International www.impoourtorg court System


Presiding: President of the ICC, Emperor Rob Surreal Executive Board:

Executive Director/Chair Nicole Murray Ramirez President Robert Lack 1st Vice President Nicole Diamond 2"d Vice President John Carrillo Recording Secretary Misty Blue Corresponding Secretary Destiny Childs Treasurer Freeda Bangkok Scholarship Chair Terry Sidie

Call to Order: 9:03am Roll Call: 2

ICC Member City Present Excused Anni Coque I' ll Doo Alameda, CA Barbie LaChoy Ft. Lauderdale, FL "-.J Bill Mitchell Phoenix, AZ -.J Bobby Childers Salk Lake City, UT -.J Bunnie Cruse Albuquerque, NM -.J Carmine Emilio Caruso Boise, ID -.J Charles Rozanski Denver, CO -.J Cookie Von Shigglesworth Washington, DC -.J Danielle Logan -.J Darnel le of Wakanda San Diego, CA -.J Destiny B. Childs Washington, DC -.J Doug Snow Fox Tacoma, WA -.J Dustin D. Cobwebs B. Childs Hartford, CT -.J Freeda Bangkok Cincinnati, OH -.J Fred Worsham Lexington, KY -.J Harrington New York, NY -.J Helen Twelvetrees Las Vegas, NV -.J Hope Jewel Halston Reno, NV -.J Jason Dickson Vanderbilt -.J Jaylene Tyme BC Jerry Coletti Munro , CA "-.J John Carrillo San Francisco, CA -.J Just Jack New York, NY -.J Kaleo Tevaitea Ramos Hawaii -.J Karina Samala Los Angeles, CA -.J Landa Lakes San Francisco, CA -.J Logan Storm Providence, RI -.J Mark Allen Surreal Spokane, WA -.J Misha Rockafeller Sacramento, CA/Portland, OR -.J Misty Blue San Francisco, CA -.J Nathan Page San Francisco, CA -.J Nicole Diamond Lexington, KY -.J Peter Storm Bellingham, WA -.J Petty Cash Cincinnati, OH -.J Reba MacEnwhat Boise, ID -.J Robert Buckner Ft. Worth, TX -.J Robert Haggard , WA -.J Rob Surreal Spokane, WA -.J Ronda Pacheco Seattle, WA -.J Russel Roybal Washington. DC Savannah Devereaux Providence, RI -.J " Scot Fromeyer Cincinnati, OH -.J Steve 0 Ogden, UT -.J Stephanie Paul Denver, CO -.J Terry Sidie Sacramento, CA -.J Tiger Lily San Francisco, CA -.J Tina Louise Sapphire Dior Vancouver, WA -.J Topher Daniels Albuquerque, NM -.J Tree New York, NY -.J 3

Opening: San Diego Monarchs in attendance were recognized and welcomed the members of the ICC to San Diego and to weekend. Members of the Privy Council Nelda and Michael G. were acknowledged being present, and Queen Mother wished Heir Tiger Lily of San Francisco a Happy Birthday.

Voting done to confirm the pt and 2nd in line of succession. Ballots were tallied by Privy Council members Nelda and Michael Gaffney. Queen Mother discussed the ICC with two sides the "monarchy side" and the "nonprofit side" Queen Mother Welcomed back Empress Jaylene and named her third in line of succession.

2nd in line of succession voting/confirmation results: John Carrillo 38 yes votes/2 no votes Freeda Bangkok 34 yes votes/7 no votes.

2nd in line of succession confirmed.

I st in line of succession voting/confirmation results:

Rob Surreal 31 yes votes/10 no votes Nicole Diamond 29 yes votes/11 no votes/ 1 abstain

I st in line of succession confirmed.

Queen Mother spoke about the history of our community and the nation, struggles we have experienced, Stonewall, etc. A Special commission will be formed to include Kaleo (chair), Jaylene, Bunnie, Danielle, Landa and Karina to honor the Native American, and a "spiritual" moment at .

Queen Mother spoke about the Royal Family of Hawaii and creating the Royal Heritage Commission who will have a proposal in 3 months to incorporate more of the Hawaii tradition and culture into coronations/recognitions by the courts. "Hawaii" Flag should be present with presentation of colors were suggested. Video presentation on Royal Family and History of Hawaii presented by Kaleo.


Destiny B. Childs made motion that when Hawaii Delegation is present at a coronation, Hawaii Flag is part of Flag presentation Seconded by Jerry Coletti

Vote: 40 yes I 1 opposed/motion passed

Bobby Childers made motion that at Coronations there is a special invocation honoring the Native Americans, and Kaleo is Chair of the Royal Heritage Commission Seconded by Destiny B. Childs

Vote: 41 yes/motion passed Welcomed Guests:

Todd Gloria from CA State Assembly who presented the Out of State Heirs with Honorary California certificates. Todd welcomed all to San Diego and thanked everyone in attendance. Lorena Gonzales was introduced as the hopeful "next secretary of state", thanked everyone in attendance. 4

Secretary Report: Motion:

Minutes as presented from Las Vegas Meeting, motion to approve by John Carrillo. Seconded by Destiny B. Childs

Vote: 41yes/ 0 no. Motion passed.

Treasurer Report:

Freeda Bangkok sent our reports. Reports attached to Minutes. No comments regarding the treasurer report.

Discussion on ICC Audit and awaiting quotes reviewed.

Open Dialogue:

Boston: Verna from ICMA reported on the embezzlement/Criminal Complaint was filed. ICMA (Boston) on 2 year probation. Verna named Protector of the Realm of Massachusetts, by Queen Mother. They will provide quarterly reports to the ICC. icole Diamond is assigned as Heir representative to support ICMA during this time. Verna informed ICC, two payments have been received at this time to return funds. Nathan Page was appointed Chair to develop Best Practice on Financials for the Courts.

Election of Officers: Officers who seats are up for re-election are Rob Surreal, Freeda Bangkok and Misty Blue and the Canadian Minster which will be part of the Executive Council.

Office of President: Rob Surreal ominated by Destiny B. Childs and seconded by Ronda Pacheco. Rob accepted nomination.

John Carrillo declined nomination at this time.

Vote 40 yes/l abstained. Rob Surreal Confirmed at President

Office of Treasurer: Cookie Von Shigglesworth nominated Freeda Bangkok, seconded by Jerry Coletti. Freeda accepted nomination.

Vote: 38 yes/l no/2 abstain. Freeda Bangkok confirmed at Treasurer.

Office of Recording Secretary: Destiny B. Childs nominated Misty Blue. Seconded by Jerry Coletti. Misty Blue accepted nomination

Vote: 40 yes/l abstained. Misty confirmed as recording secretary.

Office of Canadian Minister: Bunnie Cruse nominated Jaylene Tyme. Seconded by Karina Samala. Jaylene accepted nomination.

41 yes/O no. Jaylene Confirmed as Canadian Minister. 5

2019 Projects Discussed. (see attached documents)

Camp Aranu'tiq - video presentation on camp presented by Danielle Logan. Fundraising will focus on scholarships for the Camp.

Trans Empowerment

Commemorating 50 years since Decriminalization of in Canada

-Pin presented and Queen Mother suggested support from all the Canadian Courts prior to the ICC committing to developing the pins.

Stonewall 50 (continued)

GLBT Vote 2020

Book of the Courts History.

Old Business: (reports attached for the following)

Nathan Page reviewed Court Conference in Las Vegas lessons learned, live stream and hopes for future conferences.

Jose Sarria Scholarship:

Harvey Milk Ship:

This year the ship will began. Per Queen Mother will receive quarterly reports on progress and in 2020 there will be a three day celebration with dedication and ICC will be invited with prominent seating in San Diego, CA.

Canadian Affairs:

Bayard Rustin Stamp:

IT Web and Social Media:

Hall of Fame:

Year of the Women:

Branding/ Marketing: Project "Erase the Hate":

GLBT Vote:

Stonewall 50:

Imperial Court Fights Cancer 6

New Business:

The Line of Succession was reviewed:

1st in Line of Succession: Rob Surreal and Nicole Diamond

2nd in Line of Succession: John Carrillo and Freeda Bangkok

3rd in Line of Succession: Just Jack and Jaylene Tyme

4th in Line of Succession: Bobby Childers and Karina Samala

5th in Line of Succession: Peter Storm and Misty Blue

6th in Line of Succesion: Scott Fromeyer and Destiny B. Childs

7th in Line of Succession: Jason Dickson and Cookie Von Shigglesworth

Request made by Misty Blue to develop guide book for heirs. Empress Destiny B. Childs, Empress Barbie LaChoy and Empress Reba MacEnwhat will work on developing.

Next meeting will be in Lexington, KY. Fall meeting will be in Washington, DC. Queen Mother made commitment to hold Summer 2020 meeting in Albuquerque NM.

Meeting adjourned at 12:40pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by:

Absolute Empress XLIX Misty Blue,

Recording Secretary- ICC 7:07 PM The International Court Council, INC 01/27/19 Balance Sheet Accrual Basis As of January 27, 2019

Jan 27, 19 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 10000 ·Chase Checking 10001 ·Chase General Fund 9,531.56 10053 · Harvey Milk Ship Campaign 487.19 10054 · Stamp Campaign 1,575.20 10055 ·Jose CA Hall of Fame 500.00 10056 · GLBT National Archives 1,000.00 10058 · Stonewall 50 2,790.00 10060 · Legal Expense Fund 5,000.00 10062 · CourtCon 1,000.00 10063 · Scholarship Funds for BGCF 6,000.00 10064 · Scholarship Funds to Savings 10064A · Matching Scholarship Funds 2017 3,779.95 10064B ·Queen Mothers Charity Fund 54.83 10064C · Individual Jose Scholarship 5,945.08 10064 · Scholarship Funds to Savings - Other 4,503.16 Total 10064 · Scholarship Funds to Savings 14,283.02 10065 · GLBT National Network USA 1,451.00 10067 · Matthew Shepard Foundation 890.00 10068 · ICC International Pride Contest 891.85 10000 · Chase Checking - Other 11 ,973.28 Total 10000 · Chase Checking 57,373.10

Total Checking/Savings 57 ,373 .10

Total Current Assets 57,373.10

TOTAL ASSETS 57,373.10 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity 30000 · Opening Balance Equity 56 ,274.44 32000 · Unrestricted Net Assets 17,903.55 Net Income -16,804.89 Total Equity 57 ,373.10



Jose Julio Sarria International Scholarship COMMUN1TY Endowment Fund FOUNDATION 0640 WE'RE IN IT FOR GOOD January 1, 2018 - January 27, 2019


Beginning 146,713.01 Balance Gifts to Fund 42,616.34 Total Gifts to Fund 42,616.34 Investment Activity

Interest and Dividends 6,136.98 Realized Gains (Losses) 368.00 Unrealized Gains (Losses) (17,892.77) Total Investment Activity (11,387.79) Disbursements Grants 0.00 BGCF Community Support Fee (2,489.82) Other Charitable Expenses (25.00) Total Disbursements (2 ,514.82)

Ending Balance 175,426.74

Amount Available for Grant Making 4,808.17


Gifts to Fund Date Description Amount 2/27/2018 International Court Council 22, 116.34 11/30/2018 Mr. Wayne Swope 500 .00 1/2/2019 Rainbow Festival Inc. 20,000.00 42,616.34 . •• • December 2018

Dear Queen Mother Nicole and Members of the Imperial Court Council :

My name is Chase . I am 11 years old and I am .

I want to tell you about Camp Aranu'tiq, a summer camp in New Hampshire where transgender and gender-expansive kids like me can feel at home.

The first time I went to this camp, I was 9 years old. I had never been around so many kids just like me - kids whose brains are hearts don't match the bodies we were born with.

I got to meet other trans kids and talk about things I can't talk about with my friends at home. We could all ask questions, share experiences, and give recommendations to each other . • Sometimes we help each other kids deal with being trans and talk about how to come out to ·• their friends and others. For some kids, this is their only chance all year to be their true selves. Sometimes both of their parents aren't supportive, sometimes they're in a school where they can't transition, and sometimes the community won't accept them.

This camp is also a chance just to have fun and be kids. There are tons of activities like rock climbing, archery, swimming, boating, ropes course, crafts, soccer, football, and campfires.

Camp Aranu'tiq was so great that I have gone every summer for the last 3 years. But I know not every kid can have that chance. I know about the Imperial Court System and see all of the great work you do to help others here and San Diego and in so many other places. I hope that you can help other kids like me afford to go to Camp Aranu'tiq.

This camp helps kids by making them feel happy and safe. It makes us feel like we're not alone, and not the only one who is going through this experience.

At campfire, we sing the camp song: "This harbor is safe I This harbor is warm I This harbor is where I can weather a storm I This harbor begins with you and me I And there's no place I'd rather be ."

It's true. I felt safe and I felt at home there. The friends I made at camp will be my friends forever- we stay in touch, have a group chat, and help each other with problems we can't talk about with other friends. Camp Aranu'tiq creates a community for kids who often feel alone.

Please help give other kids like me a chance to have that experience.

Thank you for listening to my story and for everything you to do help so many people. I

Camp Aranu'tiq was the first-ever summer camp established for transgender and gender­ variant/gender-nonconforming youth.

Nick Teich, PhD, LCSW, founded Camp Aranu'tiq in 2009 as a nonprofit organization. It began as a weeklong program in 2010 at a rented site with 40 campers, and has grown to serve over 500 campers each summer at its very own home in New Hampshire.

Besides being a member of the trans community and a social worker, founder and CEO Nick Teich spent 13 years as a camper, CIT, counselor, and camp administrator prior to starting Aranu'tiq in 2009. Nick works full-time, year-round on Camp Aranu'tiq/Harbor Camps along with Associate Director of Operations Eric Knudsen and Facilities Manager Steve Jaeger. The campers, volunteers, and staff are Harbor Camps' only focus and passion 365 days a year!

Nick and the Board established Harbor Camps in 2014 upon purchasing the 116-acre New Hampshire property through a multi-million dollar capital campaign. Harbor Camps encompasses Camp Aranu'tiq, its largest and its "anchor camp," as well as Camp Seneb, a one­ week camp for kids with skeletal dysplasia and an additional one-week camp beginning in 2019 for kids with facial differences. All camps are directed by Nick and his team. Mission and Values

Camp Aranu'tiq's mission is to build confidence, resilience, and community for transgender & gender-variant youth and their families through camp experiences.

We have up to 130 campers per session. We have campers from 41 states and six countries!

Our goal is never to tum away a camper or family who may not be able to attend for financial reasons. In the summer of 2017, we gave out over $73,000 in assistance from individual donors.

9 2 % 0 F CAMPERS said that they feel more confident in themselves than before attending Aranu'tiq

97% OF CAMPERSsaidtheyfeelliketheyarepartofa community more now than before attending Aranu'tiq

We value holding a space where kids can be kids and many of the worries of everyday life are gone. We are not a therapeutic camp; our camp is purposely "just camp" where our kids can be themselves and enjoy each other and the activities without a requirement of discussing or defending why they are the gender they are.

We build confidence, resilience, and community for our campers by way of our campers:

• Living communally in a bunk with others

• Having face-to-face relationships with one another (no electronics!)

• Participating in fun and challenging outdoor activities in a noncompetitive atmosphere

• Leaming that they are strong and have unlimited possibilities as trans/gender-

nonconforming people

• Learning to be independent and to step outside their comfort zone

• Making lifelong friendships

Nick, the assistant directors, and leadership team are hands-on every day at camp, communicating with campers, counselors, and parents. Our volunteer camp counselors are in the bunks and the activities with the campers. Many of our staff and volunteers are trans and gender­ variant/nonconforming, and all serve as great role models. We keep a 4:1 camper to counselor ratio in the bunks and in activities. · Our staff and volunteers work in all different sectors in their everyday lives. They must have experience with and a passion for working with kids first and foremost, and each of them has a personal connection to the trans community in some way. Please see volunteer/work with us for more information on our counselor requirements. · "L. lives for camp . It is truly his sacred space and we acknowledge him going is the only thing that truly heals him after 49 weeks of trying to be who he is. THANK YOU for loving these children and providing them with their sanctuary!" -Diane Drew Angerer/ Getty Images News/ Getty Images

• National Center for Transgender Equality • Lambda Legal • Transgender Law Center • Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund • Trans Lifeline • The Law Project • The National LGBTQ Task Force • Transgender American Veterans Association • Immigration Equality Action Fund • Trans Student Educational Resources • The Trans Justice Funding Project • El/La Para Trans Latinas • TGI Justice Project • Brave Space Alliance • Trans Youth (TRUTH) Program • Trans Women of Color Collective • Casa Ruby • Trans Sistas Of Color Project • BreakOUT! INTERNATIONAL COURT SYSTEM EST. 1965

"Throughout the 20 years we have been working to erase hate in honor of our son Matt, Dennis and I have been incredibly fortunate to have the support of countless chapters of the Imperial Court System and literally hundreds of individual members we have been privileged to meet and work with. In addition to raising hundreds of thousands of dollars of vital funds for the Foundation's programs against hate crimes, discrimination and bullying, your Courts and their members are among the kindest, most loving members of our community, and we are privileged to have you as friends. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything you do for so many important causes and charities. You are making the world a better place and we are honored that you have chosen to be such an important part of our work." Judy Shepard

The International Imperial Court System graciously adopted The Matthew Shepard Foundation I as their nonprofit organization of choice for 2018. Their goal was to raise $100,000 to support MSF's mission to Erase Hate­ and the Courts came through! In fact, they blew the heel off $100K the Great Fund raising Stiletto'" !

SSOK , Gommemoratingso Since The Decriminalization Of Homosexuality in Canada


Commemorating The Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1968-69, which decriminalized homosexuality in 1969. Initially introduced by then Minister of Justice, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the bill was described by John Turner, Trudeau's successor as "the most important and all-embracing reform of the criminal and penal law ever attempted at one time in this country." Trudeau himself, by then the Prime Minister, famously defended the bill by telling reporters that "there's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation", adding that "what's done in private between adults doesn't concern the Criminal Code".

June 27m, 2019 marks 50 years of this very important amendment in Canadian law. It finally allowed LGBT+ Canadians the freedom to exist as we were, without worry of prosecution. We honour those who laid the groundwork and gained victories for our equality under the law. We also honour those who, thanks to these equalities, are able to make a difference in our communities on a daily basis.

Featuring the face of Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, this medallion is an important keepsake of this momentous anniversary, commemorating the civil victories that were hard-fought for through the sacrifice of many LGBT+ Canadians and our allies. 'Commemorating so Since The Decriminalization Of Homosexuality In Canada

Our proposal requests of the International Imperial Court System to commission the production of these commemorative medallions.

These medallions would be made available to Courtiers across the ICS for a proposed purchase price of $15.00 each.

We request that 100% of sales be donated to Rainbow Railroad Canada, a LGBT+ refugee assistance program. As Canadians have always been very supportive of ICS initiatives which historically benefit US charities. We believe that donating funds to a Canadian-based humanitarian organization will reinforce that the JCS is indeed an international organization, working to strengthen the bonds between our two great nations.

Estimated costs follow; 250 500 750 1,000 Condor Creations $7.59 $5.89 $5.29 $4.94 All About Coins - $5.90 $4.54 $4.54 $4.32

The interest in these medallions since being revealed on our personal Facebook profiles has been overwhelming. Courtiers from across the JCS have already been in contact with us to be put on a 'waiting list' if the medallions are produced.

The support thus far from members of the ICC has been truly inspiring, and we thank each of you.

Yours in service, Imperial Court Fights Cancer 2018

Co - Chair: Destiny B Childs, Cookie Von Shigglesworth, Dustin D Cobwebs Committee Members: Peter Storm, Savannah Devereaux, Precious Cargo, Kieron Keegan

Meetings: Monthly Communication: Facebook Group Page

Too many of our members have been affected by cancer in some form. The ICS should use our collective voice to raise awareness and a quite possibly a substantial amount of funds for Cancer Research.

At the Imperial Court of Washington, DC's Victory Brunch on Sunday, September 10•h I helped kick off the fundraising for Reign VI by holding an impromptu fundraiser. After sharing the story behind why my parents were unable to attend coronation due to my father's recent cancer diagnosis, we passed a large cookie jar around the restaurant collecting donations. In 10 minutes time, we raised just over $700 to be donated to Stand Up To Cancer. Our newly crowned Emperor Romeo Dennis Chalet Twist issued a challenge to the room that if $1000 was raised he would shave his head to raise awareness for cancer and those affected by it. With the generosity of our Queen Mother Nichole the Great and additional members the final total was over $1300 raised. At victory party, myself with the assistance of his Majesty Harrington from New York shaved his Majesty Romeo's head which we live streamed on Facebook for all to see. During this, another member of the ICWDC said that if another $1000 was raised he would also shave his head.

Since the initial posting of the video I have spoken with several individuals throughout the ICS who have personally been touched by cancer and have indicated that they have either considered or would shave their heads to raise awareness and funds for cancer research. During a conversation with Emperor Dustin D Cobwebs of CT, the following idea was sparked and unanimously voted on as an ICC Campaign at the ICC Meeting in Cincinnati:

For 1 year, the ICS will Fight Cancer (ICSFC). Like the Ice Bucket Challenge, This promotes collaboration between courts while also raising a collective voice against a disease that has touched so many of our lives. At the end of the 1-year period, one check would be presented to Stand Up To Cancer on behalf of the entire res along with a photo collage of everyone who shaved their head (wearing their //etc.).

This is an opportunity for us to both show support for our own brothers and sisters but also those in the greater community as a whole. The possibility of the impact we could make is both exciting and inspirational.

Project goals: 1. Shave your Head for Cancer videos - respective chapters and members throughout the ICS would raise a set amount of funds to be donated to Stand Up to Cancer. Upon meeting the goal, said individual would video tape having their heads shaving then challenging someone else to do the same. 2. Promote the #ICSFC throughout social media and court chapters 3. Sell lapel pins and car magnets. A second batch of pins was ordered due to the great success of the first batch. 4. Encourage all chapters to hold an event benefiting cancer. Several chapters have held events including Zumba Marathons along with hosting breast cancer awareness fundraisers during the month of October. Final Report: 1. Thank you to all the members who promoted, held events, sold pins, etc. 2. Total raised to date: $10,000.00!!!!!!! Goal reached! 3. Total individuals shaved their heads - 7 across 5 chapters; Discussion on a larger end of the year push. 4. Cancer Ribbon car magnets and pins helped to reach our goal. are available for council members to sell at a price of $s.oo- thank you Kieron for the magnets. 5. Lapel pins available for $s.oo a pin. 6. All money for pins/magnets and fundraisers sold must be turned in to Freeda. 7. Received suggestion about continuing the project with a focus on prevention/detection and education. Feedback and thoughts welcome. San Diego 2019 ICC Meeting

Project: California Hall of Fame

Status: Request from previous State Director, did not provide copies of letters that were sent in past.

New Governor of California- Gavin Newsom will make selection Fall of 2019

Update to Campaign Cards with new information on Governor, State Director Misty Blue

Call to Action to all courts to write letters, seek out new elected officials to write letters of support, businesses and organizations.

Queen Mother Nicole will update in San Diego of additional information as needed.

Information on the Criteria for Hall of Fame:

All nominees must meet all of the following required criteria for consideration: • Lived in California for a minimum of 5 years; • Transcend the boundaries of his or her field to make a lasting , significant contribution to the state, nation and world; • Embody the spirit of California and the California Dream; • Motivate and inspire people to further their own dreams through his or her unique story and accomplishments

The California Hall of Fame celebrates inductees by:

Installing the inductees into the California Hall of Fame institution in a formal state ceremony each year, at which inductees (or their families, if a posthumous award) receive the Spirit of California medal;

Making inductees and their accomplishments part of the permanent record in the California State Archives;

Recording the unique stories and personal achievements of inductees in an exhibit at The California Museum, serving as the visual, encyclopedic record of the California Hall of Fame, to which new inductees are added each year;

Highlighting the inspirational achievements of inductees through a year-round education program designed to inspire visitors to make their own mark on history.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Misty Blue

State Director for Jose Julio Sarria in California Hall of Fame . lir---P;.Jo .,...... J.- c (_""° 'ho , t11t'' ICC Web Committee Report Below is my report for the ICS website as well as the other project the "Web Committee" is conducting

ICS Website has been live since late October and we continue to make updates

Since going live we average about 7000 views a month

I . ~

' .

I have updated all the heirs' information as well as added a page for "Court Resources" that include the ICC by-laws as well as information on the expectations of a hosting court when the Queen Mother makes a State Visit. Also I have updated the Court Calendar with dates for 2019. I continue to make updated as needed and try to have a 48 hour turn around for any new information submitted.

Upcoming Projects for 2019

• Digital Assets - I want to take inventory and put together a process of our digital asses like the website and domain names to ensure we do have another problem like we did with the impcourt.org domain. • Digital Media locker - Also we will be creating a cloud storage location where we can store ALL our source files for any projects and media that is associated with them. That way no one is chasing someone down who might have a file and hopefully this will eliminate people having to redo the work each year. We will also put policy and procedure behind this location to ensure each year only those who should have access do. • Website Updating - I want to show and explain to at least 2 other people who the website work and how to make updates as necessary • New ICS Logo - we will be rebranding the website with the new ICS logo. We are going to try to make this an event. • IMPCOURT.ORG - This year the domain will expire. I have a way to make sure we can get control again and bring it into our ownership. This is a proprietary function that I use and will explain in person to people who are interested but not share here. • NOBELDEEDS.ORG - This was to be a place to link all scholarships across the ICS to include putting information about the Jose scholarship, but we now might use it for another purpose

Overall we made great progress last year and we hope to continue to and provide the tools and information to assist all our member in their great works in the community.

Nathan Page - [email protected] - 415-652-7604 International Court System GoTV 2020 The GLBT Civil Rights Network USA are already working towards the "Get out the Vote" campaign for 2020 and hope to have full media ready by June.

Some of you have already seen the three logo's we are considering. Right now we are moving forward with logo #2

001 002 003

~ I ~ GLBT ~ ~ ~ I , 2020

We also have own GLBTVote.org and will use it for our launching pad for information much like we did for the 2018 website.

We have been trying to establish a working relationship with NextGen America, who helps non-profits like ourselves with money and resources. They took a interests in our 2018 campaign and I think now that we established ourselves and that they see we do have a nation-wide reach they will be eager to assist

Nathan Page - [email protected] -415-652-7607 Bayard Rustin Stamp Campaign Report

Chairs: Empress Destiny B. Childs, National Director Emperor Steve 0, National Director Empress Beb Hughes Bouvier Committee: Empress Karina Samala Emperor Just Jack Empress Hope Jewel Halston Prince Eric Sanders Emperor Kevin Meiners Lauren Buisson, West Coast Director

Goal: Issuance of a commemorative stamp in honor of Bayard Rustin.

Strategy: Reach out to every court to insure our members and their respective local allies, civic leaders and elected officials are fully participating in the campaign;

Reach out to local, state, and national organizations representing predominately gay people of color to ask for their partnership and participation; and

Enhance our use of social media to reach a broader audience for increased participation.

I. Committee Work

Since our last meeting the committee has stayed in contact via a closed Facebook group and emails. The committee is responsible for contacting local courts to ensure that our members are writing letters to the postal commission, contacting their local sympathetic organizations, civic leaders and elected officials to also send letters. The committee provides cards for local courts to have at either hospitality suites and/or coronations. Committee members are encouraged to join the Facebook pages for their respective local courts and post Rustin information there. Additional volunteers for the committee are always needed and welcome.

Prince Eric Sander has been researching various Bayard groups across the US and we 3I Page have been reaching out them to send letters from there members. Prince Eric has located several groups which has expanded our reach to people to send letters.

Destiny and Steve 0 have had a few phone calls in reference to strategy and new ways to approach the campaign. Destiny and Steve 0 have both had conversations with the Queen Mother to get the campaign back on track and in the spotlight.

Destiny has reached out to the Principal of the newly renamed Bayard Rustin Elementary School to inquire on how to get the school involved in the campaign. The goal is to get students to submit letters to the postal office.

Destiny has also been in contact with Lauren Buisson, Contributing Editor, Stonewall Spotlight Podcast, Vice-Chair for Public Relations, Stonewall Democratic Club. Lauren has been lobbying for a Bayard Rustin stamp for over a year primarily in labor and political circles. Lauren has been granted the title of West Coast Director from the QM and provided a Letter issued by the City of Los Angeles of a resolution for the Bayard Rustin Stamp.

Destiny & Steve 0 are currently working on a new card and letter for the committee. We felt, along with the QM that it was time for some new material to keep Bayard Rustin fresh in everyone's minds.

We are also looking to reach out to more African American specific groups to get them on board with us to honor Bayard Rustin.

West Coast Director, Lauren Buisson had a fantastic idea of getting people to post a selfie or pie of them sending their letters in support in hopes it will draw more attention to the campaign! This will begin immediately

II. Social Media


The Facebook page has been updated. The site is very active and receives comments and posts regularly from individuals who have themselves written letters and request information on writing letters. The page is updated monthly with copies of Rustin memorabilia

31 Page to keep the project moving. The Letter has been recently updated to included new information regarding Bayard, specifically the new Elementary School.

3I Page Ethics Commission

End of Year Report


Chairperson :

Scot Fromeyer

Commission Members:

Jerry Coletti , Chantal DuValdez, Drake Prespentt and Molly Little

The Eth ics Commission received seven written grievances in 2018. All grievances were reviewed and discussed by the Commission. Since the last meeting in Las Vegas, the Commission has received no complaints.

Out of the seven grievances received , four of were forwarded onto Court Relations and three were resolved by the chapter's Board of Directors and College of Monarchs.

In August, Larry Mastropierro stepped down from the Commission and in October, Molly Little filled the open position.

End of Report.

Submitted By:

Scot Fromeyer

Ethics Commission Chairperson 2018 Year of the Woman

Chair: Cookie Von Shigglesworth, Co-Chair: Michele Korman (West Coast); Bunnie Benton Cruse Awards Committee: Dustin D Cobwebs, Molly Little Committee Members: Dustin D Cobwebs, Danielle Logan, Jamie Papi Chulo Alaniz, Jeff Cooper-Dalton, Kaleo Ramos, Karina Samala, Landa Lakes, Misty Blue, Stephen Marrs, Molly Little

Meetings: communication through Council Page, and Facebook messenger.

2018 shall be a year of building bridges and lending a voice to Woman (lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender and heterosexual), the issues that directly impact them and encouraging a safe/ inclusive environment for women within the ICS.

Project goals: 1. Each court to double their membership when it comes to women by welcoming those who identify as lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender and heterosexual. 2 . Promote the Year of the Woman on the ICS Facebook page as well as all council members promoting the project in their own chapters. 3. Finalize and award the first Women's Society and award 4. Encourage all chapters to hold an event benefiting women's health concerns or causes, specifically focusing on local community organizations 5. Encourage chapters to educate and promote women's issues within their communities.

Progress: 1. Continue to see chapters promoting events and the influential women that make a difference in their respective courts on social media. (#ICCYearOITheWoman & Facebook profile photo frame). A big THANK YOU to all of the chapters that have held events benefiting local women's organizations during this year. 2 . Will continue to reach out to local chapters in an effort to identify opportunities for the growth of its membership as it relates to women and areas of success and concern. Michele Korman took on the lead of a survey to be sent out to hear directly from the membership and how to best promote inclusivity and acceptance of women and those who identify as. (no status to date on survey) 3. The Creation and awarding of the inaugural Toni Atkins Leadership Award occurred In Washington DC on 9/ 8/18. Final Development of Royal Order named after the first female in the court system. 4. The women have raised their voice to have an award for women creased by women and have voted on the title of Audrey Lorde which was affirmed by the women of the ICS. Work is underway to gain approval from Ms. Lorde's family to name the award after her. 5. The women's Facebook group has now reach approximately 185 members and still growing. A new approach is being used to add members when requests come from another source other than the member themselves. This is for the safety of said member along with the safety of the group. Mixed responses on this, but most members seem to appreciate the extra effort. Group administrator is Dustin D Cobwebs. 6. Women's Conference held during Cincinnati Coronation weekend (October 6, 2018 through October 9, 2018) was a success. Attendance from women across the US and Canada. Local council member gave empowering speech to encourage women to use their voice. All courts are welcome and encouraged to hold women's conferences. If anyone would like additional information please reach out to Cookie, Dustin or Molly Little (Connie Linquiste McCoy -Snap Clemons). All courts are welcome to hold one. • Recommendation from the ICC Conference to hold an JCS sponsored conference 7. International Court Conference - Women's Perspective. A great success. New JCS Women's Committee is a direct result from feedback from the event. Thank you everyone who helped to make a conference a success. A big Thank You to Dustin D Cobwebs for your help on preparing the presentation.

We encourage everyone to continue to support women's initiatives and local organizations after the clock strikes midnight on December ~1 " . Let's continue to focus on making all individuals feel included and that their voice is heard. We have only just begun!!! ICC Audit report At the December meeting it was decided that we would perform an audit of the International Court Council's financials. Below is a quick update on status.

I reached out to three different accounting firms' below is current status

• Peninsula Accounting- After the first meeting they returned that they did not think they could help us and that it was their plan to get out of the non-profit audit space.

• Regalia & Associates, CPA's - they came as a recommendation from Sister Anni as they had performed a audit for the Sister of Perpetual Indulgence and have a long track record of working with non-profits. After our first meeting, Doug Regalia, the principal of the firm took lead. Before he would give us a quote he asked for the below documents.

o Copy of tax returns for past two years o Copy of prior audited financial statements (if applicable) o Current Balance Sheet o Current Year-to-date Income Statement o Name of accounting software product used : o Name of payroll provider: o Number of employees

Currently I am working with John Carrillo to obtain these documents

• Richard Watson, CPA- Richard was recommended by Terry and Precious Cargo. After a couple of emails Richard said he would not be able to review until perhaps June and then it would be between $5,000 -$6,000 for each year. He asked for financial statement to better give us a quote though. Richard did recommend another CPA that might better fit Richardson & Company, LLP

• Richardson & Company, LLP - Per the recommendation from Richard Watson, I reached out to Richardson & Company for a meeting.

We will continue working on this task with the goal of being completed by end of year.

Nathan Page - [email protected] - 415-652-7607