
the Inside this issue: Norwegian The Last King thrills into theatres this June american story on page 18 Volume 127, #18 • May 20, 2016 Est. May 17, 1889 • Formerly Norwegian American Weekly, Western Viking & Nordisk Tidende $3 USD ’s eyes in the sky story on page 10

« Om alt annet i livet slår feil, så vet du i alle fall med ganske What’s inside? No chips in Norwegian Schools? stor sikkerhet at knoppene på Nyheter / News 2-3 epletrærne kommer i mai. » Business 4-5 DC students learn about Norsk lunches – Marianne Storberg Opinion 6-7 Sports 8-9 Christine Foster Meloni Research & Science 10 Washington, D.C. Norwegian Heritage 11 The fifth graders at Leckie Elementary School in three hours and then served with mashed rutabagas. Taste of Norway 12-13 Washington, D.C., were eagerly awaiting the arrival of The children found the idea rather interesting if not Norway near you 14-15 Urd Milbury, the Cultural and Information Officer from particularly appetizing. Travel the Norwegian Embassy. She had already visited the Urd’s next slide showed a piece of . She 16-17 school three times, and the children knew they were go- explained that fishing was Norway’s second most im- Arts & Entertainment 18-19 ing to learn something special about her home country. portant industry after oil, which was #1. She did not Norsk Språk 20-21 Today’s general topic was Food in Norway, but emphasize how polarizing lutefisk was, either loved or Fiction 22 Urd had brought Embassy chef Per Olav Hurv with her hated. She did mention in passing that it was soaked Puzzles to talk specifically about school lunches. in lye, but without giving any importance to this fact. 23 Before Chef Per’s demonstration, Urd presented Her third slide showed three very popular foods in Bulletin Board 24 a slideshow to give the children an overview of food Norway: kjøttkaker (), fiskeboller (fishballs), in Norway. She emphasized the importance of meat and fiskekaker (). $1 = NOK 8.156 and fish to . She began with a picture of She also told the children that Norwegians really updated 05/16/2016 smalahove, a traditional dish, and explained like and export a lot of it. The salmon exports that it was a sheep’s head (hove means head and smala to the have doubled in the past few years. In comparison sheep). The head is burned, the brain removed, and 04/16/2016 8.2544 the head is then salted and dried. It is boiled for about See > lunches page 15 11/16/2015 8.6832 05/16/2015 7.3182 Satellite image of algae bloom in Barents Sea. Photo: © European Space Agency (ESA) 2 • May 20, 2016 Nyheter fra Norge theNorwegianamerican Nyheter Vikinger: Jubileum for rollespill Kronprinsparet «rullet» med russen Det var kronprinsesse Mette-Marit selv De kler seg tidsriktig som postet bildet med teksten «Flere og holder vikingblot i som gleder seg til 17 mai? #rullings». Kronprinsen poserte i sin gamle russe- en årsvis samling dress fra 1992. I skrivende stund har over tretten tusen trykket «liker» på innlegget Siv Kristin Sællmann på Instagram.­ Ifølge Budstikka skal kron­ NRK prins Haakon og kronprinsesse Mette- — Dette skal ofres til mor jord, Marit ha «rullet» med Nesbru-russen den deklamerer­ Helge Grønli, mens han øser 11. mai i bussen «», som kron­ blod oppi et sølvkar. prinsessens sønn, Marius Borg Høiby, Det svake lyset fra bålet skaper en trolsk tilhører. De siste åra er det blitt tradisjon stemning. Dyreblodet er tykt og klissete, blant russen at foreldre får bli med en med en dyp burgunder farge. Noe renner kveld og kjøre rundt med russebussen. utenfor begeret, og lander på steinene rundt (Camilla Wernersen / NRK) bålet. Det spraker i flammene. Elever streiker og demonstrerer: Dette har Helge Grønli gjort i over 20 Vi er imot fraværsgrensen år. Rigget til vikingblot. De første årene var han nesten alene. Nå står det mange hundre Plassen foran rådhus ble 11. mai og venter på ham.Varsomt løfter 72-åringen fylt opp av streikende elever som nekter Foto: Siv Kristin Sællmann / NRK sølvkaret og går ut av uthuset, mot labyrint- Agder Vikinglag, som er landets største, har i en årrekke arrangert vikingmarked for små og store å godta de nye fraværsreglene. — Urett­ en. Utenfor er det som å komme til en annen vikingentusiaster. ferdig mot oss alle, sier en av de frem- tid. Som å vandre inn i fortiden der alt virker møtte. Fra høsten av skal regjeringen autentisk. Ingenting er laget av plast eller Like bortenfor står folk og venter med rollene som vikinger. De sydde seg kjortler, inn­føre nye fraværsregler som blant an- moderne materialer. Lerret-teltene står på tente fakler. Det har begynt å mørkne, og bukser, belter og sko, etter viking oppskrift- net går ut på at elever ikke vil få godkjent rekke og rad, og overalt lager folk mat på bål. lyden av trommer fyller det lille skogholten er. Etter hvert ønsket de å få med seg flere i faget, dersom de har 10 prosent eller Masseproduserte klær finnes ikke. Folk i Høvåg. Vikingblotet er høydepunktet under rollespillet. mer fravær i dette. — Det går ut over de går i sine fotside linklær, mens barna løper den årlige sommerleiren til Agder Vikinglag. I juli 1996 arrangerte de det første svakeste elevene, slår politisk nestleder i barbeint rundt i vide kjortler. De fleste menn­ Vikingene levde i en spesiell tid. En viking­markedet. Det kom sju stykker. Til Elevorganisasjonen Oslo, Julian Søder- ene har latt både hår og skjegg gro fritt. Her brytningstid mellom den gamle hedenskap sommeren er det 30 års jubileum. De regner berg (16), fast. — Selv om man lager de handler det om å se ut som man kommer og den nye kristendommen. med full leir og bortimot 500 mennesker, fra nye reglene for å slå ned på skulking, må fra før i tiden en gang. Eller mer presist; fra — Jeg synes det er spennende å fore­ hele Europa. man forstå at ikke alt fravær er like lett å viking­tiden. stille seg hvordan de levde i ett med naturen. dokument­ere, sier Søderberg til VG. Blant — Dette er en slags lek, sier Helge Og her ute, langt fra byen, er det lettere å English Synopsis: This year marks the 30 year an- annet forklarer den engasjerte nestlederen niversary of the annual Viking Blót in Høvåg. Helge Grønli, på vei mot labyrinten med sølvkaret tenke seg til det, sier Helge Grønli. hvordan elever som opplever mobbing Grønli organized the first Viking market in 1996. med blod i. Han og kona Eli gikk begge helt inn i eller psykiske lidelser, kan få problemer med fraværsreglene, fordi det ikke alltid er så lett å få godkjent fravær for dette. På elevorganisasjonens hjemmesider kaller de fraværsgrensen en «drop-out Rektorer Listhaug kutter asylnorsk garanti.» Elevorganisasjonen mener nå at kunnskapsminister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen La frem 69 integre- (H) må ta ansvar for å finne en løsning på reagerer hvorfor elevene skulker. Blant annet ved å ringstiltak 11. mai øke midlene til skolehelsetjenesten. En ødeleggende fest (Brage Steinson Wiik-Hansen / VG) Ingeborg H. Amundsen & som har utspilt sin rolle, Maria Mikkelsen Dopingmidler for flere titalls millioner mener noen rektorer VG beslaglagt I desember i fjor beslagla politiet i Søn- Hanne Mellingsæter I løpet av et halvår som statsråd har dre Buskerud dopingmidler med en antatt Aftenposten innvandringsminister­ Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) salgs­verdi på 29 millioner kroner. På kun- redusert­ antall norsktimer for asylsøkere fra delistene til dopingligaen fant politifolk­ Andre synes det er en fin tradisjon og 250 til 125. ene fire av sine egne. Kjempebeslaget, ett sier «Hurra for russen!» Innvandrings- og integreringsmin- av de største som noen gang er gjort av «Hæ?». Slik er ofte reaksjonen når Stine ister Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) ønsker å stille dopingmidler i Norge, førte til flere store Rensmoen Johansen (18) forteller folk fra flere og tøffere krav til flyktninger i Norge. beslag andre steder i landet. Det var TV2- andre land om det norske fenomenet russetid. I ­meldingen om integrering, som nyhetene som først omtalte beslaget i sin Russepresidenten på Lørenskog videre­ ble lagt frem 11. mai på Sentralen i Oslo, 21-sending 11. mai. — Det er funnet en gående skole har det «utrolig gøy» disse beskriver hun hvordan. Foto: Helge Mikalsen / VG god del mer, men noen tall har jeg ikke ukene, men innrømmer at hun aldri hadde — Integrering er ingen «quick fix». Listhaug bruker Sveriges såkalte parallellsam- nå, sier lensmann Stig Rønneberg i Øvre trodd hun skulle bli så sliten. Og snart venter Inte­grering er hardt arbeid, fastslo Listhaug. funn som eksempel på mislykket integrering. Eiker til Aftenposten. Flere titalls person- eksamen. Meldingen inneholder 69 tiltak, som er er siktet i saken, tre av dem har i en — Russefeiringen ødelegger svært mye igjen baserer seg på 64 tiltak i integrerings­ opplæring. De 50 timene burde kommet i til- periode vært varetektsfengslet, og politiet for elevenes læring og konsentrasjon de siste forliket som seks av stortingspartiene legg til de 175, mener Geir Toskedal (KrF), har funnet kundelister med mange hundre månedene av skoleåret i Vg3, sier Løren­ (Høyre, Frp, KrF, Venstre, Ap og Sp) gikk som skal være saksordfører når meldingen navn. Det var i Øvre Eiker snøballen beg- skog-rektor Atle Solberg Berland. sammen om før jul. nå skal behandles i Stortinget. ynte å rulle da man på lensmannskontoret­ Hvis han fikk bestemme, hadde hele I integreringsmeldingen foreslår regjer- André N. Skjelstad, innvandrings­ bestemte seg for å se nærmere på det lo- feiring­en blitt erstattet med en mer høytidelig­ ingen å kutte norskopplæringen i mottakene politisk talsperson i Venstre, er heller ikke kale dopingmiljøet. Politiet fant rett og markering av at 13 års skolegang er over. ytterligere. Allerede i fjor høst ble norsk­ fornøyd med regjeringen de støtter når det slett hovedlageret til det man mener var Denne markeringen kan gjerne elevene og opplæringen redusert fra 250 til 175 timer. gjelder dette punktet. en godt organisert dopingliga. ­— Ligaen ledelsen ved skolen planlegge og gjennom­ Nå skal 50 av timene øremerkes kurs — Det er ingen tvil om at norsk­kunn­ har stått for omfattende distribusjon av føre sammen, mener rektor. i «norsk folkeskikk», der asylsøkerne skal skaper er blant de viktigste faktorene for å dopingmidler via nettet. På kundelistene Berland er én av 200 rektorer som har lære seg norsk kultur, lover og regler. De må lykkes i det norske samfunnet. Det er et er det personer som i utgangspunktet besvart Aftenpostens rundspørring om russe­ ha fullført kurset og bestått en test før de får godt forslag å gi mer samfunnsopplæring, ønsker å bruke preparatene for å bygge tiden. 77 rektorer (39 prosent) har svart «ja» språkopplæring. Dermed gjenstår det 125 men det bør ikke gå på bekostning av norsk­ kropp, sier Rønneberg. på spørsmål om feiringen bør avvikles/av­ timer til norsk språk. opplæringen, som allerede er kraftig re- (Hans O. Torgersen / Aftenposten) skaffes, mens 54 svarer «nei». — Regjeringen har redusert språk­ dusert, sier han. opplæringen igjen. Nå går man ytterligere English Synopsis: Some principals are calling Nor- ned ved å gi kulturopplæring fra dag én. Det English Synopsis: Minister of Integration Sylvi List- way’s high school graduation celebration a devastat- er ikke mulig å være imot kulturopplæring, haug (FrP) reduced amount of ing party that has outlived its usefulness. classes for asylum seekers from 250 to 125 hours. men kan ikke ta fra ressursene fra språk­ theNorwegianamerican News May 20, 2016 • 3 The future of This week in brief Accident Planned asylum center destroyed by fire Strengthening Early on May 10, a fire broke out at a research, tourism, and planned asylum center in Hol Muni­ in Oslo cipality in Hallingdal that left the build- the general businesses ing completely destroyed. Police were notified of the fire at Oslo police stated 4:52 a.m. on May 10. Ministry of Justice and Public Security that no criminal “The building has suffered great damage, but it hasn’t burned comple­ These are means through which the activity is suspected tely down. It’s possible the fire brigade government will further the development of will monitor a controlled burn,” police Svalbard. This is revealed in the White Paper spokesman Ole Kristian Nerby told NTB. regarding Svalbard presented by the govern- The Local Nerby said it was too early to say ment on May 11. anything about the cause of the fire but “The essence of the White Paper is that Police found the body of a Swedish man confirmed that no one was in the building the Norwegian policies regarding Svalbard on April 21 in a pipe at a construction site when the fire was discovered. The build- remain unchanged and in the future Long- where a new gallery for iconic artist Edvard ing was approved for use as an asylum yearbyen shall continue to be a viable local Munch is being built in Oslo. center in January. The former boarding community that attracts families,” says An- Following a two-week investigation, house was due to host 64 asylum seekers. ders Anundsen, Minister of Justice and Pub- police now say that the man was not the vic- In December, two people were lic Security (). Photo: Billy Lindblom / Wikimedia Commons tim of a crime. charged with arson for setting fire to a ho- To support the local government of Svalbard landscape and tundra. “We have carried out technical inves- tel scheduled to house asylum seekers in Longyearbyen’s ongoing work to secure the tigations and have spoken with witnesses southwest Norway. That fire was praised buildings after the avalanche last winter, the activities as tourism, research, and higher with various connections to the case. We on several anti-refugee Facebook pages government proposes a grant of NOK 10 education, we will continue to develop the have also had a dialogue with the Swedish with warning that “this won’t be the last million in the revised national budget. This society of Longyearbyen. We will initiate an police. The sum of what we have been able fire.” is in addition to the NOK 50 million to se- effort to develop the tourism in the area of the to discover leads us to believe that it was an (The Local) cure work places and restructuring that was Isfjord and the nearby local communities. In accident,” spokesman Stein Olav Bredli told granted in 2015. The government has also addition, we will facilitate a development of Aftenposten. Union threatens increased industrial facilitated an operation rest with reference to a more versatile business within the frames Police had previously suspected that the action the Svea and Lunckefjell mines up to three of the Svalbard policy,” says Anundsen. man purposely put himself in the pipe, but Some 3,500 Fellesforbundet union years from 2017, which will allow more time The White Paper further reveals that the Bredli said he would not give further infor- memb­ers strike after no local wage nego­ to restructuring. tiation­ deal with the Norwegian Hospital- “By increased efforts to secure ongoing See > Svalbard, page 6 See > Accident, page 6 ity Asso­ciation. More could be called out, April 30. The first wave started on April 24. It affected hotels, cafeterias, and restaurants hunting list expanded across Buskerud, Hordaland, Nordland, Oslo, Sør-Trøndelag, and Vestfold count­ ies. Fellesforbundet decided to escalate New proposal angers industrial action, calling out a further bird protection 2,447 members. This took effect on April 30 from 8:00 a.m. organizations (Michael Sandelson / The Foreigner) Norway sees immigration numbers Michael Sandelson, Sarah Bostock & drop Lyndsey Smith The Foreigner Norway’s population increased by 9,300 people in the first quarter, bringing the Blackbirds and song thrushes could le- offi­cial number of registered inhabitants gally be culled in Norway for agricultural of the Nordic nation up to 5,223,300. reasons. The suggestion by the Norwegian Through the first three months of this Environmental Agency would cover the an- year, 14,333 children were born while nual hunting season between August 10 and 11,022 people died. That gave Norway December 23. It would be valid for a period a birth surplus of 3,511 people, a figure that is almost 1,000 more than the same of five years from March 2017. Photo: David Friel / Wikimedia Commons Jo Anders Auran, senior advisor at the Male Blackbird (Turdus merula). quarter last year, according to Statistics Agency’s Section for Wildlife, comments Norway. Immigration, on the other hand, was that a 2015 report by nature conservation cades. Hunters are obliged to report their hunting period in Norway if the negative down roughly 17 percent from the first charity BirdLife International on Norway culling figures to Statistics Norway (SSB) trends continue,” he tells The Foreigner. quarter of 2015. Some 14,496 people shows that the blackbird has a breeding pair each year. The fieldfare’s status on the Interna- were registered as immigrating to Nor- population of 250,000 to 600,000. The overall annual figure for fieldfares tional Union for Conservation of Nature’s way in this year’s first quarter, while For the song thrush, it is estimated that (Turdus pilaris) and redwings (Turdus ilia- (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species is 8,736 people moved out of the country. the number of breeding pairs is between cus) that have been killed is between 10,000 classified as being of “least concern,” with The immigration number for the same 1,000,000 and 1,500,000. and 15,000, according to the Norwegian En- its population “stable.” perio­d last year was 16,926. Why legalize blackbird and song thrush vironment Agency. The redwing is classified as being “near The number of migrant workers has hunting? According to Auran, “Farmers, and Auran adds that permission to hunt these threatened,” with its population “decreasing.” decreased, while there was an uptick in especially farmers who grow hectares of two bird species could also be revoked. Kjetil Aadne Solbakken, CEO of the residents with a refugee background. Net berries such as strawberries, may experience “There has been a suggestion to stop Norway branch of wildlife charity BirdLife immigration of people from Poland and flocks of birds attacking their fields.” hunting these two species in Norway due to International, says they are “outraged” about Hunting thrushes such as fieldfare and negative trends regarding these in Europe Lithuania was down significantly. redwing has been allowed for several de- too. This will be proposed from the next See > Songbird, page 6 There are still many who immigrate to Norway from countries in Europe, but there are also many from these same This week’s news from Norway is brought to you through partnerships with: countries who emigrate. Meanwhile, there was a large net immigration from Syria, Eritrea,­ Afghanistan, and Somalia. Asylum seekers without valid residence­ permits are not included in the statistics. www.thelocal.no & theforeigner.no (The Local) 4 • May 20, 2016 Business theNorwegianamerican Business News & Notes More Sovereign Wealth Fund spending NOK 65 million goes to environmen- From maze to map The revised draft national budget proposal tally friendly shipping measures. takes another NOK 10 billion out of the 1,000 additional government-funded MazeMap teams up with Cisco to help College Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG). jobs for unemployed persons will be cre- “Lower demand from the petroleum ated in the second half of 2016. of students and staff find their way around sector has dampened growth and increased NOK 1.3 billion will be allocated to- unemployment in Norway’s southern and wards immigration and integration. Accord- western regions. The government proposes ing to the government, this is due to “faster new targeted policies to boost employment than expected settlement of refugees.” in the most affected regions,” says Minister (Michael Sandelson / The Foreigner) of Finance Siv Jensen in a statement. The government’s budget move also Hydro starts new recycling line comes at a time of record-low interest rates The aluminum company Hydro commis- from , and a sharp deprecia- sioned a EUR 45 million (about USD 51 tion in the krone. And although the main- million) facility aiming to recycle up to land GDP is expected to grow during this 50,000 metric tons of used beverage cans year, it will be at a slower pace than origi- per year at its Neuss plant in . nally forecast in October 2015. Europeans now are using more than The Ministry of Finance proposed 30 billion cans a year. That equals 450,000 spending NOK 205.6 billion from the metric tons to recycle. GPFG. It was NOK 195.2 billion when the Countries collect cans in various government laid forth last year’s budget. systems; the bulk often contains impuri- ties and other materials than aluminum. “The situation is serious for those Photo courtesy of MazeMap who have either lost or who experience “Hydro’s facility in Neuss is the first to All rooms and points of interest on these maps are searchable and available across all platforms. increased uncertainty about their job,” Fi- adopt a patented, advanced sorting technol- nance Minister Jensen states. “At the same ogy for used beverage cans, able to process collected aluminum material with up to 20 time, many Norwegian businesses are do- Rasmus Falck percent impurities,” said Hydro President ing well and employment is increasing in Oslo, Norway many parts of the country.” and CEO Svein Richard Brandtzæg. Used beverage can recycling in Neuss Cisco and Norwegian company Maze- . Already the next year, revenues Key points contained in the revised draft will save 350,000 metric tons of CO2 emis- Map have teamed up on indoor location were close to four million NOK. The CEO national budget proposal: sions each year, compared to use of prima- development—like GPS for your car—for is Thomas Jelle, who is a serial entrepre- NOK 900 million will be allocated to- ry aluminum. Energy needed to produce several customers. One of the customers is neur with over 10 years of experience from wards several targeted measures in south- primary aluminum for one can is enough to the College of Bergen. The college has just managing and commercializing research and ern and . recycle aluminum for 20 cans. consolidated the distributed campus from development projects. He has founded or co- Of this: NOK 250 million is to be spent “With the new recycling line, we offer five buildings down to two. The move re- founded five ICT startups and holds an ad- on municipal road maintenance and repair. our international customers a closed recy- quired more efficient space utilization and junct professor position at NTNU. There are The money will go to municipalities with cling loop, literally turning old cans into more flexibility in scheduling. As a result, 15 employees at MazeMap, and the largest a higher than average unemployment rate. new cans,” said Executive Vice President the college needed a navigation solution that shareholder is NTNU Technology Transfer NOK 50 million will be allocated to- Kjetil Ebbesberg at the opening ceremony. helped students and staff find their classes AS. wards the upkeep of health services. (Norsk Hydro ASA) and schedules. The wayfinding service re- MazeMap won the European Satellite quired two elements: location and maps. Navigation Competition for Norway. Part of Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences used the prize was a four-week stay at the Nordic (May 16, 2016) the campus’ Cisco Wi-Fi network to deter- Innovation House in Silicon Valley, famed Winners Losers mine the location of each mobile device, and for their technology incubator program Norsk Kr. 8.1563 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change MazeMap provided the maps. Teach INCubator (TINC) for startups with Dansk Kr. 6.6000 Thin Film Electronics 4.40 6.28% Intex Resources 0.59 -9.23% Using digital plans of the college ambitions and potential for international Norske Skogindustrier 2.24 6.16% Subsea 7 70.80 -9.06% facilities, MazeMap created the maps and growth. It is designed as on-the-job train- Svensk Kr. 8.2561 Scatec Solar 37.90 4.99% Navamedic 9.51 -7.67% made sure all rooms and points of inter- ing, and the participant is able to test their Islandsk Kr. 123.42 Apptix 2.39 4.37% Petroleum Geo-Services 20.89 -6.53% est were searchable and available across all products on potential customers, industry Canadian $ 1.2905 Software 62.00 4.29% Europris 34.80 -5.95% platforms, including iOS and Android. They experts, and investors. As he received the Euro 0.8832 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. also integrated with the university’s existing prize, Thomas Jelle said that they already services, including the e-timetable system, have American partners in Silicon Valley. to provide a richer information tool. When The stay will make cooperation and invest- users click “Find my location,” they can see ments in the U.S. easier. 10-YEAR RATE MORTGAGE* * themselves as a blue dot moving along the .990% shortest route to their destination. This fea- Interest Rate Rasmus Falck is a strong • 2 ture factors in available elevators, stairs, and Appleton, Minneapolis, * innovation and entrepre- FIRSTThriventcu.com HOME, • 866-226-5225 NEW HOME OR doorways and avoids no-entry areas. .209% neurship advocate. The au- STAYING IN THE ONE YOU LOVE? 3 Annual Percentage Rate By combining the expertise of Cisco and thor of “What do the best MazeMap, the College of Bergen helps stu- Get the mortgage that’s right for you do better” and “The board dents and staff make the most of their time on of directors as a resource We’ll help you explore all of your options, so your mortgage syncs with campus. Just two weeks after the launch, the your finances, aligns with your values, and keeps you working toward your in SME,” he received his long-term goals. service was used by 4,000 users—equivalent masters degree from the to 60 percent of all students and employees. University of Wisconsin-Madison. He currently Find guidance and support The company was started in July 2013 in lives in Oslo, Norway. As one of the largest faith-based credit unions, we offer our members a unique combination of financial expertise and shared values. We provide personalized assistance from dedicated and knowledgeable bankers. Get started today Call today 866-596-1501 for a FREE consultation with a mortgage specialist. Go to Thriventcu.com/exploremortgage 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 to learn about a limited-time bonus offer. Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] *Annual Percentage Rate (APR) accurate as of March 21, 2016. Rates are subject to change without notice. Payment example: A $150,000 mortgage loan with a simple interest rate of 2.990% and a corresponding APR of 3.209% for 10 years would have a principal and interest Featuring great Nordic products payment of $1,447.72. This payment example does not include amounts for taxes or insurance premiums, and your actual payment Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments obligation will increase with the inclusion of these premiums. Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats Example based on 80% loan to value ratio. Normal underwriting criteria required. Other fees may apply based on your mortgage NMLS ID 1012971 and more! needs. Restrictions may apply. Must qualify for membership. 35117NA N3-16 Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com theNorwegianamerican Business May 20, 2016 • 5 Norges Bank celebrates 200 years Norway’s central bank marks its bicentenary with events, exhibitions, books, and a new coin design

Molly Jones Norwegian American Weekly

This June marks 200 years since the central bank of Norway, Norges Bank, was founded in 1816. To commemorate its his- tory, Norges Bank has arranged a series of events around the country. Leading up to the main bicentennial celebrations on June 16, events have included an opening of “The king and the elk: Two hundred years of coin and medal design,” an exhibition at the Nor- wegian Mining Museum in Kongsberg; a presentation in Molde on “Saving Norway's ,” the exciting story of the evacuation of Norway’s gold reserves during World War II; and much more.

New coin design In search of a design for a commemora- tive 200th-anniversary 20-kroner coin, Norg- es Bank welcomed artists from around the Photos: Nils S. Aasheim / Norges Bank Above: Norges Bank’s birthday has its own country to submit their visions. The winning hashtag. From left: Andreas Andersen, Therese design was created by Oslo National Acad- Riiser Waal, Hilde Kristin Bendixen, Charlotte emy of the Arts student Kjersti M. Austdal, Jaksa, and Eline Skari Hyggen (all from the Com- whose minimalist design “Norgespulsen” de- munications Department at Norges Bank). picts an inflation chart inspired by a lecture Left: Bank Governor Øystein Olsen along with she attended on Norway’s economic history. the winning team “Spot on” from Handelshøy­ “In its simplicity, the chart is a powerful skolen BI. From left: Tamara Haaland Aleksander symbol. It is a stylized illustration of infla- Cornejo, Øystein Olsen, Synne Sandnes, and tion and deflation in Norway through history. Rosanna Johed. The chart shows that Norges Bank monitors both economic and financial fluctuations and is able to steer them towards stability,” said the jury about its reasoning for selecting Austdal’s design. turies and will be launched on June 10. Also being published in June are Norges Bank the National case championship 1816-2016. A Pictorial History edited by H. Norway’s central bank has also used this Bøhn, Ø. Eitrheim, and J.F. Qvigstad and Hearthstone opportunity to arrange the first-ever national Central Banks at a Crossroads: What Can case championship for students. Teams of We Learn From History? edited by M.D. four students each compete to solve what-if Bordo, Ø. Eitrheim, M. Flandreau, and J.F. scenarios selected by the case master, Nina Qvigstad, which is based on the 2014 confer- Midthjell of Norges Bank. The previous ence “Of the Uses of Central Banks: Lessons preliminary competitions have been held in From History.” Lastly, A Monetary History Oslo in March and in May and the of Norway 1816-2016, by Ø. Eitrheim, J. T. final two will be held in Bergen in Septem- Klovland, and L. F. Øksendal, will be pub- ber and Trondheim in October. The winning lished by Cambridge University Press this team from each of the preliminary competi- fall. tions will then compete in the finals in Oslo in October. Symposium On June 16, “The interaction between Exhibitions monetary policy and financial stability: go- At the Museum of Contemporary Art, ing forward” symposium will be held. Key visitors will be able to view all of the entries speakers include Christine Lagarde, Interna- Welcome to the Neighborhood! in the competition to design the new coin, in- tional Monetary Fund; Augustin Carstens, cluding the winning designer’s vision. This Bank of Mexico; Lars Rohde, Danmarks exhibition will be on view there from June Nationalbank; Erkki Liikanen, Bank of Fin- 19 until September, when it be relocated to land; Stefan Ingves, Sveriges Riksbank; Már the Norwegian Mining Museum in Kongs- Gudmundsson, Bank of ; Hyun Song berg. Shin, Bank for International Settlements; Until December, guests can explore 20 and Slyngstad, Norges Bank Invest- buildings that were constructed for Norges ment Management. Bank from 1827 to 1986 at the “Open Up! In addition, the new Central Banks at Norges Bank’s Bicentenary” exhibition at a Crossroads book will be launched at this the National Museum of Art, Architecture, event. and Design. Main celebration Book launches The bicentenary celebration will take After nine years in the making, four place on June 19 as guests can choose be- the books relating to the history of Norges Bank tween a rare opportunity to experience a Hearthstone are set to be published this year, honoring guided tour of the bank itself and one of four the bicentennial. Norges Bank 1816-2016, lectures. Retirement Living 6720 E Green Lake Way N written by Einar Lie and co-authors in both In addition, everyone is invited to join Seattle, WA 98103 Norwegian and English, explores the history the all-ages festivities at Bankplassen, the at Seattle’s Green Lake www.hearthstone.org of Norges Bank as well as the development square in front of the bank, and celebrate 200 (206) 517-2213 of Norwegian society over the last two cen- years with a slice of birthday cake. 6 • May 20, 2016 Opinion theNorwegianamerican An opinion column about current issues in < accident Norway and the United States From page 3 Join the conversation! mation on why investigators believe that the On the EDGE death was the result of an accident. The man has been identified as a Swed- Sámi heritage is not a “cute” fashion statement ish citizen in his 30s who had been living in Norway for some time before his death. Although he was not identified publicly, his relatives have been informed of his death. Lynn Gleason The man’s body was found in a 70cm Pacific Sámi Searvi diameter pipe that was part of the foundation of the new Munch museum. Officers had to The latest Sons of Norway maga- use a blow to remove the man’s body. zine Viking had a very nice article about Norwegian . One thing I found interesting was that it said it is fine for < svalbard someone to wear a bunad from any re- From page 3 gion, even if they do not have ancestors or family tied to that particular region. I government will develop a general strategy think it’s a little odd to wear a from in relation to research and higher education a region to which you have no connec- at Svalbard. tion, but if it doesn’t bother Norwegians “A clear Norwegian host role based on in Norway then it certainly doesn’t both- professional leadership in relevant fields is er me. However, while this might be fine important. To contribute to this, changes will for Norwegian bunads, I do not feel it’s be made in relation to organizing and run- true of all cultural . ning of the research activity in Ny-Ålesund,” A very significant part of my iden- Photo: Karin Beate Nøsterud / norden.org says Anundsen. tity is being Norwegian; almost all of Colorful gákti are undeniably cute, but wearing meaningful garb from another’s culture without my ancestry comes from Norway. Then permission is cultural appropriation. It cheapens these garments to wear them simply because one in 2014 I learned I am also Sámi. Like likes the way they look. < songbird many descendants of Sámi immigrants, From page 3 I didn’t know this until I went looking for it. That is because many Sámi who the way down to specific family, as a bu- about before we would presume to wear the agency’s proposal to allow culling of came here decided to leave that identity nad is to a region of Norway. Every part of one. Many of us wouldn’t wear it even blackbirds and song thrushes. behind. They are a colonized minority, a gákti has meaning: the color of the fabric, then because we feel it is something that “We think hunting small songbirds is and of all the countries that colonized the colors of the stripes, the ribbons and what must be earned. These items are sacred, meaningless, sad, and unacceptable. Thrush- the Sámi (Norway, , , and order they go in, the shape and colors of the and although many Sámi wear their gákti es eat berries all over the world, and the situ- Russia), the process of Norwegianization hats, the colors and designs of the leg bands, more often than Norwegians wear bunads, ation in Norway isn’t particularly serious, was the harshest. Children were forced which are not just for decoration but have a gákti are no less significant in meaning or either,” he says. into residential schools; lands and basic very practical purpose; all of this has mean- in cost. The financial cost of a gákti eas- Current legislation permits farmers to rights were stripped; they were margin- ing. Cheap knock-offs of gákti in Finland ily matches that of a bunad. The personal apply to the County Governor for permis- alized, disenfranchised, and exploited; sold to unwitting tourists are a real problem. cost of wearing one is often greater still. sion to shoot the actual animals that cause their language and music were banned. In Imposters profiting off something sacred are I truly understand that those who economic damage to their crops. some Norwegian churches, joiking is still costing business from actual Sámi duodjar asked for patterns or items didn’t mean “It’s better to have the opportunity to banned. The Sámi women’s hats were and craftsmen. Cultural appropriation is real, to be disrespectful, but I feel the lack of reduce the problem through hunting locally banned in some places by the church; in it is insulting, and it is harmful. trying to learn about the history or mean- instead of one or two shooting specific birds others wearing the gákti made Sámi a tar- People ask me for patterns for Sámi hats ing of what it is they want to wear is dis- that are causing the problem,” comments the get for abuse. It has a very different histo- because they think they’re cute or for the respectful. I know individuals who are environment agency’s Jo Anders Auran. ry than the bunad and that is why I feel it dresses because they like the way the skirts not Sámi but were given gákti or other “This [birds causing economic harm] needs to be treated with as much respect twirl. Even if I had those patterns to give, I meaningful items by Sámi, and that’s dif- is quite rare. These small songbirds aren’t as the bunad, and more. Many Sámi have would not give them. I feel it is absolutely not ferent. That’s wonderful. I love it when causing any real damage to anybody, so it’s literally risked their lives to wear it. my place to do so. Most of Sámi people ask me questions and are curious not an argument to legalize hunting them,” The Sámi fought hard for recogni- descent have a difficult time not only find- about the Sámi; I love sharing as much as Solbakken declares. tion of their rights, lands, language, and ing photos or records of specifics about their I can. I love learning from others. I love He also fears that the agency’s legisla- culture. It is an ongoing struggle. The Sámi ancestors but also figuring out which that people like the look of the Sámi and tion will lead to more widespread hunting of gákti is as much a representation of Sámi gákti our ancestors wore, and for many of us small birds in general. culture, faith, and region, sometimes all it is something we feel we must know more See > not fashion, page 10 “The meat has no worth, unlike that of the grouse and/or wood pigeon, and hunting The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not such small birds is meaningless, generally- an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. speaking,” concludes Solbakken.

Name: Subscribe now! Phone: 26 yearly issues filled with news from Norway, business, Address: sports, opinion, food, travel, language, and more! City/State/Zip: $ one year: 70 Email: the Card #: Norwegian Expiration: CVV: Amount/issues: Questions? Call us at (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected]. You can also pay by phone or mail a check to: american Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115. theNorwegianamerican Opinion May 20, 2016 • 7 Letters to the Editor Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Tel: (206) 784-4617 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Norwegian American Foundation Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Editorial Assistant / Business, Sports, Why is the aquavit gone? Taxes corded the complete works of Agathe Backer Travel Grøndahl, which are so lovely to listen to. Molly Jones [email protected] Dear Editor, Dear Editor, Sincerely, Editorial Intern / Nyheter fra Norge, I haven’t seen anything in your pa- I was in Norway in 1989 and a glass of Helen Scherer News, Opinion per about the scarceness of Linie Aquavit. beer cost six dollars and I turned and asked Shawnee, Kansas Linn Chloe Hagstrøm [email protected] Something has happened with the distribu- some guy in the bar how they could afford Taste of Norway Editor tion of it in the U.S.—none in Washington, to drink in Norway, and he said they made Molvik Daytona Strong [email protected] Oregon, , even Minnesota! Hop- more money then we did in America. So I Advertising ing you can find out the reason why and basically said, “Well don’t you guys get Ryan Pearson [email protected] bring it back to America. taxed to death?” And he said yes, but their Dear Editor, Subscriptions Sincerely, net income was still a lot higher then ours. In the Letters to the Editor, May 6, I no- [email protected] Deanna Egeland Dowell Guess what you don’t spend from your ticed the letter from Nillmar Molvik. I think Bremerton, Wash. gross income, you spend from your net in- this person could be my husband’s friend Contributors come. Just thought you guys should look at Nilmar Molvik Jr. (whom he met at church) Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. Dear Deanna, the big picture. and who helped Sverre learn to his first Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Stay tuned for answers, Deanna! We Sincerely, car in October 1950. Nilmar went to college Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Alaska have a story in our next issue that will ad- Mark and married; we met his wife, whose name I M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway Carla Danziger McLean, Va. / Albany, Calif. dress the recent shortage, which does come do not recall. We lost touch with each other Daughters of Norway Members Various at a rather inopportune time for us Norwe- after about 1955. I wonder if Nillmar Molvik Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. gians. But the good news is that in the end The loss of a great pianist has seen Sverre’s obit! Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Christy Olsen Field Seattle, Wash. we’ll all have better access to aquavit than I enjoy reading your publication very Marit Fosse Geneva, before. Dear Editor, much, and I like the changes you are intro- Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. Sincerely, I was deeply saddened when I learned of ducing. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Editor the death of Norwegian concert pianist Na- Mary F. Ludvigsen Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. talia Strelchenko (Dec. 23, 1976–Aug. 30, Shoreline, Wash. Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. 2015). Although of Russian origin, she re- Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y Inger-Torill Kirkeby , Fla. 24. mai Howard S. Tronsdal Stanwood WA Michael Kleiner Philadelphia, Penn. William Aasen Rhoadsville VA Sverre Velle Straumgjerde Norway Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Burnett N. Bordson Fergus Falls MN Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Jarle Eldevik Blue Jay CA 29. mai Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Glenn Foss Echo MN Marianne Anderegg Redmond WA Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Jack Pierce Jacobsen Sun Prairie WI Nettie Brown Albert Lea MN Donald V. Mehus New , N.Y. Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. Anne Jordheim Columbia MO David Brueland Seattle WA David Moe Sun City, Calif. Col Hamilton Lawrence Coronado CA Jorulf Brynestad Oak Ridge TN Maria Stordahl Nelson Seattle, Wash. Harald Olafson Everett WA Mary E. Carlson San Pedro CA David Nikel Trondheim, Norway 20. mai Leif Sather Gonvick MN Ralph L. Egeland Aurora IL Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Betty Hammer Marysville WA Harold Steinvik Sandhornøy Norway Edna Gahler Iver Grove Heights MN Finn Roed West Bloomfield, Mich. Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho Matthew Allen Herset Kalispell MT Rich Olsen Richland WA John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Solveig M. Jacobsen Santa Cruz CA 25. mai Bertha Peterson Wallingford IA Rolf Kristian Stang , N.Y. Martha Ohm Red Bank NJ Madeline Blay Marysville WA Lynne Plasek Shoreview MN Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. Arlene Bredeson Olson Coon Rapids MN Janet (Nesse) Grell Matawan NJ Reidun Seim Burnaby BC Dianna Walla Tromsø, Norway Olav Orvik Ålesund Norway Neal Harrison Lynnwood WA Daniel A. Sevig Fossil OR Norwegian American Weekly strives to make Sverre Olav Staurset Tacoma WA Lily Tofteland Hartmann Boulder CO its news report fair and accurate. If you have a John L. Haugum Montevideo MN 30. mai question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly 21. mai Martha Hefty Marysville WA Clarence A. Clausen Northfield MN reserves the right to edit any and all submissions Adrienne Dahl Rochester NY Evelyn Knutsen Nesse Staten Island NY Vita Davies Sequim WA for style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and Harald J. Hansen San Bruno CA Charles Richard Schneider Oshkosh WI Grace Hansen Jamaica Estates NY the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, William Johnsen Brooklyn NY Louis H. Stangeland Stanwood WA Floyd W. Lien Minneapolis MN in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion Corine Phelps Grafton ND Anne Lian Timm Tulalip WA Charles Olsen Westland WI writers and letter writers are not necessarily those Virginia Onsrud Eugene OR of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publica- 22. mai 26. mai Fredrick Smith Lawrenceville NJ tion of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about Kristen Grobstok Kirkland WA Marilyn E. Benson Silver Spring MD Atle L. Coleman Veka Seattle WA the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials Myrtle P. Jacobson Minot ND Carole Davick Papillion NE Clara Aasland Williamsen Tucson AZ should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian Lillian S. Lien Minneapolis MN Marilyn Gjerlow Staten Island NY American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942- Laura Pedersen Anne Devine Jorgensen 31. mai 1389) is published weekly except the first week Grants Pass OR New City NY of January, the week after , the last week Nels Stone Grand Marais MN Theo Linland Pineville NC Trini D. Aasen Anaheim CA of July, and the first two weeks of August by Nor- Arne Thune New Canaan CT Susan Johansen Shiels Pelham NY Helen Anderson Carpio ND wegian American Weekly, INC. 7301 5th Ave NE, Odd Vaarvik Chewelah WA Tom Virding Englewood CO Else Kinney-Patecell Bayside NY Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 • Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, Wash. and at additional mailing Kari Molbach Wallise Agua Dulce CA Winnie Slaaen Farsund Norway offices. • POSTMASTER: Please send address 27. mai changes to Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 23. mai Mrs. Kaare Bang Eugene OR 1. juni 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Agnes Berge Canada Cherie Iverson Oak Harbor WA L. Brekken Spokane WA Canada, US $212 to Norway and all other foreign Florence Engebretson Oro Valley AZ Larry Locken Mount Vernon WA Starleen Locken Corrion countries. Britt Graham Portland OR Inga Rude Jamestown ND Mount Vernon WA SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Jim Latourette Santa Cruz CA Magne A. Spor Milwaukie OR Helga Lellelid Colman SD Formerly Norway Times Donald Peterson Milan MN Bruce Sverre Vatne Mendota Heights MN John N. Melland Modesto CA Western Viking & Washington Posten

Gerd Rorvik Thornwood NY Carrie Mjelve Camrose AB Canada Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten Agnes Tharaldsen Scottsdale AZ 28. mai M. Olufsen Burnaby BC Canada og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Geraldine Thompsen Green Valley AZ Jorulf Brynestad Oak Ridge TN Joseph Plasek Madison WI Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven May Sandvik Wohlafka Carl I. Jarnes Aberdeen WA NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. East Northport NY Bill Peterson Mora MN 2. juni John Solli Staten Island NY Erik Andersen Lomita CA Richard Stenerson Redmond WA Kristofer Michael Virding Tigard OR Looking for the English translation Want to see your birthday in the Norwegian American? Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. of the front page quote? Must be submitted one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! See page 21. 8 • May 20, 2016 Sports theNorwegianamerican Controversy over NSF’s new elite teams Norway’s next-best female cross-country skiers are calling out Norges Skiforbundet for reducing the size of the women’s team while filling up the quota on the men’s side

Molly Jones Norwegian American Weekly

When Norges Skiforbund (the Norwe- gian Ski Federation) announced their selec- tions for the national cross-country skiing teams for the upcoming season, not everyone was pleased with their decisions—especially not the country’s second-best female skiers. While the federation filled up the 14 quota spaces on the men’s team—with eight on the all-round team and six on the sprint team—they decided to reduce the women’s team from 10 to eight athletes for this sea- son, leaving two spots unfilled. Mari Eide (26), Marthe Kristoffersen Photo: Terje Pedersen / Aftenposten Photo: Terje Bendiksby / Aftenposten Photo: NRK (26), and Kari Vikhagen Gjeitnes (30) are Mari Eide. Marthe Kristoffersen. Kari Vikhagen Gjeitnes. three of the country’s many female cross- country skiers who are unhappy with the federation’s decision. “We women have talked about it a long younger to join the team. Kristoffersen there- it is not natural to fill up all the quotas for “The signals the federation is sending is time and are very much in agreement, but we fore claims that the federation has a double women in the World Cup in all races. It is a that there is no point for the next-best wom- have been afraid to cause a stir,” says Vikha- standard when it comes to age because while question of priorities and use of resources if en to compete,” says Eide to Aftenposten. gen Gjeitnes. they say that skiers only start peaking at we are to achieve our goals.” While she is not quite good enough to According to Aftenposten, this is a re- 26, their recruitment system implies that a Although he added that the federa- make it on the national team, Eide has shown curring issue for the women’s team as last 26-year-old is too old to invest in if she is tion may reevaluate their decision in later that she can excel in international competi- season there where unfilled spots on the not already among the best. seasons, Løfshus also noted that probable tion when she won the team sprint in Düssel- women’s side at three World Cup events. Responding to the criticism, Norges changes in the World Cup quota system will dorf together with Maiken Caspersen Falla “The worst part is that there are quite a Skiforbund’s National Team Director Vidar likely result in the team sending even fewer and achieved as high as a seventh-place fin- few good girls who are in the same situation. Løfs­hus said: “I agree that it is a bad signal athletes in the future. ish in individual World Cup competition. The ski federation should have taken care of from a woman’s perspective, but in elite Eide, Kristoffersen, and Vikhagen Similarly, Kristoffersen has been on the them. The national team model is too weak sports it is the results that matter. They get Gjeitnes are not giving up on their fight for a World Cup podium six times individually when you see that there are such big gaps,” fantastic points, and I certainly won’t be- spot on the national team though, especially and twice for relay, while sprinter Vikhagen says Eide. come upset that they promote such views, as long as the men’s quotas continue to be Gjeitnes was on the elite team last season, While there is a development team that but there are many considerations at play filled. participated in the World Cup, and made it to provides young skiers with an opportunity when we select the team. On the women’s “As long as we have skiers who qualify, the final in Falun. Nevertheless, both failed to to be eventually selected for the elite team, side, it is an example of a very large gap be- I see no reason why they shouldn’t get the make it on to the team for the coming season. the skiers note that one must be 24 years or tween the best and second best. Therefore chance,” says Eide. Send us your Syttende Mai photos! Sports News & Notes Ice Hockey: Norway loses to Russia relegation spot in the premier league, while Russia beat Norway 3-0 (0-0, 2-0, 1-0) in the Sarpsborg is in ninth place. IIHF World Championship game on May 16. (NRK) With this loss, Norway is in seventh place in Group A with five points and has therefore Football: Vilhjálmsson defeats Start lost its last hope to reach the playoffs. Matthías Vilhjálmsson showed no mercy (NRK) against his former teammates. The striker scored both goals when Start was beaten email high-res photos to [email protected] by May 31 for our photo spread Football: Start’s losing streak continues 2-0 in Kristiansand on May 12. Rosenborg struggled long against the bottom team. After a steady first half, Start took the initia- Start fought persistently against Rosenborg, tive and the lead in the away game against but the team cracked towards the end of the Aalesund on May 16, but the hosts struck game. back ten minutes before the end. The game (NRK) therefore ended 1-1 and the teams tied. Start now stands at 26 matches without a win in Football: Jevtovic-double in Tromsø Tippeligaen. (NRK) Two goals from Milan Jevtović gave Bodø/ Glimt a strong 2-1 win over Tromsø at Alf- Football: Stabæk wins against Viking heim on May 16. Tromsø equalized the score when Thomas Lehne Olsen scored, but the Stabæk took a long-awaited victory when score was tied at 1-1 for just three minutes Viking was defeated at home at Nadderud before Jevtović scored again. With 10 points, on May 12. Ernest Asante decided the match Glimt therefore climbs past Tromsø with with his first goal of the season. The team nine points on the table. thereby took its second win this season. (NRK) (NRK) Football: Hajradinovic’s shots defeat Odd Football: Another loss for Aalesund Two incredible shots by Haris Hajradinović Aalesund went onto its third straight loss in contributed strongly to Haugesund’s victory Tippeliagen after a 1-0 defeat against Sarps- over Odd in Tippeligaen on May 11. The borg 08 on May 12. Anders Trondsen scored match ended 3-1. the only goal of the game just before half- (NRK) time. The loss sent Aalesund down to the theNorwegianamerican Sports May 20, 2016 • 9 Norway in the Olympics: Tippeligaen Stig André Berge hopes Norway’s Premier League third time is the charm results Standings 5/11 Lillestrøm 1 – 0 Brann Teams PLD PTS

5/11 Molde 4 – 2 Strømsgodset 1. Rosenborg 11 28 2. Odd 11 23 5/11 Haugesund 3 – 1 Odd 3. Molde 11 21 5/11 Bodø/Glimt 0 – 0 Vålerenga 4. Strømsgodset 11 20 5. Haugesund 11 20 5/12 Sogndal 0 – 0 Tromsø 6. Brann 11 20 5/12 Stabæk 1 – 0 Viking 7. Viking 11 17 5/12 Start 0 – 2 Rosenborg 8. Lillestrøm 11 16 9. Sarpsborg 08 11 15 5/12 Sarpsborg 08 1 – 0 Aalesund 10. Sogndal 11 13 5/16 Tromsø 1 – 2 Bodø/Glimt 11. Bodø/Glimt 11 11 5/16 Aalesund 1 – 1 Start 12. Vålerenga 11 10 13. Tromsø 11 10 5/16 Odd 2 – 0 Molde 14. Aalesund 11 8 5/16 Viking 0 – 0 Sogndal 15. Stabæk 11 7 5/16 Vålerenga 0 – 1 Haugesund 16. Start 11 5

5/16 Brann 1 – 0 Stabæk

Photo: Maja Suslin / Aftenposten 5/16 Rosenborg 2 – 1 Lillestrøm Stig André Berge has qualified for the 2016 Olympics. This photo is from the 2012 Olympics. 5/16 Strømsgodset 4 – 0 Sarpsborg 08

Molly Jones Norwegian American Weekly To read more about football in Norway, visit www.uefa.com

For the third consecutive time, Oslo not good enough for a medal, but when wrestler Stig André Berge has qualified for I was in London four years ago, I thought the Olympics. But after being eliminated in too much. I have gotten better at staying fo- the first round in both Beijing in 2008 and cused,” says Berge. London in 2012, the 32-year-old believes His coach Fritz Aanes agrees that the that this year may be his chance for an Olym- Norwegian has a good chance for a medal pic medal when he competes in the Greco- and notes that in the sport of wrestling quali- Roman 59-kg class in Rio de Janeiro this fying is often more difficult than excelling in Sealift Inc. August. the actual Olympic competition. Berge earned his ticket to Rio at the “It is argued that it is more difficult for Olympics qualification event on April 22 in Europeans to qualify than to win a medal in • Ship Owners • Mongolia when he defeated Ukrainian Dmy- the Olympics. That’s because other conti- tro Tsymbaliuk 3-1 in the semifinal. He had nents are assigned a quota. So when he quali- come close to qualifying the week earlier in fies for the Olympics, he is a medal contend- • Ship & Cargo Brokers • Serbia as well, but ended in third place—just er,” said Fritz Aanes to TV 2. one spot shy of qualification. To further increase Berge’s chances at After a tough year for Berge, who lost success, Norges Bryteforbund has created a • Steamship Agents • his mother in February, the wrestler is espe- new system that records the routines of all of cially proud of his achievement: “It has been the competition so that Berge can review his tough and challenging, but as long as you next opponent’s strengths and weaknesses have faith in what you’re doing, everything before the match begins. Berge’s team be- is possible. You must look yourself in the lieves that this system helped him to qualify eye and ask yourself ‘What can I do some- and will contribute to his success in Rio. thing about, and what can I not do anything While this is not a revolutionary concept, the about?’ I have concentrated on what I can do national wrestling association had not had something about. Wrestling is my life,” he the funds to prioritize it until now. said to NTB. Another way the wrestler is hoping to Berge has previously excelled in inter- improve his chances this year is by taking national competition, earning a silver medal some time off before the real training for the at the European Championships in Bulgaria Olympics begins. in 2007 and a bronze in the World Cham- “Now I’ll take a vacation. Previously pionships in Uzbekistan in 2014. Now his I’ve started right in with strenuous training, sights are set on an Olympic medal. and it has not worked. Now I’m going to rest “This is what I have worked towards first and then I’ll prepare myself in the best for four years. I took the World Cup bronze possible way,” says Berge to NRK. in 2014; if I had won it last year, I would By qualifying at an earlier stage than in have been directly qualified. I’ve worked ex- previous years, he has more time to prepare tremely hard and sweat and bled every single and train for the Olympics, giving him this 68 West Main Street, Bay, New York 11771 day. Everything I do is geared towards the opportunity to take a vacation and allow his Olympics and my career. It’s not just me but body to recover. Phone: (516) 922-1000 Fax: (516) 922-6526 the whole family. Everything we do is geared “He’s not going to the Olympics as a www.sealiftinc.com E-mail: [email protected] towards my career on the wrestling mat. So tourist only to lose his first match. He is not this is a relief,” says Berge. among the three biggest favorites, but he can As long as he stays focused and takes beat everyone if he has a very good day,” the competition one match at a time, Berge said Norway’s head coach Jimmy Lidberg. Subscribe to the Norwegian American! believes he will be successful. Berge agrees: “I always go to the mat “It is easy to lose your focus and quickly to win, so anything can happen at the Olym- (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] fail. I’ve done that twice. In Beijing, I was pics.” 10 • May 20, 2016 Research & Science theNorwegianamerican Sky Eye: KSAT observes the globe 24/7

M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway

KSAT, pronounced in two syllables, “K- SAT,” is the abbreviation for Kongsberg Sat- ellite Services, a Norwegian company that owns and operates radio stations that com- municate with satellites in orbit round the Earth. It owes its existence to Norway’s geo- graphical advantages in the space age. Orbiting satellites sort into two broad categories, ones that relay information and ones that initiate images. Relay satellites are the most familiar. They act as does a runner in a relay race who carries a baton on to the next runner on a team, transferring infor- Photos courtesy of KSAT mation from one place to another. Satellite Two of KSAT’s three polar facilities for satel- television is a commonplace use of them. lite monitoring: Troll Satellite ground station in Antarctica (above) and SvalSat ground station on Television programs are beamed up to sat- Spitsbergen Island, Svalbard Archipelago (left). ellites and in turn broadcast down to home dish antennas. Other relay satellite systems include those that provide telecommunica- tions and Internet connections over distance and communications to and from mobile us- ers, such as ships at sea or aircraft in flight. In principle, relay satellites offer alternatives to older traditional technologies, such as wire and radio communication systems, including modern ones like home cable TV. Satellite imagery is another matter. It cannot be done in any other way by any oth- er wire or conventional radio communica- tion system. The first satellite images of the Earth were made by the Explorer 6 satellite used by the daily media in weather forecasts. part of the Norwegian Space Center (NSC), waters of the , including the detection launched by NASA in August 1959, a little But views from the geostationary orbit are of the government agency founded in 1987 to of oil spills at sea, the monitoring of illegal, more than two years after the launch in 1957 relatively low resolution due to its 22,300- oversee the Norwegian space sector. unreported, or unlicensed fishing (IUU), and of 1, the first satellite. KSAT now mile altitude above the Earth. Moreover, The success of TSS triggered a second the tracking and study of algae blooms. deals with imaging satellites that are owned Earth image detail is lost above 81°N and initiative, a ground station even farther north, Last year, KSAT set up a network of and operated by governmental agencies and below 81°S latitude, making the poles indis- at 78°N on Spitsbergen Island in the Sval- stripped-down ground station facilities tai- private companies round the world. So it’s in cernible. In comparison, views from satellites bard archipelago. Named SvalSat, it began lored to the needs of the expanding fami- a business that didn’t exist 60 years ago, save in polar orbits closer to the Earth at altitudes operating in 1997. By 2002 the two stations’ lies of small satellites known as CubeSats, in science fiction. of around 530 miles are of higher resolution volume of image downloading had increased because they are standardized cubes about Imaging satellites may be in one of two and include the poles in equally sharp detail. to the point where NSC commercialized it by two and a half inches across. CubeSat is a types of orbit, geostationary or polar. The Consequently, KSAT deals almost exclusive- joining forces with the Kongsberg Group to child of this millennium, as the development geostationary orbit is directly above the ly with satellites in polar orbits. found KSAT. of it began in 1999 at California Polytechnic Equator. It is so named because as seen from That came about for reasons reflected In turn, the success of the first two State University and Stanford University as a rotating Earth, satellites traveling in it seem in the 90-year-old aphorism that the three ground stations prompted locating a third a step to opening an affordable path to space to hover at fixed spots. The view from it is most important things in real estate are “lo- one in the Antarctic, at the Norwegian Polar for smaller scientific and commercial users. of an entire hemisphere of the Earth. As its cation, location, location.”* The first Norwe- Institute’s research station at 72°S in Queen So in addition to tending its of 90 satel- name implies, a polar orbit passes over both gian ground station for polar orbiting satel- Maud Land. The Troll Satellite Station lites, KSAT has become a shepherd looking poles of the Earth. A satellite in polar orbit lites was the Tromsø Satellite Station (TSS) (TrollSat) was built there on solid ground, forward to the next generation. views the entire Earth, one north-south (or north of the Arctic Circle at 69°N latitude. 300 km from the ice shelf. It opened in 2007. vice versa) strip at a time. It started up in May 1968 and from then on Today, KSAT is a leader in satellite Further information: The KSAT website at Geostationary satellite images are most expanded to meet increasing needs for sat- ground station services. In addition to the www.ksat.no (English only) and the Norwe- useful in providing overviews, such as those ellite image downloads. In 1990 it became three polar stations that provide exclusive gian Space Center website at www.romsent- pole-to-pole services, it owns and operates er.no (selectable in Norwegian or English). mid-latitude stations in Singapore, at Banga- Community Connections lore, India, in Dubai, and at Hartebeeshoek, * Said to have first appeared in 1926 in a real South Africa. Together the stations access estate ad in the Chicago Tribune but also at- 90 satellites and download their images to tributed to British real estate tycoon Lord Happy 85th Birthday on May 22, 2016, provide useful new views of the lands and Harold Samuel (1912-1987). Arne, Daddy, Svigerfar, Morfar!

We are all so proud of you, your < not fashion discipline, structure, and determination From page 6 to live your life to the fullest, whether are curious about both the Sámi in Sápmi costume. They are an integral part of a cul- it be working, traveling, or sometimes and those like me who are learning where tural identity and should be worn only by even watching TV! and who we came from. I feel there is a huge those who understand and appreciate them. difference between someone who is coming to the culture and learning about it and some- Lynn Gleason is a PLU graduate with de- Varmeste og kjaerligste hilsener fra one who was raised in it and lives with both grees in Political Science and Scandinavian Miriam, Britt, Ensaf, Arnt Hugo, and the the honor and the struggle of what it means Studies, currently living in Poulsbo. She is rest of the family to be Sámi. It is not my place to be handing active with PLU Scandinavian Cultural Cen- out designs, which are so personal. ter Council and serves as president of the The gákti and Sámi clothing are not a Pacific Sámi Searvi. theNorwegianamerican Norwegian Heritage May 20, 2016 • 11 Family, a centennial, and bygdeboker Reflections on genealogy sparked by the Bygdelagenes Fellesraad’s anniversary

Larrie Wanberg Features Editor

During the Fellesraad Centennial event in Minneapolis/St. Paul from May 5-8, 25 speakers presented workshops to an in-gath- ering of an estimated 500 participants from 28 Bygdelag chapters in . The speakers were historians, genealo- gists, and authors who reflected on their life dreams of contributions to Norwegian heri- tage and preserving family histories from Norway for future generations. I became inspired by the workshop titles of the Centennial event from the Fellesraad website, which reflects the theme of a col- Photos courtesy of the Arne G. Brekke Bygdebok Collection The University of houses one of the largest collections of Norwegian lection of dreams and life legacies by many bygdeboker, books containing family history stories from Norway. Dr. Arne Brekke dedicated contributors (see fellesraad.com). (above) began the collection in 1980. In fact, the Centennial Website program reminded me of an innovative “family” Face- book site and social media portal where of- ficers, speakers, and Bygdelag officers gave family genealogy over a lifetime. We recon- mation, the most complete, most accessible he offered his overall impression of the their names, addresses, phone numbers, and nected online and will compare notes from resource for anyone who carries a Norwegian weekend, saying “a number of people spoke often email addresses as an open interface to the 30-foot-wide butcher paper scroll of gene or holds an interest in learning about to me about their familiarity and use of the members in support of Norwegian history family generational history that my mother one’s ancestral origin in Norway. He has been UND website. The workshops were excel- and heritage. handwrote as a life dream before she died. the principal funder of the project, along with lent, and ample opportunities were available As a result of viewing the posted web- Finally, I emailed my long-time friends others in a state matching-grant program. to network with others to discuss future ex- site, I took two actions initially. Arne Brekke (since 1949) and Michael “I met many enthusiastic people at changes.” First, I emailed the Vosselag site to join Swanson (for five years) who were in at- the Fellesraad celebration,” reflected Arne Undeniably, the UND Bygdebok Col- as a member because of my wife’s fam- tendance at the Centennial event to get their Brekke, “that voiced their support of the lection will have an impact on future genera- ily history of growing up in Voss. Then, I observations of being there. They represent Bygdebok Collection and its value for future tions for both online users and for Bygdelag emailed the Nordfjordlag site to join, as our the most exciting new development of a life generations.” resources, based on the fact that anyone who family-farm name dates back to dream that they presented in one of the nine “The use of the internet has enhanced the lives anywhere in the wide world of the web times by ancestral landowners near the inner vendor booths for sharing information dur- rapid growth of book numbers,” he added. is able to use the benefit. Because this ben- town of Olden. ing major breaks in the conference. The growth of the UND Bygdebok Col- efit is shared with a community, a university Surprisingly, I learned that the web- Dr. Arne Brekke is a retired UND pro- lection in the last five years is attributed to library, and a worldwide audience on the master of the Nordfjordlag site was an older fessor and founder of Brekke Travel of Michael Swanson in his three roles as UND web, the fulfillment becomes a unique sto- cousin of mine, as his mother was a sister of Grand Forks who began his life dream in Library archivist, as ongoing president of ried legacy. my father (born in 1888). My father’s mother 1980 when he began to collect and donate the Minnkota Genealogy Society in East Through a life-dream legacy of one per- was born in 1839 in Norway, immigrated to Bygdeboker to the UND library. Over 36 Grand Forks, Minn., and as a contributor to son that has become so far reaching as the Minnesota in 1871, and married my grandfa- years, this Bygdebok Collection (Family the Arne G. Brekke Bygdebok Collection on Bygdebok Collection, future generations ther Rasmus Vanberg, highlighting the life­ history documents from all of Norway) has the UND Web portal (see library.und.edu/ will have a way to connect to a place in time span and timeline of our family genealogy. grown to over 1,600 volumes. special-collections/bygdebok). and family history that is a part of a person’s My cousin, Gene Rodi, has collected The collection has become, in my esti- In a phone conversation with Michael, identity. Happy 50th Anniversary, Sons of Norway Foundation!

Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn.

Sons of Norway has a long history dancing group realize its dream—to perform of offering a helping hand. In fact, that is in Norway. An intensely engaged Sons of what spurred its formation when in 1895 18 Norway member wanted to help and did. Twin Cities Norwegian immigrants banded From that single action sprang the Sons of together to protect one another from finan- Norway Foundation, one of the first frater- cial hardship. Over time, Sons of Norway nal foundations to focus on its organization’s has become a well-respected life insurance future. company with an enthusiastic fraternal side For 50 years the Sons of Norway has whose mission includes the preservation of grown, but its mission not only supports her- Norwegian heritage and culture. itage and cultural activities, it also believes In 1966, Sons of Norway seized an in- teresting opportunity to help a youth folk See > foundation, page 15

Photo courtesy of Afton Weaver Afton Weaver, Pennsylvania, received an educational scholarship to attend Høgtun Folkehøgskole at Torvikbukt, Norway. As part of a class assignment she was given a tarp, some rope, and a map and told to hike up into the mountains and pick a spot to set up camp. 12 • May 20, 2016 Taste of Norway theNorwegianamerican From preservation technique to delicacy , or “buried salmon,” is an iconic Nordic food with an interesting history

Nevada Berg Rollag, Norway

Gravlax is an iconic Nordic dish and one which is easily prepared at home. Nothing dif- ficult, nothing too time consuming. An act of osmosis. Curing. Transformation. The result of a two-day culinary journey is a dish you will be proud to serve to all of your guests. Yet, the delicacy we know today has a much different story than its beginning. Gravlax (gravlaks) first appears in docu- ments from the 1300s, informing us of the preservation methods used during these times. During the Middle Ages, people ate many forms of saltwater and freshwater fish that we continue to enjoy today. Salmon held a special place, valued and desired. Unlike today, when we have greater access to fresh salmon, salmon was more of a prized posses- sion. In fact, in a well-known story about the god Tor, who is referred to as the “big eater,” Tor has his fill of eight whole salmon (among other things) at a wedding banquet in Jotun- heimen. This gives us an idea as to the value placed on salmon and that protecting the surplus of salmon was important, worth the risks. (Henry Notaker, Ganens Makt: Norsk Kokekunst Og Matkultur Gjennom Tusen Ar) Photos: Nevada Berg The art of fermentation spreads far back Gravlax is surprisingly easy to make, always a into time. Burying fish, or meat, in the ground that has been buried in the ground, although eating gravlax and numerous sauces, they crowd-pleaser, and with modern refrigeration is an ancient means of storing and preserv- the slightly acidic birch bark would bring came across a restaurant with a sauce that isn’t a death-defying experience. ing. Gravlax is made up of the Scandinavian down the pH and thus present a certain bar- far exceeded any they had tried before. Be- words “grav” and “laks,” which literally rier against spoilage. When a 15th-century ing the gregarious person my father-in-law translated means “buried salmon.” Fishermen Norwegian or Swede ate gravlax, consider- is, he asked the chef for the recipe, which, in the middle ages would use this fermenta- able risk was involved; weighed against the surprisingly, he shared with him. To this day, Nevada Berg is a writer, tion technique of burying the salmon in sand certain dangers of starvation, it was worth they always serve their gravlax with this par- photographer, and recipe to keep it cold. A few days later, the salmon it.” (Andreas Viestad, Making Gravlax: No ticular mustard sauce; a smooth, grainy, and developer living in Rollag, would ferment and more closely resemble its longer an Underground Art) subtly sweet sauce. Norway, in the Numedal nearest modern-day relative, —which Gravlax has evolved, much to the re- Gravlax becomes more than just an Valley. She shares the sto- hails from the mountainous regions of Nor- lief of many, and today is cured in a salt and appetizer when served with traditional dill- ries, traditions, and history way and is most often made with . sugar mixture under refrigeration. After two stewed potatoes. A simple béchamel sauce behind Norwegian food, “To store the abundance of summer for to three days, the result is a flavorful and enfolds cooked potatoes and chopped dill as well as inspiring dishes a long time without using much salt or other smooth delicacy that has made a name for it- and creates a balance between the fragrant from local and seasonal ingredients, at www. (at that time) expensive preservatives, the self around the world. It was even Julia Child gravlax and the tangy mustard sauce. northwildkitchen.com. fish was wrapped in birch bark and buried in who became credited for introducing gravlax the ground, where a wet, cold environment to America and subsequently featuring them and a lack of oxygen made it ferment but not in her cookbooks. rot. Made that way, it was more a culinary A popular accompaniment to homemade Gravlax extreme sport than what we normally think gravlax is mustard sauce. My Norwegian of as ‘food’: Imagine an unpasteurized Cam- parents, who both grew up along the Nor- Around 6 1/2 lbs. frozen or fresh 2 1/2 tbsps. salt per lb. of fish embert in the form of a fish, made by wegian coast and reside in Bergen, swear whole salmon or trout 20 black peppercorns, crushed a desperate Viking. It is not safe to eat fish by their mustard sauce. After many years of 2 1/2 tbsps. sugar per lb. of fish 2-3 bunches of fresh dill, chopped

I recommend using a frozen fish, as this eliminates any trace of bacteria or parasites, but if using fresh fish, make sure it is as fresh as possible. If using a frozen fish, allow it to defrost in the refrigerator for about 12 hours before using it. Having it almost completely unfrozen (but not quite entirely) will make it easier to filet the fish. Take the fish and filet it, so you have two large filets with the skins on. Remove the bones. I recommend also checking for bones later when the curing process is finished. You can use the remaining fish pieces to make a lovely meal (see next page). Mix together the salt, sugar, and pepper (you will layer this, along with the dill, 4 times). Put a layer of the salt mixture and some of the dill on the bottom of a roasting pan and place one of the filets, skin side down. Sprinkle the filet liberally with the salt mix and a lot of dill. Apply the salt mixture and more dill to the other filet and place it, flesh side down, on top of the other filet. This way the skin is on the outside and the flesh is pressing against each other. Sprinkle the top of the filets with more of the salt mixture and dill. You will most likely have some of the salt and sugar mixture leftover. You can just discard this. Cover the filets with a cutting board or wood plank and place a weight of any kind, about 2-5 lbs, on top. Over the next two days, turn the fish over twice a day (every 12 hours), pouring the juices in the pan over the sides and top of the fish each time. (Do not be tempted to take the filets apart). After two days, take apart the filets and pat them dry. Cover in aluminum foil for one more day to enhance the flavor. You can also freeze it now for later use if you desire. When ready to serve, slice the filet in thin strips and serve with the mustard sauce and dill-stewed potatoes. The gravlax can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. theNorwegianamerican Taste of Norway May 20, 2016 • 13

Green Beans and Mushrooms with Dill Vinaigrette

From Outside Oslo (www.outside-oslo.com), courtesy of Daytona Strong

Photo: Daytona Strong

2 tbsps. white wine vinegar 1 lb. green beans 1 tsp. Dijon mustard 1 1/2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 1/4 tsp. kosher salt 8 oz. sliced mushrooms 1/4 cup walnut oil salt 1 tbsp. chopped fresh dill 1/4 cup sliced almonds

Stir together vinegar, mustard, and salt in a small bowl until the ingredients are combined and the salt has dissolved. Whisking constantly, slowly pour in the walnut oil and continue to whisk until emulsified. Gently stir in chopped dill. Refrigerate until ready to use. (Vinaigrette can be made several hours in advance.) Steam green beans until tender. Meanwhile, heat olive oil in a large skillet, then add mushrooms and sauté until cooked but still al dente; season with a little bit of salt. Arrange green beans on a platter and top with mushrooms. Scatter sliced almonds over the vegetables and drizzle the vinaigrette on top.

Dill-Stewed Potatoes

6 medium potatoes, peeled, boiled, 2 cups milk and cut into cubes pinch of nutmeg (optional) 3 tbsps. butter salt & pepper 2 tbsps. flour 1 bunch dill, finely chopped

Cut the boiled potatoes into cubes. Warm the milk in a saucepan, set aside. In a heavy saucepan, melt the butter over medium to high heat. Add the flour and stir for about 2-3 minutes, letting the flour cook without it turning a dark color or burning. Slowly add the warmed milk and whisk constantly. Lower the heat and bring to a slow simmer. Add nutmeg and salt and pepper to taste. Continue whisking until the sauce has thickened, about 5 minutes. Add the cubes into the sauce, until just warmed. Add the chopped dill. Place in a serving dish and serve immediately. Serves 4-6.

Mustard Sauce

3/4 cup mayonnaise 2 tbsps. heavy cream 2 tbsps. whole grain honey mustard dash of orange (ideally Grov Sennep by Idun) 2 tsps. finely cut dill

Place everything in a small bowl and mix well. Refrigerate until ready to use.

Using the leftover fish:

Using only the filets of the fish means you will have a lot leftover. In a large stock- pot, place the leftover pieces of fish, bones and all, and fill with 4 cups/1 liter water. Add 1 bay leaf, 2-3 tbsps. salt, and some pepper. Bring to a boil, turn the heat down to low, and simmer for 10 minutes. Take out the edible pieces of fish and serve with boiled potatoes, sour cream, and flatbrød. 14 • May 20, 2016 Norway near you theNorwegianamerican What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events colorado minnesota rected by Arin Arbus and featuring Maggie Lacey Washington Scandinavian Festival Magnus Nilssen’s Nordic: A Photographic Essay and John Douglas Thompson. Edvard Munch and the Sea June 24—26 of Landscapes, Food, and People now—July 17 Estes Park, Colo. June 2—Aug. 20 “Munch and Expressionism” Tacoma, Wash. This family event includes Scandinavian mu- Minneapolis, Minn. now—June 13 Travel from the shores of Puget Sound to the sic, dance, crafts, and food vendors; Fjellborg Featuring original photography by an internation- New York, N.Y. of Norway with this exhibition, on view Viking reenactors and encampment; cultural ally lauded chef, this exhibition captures his en- This exhibition at Neue Galerie New York will ex- exclusively at Tacoma Art Museum. This is and demonstration tents; Saab and Vol- counters with the people he met and the places amine Edvard Munch’s influence on his contem- your opportunity to dive deep into Munch’s vo auto show; silent auction; and more. Hours he visited during his travels through the Nordic poraries, as well as their influence upon him. The powerful works with 26 of his exceptional are 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Friday, 9:30 a.m. to region while researching his popular seminal exhibition will be comprised of approximately 35 prints and a key painting. Open Tuesday 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, and 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 text, The Nordic Cookbook. Opening week events paintings and 50 works on paper from both public through Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cost p.m. on Sunday. At Bond Park; free. Visit www. include a Craft-Sprit Beer and Spirits Tasting Party and private collections worldwide. The exhibition is $14 for adults; $12 for student aged 6-17, estesmidsummer.com for more info. and Exhibition Preview on June 1, a Nordic Heir- will include several works that have never been military, and seniors; $35 per family; children loom Recipe Exchange and A Night at the Chef’s seen before in the United States. For more infor- 5 and under free. Table on June 3, and a book signing from on June mation about the exhibition visit www.neuegal- Connecticut erie.org/content/munch-and-expressionism. Oil Market Outlook 4. Visit www.asimn.org/exhibitions-collections/ The Winter Fortress Book Talk exhibitions/magnus-nilssons-nordic-photograph- May 24 June 2, 6:00—9:00 p.m. Peer Gynt at Classic Stage Company Darien, Conn. ic-essay-landscapes-food-and-0 for more info. Seattle, Wash. now—June 19 Join author Neal Bascomb at the Nordic Heri- Jan Rune Schøpp, head of Statoil Marketing & New York, N.Y. Trading, presents “Oil Market Outlook: Chal- Nordic Wood Carving tage Museum for a book talk on his new book, Director John Doyle (Passion, Allegro) brings to The Winter Fortress: The Mission to Sabo- lenges and Opportunities” at The Waters Edge June 10, 7:00—9:00 p.m. Isle, Minn the stage his own adaptation of Ibsen’s tale of the tage Hitler’s Atomic Bomb. A $5 donation is at Giovanni’s. There will be a buffet reception. misadventures of Peer Gynt. Follow young Peer Tickets are $65. Register at www.eventbrite. Tusenvann Lodge is pleased to be hosting artisan suggested. The book will be for sale. woodcarver Lowell Torkelson who will be sharing from childhood renegade to outcast, adventurer, com/e/jan-rune-schpp-speaks-about-the-oil- industrialist, and provocateur as he searches market-outlook-tickets-25327461118. his varied techniques to produce everything from Nordic Beer Tasting and Drinking Songs colorful character sculptures to elegant wood- for a life that will live up to his impossible and June 19, 6:30—8:30 p.m. work creations. At Isle Rec & Education Center. irrepressible expectations. At Classic Stage Com- Seattle, Wash. District of columbia pany. Purchase tickets at www.classicstage.org/ Nordic Heritage Museum’s Craft School pres- Hedda Gabler at Studio Theatre Nisswa-Stämman Festival season/productions/peergynt/. ents a special Midsummer evening of beer now—June 19 June 10—11 and song. Sample a wide range of Nordic and Washington, D.C. Nisswa, Minn. Book Club Discussion: The Birds Nordic-style beers and taste samples of the Studio Theatre in D.C. will perform Hedda Nisswa-Stämman Scandinavian Folk Music Festi- May 31, 6:00 p.m. barley, malt, and hops used. Then join the Gabler in a new version by Mark O’Rowe and val features 150 folk musicians, dancing opportu- New York, N.Y. museum’s music archivist, Kathi Ploeger, to directed by Matt Torney. O’Rowe’s stunning nities, dance instruction, a cultural children’s ac- Read and discuss Scandinavian literature in trans- learn some typical Nordic drinking songs. $30 contemporary adaptation is a mesmerizing tivity tent, and great Scandinavian food all under lation as part of Nordic Book Club—ASF’s- new for members; $35 for non-members. study of power, control, and self-deception the shade of the majestic Norway pines of the est literary series. Originally published in 1957, and a nuanced portrait of one of the most fas- Nisswa Pioneer Village. Yet another special line The Birds (Archipelago, 2016) is one of Nor- Wisconsin wegian author Tarjei Vesaas’s most important cinating figures in modern drama. For tickets up of award winning musicians from Beginning Norwegian Genealogy novels. Free. RSVP at www.eventbrite.com/e/ and more info, visit www.studiotheatre.org/ is headlining. For more information visit www. June 8—9 nordic-book-club-the-birds-by-tarjei-vesaas-tick- plays/play-detail/hedda-gabler. nisswastamman.org or contact Paul Wilson at Madison, Wis. ets-21049022192. (218) 764 2994 or nisswastamman@nisswastam- If you have not yet worked with Norwegian Sons of Norway Family Tour of D.C. man.org. records, this class taught by Jerry Paulson is U.S. Premiere of Then Silence June 15—19 for you. Held at the Norwegian American Ge- June 4—19 Washington, D.C. Concert Trio from Norway & Germany nealogical Center & Naeseth Library in the New York, N.Y. Youth ages 12 or older and their families are in- June 17 Ostby Education Center on the second floor. The Scandinavian American Theater Company is vited to join others from District 5 on a tour of Minneapolis, Minn. Cost is $125 for NAGC members or $150 for excited to announce the Off-Broadway U.S. pre- Washington, D.C. This tour will especially show- Tord Gustavsen together with Simin Tander and non-members. For more information, email miere of Then Silence by award-winning Norwe- case Norwegian and Scandinavian venues in Jarle Vespestad will be performing at Minde­ [email protected] or call (608) 255-2224. and around the D.C. Metro Area. Plans include kirken. Tord recently released his new gian playwright Arne Lygre, translated by May- stops at the Norwegian Embassy, Capitol Hill, “What was said” where he gives a new interpre- Brit Akerholt (Norway), and directed by Sarah a Spirit Cruise on the Potomac River, The Na- tation on Norwegian hymns. Cameron Sunde (USA/Norway). The show pres- tional Cathedral, Smithsonian Museums of in- ents 10 stories contemplating human behavior, Zone 4 Sports Weekend June 10—12 terest, the Holocaust Museum, and a nightime Midtsommer Gala power, and survival. Presented at The Lion The- tour of memorials. The intent is to make this atre at Theatre Row. Edmonton, . June 23, 5:30 p.m. Solglyt Lodge 4-143 is the host of the annual a multigenerational event. Visit members.sofn. Minneapolis, Minn. com/Events/public/show/1823 for more info. oregon Zone 4 Sports Weekend. Come out and enjoy Prepare yourself for a night filled with beautiful friendship with fellow members and try your The Viking Breakfast music and exciting auction items. hand at some sports and have fun reacquaint- June 12, 8:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m. illinois will honor Paul Erickson with the “Going Viking” ing with members from Zone 4. Skål! Scandinavian Spirits Exhibit award. This event raises key funds that support Portland, Ore. now—June 19 all Norway House programs. At Minneapolis Midsummer celebrations are very important Chicago, Ill. Event Center. Reserve your spot at events.r20. in Scandinavia, so the Norse Hall’s next Viking constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e Breakfast is set for June 12. The Grieg Lodge will Scandinavian Business Club Gala Dinner , Norway, and Sweden share a “spir- June 11, 6:00—11:30 p.m. ited” tradition of enjoying beer and aquavit. ccf8ggq0396c6bc&llr=mmysuzeab. be serving all-you-can-eat pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausages, lingonberry jam, fruit, and lots of Burnaby, B.C. This exhibition explores the cultural history of Prepare for a memorable and glamorous eve- these beverages, follows those drinking tradi- Scandinavian Hjemkomst & Viking Festival coffee. Prices are $7 for adults, $4 for children 5 June 24—25 to 12, and children under 5 are free. In addition, ning of dining, dancing, dignitaries, and spe- tions to Scandinavian-American communities, cial surprises as the Scandinavian Business and answers questions like “What is aquavit, Moorhead, Minn. there’s a Children’s Nordic Story Time scheduled The Midwest Viking Festival and the annual Scan- in the library at 10:00 a.m. The Norse Hall is lo- Club celebrates their 70th anniversary! So anyway?” Fun, informative, and engaging, this pull out your finery and polish up those dance exhibition is curated by the Museum of Dan- dinavian Hjemkomst Festival are joining forces cated at 111 NE 11th Avenue. There is free, on- again to present a celebration of Nordic culture street parking near the hall. steps; it’s time to party—Scandinavian style! ish America in Elk Horn, Iowa. At the Swedish Cost is $125 per person; RSVP by June 6. Visit American Museum. at the Hjemkomst Center. The Midwest Viking Festival is an outdoor gathering of craftsmen, texas bit.ly/1Qx9M3g for reservation and schedule. musicians, and living history enthusiasts. The Viking Longship Tours Sankthansaften Observance Midsummer Festival June 19, 25 & 26, 1:00—4:00 p.m. Scandinavian Hjemkomst Festival is a celebration June 25, 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. of Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, and June 17—19 Geneva, Ill. Waco, Texas Burnaby, B.C. Come to Good Templar Park to tour a replica Danish cultures. Cost per day is $10 for adults, $5 Join the Bosque County Chapter of the Norwe- for youth 13 to 17, and free for children under Thousands of people visit the Scandinavian Viking longship, built in 1893. The boat is an gian Society of Texas in celebrating the Summer Community Centre every year to celebrate exact copy of the Viking ship Gokstad, built 12. For more information about the two-for-one Solstice with a group tour of Waco Mammoth festival, visit www.nordiccultureclubs.org. the festivities of Scandinavian Midsummer. about 850. The replica was sailed across the National Monument and the Mayborn Museum. Enjoy fun-filled activities, living history, and Atlantic Ocean from Bergen to Chicago for the Cost at Waco Mammoth National Monument is non-stop entertainment for the whole fam- 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. Guided new york $5 for adults, $4 for military, educators, and stu- ily. There will also be a 10k run, children’s tours and self-guided viewing are available as A Doll’s House & The Father dents, $3 for children, and free for infants; cost play area, Viking village, local vendors, beer well as guided group tours by appointment. now—June 12 at the Mayborn Museum is $6 for adults, $5 for garden, dancing, and more. Visit www.scandi- Parking is free. Cost is $5 for adults and $3 for Brooklyn, N.Y. seniors, and $4 for children. navianmidsummerfestival.com for more info. children ages 6 and above with a minimum Theatre for a New Audience stages in rotating fee of $25. Call (630) 753-9412 or email vi- repertory adaptions of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s [email protected] for more info. House and August Strindberg’s The Father, di- Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Check www.norwegianamerican.com/events for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. theNorwegianamerican Norway near you May 20, 2016 • 15 No chips in Norwegian Schools?

< lunches From page 1

She then mentioned Norwegian sweets. First and foremost, she told them about Nor- wegian waffles. But when she told them that Norwegians never put syrup on their waffles, only jam, the children couldn’t believe it. What?! Waffles without syrup? No way! She said that Norwegians love to bake and that they always eat their baked goods fresh. They love cakes and never use frosting but real cream, often berries, and sometimes chocolate. They are very fond of marzipan cakes. And at Christmas time, they are very busy in the kitchen baking cookies. Each fam- ily must prepare seven different kinds because this is an important Christmas tradition! She then told the chil- Photos: Christine Foster Meloni Above: The children of Leckie Elementary School weren’t very im- dren about school lunches pressed with cauliflower as a lunch ingredient, but they were okay with in Norway. They were sur- carrot sticks and loved trying hveteboller. prised to learn that elementa- Above left: Chef Per Olav Hurv demonstrates how to assemble an open-faced sandwich. ry schools in Norway do not Left: Urd Milbury, Cultural and Information Officer at the Norwegian Embassy, teaches students about have cafeterias. Norwegian typical Norwegian foods like kjøttkaker, fiskeboller, and fiskekaker. children bring brown bag lunches from home and eat them at their desks while the years and was an apprentice for another two gized before distributing them, however, teacher reads them stories. years. He is now 22 and is the Chief Chef confessing that they were not as good as A typical lunch is an at the Embassy of Norway, a very impor- usual because she was able to get them to open-faced sandwich. The tant job. He is responsible for planning all rise only once and they were supposed to rise children thought this was a of the menus and buying all of the food. The twice. But they were soft and fluffy and full very bizarre idea! How can Ambassador has many receptions during the of chocolate chips. The vote was unanimous. it be a sandwich if it only year and the chef must serve a total of about The children declared them delicious and has one piece of bread? And 4,000 guests in a typical year. If it’s a big some even asked for the recipe! what goes on it? party, he is able to hire others to help him. The Embassy established its relation- Urd explained that Chef Per then gave a demonstration of ship with the Leckie Elementary School the main ingredient is usually ham, salami, home on Saturdays. The children obviously how the open-faced sandwiches are made. through the Embassy Adoption Program, a cheese, or a sliced hardboiled egg. Then felt sorry for the Norwegians. One girl ex- He prepared many different ingredients and partnership established in 1974 between the some vegetables are added on the top such pressed the sentiment of all when she said, passed them around for the children to taste. D.C. Public Schools and Washington Per- as cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce. Often “But we can eat chips every day!” The carrots were quite popular, the tomatoes forming Arts. More information about this vegetables are also placed on the side, such One boy wondered how the lunches and red peppers less so, and the cauliflower program and the Embassy’s participation in as pieces of carrots and cauliflower. A piece were packed if the sandwiches didn’t have not very much at all. (In fact, many of the it will follow in a later issue of the Norwe- of fruit is added, usually an apple. a piece of bread on the top. “It would be so children rushed to the wastepaper basket to gian American. What about peanut butter and jelly sand- messy!” he exclaimed. Urd quickly informed dispose of their pieces of cauliflower.) But wiches? Urd surprised the children by telling the children that the Norwegians were pre- they enjoyed the demonstration despite not In the meantime, one can access the follow- them that Norwegians thought peanut butter pared for that. They had special pieces of pa- being very impressed with how healthy the ing websites: and jelly together were really yukky! They per like parchment that they put on top of the school food was. • Washington Performing Arts: www.wash- like peanut butter and they like jelly but not sandwich so the ingredients stayed in place Then Urd showed the children a film ingtonperformingarts.org/education/kids/ together. Heaven forbid! and didn’t make a mess. entitled “Superpappa og Pelé,” which they embassy/index.aspx What about chips? Urd said that chips Urd then introduced Chef Per, who said enjoyed very much. (For more information • The EAP’s website: dcps.dc.gov/page/em- are not a very healthy food so they are not a few words about himself. He had decided about this film, go to vimeo.com/18089917). bassy-adoption-program permitted in the school lunch. They are a at the age of 15 that he wanted to become The Embassy visit ended on a sweet • D.C. Public Schools: dcps.dc.gov/page/ snack food and children can eat them at a chef. He went to cooking school for two note. Urd had made hveteboller. She apolo- embassy-adoption-program

< foundation From page 11 in the power of education as evidenced by longer has direct governance over them, the have a story to tell? the numerous scholarships awarded each foundation is proud to know it helped “raise year. Plus, it established a Humanitarian children” to stand on their own. Ski for Light The Norwegian American wants Fund, which, in a way, reflects the mission especially has created an exceptional and en- of Sons of Norway’s original 18 members— during bond with Sons of Norway and the to read your fiction! assistance in times of need. greater Norwegian community. Sons of Norway and the foundation The foundation has awarded nearly $1.4 NAW is now accepting fiction of • up to 1,500 words have played a vital role in establishing cut- million in scholarships, $390,000 in grants, up to 1,500 words (1,000 or fewer • English-language ting-edge organizations such as Ski for Light and more than $500,000 in humanitarian aid. preferred) of any genre that have • Norway-themed or mystery (cross-country skiing with blind and mobil- But the benefits of the foundation extend ity impaired skiers), Vinland National Cen- beyond the financial. They provide heart- something to do with Norway, or • $50 payment ter (drug and alcohol addiction treatment for warming experiences that span three and crime/mystery stories even if they • [email protected] persons with brain injuries and cognitive im- four generations. We all must remember that have nothing to do with Norway pairments), and the USA Cup (international what we do today is the heritage of tomor- (but bonus points if they do). We youth soccer). Without the many donations row. Happy anniversary, Sons of Norway pay a flat rate of $50 for stories, from the foundation and individual lodges Foundation! on publication. Submit your best and volunteer support hours from Sons of Norway members and friends, those orga- For more information, go to sonsofnorway. (English-language) stories to nizations would have experienced difficult com/foundation or call (612) 727-3611 or [email protected]! growing pains. Although Sons of Norway no (800) 945-8851. 16 • May 20, 2016 Travel theNorwegianamerican Community Connections Leraas FamiLy roundup reunion, august 18-21, 2016 Virtual travel Medora, North Dakota Explore the motherland through your Contact: Linda Leraas Ray computer screen with SeeNorway’s photos [email protected] (612) 281-5227 Molly Jones Or Jill Beatty Norwegian American Weekly [email protected] Ever wondered what the hometown of Because there are so many posts and pic- (415) 350-6492 your Norwegian grandparents looks like, but tures available on SeeNorway, By suggests don’t have the time or the means to visit? using the index to find images of specific lo- RSVP by June 15 That’s where Svein By and his SeeNorway cations without needing to sort through the blog (seenorway.wordpress.com) come in. archives. To access the index, simply click Back in 2012, retired Norwegian Svein on the INDEX link at the bottom of any post. Leraas in america is derived from “Lerio gaard” By read an article about Americans and Ca- In the index, the subjects are listed under near stamnes, Hordaland, norway nadians with Norwegian heritage and was in- their respective counties, arranged alphabeti- spired to start a blog where he would present cally, along with information on how many various locations in Norway through photog- images are included and which photographer raphy. (listed as a three-letter code) shot the photos. “When one goes into retirement, it’s Once you have determined which post you Where in Norway? kind of important that one has something would like to view, click on the GOTO link to do substituting regular work. And since located next to the subject. Second time’s the charm! We first ran an installment of I’ve always had photography as my primary Alternatively, you can use the search Where in Norway in the February 19, 2016, issue, and hobby, it was time to enter the digital world! box on the right side of the page to search by received not a single response. At the same time I read an article stating that subject or the code for your favorite photogra- today there are approximately five million pher. Keep in mind though, that By (SRB) has This time 11 of you wrote in to tell me (correctly) that this Americans with Norwegian heritage living contributed the vast majority of the photos, so is Ishavskatedralen / The Arctic Cathedral in Tromsø. in the U.S. and Canada. My first thought was this feature will only work well for the other Two of your sent me your own photos of the building. that there must be a rather large number of photographers, who have voluntarily submit- Thanks, Robert Libkind, for the midnight sun photo (left— grandchildren and other relatives curious ted their photographs from their regions. which looks much more impressive in color), and Kari about the places where their grandparents “Through the years I’ve had more than Williams, for the interior shot taken during a midnattsol came from. So why couldn’t I try to present a dozen such helpers, but they come and go. it to them?” he thought. I couldn’t have done it without them. That konsert. By’s background in blogging and ama- said, these donated pictures count for about One of you told me that this was too easy. Yes, but teur photography helped him to get started 10% of the total. The rest are mine! apparently the last one was too hard. We can’t win! But you on his retirement project: “Since I received “Most of them have their own blogs can! This time our winner of the free month is Jorunn Wenstøp an invitation to start a blog on the VG Net- where they publish pictures (just like I do), Allersma. With so few people asserting their knowledge of work in Oslo one day in 2004, I have had but when I come across somebody that really Norway, your odds are good of winning next time! rather solid knowledge in this area having shoots quality photos, I usually send them an blogged ever since. My first camera I bought invitation to show their pictures via SeeNor- back in 1954 and I have been shooting pic- way. And since my blog is for the time being tures or films ever since, but I have no formal read in more than 150 countries worldwide, education in the field. What I do is a result many accept this invitation as my blog will of what I have experienced over the years. function as a gallery to the world for such However, there is no doubt that digital pho- pictures,” said By of his partnerships. tography really got me going. Since then I By enjoys working on SeeNorway and must have shot something like 120,000 pic- hopes to attract more Norwegian-American tures!” he said. visitors who are interested in learning about Since then, the SeeNorway blog has the beautiful homes of their ancestors. developed from a small hobby to a growing “To take such pictures that’ll make you blog with more than 5,000 pictures—avail- gasp in admiration, you need to live in the able in full screen up to 60 inches—and vis- right area, know what you are doing, and ited by people located in over 150 countries have the time and opportunity to do just that. worldwide. All of the images are accompa- Then you get pictures that will never die!” nied by captions in Norwegian and English, said the passionate blogger. allowing By to keep up on his English and his content to be more accessible to his tar- To learn more about the SeeNorway blog get audience in the U.S.—and for students of and view photographs from all around Nor- Norwegian to practice their comprehension. way, visit seenorway.wordpress.com/index. Have a photo for “Where in Norway?” Submit it to [email protected]!

The Scandinavian Hour Celebrating over 50 years on the air! KKNW – 1150 AM Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Streaming live on the internet at: www.1150kknw.com

Funeral Home SOlie and Crematory Photo: Svein By / seenorway.wordpress.com Honoring • Caring • Serving At the very southern tip of “Vesterøya,” outside of Sandefjord, past the end of the road. Just a few very small islands lie between here and the big ocean itself. For more of By and the other photographers’ 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 work (in color!), visit seenorway.wordpress.com/2015/08/29/sandefjord-vesteroy. theNorwegianamerican Travel May 20, 2016 • 17 Norway’s roads less traveled: Ulvesund lighthouse is calm yet wild

Photos: Sølvi Hopland Aemmer Above left: Anywhere you find a lighthouse there’s Christine Foster Meloni sure to be a great view, and Ulvesund is no excep- Washington, D.C. tion. Above: One of the area’s less wild inhabitants. This article is the second in our series of Now that the lighthouse is occupied again, goats “Norway’s Roads Less Traveled.” We asked and other animals enliven the area. Left: The lighthouse is a family-friendly place for Elin Bergithe Rognlie, Norway’s Consul a calm vacation. General in New York, to suggest a special Below: Sølvi Hopland Aemmer, a life-long neigh- place that the average tourist might miss. The bor to the lighthouse, is now the owner of a café inaugural article in the series, “Spitsbergen: and bed & breakfast on the site. A Place out of the Ordinary” by Ambassador Kåre Aas, appeared in the April 15, 2016, is- sue of the Norwegian American Weekly. Consul General Rognlie suggests a visit to the charming Ulvesund Lighthouse, a spe- cial place that is not yet very familiar to tour- ists. It is located on the southeastern side of the island of Vågsøy in the county of Sogn og Fjordane on the west coast of Norway. delicious coffee is always available! The One of her good memories The 33-foot tall lighthouse was built and B&B has 17 beds, so it is more like a home of the café is the excellent lo- first lit in September 1870. It is one of four than a hotel. cally produced jam. It is well lighthouses that guide ships around Stad, one As Aemmer is a singer/songwriter, she known that Norwegians love of the most dangerous sea passages in Nor- makes music an integral part of the enchant- jam and expect it to meet high way. Its light can be seen from up to 12.3 ing atmosphere. She has also brought ani- standards. miles away and is white, red, or green, de- mals back to the lighthouse, and you can see She notes that when she pending on the direction. goats frolicking in the garden. stayed here, most of the other It was automated in 1985 and it, there- Consul Rognlie stayed in the lighthouse guests were Norwegian. She fore, no longer needed a resident keeper to with her family and highly recommends remarks that “it is like a small turn the light on at night and turn it off at the experience: “It is a very family-friendly hidden treasure, unknown to foreign tour- awe-inspiring natural beauty and to sleep in daybreak. After the last keeper and his fam- place as it is a calm place with little traffic ists.” Sølvi, however, says the situation is an authentic lighthouse on Norway’s wild ily left, the lighthouse and the three build- and noise. It is the perfect place to relax and changing. As the word spreads, guests are western coast? If so, contact Sølvi for more ings on the property remained empty for enjoy the calm. It is also perfect for explor- now coming from all over the world. But information at [email protected] or go to many years. ing the surrounding nature. So taking walks with the limited number of beds, the light- the website at www.ulvesundfyr.no. Sølvi Hopland Aemmer, a resident of in nature and along the sea is especially nice. house still maintains a peaceful and friendly the island who was born and raised near And the view from the lighthouse is just atmosphere. Looking Ahead the lighthouse, was most unhappy when the breathtaking.” Would you like to relax in a place of Eivind Heiberg, Norway’s Honorary property was suddenly deserted. Most keep- Although she speaks of the calm that Consul General in Minneapolis, will share ers had had their families with them and had permeates the lighthouse, she does say that his recommendation in the next article in our kept animals, a few sheep and cows. They in this area one finds “nature at its wildest.” Rognlie is Norway’s Con- series, “Norway’s Roads Less Traveled.” grew berries in the gardens and fished in the “The nature at the Stad peninsula is sul General in New York sea. They were a part of the community. ‘wild’ because it has a very harsh, windy and represents Norway, Norwegian interests, and Aemmer had known the last three light- climate. It is the dividing point between the Norwegians in New York house keepers and had often played with Norwegian Sea to the north and the North and surrounding states. their children. She wanted the lighthouse to Sea to the south and the highest wind speed She received her master’s Christine Foster Meloni is come alive again and for the public to have in the country is often recorded at this prom- degree in Political Science professor emerita at The access to it. She was able to realize her dream ontory. This makes the nature quite ‘wild.’” from the University of Oslo. She started her ca- George Washington Uni- with the help of family and friends. In 2003, She mentions the exceptional sunsets reer with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign versity. She has degrees she opened a café and a bed & breakfast in she experienced here. “The sunsets are very Affairs in 1989. She has represented the Nor- in Italian literature, lin- the lighthouse. beautiful in the summer as the sun sets into wegian government in various capacities in guistics, and international The café serves breakfast and dinner the ocean. At that time of the year the sun many places around the world including Paris, education. She was born in every day from mid-June to mid-August. sets very late and it never gets completely Ottawa, Washington, DC, Nairobi, and New Minneapolis and currently Guests can savor the fresh fish from the sea dark during the night. Seeing the sun set al- York. She is married to Tor-Arnt Roko and they lives in Washington, DC. She values her Nor- and the berries from the garden. Of course, most at midnight is quite special.” have four children. wegian heritage. thank you for reading our paper! tusen takk 18 • May 20, 2016 Arts & Entertainment theNorwegianamerican Film review: The Last King bids welcome to Ragnarök

Linda Warren Washington, D.C.

In The Last King, director Nils Gaup tells the story of a heroic rescue that changed Norwegian History. The “facts” of the story come from the Saga of Haakon Haakonson. In 1206, during the Norwegian Civil War, the Baglers, a fac- tion of the merchants and men loyal to the church, plot to kill the heir to the throne, the infant Haakon, the only son of the dead king. Risking their lives to save the baby, two Birkenbeiners, named for their birch leg- gings, save the infant by skiing across the mountains from Lillehammer to , the name for the city of Trondheim in the Middle Ages. The and burly Torstein (Kristofer Hivju of ) leads the mission, powering through ice and snow, skiing with the baby in his arms and an arrow in his back. He reminds Skjervald (Jakob Oftebro of Kon-Tiki) that he must never allow revenge to throw them off-course. Photo courtesy of Norwegian Film Institute Director Nils Gaup (1987 Oscar nominee Skjervald (Jakob Oftebro) and Torstein (Kristofer Hivju) are tasked with protecting the infant King Haakon of Norway in Nils Gaup’s The Last King. for Pathfinder) uses myth, action, and tender framing to make this ancient battle for succes- sion emotionally compelling. How does he do Haakon coos, his eyes blinking wonder. But and crossbows, stacked images crammed into Watch the evil Bagler leader explode this? Let’s start with the wooden horse. what about stoic Skjervald? The camera rests space with grunts, clangs, and bangs. There across the snow on an exuberant white pony While this is not Sleipnir, the eight- on his impassive face. are many thrilling chase sequences as the ski- with a luminescent mane like Skinfaxi, in legged flying horse that Odin rides to the All doubts about Skjervald’s commit- ers cut through the snow in geometric patterns Norse legend, the pony of dawn. The bright gates of Hell, this toy horse plays an impor- ment to the cause are erased in the next scene in a relentless whisper of pursuit. sky nods in agreement. tant role in the forward thrust of The Last when he delivers a pointed speech that turns Many of the simpler scenes are the most In the cramped cabin, with a just a hint King. The toy horse illustrates a storytell- farmers into soldiers. powerful. There is a caressing quality to the of light from the fire, Skjervald and his wife ing technique called the “power of object.” His movie pep talk does not rise to the framing, the emotional heart of the scene un- and child form a circle of love. The details of This technique has cinematic punch because level of Shakespeare’s St. Crispin’s Day folding in the center. The frame holds the im- the cabin, out of focus behind them, register it shoots the backstory into the present and speech, “We few, we happy few, we band age the way you hold a cherished object safe- as a soft grey mist. The family is free to live sparks life-saving transformations. of brothers,” but it has a shaming persua- ly in your hand, with enough space on either and dream. Good men and good women, in Seeking to distract the crying baby king, sion that cuts deeper than a Bagler’s sword. side to give you time to ponder its meaning. dark spaces, make their own light. Torstein circles the wooden horse in front of Skjervald says the Baglers killed my son. In a mountain wilderness with snow that the baby’s face, starting a story he challenges Together we must stop them and save our stretches to infinity, Torstein and Skjervald The Last King opens in select theatres on Skjervald to continue. country. We will be safe only when we fight ski downhill becoming specs of black dust June 17, 2016, and will also be available on Speechless at first, for this wooden horse as the King’s men. in the smothering blizzard. Inge Bardson, demand from many sources. For more info, once belonged to his son, Skjervald adds a Now, like the wooden horse, the farmers his face shadowed by prison bars, forgives visit www.magnetreleasing.com/thelastking. halting line of dialogue. The baby smiles. A are eager to embrace hellfire and be trans- his scheming brother and begs him to do the smile sneaks across Skjervald’s face, before formed. Where will their courage and com- right thing. Let the king’s son live, he says. Linda Warren has worked as a writer and he can stop it. mitment take them? Into hand-to-hand com- Inge transforms his prison into a healing producer for NBC and ABC affiliates. She Got him, Torstein must be thinking, bat so deadly that Torstein shouts to Skjer- space. is a member of Screen Actors Guild and the for he now ups the ante, vaulting his harm- vald, “Welcome to Ragnarök!” In Norse my- In director Gaup’s framing, I find enough Writers Guild of America. Her screenplay less tale into myth that transforms men into thology, Ragnarök is the last battle between room to add my own layer of myth. I like The National Museum of Driftwood won the gods. Torstein says that this heroic horse men and gods when the world is destroyed playing with the idea that the forces of dark- gold Remi at WorldFest-Houston in 2014. rode through a great fire, and did not perish by fire. ness flourish in well-lit spaces and those with She has a masters in Journalism from Ameri- because he found the fire in himself. Baby The fight scenes “sing” with swords, axes, the “moral high ground” struggle in the dark. can University in Washington, D.C.

With Agnete knocked out in the semi-finals, Eurovision 2016 is over for Norway

Linn Chloe Hagstrøm Norwegian American Weekly

Agnete, a young Sámi-Nor- won Skal vi danse (a Norwegian town in the north of Norway, wegian, represented Norway in the dance competition), together with many people were disappoint- 2016 Eurovision Song Contest with dance partner Egor Filipenko. ed. “It didn’t go the right way her song “Icebreaker.” “She has an intensity and nerve for our beloved Agnete,” said Agnete did not go to Eurovi- in what she does that one rarely council member Marit sion without experience. She and encounters in my industry. She is Helene Pedersen to NRK. her band The BlackSheeps won made for something great,” British Pedersen and deputy mayor both the Norwegian and Nordic producer Ian Curnow told NRK on Oddvar Betten had invited peo- finals in Junior the day the second semi-final took ple to watch the semi-final on a 2008 with their Sámi-Norwegian place in Stockholm, Sweden. big screen in . The song “Oro jaska beana.” Two years Unfortunately, Norway did not atmosphere was great until the later, the band got second place in make to the finals in the Eurovision results came out. “Of course we the finals of the Norwegian Melodi Song Contest 2016. “This is a vic- are disappointed. But Agnete Grand Prix. She also won second tory over myself,” Agnete Johnsen had a great performance and Photo: Rikke Askersrud / NRK place in the Norwegian music show told NRK following the results. should have been in the finals,” Agnete didn’t move on to the Eurovision finals, but that’s not the end for her. Stjernekamp in 2013. In 2014, she In Nesseby, Agnete’s home- Pedersen said to NRK. theNorwegianamerican Arts & Entertainment May 20, 2016 • 19 Munch and the sea Reel news An exclusive exhibit at Tacoma Art Museum From the Norwegian Film Institute (nfi.no) explores the sea as motif in Munch’s art

Linn Chloe Hagstrøm Norwegian American Weekly

Many art pieces by renowned Norwe- he created and with this he started experi- gian artist and master printmaker Edvard menting with adding color to his prints. In Munch have arrived in Tacoma, Wash. this image, we are presented with a radiant Visit Tacoma Art Museum (TAM) and woman surrounded by waves linking the travel from Puget Sound to the fjords of ocean to the human experience. In the two Norway through the new exhibit Edvard lithographs at TAM, sperm are swimming Munch and the Sea, which offers a focused around the border of the lithograph and there exploration of the sea as a recurring motif in is a corpse in the bottom left corner, which Munch’s life and art. Explore the powerful together form a cycle of life. works of Edvard Munch, which are rarely TAM has brought Munch’s dynamic art exhibited in the , with 26 pieces to Tacoma from major institutions of his exceptional prints and a key painting. across the Unites States, including the Los Edvard Munch was born in Norway in Angeles County Museum of Art, Metropoli- 1863 and was raised in Christiania, today tan Museum of Art, Museum of Modern Art, known as Oslo. He is well known for his the National Gallery of Art, deYoung Mu- study of universal human experiences and seum, and from private collectors. Photo courtesy of Norwegian Film Institute for capturing human emotions in his paint- This exhibition is organized in conjunc- Louis & Luca—The Big Cheese Race, which was screened at the Cannes Film Festival, is a stop- ings and lithographs. Munch used the sea as tion with the 125th anniversary of the found- motion animation for the whole family. a backdrop for interactions between people ing of Pacific Lutheran University, celebrat- and as the subject of landscapes, but also as ing its Norwegian heritage. “The university a metaphor for longing, grief, love, joy, and reached out to TAM as a fellow cultural cor- Norway at the Cannes Film Festival other human emotions. nerstone in our community to open conver- Most of his art falls within the style of sations about marking this significant mo- Symbolism, as his paintings have been fo- ment in PLU’s history. In celebration of the The Norwegian film industry has had duction of Norwegian director Lisa Marie cused on the internal view of the objects in university’s contributions to the arts in our quite a presence at the Cannes International Gamlem’s short Cold was competing for the contrast to the exterior. In painting, Symbol- region, and honoring our founding Norwe- Film Festival this May. top prize in Cannes 2011. ism represents a synthesis of form and feel- gian pioneers, we were interested in work- Five years after Norwegian actor An- “The Producers on the Move platform is ing, of reality, and the artist’s subjectivity. ing with TAM to engage people with the rich ders Danielsen Lie turned up in Cannes with a good opportunity to get better acquainted This exhibition focuses on the sea, allowing artistic ,” explained Tom Oslo, August 31st, he is mostly working in with other producers in Europe who want viewers to dive into Munch’s personal rela- Krise, PLU’s president. France, and he is now back in Cannes with to work across borders,” said Strønstad. “I tionship with it and explore its symbolism. Personal Shopper. The film is an English- have several projects which could be real- One of his famous pieces, often titled Edvard Munch and the Sea is supported by language film that is being screened in the ized with foreign partners, and I would also “Madonna” (1902), exists in multiple varia- Propel Insurance, Nordstrom, ArtsFund, and main competition in Cannes. In the film, like to become Norwegian co-producer on tions and two of them are on view in TAM. PLU. This rare exhibition is on view exclu- Danielsen Lie co-stars with Kristen Stewart. international productions.” “Madonna” was one of the first lithographs sively at TAM through July 17, 2016. “I get more job offers from France than I In addition to Danielsen Lie and Strøn- get from Norway. And so far I have not expe- stad’s representation at Cannes, four Norwe- rienced anyone booking me without having gian films were screened at the prestigious watched Oslo, August 31st. I don’t know, but festival. Louis & Luca—The Big Cheese maybe they would like to transfer the mood Race (Rasmus A. Sivertsen, 2015) is a stop- in this film into their own ones,” he said. motion animation for the whole family. It In between his French films, Danielsen was in the Generation Program in Berlin and Lie plays totally different characters in Nor- is part of the wonderful universe of author way. After his part as a cold-hearted political Kjell Aukrust. Magnus (Benjamin Ree) is consultant in the TV series Mammon 2, he a documentary portrait of the young chess will soon appear on Norwegian and Euro- player Magnus Carlsen. When he was 13 pean screens as a Norwegian soldier in Af- years old he decided to become the World ghanistan in the TV drama Nobel, directed Chess Champion. And so he did. This film by Per Olav Sørensen. This will be a politi- follows his way through the ranks, with per- cal, realistic contemporary drama with the sonal sacrifices, modeling jobs, and a caring Norwegian military presence in Afghanistan family. Pyromaniac (Erik Skjoldbjærg) is as a backdrop. about a young village fireman who starts to Well known for his genre titles, such ignite fires and as more fires break out, the as Norwegian director Pål Øie’s horror film community panics. An inferno lurks under Photos: Linn Chloe Hagstrøm Villmark Asylum (Villmark 2/2015), Norwe- the surface as a local policeman uncovers the The exhibition at TAM has 26 of Edvard Munch’s gian producer Bendik Heggen Strønstad of unthinkable truth. prints, including “Anxiety” (above), and two ver- Oslo’s Yesbox Productions has been selected Lastly, Welcome to Norway! (Rune Den- sions of “Madonna” (left). The sperm and corpse for the Producers on the Move networking stad Langlo) follows Petter Primus, a man along the outside represent the cycles of life, and the waves surrounding the woman are an echo of program at this year’s Cannes International with big plans. He turns his run-down ho- the sea. Film Festival. tel into a refugee asylum center, despite his A member of the Nordic Genre Inva- general skepticism towards foreigners. But sion, Yesbox has specialized in producing when the first bus loaded with asylum seek- films with a mythical and fantastic touch for ers arrive, the challenges begin. international audiences. Strønstad’s cred- Six Norwegian shorts were also filmed its also comprise Norwegian director Paul at the festival’s Short Film Corner. Tunge’s drama Canoe (Kano/2011); his pro-

Vesterheim LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: the national Norwegian-American museum and heritage center Certified Public Accountant Small businesses (206)789-5433 Individuals • The largest collection of Norwegian-American artifacts in the world 221 1st Ave. W. Ste. 400 Specialized Assistance • A national center for folk-art classes • Open all year in Decorah, Iowa Seattle, WA 98119 20 • May 20, 2016 Norsk Språk theNorwegianamerican Welcome, Last year you met the creators of Lunch and Hjalmar, and now we’re proud to introduce Frode Øverli, the man behind Norway’s most popular comic strip

hat does it take to create one Jeg hadde lyst til å lage en serie der jeg of Scandinavia’s most popular tok opp mine egne interesser, og det er jo fot- comic strips? A good mix of ball, familieliv og rock’n’roll. Skrive om noe everydayW humor, rock and roll, and English jeg visste noe om, som er disse tingene. Og soccer, according to Frode Øverli. ikke kvantefysikk. After a decade of working as a cartoon- Before this [Pondus] I worked ten years ist for the Pyton comic magazine, Øverli for Pyton, a crazy [Norwegian] comic maga- decided to create his own cartoon exploring zine inspired by MAD Magazine. I was tired some of his favorite themes through the lens of the extremely puerile humor (the tone of of a fanatic soccer fan named Pondus. Over Pyton) and wanted to tone it down a bit. It the last 30 years, the comic has grown to be- was good to do something I myself could come the first Norwegian comic to boast its stand. own monthly magaine, has been translated I wanted to make a comic where I fo- into many languages, and has appeared in cused on my own interests, which are soc- a variety of international publications—in- cer, family life, and rock’n’roll. Write about cluding the Norwegian American, starting something which I knew something about, with this issue. which are these things. And not quantum Here Øverli shares with us what in- physics). spired him to create Pondus and what it’s like to present it to readers around the world. MJ: Is it modeled on your life? FØ: Ikke hundre prosent, men det er jo el- Molly Jones: How would you describe the ementer av meg sjøl i flere av figurene, kan- theme of Pondus? skje aller mest hovedpersonen Pondus. Frode Øverli: Man kan vel si at det er flere Not a hundred percent, but there are ele- temaer. Men hvis jeg skal oppsummere i én ments of myself in several of the characters, setning, vil jeg si at det er en familieserie and maybe most in Pondus. med skråblikk på fotball og rock’n’roll. You could say there are several themes. MJ: Are there people who know they in- But if I were to sum it up in one sentence, I’d spired a character? say it’s a family comic with a satirical look at FØ: Nei, det tror jeg ikke. Det er ikke noe soccer and rock’n’roll. “spitting image” av min nærmeste bekjent­ skapskrets. Men det er selvfølgelig noe de MJ: Pondus has become one of Scandina- kan kjenne seg igjen i, selv om de ikke er via’s all-time most successful comic strips. direkte portrettert. What do you think it is about Pondus that has Som Beate. Kona mi har sikkert noen made it such a success? situasjoner hun kan kjenne seg igjen i der. verden og forstås. Det er ganske universielle languages you don’t even understand. Pon- FØ: Jeg tror det er en serie som folk kan Og så har vi kanskje alle en kompis som ting det dreier seg om. Men det gjør selvføl- dus has been translated into French, which I kjenne seg litt igjen i. Det er kjente situas- kunne vært Jokke. gelig ingenting å ha en forkjærlighet for en- can understand bits of. But when one’s stuff joner med en liten humoristisk vri som gjør No, I don’t think so. This is no spitting gelsk fotball… Siden hovedpersonen jo er is translated into Sámi and Latin, then it all det morsomt, forhåpentligvis. image of my circle of acquaintances. But it is veldig opptatt av engelsk fotball og spesielt becomes Greek to me. I think it’s a comic that people can relate of course something they can relate to, even Liverpool som han har fulgt siden han var to. It has a lot of familiar situations with a if they are not portrayed. liten. Og så er det jo også denne konflikten MJ: Do you feel the comic’s message is pre- small humoristic twist, which makes it funny, Like Beate. I suppose there are some mellom lagene, mellom Liverpool og Leeds served, or does translation alter the content? I hope. situations with her that my wife can relate to. United og Manchester United. Her er det FØ: Man forandrer det ofte så det skal And I guess we all have a friend who could mye å spille på, og det kommer også fram stemme overens med landet hvor det skal le- MJ: Why did you choose to develop this have been Jokke. i serien. ses, som for eksempel navn og steder. Men comic strip? It isn’t distinctively Norwegian in that jeg føler at det jeg har lest stemmer overens FØ: Før dette [Pondus] jobbet jeg ti år i Py- MJ: Do you create your comics with a Nor- sense; it’s a comic that can be read in many og henger på greip. Men med de språkene ton, en sprø [norsk] MAD variant. Jeg var lei wegian audience in mind, or do you feel that parts of the world and be understood. It’s jeg ikke forstår, har jeg selvfølgelig ingen av den veldig pubertale humoren (som var they are relevant for a global audience as about pretty universal things. But of course, sjanse til å kontrollere det. Da er det bare å 14.NAW.Kings.CMYK.27Oct2015.qxp_Layouttonen i Pyton) og ville tone det litt ned. 1 10/27/15 Det well? 7:52 PM Page 1 it doesn’t hurt to have a love for British soc- krysse fingrene og håpe på at de har gjort en var godt å kunne gjøre noe som jeg kunne FØ: Den er ikke særnorsk i den forstand, det cer… The main character is very into Eng- grei jobb. stå for sjøl. er en serie som kan leses over store deler av lish soccer and especially Liverpool FC, They often change it so that for instance which he has been following since he was a names and places are adapted to the coun- Learn to read and speak Norwegian! kid. And you also have this conflict between tries where it’s supposed to be read. But I 1/2 the teams, between Liverpool and Leeds feel that what I’ve read matches and makes price Deb Nelson Gourley presents: KINGS OF NORWAY United and Manchester United. There is a sense. But with regards to the languages I By Anders Kvåle Rue lot to play around with here, which comes can’t understand, I of course don’t have any through in the comic. chance to control it. Then you just have to • History of 57 Kings & 1 Queen • Both bilingual text and audio cross your fingers and hope they’ve done a • Full colored illustrations MJ: What is it like to see your work trans- good job. • Hardcover 6″x9″ book + 3CDs lated? Kings of Norway English Norwegian FØ: Det er mest nærliggende å se på de MJ: Is there anything else you’d like to bilingual book includes 3 audio CDs. Appealing to readers of all svenske utgavene. Og de danske. De er gan- share with the readers of The Norwegian ages on both sides of the Atlantic. ske like. Men det er sprøtt å se det oversatt American? Ideal for first-year Norwegian lan- til språk du ikke en gang forstår. Pondus har FØ: Vil bare dele at det er utrolig gøy å være guage classes, heritage & culture programs. Includes Astri My Astri blitt oversatt til fransk, det forstår jeg litt av. på trykk så langt hjemmefra og håper at de and Astri Mi Astri songs. Men når tingene dine blir oversatt til samisk vil kose seg med Pondus i Statene også. Was $39.95, now SAVE $20 Call, send check or visit website og latin, da begynner det virkelig å bli gresk. I just want to share that it’s very fun to = $19.95 with FREE shipping in USA Made in America! It’s most natural to look at the Swedish be on print so far away from home and hope Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 versions. And the Danish. They are pretty that you will enjoy Pondus in the States as 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] similar. But it’s weird to see it translated into well. theNorwegianamerican Norsk Språk May 20, 2016 • 21

Pondus by Frode Øverli Project Runeberg

Nice to see Yes, will be good What was that? Or a beer! You said tea! I meant She’s starting to get No, no, you! Better to come home beer! It’ll the better of you, boy! no, no! get off home! to Camilla and a be a beer. nice cup of tea. Earl Grey? Mango and cinnamon!

Lunch by Børge Lund Image: Project Runeberg

M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway

Project Runeberg is a digitized publications archive that offers free online electronic versions of books and other texts significant in the cultural histories of the . It was founded in 1992 at Linköping Univer- sity in southeastern Sweden and is pat- terned after Project Gutenberg, the dig- ital archive of cultural works founded Perfect if you want to Watch this, Nico, at the University of Illinois in 1971 that and you’ll see escape from a pest! something cool! now is the oldest digital library. The Project is named after John Ludvig Runeberg (1804-1877), the na- Hjalmar by Nils Axle Kanten tional poet of Finland, as his surname is an allusion to Johannes Gutenberg (1398-1468), the famed inventor of moveable type printing for whom Proj- ect Gutenberg is named. That allusion clearly signals the purpose of the proj- ect. To date, Project Runeberg has digi- tized more than one and a half million book pages, including those of nearly a hundred dictionaries useful to Nordic language literary researchers. A visit to the Project Runeberg website at runeberg.org is a fascinat- ing Nordic literary experience. Proj- ect editor Lars Aronsson writes with a light pen, in Swedish and in English. Today the daycare is selling Did you make this one, So this is only a scribble Norwegian readers will particularly drawings that the children made Jens? It’s so nice! Great, thanks! But Jens from some other kid? Uh, to benefit children in India! enjoy his account of the February 2014 is teasing, he didn’t draw can I have my money back? anything for the exhibit. hack-a-thon held in Oslo, a small festi- val that gathered professionals dealing with websites and digitization of liter- Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy ary works throughout the Nordic coun- tries, #HACK4NO.

« If everything else in life goes wrong, at least you know with relative certainty that the buds on the apple tree will come in May. » – Marianne Storberg

What are I was dumb not to think that Holy cow, this is you going I’m gonna put it on I would need a spring. going great, Ola! to use that the trailer so it doesn’t spring for? jerk when it starts. Hurry up, Per, I hear a truck! 22 • May 20, 2016 Fiction theNorwegianamerican The Golden fiction by Candace Simar

Illustration: Liz Argall

Ollie complained of her hair blowing in protest. own homes is not your business.” I wanted wild, and so we bought gold-colored “do- “Good idea!” J.R. scavenged an old “Then keep it in the privacy of your to give up when Myron, the town cop, rags.” boom box and taped the roaring motor- home, and quit bothering everyone. You’re nabbed my driver’s license after my failed “I won’t have to worry about sun- cycles from an old James Dean VHS. He a bad example for our youth.” eye test. It felt as if my life were over. burn.” J.R. placed one on his bald head. rigged the boom box to share the scooter’s Something snapped. I had been a law- Soon others from the Sons of Norway electric charge. We cruised the sidewalks started the commune after abiding citizen all my life without as much Lodge begged to join our gang. in style. Whenever we passed the Senior We the eviction. Burt’s house as a traffic citation. I served as Sons of Ed Peterson’s mother hadn’t permitted Center, Ed cranked up the volume. Some- stood big and empty except for his cats. Norway president and was a proud mem- a tattoo when he was in the Navy. We all times we’d wait and harass Lila Pepperidge. I didn’t mind the free love of communal ber of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. A agreed it was about time. He was 89 years We’d rock the joysticks forward and back, living, but hated the cats. J.R. had aller- staunch Baptist, I never drank anything old, for pity’s sake, just a year behind me like racehorses waiting to run. gies, and Ollie never remembered, so I was stronger than communion wine. in high school. Then scatter at the sight of Myron’s always stuck taking care of the tabbies. The walls started closing in, and a TV Burt Benson proved even more forget- squad car. I was dumping the litter box behind infomercial spouted the value of seniors ful than Ollie. He pulled up the rear of our It was out of pure boredom that we the garage one evening when my retired owning electric scooters to keep active in procession whenever we went out on the turned to drugs. Ed’s grandson sold him son, Ronald, came by in his Lincoln. the community. I bought one that very town. Soon we were regulars at the Sons our first weed. Our hearts raced as we “Uff-da, Ma,” he said. “What’s going day. What freedom to drive again! I felt of Norway Lodge meetings, the Senior smoked behind the feed store, our electric on?” like an eagle soaring in the sky. I convinced Center congregate meals, bingo on Friday scooters lined up in a circle like a wagon “I’m free, white, and 21,” I said. “It’s my younger sister, Ollie, to buy one, too. afternoons at the Lutheran Church, and train in the old westerns, all of us wearing none of your business.” Ollie was only 85, but her memory fresh doughnuts on Wednesdays at the leather vests, , do-rags, and halters. “Myron says you’ve joined a cult,” was gone. We looked alike with our wispy Baptist Church. Burt tattooed his name I puffed and passed the pipe to J.R. Ronald said. “And you’re in trouble with white hair and blue eyes, but let’s face it— across the back of his hand so he wouldn’t He took a drag and passed it to Burt. Burt the law. What will I tell the kids? You’re Ollie was never the sharper knife in the forget it. cried, Ollie nodded off, and Ed told Ole disgracing the family name.” drawer. Even post-it-note directions didn’t Burt’s tattoo looked so nice that we and Lena jokes. Ronald hadn’t worried about the fam- help her remember where she was going. all had our names inked on the backs of Myron interrupted with lights and si- ily name when he was arrested for that sit- This forced me to take the lead. Ollie our hands. We pierced our ears and wore rens. “What’s going on here?” He snatched in back in the sixties. followed whenever we went to the Sons of heavy golden hoops. Then Ollie pierced the pipe and sniffed it. “This isn’t marijua- “Don’t worry,” I said. “It’s time for me Norway Hall, the post office, or the Se- her eyebrow and we followed suit. Burt na.” Myron shook his head. “Smells like to live my own life.” nior Citizen Center. But poor Ollie just insisted on getting a tongue stud. .” “The Good Samaritan Home won’t couldn’t get it. She plowed into the back “I love it,” Burt said with a distinct After that, we turned to good old even take you,” Ronald said. “They’re of my scooter whenever I slowed down, click of stud against dentures. Uncle Sam and the Medicare D program afraid of gang violence.” putting me in jeopardy of whiplash. to finance our recreation. Among us, we J.R. came out on the deck snapping Almost in self-defense, I invited my You should have seen the pooled enough pain pills, happy pills, and a baseball bat into the palm of his hand, neighbor to join us. J.R. already owned raised eyebrows when nerve pills to keep everyone supplied, with his do-rag cocked over his bad eye. “You a scooter. I figured if Ollie followed J.R., we wore our new garb to the congregate hardly a co-payment. heard the lady, Boy. Time to move along.” then she would bump into him instead of meal the next week. The neighbors complained about the Ronald wore a puzzled look as he me. “Satan worshippers!” Lila Pepperidge cranked up Lawrence Welk and loud par- backed out of the driveway. I threw him You can blame J.R. for the tattoos. pointed at our tattoos while we were eat- ties. a kiss and checked my pockets for another He had a Viking printed on his right bi- ing the macaroni hot dish being served. “I “If you don’t like the noise,” J.R. hol- happy pill. cep from army days, and suggested we get knew it!” She misunderstood the horns on lered down the hallway, “turn off your It was almost time for Lawrence Welk. them, too, only on our upper chests. We the Viking helmets. hearing aids!” would be a gang, and no one would mess Burt blasted a spoonful of macaroni at Myron served my eviction notice. Candace Simar is a Min- with us. Ollie came up with the name, her face, and Lila screamed bloody mur- “I don’t understand you, Selma,” he nesota author with a pas- Golden Norsemen. der. It was like the invading Ire- said. “I’ve known you all my life, gradu- sion for her Scandinavian heritage. She is the author Ollie felt squeamish about the needles, land. Macaroni flew everywhere. Myrtle ated with your son.” of the Spur Award-winning but did fine after I slipped her one of my Brorson slipped on some macaroni and “Leave us alone, Pig,” Burt said. Abercrombie Trail Se- nerve pills. The tattoos looked great. We had to go to the hospital by ambulance. “Quit messing around behind the ries (Abercrombie Trail, agreed it a waste of good ink to hide them. “You are blacklisted from this place,” feed store and stalking Lila Pepperidge at Pomme de Terre, Birdie, J.R. ordered leather halter-tops and the manager said with a firm set of her the Senior Center.” Myron lectured about and Blooming Prairie) about Norwegian im- matching chaps from a biker catalog. The chin as she held the door open. “Don’t the dangers of living on the edge. “Stick migrants during the 1862 Sioux Uprising. tops showed off our cleavage, and the Vi- come back.” to the Sons of Norway meetings—good Shelterbelts, her latest novel, is about a Scan- dinavian farming community at the close of kings. The order took almost my entire so- We stalked out. Burt forgot our scoot- clean fun.” WWII. Kirkus Reviews describe Shelterbelts as cial security check, but it was worth every ers had electric motors, and suggested we “We prefer life on the edge,” J.R. said. hilarious, moving, and disturbing. Check out penny. rev our engines around the Senior Center “And what we do in the privacy of our her website at: www.candacesimar.com theNorwegianamerican Puzzles May 20, 2016 • 23

Puzzles by Sölvi Dolland Norwenglish Crossword by Andrew R. Thurson

Directions: Translate English words to Norwegian, or vice versa, before posting in the puzzle. #12 / 92 “Norwegian crime writers”

Across/ 48. Old horse Vannrett 49. Ear 1. Bønne 50. Husleie 5. Spion 51. Tendon 8. Porridge 52. There 12. All 53. Ness 13. Kamerat 14. Smoke Down/ 15. Live-in lovers Loddrett 17. Decrease 1. Fundament 18. Agreed 2. Henrykkelse 19. Rotte 3. Almisse 20. Styre 4. Nebb 21. Bill 5. Spyd 22. Fabric 6. Del 23. Norse giant 7. Howl 26. Spenning 8. Takknemlighet 30. Oval 9. Rob 31. Kasse 10. Increased 32. Unwell 11. Tåre 33. Teltboere 16. Muntlig 35. Dovnet seg 20. Slop 36. Vrede 21. Dyrke 37. En 22. Tonn 38. Komfyr 23. Rable ned 41. Vinne 24. Practice 28. Jøss 35. Inside 40. Ovn 44. Eight 42. Stand 25. Garve 29. Fire 37. Smører 41. Var iført 46. Red 45. Lava 26. Wise 31. Glacier 38. Waste 42. Skur 47. Grow 46. Tranquility 27. Crop 34. Førenn 39. Ta 43. Pleie Norsk-Engelsk Kryssord by Ed Egerdahl of the Scandinavian Language Institute Ed Egerdahl wrote these puzzles for Scandinavian Language Institute’s classes at 118. Martini grønnsak 53. Flere bjørnehjem 84. Hermetiske bokser Seattle’s Nordic Heritage Museum. It’s possible a few of the clues will make more 120. Skuespill mannskap 58. Beskriver et vakkert hus (N) 85. Sette et bilde fast på veggen sense if you remember that—there may be some Seattle-centric answers. There’s 121. Bamses navn forkortet 59. Luktende krydder 89. Fiend definitely some wacky humor, and if you find yourself uncertain about a two-letter 122. For lite plass til norsk språk 62. Lofotfisk, klippfisk, lutefisk 90. Skitten i #116 vannrett answer, try “Ed.” industriens store navn 63. Folkekunnskaper 91. Kjærlighets roman (N) = skriv på norsk. Otherwise, the answers are in English. 123. Skrev ned 64. Musikken spilt hvor musikerne er 93. Lukket opp 124. Du må ta #61, #122 og #51 tilstede 95. Fargestift for barn vannrett sammen og forkorte til 3 65. Hankjønns sau 96. Eds sommer aktivitet (N) VANNRETT 63. Oles vits-kone (N) bokstaver 66. Sjøbunnen går lenger ned det 98. Vinkel 1. Omelett nødvendigheter (N) 64. En smal vei 67. Fornøyd 99. Ikke mot 4. Gammeldags sverd 65. Ha til støtte, stole på LODDRETT 68. Evighetens by 100. Prøvde noe farlig 9. Spillekort eller graveredskap 66. Setning slutt eller “i” prikk 1. Alltid 69. Tørke opp, tørke munnen eller 101. Pub øl serverer 14. Kanten til en kjole 67. Et problem når #54 vannrett har 2. Veldig sterk vind tørke føttene 102. Leilighet avdeling 17. Formet som #1 vannrett blitt for tett 3. Var skinnende rent 70. Tynne stykker ved 103. Skrike * 18. Bytte for noe annet 66. Et stykke brukt tyggegummi 4. Kastet omkring 71. En tidligere Seattle ball spiller 104. Skriftlig hilsen 19. Ukirkelig 70. Kjørte veldig fort 5. Varmt og tørt klima 72. En sitron for eksempel 105. En julepresang for eksempel (N) 20. Lukt, duft 72. Pepper farge (N) 6. Håndveske 74. Norsk genser fabrikk (by-navn) 106. Stokk å gå etter et dyr med 22. Separere i porsjoner (N) 73. Fredens fugl 7. Kryssord mesteren som lenge har 75. “Meis” gjort om og stavet på 107. Skotsk gælisk adjektiv 23. Stor lastebil 74. Dempet med lys gledet seg til dette! engelsk 108. Lør. Fork. 24. Judy eller blomsterkrans 75. Fars ektefelle for kort 8. Respekt og ære 76. Høst blomst 111. Kle brukt å tørke med 26. Elektrisk ledning 77. De forente nasjoners første 9. Sprek, i god form 78. Falle, dette 112. Ærlig press. 27. Opplevde en historie mens man general sekretær 10. Kamerat 79. Knytte skolisse 113. Haralds kongeriket (fork.) (N) sov 78. Musikalsk lyd 11. Tyrkia tittel 80. Kirke område—innvendig 114. Passe 29. Redd, nervøs 79. Ubrukbar med kroppsdeler 12. Margaretes kongeriket (fork.) 81. Mellom kne og fot 119. Bibelsk “se!” 30. Veldig glad 80. Sove middag 13. Ble ferdig med 32. Kattespråk ord 81. Skandinavias flyselskap 14. Leslie fra “Tatt av vinden” 33. Stivt eller bestemt 82. Europeisk høyfjell 15. Gjøre en redaktørs jobb 34. Lille Frøken Muffets problem 83. Ikke hjemme 16. Én kopp kaffe til 37. Det man gjør til ”Hus” for å lage 84. Sukkerstokk 17. En rar norsk manns navn bestemt formen (2 ord) 85. Frisk, i god form 21. Eriks hårfarge 40. Ikke rolig i det minste 86. Slå 25. Hånd til skulder forbindelse (N) 41. H.C. Andersens stygge andunge i 87. Hva slags hode en med blondt hår 28. En Ny York ball spiller på bunnen virkelighet har 29. Bruke tiden på ingenting 42. Flink, godt kjent med 88. Sidene før første kapitel 31. Leier 46. Skiftet farge på 90. Spare 33. Brann, ild 47. Noe som skaper en utrygg 91. Stå opp om morgenen 34. Tok en runde i bassengen situasjon (N) 92. Gammeldags barberhøvel lær 35. Danse skritt (kryssord ord) 48. Briller 94. Ingen 36. Hurtig pulver kaffe 50. Borgerkrig militær leder 95. Sommerens is holder 37. Ordspråk 51. Siste 3 bokstaver til #122 vannrett 96. Kopiering maskins ingrediens 38. Forkortelse for å ta vann ut av 52. Spesiell teater avdeling 97. Tallerkener noe—skrevet opp ned! 53. Et lite mål, spesielt for alkohol (N) 99. Prinsens tidligere liv 39. Hvor bonden bodde i barnesangen 54. Slips 100. Adjektiv for #63 vannrett (N) 40. Inntekt 55. Poetisk stykke 101. Stor suppe fat 41. Smekke med hånden 56. Å stivne, som gelé for eks. 104. Male dekning 43. Giftet seg i hemmelighet 57. Skand. småpenger (uten / ) (N) 105. Parkeringsplasser eller verksteder 44. Å få sykkel hjulene til å gå 58. Liten kylling lyd 109. Kryssord ord for “nå” 45. Bitte liten 59. Tredje måned (N) 110. Lagersted for mel og gryn 47. eller Kristiansten 60. Knut Hamsun roman (N) 114. Ektefellet til #75 vannrett (N) 48. Den i #41 (V) eller den i #12 (L) er 61. Din vert og guide på denne lille 115. Ibsens Dukkehjem dame et utmerket eksempel etter-sommer ord-tur! (N) 116. Skorstein (N) 49. Irlands ekte navn 62. En ekstra, trang seng 117. Barnefødsel 52. Viking aktivitet eller lønn 24 • May 20, 2016 Bulletin Board theNorwegianamerican

Ole died. So Lena went to the local paper to put a notice in the NorAm notes Grieg Lodge Scholarship Winners obituaries. The gentleman at the Syttende Mai photos counter, after offering his con- Well, the big day is behind dolences, asked Lena what she us. I hope you had a blast cel- would like to say about Ole. ebrating Norway’s constitution! Lena replied, “You yust put Don’t forget to email your pho- ‘Ole died.’” tos with captions and credits to The gentleman, somewhat [email protected] by May perplexed, said, “That’s it? Just 31 to be in our big Syttende Mai ‘Ole died?’ Surely, there must photo issue on June 17. be something more you’d like to say about Ole. If it’s money Happy Memorial Day you’re concerned about, the first Break out the white cloth- five words are free. We must say ing; summer is here! Actual, me- something more.” teorological summer is of course So Lena pondered for a few still a few weeks away, but next minutes and finally said, “O.K. weekend marks the official be- You put ‘Ole died. Boat for sale.’” ginning of BBQ season. And the ultimate sacrifice paid by those serving their country in war.

The NA has landed! This is the first “regular” issue of the Norwegian Ameri- Photo: David Weisel can. Please let us know what Grieg Lodge Scholarship Fund awarded $27,000 in scholarships this year. Our award ceremony you think (gently)! Things are was held at Norse Hall in Portland, Oregon, on April 10, 2016. Back row left to right: Kathleen likely to shift around as we get Larson, Evan Shreeve, Noah Jacobson, Max Justice, Evan Spisla. Middle row left to right: Miranda Gibson, Kabitanjali Amatya, Karen Bersaas. Front row left to right: Jared Edberg, our feet under us and our ducks Madison Arnold, Deana Jackson, Stephen Erickson. Unable to attend: Megan Biggi. more in a row. Thank you for Ole and Lena your patience! Submitted by Sherry Stratton, President, Grieg Lodge Scholarship Fund America’s favorite Norwegians!

MBT: You have no idea how much I enjoyed your card! At my wedding we had a theme of mythical Viking ship visit beasts, such that all the tables were named after chupacabras, drop bears, hoop snakes, and, yes, even the fur-bearing trout. I think Nils Anders is still trying to get over us refusing to use his last name (Wik) anymore. I don’t want to step on his toes any more! ~Emily

Newspaper ads never go out Photo: Perry C. Straw Members of the Board of Directors from Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum in Decorah, of style. Place yours today! Iowa, tour the 1893 Viking Ship housed in Geneva, Illinois. Docent Dave Nordin tells the story how the Gostad replica sailed from Norway to Chicago to attend the 1893 World’s Columbian Call 206-784-4617 or email [email protected] Exposition, as well as interesting information about how the ship was built. to request a personalized advertising proposal Submitted by Ken Nordan