University of Texas at El Paso ScholarWorks@UTEP Combined Interviews Institute of Oral History 8-5-1976 Interview no. 414.1 Rudolfo Candelaria Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Oral History Commons, and the Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Interview with Rudolfo Candelaria by Oscar J. Martínez, 1976, "Interview no. 414.1," Institute of Oral History, University of Texas at El Paso. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Institute of Oral History at ScholarWorks@UTEP. It has been accepted for inclusion in Combined Interviews by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UTEP. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. UI{IVERSITY()F T:XAs AT EL PASS I}ISTITIJTTOF .]RAL iIISTORY iiITEI?VIE:JEE: RodolfoCandelaria (.|904- ) Ii{TEIIVIE1IER: 0scar J- Martinez PRflJTCT: DATECF Ii'!TEfiVIE'I : Auoust 5. 1976 TEP.|,;SCF UST: Unrestri cted TAPI i.tO.: 414A Tp.Al",lscRIPT ilit . : 414A TRAITSCiIIiIER: i]AT[TR'\NSCRI3ED: BiilNNAPiJICALSYI.ISPS IS OF IiiTiRVIE'^![E : .|904. Bornin El Paso,Texas in SU;iiiARY0F II'ITERVIE'i: Biographica'linformat'ion; growing up in Secondlnlard ; sc hool ; Mexicansin govern- ment jobs and politics; the MexicanRevolution; Prohjbition; jobs held; ASARCO; the Depression. LeirgthOf Intervier": I hour Lenothof Transcript: 29 pages Rodolfo0rlando Candelaria August5, 1976 by OscarMartinez M: First, Mr. Candelaria,can you tell mewhen and where you wereborn? C: I wasborn here in El Paso,the l3th day of February,1904, at 907S. Stanton. M: That's in SouthEl Paso. C: That's riqht. weall usedto call it el segundobarrio, Secondward.