars contemporary our of number great A justice. and law about knowledge the is quality This … Islam of outset very the from scholars religious of number great a to rulership qu the given has Almighty God … then? do we should what hand, other the on and task, this fulfil to Almighty God the by designated is one no (and enforced, be to are precepts Islamic hand, one the On period. occultation the at live we ―Now that, argues He than better doctrines religion‘s and law Islamic knew one no that contends and society political and governmental from guardianship the standpoints. of issue the examines he and society Khom theory, his of doctrine theological on based government Shia for model new a offered perspective. his from government Islamic the explained thirtee delivered he 1970, early of issue the discussed and Qom. speechin his regimeafter Shah‘s the t lodged was Khomeini of support in demonstration a when 1963

Nasr, Nasr, Khomeini, Khomeini, Ruhullah Ayatullah Abrahamian, Ervand In his book book his In The Shia Revival Shia The Islamic Kashf 83

Sargozashthaye Vizheh az Zendegi Imam Zendegi az Vizheh Sargozashthaye Khomeini poses that it is necessary to have an Islamic government for a Musl a for government Islamic an have to necessary is it that poses Khomeini - al eini puts a special emphasise on the guardianship of of guardianship the on emphasise special a puts eini - Asrar Khomeinism: Essays on the Islamic Republic Islamic the on Essays Khomeinism: , 125. ,

, which was allegedly written after Reza Shah’s period, Khomeini explains many of his his of many explains Khomeini period, Shah’s Reza after written allegedly was which ,

Islamic Government: Governance of the Jurist the of Governance Government: Islamic . Velayat

n speeches in Najaf on the theory of of theory the on Najaf in speeches n - e - n hands. They will be able to establish a just government just a establish to able be will They hands. n 80

(guardianship of the jurist). the of (guardianship Until 1970, Khomeini had not publicly talked aboutpublicly talked not had Khomeini 1970, Until 21 , Mostafa Vajdani, Payame Azadi Publication, 2005 Publication, Azadi Payame , Vajdani, Mostafa

(Berk 82 Velayat

eley: University of California Press, 1993). California of University eley: y hs lcue eis Khomeini series, lecture these By , trans. Hamid Algar (The institue for institue (The Algar Hamid trans. , - o protest against his arrest by arrest his against protest o e - Faqih ality which is required for for required is which ality fuqaha 81

n hs book. this in

Velayat For the first time, in time, first the For Velayat

(jurists) in a Shia Shia a in (jurists) - e - - e

Faqih - o further For Faqih fuqaha fuqaha

and and . In . im . 84


CEU eTD Collection 90 1987). Press, University Johns Hopkins 89 88 87 Process 86 85 their in bolder ―became Shias it, put Nasr Vali As societies. Muslim on rule prolonged their prop rebellious the social massive history.‖ Shi‘i modern most in revolution ―the it calling by Shias, of behalf on position prominence revolution‘s socio the in up them moved and Shias the for base supporting a be to turned all, after revolution, Iranian The revolution. Iran‘s momentum welcome to arms their its opened world the around achieved Shias the and immediately, briskly, rose revolution his and Khomeini lectures, and and afterthe booksbefore revolution. speeches,his in ―Muslims‖ all to addressing and referring byalways Muslims all of leader the as communit Shia the all to circle authoritative his expand imam. and of title Shias the the him of to leader attributed the as position his enforce to language spiritual and religious used years,follow ensuing the in and revolution the DuringMuslims. all step next the as then and Shias, all of leader the as himself place to sought he while Khomeini of leadership o theory The fuqaha world.‖ the in

Dabashi, Dabashi, K. Ramazani, R. Abrahamian, Nasr, in Jurisconsult,’",” the of ‘Guardianship of the Khomini’s Concept “Iran: Enayat, Hamid Khomeini, , ed. James Piscatori (New York: Cambridge Un Cambridge York: (New Piscatori James ed. , The Shia Revival Shia The should ruleshould tohave a society Shia withawell Shi’ism Islamic Government Islamic - political stage of the region of t of region the of stage political Khomeinism f 85 Revolutionary Iran: Challenge and Response in the M the in Response and Challenge Iran: Revolutionary , 71. , Velayat

In fact, as the driving thesis of his theory, Khomeini suggests that suggests Khomeini theory, his of thesis driving the as fact, In ensity of them which was supressed under powerful Sunni domination during domination Sunni powerful under supressed was which them of ensity

, 134. ,

- .


- Faqih , 5. ,

converted the Shia Shia the converted 90 87

The Islamic revolution in Iran aspired Shias and awakenedand Shias Iran aspired in revolution Islamic The

h tte f ia‘ o Koen ws aty en to meant partly was Khomeini for ‗imam‘ of title The he Middle East. Middle he iversity Press, 1983), 160 Press, 1983), iversity 22


- functioningand government. proper fuqaha ies. After all, Khomeini claimed himself himself claimed Khomeini all, After ies. iddle East iddle 89

to a ruling class in Iran with the the with Iran in class ruling a to Hamid Dabashi emphasises on the on emphasises Dabashi Hamid – 80. , Reprint edition (Baltimore u.a: (Baltimore u.a: edition Reprint ,

Islam in the Political Political the in Islam

mns te Shias the amongst ers of Khomeini of ers ulama 86

and CEU eTD Collection 91 account this On assessment. our of of modes the andbasis the as viewpoints abovementioned the rationality combine to necessary is it governmental Hezbollah, subjectifying Iran‘s of understanding better a For politics. tr of structure the of viewpoint remarkable and unique have both they and governance; of model proper a on opinion intense and extreme have both they dimensions; political and social have both They tradition. Shia of interpretation Khomeini‘s revolution‘ Islamic the both within defined be can rationality political Iran‘s Ifollows, thepolitical rationalities details discussin Iran of governmentalizing forHezbollah. gove Foucault‘s using by it of mechanism and Iran the through look I before, mentioned as Hence, relationships. these of one of dimensions and aspects different understand to aim I study a non anda relationship state simple between a are not the Middle East around all groups Shia with Iran of relationships the case, any In groups. Shia towards strategies changes,altered initia its socio international and internal many had Iraq, with war a through went Iran period, this during However, countries. different in organisations and regionbythe su in domination and hegemonycircleof its enlarge to attempt concerted its continued Iran revolution, the after decades three than more For forand political thattheywhich activism had wouldsucceed aauthority.‖ inchallenging model t support would Khomeini that belief the in secure representation, and rights for demands

Nasr, Nasr, 2.3. The Shia Revival Shia The

Iran’s political rationality political Iran’s , 138. ,

l perspective of world affairs, and made some changes in its policies and changespoliciesand inits andworld some l perspective made affairs, of

I fe tre ifrn cnet i Ia‘ governmental Iran‘s in concepts different three offer I ,

- Hezbollah rapport to analyse the nature, structure, nature, the analyse to rapport Hezbollah 23 rnmentality theory. As the first step, in what what in step, first the As theory. rnmentality

- political as well as financial crises and and crises financial as well as political pporting and strengthening Shia groups groups Shia strengtheningand pporting nntoa ad nentoa Islamic international and ansnational - state actor dnmc and dynamic s . In this current In current this . hem


CEU eTD Collection with Hezbollah. rapport Iran‘s the regarding theory this by explained be can what see furthermore, and study, this of aim the for themframe to tool a as theorygovernmentality use and concepts these of each In governance. of techniques and rationality political distinct have might governmentalization of model that and here, analyse to try we that model the from different is borders his inside population his governmentalizes Iran how that assume As Iran. by governmentalization of model other any not for is elements applicable these necessary from results that rationality political the that mind in bear to have we g of model Iranian of pragmatics and practices the rationalize they them, of one every for below in argue I as because, Iran of rationality political of elements main the as concepts three these chose I 3) Anti Americanand anti 2) The resistance culture narratives. andShia of in martyrdom period, concept and spreading the of re the Exporting 1) the within them contextualize and conceptualize framework ofThese study. this be threeconceptsas: can listed to case each in theory govermentality the socio arevolution asand Shiism both paradigmIslamicrationality basedrevolution‘s perspective on andKhomeini‘s to tobediscussed rna rgm‘ ielgcl aue I lbrt o ec o tee ocps hl using while concepts these of each on elaborate I nature. ideological regime‘s Iranian 2.3.1. overnmentalization after the revolution regarding Hezbollah as the subject. However, However, subject. the as Hezbollah regarding revolution the after overnmentalization


volution and revolutionary ethos by Iranian revolutionaries in the post 1979 post the in revolutionaries Iranian by ethos revolutionary and volution g revolutionthe - Israeliwith anti sentimentalong velayat - political phenomenon, which are both at the cornerstone of the at phenomenon,areboth whichpolitical

- e - faqih 24

in Khomeini‘sperspectiveIslam. of n cs, n ht olw, g through go I follows, what in case, any - imperialist stance.

n xml, I example, an

CEU eTD Collection 731. 93 Revolution Iranian the of Dimensions theGlobal World: and Republic officials and differentIranian many by etc. and 92 br Iranian the advocated long/short and timetable building state the of part fact, in was, revolution the exporting words, Inother revolution. the after officials Iranian groups.‖ Islamic to encouragement and inspiration of source a been has revolution ―Iran‘s that question without goes it revolution that, asserts Hunter Shireen Iranian As communities. Shia for depicting emancipation of source appealing in role vital a played condition economic and political socio then Shias‘ communities. their in movements oriented Islamic for designer and motivator at successfullyplace Iran‘s First, rolerevolution thattime. in Iranian of spread the for way the paved that reasons main two were there that argue I speaking, this of matter the not is practice in revolution the exporting of ambition their realize and accomplish to revolutionaries of prosperity/failure of question The figure their and movements other to connections make to revolutionaries these encouraged revolution the spreading for craving Their borders. country‘s to limited not were Iran in revolutionaries revo the ‗exporting speak, to so of, project the under particularlyMuslims, world, the of peopleother to passion and ideology,voice, its spread to zeal the have) still (and Iranhad in Islamicrevolution it, before revolutions the Like

Shireen T. Hunter, “Iran and the Spread of Revolutionary Islam,” Islam,” Revolutionary of the Spread and “Iran Shireen T.Hunter, ha revolution’ the ofThe ‘exporting idea

s in the region during the first years,s intheregion and duringthefirst following even fall months, ofShah. the 93

eod sraig h rvlto ws n o one was revolution the spreading Second,

the time time the and of Islamic revolution and called upon the Shias, and all Muslims, to Muslims, all and Shias, the upon called and revolution Islamic of and


was indisputable amongst, particularly, Shia Muslim as the prime the as Muslim Shia amongst,particularly, indisputable was s been stated in tremendous amount of occasions, events, speeches, speeches, events, of occasions, amount tremendous in s stated been lution‘. ulama -

as the only country that an Islamic revolution hadtaken thatan onlycountry as the - 92 term plan for Iranian revolutionaries. Clerics in Iran in Clerics revolutionaries. Iranian for plan term

since 1979. For example see, example 1979.For since As this utterance declares, the causes and goals of goals and causes the declares, utterance this As 25

Third World Quarterly Third World

(London: Pluto Press, Pluto 2007). (London:

td. eetees theoretically Nevertheless, study. te an eie aed for agenda defined main the f Maryam Panah, Panah, Maryam

10, no. 2 (April 1, 1988): 1, 2 (April no. 10,

The Islamic Islamic The s an as

- CEU eTD Collection 2015, http://thebulletin.org/nuclear 99 https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/iran/1979 98 97 96 95 Studies Eastern Middle 94 regarding Iran the as such cases many in public gone has regime Iranian within conflict constant internal This unresolved. still is making decision in spirit revolutionary pragmmore believeinwho those between conflict Thecountry. the sceneof political in the opinion dominant policy. foreign and domestic its in ideology‖ Iranrhetoric. h Contextuallyspeaking, revolutionary its to governance of regulations and rules the combine to result, started a regime Iranian As necessities. statecraft‘s with along come to need aspirations revolutionary their re Iranian and Khomeini of followers some until passed years few A are therevolution. notenough tosuccessfullyexport reasonstwo these that out turned it However, follow. to movements these for model onlyrole the Islamic an through Iranianthe time that in movement. Inor addition, revolution change political and social about bring and ‗independence‘ to societies and countries their lead to hoped movements Islamic The world. Muslim the without and within of point focal the in revolution 1979 the placed and revolution the yearssucceeding the Iran. in revolution the follow

“A Nuclear Energy Program That Benefits the Iranian People,” People,” Iranian the Benefits That Program Energy Nuclear “A Gulf,” the and Palestinians the Iran, Arabs: the “Israel and Theodore Draper, 732. Ibid., 731. Islam,” Spread of Revolutionary the and “Iran Hunter, Afghanistan,” in Movement Shiite the of The Radicalization Iran’s Revolution: “Exporting Emadi, Hafizullah

atic tendency within Iranian leadership and policy making and those who support the support who those and making policy andIranian leadership within tendency atic A

Very Thin Line: The Iran The Line: Thin Very -

31, no. 1 (January 1, 1995): 1, 2. no.(January 31, 1 Israel conflict,


- energy

These two reasons reinforced and reproduced each other during other each reproduced and reinforced reasons two These 98

and Iranand Iran‘s and negotiation west nuclear over program. - program ad to mix ―requirements with―demands pragmatism‖ ad tomix of of - Contra Affairs Contra - 06

- benefits - 01/israel 96 26

However, this approach has not ever been the the been ever not has approach this However,

Foreign Affairs Foreign

(New York: Touchstone, 1992). Touchstone, (New York: 95 - iranian -

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Atomic the of Bulletin and - arabs - people. revolution, as a successful case, was was successfulcase,as a revolution, - , accessed April 29 April accessed , iran - contra sca contra

- palestinians volutionaries figured that that figured volutionaries ndal, -

and , 2015, , 97 , accessed April 29, April accessed , - gulf.

Iran‘s posture Iran‘s

attention 99

CEU eTD Collection 100 Islamicrepublic of constitution the of 5 Inarticle revolution. the yearssucceeding first the particularlycountry,in of theory ca one regime, Iranian of rhetoric revolutionary to addition In Hezbollah and create practices certain and techniques. like organisation an governmentalize to rationality political Iran‘s of part one forms tendencies force The time. the during salient more becoming was which statecraft of model western the with play inter an in governance of techniques and practices new create to began se, per government Iranian of practices some rationalizes which and revo statecraft situation, new of this In counterparts. rationality western its modern to similar governance, with binding itself found republic, Islamic of words revo the from stemmed that rationality political the words, other in Thus, reason. some for revolution the to attached felt who country the of outside communities Shia mostly those as well as country the be that governance of model a shaped and government revolutionary Iran‘s to merged incrementally, approach, pragmatic the case, any In

Constitution of Islamic Republi Islamic of Constitution lutionary mentality and supporting the idea of exporting the revolution and spreading the spreadingand revolution the exporting of idea the supporting and mentalitylutionary velayat qualifications, will assume these responsibilities in accordance with Article Article with 107. accordance in responsibilities these assume will qualifications, compose and Council, Leadership ability; administrative no that of event the In people. the possessed of majority the by leader as accepted and recognized and his hasten resourceful, God courageous, (may Age pious the and just of the Lord upon devolve nation the of the leadership and governance the reappearance), of Occultation the During 100

of Iran, roleof of the - e

- faqih faqih faqih

in forming Iran‘s political rationality and the arts of government of this this of government of arts the and rationality political Iran‘s forming in should be so recognized by the majority, the leader, or the the or leader, the majority, the by recognized so be should faqih c of Iran, article 5. c ofIran,

h i aqane wt te icmtne o hi of circumstances the with acquainted is who faqih

has been asserted:has been came a means in the hand of Iranian regime to govern govern to regime Iranian of hand the in means a came of d

27 fuqaha

mrig bten hs to different two these between marriage d

possessing the aforementioned aforementioned the possessing

n point out the role of Khomeini‘s of role the out point n lutionary mentality, mentality, lutionary s age; age; s CEU eTD Collection is revolution him. of the leader only and main a for inspiration of source the was Khomeini since Nevertheless, happen. it make to role a took and it in participated who groups and peoples 102 101 more a in and Shias, all of leader the was he Iran; the of only leader not supreme was Khomeini Thus, world. the in Shias the all for position imam‘s the take to base of theory the to According governance. of idea Khomeini‘s on based regions other to it exporting and voice Khom between link the make can One revolution. Islamic and tradition Islamic of interpretation Khomeini‘s to compatible be to supposed which one, new a to system statecraft revolutio old the replacing and country the in government Iranian the of mindset the to attached was exporting andspreadingAs a fact, therevolution of matter the idea ideological of its composition meaningless and good without honest intentions.‖ hon tactful, direct, speak I that of Because speeches his of one revolutionary. aI am diplomat, a not am―I that, asserted has west in with talk nuclear regardingthe Khomeini, after leader supreme Iran‘s Khamenei, example, recent Islami the of settingagenda and policymaking factorin dominant the still is legacy khomeini‘s but gradually, dissolve to started regime, the within rhetoric revolutionary republic. Islamic an establishing regarding ideas his of some realize to managed Iran, of leader) (supreme the as Khomeini, regime, the of pillars main the of one as position its embedded of theory the While

Khamenei’s speech regarding the nuclear talks with 5+1, 7 5+1, with talks nuclear the regarding speech Khamenei’s I used the quotation mark here to implicitly point out that the revolution, of course, was taken place by all the the all by place taken was course, of revolution, the that out point implicitly to here mark quotation the used I d on Khomeini‘s claim on ―his‖ on claim Khomeini‘s on d

Although, after the death of Khomeini his ideas and doctrine, as well as existing existing as well as doctrine, and ideas his Khomeini of death the after Although, velayat

- e velayat - major part of the people in the revolution, he, afterwards, explicitly claimed that the the that claimed explicitly afterwards, he, revolution, the in people the of part major faqih , the existence of an imam is necessary in the occultation time and and time occultation the in necessary is imam an of existence the , -

e - faqih eini‘s theory of of theory eini‘s 102

found its way into the constitution of the country and and country the of constitution the into way its found

successful revolution, he is in the right state and situationand state right the in is he revolution, successful est and determined. For me, an offer to negotiate is negotiate to offer an me, For determined. and est 28 101

th velayat

February 2013. February naries from the outset of forming a a forming of outset the from naries - e - faqih

and spreading the revolution the spreading and ambitious approach, the approach, ambitious c republic of Iran. As a a Iran.As of republic c vali - e - faqih

CEU eTD Collection Press, 2004). K informati more For Karbala’. of 'battle by murdered were companions 105 200 Press, Of Chicago University (Chicago: edition edition annotated 104 155. n.d.), Khomeini., 103 Shias year, Every world. the over all Islam Shia of branches different amongst events important in Muharram celebrate imam of martyrdom the of countries anniversary The resistance. and martyrdom other and Iran imam Shias, of in imam third the of commemoration Shias Many Shias. for Karbala Muharram in symbolized been have concepts these All i emergence its have since tradition Shia of martyrdom interpretation Iranian of core of the in been always culture the with together sacrifice and suffering, pain, of concepts The means purposes. for other a merely is region the around groups Shia govern and control, monitor, attract, to Islam Shia argument. this by explained m in be bear to can have we Nevertheless, etc. and Yemen, in Houthis Syria, and Iraq in groups Shia state, Syrian Lebanon, in Amal and Hezbollah as such groups and movements Supporting and movements, groups, regional Shia the into the evolve region the govern in communities and unite to trying subsequently and Shias, of leader the as Khamenei him after and Khomeini, placing account, this On Muslims. all of leader amran Scot Aghaie, The Martyrs o Martyrs The Aghaie, Scot amran

Janet Afary and Kevin B. Anderson, Anderson, B. Kevin and Afary Janet Sahify Muharram refers to a month in Islamic calendar when imam hossein and his seventy two comrades and and comrades two seventy his and hossein imam when calendar Islamic in month a to refers Muharram 2.3.2. - E - Imam [Collected Lectures, Interviews, and Fatwas] and Interviews, Lectures, [Collected Imam

Karbala . . . You, who have stood up for Islam and devoted your l your areproperty it], nowintheranks ofKarbala.‖ [to ofthe martyrs devoted and Islam for up stood have of who martyrs You, the . . of . blood Karbala the than precious more no is blood Our clan. his and prophet great our of custom the is This nation. Muslim the and Islam, giving fear not do dears, ―My

The cultureThe of resistance martyrdom and


f Karbala: Shi’i Symbols and Rituals in Modern Iran (University of Washington Washington of (University Iran Modern in Rituals and Symbols Shi’i Karbala: f slim caliph Yazid ibn Mu’awiyah in a battle that became famous later as the the as later famous became that battle a in Mu’awiyah ibn Yazid caliph slim Foucault and the Iranian Revolution: Gender and the Seductions of of Seductions the and Gender Revolution: Iranian the and Foucault on see: on ind that it is not a political or religious goal for Iran. Using Using Iran. for goal religious or political a not is it that ind “Battle of Karbala’ | Islamic History,” History,” Islamic | Karbala’ of “Battle

martyrs, giving life and property for God, God, for property and life giving martyrs, 29

Hossein , vol. 4 (Mo’aseseh 4 vol. , and international policy of Iran over time. time. over Iran of policy international and 105 5), 38. 5),

rituals and form the central message of message centralthe form and rituals , and endorsement of endorsement and ,

- yi Tanzim va Chap va Tanzim yi Hossein Encyclopedia Britannica Encyclopedia 103

ife and and ife

is one the most the one is

the culture of culture the - i Asar i n Iran. n - i Imam Imam i ; or, ; 104 ,

CEU eTD Collection 87. 2004), Press, Washington 109 108 107 106 non from Shah, the of oppositions the for motivator political widespread a into turned resistance and martyrdom of culture The politics. Iranian of discourse so in page new a opened and fast very regime, Shah‘s the against fighting were who communities, and groups different around spread Karbala of event the of manifesto political The political provocative most the of demonstrati one to developed ritual religious and gathering cultural paradigm. Karbala the was oppositions of discourse Shah‘s the against protests revolution.‖ political and justice social as for ―fighting interpreted be to started Muharram of message central the contends, Abrahamian as line, fo force driving radical a to tradition religious passive politically and conservative a from shifted was and doctrine politicized a to transferred tradition Shia of interpretation Iranian the 1979, of aftermath the in and revolution to leading years The Islam. Sunni of narrative the Shias, among Muharram than tradition Shia in pronounced more is rulers earthy unjust against insurgency and martyrdom of position sublime of because but traditions, expan and defending in war of conceptstwin the While societies. Muslim in resistance and martyrdom of culture the promote and minds the in aliveKarbalamemory of the so,trydoing keep in to and traditions, cases many in which Muharram, of rituals the perform

Kamran Scot Aghaie, Aghaie, Scot Kamran 5. Ibid., Abrahamian, Anderson, and Afary

ons against the Shah of Iranons against theShahof withastrongregime. politicaltohis message 106 A History of Modern Iran Modern A Historyof

Foucault and the Iranian Revolution Iranian the and Foucault The Martyrs Of Karbala: Shi’i Symbols and Rituals in Modern Iran Modern in Rituals and Symbols Shi’i Of Karbala: Martyrs The

regime, one of the most effective sets of symbols used in political in used symbols of sets effective most the of one regime,

ig h fih ad atro apas oh n un ad Shia and Sunni in both appears martyrdom and faith) the ding .


, 43., 108

109 r socio r

uigtetm fdmntain and demonstrations of time the During

uarm hc ue t b a mere a be to used which Muharram ae newvn ih local/cultural with interwoven have - political activities. political - religious groups to pious Shia Shia pious to groups religious

(University of 107

cio In the same the In

- political

(holy CEU eTD Collection 115 114 113 112 68. 111 20 Publishers, Transaction Brunswick, NJ: 110 new like Shariati and Al a second, and Muharram, of rituals anditsemphasis onmartyrdominterpretation tradition ofShia forbidden of revival the first, causes: oriented Shia of set twofold a embraces revolution the preceding months the in Iran in happened What for others int Islam Shia authentic an of possibility the open and die to option, third the chose he Thus ruler. unjust an of rule the accept nor silent remain could neither he over; win and Karbala in rival of point existentialist an with Karbala of battle the Karbala,‖ Place Every and , Day Every Muharram, Month Every ―Make Karbala, on quote famous his find still can One as Islam of interpretation very authentic an resistance for searching and was he as martyrdom appealing of culture the found professor, university a and revolution well and influential most the of one Shariati, Ali example, cemeteries.‖ of doormen the of role the to reduced were we martyrs, the to homage paying to ourselves limited and martyrdom, of possibility the up gave we day ―the follows, as Iranian famousmost writers Al Jalal ruler. unjust the against insurgency and martyrdom and resistance of culture the spreading in role its of because Muharram admired academicians and scholars conservativ to radicals and leftists from and groups,

Ibid. Anderson, and Afary Abrahamian, Anderson, and Afary Jalal Al Dabashi, Hamid

- Ahmad, Ahmad, he future. A History of Modern Iran Modern A Historyof Plagued by the West () the West by Plagued Theology of Discontent: The Ideological Foundation of the Islamic Revolution in Iran in Revolution the Islamic of Foundation Ideological The Discontent: of Theology - Foucault and the Iranian Revolution Iranian the and Foucault Revolution Iranian the and Foucault Ahmad together with Khomeini‘s emphasis together andresistance withon martyrdom ‘s left


and thinkers, admires the culture of martyrdom andemphasizes onit theculture ofmartyrdom thinkers, admires and

, 5. , 05). 113

as a slogan in Muharram celebrations in Iran. Shariati seesShariati Iran. in celebrations Muharram in slogan a as , trans. Paul Sprachman (Delmar, NY: Caravan Books, 1963), Books, Caravan NY: (Delmar, Sprachman Paul trans. , 31

. .

view. In his view, his In view. es. 110

Even the intellectual community and community intellectual the Even - known Muslim thinkers before the the before thinkers Muslim known and resistance. Hossein -

Ahmad, as one of the of one as Ahmad, a lifetime project. lifetime a 115

could not fight his fight not could

Ideas ofthinkers 111

(New In anotherIn 112


CEU eTD Collection Nationalism and Ethnicity in Studies 117 116 culture resistance tenetsas ofmartyrdom and ofrevolution one ofbasic of theory the and revolution country the of politics the in rationality this of creation in Khomeini of role the trace again can one case, any In conduct theof conduct subject. to governmentalityof techniques andpractices its Iranunderpin to of hand the in practical means war. the regarding population the of loyalty unconditional receive to people among martyrdom of culture the promote to time and money of during usage, domestic its in example, For organisations. and movements Shia foreign and population Iranian both governmentalize to rationality governmental Iran‘s in concepts main the of one became socio of fields different in policies its of many rationalize to able was regime Iranian rationality, this on Based regime. political and government resulted the and revolution Iranian of rationality political official the was resistance and martyrdom of culture the revolution, the after months few In ready thewhich tobecome the martyr justice,isdefined way of by Khomeini. of of memory the glorify and cherish to expected were Shias call, Khomeini‘s on Based revolution. the after Iran of rhetoric political and governance, of model making, policy on even impact great a had and revolutionaries Iranian the of mentality and martyrdom of culture The ideology. political its of part major a shaped and revolution Iranian the on effect substantial a

Mateo Mohammad Farzaneh, “Shi’i Ideology, Iranian Sec Iranian Ideology, “Shi’i Farzaneh, Mohammad Mateo Abrahamian,

Khomeinism . Similar to the first concept in political rationality about spreading the word of the the of word the spreading about rationality political in concept first the to Similar . the war between Iran and Iraq, Iran‘s propaganda machine investing great amount great investing machine propaganda Iran‘s Iraq, and Iran between war the

- . eco

- political iss political velayat

7, no. 1 (March 1, 2007): 86 2007): 1, 1 (March no. 7, resistance continued to be an influential factor in forming the the forming in factor influential an be to continued resistance

- e - faqih ues. As a result, the culture of martyrdom and resistance resistance and martyrdom of culture the result, a As ues. , Khomeini played a crucial role in creation of the the of creation in role crucial a played Khomeini , 117 32

ular Nationalism and the Iran the and Nationalism ular osqety Ia ad rq a becam war Iraq and Iran Consequently, Hossein – 103, doi:10.1111/j.1754

and the message of Karbala, and be be and Karbala, of message the and aries‘ political rationality. - - Iraq War (1980 War Iraq 9469.2007.tb00109.x. 116 already part of part already

– 1988),” 1988),” a e

CEU eTD Collection 119 118 it account, into discourse Shia dominant Iran‘s Taking movements. Islamic notably movements, and communities Shia with links cooperation extensive make to initiated Iran approach, this on world‘s politics the oppressed in nations of side the take to chose Iran result, a As borders. country‘s the beyond making policy of model domi peoples and societies socio and ideology this on Based Israel, forhim relationship UnitedStates, its with andglobalimperialist. ingeneral the pos Shah‘s denounce to discourse this employed groups counterparts. Sunni their as well as nations and states powerful by both oppressed were who Shias particularly countries, world third called place he camp, opposite the on and powers, and states oppressor of symbol the were Union Soviet and States United world, the of vision Khomeini‘s In time. present the discourse revolutionary to This continued nationalists. even and leftists Islamists, among revolution the the and a in speak,to so or groups, callingtwo these nations.‖ downtrodden and oppressed the and powers; arrogant and oppressor ―the camps: distinct two into simply world the in states and t people divides dynamic vision This revolution. the before groups leftist and Marxism by inspired highly is Khomeini, of ideas the to addition in view, world revolutionaries‘ Iranian The

Abrahamian, Abrahamian, 734. Islam,” Spread of Revolutionary the and “Iran Hunter, 2.3.3. mostakberin

be one of the basic tenets of official of Iran after the revolution until until revolution the after Iran of policy foreign official of tenets basic the of one be Khomeinism Anti - American, anti

(oppressors), were part of central rhetoric of revolutionary discourse before before discourse revolutionary of rhetoric central of part were (oppressors), .

nated the central narrative of Iran‘s view on its foreign relations and and relations foreign its on view Iran‘s of narrative central the nated

- eco - Israel, and anti - political account, salvation and emancipation of oppressed of emancipation and salvation account, political –

at least in rhetoricalat in level least narrower context, classes, asclasses, narrower context, 119 33

eoe h rvlto, hmii n Marxist and Khomeini revolution, the Before

- imperialist sentiments ition in the country as a king and blame blame and king a as country the in ition - 118

against powe against

o the global affairs and and affairs global the o Khomeini‘s parlance for parlance Khomeini‘s mostazafin

ms o te so the of most d r blocs. Based Based r blocs.


CEU eTD Collection 122 27 ―spiritual 121 a was revolution 120 Iranian the about things other than more Foucault impressed rat will political of form a are movements for article his in explains Foucault As practices. Islamicvarious movemen powers‘. ‗arrogant alleged these by settled mostly are that norms international the against governments and states other with bloc anti its followed Iranhas hand, other the On norms. and rules international to commitment its showed and countries other with relationship state strateg political twofold a take to had Iran way, this in dynamics and politics world‘s the visualizing of consequences the of one as However, and aotherstrategies, handful policies, of and ground. can discourses onthis justified be and an Palestinians, forIran‘s support Hezbollah, of creation Infact, eastern powers. western the against rebel to stage, second the in Muslims all for government Islamic an Shi all leadershipon of theory Khomeini‘s with line in also is It side. his on resistance of block a form and effectively more powers big the challenge to Iran allow to supposed were links commu Shia the supporting Iran see to predictable was

– Michel Foucault, “What Are the Iranians Dreaming About?,” About?,” Dreaming Iranians Arethe “What Michel Foucault, Gray, H David and Ospina V Mariano 736. Islam,” Spread of Revolutionary the and “Iran Hunter, 36. - to

- 2.3.4. state approach has two sides per se. On the one hand, Iran has maintained its diplomatic its maintained has Iran hand, one the On se. per sides two has approach state

Iran’s political rationality: A summary as in the world. Iran sought uniting all the Shias in the first place, and makes makes place,and first the in Shias the all Iranuniting sought world. the in as

ts and organizations around the world through official and semi through and official theworld around ts andorganizations


“Syria, Iran, and Hizballah: A Strategic Alliance” 5, no. 1 (January 2014): 1 (January no. 5, AStrategicAlliance” Hizballah: and Iran, “Syria,

t h sm tm, rn a tid o anan t lns with links its maintain to tried has Iran time, same the At her than an ideology with political structure. political with ideology an than her e ovl Observateur Nouvel Le - imperialist s imperialist 34

: state y:

Le Nouvel Observateur Nouvel Le

nities in the world. These connections and and connections These world. the in nities tandpoint and tried to make a resistance a make to tried and tandpoint - to - tt ad people and state h blee ta Islamic that believes he , , October 16. October , velayat - to ti - e - - people. Israel rhetoric, - faqih


- n his and 120 official official


The CEU eTD Collection worldly of narrative selective a adopted partly has Iran president, the as office in 124 123 rationalities political these of one on based revolution, the after decade first the in particularly lifetime, republic‘s Islamic during policy foreign its regarding moves and policies Iran‘s of majority explain and H like organisation an governmentalizing in government Iranian of rationality political the form and rationality of line same the along all are powers, arrogant global the against uprising and resistance, and martyrdom of culture the Islam, Shia of Khomeini‘s revolution, imamat the exporting of issue the revolutionaries Iranian for Nevertheless, but facedformidable obstacles. spirit the back bring to effort an made 2013, to 2005 from life. political Iran‘s of decades last the in time over politics of cert a from stem governmentality republic‘s Islamic of rationality political the While level. empirical to transferred and translated be not could level rhetorical in confined itself found spirituality d first the and revolution the before years last the in particularly revolutionaries, Iranian of rhetoric political the in spirituality of influence materiali practical of indication its obvious an was there despite although that mind in bear it, to have we However, dimension. in spirituality of degree certain a has Shias for deputy imam‘s twelfth the as Khomeini of position the Even it. perceive would Foucault gove revolutionary politics.‖ of dimension

Afary and Anderson, Anderson, and Afary In last two decades, started from the end of war between Iran and Iraq, and enhanced during Khatami’s period period Khatami’s during enhanced and Iraq, and Iran between war of end the from started decades, two last In ain ground spirituality,atain distancedspiritualdimension this the same has of timeitselffrom it

and leadership on Muslims based on his his on based Muslims on leadership and rnment are, more or less, along the line of spirituality in politics, in a way that waya in politics, in spiritualityof line the along less, or more are, rnment Foucault and the Iranian Revolu Iranian the and Foucault

or any sort of combination of them. of combination of sort any or 123

All the factors that mentioned above as political rationality of Iran‘s of rationality political as above mentioned that factors the All

ecade following the revolution, but in many cases this cases many in but revolution, the following ecade tion 35 velayat


- e ezbollah. One can rationalise, analyse, rationalise, can One ezbollah. - uality to political scene of the country, the of scene political to uality 124 faqih

In any case, we have to take into take to have we case, any In

theory and special interpr special and theory Ahmadi Nejad Ahmadi - accepted political rationality in in rationality political accepted , Iran‘s president president Iran‘s , tc political stic etation CEU eTD Collection (Mo’aseseh in (paraphrased). Quoted country the in priority 125 sphere. of political western more and rationality political rooted deep and old these between struggle intense the of example good a is powers world current six and Iran between rec negotiations The relations. international to and approach process making policy his in visible and bold very still is rationality of elements abovementioned of trace the polic foreign his Hezbollah has been case. a successful whe assess will I end, the At Hezbollah. governmentalize to order in concepts, mentioned above the on Iranbased by employed and created been have that pol aforementioned the practices and technologies governmental the of some on introduce I chapter, next the In rationality. based borders groups, its Shia beyond governmentalize organisations, to Iran and of movements, attempts conspicuous and evident most the one of socio the hurt and bothered has situation paradoxical This rationality. political ‗non of level certain a requires Iran of regime Islamic and principality spiri and politics of dimension spiritual a language, Foucault‘s in by, defined be canIranian regime the of objectivebasic the While arises. world. the in regime political a as principality national sovereigntyterritorial andprotec integrity,butthe central concern lies on its or Islam of ideology the protect to not is regime Islamic the of purpose main the that account

Refers to Khomeini’s famous quote on the importance of protection of the the of protection of importance the on quote famous Refers Khomeini’s to Islamic republic since 1979. However, Hezbollah and Shias in Lebanon can be considered as considered be can Lebanon in Shias and Hezbollah However, 1979. since republic Islamic - yi Tanzim vaChap Tanzim yi y and has tried to conform more than before to the international norms and rules. Nevertheless, Nevertheless, rules. and norms international the to before than more conform to tried has and y

- i Asar - i Imam Khomeini., n.d.), 221. n.d.), Khomeini., i Imam

ent (this dissertation is being written in spring of 2015) nuclear nuclear 2015) of spring in written being is dissertation (this ent Sahify

ulzn te oiia afis poetn te Islamic the protecting affairs, political the tualizing - E 125 36 - Imam [Collected Lectures, Interviews, and Fatwas] and Interviews, Lectures, [Collected Imam

- And it is exactly the point that the confusion the that point the exactly is it And friendly approach t approach friendly

ther Iran‘s attempt to governmentalize to attempt Iran‘s ther

Nezam o politics inside Iran’s higher levels levels higher Iran’s inside politics o

(Islamic regime) as the first first the regime) as (Islamic - prta‘ prah to approach spiritual‘ - political cohesion political ting the Islamic Islamic the ting

, vol. 15 vol. , itical itical

CEU eTD Collection 126 knowledge‘ ‗wrong manipulative chara alleged three pinpoint and approaches of lines and state dualisms the bridge to is does theory governmentality what it, put Lemke As rationality. governmental Iran‘s by produced is knowledgethat of form new the on based is context, relationship‘s the in truth‖ of ―politics the as functions and relationship this represents that rationality the that show I Hezbollah, and Iran between relationship the of characteristics and features different reviewing by section, this In relations this explain can theory governmentality how and case certain this in work can theory this how demonstrate I chapter, this of rest Inthe setting. neoliberal a from different is Hezbollah and Iran t try simultaneously I history, Hezbollah‘s reviewing in first, so, do to order In and relationship. their governmentalization in Iran by of Hezbollah of subjectification process the study and investigate I words, other In rationality. ba techniques and practices different Iran‘s of sense make can we how see to endeavour and Hezbollah, governmentalize to attempts Iran how understand to try I theory. governmentalizing for Iran Hezboll of rationality political the introduced I chapter, previous the In context Chapter Three:Iran, Hezbollah and governmentality in differenta

Lemke, “Foucault, Governmentality, and Critique,” 55. Critique,” and Governmentality, Lemke,“Foucault, 3.1. ah. In this chapter, I analyse IranIanalyseIn chapter, this ah.

Iran and Hezbollah rapport: A non A rapport: andIran Hezbollah hip.

cnm, n sbet n power and subject and economy,

that critiques to neoliberalism p neoliberalism to critiques that

f oit ad cnm, scn, ―neo second, economy,‖ and society of - Hezbollah rapport based on Foucault‘s governmentality governmentality Foucault‘s on based rapportHezbollah o show how the context of the relationship between relationship the of context the how show o . 126 37

h ciius o elbrls se fo three from stem neoliberalism to critiques The

- neoliberal context context neoliberal cteristics of it: first, ―[n]eo first, it: of cteristics roduce such as knowledge and power, power, and knowledge as such roduce

sed on his political his on sed - - liberalism as a a as liberalism liberalism the the liberalism

CEU eTD Collection 133 132 475 2007): 4 (December1, no. 42, 131 130 Press, 2006). University (Leiden: Amsterdam 129 128 127 themain world,… [and] vehicleIranianLebanese ofamong Shias.‖ influence Israeli wa creation, its of outset the in Hezbollah, it, put Louër As affairs. ideological and logistical, military, in locals the train and Israel against fight to Lebanon sel a them gave and revolutionaries Iranian for ground the furnished Lebanon southern of invasion Israel. against (PLO) organisation liberation Palestine support to regime entity. coherent a as function resources, other and movement. resistance a as work and structure Hezbollah‘s of dimensions and causes, goals, the contains 1982, in Israe the following months few Within 1982. and in formed was Hezbollah history Hezbollah on picture overall an give I development. first, clarity, more of sake the for He and Iran individuals.‖ on neo of effects ―destructive third, politics,‖ of domain the into economy of extension

Ibid,. Politics. Shia Transnational 2008, Laurence, Louër. Ibid. Norton, Richard Augustus Ibid. Augustus Richard Norton, “ Norton, Richard Augustus Joseph Alagha, Alagha, Joseph f - ovnig n self and convincing -

aetna cnlc ad hrfr a en t ehne rns rdnil n h Arab the in credential Iran‘s enhance to means a therefore and conflict Palestinian 205. 128


nine young revolutionaries founded Hezbollah with writing an internal treatise,which internal writingan with Hezbollah foundedyoung revolutionaries nine zbollah, I argue that the Iran the that argue I zbollah,

While 1982 has been mentioned a hasmentioned been1982 While 127 The Shifts in Hizbullah’s Ideology: Religious Ideology, Political Ideology, and Political Program Political and Ideology, Political Ideology, Religious Ideology: Hizbullah’s in Shifts The

In this study, based on what comes in follow about the relationship between relationship the about follow in comes what on based study, this In 130

it took almost two years for this organisation to shape its structure and structure its shape to organisation this for years two almost took it Hezboll - esaie xue a wl a mtvto, o epth hi fre to forces their despatch to motivation, as well as excuse, persuasive The Role of Hezbollah in Lebanese Domestic Politics,” Politics,” Domestic Lebanese in Hezbollah of Role The – 131 91.

ah: A Short History AShort ah:

Hezbollah was initially created under the supervision of Iranian of supervision the under created initially was Hezbollah

- Hezbollah relationship is peculiar per se. In any case, any In se. per peculiar is relationship Hezbollah

(Princeton University Press, 2014). Press, University (Princeton 38 s the inception year of Hezbollah by its members yearbyits Hezbollah of inception the s

s meant to be a ―proxy of Iran in the the in Iran of ―proxy a be to meant s li‘s invasion of Lebanon of invasion li‘s The International Spectator International The

132 133

n at Israel‘s fact, In - liberalism liberalism

CEU eTD Collection http://religion.info/english/interviews/article_317.shtml#.VVTZqpNQ625. 139 fromLebanon. troops of Syrian withdrawal to led protests and demonstrations 138 2015. 04 Shamsian, Payman 137 136 Syria,” 135 time.the at of Iraq Da’wa of members leading the of waswho one 134 pol its forming on was focus main Hezbollah‘s 1985 from is phase second The level. institutional in organisation the shaping of process the and organisation the for making agenda t associated be canperiod This completely. formed was organisation the when 80s phases. three into Alagha Joseph of source main the were theories his and inspiration for Hezbollah‘s ideological framework. Khomeini that claim to viable is it result, a As hand, Iran. in revolution Islamic and government Islamic on ideas Khomeini‘s or Iraq either to affiliated ideologically were 1982 in Hezbollah of members founding backgrou ideological the explains andindicates structure its and Hezbollah of emergence clergieson two these of roleThe year. same the in Lebanon to went Hezbollah, of mastermind the as assumed and Khomeini governance. of ideology the himself with brought Musawi traced be could background ideological Hezbollah

Cedar revolution refers to the events a events the refers to Cedar revolution Alagha, Nader El Nader Abbas al Abbas Sayyid Marius Deeb, “Shia Movements in Lebanon: Their Formation, Ideology, Social Basis, and Links with Iran and and Iran with Links and Basis, Social Ideology, Formation, Their Lebanon: in Movements “Shia Deeb, Marius oeh lga Lbnn Hzulh a prog a Hizbullah, Lebanon: Alagha, Joseph ThirdQuarterly World al , - 134 Da’wa The Shifts in Hizbullah’s Ideology Hizbullah’s in Shifts The - bizri, Iran and Hezbollah: How does Iran governmentalize Shia groups in the Middle East, interview by by interview East, Middle the in groups Shia governmentalize Iran does How Hezbollah: and Iran bizri,

135 h ws n o te ones f ebla, ae ak rm aa i 17 and 1978 in Najaf from back came Hezbollah, of founders the of one was who

divides the development of Hezbollah since its inception until cedar revolutioncedar until inception its since Hezbollah of development the divides hand, other the On - party also had borrowed a lot from Khomeini‘s theories in religion and politics. politics. and religion in theories Khomeini‘s from lot a borrowed had also party Musawi 139

The first phase starts from the arrival of arrival the from starts phase first The

studied in Najaf was a student of Grand Ayatollah Ayatollah Grand of student a was Najaf in studied

10, no. 2 (Apr no. 10, nd of this organisation to some extent. As a matter of fact, most of the of most fact, of matter a As extent. some to organisation this of nd

fter assassination of Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri in 2015 that a chain of of chain a 2015that in Hariri Rafiq Prime Minister of assassination fter il 1, 1988): 683 1988): il 1, , 32. , l Akba Ali - 6 until early 90s after the civil war finished. In this period period this In finished. war civil the after 90s early until 6 ressive Islamic party?, interview by Olivier Moos, May 17, 2007, 2007, 17, May Moos, Olivier by interview party?, Islamic ressive

al - Da’wa Muhtashami r itical ideology and political agenda setting. While setting. agenda political and ideology itical 39 –


back to both Najaf and Iran. and Najaf both to back at ad hmiis huhs n Islamic on thoughts Khomeini‘s and party

wo a oe f h floes of followers the of one was who ,

al - Musawi

Sayyid Mohammad Baqir al Baqir Mohammad Sayyid

to Lebanon until mid until Lebanon to al Sayyid Abbas al Abbas Sayyid 137 - Da’wa o ideology and and ideology o

On the On

party in party other - Sadr 138 136 - - ,

CEU eTD Collection 142 141 140 regions. its expanding elections, national the in parliament the to way its making through Lebanon of stage political socio the on influential more even become has Hezbollah revolution, cedar the After country. al could Hezbollah period, time. this over During changes communities and sects different from Lebanese among popularity its attacks, military external of case in country the defend and borders the secure can who Lebanon posi its settle finally could it the Although in politics. status Lebanese his in downs and ups many experienced Hezbollah revolution, cedar the After revolutionaryLebanon.militia group in and Lebanese to itself of picture different a give to started Hezbollah Consequently, members. Hezbollah‘s among support more get could Hezbollah of Lebanonization of proponents the end the at system, political official integratio of issue the over Hezbollah of cadres the among party.‖ political Lebanese to militia the transform to effort conscious a ―made leaders its of some when sphere political Lebanese the to more and more integr to phase second the in policies its followed Hezbollah revolution, cedar the until sphere.‖ public and system political Lebanese the into the of setting the agenda years of the these during movement and ideology process making political decision in action, hand upper Hezbollah‘s the of had organisation part vital a formed ideology religious

Mehrdad Farahmand, Iran and Shia groups in the region, interview by Payman Shamsian, April 25, 2015. 25, April Shamsian, Payman by interview region, the in groups Shia and Iran Farahmand, Mehrdad 807. Axis Refusal,” the of and Husseini,“Hezbollah Ibid.

charity program in the country, and broadening its military presence in different different in presence military its broadening and country, the in program charity

. During this period, as Alagha put it, Hezbollah ―integrate[d] itself ―integrate[d] Hezbollah it, put Alagha as period, this During .

self - depict the organisation as a political party rather than a a than rather party political a as organisation the depict

o nrnh t psto i te oiia see f the of scene political the in position its entrench so



In third phase, which is from early 90s early from is which phase, third In 141 n of this organisation into Lebanese into organisation this of n in on s h ol fre inside force only the as down tion

While there was an intense debate intense an was there While ate itself ate

142 -

CEU eTD Collection the case, former the 143 In se. per governmentality of technique a into turns Hezbollah case, this in So Lebanon. in Shias, mostly people, the of conduct the conduct to means a as Hezbollah commun Shia the protect and Israel against PLO support to emerged initially that Lebanon in movement Islamic an as Hezbollah consider I hand, other the On arena. political regional and national, local, in role a plays entitythat political o conduct the conduct to governance of techniques uses Iran hand, one the On elements. distinct two contains Hezbollah of governmentalizing a Lebanon, in and party political movement a both as Hezbollah o of position disposition ambivalent historical to the Due consider Lebanon. in to Hezbollah have I so, do to order In organisation. an as itself as as Hezbollah Lebanon Hezbollah well themeans inof Shias the subjectification the through of I thet discuss In section, this neoliberalism like individuals, context. Iran ra Iran‘s the while that show I time, same the at politics‖; ―spiritual a politics Iranian the makes that ―spirituality‖ by played being is context neoliberal in plays economy that role manipul a has it time same Iran differentin is power andknowledge between relationship the Iran of setting the and context differences the out point can one account, into developed as Iranian all, takingAll in qualities and ofboth politics thatHezbollah thespecific environment

Alagha, Lebanon: Hizbullah, a progressive Islamic party?; aIslamic progressive Hizbullah, Lebanon: Alagha, 3.2. - Hezbollah relationship emphasises on collective action and unity, it has a strong effect on on effect strong a has it unity, and action collective on emphasises relationship Hezbollah

Hezbollah governmentalize to attempt Iran’s rapport: andIran Hezbollah

ative character like neoliberalism; furthermore, I also claim that the that claim also I furthermore, neoliberalism; like character ative echniques of governance that have been employed by Iran employed regarding by governance been have that echniques of

Hezbollah relationship. On this account, one can argue that how how that argue can one account, this On relationship. Hezbollah

t i suh f Lebanon. of south in ity 41


Alagha, Alagha, The Shifts in Hizbullah’s Ideology Hizbullah’s in Shifts The and similarities of the neoliberal the of similarities and - Hezbollah context while at theat while context Hezbollah 143

n hs ae Ia uses Iran case, this In Hzolh s a as Hezbollah f tionality in in tionality .

f CEU eTD Collection 144 the played camps of brace ideological and material centres training military and religious o military and clergies Iranian of group a 1978, In conductboth practicalwell ofHezbollah as level. in ideological as supervision.Iranian Byrevolutionary these lodging twotechniques, regime agenda Iranian the follows that organisation an make to was aim main the but directly, Lebanon of population Shia the target not did techniques These Iran. in revolution the of dawn the since rhetoric Israel through 2) influence, ideological religious and camps training through 1) techniques: main g of process The of dynamics and functionality a governmental techniques the what and Hezbollah subjectify to tries Iran how explain briefly I First, governmentality. Iran‘s by subjected is that organisation political a as Hezbollah cases both discuss I Although governance. of target the them make and Shias, the is focus main the which in to population, Lebanese Iran the of subjectify hand the in means a is Hezbollah case, second the in and governmentality, Iran‘s of target the is organisation political a as itself, Hezbollah, case, first the Shia revolutionary a be to tends relationship the one, between relationship

Alagha, Alagha, 3.2.1. The Shifts in Hizbullah’s Ideology Hizbullah’s in Shifts The

How does Iran try to subjectify Hezbollah as a political entity?

in its policy making making policy its in overnmentalizing Hezbollah was started by exercising two distinct, very evident evident very distinct, two exercising by started was Hezbollah overnmentalizing role

Iran and Hezbollah is a modern state modern a is Hezbollah and Iran

f aig h ielg o Hzolh mntrn te rcs of process the monitoring Hezbollah, of ideology the making of re.

Iranian revolution and Khomeini‘s ideology. Khomeini‘s and revolution Iranian , 33. , without requiring any requiring without

n order in 42

to train social activists based on substantial substantial on based activists social train to fficers went to Lebanon to went fficers - based relationship. To put it differently, in in differently, it put To relationship. based

n hs td, u te an ou i on is focus main the but study, this in

- top based relationship, and in the latter latter the in and relationship, based - down direct control or constant constant or control direct down

started to

to establish to subjectification by by subjectification 144

These training These

conduct the


anti - CEU eTD Collection Hizbu’llĀh.” 147 Hizbu’llĀh 146 with explainable is 145 element first The identity. Hezbollah‘s in world, the in oppressed the divisio the about idea Khomeini‘s and resistance, and martyrdom of culture of theory Khomeini‘s of elements three trace to expect can we account, this On Iranianbetween membersto revolution. Hezbollah‘s referre be can which triumph, its before Iran in revolution Revolution.‖ Islamic the] of [victory the preceded birth its that its fact the emphasize as members party Hizbu‘llah nucleus‘, by considered is committee the Since Iran. in revolution the run the in 1979 in founded organization cultural a Revolution, Islamic the of Supportive Saad doctrine.Iranian As basedrevolution‘s cadres religious their on developed andpolitical identities through Islam on theories revolution the promoted camps training in seminaries the of environment academic whole the on ideas Khomeini‘s of influence high to due Shiism, and Islam of interpretation Khomeini‘s cadres. Hezbollah‘s the of city the in seminaries religious to youth went Lebanese many camps,training these of outcome an As the of movement/ dynamics and structure the evaluating and organisation, Hezbollah‘s of construction

Saad AmalSaad Ibid. Ghorayeb

- Ghoraye Qom ,”

Journal of Islamic Studies Islamic of Journal organisation from thebeginningorganisation from - Ghorayeb, “Factors Conducive to the Politicization of the Lebanese ShĪ’a and the Emergence of of Emergence the and Lebanese ShĪ’a the of Politicization the to Conducive “Factors Ghorayeb,

146 in Iran, and also and Iran, in b, “Factors Conducive to the Politicization of the Lebanese ShĪ’a and the Emergence of Emergence the of and ShĪ’a Lebanese the of Politicization the to Conducive “Factors b,

n diin ti cmite tgd ms dmntain n upr o the of support in demonstration mass a staged committee this addition, In explains, some founders of Hezbollah identify themselves with ―Committee ―Committee with themselves identify Hezbollah of founders some explains,


In these seminaries, particularly in particularlyseminaries, these In various



cultural and ideological programs. As a result, the Hezbollah the result, a As programs. ideological and cultural no. 3 (September 1, 2003):1, 303 3 (September no.

in Iraq, to take religious studies; among them were many of many were them among studies; religious take to Iraq, in ary ideas of Iranian revolution as well as Khomeini‘s Khomeini‘s as well as revolution Iranian of ideas ary .


Qom 147

. On the other hand, the trainers in the in trainers the hand, other the On . .

Qom a a ro t ielgcl bind ideological to proof a as d , they were exposed mostly bymostly exposed were they , n between oppressors oppressors between n velayat ‗prospective - e - - faqih up to to up , CEU eTD Collection 150 149 intervi East, Middle the in groups Shia governmentalize History 148 than rather oppressor/occupier Hezbollah result, a As time. the of (invader) oppressor the of position the in Israel put and Karbala of event the about statements rhetorical Khomeini‘s and revolution Iran‘s from Muharram of narrative political before Shah against revolutionaries of situation the and Karbala of event the between analogy an made which Hezbollah of pillar main the to turned been has and Hezbollah of character rebellion the constructed has Hezbollah and Israel between conflict prolonged The Israel. against movement resistance a as 80s of beginning wak the in emerged Hezbollah before, mentioned As duality. the localized has Hezbollah Israe against resistance the resistance. and martyrdom of culture emanates from this on rhetoric Hezbollah of most example, an As emergence. its since operations and moves Hezbollah‘s the of many the on resistance and martyrdom of culture subsequently and practice This demonstrators. hands the in everywhere found be can Khamenei and Khomeini of pictures the Hezbollah, by held are organisation this of lifetime the during Shias of imam the as Khamenei, successor his and Khomeini, to faith strong Hezbollah‘s

Ibid., 805. Ibid., Axis Refusal.” the of and Husseini,“Hezbollah See,

(Princeton University Press, 2014); Press, University (Princeton Alagha, Alagha, 149


The Shift The and against United States and Israel after Israel and States United against and , in , s in Hizbullah’s Ideology Hizbullah’s s in

Lebanese socio Lebanese used as a resistance movement. In the similar vein as of Iranian revolution, Iranian of as vein similar the In movement. resistance a as

oppressors/oppressed duality oppressors/oppressed the Karbala paradigm paradigm Karbala the

until s an as

makes and also cited in: alsocited and

- now. political scene political

piig gis te nut ruler. unjust the against uprising ; Augustus Richard Norton, Norton, Richard ; Augustus

148 people to people

For ew by Payman Shamsian, 04 2015. 04 Shamsian, Payman by ew 44

example, in the rallies and demonstrations that demonstrations and rallies the in example,

Nader El Nader to symbol to . For the second element, we can detect the detect can we element, second the For . remember o Ire‘ ivso o Lbnn n the in Lebanon of invasion Israel‘s of e ,

On the other hand other On the the revolution, Hezbollah borro Hezbollah revolution, the

- and has shifted it to invader/oppressed to it shifted has and bizri, Iran and Hezbullah: How does Iran Howdoes Iran Hezbullah: and Iran bizri, ize its ize

the Iran‘s the Hezbollah: A Short History: A Short History: AShortShort A Hezbollah:

resistance movement against movement resistance position 150 ,

for the third element, thethird for

t s etoe in mentioned is It


Hezbollah, wed the the wed l CEU eTD Collection 154 153 and 152 http://www.cfr.org/terrorist 151 created Hezbollah.‖ that there presence our were was It south. the in [w]e Shia the by flowers . and rice perfumed with accepted . . Lebanon entered we ―When Lebanon: of invasion Israel‘s before Hezbollah Mi Prime Israeli former As rationality. political its of to Iran anti for its on way based the Hezbollah governmentalize paved Israel by Lebanon of invasion the that conclude can one Hence, of protector the as itself IsrLebanon against of image persuasive a give to Hezbollah helps Lebanon and Iran, holds. he of threat the to refers Khomeini, of student channel, TV Hezbollah‘s approach. this with read be can certain a in Israel and Lebanon between memory people‘s the from vanishes re To order torepel and aggression ourexistence, defend religion, our dignity.‖ our in alert permanent of state a in more, and more are, we why is This . . . respite without so do to Z the and allies, Pact Atlantic its ―America, that, open letter, an February as publishedin 1985 was which Hezbollah manifesto,

Norton, Norton, El al TV channel’s, see Hezbollah’s information, and moreFor details Program,” Letter:The Hizballah Open “An other newspapers such asal such newspapers other - bizri, Iran and Hezbollah: How does Iran governmentalize Shia groups in the Middle East. Middle the in groups Shia How governmentalize doesIran Hezbollah: and Iran bizri, inforce it position it inforce 152 Hezbollah

n h ohr hand other the On , 33. , ael‘s threat.ael‘s 154

, Hezbollah never let its picture as the protector of protector the aspicture its neverlet , Hezbollah - organizations - eyd asn Nasrallah Hassan Seyyed akhbar, Dailystar Lebanon. Dailystar akhbar,

ionist entity in the holy land of Palestine, attacked us and continue and us attacked Palestine, of land holy the in entity ionist 153 Ire‘ agesv ad aks attd twrs Palestinians, towards attitude hawkish and aggressive Israel‘s ,

n smlr vein similar a In

- and . Even after 2000, Hezbollah has tried to keep the tension tension the keep to tried has Hezbollah 2000, after Even . Council on Council - networks/open

heated Israel and United States in almost every speech that that speech every almost in States United and Israel - American, anti American,

Foreign Relations Foreign 45

level. For example, For level.

, based on data that has been collected from from collected been has that data on based , - letter , Hezbollah‘s current leader who was a a was who leader current Hezbollah‘s , nister Ehud Barak believes, there was no was there believes, Barak Ehud nister - Manar, website: website: Manar, - hizballah - , accessed May 27, 2015, 27, accessed May , Israel and anti and Israel - program/p30967. the Shebaa farms‘ conflict conflict farms‘ Shebaa the http://www.alnour.com.lb/ Lebanese against Israelagainst Lebanese - 151 imperialist concept imperialist

, CEU eTD Collection Press, 2005, info further For variousissues. on decisions the ―exporting term the 155 while leader, supreme Iran‘s of website official the indicator, to an according as example, For time. over country the of scene political in position dominant arroga the against bloc powerful a make to Shias, particularly world, Muslim the unite consequently, and, revolution the export to speeches, official and occasions many in revolution the of onset the in revolutionaries republicIslamic of aims main the of one before, discussed As the threeIran‘s political rationality. of elements on Lebanon based in population the governmentalize Iranto of hand the in means a as Hezbollah governm Iran‘s of aspect another breakdown to try I section, this In organisation. military and entity political a as governmentalization Iran‘s targetof became the and Hezbollah was thathow explained subjectified I In section, theprevious of policies Hezbollah without the make who makers decision of board independent with entity independent an o this agendaof settingIranin Hezbollah forof support financial vehement of role the forget not should we Although revolution. the of exporting project the of part as present until Lebanon in offshoot revolutionary Iran‘s remained has in Iran of influence overarching this of Because dynamics. structural its also and members Hezbollah‘s sum, In

Nevertheless, i Nevertheless, 3.2.2. creation over time the Iranian revolutionary‘s doctrine has become the ―political truth‖ for for truth‖ ―political the become has doctrine revolutionary‘s Iranian the time over

p 191. p means?

n controversial cases, the board consults with the of Iran to make the proper proper makethe to of Iran supreme the leader with consults board the cases, controversial n How does Iran try to subjectify the Shia population by using Hezbollah

organi the of ground ideological the making and Hezbollah of direct

nt imperialist powers of the world. However, this rhetoric has lost its its lost has rhetoric this However, world. the of powers imperialist nt supervision of Iran.supervision of

rmation see: see: rmation 155 naiy rcie n eao. wn t lo at look to want I Lebanon. in practice entality

46 rganisation, but we have to consider Hezbollah as Hezbollah to considerhave we but rganisation,

N Qassem, Hizbullah: The Story from Within, London: Saqi Saqi London: from Within, Story The Qassem, Hizbullah: N

was, as it is claimed by the Iranian the by claimed is it as was, sation, Hezbollah Hezbollah sation,

as a CEU eTD Collection 158 157 http://farsi.khamenei.ir/keyword 156 the case, this In control. Hezbollah‘s under is Beirut of airport the hand, other self the in role vital a play and mind people‘s in Hezbollah keep popula the control neighbourhoods. certain in citizens the of act every monitor to organisation this for way a is Beirut, of city the of corner every in checkpoints its example, socio certain a with and events country.the in Shiism religiouspromote holds that organisation religious a and borders, the and secure Lebanon and for country fight who army an party, political a organisation, charity a as Lebanon. in organisation economic even and political Particularl in Hezbollah LebanonIran‘s circle expanded of of power political Increasing itself. state the subjectifying through state the of is Lebanon in population Lebanon. Hezbollah of destinatio first the of one was background, political case, any In in 2010. r evolution‖ was used by the supreme leader 2022 times in 1989, he only used this term 356 times times used term this 356 in1989,he times only the supreme leader 2022 usedevolution‖ was by

Farahmand, Iran and Shia groups in the region. the in groups Shia and Iran Farahmand, Alagha, in Revolution’ the “‘Exporting 156 The Shifts in Hizbullah’s Ideology Hizbullah’s in Shifts The

y after 2000, Hezbollah has turned from a mere military organisation to a social and and social a to organisation military mere a from turned has Hezbollah 2000, after y

n fact In

Lebanon, due to its demographical characteristics and special historical as well as well as historical special and characteristics demographical its to due Lebanon,

facilitated and expedited the process of governmentalization of the population in population the of governmentalization of process the expedited and facilitated , one of the techniques of governmentality for Iran to regulate the Shia Shia the regulate to Iran for governmentality of techniques the of one , tion in these neighbourhoods in Beirut. in neighbourhoods these in tion -

oiia ad eiiu identity religious and political the Hezbollah itself. It is the exemplary of the conduct of the conduct conduct the of conduct the of exemplary the is It itself. Hezbollah the Khamenei’s Speeches,” Speeches,” Khamenei’s - content?id=1647.


Therefore, Hezbollah is present in every aspect of people‘s life people‘s of aspect every in present is Hezbollah Therefore, control .

to governmentalize thepopulation. to governmentalize

47 Http://www.khamenei.ir/

ns for Iran to export export to Iran for ns hc i pcla t ti ognsto. For organisation. this to peculiar is which 157

People in Lebanon consider Hezbollah consider Lebanon in People At the same time, these checkpoints these time, same the At

Subsequently, Iran can monitor and and monitor can Iran Subsequently, - regulation of the people. the of regulation , n.d., n.d., , his


y can control and control can y rtc the protect Creation

On the the On CEU eTD Collection 161 160 159 the anti conn this in Hezbollah of role the was what But wants. and demands their fulfil to buttress main the as Iran see Lebanon in Shias The situation. the change and page Leb in population Shia with link ideological an make to managed Iran differently, it put To Lebanon. in Hezbollah through ―imperialism‖ against stance his propagated Iran fact, In emancipator. res Hezbollah with sympathised among victimhood themselves, the historydeveloped of and notion had oppressed throughout the essential the war. in regime Saddam‘s supporting were who oppressors global and imperialism of bloc whole the against fighting was Iran but Iraq, and Iran between just not was war the claim, regime‘s Iranian World.‖ Third the throughout oppression and subjugation to led have which superpowers, the and Israel of actions towards attitude hawkish Israel‘s As Lebanon. against organisation military and movement resistance a as itself identified Hezbollah Lebanon, of invasion Israel‘s the during example, another As practice checking passenger inthe of a population. the governmentalize to society the in Hezbollah airport. all this thetransfersmonitor through

Farhang Rajaee, Rajaee, Farhang Norton, Ibid. anon through Hezbollah by depicting itself as the only source of hope for Shias to turn the turn to Shias for hope of source only the as itself depicting by Hezbollah through anon

- 161 imperialist rhetoric of Iran ofimperialist rhetoric and anti

factors in governmentalizing the Shia population in Lebanon. in population Shia the governmentalizing in factors Hezbollah

Making these dualities of Hezbollah/Israel and I and ofHezbollah/Israel dualities Making these Richard Norton asserts, ―Hezbollah … positioned itself as a force resisting the the resisting force a as itself positioned … ―Hezbollah asserts, Norton Richard Iranian Perspectives Perspectives Iranian , 38. , 160

At the same time, Iran was engaged in a war against Iraq. Acco Iraq. against war a in engaged was Iran time, same the At

istance movement, thus subsequently, found Iran as a saviour or or saviour a as Iran found subsequently, thus movement, istance on the Iran on irport is afactorinself is keyirport - - Iraq War Iraq Israel sentiments among the Shias in Lebanon.Israelsentiments amongin theShias 159

48 As a result, Iranresult, presenceof As aoverarching uses this

(University Press of Florida, 1997). Florida, Pressof (University ran/global

Similar to the city check points, check city the to Similar - regulation ofthe population. regulation - ection? The answer lies on lies answer The ection? imperialism was one of the was oneimperialism of The Shia


who had been had who rding to rding


CEU eTD Collection 163 162 culture resistanceLebanon. ofmartyrdom and in the flourish to force driving influential an is) still (and was Israel against war the hand, other th permeate to Hezbollah by used that techniques few a only are resistance, and martyrdom in faith revolutionaries‘ the through triumph its gained that revolution successful a as revolutions Iran‘s depicting and tradition, Shia and Islam of liberators respe highly as Iraq and Iran between war the of martyrs the portraying occasions, different in Israel against war the of martyrs the praising and admiring Karbala, of battle the in resistance S in rituals Muharram a of role the Holding Shias. playedamong resistance and martyrdom of culture Hezbollah the promote to machine propaganda Iran, For Lebanon. in population the governmentalizing cult the example, another In the of rest the to eventually, thecountry.population in and Lebanon, in anti communities Shia his to infiltrate ideology to imperialism tried Iran Hence, imperialism. the claimed, is it S against fight Iran‘s of resemblance a Israel was against fight Hezbollah‘s regime. Iranian and revolution Iran‘s to attached the and identification this in believe to population the pushed Lebanon in Israel and Hezbollah both of presence Everyday identity. its of part as Israel‘ against ‗resistance the make to managed it star Hezbollah When Lebanon. of south the in Shias the specially Lebanese, for issue tangible a was Lebanon of annexation Israel‘s The

Ibid. El

- picture that was painted for them. At the same time, Hezbollah‘s image in Lebanon was was Lebanon in image Hezbollah‘s time, same the At them. for painted was that picture bizri, Iran and Hezbollah: How does Iran governmentalize Shia groups in the Middle East. Middle the in groups Shia How governmentalize doesIran Hezbollah: and Iran bizri,

hia communities and emphasizing on the culture of martyrdom and and martyrdom of culture the on emphasizing and communities hia

r o mrydm n rssac hs a a ra ipc on impact great a had has resistance and martyrdom of ure ted its operation as a resistance movement against Israel, against movement resistance a as operation its ted 49


Thus, for Shia population in Lebanon, the Lebanon, in population Shia for Thus, is culture amongst the people. the amongst culture is addam‘s regime, or as as regime,or addam‘s - mrcn n anti and American


On the On cted cted - CEU eTD Collection ruler‘ earthy ‗unjust have we Nevertheless, as imperialists ruler global earthy and unjust any oppressors of free be should community whole the but a in pillars, main the of one is individuals of freedom society neoliberal the in While triumph. society‘s his/her for him/herself sacrifices individual an that so community‘ of sake the for ‗sacrifice to associated highly is resistance and governmentality first the governmen rationality this to pra associated his and rationality political Iran‘s Reviewing populations. Lebanese and Ichapter,discuss this farin So Lebaneseonly valid andpolitical knowledge true some partssociety. inHezbollah of the the as rationality and ideology its entrench and establish can Iran case, this In governmentality. self reinforced a exercise Hezbollah Thus, government. of technique a and governmentalization of subject the th both is Hezbollah case, this In itself. population Hezbollah over governmentalization Iran‘s of effectiveness the over power governmentalization, governmental Iran‘s of the subject exercising the are Lebanon in population Shia both since and hand, Hezbollah other the On Hezbollah. of help the with successful and effective become non as well as Shia over power governmental Iran‘s sum, In 3.3.

differences Neolib glance tality and Iran‘s governmentality Iran‘s and tality - euain technique regulation , the issue of individualism individualism of issue the , eral governmentality vs. Iran’s governmentality: Similarities and and Similarities governmentality: Iran’s vs. eral governmentality splits

in a wider scope wider in a from Iran‘s governmentality. As discussed before, the ide the before, discussed As governmentality. Iran‘s from to bear in mind that in both governmentalities, the body of the h the of body the governmentalities, both in that mind in bear to ed

eel te iiaiis n dfeecs ewe neoliberal between differences and similarities the reveals

different aspects of Iran‘s governmentality power on Hezbollah Iran‘spoweron governmentality of aspectsdifferent

n tef y en a ehiu o gvrac fr Iran‘s for governance of technique a being by itself on Shia society, freedom of individuals is not the priority, the not is individuals of society,freedom Shia

regarding a b cniee a the as considered be can 50

Hezbollah and Lebanese populations. Lebanese and Hezbollah - Shia popul Shia rough Hezbollah enhance the the enhance Hezbollah rough

n his in

point point ations in Lebanon has has Lebanon in ations . Iran has positioned positioned has Iran . oiia rationality. political where a of martyrdom martyrdom of a tcs ht are that ctices

neoliberal uman is uman


CEU eTD Collection 164 applying empiricall theterm tak other the on and reason, in inherent value absolute an positing hand one the on without ‗rationalization‘ of notion intrinsic an of speak can one believe don‘t ―I that, states a techniques different produces and rationality neoliberal from different totally is governmentality Iran‘ of rationality Iran of and governmentality Iran‘s governmentality, neoliberal between differences some are there although conclusion, a As broader scope economy. political of part counter neoliberalism as role same the plays spirituality rationality, governmental separately or politics functions no neoliberal that is in there economy and While politics Iran. in in interwoven completely made is is economy that governmentality knowledge political a of dimension political rationality governmental Iran‘s hand, other the On the see individuals subjectified martyrdom qualityspeak, asan emancipation and,theroadtofreedom. soto the result, a As martyrdom. is freedom individual of ways that believe to individuals the making and martyrdom of concept the praising by body docility of target the

Foucault, “Questions of Method,” 79. Method,” of “Questions Foucault,

ebla rltosi. oehls, e ae o er n id ht h political the that mind in bear to have we Nonetheless, relationship. Hezbollah hs n rnsrtoaiy efc h ocp o prta politics spiritual of concept the face we rationality Iran‘s in Thus, . –

is bind to and interwoven with politics. toandinterwovenwith politics. is bind

nd subjects. And it is the most the is it And subjects. nd practice. Iran‘s governmentality, based on Shia tradition, makes a docile docile a makes tradition, Shia on based governmentality, Iran‘s practice. ya completely arbitrary in way, but

one can claim that claim can one

I n

other words, spirituality words, other rm h ohr n. Simil one. other the from 51

the governmentality can work in the context context the in work can governmentality the is based on the notion of notion the on based is interesting point in this study. this in point interesting

‖ 164 –

h rl that role the

or ideology or arly,

n Shia in


which represents a a represents which economy ―spirituality‖, as a a as ―spirituality‖, ing the risk of risk the ing -

ae Iran‘s based

which is the is which A s Foucault s one of the of one

plays in in plays

CEU eTD Collection organisations East Middle the in organisations Shia various on power governmental his exercised has Iran Although of modes and practices, techniques, subjectification theory. suitable tothis interesting very produces it that also but framework, rationality political defined the only not that contend I result, a As case. specific this in works it how explained and relationship, Iran of case the in applicable is theory governmentality why showed I study this In with anddifferences fro make distinctive it that the of shares it context that similarities the the analysed define I Afterwards, to Hezbollah. and tried Iran I between relationship step, last the In rationality. this of elements different i Iran by employed are that techniques governmental the and rationality political Iran‘s the explaining through Hezbollah and Iran of case the in work can theory governmentality they how and pro Iran to of function statehood and politics the in emerged they how explained I them, of antiAmericanand Anti 3) tradition, Islam, of perspective Khomeini‘s from of concept the spreading and period, 1979 post the in revolutionaries Iranian by ethos revolutionary and revolution the Exporting 1) rationality: political Iran‘s for elements first so, do to order In theory. governmentality Foucault‘s through Hezbollah and Iran between relationship the explain to tried I study, this of goal main the As Conclusion –

duce the political rationality of Iranian regime. Furthermore, I discussed how how discussed I Furthermore, regime. Iranian of rationality political the duce it is not accurate to claim that Iran seeks to create a Shia empire in the region the in empire Shia a create to seeks Iran that claim to accurate not is it o Ia fntos ey el ihn h governmentality the within well very functions Iran for - Israeli sentiment along with anti Israelialongwith sentiment –

with Hezbollah being only one of these groups and and groups these of one only being Hezbollah with

2) The culture of resistance and martyrdom in Shia Shia in martyrdom and resistance of culture The 2) m aneoliberalcontext. 52

- imperialist stance.Foreach imperialist

f l, itoue three introduced I all, of groups, movements, and and movements, groups, n accordance to accordance n velayat –

Hezbollah - e - faqih

CEU eTD Collection isil Jazeer Al on piece Dabashi’s Hamid YorkPost 165 studies, immigration be issues, terrorism,etc. a thescholarship. contribution can valuable andto other to such relations international of disciplines research this extending result, a As organisations. and movements various socio through their in role key a plays Iran where Yemen and Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, the comprehend to helpful very be can theory Governmentality Syria. and Iraq today‘s in particularly region, the in groups various with relationship Iran‘s understand H oneattempts making ofthese toincreaseand hispower, not aempire. Shia regional as justified be can Hezbollah with relationship Iran‘s Hence, power. regional his reinforce and it. of that believe I model contrary, Shia a time this but power, imperial its regain to seeking is Iran that claim Iran thinkers whothereare and somecountries, scholars andnuclear western talksbetween regi his as groups these governmentalizing through wvr tee s ne fr ute rsac bsd n oenetlt ter i odr to order in theory governmentality on based research further for need a is there owever,

- For more For 150522062050503.html , February 1, 2015, http://nypost.com/2015/02/01/the 2015, 1, February ,

information in this debate see, see, debate this in information

. Iran only uses Shia Islam to expand his circle of influence in the region region the in influence of circle his expand to Islam Shia uses only Iran


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