

1. INTRODUCTION A In any triangle ABC, the side BC, opposite to the angle A is denoted by a; the side CA and AB, opposite to the angles B and C respectively are denoted by b and c respectively. The c b semi-perimeter of the triangle is denoted by s and its area by ∆ or S. In this chapter, we shall discuss various relations between the sides a, b, c and the angles A, B, C of ∆ ABC. B a C 2. RULE Figure 19.1

The sides of a triangle (any type of triangle) are proportional to the of the angle opposite to them in triangle abc ABC, = = sinA sinB sinC sinA sinB sinC Note: (i) The above rule can also be written as = = abc (ii) The sine rule is a very useful tool to express the sides of a triangle in terms of sines of the angle and vice-versa abc in the following manner: = = = k( Let) ; ⇒=a k sinA, b= k sinB, c= k sinC sinA sinB sinC sinA sinB sinC Similarly, = = = λ(Let) ; ⇒=λsinA a , sinB= λ b , sinC= λ c abc


bca222+− cab222+− abc2+− 22 In any ∆ABC , cosA = ; cosB = ; cosC = 2bc 2ac 2ab Note: In particular ∠=A 60 ⇒ b222+−= c a bc ∠=B 60 ⇒ c222+− a b = ca ∠=C 60 ⇒ a2+−= b 22 c ab


If any ∆ABC :(i) a= bcosC + ccosB (ii) b= ccosA + acosC (iii) c= acosB + bcosA i.e. any side of a triangle is equal to the sum of the projection of the other two sides on it. 19.2 | Solutions of Triangle

Case I: When ∆ABC is an acute angled triangle, BD cosB=⇒= BD AB.cosB ⇒= BD c.cosB and AB CD cosC=⇒= CD AC.cosC ⇒= CD bcosC AC then, BD+DC=BC Figure 19.3 ∴ a = c cos B + b cos C Case II: When ∆ABC is an obtuse angled triangle, CD cosC=⇒= CD AC.cosC AC BD CD= b.cosC and cos( 180−= B) ⇒ BD =− c.cosB then, AB a = BC and CD – BD ⇒ a= bcosC + ccosB Figure 19.4

Illustration 1: If A= 75ο , B= 45ο , then what is the value of b+ c2? (JEE MAIN)

Sol: Here, c=−= 180ο 120 οο 60 . Therefore by using sine rule, we can solve the above problem.

a= k sin 75o abc Use sine rule = = = K ⇒=b k sin 45o sin75οοο sin45 sin60 c= k sin 60o

31++ 31 consider, (b+= c 2) k( sin45ο + 2 sin600 ) =k = 2k =2k sin75ο = 2k sinA = 2a 2 22

Illustration 2: In a ∆ ABC, if B= 30ο and c= 3b , then find the value of A. (JEE MAIN) cab22+− 2 Sol: Here, by using cosine rule cosB = we can easily solve the above problem. 2ca

cab222+− 33bab222+− We have cosB = ⇒= ; ⇒a22 − 3ab + 2b =⇒− 0 (a 2b)(a − b) = 0 2ca 2 2×× 3b a

⇒−=ab 0 OR a – 2b = 0

ο 22 2 2 22 22 οο ⇒Eithera =⇒= b A 30 or aa== 2b 2b ⇒ ⇒ a a ⇒ ⇒ 4b 4b⇒ = = b b + + c c ⇒= ⇒= A A 90 90 .

Illustration 3: Prove that asin B−+ C bsin(C −+ A) csin A −= B 0 (JEE MAIN) ( ) ( ) abc Sol: By sine rule i.e. = = = k we can simply prove the above equation. sinA sinB sinC In equation asin( B−+ C) bsin(C −+ A) csin( A − B) = 0, putting a = k sin A, b = k sin B, c = k sin C = k( sinAsin( B−+ C) sinBsin( C −+ A) sinCsin( A − B)) =0 (expanding all terms gets cancelled)

(Using sin (α−β ) = sin α . cos β− sin β cos α)

bc22− Illustration 4: Prove that sin( B−= C) sinA (JEE MAIN) a2 Mathematics | 19.3

bc22− Sol: Given, sin(B−= C) sinA ⇒ a2 sin(B−= C)( b22 − c) sinA a2 Takin L.H.S., a2sin(B − C) = a2(sinBcosC − cosBsinC) sinA sinB sinC acb22+− 2 abc2+− 22 Now using sine rule, = = = k (say) and cosine rule, cosB = , and cosC = abc 2 ac 2 ab

abc2+− 22 acb 222 +−  abcacb2+−−+− 22222 =a2 kb − ×=kc ka =sinA ×−= b22 c RHS.    ( )  2 ab 2 ac  2 

Illustration 5: The angles of a triangle are in 4:1:1 ratio. Find the ratio between its greater side and perimeter? (JEE ADVANCED)

Sol: Here, the angles are 120ο , 30ο , 30ο . Therefore, by using sine rule, we will get the required ratio. Angles are 120ο , 30ο , 30ο . If the sides opposite to these angles are a, b and c respectively, a will be the greatest side.

a bc a bc a bc Now from sine formula, = = ; ⇒==; ⇒===k (say) sin120οοο sin30 sin30 3/2 1/2 1/2 3 11

3k 3 then a= 3k , perimeter= (2+ 3k) ; ∴ Required ratio = = . (2+ 3k) 23+ CB Illustration 6: Solve bcos22+ ccos in term of k where k is perimeter of the ∆ABC . (JEE ADVANCED) 22 1+θ cos 2 Sol: We can solve the given problem simply by cos2 θ= 2 CBbc Here, bcos22+ ccos =(1 + cosC) ++ (1 cosB) [using projection formula] 2222 bc+ 1 ab ++ c C BKk = +=a ; ∴+=bcos22 ccos [where k=a+b+c, given] 22 2 2 222 AB− tan ab− 2 Illustration 7: In any triangle ABC, show that =  (JEE ADVANCED) ab+ AB+ tan 2  Sol: We can derive the values of a, b and c using sine rule and putting it to L.H.S. we can prove the above problem. abc We know that, = = = k sinA sinB sinC ⇒=a k sinA , b= ksinB , c= k sinC …(i) On putting the values of a and b from (1) on L.H.S., we get AB+− AB 2cos sin a−− b k sinA k sinB sinA − sinB L.H.S. = = = = 22 a++ b k sinA k sinB sinA + sinB AB+− AB 2sin cos 22 AB− tan A+− B  AB  2 = cot  tan = = R.H.S. 22   AB+ tan 2 19.4 | Solutions of Triangle


BC−−  bc   A AB−−  ab   C CA−−   ca   B In any ∆ABC, (i) tan = cot (ii) tan = cot (iii) tan =  cot  2 bc+ 2 2 ab+ 2 2 ca+ 2             

bc−  A k sinB− k sinc A sinB− sinc   A Proof:(i) R.H.S. = cot= cot [By the sine rule] =  cot  bc+  2 k sinB+ k sinc 2 sinB+ sinc   2 BC−+  B C  2sin  cos  22   A = .cot[By C & D formulae] BC+−  B C  2 2sin  cos  22   BC−+   BC   A BC−   A  A = tan  .cot  ⇒ cot = tan  .tan  .cot  [By condition identities] 22     22   22 

BC− = tan= LHS 2 Similarly, (ii) and (iii) can be proved.

Illustration 8: In any triangle ABC, if A= 30ο , b=3 and c= 33, then find ∠B and ∠C . (JEE MAIN) CB−− cb A Sol: By using formula, tan = cot , we can easily obtain the values of ∠B and ∠C . 2 cb+ 2 BC+ A Here ∠=A 30ο ∴ =90ο −= 90 − 15οο = 75 … (i) 22

Since c> b ⇒∠ C >∠ B and B + C = 150ο … (ii)

CB−− cb A cb − BC + C−− B 33 3 ο tan = cot= tan; ⇒=tan tan75 2 cb++ 2 cb 2 2 3( 31+ ) CB−−π  cb  cb −  A ⇒tan  =cot  −= A  tan  2  cb++  2  cb  2

CB−+3( 31−−) ( 31) tan45οο tan30 [Using (1) ] ⇒tan = tan 45οο+= 30  ( ) οο 2 3( 31++) ( 31) 1− tan45 tan30 1 31− 1 + ( ) 31−+ 31 CB− ο = 3 = = ⇒=45 tan45ο = 1 1  31+ 1 31+− 31 ; 2 ; ( ) 1 −  3 ⇒−=C B 90ο … (iii)

Solving (ii) and (iii), we get ∠=B 30ο and ∠=C 120ο


Sine, cosine and tangent of half the angles of any triangle are related to their sides as given below. Note that the perimeter of ∆ABC will be denoted by 2s i.e. 2s=a+b+c and the area denoted by ∆ . Mathematics | 19.5

A B C Formulae for sin, sin, sin for any ∆ABC 2 2 2

A (sbsc−−)( ) B (scsa−−)( ) C (sasb−−)( ) (i) sin= (ii) sin= (iii) sin= 2 bc 2 ac 2 ab

A B C Formulae for cos, cos, cos for any ∆ABC 2 2 2

A ss( − a) B ss( − b) C ss( − c) (i) cos= (ii) cos= (iii) cos= 2 bc 2 ac 2 ab

A B C Formulae for tan, tan, tan for any ∆ABC 2 2 2

A (sbsc−−)( ) B (scsa−−)( ) C (sasb−−)( ) (i) tan= (ii) tan= (iii) tan= 2 ss( − a) 2 ss( − b) 2 ss( − c)

sa−−− sb sc Illustration 9: In a triangle ABC, if = = , then find the value of tan2 (A/ 2) . (JEE MAIN) 11 12 13

A (sbsc−−)( ) Sol: As we know, tan= . Therefore, by using this formula, we can solve the above problem. 2 ss( − a)

−− sa−−− sb sc 3s−( a ++ b c) s 2 A (sbsc)( ) 12× 13 13 = = = = ; Now tan = = = 11 12 13 11++ 12 13 36 2 ss( − a) 36× 11 33

AB C Illustration 10: In a triangle ABC, prove that (a++ b c) tan + tan = 2ccot . (JEE MAIN) 22 2 A (sbsc−−)( ) B (scsa−−)( ) Sol: Here by using tan= and tan= we can prove the above problem. 2 ss( − a) 2 ss( − b)

 AB (sbsc−−)( ) ( scsa −−)( ) sc−− sb sa − L.H.S. = (a++ b c) tan + tan =2s  +=2s  + 22 ss−− a ss b s sa−− sb ( ) ( ) 

(sc− ) sbsa−+− 2ssc− ss( − c) 2c C =2s = (a++−− b c b a) = 2c = =2ccot = R.H.S. s sasb−− C 2 s−− as b s −− as b ( )( ) tan 2 ∆∆ 1 1 2∆( 2s −− a b) 2c∆2 2cs( s− c) Alternate: L.H.S. = 2s + =∆+=2  = = −− ∆ ssa( −) ssb( −) sa sb (sasb−−)( ) ( sasb −−∆)( )

∆∆ 1 1 2∆( 2s −− a b) 2c∆2 2cs( s− c) c 2s + =∆+=2  = = = 2c.cot = R.H.S. −− ∆ ssa( −) ssb( −) sa sb (sasb−−)( ) ( sasb −−∆)( ) 2

ABC Illustration 11: In a ∆ABC , if cot , cot , cot are in AP, then prove that the sides of ∆ABC are in A.P. 222 (JEE MAIN)

Sol: Here by using trigonometric ratios of half angles formula, we can prove the above illustration. ABC Given cot , cot , cot are in A.P. 222 19.6 | Solutions of Triangle

ss( −−− a) ss( b) ss( c) ⇒ ,, are in A.P. ∆∆∆

⇒ (s−−− a,s) ( b,s) ( c) are in A.P. ⇒ a, b, c are in A.P. Proved

AC B Illustration 12: In a ∆ ABC , the sides a, b and c are in A.P. Then what is the value of tan+ tan : cot ? 22 2 (JEE ADVANCED) A C B Sol: Simply by using formula of tan , tan and cot we can easily get the required result. 2 2 2  AC B (sbsc−−)( ) ( sasb −−)( ) ssb( −) (sc−+−) ( sa) tan+ tan : cot ⇒ + : ⇒ :s 22 2ssa− ssc − scsa −− s ( ) ( ) ( )( ) abc++ = 2s−+( a c) : s ; ⇒ b: ; ⇒2b : a ++⇒ b c a.b.c are in A.P. 2

∴2b:a+b+c = 2:3

A B C abc++ C Illustration 13: In any triangle ABC, show that cot++ cot cot = cot . (JEE ADVANCED) 2 2 2 abc+− 2 A B C Sol: Similar to the above problem, by putting the values of cot , cot and cot we can prove the above problem. 2 2 2

ABC ss( −−− a) ss( b) ss( c) cot++ cot cot = + + 222(sbsc−−)( ) ( scsa −−)( ) ( sasb −−)( )

2 22 1 222 1  L.H.S. ssa( −+−+−) ssb( ) ssc( ) = ssasbsc( −+−+−) ssasbsc( −−−)( )( ) ssasbsc( −−−)( )( )

1 1 s 3s− a ++ b c s 3s− 2s = { ( )} = ( ) ssasbsc( −−−)( )( ) ssasbsc( −−−)( )( )

AB C s2 ⇒cot ++ cot cot = … (i) 22 2ssasbsc( −−−)( )( )

a++ b c C 2s C 2s C s C Now, R.H.S. = cot = cot = cot= cot a+− b c 2 a ++− b c 2c 2 2s − 2c 2 s − c 2 L.H.S = R.H.S

ssss( − c) 2 abc++ C s2 = = ; ⇒=cot … (ii) sc− (sasb−−)( ) ssasbsc( −−−)( )( ) abc+− 2 ssasbsc( −−−)( )( )

A B C abc++ C From (i) and (ii), we have cot++ cot cot = cot . Proved 2 2 2 abc+− 2 Mathematics | 19.7


1 11 If ∆ be the area of a triangle ABC, then ∆=bcsinA = casinB = absinC 2 22

Proof: Let ABC be a triangle. Then the following cases arise.

AD Case I: When ∆ABC is an acute angled triangle, sinB = AB 1 1 AD=AB sin B ; AD=c sin B; ∆=Areaof ∆ ABC ; ∆= (BC)( AD) ; ∆= acsinB 2 2 AD Case-II: When ∆ ABC is an obtuse angled triangle, sin( 180−= B) ; AB Figure 19.5 AD=AB sin B ⇒ AD=c sin B 1 1 1 ∆ =Area of ∆ABC ; ∆= (BC)( AD) ; ∆= acsinB ; So in each case, ∆= acsinB 2 2 2 (ii) Heron’s formula ∆=ssasbsc( −)( −)( − )

1 AA AA  Proof: ∆= bc 2sin cos = bcsin .cos  2 22 22 

(sbsc−−)( ) ssa( −) Figure 19.6 = bc × [By half angle formula] = ssasbsc( −−−)( )( ) bc bc

1 a222 sinBsinC 1 b sinCsinA 1 c sinAsinB (iii) ∆= = = 22sin( B++ C) sin( C A) 2 sin( A + B) From the above results, we obtain the following values of sinA, sinB and sinC

22∆ 22∆ (iv) sinA== ssasbsc( −−−)( )( ) (v) sinB== ssasbsc( −−−)( )( ) bc bc ca ca

22∆ (vi) sinC== ssasbsc( −−−)( )( ) ab ab sinA sinB sinC 2∆ Further with the help of (iv), (v), (vi) we obtain = = = a b c abc

Illustration 14: In any triangle ABC, prove that 4∆ cotA =+− b22 c a 2. (JEE MAIN)

1 bca222+− Sol: We can prove the above problem by using formula of area of triangle i.e. ∆= bcsinA and cosA = . 2 2bc 1 cosA bca222+− L.H.S.= 4∆= cotA 4. bcsinA. =2bc cos A = 2bc. =b222 +−= c a R.H.S. 2 sinA 2bc

a22− b sinAsinB Illustration 15: In any triangle ABC, prove that . = ∆ (JEE MAIN) 2 sin( A− B)

Sol: By putting a= k sinA and b= k sinB we can prove the above illustration.

22 22 22 2 a22− b sinAsinB (k sin A− k sin B) sinAsinB k( sin A− sin B) sinAsinB L.H.S. = . = = 2 sin( A− B) 2sin(A− B) 2sin(A− B) 19.8 | Solutions of Triangle

2 k sin( A+− B) sin( A B) sinAsinB k2 [using sine formula a=k sinA etc.]= =.sin( A + B) sinAsinB 2sin(A− B) 2

1 1 = (k sinA)( k sinB) sin(π− c) ;  AB+ =π− C; ab sin C=∆= R.H. S . 2 2

o Illustration 16: A tree stands vertically on a hill side which make an angle of 15 with the horizontal. From a point on the ground 35m down the hill from the base of the tree, the angle of elevation of the top of the tree is 60o. Find the height of the tree. (JEE MAIN)

Sol: We can simply obtain the height of the tree from the given figure. P

In ∆ AQR, QR= AQsin15οο = 35sin15 ; AR= AQcos15οο= 35cos15 PR In ∆APR , tan60ο = ; ⇒=PR AR. 3 ; ⇒ PQ+= QR 3AR AR h

⇒+h 35sin15οο = 3.35cos15 31+− 31 ⇒=h 35 3 cos15οο− sin15 = 35 3. − ( )  m Q 22 22 35  60o 3+−+ 3 3 1 35 o = 35=4 = 35 2m 15 ( ) A R 22 22 Figure 19.7 Hence, the height of the tree= 35 2m

8∆2 Illustration 17: In any triangle ABC, prove that acosA++= bcosB ccosC 2asinBsinC =. (JEE ADVANCED) abc

Sol: we can solve this illustration by substituting a= k sinA, b= k sinB, and c= k sinC .

As a= k sinA, b= k sinB, c= k sinC …(i)

L.H.S.= acosA++ bcosB ccosC =k sinAcosA++ k sinBcosB k sinCcosC [using sine formula]

k k = {sin2A++ sin2B} sin2C =2sin( A + B) cos( A −+ B) 2sinCcosC 2 2  k k =2sinCcos( A−+ B) 2sinCcosC = 2sinC cos( A− B) + cos π− A + B 2 2 { ( )}  =k sinC cos( A−− B) cos( A + B) = k sinC 2sinAsinB 22∆∆ 1 22∆∆ = 2( k sinA) .sinBsinC= 2asinBsinC = 2a; ∆=acsinB ⇒ sinB = andsinC = ac ab 2 ac ab 8∆2 = =R.H.S. abc

Illustration 18: The angle of elevation of the top point P of the vertical tower PQ of height h from a point A is 45o and from a point B, the angle of elevation is 60o, where B is a point at a distance d from the point A measured along the line AB which makes an angle 30ο with AQ. Prove that hd=( 31 − ) (JEE ADVANCED) Sol: By using sine rule in ∆ABP , we can prove that hd=( 31 − ) In the figure, PQ represents a tower of height h. The angle of elevation of the point P from the point A on the ground is Mathematics | 19.9

ο οο ⇒∠PAQ = 45ο ; ⇒ ∠PAB +∠ BAQ = 45 ; ⇒∠PAB + 30 = 45 οο ο ∠=−PAB 45 30 [Given ∠=BAQ 30 ] ∠=PAB 15ο ... (i) (Given) ∠=APH 45ο ; ⇒∠APB +∠ BPH = 45ο (given) ⇒ ∠APB += 30 45ο ⇒∠APB = 15ο … (ii) From (i) and (ii), we have ∠=∠PAB APB So BP=AB=d; ⇒=BP d P [Given AB=d] o ο ο ο Again ∠=PAQ 45 , ∠=Q 90 ⇒∠APQ = 45 15 In ∆APQ , ∠=∠PAQ APQ ⇒ AQ= PQ = h h AP2=+=+ PQ 2 AQ 2 h 22 h ⇒=AP22 2h ⇒=AP 2h AB AP Applying sine formula in ∆ABP , we get = H sin15οο sin150 d B o d 2h 2h 3− 1 45 o ⇒= ⇒ d = ⇒=d 3 − 1h 30 οο  ( ) A Q sin15 sin150 1 22 2 Figure 19.8

Illustration 19: A lamp post is situated at the middle point M of the side AC of a triangular plot ABC with BC=7m, CA=8m and AB=9m. This lamp post subtends an angle tan−1 ( 3) at the point B. Determine the height of the lamp post. (JEE ADVANCED) PM Sol: Here in ∆BMP ⇒∠tan PBM = , therefore by obtaining the value of BM we can find out the height of lamp post. BM Here, ABC is a triangular plot. A lamp post PM is situated at the mid-point M of the side AC. Here PM subtends an angle tan−1 ( 3) at the point B. a=7m, b=8m and c=9m abc2+− 22 BC222+− CA AB In ∆ABC , cos C = or cosC = 2ab 2BC.CA 7222+− 8 9 49 +− 64 81 32 2 cosC = = = = … (i) 2×× 7 8 112 112 7 A P BC222+− CM BM 722+− 4 BM 2 65 − BM 2 In ∆BCM, cosC = ; cosC = = 2BC.CM 2×× 7 4 56 2 2 65− BM 2 2 ⇒= ⇒65 − BM =× 56 = 16 [Using(i)] c=9 M 7 56 7 -1 (3) b=8 ⇒2 =−= ⇒= BM 65 16 49 BM 7m q= tan C PM −1 PM PM B In ∆BMP ⇒∠tan PBM = ⇒tan tan 3 = ⇒=3 ⇒=PM 21m c=7 BM ( ) BM 7 Figure 19.9 Hence, the height of the lamp post =21m.


8.1 Circumcircle

A circle passing through the vertices of a triangle is called a circumcircle of the triangle. The centre of the circumcircle is called the circumcentre of the triangle and it is the point of intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of the triangle. The radius of the circumcircle is called Figure 19.10 the circumradius of the triangle and is usually denoted by R and is given by the following 19.10 | Solutions of Triangle

a b c abc abc++ formulae: R = = = = Where ∆ is area of triangle and s = . 2sinA 2sinB 2sinC 4∆ S 2

8.2 Incircle

The circle which can be inscribed within the triangle so as to touch all the three sides of the triangle is called the incircle of the triangle. The centre of the incircle is called the incentre of the triangle and it is the point of intersection of the internal bisectors of the angles of the triangle. The radius of the circle is called the inradius of the triangle and is usually denoted by rin-Radius: The radius r of the inscribed circle of a triangle ABC is given by

∆ AB   C (a) r = (ii) r=−=−( s a) tan  , r( s b) tan and r=( s − c) tan s 22 2     BC  AC BA asin sin bsin  sin csin sin 22  22 22 (b) r = , r = and r = AB    C cos  cos cos Figure 19.11 22    2 ABC (c) r= 4R sin .sin .sin 222

8.3 Centroid

In ∆ ABC , the mid-points of the sides BC, CA and AB are D,E and F respectively. The lines AD, BE and CF are called medians of the triangle ABC. The points of concurrency of three medians is called the centroid. Generally it is represented by G. A 22 2 Also, AG= AD, BG = BE and CG= CF. 33 3 Length of medians from Figure 9.12 F E a2 bac 222+− ⇒AD22 =+− b ab  G 4 2ab 2b2+− 2c 22 a 1 ⇒=AD2 ⇒=AD 2b2 +− 2c 22 a 4 2 B C D 1 1 Similarly, BE= 2a2 +− 2c 22 b and CF= 2a2 +− 2b 22 c 2 2 Figure 19.12

8.4 Apollonius Theorem

22 22 AB+= AC 2( AD + BD ) A 1a2 Proof: 2( AD2+ BD 2) = 2( 2b 2 + 2c 22 − a) + =+= b 22 c AB 2 + AC 2 E 24 F

8.5 Orthocentre O

The point of intersection of perpendiculars drawn from the vertices on the opposite sides of a triangle is called its orthocentre.Let the perpendicular B D C AD,BE and CF from the vertices A,B and C on the opposite sides BC,CA and AB of ABC, respectively meet at O. Figure 19.13 Then O is the orthocentre of the ∆ ABC. The triangle DEF is called the pedal Triangle of the ∆ ABC. Mathematics | 19.11

Centroid (G) of a triangle is situated on the line joining its circumcentre (O) and orthocenter (H) show that the line divides joining its circumcentre (O) and orthocenter (H) in the ratio 1:2. A Proof: Let AL be a perpendicular from A on BC, then H lies on AL. If OD is perpendicular from O on BC, then D is mid-point of BC. ∴ AD is a median of ∆ ABC. Let the line HO meet the median AD at G. Now, we H G shall prove that G is the centroid of the ∆ ABC. Obviously, ∆ OGD and ∆ HGA O are similar . BC OG GD OD R cosA 1 LD ∴ = = = = HG GA HA 2R cosA 2 Figure 19.14 1 ∴=GD GA ⇒ G ⇒ is centroid of ∆ ABC and OG : HG= 1 : 2 2 The distances of the orthocenter from the vertices and the sides: If O is the orthocenter and DEF the pedal triangle of the ∆ ABC, where AD, BE, CF are the perpendiculars drawn from A,B,C on the opposite sides BC,CA,AB respectively, then (i) OA = 2R cosA, OB = 2R cosB and OC = 2R cosC

(ii) OD = 2R cosBcosC, OE=2R cosCcosA and OF =2R cosAcosB, where R is circumradius. R (iii) The circumradius of the pedal triangle = 2 (iv) The area of pedal triangle =2 ∆ cosAcosBcosC .

π− π− π− (v) The sides of the pedal triangle are acosA, bcosB and ccosC and its angles are 2A, 2B and 2C. (vi) Circumradii of the triangles OBC, OCA, OAB and ABC are equal.


•• The circumcentre, centroid and orthocentre are collinear. •• In any right angled triangle, the orthocentre coincides with the vertex containing the right angle. •• The mid-point of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is equidistant from the three vertices of a triangle. •• The mid-point of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is the circumcentreof the triangle. •• The centroid of the triangle lies on the line joining the circumcentre to the orthocentre and divides it in the ratio 1:2 Vaibhav Krishnan (JEE 2009,AIR 22)


The triangle formed by the feet of the altitudes on the side of F a triangle is called a pedal triangle. H In an acute angled triangle, orthocentre of ∆ ABC is the in-centre of the pedal triangle DEF. Proof: Points F,H,D and B are concyclic π ⇒∠=∠=∠=−FDH FBH ABE A C 2 BD Similarly, points D, H, E and C are concyclic Figure 19.15 19.12 | Solutions of Triangle

π ⇒∠HDE =∠ HCE =∠ ACF = − A 2 Thus, ∠=∠⇒FDH HDE AD is the angle bisector of ∠FDE . Hence, altitudes of ∆ABC are internal angle bisectors of the pedal triangle. Thus, the orthocentre of ∆ ABC is the incentre of the pedal triangle DEF.

Sides of pedal triangle in acute angled triangle In ∆=AEF,AF bcosA,AE = ccosA By cosine rule, EF2=+−× AE 22 AF 2AE AFcos() ∠ EAF ⇒=EF222 b cos A + c 22 cos A − 2bccos 3 A

⇒EF2 = cos 2 A()() b 22 +− c 2bccosA = cos 2 A a 2 ⇒=EF acosA

Circumradius of pedal triangle EF acosA acosA a Let circumradius beR' ⇒=2R ' = = = = R ⇒=R' R /2 sin()∠ EDF sin() π− 2A 2sinAcosA 2sinA


•• The circle circumscribing the pedal triangle of a given triangle bisects the sides of the given triangle and also the lines joining the vertices of the given triangle to the orthocenter of the given triangle. This circle is known as “Nine point circle”. •• The circumcentre of the pedal triangle of a given triangle bisects the line joining the circumcentre of the triangle to the orthocentre. •• It also passes through midpoint of the line segment from each vertex to the orthocenter. •• Orthocenter of triangle is in centre of pedal triangle. Shrikant Nagori (JEE 2009, AIR 30)


The circle which touches the sides BC and two sides AB and AC produced of a triangle ABC is called the escribed circle opposite to the angle A. Its radius is denoted byr1 . Similarly,r23 andr denote the radii of the escribed circles opposite to the angles B and C respectively. The centres of the escribed circles are called the ex-centres. The centre of the escribed circle opposite to the angle A is the point of intersection of the external bisector of angles B and C.

The internal bisector also passes through the same point. This centre is generally denoted by I1 .

Formulae for r123 ,r ,r ∆∆∆ In any ∆ABC , we have (i) r123= ,r = ,r = A sa−−− sb sc ABC (ii) r= stan , r = stan , r = stan 1222 23 B C BC CA AB cos cos cos cos cos cos (iii) r= a22 ,r = b 22 ,r = c 22 12ABC 3 cos cos cos 222 ABC ABC ABC (iv) r= 4Rsin cos cos , r = 4Rcos sin cos , r = 4Rcos cos sin 12 22 23 222 222 Figure 19.16 Mathematics | 19.13


If I1 is the centre of the escribed circle opposite to the angle B, then

ABC AB C A BC OI= R 1 + 8sin .cos .cos ; OI= R 1 + 8cos .sin .cos ; OI= R 1 + 8cos .cos .sin 1 2222 22 2 3 2 22 Where R is circum radius •• The Sum of the opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is 180o. •• In a cyclic quadrilateral, the sum of the products of the opposites is equal to the product of diagonals. This is known as Ptolemy’s theorem. •• If the sum of the opposite sides of a quadrilateral is equal, then and only then a circle can be inscribed in the quadrilateral.

•• If l12 , l and l 3are the centres of escribed circles which are opposite to A,B and C respectively and l

is the centre of the incircle, then triangle ABC is the pedal triangle of the triangle lll123 and l is the

orthocenter of triangle lll123. •• The circle circumscribing the pedal triangle of a given triangle bisects the sides of the given triangle and also the lines joining the vertices of the given triangle to the orthocenter of the given triangle. This circle is also known as nine point circle.

1 ()()()ac+++ bd ad bc ab cd •• The circumradius of a cyclic quadrilateral,R = 4 ()()()()sasbscsd−−−−

Nitish Jhawar (JEE 2009, AIR 7)


If ma and βa are the lengths of a median and an angle bisector from the angle A then, A 2bc cos 1 3 m= 2b2 + 2c 22 − a and β= 2 . Note that mmm2+ 2 + 2 = abc 2 ++ 22 aa2 bc+ abc4 ()

Illustration 20: The ratio of the circumradius and in radius of an equilateral triangle is______(JEE MAIN)

Sol: Here, as we know, all angles of an equilateral triangle are 600 , therefore by using formula of Circumradius and In radius we can obtain the required ratio. 0 r acosA++ bcosB ccosC ()a++ b c cos60 1 = . In an equilateral triangle, 600 = A = B = C = = R abc++ ()abc++ 2

Illustration 21: In a ∆ABC, a=18 and b=24cm and c=30cm then find the value of r12 , r and r 3. (JEE MAIN) ∆ ∆ ∆ Sol: As we know,r = , r = and r = . Hence, we can solve the above problem by using this formula. 1 sa− 2 sb− 3 sc− a=18cm, b=24cm,c=30cm; ∴2s =++= a b c 72cm ; s=36cm But, ∆=ssasbsc()()() − − −

∆ 216 ∆ 216 ∆ 216 ∆=216 sq. units Then,r= = = 12cm ; r= = = 18cm ; r= = = 36cm 1 s− a 18 2 s− b 12 3 sc− 6

So,r12 ,r , r 3 are 12cm, 18cm, and 36cm respectively. 19.14 | Solutions of Triangle

Illustration 22: If the exradii of a triangle are in HP, the corresponding sides are in ____ (JEE MAIN)

Sol: Here, in this problem, r1, r2 and r3 are in H.P. 111 sasbsc−−− ⇒ ,, are in A.P. ⇒ ,, are in A.P. ⇒−s a,s − b,s − c are in A.P. rrr123 ∆∆∆ ⇒−a, − b, − c are in A.P. ⇒ a, b, c are in A.P.

bc−−− ca ab Illustration 23: Find the value of ++. (JEE ADVANCED) rrr123 ∆ ∆ ∆ Sol: By using r = , r = and r = , we can solve the above problem. 1 sa− 2 sb− 3 sc−

(bc−−−) ( ca) ( ab) sa−−  sb  sc − ++= (bc−) +−( ca)  +−( ab)  rrr123 ∆∆∆   (sabc−)( −+−) ( sbca)( −+−) ( scab)( −) = ∆

s( b−+−+− c c a a b) − ab − ac + bc − ba + ac − bc 0 = = = 0 ∆∆

BC Illustration 24: Find the value of the rcot cot . (JEE ADVANCED) 22 Sol: Here, in this problem, r=4RsinA/2.sinB/2.sinC/2. By putting this value, we can solve the above problem.

cosB / 2 cosC / 2 rcotB/2.cotC/2 = 4RsinA / 2sinB / 2.sinC / 2. . [as r=4RsinA/2.sinB/2.sinC/2] sinB / 2 sinC / 2

= 4R.sinA/2.cosB/2.cosC/2=r11{ as,r= 4RsinA/ 2.cosB/ 2.cosC/ 2}

∴rcotB / 2.cotC / 2= r1


The triangle formed by joining the three excentres I ,I and I of ∆ABC is 12 3 I called the excentral or excentric triangle. Note that: B B 2 C ∆ o (i) The incentre I of ∆ABC is the orthocentre of the excentral III. p - B 123 2 2 90

(ii) ∆ABC is the pedal triangle of the ∆III123. (iii) The sides of the excentral triangle are I1 AB C 4Rcos , 4Rcos and 4Rcos and 22 2 Figure 19.17 ππAB π C Its angles are −−, and − . A 2 22 2 2 2

(iv) Distance between the incentre and excentre a b ABC = = = I I1 4R sin ; I I 23 4R sin ; I I 4R sin . q 222 BC m D n Figure 19.18 Mathematics | 19.15


If D be a point on the side BC of a ∆ABC such that BD:DC = m:n and ∠=θADC , ∠=αBAC and ∠=βDAC . (a) m+ n cot θ= mcot α− ncot β (b) m+ n cot θ= ncotB − mcotC ( ) ( ) BD m Proof: (a) Given that, = and ∠=θADC DC n ο  ∠ADB =( 180 −θ) ; ∠ BAD =α and ∠ DAC =β ∴∠ABD = 180οο −( α+ 180 −θ) =θ−α and ∠ACD = 180ο −( θ+β) BD AD From ∆=ABD, ... (i) sinα sin(θ−α) DC AD DC AD From ∆=ADC, or = ... (ii) sinβ sin 180ο − θ+β sinβ sin θ+β ( ) ( ) BDsinβ sin(θ+β) m sinβ sin θ .cos β+ cos θ .sin β dividing (i) by (ii), then = or = DCsinα sin(θ−α) n sinα sin θ .cos α− cos θ sin α or msinθβ sin cos α− mcos θ .sin α .sin β=αθ nsin sin cos β+α nsin cos θβ sin mcotα− mcot θ= ncot β+ ncot θ [dividing both sides by sinαβθ sin sin ] or (m+ n) cot θ= mcot α− ncot β BD m (b) Given =and ∠=θ ADC ; ∴∠ADB = 180ο −θ; ∠=ABD Band ∠= ACD C DC n and ∠BAD = 180οο −( 180 −θ+ B) =θ− B ; ∴∠DAC = 180ο −( θ+ C) BD AD and now from ∆=ABD. … (i) sin(θ− B) sinB DC AD DC AD and from ∆=ADC, or = ... (ii) sin 180ο − θ+ C sinC sinθ+ C sinC ( ) ( ) BD sin(θ+ C) sinC m sinθ cosC +θ cos sinC sinC dividing (i) by (ii), then . = or, = DC sin(θ− B) sinB n sinθ cosB −θ cos sinB sinB or, msinθ cosCsinB + mcos θ sinCsinB =θ nsin sinCcosB −θ ncos sinBsinC or, mcotC+ mcot θ= ncotB − ncot θ [dividing both sides by sinBsinCsinθ ] or, (m+ n) cot θ= ncotB − mcotC

AB BC CA Illustration 25: In a triangle ABC, if cot cot= c, cot cot= a and cot cot= b, 22 22 22 111 then find the value of ++. (JEE MAIN) sa−−− sb sc

Sol: Here, by using trigonometric ratios of half angle, we can solve above problem.

AB ss( −− a) ss( b) s 1c 1a 1b cot cot = ×=c ; =⇒=c similarly= and = 22(sbsc−−)( ) ( scsa −−)( ) sc−− sc s sa − s sb − s s 1c 1a 1b =⇒=c Similarlysimilarly = and = sc−− sc s sa − s sb − s 1 1 1 a++ b c 2s So that ++= ==2 sa−−− sb sc s s 19.16 | Solutions of Triangle


In a triangle, there are six elements- three sides and three angles. In geometry, we have done that if three of the elements are given, at least one of which must be side, then the other three elements can be uniquely determined. The procedure of determining unknown elements from the known elements is called solving a triangle.

Solution of a right angled triangle Case I: When two sides are given: Let the triangle be right angled at C. Then we can determine the remaining elements as given in the table.

Given Required aa (i) a, b tanA= , B =−= 90ο A, c b sinA

a (ii) a, c sinA= , b = ccosA, B = 90ο − A c

Case II: When a side and an acute angle are given: In this case, we can determine the remaining elements as given in the table.

Given Required a (i) a, A B=−= 90ο A, b acot A, c = sinA

(ii) c, A B=−= 90ο A, a csinA, b = ccosA

Solution of a triangle in general

Case I: When three sides a, b, c are given: In this case, the remaining elements are determined by using the following formulae. ∆=ssasbsc( −)( −)( − ) , where 2s = a + b + c

222∆∆∆AB  ∆∆∆  c sinA= , sinB = , sinC = . OR tan = , tan= , tan= bc ac ab 222  ss( −−− a)  ss( b)  ss( c) Case II: When two sides a, b and the included angle C are given: In this case, we use the following formulae:

1 A−− B  a b  2C A+ Bο C asinC ∆= absinC, tan = cot ; =−=90 and c 2 2  ab+  2 2 2 sinA Case III: When one side a and two angle A and B are given: In this case, we use the following formulae to determine the remaining elements. asinC 1 A++ B C = 180ο ; C= 180ο −+( A B) and c = ; ∆= casinB sinA 2 Case IV: When two sides a, b and the A opposite to one side is given: In this case, we use the following formulae. b sinB= sinA ... (i) a asinC C= 180ο −+( A B) , c = sinA From (i), the following possibilities will arise: When A is an acute angle and a< bsinA . Mathematics | 19.17

b In this case, the relation sinB= sinA gives that sinB> 1 , which is impossible. Hence no triangle is possible. a When A is an acute angle and a= bsinA . In this case, only one triangle is possible which is right angled at B. When A is an acute angle and a> bsinA bsinA In this case, there are two values of B given by sinB = say B and B such that B+= B 180ο and side c can a 12 12 asinC be obtained by using c = sinA

Some useful results: Solution of oblique triangles: The triangle which are not right angled are known as oblique triangles. The problems on solving an oblique triangle lie in the following categories: (a) When three sides are given (b) When two side and included angle are given (c) When one side and two angles are given (d) When all the three angles are given (e) Ambiguous case in solution of triangle

When the three sides are given: When three sides a, b, c of a triangle are given, then to solve it, we have to find its three angles A,B,C. For this cosine rule can be used.

When two sides and included angle are given: Problem based on finding the angles when any two sides and the angles between them or any two sides and the difference of the opposite angles to them are given, Napier’s analogy can be used.

When one side and two angles are given: Problems based on finding the sides and angles when any two and side opposite to one of them are given, then sine rule can be used.

When all the three angles are given: In this case unique solution of triangle is not possible. In this case only the ratio of the sides can be determined. abc For this the formula, = = can be used sinA sinB sinC Ambiguous case in solution of triangles: When any two sides and one of the corresponding angles are given, under certain additional conditions, two triangles are possible. The case when two triangles are possible is called the ambiguous case. In fact, when any two sides and the angle opposite to one of them are given either no triangle is possible or only one triangle is possible or two triangles are possible. Now, we will discuss the case when two triangles are possible.

b= 72.95, c = 82.31, B = 42ο 47' Illustration 26: Solve the triangle, if (JEE MAIN) sinC sinB Sol: By using sine rule i.e. = , we can solve the given triangle. cb sinC sinB csinB 82.31× sin42ο 47' (i) To find C =⇒=sinC = =0.7663 c b b 72.95

−1 ο ο C= sin( 0.7663) C1 = 50 1'12'' and C2 = 129 58'48'' 19.18 | Solutions of Triangle

I solution II solution

ο C= 50ο 1'12" C= 129 58'48"

ο A= 180ο −+( B C) A= 180 −+( B C) οο ο ο A=−+ 180οο( 42 47' 50 ο 1'12") = 87ο 11'48" =−+180 (42 47' 129 58'48") = 7 14'12" To find a To find a ab ab = = sinA sinB sinA sinB bsinA 72.95× sin87ο 11'48" bsinA 72.95× sin7ο 14'12" = = = = a ο a ο sinB sin42 27' sinB sin42 27'

a= 107.95 a= 13.62

∴ Two solutions are A ο ο ο ο C1 = 50 1'12" A1 = 87 11'48" a1 = 107.95 C2 = 129 58'48" A2 = 7 14'12" a2 = 13.62 Geometrically, we draw the triangle with given data c,b and angle B. c b b (a) If AN(= csinB) = b (exactly). The triangle is a right angled triangle. (b) If AN(= csinB) > b , the triangle cannot be drawn. B C NC (c) If AN(= csinB) << b c, two triangles are possible. 1 2 (d) b>c, only one triangle is possible. Figure 19.19

Illustration 27: In a triangle ABC, b=16cm, c=25cm, and B= 33ο 15' . Find the angle C. (JEE MAIN)

Sol: Simply by using sine rule, we can find out the angle C. sinC sinB We know that, = [Here, b=16cm, c=25cm, B= 33ο 15' ] cb ο c 25sin33 15' −οο οο ο sinC= sinB = = 0.8567 ; C= sin1 ( 0.8567) = 58 57' ; C= 58 57' ; C=−= 180 58 57' 121 3' b 16 1 2


In the application of sine rule, the following points are to be noted. We are given one side a and some other side x is to be found. Both these are in different triangles. We choose a common side y of these triangles. Then apply sine rule for a and y in one triangle and for x and y for the other triangle and eliminate y. Thus, we will get the unknown side x in terms of a. A a In the adjoining figure, a is the known side of ∆ABC and x is the unknown side of q triangle ACD. The common side of these triangles is AC=y(say). Now, apply sine rule. B y b g D a y x y ∴= …(i) and = . … (ii) a x sinαβ sin sinθγ sin C xsinαβ sin asinβθ sin Dividing (ii) by (i) we get, = ; ∴=x Figure 19.20 asinθγ sin sinαγ sin In case of generalized triangle problems, option verification is very useful using equilateral, isosceles or right angle triangle properties. So, it is advised to remember properties of these triangles. Mathematics | 19.19


(a) In ∆ABC, ∠ABC +∠ +∠ =π

(a)a) sin ( B+ C) = sin( π− A) = sinA (b)b) cos ( C+ A) = cos( π− B) =− cos B AB+π C C (c)c) sin= sin −= cos 2 22 2 BC+π A A (d)d) cos = cos −= sin 2 22 2 abc (b) Sine rule: In, = = = 2R Where R = Circumradius and a, b, c are sides of triangle. sinA sinB sinC

bca222+− acb222+− abc2+− 22 (c) Cosine rule: cosA = , cosB = , cosC = 2bc 2ac 2ab (d) Trigonometric ratios of half – angles:

A (sbsc−−)( ) A ss( − a) A (sbsc−−)( ) (a) sin = where 2s = a + b + c; (b) cos = ; (c) tan = 2 bc 2 bc 2 ss( − a) 1 11 (e) Area of a triangle : ∆=bcsinA = casinB = absinC 2 22 abc++ (f) Heron’s formula : ∆=ssasbsc( −)( −)( − ) , where s = . 2 a b c abc (g) Circumcircle Radius : R = = = = 2sinA 2sinB 2sinC 4∆

∆ AB   C (h) Incircle Radius : (a) r = ; (b) r=−=−( s a) tan  , r( s b) tan and r=( s − c) tan s 22   2 (i) Radius of the Escribed Circle :

∆ ∆∆ (a) r= , r = ,r = 1sa− 23 sb −− sc ABC (b) r= stan , r = stan , r = stan 1222 23 BC CA AB cos cos cos cos cos cos (c) r= a22 ,r= b 22 ,r= c 22 12ABC 3 cos cos cos 222 ABC ABC ABC (d) r= 4Rsin cos cos , r= 4Rcos sin cos , r= 4Rcos cos sin 12 22 23 222 222

(j) Length of Angle bisector and Median: A 2bc cos 1 2 22 2 maa= 2b + 2c − a and β= ⇒ ma - length of median, βa - length of bisector. 2 bc+