Pedro Arrupe, S.J. (1907‐1991) has been called "The Second Founder" of the Society of . Confronted by momentous world events that helped shape his interior life, Arrupe was chosen to lead the Jesuits through a tumultuous period of ecclesial and cultural renewal after the . In the spirit of Ignatius Loyal who sought the greater glory of God and the wellbeing of humankind, Arrupe championed a spirituality meant to engage the world rather than to retreat from it. As a result, Arrupe leaves a legacy that enriches not only Jesuits, but the world at large. His legacy is one of "men and women for others," committed to human dignity, the common good, and the integration of lay men and women into the Jesuit mission ‐‐ the service of faith and the promotion of justice. The cause for the beatification and canonization of Pedro Arrupe, S.J., was opened in February 2019, and the process continues to determine he is venerated as a holy person and that there is one miracle attributed to his intercession. See the documentary entitled Pedro Arrupe: His Life and Legacy that commissioned to tell the story of his life and work at St Peter Biss Hall after the 9 AM Mass on Sunday, July 28th.

Quotes and phrases of Pedro Arrupe, SJ:

“Being People of “Amen” (finding the will of God) and “Alleluia” (doing the will of God) makes one very happy.” “We cannot separate action for justice from the proclamation of the Word of God.” If we are going to be coherent in our faith, we have to promote justice. “Our obedience is not passive. Love and serve. Everything is love, finally.”