Graduation 2018 *UXQG\&HQWHU+LJK6FKRRO&RPPHQFHPHQW 6XQGD\0D\SP $WWKH+LJK6FKRRO*\PQDVLXP 'LNH1HZ+DUWIRUG&RPPHQFHPHQW 6XQGD\0D\SP $WWKH+LJK6FKRRO*\PQDVLXP %&/8:+LJK6FKRRO&RPPHQFHPHQW 6XQGD\0D\SP $WWKH+LJK6FKRRO*\PQDVLXP The Grundy Register 6SHFLDO6RXYHQLU(GLWLRQ0D\ 2B Thursday, May 17, 2018 Grundy GRADUATION Register www.thegrundyregister.com Grundy Center High School Class of 2018 Mariah Abben Jake Edward Bangasser Sawyer LeGrand Bowen Emily Grace Ehrig Madison May Glass Son of Dan and Chris Bangasser Son of Melvin and Christine Bowen Daughter of Barry and Tina Ehrig Daughter of Jodie and Brent Baker BIRTHDAY:-XO\ SIBLINGS: Lane Bangasser BIRTHDAY: $SULO SIBLINGS: 3 sisters, BIRTHDAY: 0DUFK SIBLINGS: Kaitlynn BIRTHDAY: 0D\ SIBLINGS: Samantha HOBBIES: Playing golf, hanging out with friends, 0DGL &DUOL /\QGL HOBBIES: Hunting, Hanging (KULJ HOBBIES: Hang out with friends, going out to *ODVV HOBBIES: Dance, Cheer, swimming, hanging DQG VSHQGLQJ ZD\ WRR PXFK PRQH\ RQ IRRG RXW ZLWK IULHQGV 6SRUWV ACTIVITIES: Football, HDWSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQH[WUDFXUULFXODUV ACTIVITIES: RXW ZLWK IULHQGV DQG VFXED GLYLQJ ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITIES: Football, Golf, Student Senate, Friends 7UDFN %DVHEDOO 0XVLFDO 7KHDWHU HONORS: Dance Team, Volleyball, Tennis, Student Senate, Dance, football cheer, competition cheer, basketball )LUVW9DULRXV-XQLRU*ROI MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Student of the week, Perfect Attendance in 2 grade 0DGULJDO *& -D]] HONORS: Class Secretary FKHHUDQGJROI MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Winning a Making it to state in golf and getting to spend sports AWARDS: 2 time district champion in baseball, DQG 7UHDVXUHU 7UXVWHG 5HDGHU MEMORABLE VWDWHWLWOHIRUSRP FAVORITE FOOD: pizza, Chinese, ZLWK P\ IULHQGV FAVORITE FOOD: Cheeseburger DOOFRQIHUHQFHLQWUDFN MEMORABLE MOMENTS: MOMENTS:+RPHFRPLQJ:HHN3URP6WDWH'DQFH EXUJHUV EUDWV DQG PLQL GRQXWV FAVORITE TV DQG)ULHV FAVORITE TV SHOW: Friday Night Lights 2 time district champs in baseball (8 grade and FAVORITE FOOD::DWHUPHORQ FAVORITE TV SHOW: SHOW: Walking dead, hot to get away with murder, FAVORITE MOVIE: Harry Potter’s, and the Dark sophomore years), Senior year homecoming, Girls 7KH9DPSLUH'LDULHV FAVORITE MOVIE:6WHS8S DQGFULPLQDOPLQGV FAVORITE MOVIE:*RRQLHV .QLJKW FAVORITE SONG: Time For Me to Fly by State basketball senior year, State track junior year FAVORITE SONG:7RQJXH7LHG FAVORITE SINGER: FAVORITE SONG:+HDYHQE\.DQH%URZQ FAVORITE 5(26SHHGZDJRQ FAVORITE SINGER: The Weeknd DV DQ DOWHUQDWH VHQLRU \HDU SURP FAVORITE %516 SPARE TIME: Spend time with friends, have SINGER:)ORULGD*HRUJLD/LQH SPARE TIME: In my SPARE TIME: 3OD\ JROI D ORW RI LW PERSON I FOOD:3L]]D FAVORITE TV SHOW: American Idol ERQILUHV DQG HQMR\ ZDUP ZHDWKHU WORDS OF spare time I enjoy going on walks with my dog Chloe. ADMIRE MOST: Dennis Dirks, because he’s always FAVORITE MOVIE: 6WDQG %\ 0H FAVORITE WISDOM:'DQFHOLNHQRERG\·VZDWFKLQJ FUTURE PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My mother because willing to do whatever is necessary for others, as SONG: :KHUH , FRPH )URP FAVORITE SINGER: PLANS: Attend Iowa State University, majoring in VKHLVDVWURQJLQGHSHQGHQWZRPHQ WORDS OF well as whatever is necessary for our golf team to be -DVRQ$OGHDQ EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: 0DVV &RPPXQLFDWLRQV DQG -RXUQDOLVP SECRET WISDOM: Wealth is the ability to fully experience life. VXFFHVVIXO WORDS OF WISDOM: Be kind always, Crashing my Monte Carlo summer of sophomore AMBITION: Become a yoga guru FUTURE PLANS: My future plans are to be in the and try to make everyone feel as you wish to feel. \HDU SPARE TIME: Hunt, Hangout with my friends, Air-force for six years. FUTURE PLANS: Attend Iowa Western Community &UXLVH PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My dad, He has College to play golf and get a degree in Human taught me so many life lessons and has always Chloe Ryann Anderson Resources Management. Following that, attend a been there for me at all times and is the hardest University to continue playing golf and achieve my ZRUNLQJPDQ,NQRZ WORDS OF WISDOM: You Only Daughter of Kevin James Anderson bachelors or masters degree. /LYH 2QFH -XVW VHQG LW FUTURE PLANS: Attend and Doni Rene Hanesford Marshalltown Community College for a two-year BIRTHDAY: 'HFHPEHU SIBLINGS: Natural Gas Technician Associate of Applied Science Calli Anderson, Riley Richmond, Parker Ticknor $$6 'HJUHH SECRET AMBITION: Be a country HOBBIES: Singing, dancing, acting, reading, music singer drawing, painting, photography, writing Activities: Choir, Madrigal, Musical Theatre, Marching Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Pep Band, Drumline, Football-Basketball-Competition Cheerleading, Academic Decathlon, LoL (Literature over Lunch), Publications, Speech, Track and Field, Softball, Solo (QVHPEOHDQG/DUJH*URXS(QVHPEOH HONORS: Emblem G for Chorus (4 years), Band (4 years), and Track and Field (1 year) Awards: Division 1 for Trumpet (3 years), French Horn (2 years), vocal solo (4 years), and vocal ensemble (3 years), Best Supporting Actress in ‘HamLIT’, State Fair Bill Chasyti Erickson Riley Talent Search Participation Award (2 years), Daughter of Tami Purvis and Andy Erickson Zachary Grant ‘Dancing Queen Award’, ‘Sharpest Moves Award’, BIRTHDAY: -XO\ SIBLINGS: Devon Third Place IHSSA Cheer/Dance, Fourth Place IHSSA (ULFNVRQ +XQWHU 3XUYLV DQG 3UHVWRQ +LQGHUV 6WXQW *URXS 'HHUZRRG 6RIWEDOO AWARDS: 2014 HOBBIES: +DQJLQJ RXW ZLWK IULHQGV ACTIVITIES: First Place Senior Girls Tournament Winner, 2013 Michael Barkhoff 9ROOH\EDOO MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Leaving Grundy Second Place Senior Girls Tournament Winner, 2011 P\IUHVKPDQ\HDUFRPLQJEDFNP\6HQLRU\HDU Third Place Overall Season for Junior Girls Award, FAVORITE FOOD: 3LFNOHV FAVORITE TV SHOW: 2014 Second Place Overall Season for Senior Girls 6SRQJHERE EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Award, 2013 Second Place Overall Season for %URWKHUG\LQJ SPARE TIME: Talk to Mrs. Dieken Senior Girls Award, Sportsmanship Award for 2011, Preston Breyfogle PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Jeff Pelzer, Great hard DQG MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Getting ZRUNLQJPDQZKRVXSSRUWVKLVIDPLO\ WORDS OF P\ILUVWVWDQGLQJRYDWLRQ FAVORITE FOOD: Pizza WISDOM:´,W·OO%XII2XWµ'HYRQ(ULFNVRQ FUTURE FAVORITE TV SHOW: Ask Us Anything (Knowing PLANS: Attending DMACC going into Dental Hygiene %URV FAVORITE MOVIE: +DUU\ 3RWWHU 6HULHV FAVORITE SONG:$W/DVWE\(WWD-DPHV FAVORITE SINGER:%76 EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Losing my grandpa. It made me want to go after P\JRDOVIRUWKHIXWXUHHYHQPRUH SPARE TIME: Sleep and watch music videos, anything on YouTube, DQG WY DQG PRYLHV PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: My Grandma, because she can do anything and everything. She takes care of everyone and taught PH DOPRVW HYHU\WKLQJ , NQRZ WRGD\ WORDS OF Mason Gronen WISDOM: Do as many things as you want and can! You keep yourself busy and learn many different life lessons and skills. I love to learn new things and it has helped me grow as a person. It may be scary at first to try something new, but that’s the fun part! Noah Christopher Boquet You’ll be comfortable eventually, it just takes time. Son of Emily Boquet And Chris Boquet FUTURE PLANS: Going to college to learn more BIRTHDAY:6HSWHPEHU SIBLINGS: Saban about acting and musical theatre, planning to get %RTXHW HOBBIES: VOHHS UHDGLQJ ACTIVITIES: Shelbey Coy a career in acting, travel, and then retire and run 0XVLFDOV $FGHF FKRLU *& MD]] MEMORABLE WKHPXVLFDOWKHDWUHGHSDUWPHQWLQDKLJKVFKRRO MOMENTS: When we got a perfect score at state SECRET AMBITION: To learn 5 languages fluently. VRORHQVHPEOH:KHQ,ZHQWWR$FGHF1DWLRQDOV FAVORITE FOOD:6WHDN FAVORITE TV SHOW: The Nolan John Freeman H[SDQVH FAVORITE MOVIE:/LIHRI3L FAVORITE Son of John and Carol Freeman SONG: Scenes from an Italian Restaurant. Billy BIRTHDAY:$SULO SIBLINGS: Lindsay and -RHO FAVORITE SINGER:%LOO\-RHO EVENT THAT -DUHG)UHHPDQ HOBBIES: Playing Sports, Hunting, INFLUENCED MY LIFE: 6NLSSLQJ D JUDGH SPARE )LVKLQJ3OD\LQJ)RUWQLWHZLWKIULHQGV ACTIVITIES: TIME:1RWGRKRPHZRUN PERSON I ADMIRE MOST: Ms. Boquet. She’s pretty good at being my mom and )RRWEDOO:UHVWOLQJ*ROI&KRUXV0XVLFDO7KHDWHU AWARDS: 3x All-District Football, 4x Academic All- P\WHDFKHU WORDS OF WISDOM: Don’t Fail Literally 'LVWULFW&RQIHUHQFHLQ)RRWEDOO:UHVWOLQJDQG*ROI WKH ILUVW FODVV \RX WDNH LQ KLJK VFKRRO FUTURE MEMORABLE MOMENTS:$Q\WKLQJZLWKP\IULHQGV PLANS:&ROOHJH3UREDEO\&RH SECRET AMBITION: To become so rich that I can pay the news to ignore FAVORITE FOOD:$QLFHVLUORLQ FAVORITE TV SHOW: Aaron Jeffrey Havens that I’m rich. 7KH2IILFH FAVORITE MOVIE:'XPEDQG'XPEHU FAVORITE SINGER:%DFNVWUHHW%R\V EVENT THAT Son of Jeff and Jennifer Havens INFLUENCED MY LIFE:0LVVLRQ7ULSWR+DLWL SPARE BIRTHDAY:-DQXDU\ SIBLINGS: Phoebe, TIME:3OD\)RUWQLWHDQG(DW FUTURE PLANS: I will 5DFKHDO&RG\DQG$OH[LV HOBBIES: Board Games, be attending Upper Iowa University to play football &DUGV ACTIVITIES: )RRWEDOO $UFKHU\ 7HQQLV and pursue a degree in Healthcare Administration. HONORS: Boys State Governor, A Honor Roll all 4 SECRET AMBITION: Either be a famous country \HDUV RI +LJK 6FKRRO MEMORABLE MOMENT: singer or be a world renowned sniper. Football playoffs, state tennis, girls state basketball/ Luke Edgerton YROOH\EDOOGDQFLQJLQWKHGDQFHVKRZ FAVORITE FOOD::DIIOH)ULHVIURP&KLFN)LO$ FAVORITE TV SHOW: 3DUNV DQG 5HFUHDWLRQ FAVORITE MOVIE: 'RFWRU6WUDQJH FAVORITE SONG: Because of You E\'HOXVLRQ FAVORITE SINGER: Scotty McCreery EVENT THAT INFLUENCED MY LIFE: Boys State Class Song SPARE TIME: Hang out with friends; Words of wisdom: Don’t worry about things you can’t control FUTURE PLANS: Attend Iowa State in the Fall with D PDMRU LQ SROLWLFDO VFLHQFH SECRET AMBITION: Ò0èH0LQXWHVÓÎ6FRWW\0F&UæU\ Become the Governor of Iowa.
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