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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. X, NO. X, JUNE 2012 1 Estimating Performance of Mobile Services from Comparative Output-Input Analysis of End-to-End Throughput Markus Fiedler, Member, IEEE, Katarzyna Wac, Member, IEEE, Richard Bults, and Patrik Arlos, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Mobile devices with ever-increasing functionality and the ubiquitous availability of wireless communication networks are driving forces behind innovative mobile applications enriching our daily life. One of the performance measures for a successful application deployment is the ability to support application-data flows by heterogeneous networks within certain delay boundaries. However, the quantitative impact of this measure is unknown and practically infeasible to determine at real-time due to the mobile device resource constraints. We research practical methods for measurement-based performance evaluation of heterogeneous data communication networks that support mobile application-data flows. We apply the lightweight Comparative Output-Input Analysis (COIA) method estimating an additional delay based on an observation interval of interest (e.g., one second) induced on the flow. An additional delay is the amount of delay that exceeds non-avoidable, minimal end-to-end delay caused by the networks propagation, serialization and transmission. We propose five COIA methods to estimate additional delay and we validate their accuracy with measurements obtained from the existing healthcare and multimedia streaming applications. Despite their simplicity, our methods prove to be accurate in relation to an observation interval of interest, and robust under a variety of network conditions. The methods offer novel insights into application-data delays with regards to the performance of heterogeneous data communication networks.

Index Terms—mobile application, additional delay, heterogeneous networks, application-level, throughput !

1INTRODUCTION device resources and clock synchronization issues [5]. To this end, we research practical methods for MERGING wireless network technologies and minia- measurement-based performance evaluation of hetero- ture personalized networked devices enable provi- geneous data communication networks that support sionE of new mobile applications that enrich daily activ- mobile application-data flows. Particularly, we propose ities of their users. These applications aspire to deliver methods for an application’s run-time estimation of mobile services to users ‘anywhere-anytime-anyhow’ [1] additional delay, i.e., a stochastic delay exceeding the while fulfilling their Quality of Service (QoS) and Qual- non-avoidable end-to-end delay, which considers some ity of Experience (QoE) requirements [2] [3], e.g., low allowable data communication network’s propagation, application response times. The success of the mobile serialisation and transmission and delays at network service delivery depends heavily on the performance nodes [4]–[6]. Additional delay consists of those delay provided by underlying network infrastructures [1], [2], elements that increase the end-to-end delay of a message. [4]. While users are on the move, these services op- For example, for a queued and pending transmission erate in heterogeneous networking environments and message, it is a delay occurring due to the fact that the knowledge of the overall performance at a particular scheduler has not rescheduled the handling its user location and time is required by the service to actual transmission. optimize its user’s experience. In particular, for inter- We propose five different methods for additional delay active mobile applications that exchange data between estimation, that are based on Comparative Output-Input spatially dispersed mobile and fixed nodes, the end-to- Analysis (COIA), which builds upon the comparative end data delays and their unexpected increase are critical analysis of application level throughput at the sender performance measures [4]. However, these are difficult and receiver nodes (e.g., a mobile device and an ap- to measure at application run-time due to limited mobile plication server). We assume a ‘black box’ view of the application on the underlying heterogeneous network • Markus Fiedler and Patrik Arlos are with Blekinge Institute of Technology, 37179 Karlskrona, Sweden, e-mail: [email protected]. infrastructure, where the application can just observe network behavior without enforcing it, or exploiting • Katarzyna Wac is with Institute of Services Science, University of network-level measurements and/or performance feed- Geneva, Switzerland, e-mail: [email protected]. back. We also assume an absence of strong clock syn- • Richard Bults is with MobiHealth BV, The Netherlands, e-mail: chronization between the sending and receiving nodes. [email protected]. We use the stochastic fluid flow model [7], [8] to analyze application-data traffic at small observation time scales,

Digital Object Indentifier 10.1109/TMC.2012.141 1536-1233/12/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. X, NO. X, JUNE 2012 2 e.g. a second, where the choice of a time scale is deter- timely behaviour of traffic at the receiver does not match mined by the mobile service data delivery requirements. the one at the sender. For instance, round-trip delays We evaluate the accuracy of the proposed methods over an empty UMTS network (i.e., when no other traffic under a variety of network operator conditions, based exists on the network) usually exhibits jitter of ±10 on data traces from an existing mobile application, ms [16]. These variations are not necessarily problematic a health telemonitoring application provided by the from the viewpoint of the application. However, values TM add MobiHealth system [9], [10] and a mobile multimedia of T in a range of one to several hundred milliseconds streaming application. Especially mobile healthcare ap- are perceptible [13], especially for interactive applica- add plications pose strict application-level QoS requirements, tions such as gaming [17]. These T values stem, e.g., since a patient in an emergency situation may require an from congestion within access or core networks, or from immediate system response [11]. temporarily bad radio network conditions, implying the This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides need to resend data that was lost or corrupted. From the concepts for modelling of additional delay, while Sec- end-user point of view, the latter looks like a sudden tion 3 introduces the additional delay model and its loss of capacity, followed by a burst of data arriving at estimation methods. Sections 4 and 5 provide accuracy the receiver with a much smaller spacing in time than evaluation results for these methods with data traces they were sent [18], [19]. It is thus important to capture from the existing mobile applications. Section 6 pro- and handle additional delays exceeding the expected vides implications for methods implementation, while variation thresholds. In the next subsection, we present Section 7 concludes upon our research and draws on a model that is able to provide this information. future work areas. 2.2 Application Flow Model 2MODELLING OF THE ADDITIONAL DELAY A model that has shown to be capable of discerning 2.1 The Concept of Additional Delay between less critical delays on a packet level and more add Additional delay T is the amount of delay that ex- critical delays on a burst level is the fluid flow model [7], min min ceeds the minimal end-to-end delay T , while T is [8]. So far, it has been used for analysis of multiplexing dominated by inherent, allowable data communication in fast packet-switched networks and the consequences network’s propagation, serialisation and transmission of temporary mismatches between capacity demand and add delays at network nodes [4]–[6], [12]. T obeys a availability, leading to considerable queuing on time dynamic random dominated by transmission scales beyond the packet scale. This model is based conditions as well as competition from other traffic on the analysis of instantaneous workload instead of and processes [12]. Assuming that data is sent by the modelling the packet occurrence and length processes. in sender application entity at time T and received by In other words, the packets’ intensity flow is quantified out add the receiver’s entity at time T , T is obtained as by the data rate R(t), also denoted as throughput and measured in bits per second (bps), Bytes per second add out in min R(t) T = T − T − T . (1) (Bps) or packets per second (pps). In general, is a function of time and can be defined either on a Ideally, the additional delay vanishes. However, as it continuous time scale as a derivative of the cumulative grows, the more pronounced its negative effect on the workload W (t), passing a point of reference, by time: aggregated end-to-end delay becomes, in particular if it varies significantly. Most interactive applications suffer d add R(t)= W (t) , (2) from T exceeding certain thresholds; i.e., multimedia dt data can be considered lost if they miss their delivery or on a discrete time scale as the workload observed deadlines, and user-perceived waiting times might grow at a point of reference during averaging interval i of beyond patience [13]. Ideally, the additional delay of duration ΔT , divided by ΔT : each and every application-level message should be monitored in order to get a clear view of the distur- W (iΔT + T ) − W ((i − 1)ΔT + T ) R = 0 0 . bances that its delivery process is exposed to. This is not i ΔT (3) feasible. The mobile node might not be able to trace and timestamp each packet in real-time due to scarce process- The time counting is started upon the occurrence of ing resources [4]. There are also limitations regarding the the first packet being observed at the inlet (sender) or the outlet (receiver) of the network [19]. We denote the exactness of the timestamps, which might be too limited in out corresponding start times as T0 and T0 , respectively. in resolution, incorrect due to processing times [14], in A packet occurring at an arbitrary time t at the inlet and difficult to compare due to clock synchronization tout issues [15]. and at time at the outlet contributes its workload to add A certain amount of T variation, also denoted as the overall workload in the intervals with numbers   jitter, is expected for packet-based data delivery. Each tin/out − T in/out link and node leaves its ‘footprint’ on the inter-packet- iin/out = 0 . ΔT (4) timing within a packet stream, which means that the This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


Obviously, the same packet can appear in different Di < 0 means Xi 0, while vanishing intervals at inlet and outlet, resulting in a non-vanishing drift Di =0implies a constant content Xi = Xi−1.Ifthe in n out n additional delay at the time scale ΔT as described in time series are equal, i.e., {Ri }i=1 = {Ri }i=1, there is the next subsection. The throughput time series at the neither drift (Di =0) nor content (Xi =0), the equivalent in n network inlet and outlet are denoted by {Ri }i=1 and bottleneck remains empty and the network is considered out n {Ri }i=1, respectively. They can be obtained from bit- to be transparent at the time scale ΔT . In the special case in n out n , Byte- or packet counting at each ΔT , followed by {Ri }i=1 = const, the variations in {Ri }i=1 reflect the calculating (3). Compared to the effort related to tracing variations in Di and thus of the buffer content of the each and every timestamp of a packet observed at a point equivalent bottleneck as such. of reference, our approach is lightweight. The fluid flow model assumes a fluid particle flow of constant intensity during the averaging interval. As long 2.3 Comparative Output-Input Analysis and Equiva- i lent Bottleneck as a packet that was sent in interval is received inside the same interval, its additional delay is invisible. How- As outlined in Section 2.2, the comparison of the packet ever, as soon as a packet belonging to interval i traverses delivery processes at the outlet of the network with that an interval boundary and is received in consecutive at the inlet, together with subsequent analysis, abbrevi- interval j>i, its additional delay becomes visible. Thus, ated as COIA, allows for the quantification of the ad- the proposed methods rely on intervals bounds in order T add ditional delay . COIA builds upon the comparative to quantify how much data from interval i is delayed to analysis of the application-level throughput as observed consecutive interval(s). Let us illustrate this by assuming at the network inlet and outlet, along a methodology Di > 0, Di+1 = −Di and Xi−1 =0: During interval i, less presented in [16] and in absence of perfect clock synchro- traffic leaves the outlet than what was delivered at the nization of the sender and receiver. Initially, we assume inlet. This particular amount Xi = DiΔT is still in transit lossless data delivery in order to highlight the properties on the end of interval i and is thus delayed. In the next and in particular the precision of COIA, and we will interval i +1, the queue gets empty again (Xi+1 =0). relax this assumption later. Intuitively, we estimate an additional delay in the order We have already applied COIA to the analysis of of ΔT across the equivalent bottleneck. throughput time series and related summary statistics. Consider now one packet sent at a uniformly dis- Amongst others, we have shown a classification of bot- tributed time during interval i and received at a uni- tleneck behaviour based on the comparison of through- formly distributed time during interval i+1. We arrive at put averages, standard deviations and histograms be- a triangular delay distribution over ](i−1)ΔT,(i+1)ΔT ] tween inlet and outlet [18], [19]. We have illustrated that with its median and average at ΔT . The latter is con- if the standard deviation of a throughput time series in- sistent with the estimation discussed in the preceding creased between inlet and outlet, the network in-between paragraph. However, the uncertainty of our estimation acts as a shared bottleneck introducing additional de- amounts to ±ΔT , which implies that the choice of the lay. Thus, throughput time series and related summary time interval obviously has an impact on the error statistics are lightweight descriptions of the data flow at margins. This will be illustrated in Sections 4 and 5. the burst level. As they capture essential properties of the So far, we have implicitly assumed that the contents in data flow, they can be used as Reduced Reference Metrics the equivalent bottleneck have to be causal in the sense (RRM). In particular, RRMs can be exchanged between that – starting from X0 =0– the accumulated amount inlet and outlet (i.e., sender and receiver) in order to of traffic at the outlet cannot exceed the accumulated allow for runtime classification of bottleneck character- amount of traffic at the inlet: istics. Here, we investigate to which extent COIA based   RinΔT ≥ RoutΔT ∀i. on throughput time series allows for an estimation of the i i (7) add additional delay T . To this end, we consider the end- i i to-end path as one equivalent bottleneck, whose content at The causility principle (7) prevents the content of the i the end of interval is described by [18]: equivalent bottleneck from becoming negative (Xi ≥ 0 ∀i). Xi = Xi−1 + DiΔT, X0 =0. (5) Any violation of (7) is easily detectable through Xi < Xi describes the amount of data that is still in transit 0, and it has to be corrected as it implies the risk for add at the end of interval i. As synchronization happens on erroneous estimations of T . A potential reason for the first packet, there is no content at the beginning of negative content in the equivalent bottlenecks may be a session, i.e., X0 =0. Di is a throughput difference a desynchronization between the measurements on inlet between inlet and outlet, called drift and defined as and outlet, entailing X0 > 0. Indeed, a correction is easily in out performed by Di = Ri − Ri . (6) X0 = X0 + |Xi|∀i : Xi < 0 , (8) The drift is a central parameter in fluid flow mod- add elling [8], describing the rate at which the content in- and estimations of T for intervals ahead of i have to creases or decreases, e.g., Di > 0 means Xi >Xi−1 and be recalculated if necessary. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


In case of loss, Xi in (5) includes even the loss Li as a base for modeling the total delay of packets in their encountered in interval i. In fact, COIA considers lost systems. However they assume system characteristics traffic to remain in transit forever. Reflecting further on that are unattainable in reality, and they do not focus on the above example, we now assume that the traffic stem- different delay views, as we propose. Namely, in [25], the ming from Di > 0 is lost. This would imply Di+1 =0and authors use Little’s Law to estimate the total time packets Xj ≥ DiΔT ∀j>i. Actually, there remains a residual spend in the system, assuming that the number of nodes content of Li = DiΔT in the equivalent bottleneck, in a network, a total number of packets exchanged by which appears the same way as a permanent delay of nodes and total bandwidth available for each node are ΔT . Equation (5) does not allow to distinguish between a priori known. They estimate delays for video, audio, these situations; the only indication for loss might be the voice and messaging data packets and then use the es- appearance of a positive trend in the values Xi. timated delay values in their proposal on traffic priority In contrast to violations of the causality principle, loss schemata. Similarly, the authors of [26] used Little’s Law Li needs to be discovered on a higher layer (e.g. through to model delay of MAC-level frames exchanged between missing sequence numbers) and corrected through nodes connected via a WLAN network. They assume exponential frame inter-arrivals and service times. The Xi = Xi−1 + DiΔT − Li (9) authors of [27] model a mean total delay spend by a in order to not to introduce a permanent positive bias of frame in a flow, assuming a fair scheduling at mobile add the estimation of T . MAC-layer for different flows and fair capacity sharing at base stations by a mobile network operator. 2.4 Related Work With regards to modelling or measurements of ad- Related work areas attempt to model and estimate ditional delay, sometimes also denoted by authors as additional delay for data exchanged in a distributed an overall queuing delay, we consider related work on data communication systems. Namely, with regards to different protocol stack layers for (mobile) nodes, from modelling efforts, we recognize that the equation (5) can the MAC-layer, via IP up to the TCP/UDP transport be seen as the fluid flow version of Lindley’s recursion layer. For example, the authors of [28] propose an en- formula [20]; it expresses the waiting time at the end hanced MAC layer, i.e., a ‘Virtual MAC’, that continu- of an interval as a function of the waiting time at the ously and passively monitors interference at the MAC beginning of the interval and the number of arrivals or layer, interprets frames and derives estimates for each departures during that interval. Based on the Lindley’s frame’s queuing delay and, based on these estimates, formula, [21] investigated delay in a constant link capac- differentiates servicing of frames depending on their ity network, while our observations relate to the user- application flows, e.g., real-time voice or non real-time perceived capacity of mobile links. data. The authors of [29] focus on IP-level, per-datagram The probably most cited paper in the domain of fluid delay estimation for 2.5G/3G mobile operator networks, flow modelling and analysis is [8], providing a closed- assuming a detailed knowledge on statistical character- form analytical description of the buffer content of a istics of the radio channel and parameters of the MAC- fluid buffer of an unlimited size, fed by homogeneous layer quality control techniques used in the network, on-off sources. However, the authors of [8] do not model and the size of a transported IP datagram. Based on the the output process of the equivalent bottleneck; this is network’s delay estimation, they propose an adaption of rudimentarily done in [22]. In [23] we have presented size of the transported IP datagrams. a simple yet effective analysis of the bit rate distribu- The authors of [30], [31] focus on TCP-level messages tion arising from the Anick-Mitra-Sondhi-type equiva- delay estimations. Namely, [30] model the messages’ lent bottleneck [8] and thus describe the effect of the queuing delay distribution (using a finite state machine) bottleneck in terms of changes of bit rate histograms. The for Internet traffic, however, assuming a message being main idea in [23]–deriving information on the bottleneck sent only every RTT. The authors of [31] propose an behavior from a comparison of bit rate histograms at estimation of TCP-level RTT for web-based browsing inlet and outlet of a bottleneck–was demonstrated in our (voice and data traffic) assuming the node in a 3G previous work through a measurement study of video network knows its link utilization level. The authors conferencing traffic [18] and subsequently a measure- of [32] propose measurements of queuing delays ex- ment study in mobile networks [19]. Both references perienced by VoIP UDP-level messages via observing implicitly used the COIA method. their inter-packet time at the receiver. They assume that In principle, the COIA method builds upon Little’s the first packet in the VoIP application flow has been Law [24], which however is very general and estimates received without (or with a minimum) queuing delay, the total end-to-end delay spent by a packet in the sys- and that a baseline inter-packet time can be derived tem (i.e., including transmission, propagation, queuing from it. However, this inter-packet monitoring method and additional delays). The COIA methods use refined is resource-intense and error-prone in mobile devices, versions of Little Law to estimate merely additional due to clock’s synchronization and resolution issues, delay values for a packet from a sender or receiver especially for intense flows, where many packets are viewpoint. The authors of [25]–[27] have used Little Law being sent or received in a second. In contrary, our This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. X, NO. X, JUNE 2012 5 methods quantify system behavior at the given time (d) the receiver might estimate the sender’s average in out interval, balancing these factors. Moreover, we propose rate E[Ri ] e.g. through the mean of Ri , which in methods for receiver’s, as well as the sender’s view. converges to E[Ri ] in case of negligible loss, or use As a related work we also distinguish the proposal of a-priori-known rates, e.g. from earlier measurements. [33], aiming to use a covert channel, where unused bits of the IP datagram would transfer a coded timestamp from 3.1 Sender View Ahead (SVA) sender to receiver, from which one-way delays and thus additional delays can be estimated. While this approach The sender is concerned about whether the data sent in is passive in the sense that no extra traffic is created, it the current interval i has been received without experi- requires the modification of each and every data packet, encing additional delay. This means that at an arbitrary which is infeasible given the limited API to the protocol time, there should not be any (bottleneck) content left in stack, and limited computational resources of a mobile the network. If there would be any content left, it would device. On the other hand, [34] proposes to derive one- be visible at the end of the current averaging interval i way delays from flow data available in routers. Both as Xi > 0. Seen from the sender point of view, which in papers address the issue of timestamp accuracy that is actually expecting a throughput of Ri , this amount emerges from different kinds of quantification issues Xi > 0 is considered to be late by a time of as a key challenge for one-way delay estimations. The X work of [6] supports a motivation for our proposal, T add = i . i Rin (10) as it provides a measurement study that compares the i performance of 3G and 3.5G networks in both stationary and mobile settings, where it underlines the critical issue As in this method the sender considers its “left-over” i+1 of delay spikes, observed in one-way delay measure- for the next interval , we call this method Sender View Rin =0 ments in a testbed, and presents their related statistics. Ahead. If the current throughput vanishes, i.e., i , Estimation of additional delays is not addressed. the estimation is undefined. In summary, literature conveys the picture that the challenges of delay spikes, the issue of correct times- 3.2 Sender View Backwards (SVB) tamping and the necessity of estimating additional de- In another but similar view, the sender is concerned lays are recognised, however, they are not treated in about the impact of “left-over” data from the most recent combination for mobile applications. Thus, this article interval i−1 onto the current interval i, while its current and its predecessor [35] close this gap. in expected throughput is Ri . The Sender View Backwards method for the estimation of additional delay is thus 3ESTIMATION METHODS defined as X This section provides methods for estimations of the T add = i−1 . add i in (11) additional delay T based on throughput information Ri at the inlet and outlet of the equivalent bottleneck repre- senting the end-to-end network path. Given the limited For constant sender throughput, SVB produces same communication, processing and storage capabilities of estimation series as SVA, however moved by one inter- ˆadd ˆadd in {T }i = {T }i R =0 mobile devices, and a need of timely estimations, sim- val, i.e., SVB,i SVA,i−1 . i leads to an plicity of the estimators is a major point of our concern. undefined estimation. In particular, the parameters used for the estimation shall be considered in close time proximity to the current 3.3 Receiver View Backwards (RVB) interval in order to make the approach as stateless as possible. For interval i, the latter constraint limits the The receiver is concerned about whether the data re- in out i scope to Xi−1, Xi, Ri , Ri and Di. ceived in the current interval has experienced queuing. Such queuing is seen from a non-empty bottleneck at the The proposed methods implement the COIA princi- i − 1 X > 0 ple and thus require the exchange information about end of the previous interval , i.e., i . Observing in out i−1 throughput (Ri , Ri or Di) or of buffer level Xi be- a left-over at the end of the interval , the receiver can estimate the transport time needed for this outstanding tween inlet and outlet (the implications for the imple- Rout mentation of the methods are discussed in Section 6). data based on the current receiver throughput i . The Receiver View Backwards method for the estimation of Therefore, we assume that either add in T is thus defined as (a) Ri can be sent from the sender towards the receiver, X where (6) and (5) are calculated; or T add = i−1 . Rout i out (12) (b) i can be sent from the receiver towards the Ri sender, where (6) and (5) are calculated; or out (c) the receiver can observe Xi, e.g. from the deviation Replacing Ri by the nominal link capacity, this of a jitter buffer from its reference value, and then method becomes the one used in [20]. Vanishing output in out calculate Di from (5) and Ri from (6); or Ri =0yields an undefined estimation. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


3.4 Maximum of SVA, SVB and RVB (MAX) Vodafone [16] and BEsys being a high-performance Due to the different points of view and depending on server in the university network. We encapsulated 524 throughput and buffering content values, the methods application-data in fixed size ( B) TCP message pay- 7 8 9 11 SVA, SVB and RVB are likely to provide different esti- load, and controlled the send rate to , , , or 12 mations of the additional delay. A pragmatic approach packets/second; i.e., resulting in an uplink rate of 32.6 55.9 58 consists of using the most pessimistic estimation, which to kbps (given the the overhead of B per 2 is the maximum of the three estimations obtained with packet ). We have also controlled the application and 64/64 SVA, SVB and RVB, given as the TCP buffer sizes, along the combinations: KB;   32/64 KB and 32/32 KB. The MBU and BEsys clocks ˆadd ˆadd ˆadd ˆadd Ti = max TSVA,i, TSVB,i, TRVB,i . (13) were synchronized using Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)3 over an external, dedicated Ethernet connection. Undefined values in the argument of the maximum We timestamp each sent and received application-data operator are ignored; in the worst case, (13) cannot packet with a potential inaccuracy of ±20 ms [14]. At provide any estimation. the sender side (i.e., MBU), we collect throughput time in n 3.5 Mean Sender View Ahead (MSVA) series {Ri }i=1 at the ingress boundary of the TCP socket As a variant of SVA method, this method is designed for (i.e., the network inlet, after the ‘send’ function), and {Rout}n a receiver that may estimate the sender’s average rate collect i i=1 at the egress boundary of the TCP in in E[Ri ] instead of the actual value of Ri as described socket (i.e., network outlet, after the ‘receive’ function) above, as a basis for estimation of the bottleneck content at the receiver side (i.e., BEsys). Five different data rates, Xi. The Mean Sender View Ahead method for the estima- three combinations of buffer sizes, five replications of add tion of T is defined as: each experiment and one trace affected by a hardware crash, left us with 74 traces on which we conduced a X T add = i . validation of the proposed additional delay estimation i in (14) E[Ri ] methods.

4VALIDATION:HEALTH TELEMONITORING 4.2 Illustrative Example In this section, we investigate to which extent the pro- T add We present an example of the causal relation between posed methods are able to estimate based on time- network (i.e., the equivalent bottleneck) behaviour and synchronized, lossless data traces collected along the the telemonitoring application-data traces for 8 pps execution of a mobile health application. In addition, (125 ms inter-packet time), and application and TCP we evaluate the methods’ accuracy under a variety of buffer sizes of 32 KB, respectively. In this example, the network conditions. equivalent bottleneck content increases over a period of two seconds and then rapidly decreases (i.e., the queue 4.1 Setup releases). We investigated how the proposed methods TM The MobiHealth system [9], [10] has been devel- estimate the additional delay. First, we present in Fig. 1 oped and used in the EU-FP6 MobiHealth project and the behavior of sender and receiver and its relation to add it enables real-time telemonitoring of vital signs (e.g., the value of T , captured by the data series “Actual ECG) and context (e.g., location) of the mobile patients. delay”. The x-axis displays the time intervals under A patient wears a Body Area Network (BAN) with an consideration., and the y-axis shows its corresponding add a Mobile Base Unit (MBU) as a central unit, acquiring T value as derived from the timestamps in the sender data from wireless sensor system(s), processing it (e.g., (MBU) and the receiver (BEsys) application-data traces. deriving heart rate) and sending to a backend-system Each data point represents a packet as registered on the (BEsys) in, e.g., a hospital. The end-to-end communica- receiver side. tion path is heterogeneous and includes, e.g., 2.5G or 3G The packet sent in interval 119 experiences the maxi- add access network provided to a patient. Tele-monitoring mal additional delay of T = 712 ms, which amounts service is supported by the proprietary TCP/IP-based to almost six nominal inter-packet times (Fig. 1). We MSP-Interconnect Protocol (MSP-IP) [36] and conforms to can see that this packet is suddenly released at the the Jini Surrogate specification [37]. The application-data receiver together with five subsequent packets being delivery is both lossless and in-order but may suffer queued. This behaviour, which is quite common for from additional delays. For performance evaluation of mobile links, can be explained as follows: The first packet TM the MobiHealth system please refer to [16], [38]. was corrupted or lost while being in transit and is re- For our studies, we exploit data traces derived from transmitted, while the subsequent packets are held until telemonitoring of a (hypothetical) cardiac patient living the retransmission of the first packet was successful. at the campus of the University of Twente (the Nether- Fig. 2 presents the data rate at (a) inlet (MBU) and (b) lands), using MBU1 with 3G-UMTS access network of outlet (BEsys), and (c) the bottleneck content for intervals

1. Asus laptop (MPIII 1 GHz proc., 640 MB RAM, WinXP OS), using 2. MSP-IP (10 B), TCP/IP (40 B) and PPP (8 B) overhead. a Nokia 6650 phone as a USB modem to 3G-UMTS network. 3. SNTP: This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


 thus, the result of formula (12) is undefined. Only in the $FWXDOGHOD\ 127 T add 69$ interval , method RVB provides estimations that  69% 0$; relate to the measured values. 069$  124 59% For interval , as there is data neither sent nor

 received, none of the methods SVA, SVB or RVB are able to estimate the additional delay. In the other intervals,  the MAX method provides estimations of an increasing  value, as it uses the maximum value of SVA, SVB and RVB, where especially the first two react upon the  growing bottleneck content. (VWLPDWHG$GGLWLRQDO'HOD\>PV@  The MSVA method delivers quite conservative estima-

 tions. It takes the estimated sender behaviour instead of the real one into account. Hence, it assumes that 420 B  ΔT = 100           are sent in each interval of ms. The method ,QWHUYDO accounts this data for bottleneck content, which results in an over-estimation of additional delays. Similarly to Fig. 1. Estimated additional delays for the sender and SVA, this method reacts upon the growing bottleneck ΔT = 100 content. Just before releasing the queue, MSVA estimates receiver view for ms. ˆadd TMSVA,126 = 819 ms, which is to be compared to real D add  value of T = 712 ms and the SVA-based estimation ˆadd of TSVA,126 = 600 ms. For the interval 124, MSVA  >.%SV@

LQ L is the sole method able to provide an estimation of 5 Tˆadd = 619  MSVA,124 ms.           E  4.3 Accuracy of the Estimations  >.%SV@

RXW L Having examined in details an illustrative example in the 5  previous section, we now present the cumulative results           F for the accuracy of estimations of additional delays along  all 74 application-level traces collected by the telemoni- toring application that serve as points of reference. From  >.%\WH@ L the sender (MBU) and receiver (BEsys) timestamps, we ; T min  derive for each trace which is defined as the           ,QWHUYDO minimum delay value ever occurred in that trace. Then, for each packet p of this trace, we derive its (measured) T add Fig. 2. Equivalent bottleneck: (a) inlet, (b) outlet and (c) additional delay p . The maximum additional delay ever content. occurred in the trace is denoted as:     add add out in min Tmax = max Tp = max tp − tp − T . as in Fig. 1. The sender has a regular pattern of sending p p (15) data in four out of five intervals, which matches the ratio M between ΔT and the inter-packet time. The reception is Then, for each method , we calculate its maximal however quite bursty with no data being received during estimated additional delay in the trace as 119 125 126   intervals to . During the interval , the receiver ˆadd ˆadd TM,max = max TM,i . gets hold of all six outstanding packets. Afterwards, it i (16) continues receiving a data stream during intervals 127 to 129. The content of the equivalent bottleneck shows The relative estimation error is defined as the increase and a release of the data. ˆadd add TM,max − Tmax Fig. 1 presents estimated additional delay values for eM = . ΔT (17) the five proposed methods. The methods SVA and SVB add provide increasing estimations of T , reaching values We have observed in all traces that a typical value add of 600 ms as they react upon the growing bottleneck of Tmax is found in the order of magnitude of 300 ms, content. SVB with its backwards point of view is typi- with some exceptions reaching up to 712 ms as shown cally one interval “late” with its estimations. A vanishing before. Fig. 3 presents the cumulative distribution func- input in intervals 114, 119, 124 and 129 makes the results tion (CDF) of the relative estimation error eM of all undefined, cf. (10) and (11). When the bottleneck grows, five methods SVA, SVB, RVB, MAX and MSVA for the RVB method performs very poorly if there is no ΔT = 100 ms, 300 ms and 1 s, respectively. The x-axes observed data at the receiver, e.g. in intervals 119 to 125; display the estimation error in % of ΔT . This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.




 ï ï ï ï      (UURUH >@ 0 E 


 ï ï ï ï      (UURUH >@ 0 F   69$ 69% 

&') 59% 069$  0$; ï ï ï ï      (UURUH >@ 0

Fig. 3. TCP: Empirical CDF of the relative estimation error eM for ΔT ∈{(a) 100 ms, (b) 300 ms, (c) 1 s}.

For ΔT = 100 ms (Fig. 3.a), the estimation error tion, the sender is precisely timing the one-second time for SVA ranges from −1.2ΔT to 1.1ΔT , for SVB from intervals during which it sends an integer number of in in −1.5ΔT to 1.4ΔT and for MAX from −1.2ΔT to 1.4ΔT . packets. Hence, E[R ]=R and that results in a precise In most cases, the error is bounded by ±ΔT . RVB under- estimation of the additional delays. This particular case estimates the additional delay by −5ΔT to −0.5ΔT . This shows that the MSVA method can be beneficial if ΔT is due to its inability to trace growing content in the corresponds to an integer multiple of the nominal inter- equivalent bottleneck, if there is no data being received packet time. From Fig. 3, we also conclude that SVB and (cf. Section 4.2). The MSVA displays error values between RVB and hence MAX have a tendency to overestimate −0.3ΔT to 2.2ΔT ; it has a clear tendency to overestimate the additional delays. The estimation error ranges from the additional delay (cf. also Section 4.2). −0.6ΔT to 0.8ΔT . For ΔT = 300 ms (Fig. 3.b), the estimation error In general, the best estimations are delivered by the for SVA ranges from −0.8ΔT to 0.7ΔT , for SVB from SVA method, with a tendency to underestimate the addi- −0.9ΔT to 0.8ΔT and for MAX from −0.9ΔT to 0.8ΔT . tional delay, and by the MSVA method if the averaging The majority of absolute errors is found in the range 1 1 interval matches the periodicity interval of the traffic. of − 2 ΔT ≤ eM ≤ 4 ΔT . RVB exhibits errors in the On the time scale ΔT = 100 ms, which is considerably range of −1.7ΔT to 0.2ΔT ; it again shows a tendency to smaller than the majority of additional delays in our under-estimate the additional delay. The MSVA has an traces, the estimation error is more or less limited by this error range of −0.4ΔT to 0.7ΔT , with a less pronounced in time scale, with exception of the method RVB. Indeed, in tendency to overestimate the value because E[R ] is in most cases, we perceive errors that are smaller than the closer to the actual R values on this time scale. For time scale itself. Obviously, the methods even allow for any of the methods, the relative error has decreased observation of additional delays that are smaller than significantly at this time scale, whose choice coincides add the time scale on which the measurements are carried with the typical value of Tmax in the order of 300 ms. out. This is observed because packets are occasionally For ΔT =1s (Fig. 3.c), the most precise estimation “pushed” from one interval to the subsequent one, thus methods are SVA and MSVA, with relative estimation the methods can detect it. If ΔT is small, changes in add errors ranging from −0.6ΔT to 0.04ΔT (SVA) and to T are significant, and the shift of a single packet 0.12ΔT (MSVA). Yet, 99 % of the eM values for both by a few milliseconds can easily yield a much larger methods are found in range of −10 % to 4%(SVA) and to predicted additional delay and thus a significant relative 12 % (MSVA). The reason for such a high accuracy of the error. When the interval size increase, it is still possible latter method is as follows. In the telemonitoring applica- to detect a number of packets being delayed from the This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


TABLE 1 one interval to the other and estimate an additional TCP: Performance of additional delay spikes indication delay, which is a fraction of the time scale ΔT itself. At by different estimation methods (σreal =45). the same time, the longer averaging time also helps to reduce the relative contribution of a potentially shifted ΔT SVA SVB RVB MAX MSVA packet to the estimation error. 100 ms 125 129 4 147 176 ind σM 300 ms 51 91 21 111 79 1 s 619232713 4.4 Discovery of Additional Delay Spikes 100 ms 85 94 0 107 131 σFP 300 23 61 9 72 45 In this section we investigate the accuracy of the pro- M ms T add 1 s 2 9 13 15 4 posed estimation methods for to indicate additional 100 ms 510415 0 T add FN delay spikes, in a trace. A spike occurs when is higher σM 300 ms 17 15 33 6 11 than a certain threshold defined based on application’s 1 s 41 35 35 33 36 100 ms 89 % 78 % 9 % 89 % 100 % requirements for delays. For example, as illustrated in γ 300 62 % 67 % 27 % 87 % 76 % 712 T add M ms Fig. 1, the value of ms is a spike, for the thresh- 1 s 9% 22% 22% 27% 20% old of 300 ms, derived from the health telemonitoring application-level delay requirements. In that particular example, the spike extended over ΔT The method RVB behaves differently, having a few several consecutive observation intervals and was indications, but no false positives on the short time scale, thus easily located. However, a spike might also occur X and rising numbers of those on the longer time scales. inside an arbitrary interval. Consequently, i is not This behaviour stems from the difficulty that RVB has affected, and because of this, the spike goes unnoticed. with estimating additional delays when the bottleneck is add Such an uncaught spike is henceforth called false negative. increasing and nothing is received, cf. Fig. 1. The T for On the other hand, due to the approximation nature data inside the bottleneck content cannot be estimated of the proposed methods, their additional delay value by this method. The method gets more accurate as ΔT might overstep the pre-defined threshold for a spike, grows, because there are fewer intervals with vanishing while the actual additional value delay might not. We receiver throughput. Still, the number of false negatives denote this case as false positive. is high almost independently of ΔT . Let us define a set of approximation performance ΔT From the methods’ hit ratios on the different time parameters for an observation time scale as follows: scales we observe the same trends as already indicated. σreal • as the total number of spikes (so-called true The sender-based methods show large hit rates between positives) existing in a set of traces; 78 % (SVA) to 100 % (MSVA) for ΔT = 100 ms. For the σind • M as the number of spikes indicated by method time interval matching the delay threshold ΔT = 300 ms, M ; between 62 % (SVA) and 87 % (MAX) of the real peaks σFP • M as the number of false positives indicated by are discovered. For this ΔT , also RVB shows its largest M method ; hit ratio of 27 %. On the time scale of ΔT =1s, all the σFN • M as the number of false negatives indicated by hit ratios are found between 9%(SVA) and 27 % (MAX). M method ; Summarizing the findings, we can see that the sender- σTP = σreal − σFN = σind − σFP • M M M M as the number of based methods SVA, SVB and MSVA are superior to the M true positives indicated by method ; receiver-based method RVB unless the time interval ΔT γ = σTP/σreal M • M M as the spike hit ratio for method . clearly exceeds the duration of the spike. SVB and MAX We consider a threshold for spikes of 300 ms as are more indicative than SVA. While for small ΔT , the derived from health-telemonitoring application require- sender-based methods have a tendency to overestimate real ments and we find σ =45spikes in the investigated the delay values (resulting in false positives), all methods set of 74 traces. For ΔT = 100 ms, ΔT = 300 ms, and tend to not notice spikes in case of the large ΔT , which is ΔT =1s, Table 1 presents the total number of spikes somehow expected given the fact that the threshold for indicated by the methods; the numbers of false positives; spikes is merely 30 % of the observation interval. This the numbers of false negatives; and the hit rate for each behavior stems from the fact that, in order to accurately combination of method and time scale, respectively. detect a spike of a given value, ΔT must be of a smaller The SVA, SVB, MAX and MSVA methods indicate size than this spike. The larger ΔT , the more spikes many spikes and false positives for ΔT = 100 ms, while smaller than ΔT go unnoticed. The choice of ΔT shall those numbers decrease for ΔT = 300 ms and 1 s. On be related to the designated levels of delay spikes to be the other hand, the number of false negatives rises for discovered, when using the methods. these four methods as ΔT grows. Despite those general trends, the numbers for the different methods and time 5VALIDATION II: MULTIMEDIA STREAMING scales differ. As compared to SVA, the three methods SVB, MAX and MSVA indicate more spikes and false In this section we provide evaluation results along the positives. For the short time interval ΔT = 100 ms, SVB same goals and approach as already presented in Sec- misses most spikes, while MSVA does not miss any. tion 4, but for UDP-based application traces. Therefore, This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. X, NO. X, JUNE 2012 10 in this section, we investigate to which extent the pro- 300 ms and 1 s, respectively. The x-axes display the add posed methods are able to correctly estimate T and estimation error in % of ΔT . delay spikes. We evaluate the accuracy of each method For ΔT = 100 ms (Fig. 4.a), the relative estimation against time-synchronized data traces collected at sender error for SVA is bounded by −1.5ΔT to 0.65ΔT and for and receiver along the execution of a multimedia stream- SVB by −2.4ΔT to 1.5ΔT . For RVB, the error stretches ing application provided to a mobile user. from −5ΔT to 10ΔT . This is due to its inability to trace growing content in the equivalent bottleneck, if there is no data being received, and due to over-estimating 5.1 Setup delays if very little traffic is received compared to what The system used for the evaluation of methods provides has been sent. The MSVA has a tendency to overesti- a multimedia streaming to and from a mobile user mate the additional delay. It is caused by two factors, with use of a UDP-based application protocol; the user both resulting in an effective sender throughput being downloads or uploads some multimedia content. For smaller than the estimated sender’s average throughput. our studies, we exploit the traces obtained from an First, the sender does not follow a very regular sending application used on a mobile laptop, by a user located pattern (even at the time scale of 1 s); hence, the esti- in Karlskrona (Sweden) and using his application in mated sender’s throughput may be significantly lower one specific location (Blekinge Institute of Technology). or higher than the instant one. Second, the traces exhibit The laptop is connected to 3G-UMTS networks of three occasional losses; for such events, the estimated sender’s different mobile operators, two of which the radio throughput is higher than the instant one. part of their radio access networks. For ΔT = 300 ms (Fig. 4.b), the relative estimation er- The application was configured to send data streams ror for SVA is bounded by ±ΔT and for SVB by −1.1ΔT using different multimedia coding; resulting in 1 up to to 0.2ΔT . The methods RVB and MSVA methods show 25 packets per second, with packet sizes of 64, 256, 512 a tendency to over-estimate the additional delay for the or 750 B, being sent separately to the network at inter- reasons mentioned in previous paragraphs. In general, packet times from 4 ms to 256 ms. The protocol stack for all of the methods, the relative estimation error has overhead4 is 36 B and the overall data rate uploaded decreased significantly at this time scale. by the mobile laptop to the application server ranges For ΔT =1s (Fig. 4.c), all the estimation methods but from 8 to 360 kbps, while data rate downloaded to the MSVA sufficiently accurate the eM values for the SVA, mobile laptop ranges from 8 kbps to 2 Mbps. Instead of SVB, RVB and MAX methods are in range of −1.0ΔT to collecting the data in the laptop and server, we opted to 0.5ΔT . At this time scale, the phenomenon of a growing collect the from the data link layer using Endace DAG content in the equivalent bottleneck is not as pronounced cards. The setup is similar to the one shown in [39]. This as at smaller time scales; hence, the RVB method exhibits perfectly synchronised system, with an accuracy of less a high accuracy. Moreover, at this time scale, the phe- than 60 ns, provides an ideal basis for our validation nomenon of the sender’s imprecise behaviour influences endeavour. At the ingress boundary of the UDP socket less the accuracy of the MSVA method. (i.e. at heterogeneous network infrastructure inlet) at the From all the three figures, we conclude that the relative in n laptop side, we collect throughput time series {Ri }i=1, accuracy of SVA, SVB and RVB and hence even MAX out n while {Ri }i=1 is collected at the egress boundary of the methods increases with the increasing time scale. Yet, UDP socket (i.e. at the network outlet) at the application especially at small time scales, all these methods have server side. All the packets included a sequence number a slight tendency to overestimate the additional delays. that enables us to trace losses and packet reordering. We This overestimation is in many cases related to the high consider 33 traces as a base for the accuracy validation variability of the throughput being received. Namely, for the proposed methods. Traces exhibited occasional, there exist intervals in which very small amount of traffic random packet losses (0.2 %) and no packet reordering. is received with comparison to what has been sent, but Similarly to the TCP case, we observed the typical value the traffic being in transit does not necessarily experience add of Tmax around 300 ms. delays peaks, as the methods attempt to indicate. The As for the TCP-based traces evaluation, we present the latter behavior relates to the fact that methods relay their add methods’ accuracies of the estimated maximal delay at estimation of T on counting packets that are pushed different time scales (Section 5.2) as well as the evalua- from one interval to the subsequent one. The smaller the tion of spikes of additional delays (Section 5.3). intervals, the greater the potential errors become, while larger intervals help to average out some issues, however at the price of an increased risk of missing delay spikes. 5.2 Accuracy of the Estimations

The Fig. 4 presents the cumulative distribution function 5.3 Discovery of Additional Delay Spikes (CDF) of the relative estimation error eM of all five meth- 300 ods SVA, SVB, RVB, MAX and MSVA for ΔT = 100 ms, Considering a threshold for spikes of ms, we find 10 spikes in the investigated set of 33 application-level 4. It includes the UDP, IP and PPP overheads. traces. For ΔT = 100 ms, ΔT = 300 ms and ΔT =1s, This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.




 ï ï ï ï      (UURUH >@ 0 E 


 ï ï ï ï      (UURUH >@ 0 F   69$ 69% 

&') 59% 069$  0$; ï ï ï ï      (UURUH >@ 0

Fig. 4. UDP: Empirical CDF of the relative estimation error eM for ΔT ∈{(a) 100 ms, (b) 300 ms, (c) 1 s}.

TABLE 2 Table 2 presents the total number of spikes indicated by UDP: Performance of additional delay spikes indication the methods; the numbers of false positives; the numbers by different estimation methods (σreal =10). of false negatives, and the hit rates for each combination of method and time scale, as introduced in Section 4.4. ΔT = 100 ΔT SVA SVB RVB MAX MSVA All methods indicate many spikes for ms, 100 ms 11 12 10 17 166 ΔT = 300 1 ind while the numbers decrease for ms and s. σM 300 ms 148111545 The number of false negatives rises as ΔT grows for 1 s 555 5 27 100 ms 2 3 3 7 157 these methods. The methods do not indicate spikes as FP σM 300 ms 726 8 38 the time scale grows, as these peaks happen inside the 1 s 222 2 24 observation interval. Despite those general trends, the 100 ms 113 0 1 σFN 300 345 3 3 numbers for the different methods and time scales differ. M ms 1 s 777 7 7 The methods SVA and SVB exhibit the highest accuracy. 100 ms 90 % 90 % 70 % 100 % 90 % The method MSVA behaves in a different way. We γM 300 ms 70 % 60 % 50 % 70 % 70 % observe a lot of spikes, many of which are false posi- 1 s 30 % 30 % 30 % 30 % 30 % tives, especially on the short time scale. In general, the accuracies decrease on the longer time scales. This be- haviour stems from the inaccuracy of MSVA throughput estimations when the sender is not adhering to regular spike, hence making it possible to discover packets that are pushed from one interval to the subsequent. This sending patterns and when data is occasionally lost. ΔT Looking at the methods’ hit ratios on the different indicates that the choice of shall be related to the time scales, we observe the same trends as indicated designated levels of delay spikes to be discovered using in the previous sections. The SVA, SVB, RVB and MAX the proposed methods. methods show high hit rates, especially on a scale ΔT = Summarizing the findings, we can see that the MAX 100 ms. The MAX method exhibits an accuracy of 100 %. method is the most indicative as it combines strengths For the time interval matching the pre-defined threshold of all the underlying methods: SVA, SVB and RVB. ΔT = 300 ms, between 50 % (RVB) and 70 % (SVA, MAX) While for small ΔT , the sender-based methods have a of the real peaks are discovered. Finally, on the time scale tendency to under- or over-estimate the delay values of ΔT =1s, all hit ratios of the methods are 30 %. (and produce false negatives and positives), all methods As already indicated in Section 4.4, this behavior stems tend to overlook spikes in case of large ΔT , which is from the fact that, in order to detect a delay spike of a somehow natural given the fact that the threshold for given value, the interval ΔT must be shorter that this spikes is merely 30 % of the observation interval. As This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. X, NO. X, JUNE 2012 12 already indicated in the Section 4.4, this behavior stems traces with data loss. The estimations provided by this from the fact, that in order to detect a delay spike of a method can be treated as a worst case scenario; the other given value, the interval ΔT must be of a smaller length methods can be used for more precise estimations of that this spike, hence enabling to discover packets that additional delay. are “pushed” from one interval to the subsequent one, ΔT forming a spike. This indicates that the choice of 6.3 Missing Measurement Data shall be related to the designated levels of delay spikes, COIA is relying upon comparison of performance data. to be discovered when using the methods. In this subsection, we consider cases in which exchange of the data does not work as expected. We follow the 6IMPLICATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION classification presented in Section 3. In this section we draw conclusions and recommenda- In cases (a) and (b), lacking throughput data should tions for a practical application of the proposed and not be interpreted as zero values in the first hand due Rin evaluated additional delay estimation methods for real to the recursive nature of Equation (5). i values set to zero would drive the system towards incausality and mobile application scenarios. add out underestimations of T , while Ri values set to zero would suggest persistent bottleneck content, loss and 6.1 Impact of the Observation Interval add overestimations of T . A rather simple but straight- One important practical implication relates to the choice forward mitigation strategy in case (a), which is also ΔT of an appropriate observation interval at which supported by the examples shown in Figures 3 and 4, add additional delays are estimated. The choice is limited by is to increase the estimation of T by the time that in a trade-off between feasibility and effort required to in- Ri is overdue, as the latter might be strongly correlated strument the application for throughput measurements with the fact that the data path is blocked. In case at the sender and receiver side, and the requirements (b), such a practice might yield overestimations when of discovering application-data additional delay at the the delay occurs on the return path. Indeed, complete given time scale. In many cases, this additional delay loss of monitoring data puts COIA as such at stake. will be related to inter-packet times. We propose that Eventually, data loss discovery on some higher level and ΔT an optimal shall be defined as a percentage of the causality condition (7) can help to reconstruct the the required minimal end-to-end delay and, if possible, buffer content estimation. It is important to note that related to a integer multiple of the designated inter- Equations (5) and (6) require data from the same interval packet time, in order to improve the accuracy of the to be compared. For this reason, it is advisable to include ΔT proposed methods. If is too long, the methods loose sequence numbers i in the messages containing the Ri possibilities to discover additional delays, shown by values. ΔT many false negatives. If is too short, the system In case (c), the content Xi can be estimated locally e.g. becomes too sensitive, discovering many non-existing from drain from a jitter buffer, which should be unprob- additional delay spikes, i.e., many false positives. Such lematic in terms of availability of data. In case (d), the a situation can destabilize a system whose application sender’s average rate may be estimated in an incorrect control loops depend upon these estimations. The most way. However, given fact that the MSVA method works important question one needs to answer when choosing best for streaming-type services in view of vanishing ΔT the observation interval is how much additional loss, the risk for crude receiver-side estimations appears delay is tolerated by the application before a control limited. action, such as application adaptation, or a warning towards the user would be required. 6.4 Desynchronization Incorrect synchronization of sender and receiver can 6.2 Particularities of Specific Methods imply residual buffer contents or (non-causal) buffer The RVB method exhibited a low performance, i.e., under runs and thus biased (over- and under-) estima- add frequent underestimations of the additional delay, es- tions of T . Eventual time synchronization problems are pecially for a growing bottleneck content where the typically seen through a bias of the content of the equiv- add receiver does not receive any data. To improve this alent bottleneck Xi, and thus of T , that is constant method’s accuracy in practice, one can combine it with over time and that might be corrected by modifying other methods and assume that if the receiver does not X0 as described in Section 2.3. Frequency synchronization in out receive any data, the bottleneck content and thus the problems manifest themselves in ΔT =ΔT , and additional delay grows. Then, one can use the MSVA eventually in values of ΔT that vary over time. Assume method at the receiver to estimate the delay values. a relative deviation between ΔT values of ε( 1), add add The MSVA method exhibited a low performance, then a drift of approximately εT  T would be i.e., overestimation of the additional delay, especially observed per time interval. A mitigation strategy consists for cases when the sender’s current behavior deviated in estimating the ΔT value used by the sender of the significantly from its average behavior, or in case of measurements, and to adapt the ΔT of the receiver of This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. X, NO. X, JUNE 2012 13 the measurements. To help with the latter, the messages both the application and its COIA instrumentation. Our containing the Ri values might contain time stamps that results show that “oversampling”, in terms of using allow for estimating the duration of interval i on the an observation time interval smaller than the major sender side. additional delays to be observed, does not necessarily A detailed investigation of the issues described in improve the quality of the estimation. Indeed, significant sections 6.3 and 6.4 would motivate a quantitative study additional delay values can be observed and approxi- of its own. mately quantified on time scales that are significantly 6.5 Mobility larger than those of the additional delay phenomena themselves. This speaks in favour of the methods to The mobility of a mobile user may result in horizontal or be implemented in a constrained mobile environment, vertical network handovers. Such handovers may cause where the time interval choice and hence the frequency significant impacts on the performance for data commu- of such observations are limited by the resources of the nication by increasing the additional delay. Naturally, the mobile device. Here, the methods can help to quickly latter is revealed by all five methods, which means that discover extraordinary additional delays and inform the COIA allows to quantify the performance impact of mo- application how late the data is. Thus, the methods can bility, both regarding coverage and control. Furthermore, facilitate an implementation of lightweight monitoring during handovers, both data and measurement traffic and control loops for adapting an application’s data might get lost; the latter situation needs to be dealt with stream to volatile network conditions, compress- as described in Section 6.3. Finally, a failed handover ing or even suppressing low-priority data. might imply a connection loss and thus naturally a Furthermore, as we have shown in this paper, all detectable termination of the COIA measurements. methods have different but complementary profiles with 7CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK regards to their sensitivity and failure or success regard- In this paper, we propose five simple, yet powerful ing the estimation of additional delays at different time methods for the estimation of additional delay for an scales. To maximize the accuracy of additional delay application-level data induced by heterogeneous data estimation, all methods could be run in parallel and communication network behaviour; e.g., radio link prob- be combined in a hybrid method. This hybrid method lems, protocol stack processing or queuing phenom- could continuously track the estimations provided by all ena. The methods are based on both sender and re- methods and implement a type of voting mechanism to ceiver observed application-level data rates and rather decide upon the value of additional delay and decide simple calculations of additional delay. Both sender whether there is a peak or not, based on knowledge and receiver implement the Comparative Output-Input of the strengths and weaknesses of the methods with Analysis (COIA) methods. The methods are based on respect to their tendency to indicate peaks (i.e., their false lightweight exchange and comparison of throughput positive or negative ratios). time series between sender and receiver. Using traces Future work will address detailed investigations of of four different network providers under a variety of the capability of the methods to detect arbitrary peaks traffic conditions for two different mobile applications, of additional delay in other application domains. In in particular transfer of health-care and multimedia data, this context, we will further analyze the impact of each using different transport protocol for uploading or the observation interval size in relation to time scales downloading of the data, we show that the most precise used by the application. We will also address issues methods for additional delay estimation are based on the of systematic under- or over-estimations of additional sender view on the content of the equivalent bottleneck delays, undefined estimations, sender jitter, data loss and the current throughput of the sender. Furthermore, time synchronization, and clock drifts between sender the pragmatic method that is assuming the maximum and receiver. value of three sender- or receiver-view-based methods helps to yield conservative estimations of additional ACKNOWLEDGMENTS delays, especially for the TCP-based application. For the UDP-based applications that exhibits occasional packet Support of the EU-COST Action IC0703, the Swedish loss, the receiver-view based estimation relying on the KKS project QoEMoS (Dnr 2008/0520), and Swiss NSF expected throughput of the sender yields conservative (SER-C08.0025, PBGEP2-125917) is acknowledged. estimation of additional delay. 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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


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