I I 4 — ' 1 A . i - * i — v a . • THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOURNAL. \ OLLME XXIll. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, THURSDAY, APRIL 28 . 1853 . NUMBER 131. KIKT*... rVSUMCi I *i!raf >io, I .aw tpo<fcin)t •Ttbr t^rljlhoueh PHONoctai-Hr.—Thr folluaitic “chanclrr” rllB^Tl^K * he^dilRM*^. ( V »** MISCELLAJNEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. MEDIC.^L. rir-ra * •‘ippli^ lo 111 MIaSCELLANEOUS. A«v ra tTUCTS.tTBSETa. «• » houtrniaH, »ii English ri'y, M MAn i a . , . MISCELLANEOUS. It (spplTrfully «iiH tbrougb brrlratli): You BUSINESS , L CARm by bar mitlrr*.: «rat HJ3MOVALI RBMOVAIil CtUTiaeesI i CO&d iSSIONER S BALE. A' vrrtUlM tB BbHt PBB*r* LaBUnila.LmUtIII*. ! did not, you u. Carriases!! Liver Complaint. ' . J. F. BAST, JohD B. Boy woody aaordtoa of OourgiOM Oar jarr It ItBak iMBBarall ar I* liaai acala, ' I M. i . ****** or lata) tloiie t'ory about la Fa STONB, third ^ FUR CALIKORMA a P. KELLY, ”*" Th«. barer, Mr». ia ri<-p<>ktabil- dw from the ’ , of eral* RKTAII. DKALFS TAUNmC*, OT&PBPSIA, CeatL.IO Coap»! •B. IT** **ai*«l — ITTBOLKSAIJI ASO IKCTOAhS. OB VBBTOUP Hor^wHorlow s(ot SI.ai. J 01 M ' flOlt Uoti« Yy l^uUvlMv, Ky., hoo { wolnic^ of Mr. R »pH hi* i’\ ui.d »• a mo*f VY blioKiNu i nKwiNo TOBACCO, Jum tl t>CSILIT\| DISAAkA OF THA ^ Via .liciratss. Oa. * jar*. aacB aMIttoeat laaaftlaa. ••IS ^xceMen* dum\fctick in s con- and BMrrr IDISYSv rt» Jopu»tic«l »#'ftcienciei‘ on tbp bu» thr kCay hA» rsmuTed to No. SM Mo^O rtriMrtf bctwooo Sor* *>‘» 8. 8. Ad«i»r, ma saourtoT, mu «ric^M«t a.t^fmttao » R*- 6(l**rt ra|i4Ctty bhe hax lived it<» y«ar« in be 6**w^*’“«fro»at>liM>rderodUr#ror8ioia Moedy, a^ KJlta J.» wMow caaansr. * Hamiwr -m. M | tli« a iivca,ii^^lla'uiu. nyryr CAKEUuKs!^^riIiiCLaitaiAuita, cooBioUBf DoMs. !'.• >od oxkd *^Atni4 (tocrii ot«To Book of Koaiockj. oi Coonlpotloo, iw« ’ *•4* 4« I .taalaring “7..' luword Tilo», Fonoow Borlow, doc>d4 *• ••••a... 17 atis rorder atonpadstopped barber bybv deeUrinj; thatthst Mr. R la-1 placr, and h« a hunimpaachabla carract. r or J The Hew Otieaae o‘JdS.«}Sir I end 9aa rnacieca ••••!'* ** virlae docroo ' “**war *a wall known*^“0'^'' and•“** bl<hlybi«hly ra»|wc‘ablaraaiwc-abla Ci'l-ci>l- Sba I Cuocbe«4 DoahloI>OQhlo BqsxIm;Boggier; Of of a of tho Joffhrwa 0«lt Coon P-T M parcaai. IM^ 19 p. rli-cll} lubar, and l av^r drinks, itottiink l^loewor SEMl-MOyTHir the uad«r*ignod i UaJ t^ben; SlPCleSingle BugKieo;Buggieo; JJiJ uod«r*1Cnod will •«D,eeD, to tho htchoothtgheot biMor,bl Mor, oooi I butwhii Hoat liar auod. M'lll ba fiii.t! a gial- fXTA.NTED to Boy or Hlro^ur4 snaorty octivi ^i?***^ j jBi a.irrattoB It B* ': ' | ^7 woy«: Buckowoyfluckoway bogglro; »»o*h1ov,Boodav, ih«the ll11 dayf*ay of Boy.May* Ii6», oa U»TLOT OP LA.ND fromfrom* froDi fit 16 >eor> »t 6 4( at Hockawoy*; boKlro; 11^ LAND ^"bola:Lola: miy baaba a aitizar,aitiiar., and ha look. IikaI.ka Vt Nrcro HcA*«a of ace. Apply I * *f*?.f**’ 4a ............. It aa I| Ha m.y aruaitmn to a Mi pal jin'rlman, or wuiil.'l s-liut. Inglog ; do; Trotting do; 40 Uei(oet onOb thothe iouthsouth ildoside ofor ChontnoiurooiyheiwroiChontnui sirooi, between Steamship Line. J',' oObT 'll S**fOt ; d^ *i5t’ *^if*^^.*** taio ofRrOa HAwlAM* I V I aa:. Vl.t:uaaa Micara fart Bootba.. ^t to4“ i I a man I auppuwauppisw ha i.I. ona hutbut Fm ao< ««r>.'«*r#.' r. ,t,a . , uip Br^kBrook Aodand Flo«d,Fluvd, oodaod extondlnge^tondlag borkbark 3SS foettofeetto ois-ru*aSS-ruoi i — a w.duwf Tha lady where Ijvaa eiva 4-pr-4t duy No do. Ij ’*i»"‘**** ] alley; fits e-tock 1« nowIV superior both ••as rrsord*regards nambornumbor and •‘l^r* also IS ^tiroaiiD*footfeet froatlngfroctlng ooon Uhestoot,Uhestnai,uiw.tn.t, .Hoi.in.allolatogaltolatog th*tb- I rarrerter, , , Oa.-,-.^# -oJLa, her tbi> and nrY* r v^ould pearfel wt I removal. uil^ait Breathing, Pint. iteiBihipi Bmici Htbiicr As4 Ptoiirt ' sbove^oocfibed heteforefore oITorodofiurod In this »boro-doociib«d lot ihothe «a«tvast tideside back I . qnsliiy to any everor tbU markrt.marketa All oa and «»»•"*nsn'ngniSB'ng Pad tbi* waf raid ib to romiral a ; Ii L***. «r rnar ckaa ae.)- a «a«a at ao I OiAnuar ai to ©c berybdt die (!oe« to oi»atraiUe. terlnS_at UlO Ueoft, 'I* r._rl owneAHa W la. * , .«i 7. 1 .JA-ME 8 of which «tll be s'rldw..l(l v«rY«MTa towlow forfur ca*baTAnh or g«K>«siagaw poprrati.n»T. I _ . _ _ I thorewiththerewith 100,lOS. oaOn^ thothe aboveaBu** lotaInto thoretherethoro tala a two storyslors ^ BURNS, j r^'~jSiK a— irww ‘iT^ Oua ..aara. It EunUia, aanawal-ta, >ai ana taiea ea<ior loud roar* ol laudb ar ^ brick ] D.Y(«atii r and AToniKi AKT, ; pnbilcpnblic pariicuiarlvparilcuiarlv the lalteslalies area're InVied'toinvlied to a., dwoUing-hooso,dwailing-hoaso, latotyiatoty ikothe rcsMeacoroe! ( aar;«^ Thei« and i j of | • •"* ** a® j nroparty ' Ha-low, darfe. Mr. Buafa. man, aiAorn: Oo Iba ni«ht # KKnPB TfULLY rcturus bU mo-t»!Dcero call abdaiid esanilBe«.nilB.bir.iu,iofbis »tu<k of CirU..*.Carriages. ra.mdawm«r 17 dsw I Exp ANTING THk ("HfcST — 1 lisise 10 ea«y cir -- Fever arid dull Psio in t'e Ileod, Deficiency bl» fneu*« — , of Perspt Tfrm* Sai I kw^llaADk»t. ou<l ibe public xem?. of ui que^iofi 1 haardanbeard sn unu.ualunu*oal Do.aanotse c.on Usaai.ta,Uieoti^e, cumMoucf*. who puTbiio sedeiitaiv eui i w V.T'Sui' ' ^ AW rally for tb«tr Itbrrol nt**! Srtiero'aii patrvo A Z EAGLE CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, went to see what was . matter o4 rn>^nuv%mi •q.aor* IS ss ! *he I saw Mr with its for IS | p|o\ merit dooif, usr th**ir luii^* hut lift! a^r, and Urti> to oduuqoco that ho from UUi Oct., 1.64. lat 4»r'.l. «.. Irtocu.inv*. I . T^7T-‘*.^°‘ 8T. LLDUlb,0 18 MJ-'UlRI.MJ-' houiheant c«irner Maid and Preptoosis., I bq '--^w-iT U , Ta a, Booth*. raoaapabU, aai laarara*.^ Hannine have Roiaa th< collar. I than Mr by braiiba but lil'la air in the rliast. and iiivoo I » new oa 1 extvDaivo wUolr«a!o ornl r*>uil cr.to6* , thus m- lAlUIAVlLLK, KT. ] 40, luiiss si4s.4 f8n>u4iMt.n.u4, linUsli. til I>rup j *• *‘*‘* **•'* “* “> * '**•1 I Pbmeul the ^u«tue4a.y «i No. J.7 Xoiu ttrooti dajiandantty of pcsniona, cotiTict a wretchadli | aiid A. T. ‘f* KKATINti i %i'i S t^v* ti*h on<1 KlKiith. tjr-C JOHNSON tr, lu A>n|. IH6., 8M: I84«. In or ©-'•©otic*i*»>l notice Mr. ChuichChuicta thentheo innwrea I V Ut OM , 8I.0M eaailAad at laMrraU,taiorraU^ alt:rit: aeatly,weekly, tmallpoiaII aha*:,che»i, .nd«.n<1and Uylay thetba touhdatioiitoundatioiito’iiidotioii for thetha lo->lo-s)o<i I ' respttctfaliy Infurm thepuollc mat, bav- DB. HOOKL.AND«8 A,l^ '..rt-MMaBU iinr and havin® | note and $30 le aawib*r; the remainder of the pufY'bSf wiaaaakla. ar ara »I par Mr Atkina,Atkin., i*«ga a.rpanl-r.aarpanlar. iwoar,:.woar,: I purchased from Mr. K. Bt-aaaklT. Boaahlf,Milf. csan«lCharsad BI i*aca aaw».w of„r haalthha.Ilh and.nd b.'*u<y.b- auty. All Ihiathi. rana.ti bel>e na.f.cll)pa,f.ctl> log LawaET la 1 IScTAUI..ISC. S.r^r.....i .tl. ction tTlbJ Pratirlptlt.S j »««» » pal. IB UlTM «l.»l IB.UIoiraU it 4, 8. iral MOO.lDOBMOO» 1S«B aS j bj.l- ^ C.4/KBrATCl> r.tRMAwN BirrERfili For throaghtbroart oamu.paesa$e tIckeCatickata eppiy teta w . tarmaBtauaadaooaouiaraaffyaobaauBaotlh-for ovcry tobooiiuocit IS* Mr. 1bi**re*t tn ibe vstafttlahmeDt, they Hentiird( his bAitdonOf) I U muQtha , Heniium with hi5 band Mr. Rowe.R®we. Mr. ia*t »i*vrotcen from date saia, 1 sreurvd (Lit. Twircau.i. *•»>•• 4 obviateilobviate<l by as little aUenlionattention to the niannarRjdntier oiut . »ers f>rtte year*, and having just ro- of au to bo by b^od of — I a PREPALkZ* £>B* C« M. i.lCEaOa*, j rawnamw '“ ’• he Ct)A( II -M a NINO business in all lU Sr p®-rcbas*r, wit*' a prwveU *_ H** back There"rbaie 14 e;ved and upeuod an entire n«*w sto *’a, which *| ‘***'have ! •scorUy, aad further by a lie* I ***waa towaid me. waaaas a kiudutklud ol I **®4 'I b.aa^hing.biea’hii.g. RerollactRerollect shefhe lung,lung' araare hkelike bla.lble«i * .sall -at Cubp'.t., LK.<rau. a ’ y H4. N.w *"?w aari-a f- rWSeeefOOT CT ororrSoompOosivTwyT air-T-rtlimt tbt T'' : TaJl ^ AT TUB OKHMAN MKDICINB reserved oa the land. | . • ,i ..ui•uicbasedfurchained for rashcash fromfrotu tb** first and most c«isurai«M)cvietiraied ''•*^**^^**f * BTOMB, ocuifleaacuffle. } ..... j , . i. *l^iVJ]f*** ie*M *< cMsryroSst (St rMr 41 psr•r W«aot or.a lewia» fortor «ctoocti . der in tbrir etruc<ureyi^trudura, si.d cjntin etietch.tialch JUH!7NO.N. | and openopan 'o BEATINW s» w , Bata to .. I*'" iC*»iem ..i.u;:.i.m*siab;:*hro ma,ms, I ,hih reorer« ura imifeel take pla«'#oathe pramis's at II o’clv'-k. .... amir.entire c..bBv.*nfl ! liO Arch street, Pblladeiphta. ^ awl* by . I ..e.
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