Psychodiagnostics and Department

«APPROVED BY» Deputy dean Psychological Faculty ______Moskalenko A.M.



for students

branch of knowledge 22 «Healthcare» specialty 222 «» educational level «Master» educational program «Medicine»

type of discipline obligatory Form of study daytime The academic year 2019/2020 Semester 6 Number of credits ECTS 3 Language of teaching, learning and evaluation English Form of final control credit

Teachers: assistant professor, Ph.D.(Psychology) Kornienko O.V.

Prolonged: on 20__/20__ year st. ______(______) «__»___ 20__year (signature, name, date) on 20__/20__ year st. ______(______) «__»___ 20__year (signature, name, date)

Kyiv – 2020

Developer: Kornienko О.V., Ph.D(Psychology), assistant professor department Clinical Psychology and Psychodiagnostics

"I AGREE" Head of Psychodiagnostics and clinical psychology department ______(Burlatchuk L.F.) (signature)

Protocol № « » 20 year

Approved by scientific and methodical commission Psychological Faculty Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiyv

Protocol № “ “ 20 year Head of scientific and methodical commission ______(Koronljov D.K.)

“ “______20 year


1. The purpose of the discipline. Medical Psychology is a field of psychology which studies regularities of developing and functioning mentality under conditions of the beginning and duration of disease, treatment of the patients and using psychological factors in the process of treating, preventive and hygienic activities of the medical staff. Medical Psychology is dealing with solving theoretical and practical problems connected with the restoration and maintenance of psychological health of the population, prevention of diseases, diagnosis of pathological conditions, psychocorrecting forms of influence the recovery, with solving of many problems of examinations, social and working rehabilitation of healthy and ill people and besides with study of psychological features of the professional activity of the medical worker. 2. Preliminary requirements for mastering or choosing a discipline: The field of medical psychology may include pre-doctoral training the disciplines of  ,  rehabilitation psychology,  ,  ,  and clinical , as well as sub-specialties in , primary care psychology, and hospital- based (or medical school-based) psychology as the foundation psychological training to qualify for proceeding to required post-doctoral specialty training to qualify to become a Diplomate/Specialist in Medical Psychology. 3. Annotation of the discipline: Medical psychology is the application of psychological principles to the practice of medicine, and is clearly comprehensive rather than primarily drug-oriented, for both physical and mental disorders. The specialty of Medical Psychology and the National Alliance of Professional Psychology Providers ( has been instrumental in advocacy and professional publications in increasing the awareness of Governmental Agencies, Scientific Societies, and the World Health Associations about the limited effect of "medication only approaches" to mental disorders and many related chronic physical disorders. A Medical is a specialist who holds board certification in Medical Psychology from the American Board of Medical Psychology ( and approved by the national psychology practitioner association in psychology( A specialist in Medical Psychology holds a doctoral degree in one of the clinical specialties in psychology, has done post-doctoral graduate or approved didactic training in biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences and physical disease with behavioral and lifestyle components, and has completed a supervised residency providing advanced clinical diagnoses, prescribing or collaborating on medication and psychological treatment interventions in a comprehensive treatment plan, and they have passed one of the acceptable national written examinations, and supplied reviewed work product, and passed an Oral Examination. Medical are prepared to provide and active roles in primary care and specialty healthcare facilities or consultation services essential for these facilities. A psychopharmacologist is very different from a Medical Psychologist, though one state uses confusing language in its laws.


The American Society for the Advancement of Pharmacotherapy defines medical psychology (an affiliate of the American Psychological Association) as "that branch of psychology integrating somatic and psychotherapeutic modalities into the management of mental illness and emotional, cognitive, behavioral and substance use disorders". 4. Tasks (training objectives): 1. Psychological evaluation of patient’s specific features, changes of his psychological functions under various mental and somatic diseases. 2. Analysis of the influence of various mental and somato-neurological diseases on the mentality of children and . 3. Analysis of the role of mental affects in causes, duration and prevention of psychosomatic diseases, their psychopathological complications According to the requirements of the project of the Higher Education Standard of Ukraine (second (master's) level of higher education, field of knowledge 22 "Health care", specialty 222 "Medicine") the discipline ensures the acquisition of the following competences by students: Integral:

– The ability to solve the typical and specialized tasks and practical problems in professional health care activities, or in the learning process that involves conducting research and / or innovation and characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions and requirements. General : – The ability to work as a team. - Interpersonal skills.

5. Results of studying in a discipline: Forms (and / Learning outcomes Percentage ( know; 2. to be able; 3. or methods in the final communication; 4 autonomy and and Methods of evaluation responsibility); evaluation technologies of the Cod ) of teaching Result of training discipline e and learning 1 To know 1.1. The subject, objectives and methods Practice Module control work 1,2,3; 10 of study the psychological state of a session, evaluation of the presentation; person. Concept of . independe assessment of oral / written The state of mental functions and nt work answers / additions; disease.


1.2. The basic tasks of medical Practice Module control work 1,2,3; 5 psychology, the stages of its session, evaluation of the presentation; development in different countries. independe assessment of oral / written Representatives of Ukrainian nt work answers / additions; medical psychologists, their theoretical publication and practical activity. 1.3. The understanding and practical Practice Module control work 1,2,3; 5 skills in experimental psychological session, evaluation of the presentation; examination through the appropriate independe assessment of oral / written stages nt work answers / additions; 1.4. The following methods of medical Practice Module control work 1,2,3; 5 psychology: method of clinical session, evaluation of the presentation; directed interview, method of independe assessment of oral / written observation, experiment, psycho- nt work answers / additions; diagnostic examination. 1.5. Area of psychological activity: Practice Module control work 1,2,3; 10 , memory, attention, session, evaluation of the presentation; thinking, intellect, , independe assessment of oral / written personality nt work answers / additions; 1.6. Attitudes of from various Independ Module control work 1,2,3; 5 scientific schools on the problem of ent work evaluation of the presentation; the internal picture of health / assessment of oral / written illness as competing and answers / additions; complementary phenomena. 2 To be able 2.1. Be able to apply theoretical and Practice Module control work 1,2,3; 10 applied approaches that diagnose session, evaluation of the presentation; accentuated personality traits in the independe assessment of oral / written practical work of medical nt work answers / additions; psychologists. 2.2. The ability to diagnose patients' Practice Module control work 1,2,3; 5 attitudes to the disease through session, evaluation of the presentation; complex methods independe assessment of oral / written nt work answers / additions; 2.3. Know and diagnose types of Practice Module control work 1,2,3; 10 doctors and nurses in healthcare session, evaluation of the presentation; settings independe assessment of oral / written nt work answers / additions; 2.4. Have the skills of psychophysical Practice Module control work 1,2,3; 5 prevention of burnout syndrome in session, evaluation of the presentation; healthcare professionals. independe assessment of oral / written nt work answers / additions; 2.5. To be able to differentiate Practice Module control work 1,2,3; 10 psychology of diagnostic, medical session, evaluation of the presentation; process, psychosomatic disorders independe assessment of oral / written nt work answers / additions; 3 Communication


3.1. Developing the skills of effective Practice Evaluation of oral answers / 10 communication especially of the session, additions; language of medical workers independe evaluation of the presentation; nt work 4. Autonomy and responsibility 4.1. To be responsible for qualitative Independ Assessment of the presentation / 10 analysis of following indicators: ent work report on occupational health in psychosomatic health in normal, the medical sector borderline psychosomatic state and disease.

6. The ratio of the results of studying discipline with programmatic learning outcomes

Learning outcomes of the discipline (code)

1 Program Learning

PlO 0 PlO 04 PlO 08 PlO 15 PlO 20

PlO 07 Outcomes (title)

Identify and identify the leading clinical symptoms and syndromes (in list 1); by standard methods, using the preliminary data of the patient's anamnesis, the data of the patient's examination, knowledge about + the person, his organs and systems, to establish the most probable nosological or syndromic preliminary clinical diagnosis of the disease (in list 2).

Establish a definitive clinical diagnosis by making an informed decision and logical analysis of the received subjective and objective data of clinical, additional examination, conducting differential + diagnostics, in accordance with the relevant ethical and legal norms, under the supervision of the doctor-supervisor in the conditions of the medical institution (list 2).

Determine the necessary mode of work and rest in the treatment of patients with the disease (list 2) in the conditions of the + health care institution, at home of the patient and during the stages of medical

6 evacuation, including in the field, based on a previous clinical diagnosis, adhering to the relevant ethical and legal standards, by making a sound decision on existing algorithms and standard schemes.

Determine the necessary diet for the treatment of patients with the disease (list 2) in the conditions of the health care institution, at home of the patient and during the stages of medical evacuation, incl. in the field, on the basis of a previous clinical diagnosis, in accordance with the relevant ethical and legal standards, by making a sound decision on existing algorithms and standard schemes. PLO09. + Determine the approach, plan and tactics of conducting physiological pregnancy, physiological delivery and postpartum period by making an informed decision on the existing algorithms and standard schemes. PLO10. To evaluate the overall condition of the newborn baby by making informed decisions on existing algorithms and standard schemes, in accordance with the relevant ethical and legal norms Manage emergency medical care for a limited time, using standard regimens, + under any circumstances on the basis of an emergency diagnosis (list 3).

To formulate goals and determine the structure of personal activity based on the + result of the analysis of certain social and personal needs. Adhere to a healthy lifestyle, use techniques of self-regulation and self- + control


7. Scheme of estimation formation.

7.1.Forms of student evaluation:

- semester evaluation:

1. Module control work 1 – РН 1.1. – 1.6, 2.1 – 2.5. (block of topics of Part 1) –10 points / 5 points; 2. Module control work 2 – РН 1.1. – 1.6, 2.1 – 2.5. (block of topics of Part 2) –10 points / 5 points; 3. Module control work 3 – РН 1.1. – 1.6, 2.1 – 2.5.( block of topics of Part 3) –10 points / 5 points; 5. Presentations - РН 1.1. – 1.6, 2.1. – 2.5, 3.1; 4.1 – 40 points / 20 points; 6. Oral answers - РН 1.1. – 3.1. – 10 points / 5 points; 7. Additions - РН 1.1. – 3.1. – 20 points / 10 points;

- final evaluation: in the form of a test

The final grade from the educational component, the final form of control over which the credit is , is defined as the sum of grades (points) for all successfully evaluated learning outcomes. Ratings below the minimum limit are not added to the final rating.

It is obligatory to get a positive final grade (60 points and above and "enrolled") is the completion of all seminars and writing abstract work on modern issues of medical psychology.

It is not allowed to complete the semester control in order to improve the positive assessment.

Reassignment of semester control in order to improve positive assessment is not allowed.

7.2. Organization of evaluation

Module control works 1, 2 and 3 are carried out after the completion of practical classes from Sections 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Assessments of presentations / presentations on modern issues of labor safety of health workers are carried out after the completion of practical classes from Section 1, 2, 3 The assessment of oral answers and additions is made during the semester during practical classes 7.3. Validity Scale


Passed 60-100

Fail 0-59

8. Structure of the discipline. Thematic plan

Number of hours

№ Title of the topic






nt work*


Independe 1 Section 1. General issues of Medical psychology 4 6 - 20

2 Topic 1. The subject, objectives and methods of study the psychological state of a person. Concept of mental health. The 2 2 state of mental functions and disease.

3 Independent work. Introducing blended learning through the setting a communication channel “Student-Teacher Network" through the exchange of e-mail addresses. Personal Mail: [email protected] Allowing students to access Facebook 6 page and create "Medical psychology" group for the third-year students Institute of Biology and Medicine.

4 Topic 2. Theoretical and methodological problems of medical 2 psychology.

5 Independent work. Additional reading with abstracting of recommended questions on the topic №2: physiological basis of mind, structure and fields of psychology, place of psychology in the system of sciences, the subject of study of medical psychology, the main problems of medical psychology, general 6 and special medical psychology, history of psychological science, development of the , methods of , concept of mental health.

6 Topic 3. The problem of personality in medical psychology 2 2

7 Independent work. Comparative analysis of domestic and foreign theories of personality, the cross-cultural differences of 6 the historical period of its creation and adoption for everyday life. To confirm and substantiate the importance of psychology


of individual differences in the subject-practical people's life. Temperament, character, personality accentuations, psychopathization, neuroticism, “internal picture of desease“of the phenomenon of the present everyday life. Patient’s attitude to their disease

8 Module control work 1 2

9 Section 2. Research Methods in Medical Psychology 2 6 - 20

10 Topic 4. Psychology of medical staff 2 2

11 Independent work. There are psychological types of doctors: “Compassionate”, “Pragmatic”, “Moralist”, “Diligent”, “Activist” (“public worker”), “Dogmatic”, “Technocrat”, “Psychotherapist”, “Sybarite”, “Artist”, “Bored idler”, “Misanthrope”. To conduct individual-psycho-diagnostic comparison of professional types of doctors. Harmonic doctor’s personality should include all types except misanthrope, sybarite and bored idler. Students should search the Internet and find similar short videos using similar professional communication to diagnose verbal and non-verbal personality manifestations in their current classes.

The following six types of nurses should also be considered: 6 “Practical type“, “Artistic type“, “Nervous type“, “Male type of the nurse“, “Nurses-specialists“ An important aspect of the doctor’s activity consists in the medical secrecy, medical mistakes. The burning issue is concept of professional deformation. Additional consideration and discussion are worthy of questions. The students should be ready to deliver the answers on the next one statement: “Doctors, nurses and support personnel experience very emotionally all stages of medical assistance and pain of patients at the beginning of their professional activity, but gradually their emotional resistibility develops.“ 12 Topic 5. The problem of burnout syndrome in the altruistic professions (social workers, doctors, nurses, 2 teachers)

13 Independent work. Students should prepare full-text Microsoft Power Point 10-12 pages of presentations, submit for review to the teacher, and plan for the defense 6 (both during scheduled classes and to include texts in their own group on the Facebook page of the third-year students of the Institute of Biology and Medicine).


14 Topic 6. The importance of effective communication in 2 the professional activity of medical professionals

15 Independent work. Communication (personal contacts) is a complicated process of establishing relations between people resulting in mental contacts which include information exchange, mutual influence, mutual experience and mutual understanding For the purpose of practical mastering of effective communication skills in the professional environment of medical professionals it is recommended to familiarize with Marshall Rosenberg's work "Non-violent communication" to write a review, a certain part of the section of published work. 6 For a better understanding of the importance of this source, we recommend watching three Marshall Rosenberg training videos

Video 1 Feelings of gratitude

Video 2 Feelings of Love Video 3 To ask forgiveness from the bottom of my heart

16 Module control work 2 2

17 Section 3. The psychology of diagnostic and treatment 4 8 - 20 process. Psychosomatic disorders.

18 Topic 7. Вasic principles of medical deontology and 2 2

medical ethics

19 Independent work. The medical deontology and ethics is the whole complex of principles of regulation and standards of behavior for the doctor and other medical workers conditioned by the specific character of their activity (care 5 for other people’s health, treatment, etc.) and position in the society.

Medical students should be remembered that lack of satisfying the requirements of deontology and medical


ethics results in development of iatrogenesis

20 Topic 8. Psychosomatic dis oder in medical psychology 2

21 Independent work. Psychosomatics (Greek: psyche - soul and soma - body) is a section of medical psychology that deals with the study of mental factors in the development of functional and organic somatic disorders. Students are advised to perform search activity on the Internet and explore the stages of development a psychosomatic approach in practical medicine and clinical psychology 5 It is recommended to complete a full Microsoft Point 10- 12 pages presentations on the subject: “Psychosomatic Theories and Models”, “Strategies for stress behavior“ and be preparedfor defending personal works on Facebook page for online discussion and evaluation by independent experts.

22 Topic 9. Psychosomatic diseases in Medical Psychology 2 2

Independent work. Psychosomatic diseases are somatic diseases, in the emergence and course of which psychological factors play a determining role. The cause of psychosomatosis is affective (emotional) tension (conflicts, discontent, anger, fear, anxiety, etc.), provided that there are certain personal characteristics 23 5 Historically, the psychosomatic image includes classic images of seven diseases, namely: essential hypertension; peptic ulcer; bronchial asthma; neurodermatitis; thyrotoxicosis; ulcerative colitis; rheumatoid arthritis.

Topic 10. Principles of the prevention of psychosomatic 24 2 diseases

Independent work. In the prevention of psychosomatic diseases, an important role is played by the timely 25 identification of personal predisposition and conducting 3 long-term personality-oriented with the help of a specialist-psychotherapist. Doctors of general practice


and family medicine should master and teach patients the skills of mental self-regulation, autogenic training to mobilize or relax in stressful situations.

26 Module control work 3 2

27 IN TOTAL 10 20 - 60

* If there is a change in the training schedule, see Annex 1

Total volume 90 hours., including:

Lectures – 10 hours.

Practical classes – 20 hours.

Independent work – 60 hours.

9. Recommended literature sources:


1. Abnomal psychology in changing world/ Jeffrey S.Nevid, Spencer A.,Rathus, Beverly Greene- 4 th ed.- 2000. -678p 2. Berry, Lilly M. Psychology at work: an introduction to industrial and organizational psychology/ Lilly M.Berry.- 2 nd ed.- McGraw-Hill International Editions 1998- 578 р. 3. Competencies for Psychology Practice in Primary Care. Report of the Interorganizational Work Group on Competencies for Primary Care Psychology Practice. Approved by APA Council of Representatives, 2015 сайт безкоштовного завантаження/ site free download practice.pdf

4. Digby Tantam Clinical Topics in Psychotherapy. E-book 2017 International Psychotherapy Institute сайт безкоштовного завантаження site free download 5. English for Doctors by Mária Gyôrffy, Idioma Bt., 2005 Authentic Consulting – Room Activities for Doctors, Dentists, Students and Nurses with accompanying recorded material сайт безкоштовного завантаження site free download - 6. Shorter Edward From the mind into the body. The Cultural Origins of Psychosomatic Symptoms. E-book 2015 International Psychotherapy сайт безкоштовного завантаження site free download


7. Jerald Greenberg, Robert A., Baron. Behavior in Organizations. Pearson Prentice Hall.- 2007 – 636р 8. Jess Feist, Gregory J.Feist Theories of Personality. The 7-th Edition. Published by McGraw-Hill/ Social Sciences. - 2008.- 647p. сайт безкоштовного завантаження/ site free download 9. Mayer, Dan Essentials evidence-based medicine/Dan Mayer.- 2-nd ed., Cambridge University Press., 2010 сайт безкоштовного завантаження / site free download 10. Mc.Kenley F.Patrick The teaching of psychosomatic medicine consultation-liason . E-book 2015 International Psychotherapy Institute. consultation-liaison-psychiatry 11. Sarafino,Edward P., Timothy W.Smith Health psychology: biosocial interaction. John Wiley and Sons,Inc.-7-th Edition.- 2008.- 561 p сайт безкоштовного завантаження / site free download interactions-edition-7 12. Schriver, Joe M. Human behavior and social environment: shifting paradigms in essential knowledge for social work practice/ Joe M. Schriver. - 3 rd.ed.-2016.- 576 р. 13. Susan S. Levine. Useful servants. Psychodynamic Approaches to Clinical Practice. E-book 2018 International Psychotherapy Institute. сайт безкоштовного завантаження / site free download servants-psychodynamic-approaches-to-clinical-practice/ 14. Аврахова Л.Я. English for Medical Students Англійська мова для студентів- медиків: підручник / Л.Я.Аврахова, І.О.Паламаренко, Т.В.Яхно; за ред. Л.Я.Аврахової- 6-е вид.- К.: ВСВ “Медицина“, 2018.- 448с. 15. Знаменська І. В. Англійська мова для фахівців у галузі медицини (Ч. І) : підруч. з англійської мови для студентів вищих медичних навчальних закладів України 16. ІІІ–ІV рівнів акредитації / І. В. Знаменська, О. О., Пісоцька, В. Г. Костенко. – Полтава : ТОВ АСМІ, 2010. – 268 с. 17. Клиническая психиатрия. Избранные лекции: Учебное пособие / Под ред. Л.М. Барденштейна, Б.Н. Пивня, В.А. Молодецких. — М.: ИНФРА-М, 2014. — 432 с. 18. Малкина-Пых И.Г. Психосоматика: Справочник практического психолога.- М.:Изд-во Эксимо,2008-536с. сайт безкоштовного завантаження/ site free download 19. Психіатрія і наркологія: підручник /І.І.Погорелов, О.Д.Манаєнкова.- 2-е вид.,випр.-К.:ВСВ “Медицина“, 2018.- 320с.


20. Психология здрововья: Учебник для вузов/ Под.ред.Г.С.Никирофова.- СПб.: Питер, 2006.- 607с. сайт безкоштовного завантаження/ site free download


1. Гринберг Дж. Управление стрессом. 7-изд.- СПб.: Питер, 2002.- 496с. сайт безкоштовного завантаження/ site free download 2. Психологическая энциклопедия. 2-е изд./ Под ред. Р. Корсини, А. Ауэрбаха. — СПб.: Питер, 2006. — 1096с сайт безкоштовного завантаження/ site free download 3. Фрейджер Р.Фейдимен Д. Личность. Теориии, упражнения, эксперимент/ Пер.с англ.- СПб.: Прайм-ЕВ-Рознак, 2004.- 608с сайт безкоштовного завантаження/ site free download 4. Хьел Л., Зиглер Теории личности- СПб: Издательство “Питер“, 2000.- 608 с. сайт безкоштовного завантаження/ site free download 5. Additional video-teaching materials by Marshal Rosenberg the author of the book Non-violent communication Marshall Rosenberg - about gratitude Marshal Rorenberg about love Marshal Rorenberg - to apologize from the bottom of my heart 6. Authentic Happiness. Using the New to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment. — NY: PocketBooks, 2002

Action for Happiness Positive Psychology with Martin Seligman, 9-th May 2016, Friends House, London -

7. Scott Musgrave, MSPT Understanding trauma: how stress and trauma causes chronic pain, anxiety, depression and PTST. -