Jessica Mitford Part 2 of 8

Jessica Mitford Part 2 of 8

i . i . 7% M7 -r 5 _ .. ~..v.¢~_ l7-l Rev. 2-11-03! O O" " C ATTENTION E The following documents appearingin FBI les have been reviewedunder the provisions of The Freedomof Infomlation Act FOIA! Title 5, UnitedStates Code,Section 552!;Privacy Actof I974 PA! Title 5, UnitedStates Code, Section 5522!;and/or Litigation. C El FOIAIPA El Litigation El Executive Order Applied Requester: _7_ ___ __ ____ ,__ Subject: _ Computeror Case Identication Number: C E ...._ _ Title of Case; _ __ p__ _ __ _ ' Section i * File ___ C A _ __ Serials Reviewed: C i_ ii _ ' ~ L be e e t ~ ~b7l E _ Release Location:*Fi1e _ , ____ Section t _ i l , fr _:="' . t S st,_ ix _ ' . --'7"*_, . '*| This le section hasbeen scannedinto theFOIPA DocumentProcessing System FDPS! priorto National Security t Classication review. Please seethe documentslocat ' -= current classication action, if warranted. 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H - - lwsslI -. aw, l ,,: ;_ r 64' iin FRAMIISCO V751/at 5/35/45 1 iW :- T : "f - -.4-! /:="=e4*- - . ~ ,. ~ :-Y-:2 Z". I ;' _ _:_%FlTLE ;~ . - ~'D » CHARACTER OF CASE ' KJ ~~ 1- -. ,.,1' c:e =1»-i., T 92 LUCY8 4 E-?~h_~§.. .. '1 E cf uif .38 we 44 --T5 - e.~_.~r=-..- -.:5; ...~:92..m ,.} '=. -, 4- TREUHAFT, nee Jessica Lucx _ I t ' wf:-~_ Q 1 . g ,,;-_ '=-, . _ E1.-1.33 ;~ -ea. _... .. ll. g ._...__.__ _ - _ r 92 I '7 L _ $3; Igs . U_¢;man~M' ,gM£, with aliases,uJ "'ca SECURITY MATTER , 3- .~._ .*.,..4 . 1-tag,P Yf.'192>, """""""""i. ._wTcm u Ian --1 _, --' __iL~_ma-"- . t " ' "I t reuhaft - . 5.-YNOPSIS ':>":i"'F792"Cl'§"". = l. w -- b 6 F: _e §;> =-*._ fh d = - 92 17> 7 C , -I . 92 . M E _:._,r Subject recently transferreq to the Twin Peaks Club _.... L?$5-2%.;-_; ,. 92 12*? I--t-'~ ~Z -.|._.-inx§t J of the CPA in San Francispcl Subject is at the pre- 1 92,,;.tg;¢,;.¬, _;92 . 5 _ ciiég; EL;,_»_9292_¢,1} ;..| 92 sent time on leave from.her position as financial z~:wé"e'.13z' lg 92 92 E . secretary of the 0akland,Galifornia Labor School. 4. 1. :._Q ~ ~. During recent nonths she has been assisting on the . .*.,~;¬~' .! .- H Friends of the Spanish Democracy Committee_which was ~ -u%=w lobbying against/the Franco government at the UNCIO. zit"-=1..,92._,: ~:~ .-.P;,;;T;.-. - -,4 £"~92 . Subject may return to the California Labor School 'K if the above position is not permanent, Subject con- ~- H A i - x .»{-C;{ _.'."MQ 92 :. E 1; -92.' ru-.,-.;_-it . .1 g -2 ' _">:",'j"*H;;'i.¢ 1-;'F~.%;¢. H: , 1 "L.. , -~ ~ 'L"92 tinues to reside at 956 Clayton Street, San Francisco. S % 92' ; J,1-:92 1.92' /s 1 T =92=*"1;i-if ==;?__.*'r;1.*_.- . ._ . K M <,_ 1- , 1 #3 T :'-,.--if. is ,1; - T §3qQQNTAWE§§ '.-,;":92i*?,} :'=':'~ . 1 -: ¢Q ~ t. -9292¢.»t'. =-.-*3 . ,. _ _ A;L'N:OmQ Asexe no " 1 ";~:-$1-.»=.. e . 9 , ii .'.;._, 4" ° "~"*E5 < 6?!M. 9.1'1 1~.~.g>-+;;,;.-W1 .- s~* E cam l}%£L" 5*, 37 "92 r ;:.;:_"921:» .-f=u:f'g-% i 92- r ,..-_ 1, ,.. - " ii REFERENCE = Report of Special Agent dated .5i > 92=31? xv, i:~=;r>.-t 2/25/45 at San Francisco. -G /J _ 1 ,>,. 921 . '1. 1 Lg w w I 11$: vi DETAILS : AT SAN FR.'i_l=ICISCO, C§.LIFOR1f1IA. ' 'L ; Ex.»'4 < if:1- 3-," . - ~:. ~z I. The June, l9&5 Telephone Directory for San Francisco 1»_;~ reflects.that 1 , <-11! *1» .-13$-, this subject resides at 956 Clayton Street, San Francisco. ;,:'.Fi 4 -§:§E 92 -'.vf"' . <.-'35 92 * 92~=-;~1.' COi*Z'IUiiI_ST ACTIVITIES . an.-7: _92 '4.» 'M5_, .~>: i-'rs=sa"92rs="%*>H""9@=**i'" neg i " . ___FORW-RRDED: n n March, l945'was able to_r_epcrt that a registra- '_ "9. : :-re:-':-'--:'~':. - . : '- ~ ' '. ; I '.-. " =='»1!A.?: - ¢ , race 00 NOT WRITE nu THESE sraczs t __ x -~ _ , .- _ m CHARGE ____ __ w___ __ __ __ _ - .,. A, ~92 >"' r 731 - 92-,1 »~1-; -_.. -.~=: . -~.~;=:.,§ J 2-i "R -xv. L COPIES OF THIS REPORT ¢ mg -. .1--,.J-<_-'¢§-4' - %@.',,,,_92,>,Bureau f - ONT, San Francisco E G . {'-~:'-,._;! - SID, San Francisco E * I1iDEX.EB_i_:law it;-* 5 _ F _ £9;-*,g=Z§"J. 92J 1 {,_ .{:j.. ~ San Franciscv 1' _ ~ _- -is .1-r, .. ,.92' '. I ix;'.3?¬ _--4 '- _-3 ."!1? $ . -it ;_ 3». 2 ex!ii. I _ .1:-3%-'1-92" T | 5!."/=1~ e e ,"§.3";, - k . "'.1». .57" M.-vé '-1~";f»'::f*';>' 92 A . ¬ 5-val ~¢ '5 T | ....,.;-:...q at T: ~;"'_§,.! Fear ___ -~. _' "' _ M ' '1 _ .11" iF*"ev.*" ~1 *3! 'P"'.'3T"?""'92'_""3*'B""*'3i3"'7'"I{_?"'5-5='*?-F. ;;..,,"T;""' '_.7rT"'»' '1 . ~. 4 ,1 |-~.--,=- ~.-;-=-.- 1., ,"!_1'-H. _ --.- ~r; -.5 _,!_r 1r'92r.r"-5~1":=';?T5¬~.'-["'if, Y", .. ~-.-: __ »-...-=;- . .%-u =».;}., »~- ,-'=92»"¢.~ ¢~..-~. 92i92 - 1-=11c.~<; 5§"J'=s§-W 4 --1:.-::.»:',vI"£..?"r-1 .. I -_ -M--1; -. --. -- iaai- .92 . .. , s ~. " '. -' '92 1* .4 "'.'<-"' .

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