Fischer Notches Another

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Fischer Notches Another FISCHER NOTCHES ANOTHER * (See p. 235) I >:;: UNITED STATES Volume XVJ1l Numher 10 Oclober, 1963 EDITOR: J . F. Reinhardt - U. S. Championship Starts Dec. 15 The 1963-64 United States Championship will be played in New York City from CHESS FEDERATION Sunday, December 15 through ThUt'sday, January 2. As last year, the tournament l' ite will be the Henry Hudson Hotel, 353 W. 57th St. Sunday rounds will be played at 2 p.m.; weekday rounds at 7 p.m.; Saturday rounds at 7:30 p.m. PRESIDENT As we go to press, Bobby Fischer has announced that he wilt defend his title. Major Edmund B. Edmondson, Jr. Others who have accepted invitations to play are Samuel Reshevsky, Donald Byrne, Rohert Byrne, Larry Evans, Pal Benko, and Dr. Anthony Saidy. VICE·PRESIDENT Unfortunately, U. S. Open Champion William L.ombardy will again be unable to David Hoffmann pluy in the event because of his studies. REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS Further details of the U. S. Championsbip...-.including the complete schedule­ NEW ENGLAND Ell Bourdon will appear in our next issue. Burgess Stanley King EASTERN Open Crosstable In Next Issue MID·ATLANTIC Fred Towruend Since we wanted to get the full minutes of the Chicago Business Meetings on George Thomas record as soon as possible, and since this iss ue contains an extra Rating Supplement, William S. Byland we have had to defer running the full crosstable of the record·breaking U. S. Open SOUTHERN Dr. Stuart KOhlln IIntil our November issue. We're sorry for the delay but- even though this is a 32- Jerry Sullivan Dr. Robert Froemke p;:ge issue-there just isn't room for everything! GREAT LAKES F. Wm. Bauer Dr. Howard Gaba Korbcrt Matthews FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES ECHECS NORTH CENTRAL Dr. George Ti\!u Frank Skoff Stockholm, August 2, 1963 John Osness FR/ab SOUTHWESTERN Mr. Jerry G. Spann Vice-President of F.LD.E. 431 Riverside Drive PACIFIC Richard Vandenburg Oklahoma City, Okla., U.S.A. Mabel Burlingame Gordon Bar r ett Dear Jerry, I congratulate you on the outstanding performance that the U.S. Chess SECRETARY World made by organizing the Piatigorsky Cup Tournament and I ask you kindly, Marshall Rohland on my behalf, to write to Mrs. Piatigorsky expressing my sincere thanks for the contribution she has made to international chess eo·operation. I think the NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS tournament will go into chess history as an event of the same kind as tbe AVRO ARMED FORCES CHESS. ........ ......... ll.obe'·t K ar<:b Tournament in the Netherlands. BUSINESS MANAGER .................. J . F . Reinhardt Your old friend, COLLEGE CHESS. .................................QweD Harris Folke Rogard INDUSTRIAL CHESS .... .. ...... Stanley W . D. King President of F.ID.E. INSTITUTIONS CHESS.. .. .. ........ Or. Ralph Kuhns INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS .. .. .. ...... Jerry Spann JUNIOR CHESS .. .. .. .... .......... Mordecal D. Treblow JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION MASTERS AFFAIRS .... ...................... Robert Byrne MEMBERSHIP...................... Edward A. Dickerson USCF a JI non-proflt democraUc or&,an!ntlon. the official &,overnlng body and FIDE unll NOMINATIONS ................ Dr. Alex Janushkowsky for chua 1n the USA. Anyone Interested In advanclnr American chess is ei1i1ble tor member_blp. PRESIDENTIAL ASSISTANT.......... Fred Cramer RATING SySTEM .............................. Arpad E . Elo SWISS SYSTEM METHODS .... ........ Arpad E. Elo Mtmbershlp, lncludlnr CHESS LIFE subscription, ei1gtbility for USeF-ntln&" and .all ..~ TAX DEDUCTIBILITy.... .......... David Hoffmann prlvlle&,es: 1 yr.: $1.00. 2 yn.: $9.110; 3 yn.: $13.50; Susta1ning: $10.(10 (becomes Ute MemberShip -RtURNAMENT ADM.... .......George Koltanowsk.i after 10 payments); We: $100.00. F.mlly M. mbershlp (two or more ramily m embers at Ame TOURNAMENT RULES ................James Sherwin Jlddreu, only one CHESS LIFE .... b3crtption): rates as above for flrst famlly member, plus TREASURER. ............ ...... ........... ........ .. Milton Ruskin rollowing tor each Jlddltional member: 1 yr.: $2.SO; 2 yrs.: $4.75; 3 yrs.: $6:75. U. S. CHAMPIONSHIP......... ....... Ma urice Kasper WOMEN'S CHESS .... .. ................ .. .. ...... Eva Aronson CHESS LIFE u. published monthly by USCF and entered as second·class matter at Dubuque, Iowa. Non-member 1-)'1'. Inlbscrl.ptlon: $4.01) ($5.00 outside USA); single copy: 40c (SOc out.mde WORLD CHESS FEDERATION USA). Ch.nge of address: Allow fOUl' weeks notice; please give U3 both the new addreu and {F.I.D.E.J the old address, includlnr the numbers and dates on the top line of your stencU. Jerry G. Spann Vice-President, Zone 5 (U.S.A.) AddreQ all communications, and make all check8 payable to: UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION, 10 lOut 11th Street, N!W YORK 3, N.Y. 234 CHESS LIFE two! This was Yates' only defcat of the GILDEN SCORES IN LARGEST tournament, and conversation immediate· N. J. OPEN LETTERS ly turned to the possibility of Hue fin· is hing last in one tour nament and tben Larry Gilden of Takoma Park, Md., !irst in one a month later- against es­ topped a record-breaking field of 159 Scholarship Prizes scntialiy the same level of competition! players to win the 1963 New Jersey Open, WO Yates recovered nicely, however, August 30 to September 2. Second place The Jersey City Y.M.e.A. Chess Club and in his decisive last round malch, went to Arthur Feuerstein of New York has come up with an idea to promote with 1st place assured to whoever won, City. Both players scored 6'h points in chess among the yo uth of Hudson Coun­ he polished off the weary tournament the seven round Swiss, with Gilden win· ty. director easily in a poorly handled Sicil· ning out on Median points 24-'h to 23'h . In addHion to seeing that tbere is the ian Defense. Gilden and Feuerstein split the top annual Hudson County High School priZe money, receiving $162.50 eacb. League (this season there were thirteen The Second Korean Rating Tourna· teams ), the club runs a County Tourna· ment brought four new members into Raymond Weinstein of, N.Y., ment dur ing the Christmas holidays for the USCF fold. One of these members Jed a group of pJayers with 6-1 scores high school students. Six pri zes arc giv­ jOined USCF, but did not desire to enter to take third pl ace. Following Weinstein ,n-three trophies and three books-but, the tour nament; the other three com­ in the final results were: Lev B1 onaro­ in addition (and this is the idea) the peted fiercely for the " best unrated vych of Irvington, N.J.; three-time U.S. winner r eceives a $200 scholarship to player" prizc. Junior champion Robin Ault of Worces­ the college of his cholce. (The idea orig­ My first experience as a tournament ter. Mass.; and Ivan Romanenko of Ta· inated with Paul Helbig, the hard work­ dir ector has been most enlightening, koma Park, Md. Romanenko received the ing secretary and treasurer of the club.) and I hope in some small way I may have Top Expert prize. To finance tbe scholarship, th e club stimulated a little more interest in this Class prizes were awarded to Leon has set up a Jersey City Y.M.C.A. Chess grcat game. Zukoff, New York City (A) ; William Club Scholarship Fund. Contributions Vincent J. Esposito, Jr. Freeman, West Ol'ange, N.J. (B); Paul from club members and friends have sus­ Capt. U.S.A. Joss, New Hyde Park, N.Y. (C)j Lauric tained the scholarship. Already, ther e Miller, Westfield, N.J. (Unrated). The arc two re<:ipients-Dennis Bowe of Ho­ A.P.O. 71, San Francisco, Calif. Junior Prize went to Asa Hoffmann of boken, and Harry Falvus, of Jersey City. New York City, who scored 5lh-llh. One important function of a chess club Blonarovych, as the highest-scoring is the promotion of chess among the Constructive Criticism New Jersey player won the N.J. Closed youth in the respective county. The Jer­ I like your magazine, Chen Life, very Championship. The New Jersey Women's sey City Y.M.C.A. Chess Club, we feel, much so any oC my comments are in tbe Championship was won by Miss Eclesia has met this challenge not only in run­ Cestone of West Orange, N.J. ning an annual County High School In· nature of constructive criticism. In the dividual Tournament, but also in pre· May 1963 issue you commented lhat no The tournament, which was once again senting the winner, along with a trophy, one seemed to dislike Barden's "How the largest of the Labor Day events held a $200 scholarship to the college of bis Well Do You Play?" I thi nk that the throughout the nation, was played at choice. column is a good idea, but it seems that the Park Hotel in Plainfield, N.J. The FRANK ABARNO it could be written in a Little better man­ 159 participants represented seven states Hoboken, N. J . ner. Mr. Barden often gives credit for and included 12 masters, 19 experts moves that may only occur in subvaria­ and 49 Class A players. William Luko. Re port from Korea tions several moves oU. 1 think that he wiak and Robert Coughlin directed. could give more credit for alternative Enclosed are lhe pairing cards and re­ Games were adjudicated by Grandmaster moves and spend less time on hypotheti· Pal Benko. sults of tbe Sccond Korean Rating Tour· cal variations. I personally like his col­ nament held at Camp Humphreys, APO umn very much, but I do think it could 71, Korea over the 4th of July holiday be improved. Mr. Barden's comments on period. openings are among the best that I have Fische r 7 -0 in New York For the past several months John seen and I think that more of his writ· we As reported briefly in our September i ng~ could be included in the magazine.
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