1. Insert a table with five columns and four rows in a new Microsoft Word document.

2. Label each column heading in row one: Name, Serving Size, Calories, Total Fat, Protein Name Serving Size Calories Total Fat Protein

3. Go to our class web site and click on Keyboarding Links. Open the Nutrition Information link.

4. Search for three of your favorite candy bars and fill in the remaining rows of your table with correct information.

5. Select the fifth column in your table.  You no longer need to include protein information about the candy bars! So go ahead and delete this column.

6. Select the first row in your table and apply consistent (or the same) formatting to all of the cells in this row – make these column labels stand out from the rest of the table!

7. Insert a new row above the first row.  Merge all the cells together in this row.  Type the title ‘Candy Bar Nutrition Information’ in this row.  Align center the title and format it so it stands out from the rest of the table.

8. Insert two additional rows at the bottom of your table and add information for two more candy bars.

9. Select rows three through seven and apply consistent (or the same) formatting to all of the cells in these rows – the cells should look alike so the information is easier to read!

10. Apply any additional types of formatting you wish to enhance your table’s visual appearance, such as a different border style – but do not apply a table style!



C a n d y B a r Nutrition Information

Name Serving Size Calories Total Fat

Butterfinger 45 grams 216 8.5 grams

Milky Way 54 grams 228.5 8.5 grams

Snickers 57 grams 273 14 grams

Skittles 57 grams 231 2.5 grams

Twix 57 grams 284.5 14 grams

------MAKE SURE YOUR TABLE LOOKS SIMILAR TO THE ABOVE TABLE. THEN RAISE YOUR HAND TO HAVE YOUR WORK CHECKED! ------After earning your formative grade (2 or 3), upload your completed table into the Google Classroom to conclude the activity. ------DID YOU KNOW???

 The candy bar was named after a family horse. When it was first introduced in 1929, a Snickers bar sold for only a nickel.  During World War II, Heath bars were chosen as part of U.S. soldiers' food because of their long shelf life. M&M's were often included, too, because of their resistance to melting.  Although the Curtiss Candy Company insisted that the Baby Ruth bar was named in honor of President Cleveland's daughter Ruth; skeptics, however, believe it was more likely an attempt to cash in on the popularity of baseball player without paying royalties.  The town of Derry Church, Pennsylvania was renamed Hershey, Pennsylvania in 1906 in honor of Milton Hershey, inventor of the Hershey candy bar.  The may have gotten its name because in the summer people would drop them due to the melted . The term ‘butterfinger’ originally meant ‘clumsy person.’