Appendix B1 SAD AAP CIL Recommended Modifications
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Appendix B - Proposed Modifications to SAD, AAP and CIL Cabinet 27th July 2016 Appendix B – Walsall SAD, AAP, CIL Proposed Pre-Submission Modifications Appendix Bi: Proposed Pre-Submission Modifications to Walsall’s SAD Proposed Modifications – text proposed to be deleted is shown as strike through, text proposed to be added is shown underlined. Main Modifications are shown in bold text. Bold red text indicates that at the time of writing further information or discussions are required from or with third parties. Proposed Modifications to Site Allocation Document (SAD) Reference Page Policy/ Section Modification Main Reason for Modification Potential Modification? Significant Effects - SA Required? General MODSAD1 Whole All chapters, and in Update proposed site allocations and other No To ensure that the No Plan particular policy designations to reflect the situation at – updating information in the SAD is as 4. Providing for the baseline date of 31.03.16. Delete only up-to-date as possible and Industrial Jobs and allocations where development has that there is a consistent Prosperity – Policies commenced or is under construction. Add baseline date for the IND1 – IND5 explanatory text in Introduction and individual information included in the 5. Strengthening Our chapters as appropriate. plan where possible. Local Centres – Policy SLC2 8. Sustainable Waste Update details of assets and constraints where Management – not mentioned under individual topics and Policies W2, W3, W4 sites below 9. Sustainable Use of Minerals – Policies 1 Appendix B - Proposed Modifications to SAD, AAP and CIL Cabinet 27th July 2016 M2 – M9 to 31.03.16 MODSAD2 Whole All chapters Ensure that references to policies that are No Standardisation No Plan carried forward from the UDP are – editing only throughout the Plan standardised as “UDP Saved Policy” MODSAD3 Whole All chapters Remove question marks re references to the No Standardisation No Plan BCCS and apply use of singular / plural – editing only throughout the Plan indicator(s)/ target(s) consistently. 2 Appendix B - Proposed Modifications to SAD, AAP and CIL Cabinet 27th July 2016 Chapter 1: Introduction Reference Page Policy/ Section Modification Main Reason for Modification Potential Modification? Significant Effects - SA Required? No Modifications at this stage. However, it should be noted that this chapter will need to be modified at the adoption stage to reflect that work on the preparation of the plan will have been completed. 3 Appendix B - Proposed Modifications to SAD, AAP and CIL Cabinet 27th July 2016 Chapter 2: Objectives, Regeneration Corridors and Issues Reference Page Policy/ Section Modification Main Reason for Modification Potential Modification? Significant Effects - SA Required? MODSAD4 15 Policy section f) Updating of text: Yes In response to Yes Water f) Water issues encompass flooding and representations by the drainage and also water quality. The risk of Environment Agency flooding from watercourses is reasonably low in the borough but there can be localised issues as a result of the nature of the drainage system, blocked culverts and / or the relatively steep topography and highly urbanised nature of the borough. The Environment Agency has advised that the Council’s technical information in relation to flood risk8 is appropriate for the purposes of this plan although the EA’s flood risk mapping should also be considered8. On this basis, sites subject to flood risk are identified as site-specific constraints in the site allocate policies in the following chapters. However, flood risk can change over time as circumstances change and new technical information becomes available. Flood Risk Assessments (FRA) investigate flood risk in more detail, identifying what steps are necessary to make development acceptable, and not result in greater risk of flooding elsewhere. In some cases there might be 4 Appendix B - Proposed Modifications to SAD, AAP and CIL Cabinet 27th July 2016 scope for site specific Flood Risk Assessments (FRA) to refine the existing flood risk modelling further. Future work, especially in respect of major developments will be expected to take account of recently introduced climate change allowances requirements (see Policy EN3). In relation to water quality, future development must have regard to the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The tool to deliver this locally is the Humber River Basin Management Plan as the rivers in Walsall ultimately flow into the Humber via the Trent. More information is provided in paragraph 7.4.1 of this document. Effects on the water environment can apply over large areas and/or distances. Footnote: 8 Preparatory Work for Walsall Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, JBA (2013) t/planning/planning_policy/local_plans/evid ence.htm , and see the Environment Agency website ons/environment-agency MODSAD5 15 Paragraph following Additional text. No To reflect that issues No ‘f)’ on water issues. “We have included the general constraints in relating to a high voltage Table 2.1 below, which also lists the ‘specific’ power line and possible underground water assets and constraints we have identified and BCCS and UDP saved policies that are likely to courses have been raised 5 Appendix B - Proposed Modifications to SAD, AAP and CIL Cabinet 27th July 2016 be relevant for development management by respondents in respect purposes. We have not included of Policy EN7 on Great Barr infrastructure such as for the supply of water Hall and Estate. The for sewerage, for gas and electricity and for Proposed Modification to communications. In some respects these are Policy EN7 refers to these similar to transport infrastructure in that they issues. However, it is can help support development in certain notable that such matters locations whilst they can also constrain have not been raised in specific sites. However, comprehensive respect of any other sites, information is not available and many of the although infrastructure issues are dealt with outside of the planning issues will exist in many system.” places. MODSAD6 17-22 Table 2.1: Assets and Add the following to the list of Specific Assets No – the EZ Omitted from Table of No Constraints and and Constraints in Table 2.1: and LDO Assets and Constraints in Walsall’s Local Plan “EZ – Black Country Enterprise Zone” already exist. error, although LDO and EZ Policies are identified as Assets or “LDO – Darlaston Local Development Order” Constraints against some industrial sites in Policies IND1 – IND5. A related Modification is proposed to add a Map and explanatory text to Chapter 4. MODSAD7 17-22 Table 2.1: Assets Add the following to the list of Specific Assets Yes Addresses inconsistency No and Constraints and and Constraints in Table 2.1: and responds to objections Walsall’s Local Plan “MP (mp) – Permitted Minerals Sites by Mineral Products Policies Association (441) and BCCS Policy – MIN1 – MIN4 Parkhill Estates (2597) UDP Saved Policy – N/A about proposals for SAD Policy – M4 – M9” housing development near to potential future mineral working areas – MSA and Areas of Search are already identified as a 6 Appendix B - Proposed Modifications to SAD, AAP and CIL Cabinet 27th July 2016 constraint in the table but not Permitted Minerals Sites. MODSAD8 17 -22 Table 2.1: Assets and Re-number General and Specific Assets and No– editing Consequential editing No Constraints and Constraints as required, following the only change as a result of Walsall’s Local Plan insertion of new Assets and Constraints into above. Policies the table. 7 Appendix B - Proposed Modifications to SAD, AAP and CIL Cabinet 27th July 2016 Chapter 3: Homes for Our Communities Reference Page Policy/ Section Modification Main Reason for Modification Potential Modification? Significant Effects - SA Required? MODSAD9 24 - 31 HC1: Land Allocated Amend details for individual sites as Updating of Planning status updated No st for New Housing follows: planning to show sites as at 31 Development status – No March 2016. Sites that HO1: Add Planning Status UC Updating of are now UC to be deleted Table HC1 HO11: Amend Constraints and Assets to constraint from submission version state “F2, F3 (parts of site) but defended Updating of information of plan but retained for by culvert. Also possible TS site: see policy constraint – Yes now to show changes HC4” information - HO16: Add “F2,F3 (parts of site) but Yes defended by culvert” in constraints and Flood risk details updated assets to take account of latest advice and mapping from HO37: Add lb to Constraints and Assets Environment Agency. HO45: Amend Planning Status to UC Further amendments HO87: Amend Planning Status to UC may be necessary to HO181: Add LB and lb to Constraints and these Assets HO182: Add MSA to Constraints and Assets Reference to Mineral HO217: All lb to Constraints and Assets Safeguarding Area added HO221: Amend Planning Status to UC to all potential housing sites of 5ha or more in HO305: Amend note to state “Site area size to ensure consistency reduced and estimated housing capacity with BCCS Policy MIN1 takes account of need to exclude flood and in response to zone from developable area, , and 8 Appendix B - Proposed Modifications to SAD, AAP and CIL Cabinet 27th July 2016 exclusion of area of site within Green representation from Belt”. Estimated dwellings reduced to 42 Mineral Products HO308: Add ca, ll, lb to Constraints and Association Assets MODSAD10 26 HC1: Land Allocated Delete Site HO58: Walsall Road, Walsall Yes Site lies adjacent to Yes for New Housing Wood as housing site allocation Highfields North Development Permitted Minerals Site Table HC1 and (MP9) which is subject to Policies Map a ‘dormant’ planning permission for mineral extraction (see SAD Policy M8). The potential for land use conflict has been identified by Parkhill Estate (2597) and means that the site would not be suitable for housing during the lifetime of the plan.