Palaeogene Rocks, East Bahariya Concession, Western Desert, Egypt
Geologia Croatica 65/2 109–138 33 Figs. 1 Tab. Zagreb 2012 109 Mahsoub et al.: Bio- and Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous – Palaeogene rocks, East Bahariya Concession, Western Desert, Egypt Bio- and Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous – Palaeogene rocks, East Bahariya Concession, Western Desert, Egypt Mohamed Mahsoub1, Radwan A.bul-Nasr1, Mohamed Boukhary2, Hamed Abd El Aal1 and Mahmoud Faris3 1 Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt; (; rabulnasr@; 2 Department of Geology Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt; ( 3 Department of Geology Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt; ( doi: 104154/gc.2012.09 GeologiaGeologia CroaticaCroatica AB STRA CT This work deals with the plankton stratigraphy of the subsurface Upper Cretaceous-Palaeogene succession of the East Bahariya Concession based on planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils. The examination of the cuttings from fi ve wells: AQSA-1X, KARMA-E-1X, KARMA-3X, KARMA-NW-1X and KARMA-NW-5X is bi- ostratigraphically evaluated. It is possible to identify the planktonic foraminifera as well as the calcareous nannofos- sil biozones. The analyses of calcareous nannofossils revealed the presence of several hiatuses. Information obtained from well data such as seismic facies analysis for the studied area has enabled classifi cation of the Upper Cretaceous- Palaeogene succession into fi ve major 2nd order depositional sequences, separated by four major depositional sequence boundaries (SB1, SB2, SB3 and SB4). The Upper Cretaceous-Palaeogene succession in the East Bahariya is divided into 17 systems tracts. These systems tracts are: 7 System tracts of probable Cenomanian age, (the sequence strati- graphic framework as well as the cycles and system tracts of the Cenomanian Bahariya Formation match well with those of CATUNEANU et al., 2006); 4 System tracts of Turonian age, 2 System tracts of Campanian-Maastrichtian age and 4 System tracts of Eocene age.
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