

Does not contain palm oil – Treat Stations are strongly encouraged to buy!

Candy Name Company 100 Grand Nestles Airheads Extreme Sour Bursts Perfetti Van Mili Airheads Perfetti Van Mili Annabelle’s Big Hunk (similar to ) Annabelle Candy Co. Baby Bottle Pops Carmello Cadbury Schweppes Chewy Sweetarts Wonka Rollups Fruit Kellogs Gobstoppers Wonka Gummy Bears Brachs Hershey Nuggets – special dark Hersheys Hershey Nuggets – xtra creamy w/ Hersheys Hershey Nuggets w/ Hersheys Hersheys – creamy milk w/ Hersheys Hershey’s Bars Hersheys Hersheys Special Hersheys Hershey’s w/Almonds Hersheys Hersheys Xtra Dark Assorted Squares Hersheys Hot Tamales Just Born Quality Confections Jelly Beans Members Maker M&Ms – Chocolate /Masterfoods M&Ms – w/ Mars/Masterfoods M&Ms – Raspberry Mars/Masterfoods Mini M&Ms Mars/Masterfoods Mike & Ikes Just Born Quality Confections Patties Pearsons Mars Rope Wonka Nestle Nestles Raisinettes Nestles Red Vines Licorice Red Vines Reeses BIG cups Hersheys Reeses Peanutbutter Cups Hersheys Wonka Salted Nutroll Pearsons Skors Hersheys Sour Punch Straws Too Tarts UTZ UTZ Zoo Animal Fruit Members Maker

Contains sustainable yield palm oil – Ok to purchase Candy Name Company Hersheys *Nestle Butterfinger Crisps *Nestle Crispy Hersheys Ferrero Rocher Ferrero Hersheys n Crème Hersheys Hersheys Hersheys Kit Kat Hersheys Nestle Crunch *Nestle Mr. Goodbar Hersheys PayDay Hersheys Rainbow Twist Twizzler – Snacks Hersheys Reeses Crispy Crunch Hersheys Reeses Pieces Hersheys Reeses Whips Hersheys Turtles *Nestle Hersheys Twizzler Hersheys Watchamacallit Hersheys Hersheys Yogo Rollers Kellogs

• - Nestle is a founding member of SAI (Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform) and has been involved RSPO (Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil) but were unable to find current documentation on their membership.

Contains nonsustainable palm oil –– PLEASE AVOID PURCHASING Candy Name Company 3 Muskateers Mars Mars Bungee Fruit General Mills Laffy Wonka Milky Way Mars Peanutbutter M&Ms Mars/Masterfoods Peanutbutter Mars Mars Snickers Mars Mars Sweet Tart Rope Wonka Twix Mars

Prohibited Candy –– the candy below is strictly prohibited for a variety or reason including guest complaints and animal health. Your station will receive a strike card if you purchase any of the candy below. Dum Dums//Suckers of any Tootsie Rolls/Tootsie Fruit Hershey Kisses Individual Gum