THENEW AGE, June 27, 1907, THE Page 137. SOCIALIST IMPERIAL- ISM. AN INDEPENDENT SOCIALIST REVIEW BY OF POLITICS, LITERATURE, AND ART FRANK FORBREAKFAST& AFTER DINNER Edited by In making, use less quantity. it HOLMES. being so much stronger than A. R. ORAGE and HOLBROOK JACKSON ordinary COFFEE. No. 668 [New Series. Vol. I. No. g.] THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1907. c___I_-_--- --- -IL__ i THE OUTLOOK. overwhelming majority, and, though the Lords may amend, they are not likely to reject it. The most Thanks to the Tsar! unfortunate feature of the third reading debate was the intervention of Mr. Arthur Henderson on behalf of the The representatives of the civilised world, duly as- Labour Party. It is most regrettable that the repre- sembled at the Hague, adopted unanimously a resolu- sentative of that party could make no more valuable tion that the following message should be telegraphed contribution to the debate than a feeble echo of Radical to the Emperor of Russia:- negations. Mr. Henderson said, quite truly, that it was “ the poor who felt most heavily the tremendous in- At the commencement of its labours, the second crease in our military expenditure,” but instead of draw- Peace Conference lays at the feet of your Majesty its ing the obvious moral that our public burdens ought to respectful homage, and expresses to your Majesty its be more equitably adjusted, he appeared to plead merely profound gratitude for having taken the initiative in for a reduction of expenditure, though he must know continuing the work begun in 1899. The Conference (or at least if he does not, many of his colleagues do) begs your Majesty to believe in its sincere desire to that there are more than £600,000,000 of unearned work with all its strength to accomplish the delicate rent and interest going yearly to support the idle rich, and at the same time arduous task which has been all of which ought to be available for public purposes.
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