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Q:'_/{W 3 7 2956 » j j . g. :nF0RMm|§w ¢ou'rAmEU ' @ . DAEE-3iN:lZU|r.CLAS§{!FE% 7&3 * L{Z 5735 _ J,3~'-'-_,}g.;'v%,;s -3,32.-4:,-=;J»;-' = ~ .. '92- . >~ -~:»;92=~j. - it -*T 1,1,-_ ".{g¢4: ',-:2"":=-git; ->~,sL;.= -1%-ifs :21. :'-.».;92"¬!..'-.???;", !~'~*;:,*.>;,,-{,- ,e- ,-. .." ..;,'E z ~.¢ T. <4 .-!»».. 1 - -. c ;~ :z..,¢.»,_-,-.¢-._;1=,; ..--92..-- - - . ,;:_-=v_+e_-=.-.-,,.. A ':= ,1 :'. Y '» :_=~- fv-,1.-. 1 >-.'=-..»?s-.92_~2r "v ,92;5_,_.y{*; _. "::,;L|<;.~..' .-at ' -¢,A_- . - ,92__r.;s;..-.;_. - Q 9" . an_' :1 - . '.1» -. _ -2 1,'q!;q-_.-I. ~~ » ,"_ ms.~ -_¢w-_ -. __,.1-* ~ . s..,_. L ,3 f. . I , -- 92» _ -,-»-n - I . --:2,*, K92 __. _ ' "-__; .1, ._.-G. :-_; , .*,- >_;- -.. ., . T t ., ,/T t e 1-_ -.f92. ;. -,.,='*+_, :92_ .5 W r.-- --' - i 1-'» - ~- -< ~.-Q ..',-...~|w}f=_;f -~.-..-=~P- 1< 1.», tie: ~ _-7».-;Lc _. -, . FD ; 6- , ' ' - F. rs ~:-.''.=s = __ |;1-:-;_;»§;~;;»~; a, ;:>_'f;__;1;;,.@g :-_ - ; 4_-U: =~.r,92_":._ . -,/1 -. .. t. 1 -" 1 = _= =' . E - _ . 92 - cw-.:~-->» ~», ."..,"92_~*92.92,.: -;~_. -<-,~ ~.=,m .-_~ ,¥_§ J ,..IP . ,1! " -:,1. 92_";~._M;. H - - lwsslI -. aw, l ,,: ;_ r 64' iin FRAMIISCO V751/at 5/35/45 1 iW :- T : "f - -.4-! /:="=e4*- - . ~ ,. ~ :-Y-:2 Z". I ;' _ _:_%FlTLE ;~ . - ~'D » CHARACTER OF CASE ' KJ ~~ 1- -. ,.,1' c:e =1»-i., 92 T LUCY8 4 E-?~h_~§.. .. '1 E cf uif.38 we 44 --T5 - e.~_.~r=-..- -.:5; ...~:92..m ,.} '=. -, 4- TREUHAFT, nee Jessica Lucx _ I t ' wf:-~_ Q 1 . g ,,;-_ '=-, . . _ E1.-1.33 ;~ -ea. _... .. ll. g ._...__.__ _ - _ r 92 I '7 L _ $3; Igs . U_¢;man~M' ,gM£, with aliases,uJ "'ca SECURITY MATTER , 3- .~._ .*.,..4 . 1-tag,P Yf.'192>, """""""""i. ._wTcm u Ian --1 _, --' __iL~_ma-"- . t " ' "I t reuhaft - . 5.-YNOPSIS ':>":i"'F792"Cl'§"". = l. w -- b 6 F: _e §;> =-*._ fh d = - 92 17> 7 C , -I . 92 . M E _:._,r Subject recently transferreq to the Twin Peaks Club _.... L?$5-2%.;-_; ,. 92 12*? I--t-'~ ~Z -.|._.-inx§t J of the CPA in San Francispcl Subject is at the pre- 1 92,,;.tg;¢,;.¬, _;92 . 5 _ ciiég; EL;,_»_9292_¢,1} ;..| 92 sent time on leave from.her position as financial z~:wé"e'.13z' lg 92 92 E . secretary of the 0akland,Galifornia Labor School. 4. 1. :._Q ~ ~. During recent nonths she has been assisting on the . .*.,~;¬~' .! .- H Friends of the Spanish Democracy Committee_which was ~ -u%=w lobbying against/the Franco government at the UNCIO. zit"-=1..,92._,: ~:~ .-.P;,;;T;.-. - -,4 £"~92 . Subject may return to the California Labor School 'K if the above position is not permanent, Subject con- ~- H A i - x .»{-C;{ _.'."MQ 92 :. E 1; -92.' ru-.,-.;_-it . .1 g -2 ' _">:",'j"*H;;'i.¢ 1-;'F~.%;¢. : H, 1 "L.. , -~ ~ 'L"92 tinues to reside at 956 Clayton Street, . S % 92' ; J,1-:92 1.92' /s 1 T =92=*"1;i-if ==;?__.*'r;1.*_.- . ._ . K M <,_ 1- , 1 #3 T :'-,.--if. is ,1; - T §3qQQNTAWE§§ '.-,;":92i*?,} :'=':'~ . 1 -: ¢Q ~ t. -9292¢.»t'. =-.-*3 . ,. _ _ A;L'N:OmQ Asexe no " 1 ";~:-$1-.»=.. e . 9 , ii .'.;._, 4" ° "~"*E5 < 6?!M. 9.1'1 1~.~.g>-+;;,;.-W1 .- s~* E cam l}%£L" 5*, 37 "92 r ;:.;:_"921:» .-f=u:f'g-% i 92- r ,..-_ 1, ,.. . - " ii REFERENCE = Report of Special Agent dated .5i > 92=31? xv, i:~=;r>.-t 2/25/45 at San Francisco. -G /J _ 1 ,>,. 921 . '1. 1 Lg w w I 11$: vi DETAILS : AT SAN FR.'i_l=ICISCO, C§.LIFOR1f1IA. ' 'L ; Ex.»'4 < if:1- 3-," . - ~:. ~z I. The June, l9&5 Telephone Directory for San Francisco 1»_;~ reflects.that 1 , <-11! *1» .-13$-, this subject resides at 956 Clayton Street, San Francisco. ;,:'.Fi 4 -§:§E 92 -'.vf"' . <.-'35 92 * 92~=-;~1.' COi*Z'IUiiI_ST ACTIVITIES . an.-7: _92 '4.» 'M5_, .~>: i-'rs=sa"92rs="%*>H""9@=**i'" neg i " . ___FORW-RRDED: n n March, l945'was able to_r_epcrt that a registra- '_ "9. : :-re:-':-'--:'~':. - . : '- ~ ' '. ; I '.-. " =='»1!A.?: - ¢ , race 00 NOT WRITE nu THESE sraczs t __ x -~ _ , .- _ m CHARGE ______w______- .,. A, ~92 >"' r 731 - 92-,1 »~1-; -_.. -.~=: . -~.~;=:.,§ J 2-i "R -xv. L COPIES OF THIS REPORT ¢ mg -. .1--,.J-<_-'¢§-4' - %@.',,,,_92,>,Bureau f - ONT, San Francisco E G . {'-~:'-,._;! - SID, San Francisco E * I1iDEX.EB_i_:law it;-* 5 _ F _ £9;-*,g=Z§"J. 92J 1 {,_ .{:j.. ~ San Franciscv 1' _ ~ _- -is .1-r, .. ,.92' '. I ix;'.3?¬ _--4 '- _-3 ."!1? $ . -it ;_ 3». 2 ex!ii. I _ .1:-3%-'1-92" T | 5!."/=1~ e e ,"§.3";, - k . "'.1». .57" M.-vé '-1~";f»'::f*';>' 92 A . ¬ 5-val ~¢ '5 T | ....,.;-:...q at T: ~;"'_§,.! Fear ___ -~. _' "' _ M ' '1 _ .11" iF*"ev.*" ~1 *3! 'P"'.'3T"?""'92'_""3*'B""*'3i3"'7'"I{_?"'5-5='*?-F. ;;..,,"T;""' '_.7rT"'»' '1 . ~. 4 ,1 |-~.--,=- ~.-;-=-.- 1., ,"!_1'-H. _ --.- ~r; -.5 _,!_r 1r'92r.r"-5~1":=';?T5¬~.'-["'if, Y", .. ~-.-: __ »-...-=;- . .%-u =».;}., »~- ,-'=92»"¢.~ ¢~..-~. 92i92 - 1-=11c.~<; 5§"J'=s§-W 4 --1:.-::.»:',vI"£..?"r-1 .. I -_ -M--1; -. --. -- iaai- .92 . . . .. , s ~. . " '. -' '92 1* .4 "'.'<-"' . 7' tr-I -. :~-*-'l'.¢~,r'-E-'i"*~" _ »- -1-.~'~~ .-.... -. . ,1-54"-'5-:;92»='?~J?-.K-Z"i . .. ,- Y r='~?-.=.'; 0" -. J" -- .~-.' R '1-t-~";21 ' H 1 1 r ¢;3_*~.$."_.~'-f *"w~..r.»:.- »;',@n"*=-e~-z. . ..- . ..'.- .- V,» 1 - Y. 3~ _-: -92~ ~' ~_ », W-3--.92 _» - 7* ~-~ 1; / 1 T -_ ,',~:_.y92, 1 L.":_f a . ,~ ._ »=» ,92'I* 1...» T-T1}W , :__ um gr" »,. p ¢-.92»_.=;~m@@ Q ~a @w%_~ *- Pwwg , in -- . +..-.- i -1.' .~ -.17-. ' .- V ,5 i ,._;7- m A - . .5 . 1. H my ~ ~ ha.-r .- , , .~ . --.. - » 1 a I,_._- *1.-is"-~ 3.e>-2'. L.» , . 'r= :3! .. .92 J _ ~ . .-n ~ , "' r -. 1 _,,' ;; / ' _-A. _ _;-1,;.1;-.-I M. _w,;::,Z- - .. "_."K_..rj , ... ~ ... , » e: v. '." _ .=_< L.-; is ":,:>3 if b2 '

San Francisco File 100-21480 ' ' be ;i;,;».o . -' ':'.~: N1--.33Y~'!'. -cw =73 F"§":-¬iltlr=.'=i"Ii? if Q b7o - w-r;.,».-~~92 we 2-r.-1;, .~. , .;. ...;=, i-_,=._":92,>.-1 .-mi-"r g 1; ~.~:.-1.~=,._-'-,....,~ Ti R -if. .,92 J; 41». a b7D ~.~u 92" es * _t~~.- . ' >2", " a member of a CPA club in San Francisco and that her occupation was . . _ _-E; 25?...-._ ; _ .. 1, financial director of the California Labor School in Q R» 1f~_c_4'-'92 sh; . ""1 Oakland, California. ~:§il E~92* Further, that she was a member of the Office Workers Local.7é% of the - .. .:: -;§~="-1 A. F. of L. According to this source, the subject'sregistration card 9 .£te§i"¬' indicated she was born on September ll, 1917, place not known. Also w:W$ .- A]4@VrF¥ according to this source, the subject's 1945 membership card, No. 40554, was issued to her on D ember 1, 1945, and her 1944 membership card was No. 39252. This s source advised in March; 1945 that the subject . had been transfer d to the Twin Peaks Club of the CPA in San Francisco. tninrn:l .1rj;:i_.g~~§,-- _' area» _ as able to report in March, 1945 the same in: "1. , r;~§I; M; formation o was receive from Source A concerning the subject's regis- %@w;V --T§¬?:!;I"-'.' f 1 tration c rd. p cf;-929J;-_g ~ ... 1»M-.- 4. H,<F In February, 1945 s able to report an 'H'eeo=» STE nLSON, a CPA funotionary in Alameda County, California, had H .~:.~ an i suggested that the subject work only part time at the California Labor eh?-A '.-..:,%_92_-fit. _-_.; V//, School in Oakland, California, because she was living in San Francisco.'wws». and it took her considerable F ' ..~wnw.4 W1" A u .. H A ~'o=- Ll» this same time, according to -92. '_.;*~i;'=1 4 92 the California Labor School in Galand, was reported-to have stated ...'». _: ~:f'-. .. 1 ,»,925' thatthe subjects contribution to the school during her employment ._ c 1;"-5 .;:- 5;; , <--'. there had been wonderful. ,'i a "-..': I ta; ' -'.-.;.'.».,c"3;mW92;?..'.e5;e?+=§.~! . .=;,_. gi x .n1@'92&.s-»~~ is . .;__5_*.j_._.g-_: ._ 5 [;:::::::;lwas able to report in February, 1945 that < -.1-..<=.-/L »-~.;- s.. *1 . - the subject was eavingi e CPA club of which she had been a member and .,»»92- 92.92'.»'=.-. -; ,. r ~¢_+ U;*., ~ . mt--; .5-S»-~r*..*.'s; r" Q was to go into a neighborhood club of the CPA. -' -2', ".. 1 _...w ""='3'1_ir:-Z. ~'~?=.*-.;;".. - 41 ; 92 -- ~'. »~ R 2 1L i 3 A 'n March, 1945 advised that the subject was '_- - ;_u"i:._<-1;: c 0 EHP on leave from the a an , California Labor School and that her return -. .gg@ea¢.~"~z;.;2-92' ~-.»5 to the position as financial director was indefinite. -~ aihyvi-»--;.- '= , »-. -- := .22! |.! |.. Hu,e~~a. -. S K it [::::::::::]in April, 1945 was able to report that-the d>i¥§§ Friends of the banish Democracy Committee were coming to San Francisco -u.;¢se% '1 L to open up a West Coast branch and.that the purpose of this branch was '-~. ."§§~_';'-_' T';"'1*i_; to lobby at the United Nations Conference against recognition of the ;-.-" 2-: 5 ;»'¬**=-+1-1 !. nests 1 Franco gover ' ' ' - s.source§ the subject was -1. . . "."j.;»l§4e- 2__.'r;-5; <;.",,-3, working with both known Comunists in . .__.5»;§;i.?_ig . -;..V__. 1 ~,.~.;.--11¢._,;,:_x-., San Francisc , a that the suogect in par icular WES looking for people '7 ~ .=='=:.' s 1.; with the right Spanish background to work on this committee. According '.rw$?§ to this source, the subject was to be an.assistant to the committee in- , 18-. - -4~.. -~ > . 1=. San Francisco and that she had gone on leave from her position with the * '~:. rs.-:5-' *2. ""3 Oakland, California Labor School. . ~ '92 ,'!w.- |'} » ,'v> -= -.- ._. .|-J! .am,*n i -2.. _;" ¢;_§

i $iY:.:':;':ld - I .- ~- s.-»-~, L51; - .~v---;@-_- '; -,- L _»_;,. -- _.-92_.,'r;..<.<-s-92-,.»~. . + ' * .;'. . T ¢. _ _: ~ . I '_. -L = _._. .,;~-,3» .;_'_92=';' -H _;;__~92-a,_,=..,,-.,.~~- .. "- ;'._,,,' ..,_-e *.. _.. 5_----,-cg.--;_-._',-;_ ,'f _.-1-,,q~;,r f .- _-;-~,;..w-,;-..- ; _. -- .- _-1-.-,.~;.--1.-_¢._..,,-,,*.,.. _.-'rjT;2 ;.$..,..-.i,..,E "92:_Ff-' .._..._,. :...;:,f, ._"'.. __,,__£,m[:,_n,,m;.;,i,.,92;l._',.-' "7

r la 92 92_ . 51 » . . 92 _ Q i .1 Aw»-..92i-.<,,~._ s w .<, .1 n~ .92 " M 1- - I 92 92 ~ ~, .92 ~= . , .. 92~» .,, 1. ..»n. . r » w . , -~s.... * it 1 o _,t .1 .e;~;-,. _ ,.-,__ ._; ,¢... 4. , . at- -.-;-'~.--.;=T- ' ~. *1. ~ »__¢- I ~:- ,=-.~ --x ~<;' _" J?! p1,.-..:<".";; .-;=. ~ . _ _' - u -i - - ,- - - .~ .- . .92 - _-_ ~ /1531;-=_v i 11. . ~- fl-.,,§92'r>;~_i;'.* Iv .- '.~.-- = ~>-5% . ~.. . "}"v,._;§Z-T¢"'-one it .- - "' --. '15. .{?_..:s.~;,,§:§-92..¢ s. . . <;;»i§*:~..,; -.-:1; in t3f_»;?.-in-;r i ;. A; 1; 92._ 1- =_~,=_.a-_ Q I - _ ~ q -__ - i 92 _ 1 _ -. -. ~ ;. 7, F -- V. . i ms: »' ,.-1-,-r -,1;', '. j.- .. . .- ~15 = -. - . 3: '_;. > .&1.;..§~ _ . '-"""§r.;=;.-.7:92I-lET.1,-ulgl _ _._ L .l.~_-_ 92 ;.,. ~- ._ - 4. . i, ._ 92-. - .1 -. _ .,/ .> _ v . F» _.. ,. _ Y i H T ._ 92.___,": . !..}_':-I "_ r-4 -~.-.. u¢"AI-~K-92: z. .-_ . ..- """ 92<.- ~< -92-=:- :_.-_.~v_.,.92- =? :i b2 §- .<;,_.,...!l..% '.":.92~I. .-' ,-;,.~'=-j_-{fig .1 - -- . ,v §,i:,4'=. 'at .1-11-»§"$ be - twill-. li- fa; San Francisco File 100-21480 ~ W, b7C Y ¢> 32;-:~.- "§ v _A,.»;.;~-,- -1 ./& '.-=2 D7]? - . _,-1 1.». .; ?»~'@¬:f3~a Mny, 1945 that the subject had . .-.§';92=~--A11 .,- ._=.1 been in contact wit concerning an article for Colliers 3 92 1-92 . . At-N .a ' e about the California Labor chool,. According to this source, I I _',,*§;.= Hm 31 14:15 ri:i?iijwas to receive $1500.00 for this article and through the sub- . 1" a"-{g .J;;.$= jects efforts, this money was to be given to the California Labor , 1 '_,~.~_,_§ _ .,_,.A,r;.;;1.s '- i':. 3- *2 School, According to this cg, the subject was ' strumenta1_in -. 92 '-.'...*~1 I arranging a - ¥n-1the California -l..2..al ? Labor School to make final arrangements to obtain L :...~E~1*£;"?*i M-..:i; the above money, we ,_= L I; ix?» fill eported hat the subject, with .nnsg mas to meet with a CPA funotionary in - "*.'»"l-$1-I an rancisco, an that they were to oiscuss e work of the Friends ' of the Spanish Democracy Committee, rns ' J'1;-Tf.¢Jr!,':!ii* » If | -te§§- A4 '[:::::::::}eported in Mat, 1945 that the subject was yon K i .. -'s¢.-§F:?!- .. »'.#|§"92,,. kw badly needed by the California Labor Schofl in Oakland, California and 1 'vii _.92 that she was wanted back at the school by . -§"F~' r 1, A '- ~-;Y}'.'s1 a ._;*,¢=_.Q{;. of the school at Oakland. According to this source, the subject was - Y in doubt as to whether or not she would be able to return to the school, I&eF H %=':£ . K-Q;-'-R I inasmuch as the Friends of the Spanish Democracy Committee may become , z-.:~ir'~T92 i a permanent thing,in Sen Francisco and if it did, the subject would '@we . _ continue/to .=.-¥..T~-ii. $1515-.-»¥ 1. TD w - ~r».92*{ariV. F aoout t- , v eeks after the United Notions Conference had been completed wees r and would scuss further-the possibility of returning to the California ~. .>..».-- -1. ;~ .1 ' '.~ W»:- Labor Schozé, According to this source, the subject had been busy . := ' '.~¬5f*.:. J",92é n_';»"..¢g;-_§ during . , 1%*¢s *5? escorting . 1 . . __|ar.ound San =',§-PEP-:;c%, Francisc and that she had attcmoteo _ to get him to make a speech_ ..,.-3. rt: for the ' - cist Refugee Committee but was unsuccessful, -.~._1g1v rv Qs inasmuch a isit to San Francisco was short and he did not ./S" i,-» wish his presence in the city known too widely . . ._@rm; i..,_ ,,%. _ Inasmuch as no further investigation is doomed ' es warranted at this time, this case is being closed in the San Francisco kw Field Division, _ ..n.. .5; -.= 1-1~_ , r»*-'"1 . 3t i - C 1'0 S !

5 -5-

H. T

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. . H! ~ -/Q"{f:* I LPL.-'.¢r_ { "THOS%¥TFORD SISTERS" Clipped from the Washington

Times Herald Sunday supplemen*

"The American Weekly" for

10-2'7-L6 /» 5¥Z~¢*-¬- 1 -%!-""""~" "-.1 "' H .1 9292 v 1! fr %{!:/- %" . 1; t/I-:'}!n»-_92'jQ{":'""_. r P A1? ,,_ /

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Th hltleerollr Mil- lard Helm Itnueili. individually, Till Way ""*92_ and Tlnl. Will iltr Fer- tem ilottd If Flt: 9'||ti||| Hm Ilia Clnnll I till lmlli hhlrlmvwel to Thii 92 rm-tr.

NCE1 upon a time there lived irt England o lord anti lady who rtilglil hove heeh lled the hhopietr porehtr in ail the lhtul They were Lord hnd Lady Redee- ittle. wiruarhe Freeman-ihttlorti. - Therewere air beauhtul dough- her: in the liiitiord home, hearing ll! ltlieiy nether: Unity, Jeeetctt. Nlhoy, Phmeiii, Diana end Deborah. ih hdhttioh there was one eon, who might have been roiled ii ipecihi hmeittr ih this tranquil houoehdhl. t Then, one day. politics crept l10Wli the chimney oi this ideal hotnt. in- atdlouaiy various "lama" pried into the ranrtiry oi the houeettoiii hhd took hold oi the iitea oi the iiiitiorda. The ortiy eon. who had great ata- olliiv. aetadrenttv t-hooped the oilitchee oihetv dhclllheh. hut he later gave hie iiie tn the uhr. , Unity. with the irttatir devotion rho developed lot Hitler. who the ma» ... that hotieehhie political ett5i.|h]iy. Eventually she got :t tlizooiing outlet ih her head. From that urthhph_y beginning, tiuee oi the itlathuiuuti ontlah dieters seem to have run the ghtnut lirorn Corntnunisrh to Fatartsm Jessica has only rewhtly rohted the home ionhdattotu iIy-rohtrlhut- %t1;'iZ$1ilti to the London Dotty V uriter, a Communist paper. -. Ninety who is the wile oi the i-ion. Peter hood. son oi Lord and Lady Rettneii. and a prornihettt Brit- lii't hotuiill, contributed her hit to the ld1iiiii' Nthirlciiy when the pub- llhled a hook lrtmeooolhg the hriilhh hrlhtortaoy. . "Pursuit olliliiih|Jteh|"dett1I huh riictiomi larnily aimoetu impelimi u ihtiuheythwnytumeltl BMW E Elli!out to he. W tori oi a harohet in 1illh Deborah, the youtteeet, married Second Lieulehtttll Lord Andrew Cow rrtdlsh ht the Coloistreoth Guards, and ton ol the Duite and Duchess oi De- yoriihite. early in the war, and lives he quietly he B iiihrrhionera Elli. tot her by Hitler: direct wthriil-tiri. tt'ttl1- llM92hIi3dDllt92||t the hilt ltiuiUntil}; end antlion:1 in The twowlrrirtl pwetuttizotslooh hoitiics and errentricityp dragging atterwarda rhaoe arrangement: toewny ior Dieppe, whet: they hotter- lhell tiiyniiied ihther and their Vio gel Unity home. Her hrhtr riitimontd mi Rumiiiy wrote a hook oh tortan mother rlotte with them. Unity the hoot, root the toothed Mu-eSpain ih two werica ilhtloti ll. by lhgfhihg with h r=hpe|~ in rhurre. Ind rent her to en Later they rarrte to hmetioh. taneer domed ter itl iiluni one isol-hi-rd Community ht Seotiottd.where ooth got tulle. Ind lived hair tuntmer aiierhoon i5 yeataago lord iiedeedoie, uohvihoed oi oily and quietly until the war. his otiataite in ioiiowirtrt his doughitnniuy lmdiedloteiy touted tieeitoyai uiiié iiii.o§°fti.ihitiit.i.2Ziter'| iitiiitteai ideas, rettu-hell toCiMil|3 Ali Forte. and wu shut rverywhere with the Nazi bigwigs. London in tpite N the hlitt. dhwu over the Nutll Set. loott titer, her elder rirtee ihana,ilrirlah Union or Furiatt. That lehvea Jew! in 1531 she .ies§li?h| whei'thlJ0ill.l were I se rho huh heeh htorrieri to the wh oi When the war hroite out, Ladywoe the storm renter or three mun-rret to llrhnien until the llraiilt Lotti iioyne in as ornate l weddingMoaiey not in England. She andtries, aa memhera ol her iemiiy. the-behueet oi rhohey to the Communist her hiiehhrui were detained by Eirliiohcohatulhr service, ihd reporters tol-Latter was revealed. Then it we: tho teloodt1don'ediioyihir vim! iii'i at:i' ever uh saw, gmultlg;Vi'iIi|.it92e rreuihtiooa. and lived lo-hvoted her traiL Seeairo had eluoedarned that the had married Rotg ll lttiideiity, Joined her in Berlin.eether with her children. now three,with Esrnond Roroiiiy, who alrlil|YTreuhhl], had lived lh the Gheett I The two ihii. hettttiittxiiehlohd ii! in an mttrhrht in lihiinwhy grail.had developed a reputation he I lett-Vithtge section ot New iiorit ohttt en were the toast o riin eachiinity. however. stayed in Ger-wihg whii hrhl writer. lhd we! ontwo years tho. and had it eon named rearing huge ewastiitas signed onmany with her ideal, htioll. Thisher v/hi to wort-orn Stalin. tor Marshal Tiin hi Yugoslavia. toiwirn in her oeiored enemy; onen-The various ehtouragea iihiiiiyNow they ore itrinr In shh F|':eh~ he iiiae hhuiia éyy tetr lgliiiefllimtilli. a ei hit '5hEi' rho 9&'lEller try Whi cut short. howrrh-. by h caught up Wiih ihl lovtrii in Bey-'rim, Willi: -iilelcd ha: been an QPA hrtlléh the tttnzi Cohereto oi Nur-tnysierihiil hilet. Though tiehylhgMM, Frmtel Thlre ieehh. th dhihuestitzlior. 'irruhdh. an attorney. ill ittiuwitltlge of it, the Nixie tiredold hot hhd brown suit. who marriedih i merhher oi 1 rm which rel"? tmorg hl e ome Dian? o gas 1'°i1lIIn marrgdlecretiyheer toiloihlliy. in the Btitiah consulate,sehta C10 uhlotta. Both are active ut loeboeia to Sir Otwttld ii-ioa|ey,ot the the National Citizens Poileai huiion liluiltaiud by _JOi'iN FLOHERTYThe hride and groriili tooh l oil rightCommittee. which is somewhat more oh omoee rt. toll ieit that the Ci0r PAC. "ll i92MB|92|l".92h' Wlilllil-92' --1-_-i.----..._...... _ IULT-OWINGareflillbtlilltllilitlt the exereilea uardHollywood by ntotherl: l, Lieon hackIltll lleeir together. Rut vei|htheeil on head. and entire Lift ai liady ar aaPunihle, llully reium lintte puaiiion. 2- Lieon iiaeit.Without raring iirrida. flex iilat legto eherl poaitioll, extend thenout- it vltd, pointing.teen it bringing dawnto original miiinn aiolty.lleneat ieitieg.i1eth arilii leg: Ii. lieon haeit.Without arma uringlegs, or leagrtmaliar-bin. ileum Slain rise headup andlorviard lar ll anpauiltlr, Wlli ilugllarJmiu lulu. etnrningto iirat itpnritian rlowiy. Sin FeudalFin QueerIi Ilril. 5. Lieon haek.Withnut rrma usingI'll legs. Flea llmlllt atHer ilrlint liar lrodyta aitting pnaitioil. lnvrer thenin hddy lmlg rmcl andFirm. eeiirnhenrainaviy. poaitlnn 5. Standwith heel:anti.together. tner llaire ight am ever he|dwitl|lirigera ii:li'renting we up vf leli rhtaulder.With urnleli reaelrdurrn nnlrd knee.Repeat other with arrn. '4. 6. Standwith heel:and together.tool Twiat ,- ndyleft ta laris poariirle,er iii iielure ruurri eaumiagpetition. original to licaeat right. 7. Li:llat onatnmaeh. Irma with atreteherl n lrnnioi head.Draw lntu legl lmneling poti- ion, rainingtime leavinghut arid head cheat lat. Holdraoritinri minntea live

e'aiteiungnegieeteii of inside tearabody. the Medicaliii! soienee doneeven lI|more theom- eatpain. 0i Wherotor untoldages womanbore i youngln sullerlng, the modern mother need ate tearno the oi excruciatingaenny inrmerly ventedinevitable. as Caudai analgesiaimueh iavoreiiin Hollywood to othereititsi the la latestat along oilist ieathetirsto designedmairechildbirth rainieaa. injectedthe near tpine,crucial nnaigeaorpara- he thepath nerves,hut. leavethe motor nerves

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treeaid to delivery.in analgerla Caudaltn. ruir tan! mortalityat deliveryby 50er cent.Hy S.ii, PublicServite Health ll experts. itwere uetti tnr Ill iairtlraln thertatlun would it gave thus 125M! babiesnew whnannually die the inrstutilt ul their iiuea. OTHERdrugs arebirth the narhiiuratea,ne|niu.l- tll andaemnai. are They taiterilrr eonlirrieilnrr with itopoiamine,the amnesiadrug. The dbltelrlcianwill havedetermined size the °l "i9ii0lV|5 More lune deliverytime.ii dill!- mtltyanticipated ia will hepreparedhe ii. ior Heir llgiltt,laahlt! down tieltlIihturea to intenti- eti weietitthrough will diet aeerihe a asboontn womartitind. Bill. W"lly Bay,i-iaiiywoeii an mothers the avengesmaller are the than runoi girl; else where. They'rehut aiightiyrmeller..iiir 23 mothers byrurveyed TheAmerican aver Weekly ago! ieetlive inehea.ilve There:one onlyrule mothers the tountryever t must Adaptll theywish {allow to lioltytiuud itia pattern.YOUR OBEY DOCTOR" _ _ F $92_'¢' /// > .- . ' g _, _ "r-;; '- -..-= ' 4-528 cc '; __ Z - l . A

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Eovamber 18 , 1946 ; /F1-v " John In aacorctamae I2 maovar, with Bu-euuor, your ruquem Faaeml can Bu:-mm print ham at bun lnvaattgatiqnmade of each ex» , gum-0 and they an wing forwardna uogqther with tho nogativga to ymr office Y Q 7~A1§".1Q%@3»@ 4 under separate 88Bregiatered newer. _ Q Internal Bacarlty - D Rafe:-anon la mad: to lotto: dated. October 161 1946, tmnaaittim I ms ' ; .-*7 ff a roll of 58 . Anson lilnlpan lm pertaining fro the abova uapbionaa nutter. -"1

"{§f;%i33h§i~92!l!Jf94:*f;§;7} § I a

. I {HE-'FT:i. 1- IT1U.1 C 1TA%$§i5@¬5¥_/K! -5- / L2. Tlsnn 4 @U¥§$§°!.i:l~/ 5-: 9&2". E. ,1. I"a.wra___ Air. C1e35______Mr. Glavi-n______.~ :3". Ladd L21. N1ch0I5______Mr. Rosen______- Tracy __.__ Yr. Carson____,_____.- L.r. Egan ..___ .- IE, Gurr'_ea______. -., Er . 1" .arbu p Ur. Her;E_=F -5* 13 Er. Pe§1p5;X18 9- ' "1 LT. Qu mvTaI=IIv C -. l.'.r. Naasa______»~:-» __..._..-..._-1-. - . k.- |-_. iss Dandy W 5 L92iU':1'l!'wUT"1l_¢§"92|-I'M-LJ , .4-Lb: ..|_;#-_ A 1 M.'92II..E?D-13 5* r~:=/ 1,_»1s4e, P-M. I i 92 _,. . Q FE{JE.92|. 92 BUREIKU _ OF *.§'92-'FST|¬ZM'i0N. 1 _ij- S» ;B:P»'-r:.;:::1 OF §L"~Im;E , B A ¢@.~.P ,"~- ~A_...... _.55" 5 -"*_",, -1-1* ' /_.9 HM/ _ { & . L_%m_m__.. _..-_---9,; 7- ~ U é_- ' ' .' T 'i NNNNNuNNUNNNInNIINNuuNUIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!-----______E_ 92l

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DIHEETOR, FBI DATE October 16, l9h6



Under separate cover, one roll of 35 mm. Ansco consisting of appronmetely 75 feet, whlch has been developed is beingforwarded prlnting for andenlarglngq;@£P;______*_ Minlpan fllm, I£'ie requestedthat one posltlve prlnt, approxlmately 8%by ll inches, be made of each negatlve and that the negatlvee and the positiye prints be returned to the San PranclscoFleld D1V1S10H . _z K 1 -1 I;L#%é@54;£d£rJ"@5%L¬4;5 i§§5ii.e@-.:§ ~;¢§¢¢I Z77, , e5_ - cc:_PackagéE / Nev IIé?%g46

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, 1-- ~.

,.._.- - J i;':5_'¬_ ,_ I 1~ T H/I ~ i*/:;"*}:7I";L FEDERALCQF BUREAU INVESTIGATION /-', F4457 1%» i?-uilglcrigslonnsluarmnrFRANCISCO SAN i ' _* FILE no. 100"2148O :a.- _ 7: _ , ___ _ ,_ , i ii i i W _ ,_ __V _ __ 7 REPORT MADE AT - DATE WHENMADE PERIOD FOR BY ' WHICH MADE I SAN FRANCISCQ3/2s/4? 1/22, 9, o 51; I I afh 92 3/3 e e 1 is 92 TITLE I 92 é! _ - E clsjnancrcncase. OF92 - - b 6 Mitford,JESSICA LUCY TREUBAFTaliases:with Jessica nee Jee*ei'c'gR61£iT11§}" LucyFreeman-_ INTERNAL - 92-92 - c SECURITYhm K D . I , I ' _ R92-. 92. oissim ,r§u1li£,dE1,}_l"I-Pf;Roby; =1 reuhsit oi, __ i i E §92ivuoPs:soF|=-Ac-rs:presidentPeaks Twin ofSubjectis Branch inCP $anFranoif-H10 I and full-time County I-inezacialDirector of GP. Subgectserved 92 as campaignmanager EERJ§%NBGENT, for candidate CPSan for meetingFrancisco Coun125/cs held Supervisor appliedandr Subject £1111-time usherfor at Lenin MemorialCommunist State 92 I h""92_<"o_. 4I5 Ixsc921:anciscoParty {QR school.Subject Financial asked Countywasto resignas accused Directorposition of as Sannotfully G ,92 J I , gal; _ &00uncingfor NUGEIITcampaign funds,but subgect re-instateo 'F, 1 K A?9324:s njectmeeting; handles "PartyEra Builder",cf-New Club,8/15/es, cs publication. that statedSubject, -"thepurpose I I . :4~-.!_ f theCommunist was Partyto recruit membersthe for ultimate I l Q I-;"..i".I'* »*=E-/goal= fcrmiof - gorermnentthe overthrow hasthat rci1ed_".- ofmonopolycapitalSubject the andhandled democraticpublicity -Ian-:1_press relationsior*{El.LIAM Z.FOSTER meetingin S811 Francisco in August 19%. Subject held social functions at. ; II92§ homefor benefitof CP.Subject, capacity in 0ounty~_Financi&1 ;]|<éq g Director,atCPhcedquer¢frs.. numerous attendedof Partymeetingsfunctionaries De1et9QpyS§t. I ' _ P, __ by LetterDEI56 _92g_»_;;1__...... -i§----.-

¬92§;{sFsssNcE= BureauFile s1-LOZ»8-1-.7 ' I92_92 R or Swe A E=n*=|:| V T eport p g, /_ _ 92 am dated Juihy11, 1945,at San FI'8110l$OO¢!_92_,__>_,.;mm92;f,1,2,h|._!._. I DETAILS-I' ATsen ;_,-__~ 7 FRANCISCOeweKW:CAJ'IFOR192II.A 1,1 o _c_ @Vq_'"~-"._£T*;3*;i;3T5}3 , "31 E__ /J";...i7'*Af;"f':é.';:"'I:IIn5 glqq A check of the reverse telephone directory for San Fran41;} isoo7 7 _ reflects that the subject continues to reside at 956 Clayton Street, San Francisco, California. E _ _ ' I f *'g£;fg£_ , / _ r §4 - I if, ___*,, iino no-r e In W Tin _ eTHESE SPACES V ~_' i c V ~ . - _ ccPlE5on THIFEPQRT ***92I 1 II I if I»-2 I 7 1;zeeeaz I I r ml!I D I "@ Bureau Enc_I_I!c' mi? 92A at ' '{»;}T'_'__;l 1';' .- I 5 3 8.11 F r3I1ClSGO' ,':;¬-_:£.=,_/ I_ __ é _1*:-.f . .-. . J I ' __ '1 .»' V,;.;j;g'%/_/ . 92 92,;:,;:o_!-1,-**=_'"'-'.A;é, - V . A , _ L> -_ :__ Ir J} M, _ _ n . . ,92_92:__92:;bh |:|qaiii_sL=§e-ziheii;- ~.-_ It: I.-H. _. ? "in'.iugu§'£';'1si5'the*é@ibje&e".biia_~_,a-I ~_i:_:.-i. _ I JU__.-.H _-N I J _ . we;~_e_,_'. _ her,"i:sb"a,na -' "1is"t'@d.iI1'&o"3oni:r_';'1'bu'bi0'n oi_-:"tHi.e h¬a'§21i§j>?1p'e1*"'_93:1d"its--c0ntrj.Q§4§ionS 130. -the Paritywe;'e§§iedussed. _ - ' . P ii,-T. .' _ _- i;|:|iLdw§i*sea Ju1y_23, on b?_1a't,;_..;_t:_h§;i_;$§,1jbj1é02b;-S1;él*E'é;1-"|:he.'b194%,. had she inherited one-xixtlé-iof em island off the bioelsgiié<§i'So'b't1e11d*,92--andinf¬_>rma.n1:* 1 the re_por'_be_dsc1';_e,;if1'1-f-41% that inanfier éé::'a'1:eEi'_=;bl'i'a.t92'ehé joking it__|-tot-§1i1if9 '_1nig;hi:-.'gi.ve SW1:-@¢ gov' " ' "The in_fiomaiit'.ea&isea3i11.?"$ubJ@<=¢E mafia ' o-stated_comight give , 1 1s an 0 the _01_nrr_1'uni"sftt11e-C§1'iL3;"ornie§.o£','"Engle.nd_.__ ' _7,=="-».;~she.- = L.abo£¢'s¢1i<:f1,_'1ihat ' - " ' ' 1"-''1 -.1»¢-.4 '.' =1, -2 '_=i14,-: --,_..e.» ---_. _ 4.' . ¢- - ' ' /'.1"_ :1aevi§e=i_-_;tiii1;I1 1 --ii'92-i-"=f'-5_;'~?'="i'.:~ ' -' Aer' - - /_ iiheCommu_n-rig. Joéif--*S'ar1'-.rapois coheI'E| I-é_Eh9l§u _.]_.9.°t _/res stgtesi "by _to_'be the uh:'uv;er,se,1_choice '_grT:_e;§gn}}}i_a_g_ei" his " Of -1 G&Il1Q9~j.vgI1.'f0ITtpe-positi5nT of'Su§>eii§ris_or:;Té1;§.£}ie 3911 Francisco. ghe suti;j"2->01;-__et"§1i_1iis1-'i;im¢5 ige-.11;~;__?@1ii¢fshe*1-1gi&_1;é&':;eii5;;3§5;5ii9éire";-jihiéitype -of v wot-k,bi1t ;i.1:92was-1;éieqi_q;éii~a;%'§@ni's" Yrl_e¬f-i§i:ig=-h§;51d~=_onlrr1i1ii_ist-Pa;-iqy hegiaqil-aware- " _ to disf:1i_ss_ ine"_§qs_ig'i9;1_iiiiiimeief*sii1ij@;;tk,E,.:i;:i_.:1-3 I.__;_:%?f'5?§_}'_i-§9;-_':.}i A . |;|»-idvisied en»'s¢pieiibei:<1s_;s=-1945;iiiiaie¥~4' .-1* *1"-:'*»'' BT'92I92TUG_E_IiiI{-_-di'soussédé 1. -i this. - _ 081131-0I17W'1 =th~e~,subj<1;*c-t;.e;i1d»atthi'éj_.tij1io_=é}1fe;,;é't§1'1e1i'§goj£i_b1§eE1-Z1§éif';;ab'i1ity tq handle"-em" positieii,-jiueto 'he1"»r1e.ckoZEfo»92=,::iq_5ezie1'1;:¬,=1_§',i_1jdI:1U§}ENTSp-,id would _he . "talk, it. over w_it1i'.'her5atleng1:i1i,. _f{1;'the-'r' e' . " M A I - .

.92_- L I:_ :_ 92 _.I _ I, __ duh.-_.3 .92_ _ . _ Af,_;~! - _ ¢-'7Th-15 .i_11f,O.1"él'&I1'|Z,, o;r1 0gi_:ober 2;,-@945,._évised'tha.t theS11bj60j§|'h§;d.f"' " ~ acpepfcedthe p0_s:?_tio-_nas-H_ERB_NUGEE92IT!e' =m;e.n:ager._92 _c_=ampe.:i_.gi1- i .I.__§jI"_'. _ 11 1 '7'_Sdvi'eed 'October in -i.E34=5_-_1_:h_é.tsubjec, as'_1;heE: -the _'aigi1- _ managezj forHERB NUGENT;Sent }.etters to irgaz-ious3Gc?inm1§_lni_.st.Pfe.r _ 1"ne_mbers '_--. ' urg5;in'gthem-to at1:end a meet-i_neg izi whiiohjbhe,3:I;ije_dieg'j ' GENT! _of'-=_t11eGgimpign wou1db6_disdu_s_sed,__. _ - " 4 - " * ' . . i -. __ ~|:|a;evised.on'qanua=~y'10, 1.94=e,_s*¢1;1éi;e the '1'i§i'ni Peaks BI_B_.I1Oh'of {the Coimnunist Partjrad.v_-i,s§do_tlie:t xecutkia iir'e_.omittee of _ the "I,wi11_:Eee.1<:sj_C1ub- offered the fnamei:-fi.'he1s'u'bj _e._oo1r1fnis.5io1i ec_"11"'fo;j .propos.ed=

by theFrancisco County Exeoii-hive*iComni_1§tee;oij_'tliei. A - 92 i_L_ Co?;_r:u11_uni§t!_¥e.r_1:y._ 1 D 1 . i _ _ i , _;._ -A I . . =_'_- - >-- . .. ' -* 92 - . V - '-92 - ' i .. ~ ' '1 '. ~", . J v c u n - 1 I - 4 .1. ,,....._' ' . ,;.;. --'-"3-.-», -. s . .- J .r ._.- f _,,_,_,h_..__ - -». ...r -_=.___.; - __. . I .,,.. -- |.. . 92 » ~ 92. .1-wk, ,1 1. . -- - - , i . 4. ' I I ',. 3i v--1. .-_- " -3 _,,.-" *., -' *1 - E; =_~_-. '15- - _ _~ _"- __ - /'. l , . .'-.'1I Tr-- '5-'"' '"' - .4 ' I '_ -1 1 _,-<_. ,.- " I " - » , _ _- I -,. V . . _ 2 ,_-G I _- <_I "... ..--'_9- _. 1 - i P. _ V _ -_*__--!92 . /5! " ¢' 92:P xi I '5'."1»-*r*¥' ' 'It--. '. ' H " I '' '> 92;-._%.,.:. _'-0~" ' - . -__ ;,- .¢ " . s_ I . 1 - .._ .r- . , . 92:F , _- ,5-*~' ,.- . . | . . _-_'.. .--I-. . 92 --.-- q " Z; 1 '95-. ' --i . .1?. 1 i LP ' _ . _ ._ . - J '- .';.- :1 » . I . _ v - 92 W - ..._ M H - ' ~ . ,= i M» b; -1»¢",. , - 4 *. --_ . . ' 1 ,w-A . - ' n' 1~ .''7-" ';-:-- l . 1 '. I . / --.';-at---' _.-'._ ~92,.-.-~ = ._ _. _ _ "_ -:5-92bin 4 - -- - ..~ _=--1_v. ''_ 1- .,,_<_' ' - < w "'Y - Y" es #1'eo-_214e'0T5-I It--. , .. ,- ,. - .- , ,, 92 U 92 92 _._ '~:. I . , , -, - _ _, p i ,t 4 92 .- . W/9, _ ._*--J14 1-» .. - 1 - . " .4i ' -.. -- -' '- * u@%" " "-3.;-rgi?r 1 - * F e . 3 - Committee__'~ 0 e Cemehis$- _T_[::;:;1dn-Qeeember10, tyefQSa#Fpeeisoe'thesubjeet's =Q¥$jfedfiseg~£hatata meetingofname was the-County _ "* l sugges§ed_by OLETA-0QDNEOR, TE$;;CqmunisffPertj~fustionery, as the'i_' Member§hi§Directof fp?San rqneise9;Copy,=i,L - 'A ' Q 1 ' . . 3:." s|iUUUH;§§e§dT&n%§auary125§;1946;?$het¥the ' 2; ,-" H ,<* ..YY3";QRw I = I" as,e ' representative 5"; '~ subject, 01* theT?-v_1n. 6e11c1§""_i92_ __l'i'1.1-':t:';",»se1*1{eé1:_=aIs;'-eh.ushered;l;};e__.-Lenin MenorialMeeting T ; - held J»-I;-Iery-12-zz;.'I94.§~'¥at--SmFr'an-<=is'¢b';-'* 1- e - - . -1* »92.!-92", » ,9 ' J-. ,-[W ,- " '.'"-. ' ' * ' "V 1 Y , . . ~ - . :- » ' , - _ Q5-dvi;L<_'i'e_*g1;en"-QFe1pi*ue.rj;fj1,,194$, 1, ¢. 3, |Té._ , |_ .s __3¢1§ra1=.*¢he -_ . 92 _1.app1;1-ed-f01},_ subject-had ' the sttf Hi ftim6§ée@odL>beihgfsgohsenedby?thefCemmunistPerty'Of $an'{~- Franeiseol fSubject}Ye1%i§-time;residipg ét956Clayton_Street,FSgn;Freeisce, was representing"§heQTwig§§egksi§f§§§hiof,thefCpmmunis£Party. j s - - -,_-'1"1. ._- *1 . _ ,. . . 1 _ ' '1 A |:|a;1v1s'_ea,-9'9 qr» . -V-,Feb:-nary ." 194-e»;<;.?¢h;5-4: 5;, H - subject thewasnow thenew. 3&5 Fréqiseo_CoubtY;Fi§noi&1yiecter»ufthefCommunisteParty; e - "i ~ ~" &'¥*~@ ;~=:.:"1 ,- L;:§¬»;1l-~ ,1-¢'-- i " -. -_ ;- -_i |d:I§avi"§eq;f¢p~-Feprugsy;3-,.'1s-as-, . . .-.:_:_"_l1 i-_:E:;92;L'w,-,L_E:'Ru~.--5| z -_.. -_.._- h v the_ : W subjectattended- . that. the1-_ _-92» Noiihern California-ConferenceIenalndustriel Cemcetratien and frees Bileing and 1:11-it-she*=&1s_o"'-ser1_re,d.'oi1 jArr_a1}ger:n:en £s-Conhnittee -;-11-"-,__<*;,. andu1_e'_ A 011-; - Credentie1sCemiee[effthismeeting.§iTie§mee£ingsponsered;§y was the Communis§_Perty of§an Fiancis@ou-";_ ~' -* "'»1 " - '_f;j V _ -_ '9 eL

. Q5- { V , . ,1--M - i -- ', ' 1 ' 3, 92 _ _ . ~., _ . > , K - . * ; 92 , . . vr, 1 . _. . ' 1 st.--_ '1- 1 .-4 - . 1, ~ " ,- 4- . 1-" f" ~ .» -'-2._ :9' t .' ~'/1.". . . I .- . . e '=. 92 92 _ _ I _ , .._._." . s _ 1.-_ _. _ _ _ . ~. ,1; T , ,_.;r'_- s - AC! r. _ , _ - . -I _ ~ : i v ,¢ , _ k, 1 '3-1- id-"92. .. -." I. -" " ' H. 1 N _ o I er _. -r : I !L:lI .e- 6.1 L - ._ 1 r_ my Nb on , -..,,___i,_ .2 _ ' .. r . V, __ _ . - "_.»V __;_4.'1 - _ _ 3,. ,7 _. .._ g . _ , . ' - 1. - . -s -. v E I . -. e_ . . w _3= __J». _--1;. ' 92*-_.-- , 1 . - h u 17:6 I 1 | . s . 4 ' ' , 92_I ., "_ . , , . _ sf #1003-é14a?5'f"? _1375 " 3971'! _ . ;-0 ._ , s -_-mg. - _ - '~ Y -.. .s~ » I-"1 -- _ .' I ._.. ;v_=~.s-.14-1. - ._-4 <1 _ _ a ' ¢__¢.'- _ Q .3 u. _ X. M, 1., _ 1 I . _ , __ . , _ - -'w :. 1r. e ..;- . .. . . 1- 4_ . - . . ' . . 1 '. 'I Thie.»7}-5'6-1;foi%1r1ent advised onMarch 21.,.1946; that._111"-6 S11b;,i~9¢'b11941 ' been zfeinstetedf}j;_'r1p,t1;}é-tgood of the graces Com{1rii_et_.Party endthat S"he'W8@i*J@'-_' 1-etain_ed'iI1_i?1'l£%b'_e:i11,31py',ofSe.njFrancise'o :1-CountyCoimriunist the Partyby 9- _d vote of-eight 'te_11_1v"'ethe committee-umeeti-ng;..1 in ,_ .;_ ' " .1 -. __ ' ":_||. '|;|_ed¥&i1e.e_iid;-t11'_etthe. I sebjeet-heetyettleriaedeleseesI --Vpe11t1ee_1'_ iri '1 _ economyhe P'arty_hedc1quitrte1e_§on.19, 1946, April _ ' t' G'ed1r"i'eedon May8,, 'the,t thet:e921cijech-c,.had proposed, as; been :1-panel .1ee.de1j'Tor.-the meeting b'ei1'1g"spoz1sored Communist by'the _Pfe.r'-tyon . iely 5, 11946,¢'which.pveLsi"G'rgaI1i._zat_:'¢.on@-of called Campaign ElectionConference". 1_ |;|se-imey_.... _; . 1:5, 1946,eev1sea't11et_ ,1 , .__ sebje.et- 4 JoH11~Ez;111t'1.1I __:desired the who was go ng; to England to check i_nto somejhusiness deals that ehe ed _ eodkihg. there..=._The sub;j.ect_s.oated¢thé.t»:thes_e dealeat some "time in the _fut z1*e . wouldbring? -inmoney for the. PEOPLESWE#l=~_tIiJ|_,"Wes't .Com1nunist-newspaper Coast end eleo money. {'01-the Party. . _- 1 ' . _ 1 Gadvised that7"t1"i-es'Jb'jec:t:_ Committee a'.tte11r:1ed'-Pi-cn.iomeetingse-2'1-'.. . of the PEOPLESWORLD newspaperbega 011Mey 15, .l946'andy-June1946, 5, et.-'1.'- 228 McA11'is'ter'Street; San Fr-a.noiscd".'_t These meetin_gs;'we1e held fer ,the,f' _' purpose Tet-raising fundsfor the 1=Eo1>L1:s _v_1oRLn.nesgspaper."_ .' I _ 1 . .. y Eadvieede in July_19'=1=.;6 subject that-_the was.directed theby ' wComrm1ni's"t' lei 59.11 Party- iFrarie -1 9292 . isco ; to - '_ eppeari 1 - as {witness ; ' . '.in the ti:-i-all .1 . of- _ -_ ho was belng trled by the Eommunlst Party for opposltlon to . - 5ETEegagg ;111'6-and7 - 1fe.ct1one11sm.- e . -- I 1- '_ - . ' - '92 F mu. - 1 _ _dv:Lsed on92-August2','t_het_ subject1946, handling; wasthe "The _Party,ur. deyr-,it 0ommunist"Peijty.jp1.1b-Iicati-on. . ..- 7 .,."1- y ,,. _| . _ , I, . .=. 1 . V s ' edv'is;ed..7~that»the_'eub~ject.".9.tter§ded the V- etneeetihgtiof. -on_;Ju1y 25, 1946, which we.s=he1d".e,t_ - Atthis me_eti_ng the-sunject'prjesided",_ and d':|'.'seuesedTheorg;e.niza.'Hon' 001115.. he ,.Thesubject also 1d:i.s'cn.1seed'§- ' .finances.e11'c1_-thethat fact the c'oj1nty -c-fficeheeded fulgdsvery badl_y.-.1;_The_ '_ sub_j_ect'euggeetedvarious. the.t- 'beneiit-5 s-u,c_hdim'1ers_ ae br'ea1cfests and W./' - .be held in 'o1'-der-toraise thene"cee_ea1¢y'£7on;1_$-yd T _ l. ' "- .. ,-

- another..' 1 SCev1s.eg-'thet meemgv '0t e aw Era __lubhe.].don at1Fu.tgli'stf£_|;"1946,setjeet..etp@ theF ' At. thist__meétin"g'..th_e_ subject-reported-oz;the 1 sp in C[ai'i'Torn;'1_ ~ = stated théLtftheI1ee.derebin Southern'~Ca].if'o1"niahave.broT1g;ht '-about_ hefsplit . but thet they-rank 'e.n_d-file member,s_ o_.i'.'i't:hei'n thes0uthern- CIO pe t-of the _

state' ..w.ere.et1_~or1g- 1 " . 1 fog-' type the. 'e1~,1_ee<1s;;~s1s1_;_e_- . ;' ~ ' expounded - . byHARE _ RIDGES._ ' '-. - _ - " U ' * t ' ' ' - ' ,1 1 . - '< '= ':= _ _ . 1» . - __ _'-' .1 92 -- - 3 ' -4.00 R ' 1 < 1' ' ' '.. ~" » . n _ Wm | w

. I C -o. 4 " t J . _ i.' . y


SF #100-21480 ' E; _ bg '- .. . at ' =s?* i@b7D rs - The-saojoot reported on thoesahty andtheir position on sc0i@§§5m- 3ubject advised that while the Partyiis struggling for the establiahmt of a socialistic and classless society, the Party at this moment}cahnot.' take thatP°$iti°no and theParty atthe presentmg§t is stil§$f6Vi$i°ni$t- The subject stated that the Party must recruit ooéwhhspiropeople to work for imediate gains, "for then the ultimate goshiesitho Party will be the °VePthP° °f.m0n0polycapitalism andthe demochaaehformof government that has failed up to this.point". The-subject faiths} stated that the Party met plan and act for the defeat of President Truman and his forces and those of imperialistic government. The subject_statedthat the United States is in the same position as Germany wasin during the rise of the Eitler forces.- She stated that-the Party must not make the mistakes that-the comunists made in Germany andin France. The subject said that only the controlling force of the CommunistParty prevents a workers revolution in this country at this time. The subject stated, This is not yet the time as dictated by the ultimate Party goal", 4 _ _ . '- _ [:::]adviseo thatthe subject,in August1946, servedas an ushr for the WILLIAMZ. FO$TER;meeting sponsored bythe Communist Partyin San Francisco. .[;;::]made availablea printedinvitation steted'that which on $eturdsy, gust 51,.1e4e, therewould_be dancing and-bntetainment at the subject's home.This intitation also set out the fact that various parts of the meal would be cooked by Communist Party functionaries.such as DANMAE and HERBNUGENT andthat the purpose of the function was-to raise funds for the PEOPLES WORLDnewspaper, ' Y i '-' i I ,'_ . L;;:;]advisedon September l, 1946,that subject,the addition in to being e an Francisco County Financial Director of the Communist Party, was also the president of-the Twin Peaks Clubof the Comunist'Party. '[::::::}avisoa on-soptombor11, less,that thesubject alsohandled the financial'arrangementsfor the WILLIAM Z. FOSIER meetingand on this date requested all Communist Party membersto return unused tickets and shy monies that the meeting might have raised. ' l t ' ¢ _ [;;;;!advisedOctober in that l9&5 thesubject the was CountyFinancial Director 0 Ie ComunistParty in San Francisoo'andmaintains'the financial records of the City and County of San Francisco for the CommunistParty, i [::::]advieedon.0ctober 1946, 25, thatthe subjectwas theon membership committeeof the Twin Peaks Club of the QcmmunistParty.

-5- '- b2

" b6 A " ' ' a_- - ifFC . . 1 SF #100-21430 _ ..t' ' kiYD 92 r

The SAN~FRANCISCO EXAMINER On Uotober~%%§*1946, in the American , 'Week1y, a supplement in,thisJ3unday edition, oeried a story entitled, Thosa_Hitford Sisters; This értiole recounts the story of thesiX sisters of the MITFORD family including the Subje0t,=$t8$ing that the_subjeot "hes only recently rocked the honeTfoundations by'oontributing $2,000 to the LONDOH DAILYWORKER, e Communistpaper. This gftfhgga in regard to the subject, reflects information already sot out in §;§§ious rep0ftS- [:;:;:Fdvised on October 28, 1946, that the subject stated that She had inheri e an island off.the coast of England and had tried to sell it and turn the money overtto the Party in England.--3he_sta e that the had even written to someone- in the.British House of Commons ith_no results- The subject stated that she had_reoeived a letter fro her mother stating that her share from the sale of the island would b -500, and she knew that it was worth mch more than thet, and so she did' ot sell. ' [;::;:}@Vised on October 22, 1946, at the subject wee on the Arrengemen s» ommittee of"te perty bein' ponsored by the Counist Party to be held to raise funds Ior'tne ARGH oUWN campaign for_Goyernor of California. , 4" t s ember"Z, 1946, that a farewell party for Comunist Party functionaries, was held st e su53eotTs home» - |-|. _' 92_, . 929292*_" [:;:]advised on December 17, 4 1946, _ that the - subject 92 Q / handling_ - bythe the publicl Communist y and Party the finances of San Francisco. of the New Year*s't Eve Y . balléhsigg _ sponsoredt ' I

I I ladvised on November l4,b1946, f the thatCommunist §§rt§, was handling the registration for Communist Party members in San Francisco of all branches and was to pick up Communist Party registrations at certain appointed cenmers This informant advised that these centers were to b t e re id noes of an observe ntering e one o e subject at 956 Clayton,-Se Francisco, on ovemcer 4, 1946, at 7:00 p.m., at 8:50 p.m., and again at 9: 5 p.m. ' advised that in December 1946 the subject was in contact with _bf the Comunist Party in Kew York City. 'The subject at this time was seeking to secure the sum_o¬ QVO from the ational treasury for money expended by the San Francisco County Communist Party in purchasing vitsmines that were sent to Jepenese Communists.

-5- 1 O e J r .

1 11

sr #100-21480

- < .951'... ' ' §§311'IZIES its Fiirmqcln 7 omscros, SAN FPANCISCX! COUNTY coccmsxsr PARTY- / - ' _ I V .- Q, - 4%?- - she -was working |:|cu £u11- January f1,1-e4=*~§,' ecvieec that the subject told him that, such , she was visiting _ time the people Q1-'-the in Party the Party as County that Financial-Director the County felt oougeand as .' h91P in thir financial crisis. The subject explained that the Financial b? irector had lost track qf.som@ of the People in the Forty and becag§$ of b7 - this had notiecllected ueHa§ rccm them and the revenues of the Party had - d eoreased and in; sens of the.most important full-time . functionaries of the Party might have to be'dropped from the payroll; " T , Confidentl informants Lf the San Fréiscc Field Division have made avafTEB1e documents-received by the subject in hefrpacity as Finenciel Director of the 5an Francisco County Communist ' Party from Finencial Directors of the various branches of the Ccmmist _ 92_ Party $=1nFrancisco in San Feéis-co. Pi? 35'*"Division. 'These documents are maintained l " in the me-e*3?of the .92__ 92.. ' - gqtcgmuisrggsgiiscs errsmasn i I cot attended! I held at Comm nist Party headquarters at A ct Street, Sen Francisco, on the following dates:

, advised thet t_1"1e subject attended the Leadership Institute sponsoreo y the Communist Party on March 10, 1946, which was-held at - b Redmens Hall, San Francisco. ' _[::::::Lduised on October 11, 1946, that a meeting of the Sen Franciscoc D County Comunist Party_was'to be held at the subject's home on October 15, 1946 l [::::::Lovised that the subject attended $en Francisco County Communist Party committee meetings at Communist Party headquarters on the_fo11owing dates

swctosmts T0 THE BUREAU: Ono picture of the subject.

- P E N D I N G -* 7 A / . ./92*-_


SF #100-21480 _ . _ _ , . UNDEVE-LoPE1>* LEA'D


53,3? 1'*l?~°:¥F_ZT¥,$,¢2gJ;l5&1;IF@31IA7- A ~' A. T Will follow and uréportthe subject'sCommunist Partyactivities as reported by Confidential Informants 'of-the San Francisco Field Division-



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4 l E!M {WL dJ _ _W IW UT1i &I r NMMVJWMlWu_MW wwmi_nu, whim%dmarE1 AA!H 0 O-ice UNITD JMENT V . .>

_ To , "nnmcron, FBI ATTENTION: FBI L_A§ORATOY_ DATE; March 20, 1947 77 / FROM : SAC, San Francis cc , . 92'> C" £9 _ @_ SUBJECT,LUC'Y'TREUHAFTa§ee JDSSICA L921O£rF18Bm8.11-M1tfOId., Jessica néb Robertwith eliaes-E Treuha Jessie Romilly, Q-JDecca reuhaft, Mrs- y _. . Bur IN "§Q|.55'"I" Fi1 41/- C /61' 49 ' J1}, I .-w '0- t- ' Reference. is madeto the report92 Special of Agent __ 92 V ated March 26,194?, inthe captionedcase. /

As set out in referenced report, the subject continues to act K " as the Financial Director of the Den Francisco Communist Party and is known to have had in her possession the financial records of the Communist _@5 Party for the City and County of Sen;Enencisco. Because of the subject's activity and position in the Comrnu1'Iis"tPerty, shckis being placed on the 317$ Key Figure List of the San Francisco Field Division. < H 9292 Enclosed is a photcstatic copy of subject's handwritingfor inclusion ir the Bureau's files?

92.; " Enclosure ' k '

ALL i£92é-OF?-i4ATiONCONTAINED K 'CNES:afh g,-131:; BY- * CLASSWIED 6% L? _ 100-21480 #5: fyjq . 92. i _.-w>u:.9 I _ . w ENS"sectNED LEE92N '/%'}rZ' by Deletedcopvsentinun Letter Dated92-=_ _,__¢______gr. . SPEQ4 HEli?! Per RequeFOIPA 7»/5 "cw c 92- - , 07¢» a~¢7m5»3J/ snow _ Ti, T D

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*- . :-. i .1 Tr >4 . ".'- RE: JESSICA mm: mmmmw, was ,_ .1; ._ W: .. . IIJTERITAL sacunmr - c "2?-: -3?-"¥~.. -- .>:§» ' la» Bufile 61-10381! . #7.? ,§_ .4, fa, _-4-:A__;._._,_- -92 . . ~>_;;;:- '1 '1'. .- A;-|~=.~ - _. ": '2ry :=.¢_ _ fa-.5 f -'1;¬, R1 -=:.,, 1 ":1 l. Q??j- » = _ - - | xv-1. -K? 92 . f4.--~_ - _ ~.- ;{ _ . V ,. '-- -:1 x .~.»'.~'. $5 I "~.p-"if? :=..-"' §x . |'». ,-. .. ,--. .,__»_-v Ya: '.- ;- A y i -.,L- 92 -~ pl . £1.14 1.-'£2»§!,;._; 'if Q-'§;:§Z§?qxl-'-'Z;i";:'»' ' .1 "~ '3 ;§' .,-. 72'» Q14 - -: '1; ._'iz-F- . r -92 M $.- ' '- _.-1 '.. -~ 9 92 _ ._-" - . 1"-.' l- >'»J ~.~- .1; .' ..33,. "'-. ' '_ ,» j. _ L ;,-3,-;' _, L_ K _ .,; l--;-a§='=-_ _§.."".-. 7 _ I . é..;{-.- . §_" __§_92'1..., , ¢ E, .p= . . _ F_ _ _ k V: ' J 1/ ~. -. -=1.;»-s » 1 _ F. > 4 _ if F» ; ,__ "!'.»§. '.1lT925§:0/5414/92 92 - - Z '5 .§92 .. V 4 .-».,_-§ U : ,,"'4- . £3 "§~l~¢ ~ ; -. ;-31. /2/%3;*%';*§"@"/éb/ii-_ -_ _* ,.1, . __._r__-.~,5:_= 1» ,_ ~- -i§q1'.&"'z92 ,- -V 2; =1 ~- ..- -~.-.»,~ -.-:_ _ ~'924 - 92 5, ";>#"-, IA +;_-.-;»- é . . 41' 5 , I 1 H - AA5 V » "ii ' ' _*-=-v 9292_ -. 9292 I -*3 iv u .- ~._ ._ . l-q-*1" ¢'-*if? .-1.1 .-/_x_A- » -92 %'~;*~§; A =-gs x - ._ _ r; _;¬._ _ 92 *T ~ -7 - z * L .. 1 . 5-3 1 -ii? :3 E :'§§_:;g'~:-=.¢,_.~'-__ §92- ' 1-Iv 1*; -1.92*;;~i-13% A _1. _-;=; .1"? : 3. - -. v 1 13"§_. , e 92?L - =: ~. '>. Q N. > 92 _9292¢ v

g . | 4,-,__--__.. -92 } 92 .-i. iv - I __ _ _ ii _ -':§f.=~"m"_ __ , _ *_ _ * Ann-1" ' ,-___' '_*| - . .

L srmnAnnFoRMuo.54 ais 1 . '1 I -.-_ ,_ _. _ /, Eu Oi N[em0m'/Z/u;m7'¢ v K. o - UNITEDi if-OVERNMENT I _ " ' . T0 r : Director, FBI DATE: N°T@mb°1' 26; 191+? J{ FRQM : S821 Francisco Q_- - e Q SUBJEcT': W33 SECURITY MATTER - C #7 Bureaufile 61-10381! ! W3 ' The above subject is being removed from the Key Figure list of the San Francisco Field Division inasmuch as confidential informants advise that subject is no longer employed as Financial U Director of the Communist Party of San Francisco. -

According to confidential informants, subject moved from San Francisco to Oakland, California, and transferred her member- ship to the Communist. Party of Alameda County where her Communist ; activities are much less extensive than before. k The case is being closed- rc M NQQWNNED J % / jjtgmmny g3_7_»;_2_gg_{fP5__j_$ F B I 9? M7 1

gt oer: 4 1947 Q *33§»%~.l r*i5s.ted92<>-1..-2.. t""""%°**l--""*"" -2 Kg Q @=. 9. ,A "PF éé} _=Per F0 -7, PA Request _ V "$35. I __ I ______7 A ______' _ V . -1.: .»___. _-._._________<_ _ 7 .1

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srnrgnn,- go. anFmufl_ 4 ." I _ Ob' M670Vd%m- UNITED STATES_ GOVERNMENT

TO g : Director, FBI DATE: December 10,19¢? ;I /",/'" AFRO AC, San Francisco SUBJECJESSICA = LUC?%REUHAFT- was com, NE INTERNAL Bureau '!--c'"."" File sacunnri DATEjay 6,319; g*g;g*§,§};***,?$S.F;E$ E Z- '~ ' _ _-4'} 79? . Reference is made to SAC letter 137, series 19b7, entitled +_ PORIAEQQN and DENATUALIZATIONCASES - INTERNAL SECURITY C".

- The subject of this letter, JESSICA LUCYTREUHAFT, wasborn in Morton, Marsh, England on September ll, 1917. She entered the United States at New York City on March 2, 1939. She became a citizen of the United States by the process of naturalization on January 3, 19th in the United States District Court, San Francisco, Calif. A review of the files of this office reveals that the subject is now a member of92theCommunist Party in Oakland, Calif. She h asbeen an sactive member . of the Comunist Barty in San Francisco and_Cakland since January, 19th, the same mont in h 'v which she was admitted to citizenship, in the United States.i She was, until very recently, the San Francisco County Financial Director of the Communist' Party, a full-time JOb ' at party headquar t s. er She has been a leader in obtaining funds for the party, especially in the recent drive for the Partyis "Fighting Fund".

Informants have reported that the subject was active in the Communist Party and its affairs while she was employedby the United States Government in the Office of Price Administration but waited until after she had received her United - States citizenship prior to actually becoming a member of the Party. The Subject worked for the Office of Price Administration until December 15, l9h3, during which time she was Kory active in union activities, and was considered a Communist by some of her superiors. The subject is'allegedto have given $2,000 to the London Daily Worker, but the date of this gift is not known at this time.

In view of this information, and in view of the subjectis background, which is a matter of record at the Bureau, it is felt that the subjectis name should be presented to the Attorney General as the subject of a denaturalization case, and subsequent deportation. DeletedS@n COW 4..y 1 byPer Let1er%sted ruinequeu ? _ __._. 77 627755- % . KWUQEDEDE l 5!'--4/' 294 _mzc3-wl94? L

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_ Report - » 'of - ted _ 055'?!92 - i T??'rw- R990 Ju1y]_.l,l9" H ,atsanF;-ancs> l ' '- _ , _. tedl ¥_ ' ~" 6 msvmm HI-*' 89°? 42 JUN '= ma I li=hE1'i_""""" ' . T ~- b MAILED 8 for ur info:-mni.io_n.. - , {- unn1Fi¬3rT"' mm Tum: { V133-" "ii-*_.' E =i# . ilhl u. s. umnmmaumu nrmuismulnnusnni - ' .-.1-__-,_ ~ - _ _* _ . __ _Tly _ . _e92 _ |_.¥0| D _:ie_e K_ _

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SAG, San Francisco 12-8-48 - nmecwon, FBI . - '

aussxce LUCY wnsenm, wae.', e - mrsmmn seesaw: -u c _ .

_FIe3;9°-2l!@82.!e so -n Y - ~ - . 1 . r- ' , ' n . ' . ' . L t _ ; ... . _ _. V . ,.r e , h . .n ._ - " ; For your information the Inunigretion and Naturelicatim Service :;ii..i.1w|H1"!.'_l,§'Wriee:1 the Bureau that they have anhinvestigetioh underway to determine ". whether the subject's naturalization is subject to cancellation or revoceticn. They have indicated that their-_office'in Sen Francisco has information ' ccncerhing this subject under their file No. 245/P/75206. . I In the event you have not done ec, it is suggested thetycu contact ES in San Francisco and secure from them the information they have - concerning this subject. ' ; ' - . - .

Y "_"1r~1-3 92-~..r92,'c92.n.'Lf -1,-, - .. ' . e - V . _ Bureau77-27703! ' %mQa . e re 92..>}c re" 92T{_a~*I-"<~~: '- W eh 1 h ; ;>1;~lieh f.l%»i?t;T*?¬ii£¢;ij;;Ff§§ae@@;@2/#%/v*/c ,;h,,q = _ ---- _-,_v -' . ~ coemwmmcnrzons sscfzou ' . "- VMAILED13 / 1% B~EBs we PM. ,'/' 1

JEM mm 1 mam" acme nmuwzsuamcn - u. s; niwanrr-12:11 or J92JSll£§ -' '' 92 ' . . '_ - I -9 , . 92 } -, V . A- ;.~:~__~~~ - ;_ .- , H F 'A; ur Liz".';iu}.eoz1_ ' I I ' U - 92 ' P 1'.Ladcl ~: i_'_' c A - / ' ,» ''R1 V L M Nxchafi ' n. I 7 kosen ""'-' ' _ _ . . ~' - Tracy ' V = '7 xie92*h F§?"-~ - use I 4 _ ' jlaruo iqehr . ! .we v. '. ;- PenningtonQuinn - Tam _ - _ » - ' xx Y '- R0631 case ' Seem - , , . _ > '"-,, .» H . _. - " . I - ' ' -J '_ J V U -* " * =1» . t ". ' * i ." i _ ' yd .. *- _ A I! _,_|92 IN. -4 I I- be _ mt

/ '. ;' Doeuber !.3,,_1948 __ _._92 W,.92'-ti/.921_»j*~,92 " _, '77..37'703 " _ 1_ -. . _ -, . "j*""'i*.-";",l.'921"';; ',_;92 _»_~»_,;:_ ~e.,£92..,_». 4-__ _ . 1., ~. ~ 1 SAG 'sen Francisco - - - . Q *_I-:;'_ggln RE= JESSICA LUCY issmiiirr, rm. - _ . seouarrrinrnm - c - Dear Sir: " ' , : , Your file 100-21439 . 92 _ . has revealed A review that a of report the iiles has_not at been the Bureau received in connection-with jgpmthis ypur office concerning I subject the subJect since the report of Special Agent'_;_ dated 3-23-A!7__- ' at San-Izvenciecn-"_L'_i_____?"' . . - V - . awhile it is realized that existing instructions do not require that a report be submitted periodically on Security Index card subjects unless the subject is also a top functionary, it is felt_that in view of the tense.inter- national situation at the present time, a new report should be submitted set- ting forth the extent of the subject7s present activities in connection with the Communist-Party and related groups in order that the Bureau will be in pos session of current information concerning each one of those subjects who are -considered a threat to the internal security.

In submitting the report, the Bureau desires that you incorporate in summary form the information contained in your files not previously reported. Information of substantive nature only shouid_be set forth and repetitious material should be avoided. .Where a desdription.of the subject has not been -reported, that, too, should be included in the report and also placed on the reverse side of the Security Index card in accordance with the instructions -outlined in SAC Letter No. 57, Series 1948, dated April 10, 1948.

In the event the subject's current address is not the same as that which appears on the Security Index card, you should correct the Security Index card and forward Form FD-119 to the Bureau in order that the Security ,Index card at the.Bureau can be corrected. ' -', " ~

_In order that the Security Inder_wil1 contain only the names of'thos6 individuals who can be considered to be a threat to the internal security of this country, the Bureau desires that you carefullly appraise this case and if it appears V .that the subgect, based on his. . present position and activities or past position and activities, cannot be considered such asuthreat . Y , then in d a - dition to submitting the report, you-shou1d_recomnend that the Security Index G¬ U n . Tolson min w _ _ .-_ J __::-L 1--92_':_IE-J» ¢ -92 92_c -J;-' _1. 'A-'uh _ . C1 H135?is t M- 31Piié*15@i%°f1d.Fi?°i"e'Yf""T . -_ ?i%%di§i

.°;t§§Z -3% ,_'-M-L i'8'mBmQ"T-nrruswrcr '9"*5A? WVESTIBATIOH -- A _--' El ' - i IiiBE &n¢¥_"':___,'_';* F-vi - '- ' _ q ' John Edgar Hoover - ' l 7 3- , " 1 Director L 3" *'_' ' '4-528:

77~277@s-3? 1 CHANGED T0 % /<2 d?-4/.2/ '7?-4~ /9 4//d . g%§g,T§$§~*@CS§{gmwoamraom CQNWNED M;/IM dg JAN 271955 t Li/5

,@L ~ 92 ¢ 1 .-sf _<- 92_92_- i. ri-w , bi? "92_ Q >"" " 1 b6 W 137 C

b f, L:T92 , V»-!V . .2?=1,D W |l_92I.VES_T'lGATlON'_ "=?e;.=§i~ 7 1 F0rmNo.1 l _ "A"¬~ " » . /... - ' :'-. _ O XF if 'r|-uscsszomslrm-rzna-r ' FR_¢;_;;CI$COl ; SAL, <7 ,_ , FILE_ ' i No' I; 100-2148~ J v 7* * ~ 3/ w, REPORT MADE A1 ' - DATE WHEN MADE- PERIDD .= FOR12 22 -REPORT MADE HY ///1* em: FRAIYCISCOA //"ti_§-5'"s"fE48; 2-4-so fl TTWJ '!

n './, JESSICA" u LUCY- _ TREUEIAFT,_wi.'th _ _*- 1 3,-4,7,1 ialiasee 111 ___ / TITLE _ 92' cu-uuucrERoFcAez-,- 92 ' I-JATTER . Q _ @- mi -::i92|'7'.92Q -'fYl" -1 r fr .3 ~; "-- E,-.» rl o |f92.>v "fa . W SYNOPSIS OFF : Subject ooninues to reside we 675 Jean Stree @513?, 1' If Q? Oakland, Calif, and is occupied" as -e. housewife. 1'92§_ 1 1?92;r/Confidentie.1- informants advise, the subject trans ~43 ferred from Twin Peaks Club of the San Francisco County GP to tbs Alameda Count, y " "GP on '715-47 _. .1 . .- .r: r 1; and the transer card is 5152931-9. Subject presently L1 . l¢ "S-I92 .4 w member andPress Directorof 16th AD Branch, "' _ 1+__W .éJ.e.meda or.County Subjeot was FundDrive Director5/ ._gl, 1 r 'Jlleda Coun'l*yor am-mg 1948 Fund.Raising _f//*5,~3%Pie- M .- " z 04' R_ER1<3192IC 92,xWQ}, _ __ sor ,5- ~ @@4»oez¢/»aDeM¢M,1%.,<.10v ._ , /L _ Q '3Rama R1' ,. his' .. '. I _ [5 i/1:/7!.1 -l=}6I - .__ A ~ C P.eport_of,SA| |dsted 5-2e--27 1 O - at -Sen Francisco,Calif. De1et6d3opy3entQQ44,._U._T g r - by Letter Dated :02.-"re >§> 92DETAILS:-92>. _ %?_.__...._GR°mFOEPA Reque ire:-_ *1 1- . .- Co identialInfor1nants advirsethat the subject contiriuesto side at 6'75Street, Jean sk1s;;<1., alifornia, -,-gL-311 her husband, ROBER - LUH_AFi. Theyfurther advise that jhe subject is not i _domes1:ic'gainfully duties.employedss -the majorportion of her time is taken up with her

A cheek of the Retail GI'6di'bmen'sAssociation end -the ? Oakland Police --fr Department wasmade andno derogatoryinformation wasobtained. i

3r set' ou'b- 4; 6 -Thefiles of isolose noinformation preriouslygot

APPROVED AND w J -Foavgnnusn _ if I I3... s»..F;Zi :Gz nol NOT wmrz m rm-:sz= SPACESVa _ t T92 3» 7___ o c$,|ESo|='ru1sv¬'FPo' 51 eEIQFEE }7+ ' wir Y ' - o soA l92 92 Bureau ,. S.-'§,_/f_ -F a _ _ _ i 92 1 InuzigratioljzZ _.as:uS%_zetio .. , 23 FEB , ' 4 ; 5 Se no soV ;-59??A I , H __T o mo-3. ,5,-'1" l:,_é=." . _ " o_o_ _ I . J =/'§5¢g'if»*;*;'":i?_~;4"'' '17. };=_*l*?.§]o _. 1. . l_"_-we , _. _ __92 _ ,. _ _ ,~,,. .-<<. , '7- , ;.§,~z=.~"'1-=;;=E:J.,,,,,.:"-rs-',;-. J -' T.-_

-1! -»

S P 3.00 21480

The files of the Rev1strer's Sfficeof the Alamedaseunty CourtJnited House, StatesOakland,citizenship California, January reecton that1944: in E,San the sub B eco, acqm.re§her C&l1fUII1§.3.,' and further reflect that she registered to vote onxt e Inependent Progre Party ballot ~

coesnu§s_§ - fC_1VITIES I

The January 17, 1944 1 16 of the "se11y Peoples terld", Commvnlst dominated newspaberon-the West Coae heteineq en ertlcle steting that th6_%= subject had JO1I1'bd_s-taff the of th omt Anti Fssustr Refugee Commtte-e, reported to be a Conmun1's-tomineted irontgroizp e ;_ . - dvssed that the subject mespresent oh Januerygs 1°44 Jet a meeting of the_South $ide C ub o h Q st Political Asggeiation in

thebee subject Er'anc1s_cio,,..ahioh gave the welcomewes'he1r1 address e ins an mee 1Hg'OIlccordlng et membersnew - informen who~hg to_£he recently been recrlted into the Party. t "s "Q '. 5' . L_ ' _:.; The June so, 1944 issue of the "Labor Herald", e pen1Qs@WT' uh lished 1hSan Francisco, California,contains anarticle stating th&§§the subject had been'appo1nted.es_B1nenc1elSecretary of the East Bey Branch of the California Labor school, which school'spolicies are reported to be dominate Eby the _t Communist Pertyv t ' i r ' ' "' Ht

dvised that the subject was present on July 14, 1944 at*f§ meeting c the ecu "Siqe"C1ub of the Comunist Political Association of,3§h F,renc1sco_sh_ch . 4 -. held was at[:::::::::::::::::::]in _ Sen-Francisco.- I E __--<1_ ~ < t adv1sed that on July 28, 1e44, the subject was present at a h Bide Glub of the CPA of San Francisco, which was held et n;$en Frenc1sco.j l , w - advised on August 11, 194s the subject w ~ meeting of th h Side Club of the CPA which"was held at in 'SFr anAn'd anciscc. cor ins to the rformant,i' b the su ject _ e e_ cation at this meeting, and her topic was a discussion of EARL BPOWDER'sIeheren . - . The April, 1945 catalosue of the east Bay Branchof see Califersia Labor school lists the subject es Financial Director of the.Spr1ns erm of " " ; instant schoo1- - L - ~' ~ - I he<' ' was present on A ril Federation 81, 1945 weenArchitects; the subjectof oont'ht6dBets, Engf~ r. u _m1se ' s o i601 n *oi Js 1D an. ran cisco, i Ce ornlif ia. A ccor ing d '»tno j the inform- ant, the subject &dVlSQdbhl that she-was presently working for t _5 tiends. of the Spanish Refugee Q »3he stated that for tne Executive Committee of lnstent organization, people with a Commnn1st'beckgroundwould be verv helpful. _ _»

_ . - e __ _ .. r:_ J:-V__ H: .1 -_¢...._.a.....-"_~.92 I .. "92_.. 1 . -. ..3= '_ _ V _-92 ' -9 r - Q

_. t b6 92 I - r . :,~"1Q_;j; . .- l . ,$,a§;_,_~ 1. ~~ -=r L -r;,-_ FF - - T:*:T.=§iK?-qt?m..==~ . " 1,, _e%92 '5 - 4 ff ~ - @~ * s.r. 100-21480 1 et@.._ ;#1 ... :~1 ..e ' ' twee preaent'in~;-:_{.];uly,1945 eta diSOuSSi§5i1 betweenthe subject andDr. 1;.-aIKINS, Directcrfofthe California L9_bcr':hS'choo1_Ai_n 3renci_sco', _pe1ifcrni,_,_e_.According to the informant the subject &dvieegi_"ffif'§ JLEKIHS tHéi.shchad inherited one-sixth of on island err the ¢caet'cf Scotland. suggested, according;to the informeet, that sh;e--give the property 1;@"¥}'1.o_QO1TlE.1i1I1iS?i; of Riglerxd, Partyto whi-ch};,3-111ggestic1Ez.__;the . subject eer@@d- - - . ; " I "5 .o' e ca School4 . _~1955- of ?h§§1}ceta1og_for SumierSe-esi-on, _C-alzland the'-=tri|e lie-ts" subject Branchaeof e.the member Geliforma of the: LaborBoggf Directors ofinstaritjegihool. " . ' pp." {{1- ' glemary '10,provided. 1847 lettera to the.§§§hjectfr0mh- 1 §e*'forwerded1 to her from theC-aldo Club -oi? J, P San Francl County Communist _. - --:-- . . cf: -Aocorixie; tcgthcsubject waspresent January on 1,9??? 15, at a meeti "" 'C1uo_cf vie theSan ?re.ncisco-Communist §'9_.rty was heldled the e u92c_ec1oz":a-ggsit et $nthismeeting Francisco. and it consistedto other 'Ac~::oz-dingthe inf.0rma!:1t~<-?inter}3re_t'etion subjectof _~-the the Plenum Recort. 1 _ _ - * '*;§%?.%;.= - _3o'n>i,;% . February.5, 1'94?provided inffomationtq__-. er effe_c1t_-ti¥_1"E the ~,~ the subject':.-as atpresent. a meeting oi the functio1}erie"s 'Qfg%§heCoznn1u1::.§§:I§ Party in District 15 to -disc_._v;s"s ccntr-ibutions92 do to the Cmmuni-it" Per?ty_4.;g1¬¬ring19%. h *" "e l P JEIDERMAN, Chairman of ' trict

en ' e .~:-.i- , Chairman 0£'_EheFregrqco '§an County Cli- -Eétise "9-H Q the Ccmmuwcietof"Se§'n Party '» Francisco hel 2 eforunggcat tj San"Fre.ncieco. According to the informant, the -above 18.e mee ing was c 9.1I6d by the subject. éfi ' 'to in bethe !Eé.aroh_l5, hen writingof thesubject194'? availablewritten-on ande memo,made which ti-'e be1ri_e;<;_ed oi-"the ._ t Commlmist-Party of Sen Francisco. Instant memorequests to write__;A'§ 1 an articlefor the"Party Builder",reported tcbee F91!1'1l1;. pu lG&'ti0n¢ 0- Qunéist_c21_rised Party-,on that I-ierch heldUSA, 20, the at-1.94? hcmeocfr the subectwas oresentigé in SanFrancisco. According;tcvthe informant, gave a lecture at this iueetiaog, principallyon reaction to -the Gmnmuniie ty. -She informed the.-"ex'ec_utivegroup that "fall branch members should be--'s~we.rne,dthey that might expect e. visit from the FBI at any moment". She added-that Each, member must be tcldthet they -are not to so much as speak to the F31 without first 92 consulting Communist Forty Headquarrtere foradvice". Shecaddegm that"Each qzember

..3_. ,. -

_ V ' aI'' - - V r ;1|.. * g | I I :-

' L . b 6


' ... .92. 15:71? SQFQ , = ":;_':.,.1, its A ~ - es should be told that the FEI has no right to Eeerch or request any inrmé§5 of intoany incriminating.evidence. kind. Any P1909 c1£" If iniormetio:1the FBIgiven is sdlnemned +.-he FBI will belegal, thegill twi__stey§5j§§;'jr»"themibe legal too". 4 - ' _ Q '-f?" indicelting i theu-nty 1 n Hersh Payroll22, er 1947 the mede SanFrancisco available County e rough Cbmmnist drgft list peey,;e-A"_V] as of March 27, 1947. The subject is listed en instant listens receirin§?* $41.co. - '< 1 =.* ;:ig [;:;;}dvised that on March 26, 1947 the subject wgegeesene t _e;meeting gift e wey De " 'Ccuntygnmmunist 5£erty ' " heldi§t'the " e hom_ o £ in P san§rsncisco-_ = .- -eording to the informant, the subject at this meeting geve the report on ;% t'iif6_--financial needs of the club; Informant further advised that the subj_eeig{r* steted that "The ationei Gommittee had felt that they were scraping the rfT' barrel by asking £or.the_emount that they did, for in Italy, Frence,~and§$' other countries, the ?erty members were allowed to keep s percentege_of their wages end the seme.policy-should exist in this country". ~- ' J;Es* ' 92 g * L;::::Ln Qrile2, 19§?;@rcvided a rough dreft of a me§%_headed_ "Orgenizenion sssignment" and believed to be the organizational setup fogri the San Francisco-Communist Party. In the meme, the subjects name epgeers after the word "Press_snd Security" and it-is believed that she is frees "Director and e member of the Security Commission. I i*' sh = subject was identified by $eciel Agent as attending the Sen=Frencisco1Gounty art y_ end'}res i s Bu'Ini s 1 _ HQ Conference , which was held at 228 Ecillister Street in Sen Francisco, California. Instant conference was-reported to hes been_ backed by the Communist .. Party _ in Sen Francisco. -- _ _ - ""i __,__#@" [:;:;;Pes ' . present - - on Hay-5, 194? when th '. ' ¥:" >? c A iSan Francisco s r took up the question of assign'nr well

- provided infornatibn on Jnne i6, 1947 teat 5 Eonthern Cali ornie _ar y-and Frees Building §enference was to be held at the Swedish American Hall, 2174 Market Street in Sen Francisco, Qekifornia. Physical surveillance of instant meeting was conducted by Buresu¥egents,and Special Agent[:::::::::::::hdentified subject as one of those in attendance at instant meetings ' - ' 1. in A. .

. _ . _4_

. .,"92=,, _ 4 _ 15" :"¢" -" . 7" _-53'--"rs-J"?-1': _- ~ ' .- Y _ . . . ,r- i%¢,»»-Y.-, 92- - i - -- ~ ' 92.

F36 -

bi/C S.F. 100-21480 : , _ @713 " 'Ion June 18, 194'? made available e list of names of people who were to be contacted bythe subject for the purpose of raising money to further . the eims of the Communist "Party. ' ' _ _ Sm June 521, 1947 made available a list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers and clubemembership of various members of the Communist Party who volunteered to give their services and whotalso performed work for the . "Peoples Picnic" given under theauspices of the Communist Party of san Francisco. Instant picnic was held on June 1, 1947 at Oak Grove Park. Included cnsaid list was the 'ne.m'e of the subject. * ' On July 5, 1947a made evs.i1e.b1e a rough draft believed to be in the handwriting of subject. .is addressed to all Executiveommittees in the sen Francisco Communist Party and is a review of the 'Btanch Financial work for the first half of the year 1947. Instant document gives a summary of the amount of "money per.memb'er, on the aver-age, which was donated to the Sustaining Fund for the Communist-=Pe'.rty} C . _ * as advised : Membership Director for thelsan Frsncisco VHAFT, Conmunist newwe must, that find :'?le Fimeone lost to ourfill ar her y Builder Place". editor . when we. lost ~DECCA§REU* l M |;|wssi advised on July lo, 194-r, by AUBREY c OSSMAN, Educational . Director o e Sen Francisco Communist Party, that the subject was no longer employed by the Communist 1farty in San Francisco. ' - _ On August 25, 1947,3made available a handwritten letter believed to be in the handwriting-of the subject and indicating that she was in charge of ticket sales forthe WILLIAM Z. FOSTER meeting which was. sponsored by the letter Communistbears Party the and address held of at Oakland, areJe California on September 15, 1947. home Instantor the subject, and it is directed to the Alameda County Communist Party» _ _ ' ' - advised that on August25, 1947 the subject was present at s meeting 6th Assembly Distric ' A uigt Party which was held at -_th_e home of the a Alameda County Conmun-ist Party at ornia. The informant advised tatthis time lat Ehe suFject had recon y been trans- ferred from the 1win Peaks Branch of_the Ban Francisco communist Party. . 4 i " On August-28", l947,g;1ade _'avail'ab1e_ a_ Communist Party transfer card for the subject which" ref ec s she was transferred from the Twin Peaks Club of -the San Francisco County Communist Party to the Alameda County Communist v Party on Holy 15, 1947. Said card carries transfer number 29519. i

" - - : -5-

- - _r -, v. _>.,_ .,_n., ~'_ ~.'_.. 1 = . H _- .. -- f . V .4 _ -' _ 5-;~'~ -' - 1 92., 4. _. 2 régw- L .._ it , .;.;' it - ' _. _ ' - - . .'~ "J . r _r_,.;._. _'-'...-;.';'.':,l'=;-_¥"~»*.';r';-.* ' ' - . i . ' - " 92 b 2

-A. b6 3, 92 t ' - b7? 92 ' . " ' $.F. "100-21450 ~ . ' _-; ' '_ , ,' - J 'be] . _>=~¢_. -_ _ I 1 ,3

'attend "a Eon dinner at';,_t'h

meeting presently1T'i| ¢j.ms_Tembe_rcf Civil Rights the Communist Congress-PB-rt? and 92 Sadtri-sed that the subject was present on December 8,1947 at a meeting of the 16th Assembly District Branch of the Alameda County, Ccmunist Party, which was heid at her own residence, 675 Jean Street, Oakland, California. According, to the informant; a genera-1 discussionon the subject of was I I J said orniant to iurther LENINduring advised the that last during; revolution this discussionin Russia {A11 this b1oodshei1_.is"-wrong , and LEEIIN answered, 'Yes, but we will kill only those we do not hav_:e'=tme to reeduc_ate', When the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie comes it will be lOO'1time's worse". ' . r . . adv-isegdthat the 'subject'was present on December 25, 194-? at a meeting .0 e 6th i¥ss'en;bly District Branch of the Itlameda County Communist Party. According to the informant, this meeting was entirely taken up by the - Third twentyParty signatures. Pctitionriive and it was disclosed h that the subject 92 had obtained¢ " Seas present on January 6, 1948 eta discus on be ween OLETA YATES,- -Chairman of the an Fi-snci sco County Gcmrunist Party; e Security C ommission of the Communist Party in District 13; -and Chairman of the al_am_eda County Communist Party. The informant a vise t-- ye- subject was the_top»ic =of this discussion and itwas concerning a position to which she might be assigned in the Alameda County Communist Party. ' H advised that the subject was present on January 19, 1948, at a meeting of the 16th Assembly District Branch of the Alameda County,


K ¢ at C,_ 7 c . u . A 'b¬>


-DID ' S.F. 100-21480 . t ,- . _ J ' Communist Party-whichsras held ather residenee,~675 JeanStreet, Oakland Cali 'ia. According to theinformants presentat this meeting,: -_.j mad e the_ ta s -he would p g led e two holida s to Third Part y "LENIl*¥work;asked IWhen istatedDays-."b But, |what thoseholidays these are notNations - _were,":rep1ied,holidays here,;;ij .__ that is just in the Soviet Union. replied, "It-will be here soon-.._",l informants further advised that the subject objected to canvassing neighborhoods for the Third Party because of dcmestic- difficulties, stating, "I didn't think rightthis was any workingthere emergency.- such -I knowasa _revcl_ution". in the event emergency re.ooording l".1'dthe to be informants, replied,-"This is an emergency; that Par y work at this time is an emergency andit is the. beginning of _-the revolution,the first stageof it." _

dvised that on February1 its the subjectwas present011 Acalifornia.at a 16th Aqgembly Branchmeeting benefit which "washeld at the 'home - According to -tile informants, this benefit for members was eld in connection with the circulation of Third._ Party petitions. tt . |:|on February 5, 1948 made availablea listlentitled -"Nominations", and which is believed to be the list of nominations for club officers in thejith Assembly District Branch of the AlamedaCounty" CommunistParty. Said list indicates that the subject was nominated for the position of Press Director l and also Financial and "S-ocial Director. . I

l dvset 3- that onFebruer 9 19489 the subjectnwas' present. ata meetingof the16th AssemblyDistrict Branzcrhof Alameda County, Gumntmiet Party, which was he-ld..at her -ownhome, 675 Jean Street, Oakland, California. Alccording to the informants, the subject was elected to the position of Press Director at this meeting. They further advise that she tas also nominated as Educational Director but-declined because she has held "that position for two _ years and does not want to become typedin that work. . . ' __ dvised that onFebruary 1,948 25', subjectthe {was present' Partyat a meetingwhich of the held was 16that the Assembly home District Q11Branch of the Ageda C-'ount |y' alifornia. 'Ehe _i_nio1-mantfurther advised that the subject gave the repor on the 16th Assembly BranchExecutive Boer<1_'stlastmeeting. |;|eatttes thatthe subjectwas present on March15, 1948 at .a" club leaders 1 .I.l ' _ :0 i . .41 " .= .1: n | 1| t . . ': an l 1: '_ at the home of l California. -Accordingt.c_.t_he m{'orma¥!t,| Itbe '"Alamed.a County CommunistParty, presided and stated that who Communist Partyis the back bone of the American people's movementtoward Socialism". '


, L at a it *1 _. ii . ___ '.

s.r. 100-z14so.c _ . .- - - bi $dvised thaton March16, 19%this subjectwas present at a L16 Communist arty Club -Leadership School which was held for the East Oakland b7C and AlamedaSections of the Alameda Cc-untjrCP at Norway Hall, 3.B29'Piedmont ' Avenue, Oakland, California. The iniormant further advised that the subject b7D spoke on the following "points; ! Tr.e "Daily People's Worldis an import- and organ of the People's movement.]= Each club should hold PW mobilization h in order to sell subscriptions. ! The Press Directors in each club should make the Peoples World interesting to Party membersby holding discussions on articles contained in it-' ' ' - gadvisedthat Hersh on 1948 212,subject the present wasa at Ca1ifornia.}I_gccordingComrnunis ar y meeting heldthe at Jennyinfoma.n'l|:, Lindthe Hall, Telegraphtoprincipal speech Avenuethis in Oakland, at meeting was given b the Alameda CountyCommunist Party.

adt"ied that I on lipril15 1948the subject"es present at a meetingthehome o the @_h_,'issembly ofth DigjgjctBranch of the JCslifornia. Alameda County CP.held ' According to the informan s, 'the suFjectwas acng as "'Peop.lbsorld" Drive Director, and requested each member to report the number of hours spent on work and the number of subscriptions held. - ml advised that on April 222', the1948 subject was present at a special membership meeting of the East Oakland Section of the Alameda County Communist Partywhichtvas held at the Club Iberco, 1359 Hays Street Yin San Leandra, California. According to the inf ' s brought to theattention the of clubmembership by For the East OaklandSection oi?the AlamedaCounty cs, sssc1oo%'all Canmunist or Party clubs must participate in all Independent Progressive Party activities. d'vised-the subject thatwas presentwcn ilpril 29,l94L8 a May at Day Rally he by the Alameda County SP at the Oakland Civic Auditorium in Oakland, "California.-The principalspeaker atthis meetingwas CIniUDIA.-QUIFES, member of the National Board of the Communist Party, USA. sponsorsadv1sed yt e East =-- the that =- " subjecst - was1 presenton- - y CP.6,May This19-$8at social a social - was he- = llllli .-1' the AlamedaCmmunist Pary ng, -e orn a. ocor -to informant thisa social was held in order to increase the sustainer for the East Cakland Section, GP, Alameda County. ' _. ' 92 -

On lay 6,, 1' d some handwritten notes believed to -be in the handwriting of Alameda County, CP. The notes are believed to pertain to the hay Day meeting which was held under . the sponsorship of the Alameda ounty CP at the Oakland Civic Auditorium, Oakland, California. The notes. include a list of names which are believed to

' -3- .

v A _ .__ -- ' I- -

K .

S.F. 100-21480 A , . - b2 be thenames p_er-sonsof had who tickets to "sell to instant m.eetin,§andshow b6 numbers whichmay b_e,the_"ticket_numbers with notations showing Wh-ico,_h'_'he.veb7c been paid. Included one-the instant li-st 'we.ssthename of the subject."--:= L dvised thaton Hay10, 1.948 the_ - subject was present .__at-ithe K3 kw:, I ._/ 'r'92_ meetingwe. of heldat the 16ththehomevofi Ass icslirsrnis.A ,?which I | on may1948;-5-at 12, ' 5 . Communist Partywhich washeld atl | California. "P " ' meetin accordi to the ' ' - e untyEa 1GP;n5 end f the Alameda sign y Ewes advised by thesubject onMay 24,1948 thatshe wastrying; to think of a way to-ask the comrades to start saving money, adding that-, _"We need $10,000 ifthey pass the Mundt Bill, so what I need is a list of the Chairmen of all clubs". ' ' ;>

he subject,Q I when they were discussing the Fund b2 %ing Five of uhh the is as the Director. During this discussion, according tothe informant, stated that the first point of the Fight- b6 ing Fundis to keep thePeep es orld on its feet as the fight against the be/,92 Mundt-Bill could"collapse withthe Peoplesborld". 'is -- A" 7 b7D

AlamedaI oun advise-:1 y cnrmun s ar y Convention that which subject wasthe h-_e*ld' in Qakland,present use -California.the at ' advisedthaton June4, 1948the subject was present at a meeting Alameda -County. GPwhich was held N 'l_ iedihent, Halcland, Clif ' ' Alameda, I Cwnty 31°;and -_s ro es-s onal ' u -Section of the A smed?-County §P,were the principal ispeeiiers at this meeting. On 16,June 1948 available de document e. to-bein believed _-"_;:'i. the handwriting of the-sub ec w ich was directed to the Educational Directorf of the communist Party in 5-an Francisco County. It is -indicated inthis Y- letter that the CommunistParty of America is contemplating usig the same. methods usedfor raieingfunds in foreignvcountries. . l p _ IF!-me| lthe -Tan lranci-so-oCounty subject Cozmnunist Party, thate.dvisedshe he. -9... // ' . J .

. X - 92.|.



b6 an appointment with AUBREY GRGSSMAN, Ewucational Director of the sen Francisco County Comunist Party concerning the Financial Drive of the Communist Fatty b7C ' in lsmede County. _ "c . » ,. b?D t=; :- [::::]advised that subject was present.on June 25, 1948 at theEast F ' ' " hieh was held.&t the home of a California I . - -/-J V E;::::]&vised that subject on June 27, 1948 was present at the East§t§= akland action Convention secondsession! which was held at the home of[:::] Ialifornia. "The informant further sdtised1FHEt the suect-who e- L this meeting es a delegate to the County Convention., Z _ [:::::::::::::]edvised that the subject was present on July 8,ll948ii?2 ii at Q O - 4 K : :1 1 . _ '. 5 : : I L 1 I i M L |: I : at the home of California. J" According to t e Enftmant, the su5jee- yn 13; e 5':O&,1QH=' pointed out that - "The Working clas in America is in worse shape thsn_that in any other country. They are exploited to;the point of not having refrigerators, cars, or homes- The job of the Communist Party is to get out and show these people how much 'Q they are missing under the Capitelistic system." The informants added thstEtr this meeting a 16th Assembly Branch Club of the Independent Progressive Party K was organized. The subject was elected as one of the heads of this club since she was considered as one of the best qualified to control the thinking, ..' advised that on Jul 19 1948 a '* ' W 'b7 Board 92was held at Y the -~ home o tss=is1-si-the-ear-eklsn-;]' D6' Celifonia. According to the nformant the suect was no presen a. 18 meeting but it was stewed by the chairmen duning that meeting b?El that the office of Financial Director was being left open_in the hope that the subject could take over as soon as the special fund drive, which-she is conduct-D73 ing, is completed. - i ' " ' '[:::]on 'July-2;, - 1948, made available 92 e-oony of "Pre-Conuantionlnfi Discussion Bulletin #5" issued by the California State Committee of the Counist Party and dated July 10, 1948- Instant periodical beers_the address 942 Market l" treet, San Francisco, Gslifornie. This bulletin contains an article captipn, W "Party's tasks require improvement in.financiel work" and it is signed"DE5DR§§' Fund Drive Director of Alameda County, and is believed.torbe_identical-with§§7 the subject of this ease. i "" .-'i_1&i I A I-.1-It [:::::Fdvised-that on July 25, 1948 the subject was present exit l 4 Communist Party mass meeting held at Forway Hell, 3829 Piedmont Avenue, Oakland, Californi The principal speaker, according to the infornant, at this meeting was ARCHI%0'u"llI, Trude Union Director of District 15, Cttnmunist Party-The _ informant ad ed that BROWN stated during this speech, The Fascistlike government ' u. I »"'_;: -10- -- . . ,1, .=r-" - ~ w? ,-_.,__s<.- tny . , ,- ' . . 3 '-, - @- wsnsa?§*~:.. .-. V -- N > '_L; ',,. - _ _ J 5 I ______.. ______4-1 ".'=v.-5:1-=:.'-'~}~ -"l -- -rite:-t 5~i<_~s'92:.~ '.-»'--1 K r r . . V - o2

_ b 6 92 b'}C . . F I k S.F. 100-21480 -_ b7D 0 92 . . s . . we have today is against the will of the American people. "there will undoubtedly be bloodshed when the American people move as they did in 1776, and we Counists could not stop' them if we so wished as they would go over us too". - '[;;;S;]was advised on July 29, 1948 by the subject that there were only nine mom ere in her club and they were all working hard. [::::::::::::::1dvised that the subject was present on August 5, 1948 at a meeting of the 16th Assembly District Branch of the Alameda County CP held at her own home, 675 Jean Street, Oakland, California. Accordingto the informants, the subject gave the educational at this meeting and the topic was a history of the Uomunist Party, USA. During her talk she is reported by the informants as having stated, "The answer as to how to attain Communist goals in conservative groups such as Parent Teacher Associations; churches, American Legion, etc. was not to dash in waving the rod flag, but rather to bide one's time and work along; with the established. goal of the organization. Communist ideas and goals can be edged in as thought wise". " ' "P advised '~' that » on held August at 1C. the_home ldad the dfL subject_pas_present at .54a suject was present at an E: California. ::gnlss Hggld lnforman Beneit furtherhsd?ised¬hat Bart; which was half on e '- the same date at the home of California. Informant_advise at at the later p a member of the Comunist Party in Alameda County, requests o sing something called "the Red Song, since everybody there was a unist". " [:::::::::::::]advised that on August 16, 19é8 the subject was present at a meeting of the 16 Asse bl ' . r - which was held at " Accordi Eb informants, the suject at Eis medting was asE3H'to x in e operations of N.E.P.0 in Russia and com 0 P are it to the P olitical5 set up in Yugoslavia.- Informant further advised that the subject was well acquainted with this topic and able to discuss it fully. H gsavisea that on August :20, 194s, afunctionaries meetingnof the Alamo a ounty GP was held at the subject's home, 675 Jean Street in - i Oakland, California. 0 .- dvised that during September, 1948,l% I - e subject, and the meeting was held a Ummunist farty 5ead- . quar ers, 3 hebstsr~Btreet, Oakland, 9alifornia. - . ads available on September 2, 1948 a handwritten copy of a letter which was written by the subject indicating that a meeting of the 16th Assembly . District IE? Club was being called for September 8, 1948 at the subject's home, 675 Jean street, Oakland, California. Instant letter is signed, "Sincerely, DECCATREUHAFT, Grganizational secretary"; '

- - ell- I _. 1 5 -A7;-' 1/ 5-...~ 5 r . , , . 92. J "

S.F. 100-21480_ . * . bi [::::::::::;::;]advisedon septemberV L6 that5, 1948 the subject was E _present at an East ak and Section picnic held at Elmhurst Gardens at Oakland, big California. According to the informants, this picnic was held for the purpose W of raising money forthe CommunistParty and the "Daily Peoples World. BFD

advis d t at on eptember 13, 1948 the subject was i present at a meeting of the 16th Assembly District Branch of the Alameda County CP h , w 1c h ld was he a 't1h er e own home, 675 J t can S reet, an Oakl d " , california. 1' The informants further advised that the educational at this meetin w i'n the [::::::::::i:::::ii:Ff~the" ' of theilommunist County Alamedaand Party" farty.Communist leadwas by' [:::::::::j;;:;h;Falamedaas advised on SeptemberCP, the 16,that 1948, subject byCounty lee Financial Director I of the East Oakland section of the Alameda County Ccmunist Party- [:::::::::::::::Fdvised thata meeting of the16th AssemblyClub of the Alameda County C? was held at the subject'shome on September 27, 1948, at 6?5 Jean Street, Oakland, California. However, they advised that the subject was-ill while instant meeting was in progress and could not attend. . ass 4,1948 meeting 3. s|;| of the East OaklandSection 0 e - ame a W ounty CF, was to he heIH at e heme of the subject, 675 Jean dtreet, 0akland,i~ ' "'- ' t meeting wasconduc . ' Agentsh The agents observed ' a 1 an address.'o men ers 0 .e ssembly .- District= 'k;;, Clu ,_en ering premises

, . f the $ecu , , , em er of the Professional section of the San Francisco Commun s - ar y, -a -e subject was going to see him. - ~ L:;;::¥n_Uctober1948 thatadmised a B,meeting of theAlameda Communist Party Fun ive leaders was to be held that day at the home of the subject, 575 Jean Street in Oakland, California. ' l ,

' 'sting was conducted by Special Age s It ' -onging and ere observed parked in Eheimmediate ticinity of suE3ectTEhome w 1 e . is meeting was in progress. All of the above listed individuals are members of the Communist_Party in Alameda County.

a meeting[:::;:;;::;;;;;] o _ e Assembly that Districadvised C Esubject was presenton Octoberll, 19§8 at Alameda County Cqmgunigt Party, held at

I >- n¢ns:1aannias»"»i1*, _- .,'___ 3':;{.. s * » 4 _.__ _ in _ r- - . "H - I I :2 I . . A - 4-

be .- _ eve S.F. 100-21480 . 1 /

|:|Qn October 1;»q Qx leesee| | Alameda CountyCommunist Party,advised subject that he had left his potebook at her house and would like to get it hack; . L [namesI Ion October Countylsesehsnthe 15, or, followingisnbject statemen the J S e readl ad prepared in congunoioh with her wok as Fund Drive Director for the J Alameda County GP: "Qur goal is Every ember a sustainer Member. ow, as ever before we need more social efiairs in order to reach out to hundreds of people. Our first lihe of defense is the club memberand every member should pledge a monthly sustainer, the pledge to he turned over to the Cluh_Financial Director. .-jI- l - [igggkn Gctober_l8,1948 advisedthat thesubject written had five_ letters to ni-st Pe.rt§zHeadquarte1's San Franciscoin concerning thecirculation of funds to Headquarters for the Peoples-World Erive and the Fighting Fund Drive. w.e.s advisedon 9ctober 21, by194-8 hat the $9111 Francisco ce had put DECCA TREUHAFTin charge o a . nances for the whole Professional Section; - l~ 'advised. that the subjectwas presenton November 8, 1948 at a meetingP which of the was 16th Assembly heldat the home Distric ed I t Accordinga was realized for theto informants, communist Partywas in Alameda announced atCountyit{His meet'ing from a party which had previously been held at the home of the subject- 9, 1948made availablea letter designated for he security Commission of Edstrict 13 of the emmunist Party, U31. instant letter is si nodE bY the n J sab'ect , andconcerns an accountingof all cash paid on the state loan of the Communist ?arty, 92 [------IEHHHHBHH-liar1948whensubject the requestedp er y 0 con ac tha_A1ameda for the AlamedaCommunist County CountyGP and advise shownanted her himt aE_her92cI§b'was to give. thespeech. planning_ Hg a meeti for ovember Z _ 24, 1948 ,

Inasmuch as no further investigation is contemplated in this case _ at the present time, it is being closed on authority of.the Special Agent in Charge. - "

* C L O S E D -


ii L . ' ».

,yF_92. r,_,_,_h= '92.7'! ~45I I1

' S.F.100-214-so ' _ _ _ _ ,;m_ <~_,' ' SOURCE SHEET GONT'DV



_The above scurces were designatéd T symbols i order to further protect their identity. . -, - 92 .-

-15- _-..--q . . ' . -:' ii 92 W1111121111.? OfZ92/I67/¢016l7Zdm72 -M, UNITED 1 U. GOVERNMENT STATES i-

T0 :DIREC'I'OR,FBI nm:= March 14, 1949 % OM sm =s.4c,FRA¬!CISCO5/ suBJB.c'r=LUCY JESSICA TREUTLAFT, Was. SECURITY 114111212- -c hm - hf !

- Reurlet dated December 8, 1948, and report of SA JAMES F. GORSE, dated February 4, 1949.

migration and Naturalization Service at San Francisco, was contacted concerning the subject in this case. A review of their £114, No - p 245/ /75206 ,a w S :1ma e an <1 a1 1"'1 e t 10 ref <1 ect any further information ' ' [:ff;f%f:fE?ifff:f:3advised' n that available no furtherin the filesaction of the beenSan thathas Franciscoand Office- taken investi- the _ go ion 1S presen y in a pending status. 'f

JFG/blw100-21480 . EC-QFRDEF- 32 _ _ , _ " 113 E I; 31L MAR211949

91-118-4.1., __3__1______i,% W _ ~ :£;§§§i7§i>ilf|§6l92*.4§l?e§§*.?035?'z4I14l§.é/u'~ 5 11143/1?£5;@?;§1 4_ +96 73'? 3 O /-528

77-$17743 -444/£3?/§ L CHANGED T0 /0 0 ~. 42/ > ?0 -/4/4 /~?

JAN 2 7 1956 { { ALLINF-"E2Rf»'§A:¬§¬A3}!S §~'§§§2liEavwzqz/:_1§2Iv'X Zm._ é¢;¢*Fk'T1gNE!3 7 WW _ L14:-W _ @ ' _ ,|92 I . ' 1.-99



r. ON Ohi'fNNED P~__§§i?§§I§lTL92§l1¢LL§N=f__ 4; . Q5i§;'1'¬*TLASS§F"_ ED - -. M §,;»;»;;@;z,i-3 0;

4- 3 » i 4-528

77. 2776/- -4/J! cmmasn T0 % /14¢ 441/ 7% - //

»:--; .'51;:.;r"f*%>_'_i-1 j .,. ~~-r ¢.r'-"- ~ MN Z 271% 7? QT-i:1'L:1;>11/<>92w Q3535"%l0°/5°/°""

@. r I ., "AW O 92 I I "/v~""?"1 . ' 6 ' " - *~¢*1f-" 1 J I ., a-_. M3 A-

J FEDERAL, BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION. In /V7 l~-92-FormT1-us No . 1 cAsI92:oR|c:mA1'EoA'rSAN FRANCISCO- I FILE NO. 100;-321430 , W" , __, _,, __,___ , _- REPORT MADEAT [ DATE WHEN M5135 PERWD WHICHF9MADE . smrmmclsco ' 9-s-4,9 B-39,1031-.15. jm I .- is 7 2s,,1Q-4s s _ .... is TITLE: CHARACTER OF QASE 6? JESSICA LUCY" T, was. ' I SECURITY MATTER C . .

- 5*"°"s= °F "A°"= JESSICA may TREUHAFT continuesto reside evs /* Jean Street, Oakland, California, and is occupied _ s as a housewife. I linformantsadvise subjectmember '1I7 929292ITi ._.92 J $7 16thAD Branch, Alameda Communist County J. 1 Party."/- r 4.1" = b6 Educational Director1:-sun Brsnch.as Subject ' " Z . I92_ Y/I WC presently_Fund forDr:'we_Director Oakland,2%,!J Califernis ChapterCivil Rights Congress. Subject!- I 1 "J _ I . . .b7-F~ - I O presently ettendi11gIdar:ci.stInstitute classesin W; 92_92__ Oakland, California. pescription set out. N w §92 V PM :1 _ criminal record. Credit, nothingunfavorable. /_C_ 1 -92~....r_ ;:._TM__.:. , "I-,~?--er ..7..- .=_.92. rs 92r_92: .. 144,, W11-, » Q-;_92I|-;-| *4 , AS-.=---=11 E nk!!!F I c . _W?wM$ REFERENCE 1 Bureau le~6-I-$69581". Deleted Copy Sen _ by Letter Dated - $5 I DEHIAILS: . AT' II-' omcmsnJ-u-L A "___,_ CALIF-ORH.IA:' ' |_; .Per FOIPARe<1921@BI1_,_,______.__._.- '* _ .55 s |jm_J_|°. known ; bject continues to resa. e asen Street with her husband,ROBE§? 92 I_I_H_1_i_1fT.Infcrmants further advise the subject is a housewife.

_ commszss 1=-mm scnvmtss

- I of known reliability, advisedFebruary on 11, I that th Illbj ; ' I; 1 .= Q . . . -, _- 1 , 1 . . - - . . .1..,.... , . Cguncil meeting held at the home of

APPROVED AND 7 5pgg1A|_ AQENT - I FQHWARDED CHAR DONUT VVRITE IN THESE5FACEB i 5 Bu i COPIESOFTHIS REPORfl' - . mu' ' . - _i_ , r _ T: ---:_-::m qhlil1-var w . I 1-ms,3-San Francisco $3.11 Francisco cosrxnssnu! -'6 ___, K #1" __ M359/I If"... D _ 92 1|, _ 92_ ,4 Ix U V L. I / . I 1 -H-fr rd"/"II i I sfI J cf? 9* ...... " 1 A ...-.-t"-§" * "I, .¢e92-' . ._ -" ' I_ _j__ Hf, I I _.r I I. n.nnrmarmnanpema 72034 , 92 1'. ; ». -. _ - . »~. A I _ V . , . . .. - V V i ' '

. 4492 -» ~ J V_ ?' .~_~: v- _ ' - V X J V. I> F _ _ .,v

smoo-21-aso*." " U A A V

A _ lnff0rmant;.,f921rthe_rIadirivég-61-_ori 4 ' *5 dttendeql Epast-,Oakland 3é:c_=0i1o_zi{Q¢m;xi1.1niéfq';Pa.rty1;?1__e'et;i._r1gé 3 he!;-dv_§ ' W f i%sub;¢a¢'»?&l@@@@n§e& *¢he£@11¢w1L=¢@¢ meetings":_=;» = ~ V - E1.» .22A=14¢e*iP§V;ii;V I _ V P*4?§V@¢Vi°*VV¢#=V*vi*?$i? P1??°* ~°????*@¢$iP§vk,; 16'i;h;!§D1'cbmmiu;i1s£,1>s;;¢ty"1f111;=19_:48V; sraz;¢ziV,1 - ~ A 1

16th iBra,h¢k{,v~VCc§nm}1is§-v.P§?tY 42-'j2VJ,1:4V=8i V1-e1;1~.Vg.1>,Bra;s¢1& ~ » »;g@e1'-Jixiggf ' 1g,z1;4s;_,

161:1; "_An"Br@_n<>h1,Accum1in1;f@iiVP;i-tiv-§l 2;-1_¢{;9V_; 16th. A11Bre_inch_, VcqqpyniéitPa;'¢y[.;V~_V2V+V1-49 I¢éi1i1i'92_1';IIém:aria,l,VLPar*ty;* _ ¢ ap0nsQ:§ed.=;5 by 15thlam BrandyCbznmiznist 1>ar1;y~2*-_j;1="-gs» _- V h 1 V of izhe é 3 ; 16thI. ABE1anch V s o1<é'o p 4__,nhLEHIN; ''Izifom§.n s sVtgteA_d»tha.1: spoke he -J ,gx~e92a>fe»r-92'r<>er%abbdt fche=_g#'bwbh .6f._Le'i:1in'ism;,'=.wha't7~L'en5ln'ismdoneffox "has; V V Ra-ssie.,Aand *wne.t11+.; will dcffbr .Ai1ieri¢a= me~_Qm'aLi:;1the Q E5? :si>ee.ker;<<>£ »V La¢V.¢=1iVVn¬&é*'?~s|I§%sq;Coast_" V Gon;xnuvnv;§stL,d9min&te.d;, :_;ewspap¢l;1.Ll V 1°?Vt ,_._ A 15' Pevblwéworld po1;e_~-org! 4 ' V ? Rdsaiak, V;L Lani-ni;n}; thevsuccess ofComnn;nism>in,V»IChina~, a.nd<._the'f'spré'e.'&"o"£.- onix§1t1ni$m.5 V. thr0ugk41but".f|;h'e s;'_l:9.6ec1~'Vi!tl.V :,wo rfId.'921 5 V uit"1C'0mn1u;§5;sm;wi1V1Yb'eebmé*Elie "m15_ 11$ P :1 -O"; f N ,,thq Vwqrld Awithin the next j92=,?reHr1¢i:yf{.-1.;i.V19re_v§réar§,*-{Heprédig'bédv_1Vfbhat~,' ' .M.1 V-fSo¢;£"j~ -. _fbh61f6_.wil11béfmqre oivo'1,u'-'Vpeopie man"theT-;ée¢.ctiV¢nai~1e;i,»V*and vthenVw'r111r'1 .» Veqme V!a§.goyernmQntin Wa_shing*t:on_I'run,'by;92;iéy;7 V j 'V ~'li119§»_1"bVtv-t9é1l_, q'a,pi§¢&j_171:5'§2i0 'Q.'6'8.i V¢Yap1§a11sm.V"V' lh Av Brawn; ¢6muni¢:;ParvyL ? i - V _...l|-. " M. Q»¢'B¢@¢h; %¢¢@ua»;¢%P¢¢;y-%£7 v lstnma Bra_n¢n'92§;e¢%:};3g;f¥'»-q~ .-*5¢.;.'z.-~;§ V j

_ 1,?"* 2 V" J V ., 92_"_ , >,_ _92_ i{lv,?*, !A1-iM .@A, .m!_v._ L_i,b2 b6 -'I L~~*°V h A ¢~ fb7C . , , , 92


7 16thLADBranch, Communist.I?arfcy'_~5-Nl'Z.-H49

l6£h ADB£§n¢h; bq@m@n;§§?Pa£¬jf e.1@§49Y3? . v1s£n]ADBran¢h;cb§m§£i§£i§a£tyi7Lz;;4é§y"_v V A" ';3*.i< » ' i ;;92?fTn¢ 1nrq@§a£§f§aiise§}TR3UHAF§~ié,ta?Iégvé; V the 16th _B!janchf, .~C;prm21u;;isf;:'"P;:£rt'y;,_até.;*bga;;d;;1év~Fi1¬1v&Y1c.ie;l ;¬ha__irmat1 * oi;' ¢~' the; OaklandChapter, "Civ:{'1*' -92~ _. ._ Lf11fi§v'e», ,_92 J

Tgze iwéigof 16th ADBranéh, K c@Qmnn1s£Party 3-24-4§ Yl%j§*'M " A M " V :9JEi?5jh

M élth AD éBréa.i16h,'Coin?m;nisf; 4-I5-49v

. 16th AD Byaneh;Cqmmnnist Pap¢y '4-15549jYj§:,; W , *; M '1=h_i'"s; éA'ie¢¬edtbf§6iieAt _A .A P°sii°n'9fEd?¢i¢n%1*9i?颬¢?f§fifhe1branch-1= 92 Y? "'i*. xgth ADBianch, CbmmnniétParey; 5-5-49»_J,E . £**3 .1H I Eq£b£&gn£s»¢;§££d&Q§}é1i§biii§v,gaviséd?; TREUHAFT attended_an ElamedaCoun y C9mz1innistHPdrf'l§y';?nQtj:QQ,arie§.;mee'l;ing;,,1; - ~ held." 4m January Z8; 1949~,;a1} 1:he'_Givil.5265 l'2'bh S'b1'.ee jb. % ' CivilRights Congress ,e; liOn '§hQJ8.bbV§;d.8.§§§",- ,1"- -A j V +V* L[::::]gd§is¢a[6TAp£i1 §§qi§4§§$§5;£§§§§§§gg§Hw§é,§;;§¢n£;£¢ -public méetingspons cred by vth$'-,;A1§zge»dj§"LC0§1i;ty_1Cj¢1m921hi§:~Mqmrchl 25, Pa;j¢ty;~;<>;;l 949; at Norwgy Hall, s3z9i?1edmonc Ayequ§;gf*3Yi3;;; -' - ~ ~ V, 7 ? LVqf knohré1:'§.§lI§i1i;i3"3a",7vadx :1{sed that public meeting spqnspre by.-we Alamefda :CQunty.Comnv,znis&Party; a1;~,192IoIfway_,3;{e_Zl~1 :i_ -J~'

. _ . .- » . .- ,. _ ,; , > . _ _ , . e v . _v ~.1.; ' , >i _ 1H __ V k > ~; ._Q -"V V 92 ;__-" 1/ ' , >3 J

*sF.1oo-21480 * i ~>:-~»"-L , 92 - _ =;_. ,. _

on mar¢h*zs,-1949.1The inrermanyjsiaédange;wILLIAm§$@§§E1BERMAu,Vcna1rman"v1 0f the Cali 'io:fniaGoit1nn.1_nisi:Party, the ,L pI§.n0ip&]_; *S§892B.ké4f,'aI1§1,_i1S6d_Bl3".ILiVS3J-vl,.'I'. topié "Who Are the wra1tpra"¢~.Tnis;1nrqrmant*qu¢tedgsQHmE1psRMANa§;s#yi#e;j?: "'11; AtlanticPad; !_-1vas"a.7p1'aAr,1 §e;;&,;.a;1;e to rican@;sL¢1di¢rs , V_sa.i;3;.!orsarid vfiyers: 'abrqad in,avdoz¢n'Qquntfie$ta §s£abli§g;¢i1itary bases,"8otha¢ aythihg;tha~§_ -happens anywherev;-1-1éinv61"vé§ tl3eIIUnita_<717States in war_ wi*bhdii_1f.-jhé ~,au1I:ii<:;ity b£% Congres8.v" LSCH1923EIDEMANidec1§réd,'A"Th§:.Cd;m1iuni$.tj_Parfcy?'i¢ril3,-4nbjbisizpport vunju'stthat war ,:1;s»aimed~aga,inj:-;*,','é_§1'.>1*:_ei 7A_=01fkingf¢-lassaga7ijms*§;'- 91* individual; _t1; e. '0?nae1on;"1&H@+st¢zed,,9mhe*c°mmpniét;Par@y;has any b¢en;i$q#°iedin thé iaeaf qthat; it Lwvou Supportld 5Russi_aY iri_'t11e'.Sfenjgi fbhatR115 5.; 5:1 _s'11 {;;;,ldA»a1;tb;§1cf.ét'hv'é*1 , T Uxiiltfédf sear9a.'F_said, He {'.1§14e_ Party ré_fa_1ly;' sm1;ea j»-matx£'irstf; ré;*emLq_st1~we and *i;1_u,:»:_t ;fi.ghtL againsfsany ;wa'i*,--T.the.G. thdtwo» forms_V.d1"j'921.'gr,v1re1fE*n:r;er1'l:'}}S'e;r1§ _1by gide.<;-f feiti;stf1si._d,e Landwar is not inevitable. FOSTER and say th_a1:,:i'.f 1n__§sjp1_1;@$01: __'¥2h§'¢=Zff0r'§8 of the Communist Pmfizyi:h'e oi"Lv»79,all :mén St1fee_t- 'e.re§,.i51_92i*r_ige"*u_s' _'#_i-b1_e§._d.o"'a1_iz9.gf, in*12'o will opposa it=as; 1?;;;ap'it§.lis$» §W_a,r_ *e*very92§1fii;;g";t6=};;'in§ ,$uc11 to e; speedy AconclusLi'on;v-on$Ti6V_bv8v1_$is dkqmocratikgPf_, 9. p_e a;cé;I1; "9_QJsé fai.1l_,5£r1_''rwe!- Tbhe ght fdripaade, we _1 ii11j.'.<$bn1;iéhue=_*b0st;-ugg~Ie1s;g7jainsb y§r&1j,'e7_enafbef _iib w,', breaks Ac>ut.f'-We V " . __,_v._ _ _ < "- ., , . 1 92 L 7% % Y|:|%%1é¢d~%frREv1%AFT*éw@nd¢¢A~i>he1r¢%11éw§;ag1~§a*=é1s%%£% I j alasses: Z - . 92 Q7 '. if-<7 Q_1 V I .~ - Dave ad+1sed<* _$§§§}5¬5§§§Fi$~Yl;Ql§§.@;QFE§§5Qf,¥;;;LQ;;jEQ1;;;4@;§li;¬§:;§ 5.9.49 ,»=~ > v= ~~ »¢i1civi1 nignts;p¢5grés; Hall, j{J* ,H;:;.=, ~;"zes=12tn»$zreex;-W " . ,_]§>79L*rL 5-9-49' " 92 **'?. *

5~0-491 , .1? 5'73-49 _ L " , . 4 e~s-49 -A " , 92

; -,. V

s } A> % A A A , - A _ M I . _92_R ' _ K » 1 " ." P , V Q >wr;;" . ._ , Y 1>~ _ .7 L ' "~» - . ';_ . .~:~':v W V .- ,1 _- 3 X _ I . . ,.55. ¢ . . . - ;_ » "_92' . *2./" ~ ' "7 v » '~ .>- < IV -: ' 1 - . - '1 w-; -..'- ~' ,-v _, . 3' " - - ~ >~ vv.1b2

» 1 _ ~l » "..-=»<» - @_é J = ~§U*1b7D i;_~sE 100-z;4so;4<;M:- »A n ;} :.w ~ 4 V A % M V ;¢11;§£i1ey,Ai1a¢5,;AA»9;av1=ew;¢% ,."-Marxis mst-I ti tu w§@»,sqVe1nss1ven1byu*h¢92$1m@¢H*¢§@nt¢c@muiéIP¬r*v £vrA4* the purpose jofktraining;;seleci:ed Pa.1"'~_by-members.*for»pQsitioiisFofi-1eader'ship._*» ,92in 7 thejP'a.rjl:y; >1Applica.1;ts' mugtvbe~1fép'0;qm§ii."the thé sire-"interviewed;Y=;,, 'app1i.OEI18,_ ; fin 'd.ei:e.i1o'onceihing;,1?hQAir'iGdmtnnniété-Party' >i_n eduoa¢.ib£a,"-5-pax1;iLc4iP9}1iioi1 Ie.1ic5i$. 'uni'onsPartyhaxnpjaignsThe»In$1iiAt;x1t9§§tar6ed_-April;-6, angl l_94_A9,Y,81'_1dj:f.»~sT td;.,J 4 ,ru1'1'f-0,rV.0ri_eyear, vgfithfc1e}S'_jaj'dsfft31ee.ti1'ig';,eyéryfednésday f A

,_ .;;l"-V;.[:::::::::]>¢§tkgQ§4§,e1i§§11ity;7§a§i§é&{§*£e%1§&i¢§gh§§o§k1;§§TY VV Police-VDe;§ar't;neni=~ and'-flzhe__Cour_oy»'{Retailers » Grée;iit1A-A,sisqci;e.t§,éln{i,i1"es"<"lf_ , '.indi.ca.ed has .no,;j.cri_rn._1':1a,3._-a;ndih§.s a>!,ie,vo'zfabl§__cre¢i§it''1feqof1fd :j'eL$s_ing;._'_ .¢i»_* . >110 » ~ Th¢'fo11¢w1gga§;¢ri§iqn or the éQbjéc£_wa§;6Bt&iéd'fidm£55] A H _v ._ % mm _ . }_,. V _,v_ _ h,.92V, l%%~ _ , _.v A_,»,,, and Naturallzésion bermce, nan Fremcmce, Calxfornm

»"r .» "1 V ~_ »"»''- w~ ' ._'*L. " 1, #,LLv " _2 t* . .2 V Lé»% ~. , :iu:: 92 "-C . ' ~ " »",'N_>"];:xN@m@-ad*A1iases=i"LUC' :JfV?JEss1cA UA£§f}n¢;_1; . < 3 »"-v_~~ J-* §;»p,ii, 92 v~J$s§IcALHcAEMAN3IwF0Rn;=:1;. ' v' ~ , A '*R.¬>.bert' as. Jessie omilly, Decca g;~ Sex: »*~ ;*:L »f»=iF%mB1ehi§X9.p*I7*74.' 71,¥%;,;5F= 2:~ c¢1or=v- .~-;¢};i ,*¢_ %mite f-yr;"yH>} w;,i, ¢~~ ,,¢* 92 _ ~1!at_e qr;-B1rvn=._~;¥ September" ~l1;_ Al'9jL7*'~v f .. V A... , ¥'?}P1a¢emqr Birth; ~" NQ-MORTQH mARsa,~nng1aq¢.¢~.}>v~f9 L _~ Cit1zen.1ship':; Y §I*Tat1zi'ad.ized,.U¢L~S".'District Court,/, X L. . fFP¢n¢i$¢¢3-,J&f1u&r3F5;l944" u, ~ ?M,He1gh@=<~¢r} ~;i5*5" »1.;¢J$>»i*.< ax ~L@4v~" ;Q-1 -;Bui1di»Kt * V$1§§d§rk Y.g@p};_?VV__i C3" . ; A !;_;L H'aL1r-g '_ _ -_~D;ir1§b;:own'._;é}_; ._* _,:3": I - Bz01a111 ; weVa.rs 92tibial1}-11ininedP'g§1aséas;!* 4 vv ,O¢cup&tib¢.f,i § , Hgu$éwif$ E"f¢§Qi Y ; Vé /K-§ ;§ f ;,,_Residencé:§~Qf¢ ~?-,6?51J§¢n§%reét;iOék;§hdI'0ali£¢rni@* " Marital 3#&ué@i* ¢;j-Nrfiéi-»§T¥$*;~i%*Tf§*-"W? 92 vyt "** Fatherj § »V:§:¢ , ,,1; ;;,¢L¢;4ggg§g§Q3;g,ggnglgna! SFPVHhSb§4¢4* . 92- ' ' . ,."»,>'-',_ 92 ;~* ". A 1. u I _'M. M _ ; .. ~. ~, , LI? 5-;'1>, :1,;


x P 92,..'. 92 1 . @ n, -.:;;».v_ 92>§: 2-.. V, ~.-.,-. ,@-1. _=' '.92-'1»-2 : ~ '-~. __ - I . 1:v, 7'1? .__%_35*-K, " - ' ' -.;=-., ;~- . ~ g . ~ __ ' ~ - :',..92,1l"_»,-*;:,;,-Q» I - T. 5'> . - ~-A ,- , .-r . '< 4 ' ~ -,__,;,<6 , _ 1- f " 1;106 V1 ~sF i,6o;2i4,sVb-° " VL


'1on?a£be'r,#ni$h§d7¥@;§p¢~1#i:Ae¢n1~ M;-1 ."Fe"b1*i1a.r;'y141949, fur-n1se 0'~~p6¢l8; [>1nr¢rm@@@l§ngezx¥"l:"v T

x£;1¥£>m;m<»:; 3§'92iIZ;ii1s'h=é!

I all su:v'veil§_.§§.n


< 7Inf¢r##i¢n~f¢r1$h@d.@@%§P¢¢i@1UA@¢n#%

K . ii Awi dn, Jgnuary 8, , _» ,,»_~--~_ , V. -H- ,

I n"Tar¢1:{i6;v1949.¢é=_.1 " f - Q awn sp@¢1¢1?A1A@@¢¢ vi, ; V, . '- __ _-'. ~ rmshed lnformation1:0 Specxal Agent iahed 1nr¢r§{a_£i_oq~ipq ggggai ff : -V if 1 I. r-"- , j - . __ 4-528

77- ,2 7743 .9-

JKLL !l§*§!FZ5-:L¢92T§Of92i CNTAiNE@ K DATE H£;RE§' w cu=~.ssu=:em Bv /olilm- Mi;L75" JAN 271955 Z579?

@ " F V 'FD-I22 - I» 0-19-40-! I -Ojée Mehgwrzgzdgami0 ,.I UNITEDSTATES GovEnNME15T TO - _: Director, FBI ' lmjlhMarch "K1950' FROMKs 1"?SanAC, Francisco ___g 3U_BJBCT=LUCYQREUHAFT, was. JESSICA!,.§@.:-/1/5-'{*E*"*=*~RTD __ I ix.- I wfile-szzcuarrr MATTER-C , . -'4': A c t9@'/ It is recommended that a Security Index Card be prepared on the above captioned individual. Thechanged Securityas follows:Index Card ® on themme geptioned" individualishouldonly! be J -a 1 I PHI! ~ - ___ V ; _'1-_- r-'

nsns E - Jeasacar- .._o _ . -L e . L- ® - _ _ i _...-.1.-"1 -mg} , u. * J #'*92 " *'1,- 7" *"* * 7 1-__;¥"'*i"" ii :11 _ _ jg ' '7 7777 "' _ "*7 i "' """"*'id_ _ L %. _ .., _' '""'*77,7L - ' 1 | r4:1- *1. ,, _ /." . . . _ _ -. RACE-1E¥l1E .'sEx_;mm_E_ . xmm-3BORN ---- NATURALIZED -11-15-M :1 gun __, H - COMMUNIST HSSOCIALIST WORKERSPART! INDEPENDEN§f1j socm;1s'r LEAQUE I . o- - L: - 1 II MISCELLANEOUS Specify! A frrF " __ 7 "" 7 I in I _ 1 TAB FORnmcom _ M i_ . _ ms FOR comsmaJD -" 92 I mm: OFBIRTH 9 4 5;, _ PLACE 0?Bxam mun MESH Em;Em; RESIDENCE ADDRESS515 mu33;; o 3 _ __

BUSINESSADDRESS Showname of BIIIP1-ying concernand addreaa!

| __ - _ . . q-1:-:1 -|_ p ' _/4f _7l_I 92_, uipii; '||_- |-141--In-1 | _|||-ti-n-n

_ 7 * '7 " Y*'792 qn| i 'T' |** W Quin-lnl4I d r " 1 7* Q ' *1 NATURE oremusmr on Busnmss Specifymm Strategic-and Vital Industry List! 7

_ ___ ** "* **** ' ' '** * I-W ctmu -'53; l _.»- .-_r ... a;_.~..-_;3Am_._¢-,i.§,-g'§'|- i Jif _ _ . JFC-zklh100-21480_ Q, ;- L ZlbeletedCo nt _v A ~. 92t-Z byLetter D 11. - . L |!'_ 1:8! WOIPAR 3%;-.' * -92 '?' r.5 Q . _ -.- -._.-_---_ 1 H ;, l '1,_ Cl..- 92 ' ! . P92 '

_ ; . . -~»v - V. *3:- I . 92.|..___§,. . 9292 =.-. , 5: .*::_ I :f§- . '~§= _, / 5 s _t Q9 - UNITEDts1"Ae1*ss~=*~s@0vERNMENT T £13 1,»;-ear - 1,=».1"sow£. .3 ES,=raE!i~ ' | -0 = DIRECTOR, FBI szsmt »' P. @li%%3**"=°"" 1 Fa M"'*"" = ""° amen =SAC, SAN FP.ANCISCG I ,92_:;,Q_g_sK92 » ]%%__/ BJECT: IESICA LUCY %REUI-U&FT,was. dj,J- /0~ ?%';, D K QR Q35 nmeammi SECURITY - c ' I7 =:,__'""" -.__ 1/I Yourf11e_6l-10331! M I 2 H, 454/ RerepSA wmmm mrreon dated 9/i3/50. I - Information contained in referenced report reflects that the subject is presently employed es Executive Secretary of the East Bay 92 Chap-ter__ef the Civil Rights Co| nssmush as thisposition is aw _ deemegof considerab'1¬'importa11ce in Communist Party affairs, the subject 92J is be; g designated a. key figure in the Sen Francisco Office. It-is noted ' that IEZSICA LU<'JJ'l*H2EU_':iAET_has previously been a. key figure in this office ~.and that my letter dated 3/2Q./4'7 a photostatic copy of the subject's - _ handwriting was furnished to_'t_1_1e Bureau, _ 92 Enclosed herewith is a p_k_19_t_og::a.ph of the subject taken 4/26/4'? for inclusion in the Bureau's file. r- 92 WH/ml, ' J 100-214so_ ' "W . . ~ Ens, .',, _!_ _ .. ;:.1~"..gf-q_?i§1I-E-oi I eg ~a77a3* W J 3:1;-itzi-iii. Q " §SEP92 Deleted 19.i195@ cow 51"_;i2,.1.__$__ r H: / T r ., _;,_U_ . by star Dated 92¢> ~ 'A $3 "£1 92e°° n '11; . ' __ ' _e_._____-?._-.J

1.. -_ . » - --_.._J.:...____.,_ ___ ,__ -=/_--_ Z-_-.__ _k;-7:7 , ,_,-+.TT_' 7:-A-_--_- --- -=- - ' ''= '"' " _"::' iqé

, 5 ~.»- f | / r"




-~_J-a.92492 , " ':r= -. __ __ . _:. <92_ V, O ».. . - . . -~-- 7 _:_.h__. 92. 5146. '§%» I Z. +

-. 7 .- ..; ~ -- - saw Elmiyzp 0 -I - 1- F

,"';,|_gfr92_ _ -I». -7, -d.___|._;. .{.*-.;:,~.-.-»~f»vl/., , ._ 92 __

#3575? I

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*7 1-0=J.J;5°o niia-<:"i'6R;"§'Bi __ Q AI - :9 _ L?-_._.92- - ~'---. _ " 'r'Q Jvssxca L mH, mas. --1 ~~ 4* __7_ V _I" rII~TI"$I92E!1I-=;5!IGoii.T.i'1'§-_C 3 .'_ _ 7 <7 _ ___* Q _ A-V ____. not-_ L.. _. 7'7 A - -, ' -;'e§'3- T-{rag-»'_~=-';&»_;',, ; -1- =; -., "_,_ - - "'-_., _92__>__ , V - .7 _ $:$_- "~"""*" -~ -""""; _ _,- f - 7 _ "' --t__.__. _-_ "*-- _.___._._._.__.__. _..____,i_ --4?-to ; ' '' 92_';_92é__-, at San E~m;wisco. ,___ o . I ' - _.- --7 k...-._~:»~*"'"' . -_o;_o 7 o Y " -__-* -»' 1 . -T" ,,_.:.___.__4 -* 1" in £219 B*uraau"s coplerwaneorawmgmmaa§§;tg§§_;@§::.?%; o -- T f-_~._-l '7- *_T '_"- '___ _ T - - : ____ :,._i:_ _ __ ?_.__:,__' 1.; :4 -. You should accordingly correct the COpi6B retained n your _ 1 . _ »~J:;I92 T " f $.13 Bo >

" _ b6 azcnmatv -Bureau: - 115 '77-2'I?03 """" 5 'L b7ii

w%L*3§R§%§éf@§%;:gf%1I£?§!:= .$:§'1.~l ' - .. -f"""' gawk I-can'g92M $2//§§7¢q " U A


5 I if <~ 192 LGD:¥i'II1£l. .' 3 '* "L .- 92 :' . *- } " , __ _'1 L / / 9.r .. -i 7 /92 ii. .1? _ k ~_ 1 5 J. . .~' o 4 ,1 - = P- I _ 4 _' ,'_§¢;, $2 .n _ 5%- f::|1s___l_ r__.______"_ _w H-I lJ|~ in .-="-- ° *~M1Tm0%"~"; H ,> ."|" . "~'-L.rl-J 4.'1|r", - , _ Q BBT111a50I . 1- , L 21.,- Mohr ' *1 ; - , ; _ ,! _ "C'U{_j_._:I "f}é§~ T010. Room -' ' V - J ---~~~-a-"'~_"'______....-...---5 .,coma FBI ' L1 ' I - "'', -- --~_r__7-_._...._.--» _ 63/} 7 |P/by _ N855! - r' - '1 L11 F Gandy . 1 v ..._.... L , ,,_ d .

_ K ~ i H W /~;""='-i M 1 '5 J . D? q q 77:77 - __ ./'7_ / '1/*' 0 Hr-. ' 7 . _,,r" -1'1 . _ 1 --_e _ FEDERALOF BUREAU |NvEs"r|c§AT10N» /W7 - _,,.»C,_.._.,_____ l 14 r 1 TmsE0rn1N0.1 CASEORIGINATED __ AT 'SAN-'F'RKNCISC-D ' ' FILEuo. IUO-T121480 1 N "7 *7 ' :1

7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 'I _ L;REPORT MADE AT DALE WHEN PERIOD FOR WHICH MADEREPORT MADE 8? ADE ~~ sew Tl"; FRANCISCO -E1 1 _'V e/9,299LEvJlf5D__~_- I9/13/ea so; Tl JESSICAwas. LUCY/ERELELAFT, @./CHARACTER INTERNALOP CASE - 0 - sncuemz

<7- I" A4'3 / f '/"e wj t ~ t ' t >41» 7 '' ,1 > ' '~' "W 197:" ' 92 /7 7 /'0 ALL INFORMATION_ 5 1CONTAINED 92__,J ,_ /I 92- E _ 92_/_ 7 _ __ _ Wis _i 2 p y as _ 1.1595: xecu 1ve |92_ ec1~eta.ry C//, - 'IF ED ~ - of the East Q5 Bay Chapter WW oi the Civil omen Rights Congress. 'Li"'r:-Jpn I E_ 1 92_SYNOPS15OF A-1 Duringd £1 1949 - andFACTS! 1950 It , -= she Ihas been in O frequent 1-: I d attendance Tin ' 92 5»A A at meetings L t TBS}.of esthe e. senGP of Alameda Count ree a Y an at Marxist. Y 1 I . . LT}-/77'. California Institute andclasses isheldem 10 ed inEBerkeleg S andElekland, Calif I I and at meetingsof the CRC the East in Bey Area. 92b6J /W -0 T'92 9 .... I/F Deleted CopyS 1319', , x AT_ V; oszqtampwclnnvoeirim_ _ ___ H _ _ _ by Letteroate§fs Q _ {gr EOI_PA Request @~i1?E1;¢E. &192TDiE%@P;@¥§2i!i¬ e~i""""'-""-'----iiior E __ 92-r' / i imknown reliabilitywho but through the - nature of his business woul e n a. position to obtain such information, advised on A ugus t 9 , e 1950 t thMr , an d Mrs.ROBER'Il§RE__UiI_A§__T residing6'75 at Street, Jean were ~-a Oakland, California, but were attempting tosell their homeso that they might t purchase enother one in the West Oakland Section of the city, , L t}- t 1 E on eel 21. lgetlilor knee reliability. A If e.dvis'ed thatDECCA TREUHAFTwas being considered by Communist Party leaders in San Francisco, California, as the new Executive Seoreatry of the East Bay Chapter of the , ~ /

J _ ~" Onmay 19,1950, f known reliability,statedt c x that DEGCA§§_!IREUHAFTha K -T;¬ H 92 APPROVEDFQRWRRDEDAND ! § E EML g k nee Qgé 7 7 7 um"t wnrrz IN THESE smcss T 4 , _ __ ;7?7+ @?'7Z@5r-5Q; F9@RvEp-.»>_ 7 7% , Q-§urea'92'1f°"§7l°.*Ti2*?Ti"?*e?é@ r=;?¬;w7§?°2ECmé?s3J3'édqiapa 7: "_ E~=~.-_.._ ' 92 5:iI' £77&}-777 '_ 7 ______P f/~_ E1_ _.%?»§2* znwsu _}Q»r~z7~ [0 t. - ,1». !l!§!§'?7%E23%'?f- '1}"$***% d~.TTd ' * '** WPR 9'. /I L 92

92 v .- , I 1* -P r92 .1

.. '1 » no F' 1 ~_,,sm_1oo»215a0u

55 =- stated an hm1.u1é»s<>J__ig_l@f known M1='»:11ie- / _ Chapter of z fnnunarw had been namedExecutive ecretary Of the mast Bay K u ..

_ __ I 3 r. 0MMUNISdf_P*ABIY Agg§r__I1r;E§ a - - V ueetihgs»dt oui below in column form is a list of Comunist Party subject H§e.beenreported to have been inattendanee, Thieinformati received from various sources as indicated,_al1 sources Eeingqoi kounT6 yq, . M _ ' Date off w; Date Information Source 61'r0rganizatioh" o Place of ueetingjjir ; Rec9iv§d;4_W4_",4=¢£=e.¢;qn oPE;@in§ Fméting. M°@tin8l

8/6/49 Alameda County GP Organizer§Z . 92 . 92 92 G 8/5/$9 16th AD Club GP92 92 of Alameda County

ll 8/31/49 b2 92 92 92 b6 92 b7£ e/31/49 92 I b7D

9/9/49 . .¢ . Mass meeiing of SF Couny and *1 Alameda CouniyGP members 1/11/50 E . CRO Hall é Oakigidr2631_th Street, 1/11/50 Calif,

xi , 0 Pg;j3;forime@§§rs of es Oaklagdj Segtion, QR Alamo 2. cun&y"r~92 , ' _ .._ 5" Lfr;i;Zt$¥@J? *~ tzvtn Wt I *' 92- _ ~ yr '. ;,- " -92.;-l-92,_" ,3 .' - ' Q. .r~- . ' e.,. »- -92 ;- @ '. - . - t 92 " * 1. , __ ~. 92 - _- i , . _ A s, .. :1 t _ . __ ," J1 .'. '92__ 1, . , > : -F 'V 1/ .'L - - - 1 V / -.' _1 1» ' - '- . ' t L v » ~' t _ _ 1 _ , '- - _.- ' x, , t I r L. r ' . * T I r!

r be 1 }- - ,4 92v' . I b7 C 1_SF91OUHZl490 A "

L > . . _ _ . _ f = » ~ Date of - - Date "Information Source, of ,"0rgs.nizs.tion- . Place Of Meeting '_l" Received :*- In£ormstion_w7W-holding ttsttggr Meqji4u5_, r _ It." . 92

3/1'7/-50 Ywes-t-. .__-...__._-'-4-Q-+....__.Osklsnd . Se<_;;t__i__<>_r3__E}_om;ni_ttee - ~& _C_ou_nqj.l, GP -' 7 'Alehn-sda. County. .

1 5/3/50 l West Qakland 5' Section, GP _ 1 Alame Ga." C eunty _ e/12/50 , JOint7meeting,0I eve Jean Street, " . . the Harriet Tubman Oakland, home of anti 16th AD clubs, the subject,_ it , 'OP Rlamedsi County - _ . '

"1f _'7e_ . 7on September2;.l§49, |ot_ _ known reliability, . furnished informa.ti'on which indicsted the. u _ would relinquish her Conmaunist Party section duties to go into'the_E1RG_ shortly e.fter':La.bor Day, 1949, "" »- ''5 "On August 1s,'1949; the subject wee observedby SAs|:| _front_ of the Oakland Pest Office, Aocorciing Ips. to ' ' sting this picketin s. picket line was linespons in ord by the Rlemede County Communist Party and the Eas sy Chapter of the oeo for the purpose of _pr0t6sting'the continuance qfrthe trial of I-IENHY WINSTON who was on trial '. in New York-with the eleven other Zprox_ninent' 9.9mmunist_Party"leaders, ' ' _ "' is 't On July 7,. l949', of known rel'ie.bi»1ity_,' é furnishezl information that one ".DECCA" had requested literature from Alameda; County ,-Q

'Comm1mist__Party olubiend sqpa,d__;;gferred Headquarters to was .for unknown use in to o squsdmeetings, ' Identityof, - ' - . the - "92< -1-» -"I F. l --N . _ - , . N t It is notecl that the- "DECCA" referred to above i's probably ~ ,- identical with-the subject in that the subject is the only i=ndi.viuel using that ;. ne.mewho is" known to be active in Communist Party a.ffeirs_ in Alaiiieda County, ' - t 1 '"t'| hr knowh relisbility; stated on April 1a;il 1950 thatl 1§ wr. stirmmme L - ommurfist Party of_ Als.mende._'T_ount~y,' the sub 'P ct also rs"-.1 . 5:1-lllllllilll : as 1.: ' 1 : '-N 0 '1- l1l£l1_T"li'IIi'iTI'EEI gr mggt at A 1 he Marxist Institute 92. ~_:|-S e. school for select Communist: _Per'ty members, -- u l - Y 92 _ I -. . _ - 1 92 . '-» ' 1 ' I _ t= ' ' 9' i 3* 92 L I -~>¢-,9 .-W . - -~ /r-P -'~1 "_-" . .1"< -=; £9 ' " f J ' L -v .-.A T l§9292::/"'_ I re "-- f -Q 92. .N. _. 2 . .._ 1:8 A l, I. . Q * "? 92f._ _ - - _/, _ b; . I E ' - . J K ' b5

.-4*- fl ._ k , Wb?C , ., -F... .» ~ : b J v | I SP 92 bi? Yr 5 SF~100~_»2_1480 92 - x J-I -> mmzsm INSTITUTE A .92 _,;_, *- . . ;5 ?[::::]ha= advisédthat theMabxis£'Ins£i£te échool selectedfor is'; CommiSf'?&§ty92msmberspersons 61§a¢ondary7i§adaféhip, and - I 92 . . ' I 92'P _]Set " ou£bb19w colunufform in i§'a ;iqfo£am§5tingsof theMafzist 'Ins#itutaat§whiohEubject the is repnrted tb'hvabeHn+in attendance,This informatio was received from sou?oasaQ;ind1éated, whichsdurces are of known reliaility J5 lé { - ,. '.. . : Batqof,;Li DataInformation .3SohfuaOfw . ,3 ?lace cfMeeting _ M§et%PE..927 ARs§aived ;J': Inf0rmation ' I~ @ B/6[&9



; 9/9/49 J ' 3/9/49


>11/1/4Q A :11/v/45'


I 1212/49 - v

I 1 2/10/so v

I - 2/17450 ?/10/50 , 2/1?/so 92 I - 3/T/50 I

92 _ 492

-. :??i*@§? .l _ @~-»@*1¢-»~rr ."" , '' ~ 0*: =e .- . !z~~- .t'-* ' _

.-» - . . - -- 92 - ', - . 7 _ .* _:;_,1 .. -' * -. -_..'_ ~ '_ _ " . aéi e " 2 ~ Q i . '- _ ~.l A» L 4 / 592 . I '51- r ,. Q - ,, ,- bi . ' 92 ~ 3_ ' ~ b6

. , < I! - sF-100.-.-2_14so __ W3 11_ i"' 7 i, 9- b7D

Pete 0* -' . Date Iniermation '; Souree_ef P1aQQ'Qf Meetig Received -IA ,7 __4; Information Meeting 3/7/5e: ' ' 92

_- 3/9/5!

. 4/4/50. ' -92. /5/50_ M e. 4/4/5e - 92 4/4/50-A

. -4/5/50 l ¢ I ' 92 i 0IVIl. RIGHTS c0NeRess__ '~'- A . . . _ . ! . * . , - . l . * - » a ~ iito be_qithin the Purview of Exeeutive_Ordek 9835, ' § Q . - .. *_?he Civil Rights"Congr0ss_has been declared by the Attorney General f_ As previously stated the subject is-Exebutive'Secretar§ of the East Bay Chapter _ otpthe CBS, . ' - i. ' ' " .. . l _ E y - ' 1 - - _ - -. ._ - ,> - .- .1 , 92 l ~SQtfDUi belqw in eolumn form is-a list of activities of the CBC j in whieh the subynt is repdrted to have §ertieipete&.= This informetieh,was furnished by vafioue sources as-indicate all spch sources being of knoqn reliability -' -. I 5 ' A t -92 . _ ' _ - _ . ._92 . ' M '- D&5'51 '_ Date Information Source of eture'ef l'p1a¢e of- in ' - Furnished' Informatidn'_ Meeting. . Meetingi i, ! 19/3/49 7 A Eaét Bay 4 '92QRC Hall, :' _ Chapter GRC 253~12th'$t§q9t Oakland,'Celif, - . ' l0/8/49 " Reéeptiep ' Te given by the East Bay Qhapter é /5" V»f GRC - 92 - -p Y , w __, :- -' K r V . 1 _5. , n _7_ ¢__-k.,-___.92_92a-~,,,y@~%»¢*»y»¢w:# , .~- _ -V~~ 92 . ~ - - '1 °#I G ¢~2 5- ' ' ~ ~ .11, " . - . I _ . , _ b2 - , _ _- n __,

AsFL1bb&2148o'.' ,1 , 4 I"- w 1b7C

- b7D Date of - Data1Information ,Source of .Nature of "Placa of M5eting792 Furnishad _ Inioruq§§g§ _4¥§§tiqg1';_<7M§§j§gg_~ .r

> . 11/2/49 $a$"t Bay can Hall -Chapter CBC Oakland, Calif, A 11/19/49 _ hi? j 12/2/49. V 1 " 1/K150 " 3/7/50 '

3/v/50 - "

92~ ll it

5/2/59 " "

5/19/so . _ " » " 5/19/so - " " - '- I ~< I! . 92' | -e/1/so é,0ak1and Chapter' MgclymondgHigh _ _ GHQ ' 3.Schoo1' . ' _ '_ 92Oék1and, Calif, . , - . _: 6/12/5| .' Social-gathering FrafarnityHall ' upen to public, tgth and Peralta

- 'spcnsored_by.CRC- Street, Oakland, .. 92 A 6/1/50 - Oakland Chapter MbClymonds High '."»A- . CRQ- I " ""'K Oakland,V Schoo192* Calif; '92 6/1/50' A é ' ]o§§H§§g$iQgof _CRQi_§§3;&E§_ .N*iQ§Bl.Ai§9°§ '¬£f}h@ gvancemegt bi c01@r¢¢People _ 92 . r

1 g , e. , ad, _=y-._1' . » T U *'- T-7 -' ..__ . " V-Egg!______.,.:_'_. ._ 2 . 2: - _ - -. ' v_ ' - 92 ". 1'1,3 - _ . . - - 4 1 . _ < b 2 . . -_ ' "= 4 I Q m,- = -» 0 - ¢ * - ' . 5 ' =~ ' ' '~ | r.- . 92_, * ' ~./ b6

I 4- 3 . is . M1 . - -. r A92 Ef?D sF~1oo~214eo_ ?. " 7~ ' kfhi E _ I . i ' . Data of ' DataInformation Sourceof ".'§§athr&SQLE;?la0e of l . Meeting " _ Furnisb _ 'Inior@at;on;Tfo@ofEngV;@8eting '_ 3 . .T§I>';inTl;7mBe"1§§|.ngbfL - ~ _JoBo, IPP_gpo » Naiohalihssoc, ", ;of¬{hBAvau6a% I _-39 méoto£,Co1oroH_ . '. _. ?5°P19 f. 3 _ - . ~ - -./.11 * '92-3

- . ' -92 ,_ . ' ' 5 = _ .6/2o/50 * V @E&s&jBa1_cnqpter A ens. - __Etacuiivo'BoafdA A -;M§eting¢,l'. . -o/1s/so Tm0a;1a9a;Bqanch A MgglymgndgHigh 6/20/5| * cnc '" ' School, Oakland,

__ Fl

* 5/1e/50

I s

7/6/50 = OaklandBranch MoC1ymohdsHigh - I one schqol, - 0aL1and, i 7/5/50 -


. -1 - Y/5/50

;/6/50 "

b2 J. ' A _Ih connection withothome S _./ o ou abo * * - - b6 ve, [:::;stated FiLBE_hQ1d_Hn£§mh&n_3__l£_aa_5§1 ohat durlng thls maetzng toldt I I/{h0SB&1n-aé _ _ . tqnancathat theCRC_was o-Uommunisirgrganizafion,I b?C , i 0 -- . . - I ~-. . . ' f - _ _1 On Octoberleée,[:::::::::::::::::::]§t 18, knownre1i@oi1i%y}.' b?E §, advi§§d,%hattho canhad réised$9 001bail moe3 ommunzs2 c ' 1 P arty leaders " on trzal 1n New York with A o T I ~ another_$l,O00promised, indicatedthat nmbcn.73 92 REUBAFThad charge of this fund. _ A - - *. J, ,1- ? 92¥._____.__. 92 Y U __ . J.£1 . - - _». '* I , -2. 1 __f'.-- j $9:-wtrt 92 ~ ~ _ 'H "1 L? .. 1 , j t" . = ? - ' . _ 9.-_ -3 i - 1' . P

~ 1 . ,_*1 1 ' '. -- ' @A Q.» _" . : Q B . _ ,'3_ . L 1' _ _ m _ , ' 92 _ | I I

'. 1 Jr N. . ,3 -1 - 1' .b;

SF-2100-21480_ _ - T ' ' 1 -~ f - be . _ y . r ,4 b7C ~5-|- '' Qn February Of.-k_l'l._OWI11. 6, furnished 929292information that DECCA TREUHAFT hadacted as hostess for a nesting-Of the GRC b?3 Cr: ehiohwas hel_d.at92TOHN_MUIRSchool, Clarementand-¢Ashby, Berkeley,California, vfclaimedl///,/ toonhave gained Junethe informationi95d:|nm Z6, as a result that one of'a nooesgéaossme,to trip the East"who Goa /' st I outlined -toonoon TREUHAFTthe pdicy -or the_cRC. a<=c9r_dine¢¢|:| @R0$$W~N . 1. stated that there is definite agreement thatthe CROshall be the defense_ organization forthe Foley SquareCase, the'Dennis Base andsimilar oases; R $- that the CRO willnot do all the workbut wi11.coordinateand establishthe- n basic program with which the CommunistParty is to work in particular areas; <}~o;_that if the CROis going to-be the defense organizationthere must be a rational H plan; and thet.the responsibility tor the campaign wouldnot rest primarily upon ' _.,_-.-the Comunist Party. ' . . ;d . ~. .- . - -.4 -.1 .4C y- DAZEL PE9B1;E"5'WORLD!-c@§llVl?_I_E§' - " ;_ "- . ~ _ '" TheDaily People'sWorld datedApri1_19, 1950, page 8, gglumn 11 through 5 carried an article which reflected that DECOA'TREUHAFT.andMMRY one _BROWN wereoperating as a team topreeent a_fifteen minute weekly radio program _ on Radio Station ETIM, Richmond,California at 9:00 a,m, each 3unday,IfAocording Qjto this article the program is entitled FCivil Rights in the News{and is sponsored andpaid for by the CRO, X ix _ 9"" » I l SanFranciso°L;:::] known're1iabi1ity, oi advisedthe that 1 has Daily People'sWorld is a West east newspaperpublished underthetcontrol of the Comunist Party, 9 . K _ Y _' ' _ On August18, 1949; of knownreliability furnished information which indicate a ir y copies of the Dai1yPeop1es World wouldbe delivered at the Greyhound Station,22nd andSan Pahlo,Oakland, in the name of the subject. ' , _ * f 1 "--..______,__.__ J. v 1 ' ' of_an"A11 night . T%$ Qa§ty'forD511? Saturday,9"W°?1dAugust.27, 3/23/49P°aP1° 1949at §QB_andanDECCg, dated ,UHAEI;aduergisemeot92 carried 675 JeanStreet3_to beheld for the hgnefit of the Daily People'sor1d,L V

_ V _ _:e On October 91, 1949 dvised that duringltheperiod March t°.O¢t°b9P'1949TREUHAFT.r9¢°i DEUCE1 "undle orders ofthe DailyPeopleis or1d' [designated forthe HostOakland SectionCommunist Partyof Alameda County. 'I ' Z ' |_A:|f"rHi$heinformationJune 1950on 1'5, indicatedwhich that- DEQCA Ohrthiji _d8-"36p1?.O9|i fdran -ten copiesof the . - P9°P_6. 1 S I Wrldto be dGl1M6f9d"tO ' -.' - ~home her 'r- at.6q5 . Jean-- Street,Oakland, _', C1lfQrniaI 92 ._ - _ . .- __ .h__ _ . ,1 . - f _ > t , . , _ _ - V _v . cv '- " . " 1 Y _ ¢ I | < . ' 9- _-.~PEno__I{1uos., »' ' 92 h ._h$ 5 8' " I x Vu '1-I=¬Z~,5i-*"~-7"":-I - ~- .. . ~ '79 . ..4 % - _'_1 L. -,Q5 M . L * . A ,. . . J7} a I . _l.. , , . _ 1 Z A :92 ' I 3 92 '59, 'Y""'"- "4 ° u 1 V _ * , . ,- ~':'F'-.:'- 1 - 92_.._ 1 I I. Ia ~ V. . 92 . . /T '-' A __- . 1 * _r .'. I 1 4 r .. _, L a v s :- 7 . 92 , SF--100--21480 1. n



E"' f- '.Information fxu-nished:1>;y;Bon._J'949 thé in formof b"?Can = /unda.tad handwritten one page .191;-l;ernd ressad to and signed "_DEGCA". $ believedto bra! ofbi/D the CoHmni1.§'Ii:Pa'r0 s.n1eda_County 3' antiDE%A"T:|.g Beiievedto be inientical with ' the subjhac-l§;'T ~ - . ' * . . 9292 . . | I 1 I s n H H 1 92 ,. J. 3.. .;'

J 1 Jis | 1 L I -" &_..

i 1 Y 4 T 92.


92 92 / _ '-


f 4

92 I9292

4 j~.# " - " .-- - - . H . , - 9, _ 1 ' f .

92 92 * 1 % -_. ~*w:#='/" ' * "

. . '_ . '. ...- - ' 1 F Q _q , - . . » ,-» "

S.F.' l.0O-2l48Q 1 - - '


-1 ' . Y

sm FR1iNCISC.0nIv1.gI'01g:

sg1:I FBAgI0;scc-QALIFOF.1g.: j .- _ V - V Will coritinuefolidw to and.tc-e':po_rt Co1mn921i1is£'Parr.y aixd'rela'hedof, "a0'b_iVi_ties' t_he-suliject.-_ _ , I _' ._ - - .

92 -"



~17 ' .__ P I XI 4.




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