The AICHE Rio Grande Local Section Presents: Bakery By Jacob Usrey, Catherine Brewer, Nancy Garnett, and Juanita Miller Kolache Big Newton American Wheat Ginger Snaps Belgian Dark Strong Spiced Mild Brown Ale Ingredients: Ingredients: German pilsner (5 lb.), German Ingredients: German pilsner malt (12 lb.), Vienna American pale wheat malt (5 lb.), CaraVienna Mild malt (3 lb.), Brewers 2-row malt malt (4 lb.), white wheat (2 lb.), rye Wheat Ale (1.5 lb.), 40L malt (1 lb.), 5.0% malt (1/2 lb.), Lemondrop hops (2 oz., Spiced Mild Brown Ale malt (1 lb.), Candi D90 (1 lb., flaked oats (1 lb.), Victory malt (1/2 Belgian Dark 1 min), Wakatu hops (1 oz., 20 min), ABV 3.9% Strong Ale 10 min), Candi sugar D45 (1 lb., 10 lb.), Aromatic Munich malt (1/2 lb.), Sorachi Ace hops (1 oz., 5 min), 10.1% ABV min), Magnum hops (1 oz., 30 min), Munich wheat yeast (1 pk) roasted barley (1/2 lb.), fresh ginger (4 Ultra hops (1/2 oz., 15 min), Ultra oz., 10 min), Fuggles hops (1 oz., 1 hops (1/2 oz., 10 min), Ultra hops NMSBrew, Las Cruces, NM NMSBrew, Las Cruces, NM Vitamins and Minerals: NMSBrew, Las Cruces, NM min), East Kent Goldings hops (0.5 oz., (1/2 oz., 5 min), Ultra hops (1/2 oz., rice hulls (4 oz), calcium chloride (4 g), 30 min), East Kent Goldings hops (0.5 WP), Abbaye Belgian yeast (1 pk) calcium sulfate (3 g), citric acid (2 g), oz., 20 min), Windsor yeast (1 pk) sodium chloride (1 g), magnesium Vitamins and Minerals: sulfate (1 g) Vitamins and Minerals: rice hulls (4 oz.), yeast energizer (12 calcium carbonate (11.5 g), citric acid g), calcium chloride (4 g), calcium (10 g), magnesium sulfate (2 g) sulfate (3 g), citric acid (2 g), sodium chloride (2 g), calcium sulfate magnesium sulfate (1 g), sodium (1 g), calcium chloride (1 g), sodium chloride (1 g), Whirlfloc (1 tablet, 15 bicarbonate (1 g), Whirlfloc (1 tablet, min) 15 min)

Nutrition Facts Nutrition Facts Nutrition Facts Brew size 5.5 gallons Brew size 5.5 gallons Brew size 5.5 gallons Servings per container 50 bottles (12 oz. each) Servings per container 50 bottles (12 oz. each) Servings per container 52 bottles (12 oz. each) Target O.G. 1.036 Target O.G. 1.103 Target O.G. 1.051 Actual O.G. 1.040 Actual O.G. 1.088 Final gravity 1.010 Actual O.G. 1.049 Final gravity 1.011 ABV 3.9 Final gravity 1.011 ABV 10.1 Mash (infusion + boiling 147°F, 30 min ABV 5.0 water) 153°F, 30 min Mash (single infusion) 150°F, 60 min Mash (single infusion) 154°F, 45 min Mash water 7.5 gal. @ 161°F Mash water 3 gal. @ 166°F Mash water 4 gal. @ 168°F Sparge water 4 gal. @ 172°F Sparge water 3 gal. @ 172°F Sparge water 4 gal. @ 172°F Fermentation 68°F, 23 days Fermentation 70°F, 27 days Fermentation 64°F, 23 days Priming sugar () 3 oz. Priming sugar (glucose) 4 oz. Priming sugar (glucose) 5 oz. Conditioning tablets 3 Force carbonation 5 days at 12 psi Bakery losses 38.5% Bakery losses 21.9% Bakery losses 43.8% (1-efficiency) (1-efficiency) (1-efficiency)

Glycemic Index Mixers and = x 131.25 Beaters Sous%𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 Chefs𝑂𝑂𝑂𝑂 − &𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 Bakery Assistants

Stephen Taylor, Brent Brewer, Richard Miller, Cor Le Blanc, April Wright, Stephen Caroe (Graphic Design), Momma Socks (Puppy Moral Support)