Philosophy 1501 East 57th Street
[email protected] Chicago, IL 60637 Abed, Shukri B., Aristotelian Logic and the Arabic Language in Alfarabi (SUNY Series in Hindu Studies). SUNY Press, 1991. Hardcover. Dec. cloth, no dj. Slight shelf-wear; clean internals. Very Good. (Subject: Medieval, Philosophy).. Book Number: S85582. Price: $25.00 [Al-Kashi] Kennedy, E.S., The planetary equatorium of Jamshīd Ghiyāth al-Dīn al- Kāshī (d. 1429): an edition of the anonymous Persian manuscript 75 <44b> in the Garett Collection at Princeton University; being a description of two computing instruments, the plate of heavens and the plate of conjunctions. With translation and commentary by E.S. Kennedy. Princeton University Press, 1960. Cloth, dj., 267 pp., illus.. (Subject: Medieval, Philosophy.). Book Number: Q04399. Price: $45.00 Al-Muqammas, Dawud, Twenty Chapters (Library of Judeo-Arabic Literature). Brigham Young University, 2017. Hardcover. Cloth, d.j. Light shelf-wear. Bright, clean copy. Very Good. (Subject: Medieval, Philosophy).. Book Number: S73862. Price: $35.00 Alan of Lille; Marie-Therese d'Alverny (ed.), Alain de Lille: textes inedits. Avec une introduction sur sa vie et ses oeuvres par Marie-Therese d'Alverny, avec 2 planches hors texte.. Vrin, 1965. Orig. wraps., 380 pp. Some edgewear to wraps; prev. owner's signature. Very sound overall. (Subject: Medieval, Philosophy.). Book Number: Q21382. Price: $40.00 [Albert of saxony] Albertus de Saxonia, Sophismata. Georg Olms, 1975. Nachdr. d. Ausg. Paris 1502. Cloth, 12mo [unpaginated]/ Facsimile reprint of the edition of Paris, 1502. (Subject: Medieval, Philosophy.). Book Number: S46758. Price: $50.00 [Albert of Saxony] Kann, Christoph, Die Eigenshaften Der Termini: Eine Untersuchung Zur Perutilis Logica Alberts Von Sachsen (Studien Und Texte Zur Geistesgeschichte Des Mittelalters).