
1 Click Whatto edit copy should you do? What is a ?

A biological product that safely induces an immune response to protect against disease upon exposure to the targeted infectious agent.

Vaccines must contain some part of the infectious agent for the immune system to target. Vaccine Categories

Active Inactivated (Killed”

Attenuated Vector Vaccines Parts of Infectious Agent Inactive Whole-agent • Measles, mumps, • vaccine Vaccines (MMR) • Certain COVID-19 vaccines • • Chickenpox vaccine o Johnson & Johnson/Janssen • Certain flu vaccines • Shingles vaccine •

Subunit Vaccines mRNA Vaccines • Certain flu vaccines Certain COVID-19 vaccines • Tetanus “shot” o Moderna • Pneumonia vaccine o Pfizer How do vector COVID-19 vaccines work?

Spike protein is made; Spike protein the immune system is Gene for spike protein activated to recognize the spike protein

Virus that causes Insert the spike protein COVID-19 gene into the vector

Vector Vaccine (a harmless virus) The engineered virus cannot spread and does not cause disease How do mRNA COVID-19 vaccines work?

mRNA used to mRNA make spike enters protein cells

mRNA is a natural molecule found in cells Vaccine

mRNA for a viral protein is coated to protect It and help it enter cells I’m asked a lot of Didn’t they questionsI about Could these kinda rush COVID vaccines… vaccines this? cause COVID?

I’m unlikely to get severe COVID disease; Would you why should I get vaccinated? vaccinate your kid? Can these vaccines change our DNA? Not so new...

As of this week, more than 95 million people in the U.S. have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine

Vector vaccines have been in development since the 1970s; FDA approved Erbevo in 2019

mRNA vaccines have been in development for the past 20 years and have been tested in humans for several viruses (rabies, influenza, cytomegalovirus, and Zika)

Looking Ahead

SARS-CoV-2 is here to stay…new strains expected and boosters will be necessary

mRNA have new wings…diverse applications possible