The W. M. Keck Observatory Scientific Strategic Plan
The W. M. Keck Observatory Scientific Strategic Plan A.Kinney (Keck Chief Scientist), S.Kulkarni (COO Director, Caltech),C.Max (UCO Director, UCSC), H. Lewis, (Keck Observatory Director), J.Cohen (SSC Co-Chair, Caltech), C. L.Martin (SSC Co-Chair, UCSB), C. Beichman (Exo-Planet TG, NExScI/NASA), D.R.Ciardi (TMT TG, NExScI/NASA), E.Kirby (Subaru TG. Caltech), J.Rhodes (WFIRST/Euclid TG, JPL/NASA), A. Shapley (JWST TG, UCLA), C. Steidel (TMT TG, Caltech), S. Wright (AO TG, UCSD), R. Campbell (Keck Observatory, Observing Support and AO Operations Lead) Ethan Tweedie Photography 1. Overview and Summary of Recommendations The W. M. Keck Observatory (Keck Observatory), with its twin 10-m telescopes, has had a glorious history of transformative discoveries, instrumental advances, and education for young scientists since the start of science operations in 1993. This document presents our strategic plan and vision for the next five (5) years to ensure the continuation of this great tradition during a challenging period of fiscal constraints, the imminent launch of powerful new space telescopes, and the rise of Time Domain Astronomy (TDA). Our overarching goal is to maximize the scientific impact of the twin Keck telescopes, and to continue on this great trajectory of discoveries. In pursuit of this goal, we must continue our development of new capabilities, as well as new modes of operation and observing. We must maintain our existing instruments, telescopes, and infrastructure to ensure the most efficient possible use of precious telescope time, all within the larger context of the Keck user community and the enormous scientific opportunities afforded by upcoming space telescopes and large survey programs.
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