Regent Park Community Update Meeting

April 19, 2018 Agenda

Phase 4 & 5 Questions Construction Update Relocation Update Community Update Questions Phase 4 & 5 Questions Construction Update Relocation Update Community Update Questions Phases 4 & 5 Phases 4 & 5 Phases 4 & 5: process

2017/2018 2018 2019 TCHC Select Confirm Plan preliminary Developer for Phases work Partner 4 & 5 Phases 4 & 5: Proposal call process

How will the community be involved?

Stage 1 vision Stage 2 presentation Phases 4 & 5: TCHC Obligations

• Replacing all 2083 Rent-geared-to-income units • Build the same types of housing, including grade related units • Keep the ratio of social housing at no less that 25% social housing to 75% market housing • Zoning is in place • Social Development Plan TCHC’s Commitment to Regent Park

• TCHC is committed to the success of the Regent Park community

• We are committed to upholding the vision of the community and will uphold the 12 community planning principles, the Social Development Plan and will apply all of the lessons we’ve learned throughout the revitalization

• We will continue to engage with the community and include them in the Request for Proposal Process to select a developer partner for Phases 4 & 5 12 Community Planning Principles

1. Renew the Regent Park neighbourhood 2. Re-introduce pedestrian-friendly streets and park spaces 3. Design a safe and accessible neighbourhood 4. Involve the community in the process 5. Build on cultural diversity, youth, skills and energy 6. Create a diverse neighbourhood with a mix of uses, including a range of housing, employment, institutions and services 7. Design a clean, healthy and environmentally responsible neighbourhood 8. Keep the same number of RGI units that existed before the revitalization began 9. Minimize disruption for households during relocation 10. Develop a financially responsible strategy 11. Create a successful neighbourhood 12. Improve the remainder of Regent Park during the redevelopment Phase 4 & 5 Questions Construction Update Relocation Update Community Update Questions Ground Rules

1. Culture of respect for all people

2. One question at a time

3. Please allow people to ask questions and provide an answer Phase 4 & 5 Questions Construction Update Relocation Update Community Update Questions TCHC Rental Buildings: 50 Regent Park Blvd TCHC Rental Buildings: 21 Tubman/110 River TCHC Rental Buildings: 150 River Street TCHC Rental Buildings: Block 16N Daniels’ Market Buildings: DuEast Under Construction

Block 17 South

The Wyatt

The Sumach by Chartwell


The Sutton Collection Phase 4 & 5 Questions Construction Update Relocation Update Community Update Questions Relocation Update

• 142 families are moving into 50 Regent Park Boulevard.

• Out of 60 eligible households from 3B-2, 55 families have chosen a new unit in 50 Regent Park Boulevard, 110 River Street and 21 Tubman Avenue, and will move directly into their permanent home!

• The remaining families at 365 Parliament and 295 will receive a Relocation Notice this summer. • We have 19 fully modified units for the tenants in Regent Park. Speak to the OU or Relocation staff if you think you might require a modified unit Affordable Housing

Total Affordable Market Units 21 Tubman Ave (1 bedrooms): 11 units 50 Regent Blvd (2 bedrooms): 18 units 50 Regent Blvd (3 bedrooms): 29 units 21 Tubman Ave (3 bedrooms): 1 unit

Total Applicants 21 Tubman Ave (1 bedrooms): 1448 applicants 50 Regent Blvd (2 bedrooms): 761 applicants 50 Regent Blvd (3 bedrooms): 754 applicants 21 Tubman Ave (3 bedrooms): 791 applicants Phase 4 & 5 Questions Construction Update Relocation Update Community Update Questions Neighbourhood Safety

Crime Prevention & Lighting Early Intervention Strategy

Community Regent Park Physical Crisis Social Safety Cameras CPTED Response Infrastructure Infrastructure Strategy Network

Tenant Council Safety Safe Subcommittee & Eventual RP Streets Safety Network Crime Prevention and Early Intervention Strategy

• The Community Crisis Response Network (CCRN) recognized the need for a new response and strategy to prevent crime and to respond to youth engagement in Regent Park. • The strategy focuses upon four key areas: . Creating Safety with a Culturally-Specific Mental Health Plan . Creating a Plan to Connect with disengaged Youth . Programs and Activities for Youth . Making Regent Park Safer and Learning from the Past Crime Prevention and Early Intervention Strategy Crime Prevention and Early Intervention Planning Group: • TCHC Tenant Council members (including the safety subcommittee of the Tenant Council & representation from RPNA) • Toronto Police • Toronto Community Housing Staff • Agency Staff Work to Date: • 4 workshops on topic areas • 3 workshops with youth at Pathways • 1 workshop at the CRC • 2 engagements with Street Health/RPCHC • Conversations with RPNA, Youth Workers • 2 Workshops at Schools Crime Prevention and Early Intervention Strategy: Early Recommendations

Mental Health • Programming and campaigns that address mental health (including address stigma) • Counselling for people experiencing trauma • Review of service delivery time and eligibility

Youth Engagement • Creating and programming for youth-based spaces • Asset map of resources and programming • Sharing positive stories of youth, understanding the history of youth engagement and responses and sharing those stories Social Development Plan Refresh

Process so far: • 2 community and agency workshops • Met with ED Network & RPNA to explore recommendations

Next steps: • Consultant to produce refresh recommendations • Meet with RPNA in mid-May • 3rd Community Workshop in late May • Present to City Council in the summer RFEOI: Community Commercial Space at The Wyatt • Local Businesses were invited to express their interest to be considered for 1000 square feet of Community Commercial Space in Regent Park.

• 8 Responses were received.

• RPNA’s Advocacy Committee is involved in the evaluation process.

• Anticipated that the selected tenant will be announced in Summer 2018 and will take over the space in Spring 2019. RFEOI: Community Commercial Space at The Wyatt Current space is at base of The Wyatt Condominium at East & Sumach Street.

Upcoming opportunities at DuEast and Block 17 South

Current opportunity at The Wyatt

Daniels intends to continue offering Community Commercial Space within each of the upcoming condominium buildings in Phase 3. Retail Advisory Committee

Retail Advisory Committee • Interested members signed up at the December Community Update Meeting • First meeting May 10, 2018 Employment Programs in Regent Park

Moving Towards Opportunity • Job preparation program for secondary students living in TCH, Regent Park and surrounding areas. • 31 participants have recently started weekly workshops (14 week program).

Higher Learning Initiative • An employment program for Foreign Trained Professionals needing support in connecting to labour market. • Regent Park and TCH Residents will be given priority. • Program will be launched in Fall of 2018. • Information Sessions planned for June/July 2018; flyers will be sent to TCH with specifics on registration and those interested can identify at TESS table tonight. Employment Programs in Regent Park

Hospitality Launch Pad Dixon Hall • 5-Day intensive program. • Pre-employment boot camp culminating in a tour of one of Toronto’s top restaurants. • One to one interviews with HR professionals and introductions to the culinary staff.

Food Sustainability Program • 10-Week training. • Works recipients who will receive food service skills training. • The program includes work placements and wrap around employment supports. • Program slated to launch in the summer of 2018. Employment Opportunities in Regent Park

Revitalization Employment Opportunities A Community Housing Revitalization Employment Opportunities (EOS) site has been added:

Job and Career Fairs Scarborough Civic Centre Job and Career Fair 150 Borough Drive Wednesday May 9, 2018, 10 am to 4 pm

Toronto Centre Career & Job Fair Wellesley Place Community Centre 495 Sherbourne St. Tuesday May 15, 2018, 11:30 am - 3:30 pm Phase 4 & 5 Questions Construction Update Relocation Update Community Update Questions Thank YOU!

If you have any questions or concerns after this meeting, please call the Regent Park Hotline 416-981-4311