Mainstream Science on Intelligence: an Editorial with 52 Signatories, History, and Bibliography
EDITORIAL Mainstream Science on Intelligence: An Editorial With 52 Signatories, History, and Bibliography LINDA S. GOTTFREDSON University of Delaware The following statement was first published in the Wall Street Journal, December 13, 1994. Mainstream Science on Intelligence Since the publication of “The Bell Curve,” it reflects a broader and deeper capability for many commentators have offered opinions comprehending our surroundings-“catch- about human intelligence that misstate cur- ing on,” “ making sense” of things, or “figur- rent scientific evidence. Some conclusions ing out” what to do. dismissed in the media as discredited are ac- 2. Intelligence, so defined, can be mea- tually firmly supported. sured, and intelligence tests measure it well. This statement outlines conclusions re- They are among the most accurate (in techni- garded as mainstream among researchers on cal terms, reliable and valid) of all psycho- intelligence, in particular, on the nature, ori- logical tests and assessments. They do not gins, and practical consequences of individu- measure creativity, character, personality, or al and group differences in intelligence. Its other important differences among individu- aim is to promote more reasoned discussion als, nor are they intended to. of the vexing phenomenon that the research 3. While there are different types of intel- has revealed in recent decades. The follow- ligence tests, they all measure the same intel- ing conclusions are fully described in the ligence. Some use words or numbers and major textbooks, professional journals and require specific cultural knowledge (like vo- encyclopedias in intelligence. cabulary). Other do not, and instead use shapes or designs and require knowledge of The Meaning and Measurement of only simple, universal concepts (many/few, Intelligence open/closed, up/down).
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