HANGKLIP-KLEINMOND TOURISM BUREAU!!! the Blessings of Peace the Beauty of Hope the Spirit of Love the Comfort of Faith May These Be Your Gifts This Christmas Season
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Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism News No.8 DECEMBER 2013 FROM THE HANGKLIP-KLEINMOND TOURISM BUREAU!!! The Blessings of Peace The Beauty of Hope The Spirit of Love The Comfort of Faith May these be your gifts this Christmas Season. Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism News No.8 DECEMBER 2013 CAPE WHALE COAST SUMMER WELCOME ACTIVATION The Cape Whale Coast Tourism Bureaus will be having annual Summer Welcome Activations. The aim of this initiative is to welcome holidaymakers into the Overstrand upon entrance. The Welcome Activations will take place in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus and Hangklip/Kleinmond on Friday, 13 December 2013, and goodie bags will be handed over to motorists at various vehicle stop points (in conjunction with Overstrand Municipality’s Traffic Department) in each of the towns. Some of the items that will be handed out to visitors include: branded Cape Whale Coast frisbees, mineral water, information brochures and many more. Friendly tourism staff will be welcoming visitors’ at the following vehicle stop points: 12h00 – 14h00 Hermanus Tourism: Opposite EAT restaurant, before the Sandbaai intersection. 13h00-14h30 Stanford Tourism: R43 approximately 600m after the bridge before the R326/Stanford turnoff 15h00-17h00 Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism: On the R44 the east side of town on the way to Arabella 15h00-17h00 Gansbaai Tourism: De Kelders entrance on the R43 between 2 Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism News No.8 DECEMBER 2013 3 Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism News No.8 DECEMBER 2013 KLEINMOND NATURE CONSERVATION SOCIETY REG NO / NR 005-622 NPO Kom stap saam op Kleinmond se wandelpaaie en geniet die natuurskoon van ons pragtige omgewing. Daar is soveel om van te kies: die see, die berge, die riviere en die pragtige fynbos. Wanneer 'n mens stap, gaan 'n hele nuwe wonderwêreld vir jou oop. Dit laat jou laat besef hoe onbeskryflik groot die Skepper van alles is. Gaan stap sommer net strandlangs in die rigting van Fisher Haven. Trek jou skoene uit en laat die wind deur jou hare waai. Haal diep asem en voel hoe 'n groot vrede oor jou spoel wat jou hart met dankbaarheid en vreugde vul. Voel die ritme van die see en geniet die dreuning van die branders en die nat sand onder jou voete. As jy gelukkig is, sal jy die Swart Tobies sien en miskien die wilde perde, agter die duine by Rooisand. Begin by die bo-punt van Vierdestraat en stap na Hanneshoek, Jeans Hill, of volg die Kontoerpad. Of stap met die kuspaadjie na Palmiet, verby die Gustaf Adolf monument tot by die mond van die Palmietrivier. Daar is ook die Wesoewer-roete langs die Palmietrivier tot by Fairy Glen. Van daar kan ’n mens opstap na Kasteelkopnek en dan oor die Plato en af met Klipspringer, deur Feetjiesbos, terug na Fairy Glen. Vir die stappers wat daarvoor kans sien, kan daar ook van die Plato met Dot's Dash na Spooknek gestap word en daarvandaan op na Perdeberg. Om Drie Susters se piek te bereik kan die paadjie gevolg word vanaf Jeans Hill. Vanaf Perdeberg en Drie Susters is die uitsig pragtig oor die hele omgewing. 'n Wonderlike plek om te vertoef en sommer net stil te wees Elke seisoen bied 'n groot verskeidenheid van blomme. Hierdie tyd van die jaar blom die Protea compacta, Mimetes cucullatus, Leucospermum oleifolium en Berzelia lanuginosa oorvloedig. Die Retzia capensis blom veral in die omgewing van Perdeberg. Die Sewejaartjies is vol in blom en die Aristea capitata met sy kenmerkende blou blomme is pragtig. Adenandra, Gnidia en Roella blom ook nou. Veral waar dit baie nat is staan die Wachendorfia thyrsiflora op lang stele, geel in die blom. 'n Groot verskeidenheid Ericas blom tans en is 'n fees vir die oog. Die klein blommetjies het wakker geword na die winter en verras oral langs die paadjies. Crassula capensis, Drosera en 'n verskeidenheid van Oxalis wedywer om die oog te vang. Kyk ook mooi vir die kleiner Disas. Wanneer die Lanaria lanata blom en die berghange met hulle wit blomhoofde versier, is Kersfees naby. 4 Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism News No.8 DECEMBER 2013 Santa’s Helpers Shoebox Project initiated and carried out by Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism, provided a way for our community to reach out and tell a child that, “You are worthy and you are loved . and I am giving you this small present just so that you know you are not forgotten.” It is a simple gesture that meant more to these children than you can possibly imagine. On Monday 2 December Father Christmas paid a visit to the children where they were having lunch at Le Reve Restaurant in Harbour Road. Spirits were high and the children could hardly contain their excitement as Father Christmas handed each child their presents. Thanks to the donations from members of the community we were able to give every child THREE presents instead of only one that they were expecting! We would like to thank John and Andre from Cup a Café in Harbour Road for the lavish food and snack boxes which they made up with love for the children to enjoy at the Centre on Monday evening. Thank you to Ingrid, Shaun and the team from Le Reve for the great lunch and service they provided on Monday afternoon. The children had a blast! A special thank you to each and every one who contributed to this project and made a beautiful early Christmas possible for the children. An exceptional thank you to Carol Leslie from Pay-It-Forward for all your hard work, organizing and assistance with this project. Your hard work and determination has been invaluable! 5 Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism News No.8 DECEMBER 2013 LETTER FROM BOB SKINSTAD Dear Overstrand Members A great meeting at the Windsor, thanks very much to Suné Greeff, Mike Joubert and Blake and his team at the hotel and perfect opportunity to interface with many of you and get to know you and your establishments a little better! A lot was discussed in terms of the “power of collaboration” and working together as a group to become a united force…it really does work! The more we promote ourselves as a group, the stronger the collective offering! For research purposes – use these facts as a guideline of your own search for ‘your way’. - 80/20 Principle or Pareto’s Law – also known as the Law of the Few (Richard Koch is the most well known modern writer that uses it a lot) - UPOD – under promise over deliver – Tom Peters, who wrote ‘In Search of Excellence’, can be found all over the web – search for those as you find your opportunity to UPOD! We mentioned various social media platforms that include, but are not limited to: Www.linkedin.com www.twitter.com www.facebook.com www.instagram.com www.pinterest.com www.wechat.com Blogs (platforms like wordpress, ghost, drupal etc) Content management systems www.sproutsocial.com - a management tool, not the only one out there. www.cerebra.com - manages and makes some of the management software 6 Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism News No.8 DECEMBER 2013 Some more “social media” thinking… 1. Think drip campaigns. Just as you would for an email campaign, consider using a theme that allows you to create a series of messages to your guests and clients. 2. Incorporate numbered lists. Find a way to express some data or suggestions that your business has for its market. People love “Top # Lists”. List your top 5 favourites of your offering! 3. Share value-add information from others. Consider pointing out other valuable data sources. This gives the company “social media street cred” around pointing out other industry data sources. It shares some link love with existing and potential partners and influencers. 4. Use controversial statements. Most companies are skittish about controversial statements especially when they are number one in their market. However, controversial statements get attention and show that you have a strong view on an issue that resonates in the market. 5. Re-use messages. Far too many people think that when a message is shared once, it can’t be used again. Quite the contrary, consider variations of the same message and stagger over time! Lot’s to take in but don’t let it overwhelm you. Experiment with these social media platforms and have fun…”talk” to your guests/clients…they will love this and respond! Build up your confidence, small steps at a time! Chat soon! Best Bob 7 Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism News No.8 DECEMBER 2013 For the Man Who Hated Christmas by Nancy W. Gavin A TRUE CHRISTMAS STORY It's just a small, white envelope stuck among the branches of our Christmas tree. No name, no identification, no inscription. It has peeked through the branches of our tree for the past ten years. It all began because my husband Mike hated Christmas. Oh, not the true meaning of Christmas, but the commercial aspects of it – overspending and the frantic running around at the last minute to get a tie for Uncle Harry and the dusting powder for Grandma – the gifts given in desperation because you couldn't think of anything else. Knowing he felt this way, I decided one year to bypass the usual shirts, sweaters, ties and so forth. I reached for something special just for Mike. The inspiration came in an unusual way. Our son Kevin, who was 12 that year, was on the wrestling team at the school he attended. Shortly before Christmas, there was a non-league match against a team sponsored by an inner-city church. These youngsters, dressed in sneakers so ragged that shoestrings seemed to be the only thing holding them together, presented a sharp contrast to our boys in their spiffy blue and gold uniforms and sparkling new wrestling shoes.