70532 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 215 / Thursday, November 5, 2020 / Proposed Rules DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Order 7400.11E at NARA, email: All communications received on or
[email protected] or go to https:// before the specified comment closing Federal Aviation Administration www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ date will be considered before taking ibr-locations.html. action on the proposed rule. The 14 CFR Part 71 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: proposal contained in this action may [Docket No. FAA–2020–0944; Airspace Colby Abbott, Rules and Regulations be changed in light of comments Docket No. 20–AGL–26] Group, Office of Policy, Federal received. All comments submitted will Aviation Administration, 800 be available for examination in the RIN 2120–AA66 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, public docket both before and after the comment closing date. A report Proposed Amendment of V–67, V–190, DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267–8783. summarizing each substantive public SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: and V–429; Establishment of T–312; contact with FAA personnel concerned and Revocation of V–125 and V–335 in Authority for This Rulemaking with this rulemaking will be filed in the the Vicinity of Marion, IL The FAA’s authority to issue rules docket. AGENCY: Federal Aviation regarding aviation safety is found in Availability of NPRMs Administration (FAA), DOT. Title 49 of the United States Code. An electronic copy of this document ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking Subtitle I, Section 106 describes the may be downloaded through the (NPRM). authority of the FAA Administrator. internet at https://www.regulations.gov. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs, SUMMARY: Recently published rulemaking This action proposes to describes in more detail the scope of the amend VHF Omnidirectional Range documents can also be accessed through agency’s authority.