December 8, 1972 NO
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Madison College Lib? Harrisonburg. Virgin*' / VoL XLVIV Madison College, Harrisonburg Va. Friday, December 8, 1972 NO. 13 Buyers Throng 'Thieves Market' By MARCIA A. SLACUM buyers, the "Market" was On Wednesday, Dec. 6, the located In the more central- Art Student Guild of Madison ized Student Center Ballroom. sponsored a "highly success- Also for the first time, the ful 'Thieves Market' " for sponsors advertised on cam- the sale of arts and crafts. pus and in the city of Har- The sale is an annual event risonburg. and in past years has been held These new methods of pre- in the Duke Fine Arts center. senting the Market appeared This year in order to attract to bring the desired success. and to accommodate more Students and faculty members poured In to the ballroom, par- ticularly between classes and Courses during the dinner hours. The sponsors have always wanted more participation from Offered members of the local com- munity, and this year, Har- Two new inter-dlsclpllnary risonburg residents, mostly Photo by Patrick McLaughlin Humanities courses, Human- women shoppers, patronized The annual "Thieves Market," sponsored by and community to the sale of its arts and ities 300 and Humanities 202, the Market In significant num- the Art Student Guild, was "highly suc- crafts. have been planned for second bers. Marsha Slmms, an Art cessful" in drawing members of the college semester. The two courses major and a member of the are based on a new approach Art Guild, stated that "it was to the arts that will strive really quite exciting. At to answer not only the tra- times, it seemed as though BakerBY KAREN SCHUELER Recounts Adventures ditional how but also why e- everyone who came in was Norman Baker, the only A- that acquaintance that we ul- Baker has no definite plans very culture from the most buying something." Items sold merlean to participate In the timately got together again for future voyages but he said, primitive to the most soph- were created by Madison stu- RA Expedition, journeyed to in New York City 12 years "I've had some very interest- isticated posseses some type dents and faculty members Madison College last Thurs- later, in 1968, and that's when ing propositions, but if any- of art. The courses will go and ranged from a variety of day night. Heyderdahl first began to talk body has something that comes beyond the discovery of art crafts to pencil drawings and In his lecture in Wil- of the Ra Expedition, and in- close to the stature of this forms to show a relation be- art paintings. son Hall, Baker explained vited me to be his navigator." expedition, I'll be glad to ac- tween nature and art and to "Thieves Market" was the the expedition as an effort Although the first Ra failed, cept," (con't on page 3) first of many projects to be to see if a duplication of an the Ra n sailed from North held by the Student Art Guild ancient ship was capable of Africa across the Atlantic O- Sheldon Struck By Fire this year. The Guild is com- crossing the Atlantic Ocean. cean into Barbados after two posed of non-Art majors, as Baker explained the purpose months and a day at sea. Two residents of Sheldon praised the quick action of the well as Art majors, interest- of the Ra Expedition. "The This proved Heyderdahl's the- dormitory, Joe O'Brien and students in the building be- ed in exhibiting their talents. reason why we wanted to see ory mat a papyrus ship was Jim Nogle, suffered consider- cause a few more minutes de- The proceeds of this project, if it was possible was because capable of sailing from the able financial loss when their lay and the fire could have 10% of each item sold, win so many artifacts found in Old World to the New World. second-floor room was struck destroyed the whole building. go to the Art Department's ancient America resembled Commenting on the two voy- by Are on November 30. Some of the fire extinguishers gallery collection fund. The so strongly those found in the ages, Baker said, "I think The Harrisonburg fire de- in the dormitory did not work fund is used to purchase fa- ancient Mediterranean civili- if s really amazing that the partment responded to the properly, therefore, water had mous art works by noted ar- zations." Thor Heyderdahl, first voyage so nearly suc- alarm, but the blaze had been to be carried in trash cans tist for permanent display in who headed the expedition, ceeded and failed, and the extinguished by the time the to douse the blaze. the Art Department. proposed that it was possible second voyage so nearly failed firemen arrived. Chief Humes The cause of the fire was to cross the ocean in a pap- and succeeded." placed on a self-heating e- yrus ship, contrary to the lectrlc cup that was left plug- * What's News?* argument that this feat was ged Into the current while the During final examinations, Impossible before ships were room was vacant The coll from Monday, December 18, Invented. overheated starting the blaze, through Friday, December Baker was initially assigned but no damage to the electri- 22, the Counseling Centerwlll to be the navigator on the Ra, cal system of the building be open for the convenience but later he became the radio could be found afterwards as of the students in the evening operator, and as the only a result of the fire. from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., in member of the crew who had Dr. Byron Wills stated mat addition to the regular hours. ever been on a sailing ship, the college assumes no lia- The Counseling Center during he was also appointed sailing bility for the students' pro- this time will not schedule master and second in com- perty when the student is at regular appointments as It mand. fault. Estimates on the da- usually does but Instead will With regard to his personal mage may run close to a be open oh a "walk-In" basis interest In the Ra Expedition, $1,000 as a stereo and an e- for any student who wishes to Baker said, "Personally, I lectric guitar were closest talk with a counselor. felt it was a privilege to be to the flames. Coffee will be available. cooped up with Thor Heyder- The college Is going to re- dahl for several months at paint the room and replace a Students' bills for spring se- a time...and the second thing section of the floor that was mester tuition and fees will was that I was really just charred by the blaze; also be distributed prior to Christ- drawn to the sea again." residents of the dorm were mas vacation, a spokesman Baker's involvement in the reassured that no structural for the College Comptroller's expedition began when he met damage to the building had Office has announced. Heyderdahl In Tahiti where occurred. All emergency fire The bills will be placed in they were both picking up sup- equipment on the campus is students' post office boxes plies. Baker explained how now in the process of being during the week of Dec. 18. this acquaintance led him to tested and recharged if neces- The bills must be paid on Photo by John Cooper become a part of the expedit- sary for better fire protec- or before Jan. 15 registration ion. "It was really through Noraai laker tion in the dormitories. for spring semester. / Page 2, THE BREEZE, Friday, December 8, 1972 Foreign Film Series 'Exterminating Angel'-Work of Art By FRANK ADAMS in spite of some differences moment they are free. and hence artificiality. Luis Bunuel's "Extermina- form of some sheep who wan- Bunuel (that's pronounce Bo- in age, Initially well groomed, ting Angel" Is the story of a der in and provide food. (Sy- Formularlzed society accep- ted uncritically Is a prison. on-you-EL) does not push his and wooden. Acting Is under- formal dinner party which be- mbolically, a violin Is one of effects: the main setting, the stated and rigidly subordin- gins, despite the ominous de- the items shattered to prov- Subordinated to Individual in- tellect and spirit, It has no drawing room, is only mil- ated to theme; Bunuel sees to parture of pearly all the ser- ide fuel for cooking.) The se- it that the picture belongs to cond and more consequential special power. dly claustrophobic; manners vants, In a usual way, with him alone. trivial conversation and imp- source of salvation arises fr- The cycle Is repeated in cap- and morale decline without * eccable manners. Later In the om a re-enactment of the be- sule form at the end of the disappearing; little violence "Exterminating Angel" the evening, at the time when the ginning of the first evening movie, this time with the ch- occurs. title arising from the asser- guests ought to be going home in the drawing room. (This urch used instead of stereo- tion that whatever extermin- typed society. The priests and Action is divided Into inci- they find that they cannot will re-enactment is prepared for dents each of which has Its ates the evil of encrusted and to leave the drawing room. by the cinematic repetition the congregation cannot leave meaningless tradition is ang- the sanctuary. But never own shape, so that the movie, They stay on helplessly for of two of the first scenes In though : almost: totally static elic, is tightly unified and fear.