
Ballotin All Dark - 38 Pieces

INGREDIENTS: , cocoa paste, butter (contains milk), roasted hazelnuts, , cream, vegetable fats (palm, palm kernel, coconut, sunflower, rapeseed), concentrated butter (contains milk), cocoa butter, roasted almonds, skimmed cocoa powder, stabilizer: rapeseed glycerol, whole milk powder, emulsifier: soy lecithin, stabilizer: wheat sorbitol, , flavoring, pieces of dried raspberries, whole milk, candi sugar syrup , dextrose, coffee, raspberry puree, glucose and syrup, vanilla, salt, corn oil, applesauce, , egg white, enzyme: invertase, potato starch, invert sugar, thickener: guar gum, xanthan gum, acidity regulator: citric acid, elderberry, acidity regulator: malic acid, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin, coloring: E100, E12, E171 ALLERGENS: MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF GLUTEN, SESAME, GROUNDNUTS AND OTHER NUTS NUTRITION FACTS/100G: . Energy (2161.92kJ) . Total fat (33.88g) of which saturated (19.38g) . Carbohydrates (43.92g) of which (39.65g) . Proteins (5.64g) . Salt (0.03g) OTHER INFORMATION: - Number of servings per packaging: +/- 41 - Information producer: nv Neuhaus sa, Postweg 2, 1602 Vlezenbeek, Belgium - Net weight: 500g - Conditions of conservation: min+15°C and max+18°C

** DISCLAIMER: The product information as reported by IDF on its website, is provided by IDF suppliers. IDF strives to ensure that the obtained data are complete, correct and up-to-date. IDF cannot be held responsible for the possible inaccuracy or incompleteness of information. By purchasing the product, the consumer explicitly waives all recourse against IDF and IDF Belgium in this respect. In particular, IDF draws the consumer’s attention to the fact that the data on its website do not replace those on the product label. A discrepancy may exist partly because of stock rotation, for example, the presence of new allergenic substances or changes in net weight. In case of discrepancy, the information on the product label prevails. IDF does not guarantee the conformity of the terms of labeling for which the producer remains responsible.