New Mexico Lobo, Volume 045, No 29, 4/2/1943 University of New Mexico
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1943 The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 4-2-1943 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 045, No 29, 4/2/1943 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 045, No 29, 4/2/1943." 45, 29 (1943). daily_lobo_1943/13 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1943 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • Fl:iday, Mar!lh 26; 1948 l'WJW MEXICO LOBO .. UNIVERSiTY Of NEW I' • Navy Defeats Varsity 1n Meet NEW MEXICO LOBO .. 1' Goff Classes Learn Bates College Speakers . I· Lobos Will Meet ' Leslie Wheeler Is High !ln th.e Lecture on Any Subject Weekly Publication of the Associated Stu d.ents of the University of New Mexico Strokes apd Terms LEWISTON, Maine (ACP)- With the end of the ~econd term n b (l • .... Burmese beggars, BQI)ton's haveM VOL. XLV Z437 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1943 now in view, the golf classes in- J...CJ CJ J...Ql)l nots, black cat;-name the to;pic Kirtland Tearn No. 28 Point Man ·in Contest atrueted by ·Lewis Martin, profe15- and the Bates college apeaker&' hu· The Lobos and a team ;from Kirt ~lional golf instructor at the Uni- reau will furnish a lecturere well .land field will m~et in a track and ROTC Rolls up 17 Point Margin Even Though varsity golf unks, have now began versed in the subject and eager to field meet at the university fields to see a little Jight on the strokes, By BOB 'LANIER speak for no return other than the Saturday at 1:30. ' I . Earl·1ness of Season Reduces Scores on Timing techniques and terms us•d on the ex'Perience gained. The Lobo thinly.clads were de links. Thru•tghout the academic year scribed as 11green/' but there are In an infol'!UI.ll trnclt meet held last week that saw n total of one ' Inr?tl'Uction has been given in the While in the midst of the l'igora of Hell Week a~d typing f~om a the bureau sends oUt undergradu- probably some aurprlses in store for :fo\uteen if visible this Wlll Baisley Na·med 'Lobo Editor fo·r Next Term hundrcd nnd boys don the .shorts and spil~ea, the Navn~ R.O.T.C. )Vilrious clubs to be used for dif- standing position for obvious not reasons corner at-. ates to speak before organizations the •'Kelleys." Among those who l'Olled up a substantiall7 point.m!l-rgin in defeatm~r the' Varsity 108 to ferent distances, the couect stance tempt toiashlon a few :random thoughts into some sort of column, of the surrounding communities. can be counted on to score a few .~ .. 91. · b t t 1 . 1 used in playing, ind the different , Th~ intramural xnce, a runaway last sem~ster with t~.e NROTC Students who are interested in points are Seledon Martinez, Red Navy Program Still • :Most of the times wure slightly less than good,~ U a em~ m 0 con~ methods which may be used in play.. spreadeagling the field~ is developing into quite ~ dogfight-thts semester, gaining greater proficiency in pub- Smith, LeOn Sever, and Bill Bren.. sidcration tbnt this is enrly in tho season and that the thmly cl~ds ing the 'game, with the K.A.'s on top by a hair. , lie speaking volunteer tlieir set•v- nen, University to Open for Training ~onors Assembly· Choosing of Mirage Heads won't tcnlly atart burning the clndera until that friendly old sun begms ThE: course is $8.00 a s~;Jmester. The Southern frat won the fir::;t two events, bowling __ nnd badminton, ices, the only requirl;ltllents being The team as released by George t b d th•y W"ren't: too A min1"mum of three games of nine b h · that each must be a cap;able speaker 0 (lam. own "' "' but are having more than their share of troubles in 'VO 11 ?Y a 11 1 a~mg White and Chief Specialist C. S. in Reserve Branches bnd. Wall, fourth; Hash, fifth. Distance holes must be played on the course loot three of their first five starts, The number two te_am m t. otat pom.ts who will not set his audience yawn- Webb is as follows: ·Sponsor Latin Will ~eoture UNM £ th t 19 .l!cet 10 inches d 'n the semester h ing and nodding and he must be IIigll point ronn OJ.' c tneo was ;. 1 • urt g • tht's semester, the Inde;pende, nts, also have been. havm. g t etr ears pm- d 100 }'ard dash-Red Smith, Leon Although enli~tments in the V-1 Deferred' Until Friday d t . h J Wh 1 r first• • th t adequately and accurately informe Lcsli<l Wheeler who gnrnere a o- H1g Ump- ee e , ' ned back more than occasionally, and the field 1s pullmg up on e wo !Server, Billy Hash. has bee11 stopped it js still possible 1 1 2 ., of ~ polnttt in six events. Tho Young, second; Mayne, Townsend, Alaskan'Un"lvers'lt"leS Are first teams. ,-, on his topic, b 220-S'mith, Bill Brennan American -Meet to join the Na~y. College Training Betty Ellen Hearn and Shirley Mount Are Appointed f I k d H t' d f th' d H · ht Usually stuclents choose a su ~ Topping Custom vet·sutile Nnvy PCl.' or.mor p c e and ouse, lC or tr . eJg The N• ROTC has a fine team and is sh.. owing up well. Apparently f '1' up thrcn first places in the L.ow 5 feet, 9 inches. · I th F lty f ject with which they are am1 1ar 440-Brennan, Bill Ripple · School. Cooperate Program. Any youth who has pass Associate Editors Beginning With The New Term !Iurdles, !Iigh !Iurdlos, and !Itgh Shot Put-Steve Johnson, first; Newest American SchOO S it will be between the Navy and the perennial top boys, e acu ' or through actual exyerience. Thus a Half~mile--.-Martinez, St~n Frog~ to ed J;Iis seventeenth, {'tid not his University Awards Will John Baisley, Engincct•ing ,aophomore, was elected editor of the Jum;p. McCarthy, secon d ; T a f oya, thlr · d ; SEATTLE,, Wash. (ACP)-You fi~st place. · French• girl has talkedN bn ther d sc11.0olt ge With Office of Inter· twentieth birthday· by July 1, and Outstunding nnd thS!: ntoat con- iB\lb Johnson, :fourth; ;Felecetti, won't find them .n any dl'rectory of ~s haS been indicated elsewhere on thiS llflge the num~er one atd- days m F1.•ance, a egro 8 u en ex- Mile-Ma1·tinez, Alias Valdez will be graduated :from high s-ehool Not Be Announced Until New Mexico Lobo for the coming three te1•ms nt n mc~ting of Publica~ 1 tiohs Dont·d yosterdny afternoon. Baisley has served ns copy and nasoM • t · th0 du hea was !ifth p· t 40 feet 2~ inches traction of the week~end Should be the track meet between the Lobos an plained what the Negro thinks, and au;ten scorct• m s 1 • IJI. ance ' ' educational institutions, but the a thumbnail sketch of 'Burma was Two mile-Valdez American Affairs by that time may take a screening ciate editors for the publication. Bi11 B.renllnn, freahmnn from St. Discus-Bub Johnson, first; College of the Aleutians and Ko- the Kirtland Field flyers. offered by the daughter of a mis- later In Term Ste~ High huxdles-Les'Wheeler, Paul A ~onference on ''Latin America test upon the results of which re· Othol' npplicnnts for the ;position Louis. Brennan placed third in the va Johnson, second; Tafoya, third; dial( university rank as the two According to the information that we have there will be no ad- sionary who had spent most of her House Ta.pping fo:r the sel'Vice honorar~ in the two-tweJtty, McCarthy, :fourth; Server, faith. newest American institutions of mission charge :for t1 meet , • , or at least activity ticltets will be good life thel·e, in Social and Economic Transition," eruits will be chosen as members of Ellen Hearn and Shil·- century, ~econd 1e Low hurdles~WheE-ler . the Naval Reserve Class V-12, They ies, Mortarboard, .Khatali, Spur and Red Cross Drive on ~;r':..r~~~?, an<l fat·st ill the qulnter, . Javelin-Tafoyn, th'st; Steve higher learning. (unless they pull another basketball tournament deal on Us), Should an organization llrefer a sponsored brthe Umverstty of New will receive much like that ., Shotput and discus-Steve and tr~ining Vigilante will highlight the annual '=xceecJ.s Burke Greeno was renamed busl- Below is a summa:ry of thb meet J(lhnson, second; Wheeler, third; They are possibly :far~1.·enching ln CFJ,Se there is a basketball team next year ~nd 1:1! the draft bo~rd lively debate on a controversial Mexico with the cooperation of the to be given NROTC students when .campus 2 1 Edwin Johnson, Alfred Tnfoya/Tim honors day assembly to be held C. ness mnnngel' of tllo pnpct•.' wl1ic1t wna scored on ~ l.i-4-~S- - Bub Johnson fourth; Smith, fifth. innovation in education of the men eithet• Qefers for scholastic xeasons or puts some of our outstandmg isSue of current interest, the l"e- McCarthy Office of Coordinl}tor of Inter-Am- they arc placed on· active duty the Tues(iay morning at 11:00 in Car r d Appointment of Mirage heads basis with five places bemg award- Pole fire.t; Darton, at the nation's military outposts.