Kogelberg Integrated Coastal Management Plan

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Kogelberg Integrated Coastal Management Plan KOGELBERG INTEGRATED COASTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN REPORT OF THE 1ST KEY STAKEHOLDER MEETING 16 September 2009, Town Hall, Kleinmond Introduction Anchor Environmental Consultants were appointed to develop an Integrated Coastal Management Plan (CMP) for the Kogelberg Coast in line with the requirements of the new Integrated Coastal Management Act (Act 24 of2008). The CMP is being developed as part of the Cape Action for People and the Environment (C.A.P.E.) – WWF Marine Programme, which is an initiative being implemented key government agencies in the Cape Floristic Region (Department of Environmental Affairs, Marine & Coastal Management, CapeNature, SANParks, coastal municipalities, WWF and other NGOs) . The C.A.P.E.Marine Programme is aimed at strengthening conservation and ensuring sustainable use of marine biodiversity and resources by providing sustainable socio‐economic benefits to coastal communities in the CFR. The programme is working to support the effective management of the coast in two focal areas ‐ the Garden Route and Kogelberg (from the Steenbras to Bot estuary)‐ each of which have high value biodiversity underpinning thriving tourism industries. This document reports on the outcomes of the first stakeholder meeting held in Kleinmond on 16 September 2009. It provides a record of the proceedings of the meeting, of issues raised at the meeting and outcomes. This document should be read in conjunction with the Ecology, Value and Management of the Kogelberg Coast, available for download at www.anchorenvironmetal.co.za or on CD or hardcopy from the local libraries (Betty’s Bay and Kelinmond). A full list of stakeholders present at the meeting is provided in Appendix 1 of this document. The slide presentation that was given will be posted on our website as Appendix 2 of this report, it is omitted here due to size I will let you know as soon as it is available. Agenda 14h00 Registration and tea/coffee All 14h30 Welcome and Introduction ‐ Anchor Environmental Kogelberg Coast Management Plan 14h45 Overview of the Situation Assessment Report Anchor Environmental prepared by AEC 15h00 Key issues, management objectives and a vision Discussion led by for the Kogelberg Coast Anchor Environmental 16h00 Development Zonation Plan for the Kogelberg Discussion led by Coast Anchor Environmental 16h45 Way forward Anchor Environmental 17h00 Closure Anchor Environmental Proceedings of the Meeting Dr Clark of Anchor Environmental started the meeting by welcoming the participants and introducing the team from Anchor Environmental. He then briefly explained the approach that would be taken in developing the Integrated Coastal Management Plan for the Kogelberg coast, particularly in respect of how the stakeholders involvement in the programme would be facilitated. He explained that the main purpose of this meeting was to present some of the key findings from the Situation Assessment Report that had been prepared for the area and for the consultants (AEC) to familiarize themselves with the main issues affecting the region as seen by the stakeholders. He asked that everyone please fill in the registration forms to allow communication and feedback to the stakeholders. He then presented a slideshow He then presented a slideshow introducing the C.A.P.E. and WWF‐SA Marine Programme and briefly explained the approach that would be taken in developing the Integrated Coastal Management Plan for the Kogelberg coast, particularly in respect of how the stakeholders involvement in the programme would be facilitated. Dr Barry then introduced Dr Ken Hutchings who presented a slideshow the situation assessment report for the Kogelberg coast “Ecology, Value and Management of the Kogelberg Coast”. A copy of the presentations delivered by Dr Clark and Dr Hutchings are included in Appendix 1 of the document. Dr Clark (BC) and Dr Hutchings (KH) both fielded a number of questions posed by stakeholders as transcribed below. Q1. In the survey questionnaire what type of crime is the respondent asked about? KH – the question refers to “all crime” and how the perceived value of the coast, for the respondent, would be affected if all crime in the areas was eliminated. Q2. What was the sample size of respondents to the survey? KH – a little over 700 people were surveyed. The information relating directly to this research can be found in the “Recreational use and value of the Kogelberg coast” which can be downloaded from AEC website. Q3. Has there been any research on spawning in the area? KH – Yes – a number of researchershaves collected specimens from this area as part of a series of larger studies on biology and life history of key fish and invertebrate species. Q4. Why are you (AEC) including the Steenbras area in the plan and not the whole of False Bay? KH The area under consideration corresponds to the coastline of the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve which extends from the Steenbras to the Bot River. Q 5. Water temp has dropped and therefore fish don’t bite and it is that which has influenced the CPUE and not a lack of fish in the area. Kelp now grows off Rooiels where it never used to any reason for this? KH‐ Kelp could be growing there because of increased nutrients in the water due to anthropogenic causes. Another reason could be the absence of abalone in the area that used to graze the kelp. Comment 1. Sand conservation, specifically dune conservation is invading the rocky shores – we should not conserve the dunes but let nature take its course. Q6. Who does Anchor gets its mandate from and how will the forum be able to enforce the issues or is this just going to be another group created? BC – AEC gets its mandate from the C.A.P.E. and institutional partners (Department of Environmental Affairs, Marine & Coastal Management, CapeNature, SANParks, coastal municipalities, WWF and other NGOs ). It is up to the discretion of the Overstrand Municipality though as to whether they wish to adopt the management plan prepared through this process as part of the management plan that they will in future be required to prepare for the areas of coast under their jurisdiction in terms of the Integrated Coastal Management Act (2008). Anchor staff are currently discussing this with the Overstrand Municipality. Q7. Estuary forums have already been created how will these fit in with this new proposed forum? BC – By law all coastal municipalities are required to establish a coastal management forum to oversee their coastal management plan. The Kleinmond and Bot Estuary forums should probably integrate with this forum. Q8. Where is the funding for the current plan coming from and where will funding come from in the future? BC – The current initiative is funded jointly by the Global Environmental Fund (GEF) and National, Provincial and Local government agencies. Future funding to enforce the plan will come from the government agencies under the Integrated Costal Management Act. Comment 2. The fishers need to be empowered and capacitated further before they are able to serve and engage in a committee. We need more time to prepare. BC – the coast is being degraded as we speak and we need to do something now. This does not mean though that anyone will be excluded in any way as this is an ongoing process with feedback and adaptive management strategies in place. Anyone can join the process at any stage and have their issues heard and addressed. Comment 3. It seems you (AEC) have already started implementing the plan. We (the fishers) feelthat we we cannot engage at this stage as there is too much technical information. We don’t understand and need more time. BC‐ Not a word has been written yet with respect to the management plan. The purpose of this meeting is to inform all stakeholders that we are starting with this process now. We are working very closely with the Environmental Evaluation Unit who is working specifically with the fishing community to build their capacity with a view to allow them to participate meaningfully in this whole process. Q9. Is it possible to have more focal workshops to deal with specific issues affecting different groups? BC‐ Yes we are planning to have focus meetings with key stakeholder groups where we will deal with specific issues. Provisionally we have four focus group meetings planned – one with the authorities (Overstrand Municipality, Cape Nature, MCM, DEAT), one with the recreational fishers, one with the commercial fishers, and one with the conservation lobby. Q10. Why did the invitation not include the report (situation assessment) that way we could have arrived with background information to the meeting. BC‐ the report has been available on our website and as hardcopies and CD’s in local libraries (Kleinmond and Betty’s Bay). We have done our best to advertise this meeting and the report and we feel the large turnout for today’s meeting is evidence that we have reached a fair number of people and representative groups of people within the community. I want to stress that this is beginning of a process and anyone can join at any point. Q11. When is the forum going to be set up? BC‐ we hope to have a draft management plan and forum established by the end of this year. This ended the question session and everyone was asked to write on cards a list of issues they would like to see the management plan address. Dr Clark also asked delegates to write down any elements the stakeholders wished to see included in a vision statement for the area Issues A wide range of issues were identified by stakeholders at the meeting. The following issues have been distled from comments written on cards returned to AEC at the end of the meeting. Marine Protected Area and Zonation • Marine protected areas are necessary to provide protection and ensure sustainability of marine resources and a marine reserve should extend 3km off shore from the high water mark.
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