I I 4 — ' 1 A . . i - * i — v a . •



. KIKT*... rVSUMCi I *i!raf >io, I .aw tpoktabil- dw from the ’ , of eral* RKTAII. DKALFS TAUNmC*, OT&PBPSIA, CeatL.IO Coap»! •B. IT** **ai*«l — ITTBOLKSAIJI ASO IKCTOAhS. OB VBBTOUP Hor^wHorlow s(ot SI.ai. J 01 M ' flOlt Uoti« Yy l^uUvlMv, Ky., hoo { wolnic^ of Mr. R »pH hi* i’\ ui.d »• a mo*f VY blioKiNu i nKwiNo TOBACCO, Jum tl t>CSILIT\| DISAAkA OF THA ^ Via .liciratss. Oa. * jar*. aacB aMIttoeat laaaftlaa. ••IS ^xceMen* dum\fctick in s con- and BMrrr IDISYSv rt» Jopu»tic«l »#'ftcienciei‘ on tbp bu» thr kCay hA» rsmuTed to No. SM Mo^O rtriMrtf bctwooo Sor* *>‘» 8. 8. Ad«i»r, ma saourtoT, mu «ric^M«t a.t^fmttao » R*- 6(l**rt ra|i4Ctty bhe hax lived it<» y«ar« in be 6**w^*’“«fro»at>liM>rderodUr#ror8ioia Moedy, a^ KJlta J.» wMow caaansr. * Hamiwr -m. M | tli« a iivca,ii^^lla'uiu. nyryr CAKEUuKs!^^riIiiCLaitaiAuita, cooBioUBf DoMs. !'.• >od oxkd *^Atni4 (tocrii ot«To Book of Koaiockj. oi Coonlpotloo, iw« ’ *•4* 4« I .taalaring “7..' luword Tilo», Fonoow Borlow, doc>d4 *• ••••a... 17 atis rorder atonpadstopped barber bybv deeUrinj; thatthst Mr. R la-1 placr, and h« a hunimpaachabla carract. r or J The Hew Otieaae o‘JdS.«}Sir I end 9aa rnacieca ••••!'* ** virlae docroo ' “**war *a wall known*^“0'^'' and•“** bll- Sba I Cuocbe«4 DoahloI>OQhlo BqsxIm;Boggier; Of of a of tho Joffhrwa 0«lt Coon P-T M parcaai. IM^ 19 p. rli-cll} lubar, and l av^r drinks, itottiink l^loewor SEMl-MOyTHir the uad«r*ignod i UaJ t^ben; SlPCleSingle BugKieo;Buggieo; JJiJ uod«r*1Cnod will •«D,eeD, to tho htchoothtgheot biMor,bl Mor, oooi I butwhii Hoat liar auod. M'lll ba fiii.t! a gial- fXTA.NTED to Boy or Hlro^ur4 snaorty octivi ^i?***^ j jBi a.irrattoB It B* ': ' | ^7 woy«: Buckowoyfluckoway bogglro; »»o*h1ov,Boodav, ih«the ll11 dayf*ay of Boy.May* Ii6», oa U»TLOT OP LA.ND fromfrom* froDi fit 16 >eor> »t 6 4( at Hockawoy*; boKlro; 11^ LAND ^"bola:Lola: miy baaba a aitizar,aitiiar., and ha look. IikaI.ka Vt Nrcro HcA*«a of ace. Apply I * *f*?.f**’ 4a ...... It aa I| Ha m.y aruaitmn to a Mi pal jin'rlman, or wuiil.'l s-liut. Inglog ; do; Trotting do; 40 Uei(oet onOb thothe iouthsouth ildoside ofor ChontnoiurooiyheiwroiChontnui sirooi, between Steamship Line. J',' oObT 'll S**fOt ; d^ *i5t’ *^if*^^.*** taio ofRrOa HAwlAM* I V I aa:. Vl.t:uaaa Micara fart Bootba.. ^t to4“ i I a man I auppuwauppisw ha i.I. ona hutbut Fm ao< ««r>.'«*r#.' r. ,t,a . , uip Br^kBrook Aodand Flo«d,Fluvd, oodaod extondlnge^tondlag borkbark 3SS foettofeetto ois-ru*aSS-ruoi i — a w.duwf Tha lady where Ijvaa eiva 4-pr-4t duy No do. Ij ’*i»"‘**** ] alley; fits e-tock 1« nowIV superior both ••as rrsord*regards nambornumbor and •‘l^r* also IS ^tiroaiiD*footfeet froatlngfroctlng ooon Uhestoot,Uhestnai,uiw.tn.t, .Hoi.in.allolatogaltolatog th*tb- I rarrerter, , , Oa.-,-.^# -oJLa, her tbi> and nrY* r v^ould pearfel wt I removal. uil^ait Breathing, Pint. iteiBihipi Bmici Htbiicr As4 Ptoiirt ' sbove^oocfibed heteforefore oITorodofiurod In this »boro-doociib«d lot ihothe «a«tvast tideside back I . qnsliiy to any everor tbU markrt.marketa All oa and «»»•"*nsn'ngniSB'ng Pad tbi* waf raid ib to romiral a ; Ii L***. «r rnar ckaa ae.)- a «a«a at ao I OiAnuar ai to ©c berybdt die (!oe« to oi»atraiUe. terlnS_at UlO Ueoft, 'I* r._rl owneAHa W la. * , .«i 7. 1 .JA-ME 8 of which «tll be s'rldw..l(l v«rY«MTa towlow forfur ca*baTAnh or g«K>«siagaw poprrati.n»T. I _ . . _ _ I thorewiththerewith 100,lOS. oaOn^ thothe aboveaBu** lotaInto thoretherethoro tala a two storyslors ^ BURNS, j r^'~jSiK a— irww ‘iT^ Oua ..aara. It EunUia, aanawal-ta, >ai ana taiea ea^nuv%mi •q.aor* IS ss ! *he I saw Mr with its for IS | p|o\ merit dooif, usr th**ir luii^* hut lift! a^r, and Urti> to oduuqoco that ho from UUi Oct., 1.64. lat 4»r'.l. «.. Irtocu.inv*. I . T^7T-‘*.^°‘ 8T. LLDUlb,0 18 MJ-'UlRI.MJ-' houiheant c«irner Maid and Preptoosis., I bq '--^w-iT U , Ta a, Booth*. raoaapabU, aai laarara*.^ Hannine have Roiaa th< collar. I than Mr by braiiba but lil'la air in the rliast. and iiivoo I » new oa 1 extvDaivo wUolr«a!o ornl r*>uil cr.to6* , thus m- lAlUIAVlLLK, KT. ] 40, luiiss si4s.4 f8n>u4iMt.n.u4, linUsli. til I>rup j *• *‘*‘* **•'* “* “> * '**•1 I Pbmeul the ^u«tue4a.y «i No. J.7 Xoiu ttrooti dajiandantty of pcsniona, cotiTict a wretchadli | aiid A. T. ‘f* KKATINti i %i'i S t^v* ti*h on<1 KlKiith. tjr-C JOHNSON tr, lu A>n|. IH6., 8M: I84«. In or ©-'•©otic*i*»>l notice Mr. ChuichChuicta thentheo innwrea I V Ut OM , 8I.0M eaailAad at laMrraU,taiorraU^ alt:rit: aeatly,weekly, tmallpoiaII aha*:,che»i, .nd«.n<1and Uylay thetba touhdatioiitoundatioiito’iiidotioii for thetha lo->lo-s)oe na.f.cll)pa,f.ctl> log LawaET la 1 IScTAUI..ISC. S.r^r.....i .tl. ction tTlbJ Pratirlptlt.S j »««» » pal. IB UlTM «l.»l IB.UIoiraU it 4, 8. iral MOO.lDOBMOO» 1S«B aS j bj.l- ^ C.4/KBrATCl> r.tRMAwN BirrERfili For throaghtbroart oamu.paesa$e tIckeCatickata eppiy teta w . tarmaBtauaadaooaouiaraaffyaobaauBaotlh-for ovcry tobooiiuocit IS* Mr. 1bi**re*t tn ibe vstafttlahmeDt, they Hentiird( his bAitdonOf) I U muQtha , Heniium with hi5 band Mr. Rowe.R®we. Mr. ia*t »i*vrotcen from date saia, 1 sreurvd (Lit. Twircau.i. *•»>•• 4 obviateilobviatertte year*, and having just ro- of au to bo by b^od of — I a PREPALkZ* £>B* C« M. i.lCEaOa*, j rawnamw '“ ’• he Ct)A( II -M a NINO business in all lU Sr p®-rcbas*r, wit*' a prwveU *_ H** back There"rbaie 14 e;ved and upeuod an entire n«*w sto *’a, which *| ‘***'have ! •scorUy, aad further by a lie* I ***waa towaid me. waaaas a kiudutklud ol I **®4 'I b.aa^hing.biea’hii.g. RerollactRerollect shefhe lung,lung' araare hkelike bla.lble«i * .sall -at Cubp'.t., LK.airooag# winanil j HKNHT, Com. J. C. Their power over tre above disea*ea la not excelled, | ^ i«t l«-.er«mMsr.airi.Bi arMiaaaac. ••••• per.K»tj the msaufkcture of aJ work m their estab* h or 'i ri.il In chokerboka Mr R.»we?R.>wa? • •*u>neJ-"I'lin.J*»rtiifieJ wimwith tveryihing.tarjiung purebae*^piirob 4 at estabiisL* I j® noblenobla ches*vba.tchef! .udandaiid ptrfettperfect imuiuiiUylUiUiuiuiyluiuiuiiity fromtroihC(>nsuuiU'conMJinp-conMiin)" I njmy Mt.bii.b-establish* » ^ [J* jj be aiMiored that all kQuated, by any fdber pfeparatl<-n in the nnited States, THE V»RI» LIVERTtMlL w*; » l’shm**ni,•shment, tielrtie! patrous may work FOR sale! NEW »M» C^ITRoj ——a..... i—j .. YY iti.e**: 1I did iiol .ea any•«>' blow-,^*<>'*'* given. tion. menu 4 K*:.n5ww«u* Bot MorSw: os «ho eopr for « opwiiod ^ | rom ibeDibetr a**omaoufactory *111 be of the best material and ^ cores attests Ih many cases after shUlnu piiysi- STATEb hail *TE .her*. .Hbw }} **.’ | eery rmOacaTTu * . • • ftkiTv article pnrehasw! will be warranted strictly pure | desiraMa Dwei|taf*Ro«a« and La| oa a. mill ? , , I .» 1 j . -»-of tuMTTKoM will So nisliscsililac Baiii rorM4yiiKtM, ^C. .Mawn^nni:Msson ew f>ni: MyMyplaceiiiiieoriheiM-omp-pisre ip iw^r ihe jwomp- s A ma:D oaJuki TheTha agent,ager.tyager.t, and only aifentagentairerit required,re.^uired, i»inik th*Ih. ! •vperior 1 shi’pM* t'>HBptieiag The Meesiviec .4 hJ,5 V'no*Ba‘(i%\?i'?ri^i*"'„'r^iT.*r*i^^g- i.uine (belt iar»npfriur tuasiockcf oiddrug*). 1 the Neath sida of Mata tiraet, bokwera Bre'^s : TUB Usls P_ w e«B •»* «*-r«hen«ee j g ^ ^a fu>>w cw*;ao4. ter a ftand. 1 heard yay tu Lola, thi* ’ . Frvaecw w*tl Mr. Rowe rommouroiniDOU air weHe bnbn>ithe^aihe^ *'ipl>o;f,i;, howeverhow#»ver .rUi*.riiig fr.**hfr»**b and new,uew, ctinrniu-aiiycon«*e(;n*3tty r^uiningr*Uintng ail tbd-tbel' IJI] aod Pioyd, at preaeot occapivi by the »ubM;ri* sa^^Uaeareiho- Vie rMs ee* 4i.fmt of th. proprlrtora, iny othet diMwm ewsei retsseff *»**~«rai to n gL^if b*r.ber. ThaTh. letIrt ha*b»- AI4 faet froot i J^M^^^^ifLANTlC, Capa. FVeHhk wt» mweseh. ggi.«%r«u, iMe *• **• f>J*ce lor rod, madam. Arterwardk. I .• vinur*; addiu to which, il havet^ave iU fMt fmot oa.a MatoWilo ara.istre*! Va«.^^^M| that oo00 oSetacleoSktacle exis** ex emalenial to th«.tl„» che>che* . i | ^ r*i to^vfr fogr or bu^lneoa, aad all oCSor adrortloe- 1 b».oi It.. If, . .umd.ot Bu.rmitj •' *"* '• »»ef *l«>dr. «ii^.Iob ihe BOTt •b» t».irJ ebamlc;,. .DUd.r. I..O., wonW by *10 In Urpih. ud tb* la 'rovoa.nu I. AUklt , Cept. Nj*i '•SF^-e eg BmreBe omi Die#e«e «» pseefle beardba.rd her Hanni-.g, »»y r‘«l •“d ..«.j i ra.u- ; .r. th* uo.1 mitO ^ . herc.ll Hroni-g. ha rail lurtJr Mr. and.nd when , 1 he,,uch,uah a,., iwiniixtwining it .’O’.ndaiour.d with vt.y*,vtav*. or h.iiru -fr iwcb nn power. In w-iko***w*ako*ss of me dl.e«t|y*dlg< m ». aa( pona.Ling lo Owir regular hsolsoae ao agraoJ or haurn | at *Dch•**<•»» will ^b. tb* 14-iC. orgmi.. caovroteot La-'*; ev«M«4. para cbeu•{ca^s, which I sa^l to modern ityim Apply *o AlM^n ',4*aBC. •• ' * pa'«l came il Th w **..*.w.Haw I- ntm^rsRMvrv losDeeifv the vsiiano they are withal safe, certain*certain, amiao*l Dlsasaot.plsasact. .© ‘ she you re foapecifr the vartou* ; ~ a rgtra. Mid to If a on ' tmneca«sary to bim. man, 5 me sl.o elders h** ur>on it. O.i rtsi..>; irom th* = o.mstderoi.ustdt r BA Cap* a : ;r.e gro^ or J- '1-nuuoothem-tllb.si-n upon the m> -iiib- ratral irrms. ^T — LTU', -ti asrsEB^SM^ i fcc., H w e Oacr and eUawheet adroruoowoau, oSorlBb' whip ” seized the ' ““I****>ds of Rock»w»}»,Hock Bu««l*y, th.t they hit. .I- Fe## BMeoMo him tbeo by ADHlATIC,C'ep«. (Jraftou. A Chensee i. Heniiiiii' Mr. ilie : n ue, red, Bear lie R 5ed in rconitn^, place yourgelf in an eree and biark logs,ii>,Roae.ndBose and Her nju,nil.. Pom*.Potaa* Ii | _ _ „ „ ^w,m4»uw»Ch— M ThD*, - *•- •’ anl,h*.l .nu .r. pr p.r-d to ra.nor.ctt.r*, mm The Hon. Cn.vRLZ* D. HitiKhitiC, Mayor of th* clt< ' -.i^uu. •M Deem, K:m, m Go., Bu LwwNs l••>.t.ltr,|..>,tiiic, rhritrhr.t th tura-. CoIobi.*, U«l u“: Thorap^^Tbomp.t»’. | The«eeh*p4 have ae— ballt by ouatr*ct. ex r i asfy f *ir 4. ^ , with >our>nur own b*ck and.I d yon Camden, N. J., sent os the twlluwiug: p “milar ...mCr/TSIf UU A.’ *^luld Tinctures, ^n«ldwo'liidra.ri'itwmerel» a Aimationg’s Patent Purnace Oratas. ‘ta Da WewriMii M Mm* sad V. is, Axtract of Jau.aiea dinger, • A Bmae Limk^ 4..V..I # w^a.1. iT *w ...<*...1. . .I ..H .1 I MxiracUr )wveruc.9>v«?o takra ta tb« no angry word*. I.0I. w«. in Mr. Rowe*, w.) . ,|,onUrr«shonlilers ri.tirrlvei.tireiv ilia ilih'ihil' ,. . I , uRuo tromtrofD (he it h»h* s ihanihen iiih ®" Yh line of D>elrt I'U'^ineNS iney * ' ; I l '•BooflamFi‘‘HoorLAHOa tvABMAitivARaiAii BiTTXhk*^BiTTXhA*^ We have aaei> i I iHa ^J’»*vU’e. m all the m '*1 appro**^ kln'lsktals »*f«*r Perfumery | uDUeisisuva. bsviug purtbaMei fr’#m Franc 1* } | oinvirocctwo, ea ta the *«ir!aa» ta lasaiv wtreoath arM uoen:«wme3t' oac be isaortod grataltesaly# I bk«'»*« herhsr llwr.th^rp (luriiii;durti.g part of Ih*the ronrrrt.rorirert. DidI)i< I .|| the air that caii oe sot you *»' Im.udlu. ta .**p hoppltod with mi Bhun- auuy lUUailUB ootlcm of thl-medlciie, *''•Bute { u ; thru hold .l«.i4opvn, day .nd nlBht. Bsd th* Morn 1 Arm-troar, of J»*a i.riraiw. La., ik« • icIu-I** — *M V ’X.m,-L BmeBer M 0anmmt Bei e M Fweg, { j | w**,!. ubI th-w mooaiiBataLo*. far .r.araao- dw ii— so u for dmfUabte innimtlaMa, i-ilT.I., hiiid— holi Htta * h.y|uB pro.crlption. to b» raaaafartoro and <*od kta pa>*Bl*d Hollai v)QS Ivtf furfor a.Mtaaoataefteacs aadooaifon.AMOoaiff.*eU wM Wkitrnmm, A M m. j •art. urw^ J.m,aw« otb-r inJUic Aooctasa, and I | ) of »nr.ni*n lu th* TBrtoua brabcho. I tpactlna It* [ I I bayiua th* h«l ai-riu. Prom Inquiry, w» w.r>- *^am«ce Bers •ti.twiiHlad, »i;i Bia)-t wlih prompt and p*raBad« Grete f»r the coeaiie* off Jefisrseo. B««rs - , mr.j^. KOMe|io«- rwraiiec.rwrallo’.I ^ iD-uot atton- pneePnee Ofe pe*ossibl«*. Ke|eAYtLfr« • tea u be Ckm^god haM price. bualo*a* to aa.l.i tham. to oa* It, and moat any found It ipeoldc i* r I .n,>n. andSlid maymey r<-air«®tt aaaurodsisured trittret allAll MwllclookMsf Bitted to |;o the prompt ii n aar SirTto irr paKishod as f»er on loiiB br«*a(ht as ineiiy tim AN pipi g*. Don* lo tb* uemMt mid beat mannar ^ dis* sewa. Obitas* g )ou >y wMt®m CP'arpalnuB don* upon ae* o) t>>a ilvrr aud dUoat ** orBam., mad ib, •S4 tt d cell the etteotloo off .it pers*.us leierewf.fd in tt*. Rtfta*- M Co., PHitotMg. | m audend fenutn*, ir..m turth* leMfComiiew«n*ampffioii *4 fe«l t« ihe>r decide i eoperr* R’>’'a4a J. H. Bls«k. moromm, B$1©l^ M MMi-y, j m b<*caus^ oi76cd76 JlAbMb smi Aih. M b, ..at advertisefsam* ai. eUiers sendiag - - —a— to the followlof gentle- I * eemB«Bloa> ! — They rtfer tie public rreii) Eurprislng. It would ceJm* eud sD*ngtliess the nerv^, >ftt* t> the i\ .. Witue*.-; ('.Autliiig I*. i Comm o cre:e her. Ceruflceu« to thiesff*ci I M ToiOoti M U. ©aa B R. Oa^rayH miaM$Di*. ^ I SAW you ou the O- rourh dentt-r, and will act moip |uwMf'il'y » j Aesxu4b sxperlencedBurg-'oo stteca.v. o •*s -s .r yr rr^uinag aoiir«> deeigaeu •« ca.. auaatleh hringlt ta g them inio a staio of repovv, mggiag sleep re oaov oT thv mtjet expcfrsaced st g«i»bue*m«n, M t,- . *£-1 •k-isAwa. Lo»». Ba:vmMV*. WBTT'8 ebe • J. ) HE berth CA9 sec-srsd pel’-* fsc ^ wJt. *X|>*lldll>g th. Ch.al. Etfaicialltg ih. rllrvl II) No ^ oaM* P •• >alre«s, Oeaoene,ec aay eotena* aammu* Col. WilUsm Preston, UoulsviUe, By. tresbiug. »> 4 ss tburoogbiy - Jf Affch« w j ^.%TIO*4.iL UAOtCRREA.TI GALLERY. tested ihrie, nuy he examibvd ear ocffc* I M Prov’ Furrvsi, aad Ch©s*v» a Hvt$ab 4 “ : 'r eaoposxD w 'lances ar« I’taUe ter adm.ueuoa, at. Doiioe af pn- LoIb; Didii’t you kick m ! thi. tDot.i rr, it will baroiin- *x;i.ii-i Lewis H-g«**s, M D., **ir this medicine -iy pATSa <>r sstu^M, t R. xibic.nri Next door to Northern Be>.k. comer Fifth end Metn sis was more geoerkUy need, we gr* sn? ®*e-:roaN tn do N-w Turk. **• sr> ** ^ w i ocianaMsa e« aotice deelyacd ta caR attawtloh WiliiM-; I tli.t r.o' J. Huvsu Pinie, M. D., -bttsfiel there wuold be less sicknes'*. ss from the p* From Toriu %. $©*-., kulrmiiiy drcl.re I did I Mr, will .i-la Ih. aiZ' of Ih. su>m* rY*kll rvoes ore her*t>y csetloued s?sln.'*t any ia* I New From Uverpeel. G. Farwvii MO© sc.< ©ward. M Cu.« BasAstoo and g. eapaci and B. P. BilOirN, PhoriUETeH. ** - y | “ **. 4’.8 * 4 .ri^ to oper, . sen, llv r, srd nervous syntvm I (ring AAtUTdAy, "ept. HsyesMC tbs xrest BAl^r-tTef resi -men s , 4 Wedn*« s«, Brpt. A, C. TwicMa . !>©• dvwoviewau o>i. •'tBH selling i be old Geliery, over iseec of our rights to , 4 M ikickor etilkeyou or even Uy my bend on ) luijr^ ~NciFef>/ir ow. i A out Cro John Bstv^r., *• s-tl luiAihmAry dlrvsses * nl.’.P»pora«..;.,H£Wt-iT-vl.ita) Mr. emAumte. Hava them to s GUlVBiU GAULT, h CO. 9g|onU), Bepu 1 >^ W, Oct. je, :-c | .*T„?Va?:r^‘ST"c7L^^TC mi^^ ; Judd a Water Gauge. ..-mr mai!,< •'-o da^r©©d ’jo x .out to»'iaa k©fot© •ft)* aaipaai th* taw* ani h* rharaad at th* rua W aot ago, .a w'. - al vise onr friends wto are At All IdoIspommI to give a rriAl. ' HAturdAy,«NH.ao, pah.wt Irani Iruui tb. C'luriirrUr. 1 at alao aovcral *alctbl* ImproTouiaDt. lu tho atylc mu Wedue*dAv. N >v. X *f at ibe aving been sp, aimed by .4* H* Ju d, ' f 9(. I>*LtB tim© . ^ .©u tw i-a'. Il will rfrcuromeod itself. It shooid In fACi be la over) ! .HAlartAy, NoV. 12, Vsv:as*d.s», Nov. 17, . i .c.cotlou of i‘».n<.iT»«typ*.. Tt.raa, with hia l»n* prm j fac.-.^i4, o&cer awoni: I know notbii of tfar I’ i-, . ct. wa* brought brtor.lhr cortrt-iion.' Ms., bis city I at. M Hand I sole szvnta In this for tae msouisc ,^* MOGRIDGE M MiPiCt. t 1 g H ^w,Mn8 w ^ j 'Ainlly. i .N SPRING IMPORTATIONS. -smiiy. No other medicine can prudnee ««such erideocefevYueocev I ^Aturd.!y, >v. 77, WMo #!s*, Dec. I. «s*r *7 <* T»ir t ^ an I .ale «f hi. Impruvrd Ws er lianie f..r J uf menu”menu’* Siesm SAXufdAT, Dec. | | ^ u;11, W^InesdAy, Dvcw 1$, i doLers, we wtald DRT GOODS WHOLESALE. w uuw tufonu the public that we are | •h Of u.**^cefcs.d«rerfeee* sjvertl^^ou 8tea«ug Ar lu hrrPbt Mr. R*.***, hud Mf. RuHf wU'Uvd *«»»‘*y '•i^houl • p»ih!k| m t» e khlialg ut j .j-lire. _ AmunUy,<4.uBUv*IVtDec. 2$.2a! Wsdneedsy, Dec. a9© iKSUtitui Assort* I ‘®** « repared lo ace Tbecertaie- RANMBY * ..CRUI, e* ormesns y^rrcelgf peckew^u lX’Bsr«uu« (•‘k.'iviiis s ’ArKv sn I j,J. n ^Mnnac c,#i fwiia Ww*. .w4*i p Ihexa upoa bol sfs. _ • q me t« grievl LuUnnd ber nc**yt A Wegver ol Sjiirv', who bid b**en ID'ich extoII*nl ver been ufiered to this cornmnnitT. olfiJMi * * Fuff freight or | uiFUt an.l 3TA.LK UKT IJOOUS, to *hia *1 nf aciiuo anir> m*-ri.banu. decMeOi) tbe best to Dcaiur ef a t.>w state off $a. COLUMS a OL M st*,N.T. tiT we Invite tbe sitcu-lun of d'y sod . Ib ^ uri bewL**^ ‘®Ph. Hooflahd's Silk, Fancy and V auety Goods. advance on Gcemaii BiTTKEA.**Wearetry* water m bo.trrs i hat BRoWNBROWN, BHIFLKT, M Co.* UverpL.oi. - *mall used. 1 . BOOTS, 11 very hseewoei been . lu e>tsblisli re|U!fatian We are detenuiurd s si a . I iirtrTigwni jiTiMimiffs iif Dell) Pe^a^ 1^ ltxw hf^tsi’g b*'io^ rvfuNOd (tpruiiA-iou to enter tb** f*cnmeijt, bis beyond dis SHOES, AND BROGANS to j lug Ibis rvuuwurd aV© 4-il Afraai, «©*«'• exMe, inwliclue for a stubborn dursse of tb« Actiug a- so Alarm by tbe vf R. G.*»• BlOttBRIS a CO , I Ma«© ijmiopd^t. # .riedgv ewffs S.*»•**•F. dKOOH,bKOOit, MeaarsciurtrMsaafsciurer snJsoJ DoDe irrier to e*e« - oat for cs^b or uu t:me to pco-'ttiAl tusn* pa,»asv steam throngb Ml. x vvesgncxly wedhTTv letMeehoeoMlI tl Ibrv bed preuoutiK been nUyii r lu tbii eiid, be loaded bis pislol amt le- j bowels, ant cau with truth lesiiry to its eiocacy. tbe 1) cry description of LAdles* and Gent’s B«>ou an J. DlNFU-iTH M SON, Wv iuB.m'YO gsuse oock or tb^onub a sossli whlsi>e, XiQg** Arms TatIs l.onw ta r©c©iiK >># U' .'iprog 'mpurtoii©©© I have token ,.t.tb..-er I b.v...v« U.d.du..a H..r.-d.ob.rgard.h. .cco.np.,....lbyb..s..n^ rth and Fitti »is. ihe rontrots of two bottles, and w# news de it canuut fall to Call ine atteotioo wb*n lu a ituo. JOHNJOHN' Nr\Hi>B7 h CO., vY * ^sve ‘•"'Wrh-¥rLrH«VRl^.;:^ 1 Bbwes, No, 4J6 Market «Ue«t, between Foon mxf 7 dMw 48® Main, b**iween Kuu | iwwn eetectstf wi.k ffv»«S rw« off s©to* rived mors fasuefii from tbs we I mai l«*d about 1 :? ycar^ old. ordered the child To expsrimsut than derived s22 -ilm uAi'Lf, a Cl). M*• RHer N-Jire UAa^sds# T:ctoiref,FArte. *TU V. M. MAtaDBM AN, MiinuDf Cosuisf *i^* aBH* Lula oo the prumpter’g rabd > He ^d!) Fifth, Luuisvuic,Lfoulsvilie, Cr. J GLOVRH, .mvuvtvrsaaM aMawUciarv'*. -tuca v* FAa©a . | « previously from years of alupaiblc irsauneirl at th* _ GBO.GEO. U.U* DWA.FAH, Havre. (Dei.t, sUiHl afblietQ psces potg'o ' CY*Hoo:sC^Hoots su-lAiid 9ooegSooee mgdvmade to onler at short aoUcenotice a» : '©ra©« cm©pf*»,-a.T a ir^ai «an«ty .f AHVBT. RiGHBAh TGHBA DswctiA. tiiDe« duriK b*r eukbC* and have been Oom bun, witha Louitvillt U)drupttlliu Intliiule. Of hands uor first physician.” *IUa A. *fK*rney T'rv tbe boot possible style. operaiioft ^ j-ff-rson Clrtall The -.weefsaweets of ihe*et su’p. w!”. not AOboonuZa.e ;.i ©aa nE©*Rt«». Oar R- Riha»a, Gtuv© and rto.. i.ot .1- I upon bi. be..!. boy wilbout I vffiis estatilsUmeDtestobiisumeni Isis nu»ou» Inlu sacceesniisuccvssiui |b.r. myi..|f, though Mr. PUcid. Th. ob.>H, mMt- 7H1S ^ jI sgs n«t Hoo-.fy ge 'l,«Uvsr,o«l'ton, spsuis, jt-m- ry, prec*-*«sssos.rR, .f ssi u riaMBto ar© f**H an | c©»ipl* ;v* We lavli© audaad ready to receive patlenis.patients. Tbe large addla<«l L'oarto i Ii.g r*>i*.r»i.ct Ihe t.lb.r, I1 That Utsthis medlLiD*meditto. will curecore Liver Ciomplatntrromplalni and k Arm-i»ad-^ro»*t*ad. CburchUl,Cuarcbtll, and others- pr.MtikDu! Dya- a • low It. I «!), and ’.] ; .UjItbU ^ ^metsis,* si*? oo.vR,b«r«n^* r ? b* a i.r s.;.{.g at*> slff‘-sd tLsretW, Af.d .j- >117 and f-iiy vwTvrvto aa xamtae* um of -ur wtM and whish have been rewnUy txu UOD improvemenu . p*p,j, or.e can doubt after gRicg it as directed. It fir.d 4 g c<»a mis«ia.o4>r in 1 “.-efor© r *• DAILY JOURNAL* “’5 h. pi.ioi and d.s- GymnAslom fr saMi. : w© are iS»i»*vilaed w s©M a© ...w Haro-f h..rd Mr. Row. ua« iin- well the 1 LoU: you j 10 the Bathing aatobilshmenuas ^ upet.flcally epun toe stomach and liver. It is re- | dsv. k-i i r Ms* lATaS ** Wr v-Tu fv.©-*©. Itafd^ed tbe fxitalu, tb*i ball pi*-rriti|( it tt*ruui.l- PETERS, CRAGG, St CO., make this iastUmeooeoflastume one of the most compleu and beslartester s A Pen Cm.©r ©uvatiu© Atv«a s© | fpr»t.fprai. u, cslomelc«l lo all b«lt«»U4 dl»eas«w~the rrup r to sFe . T.-. (Froa. tbs New e«as Delia.) lArtCL'A'«*•> 'll-, vicaicuew.akci’a i.e-KDOora,ii..ghbora, lo M AWlTFACTUkKRaS OF AND pkalerDEALER ranged Water-CnreWater-Cnrs ctobllsbrncntsestobllsbmcnts Ue mmeUlsie.tmnjsUlsie.ymsujsie. TheyTuey can be admadmi1 Ulster*oist«-r*d 10 \ur.k * riLii'OiiMi '“5 | a temates or inlo i otfi^ U’ltiiFe.T I'v--” beard faim callII you*ou Lola, andarKi j j st kl M) ner scr) N 1 VaTT oVK aumic^ofi «Kti a. r:de rlRErapROO* 1 diseases has gain BA/B rar •©!©• ANOTltBft BCLKF IN TBB DRAMA OF U>LA MOM* BHtN FlANO*FOHTfe>8. Fai tory ou Main, I'beI'he remarkabloremarkable soccesssocces« in a variety of | rgi.tiinij^-iihMDtT«dr.n^with safetysaj and reliable benefit at any “I-’*— '*-< fact l.la'tni, t.fuH-d lo ii. j time. »a* brlu. "• Lnu.t-iLu.^'o«.iuiJVfj;..:r.?.n.i:.«“4«^^^^^ , *74 dry ' b«,rd you M) that b.’d iii.uU.d1 youyou, andaiid I ad- 1 large uem^r ot COMPANY, TFak IN NRW UHLBaNB. ^P|jflpftit«™Vbrn*!.nthrralKoart^Mt^^^V betwem ibirueotb aonion ol J I U will re> Loul.Ttl'r.onmefullowinii.riu.;r“*. vw*d you lo mak. i< up. ,B •H.r^roomon* Ware*ruom 00 Main, u.iwocabetween Orooods^oood am patroax, and Invalids may te assured that they C. M. - - - • G.M.JACNaJACkaON epuD th. wr.Flier Md hi. oasi.blowt «N)«.fi'th cash lo CK 1 axAL A In- band, ; ’"* ‘*° '*"* I- wa« now night; but nurd aurau,*eu, oppjaii*opposite BaotBank of-if Emtucay.Emtacky. u26vUilU)\hb calve as mneh benefit At the Loolsvllle Hydropathic boUie. THKOliill Mr Kow.; Sir Wm Don, I chare, you, or “J’ ’--‘P*'’-*. Oue*aiib e-ghieco moaths To .nLN Fk.uMTSi'O Y©r4aM»l evTte©© ©I riffIB wwM ieH©re©« W«p©©4©. “ s/statD of UyiropalkY after day of sale, ih* .nlrvpid inarktm .n inaialed upon ai. iiuu..- _ stl'ute as tbs giortoQ. and powerful For sale wholesa'ewh( and retail by ©r©i»rli-t ,our.aih,lo*p.ak tb.lrulb. ooe*fitth tbirty.six Oiinihs after dav of VIA ASPINWaLL and panama I^HK rs wo©lJ rvi«MW '.Belr KAx*vwi©a©m«L4© j St beatow. pArticulArs Appiyto ' • PETERS.PETERS WEBBT^EBB, SCOCO., can Fur BUrCLIFFE, MCALLISTER, M CO., 1 - .ibv'ei Tbe f<*“h**f ili*l!d Due tttta oo lA,b Msv, tdsa. HE ramsis c jiD:H>>tDg -,b • )’kbe ar- i. tA«m ami rvepuctmuy s©ocn a nwsia imp* *4 IM© .* . prooiif*'* to be iMUBensurnbly Borr I"* “OJ * » llghlwl lai.t.rn, a I Or ' th. truth:- I “I«» t" ar. lu Murlcm H.rcluiBalm., Main atr«.t, oppualK dealers thivjghoul Ue oountry- The purchaser to give buDd, I am*. | wiih approved security. br«ikni*t mud eCAri*!nl *4ieveluf>io|c tbno tbe first, I “•“‘•h h. di.cUrg.d hi.s pistol with the s.m. »«ik or B.ntnrk,. ADTANUES. 17 Witnra*:| I n*ver him do »iiy thin- ioi- dMA^ snl a lien lo bv rsialtie-l on ibe laud PlyUgPlyl-g WtweeaWlweea PAwJwnPaasoi’t nnd %mu rmucl-e#. Tn©trR«fiv ©ad wilt aiw«Tv h© sapfted ©ic$ t$© mw tXrE will mAke a>lvances on Cotton, Frovtsiuns, Aod . as wMUJuual secu Abd, m Mich, IS worthy ol n pMSaiuc bote, "««« “ T*-* '*“* Ihi. .BTuor- | >-"t; th» uoua to b,ar lnt.r«.t till " -•»» rti©*ceex LhJi't'Ra ©od Wfs EMm4 ©aerv d«»cr pUu© a©4 h. in.ult«l friends in Liverpool* paid, .nd u. Int.taai I -t'** j p|^opw. You uid b.d you. ic. VV Tobacco consigned to our j J H-^Tl Z?* ‘Jij*'-*' . . vv BROWH'B WATRl, ' wr^rlc^ • W • oxvVJWDi kizxJ Vvaa£i\. iff '< o • TheC**HTEa.The C*»ATltd. th«> ©idc t > : s<©«, prtoAaliy her “» oi i to be paid senil*aoaDaU • lybbVtoos,I,«ug to«#, a Ur ..pt r, io©«Ka©r w*t$ C«ars u4 to© k>-©t Ktier she amde nppnnrnnce on tbe 'h« Po'-c-t Bis-too, New Turk, PhllAdelphlA, And BalUmore; Alto , Lola: WHI, Ihrre ir. but two w three way. sad «H.wt iapr*rv«d ' kraart©. ' Baltl fatting cure for WILLIAM H. I iVleAttf sts|»e, she mns introduced ns the '<> »''• PruTlsloD«, Hope. Me., consigned aO'I shipped vIa NBTKR soree7^f• Price 36 centi CB'.'RCBtLL, PhUgPi) lag hetwecabet wem Rew harkk erk aadi AspInwaD. N*'W FOR BALE, \ | in whieh • woiMn can get insol ed. Your vial; lll>erAl dealers. apr|4w7M'«M ihr.r aiu* IaRu TaHLER ©r© as Ba© m ©a« 1© ih© inChArleetuOyS.C aTAper a dUcouQt to My office li I Ccae’r. fhe Cnjon,CNJON, la^wu|,swu I4i,s.w . nH Fur certi flcAtes look At bills. NEfcDLi’S. r$«niwt BH4 .NDT, wi.nRa, mco, eaa s© k«4 ready lore«hoaiThccAsewnsb(OUght,iiOtsy(Dpkthiziut! Curb. N«da.~AiJ0 ca k* Sup. Carb. Buda, a I B. Th^ Unluu will be • .*i'Stt.L -i frwuj .Sew To?i VMi.«8l ead ar cip©«‘a«ly revommvnJad far medic a©: sB-l »of sale by This Rye>WAter will take the xenm off horsW eyAA U BETSSBL B WIDOW A SON, ouui' YAUh tbe ndimrAiion vthicb the alfsir tikd (xciim I prims Arilclr, ju.i rete-ved ^ | $t$ ©I ra* h Wi’Uth, ai .fU.'lM-to©. FOR SALE rtMlTH. A few deyt. OF AU-LA-CUAFELcE (,P UMiai, 2 F. M.« n-rrci fru*n A-piaw4«.. - aprll-iMwim Wt|.tUlN. HTAHRIHD. M among lb. W..V.I-, neighbor., unJ li»ni,g a . © bsa t'lS *J*jr toa , oO uu *4CC>-* % fine bo ta ’y bkaltutl U)T u. th. M.iuojist or B«twn Bun EbtoblUhcd •‘ux m. :aaa> ITNCH ©T aad reyalaffly ©©rvstf from -a «t«b. vinev 1710, Is the lao Uuiteti stair* certAiiied by n careful uivek'iEAtioo ol tbe cii* rrv»m N-w 4>rlrea« -7<> Tik t? **'4Vc.o«k, A. M fihi Iff M. tDg*Groond. For termr, inqair*^ *t oiB'^ ^A^NLKV 011.^100 bbl.TAODers*OU received by "J— house uo the Cuntlaent signs.* I T .4 * v-.» tote ArrivAls au«i lor #Ale by tJ • for Ounor bJSA, Gleet, Tetter, Ringworms, BcAir parwae ubg UeCryatai Pa’ace may *eiy aaaa I . rvcei.tnc ha be«f 1«>© WILBON. BTARBIRD, M SMITH, UeAd, Sry»ipt*iA», And »ii erui4lvn» of tbe skin, And s auen ©ad kaluf aiweys ritrceMaM | ettaxMs 40PAKT^ KRMIIP.-^The UMdersigued have (urm** mArlOdMw Msioxtreet. isjresnd D«ver*rsll1og preventive for Goborrhera aoi AaexWiaee, to^aers ©nd C'gar©. Th© earn© I _ _ — — a’t y eervod t© ©il-^a© rxcaptlun^. A copAruiersbip lor the trensAcUun uf a WUOLK _ dyphlUls when tbe directions Are obe--rved. Any pertoi L/ I on bAOl ao«] fur »Aie :«2»_r©alaw • 4LR IJijroK BUdlNEBB, end have token tbe bouse ei INnKsIoD Oll*~l60 bAtrsls doubt* thiv can come to ue snJ mske their bargain*- UfFB M HAMBMPST. j og upled Xto by aod enrecure their refunded back, dlf- a,uaJ.ii.A »nd bawh alik. Lc^. fitting pli«» lo roNFE^^ioN.—« on^l-^on.-.i ,c^,,g>otinEfDJt),u.u.., whowuo was .oiuabdU’ apledDyBuvcanMOwea,Dy Buvcsn M Owen, an sixth street, between M** L __ _ I have a or monsymonvy oo Lo,,^ „„ Mr A ; marlOdA-w WIIJM)N« 8TARBIHD, M SM IT H* CSRHIAOBS' CARi^TsojBS’t to, be loarrird, pic^eiitfd mio.-^fiiiMi^cIf to the p.ir.-tpiir.-t «*dAitl MarkvuMsrkvu W. L. WELLER, ferense how bad the case or how long stondlng. Thus* tB.«r««oyto.«c«.«o oi th.tte world. !»te P'«‘-e;-'‘d ; M Sh. bu au^idao^d b.- i y ! Coun*.!Coun..! I coi,.i.>tb.aiio.( **« has ll>* “Spiter I 'o*-num.rat. bis errorr: V Article, pii Fri-ncfitfi.ttna' wb«i L .Uda w«.tw‘«.t hom.bum. on ih.th. mgl.tnight MGuntermau, we cheerfully rc*'uauuea.l ib©m ^ ^]!r n Castor Oil la NITCBEiaLM HUBBARD’S, Markvt street, between Fir. patK--DatK-. ooon lb* ih.tte Orteayu;Orteomeu; tbeste bat I »'-S-»<«?. bu ^ dilBcuIfy,dilBculty .te.be complainedcompl«ii.«i lli.lllial .b. had >ur r ^rmer f rlcod^ and custumera. and Brook •treets, and aivo at the following place©: Luv ^ , . .WTI’ !.l*< tb..«,w«.»rtte .BiwMMor ter Lj.-ru^du| -rai^d to. t March 16. lb6i*-UMjtr 4'MT STEWART M OWEN of M»o».[be*om »oae kicked, «id.Iwand .te .bowed.how *db.rter Irr,leg, which b.dbad M 7MITH* MCo., Jr B. Wilder M Co., J. R. Montgomery M Co. , reality.”realiti*#” ttetb. :0«> City I «» ->ot a lawyer, proudly replied Baymu"iJ M Patten, Wliiet Clxrk* , Dr. Ow©n, aad Ut. oi Ite “AW“Awi of Q .era of , ,p(„ ,k„„5 ,h, „x* of^ . M.ki:.du... d«l- ^ „ „ Wm. Nockj alM »| Wln«t«ui;.y A Nowktrk’. mi.1 1 prim* alilCwUI.Ea.pfor C tte « . ote Mie ho. pome f^b ter wr.iti oo ' y”'”'* MARBLE MANTLE3 FOR At.TIL.Etea. bObuxa* j «, ) Thi. .pot wo- p.rc.p ibl. tte next mom- SALE ‘ Broker’s. AlVany. lud. *14 IMwt* , „„ New •h. w.-i...w.-l.t. of tt.tt . .mporium of MiAouri;MiMouri; ote,nd “{>>d»ouDid you .v«r*-i.r steal?”al.al?” Ofi aii£ MofUfu* CVedif. C .pot it below th. - r~ Tb. w«was not .bov., was “J?’*', m.rlOilAw WILSON, 8TARBIRD, k SMITH w ; be tteoipiod. Kilter, f OFFEdfor a..., elu** . ail.ot tuterMt, . ol j Each sAeomef c©m««»©u ©xp«ri. nord yslctou. .ste clb.. te. k .moog M. inv igor.i^ by 1 am liO! a m.rchant,” u n-tk j p Good Baoaodrakaod CAfylsoe© Vr -ale cMeap. j ' N«©Hps sr© sold In th© prto* A tM kn«,on tte call. 1 t* rokAfPv Mnir© Motra uf fsru «fU lk*» OK** T©vo'*3 •% ^ bav. ci*ramitt.d murri.i?*’ 1 mlublk masiTLE^, -ig r.tiy reduced iirtce., ixwi^^iuxi . lortus* C-sroooF C-*ock A©4 Hororo ..'•©.every muit iriumpb., dH.rm.i,rO to tb. You not ^PA.MSIlPA.MSIl WtoitUg 60 bbl* in kture .nU tor ul* ^ rolled ek««p ©s Lo,, h.r. triumphantly rMDaik^llha’ sb. bad AUC'n(.)i\ SALES. Fcr p©s»©4e. Appt) ©oly st M dr^wlwsy, T''~k. j^^***^**' faekiat aud aociHy, and I am a doctor,” co...cie,. louely lepli.d fh. by I I States u the r rice ON— prox^ that ^be apot on her lei*, iba reauh | r,!,!Till* rkrura^^JU’-TuaVr*:!;”^^^^^sPKk vomprise* the xrvatert vartetj of Marble aud S DAVta, OROUILM, M ClL, bad a \ 10 W1U40N, BTARB1HD. M BM1TH* .V,£ri# YO/lMLl $4 per l.OOy (kv te-t quality or U-. of Diwo- her oaru frw peutteiit,rastin£ down his e}e«. wffert-d mar dMw I g Gt-a-^si do—to auL. aod- violeiw., istru.as ih..taii.. on P*"*'"*’ uaUeius ever in this market, au-1 will be euid t} AUCTION AMD COMMISSION ©: la-uv. ; not ao d.rkit ©am WMi wdrt «©M 16c© paper $2 per l,00u«a quail* Che pair er !u Urg**r qveutliiea partle*i desire, ' ff«ots At NewOrICAu©— )k>>BLI-. B*>S, «an p’lraaee ^*)u*taA the d please. a* may 'PRERE sttitecriberSttlteCtlber beesbf ffs leaveleavr iI • i>.t;am1 m tbet be public;>ublic tLa'tL s aco., - ! awtelWm. A K...v*v#nl m.r«..e« nmnt ..* fei.cv Prints. or $0 A pap -r. aortnj«nt of blaca I W© have ©ppuintH a* uur «rb<>iesA)© Agent*, *V\ W a ' poac. ate ITTERe* Ttp Pai»er l.00» lbs Uatters* Tip Ps* I.ACR Drapd'ei..— i HKA-VhEllEMT-v. I Tten.upou, tb. ass.mbl.d crowd of lookM-i- | mar SO bMjtf Jeffersoo uc»r Fourth. IJ st., "“r-i lil .M»»r*. .ud Fumliure. all con.i»um.n • u | sg 'mp>r-sii«n© 'r Pr»p d’lti* rrcul* 1 .nd for .«)* by i We srs. C- P* Ring « Cu.» In Bumt.*©; Hiuru a dacAs, in Vf-1^^ II. [iroaiipiM-, Mr. Ttecaacca^ up • jUhtreovtkLd sui ter sA.c l-y B •< p '* ^ 2 e{« on di»pei.«l, aiid Lrla witb Iri.uds drove H him wll ret.lve hie pcr*uDAl At rotiLn, ©nd prompt re- ' * Huel*«alII© ACd OO' • N* l^.•: \A/ hw J. DaNKORTH a m»N. 4* MaId st. | sow ?• rk, DUwortb, Btasa u, Oo., Fhi*.x”*ruhl^ I Y"* sJf bMI ISAAC CROMIE^ j ''' *l**uy y.-l. Ida) lor.aaiuuaalte. I^re Kacor^ H in- I turupi male. vjI to. m aatiFuto vi.i to na to •* ^ ..-Fi.c**, a:--., xej .,u.. , cairiag. and four. GKO. F K0E^KEKG'S Fred* Flckey M SofYe, B© ttmore; Dewing Th©)rr%rr Mai'uTI'o., I j _ ’* *’ ’ Ales Of Real *stxte AOd Honsehoid Faniiure *i » * »lrt Coli’fc AH..V, .to BiiuH a s *i-r ». r*. Irr. ai.d )te crowd Ibat culMlad in Ih. eonrl- ! Paper. 3$u lbs TAilors’ < m Charlestuo,' F. Din • M Co., to Bt. L*>ot*; T T. M K ..to 't'All'|«AllOAw' Pntirrn « Fai* 1 ^ Mammoth Daguenrean Gallery ©od kxpr*to ptoieuifcr i:a u, )-*rrf >x!)-*ac*r. .to a.1 to. Aoaatm barrel Fl*tols l>u*.iox cost by prlvAic rrjldences Attemled to upun reoeoaoble s©Us- to :*c , pi.j*aq ru. K. ta ... tb. teautilul tagr.,*, and U> bear b«- I t«*n. FAper Ju -i r©ceived sod fur »Ale hjr VV W. Edward-, ChtcAgo; CHAB* MULLER M CO.. l.\ j :. MU') *’. lU* ) k-i **4 r*ai*i ta- A Child Lo*t in the Wood. —On Tl-ur.- ATfbMl IHAA4' CROMIX. I CINCINN sTI, to wham ©Ii orders shooltl be direct d. Ix-r Mb. kbiolutely .ufiiKtAliog. -. r*.kC CUM-, | t'leur ®uperior lul *r fresh N*UJ SuDi.'.va rxr-: : XI 7 lari I )*7. futol.a - A A. *xd tototoOc i I Hatow*.*. Painl | ffollciitsl liberal cosh ©‘ivsncee mAfit. a *rn** x | No. 531. xtra y — OoDsIgomrnU sod ' J.^BN GILL. 462 Main street, Looirviaie, Ey., ©>so , *to -ram r*to. t!.y U.t, a liiil. girl ut ih. n«m. uf M.iy Ann ^Ale by a d anJ to tl:3>* eerin usud auu fur l A. a. to-iur.:;)., i-.... will W tel. :t. CAM- hr»t cn«* Flexes Wiisit w OFFOfflTC TH TkusGliSPH OrPICF, C. C. : bos A lArge ©ewtrimeat of th© AbOY© Ne©dl*-s f .r sA.r uto* I, E j | 2i.O I P. J«.. xai xirivti I’nerel ®nl>' tbr*. y.«r* and itirmr months old, FtiA.NaS McUaBRT of the firm uf e. Henry m Co. xi >-* v : .t , .. *:ia F H. 1 to i8« k>w.-.l prim ito r. lU* En*". s.rvei, Late G. I «^*H>le«t©>e w-a Utoito 11,1 tb-.i Ite ftture • fur »«ie ax r<->toccJ Mnl© or re«sll- ;D-j.|)lus w*> ~ — — Tblrt b«-tw#»D M©m Aud I OHUI.YA.7ltE to titoii-a*, *i,j Sv. A.u.a d.;iv, t Co., bsYing upetiod A Gallery k« sDuve, sod flttv ©.5 sessrs. ixTigou oaruee, orauaio, » A.> — - Ibl. villag. aad Br.utIuid, ami not teing found M j aue, i w.r. Lirpa'cteu tu M. li ter Mckb.*.«uDot -)i.i«y**to*pt..l,*.i©.fevs e»4.ei>i. i *tmt II a H..W ; .... J. to. |JAPER-HA>GI\(*R 6 WM rlcc* s low priced Fa up lu A hl))e -urpOMted by Doov oth' r A< to cenvcutmcr uubaouAUd ' X. G rtABDBM S CO.. cnhiTTand.— A run supply ! Andersun, MfLcAiY, M Co«, A QowUy MCo., Mu tgwm- To procure th© re*p©ving ©od r©*curbiuc uf th© 8*'^ dilig.nf ..arch it wai tuppoted tb. had I siCis*i:» A.4. R.M XV- N.A ktoMiCA, a.igi>r<. atic a*4*ud© Morris, Louisvllla, Rv. walks Aides off Itreel, ^ Binu>RM0> w.ajcRtjuaa. t«.r sAle At reduced pnees M n oo both Market between Tenih I •«(.• a Lsb* sshi !• ikaa— 7 ' Sew A. tea-. Vprll I*. I>.A»— I I into YY bit.maii’s creek and »a« druwute. ISAAC t'MoMIE, is iis * . _ ^ plsu), tusbied toke urss tu - Wute, the, returij.it with tteir nohl. prisoner, to Ml ciror o cloud) 4es^^s Ruben Berdeii M Cu. aod hAlcn M Oo.. ©(xl Kikveuih sire«^* f — l —J Loan r.aiR ra—uiv. aaii^lkb27 }Mt Wholesale Psper War«huo»©. wraiuer, AM muxi ‘ R.w»rd. w«e ct-red lor the rMovery of ter j> which wtil be otwUy loserted io gold lockcUt who, « n u.r way, uud. bn-reU tewitchingly a'- Hr it ordciHed 6y the Gmcraf Council of /Be n/y of 1 Cts-Y iAxa, Onea. a«> On. Hoorn. Mjvaca ur AUti xoao. i ©•i*pios, fiuger-riug-, plain ©ud taucy 4*Aav^. supply o. Piaster of i Meesrs Dau^mh, Bios, Mass. XdS3 body, and th. child was g.v.n up for lo«l. Du IkLAMTEK ©f Part©. fresh M Co., Bosum, LowucUltf TtAt the sldr-WA.ks buto sides o. Msrgrt Mjan *At-Toa.s •iJ tof.te.p teaato fiaciv. by *OjOkii< two UaOouor wO x-w- j1 p^uiiW rhereto e h««fYuld toruesUy tovtte e ctttxeoa ©od is- ^ _____ u i 1; „r Parts Just received and for sale by Messrs. John .4wos«*y M Co., Ciooui.oil, O. aUrtt, between T**a’h ring tetuiday nuibl a dug went tu tbe beiiM of a au box*. Ro-in 8>«pt ; hod Eieveau strueu. be re* oidA M 3B MB Hk M ^ • hM. Ui.) arrivte, Lola iWirte a po.stpon.ment O I'e* «:i OiTait} to CAll ©nd ©xauiine k!s room* ©od speci FKsNDIS McHABRT^ • essrs. T. C. Twichell & Co*. MorUu, Oweo, M Co Mor- IS , I “ j eroded, •*p©vvi, ©ud r«**€urbed ©t ihe cost Aud ex* aa WK OT< arcimsjl of tb. ateenee o< wiimuet, but Ite f*r».r in tb. tuwn.hip ol B.antford, some di»- m*nR. phy M NsvIas, ofri U. b* Bykes, Mew urleauo, La. j wA.w.- w i.ii«'^l uvt I pease of the uworrs uf lots and p*rls uf kits truutiug uo t*lNlEn.HK\>l*EY1fc.>T.W|\||uf\ a HR \ N (» E M T. I jl. .RaBHii .trey ' h**mrmberh«-mrmber ibAithat Likenesses are©re pot up for thetbe smabsmAl* |v (emeax.^A( eBAcat.^A large lotof freshfrevb ground a oo. to.* ft* to*. iM^Mavto. to tte the . \ AlXICaIXIC dfim tenc from pUc. wtei. chUd ted *d, mm “ , - ORor JAO 12 lUcofdM- toU ter liAt It outd bet te, a. ate SO Tdu c^hmuGerman SkAp, a veiTT supen’-rr ati.cie fur such skJewotS , toe grade lo be msde occvrtli g to the *' * •mmewe^aww *h>. g ^ I BRltldao/wBaltlOtox. and Ohio TruxtoporutioaTraxiwoortEtxcin J **>w to MMoato UiUto. remer 5q .py price, accur*ling to case aad sue. 1 IH a.naiantly ou baud oed for l*U>.Linw aiid baik«I violwi ly at the door, ai d, h.vint; UYdrsuiic Cemeut kept .rode eeuh Itord bv tbe City Eugiaeer, o&d toe cwrWi •****« s ' ted I.iw4 to have tte witimm in oiwatiou aub- l.uudr}laundry purpc-ct;purpe^es; I .. *k.~ .. ». i.-..*. — . . ..i„.i*. ...i. 1^^. wuawr.-iuhi^8**Htev. * Tl.ti. »*n’' *©> -1 ^ ^b> ls25| F R4E't:iH McHSRHT. » auccMde-d ID a.ak.mnglte Umily, was drivn> For .al. by *4 mw** ia.Tto*.r.H M . .^ raw to «». V«to— emLiu£LP}:i.\ ASD Hi^u..O ajlUKJXI*. , ‘ Hun.rx, .itora. xto Sto-ted 3toh PtoMta. tod Hito- •*•>. *>“* relumed again and again, and by bi. •»' 1*^" *%^U Plastar.~iOO huls Jo*t re eived aol fur sol# W.ihaui I r.a*m*to.at. te-li And am 1 »o vMer wten ignorant of my __ A. dM.ratb.tr i*tok,lo- tof«lb*.p« f^h . aui ite U«. of the eooutiy : \*l-i *^ EGAR.—EGAR.-8626 ub!.bbls pure C.uer \ lu» gsr iw* c> Tbtot itou M iiUn totl* ibnto ibi » wuito)4.rad Wto- I I ^ w T n Si I d>^ .to- inu-U of Mtoc^lto Pru.iuc« ' faia. but bo lioticc WAtUkFo of big move* I V% ©ttart elEL H. FKu*xr»i*v noK. Potent Leather, for Ud to t.«*)Tto *«lr*i> pr*rand til top otdto IhoCMiffn: YuMTAffeMt ktmw Mit tp$ i! pier Pre»s which JuurrAi lyATEIhTlATEIhT LealaerLealaer.^lfi duieu w 1 upon tbe LunlsviUe La I ..oo d .lou, N*. r.rx, «iiU.l.iph:*. »to.lr-..x, farmer lolti tori j for sale by u'n. «* b. iwtol ., *bra riip* c*n::7 «tol ib. raraM*. to Ite «»«lIa. iu U*« muriiiuic the bif wi«t i 1 sbvts, •«*' ! Mtiiiiutitlt lately he*nhe* priau-d. is loin order. ouJ m«» «••• nUcr tw priil©c« inteftAtn. iBu btisbbls v*vrry saperiuT family kloar ju»t I! o U sued lutol, .*11!-, XI. j |vloLR.—L^iav 2* StoYOKl the 'iwuer* sf lots ©od p©rts *-f lots fmailng to. ItoUl.ixirJ Ito*fu»f.ui urra- tb*** CRoMBT, Wall st. GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, BROGAKB, Me. Bee onr Apr | .oMIe to rack. Tb*f era (ml*. toU.dto imi idto fur sASsoliAh term* i* JAMKB to ro into Ibe woodt no*l search 1 recv-tvoil f*»r saleoale by t upon to suit tbe purchaser, lu u wa •© xh© * bio river. Loi«: Mr. Hct.itirm w nffFiit ntid DOf ib| ‘ p ed ©udaud Cor «>D b*Hb »idei uf s©Hl street, r any cr lut-ui, f« i ©r ©e '*..“*.* mv I etAl Advertlaemect for ©ACh dAy’a oalE 'raowto* to tb* ctenctor to lb. wtob dra* *» tb»to ouauduaEl because Its stoe was tou sotoii for the rt root*, and in Suing mi very providMitially fouiHl H. FRR K7BOS M BON. ! hUs lAiuis Re* sleet fit-m Auy lu ff«~*4irA*iv, rs-kurw, ©i*d r«*psvr H..1U.Uavius Vto.boum,W«rvhtoussv. fVp.Hs, X-I©^*1 A ;-aciM;*HCis© ©: Fb!)*Phli© . - ! >l©la»ses.— too oU CAus© — I- prut-cter. I w.Hte teve ,ou know, Mr, ihM 1 ^CG AK-MOl'RE remitecash TROa AVDaRAOM M OO. ruBiira.** ililuto I U.i Afged form *rf the Weekly Jouruoi. Apply o’ ••Ir.lto*©lfaio, New T'r> r's,r'«, I eaa©am au-iuu,Bu-Iuu, *rtli - ehtapers sHli liitl.girl, Sh- nearly Uead tion. per Empire els e su * fur -s e by the AU ewsis* ©ttoTswaid wtihiu tbtny o'o sn«r ih** d©t^ .k).p*ra xt *• T. tol tbnto .ho lairad i.iat*ciof. [ Aptean*. Iron all part. ‘Sa poor wa- *f superior Green 4^ Clued toraud.ibra to* ctol rad am my uwn TEAA.— A fresh supply | Ace. *'m«v'm«* b ©uas lo lie D. NEWCOMB M BRO. of the first pubtikAOun v4 this urdiDaucr, then the too* M UtopM.bdtopAi.h ibolrih©lr tr.ixiitffrsiAMt Ibla sbufiwtabort*.* t!wtsm tMl.*tb*lr ..rb. Afid hunger, bav* ©46 j ibr t4jwfi-ftftrtt> exhauAtioni prvdured by cold PRKS'TICR M RENDCHHiN tootOd At4t row*.*lUWSsI r©is»r.1*. sM J Meyi>r sb*li eui r tntu c* a rset tJ have toe «ort Uuae a* »U» to pvlM* tor ibtot rate itofUf Mito to. l.tilr ikb n, FaBi.i » N a son. _ ^ I *m ing ..ton nothing lor thr*« tev=, .xc*(rt a | G c©iiU«-c©iiti«*"f’f K©»ia*ro«>dkr«sA»i«*n!i iidicw ©adaad Ag^r^lv^'1^1 v^ will b© put i teM« driniutucd to pn«Mi.us*:'*«« ©; the Ag slntiug msI slasla© caa h© hiW Ai*h©lr wW^tMoBAiMA, iiUe Lead receivAd per steoiuer MA>fi*«w«r aim! shetl lo NewWew FubUcaUooa.PubliCaUODl.* Wii#k«vaww«j©. * i1 sh^l uu ur hsfure the l*tl»i u* lAiiuory.laiiuory. For Prvltiv.*Prvlt’.v.* ii, in f.ir _ . custuf owner i»r *>r s.-s»- are happy *ay, a , own r- *©111::© b-sloctingw ioto.uB Mr Muwe waa ^1.1. He IMtUwOIntited toa. I graai. Mi. we I,0UUI.Outl IDs iutiuDXutiuD TmIUV.Tuiue; to« 8 H©io strsox. ©r wtU ha forward©© i© ©av wBt*^ Just Artlved fr.m Bond, C/ egAg Boat*©at- oddroosa*ldr©as | niEHRNTSurI.EHBNTSur Ili.llbauUl...l.b.uu i-rm.lui*.1-riu.li.l*. uf F*n.al.Frni.l. Or-ny- vs tbe SAM w*.rg *J0BS os hrrvta providsd, ouu lu bv E (M©iko uaderslgnesl.uaderslgnssl. ^or* a „ ,pi7r, Iroii ter .tate- |,U001,000 lbs111* Uaa,Csa- ie-wick,1*-W'l>:k, tnto .small bsies; xvrvw RirrnANkN m ro.. waitst. *oo wOm ^ «-*pec-’a'.ly ' idmOMTA. J * HALFHalf patepare brsitut, |••pu^1rd|-**purtrd *f*pec’a.ly by WR • f4^ * * 1- J k. .a. pP u***u*"* j .1*0*,sieueu uypy N.R. J,J. Till, ..M. D.D* 1 rotvul ruy.lrural l'2u,o.t*2u o. ctuih* spiMiriuai sd ©ccurtiiug to too wurh aciusi © in fruui r>iMBTtHS ROFEINB, niother dulb, I cuo*t.i.iu*ni Mi4 lor **1. by y duB M »«iT, Ibat, having diaobe) ml in m>ih* ©* i lua th# Rtb i U w AteRER,©teRER,A teRER, sodand r**c-rcc- ms«DmB*cms* c ed©d by phystciaa*physiciansphystciaas a-a* a •• O. aichf Mf ioat., wbsrii perf*9rs)ioE 8o ; ^ •u lovslusbleinvsiusbie tuuk for every female, pameupanicu JAMES CROMBT. uf each lul respoctlv©!/ oxalust the uwa*rs. I Whor ns. Tto * ” tf»“*oE B*att#T, ?*b€ taas afraid *® ffo boa*e, aiHl . -yperl*»ff•ilwriar a.ritcirrt icle lurtoff lu.a:id>.Itisq.l dit. * isriy wife tiu Ms as piuApier «a ibc Varietica, aud prr* tbe ufur Ueutherueuthcr who valuesvaiuss ber own healthbeeltb oi 2. Th© Mayur shall CA’tos a uutt< e tu b© g vsn l© the I CXM.HOCN M 0»WTON. m\ . | I , MKCLRtSiA.VlbLO, 'I of her i watkad oti till ©b# lost h**r way • Tbe dof( touiid bat child «ciu KAPFl^fs Pup«r.—l,UbO bundles Rsg Wrapping I omner- uf tou ©luressld, tu bv publUusd i© ©©v ©r m>>rv im* ii*k tsi I liiw VD iRc cur lain for a daor^ b¥ 1 j a T k h «»*ii a r»t ii 2S A. L. tbotweu,fibotwell, ApiUApiil25.2D. ' *, M |!^.r w.,1, Memoirs ©f thetbe Queens of H'-oryVIIlH- nry VIII aul *j •! the City p©pers daily fur Al lr©si ten day, lauili/.ug E-r 4^-. of his Paper i*>' ws e 1 r VOFFEF.. ' GBMERAL * W n ii* D*.CJ liisit#, ibii la*iy, Itotla MoO(#2 AsotteiAsott-et sr.ik^isr.ibmi «.ftof h,(FJuh,(FJU uiut -X l.7A.NNt EAFA^N!^wt——-M haws ^ ©• 0*^ N ’ * y . Butoer,Mutoer, Elixsbelhhiicsbelh Y«>rk, s. I th©l tl they du Out OumpI/ tk** fi st seciiam , ^ l. . i. e I e • # t» I tom- a'' 01of by Agnes 8uBuickiAwl.ickiAwl. 1 vul. »26 JAMES CKOM EY, Agen* lor M anufacturer hetu »Uk ut ^ Lx/ 100 uAss prime gresu RloCuffee; I bfff warm; eimI but for tbe ' m- utwi F-sr>«F-©ri, ivore.• a.-. ->» i Wu.*-*, sutf Pj ji.ls.-g iw ^ La^p ^^wth«w#wth'W# BtBt-ee ssittail Shell 0?»ters,Oytters, fat 0V|». days *.V B l*« piPefad up aii lb# prompC aai#, . j ^ cioih.Cloth. $1.$i. lUis urdtnauc* wttblo tbiny rruOt the first publ U© <’ L ^ k uAr A6 do du Lag'iayrs duJ I pier tot ©.* o i ss i o .m k k i’ aTi* ©noAUO extrasxtra oue. • m©-*ke Ck hsht u •lors Pati« a *u jttj elevs m m n li .t 1 ts drnved Iron* Ibit irnelliK#m ainiuat U.siu4t*Aisia4«*Ai i warmib M-Usses.— I i said o«>Dcv, Ike sectiuu ic»*tr!>f xiolatii g lb# iui#A ol tlw bouse and iti* f oS^r U aud D«©criptiveD«©criptlve SkeicbesBkeicbes of Norfolk and viVI ^IRCP OB 26 du md (auvemaient Java Cc’tee: for sxte by ttuu of secwOd vf this unliUanv , Rv*r>th:n^F-v» ahunlsnre Hfi lot Fa©». t*8w- ^&er w :h ewry s -r • « ' 'n atun^Unce in > nth:nk' L nuy, uciobcio iutlog rurtstuuutb -fi pk^s tideij ^irupl • bv eofurtovd. run%tuuutb ouotboau*i tbe AdyocouieuuoAdjacent ouuo \tmleu G «UI I lir*d llirou^ | eW.e*U teiiMitee could Dot poaaiblv have au #kp ! \r^ ^ a-2y mii.mAEsE© wita lu# liOMI told Swaoec^ldDCK^opb«^ ©be ffwtiW EDCatoffi ^ snd ie.t h sek M nrti*bg wnu t w* s* ••>r< Philadslpbi©. 1 .s.--e9y . during s prrluu or Two Huudr.d Tean, alto *y 20 his Blrnp M F. B. ^E.e.h Axeuhes { hfS. W. POLLARD, C. C. **t^*^« aa>idata aa*l uikdl,LiehN duryioouri.ig wo.cn I tbsrje, Elira slie ladigtiautl^ drew back, asked tum^ aM otacAeiiE and vsr:« i> uf s.ruiaVestisbiee, v»r? Iww A' T47l*nRM 4RM4riU)T.w~s wen wii.i©ibsburg, Uamp ou, sufiuik, Smubfieid, and other 26 4 do du dJ- 'A.’kULKNUB NouF~ John V. Vamncm, C. E. C C. I l».7l tbn-.*l>*r. W8.wa. 8a toveretevrre b.il-.lotmfi.il-.lotm Tbi.1 bi. occurrmr*occurrenc* .. (*•.•. itti.i w«i ic vg-,s. ti.ipi ... fer ss'c nto. wbawb. I tocuit,seaiit^ <.—<- duiyd my s#ul.>«ul. ftrui'katr UI k at memr j* ' p,»ce.. »lib D. ciiptlou. ol Some uf tbe pritMJlpai **b Just rccelvod per late arrivals and by 6i* U x^s Hur Candies; jameb speed, f. b. a. C AIM MM* Hawauer. klels — The #'-©;• sc v© • : '*n rtiouU te * C.uUouc.uuou lo p.rent.p.rrnt. not to Uire.tn,ti.r*.t*i) : ca»>»f ‘dutmi Ruteni Vlrgmim by » ni. Vorrr-i. o26 11. D. NEW’CUMB M DBO. M) du Ba'iiQier Maid Caoiles; •ix:ki.tea«M•ix:ki.ted«M btebbr UM^itei^i*lt*>db*r.g«ii,cited ber .geiil, Mr. V . m 8. _ o. n. stbatta©, c b. a. *;« rs.—Y-*- d a Wbl»t? LlASk. C*t:' cai 'rol Irr* , : h*- •, «i Wailter s faU.iatd ntd B-wl ng 3-1 Jons , „ic. sale '•***< youngy«>ung cbiU.«ocbiUiao witn te.vy punixbmmty,puni.hm- n:.«, ,-u.-o at. 6U do Rosin Busp- fur by Appruved M©2t*& •!, *866. '> 'se > M-^iu-.^. MdMid totdtoid himhia ihirf Iboi1 bte hwuIim:toMillwi berber, . . bbls (Cuofevitocers* Sugar) 1|curd'd V RSkUiser tiUf-, slw h auv Hm* ‘ » *.‘=‘ “ *»rvlulr. fur ib. S.e.raura. .ul R..lro«l, ,el«t« Hi ANIFW HCCHANAN M CO. JAME4 B* SPEED, Mayur. , to.ra tolu Inghtenrru-hTen itemItem from re'urmngre.urn.i* bom*.boinr. W :: “>L‘ bordoTtd du, ox C4TS8 * ABED, • lur sale «»b*-*»- l)r yumprd al Bie, m.z*« me by tte | •v«-re 1 with new cluib au*i Uie be^»l receivetl pnr KMpire Bute adu by ; rrom Auihurs, by on Did Tr© eler. 1 vol. Fric C ^ j a-7 T4TI,nR .4 -n M ' Eetis ^Uyptr Ca%adj) Star, riMtiCri*.iic curbiwCttsbKi w lb orM.-rc Dlitl«>o ihau ©l c*nu. a2> H. D. NEWCnMb M BRO. Tr^NETR ATLAW, l©atsv,tf. ffv,w!ll tbr. at, •i.u urtfibw nurktr. .guiirt my neck , y-wcfle© | * wheo new. I CAD reiv cn everything being in ' Received ©nd for AAie by \ I.Awiaik#Cuaruk©iJ in Luuovii #• Tk*y « Mtou*’ cboked m*. tetevrd very — • 1 PlontAtiv’D MoUssms; iN i-f lo s hiodiiig oa Market wreei, b«tw©v© Tvath a He violetilly, ! l.ttle — j Cemsup. oaes. and b« auitud! ! O ount’oa- t© (lur (.arttr ’.tAt U VL.k.R.'u, lund.l., ! I 'k#ir prart e* oil tn B V^tr •22m-a HRKHTHRNRT C. MORTOVSiORTOV du. *ni Biev»nih strevt-, that so o*d1oaoc* ho* * OMsd the u# Coarve Froakf^, to id to. a time tbere «to a great co..fu*ioD do for*alelowby •• and ; **x-T^vb t»e.| s r« u Ms’;, sod M srket 2u bags FrUp«*r; Id Abet je Henry, gad 0’©s 1 irrwit Cam BT AUTHORITT. F ANtyw HI'CHan«N n *'«i. ' «««neral tuuocll and pttbllshsd os obuve, r*4Ulr1ng them ©m v* • a© — I •r Ik© firm win ©iw©' n© (%UK1E!I « IB Ite greeu-rtoMD. Spice; ~ ' t© F#*©ir©r- WH*e __ 26 du — — Ul gruG, pavv, and repair the sidewalks lo Uuoi of ihei- tUHim rk© sw^ j S 2 Loses black D. 8. Casslmerr; 20 bbisC'^sm TarlAi, I .•»© ©I 1 e c an •• Apnea's, md l^• rm*t#ra Conr*. M..H*w.i.g: U.ul.trike,p«ih,orctek*yoi^ * if sa»v is ©ot o-natr o^rtipeny renpecttv^v. Aai thv , L’.M STATES, I ' LAWS OF THE TED b.L" 2 ; line for OAc >0 M©i©str©#;, ae xwsva Fn?:*.© ©• iuM rccelvtd per Uulun ssd salehy ibi-i ' j I LV T at. osinea 7 ©mi 8 Loaf Sugar; siihin tiair days fruen invdste huitvff by the sa*d o»n* nnksw©©t«, «>r do bii« morr ibau a g-btirmaa ateiiid do i . , . | y w.y \ ...... j a r -n. i Tliird | ^ uu V JLeEK*S, «t. I 4 du black Au*l White FrlDG; B. r. M CO., Sixth At. v*r Mark- !kMaey,M IN>WB©*ok©w *«rtra, Sr„urt of Ike THirl*- SW^_-« s26 Cl'KD 76 bhis Nu«. 1, 2. AQ 1 4 PuwdereJreJ do;du; ei», the ssoiv win bv iu lu sture a«mi r. r by (FiBLic RraobUTiuH—Ko. Il ibu du du ' * North side of Ma.ket, between Tenth and Eleventh ] ; Napkib*; GA LLa**HEKLLa«*hek M Co-, 4 A HIaMY.— 4% bb‘s pureul C pper WhieksVhl.kv for salesail ! .' I Srea wn. •*).. | 40U do Liboo Cambric Oaoclkercbtefs; AgrursAgVurs fur MstjurauiisstjufAui Hers.Iters. VV t.i |ak'*J AVTFW BfCHAN4N MTU. i b|t2626 tae ^-Metarus uf the Beve* th Cek-sw*.” yfift do Gent’s CutiuD Half Uose; I

I .00 X**. !>*« Pltltojur* lor -*'e iuBi roceited and fur sale cheap by — Ur ' Rrtofaod lit Stnait o%d Houot of Hrfrtoro- 1 ATFRBOATr^DBOR>E'3BORTE 3 Alillam Br'wa owns i 6y L'. ' | bU in oifi 4Nii*w arc it an an m ro. I T. MB. hLEVlK, : Rtck Heirs uf 11- Wuif ^ I'Uaa^ Tb# wma ooC a#4’cr#,bQt 1 cocld toitom too Vnu^ 6f©frg Agxmca m CiAtfrg'S ©«. t : E. •/ FtU lT, 1 ©f a22 WH0LBbALBCOKFKCTl«iNAUV AND TAR1* [ HOT©* c> OTHlSt; ~ I Main st., 2r bviww 1 bird. A ' m Mstibets i Tuet xurre be uy u.# p©bl c prtuier, laal II %cty M wbiy. oemOoda pruiej Cyat.ta lu tb. Bhell. ' fc.*4Tabi*I8 MfcNT, I •i'lKI.Y Bfuw© M ©I for sale by Fine bis Summer | Ci*»ik J EIV Jack**-: *rf tae Bupmntou ea* or toe n ars-b Gr-^shs-i E#vcr4#i ito L4a): MA*4nB#,da yOB fftM»r L*>* *>F THL hte.%'Uh* ^ gxkuNKr *;*>,^19 M»Id^^ Fine Me© •].. .1.., M:."aire; wiah ! street, >lalB, iS:* ! >©. uO 1 bird above «sry Vetter.... . ^ Fubilc FrUttiOg.ee mi.karf thee6wX'©Ct *1# - j Anu , r, ^ u. ^ 2.*»-4» N-*w VoTk *»*ster*, euprrlfyr fo stiy lua uotot-s tirangc-s; Fin# oflve f7c r:t .1*, #o; tff aak l»e wiUicae aii> qiievTMbt/ F iniftilunsry, pf I'sirUk Tails* y ^ - every variety of C alls, or ciUifiilty fur s«iv Csm**us** as recoomebded ui te : hsnd ijUKr Wine superior ^ Bevento U pr.u • Y ti.riuc thr- eeps uu , by c:ot'. Rsrgs *1 re.i -J Ykirrer, uu y 2 day. 100 ou l.«uuas; Fine hUct (ve|v©f co::sr» ; C\ ( ; GUie, wb«a Abe #«w IDal ©be wa* ad*lreaa#4, ’ by toe re|M«r( ©f the select OMumUtee uf the beCtots, u.«Ue Kal»l» s, Fig-f, Pruu»e, P etorve,, Cs*aut»e, i g. a2o GAttDNKR M CO. i Frtderh k Smith r Lje.r i.s.iYi rl*tumt receive J pci ' 76 *lo Fmv .'O < X'>- -TT f?e #©:,!.; Layer HaUltis; K • - - msnnrsciurer uf Can* — - il. C. Jx*D#S.. ai#ptA<3 wp to ttko rail, aisd went info a long hii* J©aetw©acy*«iati<,eigMireo hnudrvd aud afcy-teui,st.a #x|rt.i-s: do oisody Knifs Mc-,M^aMc. Auo Fia- u .e grr©«^ Oi«h ••^ to j M MR do; Jo. »u:»eriar quality lursaie by ' K ijoh Blew* in maaarr tk©rvl© pr©>cn^>ed (ikv *turj and' 111 sud Fruit S\rT»p* uf every vailety, equal to soy mode i ''L.VKfcT vf ’**v‘b»s tk© • » l^titasliM- ol ho.,ane,mudbMd.c..a.ion, rti* ted cm.- MARnr.R nxLL, i B4 *lo Sultana du; | Ase,a't*tu< bf7s’ Tc-*ta,ak."s,:4u*nesJ*rL.Caw#s,ke. sad Msrhvt, usUe Ue Laabsmie ,«> I i V-/ * 5 <«.liiDNBR M C ). ! Mtrgsrrt MPtt ' Bxaltsnosaff tk© Bxate ©ff Maryland* arcurd*a;.: t»tlie •- iuU»e CnUfttl 8tit«’«. s24 ^ . . . *'©r- ‘76:6. (^ourt Place, 107 drums rigs; s27 DEr 4*7 M we A.: *rters g;fied prsmgl ly and uo r©a©oa©bie iif i f i «i>* bct.ite pl.> ra rieigeiBnit on intognificaiil Brldg.ioTd - - m ^*0* oi tk* terratb Cura-- ot choCrnuu k .t*-,-' .lit I " “ Wrtaht M • — _ oarltdlv E. O. rTaWARr. bou Cocus 6niff; Lilt .#ry.~3du#rr.~:iju doseo xigers’e,Kigers’e, Wusten*WusteD< MPORTtlDSegars — I have now os ban*! one uf the I nOiEKTOi'MKr Cut K L. F. 8chen,.W - a .lag. a. tte Vanetm—fiov, oe tte mcod4 ib. . irratloM racoiBto*u4to b> tb. C00B.11KC, l.v.i.; tf ROIMTH Haiv . a o* sw* .s.-* Y * - Arsonmeti a of 6 -ssrs ever i/ITert-d lO I i hwjoj'p,huinj'p, su-iA'vi R.iUi:er’«B.itci:«r’s su, * F.-nP.-Q andAhd PuctePuCtei •»!>'•), ibto i* to I I •rges ©od bevt P hlward Wilktbico U7d el PiKI I)f b*ir ••d»|:e«‘«>l, tte protocultng wit- *«*«. ..r: tv D1N*4 M llOMsVH. AO»c ^ 5ben ^ .... s.iss ihuosauu ur I Cutie.rCutie.'T furfq*r bs.fcs.' l>> F.r*f. Otoi* *b. - Hito.ricbi Aceount,” tU- ‘'H)-!)-** » l0eu«b«b tAMte uf Louieviite, f r eaiebytr^ *, a ...ra »eu*eifiiiig_o...to*.i.ra lo 1.0. tier)»... F.w-.i»v ra.. 32 briwevn ***^ le bm f^ufi, o:tM4HY0:tM4HY M OWES.OWRS. 5oalh side uf .Market, Col-.\K l > KKsHIK I>o.en*)Uo. 1 Coauu«.” th* *-Bx*id tor ui* ujr ilII A.4 »• uU vs .\nR A >Nil ClCL rirafcnE H Y.i • | ta ewi rT'w>ff-\©c Blecaut at Marble nail every day elsewhere, As 1 determined lu sell A cR D TL Lueeb j t>elu e purchsv ng am n©niel lO: L'ISaOUUTION. Utt.atoitod te caute tfi. firraking to MwTlbkd prtflx«i 1* tb* laualto Smith I of bu head— . but* KiELOlv.i a TH.*d b.aDabUADA ., I R. J. 0.*-u«byO.'.ueby J*cubJsc’-jb OweeOwen. HBDaKicMKUANTCB, M CO., very low fur rssti. i li-iej 6' -rs r city touktbru'* i.rat.-iw* i*»o.. iroa wo *» iwr.-T-i* thi* week bn ©'*7 N’n. Ms!o s . t;. Tb’*Hl sr.i F* n pHB c©r©rtaerali*a a »v a**iia6 1© Ui# V»* that ’ -a. tral fi.)W fie liegf *d fte would net metjlHin • WnoleisleWfiolcisle . Fruiters sivjsivi Cuofretiurers, - t 'rL-tt i-» a. X. t a- C ' l*,kli..,„.., ^ J ALFKKG BoRIK, Who;e,»ieC«nfect!ooa*Yj We have luIU »tor«>store the Urgv*!©^largewtaRd tsIS -st Ccni* a. >;u*rd**o r tw##-© ©ml J. a WiLDKMa ». c..). ...rauu, Houx. | BCLL C U » Iramb aad I -1 I ^ ^ I or. ,jrr^, wtuefi r«,urat, kte, M. the piee- ; ^ 4,^61v HaloMaIb .t»t .• 4 .loutiours b*-l*iw T«4lr«l. ot'ov.- Molt*. ^ tte Nu-fK>Thir-i street, 1 I a'J5 .^-\p!e;eiC*-Vp!e;e stuck o'u' b'jlluiugb'j1l*iiug susal FuruUUiugFurbi»U:ug s-iod«->od R*ben Tkff7i YB WC ar© a©w nsvavUn a'iag f©# ©«r reisi? b» osat©©! cs ©•#©*. JoB© a©v* j 2. a S X I’est. sl.v. vUitt tol.-Ca'-ltS. bd N. Mniei tis 1©^ ateawved B JLSUJ | O i ti>MiA# ol Her klulBBAt, grBfit#4. 8b# furtMer iu be ?uuo 1 In ©nv sture in tUe cliy, sni st^^ viivf.-l-i UuTcy iff4*t a’ss a bvsot tu siy e ->f f«>- u s >r Hat. «i s ng pufcka*«d ratlr© v^*«iHkaiaa*. >* si- •* ©otNwr. i cigbteea ©i4*i I ^9 ( rvvaaui#© hnaarej oBd aiaty t© hundred 6..411* Pot'hlng 4 ara.^luo reels HempPsck cg! r are lu receipt and will coollDUe re* uuw * e- srktek »k«t: Be r©x©luad. the low.si p'lceo. Haltders in want wii «l cb*el Kiiey 21 V ums9*l to uur (i fv ^ iw^ne.* s*. ss’i lu *•• the aom© ©i ikv ffna :i^n ’-Ui:uaMf u© -Hi Laid Mow atw Mad MieGuragetJ tbkt po#r litU# Are. 4 o;l, supvr.ur { H A article, lo swrv and lurssie by crlvtiig thruughuut the peosus adiiio»al auiplie* •Issleity FlP.|.t.*V’2 * labalar p.ij NblU.\U I .vl *1>K I I lO.N ^ please call AGl vxaio.ue al the To->l diore* 6S» Msin si I Aiih© 21 ©n It 'WoMsA All p-ravos Mav;ag ctatuss a.a asx tBv ox© In-#n tte siaxomeoucf r ; 0*1. Secimd. A at i-nc-s tbkt I Frcficit -auaa iioev Hairc. Bbd Uw nro* v I uor stuck of Teas, sud whicb we no«Y offer — to s:5 CMll OilMdKY a liWK.V. 4is. K. fCiitisy. '6 :~m w‘!> »!©©© prsisax hem i t ^t;*ase©ff, a©du>s© I fi I simmer-1853 ©s sneit can b«- bnrehooed ffum julH-er* In tb* K«*( ' \m -^fcVBRIkIbVER la ©we eip*rt#©v#eip-rt#wv# wi fa«hiawl©gfa«htawl©g— la* I ©fit vs. \H H p©ff- X . 1 te , I A. MiLcKa 6 Li*. *iv now rtcelving ih».i J t J itiuti ur freight out. our present stuck cuoviMs — . ave »Wt;J ure«w*ei. rbUre.)rbilre.) »wr«.**»Mt^*.**•^1 «u t itii * sitb ©d /iLAnnuaRE >a ug * M ii.g la apiMMiid b#f Btid I pro- 110 buxe* 11. E»l©tv uf Rteburt ly«er 2i } Use ©M ; bow be rUrd. Oma the Gbulor stAi#a*#<'U from pspe t«#td:* „i*4 Utopuruniui* r*Ui suJ ti Vym. Miller’s Nutniffg Tc^’ CO; J v FaNl I araFLB UKV I -vor i r •su-s*jf pstroo* a- ?a ta nr.TYr. i^k.. 1 lo pan os rulluws; vJ -to dusen fvler 6-ilute 4 pin Tuiubler?; ©a ’ THsths *FF« uf the Nra I J xM 6 SPMBU, Mayor. up GL’SFuWDKRa. COii do do do *• Jo; I siyieof Hsv wwv are uue veMsSb i >/ T see lUvn* >s Ulo a • •© **T»iu©, ©k<*wiEg the nativity ©f tue tnksbitao'e tg the 26 du June**'* I • -.4ad,wa-r© k© will Bi p*e©e©d ^ee kU uVJ fy-»e«da #urpiAa«Ki, |*q,rk impunerot ©ud at prices vvry mu%ii l«.Y*er ib©u Guld Lrkf do; IIjtei>sB<.crat. Titnev. s*»*i i2**ruiaR psters c»py. | Jl **l M#A Bird ©Bid. ll’s I. pir. I euallllffs mire- an.,as., i• f*t* Bd d- riogle tod dOtobie holt cfarxts Of various luO do Gothic bar du; wba*wbt' •reai-re 'aivut»s*'aivut*©* tuvuu? ibe».ibeta. Uu«tki’ I *^T©fwo©e lu l©ca: reeWenrs, giving Ik- 2ti do | I *»t enstumvr-. JOHN BTLI., :.©*-•© I * do >u* 1 Extra du; ©rllef lo ihv s.Otoot; ©od w« ©re ihu. vDAble msoB^artnr.imsoo^arts;;> fseiMr-«fseiMt'** * ir ©t I.Am ©4ra.© to« C'xAsu.tewa stf ^hsXrldt,IraMi.sflldl- ai»dMtuff I aud i’t.> U'»; go du Mubtle o«%pu« t«ta .:il an it CMliod liiiM for ttw 8)MTc WbiCB tw ex* tluay**at thlrty-evs. i . I „.ra»111to 8 •, kW” 18- l»*ra- t. Ifi.l k pog ©ud Lheck s )k< 022 GEi EiLLICE - 43 do tit.ai'b6 ‘-••n, Id tUs each (ma«ted>; 20 do 2 rlni •l1sm*’Od do; easy and roe furuk'vfurtax’v Uiui audoirtt l>' - -i wt a ..rtoi.rse os-y rt* ra— . ~ . ** F©Mrfk. OmU the tobivs reiAtttig to thv dear, ©oah t [ tiiiUcd I Mica pr bifduifKi O'.O'.acid.es;acid.es; M. D. NEWCrilJB A BRO. raest. Nusio laa 7. le| do du; an•77 riffteDiNfisriffteDlNfis M THOM ^ CGAR.—120 bbds fsir stilrtiy pr Nugsr p» du 60 do Muia«*es Csas; I «»»»•_ ^ WiuOc, ocruprsoa friNO rogv U.r y. Dj b.*a»© SicU oareg^s;©areges; tu me ib _ DISSOLUTION KecuroeiivecwiMi. AMDo vbB W*#hw»eu Iffwa©*ffak himluw BOVauy guee* 47 du Nrffturtaii *2e 10^ do d ; 1,000 do pint, uibt SQd qasrt Floek*; y«« ©o» to p©ge iblny ffu©r, >aU iLcissls©, rriaia i©Ur S 'tvrv and fi.r sate ty i "pH* «‘vpano©r,hip »er#wfere ss,.i n« vstween U© Ue DuI,^ M©regeBarege c.hailvys,t.hailvyo, ADI Pv RMi©- H©ls«ad # htldffea*© Flal© ©wd I ' 90 d* Fabaaia, 17 du dr. MiO d.i CAituu sul galtuo Jsr,; _s25 HURURLT. | 4 < »-Reu plalb Sms,RMgfe #aorymrawG,^,i.i8arci tr and n *r *.• riy st I » ©Y I lo store 00(1 fur sale by L -T btaCE 1 **’•• !©i©ff©©x as i- I, i, hi*; nol I iudee“ I’ll ©ai bim DC> ttar keadvd *-MauuinUt©d and Fusittvt n. .\es,»* wa th* French> reach TEAS. sJ7 riff< Di »*• ha^-ng «*pi*rasd u* kt# w LtuUtoluurleatikiUtoluurlos uf ©11all kinds, OiTON Yarns.->260 tags Wcllscnrg and Paris a/5 H. T. rrmo M TO. M rm*M x**© ch**-t- nne iii’!t»Dg; , asm© page; reu-u Ike toUe be©d8*o •*Frw4«*»tou©. Oca u* Crs*te 20 half ~ Ii ©mclsworuomeleworu tslRBAsM McCALLFH.McCALLrH. Bsw-eliiH.e’ CtOetr b'raswnbraSWil. (Teuu.) tn ct*re and lor poie L b» > t ouiuiig; *.( in du d urtuus rt a Ug E. UrST.kRD, Ma*o st. TR%%% C©©ds r* *rv >:*»: t -^r m#***:. • n. ABBmLUW*U>W. 1* ^ ' b«ps* w. AT, esn he fuUud Loalavi;:#,Loalovi;:#, Aa#t>Apeti 11,ii, vdxriBk. oa Uiity S 'gat | VyDu do CnaUeyCnaliesE*; HOT. —60 kegs ossuurd tikes tor w* e bv MB*;4ci>a*Bt B* pramplrT of tb# Varw'w©. Hr b^v.© ©Wdt4-1ny-«ight. PrintedPriuted Laws*;Lkwnt; UTEOS'fi. lirrHAN'AN' ^ fri 'I DIN * a rrffYM SA’i. v:0 AND’W B 00. a:< ff. BVa.'ARD, Mala tU COFASTNBi-Sa.P. bae V toili* uiar p44sce 6*Mgn#<1 him, wbrra r«Bii# Ftftk. OmH Ue tslies ©f ^-lodurtfia^ Rwublisk* U-uUtoU tuu ChtmieeursCbimisettes 100 Cheais Uyeon skin (low price); O I sad Bleevct;kleevtsi aad#r©laned 6© e f *r «d a ©04© ©ud si>i© * I MvCALsJ M MaTdwaBi, I VAienclennos di Yuung lly-uo. L s/e, tuK **al = CuUarr; 6 du | y pede*.— 1I bavvhave rvcvisera a fin* ttext-e ! te'*ibi i l\IX s^sonmeitufa^sonmsituf — fwT the pwr©u©r eg tfao^oii-g © W> UtJI* ca. 1 EuuiA -ff ot tbr luwauU MJid battery k#vded GBNMRaL 6t#rk. Omit toUes and Personal E* i T. M> iilirtiiies, tor chiuren; GALLAGHER M CO*, s26 n. CVRD R CO. 4 ,s*l ' a uie a*ucle*. pormts in search of ihMW w.i. gri sst** ©lfe©.*7fiB bags hvsi • | fori kLBoad EJTklL Fax/OC* B © u L«*tt« Hi*rii I wriit luto tl*# gr#n« room oi. , Tases,*' *»Wog‘ m,** at d ^’I'supert^mandCnme,” O tat# aad Ii raSlery, Glov«s. M.ts. Me. t26 Nmlih M UteWlaii-l’s bltxk, Main st* ed st sale G. 7HOLab*S, iv ry I « l M : *-*Ss* ACBSHaM ALlLM, Use ol Its uct tirrei.ie, 1 l<»ui»d ©a pokes s’at)*ur#e aid lat»W’ ur, uuti- tn# cuiumn OAMHBT & OWEN j S:.lir*i «f Aud w'uire hrsud*, wsr- 4-R.U L<»U Mubtex JNU* A. MlLLKR M Cu., ^tl.k^lPAG At— ©eg 96 between ©27 /RUB* ’ Fuonh XU, Maiu ou-l Market, i RoWLkXP. B ro 9T8WAE7, l-uCtorts^uis RAPPlMGPapar.— I WILUAM _^k>’a25)Mh C”m-f l-Vuflh trie; *tv lu M Crum * Juhiiron), / rs.i'vJ ^.juai I'j »u> impurttd, (or stlv h> tiraf. .!.» > sni M oirt !t>**i bto **.«, »*-«*., u I bto) firat. i a. April I1,t9bk—dtr ’• s*Lmf©r1e*. r- to i.tnc tuv t#*l 6' m-nliam Paper; LaaUvv « ra- ... ra_».‘ siaiem*©! te*d»d a», ^ >(0.664 .41a|a street, between Neconcl aud Third, d ream- WrtvplDg ©25 GARDNER k CO. okx.x U | IBfoCO**-d (|;aT oil# bad Lorfi ClB# i R B dlBtUTb* ©ud a*#©©>©• s o'emrota«e«*rtu ©*«Urdh-*urd ^N«*s*psprr»^.NrtS.psprr, 200 LO crown Qu do; tvoaUMMitexaUMMi U*Ue NkWNoW MudMudl fopuldr BtJOka yto. toom# ©fiouffuent or G«< iicmen'i jUAt RiCffived rara. IMPtiRrEHR©no anAND1* WUOLE8ALX1 AND KK- . j ! UlratoLCTlOft. 'bi*c#. tt:.# told m# ott# Wuukl’ixt ro. 1 BB*d 1 and FertodteaFrr*o«l*o© w** ©n page .i2»j*iuBf, o4j . tbr st i- mebP *i5u do doniMecr iwn io do; ;.ifeuf cnr.a, i ; Old ofooru«o fin* uo*tstioK ©t Bbaletiyoe. K'VK;y (g soo stiver nkt* ©27 R. W EBB, knW L a. l O , ty JuL’^ *Ku-, u. U., U.uai u. tail dealers o FureignPure! aud l>u»e-tlc UAHU- oVFEKIdA Had#ira\%ine m AND, ‘ I j ' . feto*wi ’ an-1 for - sir H. T. CT'H M’ CO.* *'• *8Cra-ptoXMrab*i> .. rat«i-ra »*ira«*. fi. to **kd©«©xt«©*’**Ede<©xi«ci*’ ©at* ^toar,.iitM-, siit> I In store D ffbouid t i heocedheaded uu pag-» l42A | ©>i>, ail Bii oAoerr Sb# ib#D aw r# ttut ab# File# ffl. V(*|waRK andcrTChtl .. porta lv;t, t um :bv 0”U u, «4urJon, r'oSBar, © i'o., ! Hus«wuud, Ulvhu»*> , Ma acca, ka toa, a. o ^ 8. iilKL:> right, dll iii*.io#l#t-, .U REREL — 9 tktb tat Jm- h j 2, ifesA a*> Cnri*itsn I'tl**©,© ©crlrc of prsciUal mtdit©i.1v.D*, L • vAr s2S*Mli *. NICHOLAS, 65 Frtunh i wouui i*sM am, ai-d called m*# a d-^ acoxiDdrrt, a tol*.ra Ur toaitel wtotoU. mtO;ea» statisCl i, iif# lobi#©, kc,, ' PKIinTS cost Srvcofk. i»m:t tu ipj.h-n U. Tyng, tt. U.. 7j cenis, at I « tit', III »nm>»<>l-l>»lil S—oi 1>ar a cl—d IbHrl Lula brr*-. all ttu-i iHKsub-cnb r-« to %ell, all the 8.8. -wi.ira.u, Drrara. r->te»I»- { uff xW wort MN.-raA . rge aud cucupteiv afi»vr>llieut cotumue yoRCAStf, ;jLA% uf Cm* ! W Rev* J. c. Evle, B. A.i 76ci** • *,te -to to., to. 1 W <0 ratriscto tl th. .*firat, ^ t 1 soraar tl J.aUi*ua vul 4M«de ( u ar, 1 bvrtvrd, **ai4d ©O )OU BTer Wil- L*p6/k.i:*p6/k. TkrrrThere • oil he prepared aad publttoked tobulsr ^ repr. uteri*’ Fianer- received ibis liay, iu wbicb we in- i vest rand, of FrlMs uianuiacture tu ihis cuuutf> ] ^ ^cuiing iLv t-Starrisi-v tf uru 1 p o.-ra •la4*^4u©au sbowtag pop’U ©uoa ©luae ta mes a* thv L\AcT COST fr.im thn uiauiifactutcrofi ehetl >t'&E Nyaalsh *- tga- a sma< i tev.-cs.; tia»© c ©•Uittesd. cHi# ttut ©u*^a*anu Uv tbe 1 to^sur*, 76 •i.u. vite

  • in coils and bslf coM*, yiisifi.aa'l l.a Nuoae . r »©'* u« . i© ^u** tc- I.*tebto,i.d ttedlHW-firap..-! ' * PMilp 6. Bute’s; Shelby maun* = a k-t-rtxr.. U.ru.J, or .te Tooux Hxro..o*.rU<) lb. a2J CMD URM.SBY M OWEN. Alien t»2*thrr wi h several favorite braa-ia uf | •*-©-. by E WKKi, I**- MiixfA. oe«iBea*ad tables f*>r tie nited ' icbecu; (ale R WLsAD. M ;:o. flfiB portavroklp hsgw s c .uo yudarsiaawd aader Bitta Lu.a tt« The I 5u»e* , tat tore, in sture for by a ^ C ' U© u Ob lOgbT lb ! |/|.. am ff)M#alsOO* Mf. Cu©i.t, ty r n. G lUJJ i.^* 76 . «t.u. * IC4 lr©a —25 io«i» Bruwoaport s-.*fi Fg Iron r©cetV8d — — csmff^rm tu tbe a:ura:iui*> suggest^ l© Ue detailsd ash ai.d Uu©r t lamps. **-N cw aul loDprovvd 8uj>b MsucMsu-r; GILLAGHER h. Oo. * ^wi ©ff R©wla©d 4 Dnucaa '« iN'« i©y iisMffvvd by •b*’* .* o^ 1 been i | Ttieftie 8Lad)SLoU) ai le, ( I Ii*»a# ba# U* my #fD|» ur L la a CcuutryCuuutry Far* jnsg*;iOsg*-; i ts. |’ oy about tour y#Btk, 74 per • ' P hleamer« Geo, OaoipbuU and Tlshutaii-:saumii :>aad©ad ?>r>r i ' BOfLEA TOwI ttALE -ur Cisuips r> Lt v«d ini* usy ( B -n Prsixsim Fuiui*; BO -uuit*©i cuksvai . James W. Ruwiaaa au©© oaxawiwd Ibr C'-optiY'r In Patag>»uia, ur Lite aui.-ug the* t.lauis. S ©ud D y DrilslBg*.^ White I ANU'W BL'CBa.saalAfiSAN aM c*>Ci*. • 4 \s HiTb: and ilrewa Llavn .*y,H> -*, juf.s . "*^**4* *^^',*^**'*^ *“** ^MraoiuMe/mrtOcr, That there he prl© ed, la addition tu TUe Vttioj;VtoUOto ORAbbV M OWEN. M rrtRisck^; i--, ow ihv uam* oi U© Una ia s#U8i;v( 4p i > srUrs, ©ml Vru'^cJunleLu!^,MauL Cuuusei.u*, l« U«v. Dauiri Wi.e, a. I T | ’ A< >141© *Tag;C Ol lb# |>TuC#ieCi4i^Iy off 'to’latk ^***. Y •* in x.-T*--.- -rJr'o . Lola Dua*t/#r o*«aliy ordered Urn public ducatn#* Vv’j-Miig uu and white; ^ : te .qs. «iki cu^tioo© X©# basiasis ia Ls ©ww ©ama ©x U© «M COS^ thv t-, ! M.. NkirMpt. X .'vived ©•r— • i rur A'i’l I / il»TTU>.—6 bales re p*r sua-r— Ti*h;;^.jgoT.*h;;^.jgO ^ ou*4m, N.O’U >t'e -s u/.» UiixBte liskl ©M« roiftU ImM seven tboaaanu oapl*^ Uv ns# of the hrnac#, onJ tea i Mou.’t my sud other blue white; I -..AChl cofhvr bs*.und ©oJ Mo:a sxr©©tm f bear Us# Wltli#©#. ami I The Tuuug Ira©U>’s Co«ns#lu,r, ty Esv. Duule* W‘..e, ^t\THtA.— and for ski . by 04>»e* fw th© ©#< uf Ue B us# «g Rrpie #u*>• (iT S.yihe*; Am-.ricsu Pnoi iV->rk-* I RO. J%ME3 V. aoWLVlCR. ataa* . cruu.ce-LU. Curn IfJ' ! itii tv repeat ttia tc»tUDOBE. U |] a.A. M 66 O I • iJ er.'eu. AlfV’W BUCBAaAN 4 CO. t*TTvi»: PraoUrd, J ti-' fL«TLf Ml cfforCffor ul 8*. bo c.i.vrs su i >nai) tuarrd SepxLUmi. JiMJCa M. rn'MCAN. Ht. BarBariLHpt’*, I. i Vt xliimkt r-lL I’m uattl ta toj,esl- or fiuprronodatefiuprranouate $|.$1. l-rlutiDgaul Bouk * !*-! W tot© UiR#iaiM* k^ao. suai uf staiy *cwu ©nd will iu>;i*tek. j^OYFEC.— --<> A amxtvr vha;« nut #*<©ed U# a hair>’ ‘6'6 iuffir s»' rc*ner* be k*p. tk bywiekiy ^ UariyUsri> MMtotr,.tr, by thvtha acUur uiuc MacgoietMatgsiet Ms:i*an.i; I to Ij Mstuan-i; u«i©a, aul 1*1 try BC*d laak# eoat c*f aw> / OIL~i5 ‘ « mo, he*: ih«* ab..vw trandi Iheythey ©reare 'ARrOK this Caelur all , ’-ouaigomrM ©• cempusUioa ' the of print#<>, Oil M*t. yunbear tbu r per Uotwaod Uv furl etoL*.rtirau. ThvhboveBc thes are of Eof .ish oa-1 Amvrl* purcboree rT«nie«i, ! ok — r VroMCKOIIEY,EY AA/en».^.uf. j JXW*:.- ’ I “ • ©ud lor salvteV.' ttoBsi cuB»mei*c#d: Ihbcti ' stateia#au sbs. nuc #ac©©d Ue sum ot tovventv AU mattutavl^rv, rvccire*/ direct, ati’l tur bale low by ©ijd the' will ©Uo Si.-p cosstantlv *.-n btua a lud 7 — * V-/ Vo^ by He 1 uhaia’ ^ |I i^,Lady Bird, h this; 76 c* Ids. fm«#. oiiLerwd tb# j n. > NV R^%* • *• g’»' Uvasand ©am, aad Ue ©©at «f *hsii*1 a/I i t^iRMSby MuWfeN. i k uf the luwcr R ad*, s of '>• ©*.• • avd*wAVD*V BcrHAHANffrCHAN^N 4 CO ©uAilt:*-, .o.utuesuT ih* *-N*w Thetar*” ruotruveri*#, MU AiLs.— («?- rv'd -liti lur #aeat Fut^burg #fcv-i|.r’M.>Jh * loMi.d Lula rcp#attiie to 1 ^ to Li -n cqn- B©aor«-rhe cewts p#r Uvu h4* jab Third si. near Market. -r.. ^ r*i i',. J' . i »-*. ^cn-r j ^u.raTivkr.i' ’‘T‘> ,*iu -i->*. 1 tel'-. r«r:vr.l I>.r**. W. .x;t..u .aJ ! I ,ixara*u; *i«l for tel. u* 027 ©umosuffi ' tejixi. Ort.sBi fi ..WKN. I BCtui!” w.*rk hereinbefore , (• C« ir by a 11.at the eat i© ; ffRCirx.** B | B.tooto«4,furf0rr, ' < XNII’W »rCHX XAN > i I'lO *irlin* lar CO. uv priiiX«4 ta a Ot Bipaet .iuorto fotu, UfN.u L'l l*i*:r I- »;rtclly »»;. low I 71 aor©©© fpffsk limsfis; I ©rd«#©d »Bai‘ G AK.— ffBak# xr#Bt fieal . ol Lul.:: UUli’l huh B of moo#y I l*.7| rSiee >at*'s ra . i ngwjuiNniwsits- Xx BA>OAi )kta.oMwsiOto.Ullkxiu- — - F LAl* A K Ihe of B' Pulinouic W rx-ravv i” 4a , — a i —ItfO |tf!in»' \Rii.- *t . r t VJF Need. ib*s fr-'-h Hemp 0‘ cd ju»t , V. k-uA j maiitis t" *' paper aseosurua a»A ie*s than isewiy-sig by Uiri>*« gb kU . J- M AIITIN 4m CO.ro Ik© as a» Maa©s«aN CM. eu itods M.x. 1*4 te! r Macid* I i«t*«u far rx*.«#d ui t/>C..Lk’to ti-at the ^ ^ ihue# asei.u > ^icAK.^iuO r to lor SS.V P U*J= sincuy choice tvr s©.a ( [ r.c-.T.-auifursalciy ^ U by L W#Ygt»Ing Mny-Srigbl pt*©!/©# Uv r*wi;i of luu W^Tlt litrtJe^ . .-..w . . sti.btly.. a.i. prim*:. 1 *• VO L©y©r do. w ' 6*0 latr tu Bugsr to .. * iGAK.— • . ra.rarw- WWemAm ^uf Irt- -.’s Water- (v* (a:ied), e’rapp-M.iug ibat ihe»'e Hi i*rs-. \uM m©«le\ AM I \ u,*.n bH.AVMN fi srsniE^.^ '»®“ 8B.- m:8TBt'dTAED,A»D. MslnIl.lu .u»U M k©miraa ©i*a Hskiy ohevt*, m-J *4 Uv cuaiUy i«w ns#d i -si*- A.SlPM Mi'i HklAN.sN © C« lid dr©ms fr*4a S ayr©© Figai bets^v a s .rn^rrt inf.uatelud'ivttcv inlu tbsths odvmisemvttraad*erus.^miUra ufof irys.’*fryat S S by Ishal VI”*-*'"*'*— Aloie BwOkk. tb# box. pr.i*i«d -*i- l*w i, New BI4 lb# S t»# iLe#»ira oipfs off docam©rG ©ntvred P* U ' , kt ©px-s fr«©a CiUtoOt >UUCB hUr vy©lUB Mb^ C^t 1 , Waters, i.a\« i*a\eUeu • Ueu liichu.;Uicbruto kh-.-uiai sntant Bk.t»t*tct::i»KTRT :? lie V- s p. u" brvvler,r*o#|rttur , NEW BCCKSBUCKS JUST hrCuagrvas; ibeiym lubvascd Ube u* ’ 7 fim M ••IrWi •MaffT. I cut.k*» msirs- br:sn*s ns.ur. 7tets y's^ d .ut lu tuv L EUUiAG aad Party Geeds.-2UM r-ctlNt-d b> ::»P I '1? rc5r!.c« Brat-.t? toirti » («x\I-. 6 ...,rr.-'*>rr 'i.sj,a uov,.Uov -I. bb- G. P. i;.1;. J. ::.CS.: .cs. A u.' la rei * ^ la ca ha Jsau CBr#aar.ra '***. ..‘y. ‘7'“‘7 i^i fi.oio.t.v te.^.o. at* .w'.u x-i.cri;— u..ui I fhii’ptog order, ' brtuikl tcenee in , 7.1^* E.^liU litre* 3 prime, lu uue fur h» u i?*.?* f' rad. D.8 Je-»K»r I LoU; D*du’t yo« coww Ite ^ _ Tbe Mu-jeiL K.*rnior, ««r h I - lu the Country, M. r*' V* * - r *afica*exixs, ^r i tt t a , _ , ^ tae autas. ©x u s©xo tab.es oa n* app^ . i.ii* A L©Wiis.— Jn»t r©©©l««d ©od far ad*© t8*rttoi*ito,.i w .wo* L,'.to*. i.r^.itoM*. fx.ln ^’pw sty;v* fsni^ Iraawoa jnst re- , i te’.VuT.-r. no* .b!l. xnU SUk Cr.vu..; >*a - low t) imivrr*:iy .if Jen-b. «Wii to-it l**», ra* Di«bt wbra I Ut AlI;\“T'^Vraa.I .It^a MtaTyi’x.'i H I Wte i^aflUf y, te— «. .« to..:to, .ui.fi .te.i k* (.rioito to ooo- h, f; .. C wuikM aoj EDM'. J. MARTIN 4 CO. History Of lua \ 'ix I.. 1*. i <5 p.r***i*iratkM wrui.r -vtulu^..' n, K-s. J. Hl.x. , D. Itefitrq, *ii very *u »ra rater i*.|>*.u, *xc*|k ifio.* L-r. _hJ6 I aJ7 Main k©i©w tetr • tB**afi»u c*oooi >uxi r.ur c.:»t torn. b a j u J.. do Sill Ti«-,n»» jtfi., J. DA S; ORTH k NoN, iS6Ma>as|. Tu* Ulatot) of tin- 1' a.. H- Jo.*t.ii K. fi :Lxad. ' M. Ui’t. I Utra.ki.uto, Mr. fUcuc, lb«t yvu’rr fra Irom ! t»*i>*oi.'« wm no* tee..jw ,i.u cm.otctMi i,v Iboll-lni *« Joi.:'*, b/ lb* . .'Lor : ;ii* Kia.o ol R«evlsr-JRtCVlbr-j i©f .tXe^Ci ifteS I^- pub S’!She-a 1 *“ fiural urotl lot lor IJRkkERV 1.710 Eetlles-^Broiit ©al Kaamrlod Fre- I Yto,, '^.*7:* wullc lte> cxn set tte i-oulur ttrjtu’. Pulnio . c »*-l 6*» do white sud Ugx.. El i G.uvch, extra aOf, lor r . DotiosowM-b.irltfirwr* I f (Y.C tote £*,.* •, ,j p^f. * W «.g* S’RtN,,. I • HImi.i LtM i.ucr cla*U*ciaute WB* .E.ruu.* lu. u'..bi,c serviug >or si© KBd 4 pn.unra, eaa coiaoilto* us tu* ,Slch xr* f..r -x.. xiioxuutxnur..'. I EviU©s by iric.tr; oS? street. 2 .4ua««« travl w 7hlrl. ^ -lofjh.agruphy of sO I'; 2lV“h koMIrr ;n ih-’ Vnitfl I 631 Mala •,*ra*i) IL itBrt-L'tHto., find tLc fiitowcr t« tbr irin. ifi*rrara,wa to* «a*r ira>riKato,’’*ppro.to fiufuM ^ w.ftx Uto.te . . 4 .54 K pk«*, a.**uft«*l natubcre, lor sale ©2VCMD URManT 4 t) W;S, st. Is kkts FI k-rx©; k»VWO»0 fi PArrKN,patten, Luu...me,Luu.sviJe, muIand .n Frrrxi.ki.ri br • rots CrtU p.ucnre a fed fit out at 6to6 Main street, 'Jur \ LH EL.~5uO 66© M aId

    .-uiev srnj%, c»»sipfii.iiig ub*rivsiioi»s and odicuiurtt it 1 .jorrarati Ifir ,r*-te»to'x. .rafcitou Lurrair*. xoj tfiy-ioo. kVl ©1 reduced tate» by * IV hk«* Brsaip Mato; tote U*ot H* ute.lemefil fifid applfiM** j.H. Mil.us. *a :xu 1 ufTUirJ, vrrytheap, S'. *hr mate, si’i M- giro IMagazluea for Miy. t 4 £emtaU, firrthrr, ttei ik* Lite u« to -*rb i J. ^LNDHIttX— to hk © M t\ ottait A »oa Ctollowrd If Y ib* b*ra- A. D. MANSFIELD’ S. KDW. MARTIN 4 CO* to wfi«m iililuiy u! E. g*l»h Literature, outllneof F*illles; ©!*•» •snsMite.to 4g;v»b t»t’rtto*****ui'o***««h»iib**x*.oi.aute rite».r*aloo Galvanic<>al.«ulc' ^4 wuh sn O kud du.:«b Axle ffOniT’S Ia v»- ki-us Mag t 76 kkffs ffvxoa ©ot Otto nv©r F©c©ns; I (4 hri.lle-*krislle'e H*li*,Bells, S-xsix.--,: l..ra.- Ikira. I lo ten*, tk.* .W—*i;i [xR.r. N^slswe-,: H*4i.7I I uw«rV— Ul rabCfi forr— lb*t poor 1*1- r—prafi*.. rv.tt»mn** J'b KuaiUh Lstyusge; Hiu.Us- ’L'^Xk ta.f M du P.a >• Ircss; M’f Just reCfi-lVc-l ©X 62l Ms © ••re#ff. I J«sx r©c«tved or *fi* ou r-itutius *or eecti Btscei*-U,i*ixces Nvraws. Wffffa I Ur Uuc) toarir, a*to fiOt - Houra;, rad rttol l* iwto lores* to ik* M. s27 a LKTRRING. s27 V. Dw «2aVT44ff> k ffTK you WviiM permil of to cuouiuirst inod : Hxxu<:tU i*ltol*r tot KUcouirai-u, Niur.linx, fic. x:l n*i tu 1 ©ssjnuicui oi~ Uap> Muir, a stuiy ncutlish Life. the *** * irftfi. *»« Hooto. to Utofirtou, t. i* Bow u: By aalbur ® * * 8©w»; .- t-rc—nted b) r tue PtarU Ivory, Mirabeau, ao*1 plain; Crosocni ac*-r*vu. ra SC' 1 lor teir tj KAVMoSlifi PxriKS, I I * DOWNS j uf Msrgaitl M !tiau*i, AVA 4 ©ff' e.^—lbo fs.;s Guveruincuc a. S. MARK W. H **' :* t'oorit. .ir*«. 10 dull u gHi, nd, ibiaid, an4 uark fi,>aDieh Fans; uv Dour aai Bbotier UlDget; C Hiwte. I itrar.«b1 yofi’4 I be be beoeSt to the 1888. I A GuUo fur Ihe Yuuug tu Buuce&i and IUpplne»s. By J *aleby (42*1] RI»W. J. MAI 71a©l'#a.ra-R» elv>l sday hsOta; Tf Y tto toswfihnswfi r’arvt wuwta©i MerckM.refi 1. IB62. >*w | Approved 6, 10 du Puckcl P©ixK, cheep; AU uf whic* w© wLl s«U ©1 Ua I .wviix prloet at ffHILUk E U M'u. Pvil. dr n*' ©a r» TV d© MnsCAt dvi Bvriiiaou 6 do extrs fi e sud medium Mvnrning Fao**, the s26 t'sxD ^MJBT 4 OvRS^i. C/ lot uc ta. j wb© deal ' ^OHTH knawlnc.^vuuiry Jeatuec's Diary, a Legend of tb* Rhine « ARra— tUO bb:s lOrge s x» fvr sale by 16 LffJe: kisov ' RcffOavTioa^k©.Rc»Oi.rTio»*rak©, ©sd Rebecca I hi ien M «Uiradui Ymi a#r) v#U tbkt 1 klvkVi draw (PcffLic(PckLic la.] tateet»aie»t »iyle»,stjies, I 1© Perfumeryp”fuuiery *i.u*ifa pauntpauui imduinluidUln v wmwill team AkTIV A ro. I Uyy au’ibuwkua. M> W. M. Tha k> ray. ktffraMREOTVPC .TlatcrUls — We Ik A© ton dmi LoMst s, atfid Ui pcchM, f«v the r©u«( «r Ue csdlux tAdiest-ndies in waut cf Pan*, please call at 626 Main street. j wouM cai lai p#kitkl£# Dril* ; RBOoLLTION kpoLisk conool and suiDethiag tu iht:r lotcrrst by 00 a | j PuuUa’s Prize Nuvi’llsis; Thv Fat i'oairitotur hud Trav the 10 ts I ©ttvmioB of tavartlsta t© uur large h©*k Cwr—san 9t fRwln,BDMin, nwMi;ugri»iit;ag ©t htwMew ek pattrn.PATTRN. oJJ©*22 A. D. MMxN.HPUH.D.XN.HKUl D. ^D and ooo* Je**©©f urieaus,urieoas, ©id©1 oSt RAIRaymondMOND • #•»•! Haul am'.IrtiC# Mow |if©s#tjT. f rtfiig • ©U©r©4k«r s© Jum© d J4h ill HITE ©e ff h©Mikre.— p. »t»ts tu..raln< al 0*#‘iai; ai*fgMf #r- els LuieSoii. B, 7hetk**iay. , ^ j M. M touiij inCTe^rjg'suTsh^yf |»OBt4 70 huse© Wr ©rk MpalD rssidiag ©x E* M evt, _ _ APuarai^ •ff vabjeoi uf y by la iemni I'tPORTBRB And DaAL.a*xo in tltiCSEflOLU uff C''*w*»a*»* Ma-l*wH© I • te • *i**i^ lOf *««rt Nm*«atin hnieud tiuus u» tbs Text of Bbskspesrv’t ANU ©i^, ‘ lorg# variety IffiO • k er*es raxi MAI lof.( rral | A|.|Atea.-f. W UK'B uttc«d fuuml Mffvutl ^A i^ivs’caDiLadles’Ladles* csinvsira fiuefiuo 3Hk3l>k Uuse, upeu worked; ul «s o' Cosso* lk*» Ch*ap s| tu thU uff X©© i difcrul- IJte* Mi»»_ra.te d j ©od atlY-uo , ^ _ ffO sails-satis* IW22, ul J. pSYUe,PSY ’T 'O the memorymeniury «u their»« d**d,d«©d. ©Md©nd U-v suorc© of plainpioio rolloutfolio ut l©22. Id tbu putoraVtopUraraVte tuUtwU br, T. B. A. N©.9ff©« -Vlaia street,street. . uiu>iuiurt c-*sUyc->sUy sudaud ©xcevescee *agiytagiy du M©t©r©l Fran ia)kl«*« * keMirfoomtm T Pu d’j do du dv, wb teandte and black 4UB4VB .naia , hygnulhvaauf lUil, rangingrangipg inIn pric©©fic© » llvl tkf SensicdfdScnsfcdrdHoiMOfHotM of kr/irtton^a’ionimoo 7- ff ftcs'-wi oa-1 f t re*- rviTuai ttoooiwod 6y aJ,».l, whro inla A ^ey Lbcle TuUi’s Cabtu. B> M.s. oiuwu. yAlCa,AltcM.^T'ff kogekogs ?y ta.iiuDluihvla.Deiiiu ! lu ©V ^i. ihv lotog,living, .bua.dshun.d prumit whm Du du H© L‘4eLSl« Thread and©ad srhiivsrhliv and©nd brown I fruoi per d02ea tu ffl4 e«ch* ia©4 s©brtNV©d ©kd t©f s©i© ^»i xsMigsartm#© AtoJLfi os kUff©s ot Jmonec tu Cmm^noo oos*mSird | Lcs4u: n f f©« dMUtra, dftoi Vmtiod reaiiue-.reaiibess. Lord CbUtotci field* N 42* ff. B-e. ^V Mr. Ltalih, ’uu b©v.have mtsthts must vnoabUvatoablv leli.reli’ inIb DePepe do dodu du do while,white, pink, striped, The Cutbpieiv U urk* uf First Cum* Utei.N,UMGaN, c:m:ott. fi ©27 ». fgAVTAIVO tt Ofh. ©SKI i© Du I Fiessunt vT Ue tuU*d 6>M«a bv, n^rv. £V T©prstr> d. ; JUt tl»© I *« lr#to*«M*R ttt# IreiMtt mltaUt ‘*Tby coulbg«**•“***»-uu EimlwU, ©t*IB*Skin newIMW ro©o 44?447 4©i©m©i« street, brown, ;!et* AmulkaU td.tluU, lb62. .*8“*® Vprirn rik«A0#,l4sr a* I?^.lil.!!,!Str^iJj©^©acaa©e ©a UvesU^tavesUgatW© tu^^.d^oftu b« m,de cd , block,black, Me.4*., Uu Brussels ew 5;:*2riOrivaus or *t -ply I lERMfi.*! Lrahi.(-<4 S Nrsai©»y J. BMLU kpaiB aad oikvf ? ' Ib.Ibe wu.iismall .*sum Ik»tthat yoa mx.may r»ypay fur tblithis ni*m*nuiluemeoiu ftofur Foi tea. Barry .•'**1 to h©!a Lovt nks’s Wh-te tog«n ; Plano-PoiPiano- t88. * !“»• luiporiraun *f la. but G*rn.u I I •I«to^ra*tiurarto©igsxeva kuMdr.d aadilto ifty*uae. CtoQuiou .11 wo«. C.rpttla*, Siliratof; teto —te g«w*toilfiifi.te. Ery Vest, la U© ye*( | IfiteiDoUtijU jWhoute J**' ““ -ti-fteU-" "« Po««>i,-po««ii,- teto*-- c.Ca moksiw fiOl co.CO. b.v.have r*mo.«lremoved i BiemsDtsof Uumitb and Prioclpleaef FY.male Hygltne. Pl.t* ouraiuck eery ejmarnlui 7* bog. Riu adooi to tite a*.~ et N. MORBE Cuit-ucb.iu uoi OlM*, nuklnr , ^ i *^* Tut, M. D. l76kh(«oia ‘©.firh’M that Litcbt. Ila babrtil ixa. lor •i* Hiamatic »ui to in- J^SjQaj-rom'rom TbimThird •.«•*suvtt tu ib.irikeir Urcularge .imi©i*d nuu-bvau- »-* •’*' *’* »ral.ri wlU awi rar uara umbc c«to- Wkieky] Nttw Boolitt. ,i, *tei*ac* to iodi»iuv.«i*, m1»im .ua T T*i>*tor, Stair I I . ADtcv*,. *•* UBG an, *acur»,KaCOfT, * «W4MOOfi* Tt letOe, hy 4harr«r tteu. Jwoff For sale ty j 900 M r*-c«Otd ©I where iketr trietkls aud the public ©re (*^5j N © I40.N 4 NSLBON. " ~ hods N©st, rcb, Linen Uu*-Mi*; Tsotv ©laJ Piauo CoTsrs; '7 (*f w I auc tira*. Caara, b, Jtra. toubi* .1 ZZ ^ ! TOO uc«to to^aiaffl Burm fi.tilui.bd Otaenm. .raiTnitte -i.OB 4Cr.'0.-l»a box*, w. A. Bd«ral.’» 8u.Cb.«r ' ^ M.ui K1...1 eOO >tis R. inkles aOf* Cutt aiMMtttr Wlliiisl, Osc#f. rato.'^.w^ hsw jo*4 - every varteiy uf S >!«• ©nd ilul«b, c p©fi Mr. _mAo ©to.rara.rar» ra# * op«n*d * 1 nuu'^to, embracing to.by -• fte i>H a*v ibr* SL tesuufu. st«*ck ©r Gold Floor «m 01otB.i Car-lc .04 1 luiTOraccofiM- XJ large sud eoportur stuck uf these soods. sisu GlOg* 0. ruin Aim.| I 2 *#«v Ba lug stM< wlliklwa^s e svld at the lowri Kastern prices, UAWfito . aficoN. Tw 1»©4 J. W. Crwrkcf, Mkxsni: 1 a©w triRk at new siylaa uf Tte.* »*' ) LMa | uli i-ivin. bi.lr Rral*. i siA-, Prints, Buvs’ Wear. Bt evi ugs, Bulrtlbg’-, ©ud a *n S4ucs oml tor fioU fonffik Mra«t, up sioiro, «u Luvo s Block* I hy awkw wua ff#>©ia^it/.ia uvvtug©xiua, d, 10, awd ri 4 priDteJ Druggets; Ju«uM**«iu (toij waaa fi UTkai.,a.a. arid it ca at Mi. lU>w«f b«R 4om*1 kuom vlieitt* u© « u ©f u© ! g’D-ral aas”ftmrut of Dumsstlc Gou'ls; to all ut • • a-ff m u -a i wbUb r s v a* Tc Ta wutyr, son, 4 co* , ©a©i. evvrv ' Aul tool to pmn. ikuom vsKMie© uu ur ©ay muoey u Ue ”*2;**5 to© luvit# the aiivmloD Ol phtuascr-,as wg ©re snicu ueooily kept tn a rtgui©r Foraishtoi j ba/iffbairai cir ' uv8*w Vf .wf ' Mns'Mt crVI or tiMKbedkwtosm j vV^^.^...ra mi Urme mom.hra.ham ©suCk*teCk to©I Maum©Cteca*. ra.ra««*ir>,anfijew©ir>, — - " uyw »“*.•• w Is ..v ^ i .. lI I* WuU*>wuu:-> solicit•oiictt .a i ^ , Tri>sii-T^-“ inirirr— , Uru.., ral l.r I. 4. A ra • -^ ItiDg tbetn at very rodocvfi pric©# tel. .. III. v«T lowu. p-.u*. -".7‘ HORl©ais#r— Nfirfiao l at * ito< I toA« . _’_^.rTz!T . ra-to.i. •ai4©.& J.ft I i vaara.to- . irAM4:M 71 bussM In •b/f© a d for sal© by to u© CMsrat ZJT*du, PfiiraoM’ Cfitech* a*ai priNbfiirr, rtijfin ra.e. I iTAKt'U.^Tiboiavlksb'iaa f. awara: I ra* AM>r.*to lUrtoi fi, la. i. cti. i. i.con. RiiBIfisON, WRIGHT, fi 20 djs«*« *i.ivs Unavr L©wthvr| I 4 rufi a.crar > (•ILL- &MIIU, fi CU , 23 W.M rt. I Co. 2626h©.keuCb*-k«uC ampsgnsiAOipagns, forakI«hv S MC. u.ra.as. a.a 4 i]r.._ic, Irate k» fia* Mr. S. rrc, fiaramr fi. toU fiat *26 No. 196 Main trc•^ h©t. TuirJ ono Fuorta. MAWMIN k UACOK 6 4 «h» & firaB tv*| amitae. . rara* u4 *irtewte. rraauto I .au.,>rarafi, tfia* U.c rrala iivt toafid m bm yAwce. Saa thra Tbe cit, raUfiraum of Pbitari.lpf.ia, io ror- \4 0L.ue>.— M* oaffvvd pvra v©m#r uMoasMdgamektaAd Nr s©l# by eaa Imary aiii Ml ram* Fetetat mi |k* j VlteiVu^^**»* *» I iu*»k .-to fiVl 160 Uhls piima PlomatioD Moloase©; ifi « - «* . caJIac lur tic* tgeU, wSo fiaapad Hr. S«wc b* acunc for ctcami., iba publto UiorouctarM tor sM Xisl>*w tsri:na 4 N w©n sX« M-ia.. rate bteiu* a*t**a>raa u a*.*rara r. pw*.. 40 ao du kd4ar*tiun>e u©; iteg oiockOvttub Musiery, wsit«Mwor,«U ©oa ck.:ap, ur ..ra-i w« alU *cU rar r**-«t tout u ra ra tiM rallar . bM acarae, it w at. a«, b«*« tUfulaitol tnat tba . »rteclctt i*e*i»ni 8 u utra ex (vc*m* aa* jte» .t .ifiNCir 8ra».—48 b.xw rccl.to aod for wia b, •0 1 du do do noi for oai© by sai© hy tfitu.fi a fifia.Tbufia, kala. Drt ,w M( tea Mr. ©awa luck >trarti tbab be twapt at fiiftat. rt*jfi» ifid.ififi- Itojiofi’i-LtoJl( fi naa 426 mef J }• I i: ra« UUX, SltlTB, CO. MVRJUJJ* k TRIGG. J. DANFORXii k BGN, 4ki Mata ou •Ml *8lfiUBIk.,BM(frat1fi. — A ' — — 1 ^ 4 Ii W W . O “ T , T * - — — I ' T L r a

    I' ' OKrict L-:' lt> V I L !. K J O 13 R N A I. <,tiW of lh»l GTl le V. Exi-rew of .'wtuiday evcmi.K | I.MroMAM to -tA.Tt* . -Tl.rTil Savai.. If. ’ Utb rrvecciiil g«i.Uciij«D li»v« rc<.«ollr di-tio- ^Aduon Courier Ihioki hi inichl, if he dejired ' YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. { * I , i r- . . I . Couficr ^IWTKr apr*ar- P0BU«UC7^nBUAUr? .. .. it. an annoidf finm Pr«*4.i/lAi.l * of tho instsoi Fay^: J.S.MORRIS&SON, * , *,' | GK)OOS gu.shed ine AT THK ‘VCAND, V. THE themselves in the literary worid. " OLD >Vo4i FOR M, Peftfn>rtlt SUMMER f*' 4* r'o.’*, ' tr.f , u . i4dvca/utn« A^mts, IW I a ...... - «nc^ Mile lor makine them eees«»tobe the Money if incrckbini; in ease and abundance, -1 r.,NTirE . «EN»tR«,. of^ neai bas edition of .>««ffti9 Streets Kfw l>r*, lo Sla/r, Bo$tn* arO>D MPBRT\Tin\. produced ;;an tm/*rore4 i “““ | I balarxini; a bard obeli by a bolter. We hope be and raipf are reducing. The fupply of capital i& i Af« ‘““i ' Ai<«Dt* for the be«l axkI mo»t wMHj cir- i •* eUMU. I ParadiseParadiae Loat, and UieU»e other ha;baa fai'ored(ai'ored man- m»yhmv oevaroei-ar be *oao unfortunate a«aa to desire '‘ nhownfbown in the desire of borrowers in in-in* office. many to be eenerslly understood both'^by the peonie cussted JonmaJ* In t!w United nod the CABAfUi. | T*ni'T*sVTI I P* | ^>tor he ., smcy and oripnal, stancessiancr, tolo pay up,,, sev^ensr.r.. per centcrui »t , ,1 dolUra for delaying a let- Medicines, Patent Medicines, Chem- McKAKBB, Importws of Auertcaii aoA (SrrW . j, ..I w I I Onigs. Milton s poe.ry and to remove 'the obacunty ' For.lsu we ever have conveyed the impression that froni Jort Alkin«>n, on the road to New Mex- : ter in bis office. B *** 811koiik ao-las-i Fancyrau.-y r.ooJ*,f.ssl*. aaj we ! Hi Ii Broal- TosmIbt. icals, Paints,Paint. Oils,Oils VarnisbeaVariiisbei, Eruslic«Eriishc«, way.^"" u T3 u ^ f^The OuBtry Daily Joarval, $• year. Dve-Stufls, Surgeons’ Instrument;, * Hich Fancy and Staple Dry Gk>ods, Spices, ai.sswAre, Pertiimery, BBOTllKtUL mi|-m.r. .f .k Embrmdwie., wuit- parciiMed iMt Jnj* el creetiy redeced prtc— , they ere eaii bwto. No. 4.S Bru>l .treeu RM HR< ‘iDKRf RR^Of ratlTviy n«w AOd btAVttfRl Bulletia $!. complacency has i*iif personal, how can wa help it w hen the w ere eiicamjied only a few miles Irom the Fort, in the office. n.s-S.e.1, I (^Weakly If human not i Fsatnir., Eags, Beeswax, reached its N. B. Olnsena, M.WTILLA’WA lArf^ mod tUgAol AMonmeot, •Mlri»:y mw. ' »>id they had sent a message party cotm^r? produc* will be re- *"**;“ nen are synonymous with cor- by a of Kio- Mu9tAnl-8eed, au«i oib^r g'yufMtfiK rr* t>«*N.veo^.. • * LINKNiV—SbeAtlatd, hiebeat mai.ifestatums in ‘hese Prari'k m Irlub Lf >— , HapkiMa awiI Towaiao worthy clergy-.* celTPd exchBrae or tn pAyment of debu doo to ib* ' coivpd in * 'luptioii-luptioi." Ufst 1 • ^ ^ lo tUctbe TFort,ort, thatt bit thet murJerermurderer wouldoulJ notiiot bcbe ' » RanctPANCT aof*»*s—OOOi'Si—Rlbboa*, a . WWe« do oufour beet, and&n;iiion. was uiak- For Rent. _ , ham,19,’ Ni'kMo^r^TralSii.^^i^rK^Mimketo BAr-,Ar.tiwlAle viuQullu, Jic.. : altoateu on ’ , — - - lowrlover of Maditon-Uodisoa-Uodixoa (/ad Courier. ing his airangeineiits for an attack upon the In- From information recently received by THTUB nous. I n«« occupy, Seo.^ reverendreveretid Milton going'oing deliberatelydrliberatelv to i the g|pSg White ISi I )} L. “. efinish to the ^at-nu,TKo-,1I tolerably strong la,.MS.ovk lofor * ve.eran MarkAt mm* rmmrth AiPAAtA. ^ . heysen ^ Xfie entire force ot etfertive men at Fort Atkin- .V lUrteg, German importers, were sus- * >» “ron street. Importer Pbr»di»« . JK^ik.Uls V!/ .( Dre.., Lo#t, while hi* brolti«r Alt* IMnocratic |iaper. 1 " down be editor of the Madison son w&£ about seventy-five men; tbe number ol pected oi i^uiuggling a lai^e quantity of lace« Tn^iierwmrtfxrAoo rratlO); will be r«-talrwJ to i.orchAee p*ri "** I'rtace*, Tell, I MUu*Ai*d SUE Good* gearrAlly. PiasT Paok.— Second William Pbo- lovingly to the talk of making Bunyan apeak Courier ap|iears to think quite as bedly as we do In.'lians against whom he would have to 0 |>erate from on board the pro|ieller Alps, and yesterday the lurniture,farntiare. Coofesaion, I "“e f’'' or liundred men. Hsrieg, and a sleeping Ctieot, partner of firm . BOgraphy, Espandiag the more like a cbrulian gentleman than honest ol the principle upon which offices are distnbu- the named '' ,r. - 1 I . TheThe Indians are representedrepreK^nled as not olah,olati, were taken .c -c- — f -t- M—.L. i„ . very peace- in»o teroi I m^o custody tl* Lok Moiitei in j*.. a. ra„ i, aa*u, . a ». *...a i and ordered to FOR SAL£. iobnJobn wasw A. accustomed to do. DoDoweliveinwe live in the ted by Lthe present Administration. liXlCAN * ably inclined, and combinations between theIbe findlind bail in $5,000(XK) o( 3® fret, ^c->MBroi MUSTANfi $5, each. WiUiamWilliam F. Marsden, bliedixgBt-lt-E Lots ***cb iiATUig a trout Ll.MMKNT; Orleans, ChildrHciiAi--.-LamI m theIK.** Woodwoods. I Qf> A metaceage of B.assr”B.a*vV”B^aSfcV” Chayemje&,C'haveiines, Kiowas, Arrafialioes,-Arraiialioes, and Comui-Coman- the purserpur.ser of the ship, was taken into custodyciistoiiv uvi•**“* exienJingex b*ck i:*A f»*rt to ad Alley «> be- X’'iTnITII.4IN4 i> "A BALM FOR EVERY wM#. TbfMe lou Are oa M«lo »treet, on eAch *quA’*c X KRDMoN'D, 30 p ne su, »ole a^eat In WOUND.” — •*»'« >>•«" attemiited. It is recomm.-nded °n the arrival of the Alps at Xew ! WeWerememherloremember lo hxvehave seen another labor of iHTlnff^yin the United States circuit court, at Phil- Boston, and also »treet. A"5l Toth i rrHI3Lliiimrr.lkialHWBb.fw.th. | iwren AnJSeventeenlh on Kuwaa *be tAle of ibe TwpKtb •tree's^ Liueno of Jas. aaU Robert AMinjCAN PBOFUIar..at tht*. yaarK Orar w mmiaMaFbaStl«aaaa a. a previooa arUcle we »aid,I, “it-.t u..hardh^d to llArkct Aoi Toun„Teung, BAilymAnn,b.., lrelAu u«iwtosition ol the Indians toward the whites. number of our If Sir Henry ’ business ma ti aer in which orderad Bulwer : (.j^t x|] classes of men tbould come to a knowl- astate, vs. the city of Philadelphia. This deci- men and one of our city

    ^Fralas, Braise., man> wouM not rrlmh poetry, bcr.evolently the city Abd - to the heirs eleven tracts of i ^**** do||«us. «!*», «r VaM*. Rereol lAwe. 80 weWC mmf bun;MWVBa but wcmac dulwav botuvt mtmskaa*v-M Ihmttu«l •' . .r . ^ .r r» IM*. Slave-Trade.X7I.A9 A- A nAI'E.. — vvee learn from a« credi-V»«.WI- Xbe notes had beenUCCII primed onIMI ar Weuad*, ao4 nks And W XiiE . T M'lf HooOs, Scuub au l Irim Liaeas, to edition plates of the KOBMAN R BEO.y WaU »U Prtsj TleW W tU Mathliis aad heallos laflueiKm like a charat a roluMl to receive Mr. 8oult woaid be Rn ^*af- ! ub'iertook make ao of the ^reat epic coal land in Scbuyliull county*, valued at one ble source that three Portuguese captains and Bank, but the signaturei) Uoode, Nc >' F«» Hersex aad oxocr io laaaa htUi, a* the Lous- i merchant, arrived from Cuba bv the . i .laiasals fraaP* amounting a for the bcneli' of (boae who could not ly it million of dollars. title to one Catalan Thursday, , OL.\B8E8.— too bbls prime reboUeU in store aad « j The the laud has been I tnecashierol*^®^*^“*^*'®* [ urn, SCnLIFPKR, t‘ '« '“relnaWe, It la c . in*in- are the BaikBai.k (Miami a Ua.arhaits, a< a U* OU AXCAADXC l*lACe, - h» translated it into prose. It was precisely aiicb by which it was devised to the city, and the d ground fpaichiivg g>iOKFEE .-600 Rto tor sate by — We Uk* CTPAt ptrAsarA in reenciBAiMttec If j tax. the ITICan lirSTAHa I tNiNUNT •ev m‘i ... . *• i* *aid that the for that reatoo the appointmeot should not a Ganslatuvn as that which befell judgment of the court was that it would not pas.s gage in the slave-trade, between that coast and bank note engraver, in whose Lancia fokman a BRO., Wall »t. yA WMONKOHNSTA.\IM, "W ««»» Siik iiutij., oi^thi., H ’’''“Vorm'ankobm'vn N*RmV*”wlu’’ utterly '‘ ' ’ ’ at a loss to their - ; there; and, if Mi. Soule should not be received the bead of 'he ass, and ao also in looking at the fyThe Florida News, published at Jackson- mercantilelercantile houses extensively engaged in the account for issue. On Msw Torx, July 31, ikn. 0<’i RRT »PI\ of our that half a ve.ssels rnday, the cashier of the City Bank A.MS.—A-YlS.— MaiXiloKAckllo jxSon’s .usar-corro•DSAr-coreU H»o«IIaua f.rfur sale»Ale BRNOIS K Co., Importen of by Spam, good-bye to the enlorcement „ t „ . ville savs that Gen Childs atill remains at slave-trade, and dozen have (Cine in- IJ French b» [aT7 ilS) KoKKaNKi’KMa.s Na br^,BR^o Wa.^WaU >t, »Uk9, Mauiiiu, ac., >, T.i Deutrality larr* io the spirit u which they American ports, for «> note to Mr. J.. tlieen: H J.-:!:'*! K BroA>l- aee the * mpa Bay, in good health, and that the Indians after the OMiiner of the late ad- fould nothing but bead of the ass that ,^fncau coast. These vessels clear for some "hich he redeemed, and then inquired ’ oonreivod, aad tp, cf IIxi ’HISKV.—HISK V.-60ao bbUbbls FinPitchh andAnd TarTaf for sal.*Ale by F-riHnw *q whom it pHOM AS Ml NKOE, No. 34 regarded are gathering in a body at the eastern edge of arrive; was taken. The note was first anasaT7 a* FormanFORMAN Atc BRO., WaWaUll M.»t. Pine ktreet. i aiBistratioa. "nieir letter would be achieved that great labor. Cuban porl^ where they never and being traced W T“rl^n^- ® Colored Oot-CV>t- FroRfleiui* MAOhAtVAO AL loDGooU*,toDGooUs, SIleelAB,SllewlAB, CAiLbrlCe,CAtLbriCe, Ve9 Co* Vrel-UAAWiuXe,t*UAAUibfc*****« 2e. ww.- ! BO doubt; but /dtsfiMlaniig would be the order the everglades, where they will provide.! with false papers and sailing under the McBirney, thence lo a EAn^,*Ann, NAnkeenr,NAnkeeor, »», WUf | Jor our parts, we are very decidedly opposed probably re- immvt'MMY Bos..-lo,oooBo;;*.— 10,000.itmehe1-1 imshel B.x.BAxafuruAlebyfor sal. by Ac. a'<^anU)oti clerk, xiroct froa a lAUer IaIwI of IIm dkv, Ri»‘l no cioot of mtn would befOi. AmpnCAij flag, th*»y siicceotl ID rekclieiRg the who stated that he received it \jr A37d«a37* Dry Uoud«, kmcrAlly, 7i belieye 1 ag»in.«t them, and then to other portions AsA* soon CedATc«i*r 1 the came from the bandi of its author is unworthy them in Cuba, with the connivance and compli-compii- as the name of the paintarpainter was *ueRd. I MrSTANO LINIMINT aieai an eaceileat article. My wife kvooxht a capio ofgovrniiDeal. A' I'. C-«r. aad fa,. I ,p,n, men- NOTICE. beniea with her Honed,tioned, the sha-at•ha*^e* ' regard, of the country. city of the Spanish authorities. OurUur corres- engraver remembered that he badhad I havk tostloet a reniiiru.renuioaie torfor i]1 | of the MocXstock in •• ®^“w»tiy,bAj ... ^ -V, , j of there IS a gulf called Oblivion, into FAMfS McCRKBrt A co tj wnnJiT t »e repeat tbe expreatimi of our hope that ^ several >»• t-o's'lll. xnd Fraukiort Railroul C.mpuiy, airt j pofidei.ee from Havana has contained important months since called upon him profession- 1 »=“«* pr^ound d^.hs it can defend beyond ally, the oinc. of .aid Comp«.y for a dapll- M'. bouie wiU betejectod by Spam, lor, if he statements on this subject from time to time. and asked the favor of dewing ’^some vig- | _ ,he Cxfifor, i. millionaire ^ » work of geimiiie nettes and other wigravings, Mi*et. E)“^«r. of a «ttby ‘-Tar and TarpmUa.” mutata, la sqnan ketUw, callad of war * Our authorities would do well to exercise more which request had a» dim s. R. ORAYSt)N. laport.r.' UMclaao's TokwicotlLM- ground ! i’” Wc It Will r .l i d \ ' * <»«“* (**'»*rtl‘'d oo yuorboxrd r«icm sod laarkM-hoarex), it ^ who has been lu Pans for the last six or eight been granted. . “rt Mxnulxctar- a. I* a kambo* aad naaoxUloa. R. -tm. la. »ortl* 1‘ produced, let it flourish in immortal ordinary vigilance in regard to vessels .. .r. Shirts, -I ,r Ivp ha reeeivad i —— __ of SlocXiN Re. from os, and manUtod our adrntlwmmiu and publtxaxd lalM cortlBemo. « iTct m Tmmmm ma wiH probably remain there until Ibe au- potts Y. Times. . Acts ib*t WA bAvu yo«’b with »H lU foibles oo Its inspired pages. clearing for Cuban -A’. * ^*'^11*’? — — f pmuAd. will alll^wrII in bw pow.r, and wdlwill nerhap.perbapa brbe’ ni'h.T'®?'* B. BRO^^V^N, roHN M. hr do BROWN, Ml STaNG 111 prtaelpol W. UNIBRNTI.lof mio by th. DkVIX8.JliNgS,*C<).,lnip«„,r,of G.n- . d^k-o 1. medleta.. tkroorto., m# Baix« U tlemei. • Soral-aibg Gouda ***te-. to do vtty much, toward iovolriog tbr I m- and Maiiafacturer. t G- BRAGG X. Fir l.|. Ttiiial.iiii abk So. KOnnil STllEET, st«ki|. Shirt., Til-., ^Principal fcc-, 104 wiiiixm aireet. otBcM—lOt Broadway. coiMt Daaa. .tram. tXrm Tork. a«l owaw Third aad Harkot ted State* and Spam m war. »f Go“ Lan. to annex New Mexko Ibe Valley p”*’ BETWEEN MAIN AND M ARK ET NTREETN, Jaamdir'.a.i ^ indulges in aro horaee. «is stud «i *thlthe lhe*pr^it^!thfioW'''' ""‘‘‘’“''I ~ #o UetulioM aa to be unable lo enjoy what u not * >*wnes.-Ci».ntunes—O*. Com. WholesMpWholesale and Ro-ailRf.»aiI Healerlifaier in AgiiculturRl Warehouaes — Afi Ef.quirw deepair*despairs of theth« en*en- of Messilla, situated a few leagues south-west of TbeTb. C*un«rCourier *. Enquire - - »nyv and wonder of the French. Not even Na- 1.'’ ' abwilutely perfect, tbep it is lime they should ‘ p^naDona Ana. may receive some light from the lol- — I > I.? I,' I \ 1 L' I.J \ water N. YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. N. laws in respect to I ^ * R. G^^tlMmm-acmrVr'^b^i^^^ YORK forccmmitforccMieot of our aeulrmlityBMilraiity Uw. 7 I R I N ! ADVERTISraiENTS- **"• f*""* extract of a letter from a highly re.spect-re.ipect- EmploymentA-»‘P« k are considering the policy ol Patent Medicines, and Varietiea ^ a CO.M. • slate of existence^^^ w* c^^^can .1 _ ADFRRTlSlIln that tbe letter of the neutr.li.> b^er Fe, February employing female waiters. Cloth norudu I OGB-STS. abk editor .ay. MTEight prisoners of Ike St. Louis work- this city. It is dated Santa Mth. We can see no ob- aprzsdsm ^ jeclioii to PLABK A WKST, i« irua;^1„,„„y,,„„, THE NEW STEAMBOAT LAW »• - «—. 'hethe change. Certainly - | would 00mo doubt be regarded,regardMl, but that 66HiII 1 - The writer says; it would he laws . p.4tTI..N Ti) FKRih..\s rsiN.. Cf^b^ ay. A*«t. for ika house eaue succeeded in overnowerine the ?uard , , , Vy Rnxlim, «al German STB.M TOWRR kret aad " AT- P® R pn iDore agreeable to be waited uouai.' r«^rchaotTri^ror aerchaot Tailor. mom wWot, »>. Re a__wA_ *u_ u I.MTA A bMutifal wcM&An With a freckle here and I AifiAVftrnar I-Hne is understood to intend to take ! UDon bv a nrettv Call at 56 Pifth atreet. bet. Main and I galmed loaraai. ^ and Cluthl.is. CiiNFiiBM Til TUK LAW —I am manafactortux la tka ffalne »aiao wd ife. Casadoa. ' All tbA AACA’i^Ary toutmeiADU raquIrAd t« AuemrAA cur- (iovurAfarat iMpActcv*. ikAy ZOIC a ImpurtAFA Mvlo* paimts. K^Abtrd curttScAifu VcstiDify. to tboAA buAt* hAviAg my loctn- THE NEW JERSEY ZI.\C mroiB on tkAOi. My Waut Gaasc for Matturg; ny ' COMPANY LblagaSblru Str Am- preui’nre <«aqca; mv McriAA CbruAo««ttr, with kRI AAW IMAOfACtAnn« N tfire. PaiBta, .if .'loiblog AOU pTA-BurA AAns* utuckAd, gtvlag the ccrrcct Uma Af dAy, V \\ L K n* rloc torlljQRA. i* AH InvAlAAblA AC4QiAitloci to AST vtuAmboAl *r aillU %'* ^ ‘I'lAlJtT. Ttetr teTAAtAgeo anxious to oe inciuaeu “ — pOlASU ATO— Fh* only objection to the members of the, «t-ratt . And»«u ".jy'-jy ImproTud»B»uruT*w» FoAUAb)#roATADiA sATAiocMAtAltlc Flogriog furlur t«llAf«yr«, IJ V fbeu eyes t. . properly vorkmcn, Aud nte Moe bai goo>l materlAU. ’ '* cere of government were I. shut xireTjovc^no^Governor dwsdoes Ibisthis upon his own belong to women. For exTmpieVVn ^ /- Gu Ttey ATA I The whlckcADbAwblck CAD bA tn«mcdindurtcd «Ubs*ot bluwlBgbluvlog the AO( ootei^ n?,n~irae»ii cAnoot bf «*«Utslexcelled tnto ibtxtbl* city forfur nMtnnine«toe»d AOdtt k V- u* Ue bAi1«r,b*il It ' Hartford convention was that they went too far Tlie first inalienable right of is lo bread ?<>“; of our banks several AK9II ^^ATiiop, *9* •••• **V«Pl*« Mlibuslenng miweiDeots and permit them to go man bility, deeming it proper, inasmuch as the State clerks are employed airt workmaiib”^'orkmAn*b1p. * i6w AreAovick *tre«ty Impor- Flak »• ««Iled. AlltbAAboTAlauiromuAU apa -m* ApATtWrnU. T^'Wrotly meat. in the sole business M WkolAAAlA DeAiem In Drag*, tt‘Actnr«iA’Actarnl by myteif;Byteif; And bATtmg tUrty I MWy te w<- and Democrat. of counting Paidis, ted yAArV pta«- ^ behalf of tbeir own recGon. Tbe members of has revolted and thrown off the money, an oc- Mt sailoiM are given up tor ttyi., •». ol riding, and Uii*, .Ao molrctatioa net see b~w th. of Chihuahua « amiAUeA, ac. ^ *• M without wed. tiTAi fxpArlAOcArxDArlADcA inim tte S(c««Scuam RAgln#RmmIbu sIttaulueu >#mmrn fmUtmiJ com- Wiu «r*nlt>, Bte k«erof«wUwco-ld-h..mdt. beohserved consen-|on. in t^evetion or “fi^^ Suppose you say hi. firs, inal.en.bk right is ttdvoc# .0 tbA wurklog qaAlUlv* of tb# Abort. A foiltr \ •/• Zt’^PluiaSti: c^r^^ Engraver*. dA.ucnpiiuA la AtejfWi lo tte il . dAicnpiiuo «U]win tti# »«Mt wto Anyaaj pArt of tbotkAVAionkTVnlonby . own sectmn,” miught to mver it \ were I. permit fill.bu.ters from the to a. much of tbe atmosphere as he needs for ,> bv ladies, ... CAAOby It to iiwrlrAllod a* a for «*lpB And -itiiaIbih There po .tj^c.ansi.j^cian who remirtrewirt to tre.,^ to imbredr" ButBu, we .reare hardly prepmml to Rgree with theOi. : UonalJiotrel Intel. roadd from thfsthis city, leb Cushing, and James Guthrie. we hat.have just it.Kha,karn^tha,learned that GG'X'^L ^^**^*’ PtrfumAry, tr.'," mtf GllEEN\VAY%'BR0nrER,6k CO that, if •bowahow ‘heirtheir “fidelity t. fbeirtheir own section,”aectioti,” may the‘he survey of the mwomiuoM !°.*k*t lie Ui B^^Aii CmmrCmtar A Enquirer, Mr. 8.uk8.uk be re- , 7 connecting line to Cincinnati ^ . 19 ItarclaT airt.t na* *4 Park Ploca, N. V. Case,Cure, the has been completed by ____ jertedierted hy Bpam, the fillihualerefillihuatera willtrill be allowed command thetha admiration of tbe editor of the LooixtHI.LooixtUI. Junnmi.lJuornai.l The7fi< SaadiukySandueky DefauUerDcfatUlcr —Harlow—lUr\ow Mr. Gsst,Gest, and found to be _ai»d*m 3d. Tte Whit* line pAlAtA will CAVAT '*f|AAl WAi|P*e> | if« ta.tk. J Fancy Goods. ^ **'* '°'*ector at Sandusky, diMppear^diiwppear^ javorable.favorable. Great interest is felt AbAAt tw>>-cntfdA MOAA *ArfACA tten porm tav, 0*“®*’“’ •*“' behe made recipient* of the honors who along the route KL \ pRBEGOKREGO fc Bll IKLat’«Jta.iar.tr.*i, bv our inva- | - Importer- •R tree liceuae bv* CoiemmeotGovernment fwfor tbe urunniuurunni u o»m nllKiVir i v for and srwmoSFWItfO MACHIITEMACHllfB. CAonexlon wlUt ttetr froniur •l-jrAbt«lty, — . THL COMMONcommon SCHOOLSschools LOUISMLLE. some time since, is supposed to have ab- the establishment ot tbe roan, I JubberaJobber* Inia la tW #da*#D_ J 9 D wdAUik**l now and the loca- Jid ^P Rnill.n.Rnfll.n, French, and Gerniin a-n-n. .. . T -.7 . _ .1 in the gingift of Presidentj,oPierce,Fierce, but they are ^ Fancy :onc rnnu tk# cmai of pAlatlec wun ztno tot* monofCabR. The allowing of such aR licenre Hon gives general satisfaction,satisfaction. Goa«rr aB kCTlOX migfat apoedily bring nkout certain eKigeMies. columns of the Journal in order to amount and an excellent line Btetm end Brown 9ttf rmhr Imm PAhn*. wkick ata The Imi^s show rMeipts in the office at a veiy reasonable cost. A KOW'D •aM At low prletA, ATA WAll teAVlAd f«r tefntlAA fWasTA, which, we apprehend, tbe administratioc would ot them. i speak a word to the parents and guardians who W3,000. Indianapolu Jour. (HLLv Import<*r uf FAticv liocdi, SEWING MACHINE. Uuffilery, *^*^ ** A1 Uu*lery, liiovA#,tiJove#, IxAcca,laAceu, adAtil1 Kim.r«»!f1eilA*.Kim.r«»!f1eilr*.'* ^^^f^**fbeL RitedSUt>‘9byhtv4uiuutpmSmi$ntk4 **^ ^* •ArtAcw*, tentoAiAhy Preaident Jackson repeatedly declared in 1S32, are sending their children to the common schools Ac-oiAc-oi- nai vmy weU like to encounter. If, without the “> conreq.ience of a strike for w.ni«i“;urmetiWAOt«^ for their Locumucire Nredlea, .^rtt fraiU'4 Aiutm»t iWn tU tttmmd .larU 13* P^ttec froa rmuUn*, ««• , i“Lb"ruaV^ C^ tL‘k*«lT^ k N>w No. 14 l>«T»crcut. IW. ”®®’Trl5* New York. f |iiIK Diet Attter to hAAl or wvAtker. ‘hat.if the South Caiolma null.fier. should at- oq;y hlo* prlvilrcudto <*9* a nrAlfht OAcdlA* e^-Tceof war brtween the United State. «Rl is '^:.Td7t’o * Tte*# Is ^^rk, L p^^^ 1“ W iihiA A hhor I It IkAA bAA ^A prAVAred tte mma toASAur. aau ^h kfcZb’frV %-oRt /-RDu.ktf a. oue-STTn “ U OA A awaMaU *Av tA »aW ^ HI TcHINStiN* nini * > waaC in All ir^pActu :tku Whit# a horde of fiUibuster. from this country ‘-“P* »« omrsy out their avowed designs, be ‘h«‘e. but it is not yet inown that h' P«“l “>f Ni laporter^ AOil And »i1rrr nedA..* At FAire in dldrrAAt AtAMA. in Iree L«Ad. Ttey *ro Bpam, of ibe^mmon school, in our city, whi^ are been entirely a?r«ted, NUlli.r^m fu» by ruaay and^m J'r^ch, fieriDAh, A0.1 kncitob JAwrlry, tbAo two yeer» tbe ;;rrAt repotMioA *^e of tte pnacipal 4»Ad«r» in tte cU'aa ^ iA d* *lir of thte lAter-aAvlag would bang Hieir leaders upon the bigbert trees schools, and at ^ Fadcj tyoodUq Ao»l empbaucally your which your aut1unery,6 town* I aioa* to atleatpt to land for tbe purpore BruAuwey. > #f tb# by tb# •*o«ipAL r*w were on Cuba 'be difficilt^riSjurt^d^-aT n muebiD** bu been chtAblU^bwl to tbU coanuy And tn Ba- aM 3 ‘O'" »' *‘b»K) for the li^^^‘^L**!.* «>‘beir State. rturdy hero was imt dis- children must receive their education, and m- rope, n tel «plr. ilLi mAcbiuery 1« to tte old eplAnlac- R4.SNING n» Svil'IKR.9gl'|KB* The oU 1 of cos-uaiinTtbe Island, the French navv cer- w..u.t . . .k . .u ^ clanng that he left in the iafe $3,U0U tor the We understand that w lOAly d4« 4*4ft DAyDwy alraet.etrA*:t* New>«w l.rb.i..rk. • traiouig, if another tram ^ . SlDtjer’e 2towm« KAvbtne Is tn Atber toodee of tellectuAl *od morgJ tbey came in j J o o I oh. 11 £ # 1. (i£ 1 r* be edueg* on t- Rq Ac ir_ «e pored to tolerate tbe nuJlifiers u their fidelity to 143 * tamly ood the Bntisb navy probably would in- '““ent ex[«nses at the office. The collector the Center rtreet, eewiug. It bAu elreniy triiunpted over lAVAterAte T* *iil reiifi I - underground railroad last “j,*I a JT pre- mwuCactartdAAnfartAfi bykjr iRiatble iwiteAAni _il- | ^ ac^ainted^ with night, containing «r iioj xii [ said • PU.D , JJ, ^ADd OrnAOBentAl Iron Work-i. jn• treason. Now we venture tbe assertion ma'.aly knowing to the condition and manage- to tbe realms of t^iieen ” CHAIRS of any six. or pattern ordered. D !We* ((Uy mAoofai'Snrloi o»UNi«bn»eot9 ao4 Into ih# temto of In- a*epirwucai.auuuratical' and wrire douo notoo. oenev.believe uwithat tbelu. i-t.Pre- i li.r’i• PS'eniDAtenti OOO oil h in If he the \ 1C The ad.aniaxes ot the Wrought Iron Chairs are now R ^ NOTICKNO^TTCT j $0 wl him Com. paid fk/rotf dl.ldoal ' j I m~.i rd nor srhoola for ih. last eieht ne — TVi&RRC 20f* .,|,.rat,.r.. 1. .... «ery earUl, a* wreeTlalH ‘»»at there wa* a greater amount of bitter and m let. N-i*— . mdenl hi* Cabinel are either ready or wil- : i;;ie. ^toA#-t*—• v*renr aud «' Yoik his default is $l«,0O0; if - — 1- - ^ ^ cnarea or t iuthR'tb ur GAthrr*Leather, «ithni*rvtttoA«with warvalaa. rapiuiiy,fAptdityy A Storettor# ataI 3 ^ obrervatioi.a 1 have ^en forced , k. s, - wcioca,trelock, F.P. ^ *, the EX... Aan*t0>1 .arprl-;r.::iarpriw:r.: .uenslh-irenstbirenstb andalJal*1 b«rMiy*perfonAtOi{b«F>Miy*perfonBtni{beamy, perfonalag Ikotbutte wurhwt»rkwi>rl R U-,K.p on RATrRp.aYS,*ATrBl>.\T to the raaponabUitM* of tbe posi- ferocioo, treason in the heart of each of not, it is $3iMKW. There have been reports in Dattt T'nrAPnuu jx... bag eucouator | following coucluiions: let. l« p.rtSoiVTai'^d w'lld,' dSJl That the md not ’ A* fA*t W-* teap-r-oA*, And beiter tt to JOHN HIO«41]CN tnhiTRw B. faiv.xre * ^ moeb tten cna R OX, great anti-union coo- to Case’s character for LOUlSViLI.E DENTat nv-pn^i^ ,ii.h,..t d.,r.. lioa m which auiA iNxieoeffing. would pUce bwdingdiiuniomsts in the ,cbo„,, have made but little progress and ad- '‘‘‘•“'*'*“““''fV°'*ble d- ae by bAL-l. Tbll IDACbloe 59 AOtopACt* urnAtoADtAl *5 RroAil ««ree», N^w T-wk...... k.. . u k GC M.uorl.t boluAAie 1>« Aleru la Fnru, U.9 U, Hmm*S*^*jhJ*^*^*^***^ dorAble.daraole. *ndan* U eowi:/euwi:/ *1jo»toUailjOMtaU Andand operAteO.opuratcO. Pni:Fui: pnaitopclntud dtrectl fCx tur tx*i. ; ' arc funsialiud wUb each aacRine. ’ ‘ ». h.u o du.b. ,bu .G bd.uu«uu«. -b. fu-bUd o. Sbb.b Cubid. «» MachiueryM.'Jbb and Tbe price, v'tb a.l •poarAtu* cvOipRle, u f it:^. ijf' “r,riSS-L',~.va':.vAU kind* of Bar or Sheet Iron wAoted for u,„-.RAUroAd* Machine Tools. BiU.»>r t-r i&rt KxprnHi «!.aniAia«i atreet. New Turk tobDv furai»b a cuav«m*nt medtuiB te wo«U in our city doei not commend the sebooU to Urier* from tb« oouniryi LOTTIMKR, j | AccompAnled by tbe CAeba will IXH'ISVILLB .Machinery And MAcbto^ Tuola. (JUMB. dLLBur. It CO.. President Jacktoo would have elevated tbe ROLLING-MILL. O prjcure ruAchinu.-»; Ainl a dralt, pAjabie to o«r order la .. ! • receive All dttolu lo ffo but think that the or , public favor, so a* to be worthy of the coufi- Looisviixx, Rv. prompt AtteotiuD. UrvaAslWAy, fforeff *o, we courage T. O. COLEMAN, PnmIdPOto New Tork. wt:i Always lo*uro a Otocbtue, perfect and » New I. r*, patronage of citizrus S. Fa DAWKS* DraxcUt And Musical "ullifiers to tbe top# of tbe highest I deuce and generally. 1 Ball, RohinMn, fe Co., Dragglau, No. 4*4 Market it. Apoih^-Arji *WAreboofe No. 460 Ma!d aty comer Fifth. I Instruments. »eHt y^rs^, perhaps the audacity is wanting Un- '“'‘"tt compieteobelnx a« directed. Adent f->r Jone*y White, it Co.** Preniia reoib, RL'NO a 1 '*•" daxaSMam.t Apr 18 dlMt1iuliw4 CAK01LG47 MAideit teuey U'TftAr.*y VJ^t- Tbe AtteiMljii of 8UlKr A.NDCOLLARMANCXAt'Tf - BradlifT'iPigBB agii MrlolroiU Preaident Pierce elevates the leading du- I J4 dly&weowljit Corner Jedersun lluAy an rMou. quMuonoovy«ue.G.q^»v>iercerierce andana hisni* CabinetL-aninei b^enave axesfixed ‘>V« Anc/oartbtt B Accordoons BrAA« iu»iraai«nt»v ana Strlnt^ ai RKK8 tj ptrvrutor’y tailed t/i tbe^e mack nc*« , tbey «Utcb •h.. 4*J tern of common schools m the Lulled States, j. w. Gambia k Co., do. dc 4U| do- McreMway, x.w Vrek. owoRM** “re highest offices in bis pft. PR.lfiKLI?i FJRE INSI RAICE COM PAS n».ap.r'r,cf/y.linen p«rfrcf/y, Wck«,«k;rmLi::;:;wbtcb do otbrr maebinue c«."^can. Iheu eyas and are hoping to fix thait gripe upon and 1 certain too much cannot he said am m iU s. P. D.we., Oniislst, cor. Fourth and jetreraoa. ' ‘ Macn-U.M*cb'be Nestle*,>re.l|re, blikSI X T.iatTwist »pouto.pout., Linen | n* m MrsuioMA are felly ‘•'J** I “F wArraaied^ a eaeraaty woUd haee o right to mvade Cuba or any other ' gisiaior, apd the Christian. When I *peak of paid more than two mUlion* on Loasee. gf gujf ace to bold converre with some of the ,‘1*^ The St. NlchoUff I VpauMAS U. BATE (lAt. who wiah aad tbe Five Po'eta; I T. k T. H. B*l.), 10* paaiw every ^ ^‘“^“d 00tto pintFirst andADd Jaffenoo.Jeffersooa toll of 4toe, Atoi are . tk. schools 1 A TaI* Of GlovAUQi Kloreotliio; X Needies, Fish Hooke, and Pi»blna intrefarenee I 8 j^are.^ wi boRt from brmh‘e*t miud. IB Episcopal Church. The T. No. » s Bro»:«.y, X-w T-.rk. ** “* ••*•* tbe , j«hn«.u, n. du, do ThirdTbird andad4 WainuuWaIouU Tbebtadeot Life of DaqM Webeten 2Ehna Insurance Company p^ I .Vk *•“ r^ww, rataiB. or any other power. If Tbe OaU Fagal; iUl Wrehinxtu* Krret, «««,. ; •riicU* tbe April nuioher are enUtled Reli- Wm- Knock. do, do SecondSecoad andAOd Narket.Market. ^ 'o» V7J m . OP HABTPURO, OONN. Q^iral Iraioiag of our children as they have been No. 57 SualB Fuurffc .irrel, ” Oar OwD (cootloued)i Pb;ted.liklA. Ifcl oholl at R*y time he juat cause ol with »ri>FB- > war Jaa- H. owan, do. Market itreei,•treel, bat.bet. Floyd i iJCn- wii re*. fer the Republic— Bishop Pollaodar Cbkse since first I knew the schools and as they exist Tllette Aod Ruth; *300,000 CAPITAL. ALL PAID UT, No. l-W lUliiiuur* .trret, Boiiiaior.. ; InMnimmt. i-re- Spam, wa *ay, let w ar come, it *‘ •» Preaton. safely Invested In rood stocks. Ito Fork R.Min OU MAnufactartoa CompADj, 144 No. H7 inn .irrei, Clcfinoaii. and, when ahall T*’*' ‘me. have taken Miu Peck** Frtead, And Annual reoelpu , SiL-tlV “ a Kevel, I teunced hy Levi Silliman , io 1# ebaper*; UrbAnWiA le _jj4njej Webster— The Rl Rev. Front hireet, I be »AperV t for chur^heA or far n. M. Miller, Drnfftst, *30 Low*U, tba Fo*t, LUeratarep are not leee than MSOBjOOd. Incorporated In 1SI3. Mscbioery, Tanner's, Palui, Corlase, n siHUFR R CO . measures »o a* lofuro.sh better bouses for Ko. Market xu, hetwaan Kdltorlal Note*. Re, j ^7 hare come, tat RS fCixe Cuba or anv other ffjan- • u c a- a: 1 the -»"« Prtc. » _k CmroUuu-Sewo Englandr I N. B.-Tk.X,wT rk om-o-.il loNo. B-m. " " ®“'“P .ccommodalion of the schools, *nd for this breo* Fwyd* BRoWN a BOWy _ K V. 1 they I W^no^* A», re. :U. a,.i re M.y rexu U 4 43. * our we^ ^ Afeat* for PablUbrrs. , ^ tT-re - ^ of Faitb-^ Amarican all praise. Theology ^Xfie Eclipse | are worthy of But we have are aganu for sale ^ ^ no high the of that most lavaloahla pra- j The aauaf dtoi imai made w Ibe trmim weB to bear la mind, that it, without just eaare, school, for pur boys and girls, IMPORTS ST TO , and tbey are paratlon— vest, to Eft|egi*xtical History, iritb a fine and interest- rap- . RPOT for Mauroc’s cieraimea pArcha*lng fgK* toei? ] MARSHAL'S SALE. ceteorAted Pencils, Ship and WHO vta ^ e*^ am. sae were u force bpam into a war mardy lo hate ^'y up ‘o be women, and must B. 0* Jeffriee, Rc.y i D Utjuse Carpe-ntent. Drewine and Writing, Rubber c^„cb »t Hampton, 1 are1n*t I Pencils for Schools, TIIOS. Steam as a Motive Power -renai, i pwesreriy in a short ^ Io Cbancerr. Ml'NBOK, 31 ^time have Pine street. «*S^lS:^^,^Trek. aoreteat for iwbbinr her. th. law. of natmn. k ..... to leave school. t t } T SteaiDboAt AVD DRSIER . " M o a T 1 M o a x’a FrleiKl*blpq Rl., ) the ' ’ NaKiysoa Grrai Mcre.«.y. and puhire aentimeot of the world would BITTDR CORDIAL By virtue of a decree of the LoaiAVllU India Rubber I ido^?^‘for' *tL' ILral gov«^^^^ JT p ^ Oloves, A N op ..na.lty 1, o— -.fc.m to .11 okren It rare- ' AAD ^^g^^UwCbancery Court rendered In above 9 wy SAKDBNl.'ikJ, ,-a^ miy or an of the Eoropean powers in the causey fM.„ poB BOCSM CLBaNI.Nk-. DuttNO. , «'* errs ore. I uiKlerhlyiiedjor rr ir.|h.«eln.l..rlxmre»reialA£t»nii», ^ this peri- BLOOD PURIFIBR. ^^*™*ihe oneof a*, will, oo Tae*- TbreAii*, I* .r aay ^ ;'"/‘“'t“‘'y f'* ; A Shoe TbreAd^ ana GUIiOst Threads, of vu m( re door work, wkick reils UrekM^ watrinir fommocCDmmofi cautecauee wftLMwith teoding t hew schools. In alt this 1 find do fault day, Muy 3. 1863. about the of 3 I ureo*. .0.1 ,.ral.:,4 !u S.«« resl Thre re, MkiDK bar. Z , boor o*clock, P. M., »ell, sreJ, * i ^ ^ . , own make and best quality, by Uie caee only. imxtk. re pr. .ret iZ Sr“u .reTtJti odical, we must be understood &t Elwayt ex- > the le»cher», for they have never lo Uie blfbe»t blfkler, at public aoctloo, tbe Stuamboat IK BknK>;i.x»;s 5 rrorenpurarre By w«rem* ikreu been fur- I llWO: llfflllitllBt .Nlflb SltlBl Gure. u>. kaaik re* I vtJktt P*f •»“••• FK1KNU8UIP,»BittM>suip, her Kn^lnes,Bugin.., Fnnmur.,Furniture, auil a.q» kir.pf.BY oreO. totitao : au Tackle,xxLki., a* >kti* ceptuigcepfing thotthat poTtioHportion of Itit under the headbead of il tuehedoiuhed with an eoikghteQed,m,,glsteiied and m re re re re re ,- m-.z§- - rere enlareedenlarged i « c^tVm w* Omaambm. M J J system i l-lkTOI.* Window OlasSy Paints, Ac. ^* Ise EppoiBtMm of Senator RoniRdpBortaad of . w. »• * ' tk.. .re..mi;«:m.l fAr th» mAritl trainin*' nf tit# ehildrKn «km I ^ Co., For suuooAryStationary k-.i*idw,K’-uiinaa, „ The writer .. not quOified tbe moral tramtng of the childr^.n th^ Lowre ii.m,ll.aa, Mre.n.Mar.n. BnenreEngmaa ^Dadiee' Bieachine Mits, on rlT.r, UA., jimI re-ran •tsAnu-r-, ' kc. Tk. relsuujre Mar k. worn «kll. -Vwis. ,.r .I..Mna. MPOBTgRS of U>l»bo.:*r u.,r rei otk»Ts DOW m *5. arre- iJMCUCSluMfliM’ ureaSv* I Flsbinj Ta< 1. K-xTint xariTv raoM Xvri-uxion, koine ao .rrotectors. *• *v*v**t IsvlUe, Ky., ar Bur. li» IO .M.-u-iK ii.sn VIS’S rka ’Iron. IB. rell'a* re drvrere •rein tSo arms 1 mr ime- 2. Lre. ituui o.NK-rH.uu Ik. Aiuuant of ' The purchaser to give LoimIs, fn.1 1. rre mlih approved security; I HOPKINS R BIUV8,, of Mti-compromise laen, the E*t“ire^k Importers Frecch Win- au‘redtT<;ntrwl to irnr’t.r-r Use ,t*.t. .m ubt.iiu-l ky uikvr a-r"F’*r mm ky GUI k re*4k.r,34. Loans disuoiooisU of tbe I Powder Percui*sUn Lapsy Colt • Md Allen sBt V boHcii of Bret k I'ek* fighting '«« S““5- “• v. Alexander, PropriMor, beATlng IntvrcAi from the day of sale j ^ OJass, ^ Epmcopalian be take* it for granted coaiaon among the boys? while until paid. J No. 81 Barclay street. New.^w Turk.lurk. th.theth# Awnesarn-amid* ^sw*rp.,w-r-pv.w-r. wx^Clncinnatl, Tniirr, Uuicklire, k Lssmi ^ | *y_*^, ' volverA; Locks, Riga barrels, and ,, I Sale to lake Gun Gun materlAls _I y. Likartv I place on hoard the boau south. Mr. Borland, throughout th* struggle profane swearing is indulged in by CeitbalCe.xtbal Office, No. i Barclay 1.*'I. Lo»: «»*o*t •• r*^tl ky multiludos StreetSthee • Also A ISTfA ASAoitment Of fln« Th-Ih" ,u.; utvt osostruettoaci.o.iractloa iits BEUCCBPRXUCCBD ONB- cauairy reortn^, ORViiv M 1 r /• Flshtog Tackle. ThlSoWlU n ijyv k $-*1 i . DKKT t p.m w— IIALF. upon tbe *ubj«:t of tbe compromree mou^e.., * ’ '~y*’ <>««> ‘"S' “J e"»"y 'o tbe Ia.to.(AsTOR Hoce),Hocse), New ToTore. ' T /T . I J. Coreh U.A«, nJ:*. ^ T gTr’cryYu‘.ru“'‘ I. ?ieyThey e.rapycHT-jpy kir. uUNX-TIIIRO the $pAce of other “ “oHificaHan mid annoyance of every moral . __ ' and Imttlrel agrenil them .Me by .lie with D*v„ and soldSOLO alsoALSO btBT bolle^,bollenk, aikIAD*l mayOMy be sprli*eppiied to eay enzto# d-iw ia aee. “re |lMidt.mn*ataUlllowerprtcMtlianhCT.tolore.; tend selling At sUll lower pTlcA* thAD ^efetolore* ,•» unfortunate UaggiugBaaitiue Mat^hinerviWTa/NhinAt-AP forf«# Bna — a i «• « Important to Hoa'-xekeepera ^ 7-''° as to Maciliaery for Sale. ' Hot 6. The etp#n»eexpense ..f> f FunVuruace Grate* wii] " WlDstAnley rk Kewkirk,Newkirk, Dr.».uu,l)ni((lsu, NnrNrer *m.Dy,Albkoy, lad. BIAasRlfla. madomade tolo order;ordar: rwalrln*rapatrlng done tnIn thetka beetbret manclad iI AG Furnaces, Ac. te lacAtcoiaMy SouJe, uL dmog wbat bTcoukl to demrov the i Hv« FKRFEW vAtuAbleraiuablo Mecuiues,Mauuiu.s, contected ' le**eaedle»*eted byl*y - «>• pl«y ground, of cuntKtnl with thetb. New ' tbesmaU aaaovuat of fael Somelhiuf halter »^o»ulb,fcc. Id his notic* of a vile book m aaid n*r.net. A#ot«mit IHIrt wr<>wkdtn.wfknwadtfl* VAivin ran /mrerere..,*. * . * w*. _ r«(iav .ntllAiors, utence I kc. tuKaly thet-Nleocyof *X’ 1 , ! ...i far Baking. hrerfortT^^ C.l.nd.rln*CAlenJerln, Macbln.;k.chin.: vaoiAg>*».T.nrax-iK Theirr^wcuorcooc.u.-luAs are t aaed lo show hit brother love ^J»Hodf«s,R. J. Hodgee, o, Smitbiaod,Smltkland, Xy.Ky. T TBNKTIAN WINUOW-BUND AND 8B01F-CA8B »a PRiCTIC.kL critic lakes occotion If vrbich grow with the crowth and strength- 2 RKSI' t-TN. iiiArivlua-’ix »i M D rearereaa* K a , Drawlox Prarneq RR81 LT>*. oto| ih—th^o'?: Bot.enb.liiXBol.rr* be.xig uovnow inIn uee la PlI'fiKKB’S CHEMICAL Are.. Maker, *4 Third near i OM 1I1A."VF, Pflorce admibittratioo baa oelocted H. O. SeoTlI, do, Na»hviue,NavIivIU., Tpoo.Tenn. y atiwt, Main. l iwl E r. re BAKING H>W y 2 Lap M., ‘“p"”'-' Hot Air aud about lui. ; iiv. chriatiao charity by tayme that tbe doctrines i eo with tbe »treu|rth of our chil Regiatara, \ I . - _ . C enlllatura, kc. after . • Booth k Gathrte. OmSKlsts, Memphis, Tom. Scutcher, AC. , year. f appilranua, la bnaxmg ikla .a uabla la- i»A*«F Cakea, PikUtn/v, PM-P1e.. Cm^.’aa, .« ...bominabir wicked, du. *'*dU dtf vrenU’U SwtTf ' ®f uk ounm Apply to W. k c. FELLOWRS CO., EREI'TIOM before lb* public. It ataud. alu*. Cakaa, AppS. BrenpUnoa, k I PROPONALN FOR OF aod Indcpm- r- it, J. Wrlchl k Co., do. New Orluxs, Ik. THE LOt- Paat.-e. kc.. kc. TkU»a» aru«»aniria ^ . must have which wilt lay tbe a Judee of the foundation of a ^ — Supreme Court, from ^ i » — dent in lu niarli., a'el If l*oo.Um Lonlavlllv, or I u ba. l-HUl.'NE. Ua cialrewt, ““'"y moral character. I dido not connect U.rdAwmy k WUlte, do, Vlckxhorg, Miss. «Mck are ui-deniaM-,ibe those SouthernAwra. ^.-aSlate* -ki-K I morals '****** paWc win at one# ack&uwi- which were tbe chief bai- TreascrvTreasi'hv Department, I MRS E A-A. COOHL N,N. F-LMILT, BOTRL, BOARPINO MnCsM. ^ I i Ih I filushes the ducipla* of Foe by speaking of Rod relieioii together. men’s religion i* P. Q. McGtaw, do, Natchez, do. a28d* ***^’*’v^ AlbaA ny,n InJ.lui A r — MarchMxrch -t*. InSJ.ib*3. " the - }i FRE.N'CHFRE.N’CH MILLl.VKRaiolMILLl.VERaial «Ml^aalo.o, skip. . tle-groual of UKESS--M.\KER,DRESS- I Ns Uiuookti and ; .M.\KER, lerru^ re’-V- aare»Lal. Vereire.CaireJ the Di*uaioo- matter between niui aud hi* God. •oM.ke.. religion as a “peroicio** blasphemous I Aman’smur- ClMCISRATI, IVFA-KTV Olga with lowest ltd Filth street,strr.t, near .poaacarreui their O. [ iron propoaalapruposAls lor constmeting JefirrMo,Jefieraso, tviai.re axl.i and fall bmek , rpUK ih.lb. Lonla.lll.Lonlsslll. of Ua -IUVIN g srE «M ik’i KR i'kufaNY,” ke tbaprewfAiM iota, and it ha* made bU these , cmn aeUctxoiM from . 3slI character |gi* public property, and the ‘ ‘opalep*.— Perhperh4jos4jus loto I da, public i* warn of AnyOilagAioOiiag inlu way of ;. Cu.iumCuRlom Uuu-.,Uoo>ve, rM.lTcdreceived nuderniidcr tbetb. AlvrnlAim.oi m Ikttr eettUixt. tbe a ; JJL aivertl^iueot »>>d I’ark P.a;c, BardskllBardsall kh Bro., Jno. D. Pork,Perk, DoughtyDouxtaty kIt Dtxun,C.Dtxon,C. B. 1 Bunaeu,Manmia>,Saaiu<’.,kc.,can-Bunnets. M*nmiA., s«cou- kc , .Sew Toik, oxer Ike B«w be.re*y. con- -k-x. ; real g od AUd perfectly safe articlearilcle to havt : of DecemberDrerember 1, tb,tbe Incldcnuiincidental BroAflWviy lu reoat .repoetaat ad-.aniagas l^ood requires thatthxt every l»e I *'**^*®^‘J^ have their cbll- 1853,1852, wUhwUb .xp«n..sexpeoaes ofo( Its Bar.k.hAiak. maoUiAO shouldebould be a strict-gtrict- lu ! rere old amokg the dt*««ioo4*u. Oxvis, ninmAi ria*i#r a .n,i AKfrea.* [ >^>.iAntly-lantly kept on bkndhand Andand nud.made to ma return, Soule, Dobhiii, ”**‘»*^-w * Br.ggs,nn##. and Abbott ka loor-i^ilnor- I’iWV I ' . dreubauieddreu hauled Ahuotabaut innia»tbeiuretocAii463MAinsueet,lo DiOftt he sure to call 463 Main street, «erection,.rrctlon, excmlngexceealng tbeth. AmoaBtnmuant of appreprUtlonmpprepruilon re- i sfLaUr*, V. ntfithins That’s a very pretty speamenspecimen of tbethe Ixiiffutffelanguage I jj-;« maoman asav a membernwinber of• theiuc^icevotgreat , vj!, dcr. icmw % *a',». \c., will te for- moixlniout mat bodybodv putpol- » *040 j „ ' ^ Campholl, • ood Boriaod were each aod all aoti- V. Pern* are Agenu. »herewhere they may rely on htlngbeing suited betbbeth In the artlolearilGle nwmaiolngnwi Ding forlor thattb.t purpose,purpo.e. It hasbre beenbran decideddecturet not to ^*^‘**^ nmll !f rv-ijestod, «xpA*A* •# wlk* onto* 1 K.enlax,alAK,FArty*Party, xndsod MuuminxMkiumlUit Pres-e.Drr«ree« Addrv >AsAtev«o BhortHAns- ^ K. k ^TK lAfter- IsN I becoming a XaoHppe in braeches. Tbe old itic. ^ luid proposals, bat *** -loii* yoil^ hrrAd* sud tte | medidoAl Award coAlrAruoo to rrapcti iheanb- trato# a»4 •spews Lsf No preparation as an Alterative I mad. with neatoc«Btiie»a Aikl aiffpAtcbo procunaw coMipreaiiac fire-eaiers, and Blood .nl ai.patcb, C»lcxr*!og Fowi.r*.Fowlor'a 1 menf di*uniaoi*U, pre- ‘*‘**it? ^ im- »^ond is sustained liy Whoiasale and Retail Dealer tn Toys, Fancy lect for toiiber ord, r». Notice la tbcrelure hereby gleen ' proportion f»da, 1 . are—rey. •«> >»« locksd up forthwith. proved M -th-id of Catling Dre-aee, theshe la conn.lent,onn.lent I J»l^s Punjier bn, ever galD«l sneb popol.rtty xud f.Tor In so ol , x-TT.T T. i . . . e .T i , , , k j 7 fre^ni-w Mm do. traction at ore. ,u l S_i_ - . .1 . ‘IS Combs, Brnthoa, and 1 tha. prop, sab, will be rracived at Ibis Department — Notion, of a.I kinds. until I givAix eatlefa- non.tion. GleeGive her a ca-1.call. , 1 LN DLV li L lfh.knewRnythin«of Ih. history of tbe Od*. -.or. . Um. a. this s.p.rlor Cordial, wbsr.v.r In- — 13 o'clock bouD Of tbr 26ih ilA> Of Max next (which * OUODS. ^ ‘k mu-t I s3S d6 * _ - -. xis.vnc..w PrescalA.-.-As ' he*>« srperAlo»^peraie forlor CACbeaco kindxinu ofor work)wors) AgrrvAtlyagrreADiy - ^ HILDREN'N rreeeaie.-»As usuaI,usual, the Urge»tJargest to SDChsach -]* thal, iRk.ng con*ider.- ^* “* 1 TTrek;-*.^ Trerewa-re t» y ^ know iL w^u?, w^- re 1 11.^ .0 man AAsortmeni toodlflcailoDs of the original plau and wZUOZl luCUS * Acre* can I I of real amusing Toys and spcciacatlons pre- XlUODCKKlfljOCr a;waysd.predreoBk.eia*ii*kt. ln th«ui« 'le-nawt-iroiaou. Am- w ‘owH , t sing Games cm,can ^jw»yg piradpared by the SuperinteadiugSuperlnteadlng Architect asa.h win briogbring the 1 £-hool.irhoola are ipriUFinc*priugmg up in our very pj-j. Always be found iiAt thetbe lowest the , • A OA i “«* oumhero,Humbert, they havehive fumitbadfuroUhtol mLc-midst? Pri- pn-prl- WAREnor’SBarehoi’sk *** JOHN Tr HUGHES.H UG H Es, FROI’RlFKOPKli^E I1 UK 1 w ‘ no..No. i»13 nN assacaasac st., v w Mt ooly have th<7 monopolized "*'“***^“*®“ furnish DrugfUu ca* atAt 463 Maid street. of iheibe coditaciconiracl for the aholowhole " OR « s. t. «U the P'* Mam aSg aggregateAkBregAte buliaingbuiiaiog within j M hvrfc- j ", , re-j . 4.^. I vale tchooU. too. in which no hivher branrh^A JOHN GILL.GILL, ; niti*.# a. ^i!r*a j — - Office at SuUiiffe A Hughe* *, formerly Sutc.iffb, McAl- *• ^ ‘thesumof 6160,000. ^<^B*‘F*Excimitr* -VaBn/otl*rm»Bi*rGood**or’sFBfe»fj.HanmfactmreronmderGoodmemrUPaienU ^ amcli reore eat omeee hy Ure reiremutralsoo «»•'<>«’ « ihrougb I BntrHbre.. t. «'« >" our I ^ e-~ ihrer '‘“S'" comiuou 7r77rrirw~i4^u.rr;;;^•^'teles,l,.: and Iniani.'Inlault* “;h^Teu.r•t™«.^T..The Department rererre* the right to rejectre.ra. 01*. Xo man ever knew private acbool* to VV thaira.—Cliairs.^TheThe largestlargeet aadand beatbe*t Mockstock of the above sals nownow'lnvited,Invited, ifIf tbe aggregate amoantamount exceed tbuthat ' Coats,Coa?5, tb. anti-rom- , Life-Pr?J^rveriLife- Preservers Tarpaulins.Tamaulins ‘ :ies, above are also agent* for i Articles, together with *s geaeralgeneral inIn recAlplreceipt The bread a X . . his sect not excepted, itet celebrated vegetable A*»vrtmeotA*»vrtment of ifIf liII Being of maaa eanreiyraiirely ^ ^ made hy rer«#nlAt'..i« . , tlOCi bte funu&hed, own he more numerous in our city tbhfi they are at Msrkvt sum, or be otherwise deemeddeamed necessaryneces»ary to the in- new aad ^ r*an#'4 Bre tn ia *^*'?f**'*’^ Tf****’ au« af rd ^ Chnes* Vir\t# R#*ta ;te aeo Ol note, hare iet». In store * ’ PtoOOFtoOOK pro^ baen and for sale well-selectedwell-telected s ' ’ CovCfS.COVtrs, sawa Atooaot M appouHed In loU at the maoufActu- leresu of the United Sutes. mfZAglZD ock of DBNr.VLDgNT-VL GOODS*GOODS, ' ef aouflshtoeat ia th« this day. Our school* do not give tati.faclion. nr* !T r/;, ijmsai itei a da#a 11•« b^ov* •iu«3. i ' -rbis* common^-wmiuvu »coU*k.vm a• prodicioo* itnoramui. feral’ uAVra u . '* j rer*»vncesprice* atAt 453 Main street.street* No contract wuiwill be awawardedarded except to master bnllder*bnllders I would respACtiullyre*pectiully ihvli#invite the AttmtloDAtt#otlen rillows,riliows, NurgicalNurgicisl had wtea mada with this rnwisaad afAMmm lAm mrespre all tlie offices hfire. ;# i;.. .,-..,-4 .. 4.:„ rek:i I | to msAOf m tboae HtwTM In *bd hglc ,^.„kKw*re if ^^^ jour neig&bor he sendg his chil- McjRTIMOBK’S EHKI’MATIC ^ ^ * - of tbe DtuulPtnul rmfesslopPrnfeeslou ofot -'wriay--Vrixiy ft *cid caaialDad la faratoatad hr* acquiremeDU of the critic are CoMPOl’ND. JOHN giLL.gill. or mechanics,mechanic*, and thetbe assignmentAssignment thereof, witbonttbewltbont tbe IheBoathaadltheBoath aad I A Na^VNa^ CusLidL*,CuaLldLX, te pravteta literary 1 The | y CbvmictICbcmicil *Ar-\r- iteVapar dren to tbe ichools, - — - e.vAmlnAilLinmlDAiloU of ’' ectioa of tte avunpiy Ifi 10 and he We*i ij ad AS#ortxavi*t. ' .iUabaiDa, Loiuaiana. ifi North | commoo will tejlyou I- consent of thetbe St'creurySt^reiary of the Treasury, wilt be my asrorimcni. My»tvLkls*My »tvkk iAgolc Coii Apaa u, Car- n . . I n , __ ^ win a for- U G K>ds, ttriMiiciee, X#*A# aod. cateemAaauy,. “*"*^** IhUTti* curescurra every form of this dreadfuldrcreUnl disease,dlacaxe, either ' iv exciuslveivluslveiv for icies, «c. • otey “*“ L'NL'NNING^GEARS ferl.r i fclturefcltnre of the pnrebaAed CA«b,ca«b, An*'an*' embrAcasembrace* «very PO« fcae to hourlsh “aNo, sii; ijLNM^NG-OEARSMlkr-UEARN WUIewWUl.wWillew WagensWag.naWevans onh same. Blghty>dveBlghty-dve per cent, of ibetbe at-ar- I Uatedy, wfcito euch sebooU aie unonnd I i tte ACi«to ! not good enough for — ete •loa, in the cfMDDrateiee j j Olio^^mam u Aruosae,Arkanlas uw cooproBiae uemo-ftemrw ttole n-«ed by thele *.^ 4-0 AkAda by this CampASy to pradttoa »^spaps>* lilAammatortf, dcu/c,Acute, or Ckronu; no difference bow Iv «lgs.Ctigs. 300 *eissets assorted inIn store and amount of wurk done amiand maierUl*malerUIs furnished accortlngaccording Pr> fesAloD,fession, gugUfiTAOiledofaaniled of •uparloruoAi*superior <)aAi« ^ a Ara WArrAatad ad4 >ts Attau’iaat avUs. | torfor sale following: “MacauUy'g LiU of William my children to eo to.” You need not atoD at at j price* by All -inler*sAddres*edaddressed to self or ^.?^ *^'*“^^* **^ •'^ *”*^'**' •• *^*^ ••‘to Thto Afticto hsa heaa crate,erVA, the !?**!?*'»*'*• »•*") JohnJoHNJOun gill.GILL.WILL. *ocouu«.»|irio#*tin#qo»Bmirto contiactcontiAct pruraprices (tb.qnaniitiw(tbe quaniltles8 MOAinounwand amonnuamount* to oeas-b.be a.-a*- mim} to SVTi.Li»>ciSCTvnr i «a- tourapthiy teatedu tad to IL oMOaiQO IxemocrBUo irho, ’ bad, orOT howhOWfi®* long sUodinK.standins. ThuusaudsTh»n.»“<'»ThwusAiid* bav. I uatv^aw W Demoemts, W04, inIB 165uIKK) andhDd .k .. *„ tiru . cmirn#i(rhhnr f;n tn the ar*» Ki* K/k.,r " ‘®°S ‘“'"““S* have recently ?£L'“ „« -.i »> ,- ,1jj.l 1 neiehhor.nei^ooor. tolo the m#n whn i I 'jiher pstei t. kk. U’h yourvour Gooo me men whowno are bv jouronr II be attendad to. D. M. WILBuN, FraAnlant. SAliy Ukrd. Whaa . Penii liB? oevef bteii hDfwered.” WbrdidDOt . ceruined by the superiaiending Architect) be promptly aete arratilirr to .. A ^ nm n. ,u . re. wm paid tte dtracttoM* "a to. alterwarda, foucht, to tbe exrtent of tbeir ability the "“‘fi®^ •>**° 'f"''*'''* '®f / l'« Bablra. D.lla. nnJ 4l Shep reaeurer and Secrautry* warrmUe4 to satu ; . i vote the guardians of «. thins Babies, lo iim. McCurlyU rremlom Teeth. „ .. common schools, and | frum iim. a* the work prucraJ-, and nitrai. per , ?; *»"»“**y S,. It caranu to ask ;tieoj ,f they tend their children lo these •** thirty yean, wntx no bop. of rraovery; tbre have dne larg. :ent. b. rrealnM until tb. building re cuiuplclM ai-.l dra Also, Wm. Mcllkcnny M Co.'sCo.'* •^eeih.*‘eeih. __ for D^RKler^ BAKING iSe p-eat battle of tbeir country aeaiM*. those ""I' ; Wr- | j ^ 'p*'ii'’''i)^l'Bua All orders Accomriaultdiccomp-uled thetbe cashcai»b ***^ ••''•ter, by winwiu recMvarecetv* mTTr\J T'd at T !??• aad yaa wt!l tef b# deceto^d. L>o. vVxlVJteXsO^Ij£ Frui Ipa* iffici, prompt Atteatlun. Apr 34 u3mif*weow4iDu3mifS4weow4iQ I HOO^C HOUSS. HBVater euaat* Mew T

    s7^ K^Nk^BT: ! . C0R.\I.S1I, IMPORT, fit ro.. ekal kstatb Agent and acctionbeu. CASH! have been very thorouqbly CKploded, and nobody i i No.8Pa*kPUce.N^Y«lg. »i.ely tbe Iraitora. Itie elevation and consequent reaiieetiibil- of Uie nr»t men of tb. age. office Fifth ttrecte near Jetferaoo. g,gv..v HR*o So Car a* tbe patrooa^e l'^DRIE^.— AO’* bond, w'th proper aod sufficient ecurtCea, In tbe FANCY but Binme* now believe them. We advUe the ity which the ayatem it capable, DRY j^UODS HOl'SE. | of and never peDAlty of 35 000 tor tba mli iiv work 1 It* l WILL ran un nra, Sa, unlay eti',ma..u, i at tbe General Gorerommit in tbe South cxteiid*, LIFE! HKiLTHHKiLTH!! H APF1VF,9S!!! S 100 boxes Lemon Sirup, our own make; $ , , (an sevi-ral a. 4 B‘^i’i.\K;KYuNG?a^riiir'^T1o proprietor* of tb* Review to throw tbu chap until it is heller admiriretered. I ellow-citi- 00 do MscaroDl and parts lo proportion}, for tb-j (AUhiUl j^riortuADce of Pf<^‘®«A* to lb- btgb- prapared to offer every Vermicelli; I variety of gouda la ibcir Democratic patriotism is NeurAlglA, *^a*’^iVi***^‘*te**V'Mrre blilUcr, tba 11 m oa James McCreory Ca, io dufracc while trea- 30 do Pepper {Jauce; *Ald contract. (lUlowait deaenbrU prup.-m, I ih, more libra,. u,,u,. A I Tbrar g«a pnbliunlooa overboardandthip.erboardand ship a brt.erbetter handhaiRl min fi-bis placepl.ee. plAU», atabrrea IMPvlBTBB'^ AND iBiwawikA, | rke *peclflcatloos sod drawiogb ‘ | f?? GeneralGeo*rAl Detlitty 76 do Pie Fruit; working for a*D It rewarded. I met for tte childreo or t-cliooU AS you would 73 WII.Lt.1.71 , I M tbe bulldlug 4AU be examined, and other other Informa* ret. A Huna.reidLot .ltuattd «nlk.reicth,tJa,,f * BT., YOffiK,. ! J.f- t pet moT4 coDlemptibto or»«, Aud 100 grops Matches; grabra wuh*^ n“ K£3*ral«run f Tn«y can A Nervous AtfectloDS, j feel aud act axe sending ^ aving SkOC^aklea lO b- .’amwre w.. . a . who your children fer*oD street, • «...v.Ukrei»...... , . tn# | between Floyd PrcRioo, > We would, in all candor, ask tbe candid frieods — 60 doxeo LoodoU Pickle*; tlon loucbtog tbe prupawed work, cao be obtained oo ap- and brias 65 feet | proaacAtea DyspopslA or lodtgostloo, Lom I Icalion to the Superlnleudlng’ Arcbltert (E. from on Jetterton, by 304 fe^l to a 3^'fooC a.ley. H P^*«t#a aa ttetha ^i. aah uvstam,»st to Ite 76 do American do; p B. Wll- Thu L.,BCooAre a* »at* 2 '* wre. MvArtare Ja of tb* admurectratiea rebetbor tbey tbemvelve. M llAics, aN'o. 97 Fourth street), U>utsTllle, excellem bou*e U the we l known rewidenc* of Co., «. irelt, m. cf Appetite, Acidity oi the StomAcb, Ky. John B. of every varirtv ci I 100 groMt PlaylDg Cards; Cal an Letter PaMrluVe^iTi.** f Blawl, and It U really ooe of tbe 5«®ai ttey LLO.Rlloab avTSteBVTsa, wto areoor lan,large aad The prupo* 4 ls mai>t be ^eat to tbU Department, ad K-m., bollt, mowi -» fer Am w that 4<> do Pine at aa;:clAttar«riv» whoiLsaie •viaq de not tbink tbe Government, since the new -* unphiio*oph.c.i,i Nervoufi BeAiiscbe, or Plow of Bioodtotbe Cut Cbewltig TobAt co; orictou ooOAlstlAgcpMAiat.ng lacarttorare. **•€!, “>? dre»seit to the Secretary of the Treasury, *fipru- comfortable, conveoleni, and deairable Fanitiy !(«»; » t an to-- v 100,iHK) ReiCAllA Cigars, endorsed >ncea (»nirr« from the uade resix-c-iol « mai«v.(. * iniiKjrtody . •oi: Ue.4. wtomto ^e' * UeAd, Cvjsitveaess or IrreguiAiittes of tbo ;mm»a1s for in the city of L*>ol»vil!e. Stewlg ate Dreae <$(*od«: power, I , PreredeotPreredreit came has iraatedtreated : Loulsvl^eCa^tom lioU9e.**Aud will withw.tb in-tn- upon the speaker Of ine Mouse. TlVeraI^re 75.000 liAlf Spanlsb Oliars; beoptued a3 dSm Preaident ‘^® A 3 *tcry Brick Dwelling, situated ~ - Lacaa Aao^BtobroWer** -w . -u r .u- ra these schools by sei.dinp his children, and he Bowels, Plenrisv, Pslos or Misery In the Side or Just recelvAd and At 3 o^clock, P. M>, on the day tlxM for receiving the oa ike east aide I j«*bce t^ of tb. ^‘fi^h "rtio, no apeakre; Mr. ^yd’t office and Urio (or sale by Whu* Ooete; same. In the presence of the blddern, if any whAll be of Floyd street, adjoining a 6-tooi alle) n«ar Mam »ireei; that he ui e very Sifferent inter.^t in their regltm of tbe Heart, FlAtuicacy or Depression of Aiffi V. D. GAETANO »c *ISO J*AU-.reOIlSliftill'nna -vF A w«»rere.kaii-. J. CO. there are 4 room* d. wo ^ fCnS lllHUl l iy. and military present. rul'S- Lol, Incimilag • u. epi’o of thre.it and all kind* of effort* at in- b»F«-R ~ ‘fi< 3J of March. <-o^*« JAMBS GrTHRlB* the a.:**, I A ' Artktoai prosperity and reapecUbility. No class of our •ilkffilk ; reaiJi- 18 .eel. Aet (roatfroAt lyty 103 (r«tfr«t de to 3-foot3-foMt Goods; g. a. maek...... w. A4 doAwtd Becreiary or the Treasury. a alley lu the I | p '**' h. oulancy o. r. teWMs. b ' f i i * kn®n^® v . temidalMa, fooffbt nobly for tbr Unton at a fim» ' f*“ coomunity feels such an interest for the re^pec- rrar. o***Ty, G'oWeA, Re.; : Nervous 3-14% Received tbi* day a large aikI generai JOSEPii hILLUTT'S STEEL PE-NS: .a -IX a-sortmeni Of Hosier), couslsUng Notice to Coutractorv. I TenoN of both these sales— Ooe-thtrd cash tn ba&d^ _ of— M.VNl'rat'TFItaB'* WklU(UiM.sx, fro* ^ dwAlraMA <. -to . AtrcTiuy. twm >>^.1..*^ - Ltele*’ white Cotlou Ho»e; I balance lo 4 aod 13 naootba. with interett, and a ;.ea re- — Ulned to «aairtua.x»lt loevilaMy pmiabed® How would tbe bort except in a awl imp^rttecl manner. As the Ka- Do felate Aud mudo dp; secure payment of the Dotra, 91 JOHN aTRBET, ta.iurare.1 re MraoILL rwra all W s,,id -cliools. NEW TORK. 1^ We are _aJ6dM A. S. large -i*m recMuk, In vxareiB. ant sa-vk arel p^ctorat!oo. Sight Gins’ wnlte au I colored , KSNNKDT A t uf tbese cuninai. »t Ibare could no bcHiik President Sweats, Disease r.f tbebe t'tdton Hose; | popu.arreF.nacuna.«.u,„.bm-’.Pena cv*oatAuUy sox nnare. if, i lew and., om haai. Cxllant Sou'bern Democrat* have felt, while | told by tlio-e whose special duty it Bl’T** wLlte. liown, and mixed Cotton I IIA^>IBAL AND BT. JUwtPH RAILROAD. ^1*: ^ Heart, or Adectlotis of the Lungs, Hof>e; Vautlau I. Dealers ajrel Jaio* ^BALRD PKOPOSAIJ) will be received at the office W. LEE WHmr ('*aaaas.r*. rtrug^le full progress, a '* ***'1 '*“* °f schools Meu’» blown and fancy do do; of das. McCKBSKI * 0(V tbeir treDecdoue wa* ia dice, Diseases of H- sur-anr- i.. a,kArk lur N.W oMbe dejtf'^b^th^f lb* Pr^idenl^tie Vice j tbe Kidneys, De- All of which will tuethe QUbiemigoed,oternilgned. loIn thetkecltyofcity of HalU ntbal, Mlasoorl, “Gn.lOTT'a,**•‘vjii.ioTT’*,’* a.to ravraalaeeerto Tark, FaO. S-^rei. be Sold at low piices. I o W^'^^s\ Vl«P UPflk'L'H .. peniaaaartlae AUreXk/ XliV ai \j F4 X>Ai vJ bay yoptreiadopted lb,the BUMerA**Bira(.ra.s ! until the 30ih day of April, (or the grailuatWn,grAiluatWn, by wbtcb rangeiueot or prostrate condi- MAKK, ma»uur)maeuury , .bicb biabis FansPen# arearfTrer the graduailoo, mA>oBry, ’ HINRT ful irregularUlcg, day a ira- . OWIN, Aeoat- B«oin 12. dT-d Mr. Atch- sue of improvement, il it late a Iciir lime lor j®al*k in gom an- aiiver and Z * No aa a pretended friend of tbe rloriou* aeem to think, that, if Mr. Pierce A Urge aij'l weli-»eiecte*l • brHsiug twenty five mlleit I Current and Cncur- — - . causa in ai.*onmeot of Kn,:lli>b 1 of a ’ditlonai, extending j _ niS re .I. esIH^:l$l!y wi'.h E waiik Notes. htemcj rareuresol for tS. swebaM aad aai. . . .. the common scnools of this City to ... ,, . . 1. a become «uch I ^ J ij u Furniture Print*, u(r®*r from The rema:?4er which we ofr*r fur sale at low price-.prices, Mst 9t. iwarpb. uf tbs line, ex- j XwICYCnRIltS AB wbKffi they wereenrtetvd, would aet isrei were to die, there would for • lime b« nO j RJld T ooanMM'.aa M mmimptoomi miaaa ab.j M.aiiv upon them Pemaie*, a35 uoi,.,r,,| ten.lmg adiisunce over ’ , commendalion and mark, DCLANKY, M DOWNS. of one hundredacl fifty mile*, t^»iH buy broken —reBank Noteso.rewwwm*at themiw lowest rate*i»ir« \\^ J. Da\•'-w , ».I. *»la Stock I ufu* yw co. **c t*. rre».r^ m . k 1B vo«^.'cflCotopto.’cfl •TgA..•rgA.'. .tio*,vMnr *«g r«nitDd M«>r<.bAau Attd s-d1-u aad*aa atAt Wormw«r«; agoAtoe tor will be placed under contract a* s on a* the Msme can be dlficoum. V\^ ,• OeaUM*^'*^**^'* ihAi furatohiaafaretohlag ktiaUklUiU ’^•I they axeare the Jhii.E aHall of MAckineryAnMachinery an-.. , Wr*** MtarngTatoaMtAiAgToes* to I? a -p a®ajit»Aoavts roMrom prepared by tbe engliirer!*. ThU line embrace* some t^etake Ka*t Tetane^saeTet4UP®SAe atAt par forfer - •Rtared;-ntored; ‘ lubscnpLouvi ubaenpLou* to c • atooatow tte take he*l possible care to. Il.ca the present ||eoeratioii I.re, P.l, or Sallow Con.p..xlon, Bij.lprlas r w rimmawm.*rl i • i '» *• CChoBMceibABi tcM AaAiy«ifiAaAiv«ifi to 4)ve*4)r«e aadabU otajia »i* tire cAcev aixl fiooor* at bu tlnposal upon Ureii of court, the | ^.mBQ ‘.na of and ail Cn- , A. al-JuU U very Wi»lte>> “m' rad?.'!;!, ralrai^S.'aSd’biraTLLllHSim^ «rrh'rarrxcava'iruM"!i'b< avy excaY’ailwD* and embaukmenu.Jrelnkm“'n™“J2!l7.vand several 'H^Luoai-rrettCountfirfrett Dcuctui.Pctoctor. wi5dw ^ (‘ffi'/r^ ''i tuh H iw » I UriVilftlUTI Vllf tl HosfjHONf T >B8D>#ap etABCAA rerarareMaa fwrwAiAtod Pomraw layany Unpart tore tte ewurtry. —* boy. and fi* L 0m*flral and parents lauran, Kmptiuus or tb. Skiu, or Humora of tb. Blood; an Men’, iiaif rent- brid«ra. ' iiura. call lo : duuntoo rr -m and, jo case of aickuere, t‘“* | of tbemcelvv* BeautiftU Suburban Laud for Sai*.' 'ffi««‘i»»'«*ui!i«—•i-.fcrki.c.irt.rairem ss «**.«—•*•. -i.i re ’ tifSFKNPKKS.— 140 du;:en araorled. Hans, piutllev, and apec'.flctlons will b« rraJy at e amiwv ; tb.r. Ibelr kludrrel , n, I A , • too! and complalnu have dretrearad Ibuu- '***" dUra.Trafcxrai„nt»uoa,re,u-.L,*nilral,rev». —t “ikra Tull.t 8.,p,. a,ar,> Grrera, Clmi- — ran,.. ay ongiuaieu «“ ruwt'-omereL— laaip. enliKh'^neJ onop .belue .auai. Vb.y*uey ru b.v.nave ur.*....i«i rrum vrayvery .,mpivM-mple and frgfc Uou fur A cou itrr »e*t—SI uAteU *3 hhaviB,; Cs'eam*, MiUbAiy (‘fi* Whv.)Wllt|r») DOWDOir profereBrofete toMtotethAtto belrev. Wa. ‘ ,T LIC ‘ AbMQt ji m'l atevlag Ssmb, *. TW, Ii mAmmurm ' . are HKeiyliKely too ^lemakeinabe rverr*W, vrr*very fooorood '. Reaisro^l > wibjecl «f tbi#this day than «®ver b*®forp.b*®for^. Uehavehave nnruspeciedunruspecied Lsuse*,LAu»e», ike dlseateiLaeate anJand (rum the t tty, w th A i-jifig irooicU .-re,. ' We tutbut lu c«iaec«iue must a3i Corner of ('•HHrActors('*H»irAciors H andtad J. R.I tkv BOW turu- —— ** teteeUfteur«A Ctito compTMite)compTflMGite) were teCPAte-p-erm Mv d auu Kiith urtwt-.. R. , If ew Turk. Bi wiitimn m..•*. Pea, te, IMJ dly iWe *XL ,,.b I . V Tk'^y are coBstanCv tmport.og ^ WmUia ^ but lb«nthen they are ; ns(;Dlk*!, 18^3. eeri- Ifif enjoy “Lite,“Liie, Heaiih,Ueaikh, * “ nafinlka!, Mo„Mo.,MsrchMarch 14, in2Its31 Pf-Itl-iMsy ^uAHtioeer rw ia mmvm tLa Vuiom ih/ nartr fhaf ®i>. J'r^KWnt Rud Vice ^be removed, you audsaid Uappl- T,, . -I tte roiOB. Umm tte party that op- 6-* ' Freach M*ir Ute j A doe” Ab(l very Ur,.* A»iD*.tucut Aibo acre* next Sijjuiului, Aiiu fiAme froDt oo sai at«1 wib IruskvA, all wotldwuild of KAn<«, l 8teU, rvww wa *®®* -m « v cncecnee of the on itetbe iubj**^of.ubj^ct of free H*wii, *nl BufiA .» Dfmm* . ...itto.- ame* pCd tire.m oufht to havehave’ been'^nlirmV^been inliimed, a» probably bettertetter tb.nthan no PreridentFrefident or Vice-Pre.-Vice-pref- Jp raryingvarylDg tn price from 60 Cfi*tits to road. Upoo botbihvwe UA- li, are /‘XCcHpoi g<»od Sormcu — -tt it*mi_Li_a. f^TCl I > A, lj K* f\J^T4 A T oUrio | raral7*^nT.cMU W |35 per duxeii, lor NEW COMMISSION HOU*B.HOUSE. aU W A j F I schools, and can make it available. We have BBC#, aa4 M tiae^ iha* iteir oppooitioo would Tit Tfioiuandt icho have procured and uted sale pxccrdingly low, to rlosr unt tbe stock, at HB subccrIWr* Lavo c&iereJ Into CouPAribeiskIp un- < the eirperience uf the Roaton scnools, perhaps a38 LICIITKN- 1 OFWKNTUa uf *' «•’ - • CO.’B. dcr ikc firm PKNULKTON fur 1 I„ BROIURK, the uo* toiera’ed,— DU crt. . • • T te fu . a. *. . i * . ./..k . • I* mA'i the begi in the world for the uM ‘.MH) jvars kUhTiUOHF'p trausAciloii of the c'ommlaaiun Buslnes* In Tobaccf», Cot- <«u. -*a^.i.rv ...w e:2^Th««a aiwt.zaa wrw “*lu *“ail "re*oectg woilhy and I Urr-st 0#aU*.— w cl<«*e out uBdorslgucU. Tire 04.1.4 of lire Orawerat aod fire lUntuckf ' CFLCBAATi:!, oursliKk,sliKk, we u-c, sod produce geuereUr, an i faAve tAkeu WsrehooMe : | „rtau,ly for the last IW ,ea.«. ihey Lave ! TO WUULBwaLB 0R^:«G(,T, A.TSCWL'.TTKT V V offer to (be trad* and public geoerally, *tt rsmsrk-rsaisrk- Bo R. KSNNKDT, ReAl w. J, (lAVis writer. N>. 12v, hmUh's WhArf, BAltimori*, Md. ^(Ate Ageut, I * ca, *ccompli!D*-ara.- to .ave lire riuoo. Weil, Ureo, *ieuld the, not r'SLKfilBlt fikfi TCE riugb Jenkins Co., BAiticor^ from Luui-\llle. ,^a I -®< *o*oTOn. I |t. thPi7 3ir:'?wlcdRe and experience jt .< acarelOAL aad**** PlurTAL l>i have distafies cknuot remain long | near llehb’. Depot, la r^ll I.NSTKit-8T>ir- a. shikdu;*. We Say that "iheie in thesys- /iRvilXG lUbies.— Received per T*legrsph ' << Tira u; 81LI,Sill,XILI niBDU.i,HllilUl^ Bail TDIdTIVC aai-ax s. I hove ioforwred tbe raao BV Maav ph No. 3 K. W. Rrane Son*, ,a«^» I liaaid TKlXll.tlCTRlXliHCRIBKl.Yfc Birih hrktsMitfcn real wbooppoted tboaeoieas- ralltuai!. ' IIHIEIflltt Fi.\KcrrLaar.FINK cnLaRT. aiikiudareall kiud. re hktallio > anALLio r'f higtorj*, which ibould be rekd ra.ve »*1 H||! Th.imerui'enicat. are ao' A* k Creitt^r (*,ni after commencing its use.” It operates like a on* •( Crying Babies, o’ vArious xh»,p, Audau«1 for Wm. Wilson to Son, « ‘ W««iJ MpC .J au— w-.....-, brow aerene, j STRINGWa,SYRIMiWa, — to Hit* vttn I IT %KtB miTre.K«rene,.adOo»Carere.«,*-n-i B'te : -ffilDlcoitxsi %KW York.YORK. Caianan. tfiat hoo .^wlih A ra..m., I aax-B.X- urea “tbeir oppoaition woitU not be tol- Studied UhUim Iridnd knd pitrOQ ol the iLAJi, I K'lwin Wortham to Go., iot^braond; ul“v hud by chann, acu a fluefoiuf, correcu tbe ionea ot the •i ****•glvA, to«o; *»“»••••ipiiBto IA ttetoraiuftax meat lire pAACefa! smllAf' m **!.*, t*mr#nm*»tJ*' xnd f «dOveuluXi..uH)aildlUdi, lee-buora, THOM.VSTHO.M.\S U. u» ik* LegLr* wwArm,A.*»Arwi, x.»t Aud AAch A At hIs Wig M AOufActory, rerfumeiy, Aud Esucy 5tore,Store, ' to ** Ac. Ii ha- STEARNS,STEARNS. e,Fkintnnn h At lso«toii- i scli >lIs . .. . y ArcbL'd Toutums ;*uA} ?fv oratod;-'” COtotDon echools.«rhnfd« WWU»i lhi«le • hre digetUve alru Va lonogn^w orchard ol apple, ^ ApATASAS for c*ub r*«i Ate otter 1>o«uc«1U*a, UmBiiu;*! I sroc:Awoff the . 10id.lra lu tWreby, Brl.U.po/t.Olilu; Silks. We Editor of tbe Deraoerat,as4 A«rrow*i self tetuUe! ( Millmcry, and •*» ?.:? ‘maerere sreUaacopm amt Cab Smdo. iraratree, «“xoj .brutbery. F.re«., oa g^Ig eu ijm.luuue- Fancy*^aECy Good*Good. I - 5 Ftn i1 More knon. B,ll.._Belt*.—Belt*.. JuliO Cr,l*li. Oturtnureti *»^J'®®*‘»* poisonous storetlon-.;stcrotlon-., impa/uImpa/u purify, , RR<.»AUir ; rhlT***, Toa*HTaaxll ia—lareramenm,s tHi> fi li l ! impure auJ riak- dlxtoly. »*rt>AUWAT.AT. XKWNRW ch^ am ererags ra t mtem., Ke^toc^ wteotoGwhiaa P.esiOaot Pierce, it*s < im*'*^*“* Tetuu ea.y TuRKoToilk. «a. : »ruB'rti>uii J** yoa, M.. wbetber such infor- ••-••tv. THEOPHILUS. vj TLUThis l* tk*tk« tvpt article cou‘cou- tn uee,u»e, a*A U Sirs*vmvj Gonlon to Co,, LoutovlUe, I VAiirc ^ ,. . . . Ze t . .. . . 1 ^ g “ *'®'* '* Vto'aOB by, a.fi® '‘*y" »•— *«« A* tte pM4«fi OK XOUr?*0^ aeee,aees, otiatUyvitatitf/ tolo the Woud,h/oud, circulate* It freelyfree **. .i.w ,rert i.wru...... 4.7.*. .a dT .t. ' rreal.iag offralng —a re aa" ‘ of and r ..omt.wtK t*ck, t,r*.vm»(. S. S. K KNS KDT CO. aad I otrengib to ike Lreasi sad preveuu psiu:U lu th* w. n. Rmlesb, Charleston, 8. C.; ' . _ H ^ by you to I *‘‘fi® ^ aatiot. wa* CiFUi tbe opponent* of •o-esiPrt.recXtuaipixtexMunBieBtorsooda 21"*^ “‘••‘•rtreUy aaaoanO, aare tbe • - ** haarfi ab aagAi sp«Ak, system, sod tkerehy ueutfAllze* side, toe. All who wish lo rtle ea.®y should DAve Otis J, Ch«f*®e, <• | 'U2*' I ! throughout the and re- hAve one. w fi'* rexbraclng ail F®^fi®*» •“’* “ticio * I tha Txrtoaa Myire ‘"F warraatre. coreprraiire. Wa* -otice |;iveD to sueb Jamt** M'Cullogb, Pittsburgh; NE3ROES WANTED aal tiUiire men ts Ao4 tte vordf staiply these— B.\IN K, BRINCE B*rreilnre, Flrera- I CRH< *OF, j blanciisru-s, fslo to Kirkpatrick, ^ The anderxIdBiU, dealer In Slacara la wil- BrThe New Voik courier w u.ia ...st. Brown Mm ,, « 'elf* Davis, Oobbia. boule, torUnd, aod **0h' blesaed are the aiAea!** ling to fair ea.h ?"'* Wbaox., Tamoaaad| o«»«T 111 Oui-m I pay a pr*c« I..- Campbell, Charee, m suns .A i Nww TorU- Z. I ® 51: | ^n thmlu Ike refu.«| of our Uavernincnt to recog- expire. ih!..u,- healthy^ Negtoeu; aod ii. wrap, cur - Y"nmla«* e< all kiada, Praara ! 4 |voR ih. L.di..—By D. Iteib, K*i,, Cuhler N. W’n Bank; rere A ia tbe South, aod Dik, Gray, sou otber* in the ^ ^ Wteellngi JP Tbea I fotewed sHeBtly reraj.n oiovre, a H*-***-, o i* aJUffi^WABilyja,«a»llroaMod;.grorefurrele.^ "^'*’°*“ liam u to *« fifi P,rw..u.lffi nizetfae independence of Liberia Great Brit- M to M Glitra i **^“*^ — . , , ' f 4v*AgM*iroto'for *A;e,of wishiAgiopurchAfie, Mortfa, “(tef Metr apfOMlioo to the rampi vlsioa C0T^pity',oTf woa.o i *1 emtee Wtere’ai the led, beautgiu I .sweepiug uo, R. BAker, orpirfi- mti ir\uw a*rDE>i.>f r» w> tk I jr»i- Gum jAme* !-• OFFICfa, alK>. J am, France, Prusria, Brazil, and Belgium, live fthU It to ih*lr intAiWAi to fiv* A call. His offlCA aaJ 4o- '*71 5®***^’ C- HAmlk*r*hlA#A. JOHN STREbT, TUJ A storai secaietl gAihenng LiUltS s*r GauUreiiU. fur I :nd«-3lravre; Ju*iAb Hlb’er, Rxmbzr;;, 5. 0.; re* aid oof fie taieraUdV I pot U *ltuAted on th« vAstsldoof Svcood, th# iroito Ate j^ile, heiwteh Ra.o 1 rkOtefXS.Aft bmoaow %VK all recognized „**“*“ fi?**'*^*' Ueury A. Sbra®1VT, M AU.; I huHa* rn«te*#rl*toto gAAorAliy. ArommX tte fkir aba’s head. DKMiarchies, having it—will soon uixt“’U. a.IKIitral iouk«,” vbil. no Glktleman Or*ot iDduc*o»«te4 o04rte u We wish the editor of tbr Democrat would tell G. BLAIM.tlAliLI, 4*1 MAlll St. OAloe*, New OrleAU*. -^ ...... A38 UtoT A. L. CAAU ABU sMOftT TI Mg bwy*rv. , i-maag-ctrey, .... *«, am, ... l^meerynereee, | to tell most mischievously upon all hx» evra be.a wiin.* to »otraUict ih«a, bat all vi. wl dwV dK QUAUUlStIN.AUK.90 S I begin our o30 deodku* ' THO«THOtl «. SIlAKNa.BTBARNa, u* boaeatly (or at a«iy ra'e a* booeatJy aa be ' •at anil I mw the peAcef ul aslle, G. imIte fl.^w*y, KFWTOKK. business rflations with Wertern Africa. The »<* other lo procaria* «id u.iaa li. New Booko. Rolwoen Literty m. Ami 2U>ora ran) ad bAATil the angel speak, Lte*, X. T* Ite meet enUnelve TnaaefanArer* eg MArMe*xte obat be Hunk* of tbe admioistration’* Thl. BiTTta CoauiAL .uU Blood PcairiEa may lf,TORICAI .oadra.-.j.Um.a.2r^ of tbe memtiuee that be biaaorlf briievet w“uii^s'.*Fomre.”* Between Sr conJ luid Third sts. I •• ; were ^ Co i »re nSUrRnCe caata the comroerrial ^ Tha aoarea of thia Compaai ••»*, aud uUre a» k'aidiaoa re ..rey dra Obwat I, eoward siderabic item in transactions of yrrerrlb.lt la pr.fra.uc. to mt other .Vtrratitt or Not., act Breeuit.tloa. to th. Text of Shxk.prer.’. eramary to saw still 1 went OF CHABLB8TON, Sul TH fi®” •*•>’,000. MrtpOoa. Ibe Hoioa! C*flO;.UfA. Thiam I world. Thxt with Enelaiid alone amount* f;.;P;%: • (r„mfrom eAiJjrei|y m*nu*uiaous cliiirlyl correuiou*corrreiiou. in xa copyc*py of tb.the se* by exirAVAganl n*wt.pAp«r puffs without Wben’er ite visica led, the stoodBlood Purseri^nrtAer known. TL.Tke evldmc.evidence tala lu bshxlfb«kAlf Uto . O exAm- •*rea*4 • |f tavaure P|THI*aa**0*reoa«y >jolaa.* la rell ihaaowtlaao* Follo, 1834, !q Ul*“*• poAsAtoton ®'of J FAyo* ColUeT, > laing for thcauelvAs, Are Invited lo lu»poct the stock ra«ll l anital aii Ham ia to about five millioni of dollars annually. And ret. — mtreK aev.cwrerere. » * t. . . IBSII lapilRIy Rll pRltl 10, TIU I bAW the talr eoc laid overwhelmtug,„„„x„n,,o», xudAte from high raurcre;sources; hothut UIt I.Is known Tuek JtAtesteeh. itiiklmnsi 0('’%i«rA« ate the pwoite geauraUj to* j.. price* At which gotxis I i I' Ii a poht perTcruoo of reason, justice, aod ret ^ ^ at* olfcrte At *“ 44toi* it 1* Liberia, with if s sea coart of en biindrrt hx.bA* not motmet Fiiuclplesofof F.m.leHyxl.n.,Femele per ceni. the«t msirmir. «g Meektoteed Ceee Iroa MteUee/eAKj senae to I pcB har dying heii. matthAt for(or two yere.ytATt th.th* supi’ly.apply th.tbe drauud.demete. KiemeoltKleni.ni. of HexUhxnJBeAlib end Principle, Hygiene, HJilSOS l^ OH 04300q^OUU,UUU.000 AnauAaiy. All losAee ts»* tete common coolouad the oppostUoo of it* promptly mat, aed tv aggaam telrh thrr *it* mAnafArtAilAg miles and its convenient harbors, law and lU i»y •»• Till, D., »'“'®‘9t‘0\oT Phy*WABWy‘'ct»B to the F.rTln*(JonKArrlogdon — ite This x„„ared.hundred* of **.nuAgeou caoC«1 certlfr.certify. They «y,sAy, “erary“every “-r *••• J® Tl“. *bell, Tbte the sBftlllBg suOarer, liberty, it* religion and its civilizatioii— it u Ll- GmerelGeneral DUpeoMryDlspeiMAry andAtd Lying In-CnsrUy, undersold by any the ^ to® koem . te coaceni wbutner price* be fixed hfwii* saIA **ii* a ^dfo-ea* more*»> while‘ It,, uow meet* *«•.. fAc Cojiiln; stock ummpwed. Amp. teeeaever b*te ommmig*, to tbe cookfroffliac wpb that ^ * " KnxlUhBn^toh Uiei^are,Uieratare; with xoAn oulllMoutline of ^ *1. Ate^aa*. Hl.tury olof fcc ] of th* Abols- With voles All faiat ALd herix^we sav tnthat chieffv controlg this prosper-pr n**Tke HUtury At co*toi ai a lo**l Another pr*aclplel»—-to avoid the pur® J4WB»..aAte thU letetnUon aa a ^ w«*h, beria, we say J william B. *«:• am to i theto «8k« teltartoM eg tte v%- j ucivetensive sale with uoraXiura than one Ihoueandtkouaand Ornggl.tx,Druggists, ih.ib* origin .odsnd growth of th.the EnglHhEnxllib Langaa.eiUngttA,e; lUns-lUus- ^t4dd€Mte S!?? W MAte^SeeUeA. team Tioo fre rae* oppoa*ipn of tbe North. reco^ize^ the chase cf all trashy or Inferior goods. Although they are to oktea..i« twumnee marMo, SMh a* B«yviAla, Spate bersetf, a'ad geaily tato, oos and growine ^merce. To M., LOtlSriLLS .%GKNt’T, N;i, 4S4 ^ *• 1 «g Siama, Ipeew ir.tedlr»l«d by by Syredlng,SpaiUlng, A. l^ofeAwrofPtufrerarof Maix s'^CT fow JSUi among whom are «.uyloAuy .apuentecoinent Fby.lrexnx,FhjsteiAOA, who use ca-* Axirscu;reirren.; wm. (^o often the most pr/fitable to tbe trier. 1 need only owDttv*mortho*etoih«trfn«(idho n««,u doort w€*t nf Whor* ite T**^•‘4 AasinaeAtoinao,, kg4g*i*,eie. Frluoeftluoa AlberuAlboru niiiniiFtiiinie Demoaat. *Hlhl hteexd an: the meehV^ inflcp^od^nctf Ol Ltterik will bo kh kCt which Logic,Loglc, Rbeturtc,Rbetuilc, iudSlid MeiApbystc*MctApbyslcs tulu th*the University of (Sit* *'7*txS ^ pewteaa imto*tele* , raw.^rawiorea I* appeAl to those who have favored me with tli*tr custom AAOA**t* $s4» 40 p*r coal, wiu te r*cAlved tf itArJkdUU THOMAS In €*ih hteffiabA 41 Ugh*uahi Ate*Ymamt, too., Ji , havohavetoteied*11011*4 ttetha Aowaa*itedAOte**mte cate-eai^^ kud C04t us nolbiiiR. It SAint Andrews. for fifteen years lo |u»tl(y lu these S.^NN^D T i imt 1 OAB4. in teAring luerAst. Mr. Pierce ceitaioly sotma to ba*e eaofpood- will DTofit her much, the past me state- I p*r A make Tho**«M m^toteoa of cuatetAAOW* tn moikAea, ote « Feyefrt.fe Llf., by lb.^fi* ®»‘fi“‘ ®»of raaMAA frew har NtUr, This l. a Fc!refrrt>fe I^U-pteumulSpiru-t*meenl tolo take.take, and pra. Harr,Harry Mnir,Mnlr, .a S^’FStory of ScutUahSeo“|‘fi fiP .othor ..rernnient, thua»fc Iregra la fully reg«rs tn* pabUc ta tte Vmm sto^aUc involves necessity of 0(rening formal diplo- act yet very | Chnrnlat-ga - raw.-> fallowta« »«raoM, ihtor popateUy w«h tte pteOc. no f*era.«w ..re'n. I od tbe OfpootUoo of Iboso booUrera man to Kr* Hargaret**«s*reiM*ltlat.d,U.rkl*nd..U.Maltlaud, Harkland, etc. V'OOCOIatC, COC03, rtllff BlOma. wtetei tb* totob.n«»llu*uy.iat*oln«»lna«l lalo tiaiaaiai* of ^ .ujJtbtcA33J^b:i;: t. RAPHAEL.R.4P H I '®cUFCUT aaf. b.b* any hnlth,hrelth,hrelth.u.> .even.venbTtheeu byU, U.thevae “ii; _ __ T^oa- J, Wo 0 I 9mwm at Ite edvAarAir— to mw 0«acavavy Tte ABffvi ieo wa* ofcor*) malic rela'ion* with'lier by th« mutual axebanc* of th. R.yolutlon, or tb. War of In ^ ?**”*i**i*^ MatUb, , , ,, , ... C*uip-FlrM to CUo^ AuhtrIcaa <: ampraw lac wiW tbe oppoutioo of tbe Nertbeni or cAUdachild. ( \Al repreaei»t*Uve*. tiur delicate po- oi<*tust ueUcAU/emtogdelicau/reMfc iUu®>trAied by ibrllHcg «'’enu Ate storlee * VeMlBa, Ite apper w«ld of diplomatic dependence; FOR RAQS. V TV A bin Ch4MaOaA;es,ChOtoOsA;**, (Cocoa, nte h CASH I If I Ftic.Price ,i QUiki parper buuia.huiU#. uattut atto Agents the old oouuneniAl sokUers; by Ueury C* WAteou preiD'aiii* Teasaoitora. at any rate, ba traot* Soot barn thi* regard uo where better under- AI ire*hte agenu u>in thuthis by kov* teen i TIP HBpriAoted tami te hear. ,;’'Ou in u LOUISVILLE PAPER MILL. I WtthorlglBAl lllhsDtoioo* by CvoomA. end Folr* to ih* tbe the Liberian GovernDent; and fu paper. w. v. ALExaNUERh (X>., Froprtmora, Uttlou, mad Nortbara caamw* of compromise alike -tood than by exemplified 1 b the Cryp- UB subscribe nov rebnlldiB^ tho *TheThe pPrinciples of BotAOy as U LoilsvUla Pa- I Grocers la th* United firot** ote by their Ageuu: ^te«lAviUA,Jute_4A*^nik-4lvis pAchod aad *aaA with salaiy la sag tte said te C.utrai oara. No. i Barclay pan to tha eateWyu^ IhM aacd «, {overnmefit would be let!) likely to claim frun aurat, os# Schools And CoHoge*, by HArlAUu par Mill, Aod ezpecu to te in mil operAllon to Tork;York, so bredmuabotieo of lovora. la tbe booth, be ’offAmlA,'ocamia tor the of r moau- I Hnssnv MrntoAT,Mmiuey, N*wNew Paper a few weeks. I happlBoes see seek: us any form of iuternatioual etiquette wbicl (Bator Hona.), New Terk. Conlut. Acturlng in I win require for Im- GmAffT to T«fi enns, Pbt>A4*iphtA; D . P. FYDYNEBina. il^iZa!2mhTSZl!!!Z!t bestow* oAco* open kueb mao a* aod of the Rhine, and UebaccA oiedlAie use 600 tout good BnvnoiGK, BAUiasurv; D*vw Sver, ever bear la mtsd repupiBnt to tbe leeluij;* and babiti ol Veame*** Diary, a Leg*ud COUNTRY RAGS, for which Tho*s V. pROFKA0OR to Ite Latin, Gr**n, H*hraw, German, »Ma dtacwvary *a tte pahitc, ana would be | 4aasaa»iras*4 is# niArw and Rowuua, by W. M. ThAckeray. I will pay the hlghe*t market price lo cash.* to prpLCY, ClactnaAii, Ohio. Kkkalt 1 bout,, and, Ibe NortK, upon re*- * *** *<-“•»* l.a g li rere. apply ai -re .MHt. ..a rarell«....re ,u -ra. . m aocb a* Dir Md ew Ueaead are the meek,** the American people. Our country lia* no to Paper S KORBIS a SON, For «sale by MAXWELL CO., • ISAAC CROMIB, Moaufacturer, WALTER 8AKKR to CO., Mr. tehrmiei** uffiev om Wall streat, boiwe*a Mala aad AAto*** oedava aad mmmmaicmUmm | la sou to be asbamed of Liberia. rant dredfiwraw Wh«lwal* Aieuu. a38*28 461 Mhln ftt*> door 4buv4 jnrUu A37Jtob JIo. 477 Main st. Apr 18 dtyU Dorchester, Mms. **‘®'* diray. Lovii' tlXCy A|B11 affi, 1863* u M OliNml. CKAKUa CKUWT, Sremrey, — ; — I '| — W ,O “^ ; ; A , t . 1 . • .

    ADVERTISEMElfTS. IHURt^UAY, APRIL 2b, 1 A. M BY TELEGRAPH. RIVER np:ws. COMMERCIAL. AUCTION SALES. AMUSExMENTS. 8PBC1AL ROTICB8. (i.YORK ADVEBTI8XJd2dI^3£ N. YORK aio«:i Horn S’. H. ISilMrt#. Jdorrt>smt Utmss, 16$ .«msm C^Ci BrPKcia OK WmTAWASif.~We voui'* ^esi ir. H. yji. Dcnai^ A<9vtwn»tnm .Vkxve BY B. G. HENRY & CO. I Bmef, m Pn TSBVROy April */7, Me LociiVlLbX* April serms. .V r. ]kc« CocKTtWfciT. —W« wen ehown, ye*- CABINRT-II AKRKd* PI HMSlllKu <>OOU:3, GEOCK- THEATER. be asLamed to call attention to or Inrlte tbe ledlee and afreel, y. _ ^ ] Tbcr» are 11 fe«t6 iacbet wat^r to tb« channel and The market yesterday was excessively dnll. Johk Batks Proprleior. CMiaterfeit $20 bill Ml tbe Bank RIES, LIQUOR;>, AND GUkllgWARR gentlemen, who nasally visit our gallery, lorome andad- LARUK A.^^ AfTRCCTlVE "TOCK OF terday, ' l^tage ManAge% ' weather p'.caaaot* | Jt falling* The u clear az>d a B^rtkdas ^ We heard of no sales of pork and quote mesa oomiDaliy oda.* Cis< 27, $16 60. Tbers was nothing done lo bacon Burned that Uue rnraiiura (fur If (Friday), at II o’clock, I it no ueeelty to them, «e j ^T7()«||01lR*)W Morning we b«t they ban Mi»tioe«r«iy wile eKiccs ot al>siusion. ! and Commission Merchants, tnton, The rim hea riarn S inches. The weaUier ie hue. swM-lots eolds-wi*. from..vrsaa theaasw countryvaewasas, et w$ end.rsw 6cwa, aw.for -iboulders— Will Sell, at Aucuon-rooQis, lo clo$e a j ± cooccfu, an . prejiri Circle and P^aette 7*76 centscents, they would < all oa Mr. Stokes, where theycoaMteea jlneolce of black figured and plain Hair figured . raepoadi with this. The paper is somcwIm* . hems;hams; there Is noDo change in prices,prlct l^ri omet bat bold 01uih$, Ch Idren DD<1er 12 years to l>r«^* Circle 60 tenu* L. 0 WIL'sON & CO., CM ARRIVAL OF Alt, April P. M. j greater variety,) bat cleanliaess Is one cardinal THE I’NCLE SAM. INK 27, cut Velvets (black and colored;, rich figured of the NEW YORK. - . . ^ I PlU’^Ue:*, Secwnd T:er 60 cenucanu. q h era eery firm at prevloosprevluos . _ Impartars aad J hma a* net The Wlowinc The rieer •* llgnresfignres. | *.*. and see Wetater’s pal', hut rtroni;, and w^i. !s rlilos slowly. The wrsther Is r’ear snd black Worstwl TasbeU, Bureau Kuub5, Siik a&i Wor»ted Q^nery 26 centscentSo ^irtoea, to Daguerreao Gal lory claaned Lihtral Jdwantet made m j w few hoDdred U>lsflour»oldbbls flour »old ftuui sWretstores and the mills uimp, S>-fa Bprlnga, Bra^s Ca''RTLA.>UtSTRRKT j At o’clock, Groceries, Uqnurs, anJ FIRST SilllllT OF THE AEAMI.%. at $3 ;aa$3 SO. ,«l„r*n,„l for you tP .top lu «.M.k1 . look 47. M.,. ’- and Made payable at mominc, brin|riii|; 4 and Ft>jii,ii00 PlTTsnuEi:, April 27, P. M. GlS'^hware, viz: M (Opposltathe SmV'>oa4 and Wa#|wrn !!• ami eillr, Noreaber I, 1^51, jO paseen^r* tnanacer lakes pleasiir* In tliat ha continues sells from store at U*T1ie annaunclng . Wheat to bring &6«. Corn 10 hf bblF Ko. 2 Mickcrel: I ” *'* ^ Oatheleflliandithasapictunol ontreiKhl. There is II feel water lo the channel and (a’...ofi. The ba.s ett4>cted an eniiajtemeot, fur a short parbid, with TO DRL’f.Gl^kTS, AFOTHECalRIKS ASU Now XI A 13 Dey Stiffiwt, New Torlg. asiksvUle. 124*^ ai'CordlDf to quality, oats from store S6c. b bbla No. 3 do; , _ _ pusei«ei «ie Um: celebr-teJ t hi- ' i, ci«r the celebrated RA7KMAK flllLOHBN, who will rt;Rfct’.ltER.V NVtTRthffiaauaUanui WMaALSALS Br VEAi ta thair f Amont! her «.4 htipcrior ^ Za on tbe.ZZ rightrZZ,' -j...-tn*th*l m •a. woman.wom.1. ' grocery about 30»o bbisbbl. sugar.Uiar at.1 6^ 2 druiii' Codn«h; Gm>. Scott, Mid-d - .1. .dj Inin tbethe trotenr marketui.rket salessale, ofot .Umi make their llret appearance THIS KVKN1N(4. racelyad from New Tork, by expr»^5a, a ji of '11 HE aotwcribers oSar ta tka trad* a large ami var!* I vary Urga asaaitnieni af Ooaii*- which lakew* cum- dramatic con»^ I 4 bbU pickled do; C^dna f. M. a*< >' >an af al) the i^bett^r, prea*deot,pre*«l€iit, and•tKi S.8. R,R. Sx. Louu, April «, a64c..s*c. Nothing.NoihioB dunedun. in molasses. s.iwSales ofui about.huui 150iso riiHi’RSUAT K\ RNINg, April will enaA-ted 1- aasornnent o* Farelgn Drifa, Chanlcai», Mcdtcl plalaaf all saaaanaof tka year hy ika It u eirnediifCTicii W».Wm. Ledbetter, The Uthmu»Ittbrnun w««wa- bealUiyhealUiy and crossing re- _ mo!««. 4 chesG Gunpowder Tvs; 2>S be an Daguerreotype ca>ea« of the lataat »tylea$ which can be | aal EttiActs, Ferfamary, Srwffihew, wr« aav eiylas and rnhvtca thwara oanatandy wivtng hy I d«-w wrUten Rsamtial Olra, * coffee et ti(c. eele o( 14 bbl. larir eud IS super Black X entirely Comedy. expre.aly for tbe . . . . ». ' •*“ Kls A 3 do do; r ^ • letter m," in tbe good. I ** *'• *>'• ^ **’4 •^Pachaaa.’* hav# Aoc^xsoo, casbwr. Tbe « markabir Cbildrrn, *ot‘il«d lb. TOU.Nii COltPLK— all of Which ar# /.f thffitr own Importation, direct frow •Biaanufy” aad Wa 4Wfe depar "“tber |. leewiit. ,10. 2 Bllob liatemAD; Ilenrl- M.tn fttr««l, b*twMu Third kbd Fuurib, bdU | i*WT ' reaidtDg in sffiimavea, Teauana Tafior’o nca* Whiia Gaad*. e ’ raging — Noihlo* doln. In .*td«; the mill i. pejict ooeSSc for •It* INt Vlstiy, Mlu C.i« lUionui—lu which they Europe, tkay hav* peculiar a>lTantAga tci THmm fellow few^ was to some extent at the '20 boxes SMorted Tambler- occuplwl by J. W. 8i«<; -re. 1 N. ». Ilooaui forw.rlv laying in Moelavy, Drera Gaada* Skawla. Tanhee jUqws, Oomaffi while tbe genome It I* regiuar, ana toe will iI.H'-. th. “Ulnurt 1« Coor” Alter go»ta ai the lovaat rata*. > terfnl, m port, and ilemiwanthtm oj lieamer ir. B. < l{/1on Jro . SI. i;.i.e«d end oil lo lou u .14c. qr casks Krench BraDd3; d. letter many of tbe ship masterf have .emna 6 »pr 12 dlf Thr foMowtog «•{! kuawR art v.aa cosprlaa a parU.o* tlca, kcw, kc. In addtMan ara dtagia^ targaitnvaaf Bonrboo 1 which, tn» F.rc. of the SPOILBD CHILIV-Lltll. letter ‘‘e” in the raslii r’e name is regular in tbe recently died Lorn- —Leri si. Loot, suodav, ittb lu.t., u a o'clock r. KKiioed wui.ky from .tor. isc. 4 bbla WhUky. ““ af their larg# aseerfment: prtnu, inclwdtng Merrtmnoa and Oarheca*^- Ginghams, I FIckto (with Mink'), Ml** Xll.u B.1eiu.D; T»«, Miu With a variety of other articles. Barag'*A, n»ird'. inland; iSit—lady Pikeai Hoc- ll] Lbd. iti. Magaeal^-Iamp—of Ogtlvlea ami Ga- jew make- Lawne, BUcE and athev aW$l" SllfeJ Mevtnes* iteamer eti'.'htou.t y.fterd.. .ere .t I while the genuine it doe* not re- Tbe Georgia, with over $2lMi,iNai m Tiies.ie.ot loU.co T«trUiB, ca»h. Kkte H.temau To . om 'Uilo with tbo l.ughOil. M counterfett, m B. U. HEN&T a\ 04)., ryrv’tr'nr’f’P. fTnCKS Magnea'a’—Caietnfl and tomhnrtnee, Alpacae, and tha anmw o -ther art«c4ea Ki.ukiin .ip.iur.h; Michigan F.rco of Ih' AKTKHI. IHIDGKR—Tin t>>dfc, Mr. Foudaitjaa. Kingston on tbe morning of the crmviiie; lady at stew- foiiowiua price*, vit: i biei iruk at ax so, 2 .t $s 76.,3 a24 d'2 Auctioneers. ^ tppertaming *# the lemble an ***” in the leant.lea«4. Good judges can ~ Rnciiah Medlu'&al Bxtracta, of ikeffietaamadmau ifac* ^ Ooada Tthdi. Aim agenm far ari*f Island; Gleody Burke at CaTi-ln.Rork; K. J. Ward tM, 63 at $tx$4 65. 7 at $4 6ua$4 66. -22 at $5a$6 66, 0 at McLEAS-S vouasic oil L1S1.7IE>T. tura of George A'len k C**,, Loodra. hesaieai ^Hoyla’a RovnI Fatent Swaaedown Sawing i easily delect it, but it is calculated to deceive tbe . BY SS. GG. HENRY & COCO. Bach’* Ceieoraied Alcohol aad Cotton.” at BbawDeatowDy Mtb— Pike at llooJeraon; Wa-b ugloo $6 66*i$5 M, 9 at $b 06a$« 10, 4 at $6 75a$7, aud a at $7 for Becuriog meau. JJte Greatest lUnud^Kerned^ ever DGeorrred/orDiscorrre>l for Man-won or CalognaSpirita al ma^ t)K I The Halifax, April 2«, 8 P. M. catvUi.I'E SaI.K MODKKS OIL PAINl INGS’ ufaciMrars* pt‘c* s. Wa tnefta tha actandaM oT tha eiaaeni -jjara %r emvk bill wa* brought here from Stiel- ! unwary. Tbe I'dyat R.mie; Telegraph at Fl.nt Uland; Mxgna»afn* F4.ais byvillc. 4'Leoault RcgAh; North Amer.«^ aj$d Kedt-ral Arch be« The Daltlmere Amerban of tbe 20tb mat. «aTs: \x At'4'Tlt>:k, .MISS ELLA miUCE, f I^HK iiU|*aralleleU succeM of tbin Lluuu?nt tom, aad other articles- I ada. guarantee for Ua sotonUhlng elDca<*y. Tbe lew Alton. Tlie Emioent Young Scottiah Vocalist, 1 X dent Ijiwraaca k Cl’s (lata Dinaafor:**) Hair Gloeaa ai>d i ^AIRBAlf^^ ..it the Apollo iioomsyon Third street. are made to walk, Ibe WOf NDKD, BHCIAXD, win give a aerie. 01 CONCERTS lo this LA MK Strap*. nearly gU lUai RK sre healed, and all wbo use Grent ctumcI in tbe lower MONDAY NIiiHT, M^y 2, at 74 o’clock, we w.U city next week, when she will l>a as-^'^7j^ Ert»«utlal 0‘ls> for Ferfoatary, of purest v>a:Uy »> ty excitment wm taken at former price* ahlch wa contlnoe, with roRl OF LOll.VIJ,!.1 S V readily (Juet re« elved), a eulendld beallDg and inviguratlkg effects. ported. SCALES. LOU U.I.K. (J ^ above collection ! %^t&ai$te-l tv tbeUlatlUKiiUhel Vlallnlst PUTfOKM Ue remark that doatrable itH* Mi VOLCANIC ulL L1MMRNT (xMeesse* imrtirftbg cRy yeHerdiy mMBing, by. VMy of Modern Palmlngt*, In 1 Ichly oruamemed LbAN'S II. Rowlaad k Son’s Ma> caeaar OH. ' st.te Oil frames. Pfcf PlanGi M.RKNMS CLARK. al» bRt sl.ro* : . . f 21W, which th.t . cmgo of JOO were ARSIITALS. Inspeciiuoa since January 1st 6, bbds, power superior to all other external remedies, f , Hog a»aorime!*t comprlseH a;'** “*;* A sale vf 100 plevei ta^eiug at r:| and 30 coils roiM) at . Mveiol dogs previouHy. I »'<>«, di'**eminstiDS itabealiog Influence, rere*>vlDC tbeC \T5K „ pots, in rrate**. l:fnl--v. L BELItir. iMiitillr. it Urqm/.. wm-expecteJ soo. with coiicilutorj-j 0,,. .V-thius 0„,h. la h.„.,., 1«,I. *UK. I. »1«6 ,™.U ^ ibe dleeaec, and iciparttug life, healtb, »trengUi> auJ nm. » No.2,s.oi.u. n., Xciuchy river l.-ril-ir.rur An;*“f “.n‘‘rrl'f*u“‘;"!.i.‘!:a* of Cox’s Cet4>;Ta:e«I '*.,.arW.ms Gr aVurt, I vivacity to the whole system. intentions. w. B. i'ixi.,11, sputu, Si. Luni*. store* accoriling ic 4|uallty. abroal Bermodb Arrowriujt, <*f vcivbraiwl IGi* brwaJ. rAlRdAITKS # CO . . _ , , the bM-room | and bear dally of pf'rsens wId* « tie l uufirmed FEAT. mnr»y ocrurred in. ;un»ii. ’ We see A. —Ad a skirmi*h hml recently taken (dace out.nle Moro c»ii'. Cim he»id ye*tcri»y of pnr,h.^e of bead O'!*"* '«ry .-iie..i»l .u.-ntlon of ihe tulzen. ot L.u Broux* r. we:-, Kuadsk amt G^Tmao, of a.: eMi**< * aut .N«va y.rk — Wale.- street, , We . 2t superior Their ariU’*or legv were paralyecdordrawt. ' CRIPPLFS. prietb. in Georgetowii, on Sunday evening, between of the wall, of bueno. Ayres, in which 12 weie cou(ract'*>l* 1 cue, for *hl,.u.em. .ver.gms 7»0 pound., 7, ,,.r Ib crooke rVlnni “''AlTi?«i!*l.‘ o, ',h 'ni“' Camel Hair Tk'n'-iis and Art:. U’ B:«Dfter», aoe including an American named Bond. Vi n«w rejoice in tbe permaoaot reetoration of tbe o»e ! killed, wbo Me*«r«. George W. bmitta Hid George Ward. | We quote good to prlnie b|a7c. Hoc* we quote at 4|a4|c fenl no b*Mtatlon In naylug they ere tbe btst lot hi Yarnleh Toa’l — wa.* at Bueno* i>Er*mvxtii.DCrABlVBl... ot tbelr limbaby tbe use of Mv Lean’s celebiatek . -B.i- | groaa, which prices the hulcberii Ward, It 1* aa*d, irM .truck Smith wdh—^ a are navinE* A lot of canie Oil Liniment, ^Wbo, then, will sufFer with lotiai •«>Ren Fr.nklin,SBmmoi».cincinn.i:.Franklin, SnmreotMLCiocinnat!. 4 at os'*. girong complement of marines and sail- . ... ^ , .. |J*i aial«iiue» an be Hal our counlto;;-room, an 1 mers’ ^ | _ dieeasea when safe aiMl sur* remeify FRENCH ZINC PAINT. •beep .ere uk.n fur .h pau-ut at $3 23, the wool off. ' pain or external a I (v«*n* Pike, Junee, St. Louie. the p.luunn. .Ill he .tr.uKod at the Eooni-. Scales and Wel.;hts, 'f ED;;:i»h anr> 4 A»tie. fiimr, St. Lim.a. . is so eanliy obtained?” M Lambs $1 60a$2. Monday foi ia*pect>uti. Call and examine them. i iar>'. which iortunately missed. of tbe American residenl*, and pievent Urquiza irDinckyKentucky No. McLean,MVi..-'an.’(;r.*n .M T.UL, BUKE, & F.\IR( , 2, Green rlvrr.river. <». KbgMsh and Franik Tcotn Hair.'r.n.,h!. HILD, * S. HKN KY h. lU)., Auciwneer-.^ I Brui>has, Bnehra Sales of summer pressed fallow candles at I'Zc In loth. from boBbardin^ the city. AivinAlvin Adam^Adams, Nurtoo,Ni>rtoo. wb^uiing,Wbeellug. ^ Arc you aftticted wiin Cancers, Pl:c», Ttuu 2r:>, Swolliugs, and BuftslM aiv! $hel. Comb^, an assortmeui>i.h..n.aB-wk.-a ^aa- No. I LX Freights unchanged. Btoad Stioat, •** *>- BinaWmgNo.3.Sauory not b« eq .sjM In America* having beoa il«lrt Ojuti . 1 I lA* Xr.Mii BY Ha?hincton, April .4. i , II I* a neverv gtons pRihcd •w Terre Kqaioox,Kqulnox, Dpao,Dean, Piii»borg.PitiNburg. tiri-MAUK Hor»KHIll.l« FLKSITI RF Rbeuiuati»m,SilffaesslnyottrJatoU,C9ntrarte9l Mu* >#, lha lUB'^irai# charca ot Mr. iiolvt::. * W R , trial of tbe Lucy Rualaxon,Roeinxoo, Bums,Bunco, Hmaerwo.Uenderson. Neural jia, wcakow'S of tbe Joints, Muscles, er Ligaments, k COLVILL, Tiuporters,tisorlsr., Are awalxtol iRiit SRtRr^ay m|*t, AUCTION. DODOS HaMei tW •ccurriM on L'incinxati, April '27, M. AT apent id tbe eKaimoatioo of John Cbarlea Gar- Kar-Acbe or Tootb-Ache, Bruiser, Sprains, Woiiifta, f 16 dSm 1^8 Pearl street. New York X { RECEIPTS.n t v- 1. 1 r i a ^ ^a, ' I ‘ . with Mile* of ITIcers or Fever Sore*, Caked Breasts, Sur** Tbe at^pw*te«plc” of Rev. MrMr. JewettJeWFtl’*’i church VA^w»» L|,um> defendniit iTi'iii. exeviiiecce M» bhU ml *2 60. f Fleeb CuG, ^ dioer,aiuer, brot^r'otoroiDerDTOinerhrAfher MOfat loetheine '^radlutoetenoaui.octeiiii.ui." Hi«ni? evioenccev loeoceid™^^ par will »ell, at Vi*’’iho ^ , pir w. B.Cim.joB.ciifi.jo from sgSu LouG:I-onU: 120 mui-A o’clock, we rmidcncc, oo Sev. Scalds, Intiammatlon or Pains, no mat* .. . nmlee, owner*. whut. w. mi- ...... a. i Nipple*^ Hunu, .ttse ronf* Bnd chimney* of dentietry whisky we iiacte at ISfc. rroclnoa* are *tead>, with Enamcitil I'lliast dumber fariilarr.driilarr. hi fwn down. B* were the 1 goe* to »bow fh«t he practised under ! a,„o,o natkH and Jener*on— disease e.xlst«": »r,.m i.. • ter eevere or bow long tbe has ' .a.m. wh-.no.- how VkalUs .,|aail.«M ^lai “'**Mie. of -zoo) Wi.iM CsaiMaT sf hi* brother’*brother’s lirense, that he wwasas the person bbUbbla newmess pork|»ork “at *'*$14 75, and 100too ke**kega No. I man^auy •‘•'f Suffer longer. McLKAN'S VOU’ANIC OIL LIM- • MATHEWS a STACT,y persoual injuryiniury wa* and Mtn«7Mtiler * Co:oS: ll paaw *7 he* hair, I DO rrmac., •evei al other houon. No ^7^«w^*?t>tThI?JI?bnKrt,‘Vc’’b^^bnK(rk,°w’i’brB!^5?’ f ffiraadway* 4araer ^troei, Yarh, B.I,iub. mmO irerMa,, 1 lard at lOc. 6,000 piece, hacou ham. at Sr, and MKN will cure you. It has been tboroughlv tested In 3M %prtM$ Svw>sw ,wk, the witnesses for tbe prosecution alluded , laud a Co; l b- a. ilarcm a r-.; 25 ke*. uail., 60,oua . I , p_w« whom a •ALB OP TWSIR done. The same *torm paarec over l-aione all of the above dl.'-aees* and we have never known '.l P. Oppoffiita St. N.vr.oisa Q .tei, Proffic sU auil Ca.!ani< r*re Bro* S pka*. Parker a Co; 222 ken* .all*, n bdit. 4 .hi. lb* .lop bacon .Me* at 7c packed. Crocene*—60bhda P. T. BARNUM’S id ^ ! .t CeurerTalll'e'r relief. Uu|Tsr and other coualt^ 4a the *ugsr sold St 44s6|co Mulasbei*~2eo w.1.bbls .oldsold aiat 26 SuperiorPatentWhite Zinc Paint*. • eflhr at wha'r^^t« and reran, the m4*st-I fxtsn*tv.vxt*fi.-ivv kaco>, Rowiaod R Gre^u;“e^S.T^M^'mu.rln l>«$ yaru,t» killlcfc; "iIxs,‘.“s,' FROM ULD KK.STUCKT, OW Chkauo,Chicago, April-Kpril 27. aui.^i"?^16 Tablce, (JRANl) rOLOSS.\L A VUICB bo«»e»,teonng down fences, and a‘26c. Bureaus, Chairs, Hall Rim Cbair«$ Diuner an>) Tea asffiortmeotof Bnam-Ioil Furultara takeIb« fuandloand ttII 6 MB ar-SOT »• war-4 is tarn *n. n« a:ara# . caia, iiio State, unroofing A . . l•.•llanl,l* 'l4gnJ, PraihrrPraiLvr aR Co; 1 box,bux, £E pP King; 4«> wbi»ky, } Lkan, Louis, Mo.: N ... . 46 hbisbbla wh i.k^ Mi SU ....., a k. I, I, *. La Mr. j, U. u Hare, T.bleKIlotb., N.pklii,, Chive, and Pork., Spoons, -*6. WHITB In A tembGtembik colliwoncollision took pUreplace la*flk.**t night be.bf*- m.mMaM .-luml»aa ak. .Ireer;tireer; 20-*0 h*.bx$ to4^bo.u.h Audrrson 19 lUTncioxxm -artrl 1\/TAnn cyovi a1 tbe United SUlea, al: fr^m ung'ual design*,n>, iociTiin»IK!-. tin; OXIDE OF XIMC, a rrnx .'at.,awl '>( A a ,.a— A...... T Audrrwn ak Co; 19 v... XTACSUclgUXlO. 1 aae>l your VOLCANIC OIL doing much other damage. StwNew toba,TOBK,to.c April.--nw,27, M.u • 41a..*.a*. Kitchen Raug. .ud Furniture, with .variety of AvALASdAlll clUU Dear Sin bave LINN a .will. whlcB earn tbe exnces.express and Central bbu«>i. apple.,applet, uuLh.r.Bucktew Kac.,; 60 hduuiu .hit>ht ir..o,win>ci,w B-iknap;Boiknap; Oriental, Serpentine, Open Cottage, High P'.•t.andvt, and otWiutbvi mtr hs wsaatartvto fsirei Ik. tween MwhiganMicbiKkn rail-rail* I b of negroes, wbo was severely alBtcted j MKNT on one my Ss>-«>o«"• |1 5Sa$4 Wa'.nut chamf'er and parlor satte*. sro.n' O..M wlxtar., kc., will b. Inrhltort b, Ih. I't'ek. Cleveland, ha* been ap- that P*p«. ' 87, buoyant; 400 bbla Soutbern aold at $5a er-1*^ i>„p,,fhe*Dispatches tromtram A.irinAilrin statertote a gentleman unexceptionable aniusemenls of the age-eniargeU and M. k S., devoting them«e!ve*. egrlmitvaly Ijto theth. marawarn- Afsoia. , pTsbnlk m«at, nunt I 85$5 12.12, steau of 19.‘3. fhetortng department of thl* ounne’.** aa*ar«r. KtrcUK.i.pwrehaaet, F.lbIS. DKanbOT 2W I8*$. poiaiedU. t^ naT" ti^rdi^^r Improvtd for " Kl^.iro" «4i\^kf^^ * I used. ^ bu^belfi. they ''AA procure of them we. ieai.« aed, duraui.,durable, -w*i« Tb. MwimT's# Dlr««Mr rt th. kud report'* twenty dekd acd k Imr^e Diaobei Ricbanieon. CovD^Yellow 054, Whisky— We quote prison Uave used r I neighbor* wbo McLANK’A vol- A Team of Ten ElepUauta 1 and all my •iegant foni«tuae,al price# varying from $i5toIoto$6SS'--'$*•»:-' Tl.r I. Mnfif was r.n m«»re oc le» at 234* firmer. Pork Is firm. Beef is tusyanu Lard is tbe SiBte Bank of Ohio, injured. Per Belt uolKl'y from Gr.cn river; *l pkgs, is birta suite. wars 'tSm ,T. PafL DE bIW.bT. r^r Altered bill* of will ar.w th. «r*« C.r of Ju.g.ro.nU 1 bodie* t<.t«rr.>, t'urd Co; do, Picketi’.; '*’• l-l'llpttl.n GENERAI. TOM THCUB. A ilite. 44 bg**’id*Tr'Mat2*6r.i^D!l7r‘‘^u'i5.V*e*d, A G Maun; tons pig dDog . Molasses The >. BT S iron, 33 bbU 104 Is declining with sale at 234c234c* ov.**i;n*’'FMJ»V'’*?rir»th"V\orf77ov* on, Friday,rriti.y,,.AprilApril 2aih,at2«ih,*t lOo’clocto o’clock GB4>TRSTBBN k CO., Na* IBIBbo.ie-481 BSO.tX- lo. B>w.4w.y. ,.w ,srh tbe lodtaok scale*, r r cn»eman, pkg*, owuvr». u.gniflccnt C.irt.g* compr1.e* 110 hor*** mi6 SO m-. . We hov. In oor pomcmIod boodrMl. of >.ch c.rtlB- Lc-:: kppoiDtkd Superintendent of Baltimore, April 27. < Sugar and coiloe are unchanged. reea A. M. JEm|Q|Bwav, Nxw Tons* womd canlall heh. aU'S-auen- Vtnmfaat.ry MS BtmM sine/, .Rework. .V. meat bog round which we cooM publish, bat wo deom It auaoct,— J. The P.vllloo oj Exhibition bmi |.*vn cnl.rgM nntirit I. c»lr*i uf tboee par«haein<-ini I*ta theirth.tr * For freight Of passage apply on board OT to 1 V S J ahoal tl*'X -oald lavli. th. rti.st; m- th. ol no. iwcaty-6vo cent boiu. will be 4 • ’• I ktkt$e AkjlttS The City Conracil hk'’e on tbe table a $16. Rh.skylsWhisky u «p.bl* of .ccommoiUllnB .peci.iur. >t one*. u« W 8 .,;.etMll«t stuck af ctars Wan*.*rtas... o C. BASHAM. dito74 ocrava V, „r ik. rt... arti :1 m. B-in, oa. rt tb. rt ms, Th. colloctlon of living wild InlmAl. lochnlt.. th. mo*t .uiacl-ul la cuDvIsce eveo th. moet Incredol.a. of ll. — — propO«itioopropO«itioa to e^lkranteeeiikrantee $1,000,000 boDdgboDdi; in tbe i^rSTt ceLbaoon,ceaw'baonaVDu'm^teDumi^te Ra ci'M^ci*60p**blgg^ beldatlSc.heldatlSc. Tobacco U acUve and advancing. •hlch they believe cauDui be excelled tv auyany oth.rether It Mt*h4i*hK«.iis ou iKilulw ar. mmot t. mms.. .plFDdld .p«:1m*n« ever .xbibited In America. Among m*«lc puw.r In cartB« every exiamol dlteu.. the • Ity, either lu tune, finish, quality of1 mat«n.:,matoria!, jrji Pi^bu^PitikbyrekodCkiinersvillewd Coiineisville railroad. tooton XA Mm^Muton; rt97 do d.,do, Barney,Bartley, J..hu«>nJohnson &A Co; 99 cleels s.i..Im .j ou soud. loa b* fo-urt la wbom rtl tb. Cyrhetubt'Tiptiotiof $7o0,tW0bytheC«i- » St. Locis,i.nrt« AprilAnrii9727, H.p M.w UNION LINE many ether.* will be found AntHols. bagging, Brauuln $* s; r > F.r H.rtc. ..d Other wurkmaoahip. Medal* have been awarded.nird hy ih*lb. pnucl[>al citlM aad Iowa, la tha Tattad StalM. Ttie WeldooWeldon f N. O ^ PalnotPatriot atysaavk that the cupe,rupv, 16 p-p' baggin«(, Samuissumoi* »; 130110 bubis h^np,htrmp, _ In connection with tbe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. 1 Tbe C) CN. Flour 1* Inacllv.— St. l*inl.tI«i1 -dm* *«.iI ! IwiTiTt to their taiaata rivi '.rai I’ooiUvlvaDia railroad to the Marietta and w A R..h.rd*un; *8 ca.a. bacon, I2I bbia uivm Por*. 77 $3 75a$3 90. Wbeal— Eight Beautifal Iiiona. MCI.OU1'. celrt>r.ted Lloljieni U th. ooly >*fr sad re- adcniCAn rx tnHrmmente w.d.nrtwt.bt.aakaait...rtlyprrt.aaio.w-*nac- -Imi-.. n—..-ii,on *“*tbe river”'^*’^ bet"*'“^***‘weeiJthit^“*‘ **'*'*ulace RKt«l l.Aft FRiOAT PACKET FOR WHIRLING. li lard. Fie der a Jack; SI cl. rope, tor the core Spaela, Rln;-BMi., Wind VEAU Ilf srcf C*slO?f. It ta aw» thrt w. wlu art b» «a..m rt. ISmbMta wh. do rump, kg- l-s-s p. prime i-j choice S5a$M. Coen ISal'X'. Date S4aS4|c. -* TlIRuew and splendid wetkly pasbvnger their nxllv. liable remedy of LinciiinatirmcuiMti railroad,railroad wa*wai coanpieteacomoleted on00 metbe 2hth.cnn Fre-h from foreet*. Having recently purchased the tnt’re stock>;k afrt thetb. lattlait cbMM* t. hikI Gaston. . exstne. *7 bi- i.ine, T.,dd n ii.char.i.oD: *4 ci. r.i*, 1 * 6*iU, Splint., I'nnamral Lamp*, Xude. or Swelling. read m asOms way 6*pMd swa *rM*Fi ud iuri.vax.jir ‘ wh..*. is- ' Pr...o.i„o. -- o t»*gin*, HSt.-u!; 62 p*do, 1*0 ci» r..pr,r.ir», A MONSTER WRITE OR POLAR BEAR, of prodl- fall to Big Hoad, ^fllevll. Fistula, OHJ firm of DUbOIH k WAiiUlNSR, S* ’riyJ DUBOISDUBolfi hb -.turutorr iwtnraa rsO'llK the fund* placed at the disposal of the p. Bogg. a | «iii never cure list., a«id “ - - oiess favuraliy kn4>«n fur year*Mtr* a«a. FU--PU..- — _ _ . * 2.^. Rubwell; B2 tagging, *JU ns ro|>e. dprati a Ls*caa; 40 pork Is held St $16. Laid—No 1 Is held at HiSic. glous sise and ferncltv 8*>res, or dweeny, If properly appllM. For gruUART, fifitTY Orleans,ObleakS; April P» { Running I New ^ f.iv .r» rompany. Iris turmeocf kmpke Bemns AGNITICENT KOTAI. TIGRR-the Ixrsest 3xtl- uaker*, they wuul I invite - LtlniAnc* of the iikrietU P* tagging, 6^ keg* isrd, sdrs, C«ti.wsU a Bto; 31 cwil* Bulk treat—shoulders 6, nwbed sides 6S64, and bams 7c. A M one spreloii, Brul<^es, Scretches, Cracked HeeU, Cbxft*, " rxi™ | giv geo. M. TRACY k C0„ The election for U. 8. Senator, ir riAf ceptorfol llv#. ^1, Coller Gells, Cots, Sore* or WouimIs, It Is a* in- >C their friends aad cm»U>m«rs with the certainly of wwv' *ng aqua; ratAfactlon. : No, 84 iUlain •$., ST;iS:“„7rE'U';i‘;LKCS accompany each bottle lo English and Ger- B4)N FRAMES aud D-^iach^dCaeas, pecaliariy —ant P«rPer BenBco Frank inIn from Clnrlnnatl:Cincinnati: 28 hale,bales hay,ha.v, I wcBraff a directoilwci communicationTifTTmiiireamyti withv% iiii Bal-xsai* m* a-v x - > 3 Far.Rsys Cikcixsati,CIKCINNATI, Apriliipru 27,U7,ui, P.r. M.jh. dJas MMi, farming I ;i .r> FURFOR ST. LOt'IR. TbeTh« DROVE OF ELEPHANTSELEPIIANT:^ wprawere carlnradcantnred Inin Ihethe ta the climate. fR IMPORTER30P a— u I mMix, <8 " Me*«4r*. j I,l,if booglxi .parlagly.parln.lyspnringly a.nt ! The of Central by ’ ' FI>nrFl»r ho.ghiho.ght .. ,2$3 65.$366«$365a$3 60. Whl.kyWLlskyWhlakyl.l.is new and splenilld paa*tuger steamer jungles OtIod S B June and J. H. McLEAN, Sole Proprietor, St. laouia. Mo. tir^",bei^.iro.dypcovKUdfor.tir^re,b««g.iro.dyprovKU4for. 1 -.rTby, SV Arnved-I- in. K^l^tt B. Nutter, a*«ii4te«l by *260 nstivee. after pursuit FANCY oooDB. vwC&uemeiiGrectlemen'sS Fnniiahigxn Good# Amsea L. M mcaocu. j ls4f FANNTSMITH, L. Dunham, master, will Geo. a of For rale lo Louisville, Kv., by KDWl.H MORRIS, l»^b*r,icatber, J H Ryan; 10 bbls coal, Kawwon k Bacon;Bacuo; 12 Ann at ^and In good demand and market active. Tw-Tu- leave a* above ou Saturday, the 30th imit., three montfaa and fnur day^ In the Junxlea. They were Main street. osiAb•ai-i- bhd*bbd* tobacco,totacou, Fann**r»*;Fanners'; ul ca<^sca^e*, HayesHaye* k Craig; irbulerale Druggist, No. 4M fX this Inliw*'’*. hibrtn« tb. arsMt ta lb. rtty, 19do,19 do, baccob*cco f«t« in active demaud, and I..wr-w I f* • 1,160 boxesboxev sold It 4. « ,4 r Wa....MinuTon,9HIKGTOK. npmAoril 27. I to-day at at 10 u’clox-k, A. M. finally entrapped and aecured in an Imllan kraal or t^ap DAVIS, BVa:VE, JOHNM2S. IIA^CE,[fA.4t.E, ‘ » k foiind i k^liogs.'diiie hrt«Efta at $13«14 fromfron Ui«tbe marSldtf $1 may he round offi 'nrg#ffirg# ffiod W4ll-seltctffid ••••$, cun- py HayHat I*if $13x14 | ,,, ^ cy ,„ii „nc« M«o««**m«. porknork Glal. quietqnletomel at.1 $14aia 7o.75.7i Sale,h-i„ of. 800Jv. =^.MrelghtI or'p.^8or passage apply on board or to of enormon* dlmeo*iona an>l prfMligiuusiitrrDcth, where — 91 LIB16RTT .iTRJIRT, M. Y.,• ,»,|}Og•i-ttDK in pAT.p#r. of livhii4.h S.Scffirfh ' enU Craiffim, Huffiiery, rXBIDinir.g < do, Kurtb; 21 do, PittI ll Bucklln; e4,-_. .n.1 At rtineiKBrni u-i-ordinw tnth* Th* moBt of th* dhJT WBS SMnt ID ninl^.p^"^*‘7‘,^Fhon^*7CFl^tVBTknni‘7^*M^^^^^c 2 F 41 hdl- tree*. C.lf El.ph.nl ntorriver unikoii rtoro.ftore. At CinciDDati,CiDciDOkti, BCCOrdingkccordin^ to tb*tbe kr^fshe*, prime lard U. BXSnAM. they wer. »0bdnf.l. Th. .ccomp.ole. lu oad Wholo-idle Denier* :a FAOcyFnocy Gf^», Glows, rwlerTwler Germenus,Gormenus, Bosp—dsrs, Bioch*, W.iM.n; an4?J Wl* paper. I CrCr-onie;^mle; 60 at lOc, and In goadgoed demand. Sale*Salsfi ' n.m-Enor Boow. »o. ot6174 Maiw ax. IMFORTBR8 Lmdon ,1|, „„„ „jf,reel by the defense, to show J. I! »6r.,JJ bbi.bbi* n.mr, of _ OTiu;Bjvni- Daovebme.ixUAOkEBMX.vx* RoomsBOOJf* no-Mo. 4174g aainMaix sx.ST. C. . — , Omni,dSn\, anjand waa w.anMweana.1 on lu pa.U.*pmi*.g. from India. 1 Fffiffis, Cum;>s, Br j'h* SyJewe.r), M i- col lD»truR>«ntp,lD»truR>«nts, oodffiod NoputffionNffipuiffion Tios, Shirts oof ffi I y#nr», *" > »l'r er> T 11 p g., (.tied *ldu at 7c packed; ^ • iraVlviN L alM> 2,000 piecw 31, , aihi fitted up in hA»d- It 8V .‘Hi. Here u a rbaiice for a sperulation. 2*.* t^rs old. otraen. ihoulder. In In connection with th. Baltlmt.r. and Ohio Rallrnml. w. StaPeUff, have baea purchaaed Muonlesy Window $hs:ies,Catiery, Gums rista.Uta. ,, Ckirks.Ckicks. comment unnnneceoffinry,nec essary, ra they hnv«> mnde such ar- The market U generwlly nrm. Sugar 1. KKGUI.AH TnUtLSDA Y Proprietor of the American Mu«enm, New York, has tbe ara now Wffitcheo, kc.; Thresdo, Cffirpei Bogs, SinUonery,lionery, DrvwpOrv,* r*agemeaur*agemenu In Bnvopo thuithat they *ro receiving hynimoM The defense having closed, the prosecution p,r Telegraph * CInclunaU: dull PACEKT FOR WHCKLIN'i;. . tome slyl* by THOMAS C. KITE k CO*i who Xo. from 7 bhd. tobacco, ffie-i#*, every The eplnidld new pa**eng.r honor In annnnnce ih.t. enconrag.'l by the brilliant .nc- TrtmmlagSt *i!k 8ew«ng4, and Looklag G twee h steamm the ^iceet i »t4tto5J:. MoIasim I. mo.tly held at 36c, packet VIR- . „ „« ... .-t proceeded with rebutting testimony. r.ckeii. 6 hbl. ale, J n.rln.; 1 chest, MvL.nghlln; i bhi there being turning out wmo r«e„„ specimen, of the art. 'lead gS^Tlie eominittee wtneh was annointed at 7IN1A, Well., ma.ler, will leave a. above ce.« which ha* attended all hi* varlnn* effort* for the er with a gr«-a: variety A nsefu] ait!cle», w>i'.cfi will b* parchaaers only call ta rali«fy themaelves thaa av- — Col. was sworn, and identified sev- O Baiuilnh Smith; it cam* c gar., J Xeller; a bbl. oy.- but few bnyert at over 26c. Buiternuminally article — L. Thoina* ».l2c, ei- on Thareday the 28th Inst., at 3 o’clock, amn*emeiit of th- public, he ha* been led to form the sold on tbe best term». try la the Farnishiag Una may ba foami hara, Ihe P.-eabyterian church, composed of Mr. Sam- P. Come alt ye alghlng lovsrii, -,1 infers, exhibited vesterdav. a* being in tbe I"'’, cent (rein which 1. freeie for cite n.. .1 laaisc. project uf orsanlrlng a vast traveling JOHN B. D4TIS, ^t n dim all ye maidens dear. Come l.ate of the firm of Gl.rter; R.ockw?.. k l av! . If you will have picture pieaae yoa> JOHN B. OTRNF., JOHN L SMITH.

    For the pant ntoe years with Bawen k M<*NaBieffi. > waoLExaB Come and get them here. 8. P1SUKR JOHNSON, REGULAR U. S. .MAIL PACKET. UMBRELLA Late with Jnu. Steward, jr., k Co. AND PARASOL For St, Louis. C >ae bnsbands, wives, and children, WM. R. UANCB, .MANURACTURER,

    TIiu spleckdld p4.«^i‘ogrr stextuer I W. B. > ‘•“"’"•i* southern e«id at $6a$6 »t:* ^ Nolokgeroow delay; Formei.y with Jno. Sicwa. k vo.« *i«d $36 aa6 $3o krrtrtwmT, ,.w Ywk. tMt Um} could not ao« rveiy muulaclarer itB 0»t liquors. Thie henor Aquilla is the witnese Bamber.et a Joepb. tobbl. coverMxd, Byrsm, Miller, H. I. Sputt’., msuter, will leave , g*M:M CLl»TX)N, with Carlrron k Co. f6 dJm '5 ' pictures taken *’ SSreve: 6 bbl* bott-r, M Halbert; 35 deia ftoady. Wheat 1* Inactive and tcarc. Salee Com** bave yonr | THB xoarr imNsiTB tib wa»hboard*, of I woblbi it proved that be saiu lie been I above onTUurbday, the 2Sib inst., at 10 o’- the city, but that the,' hope that all peraoo* en on whom w«. bad * 40,00u hu.hel. corn-yellow mixed 62c m.d active. cl^H.A.M. Befii^re you’re caiied awayo S bow pT.bucl la uffir bta - ri inn art! iirbSbt »15,00«l to tertify for the Government, ! 664c T- : tt H SFORTMEN & WAREHOUSE. -IZIT..-’ ira.raliT an . u gaged la thetrmie, •* »''l« ='•><'•0' 166 bbi. rriotn whl.ky at I .wb i—n» t rt u:iN4BLLBB as4 ,ihI wbo afterward* oflerid to *. II himself to D. i 224c. Pork-.a.e. of PAB.43UL8. waicb, IM b aa, i y,qiirtlt7. toiab, j VI C.A a., .rl- ea'ed, will attF»d tbe at tbe court- Tisoo; l bx, Beusluger. 12 pkg^. 8 A bblsy mess $15 76, prliuc $13 27. II fc ^ RY TO k CO., ( Gardiner for $20,Gf*0, and »ul>ae^uently come Jone*; 160 obis pots- I Sales of 200 taUrtbn. an. next, the 2d of May, at 74 | down lo $*,000. 6uai» 8ai« of 1,200 beef I n. 6. FarrcIsL’s AR.\ai.%5 UNi.MUir Tai- Bbid- botue oa Monday case KEtvULAR PACKET. C)* ^ * $ g ussel • ave alws'*» on ^arl a i.ew nn-l c»io;. o *si. M- .i irtt 4o; Truk do; S.K lirt Sslptitd. hams al $14 *5, $14 60s$14 75, sfkl firm* Sales over disease —This great medicms >iu ..mas Faruu... For Orleans. ’’’coa.nx ' of 150 ' M*aBleke>L *i New . •» P 'TIm rjimmiftfiT fureb^r retjuertrwfliMwt ar v s n- »*vrtry ' 6>CiOck^ P. M.W Toe csMMauftoe lurfner ^orKo April 2«. Per Oncmnati rrom Pittsburg: Muscuin of \VonderS H Gau-a, R *!e», au l Fl«tel» o? -’x# mi t var- blao. 1 .r, liab Sllb I'abm'a.. ual FaruK., rtUMtou. New 9 peuksgesaSouiiffe A n * ,a a«i v ex a, Tht now and maKniilcviiipa*sengerileain- ’ dlteas. snatching many a poor •. gOM on coaqaerlng and suitable to every market la the r*:.»;«, bc**L’ru s ITOT7, Fan'll and prta mma buOlv, ;n tu irmrei en- «t,..ythat^ interricw* tb^ have had fer RiiBEHT J. WAKU, Miller, master, will Which .'mprl*es a greater vari-ty of atiractloas, and rte.mslup Georg.., »|I|04 c; „„„ i,- fall aseortment ft Fporrog of a.: k - ri.it. Vote airt f^ do‘SS'^.^7:; wTthT.,‘e. rt’200 Uu.‘ c..v7r.^7."7l‘m Pu-W'*** victim from the grave. By lu power.am j! hutIm aonretas hajr rturaiM Far- i Uieave as above and Imermeciate i>orls on more extraordinary nuveliles, tlisu any uavellng Kxhl- - referred to, Ibey will all red tbl* atternoon with $^,OUO,OfEl. Qcloding Walker’s ai., Tvrry,oglesby, 114c, Sales of 3,000 callous linnllnFi edod world Every feature penelrattng, anil anodyne quallUa. II ;ortliSy vitb u>t oil alat 60a6lc60a*»lc per ga:-gs'.- Monday, May ihe 9ih ai 6 o’cl-Kk, P. M. bttlon In ih. of this Mammoth stlmnlatlng, <* ; i aether with Oooule W*t>r-pr430f Caps, Metal L> i wl'butjolata. t t« uniform and rraaonable ad- ^ Fur freight or pxi-hxge apply <’0 board or to EsiaMIshment I. of a peculiar and Intsrvsling nature, palslul foi readily accede a ion. 1 .mre. lha as. of limbs which hav. been ’apa, ch-mlcally prep*tr«d G’.n Wwi iiu< j*i b*Xtf«, t .lu Ton ar. mF'<'In; lB..Lrt local, aoa upAu • j j mipin« ib. I. S. MOORUKAD. or and the whole 1* prMneed a glgamlc ale ol mag- . s s .. i..,k. sheet.’,, Fait-nt and Cmv-rrai ! or Tr.RSEssiE.-Wele.rn smgalar power or reprodaclag th 6uD Waddlag In Wire Car- I Mock nrtor. purcbaalng. I. yniMeyance tnin the pnaentpreaeot prica.,prica*, as they are general- Banx East from Til* iravaling t—rapiiemsHs **F SoBX SMITH, a26 Di MKSML k CO. allude. of the American ^c., ' ovrk'lPTR RV b a 11^.14 I iridges Cartridge Carrier-, from tl.e c* elfsiec f2l 73m Va'infactHr-r. KlhLt.lt'lS BY HAIL-RUAD. water it cures all dUeasee of the ! It filter? town, prec’*i)ed eynovial fluid or Joint the Kjioxville Register, that a voluntary meeting CixcinnatiCiKciMNATi ‘ Letter bag au'I cdbln register at H. A. Dumesnll k Mu>«euro, a* eacu is by tbe I I.:/i>lon. lyIv canwderedconsidered entirely insuScteot:uisuflkietit; Cattle Mabklt,Market, April 27. I 'banofs'‘tory >GEKXAUT!_^U aneettoos of the kplne and spleen it has proved itself s Wejtlev Rix H tart, uf <’U ffisfiortment G'*;r’4, anj a*’' aivi •. undersigned, promise ta meet at tbe Ine of his ' We. the * Drffiwn bv Ten E>phani*i, t^uperbly cffipffiri^oned, ffind for ffilTcitlouffi ol the lungs, liver, and kidneys being , rake order’ f^r G xri* fruut «ay l/>:xd ’U oraker uteT5:i> WILDERS night next, at 7 a’cleck, court-house uo Moaday •'ciirste mrtdel of thst terril»> wigioe ?.f idolstrouit auxlliarjr, aku for sH r steamer ^ n mos: valuable and pjwcrfnl avt bave on hand. PATENT SALAMANDER. sai mice, tintslivd ffiuJ deoorate^j In ail tbe purpooe ot 00 edort to establish extravaiianoe > . . . . . ^ for tbe makmg Pill leave scrotnla, goitre or swelled neck, Dea''*rs and Sport-*m«n are 'nvita! to ci llindoostyle. Foll«*wiDg this monster vehicle, diseases of iue glands, WITH KirM'b IrtFRktSB.TICT t bil! of price* lor the teomsursae* of tbe city is f4 dim a Uug processltxn of < o>t1y Cages and Camages, etc., and Indeed for almoai any disease where externa $4a$6. tbe Calves range I CH.\RLKJTC>a, $. whole forming »a spectaclehpcclfficle < f more thBffiOrlenUlBplen-tbaa Oriental spten- C-, Xav. 2$, l *>$8. t 4ppiieation is medldne stands unparal- i 9*lmd*^v^h^2Y*f^/M^^^^SffiiurOffiy, tbe 2I»t uf Mffiy, 4t 4 cl^Kky P. MM. Linen Goods. that the bank i< able to meet it* issues, and their i MARRIED, ^dor. TbeThe FxblMtlonFxhlMtlon will take pl»c«place within I Stmme $ VKtrvm, Aicreasarv to amagatfl-4 n.ffigalfl- . „ . . . . w.,.. .. Aieh r#u* Bm L a WBalar ocn. Katliaa ***•**• Sprains, bruises, cramps, »ouua the Mth last., hy the Kev. .mlcoot Variegated Pavilion, cumi'o*’ed ’’f .4mci:can ... Leery entire confidence in tbe statement officer* A. H. Redfurd, Mr. flags of J Myi a ti. M D of the ?ne“7AV,Uel?sr;/rn:i“.\"o^^^^^^^^^ n$er li; uf lha moec appruveo WILLIAM II. bLTlLE 1. MlS. ELI.'ABETII MaESII, ; water-prouf fabric. burns, etc., are speedily cored by It. 1 foraaiaaf Ar^nmrui ootlre mack, roajkffitiaf of or*, raodles, whita lamu W nMwwrte i a B Mlaywr mAnufacturee, c.iosl-lliig id part as fuliuw*: of Ibe book, recently puUisbed. hath of ihls c'ly. AKRIVALy AT THE HOTELS, Tti.The rest,real, frtQutnt;,eon, n„ original — rQiiber-i»pr:aga aad packiag, alaa a very graai luaotlt* IVhMaa aick aeper | of J K Brown an i Rieachad Di»par ami Danffisik, all wUlKs IxyCISVILLB IIOTEG—M. Kean. I M*»firdy one oj the oldest ocher merchao>»ae> was commmsd by $r«. It <»eima >VoJW the flon. Peter , Tou* J auaa* BKNEDIGT R CARTKKur all qualities 4nUHE>DEK8U.8i ^ great medicine, one of my blooded hor- ^ I hax cd maccha* aoed lai'ght tt waa, u* iccrar custom, ant euBewi tfrtma J.e fFK eltl my ^ 4a.— *.i J W * 1 , . *.mMain m*iand Wa.i„ Kreei-,street-, adlolalugmuoiaiug methe nmc.nine, 01of Ibe nre-Fire- «*».Mrs J aA BrosdWfiioruMiwfu t1. (,, Ky M C Carr, Terre nilow-Casa UioauA si> 1 She*: tijs; a* .* j _ me Haute . »»to the safe, for | roaoWer them 'laBCTeae Bt Nashville on Monday last to nominate U' | Alags lu • Lr.ee a can- . knee about tbv r.li eata.i I fine cap of tbe M men’s insuranceInsnracoe OaunanvOnniianv laa 25 d1**mawSmdt-CmawSin wW rF Pidgeon,Pid;ct*oa, IndInfi J A Overmatiy Inti - The new 4d4 pa^ienger Btexmer My f^X ^BS\ sea had a swelling over the Dritl:at3, plalai an>l fancy lr*ofa, Fr-uiL, S': i Bugi.shj §g Jj | mve about. The matches auil the hooka wvra all of mv DffitiVl J. I!. Buoce,ni«>ter, will I wW Sp^cd,Speed, Danvi Cffipl MUIcr, NffihLvl ROBINSON, Vi W WmlmQ^ said It was a sprain and some H >lUn.^, brown, hleacheil, Ma. a, and «lai«; didate for Governor. Major Guitavos A. Hen- sUe of a hen’s egg. Some whelo «t$rtk that had uoc :ho mark of ire axwLir*** J ^ uaoa th^. J It M-:*Dwn>e ITfcmaa* i 4s 4t>uve, every Wcdm-silBy Kj A P Uruve,Gruve, OwcuU.nOwuutf’O Fe«k •™^***'e«ve on au'l 1ml 1 to 1 C M k Wffir«4iw PffiMlffilooa 3-4, end - bUy anl o»; 1, Uuoas, 7 | Xir^irtaaace far me, REAL ESTATE AUCTION CARO.CARD that It waa the Joint water from the knee and conM not S y you have hove hui proof af We ryrecetvml the nomination by acclamatKin. Feffik, WffiTBffiw gKtf m\ Gen. ti. M;*b MtMChffilUut, «io ^^3 Linen Cambric Hao JkrrLhieis, a 'ar*o \ar*«f.'‘i Safamaoiier*, HEART, of the Orm or s.8. «.i*. Henryti.nry Eal'u.,Co., ^ , jwodawso of yaur r»« tho perfect toCtsfactiau ^ Mifr«Criig,r“lL’ do ForfrelghturpBsaffigtffipplyoDtKfAnlorto be cared. I tried oil cedar on ll and all Ihe llnlmerts J T Roliln»ob, «lo Shirting Uneaa, light, nmdlam, and hravf; ,f every wha ’ J. L. McKoiD, of Sumner, preridpd ovpr tbff Ue-e- d*Os Aoctlunwr*,Anciluneers, wimWwsnid rrtnrnr*^lurn bitbis *lnrervsincere tbnnkithanks forror K3BL iTs / ooa witaee*ad the ieMract-i>a of my n tinirmin , A Csptjrrak,doC*4pt J I’rak, do ffiuiUb ' ' tksthe vrryvery liberalllhetal W p R I, Ilcndvrao ^ ointments, and they did no more good than waitr. Friotod Shirting Linen.., choice aiei new paitern*: sp^fw. very •’•"‘•-.a ,J P4irun4g*pairuDaxa heb. hs*has raceWwJreceived Inits lbsthe way Ofof j m§ H j e»d Tawrs rwpectfni’v, I * aar.s _ , U f. o ritut’g Dr H / . Buckoer, liberation* of the convention. Hon. J jhn Bell B... k.l.1, tni. niy and vtcinity tor in. 1;“" Mlb» Far- Mttekt’.o NriUnga LBWl.s m Usi * thet:, by per»uMloo of my frlewla, tried H. G. j M. HATCH* S^w a^L. l^..TTL.ac. i in I, Miss Mooro He u »»ere of • rviiort theiis Ir circule- k H R f, Wheeling GEKKNWAT, BROTREJ^ k C%Xn Levy GOBdc RB elotjuent Speech. The loUewinu resc- ^EAPE.sT AND SHORTEST lo find it loke Kefc. :j«c IsMc [f* 2r4n-!*Whe«-’iiDiWbetrllognyuo* J Cffirrull, do rell’a Arabian LinimrnU and 1 waa happy f fidSa 21 Pars Piare ao4 btord *tr.*«t, N. T. ^ ^ Uoo Ui4t OO 4fc#uM of tbv gTeot incmue of fals bo*1- p *y BoinET,RoiKt Ri»., Bk. jiUdaiiS^^ a • a s 7, ISM. ondo Miss Killer, Bffiltlmore n«>ble iMliOfif were UDbrnmoufly adopted: dtmm •4.ction-r«oms b« could not aiienJ w» £7 b T »•/ V \« effect after a few days, aad ll Anally enred the ao- ir-, ..I ,^Xo. i«*r»oneiiy GENERALf, TOM THUMB't*if \.i D ISAAl — ’ U fcalfu of Reg • B*ui4 *od oihcf ooi-tlfKif ralos. TbI* Is B Wbevlwr,‘} sbBb SoitsosSoitBSi n Bjwiuao grralMI Ilnl- , o ewL a a «.T. a ew. C k tf Le.v route ,:aa; „„r.ly. I .blnb tt l. dKldeJl, Ih. D-trlUr; W. ern-l jju .'Oa rt » BKh Ja Huolteiy That the Hhi|r party of Tennessee! lo give Dvtice tb*' be 1* nwdy at all times to att^od per- R B Hodges, Ark B.>wmffiu, I»Is attarbed»ti4rhe«l to ihUthis BxhibiUon,Rxblbitiuo, an-ian ear. fram. M'-tl.s, ^IlHB t'NlUN LINK mool) in Cun III., Marth 1S49. t. papTk are rosueotod to copy, ** , Ark W D Pffirrlmh, Lex OPSiKAMKKH g heffiilBbeffiils of Rurope, iucludiugiuclildMig »ooK5,soogs, Umneevydances, Grecian Treinont, Tazewell co., 1$, ^City -bltb 11 m.w-d, .. 6. l i •* a ^bich they bave ever cootended^r- ! * mM ;ua«.tT of am* n«, nectluQ with .\ND ' 7. 1833. ^ G piSel* KyK^'*" S CoimeB, Lex X the BALriRORK OHIO RAIL »tAtue«, 4u«l hi" ffidmlre*! pewmetlon ot Nepoleon nua! SATURDAY, M^Y Hour, r.p». wbj.kj, tfri asaar oib.r cart. ..fo . artl- liCuUfly aa embodied in the address adopted by ROAD, At Wheeling. TbniUgb lUket» by lhi« line lo ib* little l» x-a... . . y^Cbargee moaeraie, and shall In a;r caera be to the J Helm, DaovIaovI R nout. Lex | Freder'ck Grrat. Tbe Geiierel ttrenty-enr Palsy or Paralysis. dre. It will m:mu: *4.* *fc. ix* | abo— f*51 oaltGALT noLTSB—noui BltnoP k FAULlif. procured from the egciiu in LoaiBvUle, MaJIaod, end tweuty-elgUt 1nche<« hteb. Alto eogegRi ville. and to I I | k.rrtj 'MtifT B. Clifton for favors. May 21, — which they again tj->ti70 Setossd District. tbrt ihia a au. .r ik. tM*i Smm w. ir'rT^wtPAiwr Ihun, Lex J Ball, Bourbon co CibdoDffity, oroDtHMni the boffitB. lUvtng m»de pennA- rays: had loot the nse of my anu for more than a mm co«v«.,.on asaembl^l, give tbe san^clt^li ol i arta. Atl "ibM uiw, Mc.pt UI. Baa., PMm. wmiB- « •‘V yyrtliiM.t ;* acanUkuai* lu# frt.r:«.iiuu tffiOy Fraokfort C 8 Murehee*], Fraukrort y«ryear hyby palsy or paralysis.paralyela.j The «e>hflesh hadbad entirely w tth- RKAri«n Ita*. at crti k. pi.Ma a. I ir j » M— th. rrtM. n, Ueri W B Peratnore, St Loui« Wiliam* It grvffitly to their luierest, golug K«»t or West, : to the office o* Caosuble *a lb*7 8ec>jD>t Kh*uivi b.>mru- noihingnothing but akin,ffifcin, maecle,mufficle, andffiod Boa«.hone. Tonr. mprri/.::., = ered away, Iravlngleaving le^leorn by a private diapolch from New ' pffiiruolse* Usl» Uiiv. •"•F* »-We » tlw Wl.q; party of ;4Bo, K «O T NevffiD, Mo to XuJ atng tha Third and Fourth wards. a;>;l die W^'Th.t Tema^ C"ci..«'«'o^ir.u^i.'TSL'r'8.^:o“7“^^ ?.! «UBTai.SOTuN h CO. L'nloa Line being ffi charteiTd corapffiny ffire re- Allall amtaim! all tkethe remediesremedlea I conldooaid JV Mxm S LSbffirp, Frankfort I ir^fbe Jrf tj I uledtried ibethe best doctors 0$t>a r i 9 that tke B eMtd$er kad Empreai Icit that moat bekrUly k|iprove of tbe domeatic and for- oenuy fitted up in a style or uneurpaoMd bM eiraance .i’ quire IhylAw f, run under .ach regn!slion.MioliuarCj ‘ I. D. THOMPSON a caudi-Uie ‘criL^cili o if i* e, Newport J Smith, I MIcb i t1 conunenceU the II Pt m tbe Weaietn couauy, l* now open tor tbe re- u®**hear v*,of, batbutu.k theyvuv, did no good,goad, then commenced -rubantA ortl oibon l.iijire.;jd In ib. prniaiirtl.. policy of tbe late national adimi$i.’«tratioD of ffis ffi* pffi.-h»niger*i. stable in the Third and Fi>urth ward» at the Ms^ 4-;ecL 44. af port.crth.r_onMft toffethar oa .a ^foatfrttnp.tm ” lu, Ftv7u^^lie* Mulocffi Mlngcc, comfort well rafety w the llve> Of il£S^ ^ . L Marao «*o Liniment, and a few bot- kaak. art pMtr. from 9r» ara -mfmita: Fillmore, and pom. to JL^^Thls U the only line runuiug lo couuecUoQ with ***use ^of a. G. Farrell’s• ArablsnArabian AOds marll Jkbtd f to 8 MffitttOKlyy Cffilifomtffi H H HoBmen, Ohio caU at U. tiM. rt U. a ar»l*«.a X ' M the Bffilimiore sod RffiUroffid. is now as itrongstrong m« .itm. a M Ohio ‘ me, Andand arm t§ cured my :i a* the practical expor,ents of the principle* and uD Xnxii.b,Koxilbh, v-.nywen co J Gayle, Owen oo tiestles entirely J. F. KR48 la a candidate fur C -a. e In th.' Th H it «iv«t « thoir tands. sprSSdtf ' Mr cnuicataa .Itoilar t> IM m.vm J E. .L .11 - ‘1 '*“• “«» »“« n’Mdiu ^em intelligence mi*,Ml5f oreen,Green, do R Uyoee, Lffi i ' I ao>l Fourth warls. mT^al’.e brings W W- , Sr.i-ratetrst-rate far haras,boras, ^^Our ditpatchc* the aJMk I and )le.hyfleshy as the oth.r.other. IIIt Iste also (m a i*«i'rt rt ton ! l»v ymn. tka policy the conservative nartv of the i , 1, bwk. pMar. of Whig fastest, sffifcki, superb '-uau ever built _ / a. rt I largest, aod most men, Butfton | 8 G Hill, WheetUg I ary ’ ’. >n to r.^ Millard of for bis J I 8TORXT 'sacaadidat* pa- received and fur *ale by Tbuma*, Ky K K Cu*d, city Aa M _ A. tM.niurt uw Faru- x iatts rn' Tin W F Pidgeoo,roo, OdumbU'0»lumt>U' W T TAiineeill, *4 IxDiaxa Fbce Cinciiuiati N u : .ppo.„ace,c..,«.appearance, called W. B. FarraU’sFArr.ll*. ArOdmiArabian Ualmeomh.Liniment, the 8KTU 8. RONALD a candt Uf fur C*> Mahi-lio ih«' ry, cOTMr nf A.raaa Tme Banks. The ; A aM Sc. ISara’t FtoM, may never be able to repay. per rocel red by ^^.^‘r^tA“Xu Mm aui lot saic 1 11 Jn..| C,, C(. Sueiheo,a„,,h—eo, N O J George, Sbelby Ptuhaisi atli ffiffird”. ab;kM-.*b’AM-.' I rk. BTB.BSS « litllTni, W ' thetha counterfeUa,counterfaUs, becan.ra hithie hav- 1ft .TIM, 1 FALLS CITX*, Cffipi. Ssm. Msson, Friday, at 3 P M. bis exiraordl- most dangerous of all ni»n whliout who I PriceTce Current intunatod a belief that not more Heaolmi, That we present, by acclamation. In ISAAC CROMIK. The armsa will execute re . L Dodge, L N K B T VffiDcv, Ky Snewo i.Blek k t'o.. la* Wa;re Mrrtt, _ THOM AS 8W ANN, Capt- John McLure, Saturday, 3 P. M. nary frat* of toaling and firing a pistol with hi* tees, N.w Tarb. I mA*iy will in faith {lie of Tennessee as our caudida'e for the iCin tog the name of Farrell, buy It good fv.rlA r>,,t, ;.i. tbaorty toak.n .< ,tolai...• 000.11': for r.-.:rctt. G PbllllpB,iy Mffid W K Flhber,Fibber, ^ ’ JAS. L. HOWS . u. tl.aa toutlo Ul tortblnlna wiaire rt kicbi. SMMU. Cku«f £kPCUGv« officff of iKe St»Ie, aMmof Gu^- I lernI erii iffile BourbouBou V Tho lnrl.wmw.nwlw s* mwi > s, ! w m rl n w w d th.E 1 PaperPADefJuJ U tI receivedTecvl V el andBOl forfuf *ale by I Fare from Lo'iuvilie to Pbilffidelphlaor Washing- Iviw and arrow, pUyiug upon tbe sccordeon and vlolon- amVsafe. The Iad.anap.laindianaptli* Sentinelbontinef endorsed thi^this, . ^ j »C10“I WEFogl*,Ux fflc. or CoOslrtii. la l5e S«v :;.ta au 1 F' iblll ..rwar:..I*. SttoTM rt Barrm, totortMiWr Srt. art bill 1 8 A cromi*.1 ton City they will peh s ooly discover their errur when he spu- Bwo'artwrtk ^ '“%saacAC CROM 1. SJ* $13 00 , cello, e(r. Mr. Nellis, to thra* performance^, exhibit* ““'’S'?Ky J Kldrtdge, Cel I »7Jle» k.T. pwabrtM.] rt H. c. JoiMrt lb* Frt-ni -i.b- for ' b1. tbe was Fare from Cincinnati to Hsitlmure $10 00 , an*] ..d omd 00 takmg ^ure. wipe,^ mtellaci, commauduig r loquenc* g wondoriul example of what iDdumltable energy rieos mixture baa wrought Ita rrtl effects* Fowq«^r).)f itoBk - U Jc"7ll7.dVL.xleld. Lex J M Lew, Lffi . Lo«k. msmmamlj rrtlrt W'>r*e^Dkoki «• bkd been en- knd digtiD(eiiiflOF1 I Isaac jJ nrhari*,HPharls, do MrSMrSLP.erce,Picrce, llrtcbtotacartb.«p,llrt of Teunessee. L oOtn charge. I*I. MOORHEAD,MtXIEHKAD. youyo. get itIt withwrtth thstb. letterslattort B.G.H. Go beft^ebafora Farrell’a—Farrali’a thua*ihua, BV THO.s. a.NUEKsO.N t CO.O. wHb cLars.- S ; — ; j tort. Irtk. by Wholesale Psi er W«ttom.e. J XN ^.ihain,Ba»tham, Vincennes J.1 N aii1w,d,Allison, Spencer lb. M4. pnrrirtrt.. 8p« , official term, any bank had been eaUhhsfaed in . ,, Loul.ville, Ky. aniJ Staple »»d Fancy Dry f>eada, Baeia, Sheet,•«, liats,IIAIS)„ . | Q. FARBBLL'3— bla algnaiare o. tb. wrappai; Rev Laird Condon J R EUloU, 111 j WBABNS k BAKTIN, | I 4 ape, Paracels, fcc. wiotalian law. In reply, Mr. says: "1 oarrMpoodcuo. of Ih. X'ew llerslU.] Mrs MacryMacey ak serv’t, B Green countarfeua. <22 tom 10* WMrt rtfrtt. of Dann [SokUI Tmt ti-rf •***•” "• Haw T . . 1 1 ‘-i % r n S ^ « ^ A ^pBUR^DAT, 2Sib n.u : -tiuanuA :ui at 9| o’c «h s. A- Tfffflpy, Fayette co AKJeJtJ ^ eatabliAlied Wsshinctom, Apiil 2:4. G a Dr (^imn,GrUBo, GrayvlGrsyvl jKgL^l 1853 Sold by the duxen, groes or single bolUa at the United \mw of no banks baring b-ea con- 26 F.ncj r^ret fw.«p.; we wv: **ii *L ' foai viag A -k-.-uiurn: wf -bs $. j i 2 iT 1 M., P D Field, Goicotida J T CPBrieo,Bnen, ~ Ky Trf raaL States ,‘r “ I Medical Agency, No, 9$ Faunh street, B. H. Hhy >.•04610 g'rtjds, lu which we iiAV.t* IOt Sitrtlkluaur,;rtiuun ur ba**>• wy to law, under the Free Banking Law of Col. Uurbide reached here this morning, ihr ^ “ •‘"'““’“’•'•hJ a To Fumitore Buyers. tr ; ’’^-7an very *iii erior article for ! ^ ' atU(*Tal. fsIc wil. cuaiua«ave !th lOf r^::„"v THIRTEEN DOLLARS THROUGH! ^ craft, agent, and by regularly authorised agent* ers in The w ^ »>y Judge ‘ tm mtlAk through- this i —.tie. are «. dep^t i. owEN’S . ug awi-rtment: o noTEI^w. R.». owe TthfCISiHNNATlIbi" ClNCINh'ATl LINELINK gndand <'IaCCLnCINN-YTI1N.'< ATI ' 0— AGBXTS WANTED In ey.ry town, ii:ia*a,and bamlM appear • a -i-Efj AR.-?, ti!. mre C.Cvr vm. gar for e.i. hy M«r.,’8aivire M P Smith, lud t M.MLMAIL j LI.N’K to Pitts-Pitta- VsMlog.t Mn.Xetu N-uic.:, Ana, I is e. K. 1, and Lea# ffrant. There ia k irood deal of swrrK«y att«»fLpt- V a27 au ii. FKKGrs«>N k son. J Marr», do J Taggart, Charlestown B andAND PITTSBURGFITTSBUBif BTKaMSTKaM PACKKrPACKKT LISKto In lb. Cnli.l Statra, In wbicb Ml. U nut alrtody Mtab- •«to*rta»tolUaB tbevkrvkcUoc.” ; | it ^i*-i n^dUr vkir'* msu’s B«*r in, Li-l**, Ki l i«iwvr-. 'aac; i ^ ' ,^'**'*‘®^* Grey, Ark burg, thenceibenc* by tbetb. CfUiralCrutral PeouryivaniaPenu.yivania HallruadKallroad 1 G ao,i,— . u ...—ii .. ed to be tbrowD around tbw treatv, Doth in Mfx ! T.” T T. . 1. ^ AidrrtJ H. G.u Fa r.11, as ab«»e, aoMtopanirt TrtaiiminA*; * Wity -vlipirlur Gimp ami BrsiU Maalra* auJ Jat-- ue; Cra- ‘ lUU Ltl* fAIUlly FlOOr jUSt J SLl>Tane, N CffiJ.U© W K Sbacklett, Ky throughIbruuitb to PbLaJripbiaPht:aJelphia aud UalUmoreUalilmuri: inIn 19IS hour«.hour.. aal rwaa.*. • ..o....*... I — Ke,»lm» informi^, from a kOi.rce vats, fancy Silk Cravau sirtt Nf.-k-Tie-, ‘V.ror.;:rJac -uci Mai- rich i\# rrv-ivtrJ »ud foror raralee by U Lowery, IndIimI I gJ-Far.yj^Farefromfrom LouibvUloLoui.vlil. throughibruugb to PhiladelphiaPbilad.lpbla or with good rrternica as to cbaract.r, raapoiMIbtllty, kc. mi> firuti re. w^^TSam Atkirn kkjraffiffira tbktthat Mr Tliffid^kffiewv p ^ J W Btugletun, Paducah Afbick Mr. Tbackerty y ;ina, i-ia. i, pUin. iuite*!, and k !«.<»> Mn-..ns;Mn-.. ns; B1»h-Bish- Which f'»r richness Ij^The . ami Wtfrkmnn»nip .1 axopie ofportuintiea of kimwirc, that a27jR:i n.^ PKKGrS()N k SON. w B Hi OwentoB T V 8aJt»mao,Clu BaliiiunreBaltiiuore thirteentblrtrtn doLais.doLaia. MK. PIERCEPIEKCE .7 dtwkwt | w oaaaneee with • - - packets. •p anu Viewrta Lawoa; bi*.k ani wh Lac-Lace caic ai jcJjcd : aay in this iitraatry or in hafope. iecturag in the United St«*ea ; H C Cooper, Ind J UeUiy, 111 f p*Tickets to behal oa board Cincinnati mail tm oMm liwtuxi hi* tbe followini: ic k correct Fynopsu of the docu- i b«c by | den* of the WIWW’lH B.a*l.,Beffi^u, and klT.give hishi. ^ .. ^C^‘**‘i,“^p^‘:',;'*‘^'^‘^‘?M".°,;'Jl'2*.'‘S*‘I5'“|'VlllM.lrrlh«d«n.olth.will enter the l ’ j Collar^; Jav'tiaet irtivr-Saveve-; S«i.»a aa Jacuo-;JacuLri j w-,rcixs _ | — J Cooper, do W P karues, l^irA!nsieffivepiiu.ourga:sau4jino'ciocx,A.»st.^Tfa:uaK*ay.y^rrAiosleave PitGburgPitti*bur* a:a. 32 audand 11|1 1| o’clock,o’clock) A. M. I I Mt Wash’ton iilmiir«tl-n.iilu.iirffiil^n* of ILrculf*IltTcn).. strui**llDKstruggling w.ihw>lb th.the ,iWI that be bkg DO inTeolioo of 75 Chtmlneiteii; tui-u’e trowa tirti; ii IL »e. Ivi'e.’ : -.- the i«ai of $12 05 uVe, fr«*N i.. m.- sleameie this line are the tofeat, ! ‘ .) Pikoo-rortBS ' J Dicklmioo TheTb«.lc.mel. oflhl.llnrkrethelar««^f..toJI,of l«g«»lj and nteb a n!c»o«.at wlUl ^ ^ t K M in T U Perrrn, do the,h. LK’^.'s-.'a Deo,I’.o, Sam»ooSanuwn de-do- CF«n What A Hai:-T«, bnprovkd AcUata. Llou, liaulcl in LU while, and sUte Uu»«-; Net U:i Ptouai '!..r«‘eii, Tlie perfona employed, and Ihe prop<*r- ' too do do MaKsiaii ... I — ) tbe « rtt-aU obaeryatiotai_l_so»t:^e uiirt UuafhKE country, aod—w4 )* Monday, U Blanton, Ky and mo.1 .uprrb voarel. now running In L._,t .04 ,h. ni.n that *\sijAcnJ^o a. BA.-o»Ft>ki> puMaliiLf ha *« t’ I-’ er v., PantaU-Aia Cuttonaies anl Llneu«. fauiy^...atnita-to.'rt»rii;:Lawasso-l Ba- prote^,^ ! j by b^th EOverimeMs, . W W Mathewi*,0 W Roberts, Ky .t>.. Waf,r»«toB$ lui^restiUK p'*r; iotn of the exhtaition I Bnrtiw.y, <4. On** of the fn«»si rMmH *. aarukias” too—Utrt-notb.ng^nothing rttorur.”shorter,” rege do La'.aes: pUia aal tanev St k Papseu-s, fcc. T. that iiarrtani booie was art Seodcd upM iiD- W White rnlootoWD S2l.re..:.‘^A.lt'b'atmWcan-W.S:uT^^^ tu .Uo yrs"- F’art-. I K Cook, Drenooo so that tbe transit o< pastencers. and everytbii« ; ar*r.cortrtrtMM **Is,//“;„rrV!:y%b.*^rpu""*^^“^formrd by ihed.^Uv of lection of BtMiTS. 81IUK5, ii-S 1 7 a a by ib. j ' U and CaPA.TmL * A F Powell, Kreti^oia M ni N Cook, do ! comfort and convenience of pasaeogere baa been pr«>- tt Ukrataken five and a half to bay the mate to thl*—i/thl*—i/ dee*.does. * * bom .rtUMai prf. j rtr.lwboM rent*. ;il th* aianiiaig rt Isis departare. else, shall be open and free at all Ume*, and liie 7 iulIL I WAX ST\T14RV, Men’s su:>«‘r cu-«tum-mtoal«Calf BcmaI'. meta’k (snuip v<.e , .r/us I Johnson, dp | A C 8 U Wills, Lawreocet'g fc '*•7 *“ ^ -*“** •-* *“» to oto, i*. incliidlnkIncluding dfur*sfffur*. of the .liesize oluf lifolife of all lb.the FrwldentaPresidents WhereWbcradldlidid ll com.coma from? Hay.a,Hayes, Craig, k Co.’.,Co.’s, olof t-. u wrwrt proyert, lovested thereto secure. lo cA-k* /-•nu Currant.; ’’“**2‘i-r'rcvH«TaTir r.„, u H. i i-rimavra Kip Boou; buys’ and youth*’ fc> n:en’.’'VK:p hrL.^a^^, ! w «»<*«»• F W John»oD, do W Keybotd, Ky BLCKKTK STATE) cap^^^^^^^^ of of ood ssors tortrtV; tb. wood aunlrt brt -Mb'of the I oiled Sutes, and also a greet number ao- ali allck-looktog “feller*” gel «>*''their laJIm’ Kid Slippers an-i ?«; Uiie*’ B.'utrf-;R0 ut laa.-:*Irti.'; Second— Every part of tbe w.vy of Ja.t reoe;.e>i anU tor ..irIf tyby conrve, where the »“ T , la. «1 O itnwl warrrt'> Ib»to »*9.>Ti k.v I. commutii- B Mills, Frankft azsl foreign,?.;f;jJ:'a‘:f‘"o'?Vi.*c'bail of which Telare ' to Hood toy cllmat.. J. Britob CosernBeot has a«t t* Mr.Mr C K Blumer, Bhslbyvl ted characters, American . , LffiAttng Gaiters. BTTl.e v.' • D.' GAETANO k CO., KET3TWNK state, CapLCHAnLEsSTOirE) fFp-rv^yinff0p.ri.7Ttn, and«ul tb.the pr«U«tpretUeet girl,girl* out of kln*tkmkln$4jm comeettore Rntkitb. iB.vbtor.MUa*. t. tbrtr pu.raii'ee of „ W U Morgan, AnJeraonc J F Chime, do L«ur..„accurate likenesses, an* appr< prlately co»tome<^ e«*kbiGh«n*ntt“*-b'i-hin-ni a ropoaitoryolrapoaitory of prucnreprocure lh.lr/iir>ioiU)their/ar,/ixeiu,theirfurJLoens, aad Itit laIs qnlt.quite ..laBiAblogaetoniahingaetoniahiog to no-nS fc *C'^., liiiefiereof Quaes Victoria, and a Eotd pocket ' Loavn Clocinuatl on Frtdar. 1* 1 I " ” C-Twal Falrt. by A. B. rt L».) • i f 1 to challemb toy Mb.r lo4 I N i • h w t J B bhattuck, Ml*s Allen, do 1 . .7 ’ ’ afi7dS A.ctnu...A’lCtto^.Tr >.•. Third-- Mexico u to impose no reputations J Mark*, CINCINNATI) Capt. H. KOUXT2) (rfW aal.sale of BLACKBLACKWELL’SWKLI.’S SAHSAPARILLASARSAPARILLASAILJAPARILLA AND IBISIRIS aakfr a. to tiTlox aro Toiik. FIANii a>aAia.T chtvMioaieter for Captain Nye, of tbe steamdiip IS I’jl. V brn.; D Owru»tK>ro J A Duraiid, Rockford Irfn'Wl^ RlY Lt I Ffc j Ly FIANit. .'ir:' -.atoRowatiMgBrvrtlwa.. A HamiltuD, Washington U Peter, do ^ VKR61COLA,VKBdlL'OLA, on.one of tb.the moatmost pl.a«nt)pleasant, «f.)safe, aadand rtbe-edhra- truaipel aad Xioi BKILLIA'^Tl'capul" j! G^tfu)”''^’'' AHf U BY S. O. HENRY A CO. N. B. A. brtrtonFa F.yaxT Vi-ia Perific; and a EoU-moootod uudrt dous alteratives extanUezianU GoUo right straight and buy a V Leaves Cincinnati on Sunday. PBHffiMFtnRT SALK nK Bi.: 3. aaff Tab... fikt to., a. abayrt 75 u>i> Trso. Aud iinio river Prcao.; XA 1 J\ sterlinefor'be OMte. aodXliiforeachof tbe six the comnauy from imposinc onerous rates elt < I* I e of PITTSBURGH, Capt. Hugh Campbell, ^ bottle, keep it near you—and vUivUl be wetUwelU Depot » ^ I Flfiy-Mne lialldiwg Lets ea \% alwal.aal. Graysea,Gray..., . last received AOd lor sAl. low by .M fc A -> Tk’ LOriSiV I , J .1 J J I r. .1., RCU LLE I.NM RA^f ^O. wbo volualeerad ftiesr service* and aavad I So.So* BUSI. aerwer si«le olof IktelIhlrd sttoH.street, okmnear Jefferero.JeffrraoD, a»lrtbl cm-car Magtiraw, aal Jeller>ea *trret« MS | r^'- v. d. gaetan'O a co. Office over the etore of Benedict k Carter, ^ -- Mata kireeu MKSSKNGiri!'N\Vrc“L^“"H^KMni.ELTE^ Patent QaeUc Pelt r .*- I riftb —Tbesubiectof transportation of United —ft *• **"* or a »*v*rtgr.Xrtg t«t. **w*fcw-t» xiit MattreasMT tk...... o4 R.-1. With ax vaixpAiRED Capital or $175,000, al w M bs A 1**** “* Leaves Cluc.uuaU on TuetKlay. dll data m' AT AL'Cno.% i I'xDBa ' WFw (.HAea a nbw and Statea troops or muiiitions of war, is to be ar- I Faii« 18, AND A Surplus. rtc-.'UAB frucbss,) • (To b t-'.e a w.-.-arii-.-rviij.).1 wi j Jaeee Stevens, wieeked aoBrtune since. The *' g* M ILL cociluue to uiffikeluburance " ' ; by , ssparate convention. -v en bulls ^ • '* KEiiULAH SATURDAY PACKET N 1.NDAT IKrvNOoX, M.j a:a- 32 W dVlinirit^'’ I Bteanibuau, M r » M Ac oo Cargoes per seme, on Ve«- .it x^ueiiuruw, ' I • tbe State burth passports letters security are Tt-jli: I ! e;:, f it . preeci.tf die'u-ibated No or wi. th-* rea.; bj : to throupfa ; Private are be of 16 datoodoteO Madeira MUfA .k*ND FLOR- \ A VI V we *, -loi.*i,a:''.>li .J- Dweliings. — M.drirada;do, rORFOR K.lNirORT,fcAhlPOKT, TLVl V! '^l\S j BuBu. Hotels, *B23*-»bUy.«,l.;;,c;n.i,ar?ivvr^^^^^^ I ^ AMUSEMENTS,S O Steam- required by passeiiper*. I616 d.d« BurtP<.irt do; » " vfrooi AUuntlcaud foreign Denartaieo'. I Ports, eud also on ^ *.v’a..i4V » l i boats. Ships, ^ . ba^krtt^ >• The sp>ut^ ei r . : . .ij « I f which kritec citr t'OCklifU krt preparik^ • f^raDd mu- rovprrsm^Dt. If bkt »ptfled withioa year, the do Natural FrutFruit In jolco; v'l’lvh ‘"vn hronzt.t taseiher ti an enonnon. Gra may , -Ji*i**J 1 be memicaiel tne :oitww:ag, viz: Nainrd.y the 14th and 28th of I . - B. to;h of April, and. May, •ita-rUlh; JoNi received ouaaud forfur .ausale by ,W. Cllltra, Beul. ; tnosl m J. Ai!am«, .n.lUure -.f mean-, forminif Iho Urat»i «;! - UoitadUmtad Stat*^State* nmyttray wwi’hdrawi*hdraw it?it* guaranteepuarajitee ol* ncu-neu- ,,, .s.rffil entertkSMBCDt*.flt«rtaaR«c&t U>to taketaka olacwplae« beetiravt ThursdayThursdav ^ Th^y are eVaper ihan hffi:r— sirkl .5 1. i >:*«••*;< w;;. rsraxffi ai7 V. D. fc CO. A. A. Gordon, *“ ‘“***'' ' u .'t f Ma l a 1 Dili M*>r e.zstiOiy ; OAKTANO Wm. T. bffirtley, ““ ‘’•'"•‘'J “• - - ' I .•! ^**T*^^« Matarn ail a;»iffi 41* vwrmla Tbo*. K. f 21 d*m* L a.Vt)imiIK.4D. 16 ' to . Winmo, Wm. C. Hite. U- '.:a. -ir s :i i'J: —arapea- .vstoi rt Moxrtl Hrtl. Mr. H bippte is the i of the trc.’y with 200 Ninetc-mh; veAtvr» as w«:t as t«ii*e«rAffif th#«B.a;isu*—ara sweatee — hhds fr^m fair to atrlcUy prime Sugar i U. S. M.AIL DAILY LINK ciure ael^tiooa will FIRE 5 l.car«, wiu ^ .-f, \ !•« marheta, p«r- ! w < Paid i8 and ] jt Kov.iNovel, or Varieties in English Life, Bulwer. tr.cvaLD $i6o,ooo. ^ , ty niffifiy ftof Us: Kerala, .4 ;stra>-a. ~ earning the U. 8* Mail, p' W for ihe<;er«rr <1 pto'B»*!.u Ukiaa. ac < « atki« •ccaatoii requires, by djidoffiktic quibble*. VlileUe, tyCurrer RelU _VN Th« aoder«iKa«d Ua* h«en appointed agent ’•» I •‘Be F»e dc uccffio, rts^inc • will run between LuuUvlite and SU Lnulj, leaving Lou- ' jec.siif.TM. ’r ^ rt. .nu,vrt ^v* M ' Unhr bs. -n foTthfi • * T«* THKATRK.-^Tbe thektrt #peDs tbi* evk- • Key to Tom’s Cabin, aocva-iiame-l Company, and la xb ^pkuiau c^py of thir trea-y tra* been receiv- Uoue ty Mrs. nsmet Beecher now tf, returatag ;u k*r»g uffii ;uv' «::aeut in f*-al r- ste i* ^ . ... ihs*f ».nrk- •1*12 Mitb Ihs b«it it* witbenticity is doubled. V>niay, o’clock. •' F-rraia^- lN»RkM*. fi fc Jt *. Bateman Childrso and the Chap- ed in town, I . PIKE, *Capu W. F. Taller 10 41. I.VUN. AirDf . u i, . ' TEUbGRAl’H, J. Totker... ,.,Tae>lay, Nc». to. Ftois I*rare, and I* M-irrAy -.uaev JIvw Turk. MB*. Tlie Cbitdrei, bave drawn crowded bouse* e»nno< *»«> correctne** of OKN. PIKK, I. U. Jones Weduv lay, <* \-kktJUrak t phuisraf»-fa, t err aje-maxet *, sad othar* rataLed » cbb w levehinu's. ** everywhere. W. U. CLlrroNt H- 1. Bpotu Tburauay, attn tha Felting by tba pao.^ Mr. airtMto Ch.irttenu«kltowr.N,us|«isu ojKsuivmii . tenu, lu CHIOS, towns, ‘*‘V!’''*®’’” *t'*"J‘^.°i!^^ ,i- . - — . or cunntri, upon as favoraLle .j-j^ of Sioo ui this ao uol i — — _ _ Mi.rtfiA associate* counDy w tiherlcy * fc -8 II FASHION, Z. M. Friday, tTT w^^ZZ—t.a-‘ L consist- vf the RAT.MONU CO and Che well- here exceljeot ’• a* in tbetr spiterc. ' that Ibe money paid on the Rrai.t wa* raised Parasols!Parasols' Parasols! ladyLiDT PIKE,hike,' J.'R»‘J. Reraelin,menn,V.V.V.' Saturiay, kouwn VAN AMBURmCI fc CO.'fl Meftazeries, aoite«l I t^wesrepeamhiritaaffiaihaanMaa.k# tha f< ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ** line Military Hand will rt.-*::!:* to;effi, whu ' UMK,Un)K, ladies,LADIES, ruuFOR GaKATGaRaT BARGAINS’—Webargain's;— e LADY FRANKUN, W. 8. D. MrMeguwan, Sunday, A p fur tne present eea-«on of 1'*53, anal Is empbaticaUy tbe I have i ejd %^m*e uf tha arti- Mr. Filfonnelte, tbe agent of the Britisfa rtja , promptly. *W M* I hr . ' a> procrawisi BY C. C. SPENCER. ffiBab.iei\^ .'je arid elsgamelegant thisibla lino i the first cla«s, com-; airs of ihed«> the .•Illy a. a.a i»'C^ and .‘s.ruuent--..ruacnl ,fwhlte,i.i»,h,^f whUe,biatk, k^iAce ou Wsill at nvar tbo atur^\t Hn,ith\ The stpamen*sipanien* of are of entire Menagerie now in Anierit Thlw •'** tx a o* river was fallujg bonulioKiers. Id suitaSiik 8«i;u maiPlrtiimaDflrtii carefulcar»-ful eiperieticul men, > «lurlQg ib** b'’uni of exhtbiitoo. K'.l ViL >i-ii oK :*\:j»LT ‘..llfcJ.RI 4*.;2c I.. SctaTicr, »]., rlowly last evening : fancy andaud ParavuiaFarasols of the Uua!lau-at jiud4aid officered hyi>y and ttieiffirr;e»t collcctlun ev.T concentrated in enc ezb:*-i- I CkarltoDaria, b^ sb^liT nu d-t.f I -M NKNAtiERIE I Grren I .4ND Ja Fesrwa. , MUSK* »>>;*». and. having d.iirmUieddtimuliied to ke;..kec,* nooo : --- with ffircoramuJAhioi » f..r pAaveaipffik.eugtrs unsarpsosed any TDK AMI- KK'AN ^ Al' Kaq. Rwv. W. . kwiemore FarvFara- by ALCIION. . BrUk,**, saiuiwith 7. feet three ujcLs. .. ik. i.ii. leertoreeuiCiaeawaerontbeUlk. I J.iuo lu foliowiu.- «,l*, were will .cllsell onrour preaentpresent ^to^k*to<-h at ab.Ab< mut half uriw.price. 6.4Lls^t;|TY 9i^t RA 9K E COVII* A ^ V. ^>4^h'>au luin the WvbiaraWe-»t«rn waters. will exhU->l in ilsy sr i early -tn me OVKR 150 LIiING WILD ANIMALS, Ki:htt ‘fc*wa>emi, ha^, Mob t J. ikffiua^a, Bw|., . . .. j .. . , , | '; r .k. v ri:r!..'LMY aNlSi. . a. Jt, A I l^asbingloo dispatch lo tor wew 1 oik ’ Office at |$ Brewvr, 41k, ' a. ak N#. nonfc »Ue Main si., opposUe LoulfTlUe J'or «. t-ti-tr.1- te:e onoi board or to place>: to te exhibited under aeratlu'.s p.ivl’ 300 ^ Nlch ».s-* lATUtRTATUik Armstrong,ARMSTRONG, For frbightfrkight t-rr apply 1 feet Dfaa, I^A ji • sq.^ 'cJdii V 4 • -o: . I. -t-.rp Hotel, bet. Bar 5*luwu, to. 4 f Hr. M. Mco. ‘' O 4At Sts. Slaib ao«l H^-veoth, I vulivills, Asent, J.»,u»et llle, W- .Mimion. Ll^.»etU- J. W. BMuffiiiaw, l> ' “““Mam Dear Fourth^Fourth. Ky. J36J3« dtfdi; C. UAAHAyy j M^mM prlco i;$la. M. Capu Joraah J. •. Camiteck. «jrrhe ateamer Gen. Herald aa>f; _ . I Curri,r • i Wa i- s* » T; t' Hi •i-r*-**. th»* rui r*’ UUyeU* . iLwitog 4 p,. — CharteredCapiial $30O.uo0,af which ' MniiiV:«ii;i’.*rrnr Ule, :iiu'm- J.jJ.j.i*:.iK* tfianc y, t' oju Uassrd, lfcufai>, , $i3o,00ff is Vbcrc p.MU of ti.e C6b;r» way be ch auj Iowa, Coaso U. $. M. . $leamev uj Ftoncily ‘.'iks- •. rac.. ; c.iuar. » .*T. W< tihve a moft beautiful aeAurl- lluH’afll,ll4ii*’*fll, lUc, Klk; .n, U pklusviUe, t . .. to aftentooL. FAhS*— paid aud secured. ^ r>oms secure I. tiretii,$,rerti, *rst.Allu,* rst.isllu, A duuule ; -riorirthuce ai f.v.U etulb:ilu«* la four Im- apu iloiiUur, She 1. expected to < The.e w • Governor foote.of .Mis- Tva. M *:4 «!*, IVpyev, $t Bt>ue, ilAndsl tirviivtllv, l.sitf.-^, ^ meat of„*;V:;;7T:W‘:r7:m%.“»:Sd^Til5raS^T:Fieri, Ivory, Wood, and Pa- Continue to Insare M^-rchan- « Uadlrt, l»ilucet<’U, Ms iGenvtMe. * lebnOdm | oieu-e perfurming 4en>; \ N ;n iwo ikvia, AN AMBURG f B>7iTN>'i WhMky. Nm-.j-'w, * :rri*e Reborrow Mriiiag aiasippi, will be offered the tzussaan to frAEce. FauB;Fans; ffii-o \fty ‘ lUrnaJ^lmr*, lisuville, U: -o-T ‘.Vffift., Uviogi*’' . pier machetuacbr ,;'ckFt'ck light andgod dark al-o \*Ty elrgffiQtelrgsot dtse, Block, fcc ,a;talUFt luffs when OwenFl*ornibians,4 >nibians, toud t« ttack M bPa.mlMB*!fea.iHl «m«MB(^i;ibVlLl.K.OUUiVlLl.K fc NASIIVILLK.NA:3nviLLK.">^B><*B*B laavll-o *if«^ts,mtteet*. I .»aisvUle, *»R fc AKMSTIU>NG\H.BSTlUiNG'.*'.. canal, and railroad routes, or on any r toto L>ohin4;-lr»4SMra w Hedured Pncooi! — BtebOMr W. vtryluast of tbe usvlgaUe ^aTKsMaN H. ti. Me* •Msaa, fussur. Tan, «, Open un MoOdav from 3 to 6 amt 7 to 1" ' , b«FD oratieon (Hf UrMli of tUo Montvue aMuhlk waip'-vf the commercial wurltl; aUu agst »i lu»a on McUunii!:, May»\l oil InesisT from 9 pj awl *’ y| appAiiffiiii— -f araLki-t -ry w the >nsiricuea of •a 4 rt 4 aw F JOU.S ;»lMPBON J. U. lusster. P. M.; mi M. «r'»m Ut> > and M. Cmioii hfTiVfc^ Irom Sl Louia yeatcidaf aUbtva letywf | AM>I>' UuHsHulls o.0. StrarolMiatNStrarolMiattt and other good veraels.veraeli. f. to..i.; Gv whUh 1 vael sdt,’ mstniiiig kkd k'e kEre polt\t\y furmsbed b, L and property, ville. everv I’^nrsda' al 1 1 u’clf k. .a.ra la am b« .M. AdmlasluuAamlas.uu 35 .ci i^. Chi. Iren under I j,d Oktrtd lly rx-«ovEfDur kud r/rd.vlcigt•^at.lkerLhle^,al•oaaReet article*, aad i» rlrti.. rtl'b InclU'llna (li ueralT.jUl Thi.ui:.,toe ool- a CO latcBrtka. XL. CiiilMi w tbe i'. i.oa.'.-bev ouaii-- I2id5n C. BAaSHAM. Fierce rhe caral L- Nt‘ii$»vLL AMI V^*l kKLK DWKIUNjv • leriluo A;:laia'>, L a< . ;atoai>, Mr. Si.-:* TATI^R fc AkMSTRiiNG'aS. of WtM irr laerehaibU, aad hayer» gsiierallv *«* ta- Skrt *or Itoius Itu* and is - ‘ „,ra.la.— tm.ruin,: ahuut 16u*clrwk.aod !Ull K AN » li-'a .\. W toornwc adatrabl, ! lu ihc liabv Kirj.hanl, Mr. Ncl- I a Al Cn-'.N. viceVice PresidentPreeidTot Ziiie,Rine, itIt i*1* said,yhiil. ownedowiietl anhii es-T*- Ihe •WU'f > ta rail and examrar th;-« eviaraive ftsavk. | imiv * i.rvizi** *^**^*'' ml- -t«*d coo-iMlaa 4 Uiv l a.a. e^lrs . under jn>jfi) pre- ;ra>'d P*i».^.^:?slON, - t. ' KbtiULAU KKN TL'CKY KU AfliET, lift's perfLiiiiSiicev,, exA.f Do ..'a;? :»»\T \ ^ovwM for pkbsieLgffiT. fiho bhs Inricr Mali tkleoftalc of 2,2,0(N1OfMt arres of rich land in DalUfDallas coun-couii- CcweCciMff up, liUUlittiA cues, aiiai be suited' S aa: ..f asrty ami «*»#. D'rai fin> cvsu a isaea i# $ea arm ji vit.K SSiiliDx"’ Khn “krJlsi’iN, Jr, ' ,k cunhlslln^ of Ui( Carriages, Uagtr, \ aus, .Vc., ei»utaiU- .4 <« |i wl* PLUK Wr?.*G, SaM*KR6, Ma>*acr. « l.st* ver. tl tL«*IL«* rrpf»ri4» be »t they m*' , j SC .'.a . '-11. . ton> -,ika?%• ^ > burslrad *k4!ar74 Sffiui. 7h«* tr»i« -upt'iivd at the i.iwaet iy> Aifc,a, with It is stated tbhtthat ' Iliis ' tlavrs.slaves. i* al»orImi ! • «ry c«biij$ hfcd •Ul^foom''- 41 150 4 ukidgekuHD, CUa^ q. aBMSTIUin’g. •r Leaves every We*lnss4jffiy at 3 o’clock, lo 4. atJ from 7 iu9 u’r.cci.•. M.il. animaU. drawn ty 1.0 splfiel j hor»ra. headed V w P. li T.r. Ut.Ax, r.t’'* wita Frames, fcv.. fcc., of rrery dcscxtpiUimy .a be baa ' ai* by the touii'any’s cr)ftrale«t Bras- Baud, aud w:i! left tbe bulk of his property to bis poor- , fur Frankfort an'! Woudfi nl Landing. ;rae> ', { • 4 ll- rtto Vuxiiua. ^ 1 T C'.'mpustu.'a state. u|CHua, - « osw «Ol Uieuic aptenoMsoieixlid ftoCkeuitockels lOin ‘‘!T JA. - W tbruugb the r-.incipai tr<^ts to the pa* r'-.o f<>r eiLild- t J enves “'lurday at 2 u'.Irttoto, est retktiw,.,retalMsis, thrt.u'^t4irt.u-^ tilall are comtorlably nroii-i.roii- TalTIP THfc riKK.TlKSs i »»l BfSt,; t,i>«ip44||r ev^-r * . m., RIkHARO KINGSLaND, tio«, giving Ibe puulito a»t o»»por,u..Hy i-t • for krn’iKi'nt, Or^gub. ana Mnisiav’a Laiidlng, beboldlu:* one l.ifisaffiil B'iiltr, ’ -'.5, • tbe C iMSB Lifie, leavo* for • to GF LOCihVtLLKs filAuiur j ^loa 4Fav«^ -Uto^e Wfiocfio/’ thi* eve- : ded4rd (or. ^fcVfcK iu our experience at (ashloulug 4$ Coartiaadx sireei, I tn'3'i priK.«wa*oni4 ever k.iF fuub$ffiif» AQiv ai'Olv on LtoSrfi or ..rtrt .»• ;crne»j^i *iaueased. I Ii a’*=-y,^ /JU> Office on liji; Dutthwijtt caMoer of Maiu and W»ll streets. to ^.^.-ful fLut ’h a a« •:j '.e ’ifca Eackary l?i$ Dwaao { aye ui been entirely suc< lu »uiimg the fel*17 sefffit. New Tevk. Her I Rt;n. acco4DiDOdatioi>t are of tbe ftral 4W- MR. VAN 4MB1 i tnefine sb.,. ' uirlhoiu. - U fGGh fc RU9SKLI.. j xheThe ship i UO* B.i.sIk*Bansiice cleared at tne .rtoica-.rtoicn- ‘ *0* -k~\ - Iffihi Femw *f :t ti sp/jol.- -*• ^sebouse te-dayto-day, andacd will^lwill sail on Monday for in.lie \ BENHAM. WHITNEY, & CO.. I ; .toiob ; | NmIF k“Vi.7, |u.V. aLtop. Maryiaodnaryiaiid coloo,colony in | H K U U L A U I' A t> B i The Teie|^a(it: No. 3 is tbe 'i m Labena, carrycarryiiII out a lartelarite 7 Terrr, a. Cuiciiinati mail ; ^cS^wtiuam Brannm, gK ; jtii $1 j/ ^/XU o. V/Bjm A FUR KV.|%^VILl.fc llfc\UEKM)7i. i nuBiber Mof cou^ante.cmi-rants. K. A Garloer, w. II. liaTMrtin. ^ AUI,....-. . As before stated, she i 7 Ira / SmI Aa a raatoower rrtolrrt tov. I.....—.— W fr _ The splfiidid iwfiokei ftUamer FAWN, flyll 1*' ‘ r. B. Arwooi>,Secrrui7. |tiio. J. ' .yut ruii. JaitMfd.Mil Pliiukta ^ stop*to|> in HamiiiontJoads.Hamptoni.'oaas. ' | MARTiK,PrnlJeDt ui seu lo Tis War#. ^ will ; r au.| CO urorraoie ; where coutidere-cousidrra- * . a croft, master, will comm<-uce „ 11 L, . i_sgp^W her regula DAN IKLS akoire tbe tails. t ompaor cootinu. to take ri,k. on ' i. Weare indebted alwar*alw; ahead :- Eifc»»»;— BaiidioEi, i HKLUl.NG lIlilMA^ to Ibe cteik will be Blade |>l.A!’f‘;HARDHARD Hr ; ps ou Tuc»*lay, November 16Ui, "• AwiAitom >- uardwarb, ; UcMe addiuon to Lerker oac’-eiieerr{>afseimerr. This IJI.A!«4 leavln will .Birr lli» <1.0 »llh blahishly lralo-1 ati;m*:-, BY S. G.C. HENRY A CO. kmit4n.,i 4, to6ULA.HS- ercusittltse, , aev- dX ' . a siucks of M ffiud ou$er piopeiiv ffitoaiusi , 4 « lato bbart irt If HaiYip pt/iTiilNG.— I L Ibe the LouUvUie every Tuesday au'! Friday a;3 o’clotxk, P. M. ato*' •"'t »"“8' thtr didereri ADMlaMdtii.vroi.'SADMlaMdUi.*rtr\;i,'$ :;.k!tok:i.kitok w ark, such as lable CuGvtt 4 dr.iauam t ru*, TUa TU.4>ra(.b, . to be lar)^ from W Ca|B. Byinffton, lor b Cm- i*Iff bellTV^believed expeditionexp«flit$ou e.eoe.e. dea-dee- ^ ®“ Merchandls# and C»rxusa geoeralty .AIHEN*AIHEN' KiaiB-KidiB- llai. and I hildrru'a I'lainI lain andaa Van AmburcL'., nia- ; 5lnl'huii'*ri?ii'?a'Jaciel*; against apply on U»anl or to aud Ce^w Potffi, i'amlle^Lvkffi, For frelkhl or pMsage ».• I racde i a»wra, $Mip La- king twoftplendid aotmai pertoiLuauces with thi* ra. i rx . . . - J r-a x I MaryMarjiMidland I of the Bras, Rivera, are to hr lontel lo rn’r^ai rarieiy coUac- n • patchedpetebeo by tbe Col^iratiooColottizatioo Uie f«IU ana luUnd trausiKinatlon; Fancy Straw Goo*!* Ct-toi4 imper rf SocicHfeSociei/. I inaiSaJum 'a do- MlllUire: S. L Or Pallor, pintn- r.oJ.i*,»AdrkambertumiUre. yertorfay. ' Blfl L MgORQKAD. Uoo. w\ubd nmd on Irampi#, Piua*>f*, rumbtese, TaMe 1* ^ j ;*lKion::-«“'‘^^'XSU«uboauandSeaVesraia. ^ ffi:r7 riELDl.Si} fc 1 (U)>IA>:’S. RiJlJr.egrulFine ffiartegruffiki Zwo, ITdj,, |.y*A full deacriptioo of the TmtKiify Cirjt'f*, and Pixsm and Tea Spaens; Piatwl and German $li*eraa»aBsto Fork«« Tbe Faabaon wiM be here from HI. tio«« r««Ted a copy o< tbe annual .eiadlaea Ammal*, perfurmancee Ussu this ! We mes- Reaalar Tri- Hcckly and iiOaiaviiu j KSJFloe btotoblack Clucb 8acBack* (velvet boUatto;, •*“* CMh <#aede of every *Je5iTiptlon, f»r meu’.-> an>l I with the Kleptaaots, Puneys, Munkeys, fcv., ^*^ Mraim ^ Speed, • t'acagi, TR.WV will ba AT AitTIO.N ON 4 .MO.\TllV 4 RKINT. n.,ng aad tbe Quaker mayor of the Fine Oo CasMmere Faous ratlin fuui»d lo tbe KstUe*,rrv Faaa^Shwveis rad Tuuo*- find Dona* lr«ai Cify i G>yt’ wear, can be found by al^ bills and lith#^apbs at the * .. . from Pittsbur. »W« S _ | pnuvipai ho- I M.xwnaw \I kuviv. Wrt. $A^ .o^to Fine olive green CanUmereue do. ! Firtiiicii’ii cad £;tiianiei’ losuraoee I'o. Running Id ceonectlon with tbe ^ ** Bra** Wire. Brens Ke«t.<--, Sheet Inm, Tka T'ai*, | ipSo FiKI.DlSG fc TH«»MAS'S. tela previous to the arrival er ina compauy. Hrtrirt rteamer Cmcmnati,Cmcmnati. aJadU will rall^l the late resUeuev of ' Mr^C. Har-ow, Wie4ate of Srt .* AhD lNDlABAP0Lia^m||ffiy|H de- Slock TiiS, fcc. i gnuJs car rfuDy PitteimcPitteL, ' i'*’.”* ul .“be“er«;;p,*,f7r^t“he“:e*± Jr-Ii* A.w^rt ULffOM O Amimany, A packed ^^It bV ; ffiaaed, ea Chestnut screef, be< ween aad 1^^^^ • kt’T^A^l for .Tin,- Jo«t receive I and lur Srt!« ^*k Floyd, and WarraatodT^^ fehl7 4i3m stetuner MARY SlBFHdN'd, aifl rauthalde, theeiii 'etocof HuuschrtM Farmitaru coa- Tana. L. PAiNE,Secretary.,DAViD white, President. The splendid passenger 1 nVUScIK^NELJON. rriweatlitoi#.. SPORT OVER THE OAKLAND. ___ from Piitebnrg. chief mati.trale and her hrM.UKK H.ia in gtondaot variety are to ^he for Madison every Tneaday, idviec of her wia. ca- Iff - Having been appointed CUnei master, will leave 1‘. | agent of W^^«ODd al FIKLDIKG fc Among theuk»m. ^ bagto best qua itj lu at>rcaudfur I general aMMMUaon:, in gc^W urffer, ui HIt'KS. k. toJ- oa.^mwa^rti tMrlU rikod. 7UOMA$*$. Saturday at fio’ciock, poaltiveiy. R«. IO taflee.—100 .MITl’HEU, bTVuud tU r.r^re- Company In Louisville, 1 Thursday, and iwet of pfO*p«ritjW4U nwa* > f ot am Ui’ rt aa RA j uame-l, as helug the oioftt admired, the Matelot, Pa. .or, Oiniud nr m., a*si ChaaiUrr M AC ^ Madtnuu imuiediaieiy after the arrival sale ty Faraitup' . ^ ^HKXi rt-i-tor. .! to take risks on build- nrntng, leaves H seffit rapid Grenada- and Canton Union, to aU oi which we Invite W'edneaday, K. WKBtl. HOWLAND, fc < Rich Ta»«s./y Carpeu ffitiri Roi;»i IcB CkBAii ftaitoOK. — Mr. ^"^ ^—'ngft, goods, and all kiuds of the cars, every MoOilay, and Friday. ^ 0 GOLD AND SILVER iicbultbcu has of ; ; | ’iiht eaauiinaiion of our frieodn and the public ^ iitlle ' ikod ap bto ice cicm aaiook aiagaioT CoimeJeace.—U is a sinciilarj fc THOMAS, pencil and pen on Fifth atsnet, FIELDING ;;sT.v«urroroV\\^7.-ni«^^ ; oakla:4d race* cases. be- ! ^:rp:^.roB^rt.7,::^:^v;rr.‘^ candidate* weone. a*7 I^.l.tto for tole by the PresidentialrreaiUeiiUhl Chli^hte*—— **7 i,«.*,«. xsb Main sL, bu Third n^and Fourth^Fourth. ' eral In ^n. «,.tIBue of j ij5 a*. D MhrkffI Mid JdfenMf » thatth$t Mol five | and.Dd.lrt,onthoiBi.nUiran.port.ilonllB«.also on the inland in ,.^8,, M;^r Tiadu teippited oa hb«Ml , a verv E. » EBli, R„wnvnROWLAND, A co 4hron*hont lb. rollowln. pnr.rt: JSS?c5L“;Tat^o.r. T««. “»i» owci aiJtnwn,«n<>tj mil.mile beata; able in bank* No, 3h Ptaro,Pfoca, CU» affimraMsamra^ * 30011fOOIl aflor hif elec-Tire- I (^hla>aa.lllc.Aeine-_ |n6 F. B. ATWOUU, Afoni. fC?* rt 200300 tb;.bb'.s Ko..Nos. 2 and tra»kfresh (<•la; ?.)•—9*>' GallGali Hooa.Uooee siaaestake for I->S-jrarold.—ear-olds— htoU; . cafcfliilato.chfcflillat^, IfiMtLlfit UtUeU(((f boy, derates m teauiiruibeauiirui style of drab BeaverBvaver which w* af.ACKERCL[ .iCMERElao— 2,3, and — bu Hat, | ll o’clack ratoLscty, NBW entrie*— $100 entrance—$50 At i ca the prtmteee, we win •«.; YUBB. Mhriham*8* — - munmead re:e1v*Jro‘:clv.^ and fot- i;ale bk closed wtih nine - mccidenif hod hif own to oar fti#sods for its escaffidlng llgbtneffis and .V.fcfiBiia Ari.rsr,jn.tL large, jnst I iiQu Moa( tilftrefalAB DOUIBVXL1.S1.0UIBVXL1.B S-Vlo"k, a. uiaairaWte b hv a SIARINE FIRE Ii mmMDAnATWmmSmoAIl the vu^ff _ . ANDANP 21 £. VfcHB, Rowland, fca co.,n rorieiu ri BLDl.NG 4r tiiumas. eiegaul puckei stean-ufS * g^nkf BMfaiocr, of tbe »nyFEIi.— ! fhBtevr rt oSetad *vbile tbe third, foirttii. «D<1 fifth, vix: IiHmore, me i««. Bi.Coffto lot sal. hr Q0UI(Mlir of•/ thelAe store of Smithb’lnifA ||l'HE hpaaUU Inwiceof genn- horses at Lexln«Wii Uik a CW fm- mIf tkrouwti— .nr A I rBLBGRAPHCBUtGRAPH.... V.' kr4r SkotteeU.siotwett. ,,5 ' Iminiried* igars,of the fuUowlns tavfrtte brands: trance free, CASH Ibe | , *^**IS*^’ I me FOR • Ctoa, uwl have each bad to iuoutd ^OOL Dounlas, . i; moratug al 10 o’clock, A. M., 021567afibffl ' •erUBtlto l ii ii j 1 De la Crui, Principe, Uoiel SUke tot t-y effir-ulda—S-mtle B. u.U. fcla Co.,Co*$ AeAnefounaerv-cth»neerv- raiGirviGi klahestkighast marhetim company cootlnnracontlnnrt to 3tnjerm»ufc La Vegulra, Ira i 3d IU/— ^^Usvltle ^. $40O—l-mll. REFINED BAI.TPSTRE f — New Books. »— and torelgn porta and iaiaod transportation; MagaRioes|^: for May. S^NeaTBookaT^More BOII.ER FOR BALE. f th DaT—Fur.a $160—mV.a heto*, * krtt I. 6. 'pm CRinuK LAUORAroJkT mantoctwa ortJ -.Cw IMERIMEAA.4ICE 4>.4| «B Bt. r Tail rasiro.4 rampaay buiidlnge, merchaadlee, and furnUnre against Book and Graham’s ; UESaoU^ aaea at fjatafotte Ct^T cofRT. OKTRT of th.the VtoauhtoVvgeiabUTvgeiabte world,World, .a .opaiorpopuierpopular expoeition ODBT’S Lady’s Magaclue for ' 4-m(*a heau, with inaida srtoala4rtl DOKTRT | 4 GOOD doable flue Boiler, 30 lest long, 42 inches in 6th Day— Fairs# $600— aa stake 1. lor tola Rem-.rtt Itolootra, par. aW <4to. ! Th.Tha ItaaaaSIt. Storart to $aaC hartMba^fito the of (Many and Us relations to Mao Mty just received at 621 Main street. UrtSaterday. April of Science G diameter, $J00$jQ0-cioaed-cioeed with 4 eotrtes.entries. I hlo raffoad, all p.'. ami Mprtfor la a.7 .isal- An arrai,«emef,l WEnnisuAv, *7. P in comidete order. Inquire of J. b. I mrrtotho fiw>ato AlatI aatptoaO waa cao^luded fc | »—toad to tort.ra I afi7 M. J. BchlaWlon,“hiffiUGw. M. O.*u.. rrafaaaurPrafaaaor ofuf aobBotany to the WKHU LBTKR1N6. la • Ov£ Moth street^ 1 have the strougaat aaaorarce from turfman abroad , 'ar artteto I. markrt. Tho itocsartar. aotoe ih. ou ; wm oomo hookom Mania Bocaa Md Aafua* Goaer were aeot la U# cave rhomas B. omith. waa. 2AREB B. TTLER, Asato goMomm, the* pmrat, university of Jana. B. Hunt, J. Martin, that there will ba two staM«s from Tennassea, two u eehar. CORNWALL fc BRO. from i tmfnTs^far erne moMfc lo fee k. BuchananBuchanan, d. B. MARK W. H- DLLANKY G. F. DOWNS lurarth, History of the Valley of the Mlaaiaeippi, by Adolphus W. J. LiDdanberger, Lonisiana. one frew Alabaaoa, one from Tlrginia, and wall manirtt rapaiailgn o4 laa taaMuka am, parcha- MU, iRd | | aquip the wbaia road hy the 3. Smith, was M. Bart. R Ba Do Newcomb, f^HlLDHEN’B Maatlaa.-Received thlsday asmal Bugs Ohfio, in aUecdaaoa. the .hialaips to articla thrt vi|| givo one from With sraai number rera maj ralj apto aaa- day af 3 B. Forsyth, Lewis. rR1.4ITI!l« A.hB BSSOR FAF aa Ssa May, Ithh. It U te be a fisuf ^TKAfc.—A fresh supply uf supatlar Graea Received this day 4llrect from the poblliberff by O. B. V/lotofC J- a Mantlet. Id batesbaiea GunnyGun Bags; training in RATTRLUi la EtoS clais Om uf horsaa Kanincky, goad apart may ha Irtaolort. WICE, AMM ChttoAn, aaaaa la. to. smam Id Buck teaajaat rneaivad and for sale by WKBB fc LBVSEIMG, G. w. MKRIWBTBSB, PrestdeaL MARK, DUlrtANKT, fc DOWNS, tav^ do bundles de de; for sale bj for* . I*S aitaai. smi I leohad « From Haw Trek, Facia. Fcias to* Bate fc Wji.Bifton, Secretary. J tM Fca., WaUartteto-rt-WTto. anjfch B. FBUGUNON BOM. i an 6$l Mala itraete 3 door* balaw third. a4 dU fH ill Main lU I nBdId ^ J. W. WBLDSN, Pr^later, q-l^UawtoB Ma Affrau larCraioaLrtbafasarT. Iteto AMtoU ' J A | . — x , ‘ . • I | w — “ 1 1 < • ~. ., ' ,..

    COPARTNERSHIPS. MEDICAJd. R. T. LEECH, Jr., BUSINESS CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. . TRANSPORTATION. xMISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. _ IKFOBTrU Ai>D PHUJtag IK ' MOnCB. OEIEAT CURB—RCADI RilADl ! ' • BAVatfcl.4araMac:aiM al^l|l^,latk.baa< ICR :;RRAM SALCON now OPBN. JErrURSONVUiLB RAIliROAl}. HBWSON a BOlAfSa . rkIJ UWAVMU’O .New and Faskiaaiblr Daaeiag iradeajr ».*i HAjna, < VV X>i Jb uowNiMi ..wD ‘'oM.i'mofc S A D D L E K Y 1 KALCIlR'S OITT KXCaAKUK, Mr. M. C>JMM-:R- IJll. O A X O BRo.. Stw Passraser irraBgrmrat. i Acenoli HARDWARE. ta triomc Ba.7 . •/.* bof. TkuA omd i’oaitA. twaad, Koao. Til. Wtai liAoeM will »« cuodsctad nnder Ui» Sonthwool roraor Jpfforaoii mmA «ocom4 «tro«lt b3 aad Sij WaJaat M., Ctm GnmprtTinA I Simp Of Wild CheiTy Toot»rm wotl KxFodltiooo ..a CoMfortabio# . a.. Roatc.> . tIADa.WIC S. ibo colobra4«4 CARRIAGE. HARXE.S& AND TRCNTC TRIMMINGS, (Stuectt$eri to yi, Stt¥tn$j, j r.fwiar SaIm of OrorarMo At AiKtlv* rmioM. Lrwtarr uA luo.l<>4 lu magulflcout oDrle fur tbo comryri of ml S»c*-, auwd., Md otlM. S^ariili-. ' €7nid»f AstAact firon^Aifu, H iu gnotu, tbc cUitaiM of LwoUrillc aad olcfalt? tbal l^ml. • i«k all ktaAfc r«iK>M. Sfc.ria, HBa>, .nd t 4»PAii, ib« 7iu of April, larra witl be WMBomar, M Id M.. At »• M«va.aai> Rackaod.. Itnctk^rg, Pa.nin f M.r . «• ia." aied lo th*m placa aad wiM opra bar Daoctug A artao Maw, aiack LaarMir aaaCaata Vara«a,aa,ar^ alM 8pitaa> aod at laaaalaaaranP prlcta. ll^’r havathl. daT 7urra«l\^oplna'frrtl^ of LouUitila axMl poaoougar tralaa hbaral caab ad aacep va Axla. ; ibe ladi's Tidbit) f, Apr I IH, Ib'b, a> ia^nrea, F. M. rab? at« W «rl. am Urn of HRANKUM, TUATCHRE. a Me- b.reiofurt tutmltd them, IWlow,: onae* aad raaptctfuliy to- ^ mmm i Mai.mt G •. art wia la imea all taa a«w..i aad iaai I ROBF.RTR, rorm. purpu«uf IrMiMCtlD* a GKS RRAL lt...ronimH..:r,.cr iNfm.. Ih. Rxpr.-. Train will .t«. fram Jafcrwa.l.la daily. *,/rrla-y. H. Bwtm B Cak* U U mre.a,E- 1. ynoLESALB SIIX, KRR3S UOoDS. anl VaKIETT bu- N. H. b.:i.ball. XUUxaU I-anlrtI’d'tlri .urpllM.uppll.! a.x< ataalataxl . m fik.Ht'lk.t, *>•» V*‘T* t\e>.-n«l,at« a ;^«iuo'cJo . a. M. (Lual.cUt(Lual.riUt il^.)tlTu). *!^, Uant, rfirfaJCdO/TTirrvw, Btrcxt,ani. Lungi. | » pVrfar... Laa.cil'mBe,abaaaiiiaiill 8 amr parlor daaaa, wlU I am a* r«;.*cuBliy mllot irum ihr trad., a ahar.- Ica CrMBi, H..rbtt, Ac. -lupplnd to act da.B and U- ap |•a»FU(M. oolj a. iB.tl rdaitual and | be lotriftiuc-^ thta »#aeua. y Ibcli ratruua I' lWKING A RHo., HanryvilUfar brtakia.t), MOROBBKT4. A. McdMB, O.P. | AUGX IRr alwre Mr. Wag. MiLLKR, Prof, of Mtiaic aad Paactag, la JOHN THATCHER, af diara... i. JOSEPH GRIFFITH. aat'JU Ooru fr or J t-gur-un and ba»- Ii w.li arn.e to Kdioburj r. J lulie.i uiclu. — Stcuad an. at t ., euatgwi a# AB*Utaot Teacher aad Mu»klaa« AATS or RAMTVVRV, I ll Til >Tni:ET, I OK IXV ILLC, I A. M., Id anipl. tliu. lo cubatei wlia la.: ' XEAR MAIN, X V.,| aarly Ma ;:.ui F> . caa eat*r tba c;a*aev a' aay timaAnrtng tbe J», ., .Ba-^ORW. Dll. 6 W A Y i\ E S KK, AN 1> Patent CottOH Cocdage Bud «e»jaioa. ukalrr IN RoDC Yomag Ladiea^ Maaiara, : ' *V‘T* V*J“tM , M ua*, aad froai 4 aedtaa erNbaaia Market «tr et» a«ar 1. I.I., GQQ«a P^ ' calU the attention ofel nierckaue, Kunvnittb*Kuntmiiibe i I » »>" •ir*’"'. ar. no. preoared la rr- F- N ANOTHKH UOMS CKRTIFICATX.CRRTlFICATFa | ,Vr?»e» HC cc4^r»tgoM tATP »»iK>ct*tH8 l.-|>k.HII>H | .1 » ramaica ef 94 leaeuRv. tb« for tbv ul uko, patweoier. CBm** wf hM ITH, ^ m!p Thomaa , ap at all Ike rejuiai OfOatOrOAt CuiOOUXe Ofof ExekiClExoiLiol -lUitle barrel I. ainlaiMl Allen’*Alleti’a T TuOmAS. ^ Bee-'lverp.-Iver*. Hhol Gons Col'*e Hr. (jrALITTVlKALITT Of Coitnn Curdai. aadtnd uU .p ,.|,.f e.rlun-earlon- I t Fur .*Arlu« ar*« lequlrw at iBe Merchaata^ BoU!, B«»(l M iu:a.B C«>&L and WLi^l Dg MAiiutanur*n; •tatioOB.t.tiun* ^ ^ . ' H. lK*arIK-dr .sir— for *** km.U. tiume Hat*. Shot Fonchef, Ac.; Ki lie* iu.iialactnre*l ENT,kl.LV of tb. btrot xeei Ri.- Mtiu aircei,aud tbrt*ngh the Fuwt*uAce. • D».Dm. Swav.se—Kwav.SE— Bemg a lengthlengtii of limptime Tne Arconimot*. »kr*l*^;oiP!idd«inf Korwdnliu* ai-i . ArcoraaodatloQ irato will ataxt From Fdlubcre ’ Harreiw, GuD UKh«, at;-l Gou MaieilaU of all kin la pie. In manner, bj eli: BOOTS ADD SHOES. afna toil wlU;with a v» r>'r>- viol«aiviolent cough,rough, wiihwith ihe mo.! pen rcl their new Patent ls»* ucthn* a.*o be given lo cineaee In Irmnle « Al t«lui«lii lulU tb«the «idoev. v’aii •trcpt, and w'Ai to :aU} vy^a d tor bu«ia**of ub iu« of tlu- lung*, of breath, ioaa a* the ttiumlog tra D fruoi lu«j:au«piMlB arr;«ca uo ih* aprSdSm , Of apy.. 111 iita.lt- *"*i »“• Th-flbroa of the Cotton an- lait far nior. eompacil) ‘ .IliUN ., n.xbt .wealr. At.., I trial ul tarluua vTa.'fl^J’,Im”*afil‘• wilBon road, and j«Hy»na la^ELEV, l«to< FcUiaAn |>«SU « ulLLa ’' FlBtlng will Bfrlve in Jrffery.mh ji;.- at 1:4 retuvtiie.^*retucniiera. *a bicb werewere- rvcoiuueiMlni highly Inlu Tackle very cuUiPafte# A1 of which he wll. voi wtin more even icbaloa by their prvc*a t: an b| * Marble and a tone fop aAV.n U.etl.e paptr»t .’cluck•’clock ' K. W. CiUTTKNUB.N, »ery PP. MN. Keturnicg,Ret ' li will U ave Jrrler •• q\ ;e at MA>L'FACriREBS, io» t* tny other uw.a hnown. ji >ro.\ g «!« KUiMie but gralbaiiygrailualiv crewgrew uoraa. TheTbe rloieucerioieuce ofot meniy coughcmirh o’clock » , )ar and inechluw worka nre Loq!pt111o, Jac.A, IbU. DAVIU J. 8 M 1 TU. 24 P. M. and w H r.a* h Bdli.r.urg at 7 f.’c.«kF. %0m 1#4 Fenrl akrwel..., Bookwn, £ arllcle V.1ATI.T • («’0 ? wa« aucb that th* tluodru»hed profuaely from my iH>«.trll» n e I* rexardm ai SUPKRIliR to 1 •ca oCi tbe curtter uf High a reel and M moil aVilo^ll•tt • lo full timeUm.'io10 woouect wuh tbe Acci.iaB*«<« 4 a(iuD tialii * »feinp an ! Manilla, t.r other rUK«» eitai.*, e>, Cia.iunati, ^ »ifef by the ra.B, * when tho par<>x 3 aruaofu»ugli!ug came upon uie; indeed, any C for tav*« CoB*aeoced operatione In aawiwg. • on llbwmi tevma, a a'^««*iu’k s DliSOLUTION. •>i,u thethy MatlaoOMb Hb. n R >ail. rruui thriice to lUfliai.av/ Ih • 5= J»P T tny wbuD oyetoiu tuemod pr>M»irated,aud ihvLourof lligiilha of V«B»elB and CBCal u»-« an >1 for a!l other pur> •irew.Lg, «n i pol'BLing. su*ne and Marble ?ur sole g. NVI nf Bbowa, mnnningtnfe*) be them**' vew expreB*>y my do- traintrata wii|wtii Mop f»rf >r the cun\enlence or pa.-» *u.:»r», at a. !*= p’taea luue-c the ,- R. Y JARVIS where aireugih ana darablitty are requireo. |c !•* tter^. u G the r luieetlon lo he alwnya prur- 1 for Sonthern and • marae a. r ’kiailoiiik along tke line, both x«»liig aii -1 returning. y TTORXKk .tT I.AW ....1 *cr tr.*t .mm K'Mi tlrt.l quail) pliable wbeo wet .*r drr, anl near water d-^i m.ih a g-K j ,ic.fk * The nUenUen ef thn trnia .a A y h« theB>a * of Ha an Mx'Me, Dayton Bmne, rwtoeeend* O airaufementt the Kapr.**. ir«-u f’>ru,a a d 1 betarea «*ia .od Harliei. .i.lni, adjulninr tbi ^ru(*f. la of UDifurm alt*, of any length de»'rerf. vree Hi.’Oe ff. ibr 47 aiy /V ,p i made rect connection m RcAkvi I- auif Ikeann t lafa gnarrien, with ibe Abeil yvMe, kniAM-rowr. a <1 .. K.t k. .11 dim »• d ha.* ter o deruohatrated to wear at leaal ihtee time* 3 o«l M.i*>UMa Maru.e, at J gi I «aw It aol fa n»>, and with ’b*- early aa UpDg a- any iRber Kupe with the t*aiue u*ace. rt^uired Mahu r. Id • n»e-)nence of ibe'r fact tileo tor r. Main from .NAii’>ori to lOiJiauatMt iv, which «-aa'.'t ^a • 1 J. M. MEUBOlHUfU, riSDICR W. MCHAi an evaniinailju by couaunirfa and ahip ownarn of • > I rff ENVELOPE MANUFACTURER eurera to lake the Hell tuDia:ne, L.faveite F»r« au.i '!"*’** MERFHA.NT r.ULUK A>D CLorHli.li. the «\rdaBe made ty reapectfuiiy aoli- I F. & CO., I thU Company la ferre Hau'** >a>tM a. PIC lUKCRRCCliCTM. CM C*A,CHt I FISCHER the rame dav, roriulUo by the tatter a _ V i opAKT%i:H!siiip. I lied. \ tW •oruo uily lufur-u the cltl oo.'eciU 1 a .ih Biaa* • 10 St. L>’Ula. t lu ni»’d a 4 - urdera aldrvABBd aa »;reei, Ca/pannrr^hlp cu-ler lu ouugho, coMa, and di» 4aep of the lung*, and oct U*ai *bd cojutry dealer# that the hav« ab)ve, at No. Water conuo b t*«Hi 1 al»o oiwie i.v tue Accnmmtxiailoa tralo *****“•*' I. tbe name au »t) ie uf ) IgLUl Til fut n'aw Turk, will re*:elve early at.crtluo *l«t w-lh mot* c.r »MMT of .|hHX *.^1.?****** NG A JM Ah, «hould be KQuwn to all alQicu'da If pereona wunld yor- t 1 Alfa Uie Marn. .m X ] aUtnuoou iiain c-n the Madlsou ri-.tt». *« ' ef giv.ng atM-ni.«*iB v«i) ! A my liiig the per^M* of uau^a* th* M'lit.bcaieano ht-taU Uat . thaee the orlglbat and geoulue article a^ prepared h> y-^u. uurtu aiW alt dim r. P. AHKLL, Secretary. Fifth, a apieifd.d a»»wrtm«ot of U \Ti and paB*Tt«raa^riv« lo lu>Jiaoap.’ll* %i • u F -M Iq ad ' clock aoi •JUL be TailoHag hUBibea#, I am m>w SMli.ING vT a i ap ouMUer tuafiiu ifauchi-a. and not tacipar with ihr oiauy BpuriuUB a P.'^a iaU r. | aud wurtfilcap By ibeBO C’iaiiectioi.», traveler* iroiu an> **f iher.**!* i>*ar. My akweft CBidkprieeaevery variety of GeLi.en**' a M. B. KIKLDING, which are atteiupted 'T.* *1 B ucfea of ShiD«‘ ! r Marble aen: preparaUuUs to be palmed o0 00 ih* Kpare Do pVa‘ n >r iruubP? in brtug i.at a ayiendid. SECTION DOCKS. .tumtiturnti g to li diauaputU.diauap ta the yard wiu be { taking either .f |h MA’DboU Weartod Apperel and FnmUhlag Ge-,>)a. VaLaTUOMaH. . reputMluu uf yuurr, U might he the meant due,4iiuia aiaiaiMi e* 'f drrB-t'jd to dioM b-«i*‘Oa eo rneaoonh'e of bavIu. ty Mat or unr own *iyle and maou*actnrr' ^flE Smlthland Srctlou Hoex Cojip.uy, having por- |iifjiaut|HoiatrBlaji»ii«,ock i'oUipauT oa••••i.1 frou.fr-m. ihnit..theutv, *—Wm cmican artl*. la Jc;lvrfc.Dvlll« or Luol*- 1 — • - • beocdior w2ko — thuaa are euderlug a* I waa. ut tire»..me and in ea>arti praire or poi iun w lah keir Hretlou Do k* aiid remove i th«*is thik yacr, ar« I eliteellie inill a few houra.houre. We to Large Stock of j . A D A CAMI>. KZKhllfiL til to liy CiARaNDOH THoMAB, uoe of our llai^, a* w« warraut every floe Hat uw pnpared w t>nsLktg.<>BSLktg. ih'itb-^i per-ooapei from Ir ;auApo.ia and the CL ITER, BKifmitAb, i CUl'i’. retirtrg j N fri- *•01 ELEGAAT I lureix/uturudiujiur«ix/ wuCLesBora, Fie FhUadt'lphla. batier. We hav ^ on Laik: a any ute the Wevtrr vUUJ fTerikoovllle ao>l 29 State street Boston, AAD fASHlOAABLE FUKMTUKE, i>yu»e« liie and t* :oin b->me the * **'’****'.' '** luu ide auuu ut Ul) F ’f l:iia *»nie Tb- mib. r brr b...mi .u».Utk'.wrt-bm,.» .u—New Myle ul faahluoahle for, wool. -i| cl Mr dav, . . The above cenUkaie la from a man well knewu bj a Uau, ibearrvi ea having ivp Uoura In iLwee uliUs lor boalQ »> ,, , I'lXi. . riem. «emi. BieaL*** >-i..fo .irrmof ,«r«. « eiu.aiui.y .urtby.ni de.ervin, pit’a* I lars. punioii of onr citu. a.. Tho.e who doubt tbe trail l>criutehdeDt> be being In every reaped wu.id..uM.c.l.u. K A :\ K I* F«*r Uiy { K N WHOLESALE AND ' RETAIL. lor Fcnj-boair. —Wool, fur, heaver, 4ilk, different lo <;ualtty» tQ*tltl*d that are *t are luv.wd hi call aud *All*fy themaeivea that It U • ^ut: plying coa«tabtty betw *n the cl’W. t « i j.w.naiAK.uereu IV e. Bird pner. OJi R. ,-ur. .:d rr;...t., to. a. .. : fuiar.i-.u i. iniMimailon, we tb . i *ouih»-r voluDtar}-, dUiotereeted, and llvlog wiiueaa u For lurih-f take the liberty uf refer* D. L. U BoBULLY,SoBULLY, Gcu’t supcnnieBupcnoiend«‘ii« w* i. kv •B*uih It ‘-taiea. tuift. hualneav ri n-cnu.i.iyi.sr moirtn rlux.ac>, «i0 I.... ;.r-pu,i| : the great viriueeof Dk. 5wa%nc’S COMFOrMP 8ikcj r> d and Haia of ev* g to the folio* tug ae* tl‘ tu. n, vis: Capt. Bentl), tair I — iJOSaCXM Ul XiKCilAllgO, . *Tm >’) variety, vk-ni|iat»**i «>a'- will !* •• M. STOKES & SON, I CHECMS. DMjrTN. RMT/rif ITL. GK 'BKcopertr.erKhip brrrwfurv exuting coder tbe gry;r md bro-.li Mats f-'f ibo cotmtiy tra Jr. 4ru«o, oi ibe Lara>etle; Cap<. Krutoi OKf^iT, I E/t>' iMPURTmiST Ci4C770.V. G- o. Mckiu, of the Bm* ky a ore et t4 o-’i .«.t i lU th«* • KO.&I5 MAI.N tTkttr, OHBdblTF .V Oar Bto-'k .•ire; Th^ location -f thk Ho'i*w u CTtrai nod BANK OF K b T C C K T , 1A ofdAMBSLOuof JaHRS^. ah Cu.Co. l•Ull>dayla Ihia day direoivw]dlraoivod by mu o traw Gowda la c.mplete, and will be Capl. Hiduira, or tb« Ptlbce**. Capt. L*atncra, or )C’UUu, commas^- i ||4 iiCMfrCBl ImBC) IJ- R. member, do prvpxr.iior of WIM Cherry ! am ei«u Ira.e J,tt i ^ bei*.« lul cosuw. t. EiihB*r t) :a authonir’i » B. the Nairbet after the Ug i>. the very heart *.r the city, npoo the prtoct. -eaie •''a*ar>t:rv, pa urr tb* • tiapi. Isaac traiua arrive, Offk4 view of ChUoclinMnrnUBciU— mmOoBkOMn Miom allaii pMFt*pmrt* e4el IMoiMo CmiwO.Cbiom. Rich and Elegant em wUi remain In the l*oua« in which they have beeu »f ly.nlaviUr. .l^ejtfeprSdif ^j. ,^ wkvk Furnitur a, .“3T (vacb Lroule. L’nul you obtain ihia Compound )ou win J4S.WaTHKN,SJts. W.THKN, a p'tp-l g< Terry. anvrr Colu ry Ibw* ran t»e bait 1 le* i«»«d lotng bnalDCaa. o^iiat; By order the Manager*. Ki^Uemocrat,{[[^Uemocriit, I*’-*:** In tbe cwy. 1 aattret* ae» at» ai^ pafern*. u b* 1 in an) ta*« T-iat g* JAnhBLOW, never kn.iw the real vlrtum. of the Wild Cherry. SOMERVILLE A HARE. of Board of Tlmra,Tlmi'a, ami«n,i Courier copy. n sin n nT — iiinapi la tha We»i, ! _ U WUI ev.r 6« the pu p*-e uf the REFERENCES, cuaRii tl 1 T. /i/>cr, pnvprietnr ig pro. at afwiau) rdaown iwtrea. ar af ta ar coai;.;Ha a« dOh. TUMPICINA Prepared only by UK. hWAYNK, at bta Lal ^0 /’iw, and .viref tro% iVor/cerx, and WM. imiRDON, ChAlnnao. — vM* tbe cvuiurt-^ e-* a p ew^-sni Domi-- in tebrnff aii BUBfruA; Leolanae,Oct. 18, ISM. o30 Sv>. 4 Nortfi Seventh rtreeU above Market, Phllwlelpbla Bmiihi.uJ, Kt., J»D. », 1863—ism JaSeisonvillaJbfltfxsoavilla of ItOSHU'itOD, ikaters tit Stuvet. Hollow and Tin W*a RaHtoadRaUroaci Company.Compai • humay t»v..r ^^Blln tUHOGASY, HJISI-'T, JVD I'HERRY FrR^ITl’RE, hfa «*th *heir pniranage Me trmaU Inven, B«^; W. M. PoMor. B*>, CarL **r For aale, wholebaie and retail at pruprletor’f prlcea, b) ..a. P. S. Mr. L. U. Kolue will i.k. contract* for bnlldlnx aNE*% e between Beventb nud Eighth, NK— AHKAANotvit^tAKKA.Nl>b’lk>l thvtc jene* ••irv WD«cD accorded bioi ol CemirTn Meaer*. J. B. Tb* «v n Br « OPAKT%t.HkHie. J. S. MORRIS A CO., 461 Main at. Holli.ot Jitr.nirr., tlalirr uu the m llu I'biirt. CUtkt, Ipriif tid lb* Cuml-*ri«mi n... t RaANiUtURNT.*HRANilkMBNTjv -.*e maitd r iketii b.t.have brrabeen with of the Mrara*^- LondcMv, Beoka Morgaxt, . lUrrtkrk, Lctkiig-hliitrt. Lr., 'HK andenigueil, l.awug porttaf-«M from Mr. Joa. T. mad* C»pt.C. Dry CauwiA, Mav Flow* , M Ca and B. D. Brigikom It Co. Alfeull,by M. IjOCISVII.I F, ' | AiktnA Co., Main »treei, near KIgbth, IT. u of vcrir .uDorlor q-iaili,. >ad Ms worxm.i .lilp ah.li d*o.deo. pruprieior ' ^o.VV i-ru,wi*iorofof ta.the n.wnewo«w .noenu eapack-UBc.p.tlo., .wDwru>.>aiwDartt>.>ai er, a* d Kruptre StAte may atwke ex vbdod toblm in bis NBW TuRb: ykicR.t*wdMW MnktMA.rw. dMif >. ud la. a.i.k, wr pvy d«- Aprkdgji B.T4N 4LLBX. CarpestorCarpeBier M Term..ye> M^Cuni),Mt-Cuni), Aiur*ch, Sw-»a- * m*B Sir**- AHMChttAlJC DRV GLMiUd tnain* M at me Baiat aUDd Alaoby B. F. A nboer. New Albany; Wm. K. Hughe*. Mnw all. w’** k* ep coDnUtiui uu ha >1 a targe a»aort* , UNITED STATES HOTEL, lay to deliver ib«> *«me at Uie Jenrr’**.’&v dep« ear. De t et . CABINET-MAKEBS’ «od cnler ibo raain ueiit 'f i MATERIALS, urm. JAMKSLow.JAMBS LOW. Madlaou;Madiaou; Wm. Y. CruuLer.CruU'Ler, Frankfort,Prankfori. Ry.;Bv.; J. M. Owen 8tova#, Ca-iiuga, ant Tin Ware, which per U cent* hundred pound*, and In like maui.er pr. - 1 JOtiN TOMPKINS, w« will KVllaa lu (neclty. duo PBILaDBLFMIA: w (*o.« She'ibyv.lle, Ky.; J«Jho T. Joaea, shawneetuwn. low a»auv liooae ; Ac., dra gaed for eblpmeot by th** ver MM»rib W. Jt 2U.O r «1.J b« dravi’l ! I. Newbo.u at.4 Grant Ik CHARLkS baton. B. B. Hicmau, Ck’idnuati; Uo. Kennedy, New orleaoa. •*»"» ®V BE.-V Bloua. 0) him t’oiD tbe depot to the wbarf-bdik', ard deliver e IWWl VasniMGTuN, D. c.: Lonlaviile, (Vn. I6.1S, Ifvt. o'Jb La., and dt vggGU and dt-alera to modlclnea everywhere. * V/ \J \J IL'Cb T SfvicK At tbo nlgh«*t market • blpboard a* th** cona'guor luw) order, tak Lg recvl,.*- y Mecsr»« Ceecoran h Bign** uvlSI w lM.1 nlS’tlv tjrx.#i Wthe..7 name”“** ai cvou twvper 14 hnn-tredonn-treu p->und»,p.iuDO», wn x I ; wh'cb.0 *bar-ba . n-.l4 — 7 dr? TkD Fi: TriTISGS k €!0— un Msiw m. i coverLovar alt expeoerBexpv'Oi-cB aud c MRS. M. . KRESS •mmlacluna•mmlstlun* for recctvtug,recetvtbg, 1 theUtibBt., Ktyleot A >htp I . . uuderUi. i. X. P BALTIMORE ANDAlfD OHIOOtilO LR-.iAO bUH^E’S PR. A. VA.MDRHNLirB, 1 “ RA LR^rAD. NEW | YORK STORE, dr., 1 . ID r*crjpi piax, fc-. . XHnk . Ot.LE.'lir. V 4'o.,O., lor tuelue parpuBC of trai.BAiftrat.BAi *“* (f aer oeKiNi* of MILI.I i hughes dry COKN BCMIlfT purple LaTB PROT. OF THt Ri OLE CLIM4UE D£ NEALE MltL. T.c.afArsE t.M* -ri.» MCDlUlNE | *1.4 Ail luercbsLUl^, i F.xNCY GiNlDS, which t*- beeu aelecte k’., thervft’rc, iutvnJ«*>l f»>r ! lt%VK arnr^i ’ So. IDT KOI KTII »1 KEKT. UB a WHiH.iv.SAL8 aa KKEwlEwY aulau I CUMMISStU.VCuMMISStU.V utaUta:* ET PlIABaiAt IK LA PAftlX, NEALE & LUCKBTT, an* I’-c u:v!ve rigbt *0 mnnu fact are ’ 7t«A4Kb7B«A4Kk MHMTHBRw.MHffTMkKw. po'nt on thutbUruaJ,road, ar•vr with great care ID the Eaeieru produ e, be.,kc., vlfvir thl« wii| ^ai . ;eee*and » old vuudvUUd of w.W. lerr)leiT) di-vm to which .be will rhk roal.roa.1. wi>| be 1 Mdl In Keatn ky aod TeMe».*e«. - •• -. «U occupy the aM BfuBr Uav.nt been pracUctng Medl- This Mill bns I?<»RMTaRDI.U.» 4NDu«»mmiSv >n iU -I 4. O«rtfyM.wnkU>'la>«, *iai ar^ari B-lvai.G.:*' ' JOHN TLRKT,TBRKT, tho aud », *klch a> VI hrug II tnw ganern. Sim- f* comer Ma.i and aqim^v -tr immc : v»tab aad aartai Cine twenty.Dloc year* paet, boga ( J K«ltihio'’e,K«ltihi give their exclualve aUentKn to tale I wl«o a. N * , the fully eoHcil* r^^F**hae the•*’* tbip^c; tbe patrouave ol01 pn/yaii/y JIM- 'inJ.iHii . MICaJAH OivLRltBT, of 'be Isdlee of Loelevlile w « uf tbrm. I DK\ h1» time and . b oo aauufoctoro M. GOODS. ettll conllnnee to devote attention to the nl- C. C* *nm1a*>u, k*q Cai*b. Bang Balt BalUm«’re. j Em | funa Pari*, Lc»nduo, aud York. Orders from ’ II kXf> NILI S. 8*5 that CRkPAKT^EKbMIP. New conn* I evsnr family can proetrfo Itaeli f*a rarroaaa. thai ha. kaaa by a I'twta’ lerlatltfD of hnman Mufferlng b) curing tbe following die- U. Sprig;;, !(«•;., Caeb. Merchanu' Bank s ^ 4 x e— . - . , - ^ ax t* 4 / ’ I i. L'j kf- iki-ivv^ kMMm pawl: ai-m a. tluc* aar Br». jxw'a. ba< ladacm a. try ^ WHO Clean *wea« at ra ou-rvbauu anc traonleoi perron* fllled with and . In w care i 1 bonmv Bvr p. .r. ease*: fCongbs, Coldt.ColtU. Aathnia,A.ilini., PIU,Flu, Dropay,Drop.y, J«-fa*. w.Aiu..,i'W. AlUiitt, loa niBotes’ tima. LAOLfci rOlaNDElbl, a.r praM«iaidcaiBa>tf1.W aowuilt-ae. wurtay •"**= nnKh., Dy.poiwU,Dy*pot*ela, Kmi-.Cm.*.KBq.yCaeh. Macbaulcs’BaukM.cta ‘ ISn.i I { tbr .it.o.:.. »l i Kr...m» uad' at Loalrnlla. dliinBlth. lOgJcl#^ AVw^g.gg.yB i Za'^J "h m.irTon‘'m.';S' dispatch. farmer-- Mih»i>, M«*rcbanu, and A, g. i j eiber* vtad aiyle of J. S. MORRIS k **'* » arnlar. a mry lata. Mwk « Pn.'.l .ad ranmar. C. .o-t, rru* a t. ut. ..'.i. vous .49cct!oDi», Fever and Ague, BlllonhComplainu,kc. A. B. Davtilaoti k liarri* MRS. A. M. KKK>.'4. Pb.N.NSYLVANIA ANUtENTRAL R.4ILROAU between 3|om, ife, ti Wtartm and btuw. c. 71*1*47 G/ / m, . mJ Mi.S. J. 8. MORRIS. j wc.., w.u» ..wp. n. lainM, Maim^. Ciotka, Tamda. C L.a.a >:rr>, la Tbe aucceti which Dr. V. baa nu t with 07 hie p«»caMar ’* Murdoch, Duer, k Kvao* j To Tkiladtlphia HaUimi,re am Imn a .at —Data, mmamr-.ww. and Odfl HtUnm I4’#f« .Ig* ^ — LaiiUvtna, Jao. 1. 1S34—117 .'kw A^II ndvnareaon i llaMilaxlara wRuted 1 nm' * k Co - 4JRD FL440R OR BtL^ R04».M, ^^*^“*^^^"*^***^* vm r K. WKHB. ROWLAND, k CO. iX pelni ior*h!arua ‘, we are now prepared lu give ua I Til l.B. AT <• { I nreaurea ofOf the tUfitmx-it eminent practUiouertpraciU‘ouer« in the coentry.conniry. K. Wel’b, K .wlani, j-wsnp 4 k Co 1 - - * -M fo- It. imwl .. rTlt.U.« ttOdar*.guel eni.T«d into copancervhlp. on the tbruu»:h rec> Ipt" at laesnui'^er ra ra: CASH I f N t.ut.4 llt. xtlmk. . tex-.r. IB oar .im r.xa-.-’r n- U i tl .fic. .1 .tK.Ti.i^rK.rr rr dmi, win ^ ^ Doctor’* merlG untried, ke win under- 4* R.^w and 4 Gri’en I ADVANCES. . Boo*-, '* • .1 luetw, ouder the »iyle of l*lUa».-Drylattla**—Dry Good.,«ioud»« B..ua-, Hat*, Far* t! 'B X.1. ' =>' = I'lr I., .M-xua.i-* Mctwr »• xcpi a, «) lo.t h.u .1 w.-*. m.. gi.-m. .V,, A STKOTUKK k KKN* all pstk without charge, « herV *1 SUPERIORPERIOH PENMANSHIP. VMIBX r»,k AJvMK., «• t’ottO., Pron— *. •*« . cm.7v7T . cure of LG axcepting Gallagher k Kunald , V ’T* * a-'d>d P-liflca,P*’li?1ca, Feath.-rB, 0O13X Mr mtMiiu. i tm , • a Feath-r*, kckc...,, 73c|il00:b6 loo*. xikl xx. ,r*-ti.a !•*..* ii.« notice 73cYil00lb6 I -i.. H»'oaHCai,w.P.Trb.MuW;jte. V.. >i.o.«if ,uc. «( l-.?. ,:,aw;., F»r» *’HuLBS ALB reqalrlng uo fee f 1*4 dSoi* WK wub puaaurepleasure the arrival o« I W ToXxceo M>B.1XMX lo 0-r friM^ IM x M,ati:i„, *. coal of the madiclue. until after the W d«m* ' r.e«, « t Cla»»— Sheetloga, GrocerleF, heefU,heeds, of mo*. 0.4 ,r. - . 1 ., Mtbooti*, kc. FriRLlGN D D*«li KsTtC boatbcvv, atni Lave - ^^^^Meurs.Me*»r». , 0 «XI X, TrmaU^. AN LiQLoK fagtor*ilon of their health, and tbe full aailafaetlon u> ^ — WILLIAM k GAlIKKT bbkkT, ^ B-J'iuii. - , ' •’***'"'“• iwken tbe cominodiou-.* NADULEttk, H.AK^ENN- A.\D TKC!kk a hosa succe. Ir B »ne^, Br:atle*, Hemp, M'ooi, -•'•-Jy Ixrl. « CX, t.. J> - t .. warvLouve tr«>Lting on Fifth nud beneilt •ritlug, ArilUitvat'c. Book i f a. OTE paiient’a cuiud of the couferred. TbU la tbe I *\.w Varlf THIRD riAkOR aueetii, MAI^I’FAt TORY. ^Smm^BLieeptug, B**e»wax, kt 40i ' , «» »XI ..»l4wrxB..- Mor.m . Ik im BuU:u a few t 100 b*. BjItlMKir., C (Tk. . Pereou* tkffllct«(l with Corn*, Bunlcna, Jtc., can have : call tbe atteotloD of ' l.ard ra«o..lwr«.kx.. ne bvnetefaee, win he ookPcctad atrl^^ cp r tba cPE Miff r eyatem, a» purchaaira tomhlKA^A^ ileio> o have mo*t aaiGtactorlly reallied the high eateem UhCla.'*— Bkuun, LxM, Oil, O flee, 1 *r.««w,mt.4 ««X. X, o , 1 u- ard to felllbg cbear enurely removed and pcmianenUy ^ C.’lkll.xton IB.1 I them cored without • *' tb -a wke Paee previMiviy with word '•ter:. ihelr*u*ck.their aU*ck. They stmly to alw*)* keep on baud an a<>- ’ FGh, Cotton, kc lb*. ' .-MXat .» XHOMX1.C.. Tkry d«^lt « a. a u ear 7o Ike froM the «f the puMIc— for the ie*iltnonials they bring with them 40c >100 1 oa.x-Xo. o- country w# pa-Omiarlv' r»* ElaBOlUtioD. pnln. Thousand* of persona have been cared by Dr. V. >.w Orlokrix. .mpro«.mrB.x HMewd wurarMem ADC o«r enn get «nl»e rec>rirec. aortmeot of LRATHKK of the different klodi used by tbe «how tbai Iraiar.d, Ffom FiiUborg, eblppcrs may r«l) dla* ! J .kxt .ractlcxi vxi..ri.k*. B» gaida. TBaj la their i opun pr-^Bipt kx. cepnrtnervbtp reto.utk between and can bear teetimcuy to bU wonderful aucceae. native country, a* weil a* lo HR b< lautlng Wm. , trade, with Sa*1dlery Hardware and l^otchm fit Btf E. WBBR, BOWLA-SD. fe CO. MI0..4. LnwieelHr, Apfl! I4^ln>kw4 oUer FamIsUInga ihl* co untry of their arJupiion, they have been regaMed | utider the firm of Dlaeaaea of a peculiar character are guaranUed j G. Bifwart and Wm. BurXhardt, to be rn- —— — I ,*, wwald avit# and ererythlng uaaally connected with 2A dtr T” <4ealora la eai' an*1 T ! «-«BBk'»« w.r their bn^lne**. byoy blghe-lnigne-i clasbesciaa^.H ofor ladle*laaie* andana gentlemen, W. B. HrSToNHrSTOxS k MILTON. IT^ZZ. ts-ax. Bteaan• an Co., war, by rouiueirouioai CvOBent, dl.aolv*d movtdmovtKllnIn a tew day* radically, withoutwitboti offuuaive or dele- among whom ’ Wm G. k « t., LOUISVILLE SCALE FACTORY. eaiw^ aad w# think la i^wwitty. th.> hxv» moTcd. c»d | kv., \h*y ' Bui ». »Uh truth m, tu.i we jo •n tte let luat..xt. Notooi Burkbarat,Borklou-o.. t.»inihaving purebto^-opurctox..^ theih» wrloo.terloaa medicine.mullein.. Dr. V. 6being«lnx »mment:,emic .ai«uu,ful lo ‘nARVElw^fr^ th^ •xlkO. Hx«i.( M.xrxwl Common lo the »p-c;m.o. or Priua.ii. ; OB. m .x.i xrtur u< -i^t- *0 r,c.ly,.:iluui..y.r«c< Ive all niuutya I thlathl» branchbrxoch of tiett. pi.cUc.,ptacpice, patlenupitletu wol.;d ..t« PENNSYLVANIA euttre cooctru,TU, 1.1 * 0013only auihuriHxulhorlH-1 to touch ‘’J'"* RAILROAD. ««t. W.CXX \\lLsos^i^niiu SSll .^«r Lnd **" m I p.Mit,.ir .»< x.1 inMU-l.. Ihx- .rut -r ), & iTiir * P«ff'Cilon blm.oir, ^i i m.-noy,ai.'oey, *ay.mj nothing ® 1* the Concern,c«ii, oieBy. the nameu.u. of th.the Armfirm inlo i qul- timetlm* an>lxn-l tolo nothiut of xuiietjr of I due andmod Tqul- mlul, ' !| by ' : IN. Theirxh.lr ba*m**«bn.lnrM la1. ^udoaedcutidncird on theih. heal*heiilii Ofof f«4,roi* imiik Mr, Berr) baa the faculty of 0 r pxtrou.. w.Uk X*. XX.W mo tl»IIT k.-t .w.; .« «., datlub* WMWM. G.G STBwbtewailt^aht, givingcivinc himLim an earlyea.-ly call, liewarranlie warrantB to ail no m.k’ifr f>mmunicati 0 g It to othtra. 458 MAIN — “T*r •''*®®***™*^.®f“* *«ca- «rw» prqfua. mauaiaLiuroa goodagooua »"— » w._.. tntot ky »UNI xxj Thexue manufaunred whichwoicn — ..a , viBi.l STREET, . Wewe can thereforetbereft^e u.>«tulusk hsv« rTh ^ , 5 ; •—••** tmu»t ammmm,.. The undersigned, having punba»ed the iniereei of Wm. applyapjly to Dr. V. at i??e, wbo hw Uia p^J^rproper to candidlyandldly atxnowiedt.acknowietlgeacl NOTICE TO EA-TAHh tKAVELEB^. ] , m^lcllemeuicue to not jo home manufactnre. lone 3 dlyrenekm ihatthat Barr> baa noou rival lo tble I'.ik.kwt, xa4 mf.lmnumm mmmu la x. .-om-x G- Btewan, will oooilnnr the bu«loc**, aoliclte a j Mr. country asa* Fenmau, aud , 1 I meet all ^eecaaee- DRUlvA MEDICIKES, PATENT MEDIC NF 8, SURGEON^S ^ continuous railroad from Cimrinuati. tUrni- I INSTRCMENTS. PAIS'Tp Grammarian, B •ok-Keeper, and : w -LL-rx, L.TM-M.wr, n cootlDBUloBcootlonatiou of paUx'&age.p.t'oDxx.. Dr. VandemlVxs-lCTxIlc. bcft iMv. to Mj furUi.r, tbxt b. bxx Teacher of Mental W O' OIL^DVE-srcm, spices, VAR.MSHFS brushes, I PETBR NOLL'S all laud, Hooiter, MasiUou, .lUiauci, O., and CITY BREWERY, Calculailou; almoai Commercial cliulailonacalculatluoa j PERFI MERV GLA^ (I W.w. BrHKHAKDr.BrBAIIAHDf. wm,»ith Llm1,1m romwilMren prcpxrxJ Is x Kienuilc xiul can beb. xklUful . I K»M« rOMPX j NAKE. FRENCH AND AMERICAN H IN IHIU c;LAS& VIRG 8ixih street, between Main and Water. : performed by tbe appllcailun of oueimo d.ur.ilware only. Mr.Sr. fyncano, lU., lo Pniladrlphia, via /•r-tn.ylra- Th.BBd.rxi.or0. lo r..„B, ir- m tb.Jxi. drm. re tci wTHiBx, xnd flx I FONDA a MORRIS, MlSKHRl. AND KENTIXRV M.V.M FACTl RED »ia Railroad, from Pilhburt to PhUa'it, ukia. i TOBACCO, b ^ IV’HOLMBAL* 1.BUL-BB6 XND DB »«i*- atyle of uniformity, I IS _ I CitciBiixil la rbllxdolpbix la S, boor., *'X«»bJ iilb; I »M»rtlc»lk»x,L:,«.o^x,xB.i F-al>„ \». .mbolU.B«l by I b.r«o,or. r^...d ~*** *’’’* ^ ** •• JX •• •* ^>1 mumml, w^b, tb. llb«x: petroo... ; Mxlx hlxb commebdatlona j xM WxtCT. La.lw.ui., kj. ; “T ^ “ nitxborjto - ,» »- ^ aiawa wi. — » 1 *Uk«t pne. *• fot hi. labor, »od .xirxorliu.ry .BccM.,c., b»h. h.xh.x..doo.««1 on. I ; f'SSXr Vmm tw Coutry Pr-xtac.. 1 ^ advice ami medlciue rent them. ; XI K REp'ii HiiT niip-t en.i PH.-ii TE.wr r.v.r,' C«o.ixnm«t. llcH.4. tbouxani mwi ii:«uuxali-bMl Ixilti-.-- and RcBiltuicB at Bmb* th« ih.rt.xt ..d .Blrii.at r.ut. Ib. Female* suffering with Irrejalaritlee, Hx.i .. 1 7. lirti. ir. or Ih. ; fr.a wMa: ffvmgMa dm CMrgee. Twoy nave re*»a« agecu in D.e Kami, < UPAKT.'SFKbHIP. nervotunoaa, de- day),ly). an 1 xollcUiftolldta tb.tr.e patrunasopatronage of th.tbe pnbllc.public.now throaat whom Uey are rf.k* 8uk«^M>, k-cx. B~nxx. M .T' ax. —’-7-r.w'x...... -. public, aud hopes that the taJles ao.1 gentlrmen ..|4r4.Bm:,TlmoE. •T ,« u (J«.u dux or 1. Q city will not bt more pleaae-1 by bu ma*terly method I .xcbuw. for cv«U. of •* be Doctor may be fuuod at h*a oiBce, lOI Preatoo ’ loed, and Atratghlened by from Piut'.urg i O MOOBB. '^‘="'*“‘'5’ EI.AO,EIxMIW *k UAbUAVI*..Ik, Mxk.lwl.r«r.,Makkfkctnrero, SMoa«M0..MXBand4 HUTCHINGS * CO.. etrvet, beiweui Grr.'n and Walnut, from 7 to 13 .4. M«, ““«* K,rofroCluv ri’ratnhoBtl . 3b dif aa a««ortmouti««ortmout ofef Portawio ^lE-KSKBISU BT SI.VGL* AND DOl-BLlt ENTHT. D’rmantD>rmant aad PortaMo P'.atfwmP'.atfwse RcaleeBcalee } e.GA^, EM:0TT, 714IORE. Private office on hatween a*id i,“x,„ fr« CmclunllT irw:,«l.,ph,x • ^ fq g p m H k Market, Floyd Brook. .t B. of a'l totiv*, . iiidl.iMai.xt.;« we’xhing from 6BU ‘.Mklba, Ttla trmicu or m.rcxBtll. wbcxUob U i u euttable ti AGUE XndI'EVEK (TR CllLLXAJ'iD IMPORTBRs aM Dealers in Wall-Fsper, Look'ng- Wexttrn RtKtrTt rx,lr«xO. c«i t. par. i.xx»l n p. w. s,™.-.; • arvr | FEV^ER mojl,t xftrr Ih. mo.t .ppro.od xikl prmrtlcxl manntr. roMog-fDlll-. r»undarlra. 1 r-^k etorea, kc. Glasaes, ull and Waaguarrcut)p« stuck, kc. Maourac- - Sm. » romrili ttrstf, kmlwmtu Cured Smith’s E AVK taken ao office on Market etreet, south 8t a:: •nhep«. Ther are batldlng ta order a *• MU:BOL.t3 --. mr mr offwwTM New Malldiag Main, between Fourth and Filth streets* CT Ih* pWlic . tb. ctrtmlm, *r*m^, mm4 frrmmmrrj . urt ml .11 froc 3 o’clock Ull 8—‘>otwaeD >Mperi(ir »tyU of a. • fur weighing T form, m^^rrmr ml An. xn4 Fwr mt Cbiiu hour., and a; any other e*t Vinegar K-tjsblGhment Hay, Coal, akd Ckt- ito. -UM1L.O. or -.o.- -r WMl r«w, Wb«k« ml iken lou •mai.ug, uJ la so out wm it tml u> cur* it tlm< at iny rr.tdence, No. lOl Prest- u street. IN THK . r>-prt« ae-l fk.:*# Iwt Railroad*; Pale**: • tb. tilrmiwr v* MrlcUy follow .« WKST. also k > J xaa li-m lo ar.’i cabled ewt* 4 Ul Idtf ‘ ladle*, Hv:*o-'*- for U! N, P aniat;«a«. Pork Honoew, ke., ai DK. YANDBRSLICR. rromUlU b In »he rooming, and *t*e©od claM>, fur i "'ly .XT -.««1 TMXTl- a-, ,1 kto WAREHOUSE opened from Crretllne to Woo^u7,*T.d time triw w r.m.4y bn n*.MMT.:y and ibiwMkoK tk* But.' of ' t'-toOi,-! sir-l h.-»rlas«, awl at prle*** *.’j •laac. Kruerkj, T.-bbwm.. Ohio, Ind-Arx, 1*^ geniiemen, from » till l-J, aiKl from li itll 4; and 4 Ull okmpel 1 L.-TINU.-TINU DI-MitSD.D I - M i> S D to ,V rmurn- No. KinST STREET) • Clnc1nna*7^and PhVladJip^^^^ ' *»»• BWb'mi, tow*. Viumetw, iUim., kinoun, Texx*. M lk.-»w:iban^ l^e being Anw -n, Aiabetu. u... —ipp;. mai LbBl^i..tmd hw PUttbora. in the afternoon for ladle, eveoing claaf*,an.Uroniciato,an.» irom «UI1auii ika*'t-. ccUaMered. riti.'S wnrrmnuml a-i k, .A j'l^ fo-niiin.kUy mmmt k.t.> kit >^,cr.-ln>^,cf.-ln ca.-ca.-.- of l.e.,ibel. e-.ibe c- m.m,ai.yai.v am.m bo,db«»d them-ih* nm A L on mf emmi, \z it- i.rii.d tormm, mmiy of wLirh hwl of X on tbe 7th liuiu by the dtaih of Mr. CHakLLi Uam- ’** genileinn’sgenileiTin s evening *cbuol»cbuol. Or ers p i -o.iup-l* a teuded lo. A liberal dl^ kr»k (tkow,(tkom, wko bn. rn>« on. iVJ Cy^>rder8 from Louisville wm be promptly filled at -elves r*'*puOsible for personal bagM^** anl- [ ^gynv «ko kOT.ka.. Tr /f-igj- ISC U b. I , and tor ao y to ikrwo ynrx* mm4 hbc] lH U cno.ni *»1 f r...'i«. A tof Mwliax. a.- aeul ri-uol-c. „ >-*i I a ho pti’’. tu -ell. div kxow. i. ik. oosa’n. !t ko LuW. Teacher* who want luiprovemeniluiprov»m< would do well to 41- tv f 4 | -’•-*'** kaov xM cb>« did tbi. am. low.«t market prices. ! noTexceodlng flIOu. TUu.^, Moiikk^ ikM to. ***®. fx*. wbn— tlb dfTWtixk. wk— - u- .-j. .Coper ly fo u Butt. : . tt. iB - .n.iil. Ihe UDdkTplgoed, furvivlng pa*ter». have s**orl*ted ncc-—.. tbxt x ixrx. ' tendtethj Mr.Hr. BarryBarry’** Academy. i ,.-to«totcototon 1 XBmt-cr of rexet. o a vB.Y»w»TSbv/n. •30dlyaTOdIv BLIJ^BURR-RT IdR. ROOKRiifiEW)CK WKLUWKLL,kWRf t km CO. *'xfn«*r awnt pbf>A.« h .x ** ** *“*‘*“ ml lb. t.iw will CHiilrtne PAINTINa. I eoM Bcuatr; xad pT,«-^b. u ib pic.'cmcc to !benj.Hv*^. *nd tie H'HOLESALC CKO- Mr. Barry m >*1 respcctrnlly acqnalata the ladles and * .mnlac nixl ; j mkhkim^V^ TALI- *BI.a *" ** TWO LOTS : i >a'Mx’B.trM<,MI«Rt- CCny end COMMtSSlO.W btt*tur»*, at the old cuiuJ, PAINTING done In Tjv PBNDLKTON POPS,POPB, Attorney Law, avni'emea of ibl* cli)' that witi give at LoulLouisville, be instructions In ! *!l | L' MSdtv Pstoavn.rrrlMi.ni w t. ni.P,p dmtmcthrj. ‘ -.1 ' * * ** ** »-t..: .0 to. B..rto .M„ toi.toa .Ntatk oc or . ud nitoer th% X tjle of kansoh k BAi'*N. Cbitia White, wltu g|o«* r varnish. Ky., will Calculation*, H,;, , XLeXlia promptly and faithfully attend to alla! bust- Memal Grammar) GfOgraphy, Globe*, As- • L wsrrauleJ not to and S».a T.n.b.!r..t.,4rtie.t front ky il.ftot 4«p,wnk change i ALO.^Zx* RAWSON, 1 orcr«,k, Mail ne*»ue** entrusted to hi* care. truoomy, and BluCoUun. i pr*YU"M’4'VT TF a iwt a Feb 32, |4fig. JOu.S B vCON. Paiuiit-g in a v»r> *uperto* uiatiiier. can be a cununoda- HeQe UalaoUalsolaal«o CommlsalouerCommltolouerComxnltolouer ‘‘Mr, B«rry, ' x x* v AXULix iv A I LixlsJAJJ. | of Toxa«, with power toi take Uacber of PenmaL.*hlp, whose room* rmix.-.x. teal appii:: f. 00 . >fuumi.rj;i th.otb.rwiUi.u.watkuJ. .r Mmo, by £ to the #ut*c-lber* r a few week* nnUl proof by depovUloDdepoeltlon aud acknowledgmentacknowledgmeDt are In the Telegraph Buildings, ha«* rT’Mbltad to tu some ikato M.xxnt .i>ae!to.a. of | of deed*.deed*, _ ^rr*A»u, O , Ms upr rvw.Mwv ivrmm m pfmrmmcf «w q;ch canr.of giir'. uadc ef steamboat work leuce*. ' M laM or thrmatiy toi let row f-^pdiCE the Wrwiert WCPAJCTN£«KCioPARTN ERdHiP.9 the eummer c m Office for the present lo the Circuit Court Clerk’sClcrl Of- ' exquisitely beantlful bpeclmvu* uf Writing, a* uoghtby “rrir*vf-' .’ -*«• r:*— totoAB:.\‘r.,T,a:r'a a..d .ihwestom to*v r oMMiry^, thl* rca|Nra J* ' k okd la aioke I U rewtorwd grraUy euperor t-> the ^Y^BB^BB enb-crienb*cri ••ra••r* Lave ihi*lUi* ua) a• »/Ciat«d»/Ciat*iS Mr. 8 . Z- C. MILLKK k 0O.» flee. frtiioatffeb bliu IB X .ertto of l^u.. Mr. B. gBxrxntt^ 10 iniixrt Car!, xiw.T, rem«^ nena.ly*— *# Dfepamf K r, ,u,a ^ oa kx^H xad ts Ike ki.au Bnrg now co.i.nn. , oi., .u,::. 8 I r' SCT<«»tktoe.«to .u, Btar Mxrk.t. sAm kog eoM aokMO- %i Bunitt oppj.1t** STUMh a , KM*KK- K.j jkboiwell’*. . - MARTINmartin withwtlh themtbeUi inlb Ihribv W uULfc^ALBilOLKdALB and i . .^.r xt toa aatln. I .uck lur.rectloa. .. wil!.nxllriliriD toorlM X lom.tmpl. in X ' u;cxil..n toiwrrn Fiu.lu.g „ B< tux«M-ti-.. xi.J|w»^*:()i.P*«r.Cfprop.rj..,MMl.i:t..t.u,r.itqB.;i!.wmit. [I^Stalae*! or Rnatue.ed Glao* fur iramom-!l|hi ) .aa Kuiii i.ilii.., or lAiL *411 <*(KiDB Luoioe**, aud tue bua'ueM will be made ' (' .Hor: tim- to xo,ulr« ni.roxnill. md.r.4 j «ry x i..rf«n .ij to o» to- .laraUyxBP.’KB (1853){ 1853 \ SPRING.SPRINO ; e;u.bnrg .nd Bx.tiir.orr. by »k f. tr-;giu ir ®'— xnf X t«wra «- ' (1853 m ib. i- SAXE.oto.xixt, ! K H-'Blk- M4«(k«r'WWl*MXXMMWX xa4 ..pUAf TofHc III x!l , toa psurrn to ea'i cn»tom«r*— very -iek-aut ' FOR , ClLS**"-’’ CXX«-w-ix-r.,rwh«Tfl«tCTxI>pr«[aTl«brx - cooilb«,«cooilti«k« a*as uerriorure.atLerriorore.at tneoW »tand, omlerotnler the namenai y a way or . /- P.nmxniiLlp. altu nim th. htgbtot i.t.tlino manmmni ul Pascy Uoadi^ to. 4 | #» a- i, v'*^* r* r\ U. exs rrxrh xn Ixi.-t .iaatotx«iM,|.. i-.x..fxd. pf-xin.t.r tkxr.— 11 VV 1) U.,CO nlxj Of hi. .accMx. Tonn. iobilrm.n who xr. engxgrd to . it kBt x txli I N*.to*.ni-.mm...43. eireet->ir..i, or Mii i.f ih. or...i.t m.i ro.i. • in. , ..o tT,.. be I 43^ ! l‘£bt’«. seen lu Mala L.nU.UI.,LeaUvIlle, xfU.iT.xi .mowlortiT ...I , ft PstiTuato a uum rr dwelltuga n: otk.r L* Id xx. fw aan.*an. I, IBU^uIBU^U KOBlNSOxN k W RIGHT. of . In m.rcxnillc par,nlu cxouot brii.r dl.po.. of th.lr •r r-jf *«|wht* 0»N- BCnoS \RT BRTAB- i. i,. D-ILT P-('KXTB AT PiTTS- 1 aii fr . si 'i oiT* » Ftoirtk to. city and the offl.eou strrrf. C'tru-r ... 1.0 i Bantu . — mibe LldHlSaNT I of ; rvciTRNVitR theth. Bifniio.« 11 ntio . ihxi. b» pixrlnf tbcai..lvio. x< rcbool.” toe First aad Jeffvraok Mreet*, I of buyer*bayer. to tb-lrib>lr ungunn.hxlly u®. bU , u,m„iii,, kto».«MxaiXOd M.r.-t,Lo« ».l’l., *.. cjnt nuxtl. Wb..iiB.t"o.ruBg, xia .11.ii tni- .ii.u.i.nr.n’ ' PfTxoc '!.!»« to 4»atrrber sive ’ u.g.ib i‘:e Knmucre, Jtc«, aid huo»e, rakalel- N. B. or »*sortment...ortmrnt»**ortment , Bxrr)Bxrr, hx.bx. btiolbtial x. b.7i.i;olbra'iilfol front for m Pmoaa rwtaic fwr,’ B1U.C wmMAbwwaio.. wrt JX M.e of POKkiuNFOKhlGNFOH IJ*Mr.IJ-Mr. up ,^n. roomr«im ;! xi x M.uati. mmx Ftw to rj^l, „n"n ,tett. , aitoti p , V ti^t « lkl..x.axMDS. ixili.i.dies- not inf.riorinferior loto xnyany intn ib«the city, xolau-l xa «.pxr.;»separsw pm •orvto-toiJ.rafor wiii,cxn txt* to. - twtv rc* j rru-i.- r> v-•• iwtv 'rvoti.-d an.ar. or xa. Tk. l-rofiriMxr kx. lie lx k!- paMx.'.oD kBMdr.4. -• • »n. 8 rxT»‘ of txIe., inurrai ID LUfloe>e «>. ‘ Oil.Otir 01 I 1iI r*’r. - : Ms I 'n .,1 Bread frag I t b,i,u.» wka hxT. C KluIf.LL, k CbOitnutCtoitnat 3Sueatl Femalo ofuf tb.tbe brnifirm is1 . p.rn.an.ni.ypern'anwni-y locx-loca- room for g.iiUeni.D,gentlemen, xndand me.b.mesb* to gitegit • fv.gv< toil-rxc-*ail-rac- WESlERN WATERS;wATERS; , to.rultoaluatoBu.ri.kKiasaauer vkir 'i «iail. Semiuuy, , |; , gxxraat. u-i mwTkx’A. * «T— wb. kxv. Mid rt xn.iy ib ik.tr a obu^. Clnciubati. urujibatwi the 4Uit t»r tii'-f— •:' sol « ao ig; 7 caae-*ea» a perfect dt>» vta; x, w,;i ». re.pxcubl.1*0 prxii- MJx, a: on Uitimu. . the a.~t, xBd (itc. bln uwllTiile.1 xlu-nilon.-.f DlloD loto u.Ul. Honan to ib.the p.biir.psbitc, povsdBnno. 4 dXr) i - 7“^ y mak *oaen K— V .’uoai j ai*q withwig, the(),( CtoT.IxmlC:ev»lat»! .ouvoa P.tt-^ur*F.r. un Kt..rw*da, -joi ukI theih« w*. 6i6 LHK»»CmCSlNl-l ST., ' aad . tuixxrlk. .*.4 tk ' KHILXDIII.PHIA. f-Jf kx— U p..fWIMC. M Otkto rMKXl.€X, ktiwtIDX lU rXi-T. fh«alUir*uf >be tote firm will te ertLod b) •bean- p„rchli!!,'or“U«'J.^‘’ Ckalr*,* ^ ruarh’ia:: Ce ur* TaMe-, mahud*i-iy Dlvar«*, 14 1st.1 st. M-avure rskkff I M-aearerMkffth«bead,*avthk bead, *av rr«>m .to Ohio aO'l Keun**) I vaal t itos u ul at P.tGOti gx ^ from Mkietk'or T Y* * • A 4 aurvlvii.g wtll ; Itoki’NSEV,l-Mi.sbtv,^m. rni.ytktmtu •* v .u. ;-‘«r .Sd >.: ii ; Stair Mat*; *." d«-r» gb«d, panurr*, abu o»uilbuc theluo MsrtM»»tmMKY w r xr.are aaiivilxlIT Inlu r-c.lptr-ceipt efcf Good*,I>oo6., xndADd .nr r.clllllo OAij£«. ‘ o CsrpcG, )L<4-, and ML M-aaure froMrre« ikeIke forehe^t4 »rehrail v- *he * 5< Aw,Ti.t.Atvjd.tv Pri.n.Prinri. ».. 1 . 1i Car* run tarooga fc. iW 4»eu P.u*hurrf a-od nai.rvt p v, |a »-lf •Nx’.«i-.-*»»«*i.ky Wux.»,»«xrwi.,Aamiu,. FTlccua.s.* __ KhllaJe:pL:a « *f ^ 1 • II uri- *ft»* I iraUMTtiifb of a GK-> wKAL, COM M lKn>GN, PkoDI LK.CK. HaRkICTTIHarkictti. li.LAVr, I • are aochsuch that we keep ••ur.»ur sti>ca*ti>ck t*!• d latest Thelargeeud coi..mii>iiuae 3 4I.:’ to.;* f e k’ct • W'-d** Fls!«a. M. Meae.refruksMeaa-refikks skrtavaracrtw,.r^rt ; supp with the ATKtM akriavwacrtw,.f^rekew'.,|l*epj FCRM- , witLual irab-bipturMii • I f k'r«>gbt, au sdv»i«u.-Jv iLai o»a ia. •*! ‘ ! * »••»•* **‘*r%.Giles f- Ci:-. .. :*uda ! titan a 4d F«1 .Warding LOaiu-** oil their uwu accoubt)d) at r»r t .Sphi.f:ckiax Tin* d' m'nerv U Clnc:naa:>, or i-.wiiY lu the lotcf.4 .r, bj iu;:n-ai. ' EDWIN ^ MORRIS Mov* t, 1R63* J. Chad* KUboKLo* ^*1853.53 . S.-RINOSrRlNO 1853. uory Is TO e < iltfFOHXATlONdimportations Th- mach al very kind, anj pe>- (Eccccseuk ^ i the b«*t In w h (>To*Je,) I 4,f CneatiiOt -tre t. U * feet roouing la «s*• of thetii« city, «lWl b CO uparativeuparstive r-iir.-uientr-iirk-uient ‘ order. UUOkTtk UKL, rSAAtk IM J rrfr m :U:W or0 P WbWCJti P-r. ' .n* wi.bin* rail *“*'*'L Ti-e i Is CiOini’idious sud ples sut, to pnteaxse xr. lnTlt«l to xnJ cooavujuat or rvi’i I u Avrt tvifijioiw r-ionrriv/- N oe the dvaih Of Wm. Bogge, bl* inter- E.NULI-HOLl '‘H ANa.ndD Aameric.\M £UIC.\ vN carpeCAKPEFiNG)ri.NG, csamiue Ihepfemi*aa* Ex B. J'b’x.'T.;'.I lU-“I.*uxi:uLri«’*p*red to make It attractive PKCK) COACH AND SAUULKKY I »t IB tb. tB.:u«. or Bog*, h Ru«.U unalu*l.J on j HARDWARE. | mu komd ks. Hl'UN.Hl'UN, FLUORFLUUR UIL-L1.0THS.UII.-L 1.0TH,. jI1 lit Far x. J. Llacola. AgrBt. me B9U) ulu vLi,,._ ' .II. - Dry GuolELEUCnTT.\ciC FCR>ITl'RE. Vo Maui tmwecji Pift t and elgued.•m. anrvlviog.nral.ing uxru,.parui« r,wbot,wb« wL.wt.. cuuunu.CwLt>uue theto. uxn-tran- : SlzUt. : LoniatoUl*. K,. t ’.f i it UOCSB YCKNIGIING G(7o05 GCNKRALLT, Fw'* *od PelDles, Feather*, Saddle- ertUK »ubscrlLer* would r#*pecifally tuvite the attanDoO i aactitwUoUtoX’iof a <4 Lrraln.rxl C.BCuOiIuIhiIuo1 U1 I-.IUQ andXUd Kora.MIngKorwor ilug to*t-b'o.l- L^. iJ | Z * j “VI*'' )kc. *.6 M to »rtr lr.T«f.o,xxn,. . «ioek a7lc oZntnUm’ C.xm,u, to - I of thuse whoaro tarnUhlng to thelrnew atMi thmniHul 7 j RUPERT. oy btotoo ' DEirBEHOSR. mkllk* ikrtr bbtC I Lm CO. bt-v* andxud LiaIn. atcuuuix.coBui a.thextib. > A : . «or.or Xtnmb.wtdieamb-Mit AkuiktAKcticy own i" *h -1|! miiw -h*V ..xadxllto.MxfrgaxiuUM-r’uk.xuMMXMx.ty iax4*tsiNT«v>o. i" *' J . Ox £d[ fi atylM, Recead t lais. HO\M rMRMH'k A X H R , I >6 I rixud,Miatod, I *1 * nu:.E;!i Niy*. II sirxd. vireet. ; S Old Nid. i; a<>dx..d t Mrad- r’*r'a Ko*,Mo*, FulWbFulton «u-Mt. on-bu- Jl’ .V. kl.A mkIoV# I!’ , * "'«» ”7r'• lo Unit. ? ? This wort I* ost only beaatiful but very suUunaal and Ccown "*? ‘ '«/id.f,alto 8h*ettugi aud SLiiitnaa ln\ PATENT HL*B AMOKFiriNG MACHI.NE def thetor bame •lyle-I.l. o|ot Bo.Bo gs..Xk Ru-*ei;.B.u..rl' . . 445tHD MamMain Mreet,i-ireet beiwernbeik-em SecondSec^iod andend Third,TlitnJ 611 -ffielB atreet, j LowUvilW. ^ . By. “•r -ugu 01 1 .o I trilrctnxl -tructorc,. durable,nurabie, unuhedflnUhed loin a great variety oi shades and colors, . ba:e*,ba:eM, Urug,,Gla-sw*.**,UragtoyGla-seEiF-, er.«.,er.e*, ^ GroGru Nov.o>. I, 18421&-! —Ilf—.Ilf J. CHAH,cilAS. Ri:u STuCE, dlrrctiy the impurteistmportei* ! uf our -iu* ^ MISCELLAaNEOUS. l***»1ly during v*rai' f.om sudand : s 4--a er* -jf In B VTis c..~TL>ftaa^Tbi •Miiecnber* havebavrtn**th«* da>oa> b**cvtnen**cvmepari-part- u , spei U a portion of It In ard execuvsiexecuvjd a style and oxauneroxAunerOisuner superior to ao)ihlngan)ao)ihln|thing War*, Machiuer), Oil*Uut-h, W - -l, viai;i*g LNSURAaNCE. . VTK | { ^ tneutt acturer-. I uar market, •• we •-• preparvi i Mock Is duw th- tatgeut and aie| 4««x tr*vetlug w n the pf LcUali. Uu m «t I of tbe kind that can he obtained at any other a«tah|lsb-a«tab|lsb- ! rm*»«« « *•* ' Farther particular* raay kc, m : V aersoers to cotecent uc: a Wholesale UHARDARDK4 ARK and CLT-Cirr- BBklllkk SSIISS A%if Kli«kw t X J rULNilBKh ipiendid ovrT befikTe brustobt . great men i« J-r ca- .j a L*RT htore In under the uamv uf U. b, b« learukd fiom circulars. to tbe We4 i, and lie 1* de- mem In the w««teruWestern cities- ... . * - a^su the creu.t m LvuievUie, j 71 kCMlRB. kHoF) A Card ; Ky., f oft roepoo-iA*' ai puitTVaa^ termiued to r gfrst tU’]uC’*m-ots is '* Order* by lesi«r -ha-i a waul uf any lu hl<« prlvYieprivate houses,hl!a?L,^»• Ili findffild It a i b*va the *aae a*fentl xu-uo O. Ik. Julyl, tSflf. P. saiELDB. paltupublic or m* U an'ocfoct and aa*)f 4*»-e -tLiat- BXNrruED FlCC O. wnia-d, Troy, {m*“w «re e*uw he Lo*iiwv':ie • Mr-, Emma T.- Mrs. ffivea la per*- a. aad Paaer.H I N. Jahn H. aloe to Call eiei his pa* iku ar ixm* 'id. im WIU examlue si -ck Dvtu a making thtoir examlna the above before purcbasluj'* ' *uea s;vek u. ib« INm axM-Ct:o«PxNT, I can r:"ow.V,b«c?m^‘to,‘*;iuru:rM^TsJuw, f >b*cc-4 In leaf lard, do.; StrphfU W. Tsy or, LI • Hamilton, .S. 4 orofsbulac- pfopof packUM a»l eblppt LAWcOa A PRAaK. Prepikto B, 0., y.; ! punport has*'*,bas’-s, aaas be Is CcoiiS»nS teui of plea-iug thrm lu both Full sets from $40 to Affix). ( peumps « o# somA* I?-tww :st> addlt'.tuai supply el Hardware mad to.-., n«^ for i M A ffee4 i>. l.x-twxr0J, xc. R-v. A. GiPett*, New Turk; Rev. H Babcmk, New quality and prio*. (mil) J, G. . J Ail kio>t« uf Coaatry Fr^ifoce UAhlmt s« 1L aKKS f SiksM A eULK *£-• U;i.oseuse t_-t_ '^kat'vbat t,-t '< MATUBK8 BCRLKT Ato LTPORD,LTFORD, •ah-’a tu enehaage foi k.»-|kajs u whwia I Lave nereuMoro beek cow- » tonlery wL*utMiycoii*utuiy OL band,naod, andano rrcelvingrrceiv ing b)o) Ii i h. ‘•uller, D. D., Raiiluiori, t T. ler, > 6'aorib •beds ur la pa^mei»s term tbeir uaerr- 4 M ; Fa Third St., south *tdo, bet. flycamore and Broadwav,Broadway, ! (las*. as d ^t« one a*. bff] kw k taa .hs $ur tk- very tip-, pepe'ledled ec< * i«I* 44eciii CL account et already Laving a* direct’tlrect Impurtatlulx*importatlolx* rroturroBi BaropeandBaropeaud from Amer:>Amer:- much m. D , IL-er on, o.; Hon R. w . Baruwe I, dw. M .w- Bkcon, Cotl o (lo sumiu.rl, rs ;-a r-vitee h-ma-ere eoete.g at ihrir «*lc a* i Oeoid** *afe Subscribers jySO dtf Cincinnati, Ohio,Oh! i C af*s\ ^ " >“ — ' *’•'• r^toctlr. ctochborkoiidx. maoafacturot. For sate w merxbaiiu an>i tr*- Tbe have in Store, Maiodm. 0. lU, L-*uourg, p* ; Rev h! Ls d and Laid •(.’i tA »tieUw..rih, d..; fre»b, in fail csfiuad*, at ( rw)*4 Hre wwavr** * P) e kst t ki aU. « wnta. ib m IMtbib,b, La*bx. bw;bee: oo nx X »uocM.fBl W.-I. |!i2 H. Kiiii'i. aril TIN PLATK4,CO»'PEa)Ac. STOVEN.TI.YWARE. A.%D9 CANTI.YGA, Saertmu r \o Jq«k R. iU 1 k (m.lu«M for .»ct fbrtj 4tr| H. 8 Rev. G Kempiuti, New Brun wltk, A risk- j ^ •w le we a ove la all ok. jrAr*.yrur.. N. J^ Kev. F. Rs>a- •1*1 totrcdt Fuu!iJ»rT 1 Maslkc pu*^-Ls*«e ha*kx. asXX ukik.ux:r«ii ;x»t cxp-:xi of 4.350 boi** Tin p:at**!>4 1 X, oe*t CharcoAl branJ*; aiAca HANiPAcrvRBB. flTTBr (ilta^guo, xad 1. Dsti, Ssv finsh, G.i wev. K. loaibrup. N. Y- Ci y; »en|. a-ow«*4 kkd ervoad a iwMe akd f imiadwu. k! k ic»t aLau rpspicurespect* ona ef the ix-t TOP.^1 N E R8UIF notice; 600 buses Ru idne Tin, HX30; VT exclusively to Architectural Work and Jubbtng, I GEO. C. FKA.NCISCl'S, 'bird eiroet betw*«a *; «k a tbe oOTe.*. a: tkkd. w -r 1 bare wlibmelLthe Sou do ettra rtZe T.Oi my of Tinware, Cs*iinga» Fre gbi .ig. Dt, Fut^uurg. e, Kjra wber# .‘arr of •eurv Je*- retituii, N. R. A RxelU B-q , do. aprl4 6(0 4 ^ utme. u »a 'keir «ifi *e: bksik-wa w.ta tkcr>a**4 fa- i 4Yt<•* *'* M.'r ^^qADDLKRT, UARN KSSaod V^J 1 100,000 puaod.4 Brs-ler** 10 wholesale or i «tall at from 10 to 30 per cem. le*t R. J. crips'ua ere iu..; vagsdev ami for *a.«« • ••eh --...••X. «xn. of lomlatollx. Cupper, to tOO pound sheeUi B.NKRlikr, ; »«r kvl*, to. kiv,ak.i«r- prrp,rf| 1 daratility, a*4) lo • k«r*c urr tut ae, BtrUN* lueIboss r. k. milkr. than toeh article* bav v ever been euld in tbfo market- Freight A«eut, PuMwIHphta. and aiegaoco e€ BaGh aai>m b* *. pra’u.rd i ' a’ • ea'I.MKiy ler k eaiLt I aav ta the ka* patruoasa or As determined to eU^e oat the entire »iuch . elty. Wurtmea a^ -Muts- -M ;.*, LIFE my former cus- am by the M SGRvW k K. , oS e»l«hrMy are etgaoed eu- i to. awi. vfWer a*to»- Fi»e $mr turner* ]* rei-pectfuily *ollcU*d Of next, purchasers may relv tho b«m matortala oa«4 •Itj u*-, ^ at the bouse of Df.w.»irr1 -u Cunipoiltlon Kh.xthlug Nxllii; Ut January upon getUag bar- Freigni is-ui-, aaa a.* wars oanau'r-i. th* ILto4umure. j PtoW MXDItofN Ic<8, cuBd ><»<:««loo cm sui-UiiiigCupp.r,ahuxtoii.. r^Dt—r 14la ,u *0ko oi. gains. H. P. BN BAD, 634 Main sU, J. L. Bl.Llorr, JfMBPH HADDlll. C'OMPXNT txk* cod Ilf. tHi.Ixi. w ; rixk. «i appylo toe .ol)icrlb.r, n.xr Sxilox Ptot-om.-., i ne'e) Mac Fwk pa, B a’tikg, Maugerw, Fci’r>to. 4 Third. |sn3P4tr 4. DKWITT. d9 nearly opposite Bank of LouiavlUo. Freight Agent, No. 7 tmu.. Soffl. CURDAG8. w> *i ,t., N. T. F.Uem-, «t alt p* mt tb. uX. . _ k ; 4««c* krae-ia-t- wRlKB eaatkfe» toffiered by U. 11. UOr-TiiN, 1 McDermotts, moorain, co.. • ims company geiNN M0R70N- 3.000 colls Manilla Rope, * l’ , aiw: £«. *0-4 Braa* W urk uf all kUe;G flae f> ft lr«« COPARTNERSHIP^ 4 thread to 9 Inch; HYUKAtXir FOrYOERY, General «rf_ Fmghi Ageut. Put-adeiphia. ^ Na. TB FtfThiH tvAemxg.swi able w-ALkikan, lybOU do Tarred 4u, 6 Ibresit to 9 IncL; armiXT, *maj aaws.lag Ca-’- |*t.let. AuAn ampample caati oapfuT. SortheNoriheiut t omcr of Ftogd and IVathtngton sfrrcfi, M'-*ef tksUrgeatk;Ad.caikrkcla«al. 500 do Bull Uupe, Bpunyarn, Marline, A Aro oMovtag fur laia, at :b- :.>w ‘x.h pr«' *, • k.aikwfkart.iMto ta.Bd. BedaoeuBetlacaa rates ef prenbiam. X •bipfor tke pon>o*c ef trsusactink s GENERAL Lovuville, Kv. RAIIiROAD ^ 60U do India Kupe. ROUTE. JS3 *ploaffi4 kMM*rtfoex*t o> ( ouKiN- aad H. L!h.rxl irac.llutirmcrlluit AGRNCY sod COi*M1^1ijlN business, under the name f^l^IIRrfillR ssabacribers are now making Mill Caftlng* and BBk/i\*, pr.ril.gM,pr.rii.gM, ww1tli.Tkt1 to.T-t cbxrgx. At 475 Main Street. «tr,«trx cbxrgx- hravto - taaaccr* *i ffiBffisTOYR3,w4 aud 'iniaMe paii*rss. >m. hereafiw Ik gtvint a* geuar* aa*- 4*k-4>k.4,k. Callfom'.aCxllforu'.xCxllfon.'.. ri-k. ef WALLACE FoPK A < O., and a IL occupy tbe same BAIL DUCK. 1X Ma^Malnery from new pattern* got up In the must I'it. r-k. ixkm,ixkra, toibMtotoM l-yl.y tb*tk* expA competed uur *—'^*ioa* •;»•*. *’?a‘*»^«i a* wv ka^e fut the laet Ut:eer year*. cxxnutk-utk- .WIKG arrangemeni* In the New ftyl**. and ^7 Lmr e*i« or ove'.ac'! t etore, on fkCto-kd straoi, near Ma.n. iBudem aud approve*! -\lsu, tobacco, lard, Umber, , ow'ac*: rouwa 1,1.50 ~ Bn kling, and re«:eive(i a large b«)lU Cotton Duck, Nu*. 2 to 10; : :-*t«»vfva> tt> ke-gaacm H purtloo of our Bprltig ' W it af|K»vs4 st»le.. |«i and mill Bcr*w*. Iron Ratling, Fiwclog and _*ik.ptu. Kfltrr.,Kegrreto lann-o,t« andto WALLACE POPS, hOO ®* Lifting aft- ..| lb. .T '.-..-I X’ ur-..Tto4 tototoixc. = to cmxia rMirtcUou- Good*, we are c:is*}led tu ekhib't for do do do, duuble width; i L to. T. D. a. tiob «• kav« oUaioaa Ike pattwk* f jrsir.y p, Jah, eslr the must ex- Pumps of variuu^ sUe* aud kln>l*, ca«t iron OAETANO A CO, ^ “*Ap|*llcatic;.* -111wi •>. ptoKipti. xrtn* 1, 1S56. W. U. PuPK. 100 bales LUbt Cottuu; Berew Pipe* - " »-niM x. oa. trb*lve*od complete aesortment < f Adams & Co.’k Western Ejcpreas. ^ Som 4MB M.,6ef. foaih Je**.r.aa r' Paper llsugiiig;* ever ^ Mata aad wpeaia . - L^mumut* liobk Carry*-), ***4 »• OWL :u l»*L Of I) 2 dUiueier, Socket j \ *., UCMwoffice krv.kr.. *14XIX mfM .T— I*** U' M' ^ *4* and ’ ««'» crxr tk. Bank to lu ftoZfd 650 bolts supurlur Bugii^h Duck, 00 to Ij “*.*'** -l"* » ‘ *••«! Loc'drillx- tboeii tbl« city, bsviug tpsre-l no pains 6; p, Dx.n.,f«a/ Lai.- .Var.ya/'..n «r..lrfrd-l an. . IMFl»x;TBRd A.\D *U;)i.LoAi.R E>w-tut* «e b- wjru mada a; that a*tat::*tim-a: ap** nor ex- Flauge PlbU trL^m 3 loche* tu 15 Inches in diam«*i«*r, , i'*V' DBakLE:.. R- TTI.BR. 60 bales Heavy auu Light Havens. *'*1^^.'^^’^ .bJ IX X M Xi A.Mrt. pense lo the fl ting up uf unr »pi-i»dl«J tor (ioods taker w 'L *e* i»k<-uT- new store, ‘ by t'axrinXalM Btii.r,.uds Trmut tk- i» traadlea, Wmes, «.for*La;*, fOg *h- expense i.f msMpg pauerikS. — bavo Ratlrua>llrua l A-\iK«g Car Wheel*, 'I'!’,'’! Lr lx i TuOaMu, 1 S. _ H^ Car *od other ca»tiogs fur . •' U I. umpl xn- wtoira ’ ehdeavure*! to make U •fnpbstlcslly Eeu'em I'ilirs to Cint ioamn or !>•/ •-'f Cigar*, * Uiafue kda'e m ra*Ch4 of key patter* we Umm: Sail think. rallruad*. They are sj*o (he »ule aiADufactorers of /a rt, (Aa NuU, Corraa ». iKaugr^ I er; A MAitikU,eiAlSIaOk‘ ’ ' -a 'i.ul« v. i«t rat to toilxr. IgxoaJXf- L -r Iw -otu IBHCRAkt.E roMFAiT,, •‘ kurg. aial Iken,, bg mr la x #. ir.il.- Green and Dried Fnsir*, (Jiiai«(,r xyitarta*, , • ;y udiatc- alf**! 1 hr Paprr House of Ihe W est." too hales and bbl* Cmton and Hemp* R>>y’*Riiy’* audau k’reuch’* lateat Hub Morttcleg Machine for V axDllOA, IRD. Baltimare and Ukut Rai road lo IVlnt.ng »r Baimoa, Bantiao^, Claias and l'^.or. , F*ckla*. Ckscawpa, , -u.. | laaaei PAFSR WAREHOUSE. wagon andau carnage maker*’ use, W'-htch bs4 been pro > ' K. The 15 >e»rs’ ixp-rlruceof uurseulurpsnocr gives us, OAKI TtoVl* k ...... nr-.- TO FUWEU., FreUML M. Line of Stemssboa'i to Louurulr. Freaervee uf a., aiafo. ii MERCat S NTS _ _ _ , „ AND OTHER8, _ n we tru^t, a thi rough kouwlelge nuuDcednouncedIby cutapetent Judge* oua uf tbe greateet laour- , m.B. «.a. Vnii,iT,8.cmxry.wnrtfill of this bosiness in all Its | ^pM* pob 'toto of to. W. 2,CrOO bale* Nortbe.-n, oandseach. CiUtoUto 3oaiax.,Ual.«,rn CYRUS FIELD 4i CO., brso he*, a- well teachr* o* Vj auUcipaie saving machine*mi ever luveutcd. Orlersfrum adlstauce, un lers^ijneJ I* ou*' prrpare«t tu make C’.crrs' t.lXJ-tTOBl. the waiiU j Wtorkly, I ffiflffiAllb ffiffi 1 »wkly,M4 »mM rtopMirWli wk tb- with satisfactorysail refereuco-, ur caeh remittADcee, will X a( »pvMa*'tI6«'t rate«,rate*, torKx;rt,«tor Kx; rt ,* freight* ’-i-j t>r rruUi t.lHT IRO> RAILIIBtt. A BM, Br.NTlNG, ! >> A.F-.rtA..k. ,r. pitrti.. M. a. Bright, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and pleaev the tabIUh- lOU bale* India Bagglux. A ARBAROUX. of w,ik.r» l r d i,n,i uc. Bank Nut«m* Bv’iel*, Coin, and p*rce.« ba c«.Dle*,tu which wr cal] th* attenGuSiuf tbeaain wao* •' «64 M«ia *«reuf, u..rkh ble« to—, Tb. Bmsx- I ry Jr. bokw-eav^-l Bole kgekte iw tho C'klied Denutbere<> m-uriog _ I Vk. J..-oi-.mxa,McC'iar,, Dxvli! Wkiu, RE States for— uarcusiuoiersthe istort ' ^ 4.atakl I. .'(htmtoywr, GUNNY BAGd, H KOL'GHT SP1KK.4, Bl'RLAPB. I scripti 'rvcarrlr,! lu aattruiu taOUSvi:!** ,u<| lU;’!ng for uf the pmrpueoa. W» ^^MVund a»i ThlM, L«a.*«! .r. C.. • xad x wiox I acy above-Baaed g , J* P. Weyer. Masprait's saperlor Uleacbing Pow-jei; la»btunablece»ULi*.la»btunablece»igLf*. LEALEATHER! LEATHER! LEATHER! g«.(. ci'talxttoa w to. to toark, krtii. n.to.xad lirM-x nrer era cutea* tn s/iU/rfer fi.we and.'tnrcr r..fn prepAje-J CO vu: U up at -hurt uM'c* aad au tho mom Victoria Mills ThGTIiG laifo-D*elaiiofDiM' stockatock 1 600 bales, bo>«b Gouny Bag*; 1 mihtp i^^«rslr«4d) Celebrated WrlDns pApen^ having b«eo porebaat'd for cash 24 T\vv M.tRHilALL has junt returned from the Ka*i, af- taxing boel ’ ’* Txi.oy-. 111. to to’. Bocli-k »« I Expressluxprets tiHfm Each Ltpre*-Lvprr*- r* a*H>i4ALleS'H/i.ALiv lerruito. <>nler*<>niers fruoi adleUa dletaaco with UMto. Miy t«r*r toiU BumfH Bupenor »• er.st.itser.at,:*# u* to cumpei«rcumpei*? ii bOO kev* Wruiighi >plkr§. a!l *izes; t i.-- . . -Lv ... i* ;o citsfacctsar,.' uf uur.j«Biru«u wHlsfac axest tjr the aUv* In prlct* wUh anv house Eas XJ* ter having cumpleted bla purchases of Calt-Bain*. liwM CMu.rl.ir, xxB ^i. Ikr M^uinut '.atuc.iu.ut. ** •- rrrerences vui re riv* preapt aktoriSuk* GeUfweo Frlntlog “ We*t.lae»t. 10 bale* B'lrUpa, 40 tu 45 loco, forCoffoe Bags, Ac. kurucco,rlcca, xnd Kiodin”! ,t mij- I ltoM>.lll. xdTcnltof* lasUtmtoa, i»o»:»u, "-"ms”.SviNkIN BARtiAROvBARtiAR(H'X,4 IiIh- X, SyHyuTMilrMUlic Foaudory, : A X**K' Bsw'Il- Bona’ Rogllsb These facofacG thetbe d.srerniogd.srer , to>M»4. K..kt k.»4M.>»..-M .ila.._4 K. t.iM. -«• ra. uoe uf r’vrr'•'-efii TA" trunage Tissue public will Q.,t fall ta CIlAlNB A.N’i ’ •tox’ of th# commanUy *oa -AND UURB. TAYLOR A AR>lSTfCOM«. raeM. Tk. pkkilxbto ixkM Ikl. oppoftaulfi | 31 wffkd (Vruer WAShingioa and Floyd ata. M r*- tk.Txrthe var. 'U”u- ’i-parimeoi*.--uxn Cowan A Co.’s EocHth and Bcotch Writing da. calve by glr.og usns a ca!lcail am jooir’ng t«’r themseiree.M Hlfuad w of the bc*!reef. Bo l« autbe too,irto Kngiieh proved !***’**• (fctcEaaoma to TavLoa a RavkAnaN tuxBk. fto to.lto.rxl LoctoTllM ( kirouxc. h, are also as genwU Chain Cable*, to I Inch -.c.- 1-. r«r, crivam-i.x spplicai'ous.n for Insuranca They at* fur the pti net pai paper manarac- HAGAN,H KaCOTT, k MOURS. more extensive than any in the city, and in point of qnal- 4**1 Tflala Mreek, kM xinad. .MtorM. Txrau, to.., o*^^ 6»i,lh) » du T^'ppatl Chains, 6-16 to 4; xdt kkoVB bJ kp- . i,i.„ turem lo this oouniry, aod o.Tvr for sale T'. Livos „of Ikd'vidaa.sIm'. tor a term of years by far the moet Also.r'eal-r*Alsoyi'ealvr* in Lo •kink.kin GlAssea, tty equaled by none, lie ha* Juet received and i* uov ar for Jifd Pmnch ar.d American 6U0 ABChuUj f'O'n 60 to ' p 'MMMrkr irtur to tob^^iM w V, axteos.ve and drsirable stock uf 6.000 pounds. lIse pV^Pt.» s of RtesmboauU. and tbrl: Cargooe, Paper and P*per Mauu* WlnduwWln do COAL! COAX.I Couvoyanca. GUI wurk ID ail Ur branches. alt dim 1.000 r«un” manufacture. No. 1, ^ do. No. 2; xiiT'B-.’i. r.T.n of ‘ 60 LXtoCiCaadMptoiat •;« deecnptlocs kk^ tbtli coutdi Ibeycccupy the large axhd eomoLMUons warrhouMe, exiia and pure, lu ia'Vag«« rum 36 to 600 ^ de SllverMedai French du, Nu- 1; M mt Pato touy mad P-itto-ari ars'^to*. i.j.'. t’js. ordakiaireord by Fim, N« a II niff atreeg No. Cliff street. Nj. 64 Berkoan puuud*; i 606U do do U‘> do dt«, NOx 2; A c— xt otoul-Mlr to rtox.U 0*u,x. tb. fuc'. FORFOB SALF, C^i’fficartoiiiBc. o*«• M•» rtree;, street, and Patou, ax-sorted InuHiu do various br’ixl* ». I; maxked •*fa*t Freight Line.” TxirdtoMto- Ma*a near rho Bank of Lo«*TRXCEtlK.>' F.l»M on the Ohio Cliff street. river. In too do Phltadeiphla du. No. I; CJ-No Paper rxim.- cxrrlf-J brPx,! Lie, WIIXIAJI-.raa •. BAENT iAS. B.TTLBB, Agent. k. i« GOl.D LBAF, JAPANNKD TINR, , . pi.x-.^ w. TMksaaa. ^ gEak Huntei’* Ra.ituoi, c.y{ tsmlog upwards of ffdO OIL. 'NT IKOT MREvv.w riFR^ h. B. For iho high •taxMlhg of thia Their bu*;nea* la *ir:cUy 60 du du K-pe. largo elxe. and DO Package cbarge-l Uf* thau f »r one buiklr-J . BRIk^T A THO'^I khx BAMt air MMIBVIaLA. Ooapaky for abltl wUlesaie, am: Writing Papers ffiSpj? ac^-e*, . . Jf* \“e* uponct>on *wbbwblehu a lari* or'-bard too packs Gu;j Lear; '*• -*’ n.wuj, y, l-romptitadr, sud fair of ibe bc«t I poUDd.a !• <’ t«*B dealing, refereact 1* made tc are sold by the ca-e uo y. Ai*o—Ai*<^~ I I' -HOLSStoLk »Jtoa.ki48.ruftw laul.,,. xj|»,.ua \tn; I, li»L Z’i »* IrL'ted )uun* aupte tre* s. Title 100 dozen Japanned Tins, 1 Tho*. J.j Msn.c, Kfi;— Pree’i Their exiraordlnary IndSputat!-. 10X14; 6050 doteo M>vrucco, No- cr‘<>.rl{xprra«lln.Mtei>.l.iaB.-p.n(K.,i).xnilN-. toM.UpMM. iwloa, arrcbxKix, ' t .rrmen’r Ihs. Cu*- fadPtle* enable Tantplcu 1; ; U» Kv. r» lu.x .ir-.i, c.r- - W. them t- ail L Maniac to tk. AC > « M-cktooMn. cf tbi. la- LlV .TTuTh^-ruin llbe al-*i Ifir nutuot apjsec« will 75 bbl* Llnsreti Oil, raw aud bulled. fxr .onauctinii .txxu. vxtto, ar fx., xad, wkto. \ Felkees ACc.. B. U 2^25 d«>. Ori.an. (Souto), 3«ini Liul. (Wr„), *u.:«aj, ralfctoi•Mo. XOIWO.D sixta xad . ' F. Aeler a^s. Loth Foreign aad do du No. 3; j cx iforn'., Sorrato -ir— J\. -aiiuiloB k. b.M, XI bxLknc xoxm. la J.' A Co.)aoa Wa H. Eacou Domestic, at tho lowast poeeiui* dsp<»«.- • i- ever May, iLforinatids lo relatiun to the farm ^ •po".,apoii*,Ter*vTcf. lUuie,aolSfo;#llUulo, xolSxI.l I «b./ar**ui:./ .f* xadand bx.«have xa frrxigreat .J-.axf-.aaiageMIX*. .»w Ueto. raB-erdl* Fto>^ to ord»r xny or -utgkt. 20 do Knkll^h Kid, a. I colur*, Nvrg. I and 2; Lon!»j4,;.y' X.aii,Hi* ..*. -*•M.m. t» held If kike Difecter* t» eerre tbe e*i»amg Ub.rxl xO- 500 tuudle^ Band Bheaibiog Paper. to. t year. THE GIRARD can be bad uf toCoU«nthe underklgnod. .ra.i ...xx ' BArv CRMT 1r..n nltr* #ru« th« Aunarlorltv •fu# the pAntakolBi* aauHHO eanco*madeeo | 20 du Cufikto^u du, du, Nu*. 1 and 3; Frankfurt Aoa Lvxiaroo arJ P. M al4>4 A. TMBl'noK Oast' -f, ookeignm-au of Paper, Paper Maker’* ^ THOMAS aMITH. ; IfpP fur (he va»e and calertty with which they aro laid down. The J. B. |:X*Agebts tbe Birulngbam ' •took, and L4ter KINKKAD, Copper Walks, Union AJ do ttupertur Tuppiug 'ihln*, all color*; sDAMs k r.k LIFE ItSlklME, l.N.Uin, mercbawJife. .» » ilD .ifcai# tfixthMi»tk i X VL-, a«*-oi ef •Qgioe< r» . rm. road* la ca.;ed lo thaae TRUST __alSdtf It., between Lead Manufactur.tu *x . 1 f sT.Vrt> AGE.V'I Market aud J-!ter*uo. White Cc., N. Y., aud the New ^ CMTED HtMf Tbe bigheei market price paid In ea*h for all kinds —— lOo100 du d>) LluitiKs, do. * J of , GSSKE LcruviLLC awdOuwam Trm^piSL tOWFASV OF — Turk Hemp and Cordage Cu. * f.pt • from tbeir pec-.r-r dtu •# fipr supplylus their *ta* Alt Warohokaa Third airoet. ( PHILAilEldPUIA. AIjo, a large lot uf LsaU, Boot-Tree*, K.t, and f7 A a «• 1 *. find- n. Jons 15dl2m F C-%PUU . l’NFUWUEIi— M , Rke*. iOMPANY, Apr K IShg. UER~ MAKLFACTL’RKD BT £. J. DU H. ti AND.v, TTt KKR, CO., water; almo tbu*e flttlag *ip 4lMlllonae aad \ Catital A ! mg*ing* u7uf everyev de^criptlub and or (he ber> ijaaiUy. Cbanered in !^M. PONTdePO N T d * .SKMOt'RAK Rft f pBB vtoehboPvers m tbe L * o. T. A. Oo errN-r«Ly GVJ N MOf A CO.— I(;9 Tchuuiiltualad *Uvei, LOtl^VILLEA.Ml FR.k.NAhUHT tuu-yanl- w nod It to ihetr aivaatage ta aaoUa*« New Orleans. Also, a very large aasurteicui of Lasttsgs, R.ULROAll. JA-WBh 1 . LKnuY. / V>- 66.00(1. 00(1 k-grk> £7 Pui.i’*Pul.i’, K'lflf, Gxloon*, X aoil6-4 tb*t Ok ewcktok wi’* b* h I'l at tbe tdeo* of ahere Cumi, and their 5,D« 4 :o do ciu, rFFG,13i lU .1-; eill he pr^nptly a;tf?*ie4j t-). capt- of will i aau Bliver Were, N->. di do .. y Bam WARKE.N BKIGGS, , AU which be ecMon the mujt reaeurutU- **rma. , ,, a Fr«kU*ki a*«4 five D:red(es to aervo tof tbe vLeu.rg ^*'‘ihg been iokg slaea pa.d 6.000 I du «do du, FFKG, 4| lbs dul ^ to-k TN e» ^ TMVt-C i. 1 waashill’T. <1*- Iraallr* Weaffaw. MAXurACTritoB or SPRING GOODS, 1853. Coaotr> mertUgnt* wouM du well te call god examlac (*•— «i L,j aU’l invatoied ta ahdutibtrd 4,000 du do du, PFG, 26 los do; ’i«Wi«’•»Wi» ^ei*ei itaIta u*U9 '•ch-••Ch •>^a•** uu«^;s>•> f»l'UL.dA>»-Li-iata -trt c".r.:.*to, uff» > do•'» do, FFG, Iffpha do{ H KNOEPKFL 1X LuiM mriurrluriuer D.i!Oi’iic-: it.'-, LtttlwklLLK V'' WM I^toc. 4«6 toxin .urat, briwotn F. nrU* Fi.to, NttMMk. Pre::.k>Bi« uxaT ’ i.O'jO xnd .mwill p*be *ar.rii«lguveriied b,b> Frxn.fa-tFrsnxro't Uo,-.ti*,--. wLicto i-!•' -a-! y-'ar.v, semi-anoually. orqnar- toil Mala xtrr.t.krlwr.a UrM. aao Ftoid, uo for -ea shooting, FG, 35 lbs do; 99 Vl llli.m toUr.i ,rw V.’/ wLtch «,meight . TOUkltU NS fiMIhh. Mr. COKPB.V TIN, .«ND :*ugET 4A« •> M \N ^A, .•>*(>. toriv. I'?!'-’ i“IV*V.t’* ’ .•ouiiBiCy. » ia»ierla*ier . mionteamionte# ffikSA OF ACbrrSAV. wnc a aosrt akuei du iU>a;;li Puwdef) '/6 Ibe toara.^ra-.l .. . than LuoU>:^-Luols>:^- llu:*lime Leave th-the L*a:»-l-.q:*- i-TlodJcally to la*nranco# FFKK. (U< .. ' Nu. ahi, N-raib CT., MPORTKK aD’l Jobb’-r In Ffenoh, Ger xian, RnglUh, — K ar* maa’irv ;unag Tuuaaoo Acrew* aad Freggts at LkoisviUdE. April iw. Ufa. 2,00rt ^do du do, FFR, 36 Ibe do; , villaville depuldepot at •u’clucg,Wu’clucS, A. M.,andM.,aX>d Ji •'*c1 -eg,-4.8, F.p. B.,V., 1 aud UuDi<‘btic Guu 1/)00l/KX) < pi^gping for paesenger#paesengar* al CL’ljr;'*, (FBauuoo’*,u’Bauuoo’*, Ci-f*.’*,Ci--ri.’*, I meetlac kkeiOew luak Lm srr a* tow a: af* charkod supply a anlcla for plckllni ar. dj do do, FR, 25 Ibe du; e ^ ^Mraiine -ke ef the large*! aud n* *x c. -..ux^x. 1.%. r lu the rrceivdl, by lau arrivals, a .arge Wr are prrparwi to raralsh at abort noctea aad aa rea ^e r ouanpaii.siu and well »«iectcd Ugra:-***,Lagrat’Se, Jericho, i.‘.«eM*e>. wi>. i-tV-, t i 1 mb!e Use, at whoiesalo. Jerkho, rP Pira-cr-^-sv.Pira-cr-v!;,. .vm:.vn.: : X he a: the banaiiir mkpe. «k H-Jw4a«, i In any qaant:ty, at lowest 6,00G6,000 ooA.F.kCu.*-o A.F. k Cu. GlazeJ FKF 3A Ibe do, IvVifY^ ’*r haxba.; Ir term*- mania iNa. vAU be a. anv . ..^r * * *!»f.kUj— ' ' * N' -^1- 4c) m Um\ k*xt. a< tt o’clocc. when au eieCilea f mp. :ei*- <'.*nia!;.*4t:| o; ^hprlcci*. D-aler* generally are J,00«I,00<) ti. du du) C. o Ud; arrivearrtvo at Kraokruri at F:tdPitd a.m. auda>:d 66.*u.*u P. . p^i A. K.. rate*, explanatloce, re-pecfully iTivUr FKF. rJ4 iba do; I ..... X, R. Wasir.--. __rry, akd {4 ^*'**^HAN, ENgMSU, and 4-RENCH C1X)T118, m .1 TB-nA Jk RARBAROCl. r i.ev.14 t-r^t f £.,^ F*ti to e gamlxa uf PaS'-rngeraPas^engarit •111will chanaeebanue car* I Lm«c4MK*T iw eecve the ck»a:ag ?«krf w.;. take imf ^ aacDce of th* hi* Vipeyar“aud ccctpare pr’.cea. oBdly 6jkxi6 jk>u dodu do de, FF- 2a lu du) and 4ud>r<'«-'.h“t-iol.e*-4ud>r<'«-U> vu to l.e*- Uar aalebraiad Kl*.ahoo B*a«k», ioa woou r,«ai,a#««. A*e. erdertoh :.r., Nw fa.1 -j S4UOOs.uoo i du ’lo’-lo litogto*!. Paaseoccr*Pasavoj^rr* L/ the uiurnlng iraiu breakia»ibrt*«kkia»i ...^!deur i at ) Mata etTv-et. betweek 4 do, FF, 134 Ibe du; | 6’ ra; slae*.atae*. MOliAlR LOVTINGB, DKAP D KflZ, QCBEN’5 CLOTH, R<-((inilbg, f f> r I S V I I T al elm fU H. F VI PN« Ck»hiet Filih ai c- suxih VT . BtJRKHAROT, AfOtti6.oou do do do, {t LAgrangr.LAgraugr. R<-(unilbg, iraveleave FrauxfuruKrauxfurt, uuou arp^ainrarptosinr Ky. F, 36 ib* du; , foaamhaet acd Boiel Bccv-..^ ^wro: ;h; iron^ ALi'.v \ .4 N Arg*aa*ae« ' U MoUSfLU CoATlNiaBx t-’IAx. g. HKVVIUITB, Y17'nou:8ALK *nu p.eruL familt gr»x:kkt 6.»!00 do di' do, (.r, , rains fruoifruca Lcxlnawn.Lextugwa, alat bu*,,loch.au’vtto>ch, .\a M.,M.. *imaiHl1 3:l63* i6 P.P M.«w LI3RART AND READING-ROOMS. Anmt. j ? V and Tea B:i Bla«iing PATENT METAUUICttlETALLIC BURIAL CASES *Hj**rj arrt»earrive laIn LuauvliULuuisvtite ai U:6ull:6u anl7:Ji)aul7:Ji) itoL.'grr aldo re, Nu. 4i7 Marfc-t 6,000 doBiaatioganoNfilp*a a,a. M P.p. M.M-' '|7.iE ALd Aeaj’U^-RtoK/m*, Ok mo weat o4 Tha Air 'ight ‘ .'-g »i., |I Cwk LuuUvii.e, Kr. ^ * f t-rx IP p9f BtovevB.p* ^uuek ^ > ^*^**^1^ plain and t ,'K will laat*;. WAxN'lED, O-M ploaP.wjtr;plOK P..WJ 36 lbs do; * iA'K cuiuinuecunilDue tu manufacture and k’‘epk*‘ep constantly a I! Pa*»enger*Pa*»engers be lAsen uu and •rtuirai•etuifai ai poiotHpoiotn wh-nwh- 1 Fuonh -;f4(to<, be*»«ea Markci aod Jeffhrwoa, are aaexpre*»i> fur Wc»icru a*o. Th.n Inaujance. * — , •so** *t uar. I Ft hand -Ue andan-l finish ihithl fi the tramtrain a*ccD-arD)a* ec^-arii) ktto>p« i..rixr 1.4 FtoMkOk • *44. a EAILROAP xnrillcxh diUtiiUG.a/d U>«u G>a/^ FiT, 36 Hyt do; *vvit varlci)vartci) of fluUh uf kUw ihethe mail. Pa.*«iu«r*Pa**«ngvr* -u^u > up*n ev. rv u. (Huifis) excepted, from h o’cmmA A. M.« ja*e4 wherever aseiL FIREIXiCEXtorgOO MOMA8 SMITH, OeL—al FaVry KPEviiMi Asn RARVuiKV*^ •”^*** n«-iia Cotnsol. .u MercLai.tabd I,uu0 i d*id4i iovg’uabl-lavgluabl- article,arttclr, nuwouw rapldl) superjeUlng thea»euf I ammlugaiumlug train breakfa«tbreakfa«i atai Praukruri. • **• ^*.2,000 r.iKu .« u-«>i u-u r. 4d«d« do >FP, l-iilU d., T g.OuuB.OuO eo do 36 I, OUou accoootaccountaccoant Ofof their | particularly rt\ne*xaJrto^uehteJ Ijij procoreTIprocare TI: Tern;'> ut -utaicnptiua pe«- iho payment n.'TtHIhflg to FF, ibs k aanum, wood atvl ..w^L l'-»,.; d»i k*.Ii V orr.ii . we B4 -- 3. .od rEr=!«-.t», Su>rM,xud h.-oac aud office oh Third street, Uotveeo Main ^ "*^ **^ •uperlurllvuperturltv depueiiing and Water 1,0110I,0ii0 4(^udu du dod.i for(ordepuaiilng Inlo vaulu, lur prutecUngprutectlng thethr ; eu In all cg*«*cg*e* ber^r*b*:*.r* taxtustaxlus »ea(»»«#(» in >, Library .. i 13* . inthacar*.th* c«rv. They «cl> *QUti-« he to nee al both Ckl> 4-; a. .1., Bixr 4 FF, Ibs do; 1-^5 . *ah#cr.ber the Qeauni fou,** of a., blade, 4, 7, %, and plate ‘.•IK. . ax«’L#*. 51. *F sou ^•”***** | 44 Bioe#, cazaageby Fu« ''b f«btalii*ciuaiii* casuallie*caauallie* ' H n’ 1,600|,6U0 4i do Dnrk SbuullDg)Shut FJi lU du: fromfrum the lo.LientIn. Went to urdluaryurUiuary inter- 01-1oi*T be hadbad aiat the Ticket office# inla the depuu at Loair- au-i K -alicg-IL JB diiSetaiu *i*a». ..II i . ixu j DKAHHQV M niLkC AM)x*l^r L1NKNIitouvw^w’.’tto.-.COAtolNoS,a together. With j l. <0>y du K'flo Ou, menu (gc iheir ovaafalr-i.Bht>, 4 naaai now i~ t 1^ AppW.^A at. exieu#:v«vxieu#:v« *“”®^'“*‘***#.s-ortmem of ’ m iMfau#i OLlVfiR .-ra & Klk FIN. lluul,0uu do M’ ale*ialki ?uwder,?uwdar, f.^Tf.^r P-r^Uciui*:*-PyrraUcluU:*, •htng.htni them),then and ihegratldcatbA li affords tbv rrietid* . Froiahi train* leave Luol^viUe in the morning at 6:40, THI7l»IIN<#S • ' TninvilNGh ufy( the Ueewa^tddeewa; I .M F. K C H A N I I /» 1 CANUTKh PtiWDFli. ^ . lu the refiectloo that the remalb* are reach Kraitkfurt at B:20 o’clock, P. M. Returuiuc. leave Iraata*, L O R S , antanl pther PEAHSON, Ismi^ M«toar-bni xad Frrax.Ia 9>- T— • ) goods aaltaulesaltaule fur the uluthlncC'uthinc Trade, on tbe ' kept tugt-thertugt-iher Itup-riabahie ca*e. re> C&UDRY & 476 Molk vlreai. KLuOO10.UOO caulscanister* Kagie Rifle, oxal can1-:rr», I Ib each lu an A* we have Frankfort al B-40 A* H. auu arrive at Loiii*vliie at 6 HUWAKtt tYbl MAM.E 44IHFAMY. ; Ta<«tb«r .ixx x xr<, xM haa*raM >ii> tmi , Tfe are U4.a ri*ceit,»i 6i6:.-0 do do du, rj'itid <«**tly reduced u^r wh.defcale price*, we Al* now ufferlnf yclock, P. M. (4 dtf 9. aKL'baur tfp log aod Summer 1 Ib tfo; U'T*. l^r*”^**^**^^”^** 4 . k. U.NDE.'ir.XKtKS ata*t and OMot 'a*hi««nahi# Ma..:# Gra;#*, mnmnoir Kai toicular c#r>i 4.r Triurt-llroe buyers ac 1 all who study favorable eupply ter ;^l, -ctet cet by e,oOOfl.bOO do FFPO, ; Indaceueot# to niidertakers ibrougboat the i'«piSaib<^0.6k4—.‘vllySkU Ik. Yl Mi. Ollvrr tn p.-i»toO do do, 1 ib do; heir tut(*rc»i* will toall ancl exAmiue hi* »iuck befjre * Corner Tk rd and J jftrsou Urttlg, A bWEEk.. 13 «1tb great care, tbv 6,uu06)UU0 do KKKG, do do, ; West, aud re*pectfuily bullcit order* rr-.»m ihem. mf' , Lewis FniiXiFh,d«Mrcurv B- Oavf n*, Pre«*drr • m Ci-i-ro luatkeG. (ao !, a- 4 ib do. *;••» to ««»1X4. raxx jf I*B, Cmtfmm, a., kkrat pu'ibx-lM:.-l»twti.r.-. JxuiSilly , . , , . , »sktmu u,»4Fu,-4 t , '.a* e are i‘o- ;v r- s W. UAV13 to J Cakdieo:i • »xi emviy 0' ’-l:’.»’.. TheTii#t': ;^r roPowd'-r from the celelTMed C. CO., !». j . 1 k4>i -aviL.x, xv. C • (Akea - E I..- im4 uu;> ut mli at us roauufacturir .> toxr., Ptxxi*!i«i; to--. \ M !’m Id et. t “ 1^553. Jxnxkara x.xl kx.--, bji - — !<»ortheaj( ale Mi I comer •a 4o tv 1 i»erp*t«at *!t! u,t4m P’ilit. an>l , Ninth and MeiU ais., Cinclonatl. 4*-. fvr - -g •; a UuDu ;* greail) suptn^iur ' Dato.’i'a* - -ir*-, War*Muu*«*, Ma. ^-sluiac.* w'-n the ciustr.- to acy other ^ ^ — LAK±.T A tg a huOTE!HUUT1K 6 Ba COW. i/tkl-v*. !c aud i' • »urruu*luik mad**mad*- luIU ibethe Ii. liltedii ^:at<*e. It wilt be aoldon THOMAS DOUGLASS mxrMutf TlgY7 c JUbtr\), reasonable , M .1 ito, AXto, agaiiMi ,oe* or dA&a# wi.l s;.*il u'm '•ock «r*^aiij Iwi* t(.It' to _ - ' • 4t . salt (Lath axivt. rolored pree eim* iLIL ;wU r». Al*o j ^ » L) tire. 1 u u v ;:«t toccb Safety Fuse. UoioLxi.), \ 4- p. Twosp.-., run T itx.,»i '4M*A kk4 W lertks ^ £‘ AUKKICAV fciWKtSS TUM P \ V k h»ve retuf.ire I AgwBO ^Bec, td(»«4Wvi.ie, t-en < *;-*rtd i^r tn tbi.* *pai*«'i. f«.r F. L. K.VEELaND, p.)tokl88li..Nto8K.IlANr. RfenoVAL—SlGhb! SitiMh: Mair efrert. near the Bank M*SLl.A.TniERASD ' rKl-N^KAL l^; : ) 14* aup-Carw. r’klk ur <41 time ; I e- . , K II - . THOMPSON * STEWART. ' piun4;.iiu*tuQivr« le AgentAg' for tbe e»lu<’f P A w.W. R. llAKRib,AKRib, ttAvingfiavlng ft uiova-aI Uto. Loelr.viue. ei B. (u*’ sea.) Do ut’* Puwdef) Wbolessie Ural. . Ill Vtoerv dt-1-crii.’iluD Of nuiovAd from Painieri’Painteri’ ^>|i« Batterfte JAMAH TTLBfU j Agent. } 4, A t*... 4 VVoil %t., Yaw k arh 4 a. AeUkkJ k*i> atka; 'Mr stuck *-mbract* |g« cn JefivrsonJefferson I CUJ • A4MMKR8S, eud Vlff dJjdly I rani st.. N- T- A.716.Hfi A% HARUWAK8. /X* .treei,street, ea*i of ana 6aru# t^... 4* .ly i'll’ Uvi«a*l«u. \ BafU c dm Bt^KravKYitoi rji “‘I’r IAG'‘, uf all eio* *04 rv. wL’utuluk the^P.irt-Office tullulas. • vv ‘‘I"-*- , g IV sf.ai o c.».wr.a*a*.lfv- In the shop occa-occu- - ^a. 5 Plait at., laurduor* from feari,* Yew YoW, ^ QOwnow i iu5 uu-icrs ^urT wit. receive *:.i rr«»-1pt itork^uga Fire aad ftCaxiao ^ u Beoro, t lataraactt. *»T;ataod -uwitu r »*ar, i*r.li:t,s*, BLtiDe-, M* s nler. oacoa* Biao Favna, Wtw4-w« m%.u ta Mark* X4 0T1CE. M.,.mx«ar.rMauaiacturer toof P„u.ia«,Prvuiiulani ‘ar* *“ to,the m-..Oi**e» », .«• s; A«a.A^raf farfor ‘ •*r-*a*9 e, adh . J..to DP.H WAkt MCTt -- Silk, to ., :nf.ct«;aryto i.ii d-bxii. parrd^ii'jli'’{a“~«':5to execute b»gu* of #Vt;r/ tu.1 ?r;#. AI .oo‘Sia«? 1'^ JH)LK AOKNT9 IN TIIl^ OTT _ TiaB xr y k.>i u; ' SALB O.Sto t ^*.|pr Lor al M-rch.'.i .'v I!•'«* « a-toi., >At< V OF f ob M tk.— /\> to.;he Ir#'..Ir e d with ^^“’****» po‘k»ae' der. u* in ih* COM- Bee’* braces, 1o»u»cre#*)1 oruscre* ,6^-.:Rc.: ai*u Kendall A T#ylvr^*Tsylvr^* ^ *wry i Kai-rc- Ta-.urF.. ) . - all uf whl^h will Oe lUtods ' lirnwaicnulornwajcutal ralnralnilug,luV Kuleck’naF,uject.ng Leu.T*’ uaJ# ;'K'9 Patent aia-tigiit U iw.» ^/S^.BaFFTjI hAStBcoM. d. flfin u;; to ,TS *ii-l Lcu«’r* laa V k.l* M*r*’» Q); O1/ 4l-S*i>N’ PiiHw A !*ISG Mr. £• N. Th»*rmoiiKierp.Tk-roiooi,.,,.. Rarumeter*8.r.a,nto.*, kc.»toc Cm.toLoiuii Buu^.Bun a Ball.Butts, hot to be nrpss ed • ’ ber# ur P* •!»/ 1. 4 It.. Ki^iero cli’r*. :• .^’j Alpbabru and Marking Platu* Cat (plain ana .* d Cv Pom A. rtiL-pper . X , -T to .. . ay u Sud to K«- . , uf Me.?r., - to-T r ,^Av nr tie txc , Li an KtrriN. our ;*s ' a, ve a.raej for t ’ ^ . . J aka for ikto h»;iHsii si Ctoiiu;c«.iiu ^ ar-- *uca ss paid in - t-rt. » - by • 530, 0001 ros de u* to give di*- Comb’s Bmllha’ Beiluwr, R I rulleaad and xu) at every : 2to.’iduu’i ihlbkUlluf XUJau) u*ub n lorwar -rc ix-j II,.. X lavr at h • f >ho to^mf kRinr nsviBk. TT e h« t’^<=h appu.i uwi agent y.ut k to.xvxll o*r. l»i. : States. C^airato;!* wh- be >u A *M4e*> 4b«d for thie *BIk -®* THiiMAB Dtroi.ABBb male by th< »5t-iiiira lo tk. t>u,iwr- . tool to,K- •>» l••.l xn- ••ICef b-^. xt. .14 ,,1 i tb. - * fi eU•*' 10 uar i.Lr, 1 xll.xlira f t 1C euoHiai a'.i w*ti-L04.>wB n*titutleu. A* >< tol- m^' s ; u tn '.lU-n our ik.nt. to ncr carr.i-tiuD- F.aKR, Jr., lat« of >rlng MeTwbaadi** uut frvui tbe T m*i uspr*-- XU ^ ouw pro. a8A the to-* *- ii! tn.ir .t ri-.r't> »*ra xxd 4f-x< .mn to xtotii rad ^iLr UalU -r 6;*muiboat»y ac orders. d.ni-d-^nt- .L.wb^ x».*V» ixv..rt u. xlth L-lr i,.iro' to 41 ri^aced rate# fruci i# -7. C a. fd , Dll dly flrm of Child, Karr, 6i Co., Bu Loaie. rl X • :q*t #oae’ a*s — *to« O X w £ O.IO In -' ** **• rablit. Ixioi. ih*. [ n-i-, x.l -oxxoix .um-fipr Baoe Oar; TuankrutTn.o.tal furfar Ih, patruBsaepxir.aixii. r.cf.iro .lu.,»iu.r ouroar com-ceai- r for ..xtooix ^ i.« ...r.j,xr, .xait.xB,t -inrit-_ • hv Btcaatbuau a&4 if* ka*soi- at B*-a,ai4 tu p«it» *r ni. ix.i; n ..r n., ram,, b-.i.nm w, rxn »!.. f 1 bcMivsd Ik RiSoEuL. ir» - POT«.lra. r.ij ok kx.!.» tk»‘r or-cT»n4lra.ra« 4to lUiL J**k 4*> meoceuiBeoce.^ -PCAt inIp nu».nes-,bc.ir.-s-, wtwe wji; •ir.ve*tr.ve to -kori.ti . 1...... t I to tai-k, xaJ xtoin.’ ... ui-rllui-'fll i de ikurat aL*l Dwrlilafe aad their iuit* c l- j*a*lsfscilfsMsfscil n.ti. a- rr have w- ry fst. i:uy fur prompt atlrc- ‘i THE c.'- oo cantenu agaioat BANKING - , HOUSES Gi<' tb.jxf- --..KXI.I, ...4 p*»’*-' *“to a,-xrx()i, o-wn-xx. ra xi-oxtox. m . W E» leree** tiOUM^.** • ,n » »*,, inuo- 1 Bxc->;of, ‘‘ t UL»,I* lul., *11all be-by- I CoUfld li» ' k,,. M«a- or 4atkaxv b> f ire. to I} LME! JAMEb e LYTLE, Hutchiug* fit Ob., FA^T FREiT.HT • x- bn xiii aiv. b • xurntio. *». uljr o.-l It bx- ! Vrar^ .xm,x 4* W. Uei’a ’ I.^W4|.^ffe Lave received t«o b-.n .bo tx. ri,.- 4^011 to x;l o» -» xxf- u M 4fo twopsitefSpaice;- Coats J rect fruH.frua. i .%v(khKLL, RC55KLI, X e raiee uf ia-xmjce are the same nt nro char*44 by , CO. = To and froia aii aui W«M«ru ciilee sol town-* Ti OMMI88IHN to) Owotneru ' W«Mw«M tokxCUXNT, No. Po,drx< etrrat, A. D. HuDt A Cu., lid.; tb- Ir >t i-nts. to- •*** bexonk o4 Ikx bn-inra-.. i k». for eaiv ty man, «.f P*n*,Peris, tu wLiOiatiOi tbo)the) .l- sito-r tkxx exoil fidj knd wood •jther rm5|.eitab'ooofBTkB*e«, aitd ib# ox*m advaaug et call LLi.-.t.ItoU4.>.t,ItoU ©•oi Clorlnuail, aApril il. N-» ori-xo*. vta 4ri« Railroad to Dutxklrk; IhTrrnj^.j ra/*t via** steam- * to. to tk. to the fa•hl•uable^.ra•h}•La1sie^. — - C I- r I.-, Hx.- . fx-o. tk. Pxra-.ra fl> uf the rompat I ^ .noand X.K. J. Martin gut •rt.^sR Co. ' bosiaewa Aw Coxra xt 4 o’clock P.M. Itwrai 4i; LU-Uot C-lu,b-k’ k-preOa'*’! ttavtwg bvrw ewsadwtia tha fwtatl ffinff eptckhoiders, Jla 7~ I'HR nndrr*ir^l•^J wuoi'i' rcipf^tfuHy atiaouoce to the mar I* dtr CtoO All guod* Le nu'^keU ^Am. Ex.Co., F*-; •reigh* ' > V ux-uta ronaarki tokaUay share* a» and whhout buy ' must fut ovtmvaW _ __ , laat tea J4WI*. #Mth a»f* ami la Ih* ' DVAN' Ko n.aie uu cuiwlgbmeuu to James 8. ^ — gt’.'M*. euilcH* a share pobllc pat- I cl.lteu* uf LuuGv.ii*lUv.ii* Slid vK'iuUyvK’iuUy u > of i tbe ubdoswlshod ^ r» ^ I neadY-mkdo Woodma Coffins, v.iiraxitora. wknrarartora wnk ito-ir v.n.-wwra tns&vn i> '.M-attl Li*j<»r:iind*r»i liIi Oriean*, by li c Mr-*b’-4e IrvkMO. JOMh MriR, Ageot. MtHCnA^s iAiftoOU. the cuycity f«*rfur tbetb* parpo e of U«#geC|S.—7he enbecrlbere TV* Coaipacv tnve sa-toi!itia* tu icguto tAcm to fur* ' wiih «»»i. o- raxto-xrav BOW. J. MARTIN K glvv ooUc# -f ... y 4- cripn-.ii rai w. xr. prw|>..ra ... ^ratUkra xnMM .x-.ix, w 44b .71..ln at., oppesiig tha ^!.'gaab'g lu (Le FLASrEKlKG < a-lurs# in ail lu vari- I CO. gtoMMiH Louisville II *• nui for eklc by I xa>M Gla-» wpM it., a rnxiiy•"* I'-’’-’jur-’ -in- f'f'frl-n-f '»In i — — ufx* tb.:be UntiedLnttra bikie#Stiira with»tik »t«xiMgreater 4«»kxtokvKspaiuh xui>tourti>.wu i eecurit). BAADT *x.rto.l.«l i A DAVIBB. X ,S..rla*xti4 uoairr „ ‘‘‘T’*'* ^^^“^PAINTIKU xuJ UKCy-j ••••• ^ '*'•« bu-tnur-.bii.iuur-, wimwlib to.tbo i.ciUil,.ixciUil.s be cx.nx, for uxtr,i_» • l.w ix|.‘. oj-now i.a oxrrrt..K i ^'#1 | xad xt XX X. xoyotkto icxiMti.tblxllu.,xu«Jx' »».xi-Bxii..u to .kick . Itlitoi. 1 T, BOAW In ho , I'rlnuf klin. ,,i ,i\..-.. f b> xoi .irxnl.r, f-AX-K-Tt XV Jtf YTDPITTNn laiie S' • Ml Febttrk.— roa lr*LE, ” ruu N, wU’i »vprj raiwwr liu ywe# for ruaeral#. _ _ ^*"7^.-. i.Mi.l.nid tb.i ' tb. p ' ^ I. rrap'Ctfiiir L. t.ab';cw,iit.n-ilttoUi.t:-H Ln-I It to Ui,u : ^ t t. cbaiij.; xux . .lo-A- .yr ^V^V ,ltDf;-gp HATkk. ao Ic.iM. | la , . . qt • 3a Kx.l.f x iar*;, .toot ’’“'‘V’.'''* ^ .f. i p i*artiou i i pTr|*«r'Rg vacsstna kokr* baJfwu*. F;as ^ de»(ia»teCukOtr} neat. >4 raXl*0 ar (p t and i MACHINE AND JOBBINO SHOP. ^ 'n;.rc,t;nrc-t i1-1< tlr.tl». blfcl x i«rtliin|«rtli.n o: th-tb- Ir pitrpxtr.in.jn..n.j,. x. b..b.« *1 **• ntace, » jILto th. be.t mxto. I bulkJln*., Co«i>xar’- ».f xal r..tiocx .i, P4bUc cUaxebox, prlvx,. i ' - mo.t xt »li 0 y^vg aiwve iLv cit% * e ’L u'a’ k- oaiL bav- | *P1 XTx-n ^ dwoU^a die# %: («>$9pv’rtaii >n. All apa«c dfo^mictea t i.rx-i ‘tilu •".11 c,-.c 9’'l>trill b.*>' r.4-mxbir, Ul KK!V-» XK K, OL Ahh, A. PLATtD . i,.w * N-». 4»Mma#mo*u re.wnxbi.i .ui bl< work-orto .IIIwill 1 8^., pixn., Tork, or tx T. C. O. CAMFBBLl., u MINInT. fowto. xop «— »v»i txi, ua 1 c .ultra. Ixrx, iiig,,*io. Dw;(bt, I'* Bmx.; M view at tbe tlLW nvarfur^^^% J Th- In- frii.,* »t ani' oat*, ranrooi #. and frum laa sarroam fog b, per woieUwined tntcetn tic. v.ryvery b.-tb.-tio.nuri,n^nu-i, i *"***• botwwea Bewuh, fo #ow abakims machfois:- H**I: rrrara la hla bB.lnera 1. th, bt-,t ,Tiit»c. of tbe 0« COUPOHJTIOW xuJ OILDIKO of tkn Ixirat Fiens am* -everai mii-a a‘i thep'*' a. bx.Ilti c, .tyl. to .r- ‘pBntrv w Sii tMi promptly •*!*-- fo- ; ncni pan«*r N. B .kot urinr. Init >1 tb. “‘ntaotbkkininaib no. aj I llrerl, bptM'eeii 1 ilira ADU Fourth, ^ Ku TeMia ud ail*, «tfo .as* imi»*wv#m*ute. to kb noe-b DOS -orx. H« .III ...i np.n term. Oi«tb!uZOiatb’n* nor.-tor. Mun nxtunut. pxpw pxclXf. or bxln will b« l>>^:Uoxi rac.pt x. at x. g id I |j I*. Pear^ .ra can ^a t.’uuJ al all houre -I the MRADT A DAVTBS- I It m.« feg ar- ait la a ttab atata of c*4i:«a- N. B L, lhaad haihea,P^a®ia ane -brobbery era all kf the Brueai and m'U-buuse, akd Cmi* foe .1 Tew epocimens .Xic noO’tX xad Lraxr unu krrara. jx. , I orrui fto ikc AND LOT I Txp. xnd Dtox. kxtora. ka- hhoi. orderi fUxid pt^mptaitt l&nd aod France. >Ht etreet, • rai* well c4 • ater myi ,.u.?et4 a wa.a oil AU aud I ; The shAU*^ pattern# are in V. M< brat uuuioxr. of the I .It'ixira - xil 4,ra. tk tk. xt .to f water, caevaaleotly *Rn- d*ief. raw Otowto lak, ra th. north tod. Qwillrai SELECn' BO Ah DING SCHOOL iatoet from Eastern m.^.f to xml Sxxr adelliy, style# and tbe t ^'Alth Shotwell’a. . h at”', a.** barn-, a.af i?ns »oc seevral hor^oCy ca.7*Aga- goode of tbe begt quality. Country "< WxixntWxixot Mrto-to btoWMkbtoOMk Third xk-lXtol *iknk.* purnkhtoto.purnkarat. I * * * r. U IkdHIYG ;iirtr isteresL these vartou* mutmUk * * Kik, kW tU. I aSSdimT rOM, LbLiVl/AIiK. ;u CAatLine uor stOvk uefore *tylee of work on the Western lakes acdl ' nX Cktryenkalry xsliyixsliy rnxIiUncx I purebaming. ooau IX. pruxira.,pruaira., ' xtol I nawd Lxrko. _2_T'- j k,A. It tx Bot xnrMMa kUPUkvply to><> —yraU, or W U.1LX1IUilitoll aKM Dnu PfwwH - the “ rTNDFB cUTge cf ML'vS M,:0 lCAN) who hat dtrhv J CAS8XDAT h the elUea of Buffalo, R'^chotter, aod Cincinnati is suffi- - 1 .dtfrMkCO«n|,. a K. WEBS, tx 4 * I HoPRINB. EUWLA.YttbACO., UKtoHiN,UKtoHiNi xt ikl.-Ora.thl. -.Okra. M. •, PanMklvx4iraxtokpkMw9cfwwrad»«xri.i; tanght several y**ar# MA'>Nfi8S, in prlvaio faiulllee at theSomh. cient guaranty ;ae.r capability to dll i ParfBilparucalart xkd tmemm, adittw u.c k’x. 7o^ U uf all cootracu en- AGhNfS Fun 1.6 dtr .lira. •tora.xkdSraralkfklxhtoltto ouftra xtol Wool. 1 j M4 J.6 UtlLTUXTM.UtlLT lUXTn. Pamljtr of pupils H .ttrd lo ttn. (he branches of troeted ; I Aft to them. Call and examine and learn termsw I LBBCH a Co.’S Canal aod ****= xM E UC H A a\ 1 TAILOR, R. R. Liaee; ' tx.rai.ky a ttaurongh KagilsL eduiat'uo are taught) (ugetber with American House, I. Feaasylvanla 4vl Maia #t., ) daora eaai ol Foarih, aoath aldo. C. MILLER A CO., D • Central Hal Iromi; * mou.. ... iixmra. J Latin. French, Haslr, Drawing, Ac. UANOVRn 8T U K BT .... B08T0 K, ipISdU Bullitt SU, LottGvilla, Ky. Clacionati, OHAHAii S COMPOSITION, ' H.,0.,and Mail River Baifo RaTI 4 p. d ; lluo- Jadje Mt gitpin and T. J. poeaae- Wa ara receipting Tobacuw, MerohaadU- | U through for < Jx faaRm liffatroar qaaiiiy road Agewsa, amt Mfoker# la C ssfoM, fobaec#, Fr d. mkikm ra,. JO. M Bpriagand ammer Muofla of raperlor Adams, K^qn.—Haltim >rv: Hon. B. c. Hiw#rdra.Dlnclo> I\ 4>i the modern tmprovemeou and ounvooiooce* aad Produoo nil d#*cr1pueB# of boiler# by vuporieaeod Ky M j 7QB L0U18T1LLB ROLLING MILLCOMPAKT have by theba abwy* Ltra##.Ltras*. i nnusareu# .ra^ MITCflRIxLS B BCBBABD, « MJ C2 c, aueh ae Bhitu> : WiimtovtoO) Del. .... aad eaeaa MiCteau. mar II dim -hey have large and well-assorted stock of — or aucrustatloD ur #cale ta ih# bailee# of rlvae . a BOILBR, , ^ ' - " SXXOATION AtfTBO, Bucha, Cravau, Ac.* 8«hcrwi raady- ~ ’w- -w . wamux mirvaaL^^ 'A9**««' 4m.—4* kW. bank t~-* ahaca feraaia W wUb a aeaortment of ! ;iiBBT,and BAR IRON, of tholrown manufacture, ad >^Wix|iCZ£lA BIMGHAM’BBINGHA.M’B TraaapartatloM Lla« Hoamer#, Uxuasottvea, ami dtaOuoary Baginoa. Greai * foaog asarnetf the Boat, who baa made cfothtac. |x*n OAMDNBB L 4X>w maa from a BLAKK EKHCLTIOJV BOOHR CINCINNATI SILK HOL 3B nitted to the boat ever in e FhiladaiphiaPhAiadaiphIa,Philadelphia, BaiUiafe.amdBaUiiafe. ss 'caaoosy'canooiy ef fuel aad iahoe,labor, tacreaead eepeeil,#ed , aad thetha prapra- HITVIU 7 g I bo made tha Weat, ami which j^H|||Pl|||Kte amd NeNevs p j — - I-F tLoraagh haowiodgo aithaooe la C«aflleMi or wlwtag aatltfoctioe, and well-bonod #c haaiaoa*'—a a he will spare so pator rpwO largd BKBC0T1ON MOOK8 ILLIAM Fa DEVON, Noa. 48 aod . etroet, bey ai 4 Mlllnff at reduced ratat. YarhT^TnruugbrocelpUflvea,arkT^Tor^ugb receipts given, aas above, at low sal rataa. 'Srvatloa af tha bollor# ara smoag tho aams rom adaam ia otero e ** mVI’o* V ram. dtoikkd.4wertai awhor# foerraarH hoaai. hirtreai 6e foorit a cuottauMce or the patronage with wbleh he I Circuit Court* cao bo bod ob reaeooable terms ty a luportar and Far tala by | X W Doalor la Bilk, WhUe M v ' • «ii4 (Mart ratpooifoUy solicitor omptaaasomptaoos ami dispatch guan^od.fuarant Apply te ;agsa reaulUag frum Us smtilijmsai ISIONA mva mda ffimhet, boawaaa Fivak am« . Xkd lar rat. hp (kXI] •ABDMM K VU# apr ItfoT ffiOBTUIBB, FWI<6ffidT. ha# bow hUhatfo lavoffod. I ‘>ffi04» b44 dll TrlihoUftf Oogdi. C « al4 lieaUoo at th!# ^ eSI dly •tfdtf T, 0* OOLBIfAN. Froeldaat f94f 94 dtf BOOffiS A RUBRBUw jl6 FRAtfCM MoBAf.