[email protected] 01908/ 776940 07788 286337 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Concerns over Development in and around the Parish There are strong concerns in regards to housing development in and around the parish. In terms of nearby developments, three quarters of survey respondents indicated that they were ‘concerned a lot’ about development in Ashford encroaching into the parish. Within the parish itself, rather than housing development taking place in new areas, 79% of respondents indicated that conversion of empty or derelict buildings should be made first priority. When questioned about the suitability of potential development sites three quarters (75%) of respondents felt that BAE1 Lenacre Hall Farm, Sandyhurst Lane- 100+ dwellings, leisure and sheltered housing was unsuitable for development whilst 61% stated BBAE 1 Ashford Golf Club, Sandyhurst Lane- 100+ dwellings and associated uses was also unsuitable. When questioned on industrial development, 83% of those surveyed felt that large scale industry was unimportant as a new form of business development in the parish. Rural Nature of Parish The rural nature of the parish is evidenced with over half of respondents (54%) being able to walk to the countryside in less than 5 minutes from their home and 88% using the nearby countryside for walking/ rambling. Protection of the Rural Nature of the Parish The desire to protect the rural nature of the parish is highlighted with 92% of those surveyed indicating that it was important for them to be able to walk from their home to the countryside, 73% of this cohort offered a rating of ‘very important’.