



The Grundy Register 6SHFLDO6RXYHQLU(GLWLRQ‡0D\ 2B Thursday, May 17, 2018 Grundy GRADUATION Register www.thegrundyregister.com Grundy Center High School Class of 2018

Mariah Abben Jake Edward Bangasser Sawyer LeGrand Bowen Emily Grace Ehrig Madison May Glass Son of Dan and Chris Bangasser Son of Melvin and Christine Bowen Daughter of Barry and Tina Ehrig Daughter of Jodie and Brent Baker BIRTHDAY:-XO\‡ SIBLINGS: Lane Bangasser BIRTHDAY: $SULO   ‡ SIBLINGS: 3 sisters, BIRTHDAY: 0DUFK   ‡ SIBLINGS: Kaitlynn BIRTHDAY: 0D\   ‡ SIBLINGS: Samantha ‡ HOBBIES: Playing golf, hanging out with friends, 0DGL &DUOL /\QGL ‡ HOBBIES: Hunting, Hanging (KULJ‡ HOBBIES: Hang out with friends, going out to *ODVV‡ HOBBIES: Dance, Cheer, swimming, hanging DQG VSHQGLQJ ZD\ WRR PXFK PRQH\ RQ IRRG ‡ RXW ZLWK IULHQGV 6SRUWV ‡ ACTIVITIES: Football, HDWSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQH[WUDFXUULFXODUV‡ ACTIVITIES: RXW ZLWK IULHQGV DQG VFXED GLYLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES: Football, Golf, Student Senate, Friends 7UDFN %DVHEDOO 0XVLFDO 7KHDWHU ‡ HONORS: Dance Team, Volleyball, Tennis, Student Senate, Dance, football cheer, competition cheer, basketball )LUVW9DULRXV-XQLRU*ROI‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Student of the week, Perfect Attendance in 2 grade 0DGULJDO *& -D]] ‡ HONORS: Class Secretary FKHHUDQGJROI‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Winning a Making it to state in golf and getting to spend sports ‡ AWARDS: 2 time district champion in baseball, DQG 7UHDVXUHU 7UXVWHG 5HDGHU ‡ MEMORABLE VWDWHWLWOHIRUSRP‡ FAVORITE FOOD: pizza, Chinese, ZLWK P\ IULHQGV ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: Cheeseburger DOOFRQIHUHQFHLQWUDFN‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: MOMENTS:+RPHFRPLQJ:HHN3URP6WDWH'DQFH‡ EXUJHUV EUDWV DQG PLQL GRQXWV ‡ FAVORITE TV DQG)ULHV‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: Friday Night Lights 2 time district champs in baseball (8 grade and FAVORITE FOOD::DWHUPHORQ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: SHOW: Walking dead, hot to get away with murder, ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: Harry Potter’s, and the Dark sophomore years), Senior year homecoming, Girls 7KH9DPSLUH'LDULHV‡ FAVORITE MOVIE:6WHS8S‡ DQGFULPLQDOPLQGV‡ FAVORITE MOVIE:*RRQLHV‡ .QLJKW‡ FAVORITE SONG: Time For Me to Fly by State basketball senior year, State track junior year FAVORITE SONG:7RQJXH7LHG‡ FAVORITE SINGER: FAVORITE SONG:+HDYHQE\.DQH%URZQ‡ FAVORITE 5(26SHHGZDJRQ‡ FAVORITE SINGER: The Weeknd DV DQ DOWHUQDWH VHQLRU \HDU SURP ‡ FAVORITE %‘516‡ SPARE TIME: Spend time with friends, have SINGER:)ORULGD*HRUJLD/LQH‡ SPARE TIME: In my ‡ SPARE TIME: 3OD\ JROI D ORW RI LW ‡ PERSON I FOOD:3L]]D‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: American Idol ERQILUHV DQG HQMR\ ZDUP ZHDWKHU ‡ WORDS OF spare time I enjoy going on walks with my dog Chloe. ADMIRE MOST: Dennis Dirks, because he’s always ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: 6WDQG %\ 0H ‡ FAVORITE WISDOM:'DQFHOLNHQRERG\·VZDWFKLQJ‡ FUTURE ‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My mother because willing to do whatever is necessary for others, as SONG: :KHUH , FRPH )URP ‡ FAVORITE SINGER: PLANS: Attend Iowa State University, majoring in VKHLVDVWURQJLQGHSHQGHQWZRPHQ‡ WORDS OF well as whatever is necessary for our golf team to be -DVRQ$OGHDQ‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: 0DVV &RPPXQLFDWLRQV DQG -RXUQDOLVP ‡ SECRET WISDOM: Wealth is the ability to fully experience life. VXFFHVVIXO‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: Be kind always, Crashing my Monte Carlo summer of sophomore AMBITION: Become a yoga guru ‡ FUTURE PLANS: My future plans are to be in the and try to make everyone feel as you wish to feel. \HDU‡ SPARE TIME: Hunt, Hangout with my friends, Air-force for six years. ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend Iowa Western Community &UXLVH‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My dad, He has College to play golf and get a degree in Human taught me so many life lessons and has always Chloe Ryann Anderson Resources Management. Following that, attend a been there for me at all times and is the hardest University to continue playing golf and achieve my ZRUNLQJPDQ,NQRZ‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: You Only Daughter of Kevin James Anderson bachelors or masters degree. /LYH 2QFH -XVW VHQG LW ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend and Doni Rene Hanesford Marshalltown Community College for a two-year BIRTHDAY: 'HFHPEHU   ‡ SIBLINGS: Natural Gas Technician Associate of Applied Science Calli Anderson, Riley Richmond, Parker Ticknor $$6  'HJUHH ‡ SECRET AMBITION: Be a country ‡ HOBBIES: Singing, dancing, acting, reading, music singer drawing, painting, photography, writing Activities: Choir, Madrigal, Musical Theatre, Marching Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Pep Band, Drumline, Football-Basketball-Competition Cheerleading, Academic Decathlon, LoL (Literature over Lunch), Publications, Speech, Track and Field, Softball, Solo (QVHPEOHDQG/DUJH*URXS(QVHPEOH‡ HONORS: Emblem G for Chorus (4 years), Band (4 years), and Track and Field (1 year) Awards: Division 1 for Trumpet (3 years), French Horn (2 years), vocal solo (4 years), and vocal ensemble (3 years), Best Supporting Actress in ‘HamLIT’, State Fair Bill Chasyti Erickson Riley Talent Search Participation Award (2 years), Daughter of Tami Purvis and Andy Erickson Zachary Grant ‘Dancing Queen Award’, ‘Sharpest Moves Award’, BIRTHDAY: -XO\   ‡ SIBLINGS: Devon Third Place IHSSA Cheer/Dance, Fourth Place IHSSA (ULFNVRQ +XQWHU 3XUYLV DQG 3UHVWRQ +LQGHUV ‡ 6WXQW *URXS 'HHUZRRG 6RIWEDOO ‡ AWARDS: 2014 HOBBIES: +DQJLQJ RXW ZLWK IULHQGV ‡ ACTIVITIES: First Place Senior Girls Tournament Winner, 2013 Michael Barkhoff 9ROOH\EDOO‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Leaving Grundy Second Place Senior Girls Tournament Winner, 2011 P\IUHVKPDQ\HDUFRPLQJEDFNP\6HQLRU\HDU‡ Third Place Overall Season for Junior Girls Award, FAVORITE FOOD: 3LFNOHV ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: 2014 Second Place Overall Season for Senior Girls 6SRQJHERE ‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Award, 2013 Second Place Overall Season for %URWKHUG\LQJ‡ SPARE TIME: Talk to Mrs. Dieken Senior Girls Award, Sportsmanship Award for 2011, Preston Breyfogle ‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Jeff Pelzer, Great hard DQG‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Getting ZRUNLQJPDQZKRVXSSRUWVKLVIDPLO\‡ WORDS OF P\ILUVWVWDQGLQJRYDWLRQ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: Pizza WISDOM:´,W·OO%XII2XWµ'HYRQ(ULFNVRQ‡ FUTURE ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: Ask Us Anything (Knowing PLANS: Attending DMACC going into Dental Hygiene %URV  ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: +DUU\ 3RWWHU 6HULHV ‡ FAVORITE SONG:$W/DVWE\(WWD-DPHV‡ FAVORITE SINGER:%76‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Losing my grandpa. It made me want to go after P\JRDOVIRUWKHIXWXUHHYHQPRUH‡ SPARE TIME: Sleep and watch music videos, anything on YouTube, DQG WY DQG PRYLHV ‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My Grandma, because she can do anything and everything. She takes care of everyone and taught PH DOPRVW HYHU\WKLQJ , NQRZ WRGD\ ‡ WORDS OF Mason Gronen WISDOM: Do as many things as you want and can! You keep yourself busy and learn many different life lessons and skills. I love to learn new things and it has helped me grow as a person. It may be scary at first to try something new, but that’s the fun part! Noah Christopher Boquet You’ll be comfortable eventually, it just takes time. Son of Emily Boquet And Chris Boquet ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Going to college to learn more BIRTHDAY:6HSWHPEHU‡ SIBLINGS: Saban about acting and musical theatre, planning to get %RTXHW ‡ HOBBIES: VOHHS UHDGLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: Shelbey Coy a career in acting, travel, and then retire and run 0XVLFDOV $FGHF FKRLU *& MD]] ‡ MEMORABLE WKHPXVLFDOWKHDWUHGHSDUWPHQWLQDKLJKVFKRRO‡ MOMENTS: When we got a perfect score at state SECRET AMBITION: To learn 5 languages fluently. VRORHQVHPEOH:KHQ,ZHQWWR$FGHF1DWLRQDOV‡ FAVORITE FOOD:6WHDN‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: The Nolan John Freeman H[SDQVH‡ FAVORITE MOVIE:/LIHRI3L‡ FAVORITE Son of John and Carol Freeman SONG: Scenes from an Italian Restaurant. Billy BIRTHDAY:$SULO‡ SIBLINGS: Lindsay and -RHO‡ FAVORITE SINGER:%LOO\-RHO‡ EVENT THAT -DUHG)UHHPDQ‡ HOBBIES: Playing Sports, Hunting, INFLUENCED MY LIFE: 6NLSSLQJ D JUDGH ‡ SPARE )LVKLQJ3OD\LQJ)RUWQLWHZLWKIULHQGV‡ ACTIVITIES: TIME:1RWGRKRPHZRUN‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Ms. Boquet. She’s pretty good at being my mom and )RRWEDOO:UHVWOLQJ*ROI&KRUXV0XVLFDO7KHDWHU‡ AWARDS: 3x All-District Football, 4x Academic All- P\WHDFKHU‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: Don’t Fail Literally 'LVWULFW&RQIHUHQFHLQ)RRWEDOO:UHVWOLQJDQG*ROI‡ WKH ILUVW FODVV \RX WDNH LQ KLJK VFKRRO ‡ FUTURE MEMORABLE MOMENTS:$Q\WKLQJZLWKP\IULHQGV‡ PLANS:&ROOHJH3UREDEO\&RH‡ SECRET AMBITION: To become so rich that I can pay the news to ignore FAVORITE FOOD:$QLFHVLUORLQ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: Aaron Jeffrey Havens that I’m rich. 7KH2IILFH‡ FAVORITE MOVIE:'XPEDQG'XPEHU‡ FAVORITE SINGER:%DFNVWUHHW%R\V‡ EVENT THAT Son of Jeff and Jennifer Havens INFLUENCED MY LIFE:0LVVLRQ7ULSWR+DLWL‡ SPARE BIRTHDAY:-DQXDU\‡ SIBLINGS: Phoebe, TIME:3OD\)RUWQLWHDQG(DW‡ FUTURE PLANS: I will 5DFKHDO&RG\DQG$OH[LV‡ HOBBIES: Board Games, be attending Upper Iowa University to play football &DUGV ‡ ACTIVITIES: )RRWEDOO $UFKHU\ 7HQQLV ‡ and pursue a degree in Healthcare Administration. HONORS: Boys State Governor, A Honor Roll all 4 ‡ SECRET AMBITION: Either be a famous country \HDUV RI +LJK 6FKRRO ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENT: singer or be a world renowned sniper. Football playoffs, state tennis, girls state basketball/ Luke Edgerton YROOH\EDOOGDQFLQJLQWKHGDQFHVKRZ‡ FAVORITE FOOD::DIIOH)ULHVIURP&KLFN)LO$‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: 3DUNV DQG 5HFUHDWLRQ ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: 'RFWRU6WUDQJH‡ FAVORITE SONG: Because of You E\'HOXVLRQ‡ FAVORITE SINGER: Scotty McCreery ‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Boys State Class Song ‡ SPARE TIME: Hang out with friends; Words of wisdom: Don’t worry about things you can’t control ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend Iowa State in the Fall with D PDMRU LQ SROLWLFDO VFLHQFH ‡ SECRET AMBITION: Ò0èH0LQXWHVÓÎ6FRWW\0F&UæU\ Become the Governor of Iowa. Spahn & Rose Lumber Co. Mason Spahn, Manager 404 6th Street (319) 825-3316 Grundy Center, IA „ Bank „ Investments Arlington Place „ Insurance „ Real Estate of Grundy Center %"WFOVF (SVOEZ$FOUFSt319-824-5674 Your Building Project Headquarters Congratulations Class of 2018! www.arlingtonplaceretirement.com www.thegrundyregister.com Grundy GRADUATION Register Thursday, May 17 2018 3B Grundy Center High School Class of 2018

Brianna Ryann Heltibridle Adam Kaufman Joshua Alexander Kuiper Jordan Lehr Sabrina Mast Daughter of Jeff Heltibridle and Terri Colson Son of Mark and Shonda Kuiper Daughter of Adam and Courtney Mast, BIRTHDAY:0D\‡ SIBLINGS: Sister Amanda BIRTHDAY:6HSWHPEHU‡ SIBLINGS: Caleb Samantha Benson, and Shawn Ford &ROVRQ DQG 1HSKHZ .\OHU &ROVRQ ‡ HOBBIES: .XLSHU‡ HOBBIES: Hanging out with friends, playing BIRTHDAY: 'HFHPEHU   ‡ SIBLINGS: Brett +XQWLQJ)LVKLQJDQG6RFLDOL]LQJ‡ ACTIVITIES: Trap VSRUWV ‡ ACTIVITIES: football, basketball, track, 0DVW.DFLH)RUGDQG.\OHH0DVW‡ HOBBIES: Eating shooting, Basketball, Track, Softball, National Honors 1+6 DQG VWXGHQW VHQDWH ‡ AWARDS: First team ‡ ACTIVITIES:9ROOH\EDOODQG7UDFN‡ MEMORABLE 6RFLHW\ ))$ ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Attending DOOGLVWULFW LQ IRRWEDOO ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: MOMENTS: State Volleyball Freshman year (2015) state volleyball as well as state basketball my senior Adam tripping over the track fence, Last senior ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: 5DZ 3RWDWRHV ‡ FAVORITE TV \HDU‡ FAVORITE FOOD: Steak, Cheesy Potatoes, a IRRWEDOO JDPH 6HQLRU KRPHFRPLQJ ‡ FAVORITE SHOW: )ULHQGV RU 1HZ *LUO ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: 0DFDQG&KHHVH‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: Heartland, FOOD: %XUJHUV ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: Parks and )HDURU1HUYH‡ FAVORITE SONG: Hips Don’t Lie by %DE\'DGG\DQG)ODVK‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: Fault in 5HFUHDWLRQ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE:6KUHN‡ FAVORITE 6KDNLUD‡ FAVORITE SINGER:'HPL/RYDWR‡ EVENT 2XU 6WDUV ‡ FAVORITE SINGER: Jason Aldean and SONG: 1RERG\·V 3HUIHFW ‡ FAVORITE SINGER: THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE:-XVWLQ%LHEHU&RQFHUW‡ .KDOLG ‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: The +DQQDK 0RQWDQD ‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY SPARE TIME:(DW‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Carli ELUWK RI P\ QHSKHZ .\OHU ‡ SPARE TIME: Watch LIFE: Playing High school football for the first time Bowen because she’s taught me to push myself and 1HWIOL[DQGHDWIRRG‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My ‡ SPARE TIME:+DQJRXWZLWKIULHQGV‡ PERSON I EHWKHEHVWWKDW,FDQEH‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: grandparents, Darwin and Janet Heltibridle. I aspire ADMIRE MOST:0\*UDQGSD‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: High School doesn’t last forever so go to the football to be supportive and there for anyone just like ´'RQ·WEHDQLGLRWµ0LFKDHO6FRWW‡ FUTURE PLANS: game, dress-up for homecoming, and make the they have for many years and the years to come! Going to Central College to study engineering while most of your time here. Also, everything that you ‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: “Nobody accomplishes SOD\LQJIRRWEDOO‡ SECRET AMBITION: Becoming the think is going to ruin your life, isn’t going to ruin your ELJWKLQJVLQWKHLUOLIHDORQHµa)UDQFHV/DQNLQ‡ greatest boxer in the world OLIH‡ FUTURE PLANS: Taking a gap year then going FUTURE PLANS: Attend the University of Iowa to WR+DZNH\HIRUQXUVLQJ‡ SECRET AMBITION: To be EHFRPHDGHQWLVW‡ SECRET AMBITION: To become Emmett Kendrick a military nurse. a Pilot Landry Grace Luhring Daughter of Kurt and Angela Luhring BIRTHDAY: -DQXDU\   ‡ SIBLINGS: Kyah DQG(OOHU\/XKULQJ‡ HOBBIES: Reading and Writing, Watching movies with friends and family, going to 6WDUEXFNV IUHTXHQWO\ %HLQJ DFWLYH ‡ ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Softball, GC Jazz, Chorus, Lit-Over-Lunch, Friends First, American /XWKHUDQ&KXUFK/HFWRU‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Qualifying for state in both Volleyball and Track multiple times. Specifically beating Woodward- Granger in 5 sets, coming back from 9-14 to win. ‡ FAVORITE FOOD:7DWHUWRWFDVVHUROH‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: )ULHQGV ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: How to /RVHD*X\LQ'D\V‡ FAVORITE SONG: Yeah by 8VKHU‡ FAVORITE SINGER:5DVFDO)ODWWV‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Being confirmed at the American Lutheran Church as well as attending FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Camp in Pella, Amber Laube ,RZD ‡ SPARE TIME: I love reading and listening Daughter of Phil and Monica Laube WRPXVLFVRPHWLPHVDWWKHVDPHWLPH‡ PERSON I Megan Klammer BIRTHDAY: 0D\   ‡ SIBLINGS: Whitney, ADMIRE MOST: I admire my parents how they always Nicole Marie McNeil Jordan Ray Hook push to become a better person and taught me to Daughter of Chad and Linda Mackie Daughter of Valinda Hall and Kent Klammer 7DQQHUDQG&DUVRQ‡ HOBBIES: Going out to eat, ZDWFKLQJ PRYLHV DQG EHLQJ ZLWK P\ IULHQGV ‡ QHYHU VHWWOH IRU DYHUDJH ‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: and the late Joe McNeil Son of Alan and Teri Hook BIRTHDAY:'HFHPEHU‡ SIBLINGS: Joe Hall, ACTIVITIES: Plays, Musicals, Tennis, Cheerleading, “Don’t be an idiot. Changed my life,”-Dwight Schrute BIRTHDAY: 0D\   ‡ SIBLINGS: Kyle BIRTHDAY:0D\‡ SIBLINGS: Heather Hook -HUVH\ 6Q\GHU DQG 1DWDOHH .ODPPHU ‡ HOBBIES: GCJazz, Madrigal, Band, Chorus, Student Senate, ‡ FUTURE PLANS: I plan on attending Central 0F1HLODQG&KHOVHD(JJOHVWRQ‡ HOBBIES: Jet ski, ‡ HOBBIES: Hunting, Fishing, Farming, Hanging Watch Netflix, hang out with friends, eat, sleep, 6LOYHU &RUG ‡ HONORS: President of the Class of College in Pella, Iowa, to double-major in Exercise skateboard, swim, golf, hang out with friends, have RXW ZLWK IULHQGV ‡ ACTIVITIES: Football, Wrestling, ILVKLQJ FRRNLQJ DQG ZRUNLQJ ‡ HONORS: Honor 2018, President of Student Senate, Courage Retreat Science and Creative Writing. I will also participate ERQILUHVWUDYHOSKRWRJUDSKQDWXUH‡ ACTIVITIES: 7HQQLV 7UDFN 0XVLFDO 7KHDWHU ‡ AWARDS: 4x All- 5ROODOOWULPHVWHUVRIDOO\HDUV‡ MEMORABLE Leader, Ed Thomas Legacy Leadership Conference, LQERWK9ROOH\EDOODQG7UDFNDQG)LHOGFROOHJLDWHO\‡ Dance Team, Football Cheerleading, Competition 'LVWULFW)RRWEDOO[$OO6WDWH)RRWEDOO‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Reminiscing with my classmates about Cheerleading Award, Captain of the Cheer Team, SECRET AMBITION: To be a children’s book author. Cheerleading Honors: Leadership Honors award MOMENTS: $Q\WKLQJ ZLWK P\ IULHQGV ‡ FAVORITE everything that has happened over the last four 7UXVWHG 5HDGHU ‡ AWARDS: Female Freshman in dance junior and senior year. Lettered in Dance FOOD: %DUEHFXH 5LEV DQG &KHHV\ 3RWDWRHV ‡ \HDUVWKHUH·VDORW‡ FAVORITE FOOD: Ice cream, Citizenship Award, Female Sophomore at Senior and Cheer and received bars every year. All-Iowa FAVORITE TV SHOW:$OI‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: Dumb FKRFRODWHDQGSL]]D‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: Once Awards Night, Female Escort During Commencement, Honor Dance Team participant sophomore, junior, DQG'XPEHU‡ FAVORITE SONG: Everything’s gonna upon a time, the crossing, the 100, and the NICL All Academic in All Sports’ Seasons, Scholastic DQGVHQLRU\HDU‡ AWARDS: 1st place champions in EHDOULJKW‡ FAVORITE SINGER:7RE\.HLWK‡ EVENT YDPSLUH GLDULHV ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: The Blind Achievement Award, President’s Education Awards Pom at State Dance junior and senior year. 1st place THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Missions trip to Haiti 6LGH‡ FAVORITE SINGER: Carrie Underwood, Kane 3URJUDP 2XWVWDQGLQJ $FDGHPLF ([FHOOHQFH ‡ champions in stunt group at State Cheer sophomore ‡ SPARE TIME: +DQJRXW ZLWK IULHQGV ‡ PERSON I %URZQ3RVW0DORQH‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Homecoming, Receiving the year. 2nd place in Military at State Dance sophomore ADMIRE MOST: Ron Gruber because of his story of LIFE: Taking the CNA class at Hawkeye Community First Place State Title in Competition Cheerleading, and junior year. 2nd place in Prop at State Dance UHGHPSWLRQDQGKRZPXFKKHFDUHVDERXWSHRSOH‡ College through Grundy Center influenced my life, DQG&KHHULQJDW6WDWH%DVNHWEDOO‡ FAVORITE FOOD: freshman and junior year. Received the North Iowa WORDS OF WISDOM: “You need a little bit of insanity because that’s where I realized I had a real passion 3RUN‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW:)L[HU8SSHU‡ FAVORITE Cedar League All Academic award in Football Cheer WR GR JUHDW WKLQJVµ 8QNQRZQ ‡ FUTURE PLANS: for nursing and I have been working as a CNA ever MOVIE: Armageddon, Die Hard, The Longest Ride, and the Dance Team every year. State Cheerleader Play football at the University of Northern Iowa and VLQFH‡ SPARE TIME: Hang out with friends and go *UHDWHVW6KRZPDQ‡ FAVORITE SONG: Nothin Like Award for 3 years. Scholastic Achievement Award. PDMRULQEXVLQHVV‡ SECRET AMBITION: I would like RXW WR HDW ‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Grandma You (Dan and Shay), Wanna Be That Song (Brett 5HFHLYHG FLWL]HQVKLS DZDUG ‡ MEMORABLE to be a highly decorated Navy SEAL for the United Lillie, because I have lived with her since I was 5 (OGUHGJH ‡ FAVORITE SINGER:7D\ORU6ZLIW‡ EVENT MOMENTS: Achieving first place in Pom my junior States of America. years old. She has taught me to be the best me I can THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE:-RLQLQJ&KHHUOHDGLQJ‡ DQGVHQLRU\HDUDW6WDWH'DQFH‡ FAVORITE FOOD: be everyday and that things will get better no matter SPARE TIME:'RP\KREELHV‡ PERSON I ADMIRE 3RSFRUQ ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: 6SRQJHERE ‡ KRZ GDUN WKH VNLHV DUH ‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: MOST:0\PRPVKH·VYHU\VXSSRUWLYH‡ WORDS OF FAVORITE MOVIE:)LQGLQJ1HPR‡ FAVORITE SONG: “It’s 10% what happens, 90% how you react to WISDOM: DON’T PROCRASTINATE, Always try new 6DQWHULD E\ 6XEOLPH ‡ FAVORITE SINGER: Justin LWµ‡ FUTURE PLANS: I will be attending Ellsworth WKLQJVDQG1(9(5*,9(83‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend %LHEHURU%RE0DUOH\‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED Community College in the fall of 2018 majoring in college at Wartburg to possibly study Criminology MY LIFE: When my father had passed away when nursing. I will get my RN from Ellsworth and I plan DQG&RPSXWHU6FLHQFH‡ SECRET AMBITION: Work , ZDV  \HDUV ROG ‡ SPARE TIME: Hang out with on working for a few years after that and hopefully for the FBI, travel the world, and become a world- Brody Mackie friends, journal, go on long car rides jamming to going on to become a prenatal or a neonatal nurse. class baker music, edit youtube videos, listen to music, and ‡ SECRET AMBITION: I want to travel the world photograph the world. Person I admire most: My someday sister Chelsea because she has always been there for me through anything and I know I can always count on her. She’s my best friend and I admire her because she’s worked so hard to achieve the things VKHKDVQRZDQG,VWULYHWREHMXVWOLNHKHU‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: “You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails to always reach \RXUGHVWLQDWLRQµ-LPP\'HDQ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Move to Clear Lake for the summer and work, then attending North Iowa Area Community College in Mason City for Graphic Communications. After graduating there, I will transfer to a university, most Braydon James likely UNI for Video Production and Photojournalism. ‡ SECRET AMBITION: Be a famous videographer and photographer for National Geographic and Beautiful Destinations. Filming and photographing the beauty in people and this world. Along with being a professional surfer, skateboarder, and an actress Calvin Mackie while living in California. Kaylie Laughlin Sage Klar Class Color 3XUSOH

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Tjaden Meester Zachary Osgood Andrew Joel Rathe Colton Sandell Cameron Steenhoek Son of Joel and Shelly Rathe, Son of Brian and Geselle Steenhoek Becki and Rick Smith BIRTHDAY: $SULO   ‡ SIBLINGS: Lydia, BIRTHDAY: $XJXVW   ‡ SIBLINGS: Reagan %UHQQDQDQG-RUL‡ HOBBIES: Music, Reading, Video 5DWKH ‡ HOBBIES: Eating food, Sports, Fortnite, *DPHV‡ ACTIVITIES: Football, Northern Iowa Youth +DQJLQJ RXW ZLWK IULHQGV /LIWLQJ ‡ ACTIVITIES: 2UFKHVWUD 1+6 ‡ HONORS: NICL All-Academic, Football, Basketball, Track, and Musical Theatre KWWL Best of Class, Governor’s Scholar Honoree ‡ AWARDS: 2017 All - District Wide Receiver, ‡ AWARDS: Dordt College Distinguished Scholar, Mr. Spartan 2018 Basketball, 2017 Hardest 0XVLF$FWLYLW\6FKRODUVKLS5HFLSLHQW‡ MEMORABLE :RUNHU %DVNHWEDOO  0U 3UDFWLFH )RRWEDOO ‡ MOMENTS: After Prom, Homecoming, Football MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Senior year Prom. State JDPHV ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: 3L]]D ‡ FAVORITE TV Football Playoffs Freshman and Sophomore year. SHOW:7KH-R\RI3DLQWLQJIW%RE5RVV‡ FAVORITE 5RFN RI $JHV PXVLFDO +RPHFRPLQJ  ‡ MOVIE: ,QFHSWLRQ ‡ FAVORITE SONG: Dragonetti FAVORITE FOOD:3DQFKHURV%XUULWRV ‡ FAVORITE %DVV&RQFHUWR‡ FAVORITE SINGER:-RKQ0D\HU‡ TV SHOW:)DPLO\*X\‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: Aliens in EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Moving to Iowa WKHDWWLF‡ FAVORITE SONG: Perfect , Ed Sheeran - ‡ SPARE TIME::LQ‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Rob /LIH·VEHHQJRRG-RH:DOVK‡ FAVORITE SINGER: Gingery because he’s cool and bald simultaneously. 0LJRV‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Church ‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: Never give up… Unless &DPS)UHVKPDQ\HDU‡ SPARE TIME: Lift, Hang with LW·VDGYDQWDJHRXVWRVWDUWRYHU‡ FUTURE PLANS: IULHQGV SOD\ VSRUWV (DW ORWV RI IRRG ‡ PERSON Mostly to succeed, but beyond that I guess I’ll go I ADMIRE MOST: Coach Conger, he has really to Dordt College for engineering and to play in the Brady Byron North Chloe Lynn Pelzer influenced me to become not just a better athlete, Julie Shoaf RUFKHVWUD ‡ SECRET AMBITION: Rule the world but a better person in the long run. He’s really fun observable universe Son of Colleen and Byron North Daughter of Jodi Pelzer and Jeff to be around at practice, and really pushes you to BIRTHDAY: 'HFHPEHU   ‡ SIBLINGS: Ellie and Brenda Pelzer EHFRPHEHWWHUDWZKDWHYHULWLV\RXZDQWWRGR‡ DQG -DNH ‡ HOBBIES: +DQJLQJ ZLWK P\ IULHQGV ‡ BIRTHDAY: )HEUXDU\   ‡ SIBLINGS: Tyler WORDS OF WISDOM: Just remember, teachers never ACTIVITIES: Choir, Band, Theatre, Speech, and Pelzer, Tanner Ackerson, Jessica Ackerson, and WKLQN LW·V DV IXQQ\ DV \RX GR ‡ FUTURE PLANS: 5RERWLFV‡ HONORS: 4-time letter winner for both 7DQQHU 3HO]HU ‡ HOBBIES: %HLQJ ZLWK IULHQGV ‡ Attending Upper Iowa University to play football, with %DQG DQG &KRLU  WLPH DFDGHPLF OHWWHU ZLQQHU ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Junior year teachers skit an undecided major. MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Watching my nephews and ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: Mashed Potatoes, Jack Pizza QLHFH EH ERUQ DQG JURZ XS ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: ‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: The Office, Criminal Minds, 6KULPS‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW:)ULHQGV‡ FAVORITE 3DUNV DQG 5HF ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: Insidious MOVIE:$YHQJHUV,QILQLW\:DUV‡ FAVORITE SONG: DQG‡ FAVORITE SONG: Any Jason Aldean or ´%HOLHYH ,W RU 1RWµ -RH\ 6FDUEXU\ ‡ FAVORITE &KULV

Cade Kenneth Rohler Son of Todd and Steff Rohler BIRTHDAY: -XQH   ‡ SIBLINGS: Brock 5RKOHU‡ HOBBIES: Fishing, Playing sports, Reading ‡ ACTIVITIES: Football, Track, Archery, Student 6HQDWH ‡ HONORS: $FDGHPLF $OO 6WDWH )RRWEDOO ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: )DOO 0XVLFDOV ‡ FAVORITE FOOD:6XVKL‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: Into the Badlands ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: 7KH $FFRXQWDQW ‡ FAVORITE SONG:)O\$ZD\/HQQ\.UDYLW]‡ FAVORITE SINGER: 3KLO &ROOLQV ‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: %LUWK‡ SPARE TIME:/LVWHQWRSRGFDVWV‡ PERSON Austyn Pinka I ADMIRE MOST: My brother because he is the most Olivia Faith Opheim UHVLOLDQWSHUVRQ,NQRZ‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: Do HYHU\WKLQJ\RXFDQZKLOH\RXVWLOOFDQ‡ FUTURE Daughter of Eric and Lisa Opheim PLANS: Attend Truman State University to major in Hannah Michelle Stahl BIRTHDAY: $XJXVW   ‡ SIBLINGS: Zach FKHPLVWU\‡ SECRET AMBITION: To catch a shark Daughter of Nathan and Michelle Stahl Garrett Weldon 2SKHLP DQG 7D\ORU +HLGEUHGHU ‡ HOBBIES: Be BIRTHDAY:0DUFK‡ SIBLINGS: Taylor Stahl ZLWKIULHQGVZDWFKPRYLHVERQILUHV‡ ACTIVITIES: ‡ HOBBIES: Hanging with friends, eating ice cream, Gymnastics, cheer, dance, student senate, ELNHULGHVZDONVZDWFKLQJPRYLHV‡ ACTIVITIES: Gc 1DWLRQDO +RQRU 6RFLHW\ ‡ MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Jazz, Madrigal, Chorus, Musical Theater, Volleyball, Homecoming weeks, prom, games and movies Basketball cheer, Tennis, Trusted Reader, National EHIRUH &KULVWPDV EUHDN ‡ FAVORITE FOOD: Ice +RQRUV 6RFLHW\ 6WXGHQW 6HQDWH )ULHQGV )LUVW ‡ FUHDPRUWDFRV‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW: New Girl and MEMORABLE MOMENTS: State volleyball, Football *UH\·V $QDWRP\ ‡ FAVORITE MOVIE: The Greatest JDPHV )LUHV ZLWK WKH VHQLRU FODVV ‡ FAVORITE 6KRZPDQ RU %DG 0RPV ‡ FAVORITE SONG: No FOOD:6WHDN‡ FAVORITE TV SHOW:&KLFDJR)LUH‡ 3URPLVHV ‡ FAVORITE SINGER: Miley Cyrus, Jason FAVORITE MOVIE:6DIH+DYHQ‡ FAVORITE SINGER: 'HUXOR7KRPDV5KHWW‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED 7KRPDV5KHWW‡ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: MY LIFE: Going to Costa Rica for the Spanish trip Growing up in a small and getting the small town ‡ SPARE TIME:6SHQGWLPHZLWKP\GRJ‡ PERSON H[SHULHQFHV‡ SPARE TIME: Hang out with friends I ADMIRE MOST: My mama because she is the ‡ PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Mom and dad. They VWURQJHVW DQG EHVW SHUVRQ RXW WKHUH ‡ WORDS are my biggest supporters and have been with me OF WISDOM: Smile and wave, be thankful, and live HYHU\VWHSRIWKHZD\‡ WORDS OF WISDOM: Enjoy HYHU\GD\OLNHLW·V\RXUELUWKGD\‡ FUTURE PLANS: WKHOLWWOHWKLQJV‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attending Winona *\PQDVWLFV DW 8:/DFURVVH JR LQWR 3UH0HG ‡ 6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\DQGPDMRULQJLQQXUVLQJ‡ SECRET SECRET AMBITION: Be Instagram famous and travel AMBITION: Work in a big hospital around the world (@Liv_Lou14)


AUTO Toni PARTS Nederhoff 803 G Avenue Best of Luck Class of 2018 Grundy Center 319-825-2318 1120 Edgington Ave 1400 G Avenue, Grundy Center 707 G Avenue Eldora 319-824-3849 Grundy Center, IA 50638 641-858-2318 6555 Oak Street www.shopbrothersmarket.net Iowa Falls 319-824-6917 (888) 320-9487 www.thegrundyregister.com Grundy GRADUATION Register Thursday, May 17 2018 5B Dike-New Hartford High School Class of 2018

Alexandria Jo Aalderks Chase Andrew Arends Taylor Nicole Brown Jadyn JoAnn Gronowski Ryan Douglas Hinde Daughter of Denise and Leon Aalderks Son of Mike Arends, Sherri Buhr Daughter of Jeff and Terri Brown Daughter of Rich and Cindy Gronowski Son of Steve and Melissa Hinde NICKNAME: $OOLH ‡ SIBLINGS: 'UHZ $DOGHUNV ‡ NICKNAME: & EL]]OH ‡ SIBLINGS: Kohle Arends NICKNAME: 7%URZQ 0U %RGGLFNHU ‡ SIBLINGS: NICKNAME:-DGHP\PRP‡ SIBLINGS: Krystal, Erica, NICKNAME: 5\ VKRUWHQLQJ P\ QDPH ‡ SIBLINGS: HOBBIES: I’m a talented handstander, Coffee and tea Dustin Arends Casie Bass Mora Buhr Brett Hofferet %UDGHQ %URZQ ‡ HOBBIES: Reading, Writing, 1LF DQG -D.RE\ *URQRZVNL ‡ HOBBIES: Hanging 6DP +LQGH ‡ HOBBIES: The Den, Xbox, hanging fanatic, and I enjoy watching a good movie or show ‡ HOBBIES: /RQJ ERDUGLQJ VKRSSLQJ HDWLQJ ‡ /LVWHQLQJ WR PXVLF ‡ ACTIVITIES: Band, Academic out with friends, Watching Netflix, taking pictures RXW ZLWK IULHQGV ‡ ACTIVITIES: &URVV &RXQWU\ ‡ OLNH IULHQGV RU WKH RIILFH ‡ ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, ACTIVITIES: Wrestling football track baseball golf Decathlon, TAG, Book Club, National History Day ‡ ACTIVITIES: &RPSHWLWLYH &KHHUOHDGLQJ ‡ BEST BEST MEMORY: *RLQJ WR 6WDWH 9ROOH\EDOO VHQLRU ‡ basketball, track, speech, plays, drama, science ‡ BEST MEMORY:0DNLQJLWWRVWDWHLQZUHVWOLQJ‡ ‡ BEST MEMORY: My best high school memory is MEMORY: Being able to compete in Florida with my FUTURE PLANS: Go to college, get a job, get married FOXE‡ BEST MEMORY: Science club ski trip was so FUTURE PLANS: I’m going to UNI to play football and JRLQJ WR KRPHFRPLQJ ZLWK P\ IULHQGV ‡ FUTURE WHDP‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend Hawkeye Community ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: It’s not as hard as IXQ‡ FUTURE PLANS:$WWHQG,RZD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\‡ get a degree in business finance. PLANS: I plan on going to college for psychology &ROOHJHWREHFRPHDGHQWDOK\JLHQLVW‡ ADVICE TO everyone says it is. ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Live it up and pre- medicine. I then plan on attending medical UNDERCLASSMEN: It goes by fast so enjoy it. school so that I may become a psychiatrist. After college, I hope to open up my own medical practice. ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Do what makes you happy.

Courtney Anne Bolhuis Sarah Grace Hoehns Aaron Michael Adolphs Daughter of Frey and Dee Bolhuis Madilyn Kai Harms Daughter of Jim and Barb Hoehns Son of Mike Adolphs and Trisha Adolphs NICKNAME: Court, my family members have called Daughter of Carissa and Ryan Harms SIBLINGS:7D\ORUDQG-DFN+RHKQV‡ HOBBIES: My NICKNAME: Double A, because I got two A’s in my PHLWVLQFH,ZDVOLWWOH‡ SIBLINGS: 2 older sisters, NICKNAME: My nickname is “happy” because my hobbies include reading, hanging out with friends, QDPH ‡ SIBLINGS: Ethan Adolphs, Levi Adolphs, &DURO\Q DQG &KHOVHD ‡ HOBBIES: I like to read, Josie Noel Claude best friends dad Al Venenga told me when I was DQGEDNLQJ‡ ACTIVITIES: During high school I have -XOLDQ $GROSKV *DEH $GROSKV 6LODV $GROSKV ‡ be outside, and spend time with my family and little that I always had a smile on my face and that been involved in cross country, tennis, academic HOBBIES: Xbox, Some Netflix, DJ Board, also IULHQGV ‡ ACTIVITIES: I’m involved in volleyball, Daughter of Shawn and Billie Claude my name should not be Madi because I am not a GHFDWKORQEDQGMD]]EDQGDQGERRNFOXE‡ BEST ZRUN D ORW DW +\YHH EDVNHWEDOO SLFNXS JDPHV ‡ track, musicals, band, jazz band, choir, show choir, SIBLINGS:%UDGHQ&ODXGH‡ ACTIVITIES: Track and PDG SHUVRQ LW VKRXOG EH ´+DSS\µ ‡ SIBLINGS: MEMORY: My best high school memory is running ACTIVITIES: I’m in Football and Baseball and did DQGVWXGHQWFRXQFLO‡ BEST MEMORY: Winning the &URVV &RXQWU\ ‡ BEST MEMORY: Running in the +XQWHU DQG /DQGHQ ‡ HOBBIES: I love showing in the rain and mud during my final cross country Large Group Speech, Band, Jazz Band, Student YROOH\EDOOVWDWHFKDPSLRQVKLSWZR\HDUVLQDURZ‡ VWDWHWUDFNPHHW‡ FUTURE PLANS: To continue my KRUVHV SDLQWLQJ DQG WUDLO ULGLQJ ZLWK IULHQGV ‡ PHHW‡ FUTURE PLANS: I plan to study biology at St. &RXQFLO‡ BEST MEMORY: To many memories to just FUTURE PLANS: I plan to attend the University of education at Hawkeye Community College ACTIVITIES:,DPLQYROYHGLQWUDSVKRRWLQJDQG))$‡ $PEURVHDQGEHFRPHDSK\VLFDOWKHUDSLVW‡ ADVICE pick out the “Best”. I loved just being involved and 1RUWKHUQ ,RZD WR VWXG\ HOHPHQWDU\ HGXFDWLRQ ‡ BEST MEMORY: My best high school memory would TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Carpe Diem. VHHLQJVXFFHVV‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attending UNI to ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Don’t be afraid to try have to be running to different peoples houses on go into Business. Plan on owning or help running my new things! the cross country team during practice to stand in own business. To be Successful and to get married the AC for 5 seconds before coach Reingart knew we KDYHDKDSS\IDPLO\‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: ZHUHJRQH‡ FUTURE PLANS: My plans are to go to Failure is Part of life. You will don’t fail you will never college and obtain my Associate’s degree in nursing learn. and become an RN, after that, I plan to go on and REWDLQP\%61‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Do not take a second for granted because time flys and before you know it your out of high school and into the real world.

Benjamin Douglas Freese Son of Steve and Lisa Freese Marley Rae Kiewiet Daughter of Travis and Teresa Kiewiet Allie Morgan Brouwer NICKNAME:%HQMXVWVKRUWIRU%HQMDPLQ‡ HOBBIES: NICKNAME: 0DUODVVHV ‡ MY BROTHER CALLS ME Daughter of Jeff and Jenny Brouwer Snowboarding, Working out, hanging with friends, ;ER[‡ ACTIVITIES:)RRWEDOO*ROI%DVHEDOO‡ BEST 7+$7 ‡ 6,%/,1*6 3DUNHU DQG 7D\ORU ‡ HOBBIES: NICKNAME: Al or Brouwer, which I got from my MEMORY: Watching film with all my teammates during Reading, playing and listening to music, doing my Nicholas Joseph Apel family who calls me Al for short and Brouwer came IRRWEDOOVHDVRQ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend Coe College PDNHXSDQGORQJERDUGLQJ‡ ACTIVITIES: Football from playing sports with other Allies on the team. Son of Becky and Matt Apel to play football and study Management Information and basketball cheerleading, show choir, jazz choir, ‡ SIBLINGS: .DOHE %URXZHU ‡ HOBBIES: I love to DQGVWXGHQWFRXQFLO‡ BEST MEMORY: Eating Jimmy NICKNAME:)D=H$SHO,KDYHQRLGHD‡ SIBLINGS: 6\VWHPV‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Enjoy the show cattle and pigs at the Grundy County Fair and time you have now with your classmates because it -RKQ·VZLWK6ZDJ0RQH\‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend /RUD$SHO‡ HOBBIES:+LVWRU\ILVKLQJDQGKLNLQJ‡ also at the Iowa State Fair. I enjoy playing sports, Wartburg College for music education and become ACTIVITIES: BEST MEMORY: goes by way to quickly. Steven Jon Heerts  %DQG DQG EDVHEDOO ‡ hanging with friends, and going to animal swaps to D EDQG WHDFKHU ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: %HLQJ LQ +LVWRU\ RI :DUIDUH ‡ FUTURE PLANS: buy and sell animals that my brother and I raise. Son of Jason and Sarah Heerts Whenever you’re going through hard or difficult %HFRPHDKLVWRULDQ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: ‡ ACTIVITIES: Throughout my high school career NICKNAME: I don’t really have a recurring nickname times, remember that it won’t last forever and that Always have a period of PE for each trimester I played soccer for 4 years, basketball for 3 years ‡ SIBLINGS:6DP+HHUWV‡ DOGS:%DX]HU+HHUWV‡ you’ve been through worse. and softball my freshman year. I also was a football HOBBIES: Filmmaking, writing, reading, photography, manager for 4 years. I have been in 4H for 8 years GHVLJQ WUDYHOOLQJ 1HWIOL[ ‡ ACTIVITIES: Band, now, FFA for 4 years, and County Council for just 2 FKRLUVSHHFKPLQLVWU\PHGLDGHVLJQSURGXFWLRQ‡ years. I am also part of the St. Gabriel’s Catholic BEST MEMORY: Seeing the lights of Time’s Square church where I went to Faith Formation since I was GXULQJ WKH KLJK VFKRRO PXVLF WULS WR 1HZ

$ISZTMFSt%PEHFt+FFQ Bob Eisenman 824-6004 or State Farm Agent 1-866-319-8246 717 G Avenue www.rousemotor.com Grundy Center 319-824-6311 See Don or Marty bobeisenman.com 6B Thursday, May 17, 2018 Grundy GRADUATION Register www.thegrundyregister.com Dike-New Hartford High School Class of 2018

Kaleb Joseph Kinskey Connor Allen Luhring Baylee Jo Petersen Meghan Ann Schmitz Breanna Rose Walsh Son of Joseph Kinskey and Paulette Kinskey Son of Tammy and Eric Luhring Daughter of Duane and Bobbi Petersen Daughter Mark and Anna Schmitz Daughter of Keshia Baethke and Eric Lahmon, NICKNAME: Kinskey, Kinskey is my last name so NICKNAME: Connor, because my parents thought NICKNAME: B or Baylez. They both are short for my NICKNAME: Megs, my friends call me that for short and David Walsh many people naturally call me by my last name. LW UHDOO\ ILW P\ ZDFN\ SHUVRQDOLW\ ‡ SIBLINGS: UHDOQDPH‡ SIBLINGS: Sydney, Payton, and Jadyn ‡ SIBLINGS: Myah Nystel, Tyler Nystel and Aiden NICKNAME: Brenda - Sub called me that because ‡ SIBLINGS: Erin Tveter (Sister) Jacob Kinskey 6WHSKDQLH5DTXHODQG&KULVWLDQ‡ HOBBIES: I love 3HWHUVHQ‡ HOBBIES: I like to hang out with friends 6FKPLW]‡ HOBBIES: I enjoy spending time with my WHDFKHUKDGZULWWHQP\QDPHVORSSLO\‡ SIBLINGS: %URWKHU  ,DQ .LQVNH\ %URWKHU  ‡ HOBBIES: My to read books, watch movies and tv shows and DQGIDPLO\ZDWFK1HWIOL[DQGEHDFWLYH‡ ACTIVITIES: friends and family, shopping, eating out, spending 'RQDYHQ:DOVK.LDUD:DOVK‡ HOBBIES: Drawing, hobbies include hockey, golf, hanging out with KDQJRXW ZLWK P\ IULHQGV ‡ ACTIVITIES: Football, 9ROOH\EDOO%DVNHWEDOO7UDFN%DQGDQG)XHO‡ BEST money on unnecessary things, sleeping, and Tennis, Reading, Writing Short-Stories, Playing with IULHQGVSOD\LQJ;ER[DQGVKRSSLQJ‡ ACTIVITIES: :UHVWOLQJDQG*ROI‡ BEST MEMORY: Current Events MEMORY: Going to State in Volleyball and Basketball. JURZLQJP\IDLWK‡ ACTIVITIES: Cheerleading, Track, P\FDW/HR‡ ACTIVITIES:7HQQLV%RRN&OXE‡ BEST +RFNH\ DQG *ROI ‡ BEST MEMORY: Scoring in the ,, SOD\LQJ 7LQ\ 7DQNV HYHU\ VLQJOH GD\ ‡ FUTURE ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attend the University of Northern Softball, Student Council, Big House, Internships in MEMORY: When I joined Tennis my Freshman year ,OOLQRLV6WDWH+RFNH\&KDPSLRQVKLS*DPH‡ FUTURE PLANS: To go to school for Journalism and Mass Iowa and major in Biology or Health Science while WKHHOHPHQWDU\‡ BEST MEMORY: Football season, ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Attending Upper Iowa University PLANS: Play Junior Hockey and possibly collegiate Media Communications and eventually write a novel being a part of the UNI Women’s Volleyball Program. Placing 2nd at State Cheer, getting crowned queen. for Degrees in Psychology and English and later hockey. After hockey I would like to become an RUZLQWKHORWWHU\‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: To get plugged in, ‡ FUTURE PLANS: I will attend Kirkwood in the fall, LQOLIHKDYHDKXVEDQGDQGRUNLGV‡ ADVICE HQJLQHHU‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: “You miss Have fun, high school only happens once. unplug. In order to get meaningful connections, put play softball and get my gen eds. After Kirkwood I TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Don’t try to be friends with 100% of the shots you don’t take”-Wayne Gretzky down your electronics and interact with your peers will transfer to UNI and finish my degree in Early everyone; just choose a select few that you know in person. (OHPHQWDU\ (GXFDWLRQ DQG PDMRU LQ 6SHFLDO (G ‡ you can close with and keep that bond as long ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Don’t take yourself as you can too seriously and stress over little things.

Colin John Kyhl Adrianna Nicoleta Murphy Daughter of Kent and Vicki Murphy Son of Kevin and Lara Kyhl Sydney Marie Petersen NICKNAME: $GLH P\ SDUHQWV ‡ SIBLINGS: Kayla Daughter of Duane and Bobbi Petersen Robert Ray Weissenfl uh NICKNAME:7UDFWRULQMXQLRUKLJK,UROOHGDWUDFWRU‡ $QGHUVRQ DQG -DUHG 0XUSK\ ‡ HOBBIES: I really Dalton Paul Swatek-Briggs SIBLINGS:.LOH\DQG&RUELQ.\KO‡ HOBBIES: Hunting, don’t have that many hobbies. I like hanging out NICKNAME: Syd or Syd P. Syd came from my family Son of Rob and Karla Weissenfluh Son of Jennifer and Larry Briggs-Moen; )LVKLQJDQG6QRZPRELOLQJ‡ ACTIVITIES: Golf and ZLWK P\ EURWKHU DQG IDPLO\IULHQGV ‡ ACTIVITIES: DQG6\G3FDPHIURPP\IULHQGV‡ SIBLINGS: Baylee NICKNAME:%R,WFDPHIURPP\SDUHQWV‡ SIBLINGS: WUDSVKRRWLQJ‡ BEST MEMORY: Playing Floor Hockey I’m involved in robotics and outdoor adventure and (Twin Sister age 18) and Payton and Jadyn (Younger and Danny Jo Swatek 1LFROH :HLVVHQIOXK ‡ HOBBIES: Golf, Working Out, ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Go to Iowa State for agricultural VFLHQFHFOXE‡ BEST MEMORY: My best high school WZLQ VLVWHUV DJH   ‡ HOBBIES: Playing lots of HOBBIES: 3OD\LQJ YLGHR JDPHV ‡ ACTIVITIES: 6SHQGLQJ WLPH ZLWK IULHQGV ‡ ACTIVITIES: *ROI ‡ (QJLQHHULQJ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Enjoy memory was when I was in robotics I spent a lot volleyball, Listening to music, Netflix, Sleep, Hanging Bowled as Varsity Bowlers throughout High School BEST MEMORY:7KH0XVLFWULSWR1HZ

Taylor Jean Lehr Dylan Dean Swatek-Briggs Daughter of Jeremiah and Jennifer Son of Jennifer and Larry Briggs-Moen; NICKNAME: Tatter tot came from my favorite dish, and Danny Jo Swatek tatter tot casserole. When I was a little girl I was always begging my Mother to make it for supper. My HOBBIES: 3OD\LQJ YLGHR JDPHV ‡ ACTIVITIES: Chase Wilson Bowled as Varsity Bowlers throughout High School )DWKHUVWDUWHGWRFDOOPH7DWWHUWRW‡ SIBLINGS: Haley Son of Jill and Jeff Wilson DQG&KDVH‡ HOBBIES: My hobbies are hanging out ‡ FUTURE PLANS: Go to Hawkeye for Web Developer/ with friends, camping, trail riding, and showing my Design NICKNAME: Cwils, It came from all my friends, no three horses Ace, Comanche, and Blonde. I am LGHD ZK\ ‡ SIBLINGS: Brittany Brown and Tana LQYROYHG LQ 7HQQLV DQG (TXHVWULDQ ULGLQJ ‡ BEST Carrie Marie O’Connor 5DZGRQ‡ HOBBIES: Buy and sell cars and working MEMORY: My best high school memory was getting Devan Lane Rodgers RQ WKHP ‡ ACTIVITIES: %DVHEDOO *ROI )RRWEDOO ‡ Doubles Runner Up at the Tennis Conference Daughter of Paul and Ann O’Connor BEST MEMORY: When the whole High School plays Tournament with my doubles partner Carrie NICKNAME: Bear, my sister Mckenzie thought it was Son of Jason and Ashley Rodgers GRGJHEDOOLQWKHJ\PDOOWRJHWKHU‡ FUTURE PLANS: 2·&RQQRU‡ FUTURE PLANS: My plans for the future WRRKDUGWRVD\´FDUHEHDUµ‡ SIBLINGS: Mackenzie NICKNAME: Gator or Buddy. Mom has always called Go to Hawkeye Community College and see where it are to attend Hawkeye Community College to major DQG +DOH\ ‡ HOBBIES: Tennis, playing with my me Gator and my Sister Lydia has always called takes me. Long term plans is to move down south. in Animal Science and minor in Agricultural Business. SXSS\KDQJLQJRXWZLWKIULHQGV‡ ACTIVITIES: Cross PH%XGG\‡ SIBLINGS:/\GLD5RGJHUV‡ HOBBIES: ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Be nice to everyone Then I will continue my education at the University &RXQWU\ 7HQQLV 6RIWEDOO ‡ BEST MEMORY: Getting )LVKLQJEHLQJZLWKIULHQGVDQGIDPLO\‡ ACTIVITIES: and listen more than talk. of Northern Iowa to finish my Bachelors degree. VHFRQG DW WKH 'XQNHUWRQ 7RXUQDPHQW ‡ FUTURE )RRWEDOO %DVHEDOO :UHVWOLQJ DQG 7UDFN ‡ BEST ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: To future DNH PLANS: Go to Hawkeye Community College for Dental MEMORY: )RRWEDOO ‡ FUTURE PLANS: 0LOLWDU\ ‡ graduates, stay strong because it only gets harder. $VVLVWLQJ‡ ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Have fun ADVICE TO UNDERCLASSMEN: Work hard play hard. :) Be the best you and never give up on your goals. Always ask Mr. K for help and Mrs Slaba gives good Class Motto advice. 7DNHëHZèOGDV\RXàQGLW Class Colors EXWOHDYHLWDEHWWHUSODFH 5R\DO%OXHDQG Î$QRQ\PRXV %ODFN Konken Electric, Inc. Grundy Mutual Ins. Assn. Since 1973 & Mutual Agency Ltd. Farm, Residential, Commercial Grundy Center 319-824-3150 715 G Ave., Grundy Fred Burmester Dike Center 602 8th Street 319-989-2155 319-824-6962 Grundy Center, IA 50638 Reinbeck 800-477-6962 824-5211 319-788-3150 www.thegrundyregister.com Grundy GRADUATION Register Thursday, May 17 2018 7B BCLUW High School Class of 2018

Brooke Aalfs Helen Beyer Cierra Clemons Elizabeth Emley Kaylee Goecke Brooke Elizabeth Aalfs is the daughter of Rick and Helen Beyer is the daughter of Janann and Bill Cierra Rose Clemons is the daughter of Lenni Elizabeth Grace Emley is the daughter of Troy Kaylee Rae Goecke is the daughter of Krista Cooper Paula Aalfs, and she has one sister, Kelsey Ambler. Beyer, and she participated in basketball cheer, D’Vine, and she has one sister, Hailey. She and Jordan Emley, and her siblings are Nolan and Robb Goecke, and she has one sister, Kate. She She participated in volleyball and basketball, and her state/competition cheer, art club, FCCLA, science participated in writing club, and she made the honor and Spencer Emley. She participated in volleyball participated in basketball, volleyball, softball, FCCLA, awards and honors include honor roll and academic club and letterwinners. Her future plans are to roll. Her most memorable moment was texting at manager, basketball, FCCLA, book club, FFA, 4-H, BCLUW Honor Society, science club and letterwinners, awards. Her favorite food is cheesy potatoes, and attend the University of Northern Iowa. the beginning of history class after having gotten Silver Cord, and letterwinners. Her favorite food and her favorite food is spaghetti. Kaylee’s favorite her favorite movie is “The Longest Ride.” In her free her first phone, when her teacher asked who she is macaroni and cheese, and her favorite show is show is “One Tree Hill,” and her favorite movie is time, she enjoys riding horses, and Brooke plans to was talking to, to which she replied, “The bae.” Her “Criminal Minds.” Elizabeth’s favorite movie is “Old “Blockers.” In her free time, she enjoys playing with attend MCC for a business and liberal arts degree. favorite food is spaghetti, and her favorite show is Yeller,” and in her free time, she enjoys showing and her dog Levi, hanging out with friends, going to “Bob’s Burgers.” Cierra’s favorite movie is “Pacific working with cattle and hanging out with friends. school events and playing sports, and her favorite Rim,” and her favorite song is “Suga Suga” by Baby Her favorite song is “Ice Ice Baby,” and her favorite song is “One Number Away” by Luke Combs. She Bash. Her favorite singer is Luis Dubuc from Mystery singer is Randy Travis. Elizabeth’s words of wisdom plans to attend Kirkwood Community College and Skulls, and in her free time, she enjoys art, writing, are “High school is what you make of it. If you spend then transfer to a university to get a degree before gaming, walking outside, listening to scary stories all four years thinking it is the worst time, you’re finding a job and loving what she does. Her secret and reading. Finding her boyfriend influenced her going to look back and regret a lot of things. Try ambition is to be an orca whale or dolphin trainer. life because it was the day she realized she needed to make the best of it so that you can look back to stay alive so she could bring happiness to people on good memories.” She plans to attend Iowa State who need it like he brought happiness to her. She University and major in Animal Science before going admires Theodore Roosevelt because he rode on to veterinary school, and her secret ambition is into battle on horseback and won even though the to own a mini panda cow farm. battle was already deemed to be a loss, and her words of wisdom, from Barbara Bush, are “At the end of life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict, or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent a husband, a friend, a child, or a parent.” Cierra plans to become a college professor in history and Alexa Callaway religion, have a family and hopefully be the woman Alexa Callaway is the daughter of Ryan and her descendants can look up to when she becomes Lauren Anderson Shannan Callaway, and she has one brother, Ray. big in the world. Her secret ambition is to be a She participated in basketball, softball, FFA, FCCLA, storm chaser and follow the most dangerous storms Lauren Anderson is the daughter of Jody and Amy student council, yearbook, drama, letterwinners, across the United States. Anderson, and her siblings are Sydney Anderson Mid-Iowa Youth Beef Team, silver cord, Comet and her two dogs Pieper and Tig. She participated Christians Youth Group, International Thespians in volleyball, basketball, golf, softball, FCCLA, science Society and BCLUW Honor Society. Her favorite food club, yearbook, letterwinners, leadership, drama and is ice cream, and her favorite shows are “Grey’s youth group, and her honors and awards include Anatomy” and “Chicago Fire.” Her favorite movie Talon Hala all-conference in golf, basketball and volleyball. Her is “The Longest Ride,” and her favorite song is most memorable moment is almost burning the “Lost” by Walker McGuire. Alexa’s words of wisdom school down while trying to make mac n’ cheese, are “Don’t wait until you’ve reached your goal to be and her favorite food is cheesy potatoes. Lauren’s proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take favorite show is “One Tree Hill,” and her favorite to reach your goal.” She plans to attend DMACC and Kristian Ferneau song is “Life Changes” by Thomas Rhett. Meeting major in Agribusiness, and her secret ambition is to Kristian Ferneau is the son of Paul and Janie Madison Ubben influenced her life, and in her free be a gymnast. Ferneau, and his siblings are Melanie, Anna, Jeremy, time, she enjoys hanging out with friends and family, Dustin, Garrett, Brayton and Lorelei. He participated being involved in sports and doing puzzles with in track, cross country, band, letter winners and pep Kaylee and Madison. Lauren admires Darla Ubben band, and his awards and honors include academic because she was so supportive and committed to all-conference, Eagle Scout and Comet Honor what she did, caring, loving and always treating Society. His favorite food is chicken noodle soup, and everyone with respect. Her words of wisdom are his favorite show is “The Flash.” Kristian’s favorite “Enjoy high school because time really does go movie is “Back to the Future,” and his favorite song fast, and her future plans are to attend Grand View is “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue” by Toby University and play golf. Her secret ambition is to Troy Dolphin Keith. In his free time, he enjoys working on cars and own lots of dogs. trucks, and his words of wisdom are “Get involved Troy Dolphin is the son of James and Sharon in as much as you can while in high school because Dolphin, and his brothers are Jace and Chad your time is limited here.” Kristian plans to attend Dolphin. He participated in baseball, basketball, the University of Iowa for a major in Computer football, track, cross country, student council, Science and Engineering while joining the ROTC and National Honor Society, letterwinners and science making a career in the U.S. Army. Courtney Hansen club, and his honors and awards include six-time Courtney LeAnn Hansen is the daughter of Selena state track qualifier, the 2017 NICL West conference Mason and Chris Hansen, and her siblings are track MVP, three-time NICL West all-conference in Kaitlynn and Zach Hansen. She made the honor roll, baseball, three-time all-district baseball, 2017 all- and her most memorable moment was face planting district football, BCLUW honor roll, vice president of while trying to run away at Harris’s house playing the National Honor Society and NICL West academic hide and seek. Her favorite food is tacos, and her Drew Carson all-conference. His most memorable moments favorite show is “Grey’s Anatomy.” Courtney’s were Friday night football games, and in his free favorite movie is “Jurassic Park,” and in her free time, he enjoys spending time with friends, working time, she enjoys Netflix, hanging out with friends, out, fishing, being outside and playing baseball. napping and going to sporting events. She admires His favorite show is “The Office,” and his favorite her grandma because she is always there for her, singer is Tom Petty. Troy’s words of wisdom are and her words of wisdom are “Life is short, so live “Always give your best effort, but don’t forget to it.” Her future plans are to attend UNI and major enjoy yourself,” and he plans to attend Iowa State in biomedical to become a forensic pathologist. Her University. secret ambition is to be a surgeon. Brad Barkema Brad Lee Barkema is the son of Kevin and Gayle Barkema, and his siblings are Leah and Abby. He participated in football, swimming, golf, student council, BCLUW Honor Society, science club, letterwinners and the school newspaper, and Alic Giesking his honors and awards include all-conference academic, all-district football, all-state football, all- conference baseball, all-district baseball, all-state baseball, class vice president, class representative, honor society secretary/treasure, and captain of the football and swim teams. His most memorable moment was making it to the state swimming meet Vanessa Drummer as a senior, and his favorite show is “The Big Bang Theory.” Brad’s favorite movie is “Forrest Gump, Vanessa Drummer is the daughter of Amy and Jeff and his favorite song is “Running on Empty.” In his Drummer, and she has one brother, Jarrett. She free time, he enjoys playing Fortnite, watching TV participated in football cheerleading, basketball and playing with his dog, and his words of wisdom cheerleading, FFA, FCCLA, art club, science club are “Continue to lead and to better those around and letterwinners, and her honors and awards you as you strive to become the best version of include the honor roll and sportsmanship award. yourself.” His future plans are to attend Rochester Her favorite food is Italian, and her favorite show Cody Heck Community and Technical College to play baseball is “This Is Us.” Vanessa’s favorite song is “All the and earn an AA degree in Liberal Arts before Pretty Girls” by Kenny Chesney, and in her free time, transferring to get a degree in Exercise Science and she enjoys spending time with friends and family. She eventually graduate school for physical therapy. His plans to attend DMACC for elementary education. secret ambition is to be a bullpen catcher for a Major Junior Escorts League Baseball team. *UDFH3XUYLV&RE\:LçHWW Scotty’s Saloon 806 G Avenue Congats Area Grads! Grundy Center From: Clint, Michaela, Rob, Jake, Brenda, Lisa, and Diane 825-4455 www.thegrundyregister.com „ Fresh „ Local „ Homemade 8B Thursday, May 17, 2018 Grundy GRADUATION Register www.thegrundyregister.com BCLUW High School Class of 2018

Jisy Higbee Westyn Kremanak Logan Mann Ashley Moore Sydnie Oaks Jisy Higbee is the daughter of Rosaura Garcia and Logan Jay Mann is the son of Arlis and Jay Mann, and Ashley Crystal Moore is the daughter of Robert Sydnie Oaks is the daughter of Rod and Jodi Oaks, Nick and Shannon Higbee. She participated in show his siblings are Blake and Zach Mann. He participated and Brandy Moore, and her siblings are Danielle, and she has one sister, Jorie. She participated choir, cheerleading, student council and science in football, basketball, track and baseball, and he Kaitlyn and Jesse. She participated in basketball in volleyball, track, FCCLA and Comet Café, and club, and her favorite food is chicken alfredo. Her was an academic all-conference in all four sports at cheerleading, football cheerleading, competition her favorite show is “Criminal Minds.” Sydnie’s favorite show is “Grey’s Anatomy,” and her words of least one year. His most memorable moment was cheerleading, track managing, show choir and favorite movies are “The Breakfast Club” and wisdom are “Just send it.” hitting a home run against G-R, and his favorite food all-state cheerleading. Her favorite food is peanut “Dirty Dancing,” and in her free time, she enjoys is goulash. Logan’s favorite show is “Sportscenter,” butter and jelly, and her favorite show is “The Office.” hanging out with friends and family, watching movies and his favorite movie is “Transformers 2.” In Her favorite movie is “Back to the Future,” and her and shopping. She admires her dad because he is his free time, he enjoys hanging out with friends, favorite song is “Good Vibrations” by the Beach always there for her no matter what and pushes her watching TV and Youtube, and helping his dad, and Boys. In her free time, Ashley enjoys hanging out to do her best. Sydnie plans to attend Kirkwood his favorite song is “Walk It Like I Talk It.” His favorite with friends, playing with her dogs, reading, playing Community College and study human services. musician is Drake, and a youth group concert in the guitar and painting, and she plans to attend Iowa Cedar Rapids influenced his life. Logan admires his State University to study Animal Science. Her secret mother because she’s always there for him, and his ambition is to travel the world. words of wisdom are “Get involved.” He plans to attend Kirkwood Community College, and his secret ambition is to become a rapper.

Faith Leonard Faithyna Ashley Leonard is the daughter of Amy Anderson and Daniel Leonard, and her siblings are Lance, Chase, Danika, Jaxson, Abel and Gabriella. She participated in cheerleading, wrestling, FCCLA, writing club, book club, big buddy, trivia club, spirit Mason Hoveland club, student council, choir council, soccer, CHAMPS and Art Club, and her honors and awards include the Prove It Award, Coach Award, MVP Award, athletic letter, academic leter and principal’s honor roll. Her most memorable moment was getting her acceptance letter from Simpson College, and Danita Ortega her favorite food is million dollar spaghetti. Faith’s Danita Rochelle Ortega is the daughter of Dana and favorite show is “Beat Bobby Flay,” and her favorite Ross Rittgers, and her siblings are Javon, Ricki and movie is “Oliver and Company.” In her free time, Lauren Mosher Nathan Darden. Her favorite food is pizza, and her she enjoys writing, reading, drawing, baking and favorite show is “One Tree Hill.” Her favorite movie creating different things. Her favorite song is “If I Lauren Mosher is the daughter of Jim and Brenda Mosher, and she has one sister, Leah. She is “Perks of Being a Wallflower,” and her favorite Were a Boy,” and her favorite musician is Eminem. Riley McDonald song is “Yellow” by Coldplay. Danita’s favorite She admires her grandfather for always supporting participated in Grundy Center FFA, Mid-Iowa Youth Riley McDonald is the daughter of Chad and Cheryl Beef Team, National Honor Society, drama, speech, singer is Lana Del Rey, and in her free time, she others even if it makes him miserable, and her McDonald and has one sibling, Sydney Dighton. Her enjoys singing, writing, nature walks, napping and words of advice are “Get involved and stay ahead!” National Junior Angus Association, Liscomb Lively favorite movie is “Interstellar,” and her future plans Laborers 4-H Club, Marshall County 4-H Council, hanging out with her best friend. She admires her Faith plans to attend Simpson College to pursue are to attend MCC. mom because she is determined, hard working theater and education, and her secret ambition is and Iowa State 4-H Council, and her honors and awards include National FFA Convention - Prepared and helpful with every obstacle she has faced. Her to become a famous actress and do a movie with words of wisdom are “It’s just a bad day, not a bad Channing Tatum. Public Speaking Career Development Event, Silver Semi-Finalist; Iowa FFA Degree; Iowa FFA Prepared life,” and her future plans are to get her own place Public Speaking Winner; Iowa FFA Rising Star and start from there. Danita’s secret ambition is to Award; State 4-H Project Awards: Food & Nutrition, start a psychedelic band and be lead vocalist and Citizenship, Communications; and National Junior guitarist. Calob Keller Angus Association Prepared Public Speaking winner. Calob Keller is the son of Ben and Jenny Keller, Her most memorable moment was serving as a and he has two brothers, Colton and Cael. He district FFA officer and interacting with members participated in football, golf, wrestling and baseball, at different events, and her favorite food is steak and his favorite food is ice cream. His favorite show and potatoes. Her favorite show is “Heartland,” and is “The Last Man on Earth,” and his favorite movie her favorite movie is “Flicka.” In her free time, she is “42.” Calob’s favorite song is “By the Way” by his enjoys working alongside her dad and grandpa on favorite band, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and in his the farm, and working with community organizations free time, he enjoys playing Fortnite and fishing. His influenced her life because it made her realize she words of wisdom are “Try in school,” and his future wanted to advocate for the beef industry. Lauren plans are to study business and play baseball at admires Annette Sweeney because she is a great MCC while working second shift at Ritchie in Conrad. advocate for the beef industry and a great person to work with, and her words of wisdom are “Don’t be afraid to be who you want to be. Define yourself.” She plans to attend Iowa State University to major Shelby Meehan in Agricultural Communications with a double minor Shelby Meehan is the daughter of Jill and Randy in Agricultural Business and Animal Science before Blake Mann Luth, and her siblings are Madalyn Calvert, Todd becoming a public advocate for the beef industry. Meehan, Ryder Luth, Gracelyn Meehan, Sophie Luth Her secret ambition is to own a cattle ranch in Blake Jordan Mann is the son of Arlis and Julie Mann, and Evelyn Meehan. She participated in band and western Montana. and his siblings are Zach and Logan Mann. He choir, and her hobbies are playing the flute, singing Gage Petty participated in football, cross-country, basketball, and dancing. Her favorite food is pizza. Shelby’s track, golf, baseball, show choir, student council, Gage Petty is the son of Ben and Sherry Petty, and favorite show is “90210,” and her favorite movie is his siblings are Ava and Dane. He participated in letterwinners and National Honor Society, and his “The Last Song.” Her sisters being born influenced honors and awards include golf sportsmanship, swim team, and his favorite food is Rice Krispies. His her life, and in her spare time she watches Netflix. favorite movie is “Interstellar.” first and second team all-conference in baseball, all Shelby admires Brittany Purk because she’s gone district in baseball, all academic in football one year, through so much and still fights through it, and her all academic in baseball two years and honor roll the words of wisdom are “Ignore people trying to bring last three years. His most memorable moment was you down.” hitting the game winning shot to beat North Tama in basketball, and his favorite food is ice cream. Blake’s favorite show is “The Flash,” and his favorite movie is “Back to the Future.” His hobbies are hanging Harris Kopsa out with friends, golfing and playing baseball, and his future plans are to attend Kirkwood Community Harris Kopsa is the son of LJ and Andrea Kopsa, and College for baseball before transferring to a four- his siblings are Isaac and Lydia. He participated in year to get a masters in Sports Administration. His football cheer, basketball cheer and state cheer, and secret ambition is to become a racecar driver. his most memorable moment was seeing Bianca in the library. His favorite food is chicken strips, and his favorite show is “Frasier.” His favorite movie is “Smokey and the Bandit,” and in his free time, he enjoys farming, working on cars, working on his Skylar Nelson pickup and washing vehicles. His favorite song is “Hysteria” by Def Leppard, and his favorite singer is Phil Collins. His words of wisdom, from “Red Green,” are “If the women don’t find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.” Harris’s future plans Class Flower are to go into the workforce and be successful. :KLWH&DUQDWLRQ

Heronimus Schmidt Allen Schroeder & Geer Attorneys-at-Law 630 G Ave 618 G Avenue Grundy Center Chad VanWechel PO Box 38 319-824-6951 Grundy Center, IA 50638 304 N Park Ave. 319-824-3370 1IPOFt'BY www.thegrundyregister.com Grundy GRADUATION Register Thursday, May 17 2018 9B BCLUW High School Class of 2018

Keegan Rhinehart Eli Runge Greg Schmitt Samantha Snyder Mackenzie Trinkle Keegan Christopher Rhinehart is the son of Chris Eli Runge is the son of Tim and Robin Runge, and Gregory Schmitt is the son of Tom and Mary Schmitt, Mackenzie Sue Trinkle is the daughter of Kelly and Heath Rhinehart, and his siblings are Sarah and his siblings are Steph, Cody, Leah, Ty, Ben, Benny and his siblings are Matt, Lucas, Michelle and Sarah. and Richard Trinkle, and her siblings are Madison, Shannon. He participated in football, basketball, golf, and Faith. He participated in golf and baseball and He participated in football, track, show choir, Comet Shelby and Morgan. She participated in volleyball, baseball, drama club, student council and science made the honor roll all four years. His favorite food Construction and National Honor Society, and his basketball cheerleading, competition cheerleading club, and his honors and awards include four years is pizza, and his favorite show is “The Office.” Eli’s awards and honors include all academic in track and golf, and her honors and awards include of honor roll, first team all-academic in sports, first favorite movie is “13 Hours,” and in his free time he and football all four years. His most memorable Academic Achievement Athletic Union awards, team all-district offensive and defensive line and likes to play baseball and watch sports. His favorite moment was playing in his first high school football volleyball sportsmanship, KWWL best of class, honor serving on student council. His most memorable song is “Free Bird.” game against Denver, and his favorite food is society and top of class. Her most memorable moment was when Blake Mann hit a buzzer beater steak. Greg’s favorite song is “December 1963 moment was qualifying for the girls state golf to defeat North Tama, and his favorite food is pizza. (Oh What a Night),” and his favorite singer is John tournament as a team in 2017, and her favorite Keegan’s favorite show is “The Office,” and his Denver. In his free time, he enjoys playing video food is pizza. Mackenzie’s favorite show is “The favorite movie is “Harry Potter.” In his free time, he games, hanging out with friends, listening to music, Office,” and her favorite movie is “Wreck-It Ralph.” enjoys playing sports, playing Fortnite and spending watching movies, sports, trap shooting and petting Her favorite song is “Chasing Fire” by Lauv, and time with friends and family. His favorite song is “It’s dogs, and he admires Randy Omvig because no her favorite musician is Drake. In her free time, Still Rock n’ Roll to Me” by Billy Joel, and his favorite matter how good he gets, he could never beat him Mackenzie enjoys taking naps and spending time singer is Billy Joel. His words of wisdom are “If you in a game of badminton. His words of wisdom are with friends. She admires her sister Shelby for going ain’t first, you’re last” from Ricky Bobby, and he “You can catch flies with honey, but you can catch to college and doing exactly what she wants to do plans to go to college and major in biochemistry, more honeys being fly,” and his future plans are to while being happy and successful doing it. Her words get married and buy a dog. His secret ambition is to attend Iowa State University and major in Electrical of wisdom are “Don’t care what other people think win the Masters. Engineering. Greg’s secret ambition is to be the lead because people don’t think,” and her future plans in a Broadway musical. are to go to Iowa Central Community College for Briana Teckenburg golf before transferring to Iowa State. Her secret Briana Teckenburg is the daughter of Nydia and ambition is to become a pastry chef. Richey Teckenburg, and her siblings are Skye, Shay and Conner Teckenburg. She participated in golf, volleyball, FCCLA, BCLUW Honor Society, yearbook, leadership and letterwinners, and she made honor roll. Her most memorable moment was making it to state golf, and her favorite food is chicken Natalia Ryner enchiladas. Briana’s favorite show is “One Tree Hill,” Natalia Ryner is the daughter of Dena Ryner. She and her favorite movie is “The Shack.” Her hobbies participated in dance, and her favorite food is her are golfing and spending time with friends, and her mom’s spaghetti or chili. Her favorite shows are “13 favorite song is “Five More Minutes.” Her favorite Reasons Why,” “Stranger Things” and “American band is Florida Georgia Line, and her future plan is Horror Story,” and she enjoys dancing, showing her to attend Hawkeye Community College and begin the Arabian horse, playing the ukulele and spending Physical Therapist Assistant program. time with family in her free time. One of her favorite songs is “Annie’s Song” by John Denver, and her favorite singers are Justin Bieber, Enrique Iglesias, Bazzi, Cardi B, Steven Tyler, Barry Manilow and others. The year her dance studio closed influenced Mercedes Rook her because she was used to dancing 17 hours Mercedes Jane Rook is the daughter of Bruce and a week. In her free time, Natalia enjoys singing, Kristen Selken Kelley Rook and Amy and Phil Wallace, and she dancing, horseback riding, playing ukulele and Kristen Selken is the daughter of Paul and Holly has one sister, Mya. She participated in volleyball, being with friends, and she admires her mom more Selken, and her siblings are Seth, Kari, Melanie, and Madison Trinkle softball, track manager for a year and cheerleading than anyone because she has taught her so many Will Selken. She participated in honor society, FFA Madison Jo Trinkle is the daughter of Richard and in middle school, and her favorite food is pizza. valuable things, and she hopes that when she has and New Hope Christian Church youth group. Her Kelly Trinkle, and her siblings are Morgan, Shelby Her favorite show is “Law and Order: SVU,” and kids she can be half the mom she was. Her words of most memorable moment was riding pedal tractors and Mackenzie. She participated in Football Cheer, her favorite movie is “Footloose.” In her free time, wisdom are “No matter how you feel, get up, dress down the ramp during National FFA Week, and her Basketball Cheer, Competition Cheer, Golf, Choir, Mercedes likes to hang out with friends and family, up and never give up,” and she plans on attending favorite show is “The Office.” In her free time, she Show Choir, NHS, Student Council, FCCLA, and and she admires her dad because even though they the Iowa School of Beauty in Marshalltown and living enjoys being outside with her goats, sleeping and tumbling, and her honors and awards include don’t always get along, he tries to help her and the dream. watching “The Office,” and attending All CIY Move Academic All-Conference for football cheer, his sister be the best they can be. Her words of conferences in the summer influenced her. Kristen basketball cheer, and golf and NICL Top 5 of Senior wisdom are “Just be yourself, don’t let other people admires Devin and Sarah Robertson because they Class Banquet Winning State Cheerleading all four determine who you are,” and her future plans are to pushed her to get involved and be less introverted, year of high school and seventh place at state golf. go to college, get married, have kids and get a good and her words of wisdom are “Always be willing to Her favorite food is gummy worms, and her favorite paying job. Her secret ambition is being able to help try new things. If you don’t like it, try something else show is “One Tree Hill.” Madison’s favorite movie people with any problem they have. and find your true passion.” Her future plans are to Connor Thompson is “Bring It On,” and in her free time, she enjoys attend the University of Northern Iowa and major Connor Thompson is the son of Jay Thompson, and golfing, tumbling, watching Netflix, spending time in Early Childhood Education. Her secret ambition his siblings are Adam, Evan, Dylan, Kyle and Katie. with her twin sister and cheering on the Comets. is to be a llama. He participated in track and football, and his most She admires her mother because she is the best memorable moment was getting away with not role model and pushes her to be her best, and her serving his detentions. His favorite food is Cheez future plans are to attend Iowa Central Community Its, and his favorite show is “Game of Thrones.” College before transferring to the University of Iowa Connor’s favorite song is “Love Games” by Old for nursing. Her secret ambition is to be in “Disney Gregg, and his favorite band is Green Day. In his free On Ice.” time, he enjoys sports, video games, baking and making fun of Keegan Rhinehart, and he admires Mason Hoveland because he doesn’t care about anything. His words of wisdom are “Some people are like clouds; when they disappear, it’s a beautiful day,” and his future plans are to disregard females Smanatha Schleisman and acquire currency.

Tressiah Rowe

Melanie Selken Melanie Selken is the daughter of Paul and Holly Selken and Michelle Selken, and her siblings are Seth Selken, Kari Selken, Kristen Selken and William Selken. She participated in art club, and she made Brett Truax the honor roll. Her favorite food is potatoes, and her favorite movie is “16 Candles.” In her free time, Brett Lee Truax is the son of Stacy Cordes and Josh Melanie enjoys shopping, bowling and hanging out Cordes, and his siblings are Zaden Eggers, Maleah Class Colors with friends. She admires Amelia Earhart because Jones and Chance Cordes. He enjoys humorous despite what she was told and raised to believe, she activities with little to no point and seeing how many did what she wanted and proved others wrong. Her times he could get away with wearing his hat. Brett words of wisdom, from “The Breakfast Club,” are made the honor roll, and his favorite show is “Street “We’re all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better Outlaws.” His favorite movie is “Atomic Blonde,” and at hiding it, that’s all.” Her future plans are to attend in his free time he likes to fish. His favorite song is %ODFNDQG*ROG La James College of Hairstyling in Mason City and “Choo Choo” by Thomas the Train, and his favorite get a cosmetology and nail technician license. Her food is steak. He admires Chris Kyle, and his favorite secret ambition is to become an Olympic gymnast. singer is Ivan Moody. He plans to enter the Army, and his secret ambition is to get into a cryogenic tube, freeze and wake up 300 years later.

Engelkes-Abels Best of Luck Class of 2018! Funeral Home Stefanie L. Rohler, O.D. 509 4th Street BEARD’S Grundy Center, IA 50638 509 G Avenue Plumbing, Excavating & Septic 319-824-3319 Grundy Center 205 D Avenue, Grundy Center abelsfuneralhomes.com 319-824-6380 319-824-6214 10B Thursday, May 17, 2018 Grundy GRADUATION Register www.thegrundyregister.com BCLUW High School Class of 2018 Class Motto 2XUOLYHVDUHEHIèHXV2XU SDVWVDUHEHKLQGXV%XWRXU PHPèLHVDUHIèHYHUZLëXV Brooke Vry Bryant Williams Brooke Kinsley Vry is the daughter of Jeff Vry and Jayne Bryngelson, and she has one sister, Denelle Warneke. She participated in volleyball, Senior Class Sponsors NHS, letterwinners, Vice President in Art Club and FCCLA, and her honors and awards include IGHSAU academic awards every year, honor roll all four years and NHS for three years. Her most memorable moment was breaking the bench in the student section at a GMG away football game, and 'DYLG%DUWOLQJ9DOHULH her favorite food is chicken alfredo pasta, and her favorite show is “Grey’s Anatomy.” Brooke’s favorite movie is “Endless Love,” and in her free time, she likes to hang with friends, watch Netflix and traveling whenever possible. Her favorite song is “If I Ain’t 'DWHUV'XVWLQ+DPPHUV Got You” by Alicia Keys, and her favorite singer is Beyonce. She admires Julia Roberts for having a positive attitude, being happy, always being true to herself and not giving in to others on what they want her to be. Her words of wisdom are “Not every day is good, but there is something good in every day.” .DUHQ+DPPHUV$QëRQ\ She plans to attend UNI, and her secret ambition is creating the next top fashion clothes brand in a big building in New York. -DKU/\QQ6LOYHU

What is something every teenager should know about the “real world?” Source: Reddit, dee_lio

Learn Cost Benefit Analysis and use it as much as you can. Some battles aren’t worth fighting, even if you’re “right.” Learn which things are worth the time and effort and which things should be let go. 1You’ll find that most battles people fight are a giant waste of time, money and energy. Make sure you have a goal worth pursuing.

Learn empathy. You don’t know what makes people act the way they do. If you try to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, you might find yourself acting a bit more compassionately. While you’re at it, 2try being kinder to people. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Don’t take every slight against you so personally. Don’t take yourself so seriously—no else does.

Learn to manage money. Learn to save, even if it’s a little bit at a time. You don’t have to immediate- ly spend every cent you have. If you can start to put aside a few dollars on a regular interval now, you 3have a much easier time later in life. Many hardships in life are due to people not being able to man- age money effectively. While you’re at it, learn how to use debt effectively. It can be an asset or a liability.

Learn to reevaluate and admit when you’re wrong. It’s never too late to retreat from an incorrect 4path. Don’t waste your time doing the wrong thing. Avoid drama and toxic people. There’s plenty of naturally occurring misery, there’s no need to add more. Learn to de-escalate situations. Also, learn the difference between an inconvenience and an 5emergency and respond accordingly. (Hint: emergencies involve a hospital, jail or morgue. Everything else is an inconvenience.) Don’t overreact.

Don’t lose yourself trying to impress others. The people you try to impress in high school won’t remember your name the day after graduation. Don’t take it personally, you probably won’t remember 6their names either. You are the average of the people you choose to surround yourself with. Choose wisely and you’ll 7excel. Choose poorly and you’ll fail. Appreciate what you have, even if it’s not everything you want. Even on your worst day, there are bil- lions of people who would give everything they’ve ever had in order to trade places with you on your 8“worst day.” 9Attitude is everything. You can be negative or positive about almost anything. It’s okay to party and have fun, but don’t make that your only reason for living. Don’t squander 10your education. It’s one of the only things someone can’t take from you.