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lib. THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER i TM'KliVK VOL XXI NO 25. i PA«;KS. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 20. 1895. WHOLE NO. 1069 ed public opinion that governments take THE PIONEERS. BACKED OUT. action. After the Bulgarian massacres, four hundred public meetings of protest SOTIE OK THE COITISCH.TTEN OB- were held in P>ngland. 1 would there- PAPER READ BY -'IKS. DEXTER JECT TO BUYING A BOAU fore earnestly urge that every Chris- SIAWAIIU BEFORE THE PIO- ROLLER. NBBRS SOCIETY. 300 SUITS! 300 tian minister devote one Sunday even- ing meeting to a consideration of the PURCHASED AT OUR OWN PRICE. Although It Was Ordered Some Weeks situation of the Armenian Christians in Mr. President, Ladit-N and Gentle- Ago By a Cnuniniou* Vote — Aid. Turkey, and that the meeting pass reso- men and Pioneers of Washteuaiv Tlie success qt our recent sale enabled us to again go into the market and buy at SATURDAY our omit figures Three Hundred Suits which an now on *<>/'». Koch Iieadx tlie Opposition — Two lutions of protest, similar in general County: Others Join Him In the Move—Like- tenor to those lately adopted by the The history of Washtenaw County ly to Be Other Obstruction* PInced Evangelical Alliance. and its early settlers, claims our In the Way—The Council Does Some thoughts today. We put aside the cares SALE! SUITS SOLD FOR $5.00 Ministers inttending to preach on the WORTH $7.00 AND $8.00. Other Business. subject, or anyone wishing to secure and responsibilites of busy life and go the passage of resolutions by any club back to those early days, when old or the f'ouncil. or society, can be supplied with docu. Washteuaw was young. Some of the The regular meeting of the council ments and data, free of charge, by ad- events of those times are amusing, and Stuits Sold tor $7 and $7.50 was held last Monday night. All the dressing Mrs. Isable C. Burrows, 141 some are pathetic, but now, all are his- AM. WOOI, member!) were present. The first matter Franklin-st., Boston, Mass. tory. WORTH $10.00 AND $13.00 to come up was a communication from Let us "remember those in bonds as Pleasant Washtenaw! with enphoni- Ladies' Wrappers. the mayor appointing Arthur Crawford bound with them.'' ous name, which we dwell upon with lingering fondness, with the beautiful special policeman in the vicinity of the PRAN'CES E. WILLARD. A. M. E. church. The rows that have river Huron which has brought to us,, Ladies' Shirt Waists. FINE ALL WOOL taken place in that vicinity recently and to our children days of restful, and necessitated such a move. Following MAY RESORT TO LAW. healthful, recreation, wonderful river, this was a lot of routine business rela- clear as crystal and as lovely ass a dream. Duck and Percale Suits. tive to sidewalks, etc. The city clerk Bryants' song to the Green river may SUITS FORM reported that but two bids for the eity THE LEWIS' HEIRS* L1I.1I A PART well apply to the Huron. Listen to a few THAT WOULD BE GOOD VALUE AT $15.00. printing had been handed in. It de- OF THE LKU|S'I<>LLHTIII>, lines: Men's Night Shirts. veloped later that Aid. Brown had two Oh loveliest these the spring days come, Tim is an opportunity not to be overlooked and anyone looliny for a Suii qt a kas more bids in his pocket from the Couri 3r With blossoms, and birds, and wild price than can be found elsewhere should attend this and Argus. So far as can be learned The IVM i-' Art Collection, That I*, the bees hum; ••• THE GREATEST OF ALL SALES. the bids are all alike or practically so. Bulk of it Han Arrived in the <'lty— The flowers of summer are fairest there, Men's Fancy Shirts. No action has yet been taken upon Several of the .Host Valuable Pieces And freshest the breath of the sum- mer air; them. The most interesting business Did Not Come However—Several Ple- ce« Valued at About $50,000 Claimed And sweetest the golden autumn day,In of the evening was the report of the silence and sunshine glides away. By the I^ewls' H eirs—The Exact WADHAMS, RYAN & REULE junketing committee and the discus- My childhood's early days wjre .Meaning of tlie Lewis' Will Tl si kins sion that arose upon its report. The passed near the river Huron and to me the Gift In Dispute It May I I to a committee reported in favor of the pur- it is the river of all the world, and the Law Sull-The tiitt Valued at $300, All at One Day, Prices Satur- chase of the Pitts road roller at $2,950 hills of Washtenaw have pleasant mem- iiml the Austin stone crusher at OOO. oi-iet too. As a little girl:on my bay pony, 8660, The committee recommend- lii'Ui« Art Collection Here. Dolly, I cantered over the hills and day. ed that the board of public works enter The Lewis Art Collection reached through shaded woods, and as an older into contract for these machines. Here Ann Arbor last Thursday. It \va>girl, I galloped away on my father's the council ran up against a snag. Aid. cream saddle horse to VVashtenaw's Koch moved to postpone the matter brought on a special train that consist- 500 Ladies' Wrappers Satur- ed of several carloads. The collection beautiful lakes. My earliest recollec- He said that the peopla of Ann Arbor tions are of sitting on the style and day 49c. wore not ready for the additional ex- has been disposed of for the present by 1 being stored in whatever available watching men chop down, and dig out 200 Ladies Wrappers worth pense, that it would take all the money pear trees, and level the road bed for$1.50 Saturday %l. the city had to buy the machines and places could be spared for it about the L'niversity buildings. This collection the Michigan Central railroad, and put- 100 Ladies' Lawn Wrappers then their would be no funds with ting down the strap rail, right through which to operate them. Aids. Lauben- is one of the most valuable gifts the worth $3.50 Saturday $2.75. University has ever received. It will, our pear and apple orchard, the pear gayer and Coon supported Aid. Koch in 200 Ladies' Serge and Arc making special prices on many Un however be of little, or no use to the in- trees were in the way and were taken the blocking process. The matter, how- up everyone of them. We were living in Cashmere Wrappers $4.50 Sat- We still coniinm to main tin best pvict over, finally went through with only stitution until a building suitable for its that has tteen made this season, considering ••.'<: / «•*<£ proper display can be erected. Where the house near the river, it was the first urday $3—$2.25. make. Our $18.00 Suit fur $15.00 plenty «$ three dissenting votes and the city will frame house built in iJexter. To this would ask you $20.00 for thi sunn gurzaeaC the means to erect a building suitable soon have a road roller and a stone house my mother came as a bride, not for this purpose will come from and when crusher—unless some one devises some sixteen years old. The wedding trip was they will be forthcoming are questions Our Special on Boys' Suits. other scheme to stop the council. It is most romantic, she was married in a it may take years to answer. It is hoped, r claimed there is talk that an injunction large log house on the Mathews place in $5.00 for $3.48. *:!..>0 fts will be sworn out to stop proceedings. however, that another Waterman may Ladies' Duck and Per- Webster now owned by Mr.Backus. The $4.00 for $3.28. $3.00 for $2. rise up to meet our pressing need. The bride was seated upon a pillion, which The committee on lighting reported collection that was brought here last is a cushion attached to a saddle. The Are tl e best Boys' Suit you have ever seen for the pric week was not all of the art collection cale Suits. in favor af advertising for bids for groom in the saddle upon a large, white of them have Double Seat and Kner. lighting the city for five years. The that the late Mr. Lewis had gathered horse, his bride sitting upon the pillion report was amended so as to ask for at his home in Coldwater. A. number behind him, and thns they journeyed Saturday, 1-2 Price. bids of lour sorts, as follows: of the most valuable pieces were left at and following an Indian trial fording 1st—96 lamps all night. 2C5 nights. Coldwater, one of the legatees of the es- the Huron river traveling three miles Special tate refusing to let them go. He claims 10 Duck Suits worth $2.69 2nd—86 lamps all night, 365 nights. to the new home of the bride. The —$1.99. .'Si-d—90 lamps to 12:30, 205 nights. that those particular pieces, which con- bridesmaid, who was the bride's sister •Jth—96 lamps to 12:30, 305 nights. sist of several valuable paintings, were Hannah was on the bridal trip, sitting 19 Duck Suits worth 13.50 Sala This was then unanimously adopted. not a part of the collection, and were behind Mr.