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1929 THE TEACOALA VOLUME IV PUBLISHED BY THE SENIOR CLASS OF STATE NORMAL SCHOOL JACKSONVILLE, ALA. The senior Glass of 1929, dedicate this volume of the Teacoala to, our Alma Mater, so dear to all our hearts. To our President, whose guidance through all the years has been an inspiration for the devel- opment of the best that was in us. And to the loyal and faithful Faculty, whose every effort has been in our behalf In the pages that follow, you will see the untiring efforts of those who were sincere- ly interested in the publication of this book, a book not above reproach, but may this year be preserved for you on these pages, may these pictures recall old faces and once familiar scenes. And may the actors in this Drama not go down into the silent tomb of the forgotten. But live always in our hap- py memories of yesterday. JACKSONVILLEHOUSTON COLE STATE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY JACKSONVILLE, ALABAMA 36265 College Classes Athletics Organizations HighFeatures High School Humor and Ads The College Administration Building Page five Campus Scene Training School Page six Boys' Dormitory Page seven Girls' Dormitory Page eight President's Home Page nine Teacoala Alma Mater (Composed by Mrs. Ada McGraw Pitts) Tune: "Where the Morning Glories Grow." How I love you, how I love you, Dear old S. N. S. Where the boys and girls together Are striving for success. We adore you, we adore you, Andl we are working with a wil In our dear old alma mater In the town of Jacksonville. Mid the hills of Alabama Stands our dear old S. N. S. There's the fount of all our knowledge, There's our hope of happiness. I'll ne'er forget all of our pleasures And our striving for success, Mid the hills of Alabama In the dear old S. N. S. I am thinking, I am thinking, Of the time when we must part, For I know there'll be some weeping, And a sighing in our hearts. We'll no longer have our teachers, We must choose our future way, But we hope to be a blessing Till our locks are silvery gray. Page ten Page eleven Teacoala Greetings from the President It is kind of you to give me the privilege of extending greetings to all the students through the Annual. The preparation of a creditable An- nual calls for a great deal of arduous labor and sacrifice on the part of the Annual Staff. I am sure the members of this staff will be given full credit by the faculty and the student body for the faithful performance of their duties. Such an activity as this reveals the type of the Jacksonville Normal student body to many of the outside world who do not know it. Person- ally, I know that our girls and boys here come from the homes of the honest, God-fearing people of Alabama ; consequently they have high ideals and are very responsive to every measure proposed for their development. The co-operation which they have given to this school and to me per- sonally, as its administrator, during the past year reflects credit upon them and their training and has been of great comfort and joy to me whose duty it is to lead and whose chief pleasure comes from work done for the students' and from the friendship and love received in return. Please accept my best wishes for the Annual Staff and my hope that the Annual may at least approach your ideal in excellence this year; and please allow me to convey to every student in school my affectionate re- gard and greetings. C. W. DAUGETTE, President. Page twelve Dr. C. W. Daugette Page thirteen CLAUDE RODOLPHUS WOOD Extension Director and Registrar B.S. Alabama Polytechnic Institute M.S. Alabama Polytechnic Institute Ph.D. Peabody College AGNES STOUT English A.B. North Carolina College for Women M.A. North Carolina College for Women Ph.D. University of North Carolina LANCE J. HENDRIX English and Foreign Languages A.B. University of Alabama A.M. University of Alabama A. C. SHELTON Extension Director: Mathematics B.S. Peabody College J. F. GLAZNER Science B.S. University of Alabama M.S. University of Alabama MRS. PEARL TAYLOR English and History A.B. Central College E. J. LANDERS Principal of Training School: Education A. B. University of Alabama M. A. Columbia University Page fourteen AL CLEMENS Athletic Director: English A.B. University of Alabama MRS. AL CLEMENS Senior High School Science and Mathematics A.B. Randolph-Macon REUBEN SELF Education B.S. University of Alabama M.A. Peabody College J. W. STEPHENSON Junior and Senior High School Athletic Director: Occupations B.S. University of Alabama MRS. J. W. STEPHENSON History A. B. Western College for Women M.A. Peabody College MRS. THELMA STACY YARBROUGH Director of Physical Education for Girls M.A. Peabody College MRS. ROMONIA M. WOOD Librarian M.Sc. Page fifteen JOHN F. MITCHELL Principal of Junior High School Education B.S. Peabcdy College M.S. Peabcdy College MRS. ADA PITTS Matron Girls' Dormitory RUTH BOYCE Fine Arts B.S. Peabody College LEON McCLUER Principal Senior High School B.S'. Peabody College M.A. Peabody College FLORENCE WEATHERLY Secretary: Bookkeeper LETITIA BAILEY Nurse and Assistant Matron ETHEL TUCKER MITCHELL Supervisor of Intermediate Grades: Education B.S. Peabody M.A. Peabody Page sixteen RAYMOND J. RINGER Mathematics Graduate Jacksonville State Normal A.B. Peabody College CATHERINE DONNELLY Music Special Music Life Certificate B.M. Bush Conservatory ADA M. CURTIS Music Graduate Northern Illinois State Normal School B.S. Columbia School of Music DAVID L. MANIER History: Education M.A. Peabody College NINA L. MANIER B. A. Central State Teachers College, Oklahoma FANNIE DYER Occupation for Girls B.S. Peabody College MARY PULLEN SHELTON Senior High School English A.B. Womans College of Alabama Page seventeen JOE ROB THOMPSON Industrial Arts Middle Tennessee State Normal; M S. Peabody College MRS. ALICE D. EDWARDS Supervisor Intermediate Grades: Psychology B.S. East Central State Teachers College of Oklahoma MARION POPE Assistant Director of Physical Education for Girls B.S. Peabody ETHEL RANDOLPH Supervisor Intermediate Grades: Education B.S. Columbia University; M.A. Peabody College STELLA NOBLE HUGER Drawing and Painting B.S. and Diploma in Art Supervision, Columbia University ADA WEIR Supervisor in Primary Grades Graduate Jacksonville Normal MARY ALSTON HUGER Supervisor Primary Grades: Education B.S. and Diploma in Supervision, Columbia University EDNA NEIGHBORS HENDRIX Domestic Science and Art; Supervisor of Foods and Cookery Graduate of Womans College and School of Home Economics and Dietetics MRS. C. W. DAUGETTE Assistant Librarian WHITTIE BARTON Registrar DORA WOOD Stenographer LILLIAN CANNON Stenographer MRS. M. J. BROWN Housekeeper Page eighteen Classes Page nineteen Senior Class Poem Carefree school days soon will pass, Each must go his way, Some are happy, some are sad, Graduation Day. This has looked to us the ending, Sighted far away, Now we see it's the beginning: Life just starts today. Every one has used this motto, Looking toward the rest ; Overlook the worst in others, Love them for their best. Life returns just what we give it, School is much the same, Fairness was our aim in striving, Thus we played the game. Up the stairway to success, Willingly we've climbed, Working, striving, till the end, Now at last we find. LAURA HARRIS. Page twenty PAUL JONES Vice-President LAURA HARRIS Poet LOUISE SHELTON Secretary PAUL SEWELL MRS. RUTH DENSON Prophet EDWARDS Historian COMER BRYANT - - - - - - Albertville We grant 'tis true, he has much wit, Nor is he shy in using it." President Morgan Literary Society, President Senior Class, Speaker Annual Debate two years, Y. M. C. A. Football, Basketball. RANKIN DAUGETTE - - - - Jacksonville, Ala. Versatile, smiling, mandly, tall, A gentleman admired by all. President Calhoun Literary Society, Y. M. C. A., Calhoun Speaker, Football, Dramatic Club. MAYNORD HOOD - - - - - Cordova, Ala. To make the world a funnier place, I'll tell a joke and make a funny face. President Dramatic Club, Calhoun Literary Society, Boys' Glee Club, Y. M. C. A. EMERSON WHITESIDE - - White Plains, Ala. Whitie likes to laugh, he's got the pep, On the field of action, he wins his rep. Football, Basketball, Morgan Literary Society, Y. M. C. A. Page twenty-one JOSEPHINE LEDBETTER, Anniston, Ala. Gentle she was and full of love With a voice exceedingly sweet." Calhoun Literary Society, Dramatic Club, Girls' Senior Glee Club. ARCHIE MARTIN, Albertville, Ala. "Let us salute ability." Editor-in-Chief Teacoala, Speaker Mor- gan Literary Society, Dramatic Club, Bul- jor Club, Y. M. C. A. LEITA TATUM, Milltown, Ala. "Her airs, her manners, all who saw admired." Morgan Literary Society, Y. W. C. A., Girls' Senior Glee Club. LOIS PRIMM, Thorsby, Ala. Her traits of character are the best, With regard for duty, dignity, and naturalness. Member Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, Morgan Literary Society, Girls' Senior Glee Club. LOIS BECK, Talladega, Ala. Tall and slender, brilliant and kind, There are few like her that you can find. Calhoun Literary Society, Basketball, Y. W. C. A., Tennis Club, Girls' Senior Glee Club, Dramatic Club. HUBERT BROWN, Arab, Ala. "Of study he takes most care and heed And when once a friend, he's a friend indeed." Morgan Literary Society, Y. M. C. A. MARTHA GODWIN, Columbus, Ga. "Full of wit, full of fun, Full of life, a happy one." Secretary Dramatic Club, Y. W. C. A., Tennis Club, Calhoun Literary Society. Page twenty-two LOUISE WILLIAMS, Miltlown, Ala. "She has a natural wise sincerity." Morgan Literary Society, Y. M. C. A., Girls' Senior Glee Club.