School Name Activity Survey 2020: Spen Valley High School  Spen Valley High School Activity Survey 2020 Activity Survey 2019 Activity Survey 2018 Activity Survey 2017

Status Grouping Count % GT Status Grouping Count % GT Status Grouping Count % GT Status Grouping Count % GT

 Education 151 84.83%  Education 160 90.4%  Education 159 89.33%  Education 143 89.38% A Level 51 28.65% A Level 42 23.7% AS or A2 Level 42 23.60% AS or A2 Level 31 19.38% Entry Level 7 3.93% Entry Level 2 1.1% Higher Education 1 0.56% Entry Level 6 3.75% Level 1 19 10.67% Level 1 37 20.9% Level 1 45 25.28% Level 1 31 19.38% Level 2 35 19.66% Level 2 41 23.2% Level 2 46 25.84% Level 2 32 20.00% Level 3 38 21.35% Level 3 38 21.5% Level 3 25 14.04% Level 3 43 26.88% Other Qualification 1 0.56%  Employment and Training 15 8.5%  Employment and Training 12 6.74%  Employment and Training 11 6.88%  Employment and Training 23 12.92% Apprenticeship 11 6.2% Apprenticeship 9 5.06% Apprenticeship 10 6.25% Apprenticeship 17 9.55% Employment without training 3 1.7% Employment without training 2 1.12% Re-Engagement Provision 1 0.63% Employment + non accredited training 2 1.12% Re-Engagement Provision 1 0.6% Part Time Employment 1 0.56%  NEET Group 5 3.13% Employment without training 2 1.12%  NEET Group 2 1.1%  NEET Group 5 2.81% NEET - Seeking EET 3 1.88% Part Time Employment 1 0.56% NEET - Seeking EET 2 1.1% NEET - Seeking EET 4 2.25% NEET Not available to labour 1 0.63% Re-Engagement Provision 1 0.56% Total 177 100.0% NEET Not available to labour 1 0.56% market/learning - pregnancy  NEET Group 4 2.25% market/learning - illness NEET Start date agreed (other) 1 0.63% NEET - Seeking EET 3 1.69%  Unknown 2 1.12%  Unknown 1 0.63% NEET Not available to labour 1 0.56% Current situation not known 2 1.12% Current situation not known 1 0.63% market/learning - parent Total 178 100.00% Total 160 100.00% Total 178 100.00%

Activity Survey Destination Measure Count % GT Activity Survey Destination Measure Count % GT Activity Survey Destination Measure Count % GT Activity Survey Destination Measure Count % GT

Meeting the Duty 168 94.38% Meeting the Duty 171 96.6% Meeting the Duty 168 94.38% Meeting the Duty 153 95.63% Not Meeting the Duty 8 4.49% Not Meeting the Duty 5 2.8% Not Meeting the Duty 9 5.06% Not Meeting the Duty 5 3.13% Temporary Break 1 0.56% Working Towards 1 0.6% Temporary Break 1 0.56% Temporary Break 1 0.63% Working Towards 1 0.56% Total 177 100.0% Total 178 100.00% Working Towards 1 0.63% Total 178 100.00% Total 160 100.00% School Name 2020 Pupil Premium Destinations: Spen Valley High School  Spen Valley High School

2020 Pupil Premium Destinations 2020 Pupil Premium Destinations

Pupil Premium No Yes Total Pupil Premium No Yes Destination Count % Count % Coun % 30% t A Level 36 28.13% 15 30.00% 51 28.65% Apprenticeship 15 11.72% 2 4.00% 17 9.55% Employment + non accredited training 2 1.56% 2 1.12% Employment without training 1 0.78% 1 2.00% 2 1.12% 25% 8.43% Entry Level 2 1.56% 5 10.00% 7 3.93% Level 1 12 9.38% 7 14.00% 19 10.67% Level 2 26 20.31% 9 18.00% 35 19.66% Level 3 33 25.78% 5 10.00% 38 21.35% 20% 2.81% NEET - Seeking EET 1 0.78% 2 4.00% 3 1.69% NEET Not available to labour market/learning - parent 1 2.00% 1 0.56% 5.06% Other Qualification 1 2.00% 1 0.56% Part Time Employment 1 2.00% 1 0.56% 15% Re-Engagement Provision 1 2.00% 1 0.56% Total 128 100.00% 50 100.00% 178 100.00%

10% 3.93% 1.12%

5% 8.43% 6.74% Participation 2.81% 1.12% 1.12% 1.12% Pupil Premium No Yes Total 0% el 3 2 1 p el T g g … t Activity Survey Destination Measure Count % Count % Coun % v l l l hi v EE in in p ion en ion Le ve ve ve s Le in in - at is e e e ce y ng a a g ic m A L L L ti tr ki tr tr in lif loy rov t en n e d t n a p P Meeting the Duty 124 96.88% 44 88.00% 168 94.38% r E Se te ou ar u m nt pp - di h le Q E e A e it t/ er e m ET cr w e h im e Not Meeting the Duty 4 3.13% 4 8.00% 8 4.49% E c nt rk t T ag N a e a O rt g on m m a n Temporary Break 1 2.00% 1 0.56% n r P -E + loy ou Re t p ab en Em l Working Towards 1 2.00% 1 0.56% to m e loy bl Total 128 100.00% 50 100.00% 178 100.00% p ila Em va a ot N T EE N School Name 2020 SEN Destinations: Spen Valley High School  Spen Valley High School

2020 SEN Destinations 2020 SEN Destinations

SEND Grouping Education, Health No SEND SEN Support Total SEND Grouping Education, Health & Care Plan No SEND SEN Support (Internal to School) & Care Plan (Internal to School) Destination Count % Count % Count % Coun %

t A Level 48 29.63% 3 25.00% 51 28.65% A Level 26.97% Apprenticeship 15 9.26% 2 16.67% 17 9.55% Level 3 20.79% Employment + non 1 25.00% 1 0.62% 2 1.12% accredited training Employment without training 2 1.23% 2 1.12% Level 2 17.42% Entry Level 6 3.70% 1 8.33% 7 3.93% Level 1 8.99% Level 1 1 25.00% 16 9.88% 2 16.67% 19 10.67% Level 2 1 25.00% 31 19.14% 3 25.00% 35 19.66% Apprenticeship 8.43% Level 3 37 22.84% 1 8.33% 38 21.35% NEET - Seeking EET 3 1.85% 3 1.69% Entry Level 3.37% NEET Not available to labour 1 0.62% 1 0.56% market/learning - parent NEET - Seeking EET Other Qualification 1 25.00% 1 0.56% Part Time Employment 1 0.62% 1 0.56% Employment + non a… Re-Engagement Provision 1 0.62% 1 0.56% Total 4 100.00% 162 100.00% 12 100.00% 178 100.00% Employment without …

NEET Not available to…

Other Qualification

Part Time Employment

Re-Engagement Provi…

0% 10% 20% 30% School Name 2020 Gender by Destination: Spen Valley High School  Spen Valley High School

2020 Gender by Destination 2020 Gender by Destination Gender Female Male Total Destination Count % Count % Coun % Gender Female Male

t A Level 28 36.84% 23 22.55% 51 28.65% A Level 15.73% 12.92% Apprenticeship 2 2.63% 15 14.71% 17 9.55% Employment + non accredited training 2 1.96% 2 1.12% Level 3 12.36% 8.99% Employment without training 2 1.96% 2 1.12% Level 2 7.87% 11.80% Entry Level 7 6.86% 7 3.93% 3.37% 7.30% Level 1 6 7.89% 13 12.75% 19 10.67% Level 1 Level 2 14 18.42% 21 20.59% 35 19.66% Apprenticeship 8.43% Level 3 22 28.95% 16 15.69% 38 21.35% Entry Level 3.93% NEET - Seeking EET 3 3.95% 3 1.69% NEET Not available to labour market/learning - parent 1 1.32% 1 0.56% NEET - Seeking EET Other Qualification 1 0.98% 1 0.56% Employment + non accredited … Part Time Employment 1 0.98% 1 0.56% Employment without training Re-Engagement Provision 1 0.98% 1 0.56% Total 76 100.00% 102 100.00% 178 100.00% NEET Not available to labour m…

0% 10% 20% 30% School Name 2020 Ethnicity by Destination: Spen Valley High School  Spen Valley High School 2020 Ethnicity by Destination

Ethnicity Any Other Asian Any Other Any Other White Pakistani White & Asian White & Black White British Total Background Mixed/Multiple Background Caribbean Ethnic Background Destination Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Coun %

t A Level 1 50.00% 1 100.00% 8 38.10% 3 60.00% 38 26.21% 51 28.65% Apprenticeship 1 33.33% 16 11.03% 17 9.55% Employment + 2 1.38% 2 1.12% non accredited training Employment 2 1.38% 2 1.12% without training Entry Level 1 20.00% 6 4.14% 7 3.93% Level 1 6 28.57% 13 8.97% 19 10.67% Level 2 6 28.57% 1 20.00% 28 19.31% 35 19.66% Level 3 1 100.00% 1 50.00% 1 4.76% 1 33.33% 34 23.45% 38 21.35% NEET - Seeking 3 2.07% 3 1.69% EET NEET Not available 1 33.33% 1 0.56% to labour market/learning - parent Other Qualification 1 0.69% 1 0.56% Part Time 1 0.69% 1 0.56% Employment Re-Engagement 1 0.69% 1 0.56% Provision Total 1 100.00% 2 100.00% 1 100.00% 21 100.00% 5 100.00% 3 100.00% 145 100.00% 178 100.00% School Name 2020 Ethnicity by Destination: Spen Valley High School  Spen Valley High School

2020 Ethnicity by Destination

Destination A Level Apprentice… Employme… Employme… Entry Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 NEET - See… NEET Not … Other Qualifi… Part Time … Ethnicity Count % GT

Any Other Asian Background 1 0.56% Any Other Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Background 2 1.12% White British 26.21% 11.03% 8.97% 19.31% 23.45% Any Other White Background 1 0.56% Pakistani 21 11.80% Pakistani 38.10% 28.57% 28.57% White & Asian 5 2.81% White & Black Caribbean 3 1.69% White British 145 81.46% White & Asian 60.00% 20.00% 20.00% Total 178 100.00%

White & Black Caribbean 33.33% 33.33% 33.33%

Any Other Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Background 50.00% 50.00%

Any Other Asian Background 100.00%

Any Other White Background 100.00%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% School Name 2020 Support Level Destinations: Spen Valley High School  Spen Valley High School

2020 Support Level Destinations

If a client is in the Vulnerable group they have one of the following characteristics: Child in Need / Child Protection, Looked After, Young Offender, Pregnant, Parent, Statement / EHCP, Stronger Families, Young Carer, Attendance issues, Alternative Provision, Expecting to achieve below L1, My Support Plan. If a client is in the Targeted group they have been identified by the school and/or Careers Adviser as needing more support but don’t have any of the previous individual characteristics.

Support Level LA Funded Targeted Universal Total Support Level LA Funded Targeted Universal Destination Count % Count % Count % Coun %

t A Level 6 16.67% 4 20.00% 41 33.61% 51 28.65 A Level 3.37% 2.25% 23.03% Apprenticeship 1 2.78% 3 15.00% 13 10.66% 17 9.55 Level 3 2.25% 18.54% Employment + non accredited training 2 5.56% 2 1.12 Employment without training 1 2.78% 1 0.82% 2 1.12 Level 2 4.49% 2.81% 12.36% Entry Level 3 8.33% 2 10.00% 2 1.64% 7 3.93 Level 1 3.37% 5.62% Level 1 6 16.67% 3 15.00% 10 8.20% 19 10.67 Level 2 8 22.22% 5 25.00% 22 18.03% 35 19.66 Apprenticeship 7.30% Level 3 4 11.11% 1 5.00% 33 27.05% 38 21.35 Entry Level NEET - Seeking EET 2 5.56% 1 5.00% 3 1.69 NEET Not available to labour market/learning - parent 1 2.78% 1 0.56 NEET - Seeking EET Other Qualification 1 2.78% 1 0.56 Employment + non accredite… Part Time Employment 1 5.00% 1 0.56 Employment without training Re-Engagement Provision 1 2.78% 1 0.56 Total 36 100.00% 20 100.00% 122 100.00% 178 100.00 NEET Not available to labour …

Other Qualification

Part Time Employment

Re-Engagement Provision

0% 10% 20% 30% School Name 2020 Education Destinations: Spen Valley High School  Spen Valley High School

2020 Education Destinations 2020 Education Destinations

Destination A Level Entry Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Other Destination A Level Entry Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Other Qualification Qualification Activity Survey Organisation Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Count %

Huddersfield New Co… 15.89% 9.93% Bradford College 3 15.79% CAPA College 3 8.57% Hud… 7.95% 11.92% 4.64% Education outside England 1 2.63% Kirklees College Dew… 3.31% 3.31% Elliott Hudson College 1 1.96% 2 3.92% Heckmondwike Gram… 6.62% Heckmondwike Grammar School 10 19.61% The Mirfield Free Gra… 5.96% Huddersfield Giants 1 2.63% 24 47.06% 2 5.71% 15 39.47% Wakefield College Kirklees College Dewsbury Centre 4 57.14% 3 15.79% 5 14.29% 5 13.16% Leeds City College Kirklees College Engineering Centre 1 2.86% Kirklees College Huddersfield Centre 3 42.86% 12 63.16% 18 51.43% 7 18.42% Bradford College Leeds Arts University 1 2.63% CAPA College Leeds City College 1 1.96% 3 7.89% Leeds College Of Building 1 5.26% 1 2.86% 1 2.63% Leeds College Of Buil… Myerscough College 1 2.86% 1 100.00% Greenhead College NISAI Learning 1 2.86% St John Fisher Catholic Voluntary Academy 1 1.96% Myerscough College The Crossley Heath School 1 1.96% Education outside En… The Mirfield Free Grammar & Sixth Form 9 17.65% Wakefield College 2 3.92% 3 8.57% 4 10.53% Elliott Hudson College Total 51 100.00% 7 100.00% 19 100.00% 35 100.00% 38 100.00% 1 100.00% Huddersfield Giants

Kirklees College Engi…

Leeds Arts University

NISAI Learning

St John Fisher Catholi…

The Crossley Heath S…

0% 10% 20% 30% School Name 2020 Participation: Spen Valley High School  Kirklees

Activity Survey Destination Measure Count %

Meeting the Duty 4898 97.05% Not Meeting the Duty 127 2.52% Temporary Break 8 0.16% Meeting the Duty 97.05% Working Towards 14 0.28% Total 5047 100.00%

Not Meeting the Duty 2.52%

Working Towards 0.28%

Temporary Break 0.16% School Name 2020 Activity Survey: Spen Valley High School  Kirklees LA Table School Table

Status Grouping Count % GT Status Grouping Count % GT

Education 4689 92.91%  Education 151 84.83% A Level 2418 47.91% A Level 51 28.65% Entry Level 140 2.77% Entry Level 7 3.93% GCSE 12 0.24% Level 1 19 10.67% Level 1 381 7.55% Level 2 35 19.66% Level 2 743 14.72% Level 3 38 21.35% Level 3 957 18.96% Other Qualification 1 0.56% Other Qualification 37 0.73%  Employment and Training 23 12.92% Part Time Education 1 0.02% Apprenticeship 17 9.55% Employment and Training 271 5.37% Employment + non accredited training 2 1.12% Apprenticeship 190 3.76% Employment without training 2 1.12% Employment + non accredited training 22 0.44% Part Time Employment 1 0.56% Employment +accredited training/pt study 4 0.08% Re-Engagement Provision 1 0.56% Employment without training 18 0.36%  NEET Group 4 2.25% Other Training eg. private training organisation 1 0.02% NEET - Seeking EET 3 1.69% Part Time Employment 7 0.14% NEET Not available to labour 1 0.56% Re-Engagement Provision 12 0.24% market/learning - parent Temporary Employment 2 0.04% Total 178 100.00% Traineeship 14 0.28% Working not for reward with pt study 1 0.02% NEET Group 49 0.97% NEET - not yet ready for work / learning 13 0.26% NEET - Seeking EET 23 0.46% NEET Not available to labour market/learning - illness 4 0.08% NEET Not available to labour market/learning - other reason 1 0.02% NEET Not available to labour market/learning - parent 3 0.06% NEET Not available to labour market/learning - pregnancy 1 0.02% NEET Not available to labour market/learning - young carer 1 0.02% NEET Start date agreed (RPA compliant) 2 0.04% Working not for reward 1 0.02% Unknown 38 0.75% Cannot be contacted - no current address 1 0.02% Current situation not known 37 0.73% Total 5047 100.00%