By BILLY ST. JOHN © Copyright 1999, by Pioneer Drama Service, Inc
By BILLY ST. JOHN © Copyright 1999, by Pioneer Drama Service, Inc. PERFORMANCE LICENSE The amateur acting rights to this play are controlled exclusively by PIONEER DRAMA SERVICE, INC., P.O. Box 4267, Englewood, Colorado 80155, without whose permission no performance, reading or presentation of any kind may be given. On all programs and advertising this notice must appear: “Produced by special arrangement with PIONEER DRAMA SERVICE, INC., Englewood, Colorado.” COPYING OR REPRODUCING ALL OR ANY PART OF THIS BOOK IN ANY MANNER IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN BY LAW. All other rights in this play, including those of professional production, radio broadcasting and motion picture rights, are controlled by PIONEER DRAMA SERVICE, INC., to whom all inquiries should be addressed. SOMEONE SAVE MY BABY, RUTH! Or... Foil That Villain! A Sweet Melodrama by BILLY ST. JOHN CAST OF CHARACTERS TAFFY .......................................a sales clerk at The Sweet Shoppe TOFFEE .....................................another sales clerk HUBERT....................................a customer TOM .........................................another customer MRS. MURPHY ..........................yet another customer MINNIE .....................................her child PRALINE CANDY ........................owner of The Sweet Shoppe SIDNEY SWINDLE ......................a villain FARRON HEIT ............................a candy cook CINDY GRADE ...........................another candy cook PENNY CANDY ..........................a sweet young widow and our heroine. She carries around her infant, Baby Ruth, a real doll (and played by one!) ADA SOURBALL .........................a villainess ERNEST NOBLE .........................a policeman, our hero EXTRAS ....................................if desired SYNOPSIS OF SCENES TIME: The late 1800s. PLACE: A Boston candy store called The Sweet Shoppe and a park nearby. Scene One: The Sweet Shoppe. A summer afternoon. Scene Two: The park. About sunset. Scene Three: The Sweet Shoppe. The following morning.
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