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REVOLTA LEADS IN WESTERN DICK METZ IS SECOND ^ --:---------—-:-OPEN; LEADER POSTS Cocke Leads Qualifiers BALL LEAGUE Sords Points ... By Jack Sords GIANTS. BUCS Many Offers In Valley Tourney Here ARE DEFEATED Being Made To SCORE OF 144 % NEARS CLOSE Hill Cocke, the Harlingen veteran a. It vu postponed from Sunday, New of many a golf battle, la leading June 16, because of unfavorable Phillies Champion Nelson Tentative Schedule Pitt Cards, Cubs and Longworth, Cooper, qualifyere In the Valley Medal play weather. NEW Elk* On *»* IA Are Winners In YORK. June IS (AV^SWll tournament at the tournament a Kiwanis, And Schwarts Among Oolf championship By postponing usticos a bit delirious over their good for- week National the Brownsville course with a par the local committee felt the Wednesday Top Players JfiOF tune. Jimmy Braddock. new world'* 72. course would be in better shape, and heavyweight and Jo* tournament for golfers in the Valley, used to playing PLAYGROUND BALL sms June 18. (JPV— champion, The 38-hc4e top- NEW YORK, Ap- Oould. his SOUTH BEND, Ind.. June 15. (A*) match play, would be given an ad- W. L. Pet. peppery mansger, bug- notchers in the field of mashle wield- Team— toSAf beaten going Into the tied about ditional week In to their 2 -278 parently Saturday and tried to dis- —A* his as the broil ers will under at the course which get Kiwanis . 7 hot with putter get way eighth Inning, where they found cover what the future holds in ths here at 8:30 June shots in shape. Goodyear.5 2 .714 tug ran that wilted the field with Its Sunday morning. themselves trailing by one run and way of good hard dollars. Eight top-notchera have turned In Pan-American . 5 3 625 the BUI HsUshsn pitching fine ball, the Just to he relentless rays. Johnny Revolta. with about 4 4 .500 prove is a big tima fight qualifying scores, along Fort Brown . New York Giants s three- < staged manager at last. Oould who swear* who Is making Milwau- JO other . 2 6 .250 young golfer Valley golfers. Elks run uprising to defeat the St. Louis he 8 .200 hasn’t closed his eyes since Brad- kee famous, shot Into the halfway Next to Cocke In the qualifying Eagles . 2 7 Cardinals to 8 In the opening dock wen Max Baer's title, turned SKEET TEAMS semes la Fred Adkins, winner of the of the series i lead tn the western open champlon- Tentative Schedule game Saturday. down a $200,000 offer to meet Max Rex Beach cup tournament this St. Louis 001 040 000—8 11 9 * Saturday with a 36- Schmeling In Germany as cooly as if ship struggle year, with a 71 Other scores are: New York. 100 120 03x—3 7 9 i hole tally of 144 strokes, one under Wednesday—Elks at Kiwanis. he were picking up a 50 cent lunch- Gaston Peek of Brownsville, 75. Hallahan and Delancey; Castle- the score of his closest pursuer. Dick Friday—Goodyear at Pan-Ameri- eon check. SCORING WELL Charles Puckett of Brownsville, 75; man. Gabler, Smith Stout and Man- ! Metz of Chicago. can. Later he announced he is arrang- Gene Darby of Phsrr. 75; Ed Brady cuso. Five blows behind the leader Fri- Monday—Fort Brown at Ooodyear ing to take Jimmy to England and of San Benito 76; Bill Barton of Mer- day with a 74, Johnny came march- <2V Ireland In August for a series of ex- Headed Bataell la cedes 77; r. L. Chamberlain of Har- Phils Beat Pirates ing home Saturday, his putter afire. Team By Wednesday—Elks at Pan-Ameri- hibitions. lingen 71. PHILADELPHIA. June 18 .(*>— I with a 70. the second par-smashing Winner One Bird can. A 1 day long the offers peered in. By There will be two or three flights A of ; score of the tournament, to replace couple nine-inning singles put Thev want Braddock’s endorsement in addition to the championship over the run for the Phil- Metz as the leader. One shot behind Friday With the league-leading Klwanls winning few this and that. They want him on flight play In all other flights be- lies Saturday in a 6 to 8 victory over Metz, came Ted Longworth. the belt- by loss of their twirling ♦he stage, on the radio, for fights, ex- ing only 18 holes. No entrance fee hampered Pittsburgh. Suhr and Camilll had ing blond from Portland, Ore., who Shooters at the Bataell-Wells hibitions. for personal appearances 1 is for this and ace, Franklin Crit*. and others, the homers. for a collection charged tournament, and for a thousand one took a 74 Saturday Skeet field here were divided into In the Brownsville ether things ar« to enter nunners-up .... 200 110 00—5 15 2 " Valley golfer desiring Pittsburgh "I’m still in a das* •f 146 shets. and Team have of said Oould. teams Friday afternoon, is 1: vited to Playground Ball high hopes .. 000 410 001-8 12 2 from Re- do so. the only require- Philadelphia "and can’t believe Only three shots away won the blubbers as the Jimmy it yet. IV No. 3. headed by J. H. Bataell, ment that he a overhauling civic Bush ar.d Padden; Prim, Johnson. volt*. with 147s. were ’’Llghthorse” being play qualifying looks like s $150 000 rear for him out one bird over the first two tr ams sweep down the home stretch Blanton and by round between now and Thursday ot Wilson. even If he ! Harry Cooper of Chicago, defending this doesn’t fixht.’’ teams in a spirited competition. this week, and turn his card in to A1 week. title holder, who coldnt putt worth The Schmeling offer came from Teams 1 and 2. captained by Frank Escalante at the club house. The Kiwis, kept in the thick of BROOKLYN. June 15. (JPy— The a lick, and young Byron Nelscn. for- F*»ed Kirsch. who authorised Jimmy Armstrong and J. O. McCandless. The Dorfman-Walte Is the fray largely by Crlts’ fine mound Chicago Cubs on four mer Texarkana. Ark., boy wonder, cup to be Jumped Bronson, his Am-rican representa- had total scores of 155 out of a pos- given the winner in the work, have only one game to be Brooklyn pitchers for 18 hits Sat- and now a professional at Ridge- champion- tive to r-ffer Braddock a fight with sible 200 birds, and Batsell'a team had olayed and It Is against the Elks urday and easily defeated the Dorg- wood. N. J. ship flight. the German champion in the Olym- 156. in If they win that tilt, the worse ers 9 to 4 in the first game of the Francis Schwartz, the St. Louis Prises other flights will be giv- C*/JttRP(fLPC« pic Staudlum in Berlin In In Dave they can get Is a tie for the sec- series to move into Septem- dark horse who led the par-search- practice shooting Young en by the Pipkin-Manske Co., the AJEW ioRtcGiAjirS' undisputed pos- shot his first 25 since the ond-half pennant. The Goodyears session of fourth place. The defeat ing pack Friday with a 69. took an perfect Fashion, the J. c. Penney Co., and YJUoSF sui^6i*j& is sport was revived here us- Asia could tie them by heating Fort dropped the Dodgers, who were tied Jim 83 Saturday to fall down the list recently, Brothers. MetP<AJfr Mis tKaa* WrIIojo Victor a .16 Brown twice and Pan-American with the Cubs, to fifth. of Armour of Chi- ing gauge gun. In the team Mou>r/4€r0p alongside Tommy once—a ball shoot he used a 410 bore Arm- large order for anyone's Chicago . 200 023 110-9 18 4 In Fort Worth Meet cago with a 151. fbs ittOAi Ml TUB. earlier in the week had a team. Brooklyn 002 000 002—4 9 1 FORT Revolta. one of the heavy cham- strong /JATioaJaa. L&&M. WORTH. June 15. (AV- Should the Klwanls be beaten by Lee and Hartnett; The from be- perfect 25. his second since the sport ODea; Babich, ns me of Jimmy Walkup. 13- pionship threats the start, TGATOURNEY the would was revived. the Elks, Pan-Am Flyers Leonard. Munna, Vance and Lope*. year-old cause of his winter scoring Olen Garden star. Satur- average have a chance to tie and Scores in the team them, the Phelps. day was added to the of 72 strokes for 46 competitive competition Copynfht, IMS. by Central Pnm AaMciatioa. In* list of crack were: Goodyears would have a chance of Texas rounds, turned the trick Saturday shotmakers who have won the beating them. BUTCHER SCORES ItTH WIN invitation a 33 on the front nine. ” tournament of the River by shooting Team No. 1 BEGINS SOON The Kiwis ant- "on the spot but OKLAHOMA CITY, June 15. C/TV- troubles Crest Country Club. By Johnny had his coming Max ace maintaining Shooter • there is a chance that Critls can Butcher, finder of the a bier back, a 37. two over Wal- Score seven-hole lead amassed dur- taking par. come here from Christl to pace-setting Galveston Bucs. hurl- Armstrong. 22-21—43 Corpus ing the mrming 13 ter Hagen of Detroit, five times win- Reynold* Smith to Defend ed a five-hit shutout here through green* Piller twirl the "crucial game." Braddock Is To tonight of the ner of the title, totals of 79- . 19-20—39 afternoon round, the former posted A lively wrangle developed Satur- Expected and snapped a 5 to 0 victory from Vail (.410) .