Rooms in the Darwin Hotel
ROOMS IN THE DARWIN HOTEL STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERARY CRITICISM AND IDEAS 1880-1920 TOM GIBBONS UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA PRESS First published in 1973 by the University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands, W.A. 6009 Agents: Eastern States of Australia, New Zealand, Papua and New Guinea: Melbourne University Press; United Kingdom, Europe, Middle East, and the Caribbean: Angus & Robertson (U.K.) Ltd, London; Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Philippines: Angus & Robertson (S.E. Asia) Pty Ltd, Singapore; United States, its territories and possessions, and Canada: International Scholarly Book Services Inc., Portland, Oregon Printed in Australia by Frank Daniels Pty Ltd, Perth, Western Australia, and bound by Stanley Owen and Sons Pty Ltd, Alexandria, New South Wales Registered in Australia for transmission by post as a book This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Enquiries should be made to the publisher © Tom Gibbons 1973 Library of Congress catalog card number 73-83715 ISBN 0 85564 072 3 Published with the assistance of a grant from the Australian Academy of the Humanities Contents Preface vii 1 The Age of Evolutionism 1 2 The New Hellenism: Havelock Ellis 39 3 The Art of Modernity: Arthur Symons 67 4 Art for Evolution’s Sake: Alfred Orage 98 5 A Kind of Religion 127 References 145 Index 159 Preface In this book I make amends for the neglect which has largely overtaken the literary criticism of three prominent figures of the period 1880-1920: Havelock Ellis, who is best known for his pioneering work in the field of sexual psychology, Arthur Symons, who is generally and quite unfairly thought of as the author of a handful of Decadent poems, and Alfred Orage, who is mainly remembered as editor from 1907 until 1922 of the influential political and literary magazine The New Age.
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