Chess Federation Piatigorsky Trio

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Chess Federation Piatigorsky Trio PIATIGORSKY TRIO * (See p. 162) .:< UNITED STATES Volume XVIII Num ber 7/8 EDITOR: J. F. Reinhar dt CHESS FEDERATION PIATIGORSKY TRIO PRESIDENT Fred Cr amer Not since New Yo rk 1924 has there been an international cnes;s eHOt in the VICE PRESIDENT United States comparable to the recently·co ncluded Piatigorsky (up"1' ament in Major Edmund B. Edmondson, Jr. Los Angeles. This month·s CHESS LIFE cover proudly f eatur ~ ille ih:-ee people REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS most responsible for the staging of thi'i great event : wodd·! eaowned cellb, Gregor NEW ENGLAND William C. Newberr) J ames Butl eSs Piatigorsky, his wife Jacqueline, and FIDE Vice·President Jerry Spann. Ell Bourdon EASTERN David Hoffmann Charles A. Keynr Allen Kauf mann Chess player s all over the world wi ll enjoy, for years to come. the ia..I:l~ played MID·ATLANTIC by eight of the leading gr:lndmasters- including Wcrld Champion PetroPio it this fine tournament. For a great chess tournament, unlike other 5por<'i.'l 2 E'n!I!;;, does SOUTHERN not fade with the passage of ti me. Every move that is played is r ecord€'C. ~ becomc3 GREAT LAKES Jack O'Keefe a part of the ever·growing chess heritage that all of us share. F. Wm. Bauer Dr. Howard Gaba NORTH CENTRAL Dr . Geo. Van Dyke Tiers Frank Skott Eva Aronaon The Piatlgorsky Cup is an important milestone in the den'lopment of .~rican SOUTHWESTERN J uan J . Reid chess. Just as we are growing on a l ~ ationa l scale (see President (r;;.m = r · ~ r'E9Ort on C. Harold Bone John Beltline: pp. 181·184 of this issue), SO we are now taking our rightful p]"ce or. ±Ie ""'odd PACIFIC Henry Gross Rlclutrd Vandenbur g chess scene as hosts to t he fi nest chess talent in the world. For 6;.; !. " C all that Mabel Burlingame SECRETARY it promises for the future- every "CSCF member can thank th05€ -;ono v OL'1:ed so Marshall Rohl and hard to make the first Piatigorsky Cup tournament a success. NATIONAL CHAIRMEN AND OFFICERS ARMED FORCES CHESS ......... ....... Robert Karch BU SINESS MANAGER. ......•.••.••.. J . F. Relnh ardt COLLEGE CHESS_ .. ___.•. __ _. •..•.Peter Berlow EDITOR. ...................... ... .............. __ J . F. Reinhardl INDUSTRIAL CHESS ............ Stanley W, D. KIng JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION INSTITUTIONS CHESS ............ Dr. Ralph Kuhns INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS ......J erry G, Spann US CF II a non·profit democratic organization, the officlll governing l>ods am:! FlOE unj! JUNIOR CHE lOS ....................M ordecal D, Treblow Cor chess In the USA. All)'one lnterested In advancing American chess I..t eliiUtle !Ol" .:::em""~lp . MEMBERSHIP .. ..... ...............Ed war d A . Dickerson NOMINATIONS .•..•.......... .........•..•.•...... .Peter LaMe RATING STATISTIC IAN ...•....•....... Gary Sperlin g Membe r5hip, Including CHESS LIFE su bSCription, elli1bWty for t'scr·ra::1::6.. 1.11<1 aU RATING SYlOTEM. ____. ___ . ___• .• ..AJ"pad E. E10 privileges: 1 yr.: $5.00. 2 )'n.: $9.iSO; 3 yn.: $13.50; Sufialumg : $10.00 (I:leco me. l1!e }Le~~nhlp lOWISS SYSTEM METHODS __ ._. __ Arpad E. EIo after 10 PlIYmeDU); Lile; $100.00. FamUy Membership (two or more family :::ro~ l'5 II same TAX DEDUCTIBILITY __.... .. _._.Davld Hoffmann address, only one CHESS LIFE lubscriptlon): rates as above for first famlly :e:boer, plus TOURNAMENT ADM •...•.•..•. George Koitanowskl followlng for each additional m ember : 1 yr.: $2.50; 2 yrs.: $4. 75; 3 yn.: S6..~ TOURNAMENT RULES ...... .. ........ .. Jaxnes Sherwin T REASU RE R. ....... .. _. ................ ... ........MU t on RuskIn U. S . CHAMPIONSHIP. •.••....••.•...M aurice Kasper CHESS LIFE !JI publLshed by USCF and entered 8.5 second·class :lllttez .u Dubuque, WOMEN'S cHESS._ ...........•.....•.•. .•. .•.•.Eva Aronson Iowa. Non.member I·yr. subSCription: $4.00 ($5.00 outside USA); Single copy: 4Oc: ISO: outside USA). Chang. of add,.ss: Allow four wee ks notice; please ilve us ])otb the la .... acl ~:-ess and WORLD CHESS FEDERATION the old address. lnclud1nc the numbers and dates on the top Hne of ~'our stencil.. (F.I.D.E.) Jerry G. Spann Vice-President, Zone 5 (U.S.A.) Address all corruuunicatiom, and make all Checks payable to: UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION, 80 East 11th Street, NEW YOItIC ", N.Y. 162 CHESS LIFE IT'S FISCHER IN THE WESTERN EASTERN A RECORD-SMASH ER! United States Champion Robert J. dition to playing two rounds of tourna· The 1963 Eastern Open, played in Fischer, competing in his first weekend ment chess a day, the youthful champion Washington, D.C., J uly 4-7, was the larg· Swiss since 1957, scored 7 lf.J -% to top signed countl ess autographs, indulged in cst chess tournament ever held in the 161 p layers at the 1963 Western Open, fi ve· minute games until all hours of the United States. A swarm of 224 players held in Bay City, Michigan, July 3-7. In ­ night, and offer ed free (and sometimes descended on the Burlington Hotel, prc· senting tournament director Ev Raffel ternational Master Robert Byrne of Ind­ bewildering) advice to woodpushers bog with a logistical problem of war· time ianapolis, winner of last year's Western, ged down in post·mortems. In a graeious proportions. In spite of a few inevitable and Dr. Stephen Popel of Fargo, N.D., speech at the awards banquet fo llowing delays, all went well, however, and shared second and third with scores of the tournament, Fischer expressed him_ when the smoke of battle cleared, Ar­ 7- 1. self as quite pleased with the tourna­ thur Feuerstein of Brooklyn, N.Y. was the new Eastern Champion. Feuerstein's Fischer's six victories included wins ment conditions, saying that the lighting score of 7-1 was matched by Larry Gil ­ over James Fuller (Aurora, Ill inois); Al­ and conditions of play were superior to den of Tacoma Park, Md. and James T. Sherwin of New York City, who Hnished Ien Reinhard (Chicago); Norber t Leo­ many of the international events in which he has competed. second and third, r espectively, on tie­ poldi (Chicago) and four masters or sen· break points. ior masters: Ronald Finegold (Detroit), The attraction of a $2500 prize fund, Just behind the leaders, six players Donald Byrne (State Co llege, Pa.), Arthur guaranteed by the Hoffmann Houses scored 6% points to share in the money Bisguier (New York) and Hans Berliner prizes. They were, in order of tie-break, Corp. of Bay City and the Milwaukee Eliot Hearst (Arlington, Va.); Brian (Washington, D.C.). Fischer's win over Chess Foundation, lured to the tour­ Owens and James Gore (New York City); Berliner was in the final round, at which nament, in addition to Remarkable Albert C. Martin (Providence, R.I.); Lar­ point the two players were tied for the Robert, players from eighteen states and ry Dubeck (Maplewood, N.J.) and Allen lead. The only half-point that the U.S. Canada. Top Woman was Mrs. Adele God· Kaufman (New York City). Champion yielded was to Dr. Paul Pos­ The Women's Prize was won by Sara dard of Miami, Florida; Luzia Schuetze Kaufman and the Junior Prize went to chel of Ann Arbor, Mi chigan in the was second, and Mrs. S. L. Markowski Stanley Tomchin of East Meadow, N.Y. fourth round. third. The 1963 Western was graeed by Mrs. Kaufman scored 4·4 and Tomchin the presence of nine women; a record for had 5lh·2lh . Tied for fourth through sixth, with Class Prizes were awarded as follows : scores of 6% -1% , were Berliner, Bis­ the event. Top Junior was Thomas Alice Experts guier, Edward Formanek of Chicago, and of Detroit, followed by Robert A very and lst---Jerry SulHvan, Oak Ridge, T enn ..... 6 ·2 Dr. Erich Ma rchand, of Rochester. N. Y. Robert Beckham, of Toledo. 2nd- Jan Galvins, W" shington D.C ......... 6 ·2 "'-John C. Meyer, Woodstock, N .Y ..... 6 .2- Class "A" Fischer , Wllose very appearance at Class prizes were awarded to the fol­ 1st-Fred Robinson, D.C. ....... ..................... 6 _2- the tournament caused a sensation, was. lowing; Class A; Ist-Jack Pyne, Evans· 2nd- Vincent Pent, Matawan, N.J . ..... ... 5':2-2':2 3rd- Charles Powell, Richm ond, Va . ..... _.. 5 -3 not unexpectedly, the center of atten­ ton, Ill.; 2nd- Andrew Karklins, Chicago; Class " S" tion. Playing with extraordinary rapidity, 3,d-USCF President Fred Cramer, Mil­ 1st-Michael P . Smith, D.C . .... ............ .. ...... 5 -3 ' " ' - Terry Seaks, Bethesda, Md . ....... .... ...5 ·2 he wo n some of his gamcs while other, waukee. Class B; 1st-Arthur Mack, Jr., 3r d- Peter Andreyev, Yonkers, N .Y... .. 5 ·3 more pedestrian, competitors were still DeU'oit; 2nd- Robert Custard, Ce nter- Class "c" "'-Bruce Halsfield, D.C. .. ............. ... ...... completing their opening moves. In ad- (C ont inued 0 11 page 106) 5':2 ·2 '12 '"'-Marc Yoffie, N. Y.C.. .......... .. ......... ..... .4 -4 3rd- Itoy Merritt, D.C. ...... ... ....... ...... .... ..... S'h -4'1> Unrated 1st-Larr y Kaufman, D.C . ....... __._ " .... .._ .... ..5 -3 2nd_ Herman Rose, Providence, K !. "" __.4 ';2 ·· 3'1> 3rd- Brendan Hen eghan. N. Y.C. ._ _._. _. _._ .4 'h ··S'!. (The full crosstable will appear in our September issue.) TIE IN LAS VEGAS Four players- --J ose Mo ndragon (Las Vegas, Nevada), George Soules (Berke· ley, Calif.), Tibor Weinberger (Santa Mo nica, Calif.) and R. Jl.I. Jacobs (Man· hattan Beach, Calif.)-shared $300 in prize money at the Las Vegas Open, July 4·7, by finishing in a 6-1 tie for top positions in the 65·player event directed by George Koltanowskl.
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