A Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry, and Its Application

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A Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry, and Its Application A T REATISE SPHEEICAL T RIGONOMETKY. WORKSY B JOHN G ASEY, ESQ., LLD., F. R.8., FELLOWF O THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND. Second E dition, Price 3s. A T REATISE ON ELEMENTARY TRIGONOMETRY, With n umerous Examples AND E&uesttfms f or Exammatttm. OKEY T THE EXERCISES IN THE TREATISE ON ELEMENTARY TRIGONOMETRY. Fifth E dition, Revised and Enlarged, Price 3s. 6d., Cloth. A S EQ,UEL TO THE FIRST SIX BOOKS OF THE ELEMENTS OF EUCLID, Containing- a n Easy Introduction to Modern Geometry . With a umerstts Examples. Seventh E dition, Price 4s. 6d. ; or in two parts, each 2s. 6d. THE E LEMENTS OE EUCLID, BOOKS I.-YL, AND PROPOSITIONS I.-XXI. OP BOOK XI. ; Together ' with an Appendix on the Cylinder, Sphere, Cone, &>c. @opdatt$ J tettotatiotts & aumeraus Exercises. Second E dition, Price 6s. AEY K TO THE EXERCISES IN THE FIRST SIX BOOKS OF CASEY'S "ELEMENTS OF EUCLID." Price 7 s. 6d. A T REATISE ON THE ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY OF THE POINT, LINE, CIRCLE, & CONIC SECTIONS, Containing a n Account of its most recent Extensions, Wxih t tttmeratts Examples. Price 7 s. 6d. A T REATISE ON PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, including THE THEORY OF HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS. LONDON : L ONGMANS? CO. DUBLIN: HODGES, FTGGIS & CO. A T REATISE ON- SPHERICAL T RIGONOMETRY, ANDTS I APPLICATION- TO GEODESYND A ASTRONOMY, ■WITH BY JOHN C ASEY, LL.D., F.E.S., Fellowf o the Royal University of Ireland; Memberf o the Council of the Royal Irish Academy ; Memberf o the Mathematical Societies of London and France ; Corresponding M ember of the Royal Society of Sciences of Liege; and Professorf o the Higher Mathematics and Mathematical Physics in t he Catholic University of Ireland. DUBLIN: H ODGES, EIGGIS, & CO., GKAFTON-ST. LONDON : L ONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. 1889. DUBLIN I PRINTEDT A THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, BY P ONSONBY AND WELDRICK. PREFACE. The p resent Manual is intended as a Sequel to the Author's Treatise on Plane Trigonometry, and is written on the same plan. An examination of the Table of Contents, or of the Index, will show the scope of the work. It will he seen that, though moderate in size, it contains a large amount of matter, much of which is original. The s ources from which I have obtained information are indicated in the text. The principal are Crelle's Journal " fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik," Berlin, and Nouvelles Annates de Mathimatiques, Paris. The e xamples, which are very numerous (over five hundred) and carefully selected, illustrate every part of the subject. Among them will be found some of the most elegant Theorems in Spherical Geometry and Trigonometry. vi P reface. In t he preparation and arrangement of every part of the work I have received invaluable assistance from Professor Neuberg, of the University of Liege. For this, as well as for similar assistance previously given in the editing of my Plane Trigonometry, I beg to return that gentleman my most grateful acknowledg ments and best thanks. JOHN C ASEY. 86, S outh Circular Road, Dublin. March 25, 1889. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I . SPHERICAL G EOMETRY. PAGE Section I . — Preliminary Propositions and Definitions, Definitions o f Sphere, ,, C entre of Sphere, ...... „ R adius ,, ,, D iameter ,, Curvef o intersection of sphere and plane, 2 fPoles o circles defined, 3 Small c ircles and great circles defined, 3 Intersection o f two spheres, 3 Secondary c ircles defined, . 4 Spherical r adius, 4 Only o ne great circle through two points, not diametrically opposite, 4 Locusf o points of sphere equidistant from two fixed points on sphere, 5 Two g reat circles bisect each other, 5 Anglef o intersection of two circles on sphere defined, . 6 ,, o f two great circles is equal to the inclina tionf o their planes, 6 To f ind the radius of a solid sphere, . • 6 Analogy b etween the geometry of the sphere and the plane, . 7 Exercises I ., 8 Section I I. — Spherical Triangles, 9 Spherical t riangle defined, 9 Correspondence b etween a solid angle and a spherical triangle, . 9 Lune d efined, 10 Colunar t riangles, 10 viii C ontents. PAGE. Antipodal t riangles, , 10 Any t wo sides of a spherical triangle are greater than the third, and t he sum of the three sides is less than a great circle, . 10 Positive a nd negative poles distinguished, 11 Polar t riangles defined, .11 Eelation b etween polar triangles, 12 Sumf o angles of a spherical triangle, 12 Sumf o external angles of a spherical polygon, . .13 Spherical e xcess defined, 13 Antipodal t riangles are equal in area, 13 nCases i which two spherical triangles on the same sphere have all t heir corresponding elements respectively equal, . 14 Properties o f isosceles spherical triangles, 15 Areaf o a lune, .15 Girard's t heorem. — The area of a spherical triangle, ... 16 Eatiof o area of a spherical triangle to area of a great circle, . 17 Areaf o spherical polygon, 17 Exercises I I., .17 Diametrical t riangles defined, 18 Spherical p arallelograms defined, 18 CHAPTEE I I. FORMULAE C ONNECTING THE SIDES AND ANGLES OF A SPHERICAL T RIANGLE. Three c lasses of formulae, 19 Section I . — First class, . 19 .Case I — Three sides and an angle, 19 Exercises I II., 22 First S taudtian of a spherical triangle, . ... .22 Second S taudtian of a spherical triangle, 22 Normsf o the sides and angles of a spherical triangle, . .23 I.Case I — Two sides and their opposite angles, .... 24 The s ines of the sides of a spherical triangle are proportional to the s ines of their opposite angles, 24 Exercises I V., 26 Case I II. — Two sides and two angles, one of which is contained by t he sides, 27 Exercises V ., 28 CaseV. I — Three angles and a side, . t . .29 Exercises V I., 31 Substitutions m ade in order to pass from a spherical triangle to its p olar triangle, 32 Contents. i x PAGE. Section I I. — First class continued, 32 The r ight-angled triangle, 32 Comparison o f formulas for right-angled triangles, plane an spherical, 3 4 Napier's r ules, 35 Exercises V II., 36 Quadrantal t riangles, 38 Section I II. — Second Class, 39 Formulae c ontaining five elements, 39 Napier's a nalogies, 39 Exercises V III., 40 V.Section I — Third class, 40 Delamhre's a nalogies, 40 Historical s ketch of Delamhre's analogies, 41 Reidt's a nalogies, 41 Other a pplications of Delamhre's analogies, . .43 Lhuilier's t heorem, 44 The L huilierian function X, 44 The d ouble value of i, .^ ;. 44 Exercises I X., 45 Breitschneider's a nalogies, 47 CHAPTER I II. SOLUTIONF O SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. Preliminary o hservations, 48 Usef o auxiliary angles, 48 Section I . — The right-angled triangle, 49 Six c ases of right-angled triangles, 49 First c ase. — Being given c and a, to calculate b, A, B, . 49 Typef o the calculation, 50 Exercises X ., 50 Second c ase. — Being given c, A, to calculate b, a, By . 50 Typef o the calculation, 51 Exercises X I., 51 Third c ase. — Being given «, b, to calculate A, B, c, . 51 Exercises X II., . 52 Fourth c ase. — Being given a, A, to find c, b, B, . 52 Exercises X III., 53 Fifth c ase. — Being given c, B, to find b, A, c, . 53 Exercises X IV., 53 Sixth c ase. — Being given A} B, to find a, b, e, . .53 Exercises X V., 54 fSolution o quadrantal triangles, . • . .54 x C ontents. PAGE. Section I I. — Oblique -angled triangles, . .54 Three p airs of cases of oblique-angled triangles, . ... 54 First p air of cases, 55 Being g iven the three sides a> b> c, to calculate the angles, . 55 Typef o the calculation, 55 Exercises X VI., 56 Methodf o calculation when only one angle is required, . 56 Being g iven the three angles A, B, G to calculate the sides, . 56 Exercises X VII., 57 Methodf o calculation when only one side is required, . 57 Second p air of cases, 58 Being g iven two sides a, b, and the angle opposite to one of them, to c alculate the remaining parts, 58 The a mbiguous case, 58 Reidt's a nalogies, advantages of, in calculation, . 59 This c ase solved by dividing the triangle into two right-angled triangles, 6 0 Exercises X VIII., 60 Oiven t wo angles, Ay B, and the side opposite to one of them to solve t he triangle, 61 Third p air of cases, 61 Being g iven the sides a, b and the contained angle C to calculate A,, B e, 61 Typef o the calculation, . 61 Exercises X IX., 62 Being g iven two angles A, B and the adjacent side c to find a, b, C, 63 Cauchy's m ethod of solving the various cases of oblique-angled triangles, 6 3 Exercises X X., 65 Briinnow's s eries, ......*.. 65 CHAPTEE I V. VARIOUS A PPLICATIONS. Section I . — Theory of transversals, 67 Ratiof o section of an arc, 67 Anharmonic r atio of four points, on an arc of a great circle, . 68 Ratiof o section of an angle, . .68 Anharmonic r atio of four great circles passing through the same point, 6 9 Properties o f a great circle intersecting the sides of a triangle, . 69 Medians o f a spherical triangle, 70 The a ltitudes, 70 The c ommon orthocentre of two supplemental triangles, . 70 Contents. x i PAGE.
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