A Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry, and Its Application
A T REATISE SPHEEICAL T RIGONOMETKY. WORKSY B JOHN G ASEY, ESQ., LLD., F. R.8., FELLOWF O THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND. Second E dition, Price 3s. A T REATISE ON ELEMENTARY TRIGONOMETRY, With n umerous Examples AND E&uesttfms f or Exammatttm. OKEY T THE EXERCISES IN THE TREATISE ON ELEMENTARY TRIGONOMETRY. Fifth E dition, Revised and Enlarged, Price 3s. 6d., Cloth. A S EQ,UEL TO THE FIRST SIX BOOKS OF THE ELEMENTS OF EUCLID, Containing- a n Easy Introduction to Modern Geometry . With a umerstts Examples. Seventh E dition, Price 4s. 6d. ; or in two parts, each 2s. 6d. THE E LEMENTS OE EUCLID, BOOKS I.-YL, AND PROPOSITIONS I.-XXI. OP BOOK XI. ; Together ' with an Appendix on the Cylinder, Sphere, Cone, &>c. @opdatt$ J tettotatiotts & aumeraus Exercises. Second E dition, Price 6s. AEY K TO THE EXERCISES IN THE FIRST SIX BOOKS OF CASEY'S "ELEMENTS OF EUCLID." Price 7 s. 6d. A T REATISE ON THE ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY OF THE POINT, LINE, CIRCLE, & CONIC SECTIONS, Containing a n Account of its most recent Extensions, Wxih t tttmeratts Examples. Price 7 s. 6d. A T REATISE ON PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, including THE THEORY OF HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS. LONDON : L ONGMANS? CO. DUBLIN: HODGES, FTGGIS & CO. A T REATISE ON- SPHERICAL T RIGONOMETRY, ANDTS I APPLICATION- TO GEODESYND A ASTRONOMY, ■WITH BY JOHN C ASEY, LL.D., F.E.S., Fellowf o the Royal University of Ireland; Memberf o the Council of the Royal Irish Academy ; Memberf o the Mathematical Societies of London and France ; Corresponding M ember of the Royal Society of Sciences of Liege; and Professorf o the Higher Mathematics and Mathematical Physics in t he Catholic University of Ireland.
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